#submission 204
mothaday · 1 year
Low Quality Moth Chase Scene
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hot-take-tournament · 7 months
Not to be mean, but peas are arguably one of the worst fruits. They’re just a bit off :(
(Also just looking at mushy peas grosses me out, is it really surprising people make fun of British food? What about that looks appetising?)
Asparagus, on the other hand, is a nice vegetable you can grow in autumn. Good luck with pea planting season, though :]
to say such a thing... in pea plantin' season no less...!
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Not a submission
peas are one of the worst fruits
It's been a really long time since we've done one of these, hasn't it?
Anyway, propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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mostremote · 3 months
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'Whatever the moviegoing audience saw and heard in Sutherland's diverse onscreen performances, this was accompanied by the back story of the vulnerability of his flesh, of his near-death experiences, of his susceptibility to injury and ailment, his clumsiness, his damaged voice, his hypochondria, his lisp, his vertigo, his tendency to blush or weep, his "long frame [that] looks as if it had been molded by a slammed door" (Bruce Bahrenburg, "A New Image for Male Stars," Newark Sunday News, 3 November 1968, ES)—in short, what generally might be called his corporeal and emotional "subjection" to the world around him.' (203)
'Sutherland's fragile, clumsy bodily style in real life inevitably inflected his onscreen portrayals; to be a Sutherland fan in the seventies was to tune in to a series of characters whose bodies are under siege, always at risk, always susceptible, always not the inviolate body of the action hero but, rather, the body in danger of a malady, a paralysis, an injury, a fall, a haunting, a drenching, a shooting, an impotence, a transformation.' (204)
'"So I thought to myself," Sutherland's story goes, "Why not try this? Let's find out what it's like to not interfere. That conversation changed my life-changed my whole attitude about acting. Now I think of myself as the director's plaything. Film acting, basically, is about the surrender of will to the director" (Dreifus, "Sutherland" 88). Thus, the shift from an out-ward-directed to an inner-oriented politics coincided with a shift from a combative to a submissive relation to the director. In this period, too, Sutherland lent his star status, and a body that was susceptible to both punishment and ecstasy-or perhaps the ecstasy of punishment—to a series of projects dissecting fascism in its various forms.' (212)
'But it could just as well signal that the "self-loss" attributed to him is the result of a constant struggle with "eros" in its more self-serving libidinous forms and, as we shall see, the middle of the decade begins to take us into some interesting sadomasochistic territory.' (213)
'Sutherland remarked: "Fellini and Bernardo work differently, and their vision is different. But in each case it's an act of love" (Louis-Bernard Robitaille, "Brève Rencontre avec Donald Suther-land," Écran, 15 April 1976, 10, my translation). Sutherland doesn't elaborate on this idea, but it could be said that the chief participants in this "act" were, in each case, none other than Sutherland and his director, engaged in a kind of sadomasochistic contract that involved the transformation and then spectacularization of Sutherland's body, and the subordination of his mind. Each director cast him as a character designed to become the focal point for everything that the film was to negate: in Bertolucci's case, this meant using Sutherland to embody all the repressed sadistic impulses of the other characters in 1900; in Fellini's case, it meant making Sutherland the "blankness... the tabula rasa on which mythic significance could be inscribed" or the "smooth, aloof, faintly stupid" center to contrast with the "richness, corruption, and vitality of the life around him" (Gay 19).' (215)
'Sutherland's self-confessed pleasure in this arrangement is consistent throughout his career. He calls himself "the most favored girl in [Fellini's] harem" (Glenys Roberts, "Donald Sutherland: Devastating Eccentric," Company, May 1979, 52), or Fellini's "concubine," his "courtesan," remarking that "acting in that kind of situation gives me intense sensual pleasure.' (219)
'I knew always that I was the best lover he had. That I would be able to walk on quietly, silently, and he would see me out of the corner of his eye. That he would feel something—a little rush of something. I don't know whether Fellini loves actors or not. But he loved me. And it was—t'was all very caressing and very, very refined. All nitrous oxide. (Caldwell 52)
The pleasure in this fantasy comes from the disorientation brought about by its subjects' instability. Sutherland finds attractive the sort of man who takes pleasure in dressing up so outrageously as to cross gender boundaries, making him a "transvestite." At the same time what he loves is being that splendidly dressed up man who waits, passively, for Fellini to come and take him away. What's exciting is the prospect that this director who has expressed nothing but contempt for him, referred to him in nothing but abusive and denigrating terms (a "sperm-full waxwork," "a stronzo—a turd"), will nevertheless catch a glimpse of him, and be made to feel "a little rush of something" in spite of himself. The reference to nitrous oxide, often used recreationally in conjunction with amyl nitrite to enhance euphoric sensations, puts us even more squarely into the pop culture world of queer sexual pleasures.' (220)
From Jean Walton, 'Donald Sutherland: The Politics and Erotics of Submission', Hollywood Reborn: Movie Stars of the 1970s, ed. James Morrison (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2010), pp. 202-225. https://www-jstor-org.libproxy.york.ac.uk/stable/j.ctt5hhwzq
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1. Sabotage 2. Sacrament 3. Sacred 4. Sacrifice 5. Sacrilege 6. Sadness 7. Safe 8. Safeguard   9. Sailor 10. Saltwater
11. Salvage 12. Salvation 13. Sanctuary 14. Sand 15. Sanity   16. Sapphire 17. Sarcasm 18. Satellite 19. Satisfaction 20. Saturday 21. Savage 22. Save 23. Saviour 24. Scalding 25. Scale 26. Scandalous 27. Scare 28. Scarlet 29. Scarred 30. Scattered 31. Scenery 32. Scent 33. Scholar 34. School 35. Science 36. Scrapbook   37. Scratch 38. Scream 39. Scribe 40. Scrolls 41. Sculptor 42. Scythe   43. Sea 44. Seance 45. Search 46. Seashells 47. Seatbelts 48. Seclusion 49. Second 50. Secret 51. Security 52. Seduce 53. Seeds 54. Seeking 55. Selfish 56. Senile 57. Sensational 58. Senseless 59. Sentences 60. Sentimental 61. Separate 62. Serendipity 63. Serpent 64. Servant 65. Shackle 66. Shadow 67. Shallow 68. Shame 69. Shameless 70. Shampoo   71. Shards   72. Share 73. Shatter 74. Shaving 75. Sheet 76. Shelter 77. Shenanigans 78. Shield 79. Shifting 80. Shine 81. Shirt 82. Shock 83. Shooting 84. Short 85. Shoulder 86. Shower 87. Shrieks 88. Shrine 89. Shrouded 90. Shuffle 91. Shy 92. Sibling 93. Sick 94. Sight 95. Sightseeing 96. Signal 97. Signed 98. Silence 99. Silhouette 100. Silk 101. Silver 102. Similarities 103. Simplicity 104. Sincere 105. Sinful   106. Sing 107. Singularity 108. Sinister 109. Sinking 110. Size 111. Skeleton 112. Sketch 113. Skies 114. Skiing 115. Skipping 116. Slapped 117. Slave 118. Slaying 119. Sleepless 120. Sleepover 121. Slice 122. Slick 123. Slide   124. Slipping 125. Slither 126. Sloppy 127. Slow 128. Small 129. Smile 130. Smirk 131. Smitten   132. Smoke 133. Smooth 134. Smudge 135. Snacks 136. Snapped 137. Snapshot 138. Snared 139. Snarling 140. Sneak 141. Snow 142. Snowblind 143. Snowbound 144. Snuggle 145. Soaked 146. Soap 147. Soar 148. Society 149. Soft 150. Solace 151. Solar 152. Soldiers 153. Solemn 154. Solitaire 155. Solitude 156. Solution 157. Somebody 158. Someday 159. Somewhere 160. Sonnets 161. Soothing 162. Sorcerer 163. Sorrow 164. Sorry 165. Soul 166. Soulmate 167. Sound 168. Sourpuss 169. Souvenir   170. Space 171. Spark 172. Sparkle 173. Speak 174. Special 175. Specialists 176. Spectator 177. Speechless 178. Speed 179. Spellbound   180. Spending 181. Sphinx 182. Spice 183. Spies   184. Spiral 185. Spirit 186. Split 187. Spoils 188. Spontaneous 189. Spooky 190. Spooning 191. Spotlight 192. Spring 193. Spying 194. Square 195. Squeak 196. Squeezed 197. Stab 198. Stability 199. Stage 200. Stagnant 201. Stained 202. Stairway 203. Stakeout 204. Stalemate 205. Stalker   206. Stamina 207. Stance 208. Stand   209. Standard 210. Star 211. Star-crossed 212. Stargazing   213. Starting 214. Startled 215. Starve 216. Static 217. Stay 218. Steady 219. Steal 220. Stealth 221. Steel 222. Stereotypes 223. Stickers 224. Stigmatize   225. Stitches 226. Stoic 227. Stole   228. Stone 229. Stop 230. Storm   231. Stranded 232. Strange 233. Strawberries 234. Stray   235. Street 236. Strength 237. Stress   238. Stretching 239. Stricken 240. Strictly 241. Strike   242. Strings 243. Striving 244. Strolling 245. Struggle 246. Stubble 247. Stubborn 248. Stuck 249. Students 250. Study 251. Stupid 252. Subconscious 253. Subdued   254. Subject 255. Subliminal 256. Submerge 257. Submission   258. Substitute 259. Subtle 260. Subway 261. Success 262. Succumb 263. Suddenly 264. Suffer 265. Suggestive 266. Summer 267. Summon 268. Sunbathing   269. Sunbeams 270. Sunburn 271. Sunflower 272. Sunkissed 273. Sunlight 274. Sunrise 275. Superficial 276. Superhero   277. Superiority 278. Supernatural 279. Supernova 280. Superstition 281. Support 282. Surface 283. Surprise 284. Surrender 285. Surveillance 286. Survival   287. Swagger 288. Swamp 289. Swapped 290. Sway 291. Sweat 292. Sweet 293. Swimming 294. Switchblade 295. Sword 296. Sworn 297. Symbol 298. Sympathy 299. Synchronicity 300. Synergy
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maremote · 1 year
Black Sails Monologuolympics BR3.2: Secondary Main Characters: ROUND 2
4/8: Anne vs. Vane
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Anne, to Jack, in 204: "I've put a lot of bodies in the ground for you, haven't I? […] Watched your back. Cleaned up your messes. Carried out your plans. I didn't always understand. Didn't always agree. But I did it. Some fucked-up, awful shit 'cause I knew you needed it done. I don't think the night you had last night comes even close to something to bitch about. […] I know she's dangerous. Especially to me. I ain't in my right head about her. She knows it. And it ain't hard to imagine her intent is to play us off one against the other. But I'm asking you to do this for me. I'm asking you to watch my back on the other side of that door. 'Cause I know as long as you are, there ain't shit she can do to get between us."
Vane, to Flint, in 308: "I don't [have an instinct towards comfort]. And had I that instinct, I would resist it with every inch of will I could muster. For that is the single most dangerous weapon they possess, the one they tempt. "Give us your submission, and we will give you the comfort you need." No, I can think of no measure of comfort worth that price."
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perkwunos · 6 months
Passages from a manuscript I wrote in August 2020:
A pure separation between will and its empirical contents becomes unbridgeable: there is no way to properly consider how the contingent sequences of acts and their effects can become the object of the purely formal will. Any “rational” nonempirical laws of moral practice are empty and useless--or close to useless. It can have the utility of serving as an apology, a kind of rationalizing smokescreen, for the unintelligent submission of current standards and institutions.
To continue using Marx’s term, we must further investigate what concrete labor may be, i.e. what our activity can be recognized as outside its representations on the market, by which such concrete activity becomes reduced to the abstract labor embodied in commodities. Of course, our concrete labor under capitalist conditions is to a great extent determined by how it will be represented on the market (and therefore reduced to abstraction)--but this determination is not total. We are not here dealing with physical laws, but with highly contingent historical phenomena. To see phenomena as historical is to understand them as containing spontaneity that may change the structure along which they had been set, and so as not fully determined and defined by this phenomena.
The most concrete meaning of the term “science” must refer to the behavior of humans dependent on a communal network of practices and culture as they interact with their environment. This activity must be understood in terms of the purposive guidance of the agents of the experiments and research. The impartiality and neutral observations of science are in fact highly specialized and powerful acts of desire. As Dewey put it, “the work of observation and description forms a constituent division of labor within thought” (203). Such “mere observation, pure brute description” is a purposive artifice of “instrumental character” (204). It must also be defined by the organic continuity of the scientific agent with their world, by which meanings can become genuinely indexical to the dynamics of the world.
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Preliminaries: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 🍄
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Top 2 make it into the preliminaries!
“I will be submitting the entire catalogue of mushroom familiars from Ni No Kuni. Why? Because it is one of my favorite JRPGs and look, they're kinda funky cute. This one is just a tiny... A goof even. He just wanna go outside, look at him.” - Submission 201
“he eepy. If he wins, he gets a nap. (probably)” - Submission 202
“Extra eepy! Might put the other contestants to sleep too, but that's okay. Arguably the most aesthetically cute.” - Submission 203
“Okay, this is the last of them. idk lol mushroom maracas” - Submission 204
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John Hardyng’s Map of Medieval Scotland, 15th century. British Library, London, Lansdowne MS 204   ::   [Scott Horton]
* * * *
“Once people envisioned the possibility of change in a fixed order, the end of an age of submission came in sight; the turn to individual conscience lay ahead. To that extent the Black Death may have been the unrecognized beginning of modern man.”
― Barbara W. Tuchman, A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century
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stuckwithtoast · 1 year
Vriska with Toast Mastertoast part 3
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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163. @mrcosmo
164. pastelmaryam (deactivated)
165. unknown :(
166. simple-simone (deactivated)
167. @alisonnyash (active, but unable to link)
168. @goatnads-blog
169. @ladyrainmaster
170. extrasuperverys (deactivated)
171. @kawaiisaiyan
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172. mageofdoyoumind (deactivated)
173. @ghastly7 (Hi lil' bro!)
174. @sevenseasdawny-blog
175. Deactivated Unknown :(
176. @writersadditction (active, but unable to link)
177. whynotfabulous (it me)
178. candycaptor (deactivated)
179. theshittyartofhomestuckplatypus (deactivated)
180. posteriordarrier (deactivated)
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181. kringlefrickler (deactivated)
182. @arrozcontoffee
183. @cantspelladiewithoutdie
184. missinkart (deactivated)
185. kay-kay-okay (deactivated)
186. @chezforshire
187. @pellu0-blog
188. @tlsdlrhdwh (full disclosure, I think this URL is not owned by the original creator anymore?)
189. @vriretta-13
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190. makara779 (deactivated)
191. @angelg0th
192. oddreddisk (deactivated)
193. @kou-kou-puffs
194. kittens-of-art
195. @julshii
196. Unknown :(
197. @rainekitty
198. bigdanny-d (deactivated)
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199. Unknown :(
200. ferainoob (deactivated)
201. goinggrimdark (deactivated)
202. Same Unknown :(
203. ff123456789
204. Same Unknown :(
205. Same Unknown :(
206. @lady-of-the-virgos
207. kanaya-maryams (deactivated)
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208. @purpleumbry
209. @courbet-nft
210. @boobsballoon
211. Unknown Submission :(
212. @les8oo8oo
213. @saintoftoasters
214. thewitchofsweets (deactivated)
215. @mysterydruids
216. @poisoncider
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217. averagesizedcthulhu (deactivated)
218. @quiversarrow
219. @spadefish
220. @wembleysfraggle
221. @xomene (active but unable to link)
222. @kodakura
223. lxvxperfectionn (deactivated)
224. meddlingfashionista (inactive)
225. @clophia
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226. @eccentricalli
227. @liouxp
228. wayloned-a (deactivated)
229. derejane-kittyjane (deactivated)
230. @napcake
231. @4themindandsoul
232. @messy-lanee-us
233. @casentine
234. @rawmeat3
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235. @snail-piss
236. comicalamity (deactivated)
237. derejane-kittyjane (deactivated)
238. fylyne33 (deactivated)
239. Deactivated Unknown
240. @rac000000n
241. @birdlimes
242. @stuckwithtoast (it me)
243. @kanayasittinginplaces
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244. @birdlimes
245. @askthesanguineknight-blog-blog
246. @berligelin
247. @flafly
248. @liardy
249. @sidelley
250. teenyfettuccine (deactivated)
251. vriskac (deactivated)
252. @vriska-kisses
to be continued...
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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canonaspecswag · 1 year
Submissions have been closed!
We got a total of 541 submissions with 204 different characters!
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Submission Statistics
So of all 216 submissions:
Lyrics was selected for 119 submissions
Music/sound was selected for 204 submissions
Choreography was selected for 112 submissions
The characters/unit in the song was selected for 172 submissions
And other was selected for 101 submissions (2 of which didn’t have any other reasons selected lmao) (I enjoyed reading all of the “other” reasons very much btw, so thank you for them <3)
How many songs were submitted for each unit (I’m going to put this under a cut cause it’s gonna be kinda long since there’s 21 groupings/categories they’re in)
fine had 5 unit songs and 1 solo song submitted
Trickstar had 2 unit songs submitted
RYUSEITAI had 4 unit songs, 2 solos, 1 kinda solo thing submitted (of which 1 unit and 1 solo song were added by me afterwards) (also idk how to explain the last one, so ig just trust me /lh)
ALKALOID had 8 unit songs submitted
Eden had 3 unit songs, 2 Adam songs, 3 Eve songs, and 2 solos submitted
Valkyrie had 7 unit songs and 2 solos submitted
2wink had 3 unit songs submitted
Crazy:B had 9 unit songs submitted
UNDEAD had 9 unit songs and 4 solos submitted (1 of the solos was added by me afterwards)
Ra*bits had 2 unit songs and 1 solo submitted (I added the 1 solo afterwards)
AKATSUKI had 4 unit songs submitted
Knights had 10 unit songs and 4 solos submitted (4 of the unit songs and 2 of the solos were added by me, oops)
Switch had 4 unit songs and 2 solos submitted (1 of the unit songs was added in by me)
MaM had 1 unit song and 1 solo (since See You Again is technically a solo)
Double Face had 4 songs submitted
Jin and Akiomi had 1 song submitted
7 shuffle songs were submitted
4 cover songs were submitted (I added 1 of them)
3 fusion unit songs were submitted
And there were 13 songs that I just threw into a category of “other” cause there were only 1 or 2 for what would be each group (this includes past/temporary unit songs, the Eccentrics are in here as well)
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ladykinrannoch · 1 year
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I posted 2,554 times in 2022
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173 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
So I did read it.
It actually feels like the reporter was almost unfairly (one shouldn't be so mean to blinkered people) and definitely slyly taking the pi$$ out of her and her delusions of grandeur; but, that she is too self-absorbed to read between the lines, and the journalist knows it and so takes great delight in penning the daggers that surreptitiously cut to the bone. It is a work of stealth, rather like the glittering spangly OTT beauty of a drag queen who captivates you from a stage and you realise afterwards with some disappointment that it is actually a man. The elite New Yorker and DC intelligentsia will love it. It feels and reads like a piece of criticism disguised with a sprinkling of platitudes, syrupy descriptions and words that would make MeMe's heart sing; like their office appearing as if they sit on adjacent thrones gazing out at their empire. Cue the Pink Panther theme music.
It seems clear from the article that the writer had the feeling that it was all a great big show - a put-on - with the heavy use of adjectives describing a series of staged vignettes designed to paint the picture of serene, blissful homeliness, girl guide level good deeds and dismissive largesse. It is like putting lipstick on a pig. Between the lines, it screams fake! fake! fake! as you envisage red flags and sirens popping up with regularity in the writer's head and you can almost feel the panic sweat of the author as she negotiates her way out of a near-hostage situation. What with the harvest basket and baked goods with Lili's label on them and Archie delivering a weeks worth of fruit to school once a week, and giving a back pack to the security guard to give to the homeless man on the corner. For the intelligent reader, one can discern that the writer could see it was being laid on thick, but decided to work it. The final work reads as if she is a cross between a psycho Red Riding Hood, Alexis Carrington and Marie-Antoinette, as it waxes satirically on in a dream-like manner about her glorious life. You can literally feel the narcissistic glow that she emits to capture the writer's senses. Yet, I sense the writer was not really all that captivated, but perhaps laughing up her sleeve. I could almost feel the cathartic relief at the end as the writer escaped the clutches of madness.
I am calling it... this is a cleverly constructed hit-piece - that MeMe is probably ecstatic over - but also one that will have many people especially in Aberdeenshire laughing their heads off while spitting their cornflakes! It is a magnificent creation, a Trojan-horse cover story that paints a Daliesque portrait of delusionary grandiosity. It is absolutely melting, nay dripping, with sarcasm, darlings!
I can't wait to see what River makes of it. I am sure that he will be filled with glee as he dissects it for his little fruits, you know...
194 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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Now we know the answer to how the Spencer's viewed her.
200 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
I feel devastated for Sophie, this is a truly heartbreaking image. My heart goes out to her. ❤
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204 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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230 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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hot-take-tournament · 10 months
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Submission 204
Johto is the worst Pokémon region, you guys are just blinded by nostalgia
"First of all, the story sucks. It's literally just the first game's story (which was already incredibly lackluster) except more pathetic since Team Rocket doesn't have the only member anyone can take seriously anymore. The only reason why it's not the worst story in the series is SwSh exists. It feels like someone's pointing a gun to the back of your head and forcing you to get involved.
Second, the new pokémon. They're either too weak to use without grinding a ton, poorly designed, way too hard to get/post-game exclusives, evolutions of Kanto pokémon, or a mix of two or more of what I just said. It's like this game doesn't even want you to use them.
Third, the region itself. When you compare it to other regions with incredible and memorable landmarks, everything Johto has to offer is just. Lame. I don't care that you have a lighthouse, a cave system, or ruins when other regions have exactly those things but more interesting.
Fourth, the League. As just characters, I love all of them. But everything else about the League is AWFUL. There are FOUR gym leaders that don't use a SINGLE new pokémon and hardly ANY have a new pokémon as their ace (considering my first point, I really can't blame them too much but you are supposed to represent JOHTO so why are you using KANTO pokémon). The badges are bland, they're boring, it doesn't even feel like I got anything from beating them. And, oh, God, the leveling curve is ATROCIOUS. Why is the CHAMPION OF THE REGION using a team where the strongest is level 50? I know people will point out the Kanto post-game but when you look at the levels of the teams, there's a serious jump in the curve. The last gym leader in Kanto's STRONGEST POKÉMON is level 60. The VERY NEXT BATTLE, the one against Red, has the WEAKEST POKÉMON ON HIS TEAM AT LEVEL FUCKING 80???????
Whenever I think of this region, I struggle to find anything good about it besides the human characters. They completely botched almost every single aspect of it yet people claim HGSS are the best games or remakes in the series."
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shitgw2playerssay · 1 year
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I posted 229 times in 2022
That's 55 more posts than 2021!
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#shit gw2 players say - 175 posts
#guild wars 2 - 175 posts
#submission - 123 posts
#eod spoilers - 27 posts
#lws5spoilers - 13 posts
#old lion's arch - 2 posts
#shit guild wars 2 players say - 2 posts
#for real though - 1 post
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#so many friends lost along the way since i was last there
My Top Posts in 2022:
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204 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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214 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
a more hands-on approach requested
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372 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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378 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
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ynx1 · 1 year
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on the person praying behind the imam holding the Mushaf during Taraweeh prayers?
He replied:
I do not know of any basis for that. It seems that he should focus with proper humility and not hold the Mushaf, rather he should place his right hand over his left as is the Sunnah, placing the right hand over the left wrist and forearm and placing them over his chest. This is the most correct view and is best. Holding the Mushaf will distract him from these Sunnahs, and his heart and eyes may become busy following the words on the pages and that may distract him from listening to the imam. What I think is that not doing that is the Sunnah, and that he should listen attentively and not use the Mushaf. If he has knowledge he will be able to prompt his imam, otherwise others will prompt him. Then if it so happens that the imam makes a mistake and is not corrected, that does not matter, unless it is in Soorat al-Faatihah, rather it matters only in Soorat al-Faatihah, because al-Faatihah is a pillar of the prayer which is essential. But if he omits some verses other than al-Faatihah, that does not matter if there is no one behind him who can alert him to that. If someone holds the Mushaf to correct the imam in the case of necessity, then there is nothing wrong with that. But if each person holds a Mushaf, that is contrary to the Sunnah. End quote.
He was also asked (may Allaah have mercy on him):
Some members of the congregation follow the imam’s recitation in the Mushaf when he is reciting. Is there anything wrong with that?
He replied:
It seems to me that this should not be done. It is better to concentrate and focus on the prayer, and to place the hands on the chest and ponder what the imam is reciting, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“So, when the Qur’aan is recited, listen to it, and be silent that you may receive mercy”
[al-A’raaf 7:204]
“Successful indeed are the believers.
2. Those who offer their Salaah (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness”
[al-Mu’minoon 23:1]
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The imam has been appointed to be followed, so when he says takbeer, then say takbeer, and when he recites, then listen attentively.” End quote.
Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 11/340-342 (tel:11/340-342)
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