#that there's going to be an entire subculture of people with issues and the bigger the ripple effect is going to be no matter what the media
skinnypaleangryperson · 6 months
I'm literally cackling like a hyena alone in my living room right now because I've genuinely almost committed unalive in the past 24 hours just because a sitcom came out with a casual joking episode that was so innocent initially that it could have been aired on PBS and 24 hours later the end result has been as someone with autism on the verge of unaliving (before judging, consider the fact that there has been a lot of events that have occurred since then in real life that would justify these intense emotions)
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starjxsung · 24 days
this might be...super controversial...but i truly truly hope this isn't skz trying to enter the western music industry if that makes sense. like how bts at one point just completely abandoned kpop and went full western shitty generic pop music. it's what drove me away from them and i would hate to see it happen to another group i love so much...if i wanted generic music, i would listen to american pop music. i like kpop bc it's so varied w the genres and the lyrics are always meaningful in some way. not to mention variety shows and just silly kpop content yknow that's more than half the fun of liking kpop!! you take that out and there's nothing there anymore especially when the music becomes bad. american tv shows are bland, most of the music is devoid of life. as much as i loved bts as people, it truly feels like they lost a bit of themselves AS BTS with songs like butter and ptd...idk. really hope this doesn't happen to skz.
WHEEWWWWWW opinions under the cut bc this is so long ✂️
I was just talking about this w my sister I literally would never say this on main™️ because people hate me on there as it is but I fully agree 🥲 I love bts but it’s so hard for me to get with their newer western stuff and it just feels like it has no emotion, no real substance to it. As an army I see people have this debate all the time and it’s such an issue that within the fandom, no one feels like they can have these conversations without getting attacked for it. But like it’s such a valid thing to acknowledge that hyyh era is vastly different from ptd? That is such a fair thing to point out and people who fell in love with bst, idol, dna, spring day, black swan, etc are allowed to not vibe either something that’s an entirely new sound. Especially one that emulates the generic pop music we already have in the west
There’s so much I could say about the tactics Hybe has to try and appeal to the west now and how it’s completely ruining classic kpop we all know and love, but I completely agree with you in fearing that they’ll want to push skz down the same road. And what’s unfortunate is that skz are at their peak right now in popularity, so I hope jype doesn’t see that as some weird opportunity to just change their sound or concept
I was also talking with my sister about how I think this is very much why Ateez seem to be quickly gaining traction, they’re very true to the original sound that they debuted with and their discography is so consistent and every album/single keeps being bigger than the last. Very traditional Korean sound and tying culture into performances and it’s all very well received in an atmosphere where we keep getting force fed all these western collabs. I know bang pd’s famous article about “removing the k in kpop” was a huge hit among stakeholders but I think for a lot of us, the “k” is what makes it unique. I like music in a different language, learning about culture, understanding how variety shows and award shows work. It’s a different subculture than we have in the west, and making them the same thing just negates the purpose of kpop in the first place. Like we don’t need “the next Justin Bieber” or “the next one direction”, those acts already existed. We have Jungkook and we have bts and skz and they didn’t get big for emulating western sound or culture, they got big for being a part of kpop !
Like could you imagine if we all collectively started saying “we need to make Bollywood more western! We need to make it appeal to western audiences!” How fucking disrespectful that would sound to the years of culture and uniqueness behind what it already is? Why are we doing that in Korean spaces now? Why can’t we just acknowledge when it’s a different culture and allow ourselves to immerse ourselves in it, learn about it, respect it and gain a newfound appreciation for something outside of western music? Why does everything have to appeal to the west??? 😭
I could go on about this for soooo long but I 100% agree with you and this was such a breath of fresh air to type out LMFAOOO
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calismediadiary · 27 days
Youtube! Media Blog Post #5
Before starting this off, I have the perfect YouTube video idea and I desperately need someone to make it because I know it would be a hit. Currently, there is popularity in YouTube videos that are designed as guessing games, blind folded matchmaking, or even for political conversations. While majority of these come from the YouTube account, Cut, other YouTubers have mirrored this format. That being said, I think someone needs to match the Providence College student to the YikYak’s post. Thank you. 
In lieu of the topic of YouTube. It’s impossible to discuss how it has changed media without talking about all it has done for society itself. 
When specific social media sites develop their own culture, sometimes that culture dies out and just becomes a nostalgic aspect of the past. For example, Youtube has gone through many phases where their popular creators happen to fall under the same type of videos i.e. beauty gurus, prank videos, content houses, and right now I believe trending is a good amount of commentary videos. While this phenomenon has happened for many people and subcultures under YouTube. An aspect that deserves the spotlight is how YouTube was able to have true social impact and awareness in the early 2010’s. 
While the content I am going to reference is not one hundred percent a positive outcome, it definitely changed society and brought this initial awareness of where the online aspect fell within the real world. 
As a child who had essentially full internet access and not a lot of supervision, I definitely saw a lot but, from what I hear today, I’m a bit lucky I wasn’t more curious as a child. That being said, the first video I really have consciousness of watching was the Amanda Todd bullying video. The video depicts a teenage girl showing hand written cards about her story of self-harm, depression, and bullying. The video now has 15 million views and is referenceable at least amongst Gen-z. This video was influential for many reasons, it taught a young generation the impacts of bullying in a way that would definitely stick. It also brought attention and support to anti-bullying organizations and campaigns. However, in terms of taking real issues online and adding in a viral aspect. The way social media communities work is that there was an instant capitalization of this kind of video and bullying stories became ‘trendy.’
Another example of YouTube revolutionizing is the phenomenon behind the coming out videos of the 2010’s. These videos began to come in magnitude and is a key aspect of what queer culture is to my generation. I genuinely consider this to be so influential and changed queer culture and queer acceptance. After so many of these YouTubers have gained a fan base and despite that gay marriage was still not legalized in all 50 states, it spoke to an entire generation and gave a voice to the individual. 
In this sense I can see how TikTok has been able to become what it is. With YouTube now focused on bigger productions, the voices of the individual are best shown through TikTok. Instagram’s feed is considered the least authentic, Twitter is now X, and therefore, TikTok is the voice of the individual. 
In the end, our social media landscape is constantly changing but a factor to look at is how influential something can be even when we consider it a ‘dying’ platform.
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vqamda20009 · 4 months
Week 4: RuPaul and Reality TV Drag Show
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RuPaul's Drag Race (RPDR) finalists are entirely gay men, implying that there is still a long way to go before the world of drag kings (women in male drag) is similarly included - this would be an even bigger step for television, even a cable television network with a small viewing base. At the same time, several RPDR competitors have revealed their gender transition during an episode, while others have openly acknowledged their HIV-positive status; nonetheless, these issues are often secondary to the season's main storyline.
Furthermore, the series frequently challenges homophobia and other forms of intolerance and oppression, as well as key moments in American LGBTQ social, cultural, and political history. The confessional portions of reality television allow us to learn about some of the competitors' personal histories of marginalisation and disenfranchisement, as well as the implications of their experiences for the long road ahead in achieving equality for LGBTQ people.
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RPDR has made drag queens and drag culture far more accessible to American and international audiences. For American LGBTQ viewers who live far from the gay meccas of New York, Chicago, San Francisco, or Los Angeles, as well as heterosexual viewers who would never contemplate attending a drag show, RPDR delivers an up-close, even technical look at what drag entails (Brennan & Gudelunas, 2017). In this regard, RPDR has helped to elevate drag culture from the fringes of the homosexual bar/club scene to the forefront of reality television. It has also helped to shift popular perceptions of drag as a subculture into drag as an art form and a legitimate career (Brennan & Gudelunas, 2017).
RPDR has issues and warrants criticism. Any feminist would notice, if not be offended by the competitors' and RuPaul's terminology. The show frequently employs the term "fishy" to characterise drag queens' "womanly" appearance, but it may also be used to disparage the smell of female genitalia. RuPaul's criteria for evaluating candidates' efforts, performance, and artistic vision are Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent, an acronym with misogynistic connotations. Finally, people objected to the phrase "You've got she-mail," which appeared in the first few seasons of RPDR as a joke about technology and cross-dressing. They interpreted it as insulting and inconsiderate to transgender societal issues and visibility. As a result, RPDR quickly and controversially withdrew the phrase from the programme.
Brennan, N & Gudelunas, D (eds) 2017, RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Shifting Visibility of Drag Culture, Springer International Publishing, Cham.
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mistergoddess · 11 months
never should have smoked that shit now i am dead serious going to move to nyc if It All Works Out... fuck... this is going to be Thing I Am Scared About #1 for the foreseeable future. but it's good :) it's very scary and will be very challenging with my Issues surrounding moving and major life/environment change always being a big trigger for the autismdepressiontrauma megacombo but umm :'))
idk i'm not like particularly passionate about nyc itself which is definitely something people cite as something u need to Make It there but i think it's a cool and good place and end of the day it is just a place . and i like cities, about as much as i like countryside (and i hate cities about as much as i hate the country...) so it's like. the Most city ever (well in this country at least) isn't it. so that'll be interesting. but most importantly bruh idk i'm just. young and have never left my home town and am relatively untethered... no pets no career no partners no real friendgroup car's on its last legs anyway hell i really don't even have any major furniture i'm attached to and need or even find valuable (the one piece of furniture i do find valuable and am attached to is just way too fucking massive to ever work anywhere in ny period so... rip. at least selling that would help expenses, and literally everything else i own is trash) so like.
this is the time man. i cannot just spend my entire life in my hometown and i cannot spend my entire life in the south this is The Time to get out into the world and get some worldly experiences and like having a friend in Big Important Culturally Lush City who may have a roomie slot opening up, which can help me get my feet under me easier than if i just tried to do it solo, is an opportunity i'd regret turning down for the rest of my LIFE like this is it it is The Time Of My Life where i am Supposed To Do Things and Get Out There and here it is and i gotta do it and i want to do it and i CAN do it (and i can afford to do it!!!!! i have Toiled with a capital T for my savings and shit like this is exactly why) so i'm 100% gonna do it but omggg :'))))))))))) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... i am but a lil ol southern boy... i am but a little fucking creature who does not know shit about shit...........
but the only way to ever change that is to Get The Fuck Out!!!!!! and big big city with literally anything you could imagine is such a good social and career prospect like. my city is truly very decently sized especially for the south we're one of the bigger/more major/noteworthy cities but also we're a pretty Crappy city compared to other big cities even in the south, like the social scenes and activities options here are a little meeehhhh and the career and economic opportunities here DEFINITELY mehhh so it'll be amazing to be somewhere with so MUCH where any culture or interest or subculture or hobby you can think of is represented and where any food or activity or manmade type of place to see you can think of is represented and where even a little fool like myself could find their way into some seriously cool work opportunities that could mean so much advancement in like skills and experiences and income...... and just like... god this is such a horrible term but literally networking!!! not in a BIG BUSINESS kinda way but just meeting interesting people who can help you and teach you and inform you and connect you to more interesting opportunities! wahh...
and i don't have to stay forever is the beautiful thing if it sucks i can hit da bricks and i think once i've made that initial breakaway to Leave Home like selling my car (genuinely even if i stayed here forever the car is on her way out so what better thing to do than move somewhere where car is not necessary... like if i stayed the car would fucking die anyway and then i'd be in the awful position of needing another one bc you can't not have one here so yeehaw selling her for moving/travel funds and being somewhere that's far less car dependent is the most auspicious move) and my furniture and putting my remaining possessions i can't bring with all at once in storage, then i'll be in a crazy good position to jump off from that point and go other places, maybe even the places i AM specifically personally passionate about and yearn for... so like... i'm GONNA do it...
but it's mad scary for real :) I Have Never Done This Before :)
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losthomunculus · 3 years
Online Safety Relevant to the Current State of the Internet
On twitter I made a tweet about how online safety lessons in school can be very out of touch but that the advice of people who are familiar with the current internet shouldn't be disregarded. So here's my informal collection of online safety tips
Sources: unrestricted internet access since elementary school (not recommended), being a formerly involuntarily home bound person for several years that amassed way too much online experience
This could possibly hold upsetting reminders to people who had bad experiences online including mentions of grooming and emotional manipulation so please proceed with caution!
Information Sharing
Make an online pseudonym for public profiles and websites.
Don’t feel like you have to list everything about you for the world to see.
Sometimes it’s not a question of “can this information be used to locate and identify me irl?”, but simply “do I want this information publicly available and linked to my online persona?”
Unlike offline, being online leaves a constant trail of who you were accessible at all times. People are constantly growing and changing. Try to limit the information you share so you can ditch that trail and start over if need be.
Sharing information with people you make friends with and trust is a judgement call on your part, but always be on the safe side and be protective of your information.
Start as cautious as possible with online safety. Any risks or judgement calls can come later when you are 1. aware of the risks, 2. ready to address them if they occur, and 3. have gathered plenty of information instead of doing something blindly and hoping for the best.
Do not share your triggers publicly, they can very easily be used against you. Instead use websites with a large amount of filtering options to curate your online experience. If you are going to share them, only do it privately with people you trust.
Importance of Boundaries
It doesn’t matter how mature you are, don’t enter age limited spaces you don’t qualify for. It’s disrespectful to the boundaries of the people who made that space. Boundaries like this exist for the comfort of both sides involved.
Just because you can “handle it” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Desensitization is not something to brag about.
Venting or making r18 posts as a minor on a public account is VERY dangerous. Intense emotional vulnerability is something manipulators will look for as a way to get to you. The same with sexual jokes to develop your comfort talking about those topics casually and eventually escalating the situation. If you are going to talk about such things please keep that in private conversations with people you trust in your age group.
Note the difference between public and private online space. Tweeting something on a public account is not the same as having a conversation in the cafeteria with your friends.
If an adult tries talking to you about r18, run the other way. Doesn’t matter how cool you are, it says something weird about THEM if they’re willing to talk to a minor about that stuff.
If someone( like 3+ years, honestly depends on how old you are) older than you wouldn't be comfortable saying what they're saying to you in front of other people (like a teacher or guardian), that's suspicious as hell. Run in the other direction.
The younger you are, the more age gaps matter. There's a bigger difference in development between a 13 year old and a 17 year old than there is between a 20 year old and a 24 year old. It helps to try to contextualize it with real people instead of numbers. Instead of thinking "oh just 4 years? that's not that weird" consider "oh. that would be like a freshman (13/14) dating a senior (17/18). yikes."
Be just as wary of people your own age talking about things that make you uncomfortable. Just like irl, sometimes you’ll meet people your age that are hurtful.
Friends complain to each other and talk about their issues, that alone is fine. But when people are doing it without permission, draw a line. When people are making it feel like you’re responsible for maintaining their mental health, you need to draw a line. When it starts to effect your mental health, PLEASE DRAW A LINE! I know it feels like your responsibility sometimes, but it’s not. You cannot be there for others if you’re not taking care of yourself first and foremost.
Don’t be afraid to block people. Even for petty reasons. It’s good to block people. Don’t force yourself to see stuff you don’t want to see.
Being Constantly Online
The 24 hour news cycle is not a good thing to follow 24/7. Taking social responsibility is a good thing, but your brain is NOT built to worry about every issue in the world at once. One strategy I use for staying sane is I try to only check the news once a day, and if something needs more attention to set aside an amount of time I’m going to focus on it before I need to take time to step back.
Touch grass. Not literally, unless you can in which case I highly suggest it, sometimes it’s just good to lay in a field. What I mean is you need to dedicate a good portion of your time to being offline (sleep does not count). What your offline time looks like is going to differ depending on your level of ability, but even if you are house bound it’s important to build some hobbies that don’t rely on the internet. Talking to people offline is also a good goal if possible, even just to your housemates.
Social etiquette greatly differs online and offline and sometimes the reminder that were all just Some People gets lost behind the numbers and the fabricated personas. Keep in mind the difference in how information is shared without forgetting that the fact we are all people remains the same.
Be generous with your etiquette. You will avoid a lot of stress if you conduct yourself with the same politeness you would have in an offline interaction. Master the art of "minding your own business" for your own sake.
Arguments and Competition
As soon as you can, you need to internalize the fact that leaving an argument is not losing.
It is inevitable you will be exposed to many people who disagree with you. Some people only want to argue to rile you up. Sometimes that’s not their intention, but it’s what they’re doing. You do not have to remain in conversation with people, especially if they’re not interested in actually coming to an understanding. Even if they are interested, sometimes they just suck!! Leave!! You can leave!!
On that note, sometimes you are going to get valid criticism and it’s going to hurt. That is part of learning. If someone says you messed up and did something hurtful, take a second to step back from your defensiveness and consider: intent ≠ effect. Apologize, repair what you can, and move forward with the ability to do better in the future. You’re going to mess up every once in awhile, it’s inevitable.
To summarize the past two points: don't waste your time on unnecessary hostility but don't close yourself into an echo chamber either. Debates should be about learning.
Sometimes people are not going to like you. This happens offline too but people tend to be a lot more blunt online. Sometimes people dislike you for no reason or for really petty reasons. That’s not your problem, move on.
Don’t actively seek out people you don’t like or who don’t like you to argue with. Whether or not your side is the “right side” doesn’t matter, it’s going to cause you so much unnecessary stress. Feel free to keep posting your opinions on your own profile but don’t seek out unnecessary conflict.
This is a different type of competition than previously mentioned, but be aware of the danger of comparing yourself to other people. Especially if you’re a creative or student, DO NOT GET SWEPT UP IN THE GRIND CULTURE. It’s more subtle in some places than others, but anytime you see the notion that you should be working yourself to the bone be VERY critical. Also be critical of any online cultures (such as gaming and art communities) that brag about unhealthy habits or act like it’s ~part of the culture~ (ex: all nighters, not taking breaks, getting hurt. Any activity that neglects health to work toward a goal).
Not just grind culture, any community of subculture that shares anti recovery sentiments is a huge red flag. Even if they're joking, it's not worth the risk of internalizing those statements.
Everyone’s social media presence is to some degree doctored because it’s a purposefully selected collection of what they allow you to see. It’s fine to like the persona you see being displayed, but never forget that it is not reflective of the entire person. Everyone online is JUST SOME PERSON. Do not forget that and start holding yourself to a standard you can’t even see every side of.
By posting online you are opening yourself to criticism. Whether or not it’s justified can vary, but either way it’s going to happen. Mute stuff, go private, disable comments, etc if you need to.
Misc Tidbits
these are technically just general info that is also good for offline but I have seen things that make me think people online need the extra reminder.
Learn what cults are, how they recruit, and what they do to their members. I'm not kidding. This is particularly relevant at the moment because of current societal unrest and widespread loneliness. No one is immune to cult propaganda, and not every cult is based on pre established religion or family. Many exist ONLINE and are able to manipulate people without ever meeting face to face. (learn more: Loneliness as a Pandemic: The Dangers of Online Cult
Familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience and then learn how to identify pseudoscience. (learn more: Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8)
Q. How do I know if a source is reliable?
Final Thoughts
It's important people of ALL ages learn these lessons, because the internet is constantly changing and we are all vulnerable when in the presence of other people.
Be cautious and stay safe
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commajade · 3 years
this is a really personal question and kind of a lot so please feel free to ignore but I really was hoping to ask: it’s really amazing seeing you embrace your home country so deeply and with so much love and care for it’s benefit and culture and history, especially as a lesbian, immigrant, and someone gender non-conforming. I’m very envious of you really, because as an immigrant myself, and as with many immigrant kids, I have such a complicated relationship with my country where on one hand, I do love it in a way and will always ALWAYS hope for its improvement and the betterment of the lives of its people, my people, but I always feel a barrier in letting myself love it completely because I know it doesn’t share my views and wouldn’t accept me the way I am. And I know this is a generalization, but my country’s deep rooted issues with sexism, racism, classicism, homophobia etc are just all that I see when I think of it. The fact that they would not accept me and that I could never ever fit their gender and social standards. And I’m not saying America is any better at all, but I can never escape from the thinking that at least in America I can find my like-minded people, people who can accept me as I am, and I have. Of course it’s because I have the privilege to live in a wealthier nation and educate myself and find the resources I need to shape my own views, but I can’t get over that I would just not be accepted, by the vast majority, of people in my country. Of people in my own family that lives there, because these issues have become so ingrained in our culture. And I feel like it’s unfair to them but every time I’ve gone back I’m just faced with it so starkly that I come back with even a greater distaste for my country and I hate it. So I just wanted to ask how you came to this place, of being able to see past your country’s/your culture’s aspects that don’t align with you, to being able to respect and love your people based on your own judgement of them? (Also just want to say that I am absolutely in no way asking this in like ‘yeah Korea is fucked up just like my country how could you possibly love it.’ I obviously do not know any deep knowledge about Korea and it’s culture to make that judgement, but I’m asking more as immigrant to immigrant struggling with their own westernization and alienation from their country kind of thing I sincerely mean absolutely no offense)
Again, very sorry for how convolutedly personal this is but, would love to get your perspective :)
idk enough information about your case so i'll just talk about myself.
i felt the same way for a long time, and then found that i was very very wrong. it's easier for me to present butch in seoul than it is in los angeles, i get less weird looks and less confusion. there are so many korean lesbians with their histories and music and art and subcultures. no one is every going to be accepted by an entire country, especially not anyone gay or trans. but there's so many cool korean lgbt people that have been fighting and living and loving it's just that as diaspora i hadn't been allowed to see that before. and most koreans aren't allowed to see it. it's colonial fascism that necessitates homophobia and transphobia in colonized countries. traditionally there's so many elders across cultures who have their stories to explain why some people are not the same, and in korea it was either left alone or part of a sign of being chosen by the gods. baksu shamans are very commonly gay and/or trans, and female shamans are allowed to dress more masculine and live unmarried lives with other women. and this tradition is where a lot of korean traditional music and storytelling has evolved from. there were gay relationships allowed and just not talked about in every part of korean culture from peasants to scholars to yangban. there's always restriction and always possibility for violence but the bigger violence was that i was not allowed to learn these stories from my elders and my community and have to find it on the internet.
i also come from a long lineage of scholars and peasants, many of whom probably had beef with the king and his court. you don't have to be a fan of the government to be a part of a country. immigrant kids have this idea that they can't connect to their homeland because of politics but common people never got a say and i want to align myself with them in their fight against the current south korean neocolonial regime and global racial capitalism and US militarism. koreans on the peninsula all have a wealth of information to teach me about myself and where i come from and i respect them as my people and mourn the ways we hurt each other in response to the violence done to us. loving your people and hating your homeland's government are the same action sometimes.
and as a diasporic korean that's been through a few rounds of US education and benefitted from US blood money i have a responsibility to my home and my people to rework my worldview in a way that will register the humanity of colonized people as more important than concepts and presentation in the mode of identity politics. i of course experience deep pain from things like patriarchy homophobia and classism and condemn koreans for their racism but there's a deeper story going on that i'm a part of and it's not helping anyone to make me settle for uncomfortable inaction because most koreans don't think lesbians should exist (which isn't as true as i thought it was). i look to my people's mistakes to see what violence i am responsible for counteracting, where my people have been hurt and what i can do about it. i want my people to be free, i want everyone to be free, no matter how they feel about me.
but also i am very quick to condemn other individual koreans that are acting in collaborator ways, their korean card is revoked they're on the side of the colonizer. it is a necessary part of being part of a homeland to hate other ppl from ur homeland if they're terrible. ur never gonna like everyone in a country. 90% of rich koreans i will hate on sight. i believe they are all responsible to redistributing all of their money and i am not in community with them unless they are class traitors. i think racist koreans are pathetic little puppets of racial capitalism that cash in violence and their own dignity for blood money at the expense of other people and their own. u have to be connected to your people to even properly criticize them and not have your vision of yourself and ur place in history distorted by false individualism. everything u see wrong about ur country is already something u have to work on in urself, to varying degrees.
also i answered an ask from a korean adoptee anon a couple asks back in my tag if u want more personal information on how i came to this particular viewpoint, because it's not a common one.
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bakatenshii · 4 years
okay this is not to bash you in anyway shape or form but... idk the “incel” stuff just doesn’t sit right with me like incels are known for being heavily anti black and having an unhealthy obsession with women and treating them as sexual objects for their pleasure... like there’s a difference between having kinks and then glorifying a very bad minded group of people for your fictional pleasure... idk
Hi hi babes! First of all thank you for being so respectful in your ask, I really appreciate it. I just wanna say before answering this, that your feelings are definitely valid. I’m sorry that it’s put you off, and that’s entirely fair.
My thoughts under the cut! (sorry it’s really long)
The term incel, as we know, stands for Involuntary Celibate. It was coined all the way back in 1993 by a woman in Canada when she was detailing her sexual inactivity— the intended meaning for the word. Over the course of time, we’ve seen it change and warp into a subculture with entirely different connotations.
I have to start by stating that I absolutely do not condone them in real life, just as I do not condone the majority of my content such as rape, incest, and drug abuse. I’ve stated a few times on my blog that while I lewd incels in a fictional way, I do not in any way shape or form condone them in real life.
While there are absolutely extremist views in that subculture, just like there are in every culture, the basis of their ideology is that men are entitled to sex. I can’t lie, I actually did a lot of research on them (a case study, if you will) because I was so intrigued by how delusional and warped their perspective is.
You can compare it to the concept of being fascinated in serial killers and the mental oddities that contributed to their motives; to me, their mentality is absolutely warped and twisted.
But after rummaging the webs, going through both public and private forums, servers, sites, etc, the truth is that the great majority of them are just sad self-loathing men who bond together to wallow in self-pity and circlejerk at their pity party. Am I excusing them? No. I’m just explaining that most of them are spineless men who are touch-starved, and not as extremist as you’d think.
The bigger issue I’d like to address here is the lack of understanding when it comes to separating real life with fiction. What I write here is absolutely a romanticized version of a normally pretty grotesque thing. That’s why it’s fiction. Dragons don’t really exist, and neither do incels I want to actually fuck, just as I don’t feel any sort of attraction towards my family despite writing incest.
My blog is always going to consist of romanticized versions of things that are otherwise terrible. In this case, it’s misogyny. That’s how I cope; I take bad things and make them something I can tolerate. If that’s not your way of coping, not something you agree with, that’s completely valid!
I support in however you choose to explore your sexuality and sexual fantasies, and if following my blog and seeing this content is uncomfortable, then please unfollow or block me. Do what you have to to keep yourself safe and sane.
From now on I’ll be tagging incel content as #tw: incel / so please block that tag if you still wish to follow me for other content! Once again thank you for coming to me so respectfully. I appreciate it ♡︎
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chainofbeing · 4 years
Representative Ashton's search for Adam Delta 5 takes him to a Run-down planet to ask for his help 
Alecksander Ashton: Jonathan Aroyole 
Administrator Balsu: Glyn Pritchard 
Pilot: Anna-May Wood 
Philipa Desiva: Millie Davenport 
Adam Delta 5, writing, and sound design : Cai Gwilym Pritchard
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[a doorbell rings, the ambience of an office be heard in the background, a voice comes on through intercom] Balsu: hello yes? Alecks: this is representative Ashton, here to enquire about Adam Delta 5, I've brought my assistant with me. I hope that's ok? Balsu: yes of course come in [In person] Balsu: So what was it you were here for again? Alecks: We sent an operative to you a while back, to close a portal that had opened up? Balsu: Ah yes, we sent him to Forus minor, one of our moons Alecks: excellent, is he here? Balsu: no I don't believe he is Alecks: do you mind if we wait for him? Balsu: be my guest [There is an awkward pause] Alecks: when did you last see him? We're in a bit of a hurry Balsu: oh about, three years ago Alecks: what!? Where is he? Balsu: still on Forus I believe, Alecks:Why didn't you go pick him up! Balsu: [slightly panicked] we thought the council would be responsible for that Alecks:has he sent you any messages Balsu: [incredulous] from Forus? Ha! Good luck getting a radio signal from that back water shithole! [transition to the sound of a shuttle engine idling and landing] Pilot: alright, just landed, try and get this work done ASAP, there's some scavengers over on that ridge there giving my ship a once over Alecks: we'll try and keep it brief, but please don't leave us here Pilot: yeah alright whatever [Alecksander and Philpa exit the shuttle and the sound of the engine transitions into a bustling township, shopkeepers call out, vehicles drive by, and in the distance gunshots can be faintly heard] Alecks: he wasn't lying about backwater was he? It looks like it's been through a war! Philipa: it  has, there's been a civil war raging for a good 5 years Alecks: how have we not heard about this! Philipa: I guess there have always been more pressing issues Alecks: we'll have to do something about this, let's find Adam first, where should we look first? The bar? Philipa: sure, though I have a feeling it won't be easy finding him something tells me that he's the kind of person that doesn't like to be- Alecks: oh there he is! In the café! Philipa: oh… Alecks: Adam Delta 5, we've been looking for you! Adam: well you took your fucking time [adam’s voice has a strange quality to it, as if what he is saying can be heard microseconds before he says it] Alecks: I'm representative- Adam: we've met, alecksander, surprised you haven't been voted out yet. Alecks: we're here on behalf of the council of- Adam: yeah, I know, you don't look like you're from round here Alecks: you stand out a bit yourself Adam: So you guys are here to take me back then yeah? Alecks: your help is needed urgently Adam: [irritated] by who? The council! The council fucking forgot me, I’ve sent out a transmission every single day and not a peep. I thought the oh so benevolent council would at least help the people here. But you're nowhere to be seen Alecks: It surely can't be that bad, we would have heard, we would have come to help Adam: oh yeah? On this scrap heap of a planet all I've eaten is energy paste Alecks: I don't see how- Adam: [passionatley] Because that's the only food the bandits don't want to steal, this whole place is a mess! in this subculture of veatorians if a family member dies before their time the rest of the family get a red line tattooed on their faces. Take a look around, there's not a single person without a red line, some have them over their lips, others  over their eyes, some vertically some horizontally, I guess placement depends on the family. But there's one woman, she works at the mine, her face and neck are almost entirely covered, decorated in a symmetrical pattern of swirls and dots,  it's mesmerising, but also painfully tragic. So when you tell me the council needs my help, forgive me if I take a moment to appreciate the irony. Alecks: we will send aid, I will personally see to it that something is done but what we need you for is more urgent. Adam: what is it? Alecks: 8 days ago something came out of the red dwarf tyreesius, it destroyed the CNSS Gorlan left a large amount of organic matter behind, upon investigation by two Thanes it was found that the inhabitants of the Gorlan had destroyed themselves by carving out their own eyes. all data was corrupted beyond recovery and this symbol was found repeatedly all over the station, and upon looking at said symbol thane aiek tubalcain underwent some kind of transformation, something akin to demonic possession but way more extreme, were ruling out infernal influence for now. Adam: let's see the symbol Alecks: here Adam: [the hypnotic drone that filled Aieks mind can be heard] I've seen that before Alecks: everyone gets that, it's an extreme sense of deja vu, it's right there but no one can place it. Adam: no as in I've seen it before, I remember, it was there in Eden, I'm sure of it Alecks: then you know what it is? Adam: it's been awhile since I was there Alecksander Alecks: excellent! We've kind of, sort of, got a lead Adam: why are you choosing me for this? Alecks: given your particular skills and experience- Adam: I was the last one on the list wasn't I? Alecks: Uh, yeah Alecks: we will come back, I swear, I'll- I'll do something Adam: don't make promises you don't intend to keep. something bigger and more universe threatening will come along. Besides, they're not your responsibility. So no, you won't come back.
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soulvomit · 5 years
The Memetic Race to the Bottom
On Tumblr, I started seeing that there is a real way how good ideas can go bad simply because the ideas just don’t scale very well outside of the specific conversation they originated in. (The cultural appropriation conversation is one of these.) This does not invalidate the original idea - but a big danger is that a idea dumbing down too much, can make people reluctant to engage with it at all once it’s gotten beyond its original space, so that the scaling into the general public becomes part of the extinction/invalidation cycle of that idea rather than leading to the broad adoption of it. (And then once it does scale to the public, the pushback can cause a full on pendulum swing in the culture - which is where I feel like we are at with the main social meme I’ll be using as an example. The present mainstream culture is a huge *pushback* on that meme, which I’m calling Toxic Independence.) The example I’ll mainly use here, is what I’m calling Toxic Independence, mainly because “Anti-Codependency/Neediness/Enabling Culture” is just too much of a mouthful. This didn’t start off the Objectivist-adjacent space of normalized sociopathy that it became. Codependency, neediness, and enabling, after all, are all actually real things that very much need discussion. But the broader culture just did not know what to do with these concepts once they reached escape velocity into the mass consciousness. In many cases, the idea breaching into mainstream public consciousness, is actually the last stage before it completely gets discarded. This doesn’t always happen, but I feel like I’ve seen it happen with enough ideas. All it takes is for the most dumbed down version of the idea, to become the new “poster child” for that idea, and lots of people to broadly reject it. Eventually, the idea dies out. Another thing that can happen is that a meme can go extinct if the original people with the idea, end up getting deplatformed. Or if the torch just isn’t passed to the next generation. That’s how so many of the more positive Boomer social memes ended up lost by the 1980s, and ultimately, forgotten. The activist/counterculture Boomers were deplatformed and also weren’t the ones having the kids. Every hippie that moved to rural Oregon in the mid-late 70s was a voice lost, and the yuppie Boomers became the dominant cultural force in a lot of spaces. And they managed to pass *some* memes on to Gen X (Toxic Independence or Anti-Codependency/Neediness/Enabling Culture was still a big part of many of my middle class Gen X spaces in the 00s). But sometimes the meme contains the seeds of its own extinction.  I feel like Toxic Independence did. Instead of a broad conversation that I hear in most of my spaces, it’s now a niche conversation in a couple of very, very specific spaces. I would have to actually seek out those conversations. And I still hear people talk about codependence - but it’s in specific addiction/recovery-specific contexts, or among much older people, and nobody seems to be trying to make it the Grand Unified Field Theory of People anymore the way that they were in the 80s. Sometimes the meme comes under broad attack by the culture itself.  As left/right political polarization was picking up speed in the last decade or so, you started seeing Toxic Independence under attack by both the Left *and* the Right, and not even by the most extreme factions of each. The hetero female version came under attack via both intersectional feminism *and* traditionalism, for example. The male version became even more niche and subcultural.   The Personal Development movement of the 00s was probably this meme’s final form. But even PD environments aren’t pushing this anymore to nearly the same extent, and the PD people who promoted it, are now mocked to some degree: I don’t feel like people are as universally told to cut off their ill, disabled, or unemployed family members the way they were in the 80s and 90s. I mean, there may still be this pressure in a lot of spaces, but I don’t feel like it’s as overt and aggressive outside of specific socioeconomic niches and professions. When I was around Landmark people in 2016, the conversations were fundamentally different from the ones I had with Landmark people in 2003.  Now, it seems like you only get to go away once you become rich enough to throw money at the problem, or are sociopathic enough to be unaffected.  Sometimes the conversation moves on because future generations change the conversation via trial and error. It’s coming out in the wash that while the first generation of people to do it en masse may have fucked it up (and then written it off as not at all working - which is what a lot of Toxic Independence was a response to), there’s been a good 50 years of R&D on the problem since. It turns out that cooperative co-living (with mutualistic, not parallel-independent or nuclear, household economies) was the meme that just wouldn’t die. The failures of white hippies weren’t because co-living doesn’t work, but probably owe more to being the first generation of middle class white people to try to figure out for the first time what everyone else has already been doing forever. Sometimes the social space shifts: geek culture is becoming a much bigger share of the middle class than before, and I feel like Toxic Independence never really caught on in geek culture the way it did in the 80s mainstream aspirational space. If anything, geek culture was the one space where a lot of hippie torches ended up passed - for example, the idea that you can have a household that doesn’t consist of one provider male and a bunch of dependents, *and* you can also have a household that doesn’t consist of two fungible co-equal earners each half-financing a significant lifestyle upgrade, and that functional households don’t have to have any one particular shape to them.  Most geek spaces I’ve ever been in, have been mixed economy to some degree. Geek households seem to come in a whole variety of shapes. There seems to be a greater acceptance of people helping or even supporting unrelated adults in many geek spaces in ways that I haven’t seen outside of geek culture, which is where we get the conversation about “that guy on the couch” but it’s also why it’s a space I’ve been able to stay in since becoming a low income person with chronic pain. (We really, really need to have a conversation about the geek culture’s problem with grifters and con artists, though. And geek culture could probably *use* a little more conversation about codependency. But this is a serious place where I don’t know how to not throw out babies with the bathwater, because that same discussion is where Toxic Independence came out of. And how to have that conversation but not fuck over the very, very many disabled people in geek culture? I don’t know.) The privilege and ableism assumptions in Toxic Independence made the whole thing fall apart like a house of cards when confronted with the Great Recession and actual intersectionality discourse. Also, the pendulum swing toward online transparency and vulnerability made it so that we began to actually see more of the shape of each other’s lives - and this revealed that so much of Toxic Independence was based on smoke and mirrors. Sometimes the environment around us changes.  In the 80s, it was possible to be totally self-contained the way that the books told us to be, on a much lower income than would be required now. In the 80s, you could live like this and be middle income. It’s much harder when you actually have to  Now, in many spaces, you probably have to be high professional income to pull this off, at minimum, *and* it assumes you will never end up primary financial support or primary caregiver for *anyone* (unless you’re wealthy enough to not require any kind of mutualistic relationship with any co-caregivers.) (This is a way that traditionalism actually was part of the death knell, I suspect. It tries to hold onto a family shape that even predates Toxic Independence *and* it explicitly identifies Toxic Independence - under other names - as a problem.) Lots of people have had to fundamentally change the shape of their households and lives to *remain* middle class, whereas 80s psychology around being middle class was hugely about shedding as many dependencies as possible.   You can only really be totally self-contained the way that the books told us to be in the 80s, if you are financially stable, if your parents are financially well set, and if you have no dependents, and if your social space allows absolutely no weaker parties.  It’s clear to me that while Boomers could carry on with Toxic Independence (so long as they actually retire affluent), Toxic Independence stopped working for a lot of Gen X. Most Gen Xrs I know are having to juggle multiple dependencies. Toxic Independence just does not work for the middle class of the Sandwich Generation. Many, many ideas get thrown away because of the Memetic Race to the Bottom; the Memetic Race to the Bottom can make lots of perfectly sound issues very, very difficult to seriously engage, and often the entire framework has to be thrown away. Which means that if there was a grievance by a marginalized party that started the whole conversation, the whole discussion has been taken away from them and the milestone shifted. (This has happened with any discussion of cultural appropriation that isn’t centered specifically in ethnically/racially specific contexts, for example.) When something is in its end phases, you’ll notice that younger people are not taking that idea up. Newer experts aren’t exploring it. The original fans or adherents will still be there, though, and they’ll eventually get older. But the ideas they talk about, will stay within their group, and the memetic space they occupy will lose broad relevance.  There is always life experience, educational background, professional context (was this a conversation between academics? Was it a policy conversation?), and *specificity* (such as, specific events - for example, *specific* grievances) in the original conversation, and when the ideas scale, it becomes a race to the bottom for whichever member of the general public (who was the least involved in the original conversation) has the least nuanced, broadest, most authoritarian, most prescriptive interpretation. And this is what happened to codependency, how it devolved from something that actually had a specific meaning and context within addiction psychology (and to my knowledge, still do), to a set of toxic social memes that mainly were about providing a social scaffold for 80s/90s middle class/yuppie selfishness culture - a way to weaponize what amounted to Applied Objectivism 101. I’ve found it really hard to talk about codependency for years because of this.  For example, I don’t feel like I’ve met anyone younger than Gen X who identifies as codependent unless they’re actually using it in an addiction/recovery context; that is not the language that Millennials and Zoomers seem to be using. I feel like it’s mostly Boomers, Jones, and Xrs that I’ve heard use these concepts, and I’ve stopped hearing them used by Xrs so much in the past 15 years.
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dropintomanga · 5 years
To a New Era for Japan and Maybe Us
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Starting May 1, 2019 marks the start of a new era in Japan and the end of a 30-year period which sounds as hectic as a long-running manga. 
A lot of things have happened to Japan over the Heisei Era, a 30-year period between January 1989 and April 2019 where Emperor Akihito ruled Japan as the 125th emperor. Japan was a booming country in the 1980s’, only to fall hard into a recession that still has some ramifications today. Japan now has to figure out how to deal with globalization, an ever-growing aging population, women’s rights, and a lot more as the spotlight is on them when the 2020 Olympics hits Tokyo.
But Japan managed to captivate the world with the rise of anime and manga to overseas audiences during the Heisei Era. While thinking about how much Japanese pop culture has grown, some words about what makes it appealing stuck with me.
It’s these closing words from a Japan Times feature on anime and manga becoming global phenomena over the past 3 decades.
“Compared with so much of Western pop’s tired innuendos, ironies and increasingly politicized racial and sexual controversies, anime and manga often feel more like earnest expressions of personal yearning and the pleasure of entertainment. Through shared media, diversity and longing, individuals around the world have come to love Japanese culture through its most embraceable, if imaginary, gods: Goku, Pikachu and Astro Boy. Money might well ruin it.
Note that these words are from Roland Kelts, author of Japanamerica and one of the premier experts in Japanese pop culture. To put those words in context, Viz Media founder Seiji Horibuchi was quoted in the feature - saying that anime and manga shouldn’t compete with Hollywood because being mainstream would kill both. He argues that anime and manga should stay where they are as unique subcultures that appeal to online audiences.
I have thought about Western pop culture and all the controversies surrounding things like diversity, feminism, etc. To be honest, I don’t mind politically correct culture. However, I find it problematic when a lot of the controversy hits online because all it does is fuel emotions in a really bad way. Which then leads to so much unnecessary anger and fatigue for everyone involved. There are people who take things out of a grander context just to rile people up for no good reason but for attention.
I think opinions are fine, but there’s way too many opinions on things that may not be as serious as one might think. I don’t like how some controversies are handled, that’s all.
I might be speaking for those who are in-between both sides in that there’s so much expectations on how to behave, what to say, what to believe, who to be around, etc. This all creates a kind of cognitive dissonance where one has to keep questioning everything they do. No one has time to think it through or else they get left behind. In a way, it sounds a bit forced.
I know some folks don’t believe in the idea of forced diversity, but it does exist in things like workplace diversity programs. There has been a bigger initiative for companies to get employees on board with diversity. However, all the programs fell flat. Why? For starters, everyone has bias towards something. If you shame them for being (insert bad label), they don’t feel the incentive to change. You might think that they can go screw themselves, but we need as many allies as we can. And if that involves getting "terrible” people on board, then so be it.
I’ll use a good example to illustrate - tolerance of gay people. It didn’t just rise out of nowhere by gay activists only talking to gay folks. They got a majority of non-gay allies along the way, even though there was opposition from their own community. The activists knew that if they can relate to straight people in ways that bound them together (i.e. marriage and family values), then they can start a big movement. And they did. (There’s a whole podcast about this, which is REALLY good to hear.)
There have been studies where companies were told to force employees to embrace ideas like diversity/positivity or leave. What happened was that the companies who used mandatory rules didn’t improve whatever ideals they preached at all. Attitudes didn’t change or changed very little (ie people were still jerks outside of office). Minority employees didn’t get promoted. No one felt they had a say in things if the process was flawed. When things were pro-voluntary (i.e. voluntary training), then things actually improved. Employees were more willing to be diverse and there was better treatment of employees.
What I guess I’m trying to say is that there’s a “lack of control” factor that plays into why people want/don’t want diversity and such in their media. I’m not saying that we stop fighting for what’s right, but we need to ask ourselves if we’re actually fighting for something for everyone or just doing it because we want to control it to please only us.
Now how all of this relates to anime and manga? For starters, anime and manga were always made for Japanese audiences in mind. This is more evident in manga due to all the many titles and subjects the medium covers. You can’t expect a mangaka to think of the entire world when drawing. They have to make money for themselves and please their home country first and foremost. While mangaka do take others’ opinions into consideration, their diverse imagination comes from having a kind of freedom that comes from their own experiences. They were diverse without being told to be diverse.
That’s the paradox that I thought about in my head. Force should only be used as a last resort. Sometimes, I feel that Western culture preaches force as a 1st or 2nd line of defense because most Westerners were taught horrible lies on how to behave and get what they want.
Maybe that’s why I’ve noticed how folks in the West are looking to Eastern philosophies like mindfulness and Buddhism to get through their own mental issues. Western culture is indeed polarizing, so sure. However, there have been criticisms over how the West treats Eastern principles to make themselves feel more “positive” instead of actually looking at the pain/stress they go through and be humbled by it (which is what Buddhism/mindfulness are truly about). It’s very hard for some people to learn self-acceptance and commitment over here sometimes.
To be honest, anime and manga are a reflection of Eastern principles, good and bad. There’s stuff that makes you think, cringe, gasp, laugh, cry, or be disgusted. Anime and manga have gotten away with so much compared to other media in terms of censorship. For a country that’s so homogeneous, the diverse amount of anime and manga in Japan is astounding. 
Anime and manga are here to stay, but I really don’t know if they will ever reach Hollywood-level. I know there are parties who want anime to be validated in America among the eyes of many. I just hope that they don’t take on corporate America strategies and preach diversity for the sake of being cool and with the times. I’m looking at you, big tech companies and companies who say they stand for something with neat ads, but don’t really care as their other tactics say otherwise. That is what bothers and scares me the most more than anything.
Japan is now in the Reiwa Era, which is supposed to preach peace and tranquility. I just hope the West does the same. If it doesn’t, then well, let’s just continue to make our lives as anime as possible because after all, we really know what it’s like to be diverse.
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caveartfair · 6 years
7 Zines That Helped People Work through Mental Health Issues
For the uninitiated, a “zine” is often defined as a self-published, small-circulation magazine that documents the happenings of a subculture or a niche topic. But in practice, the art of the zine is governed by “non-rules.” A zine can be consist of 40 pages, or just one. It can be entirely made up of pictures or feature no pictures at all. It can make sense, but it doesn’t have to.
During the 1980s, zine-making often involved taking a pile of collages, poems, essays, images, or doodles; lining them up, just so, over the glass of a Xerox machine; then making copies, and stapling together a series of printed pages like this. Copies might be shared with friends or left in a stack at a local record store. Today, publishing a zine can be as simple as one person creating a web page or as elaborate as a small editorial team collaborating on a printed periodical with a cover star. But the non-rules haven’t changed: If you make it and publish it yourself, and it has text, images, or both, you can probably call it a zine.
Perhaps because of this flexibility, artists and other creatives have found in zines a judgment-free space, and for some, it’s a prime medium for discussing serious, personal issues, like mental health. This point was made late last month when an art exhibition in India, organized by one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people, Dr. Vikram Patel, illustrated how zines can help break down the stigma surrounding mental health. To explore the topic further, we share below seven examples of such zines, with insights from their creators on how these creative projects helped them navigate their own experiences with mental health.
For Girls Who Cry Often (2016)
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Excerpt from Lina Wu, For Girls Who Cry Often, 2016. Courtesy of the artist.
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Excerpt from Lina Wu, For Girls Who Cry Often, 2016. Courtesy of the artist.
Lina Wu, a Toronto-based artist and illustrator, collected stories and testimonies from over 20 contributors to create the 40-page zine For Girls Who Cry Often. “It’s a nice feeling to be a part of something bigger,” she said of the collaborative creation process.
For the zine, Wu focused on exploring mental health through a femme lens and let her own experiences inform her process. “For much of my life, I noticed that ‘getting emotional’ was seen as a girly or feminine thing—meaning it is often dismissed as dramatic and frivolous,” she explained.
Wu created a dreamy pink atmosphere to backdrop the contributors’ candid and sometimes dark confessions. The zine’s adolescent tone is a nod to the fanzines of the 1990s that gave teenage girls a voice. In fact, Wu points out that zines are accessible art objects because people can easily share and buy them (readers buying copies of For Girls Who Cry Often are encouraged to pay what they can afford).
An interdisciplinary artist, Wu experiments with poetry, illustrations, comics, photography, and design in her zines. And while she doesn’t bring For Girls Who Cry Often to zine fairs anymore, she noted that making it has helped her grow as an artist.
Fuck This Life (2005–present)
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Excerpt from Dave Sander, Fuck This Life, 2018. Courtesy of 8ball Community.
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Excerpt from Dave Sander, Fuck This Life, 2018. Courtesy of 8ball Community.
Today, Dave Sander (a.k.a. “Weirdo Dave”) is a visual artist known for collaborations with Vans and Supreme. But back in 2005, Sander was cramming newspaper and magazine clippings into his desk drawer almost out of habit. “After I got a lot,” Sander said, “I thought it would be time to make a zine.”
Flipping through the pages of any issue of Fuck This Life is like witnessing the end-of-life montage people describe after a near-death experience. For Sander, zine-making can be an aggressively cathartic process: “You get to kill shit in your own way,” he offered.
Fuck This Life is a stream-of-consciousness compilation of found imagery—like the mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb or porn stars mid-orgasm—the result of Sander channeling his pain to “create a beautiful, loud, brutal fantasyland.” He refers to the zine ashis deepest, darkest best friend. “It was my reason for living, so I guess it saved me,” he said.
Grief Poems (2017)
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Excerpt from Chloe Zelkha, Grief Poems, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
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Excerpt from Chloe Zelkha, Grief Poems, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Chloe Zelkha describes her father’s death as a “sudden, heartbreaking shock.” Within months, she’d printed out a collection of poems she found in books or discovered through teachers and grieving groups, then spread them out on her kitchen table. There, the Berkeley-based Zelkha began painting onto the pages, cranking out one after another in succession, without drafting or revising. As she found more poems, she created more pages. The result was Grief Poems, a 26-page exercise in letting go.
Zelkha’s introduction to zines was Project NIA’s The Prison Industrial Complex Is… (2010–11), a straightforward explainer zine with minimal text and simple black-and-white illustrations. She sees zines are an inherently raw medium. “That permission that’s kind of baked into the form,” she said, “is liberating.”
Poems by everyone from Kobayashi Issa to W.S. Merwin are coated in Zelkha’s uninhibited brushstrokes. She compared her process with child’s play or dreaming: “If you watch a kid play on their own for long enough, you’ll see lots of fears, feelings, ideas eeking their way into their game, and then transforming in real time. Or when we dream, and different people, places, concerns visit us in weird ways.”
Identity Crisis (2017)
Librarian–slash–zine-maker Poliana Irizarry is probably better known for their autobiographical black-and-white zines, like My Left Foot (2016) and Training Wheels (2013). But with Identity Crisis, the San Jose–based artist seemed the most vulnerable they’ve ever been. “My abuela suffered many miscarriages at the hands of American doctors, and her surviving offspring also struggle with reproductive issues,” Irizarry wrote. “Many Puerto Ricans do.”
Before the birth control pill was approved by the FDA in 1960, nearly 1,500 Puerto Rican women were unknowingly part of one of the earliest human trials for the pill. Between the 1930s and ’70s, nearly one-third of Puerto Rico’s female population of childbearing age had undergone “the operation,” often without being properly educated on its effects.
Irizarry made Identity Crisis,their first full-color art zine,during a South Bay DIY Zine Collective workshop. Personal and family histories intersect across fragmented pictures of succulents and Southwestern landscapes in a half-prose, half-verse journey through Irizarry’s identity. In just a few pages, Irizarry wrestles with intergenerational trauma and their own post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Irizarry speaks directly to their oppressors, defiant and resolute: “I live in spite of you.”
Shit I Made When I Was Sad (a.k.a. sad zine)(2018)
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Excerpt from Shit I Made When I Was Sad a.k.a. sad zine, 2018. Courtesy of Malin Rantzer and Anna Persmark.
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Excerpt from Shit I Made When I Was Sad a.k.a. sad zine, 2018. Courtesy of Malin Rantzer and Anna Persmark.
It started when Swedish friends Malin Rantzer and Anna Persmark were showing each other drawings and writing in journals they’d made while they were feeling low. “I noticed that some of the stuff we’d drawn resembled the other’s drawing,” Malin remembered, “and I think at that point we realized we should make a zine about being sad.” Rantzer turned to social media and put out a “swenglish/svengelska” (Swedish-English) call for submissions.
The then–Sweden-based duo (Persmark has since relocated to Portland, Oregon) made sad zine by cutting out and taping or pasting their artworks onto new pages, then scanning them and folding them into a booklet. Persmark sees zine-making as one of the most intimate ways of sharing her feelings; she goes out in person to share copies with her community.
“Even if all the submitters did not know each other,” Malin explained, “they were all friends’ friends or friends’ friends’ friends, and maybe that also can contribute to an atmosphere where it is safe to be vulnerable.” While making the individual works helped them heal, Persmack noted that the process of compiling the zine proved to be revelatory: “Sadness is both intensely personal and universal,” she said.
Sula Collective Issue 3: Mental Health (2015)
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Oyinda Yemi-Omowum, An Emotional Response to Colours, 2015. Excerpt from Sula Collective Issue 3: Mental Health, 2015. Courtesy of Sula Collective.
Sula Collective calls itself an online “[maga]zine for and by people of colour.” Initially an exclusively online zine—different from a blog in name and ethos—it reflected its Gen-Y creators and their new ideas of what a zine could be. It’s one of the more visible new zines, among many, with the purpose of turning an online network into an IRL community. Ever since they founded it in 2015, co-creators Kassandra Piñero and Sophia Yuet See knew they wanted to dedicate an issue to mental health.
Sula Collective Issue 3: Mental Health sheds light on how teenagers of color navigate their parents’ more conservative understanding of mental health issues. “We wanted to discuss the things we kept hidden from our parents or couldn’t talk about with friends,” Piñero and Yuet See explained.
The issue was published in November 2015 and serves as a record of how today’s young artists are taking intersectional approaches to dealing with mental health issues. For example, Oyinda, a then–16-year-old Nigerian girl living in London, submitted a color-coded collage of self-portraits and textures called An Emotional Response to Colours. The literary submissions are paired with original artworks, sourced from Sula Collective’ssubmissions inbox, which range from digital art to watercolors. When asked about what makes zines a unique medium, Piñero and Yuet See answered, simply, “control.”
Shrinks: A Retrospective (2018)
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Excerpt from Karla Keffer, Shrinks: A Retrospective, 2018. Courtesy of the artist.
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Excerpt from Karla Keffer, Shrinks: A Retrospective, 2018. Courtesy of the artist.
Shrinks is part of Karla Keffer’s zine series “The Real Ramona,” where she discusses being diagnosed with and treated for PTSD after almost 30 years in therapy. The Mississippi-based artist found a sense of direction for her work, and Shrinks in particular, through learning about the Satanic Panic of the 1980s.
This phenomenon (which gave daytime television hosts the ratings of their dreams) involved psychologists across America fueling a nationwide hysteria by diagnosing patients with satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and sending them off to tough-love camps.
“Shrinks are human and fallible,” Keffer explained. “I had put a great deal of trust in their infallibility.” In Shrinks, Keffer created profiles of every therapist she’s ever had—like Julie the gaslighter and Jill the racist. Survivors of abuse are often—and paradoxically—burdened with the task of seeing through the abuse and saving themselves. “One of the things I found difficult was sorting out what had happened with each therapist—like, did she/he really say that outlandish thing?” Keffer recalled.
So much of zine-making is about reclaiming—reclaiming the freedom of expression, reclaiming space, reclaiming the past. And, as Keffer put it, “you’ve made your own book, which is not something you experience when you’re writing short stories and sending them to lit mags.” If any one thing can define zines as a medium, it’s the unbridled control it gives artists.
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thefun41 · 6 years
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Next up is Lesbian!Maya This one was definitely a challenge! I’ve drawn Maya a few times but I think this one is the best so far!
I’ll be blabing under the cut but in the meantime look forward to Gay!Klavier (hopefully) on Wednesday!
Edit: I have been informed that this is not the flag currently used. :/ I was wondering why kept seeing a pink one, just not where I was looking.
(Warning : rage and bitching below)
*deep breath* OH BOY! OH GOLLY AHH JEEZ Like DAMN was this a challenge. This took me an entire week!!! Other then Sebastian (because of that jacket) all of the pride requeswts have taken 3 days or less. During those 3 days I research an outfit, make a sketch, normally have a goofy side image to post before it because my brain is hyperactive, obsess over how to pose them and make the final image. Not this time!!! Even though this was an incredible struggle there was a lot that was learned by this… experience. 
So let’s break it down. 
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Struggle #1 : Which flag are we using again? On the Ace Attorney Amino, the requester requested a Lesbian Maya. Here is the issue, in my research I have found a lot of lesbian pride flags and narrowed it down to 2. The lesbian pride flag which is  purple one with the black triangle and the battle axe (which was used) and lipstick lesbian, which is this pink one (see above). Now this bodes the question : What’s the difference? Well as far as I can tell, The purple one came first and is generally an umbrella flag for lesbians, while the pink one was made spicifically for a lesbian subculture : lipstick lesbians. There is a stereotype that lesbians are “masculine”, lipstick lesbians are very comfortable with their femininity, in fact very “girly” and seemed to be underrepresented sooooooo they have their own flag and subculture, kinda like the opposite of gay bear that we covered last time.  It seems like the Pink flag overtook the purple one in popularity OR whoever made the pink one was just better at marketing, who knows. Now the requested went with “a regular lesbian” so battle ax flag it is. Also battle axes are cool, so there’s that.  
Lesson learned : the LGBTQ+ community is waaaaaaay bigger then I thought with subcultures and whatnot. Knowlage is half the battle! 
Struggle #2 : Fashion is hard guys.  Picking the outfit took at least 2 days, and then I changed it at least a half dozen times. there are 3 issues I had (lists within lists, listception) : Maya’s limited style,  using the colour pallette with my messed up, self-restricted viewpoint, and Maya’s age. First Item, off the top of my head, I believe Maya is only seen in 5 outfits, her usual outfit, iris outfit for a moment, a waitress outfit for an hour, a red dress in that one promotional image where the case is super fancy, a white suit outfit thing for soundtrack stuff and a conductor uniform??? Out of the ones I can rememer, mostof thesse are dresses. When debating on weather or not I should put her in a dress I decided no because (as far as I can remember) she’s always ion a dress. and then my brain went nuts with questions.
Why is she always in a dress? is that sexist? It is a problem? What’s wrong with with her always being in a dress? Why do I want to really get her out of a dress? Am I sexist? why do only women were dresses? Is it the hips? Why don”t men wear dresses? Can they? They don’t really have hips so they can’t really wear skirts. Wait a minute men do kinda wear dresses, I mean kilts and kimono’s exist. would the bulge be an issue? Would men emphasize their bulge like women emphasize their breasts? Can men look good in dresses? Can any man look good in a dress? Can I put Edgeworth in a dress and make him look good? I’ve seen a ton of Phoenix in dresses but why not Edgey? … So yeah a lot of useless questions taking up my time for no reason. The point is I purposely designed an outfit with pants … this obviously did not happen. I had this idea of a cozy look in a cute sweater but this leads to the next issue. The issue with this cozy look? It’s too simple.Yes that look is cute but it’s not for me, it’s for the person who requested it. Any it’s entirely possible that this person may have seen the other works from this pride project and the outfits I made for them and then they just get Maya in a sweater? It’s a cute sweater but it didn’t seem fair. A similar issue happened with Phoenix but the solution to that was just to open his shirt and BOOM, extra layers and thus a more complex look. Now maybe the the OG requester wouldn’t mind but I just couldn’t do it, I feel like I needed to give her an outfit with more effort into it. And thuys Maya went back into skirt, now this lead to the third issue : Maya’s age. I found a lot of nice outfits, outfits that would look great on Maya! … When she was a teenager. Now maya is most definitely a full grown women and not a child. Now weather or not I pulled off the 28 year old Maya will be discussed later but nonetheless, all of those cute outfits I found? Out the window. I was so indecisive that I just asked my brother to pick one. Honestly? I really liked what he picked, and I confirmed with my dad that, yes, you can put this outfit on a almost 30 year old. The scarf ended up being omitted in favour of her magatama, otherwise we ended up with the same problem as before, it’s too simple. this time with a few days of work under our belt so there was no way I was going to start over. The solution to this was a nice floral pattern based on a cherry blossom. this makes it more visually simple. I think it looks pretty! After all that work I do like the end result. 
Lesson learned : Stop. Over. Thinking. Things. And for the love of god sketch it out. Just looking on google and imagining on the character  sometimes will not cut it. If I don’t get it relatively quickly, doodle, draw and scribble some more.  
Struggle #3 : Why can’t I draw women?? I am one?!?! Like seriously, why, it makes no sense. Well actually it does make sense because I am fairly sure I can count the amount of women I’ve drawn with one hand. It’s a simple measure of practice. I was foolish to think that simply drawing human’s would be enough. sadly that is not the case. Men and women are built differently and of course I failed to accommodate… many many times. The amount of times I have modified maya and changed her proportions is unreal. One thing I do all the time is make the abdomen too long and I have no idea why this is. Her face! I have no cluw what went wrong the first dozen times but it just didn’t work! I wish I could explain why but it just didn’t look right. you”ll notice that she doesn’t have lips even though she does in her new design, It’s because I have never been able to draw lips. Ever. Not once. Does she even look like an adult? I can’t even tell anymore. She is a little thicker then her concept art but making her look thinner just didn’t work out. Her arms, I had to hid them since the preportions were all off, the hands were held together in front of her checkl and they were too lanky and there was nothing I could do to make it look good and don’t get me started on her hands please don’t. If I didn’t cut off her legs I would have issues with that too. Her breasts, how on earth do you shade those??? Does not compute. DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!  So yeah the struggle is real. The solution? Trial and error. Just keep trying until it looks good. Play with your strengths. A friend of mine told me that she reminder her of Tina from Bob’s Burgers… ok? Sure. So after all that while I do like the end result I also see what can be improved, and sadly we have reached the limits of my skill at this time. 
Lessons learned : Practice practice practice. I don’t draw enough women, I need to draw more women. I can’t quite comprehend how cloths fall on the chest area and obviously looking the mirror is not a solution. What is the solution? Drawing naked people. … No seriously. Once I learn proper anatomy and human proportions and how muscles distribute over the body not only will I have a lot easier time drawing these characters I will also be able to figure out how clothing would fall on their bodies and i’ll have a easier time shading. Right now I’m drawing and shading clothing without knowing WHY it’s folding like that or why the light is hitting this area. Of course I’ll be doing this for both men and women because as started before, they are built differently. do you know what I also can’t draw? Children. I am NOT applying this to the kiddies. That’s weird and gross. The kids will have t deal with being freaks. I’m cool with that.
Struggle #04 :  Life How did we break 3 fuses at my house while I was at work? Why did it effect half my room upstairs, the computer setup that is downstairs and the WiFi on the main floor when the thing used to blow the fuse was in an upstairs room across the hall. why did no one fix it until the next day? Why just leave it like that? Why did I sleep in until 1 when I’ve been consistently waking up at 9? I had things to do what gives? Why did I accept a split shift the next day when I’m exhausted? Why do I get super stressed out when I set an alarm that I can’t sleep? Why am I spending 3 hours writing this when I never bothered to put this much effort in school work? How have I not punched someone yet?
Lessons learned : Don’t rely on anyone but yourself. Do what you can with the time allowed. Pat yourself on the back for not resorting to violence. How to change fuses. Writing this is very therapeutic.  Did you last this long? Who knows! All I do know is that yes this was a struggle but I plan on learning from this. Next up is Gay!Klaver and I’m REALLY looking forward to it!
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motupandacom-blog · 3 years
Printed T-shirts for Men
Welcome To:- motupanda
 In this present reality where the manner in which you dress, can imply undertones of your character, certainty and character. It is with this comprehension of design, that there is an extraordinary significance of how one depicts themselves. Men's T-Shirts are a crucial piece of their garments. Shirts are worn more by men than ladies; in this manner there is a bigger and more beneficial segment to target men.
Design for men is frequently a perplexing thought for some individuals, they promptly figure it should be top of the line and rather extravagant. Much like the ladies' style world, men can have an entire assortment of design that doesn't to be so extravagant or costly. You don't have to wear a costly shirt from a dress line, for example, Gucci to be viewed as stylish. Shirts can be extremely easygoing yet stylish simultaneously. That, yet there is no compelling reason to use up every last cent either particularly now that there are such countless incredible lines out there.
Individuals dress diversely relying upon the event they are going to. Now and then, there is a requirement for one to wear formal clothing while there are likewise times that specific spots grant easygoing wear. These occasions are regularly basic for ladies since they have the hardest time in picking what to wear.
Men are more diligently to please than ladies with regards to form and dress. They are exceptionally nitty gritty with regards to sprucing up. They are specific in style particularly with regards to marked garments. Indeed, they are irritated when a relative or a companion gives them a shirt which they can not wear. More often than not when you need to purchase a present for men, don't accepting a shirt without asking them
Notwithstanding these advantages, you will get the very degree of value control that others have come to connect with Spanx body shaper underpants. These shirts incorporate extraordinary sewing for additional life span and strength. This implies that the $50+ dollar speculation made in these underpants make certain to last from wash to wash. Likewise the utilization of unique cotton filaments adds expanded breathability and dampness control. In the event that you've ever worn a pressure shirt that is awkward, difficult to get into, or traps dampness under the surface, the advantages of Spanx for Men make certain to energize you.
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Collars are essentially in three styles however out of these three, two for example principles style collars and Oxford style collars are more into the design. Their length and width relies upon makers and as per the most recent patterns. Oxford neckline is otherwise called traditional neckline and it doesn't have any determination; it is simply connected with the catch sewed. The most recent pattern is collar less wear however commonly these kinds of wear are related with casual dressing. Costs are significant and fluctuate with the quality and brand names. Dress shirts go with the conventional fitting as well as look amazing to wear. For office life, this wear has become a piece of corporate culture.
Pants and shirts are fundamental individuals from a great many people's storage rooms. All things considered, somehow, these garments have for all intents and purposes become a typical day by day group today. Like conventional wear tuxedos, pants and shirts can mirror the sort of character and way of life the wearer has. However, dissimilar to the previous, this dynamic pair may just be worn during easygoing issues. Notwithstanding this constraint, pants and shirts are disparaged on account of their versatile and in vogue qualities. Despite the fact that the two people can utilize these pieces of clothing, pants and shirts are frequently worn by men and are viewed as a more favored attire alternative.
Gothic style reappeared in England during the mid 1980s in the Gothic stone scene, which is a subordinate of the Post-punk type. In any case, the first Goth subculture is accepted to have thrived between 1200 AD and 1450 AD, when the outfits were more smooth, however more straightforward in cut than in the Romanesque period. More significance was given to lower arms of the sleeves that were tight. Neck areas were generally profound, while dresses were ordinarily more. Negligible decorations were a significant element of Goth attire of this period. However, with the progression of time styles continued evolving rapidly. By the fifteenth century, textures got stiffer. Cushioned doublets, leg-o-lamb sleeves, fresh crease, tight belts were likewise recognizing attributes of Goth attire in fifteenth century.
Shopping garments for men can be an exceptionally interesting business, particularly on the off chance that he is doing the shopping himself. The unpleasant truth is there are not many men around who are style cognizant and can spruce up to suit the event and their looks and still stay agreeable. Much of the time, they simply wind up purchasing the principal thing that comes before them. The circumstance demolishes when the shopping is done on the web. The quantity of decisions, blends and embellishment alternatives that the web based shopping road gives are sufficient to confound even the most trendy young lady. Usually, men wind up purchasing something that sometimes falls short for them at all or is totally outdated or just is an awful decision. Here is a manual for help the blockheads select the in vogue garments on the web.
Shirts consistently stay to the universally adored clothing. Everybody can't overlook the effortlessness of these shirts since they are ageless garments and they are truly agreeable to wear. The market is amassed with various sorts of shirts these days for men, ladies and even children. The opposition is really getting more genuine to the point that producers consider better approaches to improve the look and the presentation of their articles of clothing. To endure this tiring rivalry, they investigation and offer new styles from time to time.
Visit for more information  =  https://motupanda.com/
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ochards · 4 years
The Life Of  Vegetarian- How It Is Like To Be A Vegetarian
The bigger vegetarian universe is actually a rich supply of advice for you personally about your brand new way of life. By subscribing to studying and newsletters vegetarian subjects in the library along with your own community public library, then you're planning to become attracted to the community vegetarian subculture too. Being educated at locating new societal connections, your service team will increase fast.
During the time that you're going to these neighborhood"hangouts" at which in fact the community retailers ordines, keep a watch out for the people bulletin boards or alternative statement tools. That which you can see lecture collection clubs, vegetarian cooking lessons, and universities along with different societal events at which in fact the vegetarian area can assemble. Any expenses connected without being included together with your sorts of associations and accepting lessons that more your understanding of this vegetarian life will likely cover off. Not only are you going to learn a lot, but you also should turn from this sort of event together with lots of fresh friends it's possible to employ to construct your fresh vegetarian societal websites over.
However, our friendship system is obviously likely to represent our worth. When you make the switch into a vegetarian lifestyle, you worth representing the brand new priorities on your own life span. That means you might wish to have the ability to devote some time together with those that do not merely know the reason behind getting into a vegetarian however understand the ins and outside of their lifestyle you're learning. Thus rendering it a dream to discover new friendships from the vegan area makes common sense.
The vegetarian movements are more tightly attached to the"green" and moves that are organic therefore that you may come across"haunts" across town at which these forms of individuals accumulate. Pure food retailers and on occasion perhaps outfits merchants that are dedicated to organic substances may additionally possess a clientele who is without uncertainty. Vegetarianism is popular on school campuses and also at the bohemian pieces of the society and that means that you could come across a fantastic reference of fresh close friends in one's cafés and java residences. And also these people will supply you with really vivid and intriguing persons concerning create a service group all-around also.
When you make a big shift in the way you live, acquiring a powerful support staff around you're critical. And your choice to be vegetarian is certainly a significant reversal of lifestyle. Thus among the greatest ways that you may make certain your achievements at generating this changeover would be always to construct a powerful support structure all around you for friendship, support, and information. That doesn't signify that you aren't likely to last to keep your own present friendships as well as connections.
The worldwide web is just another rich supply of fresh friendships and vegetarian societal connections you may research solely online however could open new connections to you anyplace too. Community forums include newsletters, mailing lists and discussion rooms which can be committed into this wholesome way of life. These online resources may even tip one to nearby occasions and fresh classes forming based on the vegetarian lifestyle. However, you sometimes choose the initiative to construct an online group that you simply sponsor societal parties. From getting your fresh vegetarian close friends up to share with you recipes, then enjoy a supper and chat regarding green, vegetarian and healthier living problems, you do not just make new good friends that know you personally, you're producing the vegetarian area stronger to the upcoming individual who would come after you will additionally want the friendship and support of you along with many others on the community surroundings to motivate their huge measure within this lifestyle.
The following aspect of warning your adolescent could choose to center should they hunt mature counselors about wanting a vegetarian life would be your issue of producing the changeover. Teenagers are inherently extreme and impulsive in order that they can only"go vegetarian" at 1 day in order that they are able to go to faculty and put a claim for your name. However, they may still possess that benefit and intend to facilitate a vegetarian area and also give a wide berth to the conditions an extreme reversal of diet plan might result in, especially to get busy adolescent bodies. As an instance, even in the event the brand new adolescent vegetarian-only excludes beef in 1 meal, then which counts like starting up their course into a beef healthful life. And even when that isn't adequate for their own youngster, simply cutting beef outside of dinner and lunch could possibly be sufficient.
Although teenagers are somewhat extreme and hurtful down they don't need to become unwell or consume the incorrect factors. It truly is really a balancing action to make them decide to try things, for example, learning to be a vegetarian and also for individuals parents to do everything that we are able to in order to make it a really fantastic encounter but and also to attract the knowledge they rely in their mothers for therefore they really are able to learn more about the vegetarian lifestyle altogether after which walk out shape if they need and also have learned only a tiny bit of elders on the manner.
A fundamental degree of comprehension your adolescent should eventually become knowledgeable about premature is that the numerous scales of seriousness they are able to"select" inside their movement to a wholesome way of life. Lots of situations each teenager simply wishes to have the ability to bet the promise for truly a vegetarian. If that's the scenario, only giving meat up could possibly be satisfactory. It's likely to look for a program similar to this but enjoy eggs, cheese, fish along with a journal and also the changeover into this diet isn't quite as excessive.
For parents of all adolescents who would like to learn more about the vegan way of life, there are far numerous causes to observe than stress. You can find many health and fitness gains to growing a vegetarian diet plan also in case their brand new fire lessens the sum of junk foods and junk foods that they eat, then this is a fantastic factor. You may naturally be worried when a teen is becoming enough nourishment should they exude the ingestion of beef. By assisting them to learn in regards to a properly curved vegetarian or vegan diet they could derive most of their nutritional demands in natural meals and also comprehend the countless advantages of vegetarian daily life on the manner.
Since younger creation is most more in touch with entire world culture compared to grownups, youngsters come generally speaking more conducive to the ecological movements, to problems regarding organic and natural farming along with the explanations for learning to be a vegetarian. As a growing number of teenagers try out vegetarianism, the better educated they have been by exactly what it actually a method to call home beef totally, the better. Afterward, even in the case, they don't keep their life for a vegetarian, then their own experience turned into an enlightening one plus they'll undoubtedly be well advised if really be picked to become being a vegetarian at after lifespan.
It is a catchy wander to direct a teenager by having a fascination with a vegetarian daily life as it's likely that several of the fresh foods that they might need to be utilized to mightn't need the perfect tastes that'll induce them to give the app. While a mother or father you are able to get an effect on generating their dwelling daily life vegetarian lifestyle a victory, you can want to simply help them know their decisions are somewhat limited if exercising thus they really truly are well prepared to make the sacrifice to the interest of keeping of their vegetarian procedures.
Among the most significant concerns you need to aid your adolescent to be a good thing about would be that their nutritional supplement demands within virtually any brand new diet regime. Whilst a swap into an overall entire vegetable diet regime could have a number of favorable impacts, you need to make certain that they're consuming enough nourishment along with other important vitamins they had to gain out of beef inside their own diet plan. Vitamin E, B12, iron, and magnesium are typical vital minerals especially for young adults who have to definitely be found everywhere should they choose to quit eating beef. You may aid your teenager to enjoy a prosperous exploration of their vegetarian lifestyle, maybe not encounter health threats from simply being mindful of these nutritional wants and making certain that they receive these minerals in capsule shape before their food items replacement software makes them manner that they require.
Ovo-vegetarianism is just another wide range of vegetarians who eliminates milk and meat but lets one possess eggs like an integral part of your own daily diet to carry on steadily to acquire protein in the early morning omelet. It's a different incentive however a Wonderful measure to another measure if You Would like to proceed to restrictive Diet Plans since you get accustomed to Every step on the Way
In the event you should wait for v to"how you can be vegetarian", the principles, if you are powerful, are exactly the same nearly all of the time. Those policies predict that you withstand the need to find revolutionary in your daily diet and also to start out the day you in the Calorie degree after ingestion beef for the majority of one's everyday life. The influence in your own body might be excessive and also you also usually do not devote time for you to learn how you can consume at a wholesome approach to displace the vitamins and nutrients from beef using natural shakes that are vegetarian.
. Veganism isn't just a religion. however, it's by far the most restrictive kind of vegetarianism as you get beef, all milk and maybe even honey and also eventually become a pure vegan. For several, it really is overly excessive or perhaps an objective for future years.
. Lacto Ovo vegetarianism could be your appropriate title for its exact basic sort of vegetarianism we started out our conversation where you are able to keep on to enjoy journal and egg solutions. Many drinkers may be comfy with this strategy as You receive Lots of the Wellness advantages of removing creature meat out of Your Diet Plan and You're doing something that will assist the animal rights to trigger with no heading intense
The very first point to become careful of is the temptations of vegetarian food diets have lots of numbers on them. You might believe a vegetarian by removing just beef, poultry, chicken and creature meats in the daily diet plan. This process of vegetarianism could be the simplest location to begin as it is still possible to secure your own protein out of ingesting fish, eggs, cheese, and other milk food in the order you never feel deprived for the first time. Afterward in the event, you succeed in getting rid of creature meats, then you may then think about going farther into the vegetarian way of life.
. Lacto vegetarianism - This really is really a wonderful second thing out of simply eliminating creature meats in the diet as you include legumes and eggs into a listing of what to steer clear of. Lots of men and women that want to know more about vegetarianism for moral motives as a result of this desire never to cause distress to creatures similar to this system as consuming eggs and milk motivates people businesses to keep on to victimize cows and cows.
It's supremely advised to just take it slow and simplicity to your own vegetarian schedule. If you're just too excessive, vitamin deficiencies may render you exposed to an infection. Of course in the event that you find sick out of the overly competitive way to vegetarianism, then you can end up and overlook the various gains the vegetarian life needs to you personally. And this is a tragedy that is enormous.
Turning into a vegetarian isn't like becoming a member of a bar enlisting within a military. That clearly was a whole lot of leverage and freedom to how"profound" you move into the vegetarian way of life and also how limiting and intense you make your own diet plan. Therefore if there are no"regulations" for getting into a vegetarian, then you will find a number of scales of seriousness to become careful of to help that you realize wherever you prefer to go into the vegetarian globe and also how far you would like to restrict your dietary plan. And then you will find a number of instructions for how you can be more prosperous in your search to get a much healthier and much more ethical lifestyle.
It's best to be more knowledgeable concerning the assortments of vegetarianism as you could possibly well be talking into an enthusiast at the approach to life that's obviously the"camp" which is perhaps not best for you. The genres or cultures of vegetarianism include things like...
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My Thoughts On Neo Yokio — I Might Just Surprise You!
Since I have a little time before I power through a 4-5 hour drive to Maryland. I wanted to try reviewing something that has taken over my eyes and mind for the past few days (and no, it is not Madoka). A tangent before we start, I tend to be one of those “Main-Subculture Hating Hipsters”, that will wait until every high up, every gossip, every hipster and every anime fan has shut up about something they deem as good before I check it out. Hence why I hit Madoka much later — when no one was talking about it. I wanna go in as blind or unbiased as I can. Call it being an “Asocial Hipster”, but when the internet finally shuts up about something, I’ll experience it and then come back to see what happened on the net and explore my own experiences solitarily. But the thing I’m reviewing today is quite different from that usual attitude of mine. Today, we are reviewing Neo Yokio!
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Netflix’s, Ezra of Vampire Weekend’s and Jaden Smith’s anime... And... *sweats* Why I think it is a good show. In fact, I liked it a lot! Let me add a point of bias: in most shows, I don’t watch it sober on my first viewing. When I tried Neo Yokio sober, I was disgusted by the art style — but when inebriated, I could take in little moments and the bigger picture. Before watching it again whilst sober, taking in more detail and falling in love with it. It may have a role in why Madoka Rebellion was PERFECT THE WAY IT WAS AND DON’T CHANGE IT, HOMURA WAS IN FUCKING CHARACTER, FIGHT ME!! ... Ahem... Anyway, Go ahead boo now. I’ll wait... ... Now, LET’S BREAK IT DOWN!! Firstly, Neo Yokio tells the story of Neo Riche “Magistocrat” Kaz Khan, played by Jaden Smith. And honestly, the series is just a short slice of life. Simple and very clear that it’s just not anything special. But that’s the brilliance — in my opinion — of the series. With a kind of similar attitude as The Boondocks but less focused on Black Culture (Excluding Kaz and his posse Lexy and GollieB), and more on parodying both anime of the 90’s and early 00’s and the 1%. I want to focus on this 1% idea, and why it was very interesting and successful angle to attack with comedic parody.
We are in 2017. The political climate worldwide is ABSOLUTELY unbearable — hence why I live my life as a 23 year old loser artist as apolitically as I can. Even if it’s practically impossible... — And this is why Neo Yokio genuinely made me chortle the entire way through. So, let’s start with the main character: Kaz. Kaz is dubbed by the masses as “Neo Riche”, the highest class of Neo Yokio, and while he does his damnedest to deny it, he proves quickly that he IS Neo Riche in the first 3 minutes of the series — and it works. This aspect added a lot on my second sober viewing — where the jokes and satire made a bit more sense after I had my time with the laughs and visual insanity that Neo Yokio is. That’s when I found something charming and actually worth my time. Kaz — is the perfect MC for this ridiculous world. I like fashion. My boyfriend really likes fashion. And the idea of being the 1% is insanely charming and a way we love to playfully act together. And Neo Yokio plays into that — Kaz being just as flamboyant and unconnected in one way as his rival Arcangelo is flamboyant and unconnected in another, both stereotypical yet enjoyable plays of the 1% that many people despise so much in the political spectrum. Kaz doesn’t care about politics, and this is a perspective I rarely see about the 1% until Kaz and his friends start observing it, serving to — while confused in tone ending — comment on what often goes unseen by the 1% that is not focused in politics but in their day to day life. And it’s petty, stupid and hilariously over-the-top, as many people see the idealized lives of the 1%. Let’s talk about Kaz. I feel like Jaden Smith’s monotone mannerism and voice fit ABSOLUTELY perfectly for the kind of character Kaz is. He’s overly dramatic in a drab, pretentious way. He’s from an almost alien lifestyle and he is presented as such. Jaden fits personally with this and adds charm to it. Look at one of the BEST bits from Episode 1, where Kaz — depressed over being dumped AND failing an exorcism goes to a graveyard with his OWN grave just to lay there and wallow in his despair. This moment shows how we should see throughout the show Kaz — as weird, inconsequently rich, ignorant and yet funny and lovable. This makes him a great character to experience the world inside of Neo Yokio’s other classes. He is ignorant and therefore he is called out for it in many funny ways that can add some depth to him. Charles works in that manner, being a robot butler, who snidely chastises his master’s lack of consequence. But has a similar charm and enjoyment at Kaz, almost playing the role of audience proxy. And the more characters that come, play off of Kaz very well comedically. And from Kaz as well the references to Toblerones, high fashion like Louis Vuitton and Chanel, and the absolute joke they make out of Kaz’ bachelor status make him very personable. Next, I want to talk about the animation. When I first saw it, my gut reaction was “TRASH, BURN IT!!”
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But after really seeing what the show tries, I started to understand it was —consciously and unconsciously — parodying: Shitty anime from the 2000’s, lazy techniques in anime as a whole and it made for a charming exterior. Seriously guys, Sailor Pellegrino’s name written in Sailor Moon’s title font, that’s hilarous! And whether or not, Ezra or the community says “it’s a serious story”, I’m basing this review after my experience and things I saw. In that, I want to talk about some of the social commentary. It all doesn’t work. They have an interesting episode showing Kaz’ ignorance in his inherent misogyny — but also, I feel like it doesn’t know whether it wants to comment on it or make fun of it. I saw it as really a mix of both. Some successful, some not successful, nobody’s perfect and yet I enjoyed it. There are some bits that I liked — being gay and all, Arcangelo’s VERY FLAMBOYANT portrayal was absolutely hilarious, I loved it! I love when they play up flamboyancy comedically, it often makes me fall love with a character. I loved Lexy chasing after the hottest lesbian in the town, knowing he wouldn’t make much out of it — even if he got Ranma’d to being Kaz’ date. I liked him calling out Kaz’ bull misogyny as both a good moment for Kaz and an interesting commentary, and using Ranma 1/2 as inspiration. I think that’s why I like gender benders as a whole. They tend to be wacky, campy and bring up new perspectives. But that’s just me, whether you take offense or not, is up to you. I can’t dictate that and I don’t judge people for their reactions to things. I just personally find most campy portrayals too ridiculous to be taken seriously, even if it is meant to be derogatory. Sure, they’re not great for LGBT or Women’s civil rights, but for the sake of a show that makes me laugh, I don’t take it seriously. If I wanted a serious commentary about more real life issues, I’ll go outside of anime and comedy films. As for other comments and the one’s it tends to get right: The ignorance of the Neo Riche. Kaz doesn’t even think of himself as Neo Riche, yet he is. And the character, Helena plays with that — while also making an army of fangirls, who follow everything she does in a completely hysterical manner. They are a nice poke at the masses that follow someone famous to the ends of the earth. Charles also plays with that around the penultimate episode — not spoiling. ;3 On to sound, while I didn’t pay much attention, classical style music is everywhere. No tracks stood out to me because classical is not my forte, but I think it fit with the Neo Riche-style. The acting is hokey, plays the gamut from Jaden Smith monotone to Lexy’s VERY black mannerisms — it made me feel remarkably at home. My family is absolutely like that in voice styles and ranges. It made me laugh even more. I personally liked the acting, seeing it as intentionally “bad” for the sake of comedy. The story itself plays between slice of life and a serialized story, which kinda mucks up the sudden tone shift in the end. Unlike Cowboy Bebop, we don’t have as much time with the cast as a whole to feel much for them in the end. But I’d hope for a Season 2 to really explore more of the side characters. I want to know more about Lexy and GollieB’s hole-in-the-wall bar, I want to see more of Helena’s followers — especially after the ridiculous things they do to be just like Helena, and the ending kinda shook me in a way I didn’t expect that was very cute going forward. I could go on, but I think it is time for me to sum up my thoughts on Neo Yokio: “It’s very good at what it does, but it’s not for everyone. It’s audience is like the Neo Riche, small and niche.” That is the best way to put my thoughts on it.
Some people will get it and enjoy it. Most others, will write it off as trite. And I understand that point while also saying: “Try watching it inebriated. Take in the campy ridiculousness of it all.” No matter what the creators and critics say, everyone’s personal experience will be different based on where they come from. I read it as a parodic farce and enjoyed it very much as such. As a serious story or social commentary — it fell a lot more than it rose. And that’s OK. The best parts of the show are when Kaz is with Helena, the Helenists, and his boys, Lexy and GollieB. Laughing when he’s dealing with his aunt (voiced by Susan Sarandon, so yes!) or wallowing in the “misery” of being privileged bachelor. I recommend it for those who want something that you can make fun of — as I found it making fun of itself. To people who love the fabulous rich lifestyle of fashion, fame and camp! And I recommend trying it alone or with friends, but most importantly — drunk and/or baked as hell! Always bloom proudly guys, —Tuchi OUT!
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