#that's my name
seanfineart · 6 months
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"That's My Name!"
Fanart of Johnny from Guilty Gear being the coolest dude around.
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takofuus · 5 months
Taco pls sleep
I drank like three cups of coffee you're a little too late bud
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ivory--raven · 4 months
I'm not over this
the ending is sad be warned
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she-waves-at-cats · 1 year
Ok, I really want to talk about it. I have thoughts that will rot my brain if i don't get them out.
I had a meltdown in karate class. (My entry for the "most autistic sentence ever uttered" contest if someone wants to organise one.)
It was my first experience of public overwhelm since my autistic realisation, so I can now see these events from a new perspective.
The how and the why: Intense day of mostly-positive experiences that included a phonecall (omg) with a job recruiter who was extremely nice to me. Also I forgot to eat lunch. By the time the evening class rolled around, I was in a good mood overall, but my brain had had enough I guess, so it started "shrinking". It was hard to coordinate movements, which stressed me out, so it was hard to recall movement sequences, which stressed me out, then we did an exercise with a partner and I was self-conscious, so I just froze... And then the teacher took notice, so he took time to individually drill me in basics, which was what pushed me over the edge. I know the basics, I'm so good at this stuff actually. I have more theoretical knowledge than any other student in that room, and he knows that, but seeing me fail once made him forget about all that. I cried. He lectured me, publically.
Here's something he thought was appropriate to say: "You're not supposed to be crying, you're supposed to enjoy the class."
Isn't this the most controlling, gaslighting bullshit an authority figure can say? You're not experiencing appropriate emotions, so I will now remind you what emotions you're supposed to experience. And I used to swallow things like that, hook, line and sinker. I used to grab myself by my own nonexistent bootstraps and beat myself into expressing emotions others can comprehend. That's what masking is, not a happy acting exercise, it's violence that you are convinced you have to exert on yourself.
But my real conclusion is that while up to a point, I could've prevented this event if I had read my own clues better (positive stress is still stress, and I was not careful managing my resources because I thought happiness was giving me more resources), OTHER PEOPLE MADE IT WORSE.
The teacher could've just let me do the exercises badly for one day. He could've just given me corrections like normal, without worrying I was not immediately improving. Without making it a whole thing where he pairs me up with another student specifically to watch me and correct me. And it's not like I didn't say "remembering things is hard for me today". He just didn't get that it means "leave me alone today, tomorrow I will remember things again". He did extra work with me that was completely useless.
And when I took my bag and left, the other female student followed me, wanting to know what happened, not taking "just a stressful day" for an explanation, kept asking if I was definitely ok, disparaged the men in the class for not knowing how to take care of a female friend, and then offered me a ride home. I let her drive me - I'd wanted to be her friend and was actually frustrated that she always came late to class and left immediately after, so we never had a chance to connect before. But man, was it hard to think of things to say in that car, when my mind was the size of a pea and my memory behind 3 vault doors.
It took a whole night of processing and then a whole day of being quiet and treating myself gently until I felt like myself again. If people had just left me alone, there would've been nothing special to process and recover from. I would've had a mediocre class, then taken a long walk home and remembered I was basically happy.
Showing that I struggled wasn't WRONG, exactly, but the problem is that if I show struggle, or god forbid a tear, people react in ways that make it impossible for me to calm down. And the worst thing is that none of the people in this story are neurotypical - we're adult karate nerds after all - but neurotypical methods of dealing with emotions are so ingrained in us, we think we will let a friend down if we don't pester them for more emotional work when they are already at their emotional limit.
I used to think that to get the support I want, I needed to communicate better. That day, I communicated. I was so articulate for someone who can barely think and talk. But people did not accept my true words at face value.
What we need is more education about autism before there's acceptance of alternative ways of experiencing stress and processing emotions. We are only taught neurotypical communication, to the point where we hurt each other.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 4 months
The other day my teacher was using the Loki marvel show to explain a concept and I kept getting so confused every time he said Loki
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
can you PLEASE more consistently tag #bees. I know you do it sometimes because I have the word blocked, but some keeps bleeding through
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dast4rd · 1 year
when people tag my snake posts as dave
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@ Jude
Need more mirror pics
Sincerely y/n
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Once in a blue moon I share a video of my cat on my WhatsApp status. Mostly when she is in a talkative mood and we 'discuss' why I don't want her to jump into my closet. You know, as you do.
Well I just learned that a 72 year old(!) acquaintance of my mother and I told her after one such video:
"She is getting a bit dotty now, isn't she?"
(For my German friends the exact words were: "Jetzt wird sie aber schrullig.")
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tbh i think the funniest phenomena that's been happening in the last couple years is "youtuber, having gone too deep into the research hole, has been made an investigative journalist against their will"
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ratcandy · 2 months
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we just keep naming bugs like this
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erzvolnes · 22 days
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astronomical-bagel · 4 months
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j0die101 · 2 months
(April 12th 2024)
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No medical confirmation or psychological evaluation necessary. The law will be active by the 1st of November this year.
First names can also be changed while changing gender. One all inclusive package with minimum effort.
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 months
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chilchuck voice my wife
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beebundt · 4 months
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im busy with an art trade but wanted 2 share some recent scraps of charlie. i haven't posted abt her in years oh my god
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