#the amount he got from the cabin episode
thepetesimp · 2 months
Hello everyone. I'm currently losing my mind.
BOC released a new teaser for the final episode of DFF, in order to promote their live event for it and it gave me so many thoughts. In case you haven't seen it, it's this one on Instagram (they've also posted it on Twitter).
It's so trippy and cool and it gave us a lot of good shots of all the characters and what haunts them in regards to Non, but I'll focus on Tee and White, because I have my biases and that's so valid of me.
(I'll assume everything in the trailer is symbolic, like in the first trailer they had released and do my analysis with that assumption in mind.)
Long post ahead:
After we get a brief montage of moments we've already seen in the show with some beautiful background music (it's this one, I love it), we see the brothers and then we start seeing everyone's fears. We see Fluke being scared of the police catching him, we see Top being scared of a haunting, bloody Non chasing him in the forest and then,
we see Tee.
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Tee is holding Non's knife in his hands, looking arguably disgusted with it (with himself). The scene cuts to three consecutive visuals which you have to pause the teaser to see clearly. I tried my best here, apologies if the quality is bad.
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But the real winner is the two images after that.
Tee feels guilt for what happened to Non. I think everyone can understand this by now. He observes the knife in his hands drowning in this feeling, and it creates the image of himself pointing the knife directly onto Non's stomach, who's wearing the T-shirt he wore the day he got drugged and taken away to Tee's uncle. It's very intriguing to me how Non seems to either be trying to stop him or urging Tee to stab him. We'll find out soon enough what's the case.
Because they involve White.
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OK first things first, the shot is gorgeous. I love the colors and the framing and everything about it.
They're inside what seems to be a gaming room, which I'll assume is where they probably met, based on the Without Me MV BOC put out a few weeks ago.
(Notice how the color pallette is the same, too)
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Tee is wearing his school uniform (stuck in the past, stuck to Non), while White is wearing the clothes from the cabin (in the present, away from Non but not really). They already are in two different timelines, which is also evident by their positions - Tee is a few steps behind White in the visual.
What caught my attention, besides everything else, was those shiny things on the floor. I can't see them very well, but in my opinion, they're condom wrappers. They go all the way back, symbolizing the duration of the relationship between Tee and White.
The interesting thing here, to me, is how they stop just before Tee's body, and then reappear after him, in front of White, with some of them dipped in blood.
A lot of people, me included, think NonWhite is a possibility, which makes this choice here very interesting. I'll grab onto it with two hands and wait to see what will be revealed tomorrow.
Speaking of Non, I think it's fair to assume the blood on the floor is Non's blood, which makes White staring directly into it become another version of Non, narrative wise. Both innocent boys entangled in Tee's life, both suffering because of Tee. My good friend @wretchedamaranth told me it reminded them of this painting of Narcissus by Caravaggio: White is looking at himself, as if the blood has become a mirror.
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Which makes the next visual even more telling: blood separated by a thin line (it's almost blurred but it isn't, White becomes Non becomes White in Tee's eyes). On the right, the big amount is Non's, on the left, White's shadow is creeping into the shot.
It's White's blood. White is going to die.
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We get zero things on White besides this. Absolutely none. Does this mean White is indeed a bystander in all of this? Should we take the words of Fuaiz here at face value?
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(Source: DFF BTS Ep10)
Fuaiz could be talking about the scene we have seen, not what will come after. But he could just as well be talking in general about White as a character.
All I have to say is: Brace yourselves, fellow TeeWhite fans. We're in for a tragedy.
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
My Reaction to the First Six Episodes of Wolf 359 (Because my mutuals have enticed me)
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
My curiosity got the better of me. Will I do these for every episode? Will I listen to the full podcast? Who knows, but I hope you like this💕
My Live Reaction to Episode 1:
At first, an ad played for a way more upbeat story podcast involving Greek gods, rainbow magic, and teenagers, and I was very confused because none of this was mentioned in any of your posts.
Yes, yes, Eiffel. Hera forgets what's necessary to sustain human life and accidently made the cabin too cold, hahahaha...foreshadowing.
"Whatever you're up to Dr. Hilbert, best of luck!" Dude is your whole job ominous foreshadowing? Sorry guys, I get half the characters from your posts confused, I just know that Hera is the AI, but Eiffel dude, there's no way Hilbert's not up to something.
"It's not like if she let me have a cigarette, I'd light it and set the station's air supply on fire" Bro, stop.
"The people on the station have serious trust issues." I mean, fair. You knocked over acid, you're lighting cigarette willy-nilly, I still don't know what your job is man.
"Let's see if we can actually get some work done." -Well I know I'm not.
Ooohh... they're looking for intelligent life! 👀 This sounds like a good plot.
Dude I don't think coffee will solve your problem. I'd focus on getting rid of the ominous piano music.
Oh good at least he got his coffee. Oh ew never mind.
Oh no more on the Doctor. I don't trust him.
Wow Eiffel is a terrible employee and now I gotta listen to his training.
1,001 survival tips? That's actually a pretty low amount for space. These tips are also some wonderful foreshadowing though, and very cheerful too. "Failing to remain calm could result in your ✨😍 grisly 🌈💖gruesome🍭 🦋death🥰!" I love that.
Hilbert. Dude.
"A man's life is at risk". Are we sure it's just one man's life?
Okay Douglas. That's his first name.
Wait...is that....the Entertainer? Is the alien transmitting the Entertainer? Something about old timey music...I think that's also the song they play in Westfield after a massacre in the old west (I stopped watching after a while).
Well that was a musical transition. Oh wow the same guy did Douglas and Hilbert? Good voice acting. Yes it was the Entertainer! Alright not sure if the episodes have post credit scenes, but I might just skip to the next episode.
My thoughts on Episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (semi-live reaction because I'm listening to these while I'm working now, but it's really good. Let me know if you want me to split up by episodes or include time stamps in the future):
Okay. They can't shut Hera off. That seems ominous. I'm not sure if it's ominous because the time will come when they want to shut her off, or ominous because the time will come when a bad guy finally figures out how to shut her off. Either way not good.
This also seems like a lot of effort for toothpaste. How did Douglas get hired? He seems like a huge liability. Also, why are they running out of supplies? Shouldn't they have a ship coming to restock them at some point or a return date? They mention "Earth", but so far I don't think anyone has mention loved ones they left behind, a return date, or anything like that.
I like the captain though (I can't spell her name, I'm so sorry).
Why does Douglas (and apparently everyone) hate physical examinations? They're in space. It's not like they can force them to run a mile...right?
I love Hera. "The report was a fabrication! 🥰". "You place too much judgement on the concept of lies... it's only sticks and stones that can break a human's feeble delicate flesh." I love how everyone just accepts this is how she talks.
Big plant? Roots? What is this Little Shop of Horrors now?
Um... what on earth is this physical examination? Why is there so much pain? Why can't it be stopped once it starts? Is this a meta thing where this is the physical examination?
Nah, the one thing I agree with Douglas on is that Hilbert is up to stuff.
Okay. Don't like it. Don't like the plant. It's either a crisis or a lie that's going to eventually be a very appropriate metaphor.
Oh my gosh why does Hilbert want their spinal fluid? Like...why do they need to do this? I get that they're in space but normalize providing reasons for serious medical examinations.
Kill it? What if it's not hostile? But then again what if it is? How does it have an eye? Teeth? Oh never mind it is hostile.
Oh it's still on the loose...Douglas what the heck. A good day? A plant wants to kill you. Have you seen the musical?
...wait. Is that a theme? First the Entertainer plays, now we got Little Shop of Horrors references...is this a theme of season 1? Space musicals?
And...now Douglas is in space. What happened to the plant? Why is that not a priority?
I do love the commander's "No Tomfoolery" clause.
Hey! More music! 🎶It sounds faster and more urgent now. You can probably use music to send coded information. A shame there seems to be no codebreaker on board.
I wonder if Hera understands what it means.
Oh dear. Here goes Douglas. Well, he was a nice character while he lasted. 🫡 And by nice, I mean he was entertaining, but very underqualified for his position. Scarily underqualified in fact, in terms of his ability to cooperate and work with a team. How did he even get this job?
He was blinded by the flare? So is he blind the rest of the show or can they fix it?
Oh dear...Hera...drown in space? Of all the ways to go. And still nothing about that killer plant. Did I listen out of order or something? I feel like I might have.
I like the Commander. Hilbert on the other hand? The worst.
I'm also wondering when/if other characters show up. Are there really just four characters? I swear I saw people posting about more.
I still want to know why they are in space. If this is a research mission, then why isn't anyone giving them supplies? Why don't they have a return date? If it's a survival mission, why aren't they acting more urgent?
Also does...does Douglas or another character nearly die at the end of every episode?
Hera: "Because I missed you."
Also Hera: "I lie 🥰"
And...more ominously cheerful piano music🎶🎹🎵🎹🎶. Which honestly fits Hera's aesthetic pretty well.
Okay Douglas has a clear nicotine problem.
Also. While he deals with his illness, I just gotta add something I noticed: the AI on the ship is called Hera. The ship is called Hephaestus. Isn't... isn't there a Greek Myth about Hephaestus being the son of Hera that she rejects and throws off Mount Olympus? Don't like how that sounds...
Hilbert. Hilbert. Why have you tied him to the bed and left him with nothing but his nicotine? That sounds like a major consent and health code violation. He's not violent or at risk of hurting anyone! Well, I mean, at least not any more than he normally is.
Huh. Hera's not here. And yet she said she couldn't be shut off "even if they wanted to". Weird.
Well at least Hilbert is feeding him. Oh my gosh Douglas is fake taking the pills? I'm not saying taking them is a good idea, but not taking them isn't great either. Why do they have this one guy doing all science stuff? Like he's the medical doctor, but he's also the guy running all the technology and experiments. They couldn't have a different guy to be their medical doctor? Maybe someone slightly less crazy?
Hilbert. Once again, he might trust you more if you didn't tie him to a bed, drug him in his sleep, and say things like "some people need to be dragged kicking and screaming towards improvement".
Yeah what on earth does "Big Day Tomorrow" mean? I'm not sure, but once again does Douglas nearly die during most episodes?
Also tying someone to a bed with a killer plant on the loose seems like a pretty bad idea.
What sort of ship is this? And why do I feel like Hilbert might be a supervillain?
500th day around Wolf395 you say Douglas? Okay, so they've been in space for about a year and a half. Still not sure what they're doing up there. Also Hera's "I don't know what I want, but I know how to get it" quote. Very ominous coming from an AI.
I don't like the way Hilbert talks to Hera. Apparently Hera doesn't either...oh dear.
Hilbert you foolish liability, what did you do?
PFFT- Douglas imitating the captain.😂
Ooohhh...mysterious audio recordings!
Uh. Why can only Douglas hear the mysterious sounds? I don't like that.
Ah yes heading down to Engineering. Does the ship have an engineer?
Ugh I wish I could make out what the audio is saying. And I wish it would get louder Douglas. Then maybe I could hear it.
Oh now this is interesting! Wonder what the voices mean?
Have these voyages or experiments happened before?
I suppose we'll find out. Oh that is not a solid explanation from Hera. And again, why are Douglas, Minkowski and Hilbert the only people on the ship? Don't they need anyone else? And what happened to the killer plant? Did I skip an episode? Are we suppose to just pretend that never happened? Is it gonna come back later? Find out I guess.
Anyway, great podcast, thank you for recommending, I had fun listening. I might do more of these later if you enjoyed this.
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lila-went-missing · 3 months
I love their confidence in thinking that Clarisse is the lightning thief.
The fact that the cabins are picking sides is so sad when you think about it because the oldest camper there is most likely Luke and he’s literally 19. They’re all kids, teenagers at the oldest but they still know that their parents are going to force them to fight a war that they had nothing to do with and they’ve just kind of accepted it.
“No monsters in Sunday. Medusa on Saturday. You died in a river on Monday.” ANNABETH 😭 I love her so much.
“When did you two turn into a married couple.” The way I CACKLED.
Percy asking if it was going to be safe letting the animals loose (talking about the amount of people and cars) and Grover fully believing he’s talking about animals says so much about his character and I love it so much. I love he’s getting more screen time in the show because I felt like he was really under appreciated in the movies and even in the books sometimes. I love that he’s getting more love ❤️
“How do we know which one is the Lotus Casino?” “Maybe the one with a lotus blossom.” The playful banter that follows and the way they look at each other has me giggling and kicking my feet.
No Nico cameo 😢 I’ll live but it would’ve been so cool.
“Who’s Grover?” “Grover got old fast..” Percy… sweetie…
Annabeth pickpocketing the god of thieves himself and semi getting away with it was a perfect display of how sneaky and intelligent she actually is.
“I’m multitalented.” GIRL 💀
Percy tackling Augustus like a professional football player and then yelling in his face “Where’s Grover?!” I feel like it was perfect glimpse into seeing how scary Percy will seem to everyone around him in future seasons. The transition from when they first started the quest and having no clue what to do to this?!?! He went from following their lead because he didn’t what what else to do or how to fight to literally chasing a satyr through a casino, despite slowly losing his memory, and then tackling him to the ground all to defend the person he was following around three episodes earlier? I absolutely loved every second of it.
Realistically I know it wasn’t Poseidon’s fault for not being there but I still want to fight him for Percy’s sake.
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Yellowjacket fans are toxic as fuck since there’s constantly a grotesque amount of man hating and bitching about how there should be no male characters at all on the show because it’s “about women” like bitch I don’t think Lord of the Flies but if they were fucking asshole teen girls is the flex you’re thinking it is when you call the show feminist.
Secondly there is no reason to hate Ben. He was a fucking teacher who also had to coach girls soccer despite hating everything about it, he lost a fucking leg in a plane crash and has had to watch a group of teens go from chill to horny and aggressive to violently slaughtering each other to appease their deer god. So I genuinely don’t get people who are mad at him for not caring about them or doing more.
Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you’re prepared to deliver a baby in a cabin with no medical supplies and it doesn’t mean you know how to keep a group of super douchey teens from eating each other and hunting each other for sport.
Also for the love of God no you’re fic is not better than the entirety of season two. No the actors shouldn’t be writing the show instead of the writers. The actors don’t know the characters, they didn’t create the characters, they got mailed a script and told their motivations when filming scenes, every interview I have seen clearly shows the actors are just fucking vibing ans genuinely don’t have much of a thought or opinion on anything. Also choosing a writers strike as your time to make moronic posts about writers needing replaced with actors is a dick move.
Also every fandom has character deaths they are not happy with for whatever reasons and about 2% of the time they are right to be upset like Tara dying in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Not a character who since episode one has wanted to kill herself because she has irreparable trauma from every single moment of her life from the day she was born to the day she came home to nobody who gave a fuck she lived. Like you’re all genuinely surprised that’s the character who died? Seriously?
I have already blocked like fucking 10 people in the tag this morning because of all the fucking bitching. Like I wanna see content not people fucking whining about how immoral it is one of the women who killed and ate half their friends died.
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sunny-rose · 4 months
Watched the first episode of the PJO TV show and I have Thoughts.
Warning: this is long, entirely too nitpicky, and written like an English essay (sorry). It also isn't wholly positive so there's that...
I've come to accept that we'll probably never get a perfect adaptation of PJO but that doesn't mean I'm not slightly disappointed by the amount of small details that were omitted or outright changed for the television show.
It's very minor, little touches that at first appear insignificant or trivial but ultimately lead to a watered-down story and an experience that lacks the depth the books have.
The first thing that comes to mind is when Percy pushes Nancy Bobofit into the fountain. Not only could we have avoided the Disney Effect Budget rearing its ugly head, having the ambiguity from the book would have added a great layer of mystery to who Percy is and what his powers are.
In the books, Percy doesn't see Nancy go into the fountain at all. He states, "I don't remember touching her, but the next thing I knew, Nancy was sitting on her butt in the fountain" (9). I'm no film director, but a good way to interpret this scene might have been to have a quick cut - like implying that Percy blinked and she was in the fountain - instead of showing her being Force pushed into the fountain. It keeps Percy's powers ambiguous and continues to build up intrigue. It's about the suspense of that moment, rather than showcasing Percy as a demigod early.
Another detail I wish they'd left alone was the timing of Percy learning that he's a half-blood. I understand that they wanted the explanation to occur early in order to keep viewers watching and have them understand the premise but I think it was a mistake to have Sally bring it up on their trip to to the cabin because it ruins the tension. It's implied in the books that Sally knows something happened to Percy at Yancy, but she doesn't want to push him on it. And Percy doesn't want to mention it because he doesn't want to cut their vacation short: "But I couldn't make myself tell her. I had a strange feeling the news would end our trip to Montauk, and I didn't want that" (40). This is EXCELLENT characterization. We can tell that Sally is stressed, that this cabin is her escape. Percy mentions, "As we got closer to Montauk, she seemed to grow younger, years of worry and work disappearing from her face" (37). Percy, sweet, kind, Percy doesn't want to ruin his mother. He knows this trip means a lot to her, that it's a brief moment away from Gabe and the complications of her life and he doesn't want to take that away from her. It's STRONG characterization and allows us as viewers to see Percy as something more than a trouble kid; he really loves his mom. Having Percy learn about being a half-blood at the cabin helps expedite the plot but it takes away from a genuinely sweet and good moment for him, takes something away from his character.
I'm not even going to talk about omitting the Fates I'm going to admit full stop that seems weird to me. It's such a small detail, could've been like a ten second scene that adds to the weirdness and mystery but they just didn't?? Go for it?? That's fine. (Honestly they probably should've cut out Grover telling the principal that Percy pushed Nancy into the fountain and replaced it with the Fates but hey. I'm just a uni student).
My final gripe about subtext erasure from the television show is, of course, Gabe. I can absolutely 100% get behind the idea of why they turned down the implications about Gabe. This TVLINE article by Keisha Hatchett contains interviews with the crew of the PJO TV show and in one of them, Rebecca Riordan explains that, "When you see it visually, it is triggering and difficult to watch. That is why we came at Gabe in a different way, because this isn’t supposed to be a horror show." I can absolutely agree that toning Gabe down was the right choice, especially considering the age range for the television show. I just wish it had kept a bit more of the subtext. Having Gabe shake Percy down to cash might've been a little much but there were smaller details in his conversation with Sally that could've been kept that would've flown over kids' heads but had allowed more mature audiences to realize that Gabe wasn't just your average douche.
In the books when Sally asks to go to Montauk, Gabe asks, "So this money for your trip... it comes out of your clothes budget, right?" (35). As a child, the implication of this completely and totally flew over my head. Even as a high school student this line didn't seem weird to me at all. It was only now, in my last year of university, as I was rereading the series, that I thought to myself, "That's so controlling wtf." To imply that Sally, a woman with a job, is being financially controlled by douchebag Gabe is pretty chilling and although it is undoubtedly still abuse, it's also something that I think wouldn't go too far. As it stands, Gabe feels a little bit toothless and if they stick to his canon fate, it'll feel a little bit unwarranted. In that same TVLine article, John Steinberg mentions that, "When you’re reading a story, you can read past the parts that could be upsetting if you’ve stopped to give them more thought. You don’t really get to do that with the show. It’s all in your face and it’s all presented in a much louder way.” I think that even keeping just this one line isn't too "in your face" but still gets across how much of an absolute jackass Gabe is.
I also think that although it was a strong choice to have Sally stand up to Gabe immediately, I do have a bit of an issue with her characterization. One of the first paragraphs you get when you meet Sally is Percy specifically stating, "I've never heard her raise her voice or say an unkind word to anyone, not even more or Gabe" (33). The books make it a point to show that despite Sally being on the quieter side, it doesn't mean she isn't an absolute badass. She's calm, rational, and cool during the Minotaur scene and then of course kicks ass during The Battle of Manhattan. The books have proven over and over again that Sally's kind, sweet nature is a strength and not a weakness. I can absolutely get behind seeing this side of her earlier in the TV show, I'm just concerned that they're forsaking her softer nature for something more "cool mom." Part of what I like so much about Sally is her kindness, the way she seems to be the embodiment of a warm hug on a hard day. It's not the vibe I got from her TV show counterpart.
Okay that's it, that's all my grievances. I've only seen the first episode and despite this mega page of my negativity I still think that the show is pretty good! It's infinitely better than what we got before and I can tell that there's so much passion and love put into the show. The young actors who are portraying the starring roles are absolutely brilliant, they're killing it, and I hope they have a bright future. I think the show looks great considering it's a Disney+ show (I've seen your special effects, Mouse) and I genuinely hope that the show is enjoyed by old fans and new ones. My brother said, "Hey, the first half was pretty cool" before the pacing kinda nosed dive off a cliff - high praise indeed.
I'm probably still going to watch the show, just to sate my own curiosity (though I'm probably NOT going to write another English essay on why I wish we'd kept some subtext) and I hope that everyone who's sticking with the show enjoys it. I don't think it's bad by any means, I'm just a pretentious literature nerd and this is how I digest media.
So yeah, here's to another decade of Percy Jackson!
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cosmicjoke · 1 month
Why do people want a cabin ova with mikasa and eren?? Did we not see all of the cabin moments with them in the final episode? They didnt actually live there for years or am I wrong?
No, they didn't actually live there. It was just an image Eren gave to Mikasa, as a means of helping her to let him go. I'm not sure why people would want to see that, when it's just an imagined scenario. I think a lot of people continue to be in denial about the fact that, though Eren obviously loved and cared about Mikasa, he still placed his own, selfish desires above her, in the end. Eren chose to commit mass genocide for his own, selfish dream, and he chose to drag Mikasa and the rest of his friends into the nightmare of that, forcing them into a position of having to kill people they had once considered comrades, forcing them into a position which endangered their very lives, causing them untold amounts of trauma in the process, etc... Eren wasn't good for Mikasa, and so I don't understand why anyone would get any kind of warm, fuzzy feelings from watching the two of them live out a literal dream scenario that Eren implanted into Mikasa's head.
Of course, there's genuine tragedy in their story. Like I said, Eren truly loved Mikasa, but he couldn't overcome his own, monstrous nature, even for the people he loved. And Mikasa's tragedy is in the fact that she'll always love Eren, even as she knows he did wrong. She'll always see him as the boy that wrapped that scarf around her neck, no matter the monster he became or maybe even always was.
I think we got the perfect amount of time between them at the end to really emphasize the tragedy inherent in their story.
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annamarabella-grumble · 6 months
mass effect replay thoughts, episode 11
episode 1 / episode 2 / episode 3 / episode 4 / episode 5 / episode 6 / episode 7 / episode 8 / episode 9 / episode 10
haven't updated these in a while! we're almost at the end of mass effect 3 now lmao. thoughts on mass effect 2 for the meantime?
we killed mordin solus in cold blood; did the math and everything--i enjoy padok wiks' company a LOT more. christ, he's weird. i like him
i'm never fucking playing arrival again, i swear on wrex's bollocks. a tiny room and five pyros??? NO THANK YOU
speaking of, if grandpa hackett doesn't stop calling me on my damn bananaphone the minute i enter a system where he's committed another war crime....... THIS PHONE IS FOR BANANERGENCIES ONLY
during every playthrough of me2 i successfully repress the memory of that damn reaper skeleton. it punches me in the face every time
the amount of times during me2 that chat was like "oh yeah that's an old bug," including for bugs i'd not encountered on my own before???????
now what about mass effect 3?
that lil pat of shep's tummy after months under house arrest. father pls (i love their dynamic so much)
as always, we're fetching garrus first, as is proper and correct. we're not romancing him in this one, and i love how so few of their lines actually change. they're not together, but they adore and rely on each other. there's no shepard without vakarian, ain't ever gonna change
you know whom i do not adore? kai leng. god, i hate that railroady flippy bitch
he's not scary, he's not even interesting, he's just a plot device. BORING
which reminds me (sob): shep's fully ready to jump thane's bones in the atrium of a hospital. down, girl
speaking of: we're in love with traynor now, she's delightful. we played sweaty chess
speaking of speaking of: every stream we have a ten-minute section where we talk about how literally everything about mass effect would be better if everyone was queer
yesterday we played omega dlc and my GOD. the belligerent sexual tension, cut it with a knife. bioware are cowards for not just letting aria and nyreen fuck nasty on the floor of any of the dozen elevators we were on. shep can watch, she'd like it
(if you also like it, listen to "temper temper" by black pistol fire)
the section with the adjutants prowling around in the dark is my favourite thing in the world, it's so well done
"ask the ghosts if honour matters" is a raw af line
i can't believe that mr vega asks if we can adopt that husk head and then it ends up in my cabin anyway
also can't believe how married messers vega and cortez are I LOVE THEM SO MUCH YOUR HONOUR
steeb :'((
i've been having a rough time and i think a hug from jimmy vega would fix me. just compress me, bro
oh my god when grunt does the thing and you think he's gone and then he comes stumbling out of the cave and collapses
love how shep is like A LIL HELP HERE and garrus comes swaggering up leisurely to collect his krogan son (we're not dating but we're definitely co-parenting)
i love tali's character arc
dalatrass can go and sulk for all eternity, don't give a shit. wrex did the right thing
oh lookie here, ashley magically isn't racist anymore! hate how there's no discussion of that in the game. the writers just quietly retconned that shit when it could've been a genuine example of growth--something the other members of the og crew all got lmao.
fuck cerberus
can't wait to blow up all the reapers
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lottieurl · 1 year
17 anon here - Hi hello I'm back! I stopped watching for a bit because life and such got busy but I just caught up, I think I'm also just vibing with this season less than season 1 (still good though). But I do wanna say to Queen Of Good Takes Lottieurl that I'm so with you on the whole 'the amount of emphasis on Shauna being maternal and loving her baby is weird' thing. It feels very interjected to me when you compare it to everything re: Shauna we've seen so far. And I think a lot of people are confusing it with the protectiveness over the baby that we saw from Shauna early this season, but on that subject I feel as though her protectiveness and defensiveness is being misinterpreted as traditional maternal instinct. When to me, it's always been about Shauna's autonomy. Especially when it comes to the divide between her and Lottie.
Nearly every other person in the cabin has given their belief over to Lottie by early s2 and we saw so many signs of Shauna's isolation as a result. She's the one dealing with a pregnancy, terrified of what happens when she gives birth. When Lottie starts referring to the baby as communal, as 'ours', as belonging to the group, Shauna lashes out. She's angry when she wakes up to find Lottie whispering to her baby in-utero, and I didn't personally interpret Shauna's argument (whispering to the baby supposed to be so he can recognize his mother's voice, with the implication that Lottie is not his mother) as jealousy or maternal instinct.
I found Sophie's performance in that moment very illuminating of the idea that even though Shauna wasn't maternal and didn't want a baby, she understood and took comfort in the fact that the baby was *hers*. Hers in the way that by that point in the narrative, so few things are anymore. Hers in a way that she gets the final decision regarding, or at least she **should**. That's the way societal norm says it's supposed to work - Shauna is the baby's mother, she's supposed to be the one who gets the final say in how to take care of him. Whether to let Lottie 'bless' him or include him in her rituals. And I think she's terrified because hell no she doesn't know what's good for a baby or how to raise one, and she desperately needs support, but she knows what Lottie and the others will think is good for the baby, and she wants the authority to say no to that. To keep something private for herself, under her control, within the boundaries she's lost quite literally everywhere else. She's a teenager who doesn't have the luxury of those privacies and boundaries anymore, even her journal became public group knowledge (which also led to Jackie's death). And it's pretty chilling to think about how horribly that could have translated into an attempt to raise a child?? I don't think it's wrong to say that Shauna grieved the baby, but I think it's a lot more complicated than simply 'she's a mother who lost her child' and taking that angle is the easy way out.
Of course this is my own analysis and you know I won't be offended if you disagree with any of it, but it's been brewing in my brain for a couple days now so I wanted to offer it up. None of this is meant to be a condemnation of Shauna btw, I genuinely sympathize with her and her fears in s2 especially. She's alone in a group of people who have pretty much all decided to believe in something she doesn't/can't. That's terrifying in any scenario.
oh i love quite literally everything you said. that's very much how i interpreted her attitude towards lottie the last couple of episodes and now that i think of it.. i think that's actually the root of her attitude towards their rituals and everything else connected to it so far in season 2. i got an anon awhile back that asked for my thoughts on shauna's attitude towards the supernatural and i couldn't quite figure out what to think and i think that is because her behavior has not much to do with her belief or lack thereof and is instead a reaction to how those beliefs - centered around lottie - affect her and her pregnancy and her autonomy. SO thank you for making that click in my head!
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
was rewatching the last few episodes of season 1 and got to feel the grant ward experience (tm) all over again. after finishing the finale, i kinda have to work it off, so here is a rant about everything that pisses me off about him.
he lied to everyone about everything from the beginning, killed so many good agents and friends and random bystanders, kidnapped skye so shed decrypt the harddrive, and still seriously thought he had a chance with her, after the people he works for literally almost killed her. he flirted with her during that kidnapping, he tried to get empathy from her while an agent he just killed was hidden in the supply closet with his blood ruining the linoleum. and then he tried to get her to feel sorry for him, because it was hard for him to make all those choices. those choices being to kill her friends and destroy the only family shes ever had. he still saw himself as the victim, despite being the worst most psychotic perpetrator he could ever possibly be. literally working for hydra and killing people just because his boss told him to. this one scene in the plane describes him perfectly, even before season 2 dove into these characteristics in detail. he is completely beyond saving.
one of the central mechanisms of his character is that he wants approval, and will do absolutely anything - anything - to get it. that ruthlessness was inside him already. garret didnt exactly manipulate him into becoming what he was. he took a dysfunctional juvenile, dumped him in the woods for 6 months, where he survived by raiding cabins and presumably killing their occupants all to impress garrett when he returned, and then he joined up with hydra for the same reason, and presumably that stayed his main motivation. and he cared so little for anything else that he continued to be willing to do anything, from murder to kidnapping to using other people to fuel his delusions to rescuing hive, an ancient inhuman hellbent on consuming earth just to "punish" shield for how they treated him.
and that desperation for approval came from the way his family and especially his parents were, and thats what may meant when she said that they all had trauma and it didnt turn any of them into psychopaths. his sad backstory explains why he is the way he is, it doesnt excuse it and it doesnt excuse the actions he takes in the present, at any point he couldve done any amount of self reflection, recognized what he is, and chosen to better himself, and instead he chose to keep blaming the rest of the world for his misdeeds, and thats on him.
yes, its tragic, he was groomed into the man he became. its not his fault that he is who he is. but he is that man, and its gone far beyond what garret pushed him to be. he chose to do all these terrible things and to keep serving him, to ignore every opportunity to even just stop and walk away, and he is making his own terrible choices even after the man who groomed him is gone. he is a twisted delusional sociopath, a murderer, who uses other people to support his narrative that actually hes some kind of hero and everything bad he does is someone elses fault, who desperately clings to the narrative that he is the victim and because of that hes allowed to do whatever, and who would rather burn the world before acknowledging any of that.
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My thoughts on Yellowjackets Season 1
Major spoilers for season one under the cut. Also, long
Okay I'm going to break this up into parts because I'm mentally ill and neurodivergent, need I say more?
Stuff I predicted.
First and foremost, I fucking called it that Coach Ben was gay. I was watching it with my cousins and I announced to the room: "The coach guy is gay, you can quote me on that!" Just for the record, my gaydar is very good.
Jackie's death was extremely sad, but I knew the second hallucination!Shauna let her inside. There's no way she would forgive her or be forgiven that fast, teenage girls are terrifying.
Predictions for the future:
They are 100% going to eat Jackie. Nuff Said.
Javi is dead. If not now, then soon.
There is a 0% chance that Shauna's baby is going to survive. Giving birth is dangerous enough on its own. But a teenager giving birth, in the woods, with no medication, no food, no doctors, under absolutely horrifying mental circumstances. There's no way in hell.
For this prediction, it must be known that I know absolutely nothing about lighters. But during the scene where Jackie was trying to light the fire before she died, I noticed that she was having trouble with the lighter. This could have been because she was shivering, or to further drive home the fact that she isn't good at "outdoorsy" stuff, but lighters do run on a small amount of fuel. And if that runs you can no longer use the lighter, it is also unlikely the lighters were full when they got them (I'm assuming they got them from the cabin, as it would be weird for a teenager to bring a lighter to a soccer game) So if the lighters run out or stop working, will they run out of fuel?
And, we have to talk about my least favourite arc of all time, Misty and the Coach. I hated this so fucking much. Adult Misty slays but '96 Misty makes me want to die. Anyway... I think he gon be outed. Misty fucking assaulted and terrorized this guy for so long, and then he told her that he was gay. She isn't going to sit on this, she's going to tell everyone. I don't think anyone's going to be homophobic, because they were all fine with Taivan, but I do think that this is going to really alienate her from Nat, who is Ben's best friend and #1 supporter.
In terms of whos, the head-honcho with the scary mask is, at this point, I'm almost certain that it's got to be Lottie. At first, I was betting on Taissa because of the whole "Became a leader in her adult life" thing, but now I'm shying against it, and I'm not quite sure why. Lottie is my first choice, not from a character standpoint, but purely from a literary one. She is the only character that has not yet appeared as an adult (next to Van) who has gotten any real characterization. And Van just kind of seems like a prop to be Tai's girlfriend and someone to get injured a shit ton. (I love Taivan, don't get me wrong)
Flight 571
If you don't know, flight 571 was a real flight, carrying a Urgarian rugby team, that crashed in the Andes. It is often known as "The Miracle of the Andes." Of the 45 people on the flight, 16 survived, and they did so by eating each other. It was a big hyper-fixation of mine for a while.
One of the biggest differences between the Yellowjackets vs 571, is the setting. As 571 crashed in the Anes, where there was absolutely no life, and their flight obviously crashed in the forest, where they can hunt. But as winter approaches, the two climates become more and more similar, which will probably lead to more parallels.
There are already a shit ton of parallels, starting way back in episode 2, with none other than Van. Her Flight 571 parallel is, arguably the most famous of the group, Nando Parrado. And although your parallels aren't glaring, there is no questioning that they're there. Nando had a fractured skull and was in a Coma for three days after the crash. At first, he was to be counted among the dead, but at the last minute, he was pulled back into the plane, where he survived and became one of the most important people on the flight and one of the survivors. This is a parallel to the way that Van almost died in the fire, but survived and became a very important figure.
In relation to the whole "eating Jackie" thing. In the real-life flight 571 They didn't eat the already dead, they only ate the people that had consented to be eaten when they were alive. This will most likely not play into it at all here, but I want to see how they handle the morality of the situation
Another thing that came up a lot in the crash of 571, was whether or not they could physically;y stomach the meat. Many passengers, even when dying of starvation, could not stomach the meat of their fellow passengers. Again, I doubt this will come up, but It would be dope if it did.
Rationing horror. I want it. I know I'm a jerk, but there is one instance in 571 that has always stuck with me, and this is the fact that one of the 571 passengers (I believe it was my man Nando) ate one chocolate-covered almond over the course of three days. First the outer layer of the chocolate, and then the two slivers of almond, one at a time. I don't have a reason for it, but I really want this to play a part.
I'm very confused about how the cannibalism wasn't immediately found out when they were rescued. In the real-life Andes flight, people figured it out almost immediately. They were immediately rushed to the hospital, and when the doctors puzzled out that they had to be eating something, it was all out in the open pretty fast. I'm curious how the Yellowjackets managed to cover it up.
Things I Loved
Pretty much the whole show. Even the things I hated (see below) are either so small or made sense narratively that it allowed for a really enjoyable watching experience. It was beautiful to look at. Amazingly acted. Amazingly scripted. And just an all-around excellent show.
Things I hated
The Misty/Ben arc. I hated this so fucking much. Ben is my favourite character, and he was straight-up getting harassed by Misty. She also only stopped when she forced him out. And even then she didn't stop being bitter about it. ("[Ben] tricked me into falling in love with him") She also TRIED TO RAPE HIM??? Even after he said no multiple times during episode nine. It also made me cringe, super hard, which isn't as important but still makes me hate it. This is why I have '96 Misty. I understand that it made literary sense, but still...
The fact that 571 is canon in the Yellowjackets universe. It is mentioned in a throwaway line said by that reporter. I believe in episode eight, It feels like a mistake, like when Hot Tub Time Machine was referenced in Endgame. I have already said that it is clear that Yellowjackets is loosely based on flight 571, which makes me feel weird...
The way that schizophrenia was presented. I'm not Schitzo Spec, nor a medical professional so I'm not speaking from experience, but from the research I've done, it can be pretty harmful to use hallucinations to convey evil things or to present it as a gift. Both of which are done in the show
Character Thoughts:
I am completely separating the '96 characters from the present day. In my mind thus far they are different people. This is in literally no order
Reporter: Literally no strong feelings about her what-so-ever, don't even know her name
Those three random girls: You know who I'm talking about. I don't even know their names so I don't care.
Jeff: I hate him. He makes me want to murder him. He cheated on his girlfriend with her best friend. Then blackmailed her friends for money because people didn't want his furniture. 0/10 do not recommend
'96 Misty: I really hate her, even more than Jeff. She's the only character who I like the present-day version of her more than the teen version. Again, the whole Misty/Ben act made me really deeply resent her
Present-day Misty: I love her. So much. She and House should team up and create the malpractice hospital of the century. I was on the fence about her until the very end when she poisoned the reporters cigarettes. And now I love her.
'96 Lottie: I think that she needs a bit more development, and I can see her becoming one of my favourites. Apart from my thoughts on her schizophrenia, I think that with a bit more characterization she can become almost perfect
'96 Vanessa: I love her. Again, I feel like she is mostly being portrayed as someone to do gruesome stuff too, and as a prop for Tai., but the crumbs of Characterization we get for her are awesome. I love the way that she took Lotties weird bone/good luck charm with her. Is shows that she's really sweet and a good person.
'96 Nat: Yes. Her. Yes. Also, she's definitely queer and no I do not take criticism. I think that, even though she's so broken, her and Travis have a really unique and great bond, even at their worst. I also LOVE her relationship with Wen (Don't worry, we're getting to him) She's probably my favourite of the girls.
Present day Nat: Unpopular opinion, but just eh. She's a very tragic character, and that's important for the story. I think that her grief, and her relapse, are very realistic. I can empathize with her, but she isn't very interesting and one of my favourites.
'96 Jackie: I hate her too. I think she's whiny, and doesn't pull her weight. And her insane amount of pouting is what got her killed. I understand that there was a whole arc about her not pulling her weight, but I don't think that ever got really resolved. She did the seance, but that definitely did more bad than good. I wish she wasn't dead, but she irritates me.
'96 Travis: I definitely think he had some of the best development out of all the kids. During the first couple of episodes, I was team eat Travis first and now I'm team eat him second or third. Still not my favourite, but I don't hate him.
'96 Shauna: I think that she's a bi-disaster and in love with Jackie, but honestly to me she seems a bit one-sided. I don't really have super strong thoughts on her
Present-day Shauna: The worst of the adults. Even if it turns out her husband is blackmailing her, she shouldn't have cheated, especially if she didn't know. She pretty much neglects her daughter and kept those journals even though it meant putting her team in jeopardy.
'96 Javi: I think that at the beginning, he had the potential to be interesting. Especially with the whole, dead dad/gum thing. But we haven't really heard from him in a while, so there isn't much to say.
'96 Tai: I like her a lot, I think that she is the one whose characterization as a child comes through the most as an adult. You can see her leadership come through and strengthen as the season go on, which obviously morphs into her becoming senator as an adult.
Present day Tai: Fine. Just fine. I think that her arc as an adult is quite interesting because most of her reach characterization came through in her marriage/parenting/politics stuff, and not in the mystery. But she's fine.
Ben: Oh my precious. Oh, my baby. This man can do no wrong. he could eat literally everyone else, including Nat and Van, and I would continue to give him cuddles and words of affirmation. My favourite character of all time, the reason I hate '96 Misty. If anyone does anything to him they are dead to me forever. That one scene where he's high on shrooms and screaming at the sky that he's gay. Goosebumps.
I'm a really fucked up person who just spent almost hours writing an essay on a show she isn't even done watching yet.
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captain-sassy-socks · 2 years
GABIT INSP 2022 Part II - Q&A session #1
Disclaimer: I am writing this summary from my memory and the notes I have taken. I make no claim to completeness or accuracy since it's a very personal view. If anyone would like to add anything, feel free to do so in the reblogs or replies. Pictures are from different sources.
After a night of little sleep, I couldn’t wait to see Amanda on stage and ask her my very important question. The one I’ve been holding onto for 2.5 years.
First, Becky greeted us, and they showed a short tribute video of Amanda as Sam, Helen, and several other characters throughout her career.
Finally, Amanda entered, and the crowd cheered.
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Somehow, she couldn’t believe that so many people still wanted to see her. She thanked everyone for being here with her, said she missed her mum terribly and feels her spirit/ghost is with us for the weekend.
She admitted to having had a crappy year, has eaten her weight through the pandemic, and wants to use this convention to kick the past year in the ass and start a new, better chapter.
Next, she apologized for not being active on social media and vowed to mend her ways.
After that, she tolds us little bit about Olivia and her remarkable ability to use logic to talk her way out of a strife. "Mom, I've always been a good kid. Please let me have this moment." How can you argue against that?
The other night, she had chatted with Teryl who sends her love. And Suanne feels like sisterhood.
She tolds us a story about how she woke up and Julia next to her didn’t make a noise (usually a loud snorer). Since Amanda feared Julia was dead, she poked her but didn’t get an immediate reaction until, a few seconds later, Julia snored again. That was a huge scare!
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(this picture was displayed later during the 2nd Q&A but fits best here)
And the night before, Amanda couldn’t sleep, so she watched Gogglebox. (side note: Gogglebox is a British reality television series which documents families and groups of friends around the United Kingdom who are filmed for their observations and reactions to the previous week's television from their own homes.) She landed on an episode of Naked Attraction. She felt simultaneously attracted and repelled by what was happening: a dating show with naked people. Only strategically placed cards prevented her from getting a full view of the contestants. However, she reacted with "Argh, penis!" when the camera panned up the legs of an excited guy and the comment was “Oh, he shaved his balls.”. Now, she couldn't get certain images out of her head. It caused a lot of laughter in the room and became the running gag of the event.
Next, the Q&A part started (I can’t remember the first question) and I asked, “What is Samantha Carter’s favorite color? Please don’t say blue.” Amanda admitted she had never thought about it and went like “If you look at her house, maybe green... or orange...*walks from one side of the stage to the other*... good question... blue...*laughter from the crowd*... do what you want with it.” As an afterthought, she added, “Indigo? Indiorange?” (Thank you, Amanda. And yes, I will do whatever I want with your answer. I just have to convince my muse to settle for one option.)
Someone asked if she could only one thing for the rest of her life, what would it be - acting or directing? - Directing because she would have a longer career.
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We got to talking about her dog, Riley. He’s doing well and she likes to take long walks with him.
Someone asked what her thoughts were on the AI reading. She said that the first script felt stilted and had poor grammar. But the second one was better, and she was surprised how well the AI nailed Jack’s sarcasm. She didn’t understand where the AI got the impression that Daniel would come down the stairs in Jack’s cabin and not Sam, and that, unfortunately, the AI is unable to write for Teal’c because it needs a certain amount of words, and “Indeed” isn’t enough.
Just before the end, Suanne surprised Amanda and joined her on stage.
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They talked a bit about life in general and how good it was to see each other again.
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On the screen, the last minute was counting down, and Amanda, who is known for overrunning, received the following message when she wouldn't stop talking.
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That’s it for the first Q&A session. Since it’s already a long post, I decide to split the sessions and write a post about each of them.
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littlerosette · 6 months
How are your feelings about the finale? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for sticking around with us :)
i FINALLY finished the episode so now i can answer this question! sorry for making you wait so long😭
i loved it. i thought the animation was beautiful, and i generally think the anime is a step up from the manga. i think attack of titan (manga) suffers from being a bit rushed and it makes some scenes awkward (eren and armin conversation i’m looking at you) but they really took their time to expand upon some things in a way that made it feel more fleshed out.
the rumbling was absolutely horrific to watch, which i both appreciated and hated. i appreciated the fact that they didn’t shy away from the violence. while i tend to separate people’s perception of fiction and reality, the amount of times i’ve seen people baby eren out of his decision to commit genocide is very off-putting to me. i think of eren, first and foremost, as someone capable of committing genocide. i cannot separate that action from him because it’s so grotesquely awful. i hated having to watch it, though. the baby scene, while inspired (i loved the homage to schindler’s list) was horrible to see. idk if it’s because i’m around kids so much now, but it made me feel sick. i started crying. the sound of it’s wailing made me want to throw up, and i usually don’t respond to movies/books/shows that way, so it really got to me.
the cabin scene was also better in the show. cabin eren looked very dreamy and handsome, and the tenderness of their final hug really touched me. mikasa’s expression when she killed him was perfect. so full of love. and the kiss was exactly what it needed to be: chaste, tragic, and loving. a taste of what could’ve been if only eren was smart enough to accept it, or mikasa brave enough to pursue it. very bittersweet scene.
the armin and eren conversation was also much better. i didn’t like it in the manga. i knew what isayama was trying to say, but i didn’t like how clumsily he did it. the anime conversation was a lot more fleshed out, and although he literally was using them to spoon feed the audience the message of “genocide is bad! the cycle of violence endures!” i ultimately think it was a necessary. aot has a bad reputation because of how easily it’s ambiguity can be misunderstood, so i think it was a good thing that they had the characters lay everything out on the table, at least so that the audience gets the series’ intended message. i also liked “i’ll see you in hell” vs “thank you for becoming a killer for our sake” because the second sentence sucks ass.
overall: 10/10. loved it. i love this series.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
Until Fox shows me the hospital scene from 3x04 my mind will continue to fill in the blanks. In last night’s episode, when Robert was talking about how he couldn’t find the words to say good bye to his dad and just ended up sitting there, the look in owen’s eyes was so telling. He’s been there, not with his dad, but with TK. We know from the doctor/nurses talking during the ice storm that they didn’t expect TK to live very long, even telling Owen that his body was shutting down and most likely told him to say goodbye when he got there. I can see Owen just sitting and sitting and SITTING trying to find the words until he just couldn’t anymore. He couldn’t see his son like that or think of what was to come, so he had to run away. (A trait we know he and TK share from break up talks earlier in the season. HOWEVER it seems like Owen’s mother did this as well, since we learned last night she was the one who took Owen to New York to escape her grief)
anyway, many thoughts head very full but I know Owen wouldn’t have made it if TK had died that day, especially now knowing how much he views his relationship with TK as the relationship he never got to have with his own father AND his younger brother. I hope they at least show us the hospital scene one day or keep exploring these dynamics because they’re SO INTERESTING
This is actually blowing my mind, Anon.
I thought I had thought about about that missing scene (I have) but thing those two things together? Absolutely inspired, and completely accurate. I can see this happening; and Owen feeling like a failure for it. It puts his breakdown outside the bus in a whole new perspective. That could very well be him realizing he very well might have wasted his last time with his son and realizing that he had lost the last person in his life that was actually family and he hadn’t even been able to find the strength to say goodbye just like his own father. Let’s not forget that before that Owen spent ? amount of time hiding out in a cabin in the woods, so in his eyes given everything he abandoned TK just like his dad did, and now he’s never going to get the chance to make it right.
I also agree on your other point—Owen would not have made it if TK had ended up dying. And you’re also spot on with your last statement: these dynamics are so interesting and I am so happy they are exploring them!
And yes, I still hope they release that scene from 3x04. I will be thinking about it forever until they do.
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survey--s · 8 months
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The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? Iced coffee.
Do you like clowns? Nope. I'm not terrified of them or anything but they really do freak me out.
Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far? I mean, there have been two questions lol.
What’s the third text in your inbox? It's from Mike saying he needs new tyres on his car.
Are you listening to anything at the moment? I have Two and a Half Men on in the background and I can hear my own typing, the dryer and the dog snoring.
Do you twitch when you’re falling asleep? Yeah, all the time.
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? We don't own a dishwasher.
Are you at home or with friends more often? Home.
When is the last time you were on a bicycle? About six years ago.
What have you eaten today? Two slices of toast and a donut.
Would you date someone 15 years older than you? No, probably not.
Do you own a strapless bra? I'm sure I have one somewhere, yeah.
Does the person you like know it? Yes.
Did anything brighten up your day today? It was nice to have a lie in, but otherwise it's just been a pretty normal day so far. I slept in, had breakfast, walked the dog, bumped into Suzanne and Charlie, showered, did two loads of laundry, went to the shops, fed the animals and now I'm doing this.
How are you feeling at this exact moment? Kinda hungry, but otherwise I'm absolutely fine.
Are you someone who worries too often? Not so much anymore.
If you could date somebody who would it be? My husband, lol.
Do you ever wonder how other people see you? Sure, I know people judge me when I'm walking Archie and he's stressing out about other dogs.
What is one good thing you’re known for? Ironically, how good I am with other dogs haha.
How about one bad thing? I have no idea.
Are you taller than most? Most what? Most women, yes. Most people in general? No, I don't think so.
When was the last time you sang an ENTIRE song? Today in the shower.
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? I like both. I find being at home really relaxing and I recharge the best that way, but I can't spend too long indoors without getting out - otherwise I get cabin fever.
What time do you normally go to bed? 11 pm - 1 am. 
What is one thing that is currently bothering you? Nothing in particular, to be honest.
What did you do today? Oh, I kind of answered this already lol. I slept in until about 8.30am, did a load of laundry, vacuumed, had breakfast, walked the dog, came home, showered, did another load of laundry, went grocery shopping and fed the animals - now I'm doing this and watching TV.
Do you consider yourself to be attractive? I think I'm pretty average looking.
What was the last thing that you drank? Pepsi Max.
Is anything annoying you now? Not right this second, no.
Has anyone ever said i love you to you and not meant it? Yeah.
Do you regret going out with the last person you did? No.
Do you realise it when you curse? No, not always.
When was the last time you showered? About three hours ago when I got back from walking the dog.
Who did you last talk to in person? Suzanne.
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? I always do SOMETHING, but yeah, I do have some properly lazy days at times, lol.
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? Yes.
What is your favorite episode of True Life, if you have one at all? I've never seen it.
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? Nope, I don't really believe in that stuff.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? About 3-4 hours.
Best field trip experience? When we went to Paris for a week.
Have you ever been to New York City? Nope.
If so, is it all its cracked up to be? ...
What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? Personally, about £30 per head but my dad once took Mike and I to a restaurant that was about £300 per person, not including alcohol.
What museums have you visited, if any? Too many to name. I was always dragged around museums as a kid.
Have you ever had a group project and one of your partners bailed on you? Sure, all the time. It's why I've always hated stuff like that.
What’s your worst travelling experience? Getting scammed in France I guess, but it was no big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? The first one, I guess because it's what I grew up with along with all the expansion packs.
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? Sure, but that's what happens when you live in terraced housing or apartments. You just deal with it.
Who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school? Probably my senior school tutor.
Best muffin you’ve ever had? I love a freshly baked blueberry muffin.
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? Yeah, we had to for a while in school.
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? I'm logged into it all the time but I only really check it when I have a notification or want to upload something.
What area of math are you best at? Worst? I'm not good at any kind of maths, lol.
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? I love it - most people I meet haven't heard of the stuff I like, ha.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen outside of your house? I honestly have no idea. The girl over the road from us walks her ferret sometimes, that's pretty weird.
Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? I mean, I think sometimes people get lucky, sure, but I don't think it happens for any particular reason.
How often do you “half-ass” things (put little effort in)? God, all the time hahah.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Sometimes, yeah. I don't pick messy foods if I'm out in public as I'm pretty much guaranteed to spill it down my front LOL.
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? Ohh yes.
How reliable is your internet connection? Generally it's fine but it has been going on/off a bit lately for some reason.
Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? Yeah, sure.
What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Phone calls with people I don't know.
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? I pulled multiple all-nighters at university.
If you don’t have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? I've been wearing glasses since I was seven years old.
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn’t need them anymore? That would be AMAZING. Unfortunately, my prescription is too complicated for laser eye surgery so I'm just gonna have to live with them for now.
How many vegetarians do you know? Probably quite a few, but I don't really go around asking people things like that.
Have you ever considered going to art school? Nope.
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? No. I don't really spend time with anyone like that.
How quickly can you write an essay? Depends on the subject and how long the essay has to be.
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? Nope. I've never understood how people can do that.
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? Yeah, a few times.
If you have a job, who is your least favorite coworker/manager? I'm self-employed.
Favorite episode of Spongebob? I couldn't pick a particular favourite. I like the ones with Squidward as the main focus.
Do you have any silly/odd emotional connections to anything/anyone? Sure, don't most people?
Are your parents supportive of you? They most certainly are.
How often do you take the train to go places? Never. Around here, it's MUCH quicker and cheaper to drive.
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations? I do when I'm like, waiting for an appointment or for a friend to come back from the toilet or something, but I try not to do it in company as it's pretty rude.
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thepetulantpen · 2 years
(Based on @sprinklersart incredible roleswap au. Here’s the first bit-- the rest, mostly following episode 1, will be up on ao3 when I’m done editing! Should be sometime tomorrow.)
The concept of fate has never convinced Ava until now, when the first stop on her reunion tour of Harlan is to see Raylan Givens.
There he is, leaned against the porch railing and smiling the same smile she remembers from school. The Raylan Givens smirk, with all his outlaw charm and his doesn’t-give-a-shit attitude that she thought she’d gotten sick of. It’s the kind of thing you’re supposed to outgrow—but you never do, not until you’ve wound up making some irreversible mistakes.
Arlo’s house feels frozen in time, just as shitty and rickety as she remembers. She’s sure it’s actually worse- after all these years, and the trouble Arlo’s kicked up, there has to be more bullet holes than paint on its walls- but to her eyes, every spot of chipped paint and splintered wood is the same.
Raylan haunts this home like a specter, soul tied to a gravestone he doesn’t have a use for yet. He’s lost a lot of pieces of himself, over the years of hanging on for something better. A baseball career in as many pieces as Dickie’s shattered knee. Clouds of coal dust and collapsing rock weighing down his lungs, pinning him in place. He’ll always end up right back in Arlo’s front yard, in a box or otherwise.
Doesn’t mean he’s stopped trying. Ava knows, from the light reading she’s done in the office, that he’s not here especially often, disappearing to one of the Crowder’s many cabins whenever he can. Today’s an occasion, meeting the marshal and keeping her out of Arlo’s shit.
“Ava,” he calls, in a voice she no longer knows, “Just as pretty as I remember. What’re you doing, all the way out here?”
She stops at the top of the stairs, at an invisible boundary between the civilized world and whatever Arlo keeps locked up in there. Raylan’s standing just subtly in her way, keeping her from the threshold. It’s not Arlo she’s here for- but it pays to be safe, she supposes.
She shifts, hand drifting to her waist. Not settling on her gun, though with a Givens, that might’ve been recommended. “I imagine the star might’ve given that away.”
“I meant here,” he says, just a touch of annoyance bleeding into his tone, “in Harlan County, on my daddy’s porch.”
“Why, Raylan, I think you know the answer to that, too.”
“It’s not because you were just dying to see me?” That smile again, aimed directly at her like a fucking spotlight. It’s been too long—so sue her, if she finds it charming. She doesn’t flinch, though, and Raylan’s eyes darken ever so slightly, disappointed. “You’re lookin’ for Boyd.”
It says a lot about Raylan’s self-awareness that he knows- of all the criminals he works with, even lives with- she’s here for Boyd. Not in a Crowder’s holler, but the Givens’ doorstep, since it’s the only place she’s guaranteed to find one of them without stepping in a bear trap first.
Harlan’s got the same complications and simplicities it always has. The marshals haven’t been particularly subtle about nosing their way into Boyd’s business— just the amount of subtlety he’s owed, after the stunt with a rocket launcher. And where there is Boyd’s business, there is Raylan’s business, and where there is Raylan’s business, there is a threat to Arlo’s business. Arlo is in the wind, chasing god-knows-what, with god-knows-who— but the Givens home has a guard, as it always must.
“Folks say you two are tied at the hip these days,” Ava says, trying to put it lightly. They may as well have put a billboard up. Not that it’s any news, to the people who grew up with them— one of those awful things you see coming, and can’t stop. Red skies at dawn. A train careening off its tracks. Two boys tangled up in the back of a truck. “Among other things. Not that I’m here to judge.”
“Just to arrest him.”
She inclines her head. Only a nod if you’re a particularly generous observer. “The Marshal Service wants to have a word with him. We were hoping you might help arrange that, you two bein’ so close.”
It’s so far from the realm of possibility, it’s almost embarrassing to suggest— but Ava is the new girl, and she’s stuck with shit like this. Least she can do is make Raylan squirm a bit. Maybe more than a bit; she’s probably owed that, after everything Harlan’s put her through.
“Wish I could help you,” Raylan runs a hand through his hair, jaw working as he considers his next move. He’s holding something back—other than the obvious, “but Boyd’s not interested in hearing from the marshals. Least of all you.”
“Me?” Something about the Crowder clan’s vendetta is funny to her— now that they’re on opposite sides of the law, and still arguing over a divorce. The people of Harlan couldn’t tell you the difference between a feud over a dead man, and a feud over a baseball game. “Why, what could Boyd Crowder have against me?”
Raylan sighs, comically beleaguered— like a tired housewife, covering up for the world’s dumbest mob boss, “Boyd tells me to tell you that he’s giving you 24 hours to get out of Harlan.”
“Is that what he said?” She smiles and tilts her head, innocently, “And what would happen if I didn’t?”
“He didn’t elaborate,” Raylan says, “though I did omit some bullshit remorse for having to hurt a woman. For your sake and mine.”
“Well, I appreciate that, Raylan.” She leans partially around him, looking in the doorway without making any moves forward. “Does Arlo have blocks of cocaine stacked in your living room, or can you invite me in for a drink?”
Raylan shifts, looking off behind her like they’re still in high school, dodging their parents. Like Arlo might be coming up the driveway, shotgun in hand, any minute now. “Suppose that’d be alright. There’s nothing fancy in the fridge, just beer.” He pushes the door open casually, but follows her closely. Doesn’t take chances, not like his old man.
The interior of the house is better than Ava imagined, though it is helped by her having imagined it gutted, an empty front. It’s clear that Helen still lives here occasionally- when she’s not tailing Arlo, or visiting marginally more pleasant relatives- manages to look livable, so long as you’re alright with the cheapest beer available. Raylan hadn’t lied about that, at least.
Ava accepts her drink— it’s not to her taste, and she’s on duty, but she figures she’ll need something if she’s going to spend the day in Harlan, thoughts of Crowders and rocket launchers stuck in her head. She watches Raylan, and his manufactured flippancy as he leans against the counter across from her. “Did you know I’ve had a crush on you since I was twelve years old?”
Raylan raises an eyebrow, not surprised, “Since?”
She hums, crossing the kitchen to stand close to him. A part of her considers throwing caution to the wind and getting her kiss, right here and now. Start taking back everything Harlan never gave her. Another part of herself is still seething at being trapped here, forced to go back on her word. Crowded into another goddamn holler when she’s seen what else the world can offer.
There’s likely room for both of those trains of thought, given the time and opportunity.
“Raylan,” she says, real close to him now— he’s not quite smiling at her, because he’s not as much of a fool as he’d like her to believe, “I need you to understand something. You may be pretty, and you may have something— let’s say special with Boyd, but,” she looks up at him, “I got dragged down here to deal with Boyd, and if I have to do it with a bullet between his eyes, that’s how I’ll do it.”
“See, now I’m getting mixed messages,” he brushes her hair away from her face, implying he is absolutely not confused about what messages he’s supposed to be receiving, “First, you tell me you have a crush on me. Then, you tell me you’re fixing to shoot my closest friend.”
“Closest friend? Is that what we’re calling Boyd?”
Raylan smiles, almost sheepish, and hums. “Sure. Just like we’re calling Winona your best friend. Ex best friend, excuse me.” His eyes are sharper, serious. The sheepishness disappears.
It gives her pause. She doesn’t pull back—that’d be just as good as blood in the water, in this home. Her hand finds his arm, and his hand finds her waist. Slow, like he’s still not sure if she’s going to shoot him. She hasn’t quite made up her mind.
“Least Winona hasn’t blown up any banks.”
“That you know of,” Raylan grins, and it’s empty, doesn’t reach his eyes, “Say, isn’t shooting a man how you got into this trouble in the first place? The old countdown trick seems like something that’s only cute once.”
Not even a blink at his own hypocrisy. Maybe it’s because he’s washed his hands of Boyd’s half-cocked efforts to be an outlaw. Maybe it’s because he knows Boyd won’t put his money where his mouth is.
Maybe he has lost all the brains he used to have.
She tilts her head, but stays otherwise still. The hand on her waist stays where it is. “Are you going to pitch me on why I should let Boyd Crowder go, or were you hoping that sleeping with me would do the trick?”
“Would it?”
She sighs, having been all too sure he’d say that. “No, Raylan, it wouldn’t.”
“In that case, I do have a few things I could tell you. Like, for example,” he leans in, conspiratorial and not nearly serious enough for fraternization that could get him shot, “between the two of us, I’d say you need to worry more about Bowman.”
If they weren’t so close, if Raylan’s hand wasn’t on her, she’d freeze. As it is, she pretends they’re talking about any old criminal—someone she hasn’t shared an altar or a bed with. She’s good at this, at pretending. “That what Boyd told you to tell me?”
“Accusing me of conspiring with alleged criminals, now.” Raylan smirks, “Actually, I think he would be rather displeased to learn I told you that Bowman’s the one pushing the whole ‘get out of Harlan’ shtick.”
Ava leans back, and Raylan lets her go. His expression is perfectly still, calm and cold. None of the warmth she remembers from their school days. They’re having a different conversation now, one he was always planning on having. “And why wouldn’t he want me to know that? Seems to me he’s got the perfect out, with Bowman’s coercion.”
“Boyd wants to be the big, bad criminal that drove a marshal out of Harlan.” Raylan’s mouth twists, in some kind of distaste- hard to tell what for. She’d think it wouldn’t be for Boyd, but with the two of them, it’s not entirely out of the question. “Not some sucker stuck under Bowman’s thumb.”
“And what do you want, Raylan?”
“I just don’t want Boyd to end up shooting, or getting shot by, a federal. That’s the kind of stupid shit our daddies would do.”
It’s the first thing he’s said that Ava’s fully believed, the closest he’ll get to admitting anything near concern. Because Raylan, he’s not like Arlo, he knows when to cut his losses. It’s just a shame he couldn’t have gotten out of Harlan before he landed in bed with one of them.
This is all Harlan is, boys doing the same stupid shit their daddies would be doing if they weren’t in jail or shot or worse. Boyd and Raylan are the same as everyone else, taking after the fathers they hate, except — except their daddies would’ve taken up with some young pretty thing they could control, something they could choke and bleed the life out of. Raylan and Boyd have uniquely decided to be each other’s poison.
“If that’s really what you want,” she says, feels like she has to, even if she knows how this goes, “I suggest you get into a different line of work.”
Raylan laughs, really laughs. It’s only a little more mean than she remembers. “Thanks for the suggestion. I suppose it really would be better to see Boyd choke to death on coal dust, or have his head blown off in a desert.”
She wonders what he’s trying to do here, if he really thinks any of this will make a difference. As if Ava, of all people, could stop Boyd from doing what he wants to do. Especially where Raylan’s already failed. “Prison would kill him slower.”
“You need work on your persuasive arguments.” Raylan pulls away from her completely, turns to the fridge to get another drink. He doesn’t offer her one. “Maybe you should stick to the countdown thing.”
Her phone buzzes in her pocket, some message from the office she’s probably going to ignore. Raylan’s shoulders are hunched, annoyed now that he’s said everything he’s wanted to say and she’s still here. He keeps glancing at the door, waiting for someone, and Ava’s not sure she wants to stick around to find out who.
“Do you have any other sage advice for me?”
“Yeah,” Raylan doesn’t look up at her, feigning preoccupation with the fridge, “Keep an eye on your girl. Bowman’s still driving that shitty red pickup.”
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