#the fearless ferret
quasiimodo · 1 month
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top ten kim possible episodes ↳  #4 — the fearless ferret (2.11)
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sheigarche · 6 months
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What's this Raimi's Spider-Man parallel and why didn't I notice it the first time I watched it?!!! 🤯👀❤️
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zeether · 5 months
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rocksandrobots · 1 year
Phantoms of the Past Ch. 44 - Mission Possible: Part 3
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"Eep! I can't believe I'm inside Big Hero Six's Headquarters!" Mole squeed. "Oh, oh, what does this do?"
He ran to pick up a probe-looking tool off a work desk. He pressed a button and electricity fizzled between the four electrodes at the end.
"Aah, it's a stun weapon prototype," Hiro warned as he snatched the staff out of Mole's hands. Then to the rest of the newcomers, he added, "Be careful of some of the equipment laid out, a lot of it is still in the experimental stage."
"It's a pretty impressive setup you got here." Ron complimented as he viewed the super suits lined along the wall.
"I'll say," Kim agreed, "You made all of this yourself?"
"Most of it," Hiro replied. "Including our main computer system." He walked over to the controls and turned the screen on. "You said you can track this Drakken guy using a computer?"
Kim shook her head. "I can't, but I know someone who can."
She pulled out a green handheld device and pressed a button; out popped a USB connector.
"May I?"
"Be my guest." Hiro agreed and stepped aside.
Kim plugged in the device and pressed a button. The view screen lit up and on the other side was another young man, close to their age. He was husky, dressed in jeans and tee-shirt with a the model of an atom printed on it, and he was sporting a recently grown mustache. He appeared to be sitting in some sort of lab and behind him was a hadron collider.
He gave a wide smile upon seeing who had called him. "Hey, Kim. What's the sitch?"
"Hey Wade-"
"Wade!? Wade Load!?" Wasabi interrupted. "You know the Wade Load? The inventor of Thermal Imaging Spectrometer Goggles!"
Wade seemed surprised by such enthusiasm but quickly shrugged it off and gave another affable smile. "Hey you're Gari, right? I read your paper on laser optics. It was really interesting. I think you might be onto something regarding newer surgery equipment."
Wasabi stood there dumbstruck for half a second before whispering. "Wade Load knows who I am? Wade Load knows who I am."
Baymax was quickly on hand with a paper bag for Wasabi to blow into.
"You'll have to forgive Wasabi." Hiro apologized. "It's not everyday you get to meet one of the leading scientists in optical engineering."
"You should talk." Wade laughed heartily. "You're Hiro Hamada aren't you? I saw your presentation on microbots. It's a shame that that supervillain got ahold of them."
"Uh.. yeah." Hiro awkwardly agreed.
Wade didn't seem to notice that he had hit upon a sore topic. Instead he leant forward and eagerly asked. "Hey, is it true that you and your brother are working on time travel?"
Varian shook his head from the back. "Nah, we're done with the time travel stuff. I'm back to building an interdimensional portal instead."
"Even cooler!" Wade exclaimed enthusiastically. "I can't wait till you're ready to present it."
Hiro softly chuckled. "Yeah, we'll be sure to save you a ticket."
"As... interesting as all this nerd stuff is." Kim interceded. "Can we get back to the ... you know... the whole tracking Drakken down."
"He crashed the convention, didn't he?" Wade stated calmly. "What's he up to this time?"
"No idea." Ron said as he pulled out a bag of chips to share with his pet. "But he mentioned something about 'collecting the older superheroes'..."
He went to take a bite of the chip when suddenly something furry and covered in stripes dropped down from the ceiling and swiped the food right out of his and Rufus's hands.
"Ruddiger!" Varian got onto his own pet and gave chase after the raccoon around the meeting room.
Everyone groaned.
"What's the raccoon doing here, Varian?" Gogo bemoaned.
"Aunt Cass has a catering job coming up. I had to keep him away from the Lucky Cat till it's over with, and I knew Wasabi wouldn't want him in the back dorm."
"You got that right!"
As Varian finished giving this explanation Ruffus caught up with Ruddiger and the two pets started to engage in a tug-a-war for the bag of chips.
As Varian and Ron rushed to separate their waring pets, Wade pulled up a computer readout on his end.
"Hmmm… according to the spy satellite I just hacked, it looks like there are large energy spikes coming from the docks of San Francisco, and some low level radiation. I'd bet you anything that's Drakken's work alright."
"You… you just casually broke into a high security military satellite?" Hiro squeaked.
Wade shrugged. "Oh sure, I do it all the time. The government pays me to test their defense systems and it comes in handy when superheroing."
"We're not superheroes." Kim insisted.
"If you say so, Kim." Wade smiled.
"Can you get a fix on where the energy reading is coming from?" Hiro asked.
Wade shook his head. "Not from this far out. The energy spikes seem to be random surges from various locations in the area. It'd take some time to triangulate them."
"Then can you send us a copy of those readings? Baymax and I can fly over there and get closer reading-"
"Or you could just head over to 1375 Fairview Ave, and save yourself a trip."
Everyone turned to look at Mole.
The pre-teen didn't pay attention to thier surprised expressions as he scrolled through his phone.
"It went off the market on Lairs4Rent last week, last comments were an enquiry by a Dr. D, and it's down by the docks where all those energy spikes are." Mole continued as he spun around in circles on the swivel chair.
"See!?" Fred yelled. "I told you we weren't utilizing all of our sources!"
"Lairs4Rent…huh?" Kim echoed.
"You know, we're going to have to remember that site for later." Ron added, as he finished rescuing both Rufus and the chips from the ravenous raccoon.  
"Uh, Mole, how did you even know about this Lairs4Rent?" Hiro asked.
"Oh, I have a few spare warehouses I rent out from time to time." Mole explained.
"You do business with supervillains!?" Fred screeched.
"Hey, money is money. Besides it's not my business what my clientele choose to use the space for. So long as they pay the deposit then it's against my ethics to discriminate."
"Yeah, that's exactly what a Mole would say." Fred seethed.
"Oh and like taking the moral high ground has gotten you anywhere. You'd all be wasting hours trying to calculate the bad guys' whereabouts without me." Mole huffed.
"Fine." Hiro sighed, stepping in between them. "Thank you, Mole. Your assistance was invaluable."
Mole beamed at the complement before blowing a raspberry at Fred. Both Hiro and Varian had to hold him back from tackling the younger teen.
"Alright, so we know where he is." Gogo said. "But what's the game plan for when we get there? The guy has freaky plant powers."
"He does, but he has limited control over them." Kim explained.
"Though he is getting better." Ron interjected. "You know what they say, practice makes perfect."
"Still, we need a way to neutralize it…" Varian thought out loud and then he snapped his fingers. "Got it! Carotenoids!"
"We break down the chlorophyll and cause his plant monsters to wilt." Honey Lemon jumped in, knowing precisely what he was talking about.
"That's brilliant!" Wade said. "You can speed up the process using natural weed killer agents."
"Yeah, and we have my portals." Varian turned to Honey Lemon. "Remember how I made the vinegar? We can do the same thing to the plants."
"Is it safe?" Honey Lemon questioned. "I mean it's still in the experimental stage and-"
"And it'll be fine. It's not like you have to be precise with it."
"You wanna explain to the rest of class what you're planning?" Wasabi asked.
"I can turn the portable portals into localized time vortexes."
"That sounds incredibly dangerous and I don't like it." Wasabi huffed.
"Leeeet's go with the weed killer idea for now and save the time vortex as a backup." Hiro cautiously suggested.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Ron said as he started heading for the door. "Let's go kick some man-eating plant butt!"
"Alright, everyone, suit up." Hiro said.
As everyone gathered the last of their needed equipment, Hiro and Kim said goodbye to Wade.
"I'll stay online if you need me," Wade said, "and relay anything else the satellites pick up."
"What about me?" Mole whined. "Don't I get a super suit?"
"Umm, no." Hiro replied.
"B-but.. but.."
"You can't be trusted with one. You're staying here." Gogo ordered.
"But I'm the one who found him!" Mole huffed.
"And that's great, but you're not ready to go on field missions." Hiro explained.
Mole gasped. "You mean I might be ready some day?"
"You mean if I train really, really hard I might get to be a part of the team?"
"And I'll get my very own super suit!?"
"No!" Shouted Fred from across the room.
"No one asked you, Fred!"
"And what happens if the rest of us say no?" Wasabi asked.
"Then I shall proceed to use every trick in the book until I get what I want. Starting with the puppy-eyed stare."
And with that, Mole gave Wasabi a pitiful, wide-eyed pout.
"Gah, no, not the pouty face!" Wasabi yelled as he threw his hands up in front of his own face. "How can I say no to those big hazel eyes!?"
"Oh, I know how to solve this." Honey Lemon. "We'll just do the same thing as last time. One Amnesia-tino coming up!"
She scurried back towards the lab with a wide smile. Varian chased after her, Ruddiger still in his arms.  
"Uh.. umm….Honey? Honey!? No!"
Kim watched them leave, not entirely sure what an 'amnesia-tino' was, before bending down to talk to the kid herself.
"Listen, every team needs a man on the outside. You know, someone who provides intel and backup from homebase. Like Wade, here. He hardly ever goes on missions, but we'd be lost without him. Why don't you start your training with him? If you stay here, he can give you a few pointers."
"Yeah sure." Wade nodded. "Stick with me, little buddy, and I'll show you the ropes. The heroes can't do anything without support."
"Well… okay…" Mole reluctantly agreed. "But. This is just temporary! I still expect to get my own super suit… eventually."
Hiro silently mouthed her a 'thank you' over the boy's head.
"Spotted anything yet?" The Fearless Ferret said over a walkie-talkie as he hunched over a gargoyle.
"Nothing my old friend," came Captain Fancy's irritating voice. ",but evil can not hide from the light of truth forever."
Miracle Maiden snorted behind him at that.
"Really, Hank, can't we for once drop the hokie speeches?"
"Now where's the fun in that?" Hank replied.
The Ferret rolled his eyes. "Now don't start, you two. We got a job to do, and those kids are counting on us, remember?"
"Oh come on Tim, don't pretend like you're not enjoying this too." Hank yelled as he flew by. The super did a somersault in the air in front of them before flying on.
"Show-off." Tim huffed under his breath.
Miracle Maiden smiled and gave him a gentle nudge.
"Oh, don't be such a resmungão. This really is just like old times, you know. How often do we get to come out of retirement?"
Tim tried to hold back a chuckle and failed. "Since when did you ever retire to begin with Lima?"
Lima shrugged. "Never, but supervillains these days just aren't as common anymore. Looks like we did our jobs too good." She winked.
Just as she finished saying this, Hardlight flew by on his hover disk.
"What were you saying about supervillains not being common anymore?"
"So there's some young startups now trying to make a name for themselves," Lima said as she pulled her spear out of its sheath, "he hasn't fought any real superheroes yet. Once we're through with him, he'll be the one retiring."
She let out a battle cry and jumped across to the next rooftop.
Tim sighed and pulled out his grappling gun. "Hey, Hank. That new hotshot, Hardlight, just started heading towards the docks."
"On it!" Hank responded before Tim put the walkie-talkie away and swung him himself over to the next building using the grappling gun.
The supers caught up with Hardlight at a warehouse down by the docks.
"Hahaha! Let's see if you old timers can keep up." He laughed before flying through the window of the uppermost story.
Captain Fancy followed after him, only to suddenly hit an invisible wall. It glowed neon pink from where he had smacked into it.
"Nuh-uh-nuh." Hardlight wagged his finger at them."You don't get to speedrun this. You got to start on the first level."
He then pressed a button on his glove and the entire building was bathed in purple light. All save for the front door.
"My game, my rules. If you wanna make it to the boss, you have to beat my maze fair and square. No shortcuts, no cheats, and no complaining."
"And if we refuse to play along?" The Ferret asked from below.
"Then I guess you won't win your prize, now will you? See ya at the finish line." He gave them a salute and then disappeared from view.
Fancy rejoined his friends upon the ground, rubbing his sore forehead. "Sooo... this is a trap right?"
"Oh, totally a trap." Lima agreed, never taking her eyes off the light fortress.
The Ferret straightened up to his full height and marched forward. "Then let's spring it."
"Ummm... Tim?" Fancy flew after him. "You know, I've been thinking. Maybe we should ask for backup?"
"Backup!?" Tim whirled around to face his friend.
"Well, yeah. I mean we've never faced this guy before, and he seems to have some pretty unique powers."
Lima rolled her eyes. "So he has some fancy tech. It's nothing we haven't faced before."
"All I'm saying is, maybe we should ask those new kids what they know about him. They might have some useful knowledge about how his tech works and what weakness it might have."
Tim raised an eyebrow at him. "And you're not just saying that, because you won't be able to fly around in there?"
Hank stiffened. "Well, at least I have superpowers."
"I have a superpower, my stunning intellect."
Fancy doubled over with laughter. "You mean you're good at guessing multiple choice during trivia night."
The Ferret stepped forward and stood up on tiptoe till he was nose to nose with the pompous Captain. "I swear, one of these days Hank..."
"Why not today?" Fancy smugly smiled back. "You and me, one on one."
"Brain vs Brawn. The first man to capture the villain wins."
"You're on."
"Ugh! Just kiss already and move out of the way," Lima said as she pushed past the two men. She marched up to the door and ripped it off its hinges with her super strength.
Her colleagues followed after into the dark hall, eyeing each other challengingly.
Kim looked out the window of the moving car to see the other superheroes flying, jumping, and skating around them. Meanwhile, She, Ron, and Rufus rode with Wasabi and Varian.
"So how do you know Wade?" Wasabi asked, making small talk. "Do you both go to MIT too?"
Ron shook his head. "Oh no. I actually graduated four years ago, and Kim here attends Yale."
"I'm getting a doctorate in political science." Kim explained, almost sheepishly.
"Impressive. "Wasabi nodded.
"Oh, it's no big."
"And you said you already graduated. What do you do now? Full-time superheroing?"
"More like full-time job hunting." Ron groaned. "I do marketing and sales. It pays well, but it's all gig-based. So you're constantly networking trying to land the next job."
"Oh, but you have gotten a lot of work from those restaurants, recently." Kim pointed out.
"That's true. It pays the bills anyways." Ron laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I guess we're not doing too bad."
Kim smiled back at him before continuing the conversation. "So what about you two? Are you still in school as well?"
"We both go to SFIT," Varian explained. "We're both physics majors, technically."
"I prefer alchemy, but the dean said that wasn't a viable degree."
Kim tilted her head at that but decided not to press the matter further. "Oh, well, are you going for your Bachelor's degree?"
Varian shrugged. "I don't know if I'll even graduate, yet."
"Don't say that." Wasabi snapped. "You're graduating even if I have to drag you to class myself."
"Now you just sound like Honey Lemon."
"Then we'll both drag you to class. What makes you think we're just going to let you flunk out?"
"I'm not talking about failing. I'm only going to SFIT for my dad. It's not a priority or anything."
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
Varian shrugged. "I don't know. As in I literally don't know what I'll do; maybe I'll graduate, maybe I'll switch majors, or maybe I'll quit and get a job. I could sell an award-winning novel. There are lots of things I can do. I'm not locked into anything."
Wasabi rolled his eyes. "You can't just drift aimlessly like that. You need a plan."
"Oh, and what's your plan?" Varian folded his arms.
"Step one. Get my Undergrad. Step two. Apply for my Masters. Step three. Graduate with my Masters."
"Then what?"
"Then what?" Wasabi echoed hoarsely.
"Yeah, so far all you've listed is school. You can't stay in school forever. What do you wanna do afterward?"
"You've no idea."
Kim reached out from the backseat and patted Wasabi on the shoulder.
"It's okay. Finally graduating can be stressful. I don't know what I'm going to do after the next semester either."
"Are you freaking out over finals too?" Wasabi asked.
"And job applications?"
"And interviews."
"And thesis papers."
"Not to mention... presentations of those papers."
Both she and Wasabi shuddered simultaneously at the thought.
"Oh, you worry too much KP." Ron chided. "You can literally do anything. I'm with Varian on this one. It'll all work out."
He pulled out his last bag of taco-flavored chips from his pocket as he said this, but no sooner did he open the bag then did a certain troublesome raccoon sneak out of the trunk of the car, snatch the bag out of his hands, and ran dashed towards the front seat.
"What's he doing here?"
"Get back here you chip thief!"
From above Hiro wondered what could possibly be happening inside Wasabi's car as it began to swerve all over the road. He was about to ask over the intercom if everything was alright when Baymax pointed ahead.
"I have pen-pointed the energy fluctuations."
Hiro followed the robot's finger and that's when he saw it; a giant purple-glowing tower looming over the docks. Hiro pressed his finger to his helmet's intercom.
"Uh, guys... I think we've found Drakken.... and I think he's working with Hardlight."
Lima finished punching the last of the light bats.
"Ha! This is most amusing! Wouldn't you agree, amigos?"
Tim grumbled something in response as he pulled the end of his cape out of the jaws of a giant pink bear trap. He was ignored, as his friends ran on ahead as the barrier to the next room disappeared.
"Come on slowpoke, or I'm going to win the bet," Hank called back to him.
"How many more of these rooms are there?" Tim complained as he entered what looked like a large arena. That was when the door behind them closed and Hardlight's voice sounded out over a speaker system.
"Congratulations. You're almost there, but first, it's mini-boss time!"
Grating electronic music blasted out of the speakers and fog filled the room.
The three supers tightened around each other to create a defensive circle.
Then they heard a buzzing noise overhead. They looked up to see a gigantic fly made of blue light swooping down at them!
All three heroes dodged out of the way quickly as it landed. Tim however was not fast enough.
The fly lowered its bulbous head and snatched the Ferret up between its saw-like jaws, catching his cape once more.
"Put me down you overgrown pest," Tim yelled as he swung in midair.
Lima came to his rescue. She ran up and punched the legs right out from under the insect. It opened its mouth and released the Ferret who landed on the ground with a hard "oof!".
The creature then tried to fly away from the aggressive woman, only for Captain Fancy to pursue it. He mounted the overly large housefly like you would a steer-bull and grabbed it by its wings, pulling back on them hard. The fly crashed to the floor with a heavy thud and a now recovered Ferret used his grappling hook to entrap the monster.
It let out a feeble buzz before exploding into a harmless puff of smoke.
"Well done!" Hardlight clapped over the intercom. "Now for your final challenge. Get ready to meet the Boss."
An open door appeared on the other end of the hall. The trio exchanged meaningful looks before entering the darkened room together.
Try as they might, the trio attempted to pierce the darkness but nothing could be seen. Suddenly a spotlight flared up at one end of the opposite end of the room. They took up defensive positions, ready for anything.
Almost ready for anything that is. They were expecting more light monsters, or Hardlight himself, they did not expect a familiar blue figure to slowly and calmly walk into the spotlight.
"Hello, I'm the Boss." Drakken smiled.
Before the supers could react, vines had snaked around their ankles and they were suddenly lifted off the ground. All the lights turned on and they were each thrown into glass tubes that stood beside complicated machinery.
Lima got one good punch in and managed to crack the glass case before electronic neuro-rings were placed upon each of their heads.
The rings lit up and the supers' eyes glazed over. They stood inside the tubes stiff and erect, unconscious to the world.
"Thanks for playing." Hardlight cheerfully mocked as he hovered above the scene.
We're hosting a Secret Santa on the Discord. Sign ups will still be open though the weekend and gift will be presented on Jan. 6th. The 12th day of Christmas.
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hitchell-mope · 11 months
Good for them
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bcbdrums · 4 days
Drakken: Shego... *sinister* I have a task that only you can complete! Shego: Mhm..? Drakken: Shego: Drakken: Can you do the dishes for me? Please! It's like the fridge exploded into the sink! Shego: *leaving* Nuh-uh, I told you not to get distracted all week on that Fearless Ferret marathon, but would you listen, nooooo....
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danglovely · 8 months
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The Fearless Ferret, Kim Possible's nod to Will Friedle and Batman Beyond.
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that there was a ferocious cat-sized weasel-like beast roaming around Asia capable of killing and eating deer? 
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this is the kharza or yellow-throated marten. Its babies are too cute for words:
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In addition to deer, it eats rodents, hares, snakes, lizards, eggs, birds, small cats and fruit. It has few predators. It is very smelly.
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The kharza hunts deer by driving them onto ice. According to Wikipedia, 2-3 of these martens can consume an entire deer carcass in a few days.
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The kharza is found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Himalayas of India, Nepal and Bhutan, Korea, southern China, Taiwan, eastern Russia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. 
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The tail makes up half of the kharza’s length, which is between 50–72 cm (19.7–28.3 in).  Females weigh 1.6–3.8 kg (3.5–8.4 lb) while males weigh 2.5–5.7 kg (5.5–12.6 lb).
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Like other mustelids (weasels, ferrets, mink) the kharza is capable of taking down prey many times its size, is fearless, powerfully built, and adorable!
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reina-royale · 9 months
Ron Deserved Better
Ron deserved better, from a narrative standpoint. Ron was capable of being more than just Kim's sidekick, and it would've been great to have that emphasized more.
In "Tick-Tick-Tick" Ron is the one who comes up with the idea of using hot sauce to short out the tick and a straw to remove it.
In "Bueno Nacho" Ron figures out how to work the laser after messing around with it for less than a minute.
In "Attack of The Killer Bebes" Ron is the one who made the connection that Kim's dad was the next target, came up with the plan to protect him and find out who was behind it all, and made an extremely convincing disguise in less than a day.
(I know Kim wasn't aware of any of this because she wasn't around, but Kim walking off the mission because she was mad isn't a good look for a hero. However, that's not the point of this post.)
In "Sink or Swim" Ron displays stealth, cunning, quick-thinking, improvisation, resourcefulness, and bravery. Even Kim acknowledges this, but only this one time.
In "Animal Attraction" Ron figures out that getting Rufus to eat corn dogs would make him heavy enough to press the button to release them. Simple? Yes. Effective? Also, yes. And most importantly, a plan that Kim had failed to come up with on her own.
In "Royal Pain" Ron manages to use a mini golf prop to stop a bad guy, aimed in such a way that Prince Wally, who was being held in the bad guy's grip at the time, wasn't harmed.
In "The Twin Factor" Ron manages to not just evade Kim and Shego, but trick Shego into undoing his bindings and lasts against them long enough for Jim and Tim to finish their silicon-phase disruptor.
In "Job Unfair" Ron used sneezing powder on Drakken, which managed to take both Drakken and Shego out of the fight. Simple, effective, and clever.
In "Naked Genius" Ron's mangler was actually a fairly decent weapon, especially considering he was just throwing random things together. And his idea to use it against all the armor was brilliant.
In "The Fearless Ferret" Ron actually makes a decent hero at the end, despite the fact that his mentor was a delusional man.
In "Exchange" Ron manages to kick a tree, that then splits cleanly and falls over. That is not a normal amount of strength. He also manages to make his clothes disappear during Bo practice, which, though embarrassing, is also a bit of an impressive feat.
In "Hidden Talent" it's stated that Ron proved quantity was better than quality, but Ron was actually good at half of the acts he performed; tap dancing, ventriloquism, and water glasses.
In "Return to Wannaweep" Ron figures out how to use his new beaver-like mutation and his surroundings to defeat Gil, and figures it pretty quickly.
In "Partners" Ron and Monique manage to build a donut-launching system relatively quickly, and it proves extremely useful in distracting a mutant dinosaur.
In "Oh Boyz" Ron manages to help the Oh Boyz escape by having them use their dance moves to throw off the motion-detecting lasers. He also taught himself their dance moves just by watching them.
In "Triple S" Ron actually did a decent job of staying on the tray and holding the umbrella. I'm not surprised people thought it was a new sport; an average person doing that on accident wouldn't have been able to stay on it at all.
In "Bad Boy" Ron builds dangerous and powerful devices, and has the foresight to track the Kimmunicator's frequency. And the only thing he switched with Drakken was morality, not intelligence. Thus, it's reasonable to assume that Ron is extremely intelligent, he's just not trying.
In "Overdue" Ron goes on several missions alone to retrieve a library book.
In "Stop Team Go" even Shego acknowledges that Ron turning evil again is very bad. And he sends a bunch of Wegos flying through the air immediately afterwards.
And, of course, Ron's powers come into full bloom in "Graduation".
TLDR: Ron was capable of being more than a sidekick, a solo hero in his own right, and it would've been nice if the narrative hadn't treated him as Kim's inept and clumsy sidekick, even when he's being amazing.
Bonus: In defense of his clumsiness, and less than stellar grades, Ron mentions in "The Fearless Ferret" that he has "a slight stigmatism" but that his doctor says he shouldn't need corrective lenses. As someone who needed glasses at Ron's age, and someone who had astigmatism, I can say this; Ron's astigmatism may not be bad enough that he is legally classified as visually impaired, but even with slight astigmatism, it can still make things blurrier than they should be and mess up his ability to see detail, read, and screw with his depth perception.
In other words, Ron isn't horribly clumsy or stupid, he just can't see.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
🧸 with fenrir? please and thank you!
I love you for this, anon
[🧸] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙵𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚒𝚛 𝚊 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚑 。。。
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"Whaat? For me?"
Fenrir takes the little stuffed animal by the looped string on its head and looks at it from all directions under the sunlight. It IS a ferret, just as he thought at first glance, even if the bright pink color took him aback for a second...cylindrical body and cute round ears and all. But why?
You explain that ferrets remind you of him, with how energetic and playful they are, and also fearless and intelligent. You spotted this cutie on the window of a shop in Central, and before you knew it...
"That's... wow. I'm touched, really, that's freaking cool. Now I wanna carry this little buddy everywhere."
Maybe it's good then that you picked one that is relatively small in size... though a big one would be a delight. You wouldn't give it to him if that was the case, though! You'd much rather sleep with your giant Fenrir plush.
"Oh! Maybe I can attach it to my belt loop."
You exclaim in disapproval, worrying for his reputation around the army. And they'd probably guess who gave it to him too...!
"I'm joking! Though I'm hurt that you assume I won't remain looking like a badass even with a plushie."
Fenrir's pouty face is your number one weakness, and you fight the rising desire to laugh at the image of him fighting with this thing on his belt... and you hug him instead.
"Thank you once again. I'll treasure it."
You squeeze him even tighter, happy to have made HIM happy, even with something so silly.
"You know what this little buddy misses in order to be my spitting image? PISTOLS"
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∎ For You, My Valentine‼️ - xxsycamore’s 1000 followers celebration party | 💌 event masterlist
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
How about what animal they'd be for some of the newer skeles?
Oooo! Alright I’ll keep going down the list
Gears: oh this little diva is definitely a bearded dragon! Bold, sometimes lazy, but can really move when he wants to!
Compass: he’s a ferret for sure! Curious and friendly, but also fierce when threatened. And very active!
Sparks: this wild child can only be a crazy playful sea otter! Slippery, curiously and a bit too bold for its own good!
Salt: he’s for sure a bird of paradise. A pretty boy who loves to show off to the ladies. Lazy in everything except wooing his lovers lol
Lush: he’s greedy, territorial and loves to be surrounded by the things he loves. Lush is a classic hamster. A bit of a hoarder, but only with things actually useful to him
Pepper: he’s a classic peacock. Proud, loud, drop dead gorgeous and he knows it
Cider: he’s a bull! Gentle and hardworking most of the time, but can have a real temper on him when he sees something annoying.
Barley: a lazy and mischievous boy like him fits a coyote well. He prefers to feast on others loot, and sings long into the night. At least he’s kinda cute
Ram: this sleepy sweetheart has a real dangerous bite when pressed. Ram is a lazy bear. Looks cuddly but is much stronger then anticipated
Pitch: he’s a tiger! Solitary and prefers to blend into the background. Pitch can rarely be social, but needs space to do it regularly
Moose: he’s a large boar! A real pack animal, moose has a strong parental instinct, taking close care of his family. He’s resourceful, loves to eat, and aggressive when it matters.
Maple: he’s a jumping spider! He’s incredibly curious, and fearless! He’ll leap right at whatever catches his fancy!
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bolinity · 1 month
zuko casually watching a pro bending match bolin happens to be in
The roars of the crowd that had regularly gathered from all walks of life within the Jewel of Yue bay, the Pro-bending Arena, echoed and intensified under its glass roof as the excitement of the upcoming match buzzed through the air.
A small bit of crackle brought the PA system of the venue to life before the familiar voice of the city's most well known radio personality Shiro Shinobi took to the mic in the commentator's booth.
"Goooooooood evening, pro-bending fans! We're comin' at you live from Republic City's beautiful Pro-bending Arena right on the edge of Yue Bay! The crowd's going wild from anticipation and, boy, do we got a line up for you folks tonight!" Shiro continued to build the excitement as he listed off the names of the teams they had lined up for tonight's games, giving each of them fun alliteration-filled introductions before continuing. "How are we feeling about tonight's match-ups, folks?" He pulled back from the mic to capture the sound of the audience cheering and whooping for their favorites.
"Again, first up will be the fearless Fire Ferrets, who have been blazing through their opponents despite it being their debut season, going up against the long-time lean, mean Laogai Lion Vultures — while it's not their first rodeo, they're always ready to rally and romp round by round. Another classic case of old-timers versus new-timers as these two teams go head-to-head as our opening match of the night!"
Shiro paused as he scanned the crowd and his face lit up as he spotted a familiar face. "And what a night we've got here, folks! For instance, if my old eyes aren't deceiving me, we've got the Fire Nation's very own Looooooord Zukoooooo here in one of our viewing boxes! Hope our matches will be hot enough for you! If anything, they'll definitely be as hot as our sponser's Flame-o Instant Noodles —" Shiro continued on as he read copy for the conveniently transitioned-into ad before resuming other announcements before the games started.
In the locker room, Bolin was already suited up, sans his helmet, as he was rolling his head to stretch his neck muscles before the game before moving onto some lunges to hit those hamstrings and hip flexors (and it made his butt look good for his fans).
The sound of Shiro's voice was easy to drown out as one got used to hearing it after three years of living in the Pro-bending area. However, he paused in mid-squat as Lord Zuko's name bounced off the walls of the locker room and Bolin gasped loudly. "MAKO," he shouted in the direction of his brother while charging toward him then shook him by the shoulders, which Mako had to stop mid-drink as he held his waterbottle away from the two of them. "Didja hear that? THE Lord Zuko is watching us! Tonight! Here! AH!"
"He's here to watch pro-bending, Bo, not just us," Mako pointed out. He was used to his little brother's high energy and was well aware of how big of fan he was of Avatar Aang and his close friends. It wasn't often they got to brush against living history like that, especially two boys who lived on the streets for most of their lives — even if celebrities came to see pro-bending matches all the time.
Bolin let go of him before holding his own face. "YesIknowbut, HE'S HERE. HE'S GONNA SEE US PRO-BENDING. We gotta kick butt. We gotta do this. Should we pull one of our specials out? Should Pabu do an extra three flips? Is my hair okay?" Bo continued to ramble.
Mako finally took a drink of water since he was freed. "Your hair's fine and and will be half-hidden by your helmet anyway. And just do what we normally do; no need to get super fancy."
"You're right. I gotta chill. I gotta focus." He breathed in deeply then noisily exhaled as his shoulders dropped. "He's just another audience member in the crowd. We've got this."
Before their introductions were finally made by Shiro to signal the start of the game, Bolin managed to calm down. Once the bell rang, he quickly got into the groove and rhythm of the match and was so deep into the game itself that he forgot who was watching as he was used to tuning out the crowd.
The game resulted in their victory as the earthbender roared in celebration as he removed his helmet in the middle of the ring, hyping the crowd up again as he welcomed their energy with open arms. It was intoxicating each time and was basically enough fuel for him to train more for their next game.
"I'm starving; let's go to Narook's to celebrate," a familiar thing he said after most matches as the Fire Ferrets retreated back to the locker room. Mako was half-expecting Bolin to bring up tonight's special guest again, but his brother already had most of his street clothes back on, almost half-way out the door.
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floatingcamel23 · 2 months
categorizing mobs pt 2
welp. saddle up cus this will be a long one. if you havent seen the first part, go check it out. basicly i categorize mobs based on what they are, how they act and why they are here. this will add scrapped mobs, mobs from the spinoffs and more. ready. lets do this.
lets start with the very long one. animals. imma make a post dividing all the animals into there speices. but for now lets categorize animals in general. animals: axolotl, bat, camel, cat, cow, chicken, cod, frog, donkey, squid, glow squid, horse, mooshroom, pig, mule, donkey, ocelot, parrot, pufferfish, rabbit, salmon, sheep, skeleton horse, sniffer, strider, tadpole, tropical fish, turtle, bee, cave spider, spider, dolphins, fox, goat, llama, panda, polar bear, trader llama, wolf, guardian. elder guardians, hoglin, phantom, ravager, shulker, silverfish, zoglin, ender dragon, armadillo, killer bunny, zombie horse, diamond chicken, "horse", mars, moon cow, "pony", redstone bug, red dragon, alpaca, barnacle, the great hunger, chinese crocodile, golden monkey, pink river dolphin, white lipped deer, fox pet, (these are the chinese exclusive mobs. i know these cus my chinese friend plays the chinese version.) crab, penguin, endermite, badger, butterfly, dragonfly, marmot, big beak, brilliant beetle, regal tiger, lava launcher, warboar, ancient hoglin, rainbow sheep, jeb_ sheep, clam, piggy bank, wooly cow, enchanted sheep, enchanted cow, dairy cow, piebald pig, sooty pig, baby glow squid, ghast, baby ghast, cinnamon ferret, cluckshroom, duck, dark goat, emperor penguin, fancy chicken, golden parrot, hedgehog, mole, red phantom, racoon, royal penguin, red panda, raven, ruby turtle, skunk, ferret, spotted pig,toucan, vested rabbit, toast, grumm/dinnerbone animals, zombie baby pig, moobloom, moolip, eponymous glow squid, black ocelot, black wolf, monkey, (these three are mentioned in the weapons of minecraft dungeouns) Dried Muddy Pig, Mottled Pig, Muddy Pig, Pale Pig, Pink Footed Pig, Spotted Pig, Flecked Sheep, Fuzzy Sheep, Inky Sheep, Long Nose Sheep, Patched Sheep, Rocky Sheep, White Sheep, Albino Cow, Ashen Cow, Cookie Cow, Cream Cow, Pinto Cow, Sunset Cow, Umbra Cow, Amber Chicken, Bronzed Chicken, Gold Crested Chicken, Midnight Chicken, Skewbald Chicken, Stormy Chicken, Bold Striped Rabbit, Desert Rabbit, Freckled Rabbit, Harelequin Rabbit, Jumbo Rabbit, Muddy Foot Rabbit, bone spider, skeleton wolf, dyed cat, fish in chaps, (what) (its a fish with pants what-) hyper rabbit, magma cow, mooboom, mossy sheep, otter, web spider, teacup pig, horned sheep, meerkat, ostritch, vulture, wooloo, finally, zombie rabbit.
ok some of these mobs are a bit absurd. cus they are. most are minecraft earth mobs like the fish in chaps, (it looks so funny-) mooboom and more. u might not know them cus they are scrapped mobs.
next are insects and arthropods. you know how it works.
insects and arthropods: spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, redstone bug, firefly (rip), web spider, giant cave spider, endermite, creeder, icy spider, prison cave spider, prison spider, butterfly, dragonfly, brilliant beetle, termite and bone spider.
finally, amphibians! lets do this.
amphibians: frog, axolotl, tadpole, strider (?) fearless frog.
thats it. see if you can guess which minecraft spinoff game games these mobs came from! pt 3: idk.
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
what animal would each bsd character be?
Stares at my extensive animal knowledge
Okok i'll give a domestic (or pet) animal and a fully wild one for each because goddamn i love this. I'll do only a few more main characters and maybe more if its requested,,
Dazai, he is a cat, man is cat have you seen him? For wild animals though id say he would be a hyena, some of the most misrepresented animals, they are the cutest things and extremely deadly if they need to be. These guys hunt better than lions and are neither canine nor feline, they are genuinely some of the most fun and adorable little things ever along with being smart as hell and just gimme his energy (second runner up is a crow because they are mischievous little shits >:)) )
Kunikida is a dog,, not like a german shepherd though more like a rough collie, constantly herding everyone else. For the wild though he reminds me of a squirrel, very picky and fussy, he wants everything organized and done his own way! He is so picky and so are they, setting up nests and storing food hehe
Atsushi,, unpopular opinion not a cat but a chinchilla, very nervous and keeps to himself, but curious and fascinated when allowed to explore and try new things! For the wild definitely a cheetah, nervous and needing support but strong when needed to be!
Ranpo is definitely like a husky puppy, too smart for their own good and heavily food driven, loves praise and treats.... for the wild i'd say a bear, soft sweet to loved ones but mean to strangers, they are tolerant animals and again food driven!
Yosano gives me a hognose snake vibe, nippy but sweet and a little bit venomous, they warm up to you though. For the wild I would say specifically a polar bear, some of the most protective moms to ever exist and she definitely has that energy when it comes to the ADA, they are her family and she will maul you like a bear.
Fukuzawa gives specifically Maine Coon vibes, gentle giant cat who has one of the best personalities, for the wild I would say the wolf is perfect for him, a protective leader who gives his all for his family, wolves are devoted animals.
Kyouka is a hedgehog, shy and weary with a very quiet personality and excellent memory it just fits her so well, her wild counterpart would be an owl, a solitary bird who is immensely smart and quick thinking. They are also very quiet and can be considered intimidating at first but cute up close.
Kenji is a degu and thats that. Mans is a degu... in the wild,, a dolphin again i dont feel i need to elaborate on why lol
Tanizaki is a pygmy goat, needs companions to be happy and in general is friendly also tiny but tough!! For the wild side id say a lion , a pride animal who protects family no matter the cost
Chuuya is a chihuahua, tiny angry but fiercely loyal and protective of their families. On the wild end i'd say an eagle, strong willed, loud, competitive and powerful hehe,, but he'd be a small one
Akutagawa is like a mean ferret, he is mischievous and playful in his own way but also impulsive, mans got too much energy in him lol, on the wild end id say a stoat, somewhat independent animals who are fearless in attacking animals bigger than them and surprisingly good at surviving, he also looks like one .....im not wrong
Mori is a pig, too smart for his own good and gets into stuff, oddly sensitive and can be awfully mean,, on the wild counterpart.... a honey badger... i wont elaborate just look it up and you will understand....
I may change my mind on some of these but this is just like a rougher idea hehe
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kimpossible-polls · 6 months
Round 1.2 Bracket 1 Side A:
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White Stripe vs Hank Perkins
White Stripe
Appearance: Season 2 ep 10 “The Fearless Ferret”
Crimes: Releasing toxic fumes at a public convention, mass theft, undiagnosed identity disorder
Hank Perkins (The Temp)
Appearance: Reoccurring
Crimes: Temping in an unlawful field of industry, consulting and executing world domination plans, unethical tactics of capitalism
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hitchell-mope · 11 months
And she’s connected the dots
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