#the full black luxury and even the layout
falseroar · 2 months
Murder on the Warfstache Express
Part 1: All Aboard, Full Steam Ahead
((So. That train story, right? Okay, but this is something I've been playing with the idea of writing ever since Wilford dropped that Murder on the Orient Express reference back in Wilford Motherlovin' Warfstache, and it really helped when AHWM and ISWM dropped and introduced us all to a wide cast of characters who don't all happen to look like Mark. Which is partially why this is a much different story than it would have been before ISWM. There's going to be a lot of familiar faces, some of them very out of place here, along with a couple of folks only referenced by name or as jokes. Also a murder, can't forget about that. Anyways, hope you enjoy it!))
Abe had never been a fan of confined spaces. Something about being caught with his back against the wall in one tight corner after another made it only natural to be on edge whenever he found himself confronted with a small room with only one way in or out.
A room very much like this train compartment he’d already lost track of time in, between the muted colors of the shoebox-like space that offered a seat just long enough to stretch out on and a window looking out at the unchanging landscape whiplashing by too quickly to really focus on anything in particular, and not much of anything else in the way of entertainment or stimulation. Abe had the riveting options of staring out at snow-covered hills and snow-covered trees and a dreary gray sky that promised, yes, even more snow that no one had asked for, or up at the jostling luggage rack overhead while he thought about the usual things.
Things like why the hell he was on this train in the first place.
He gave up on that pretty quickly and jumped up again, pacing the narrow space before deciding he really needed to stretch his legs. Besides, it couldn’t hurt to get a better idea of the layout of the train.
Just in case.
If he had noticed the conversation going on in low voices outside of his door, Abe would have stopped and held his ear to the door in the hope of hearing some of it. After all, he was a detective, which made eavesdropping practically his moral duty. That, and he was nosy as hell and bored to go with it.
If he had known a little more about the pair standing out in the hallway at the time, he would have loved nothing more than to have a regular door with which he could have “accidentally” hit one or both with as a possible alternative for some quick amusement.
Both options were only apparent in hindsight though, because in the moment Abe just turned toward the sliding door and opened it abruptly, startling the two men on the other side so badly they both jumped away from the opened door like it was a ticking timebomb.
One, the man with slicked-back black hair dressed in a suit that felt expensive to even look at, recovered first and gave Abe a withering look before remarking aloud as though addressing the air in general, “So much for this being luxury travel. It looks like they’ll let any low class, ill-mannered lout buy a ticket these days.”
Abe bristled, any apology he might have had instantly dying in response to that stuck-up, drawling voice. “And I thought you’d have something intelligent to say when you opened that pretty mouth of yours, so I guess we’ll all have to get used to being disappointed today.”
The rich man drew himself up, visibly swelling with indignation, but the other man cleared his throat and subtly moved between the two as he said, “Perhaps we could continue this conversation somewhere a little more private, sir?”
“Somewhere more private than the middle of the hall?” Abe asked. “Wow, wonder where you could find something like that around here.”
Choosing to ignore that comment, the second man slid open the door opposite Abe’s and stepped aside for the rich man with an, “After you, sir.”
The rich guy gave Abe one last sneer before going into the other compartment, which from the glimpse Abe got looked to be far more elegant and spacious than his own. The lackey added a disapproving stare of his own in Abe’s direction before sliding the door shut again with a sharp rap and promptly lowering the shade on the other side of the door’s round window.
Well, Abe could tell he was already off to a great start getting to know his fellow passengers. Although if the rest were anything like those two, he’d be better off staying in his own room for the rest of the trip.
A not very tempting thought, so instead Abe stepped out into the hallway and slid the door shut behind him, taking a moment to look both ways.
More rooms to either side, the doors slightly offset from their opposite so that any uncovered windows just looked out into the hallway and not directly into their neighbor’s room. To his right past a few more compartments was the door he used to step onto the train, and beyond that he’d caught a glimpse of the luggage car being filled by the station porters. Past the luggage car there was only the train’s engine, so nothing to see that way.
He turned left and paused not three steps away from his door, head unconsciously tilting while his brow furrowed in concentration. Over the rhythmic sound of the train’s wheels turning and the distant huff of the engine, Abe thought he heard something else.
It was faint at first, but the longer he listened the louder it seemed to get until the noise of the train died away, until the beat roared in his ears and drummed in his chest, the sound so tangible he was surprised the next door along and seeming source of the music wasn’t shaking in its casing. It was as much a mystery as why there was no complaint from the rich man next door, who had to be able to hear that noise through the connecting wall between the two rooms.
Abe slowed, staring at the covered window of the door like he could see through it if he tried hard enough. That thumping, upbeat music was familiar, familiar in a way that itched at the back of his mind and made his trigger finger twitch. Where had he heard this before?
Before he could make the connection, Abe heard the rattle of another door opening and quickly turned away from the offending door, eager not to be spotted staring into someone else’s room. A maneuver that put him directly in the path of the man stepping out of the room opposite, the two colliding so hard that the twin batches of swearing temporarily drowned out both the music and the train.
“…Sorry about that,” the new man muttered after a moment, rubbing his own shoulder. Fedora, oversized trench coat worn over a suit that looked a little too new, and a piercing stare that returned Abe’s once over with one of its own. If Abe wasn’t already suspicious enough, he’d felt something during that collision and was pretty sure it had nothing to do with the stranger being happy to see him.
There were only so many people who’d travel with a hidden weapon close to hand, after all.
A number that should have included Abe, except he had been forced to turn over his gun before boarding the train with the assurance that it would stay in a weapon safe during the duration of the trip. Flashing his badge hadn’t helped, the conductor no doubt calling his bluff because they were leaving his jurisdiction—or was it that they weren’t in it at the time?
Point was, if this guy had a gun on him, that meant he either found a way to sneak it onboard or he had the kind of authority to get a pass from the conductor.
All of this passed through Abe’s mind rapidly, but not fast enough that there weren’t several seconds of awkward silence before he asked, “In a hurry to get somewhere?”
“…No,” the other man said, proving he wasn’t much of a liar, at least. He stepped back into the still open doorway behind him and gestured for Abe to move on. “Please, you first. I’m sure your companion will be wondering where you’re at.”
Companion? Where’d he get that idea?
“No, I’m traveling alone. Same as you, I’m guessing?”
“Yes?” His eyes went past Abe to the room he’d just left, brow furrowing in confusion before he made a visible effort to relax it. “I mean, yes, it’s just me for now. Traveling for work.”
“Work? What kind of work is that?” Abe asked, trying to appear open and only as curious as a fellow traveler might be even as he glanced at the room behind the man, the quick glance enough to tell him that it was much smaller than his own (a fact he didn’t think possible until now), with no sign of any convenient personal belongings left out and about to give a hint as to their owner.
The man paused, clearly not having prepared for follow up questions, and finally said, “Oh, boring stuff. Like 99% of it’s just, you know, paperwork to make the home office happy. What about you, where are you headed?”
The question came quickly, Abe thinking less because the guy was interested and more because he didn’t want to leave an opening to ask what the other 1 percent was supposed to be.
“Oh just…to the next stop, same as everyone else on here I guess.”
The awkward silence lasted much longer this time, both men struggling to come up with any more small talk without the risk of having to answer their own questions. Abe broke it first with a clearing of his throat and said, “I, uh, was just going to get some fresh air. See you around, uh…”
“Apless,” the man answered immediately, showing the barest hint of a wince around the eyes before he continued, “Harold Apless.”
“My name’s Abe,” Abe answered, distracted by the realization that the previously overwhelming music seemed to have stopped at some point without his noticing it. “Nice to meet you, Happy.”
“My name’s not—”
The protest gave way to a defeated sigh behind Abe as he pulled open the car’s door and stopped in the small space between cars where the shaking and jolting was worse than ever. The enclosed space wasn’t made for people to stay here long, with doors to either side for boarding when the train wasn’t in motion providing enough gaps for the freezing cold outside to seep in. As different from that crowded room, too packed with dancers to even breathe, as he could get.
Abe winced and rubbed his eyes, dispelling that memory as quickly as he could. That’s why he was here, right? To get some distance between himself and…all of that.
Abe took a deep breath and exhaled, fogging up the glass of the nearby window, the welcome chill still enough to make him glad he hadn’t taken off his black leather jacket, and continued on through the next door and into what proved to be the lounge car.
Wooden paneling and low, flickering lamps set in intervals along the walls gave the lounge a warm, comfortable air, helped by plush armchairs seated in rows to either side around the windows and small, round tables. A thick, elegant carpet ran the length of the car and muffled the noise of the wheels underneath to the point it felt too quiet when Abe entered, not helped by how few people were seated or talking around the room.
A small bar area at the opposite end gave Abe something to aim for as he walked the length of the car, checking faces and counting heads out of habit.
Not that there were many to keep track of.
There was a woman dressed in bright, flamboyant colors underneath a white jacket, a bandana holding her long, wavy hair out of the way as she studied the mass of papers and books covering every inch of the table in front of her. From what he saw as he passed by, said papers and books all looked like a bunch of plans and equations so dense that his brain refused to take any of it in out of self-defense.
She on the other hand was so utterly focused that her lips moved along with thoughts that she couldn’t seem to keep contained within herself, occasionally sparing a hand from the coffee cup she held in front of her for lack of anywhere else to put it to push her glasses back in place or retrieve the pencil behind her ear to make another note in the same handwriting that littered all of the papers. For her, Abe and the rest of the train may as well not have existed for all it mattered in the moment.
The other two passengers he passed next did notice him, but were so engrossed in their conversation over a game of chess that the older woman wearing a black burnoose and dress littered with silver stars and matching jewelry could only spare him a friendly smile. Across from her, a man dressed in khaki with a brown leather jacket not all that dissimilar to the one Abe was wearing tilted the brim of his brown hat in the detective’s direction without looking away from the board, his hand still resting on the knight as he considered the consequences of his move.
“Well, you can tell me more about the monkeys or avoid losing your rook, but I’m afraid you can’t do both, dear.”
“Funnily enough, I’m pretty sure one of those monkeys stole my traveling chess set. That or my assistant on that little adventure still had it on him when we realized the simians weren’t quite ready to give up their piece of the map.”
“A real shame, that,” the woman said, shaking her head. “To shreds, you say?”
Abe had several questions, but he kept walking toward the bar with the confidence that a good drink would be less likely to leave him with regret in the long run.
 Or it would have, if he hadn’t reached the bar just as the bartender stopped what he was doing and looked up, his customer service smile disappearing with a flash of recognition.
He’d recognize that handsome face and look of distress and horror anywhere, especially since aside from the emblem of the train company on his lapel and a splash of dark red on his tie and handkerchief, his outfit really wasn’t all that different from the getup he wore back when he was Mark’s butler.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Abe asked and Benjamin shushed him with a glance at the other passengers.
“Language!” Benjamin hissed, his own voice lowered to just above a whisper. “Please do not disturb the other passengers.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, pal,” Abe said, obliging him with a low growl.
“I am not your pal,” Benjamin said, straightening his already ridiculously broad shoulders and trying to look prim and proper like Abe hadn’t seen him threaten a man with a feather duster once. “And I should think it’s rather obvious that I am working here. Would you like something to drink?”
“I think you and me already know the answer to that one,” Abe said, and Benjamin rolled his eyes before reaching under the bar for the strong stuff. “Now you’re talking.”
Abe sidled onto one of the stools, turned so that he could keep an eye on the butler turned bartender and the rest of the carriage.
“I had to make my way somehow after my last employer…” Benjamin paused, lip trembling, and with an effort he shook himself and poured Abe a healthy dose in a glass before pulling a second glass for himself. Pushing the glass toward Abe, he asked, “What brings you here, detective?”
Abe took the drink and took a long sip before setting it down with a sigh, because it was rude to leave a good drink waiting.
That, and he had to stall for an answer somehow, but the best he could come up with was to turn it around with another question as he asked, “Why do you think I’m here?”
Benjamin gulped down the contents of his glass, which admittedly was barely a splash of alcohol poured out before his conscience caught up with him, and swiftly put the glass out of sight before any of the others saw him drinking on the job.
“Still chasing leads then?”
Abe shrugged. “Maybe.”
Looking out over the rest of the lounge car in search of a change of subject, Abe suddenly said, “Not a lot of people here, huh? Guess they’re all hiding out in their rooms.”
“Mm, no, I think this is about half of the guests on this particular trip,” Benjamin answered, and it was his turn to shrug when Abe turned a disbelieving stare on him. “Look around, detective. This is hardly vacationing weather in country that I assure you is much more pleasant in the spring, and at this time of the year the only people crossing the country by train are those who have somewhere they need to be and no other way to get there.”
He gestured toward the back of the train behind him and continued, “There is so little interest that we only have the one passenger car for this leg of the journey. There is just the dining car behind this, and a mail car we are taking to the next station as a way to earn enough revenue to even justify running the train as scheduled. On the other hand, I believe the services we provide during the journey will more than make this a trip to remember for all of our esteemed passengers.”
“I’m not tipping you extra for that.”
Benjamin scowled and made a pretense of cleaning the other side of the already pristine surface of the bar to put some distance between him and the detective.
Fine by Abe, who removed himself from the bar stool and took a more comfortable seat in the corner of the car.
Somehow knowing that there were so few people on board made this trip feel more…not sad, although it was kind of sad in a pathetic sort of way. Gloomy, maybe, with the darkening sky outside and the white snow coming down sideways in the train’s wake? No, more than that. There was another word for the mood settling in around Abe’s shoulders.
“Perhaps loneliness,” Wilford suggested.
“More like ominous, like a premonition of things to come,” Abe answered before freezing in place, the narration that threatened to spill out of him hitting a hard pause on that thought, his eyes still on the dark windows where he could see the reflection of the man sitting opposite him, smile gleaming and eyes twinkling like he was waiting for the joke to sink in.
Abe held his breath and turned his head, as though expecting both man and reflection to disappear when he laid eyes on the real thing.
Instead, the colorful man in an extravagant yellow and pink confectionary of a suit crossed his legs and settled further back into his plush seat, looking around the train car with undisguised wonder. His drawling, unhinged voice stirred up the worst kind of memories in Abe as he said, “You sure do know how to travel in style, don’t you detective?”
Abe nearly spilled his drink reaching for a gun that wasn’t there, a thousand questions running through his mind although most of them could be summed up by the words that finally made their way out of his mouth after a bout of helpless sputtering:
“What the hell?!”
Wilford took a sip of hot chocolate from a vibrant pink mug and swished it around his mouth thoughtfully before answering. God, Abe hoped that was hot chocolate. Wilford hyped up on coffee was a nightmare waiting to happen, and he already felt like he was in a waking one of those.
“The suit’s a bit much, isn’t it? But unlike you, I happen to enjoy dressing to the occasion. That, and apparently trousers are ‘mandatory’ around these parts, for some reason.”
Of all the feelings Abe expected when he laid eyes on Wilford Warfstache again, “relief” wasn’t one of them, but then he’d also never considered the apparently non-zero chance of running into his greatest enemy pantsless either.
“Aw, you think I’m the greatest?” Wilford said, his brown eyes crinkling with a smile.
“My greatest enemy, and don’t do that,” Abe answered, and if anything, Wilford’s smile just grew wider. “It’s not a compliment! How did you even get here?!”
Abe realized it was a ridiculous question as soon as he asked it, but Wilford seriously considered it before shrugging.
“Same as you, I suppose. Say, where’s this train going, anyways?”
“Why would you get on a train without knowing where you’re going?” Abe asked.
Another shrug. “Something, something, ‘life is about the journey, not the destination,’ or whatever it is people put on the postcards. What do you think they do for fun around here?”
Wilford turned around in his chair again to look over his shoulder at the other passengers, the silence except for the background noise of the train positively deafening.
“Huh. Not much, by the look of things. Bet we can do something to liven things up around here, what do you say, you old—”
Wilford’s words stopped short on his lips when he turned back around and found the detective inches away, a finger dangerously close to his nose as Abe spoke in a low growl.
“You’re not doing a thing on this trip, Colonel. The second we get off, I’m going to put you down.” Abe paused, aware something hadn’t come out right there. “I mean, the next stop this train makes, you’re under arrest.”
“Huh, I think you’re the only one who still calls me that,” Wilford said, unbothered by the threat.
“In fact,” Abe continued, too angry to be deterred by Wilford’s calm, “You’re already under arrest, and if I catch even a whiff of you trying to escape or laying even a finger on anyone else on this train, I’ll…”
He let the threat hang in the air unspoken, mostly because he couldn’t think of a way to finish it. His gun was locked away, and he couldn’t be sure the same could be said for Wilford, not if that Happy guy was able to keep his own weapon. That, and he knew all too well what Wilford could be capable of when the mood took him.
Wilford looked down at Abe’s finger still pointing in his face and gave it a little kiss before saying, “Whatever you say, detective. I’ll be on my best behavior, promise.”
“…Why do I feel like that’s not a very high bar?”
Wilford winked and toasted Abe with his mug of hot chocolate before taking a sip. The gesture revealed the black block letters printed on the side of the mug to Abe for the first time: SPOILER ALERT!
((End of Part 1. Hope you enjoyed it! I'm going to try to space each part by a couple of days or so, just because they're all on the longer side. For the record, no, that's not Actor Mark, but he is a Mark ego. Sort of. You'll see. Genuinely curious how many people know/remember Harold Apless. As far as I know he was only ever referenced on the ISWM website, and we only got a Noirverse photo of him. Haven't fully committed to who I imagine as "playing" him, maybe Sean? But judging by the shows' history that means he would actually end up being played by MatPat, so...
Link to Part 2: An Easy Offer to Refuse.
Also a confession about the tag list: it's, uh, been so long since I've written anything I'm not sure if this is the most up-to-date version at all. I also ended up removing a lot of urls that no longer connected to a blog, so I may have accidentally deleted a few valid ones. If you'd like to be added or removed, please just let me know in a comment.
Said hopefully not too out of date taglist: @silver-owl413 @asteriuszenith @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @95fangirl @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-star-eyes @shyinspiredartist @avispate @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @liafoxyfox @hidinginmybochard
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pranaliahuja12 · 9 months
05 Incredible Modern Bedroom Interior Design Ideas
Your bedroom is the contemplation of what you are as a person and defines your personality. Nowadays, a bedroom is not limited to a good night's sleep. It's about the experience of relaxation, which can turn into a workstation whenever needed. Modern bedroom interior design gives you the flexibility to curate aesthetically appealing, comfortable, and functional designs at the same time.  
If you are still trying to decide how to revamp your old traditional bedroom with a modular and elegant touch, look no further. Here are 05 incredible modern bedroom interior design ideas which you can use as a guide to play with your interiors. 
Modular beds 
Good sleep is essential for a productive day and for maintaining overall health. Having a perfect bed that is comfortable and fits in right with the bedroom interior is important. If space is a constraint, go with options like a hidden Opla bed, flap bunk beds, wall unit metropolis bed, storage nubiline bed, and foldable belezza bed are few options you can choose from. These bed ideas will give you enough space to convert your bedroom into a spacious, quiet workspace within minutes. You can even go for an acupressure bed that helps with pain management and improved sleep. 
Including Art Piece 
You can speak through art. Having different artistic elements in your bedroom interior designs will elevate the aesthetic appeal and communicate about you as an individual. You can have paintings, artifacts, sculptures, or anything you can resonate with. You can even create something yourself to give your bedroom a personalized touch. For example, a colorful art piece, if placed correctly, can highlight various features of your interiors too. 
Placement of Light 
The placement of light can uplift the entire home decor. It can bring the interiors to the spotlight. You can even install light equipment that is a piece of art and can be a standout in your bedroom. A table lamp, chandelier, color LED lights, etc., in your bedroom can help create a calm and soothing environment.  
A well-placed window is the most crucial part of your interior, as it is your bedroom's only source of natural light. Make sure that no furniture covers the windows, as the view outside your window naturally adds to the look and feel of your bedroom. 
Ample Storage yet Spacious 
With increasing infrastructure, the size of your home is getting compact. Having all the basic needs and ample storage in your home can be challenging. A modular bedroom gives you enough area to build storage and maintain decent open spaces in your bedroom. You can have sliding wardrobes and bespoke furniture that can help create spaces according to need. 
Themed Modular Bedroom Design  
From various options or creating a theme, be your bedroom's artist. You can create having contemporary design or Scandinavian touch, a luxury high-end or a bohemian style bedroom. Your bedroom can allure your inner persona and create the perfect leisure environment. Varied options like monochrome, full white, full black, grey, minimalist, wood finish, colorful, etc., are a few options that you can add to your interior.   
In essence, these five modern bedroom interior design ideas offer creative and inspiring ways to transform your personal space. By blending contemporary aesthetics, functional layouts, and thoughtful decor elements, you can curate a bedroom that harmonizes style with comfort. These ideas empower you to craft a rejuvenating haven that reflects your individuality and modern sensibilities. 
Saviesa helps you craft your little spaces with a touch of emotion while keeping the bedroom interior design surreal. They are a one-stop solution for all your modular bedroom requirements, with everything customized according to your needs. 
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pastel-stuff-pastel · 9 months
The Rise of Luxury Bathroom Trailers: A Look into the Growing Trend
In the realm of luxury and comfort, a growing trend has emerged that redefines the very concept of restroom facilities  the rise of luxury bathroom trailers. No longer confined to the realm of standard portable restrooms, these exquisite trailers have become the epitome of sophistication, seamlessly blending lavish amenities with the practicality of mobile facilities. This exploration delves into the undeniable allure of luxury bathroom trailers, unraveling the reasons behind their burgeoning popularity. From upscale weddings to high-profile events, these trailers have carved a niche as an indispensable element of extravagant gatherings. As we delve deeper into this growing trend, we unveil the meticulous craftsmanship, opulent features, and transformative impact that luxury bathroom trailers bring to events, setting new standards for indulgence and convenience.
Elevating Event Experiences: How Luxury Bathroom Trailers Redefine Comfort?
Luxury bathroom trailers have transcended the mere functional aspect of restroom facilities to become a pivotal factor in elevating overall event experiences. These trailers redefine comfort by offering attendees a taste of opulence even in the most unexpected of places. Featuring spacious interiors, elegant décor, and high-end amenities, luxury bathroom trailers turn restroom visits into moments of indulgence. Whether it's a grand outdoor wedding, a music festival, or a corporate gala, the inclusion of luxury bathroom trailers ensures that attendees can refresh and rejuvenate in an environment that matches the event's prestige, ultimately enhancing the overall enjoyment and satisfaction of all participants.
A Fusion of Form and Function: Design Principles Behind Modern Luxury Trailers
At the heart of luxury bathroom trailers lies a meticulous fusion of form and function. These trailers embody elegant design principles that not only enhance aesthetics but also prioritize user experience. Thoughtfully designed layouts optimize space, creating a seamless flow that allows guests to move comfortably. Luxurious materials, ambient lighting, and stylish fixtures contribute to an ambiance reminiscent of high-end hotels. Moreover, advanced engineering ensures that these trailers are equipped with modern conveniences, from climate control systems to soundproofing, underscoring their commitment to both design excellence and user comfort.
Opulence on Wheels: Exploring the Lavish Features of Luxury Bathroom Trailers
Step inside a luxury bathroom trailer, and you'll find a world of opulence on wheels. These trailers are a showcase of lavish features that redefine what's possible in portable facilities. From marble countertops and designer sinks to spacious dressing areas and full-length mirrors, every detail exudes luxury. High-end amenities such as touchless faucets, premium toiletries, and even entertainment systems are seamlessly integrated to provide a level of comfort that rivals brick-and-mortar bathrooms. The opulent experience offered by luxury bathroom trailers speaks to their role as not just restrooms but as a true extension of the event's sophistication.
Versatility in Style: Adapting Luxury Trailers for Various Event Settings
One of the remarkable aspects of luxury bathroom trailers is their versatility in catering to diverse event settings. These trailers can seamlessly adapt to various themes, styles, and sizes of gatherings. Whether it's a casual outdoor music festival or an upscale black-tie gala, luxury bathroom trailers can be customized to align with the event's ambiance. Their adaptability in terms of aesthetics, amenities, and capacity ensures that they harmonize with the event's overall atmosphere, creating a cohesive experience for attendees while maintaining the luxurious standards set by the event.
Weddings Unveiled: The Role of Luxury Bathroom Trailers in Upscale Celebrations
The role of luxury bathroom trailers in upscale celebrations, particularly weddings, cannot be overstated. These trailers provide a remarkable solution to a common challenge – offering exquisite facilities that match the elegance of the wedding itself. They allow couples to extend their meticulous planning to even the smallest details, ensuring that guests experience the same level of opulence throughout the event. Luxury bathroom trailers not only reflect the couple's commitment to their guests' comfort but also contribute to the overall ambiance, adding a touch of refinement to every aspect of the wedding celebration.
Corporate Events Redefined: Luxury Bathroom Trailers' Impact on Professional Gatherings
In the realm of corporate events, luxury bathroom trailers have redefined the expectations of attendees and the standard of professionalism. These trailers bring an element of sophistication and convenience to corporate gatherings, offering executives and attendees an upscale experience that aligns with the event's objectives. From product launches to industry conferences, luxury bathroom trailers ensure that attendees are provided with comfortable and hygienic facilities that reflect the organization's commitment to excellence. This impact extends beyond the facilities themselves; it permeates the entire event, fostering a positive and lasting impression among attendees.
Sustainability and Elegance: The Eco-Friendly Advancements in Luxury Bathroom Trailers
The marriage of sustainability and elegance is a hallmark of modern luxury bathroom trailers. These trailers incorporate eco-friendly advancements that align with the growing global emphasis on responsible practices. From water-saving fixtures to energy-efficient lighting and even the use of environmentally friendly materials, luxury bathroom trailers demonstrate a commitment to both opulence and environmental consciousness. This focus on sustainability not only appeals to environmentally conscious attendees but also positions luxury bathroom trailers as leaders in the industry, showcasing how elegance and eco-friendliness can harmoniously coexist in portable facilities.
As the curtain rises on a new era of event experiences, the ascendancy of luxury bathroom trailers stands as a defining chapter in the realm of opulence and convenience. This exploration into the growing trend of luxury bathroom trailers has unveiled a world where functional necessity transforms into exquisite luxury. The confluence of design innovation and user-focused amenities has birthed a phenomenon that resonates across diverse settings, from upscale weddings to professional gatherings. Luxury bathroom trailers are no longer just facilities; they are immersive environments that provide a sanctuary of elegance, convenience, and comfort. Their capacity to seamlessly integrate with various event themes and adapt to unique requirements underscores their versatility and significance. The meticulous craftsmanship, lavish features, and eco-conscious advancements are a testament to the industry's dedication to shaping remarkable event experiences.
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Creating a Kitchen of Distinction
While it’s true that kitchen design can feel intimidating, there are plenty of simple steps that anyone can take to make their home more beautiful and functional. These design details will help you achieve the kitchen of your dreams.
The classic kitchen work triangle is a great starting point for designing an ergonomically sound workspace.
Practical Storage Solutions
If you have a kitchen that’s full of nooks and crannies, think about ways to make them more useful. Kitchen storage ideas that blend practicality with good looks can bring the room together.
For example, a drawer with lucite organizers is a great way to store everything from extra chargers and a lint roller to office supplies and keys. This simple hack can save time when searching for a specific item in the mornings.
Another smart kitchen storage solution is to use a slated shelf and add butcher’s hooks to it for storing pot lids, utensils or even a kettle. It’s a savvy alternative to storing items in a cupboard, and everyone in the family will know where to find them.
Kitchen storage that doesn’t just hide away clutter is a must, but it’s also worth looking at innovative ways to display decorative items or create more space to store crockery. A sideboard is a good option for holding china, linking the cooking and dining areas. You can also get creative with freestanding kitchen storage solutions such as a repurposed dresser or glazed cabinets that are painted to suit your scheme.
Ergonomic Layouts
Ergonomics is the science of making the environment fit the person. The kitchen is where you do the most work in your home and it is important to make sure that this work environment is adapted to your specific needs.
Your back should not have to bend or strain when you are preparing food and cleaning up in the kitchen. This is where ergonomics comes into play and proper kitchen design helps to prevent back pain and injuries.
One of the most important aspects of ergonomic kitchen design is to plan adequate lighting. Make sure there is enough light to illuminate all areas of the kitchen so that you can see what you are doing.
Ideally you want to have plenty of windows in your kitchen so that natural light can flood in during the daytime. This natural light will help to brighten your kitchen and also provide you with a healthier workspace. Research has shown that natural light reduces eye strain and fatigue.
Stunning Design Elements
Whether it’s an oven that automatically turns on for your next batch of cookies or a pantry full of herbs that never go bad, there are plenty of luxury features that elevate kitchens beyond their utilitarian purposes. These design elements range from simple to elegant and can include anything from a fancy fridge to a sleek microwave.
When it comes to incorporating beautiful elements into the space, natural wood is an excellent option. Whether you choose birch, maple, or a lighter-colored hardwood, it adds warmth and character. When coupled with a white backsplash, like in this kitchen from Charlie Interior Design, it creates an interesting contrast.
Alternatively, opt for a light granite, marble, or soapstone countertop to complement your natural kitchen design. These surfaces are durable and easy to maintain. They also come in a wide variety of colors and textures that allow you to find the perfect fit for your kitchen. You can even select options with a speckled pattern for a unique look.
Creating a Kitchen of Distinction
Striking the perfect balance between timeless and trendy is a challenge for every kitchen designer. One of the best ways to make your new kitchen feel like a true extension of your own personal style is to incorporate unique decorative accents. This could be in the form of open shelving that showcases treasured collectibles or heirloom pieces, framed black and white photographs or even small whimsical sculptures and pottery.
Another way to add distinction is to incorporate a bold color in your kitchen design. While grays are always in style, it is possible to introduce a more dramatic hue such as blue or forest green without sacrificing the beauty and functionality of your new space.
Metro Vancouver’s Premier Kitchen and Bath Renovation Company
The kitchen is often the heart of the home, so it makes sense that it would play such an integral role in your house’s overall look and feel. It’s also a space that people spend a significant amount of time in, so it must look its absolute best. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is proud to offer Kitchen Design and Renovations in Vancouver, BC. We believe that a well-designed kitchen can transform the way you live, and we’re committed to helping you create the perfect space for yourself and your family. Whether you’re interested in updating your existing kitchen or building a brand new one, we can help you achieve your dream kitchen. We’ll listen carefully to your ideas and preferences, and together we’ll figure out which options will work best for you. Once we’ve determined what you’d like to see in your new kitchen, we’ll put together a detailed proposal outlining everything we propose, including a breakdown of the estimated budget and timeline. If you decide to move forward with our proposal, we’ll begin working immediately to bring your vision to life.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
Which kitchen layout is the most efficient?
If you have sufficient space, an L shaped kitchen with an isolating island is the best.
Are Kitchen Remodeling Costs Worth it?
Remodeling your kitchen can make your home look better, but it can also come at a high cost. You might be wondering if it is worth the cost to remodel your kitchen.
There are many things to take into consideration when deciding if a kitchen remodel is a wise investment. The first is the value of your home. If you are selling your home soon, you will want to ensure that the remodel expenses are covered in the sale price.
Consider the cost of your remodel. Kitchen remodels that are high-end can run into the thousands, so be sure to have the funds to pay for them. If you’re not planning on selling your home, the cost may be less of a concern.
The last thing you need to think about is how much you’ll use your new kitchen. You will need to make sure your new kitchen is able to accommodate large parties or prepare large meals. A smaller, less costly remodel might be possible if your kitchen is not used often.
If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips for getting started:
Consider whether you would like to replace or make new cabinets. A kitchen remodel will cost more if you buy new cabinets. It is necessary to remove all cabinets before replacing them.
Pick your colours carefully. Colour choices can affect the overall appearance of your kitchen, so choose wisely.
Decide if you are going to upgrade the flooring. If you’re planning on selling your house soon, it might be a good idea to keep the flooring intact. A freshly painted concrete slab may give off a fresh, modern feel.
You might consider adding storage space. Your kitchen’s usable area can be increased by adding shelves, cabinets, and drawers.
Consider lighting. A recessed light above your stove, sink, refrigerator and fridge will brighten dark corners.
Add Appliances. It can help reduce your energy consumption by replacing your old fridge with one of the newer models. It can also improve the resale worth of your home.
Be sure to include enough outlets. A majority of kitchens have only one or two outlets. This means you won’t be able plug in your blender or microwave.
Don’t forget about the water lines. Hidden behind walls and floors are water pipes. Before you begin any work, check for leaks.
Eliminate clutter. Although your kitchen may be cluttered already, it is possible to make things more organized. Clear away anything that isn’t essential.
Get estimates from several contractors. Comparing prices is a good way to get multiple quotes.
You should look into financing options. Many homeowners finance kitchen remodels. You can avoid paying interest and make payments.
Have a good idea of how long you plan to live in your house. Your kitchen will be more valuable the longer you keep it.
Keep track. To keep track of all the details, use a notebook.
Plan ahead. Sketch out the vision you have for your kitchen. This will make it much easier to visualize the final result.
What is a timeless kitchen backsplash design?
Subway tiles would be timeless. A full-height backsplash is recommended for kitchens. This would be the countertop being used as a backsplash that extends to the bottom of the upper cabinets. This creates a feeling of a bigger kitchen.
What’s the 5-zone kitchen?
The 5-zone kitchen design is innovative and allows for more efficient cooking. It includes five cooking areas: A sink area; a stove area; a refrigerator area; a food preparation and preparation area; and a dining room. This allows for each cook to have his or her own space and eliminates need for large kitchens with multiple appliances.
Maximil, a German chef and designer, invented the 5-zone Kitchen. It is used often in European-style European kitchens. This can be a great option for families that want to cook together and save time.
If you are considering a 5-zone kitchen for your home, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you will need enough space to accommodate all five zones. Second, each zone must be adequately ventilated to avoid smells and fumes lingering in the kitchen. The third aspect of the kitchen layout must allow for easy movement among each zone.
A 5-zone kitchen can provide a stylish, efficient, and beautiful option for those who are looking to make their kitchen more modern. With proper planning, it can be a great addition to any home.
What are the benefits of the 5-zone kitchen?
The 5-zone kitchen has many benefits, including:
Superior efficiency – Every cook has their own space, which makes it easier to use multiple appliances at once.
More elegant – the 5-zone cooking system is common in European-style kitchens. It can bring a sense of style to your home.
Better ventilation: Each zone has adequate ventilation, which keeps odors and fumes out of the kitchen.
Improvement in layout – Kitchen layout should allow for easy movement among zones.
A 5-zone kitchen is a great option for anyone who wants a more functional and elegant kitchen. With proper planning, it can be a great addition to any home.
How do you organise an open-concept cooking space?
It is best to have a simple workflow to organize an open-concept space. It is important to keep all appliances in close proximity. It is easier to clean these items if they are close together. To make it easier to find your cooking utensils, keep them close to each other. Keep food storage close to where you use it. This will make things easier when you are trying to grab the items you need.
When remodelling a kitchen, what should I pick first?
There’s no one answer to this question since everyone’s priorities and budget will differ. Consider how the room is laid out, what type of appliances are needed, what style of countertops and cabinets you prefer, and what storage space you require.
Once you have made your decision on your must-haves and are confident in your choices, you can begin to look at various kitchen designs. If you have a limited budget, you might want to start with larger items like cabinets and appliances. Next, fill in with smaller details like paint colours and light fixture.
Your kitchen remodel will be completed by taking each step one at a.
What is the first step when designing a kitchen remodel?
There is no one answer to this question since every kitchen renovation project is different and will require a unique approach. However, the first step in designing a kitchen renovation is to develop a clear understanding of your specific goals and needs.
This may involve meeting with a professional designer or architect to discuss your ideas, taking measurements of your current kitchen space, and/or creating a mood board or inspiration folder with images of kitchens that appeal to you.
Once you have a good sense of what you want to achieve, you can begin planning your budget and collecting estimates from potential contractors. To ensure that you don’t get off track, it is essential to set a timeline and avoid stressful surprises.
Working with an architect or professional kitchen designer will allow them to take charge of the design planning. It is important to be clear about your goals from the beginning. This will ensure that the final design meets all your expectations and that you are happy with the result.
Measure your kitchen space by measuring the total square footage as well as the dimensions of each area such countertops, cabinets and appliances. You should also note any structural elements that are not easily removed such as load-bearing walls or support beams. To visualize how your new design will work together, it is a good idea to create a floorplan layout.
It is easy to narrow your search for kitchen design ideas by creating a mood board or an inspiration folder. Pinterest is a fantastic resource for finding kitchen images you love. You can also pull out pages of magazines and collect paint chips or fabric swatches. This information will come in handy when planning your next renovation.
Once you have a clear idea of how your new kitchen should look, it’s time for you to begin thinking about the timeline and budget. What budget are you willing and able to spend? What are your must and desirable-to-haves? When will the renovation need to be finished? Answering these questions will help you move forward with the planning process.
If you plan to renovate your kitchen yourself, consider the cost for materials, appliances, cabinets and countertops. It is important to factor in the cost of materials, appliances, countertops, cabinets, and disruptions to your day. A contractor will provide a detailed estimate with all costs and a schedule for completion if you are hiring them.
To keep the project on track and avoid unexpected delays, you need to set a timeline. Once you know when each stage should take place, you can begin to create a detailed schedule. To avoid any unanticipated delays, you should be flexible about your timeline.
These steps will help you create a plan for your kitchen remodel. This will help ensure that the final result is everything you’ve been dreaming of and that the process runs smoothly from start to finish.
Keep 10 to 25 percent of List 2, depending on the budget. (familyhandyman.com)
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
Experts also recommend setting aside 20 percent of your budget for surprises, including unpleasant demolition discoveries. One is water damage, the electricity that is not up to code, or other budget-spiking gotchas. (hgtv.com)
It’s a fantastic thing about most home improvement projects: no matter the job. It often seems like the last 20% is the most difficult. (familyhandyman.com)
Followed by cabinet cost, labour, and appliance costs consume 20 percent each of your budget. (hgtv.com)
External Links
Learn how much it takes to remodel a Kitchen. Compose, SEO.
How Much Does a Kitchen Remodel Increase Home Value? – HomeAdvisor
Amazing Kitchen Remodel Ideas To Refresh Your Home
Open Floor Plan: History of the Pros and Con’s
Find out Professionals Estimate Kitchen Remodeling Costs
The Habitatilist – Project Photos & Reviews – South Orange, NJ US
The 8 Essential Elements of a Craftsman-Kitchen Workbook
How To
Here are the 8 Basic Steps to Kitchen Remodeling for Beginners
These steps are essential for a DFY project that is suitable for Beginners.
Remodeling your kitchen is as easy as three steps. First, decide whether you want to do an entire renovation or replace appliances and fixtures. The second is to decide which kitchen design suits your lifestyle the best. Third, you can decide whether to hire professionals for the job or DIY it.
Next, decide what type of kitchen you want. Are you looking for a traditional kitchen that includes cabinets, countertops, and all the appliances? Or maybe you prefer modern designs, with clean lines and minimal storage. Do you have an idea for a large island or a breakfast nook? Finally, after choosing a layout, finish, and material, you’ll need to hire a professional contractor to help you complete the installation.
The kitchen is the heart of every home, but many homeowners feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of decisions they must make before beginning their project. There are many easy ways to start.
Decide if the Kitchen Needs to Be Renovated or Replaced – The first step to deciding whether you need to make a kitchen overhaul or replace existing fixtures and appliances is to decide what your budget is. You will need to consider the costs of deconstruction, new countertops, cabinets, flooring, lighting, and appliances if you plan to completely gut the space.
How to Determine Your Budget – Before you start thinking about how much money you can spend on your kitchen renovation, you need to calculate what you can afford. This covers everything, from labor costs and supplies to how much you can afford.
Decide Your Layout. Once you have decided how much money you can afford, you need to decide where your new kitchen should be placed. There are many options for layouts such as open concept, peninsula and galley, U shape, L-shape and corner. Each has its pros and cons, so choosing the one that best fits your needs is essential.
Selecting Your Materials – Once you have decided on the layout of your kitchen it’s now time to select the materials. This includes everything from countertops and cabinets to flooring, lighting, and lighting. There are many options available, so it’s essential to research and select the materials that best fit your needs.
Hire Professionals – Once you’ve chosen your materials, you need to find someone who is a specialist in kitchen construction. Good contractors will ensure that everything runs smoothly, starting with design and ending with installation. They’ll also provide follow-up services, so you never have to worry about any problems during the process.
Enjoy! Congratulations! You have reached the end of your kitchen remodel process. Enjoy it! You won’t mind spending hours in your new kitchen cooking delicious meals if you love it. But if you’re still unsure, then take some time to try out your new kitchen. This will help you decide if the remodel was worthwhile.
Helpful Resources:
35 Best Outdoor Kitchen Ideas | Kitchen Design 2023 | Kitchen Cabinet Design | Kitchen Design Ideas
Outdoor kitchen design ideas 2023. #kitchendesign2023 #kitchendesignideas #kitchendesign #kitchendesign #kitchenideas
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Kitchen & Bath Business is the official KBIS publication. We provide design professionals in the kitchen & bath industry with news & trends.
2023 Kitchen design trends
Are you looking to upgrade your home kitchen in 2023 with the latest design trends? Kitchen renovations involve more than just updating décor and replacing
The post Creating a Kitchen of Distinction first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/kitchens/creating-a-kitchen-of-distinction/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=creating-a-kitchen-of-distinction
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noman6669-blog · 1 year
Xiaomi 13 Pro Launch in Pakistan.
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jollypersonpost · 1 year
Creating a Perfect Photo Book
A photo book is a book that contains a collection of photographs. It is typically designed as a coffee table book. These books are an excellent way to showcase your photos and memories. You can also use them to share your favorite memories with friends and family. There are a number of ways to create these books.
To create a photo book, you need to select a layout that best showcases your photos. You can use full-page spreads, page captions, or even multiple photos on a single page. You can also choose a size that suits your photos. For example, you can create a book that is 38 pages wide.
Once you've chosen a template, you can add photos, change the background, or even add clip art. This process can be challenging at first, so keep your patience. However, with practice, you can make your photo book look amazing. After you've completed this process, you'll be amazed at the end result.
The most important factor when selecting a photo book printer is the quality of the finished product. Your photos should look as close to the original as possible. You don't want your photos to come out grainy or oversaturated. A quality photo book will also allow you to choose from many cover options and high-quality papers.
When choosing a template, it's also important to choose a platform that will allow you to customize it to your own taste. Some software packages allow you to customize your book by cropping, resizing, and adding background details. You can also create text to accompany the photos. Most of these programs let you add your own personal touches to your photos, so go ahead and start creating your book.
A photo book can also be produced in a high-quality hardcover. The hardcover version has a display-worthy dust jacket and premium fabric binding. It is one of the most versatile photo album choices available. It's often the best choice if you plan to display it as a physical object. These photo books can be displayed on a shelf or kept on display.
When selecting a photo book, consider the cost and shipping time. Prices can vary greatly, and ordering your book early can save you money. Some photo book services offer discounts all year round, so make sure to check with the company you choose. Remember to select photos that look great and have good contrast. Deep blacks and even color gradation are essential for a stunning photo book. Check https://photogo.hu/fotokonyv/.
 About Us
A photo book is a type of book that contains photographs. It is often used as a coffee table book. It is a wonderful way to preserve and display a collection of photos. A photo book can also be an excellent gift for a loved one. To make a photo book, you can use a variety of materials.
The first step in creating a photo book is selecting the photos. This is the most exciting part of the process. You can include pictures from precious memories, artistic masterpieces, and stunning images from your business. Once you've selected the photographs, it's time to organize them. Once you've organized them, you can easily refer to them later on and create different albums for different occasions. To keep track of your photos, you can use subfolders and label them.
Once you've selected the photos, you can choose a cover, type of paper, and even design elements. Depending on your personal preference, you can select pre-set templates or searchable clipart and backgrounds. You can also include text on the pages of your book. Most photo bookmakers take about two to five days to complete the process. If you need your book faster, you can select expedited shipping. However, this option may be on the expensive side.
The next step is choosing a layout. You can use a flat page style or a lay-flat page style. Choose the style that best suits your needs. For example, if you're aiming for a simple, elegant photo book, you can opt for a glossy cover. The glossy cover will make your colorful photos appear more vivid. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more luxurious photo book, you can choose a matte page finish.
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hinescvzholdt · 2 years
Live journal - More Than Just A Blogging Platform
When you communicate about blogging, probably the first point that appears throughout a person's head is "WordPress". Considered to be one of the most popular writing a blog platforms ever developed, this versatile, rich, ever changing content material management system is easy to set up and easy to handle and use. Nevertheless , is WordPress merely a writing a blog platform? Or is there much a lot more to the deceptively easy, yet tremendously strong website management system? Created on open supply code, WordPress is perhaps one regarding the most enterprise friendly tools on the market and is certainly a lot more than merely a blogging program to get your own thought bubbles on the internet! So what can easily it really do for your business? Can WordPress deliver more than you thought possible? WordPress For people who do buiness
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Since the native code on which often WordPress is built is widely offered to customize, right now there are countless extensions created for improved features. Plugins usually are little snippets associated with code neatly manufactured to perform a particular function or perhaps even act since modules in by themselves. Ranging from simple page builders in order to calendars, contact kinds and much even more, there is no limit to the number and styles of plugins designed and under enhancement for WordPress. This is especially valuable for businesses of which would like to exceed using static HTML pages intended for their corporate internet sites and incorporate dynamic features that put value for their pages. WordPress links easily to a MySQL database that can store vital company information that can be retrieved in addition to reused for organization purposes. Additionally, since WordPress is built on PHP, it does not consider a genius to make tweaks necessary to get a business website up in addition to running. In improvement to its flexible plugins, WordPress also comes full of themes that serve particular niches and that are certainly not limited to sites. You can lookup for themes within specific colors or even layouts and will personalize these for the individual requirement. Additionally , resources and utilities about this platform give you user access control and application control. You can produce something as simple as a company website on Wp, and go on to push its prospective to creating the entire web program, project management method, video streaming channel and even more on this. Add to all of this the potential to be able to closely monitor definitely all user exercise on your website plus you have the mind-blowingly powerful corporate and business tool at your fingertips. Who stated that WordPress was initially just a running a blog platform? WordPress regarding web commerce Have a new product to trade? Make an e-commerce web site based on Wp and gift on your own the luxury involving having one of the most basic selling platforms a person can possibly individual. Build your shopping cart, list products, hyperlink payment processors in addition to manage your income found in one place. Safe your website along with an SSL license, password protect your data and monitor your transactions easily. With Elementor Cloud Website Black Friday that you can easily use, versatile connectivity to existing popular e-commerce platforms where one can promote your items, and stellar resources to promote your goods far and wide, you want look no more to get your online organization up and going. WordPress For SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION If you ever wanted the simple treatment for obtain the best SEO tools under one roofing, all you must is WordPress! Developed with basic SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION standards in head, WordPress gives an individual a complete treatment for boost your on the internet presence. From customizing your permalinks to managing the particulars of SEO, Wp makes it easy for you. Well-known plugins such while Yoast SEO plus All In One SEO Pack assist you optimize your current website to efficiency even if an individual are relatively brand new to SEO. In the event that making your on the web presence known will be critical for the particular success of the business, WordPress is definitely your way to be able to go! Google is usually attracted to Wp like a magnet and is also more willing to observe alterations in your website and index the pages. Building your current website with Live journal is a wonderful boon to your current business, is more safe and is way ahead of conventional websites. Additionally, linking to social multimedia channels on Wp is a piece of cake. Get the electrical power of your cultural ranking on your own web sites and promote your enterprise, products and companies without difficulty on desktop computer and mobile systems - all using the help regarding this excellent website management method! WordPress Like a Software Geeking out only a bit even more, WordPress goes over and above being a content management system upon to working mainly because software for hospital management, classifieds and even as a discussion application. Just while with other software program systems, you could pull reports away of your Live journal software, integrate that with existing techniques and send files back in your software. Use WordPress solutions to produce a strong document management system with version handle instead of shelling out chunks of your business capital on costly software that does the identical job anyway! Suitable for data management regarding small businesses, Live journal also comes using easy solutions to produce forms, manage files, control activity in addition to streamline business steps that may otherwise become cumbersome. Really built in sending solutions make connection and monitoring simple and efficient. While WordPress may have began off as only a blogging platform inside 2003, it features certainly come the long way from its humble beginnings. It has metamorphosed out of at any time conceived proportions to be able to become one of the most popular, powerful, versatile, active, secure and simple remedies for anyone that desires to create a great online presence create their presence progressively known. Using WordPress does not demand extensive training, in addition to with a couple of self-explanatory guides, even an amateur can get the SEO friendly site up and jogging. Going beyond merely a blogging program, WordPress is the boon for small and medium businesses that are shifting their physical presence online and will need a simple remedy to get the particular job done. Is actually many out of the box uses drives its prospective to ever-increasing levels, making it because simple since it is effective. Combining the potency of writing a blog with flexible company solutions and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, WordPress certainly gives!
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sawtellaustralia · 2 years
'Belladonna' - The ultimate choice in design...
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dtale · 2 years
How to Choose the Right Bedroom Set Furniture for Your Bedroom?
  If you are confused about where to do your bedroom furniture shopping, then Dtale Modern is the answer for you. In Dtale Modern Online Furniture, you can find the ideal luxurious bedroom furniture online collection that allows you to express your uniqueness by looking at a range of possibilities. Your bedroom must be a comfortable space that allows you to be yourself.
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Adding a bit of drama and sprucing up your room with additional features can be exciting. But when you consider the expense and the cost of making mistakes, fear begins to set in. Fortunately, if you ask a few questions yourself before visiting the numerous platforms for bedroom set furniture online, making the appropriate choices will be much simpler. A bedroom should be a retreat from the outside world, a place to recharge so you can handle the daily hustle again. If you have space, a small living space in your bedroom that you can use as a lounge area is a blessing in addition to sleeping and storage areas.
Even if you're remodeling an existing bedroom or creating a new one, there are a lot of aspects you might need to look into for choosing the best bedroom furniture. Take a look at a few of the factors listed below before you invest in brand-new bedroom furniture.
Bedroom Size and Proportions
When deciding on different ideal bedroom furniture online, consider how each item will fit into the space. For example, a king-size bed can fit nicely in a big master bedroom, but compact bedrooms could only be capable of accommodating a queen-or full-size bed. Before you make the purchase, create a layout of your bedroom. To ensure that all of the luxurious bedroom furniture collection will fit comfortably, estimate the room's width and height and take measurements of the contemporary furniture as well. If beds have gotten excessively enormous and take up too much floor space, it may be difficult to move around during the night or enter and depart the bedroom without trouble.
Decide on Storage Spaces
If your wardrobe is small and you have a large collection of shoes, clothes, and belongings, you certainly need to have bedroom furniture that provides ample storage.   You may store items like garments and winter clothes neatly folded and stashed away in cabinets and dressers as they have many compartments. In addition to a cabinet and dressers, consider alternative storage possibilities. You can get the extra space you need to keep your bedroom organised by using a strong bench, nightstand with a storage container within or even a storage cot with some online dressing table beneath. If you don't have a lot of cupboard space but want to display your clothes rather than fold them, think about investing in a lovely armoire.
Consider Your Style and Design Preferences
Your bedroom furniture should represent your personality, just as it does in the other spaces of your house. Whether you adore the sleek, contemporary style, or maybe you favour a little more of a rustic country house feel, to make it simpler to decide, shortlist your options to reflect the preferred aesthetic. Like the one is from the collection of Ottoman furniture Online India. To decide which choices are ideal for you, think about aspects like design, shapes, material, and finishing.You can always prefer choosing to buy teak wood beds online. 
Colour Palette
The colours you choose for the wallpaper, furnishings, and other decor will help you achieve the mood you would like in your bedroom. Mild and peaceful, blues, whites, and beiges might help you have a quiet night. On the other hand, red and yellow hues are lively and do not promote a calm environment but an energising one. Avoid using colours like black and dark shades in the bedroom, as they can be rather unsettling. Choose hues that go well together and impart a feeling of harmony.
Quality Is Important
A piece of furniture ought to last for several years. Consider purchasing bedroom furniture online from companies whose products you already trust and recognize. Furniture made of durable materials, such as sturdy timber frames and opulent cloth or leatherette, will last for many years. Make sure the dresser's drawers slide open and shut without difficulty. Check for all the information, including the way every piece of furniture is put together properly, the location of its production, and the name of the maker. Your money will be worth it when you get high-quality items. Confirming that your new bed will provide you with the space, comfort, and support needed for a peaceful night's sleep is essential.
Wrap Up with Statement Decor
After choosing your brand new bedroom furniture like bedroom ottomans you can finish setting up the space with a few decorative items. Add some houseplants, hang some paintings on the walls, and accessorise your new single bed online with a lovely duvet. For a soft, feathery surface you can step on when you wake up, place a colourful floor rug beneath your bed. A huge, fashionable mirror and a complementing set of glass lamps can definitely add a bit of spice to your bedroom.
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denizenbushwick · 2 years
Williamsburg Apartments setting a new standard
Just west of Bushwick, discover the unique neighborhood of Williamsburg. As a mosaic of culture, Williamsburg tells the story of Brooklyn through music, street art, and vibe. It is particularly iconic for its vintage boutiques, rustic townhomes, music halls, and trendy restaurants.
For anyone visiting New York, Williamsburg can be considered a destination within a destination. To those moving here, it is arguably one of the top real estate spots outside Manhattan for creatives and artists seeking a more carefree yet interesting lifestyle. Denizen Bushwick offer luxury apartment for rent in Brooklyn.
Luxury without Sacrifice
Luxe apartment homes. Amazing nightlife. Modern Art. Live music. Michelin-starred restaurants.
Similar to the newly developed housing project by ODA New York, Denizen Bushwick, the East Williamsburg Apartments were built with luxury and community in mind. Their goal: Become an integral part of the neighborhood by developing meandering, interconnected courtyards complemented by modern sleek architecture. The aim is to create a unique space filled with amenities and activities to fuel interaction and creativity.
An undeniable value, these Brooklyn apartments present a view of the city’s skyline and close proximity to the East River as your home base. Enjoy an endless selection of bars, restaurants, and boutiques just blocks away from your doorstep. Or, get away from the fast-paced city life and slow down in a tranquil courtyard garden.
Floor Plans for the Design Obsessed
Luxury yet affordable, we offer a multitude of options in one-bedroom apartments, two-bedroom apartments, and three-bedroom apartments. All of which include laundry facilities like washer hookup and selected carpeting. Each sqft and each layout is crafted with an eye for detail.
Perfect for a wind-down evening, our apartments feature a full kitchen complete with appliances and stunning countertops. With seamless flows, explore each living space and enjoy the open concept, custom windows, and plentiful natural light. Relax with ease in a luxury bathroom complimented with a spacious walk-in closet and oversized cabinets for all your storage needs.
With vibrant and peaceful floorplans, our apartments are an eminent part of Williamsburg’s real estate scene. Spacious, bright and minimalist, our homes feature thoughtfully designed indoor living that offers an inspired take on Brooklyn’s lifestyle.
Elevate your lifestyle, and take advantage of city living while experiencing access to a collection of convenience and exclusive community amenities. Gather, recharge and connect, without ever leaving the building.
Take a dip in the swimming pool or support your active lifestyle in our state-of-the-art fitness center. There is always something to do or somewhere to gather. Need to get out, all of bustling Williamsburg is at your fingertips.
Domino Park
A perfect place to hang out in the picnic area or take in the east river and cityscape. Multi-purpose built, the park stretches a quarter-mile and hugs the neighborhood’s waterfront. Each section of the park is designed specifically for some kind of use in mind - Watch the sunset, play, walk, eat.
Smorgasburg - Food Festival
“The Woodstock of Eating”, Smorgasburg is a highlight of summer for the locals of Brooklyn. Find food and vendors from all corners of the globe when this food festival is in town. It is held in East River Park which offers another spectacular view of the skyline.
Coffee Shops
Endless options when needing to grab a cup of brew to get your day going or keep it going. There are plenty of coffee shops scattered throughout. Some of the most popular include Blue people, PPL, Black Brick, and Devocion.
Vintage Shopping
Vintage shopping is one of the best experiences to have in Williamsburg. Bedford Avenue is notorious as the central shopping center where you can find some of the best vintage spots that are extremely unique and curated towards their merchandise. It spans roughly 10 blocks so there is always something to find.
There is no shortage of casual bars or cocktail bars in the area. Oppose to Manhattan’s fast pace city vibe, you can find a lot of speakeasies and intimate bars in Brooklyn. They are as abundant as coffee shops but Bedford Ave is always a safe place to start on the map.
East Williamsburg Apartments
Are you ready to find the home that is right for you?Take a virtual tour with us today! Reach out to one of our agents to learn more about our specials or short-term renter program. East Williamsburg Brooklyn luxury apartments for rent offers a way of living like no other.
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thesimperiuscurse · 3 years
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林  /  H A Y A S H I 
The Hayashi family dates back centuries to the era of shoguns, the Japanese warlords, one of the country’s powerful clans linked closely with the Imperial court. Once prominent in the military and the business of war, the family now deals primarily within the financial world—the Hayashi International conglomerate includes branches in the luxury hotelier and real estate industries, recently expanding into beauty and high fashion. The true scope or nature of their power is unknown, and it is speculated that they still hold significant influence in Asia’s political sphere. 
Despite their status, the Hayashi family prefers to operate silently and remain largely faceless, an enigma even to the rest of elite society. There are estimated to be around 30 members, most of which are headquartered in Japan, a few based in China, Russia, and America. The current acting head of the family is Kazuo Hayashi—however, the most well-known figures are his wife Svetlana Hayashi (née Pominova), a prima ballerina assoluta and the first foreigner allowed to marry into the family, and his son Mako Hayashi, a ballet prodigy and model. 
Until Dawn
Shang Chi x Killmonger
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
What do their bedrooms/living areas look like? I'm going to use all 3 of my asks to request this for all of the boys if that's ok! ❤
Man, I’ve had this one in my secret notes for a good while now!
Both the tale brothers live in a nice little gated community. Their house is one of the smaller ones and has the same layout as the one in Snowdin. The house is pretty basic with some cozy throws and wall tapestries to spruce it up
Sans: his room actually has a proper bed and frame this time. The sheets and blankets are still bundled up in a pile on the floor though. Sans also has his homemade trashnado in the corner. There’s a desk on the wall adjacent to the door which has his laptop. And several folders stacked next to it. Other than a dresser, there’s literally nothing else in there. Sans doesn’t care much about stuff
Papyrus: his room has bright orange walls. He left the race car bed behind underground but has a race car blanket to make up for it. His walls are covered in superhero and comic posters. He also has a display case for some old figurines and his comic collection. Papyrus’ desk is one of those nice fancy drafting ones where he can adjust it to tilt upwards. He has a ship wheel attached to his door for some reason.
The swap bros home is only a few blocks from the classic brothers neighborhood. The only thing basic about it is the cream walls. All the furniture and decorations are bright colors. The kitchen especially is real nice. The oven and stove are top notch, and the counters are filled with mason jars full of goodies.
Star: his room can blind a lesser man when you walk in. The walls are bright yellow, the bed (which is a bunk bed by the way) is neon orange. Galaxy posters decorate the wall. Besides the clashing colors, the furniture is pretty basic. Only the top bunk actually has a mattress. The bottom bunk is used as a storage shelf. He also has a shoe rack by his door
Honey: you can practically feel the nerdy aura as you enter his room. The first thing you see is a display case housing some neat figurines of characters from his favorite shows. He’s also got a pretty nice bookshelf on the opposite wall that’s nearly full. Honeys bed has a curtain around it for extra privacy with a nice little wall lamp above the pillows
They have a home a little closer to the city center but still far enough to be considered suburbs. It’s a very sleek and modern house with white walls, tile floors and sleek black and metal furniture. The only thing that doesn’t fit the rest of the theme is this nasty old patched up sofa in the living room. The thing is absolutely hideous but is sooo comfy.
Red: his room has soft grey walls and smells like miter oil. Makes sense since one wall is just a long basic table covered in machine parts that red tinkers with in his down time. He actually doesn’t have a bed. Instead he sleeps on this giant leather bean bag. He likes it that way. There’s a few car posters decorating the walls
Edge: he obviously put a lot of thought into his rooms decorations. Everything is pretty black marble or a sleek white wood. His bed covers are blood red with a nice geometric designs on top in silver. He has a beautiful black desk with some pretty jars filled to the brim with nothing but novelty pens. If you looked in his desk drawers you would find notebooks and even more pens
They don’t own a house and instead live in a two bedroom one bath apartment on the third floor of one of lords complexes. The furniture is pretty minimalistic but very nice quality. Most decorations are metal
Mal: the first thing you’ll see in his room is a large wooden drawing desk where pencils and watercolors are neatly arranged on the side. There’s also a vanity with a light up mirror and a nice collection of makeup. Also a huge slanted hunters knife. He uses it to make sure his eyeliner is extra sharp.
Cash: his bedroom is the perfect definition of organized chaos. It looks messy but for cash, he knows exactly where every thing is. There’s a small tv in there with some old game consoles hooked up to it. The bed is never made.
Their home rests in a neighborhood bordering the forest of ebott. The houses there all have a lot more yard space than most houses in the city. The horrortale home is super cozy with lots of knit throws and pillows scattered around. The back patio has a little dog door and there’s a 50% chance of seeing a chicken walk through lol
Oak: his room is also pretty basic. The bed however has so many blankets. Like way more than any person should need. Oak is a blanket hoarder. There’s a lot of notebooks stacked on his wooden desk along with a file of patterned paper for scrapbooking.
Willow: his room has a raised bed with a cute little ladder on the side so that his dog can jump up. You can tell a lot of the furniture has been homemade or refurbished. The room is larger and in the middle is a circular stone table that’s stained with paint. It’s usually housing his latest craft
They used to live in the same neighborhood as the classic brothers but have recently moved closer to the inner city because of work. Their home is still in the process of being unpacked mostly, but their rooms are done! The house is actually pretty conservative looking with grey walls, white wooden furniture and soft pastel decor. They do have a stripper pole in the living room though lol
Charm: his room looks exactly how you expect from him. Dark walls with lots of bright rave type decorations. On his dresser is a large pretty cake display that stands out from the rest of the rooms theme lol. His room is always on a state of organized chaos with his desk and bed covered in nick knacks but the floors staying oddly clean
Sugar: his room has light lavender walls and black furniture. It’s a big difference from the soft feminine style people expect from him. Instead sugar has a more sleek modern style to his room. He also has a standard mannequin in the middle that always has a new dresses pinned to it.
Fellswap (red)
They own a pretty two story house only a block away from the two apartment complexes that lord owns. The front lawn/garden is in top shape with lots of those metal flower decorations stuck in the ground along the dirt outline. Inside the house is most worn but comfy looking furniture. Nothing special
Lord: his room is pretty basic with mostly brown and grey accents. He does have a large mostly filled bookcase. There’s also two white bean bags and a deep red rug that covers nearly the whole floor of the room.
Mutt: he actually has two rooms. The first is pretty simple with just his bed, a writing desk and a rack for some shoes. Also his bird cage for KFC (pet pigeon). The second room has a sink, and several cages and boxes for the injured animals that he rehabilitates. The second room is slightly larger than his actual room.
Fellswap gold
They actually live in a studio apartment above wines antique shop. The apartment used to be an unused storage static until wine bought the building and repurposed it. The living space itself is a little small, but they also have access to the roof which the gold bros use as a potted garden and dining area.
Wine: his room is very classy with silk curtains on the window and a silky cream canopy above his head. All the furniture is a dark grey wood with pretty carvings and designs. The walls are decorated with beautiful floral paintings from his brother. It’s a pretty well planned out room. Very cosy and luxurious
Coffee: he has two rooms as well. The smaller of the two is just his bed, dresser, closet and a tv with some consoles hooked up to it. The second room has shelves lining nearly every wall except for one which is just a big collab mural. On the shelves is various art supplies and projects. There’s one large sketch desk on one wall. And finally in the middle of the room is a tarp attached to the floor housing whatever piece of furniture coffee is restoring at the moment .
They also own an apartment, one of the flats in lords buildings on the ground floor. It’s the other building from the swapfell brothers. The walls are painted a cheery yellow and the house is mostly decorated with spring colors. There’s always a huge bowl of fresh fruit in the kitchen.
Pop: his room is mix and match of completely different furniture and gadgets. Pop isn’t someone who cares about themes so he will keep whatever catches his fancy. Instead of a bed, he has a hammock attacked to the ceiling with a pillow and some throw blankets casually tossed on top lol.
Rhythm: his room is pretty sparse with just his bed, a shoe rack, and a dresser. On the dresser are pictures of each of his face classes right before they graduate. Rhythm doesn’t really care all that much about decor so the walls are pretty bare too
They live in the same gated community as the classic brothers! The outertale home has high ceilings and lots of windows. The living room is the real centerpiece of the home. It has several large antique bookcases and display cases. Inside the displays are various rocks and crystals and the occasional fossil. It’s really neat.
Pluto: his room is comprised of mostly blues grays and greens. He has a small bookcase on the side of his bed where he keeps the things he’s currently reading. There’s also a large fish-tank with an assortment of saltwater fish inside. Pluto’s room also has a large circular fluffy rug in the middle of the floor. The floor itself is hardwood
Jupiter: his room has a similar color scheme except instead of greens, Jupiter has gold instead. He has some exercise equipment stacked nicely on the side of his bed including weights. There’s a wall tapestry with a printed picture of the asteroid belt the outertale monsters used to live in.
The gaster brothers also live in the same neighborhood as the classic and outertale bros. They’re at the very end in the little cul-de-sac. The interior of the house is almost all white with cream carpet, metro grey walls, and white furniture. A few of the small decorations add a bit of color. There’s a lot of potted succulents.
G: his room is probably the only dark room of the house. His walls are a charcoal grey and the furniture is mostly jet black with a few mustard colored decorations. There’s a metal wire bookcase hanging on the wall. G also has a plastic anatomy dummy that he dresses up in his motorcycle gear when he’s not using it. G thinks he’s funny
Green: like the rest of the home, his room is also mostly white. He has a pretty pale green rack for all of his glasses on his dresser. Green also has his several degrees framed in silver on the walls. his room is always spotless
The farm bros have an old Victorian home that they fixed up themselves. They’re home borders the acres of farmland they own and is about a 45 minute drive from ebott city. The inside is decorated with mostly wooden furniture. There’s like four rocking chairs on the porch lol
Peaches: his room fits the theme of the house with mostly wooden furniture and a lot of quilts and rugs to add color and soften it up. Peaches always has a vase of fresh wildflowers on his dresser. The walls have photographs of plants and animals taped to them that peaches took himself.
Rancher: this mad lad has a large moose skull hanging above his four poster log cabin bed. He also hangs his favorite hunting rifles just below the moose lol. His bedroom is mostly wooden of course but is also decorated with lots of red and orange plaids.
They live in the same neighborhood as the horrortale and horrorswap brothers. Their home is literally right in between the two. Inside it’s decorated in a mix between sleek modern metals and frumpy cozy style. Somehow the horrorfell bros still have their original sofa from the underground. There’s a lot of little homemade staircases for their cat doomfanger who’s too old to claim on top of things herself now
Rust: his walls are painted a soft heather grey and have some basic wooden decorations that noir painted for fun. The furniture is pretty normal with the exception of a large treasure style chest next to his bed. Open it up and you’ll find a collection of drawings and gifts from the kids he’s watched over the years. Rust didn’t have the heart to throw them away.
Noir: unsurprisingly, his room is littered in canvases and paintings on the walls. It’s divided into two sides: the messy paint side and his nice neat living side. He even has a line of tape going down the middle to complete the divide. On his living side is his bed, closet, and a low bookcase that he uses as a second dresser. The actual bookcase is in the living room
As y’all all know, their house is right next to the horrorfells and one house away from the horrortales. They like bright colors and have a sort of summery themed house. The best part is the back garden which is filled with garden boxes of veggies, fruit bushes, and fruit trees.
Lilac: his rooms main color is a pretty powder blue along with canary yellow and some bright green. He has a yoga mat on the floor in place of a rug. The walls have some neat sunrise posters
Basil: his room is pretty cosy with lots of knit blankets and fluffy pillows. He has a massive poster of Pixar’s ratatouille that rust got him as a joke. Basil has like five coconut planters, each housing a different herb plant making his room smell like an Italian restaurant
The Mafias (tale, fell, swap)
The mafia brothers live in an apartment complex masquerading as a warehouse. The ground and top two floors are working area while there were three secret basement levels. The mafia bros home consists of the whole bottom level with all their rooms connected to a hallway. At the end of the hallway is a living space and the kitchen.
Snipe: his room is the one closest to the living area. Inside is sage walls with a few house plants that can survive in low light. His bed is almost never made lol. If one was to tear the room apart, they would find at least six different guns stashed in hidden compartments
Bruiser: his room is the closest to the staircase. Inside the room somehow looks super messy but is actually spotless. Bruiser decorates the walls with all kinds of gifts people randomly give him during his vigilante escapes. Stuff from pocket mirrors, to foreign currency to even a small collection of sea shells. He drilled holes into them and hung them up on strings. Other than his walls, the furniture is pretty plain
Butch: his room is a mix of greys, blacks an silvers with the basics of furniture and a small black leather sofa. On the walls are some pretty hand melded metal decorations that butch made himself. He smokes in his room so it reeks of cigars
Boss: his room fits him perfectly with clean white plaster walls, sleek metal furniture and black and gold marble decor. Everything in that room has a specific place. If anyone moved his stuff, he’d know. It’s the only mafia bro room that doesn’t caught smell like smoke somehow. There’s a male model mannequin that he uses to practice designing clothes on
Ace: the most eye catching part of his room is a large vanity with several lamps attached and a very extensive makeup kit. I’m talking professional grade. Ace isn’t the spy for nothing. He also has an open closet so all his clothing is out on display. The main color of his room is mauve funny enough
Slim: his room is a drab grey and has a large desk taking up a whole wall. It’s filled with screens and monitors. He also has a few tv screens hooked up to the wall. It almost looks like a security room. On the other side is his bed with a canopy curtain for privacy. There’s a few anime posters on the wall as well
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ; 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
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─꒱ in which we peak into how life is as the in-law of the fushiguro family after marrying megumi。
─꒱ feat. fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji & fushiguro tsumiki
─꒱ warnings ; profanity, chaotic hot shit
─꒱ episode one | 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒 | episode three
꒰꒰ you love your father-in-law, like you really do love toji, but that worm of his needs to be in a fucking cage.
a loud scream comes from the top of your lungs early in the morning, eyelashes blinking to shoo the drowsiness away after it's been awakened by the warm sun rays that lay atop your eyelids. as much as you love waking up in the morning in bed with your husband, you don't get that luxury sometimes.
"y/n?!" hearing the loud footsteps of your husband rushing towards with another scream from your sister-in-law, the both of them slam the door wide open. "what happened?!" toji is the last to appear to the scene, his expression more on the sight of confusion compared to the worried and panicked facials on megumi and tsumiki's face. "what the fuck?"
"get this fucking worm off me!"
꒰꒰ if that worm wasn't adopted by toji it would've been on fucking sight. that shit uglier then sukuna's stock of human girls for his bitch soup.
꒰꒰ after you told megumi what toji had told you when you were left alone with him ( the sex question ), you are no longer allowed to be alone at home with him. megumi made sure that the dogs are around.
꒰꒰ you found out the hard way that toji has some lameass dad jokes.
you and tsumiki decided to order sushi for dinner due to the fact the both of you were too lazy to cook, seeing how you and megumi came back tired from a mission and toji from one as well, you all felt bad having tsumiki cook all on her own so you bought food instead.
"i'd avoid sushi if i were you, it seems fishy." toji says just as you all prepared the table to eat. you and megumi freeze on the spot, the trio of you all turning your heads towards toji who sports a serious face. megumi groans, "don't ever do that again."
"i thought it was pretty good." tsumiki lets out a small giggle, you smiling that toji was now comfortable to even make jokes after everything. megumi turns to counter his sister's opnion, through you all swore you heard a stifled chuckle come from toji.
'he's laughing at his own jokes!'
꒰꒰ the effort is appreciated though.
꒰꒰ sometimes you and tsumiki buy too many stuff at the groceries, you call megumi to summon nue and get his shikigami to carry it for you two.
꒰꒰ toji offered ( jokingly ) to let you guys use his worm as a storage while you went shopping for groceries once, let's just say he got smacked in the face with a pan.
꒰꒰ it's his fault for joking while you were cooking.
꒰꒰ you were used to waking up three in the morning for anything and seeing your husband and father-in-law tying some burglar or assassin up, but no way were the rest of the family used to you doing the work.
"y/n?" megumi comes walking down the stairs with his father, turning on the lights in the dark hour to gain a shred of shine. the two males see in full picture that you had just finished punching someone in the face, the other hand holding them up by the collar as it physically shows that whoever this guy dressed in black had just failed in whatever mission he had in mind.
"who's that?" toji raises a brow, more so on the fact that he is impressed you beat up the intruder without a single sound in the dead of night. the look of displeasure shows you were in no mood, wanting nothing more than what you had walked downstairs for before this piece of shit decided to ruin your night. you throw the man in black on to the floor, scowling.
"all i wanted was a glass of fucking water, not an assassin who can't even use the front door."
꒰꒰ when you and tsumiki make food in the kitchen, expect a knife to go flying at least once.
꒰꒰ you don't know if you should be thankful to have tsumiki as your sister or not, she's unintentionally scary and she's not even trying.
꒰꒰ somehow you always end up walking into an argument between megumi and toji ( usually after leaving the kitchen to get a snack ) but you instantly walk out because the last time you didn't, shit was ugly.
"hey... can we all just calm down?" tsumiki is in between toji and megumi who are constantly throwing insults and such at each other, whatever argument they were having she tries to settle it down without anyone getting injured.
"i can't when this pathetic excuse of a father can't grow the fuck up!" megumi bellows, glaring at the older man who lets out a tsk and a frown. "watch what you're saying, i'll hand down an ass whoopin' on ya."
'this seems interesting.' you sip on your boba after walking out from the kitchen, the bowl of popcorn just beside you as you ate and speculated. it was normal for the father-son duo to have their fights, usually it was fun to watch because it ended up as good entertainment for you. so in result: you have no intention in stopping them.
"no, guys, seriously..." tsumiki pleads, her hands slightly apart to try and force space between them. though her efforts were thrown out the window when in complete sync did they yell right back at tsumiki. "just mind your own business!"
'they punched her!' the boba fell from your hands and the popcorn flew, much like how tsumiki started to fall back towards the couch. it took less than a millisecond for the two to realize what the did, and they knew they were fucked.
꒰꒰ sometimes you still have nightmares about it.
꒰꒰ there are times that toji would be coming home with a woman tailing behind him, and it's somehow always when megumi and tsumiki are out.
"tadamasu." toji greets as he walks in, talking his footwear off and leaving it in front of the door. you pop your head out from the living room into the hallway of the entrance as you greet him on his return, "hokairi."
"who's the bitch?" you notice a woman who had too much make up to show her curstyass in front of you, a click of your tongue echoes through the two meter distance between you and her as you cross your arms. "who's the slut?"
"youー!" her face twists in fury, heels about to click and clack each step to get to you but is instantly stopped by the sound of toji's deep voice. "get out." the girl looks baffled by his words, face contouring into a smile full on uneasiness. "but tojiー"
"i said get out." his voice is much more prominent and demanding, sending chills down her spine as she steps back in caution. you stand here watching as the woman still refused to leave your home, in seconds did toji grab hold of her wrist and threw her out of the house ( much to the woman's displeasure ). you grin from ear to ear, running out to see her limping her way back to her rented car right beside toji. you call her out, the glare she sends your way is priceless as you stand beside your father-in-law with all the glory in the world.
"by the way, i'm his amazing daughter-in-law! and we have decided that a clown lookin' ass like you doesn't deserve the right to fuck a fushiguro!" you wink.
"yeah, yeah. get back inside, y/n. megumi 'n tsumiki 'ill be back home, don't want them nagging that our y/n got into some cat fight again." you hear toji from inside the house, walking away from your figure. you pout your cheeks out, "it's not a cat fight, it's my bad bitch moves!"
"i'll lock you out."
"this is my house!"
꒰꒰ you stopped questioning megumi and toji's cooking skills because the last time you and tsumiki let them cook dinner, they didn't just burn the eggs they were making but also trashed half the kitchen.
꒰꒰ they made an oil fire that time, and no one knows how but toji was able to get the zenin clan to pay for repairs???
꒰꒰ and apparently for the past five months the zenin clan have been paying for repairs and they didn't even know toji was using their money, well until naobito found out and busted your front door on a weekend.
"toji!" you heard the current head of the zenin's clan voice boom through your house, you also watched the white front door fly through the hallway right before your eyes after you have just watered your little cactuses. in seconds you hear the lazy voice of your father-in-law, emerging from the kitchen with a confused tsumiki. "what do you want."
"how dare you use the zenin clan's money on your mistakes!" naobito starts striding towards toji in anger, your eyes glancing over at your now open door to see naoya waving to you. you lift your waterer up in acknowledgment of his existence before snapping at naobito.
"how about your mistake?" you watch naobito grip on to the collar of toji's shirt, the look of fury engraved on his old face as he glares your way. "what?" he says, dropping toji as he complains about
"you broke my fucking door, you wrinkly ass, dusty, decaying ancient artifact. we just installed that three days ago! the zenin clan better keep paying."
꒰꒰ that door never seems to get a break
꒰꒰ the real reason why you and megumi never moved out of the house is because when you two tried, tsumiki and toji invited themselves into your house and said they were living there.
꒰꒰ your father-in-law makes hundreds of millions of yen, you'd think he'd live on his own but instead he lives with his kids.
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sponsors ; @haru-senji @churochuu @inumakiful @to-move-on-means-to-grow @hq128 @erensslut @hoeevern @iwaesumi @cherryonigiri @captaincyberqueen @strawbebbies-ky @your-consulting-fangirl @tsumuluv @aesthotiana @thevoidwriting @optimestick
© MGUQIIS 、 2021
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kaitoujokerscans · 3 years
The Night the Silver Cape is Set Ablaze CH5
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<5> Spade's Preoccupation
Around the same time, the Twin Thunder Shark was cruising over somewhere else. It was a dark, moonless night. Spade and Dark Eye were sitting next to each other in the pilot seats. They were on a course for the holding place of a treasure they had sent out advance notice for. Spade glanced outside the window to the side. I'm feeling unsettled...
Ever since he had visited Joker's place, Spade's mind had been clouded over. Not because Joker had refused his generosity. He hadn't expected to manage a decent talk with Joker in the first place. What unsettled Spade was how an advance notice had been delivered to Joker from Noir. He had adjusted the story for Joker at the time, but actually, what Spade received wasn't an advance notice.
Spade recalled the letter from Noir.
 To Phantom Thief Spade,
I've heard your skills are top-notch among phantom thieves. I would like to ask your assistance.
-Phantom Thief Noir
 Of course, he was suspicious of the letter from the moment it arrived. Spade wouldn't be deceived by compliments. Joker came to mind immediately.
Is this one of Joker's pranks? Is he just trying to get a laugh at my expense when he sees me take up this offer without paying any heed...?
Then I'll just have to make the first move myself.
Spade had gone out to visit him with full conviction, but not only was it not Joker's doing, an advance notice had been sent from Noir to Joker as well.
Somehow, he felt as if he had lost. This "Noir" enigma was challenging Joker, and he was attempting to recruit Spade for it. Did he think he would be easier to manage? He considered Joker an enemy, yet wouldn't consider Spade as one.
That's why I lied on the spot...
Hearing his name called suddenly, Spade snapped back.
"Kyo kyo, we'll be arriving shortly..."
"Ah, all right."
Spade overlooked the scenery beneath the front window. A small island floated in the middle of a dark ocean. The circular island was completely built over and looked like a maritime citadel. Rightly so, as this was the "Miral Fort Hotel", a former fortress remodeled into a hotel.
Sitting in the middle of the ocean, its manmade appearance gave it an imposing and out-of-place atmosphere. Yet as it was surrounded on all 360 degrees by water and removed from the bustle of the city, it was popular with rich people who wanted rare quiet. In spite of the exorbitant lodging fee, it was booked years in advance. He had come to steal a jewel from a wealthy woman who was staying there.
"..." Spade took a quick breath. "I need to discipline myself better..." he whispered. A letter that could have been a mere prank had him ruffled. Enough of that, don't even start. I have to focus on my thief work...
Beside him, Dark Eye peered over. "Kyo kyo, Spade-sama? Is something the matter?"
"No, it's nothing. It's about time to go."
"Indeed. Shall I still follow the plan you outlined earlier?"
"Yes, that will do."
"Then let us depart," said Dark Eye, putting on a head-to-toe black suit and a black backpack to blend into the dark of night. Then they carefully adjusted the hand of their wristwatch.
"All right, mission start."
Spade pushed a button and the floor opened up beneath them. Still upright, the pair dropped. Their silhouettes were silently swallowed up by the darkness of night.
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In one of the hotel's rooms, a man observed the dark sea. A thin plume of purple smoke rose from the cigar in his mouth. The man shifted his attention to the advance notice in his hand.
 Tonight, I will steal the 'Octopus Turquoise' from the lady staying at the Miral Fort Hotel.
-Phantom Thief Spade
 "..." Without a word, the man lit the advance notice with his cigar and flung it into the ashtray. The advance notice burned silently.
"Ohohohoho, so it seems not even Phantom Thief Spade is able to come to this remote island!" Behind the man, a wealthy-looking lady laughed. Though she spoke elegantly, her words had an obnoxious ring. "It was worth renting out this secluded hotel. Even if he does manage to enter, he'll be caught in short order."
"Yes, exactly so." The man exhaled another puff of smoke out his mouth. The cigar smoke silently rose toward the ceiling of the luxurious room.
They were in the hotel's biggest suite. The spacious living room was in a circular shape and was furnished with a large bed and expensive fittings. Sitting in the middle of it all was the predictably octopus-shaped, shining blue gem, the Octopus Turquoise.
The lady addressed the man. "White Hawk, I'm paying you a considerable sum. Do your job well."
"Understood, madam. I may be your bodyguard at the moment, but I am a professional bounty hunter. There are people out there who will pay a hefty reward if I capture Phantom Thief Spade." The man called White Hawk looked at the lady and smirked. Hawk was a notorious bounty hunter. He was a well-built man, with upright silver hair and a military-esque uniform. He wore a patch over his right eye, and a big scar ran over his left cheek. These were proof that he was a seasoned warrior. Most of all, the powerful teeth clenching the thick cigar alluded to Hawk's fortitude.
"I'm the strongest bounty hunter out there! Ain't that right!"
The tall flunky standing beside Hawk answered with vigor. "Yes! White Hawk-sama is the strongest!"
"I sure am! Hah hah hah!" Hawk guffawed.
"Oho, it's an honor to fight someone who boasts to be the strongest."
The voice came from the doorway. Who knows when he had gotten there, but Spade was standing at the entrance to the room.
"You! How did you get there!?"
"How? I just waltzed right in from outside."
"You couldn't have... My men were out there..."
"Those were your men? I was trying to not get my hair tangled while fighting and still swatted them down one after another. I would have hoped you could assemble some more formidable footsoldiers," Spade said, glancing at the flunky standing next to Hawk. The tall, unreliable-looking flunky let out an "e-eek!"
Hawk clicked his tongue and glared at Spade. "Tch... well, fine. I'll just capture you myself, right here. You're wanted alive. Count yourself lucky!" he bellowed, before running toward Spade. The tip of his smoldering cigar still poking out of his fist, he threw a punch at Spade. Spade nimbly dodged the blow and leapt back. Taking his small gun out of its holster, he aimed it at Hawk.
"Ice Shot!" Blue-white beams fired from Spade's gun, hitting Hawk's cigar. The cigar's flame was immediately extinguished, and its tip was frozen solid.
"Fire's weak to water. To ice, even more so. Everybody knows that."
"Ghh, then how about this!" Hawk said, taking out multiple cigars from his pocket and scattering them over the floor. The cigar tips crackled and sparked. They were bombs!
But Spade wasn't bothered and let loose a fusillade at each and every cigar with his Ice Shot. In moments, all of the bombs were silenced.
"Your moves won't work on me. There's no better matchup than fire and ice." Spade chuckled. "Well, enough playing around. I'm going after my target now."
Spade took a look at his wristwatch and counted down. "3, 2, 1... lights off!"
Right on cue, the lights in the room crackled off. In a moment the whole place had gone completely dark. There was no light coming in from the window, either. After all, outside was the nighttime sea, devoid of even a single light.
"Perfect timing, Dark Eye," murmured Spade. Dark Eye had snuck into the hotel's electrical room and shut off power to all rooms, just as scheduled.
All right, time to take the treasure... Spade relied on his memory to navigate through the darkness, just before he saw a small ember. "...!?" Spade quickly moved himself out of the way, narrowly avoiding the ember.
"Tch!" He heard Hawk click his tongue nearby. Spade swiftly crouched down and stepped away. He heard Hawk's voice come from the darkness. "Phantom Thief Spade... did you think that cigars were the only thing up this bounty hunter's sleeve? My hearing's sharp enough that I can find wherever you are, even in this darkness. So much as twitch and you're done for!"
He's got me... Spade kept down and silenced his breathing. If he made the slightest sound, Hawk would find him. Still, not moving at all would get him nowhere. Spade slowly reached for his holster.
He'll get to me in a matter of seconds. Can I fire off my Ice Shot before that...? Spade recalled the room's layout with perfect detail. Okay...! He reached for his holster, rapidly now, and grabbed his Ice Shot. There was a slight rattle.
"There you are!" he heard Hawk say in the dark. His fist, with a cigar stuck between its fingers, was flying right toward Spade. Spade fired his Ice Shot, but it went off in the completely wrong direction.
"Ha ha ha! Where do you think you're aiming!?" In the darkness, Hawk's cigar-stuffed fist swung. Its embers were just about to singe Spade's cheek — but before it could connect, Spade vanished and Hawk's punch jabbed through air. "W-What the heck!?"
Hawk immediately pricked up his ears. But he couldn't hear Spade's footsteps. Instead he heard something sliding around the room.
"What's that sound?"
Spade had to be the one making it, but it was too fast. It was like he was circling around the whole room...
Just then, the room's lights crackled back on. Hit by the sudden flood of brightness, Hawk squinted. Within the rays, he saw Spade at the entrance to the room, holding the Octopus Turquoise and smiling.
"Heh heh, as promised, I've taken the treasure."
"M-My Octopus Turquoise!" Behind Hawk, the lady shrieked.
"You fop, how did you...!?" Hawk started, before seeing something glimmer in his peripheral vision. "W-What is this!?"
Hawk looked around and saw a meter-wide line of ice on the walls around the perimeter of the circular room. The line of ice stretched from the doorway where Spade was all the way to the back where the lady was at, making a complete loop.
"It's a line of ice I made with my Ice Shot. I suppose the easiest way to explain is that it's a makeshift skating rink."
"A what?"
Spade lifted up his leg. Now that he could see better, there was a blade like the kind used on ice skates on the bottom of his shoe. "I skated atop the line with these shoes while I was still making it with my Ice Shot. With enough speed, centrifugal force allowed me to skate on the walls to some degree. And of course, I picked up the treasure while I was at it!"
"Ghh...!" Hawk grimaced, biting down on his cigar.
"I'll be taking the treasure, then. Adios!" Spade turned around and jumped out the window in the room. He quickly blew a bubble of Balloon Gum and floated up toward the darkness of night. Behind him, he heard Hawk's voice, yelling "Wait!" at him.
As he steadily ascended toward the Twin Thunder Shark where Dark Eye was waiting, Spade was feeling refreshed, as if a load had been lifted off his chest. The phantom thief business truly is great... It was like all that doubt and second-guessing earlier had never even happened.
That was when...
For a split second, Spade let down his guard. He heard a pop, and a moment later realized that his Balloon Gum had burst. "!?" He looked and saw Hawk on the hotel roof, brandishing a gun. Hawk fixed his sights, taking aim for Spade. Spade's body had started to fall. He was a sitting duck.
Oh shoot...! Spade hurriedly tried to inflate another Balloon Gum, but he got off-balance and the gum fell out of his pocket. "Aaah!"
Looking again, Hawk was aiming directly at Spade. His finger was on the trigger. "You're not getting away, Phantom Thief Spade!"
"Ghh...!" Spade thought it was all over, but just then...
Everything went black, and he felt his body being gently held up.
"Are you all right?" It was a man's voice; one he had never heard before. Whoever it belonged to, he was somehow floating in the air.
"Haah!" The man held up a knife and threw it with force. Hawk's resulting scream echoing from the rooftop was just barely audible. "You're okay now."
Reassured by the voice, Spade's body warmed. When Spade was shocked by something, he became feverish. Then a wiry arm drugged Spade with something. Spade's consciousness slowly floated away.
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Spade awoke to a chilly breeze on his cheek.
He glanced around and saw that he was in a dark, cold room, with a faint shaft of moonlight beaming in from the window. It seemed to be some kind of decrepit house, but with so little light, he couldn't see the whole room. Spade himself was lying down on a small platform.
"...Spade-kun, how do you do. This is my hideout. So as to keep the location secret, I put you to sleep for a little while," came a voice from the darkness. It was a low, monotone voice... the same one that had saved Spade.
"My name is Noir. I sent you a letter."
"I see..." So I was saved by Noir. Spade slowly sat up. "Thank you for what you did. I was careless..."
"Hm..." Noir didn't respond. Spade went ahead and asked the question on his mind.
"Why did you send me that letter? What do you want my assistance for?"
"Oh yes... that was a mistake."
"A mistake?"
"I intended to steal a treasure from Joker and, with your help, defeat Silver Heart. However, it appears I overestimated you."
"What? Defeat my master...?" Hearing all this, Spade wasn't even sure where to start.
"You and I have similar circumstances. Thus I believed that you would be willing to help me defeat Silver Heart. Seeing as you are Joker's rival, I thought sure that you would be motivated if I showed you this treasure I stole from Joker."
"You took a treasure from Joker!?" Spade exclaimed. In the dark, a red gemstone caught the light of the moon and gleamed. It was the Crimson Crystal which Joker had stolen from Kaneari. "That's..."
"I won it from Joker in a minute-long match. For me, something such as this is child's play. However, Silver Heart will not be as simple."
"Aha. You have confidence in your skills. You're planning to challenge my master to a match?"
"That's correct. I will never forgive him."
"I don't know what happened between you and Master. But do you really think I would assist with that?" Spade said with a faint smile. Even if he had beaten Joker, he certainly wouldn't help him fight against his master.
"That makes sense... Regardless, I no longer have any need for you."
"That theft you just did. You stayed calm and collected through most of it, but at the very end, you let down your guard. That could have been a fatal mistake."
"That was because..." I can't say it was because the letter he sent was bothering me. That's just an excuse.
"My apologies, but I rescind what I said in the letter. I do not need your assistance. I would be better off with Joker, who chose to fight against me."
"Say what..." Spade's eyes flashed with anger as he glared into the dark. "Show yourself! I'll prove to you here and now that I'm not inferior to Joker!"
"Heh heh, I am not in the habit of showing myself to those I deem unworthy..."
"Ghh... Unworthy, you say..."
But Spade knew that he couldn't fight here anyway. His body was still warm, and just getting up made his head feel dizzy.
"Farewell then, Phantom Thief Spade. Return this to Joker for me, if you would," Noir told him, placing the Crimson Crystal on a side table. "It's unlikely that we will meet again. Go ahead and chase behind Joker forever..." he said before apparently walking out. Then in a voice too low for Spade to hear, he spoke to himself. "I'm not like you..." Noir's footsteps faded away into the darkness.
"Wait! Take that back!"
But Noir didn't respond to Spade's shout. Soon enough, he could no longer hear the footsteps.
"Ghh..." Spade balled up a fist and slammed it onto the table. It made a heavy thud, and pain coursed through Spade's hand. He gnashed his teeth, the frustration heating up his body even more. "Phantom Thief... Noir......!" he wrung out.
Then with a great clamor, Dark Eye came in to his rescue exclaiming "Spade-sama!", but their voice didn't reach Spade's ears.
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bittykimmy13 · 3 years
The Clandestine Queen (GT Story)
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Premise: A trinket no taller than the pieces on a chessboard takes a champion player by surprise.
Another trinket short that is comparatively tamer than others, but intense in its own way ;) I binged The Queen's Gambit, and it inspired me to write a GT story involving chess. I had a lot of fun writing this one! Enjoy! :D
Warning: mentions of dehumanization The print / trinket universe belongs to me and the lovely @little-miss-maggie​ / @marydublin5​ <3
(( Read more about the print and trinket universe here! ))
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The wheels rolled smoothly along the carpet. She sat on her knees in a prim posture, her hands on her lap and her back straight. The glass walls around her were so polished, she could almost forget she was trapped. The steaming room-sized meal on the plate beside her kept her from forgetting entirely, though. With each door the waiter wheeled the cart past, she braced herself. He didn’t come to a stop until the last door on the right—room 3218. A luxury suite.
The waiter knocked. “Room service!”
Footsteps thudded on the other side. The door swung open to reveal a man with dark hair, dark clothing, and an even darker look on his face. How curious for someone to look so inconvenienced by the arrival of a gourmet meal they ordered.
“Good evening, sir,” the waiter said.
“Make it quick,” the man muttered, stepping back to allow the cart to pass through the door.
This gave her a full view of the suite. The first and only thing she noticed was the chessboard set up by the window, illuminated by a single lamp and the moonlight glowing through the panes. This man was here for the tournament. No wonder he looked so irked by the interruption.
Her eyes went glassy. Trinkets were supposed to be anonymous once they went through the facility, stripped of their past identities before they were sent out to whatever random bar, hotel, brothel, or business they were assigned. Since the beginning of the tournament that week, she had no doubt that her placement at this hotel was intentional, designed to taunt and torture her until she drew her last breath.
Tearing her eyes away from the chessboard, she looked up at the man as he spoke. She wondered if she had met him at some point, in her other life. He didn’t look familiar.
“I did not ask for a trinket,” the man said, barely looking at her. He had an accent that suggested Spanish or Portuguese as a first language. An international player.
“She’s complimentary, sir,” the waiter said. “A token of congratulations for your victories today.”
The man didn’t blink. “I don’t want her.”
“Would you like me to bring one that suits your preference?”
He sneered. “I am not interested in spending my night with a felon.”
The waiter cleared his throat. “Well, you can simply leave her in the case. Should you change your mind, your room key has a sensor to open it. Please ensure you place her back inside and shut it properly before leaving the room or setting the tray outside. Though, I can assure you our trinkets are well-behaved.”
The guests were less so. Twice now, she had been sampled by other people on the way to their rooms after she’d been sloppily left on the tray outside the door.
“Fine.” The man whisked the tray off the cart before the waiter could, setting it on the coffee table in front of a lounger. All the while, she held perfectly still and kept her eyes trained up at him, trying to figure out if she’d met him before.
“Have a lovely night, Mr. Soto,” the waiter said with a nod, pulling the cart out of the room. “And best of luck tomorrow.”
Soto. The name made her jaw clenched. Andres Soto. A 30-year-old champion from Argentina, visiting the U.S. for the first time. There was no way they could have met before, but they certainly would have crossed paths at some point, had things turned out differently.
She continued to stare at him as he grabbed the plate of food from beside her and took it over to the chess table, ignoring her entirely. Just when she thought that was the end of that, Andres returned to the tray.
Fear. She couldn’t stop it from coming, but she had long since learned what to do when it showed up. Even before she was a trinket. Imagine your spine turning to steel, Kate would tell her. And look your opponent in the eye.
She wet her lips and willed her spine to turn to steel, certain that he did intend on toying with her despite his disgust toward her. However, when his rattling steps paused in front of the coffee table, he merely reached down to grab the glass of red wine across the tray from her.
Again, he made it clear that she was beneath his notice.
“Is that a chessboard?” she blurted before he could walk away.
He turned back, his dark eyes locking on her. What a stupid thing to say. Why would she draw his attention when everything was in her favor? A night of being ignored was a blessing she could not have dreamed of, and here she was throwing it away. She could be like the poor trinkets that had been gathered downstairs in the dining hall, being used as game pieces by drunken tournament losers.
“Obvio,” Andres said simply, starting toward his board again.
“May I see?”
Another pause. Frustration mounted in his stance. He walked back to the coffee table with heavier steps. He loomed over her and stared down. She couldn’t be sure if he was purposely trying to intimidate her, or if it was a side-effect of him trying to figure her out. Chess players had a particular look about them, the way they tried to analyze the person before them. Which meant he viewed her at least somewhat like a person. Fascinating.
“I’m studying,” he growled out. Intimidation. No doubt. “I have no time to entertain you.”
“I’m not asking for entertainment,” she said. “Only to see the board.”
“You are bothersome.” He filled more of her vision as he bent down to pick up the tray. He started for the door. “Shall I toss you into the next room? Perhaps they will enjoy you more.”
“I want to play,” she informed him calmly. But on the inside, her heart felt like it was ripping to bloody pieces with each step that carried her away from the chessboard. She needed to see it.
Andres stopped in his tracks, making her waver in her seat only slightly. “You?” he asked skeptically.
“Me.” She shrugged and cocked her head at him. “Or I can help you study. You’re replaying today’s games, aren’t you? That’s what I’d be doing. I didn’t like it when they brought me trinkets, either.”
He lifted the tray higher and narrowed his eyes at her, his stare on the tipping point between intrigue and dangerous aggravation. “Who are you?”
“I’ve been told that my name is Queenie.”
He didn’t take the bait and ask for her real name. Some pathetic and silly part of her wanted to tell him herself without prompting. A talented player like him would recognize her name—for better or for worse. But she kept her mouth shut. For all she knew, he’d go on a power trip knowing he had a former chess champion at his mercy.
Setting the tray down, he swept up the case and carried it over to the chess table. He used the sensor on his room key to open the door for her. She stood slowly to accommodate the soreness of her knees, then stepped out onto the table. She admired the board with a fluttering heart, hiding a smile. It was a fancy one—the squares lit up where the pieces were put. Half the pieces were set aside, while the ones on the board were in active play.
Andres took a seat and picked at his food with a fork. “Here you see the twenty-second move from my last match this afternoon,” he told her. “I was black. It was her turn.”
Folding her hands behind her back, she strolled around the outside of the board, weaving around discarded pieces. She tried hard not to think about the fact that the king and queen were taller than her.
“You know,” she said. “There’s an app that can sync with this board. It allows you to record the moves of your previous games. It sets up the pieces for you, turn by turn.”
He scoffed. “You think I am not aware? I find that doing it the old-fashioned way is better. Keeps the mind sharp.”
“I agree.” She examined the placement of the pieces on the board and felt a tingle of familiar exhilaration, able to see different avenues of victory for Andres. He had his opponent cornered by this point. “How many moves left until you beat her?”
“Six, counting her next one.”
“Hm. You could have done it in three.”
He raised his eyebrows, more surprised by her impudence than annoyed. “Imposible,” he murmured in his mother tongue as he eyed the board to find what she meant. Then he shook his head. “I don’t see it.”
She gestured at the board. “May I?”
Waving his hand dismissively, he sat back and took a sip of wine. Against all odds, she was not garnishing a drink or plate tonight. For that moment, she was in the past—simply having a conversation with a rival, trying to outdo one another and pick each other’s brains. The illusion was lost when she had to actually climb onto the board. The squares lit up beneath her feet as she stepped on them.
“Let me guess,” she said. “She moved the bishop here?” The piece was only slightly shorter than her. Pushing it in a diagonal line, she gave Andres an expectant look.
“Good guess.”
Tapping her chin, she turned slowly to examine the slightly altered layout. In her mind’s eye, she could see the pieces moving and track the placement of each turn that created the five remaining moves leading to Andres’ victory. Without having to ask, she knew precisely what he and his opponent had done.
“May I show you how you could have put her away quicker?”
“Do it.” Andres watched in silence as she moved a black piece, then white, then black again.
“Checkmate,” she announced, planting one hand on her hip.
Andres set the wine glass down so hard, she thought it would shatter. He dropped his elbows on the table, rattling the board beneath her feet. Steepling his fingers, he scoured the board with his eyes and muttered to himself. Finally, his eyebrows quirked up again when he looked at her.
“Insightful. I will study this strategy.” He did not thank her, but then again, players rarely did under normal circumstances. She did sense a begrudging sense of gratitude lurking somewhere underneath, particularly when he spoke up again. “Let’s play.”
Not an offer. Not a suggestion. An order.
“I am yours tonight,” she told him just to see the faint disgust on his face at the reminder that he was spending the night with a felon.
Piss off your opponent when you can, Kate would say. Makes ‘em more likely to fuck up. Oh, and if you manage to stay classy while pissing 'em off? Honey, you're golden.
He gave her no time to move out of the way as he began to arrange the pieces into their starting positions. She was forced to stay in the middle of the board, lest he bump her with his quick movements. Although she tried to appear as calm as ever, there was a tightness to her mouth as his hands flew over her, fingers and chess pieces narrowly missing her head. Months ago, she arranged boards just as effortlessly. Now she needed both arms to move a single piece.
“Black or white?” she asked when he was finished.
“Your choice.” He plucked up a black and white pawn, one in each hand. His hands vanished under the table as he shuffled the two pieces out of her sight. Then he held his closed fists in front of her. She shuffled two steps back; he moved so quickly, she couldn’t be sure he would stop. “Choose,” he said when she stayed frozen for all of two seconds.
She pointed to his right hand, and he opened it to reveal the black piece. He placed it in front of her, and she slid it over to its spot.
And then the game began.
Andres made the first move, nudging a pawn from its place on the front line. The surreality of the situation almost left her breathless. It had been so long since she played, but all at once she felt herself fall back without a second thought, as if she hadn’t missed a single day. She was able to move the pieces on her own, up until she wanted to move a knight that was still nestled among the other pieces with no clear pathway out.
Just as she was considering carrying it around the outside of the board, a massive hand filled her vision. She flinched to the edge of the board and nearly fell off, staring up at Andres with wide eyes and a clenched jaw. He picked up the knight and weighed it in his hand.
“Where do you need it?” he asked matter-of-factly.
“F6,” she croaked.
The spike of fright did not derail the strategies that unfolded in her mind. The game went on. When she began taking some of his pieces, he did not hesitate to help her out, setting them aside without waiting for her to struggle or ask. He was just as focused as her, eager to keep the game flowing—all the more so as the game entered its thirtieth move.
She paced up and down the edge of the board, rubbing the back of her neck thoughtfully. He was good. But she knew she was better. The problem was a stark disadvantage with her size.
“I need to see the whole board,” she realized aloud. “It’s frustrating to gauge it like this.”
Laser-focused on her plight, she didn’t see Andres’ hand coming. In the forty-five minutes they had been playing, she had gotten used to him plucking up pieces and avoiding her. A fresh thrill of fear closed around her heart as his fingers pinched her waist and swept her up. She gave a choked cry, her hands digging into the sides of his fingers as her legs dangled over empty air. She was perfectly accustomed to being held like this, but amid the game, she had forgotten the reality of her life.
“You said you wanted to see the board,” he said to her reaction, and she was surprised to hear the slightest note of apology.
She looked across at his face, the way his eyebrows were furrowed in faint concern. Wetting her lips, she swallowed hard and focused down at the board. Her breathing calmed as her world began to make sense again. She could see several pathways to victory for both of them—which meant she knew exactly how to thwart him.
“Thank you,” she said when she was done, squirming slightly in his pinched grip. He put her back down with more care than he did the pieces.
Three moves later, doubt began to creep in. Not doubt that she could beat him—doubt if she should. He was a champion. She used to be. Now she was nothing but a trinket—even less important than a pawn on a chessboard. Even if she was superior in commanding the game, he held all the power over her the moment it was over.
If he was a sore loser, he could quite literally kill her.
Pursing her lips, she analyzed the board and spotted a trap he was obviously setting up for her by using his last rook and bishop. A lesser player would fall for it easily. She took the bait, pretending to be sure of herself.
“Check,” he said upon his next move.
She moved her queen, protecting her king while sealing her doom. “Right back at you.”
A little smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. He took out her queen. “And that’s checkmate.”
Sighing, she tipped her king over with both hands. It clattered and rolled a short distance. “Guess I’m out of practice,” she said.
His accursed hand moved for her again, and for a second, she thought she had thrown the game for nothing. He was going to torment her anyway. A part of her was royally ticked off—she should have let herself beat his ass if things were going to end up like this anyway. But his hand stopped just short of her, finger extended.
“Good game,” he said. “Tough game.”
She released her caught breath, looking from his finger to his face and back again. She pressed her hand to his fingertip. “Tough game,” she agreed.
“It went on longer than any of the others I played this week.” He examined her once again. It was more overwhelming when he looked at her with a multitude of things other than disgust and detached interest. “Chess is clearly close to your heart. A shame this happened to you.” He gestured vaguely at her miniature stature.
She shrugged. “Chess saved my life. And then ended it.”
He nodded as if he had any clue what she meant by that. In a way, she supposed all serious players at least understood the first half.
Andres’ hands flew around her again as he began picking up pieces and setting them back into their starting positions. “Again?” he asked. And this time it was undoubtedly an offer.
She eyed the squares on the board, the white team forming in front of her in a whirlwind. There would never be another opportunity like this again. Despite all odds, she had returned to her haven of sixty-four squares. A distraction from the real world, just for tonight.
“Again,” she said, smiling for the first time at him.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
The next night, she couldn’t decide if she was surprised to be requested back in the same room. She did not allow herself to win the night before. It was enough just to come close and know she could decimate Andres’ strategies if she wanted to. Perhaps he wanted another night of analyzing his games of the day.
One night of bliss was lucky. Two was unheard of.
Andres wasn’t any friendlier with the waiter tonight, and strangely, the moment the door shut, his hardened expression didn’t become any less guarded with her. He set the tray down and lifted the glass case before his eyes. Maybe he always needed time to thaw out.
“Congratulations,” she said, noting the gold trophy by the window. “You should be out celebrating.”
“I’m not the celebrating kind.”
She snorted. “I never would have guessed.”
The slightest smile touched his lips—obviously involuntary. His eyes did not move from her, seeking something. “When I finished my opponents early today, it gave me the time to think. And the time to replay our games from last night. You see, something was bothering me.”
Goosebumps rose along her arms, but she said nothing and kept her expression neutral.
“Anyone who plays an entire match like that would not fall for those endgame strategies so easily. Certainly not five times in a row.” He brought her closer to his face. There was nowhere to hide. He knew. He knew everything. “You threw the games. All of them.”
She played dumb. “A smart man like you should understand why a trinket in my position would do that.”
Scoffing, he reached into his pocket to pull out his room key. He opened the case, and rather than reach inside to grab her, he tilted it and made her slide out onto his palm. She couldn’t breathe for a second, scrambling to sit up and redeem what little dignity she could. Her heart thundered like a galloping horse as he carried her over to the chess table and gruffly dropped her on the middle of the board. When he took a seat, he leaned down and propped his chin on the backs of his fingers, putting himself nearly at eye level with her.
“I studied your moves,” he went on. “I researched female players with the same playing style.”
He knew.
Shuddering, she started to back away.
“I found someone who matched,” he said. “And she vanished from the chess world four months ago.”
He straightened, touching the top of the queen piece on his side with his fingertip, toying with it. “Lorelei Weaver. The night after you came in second in the U.S. Championship, you were arrested for first-degree murder.
Her voice started to rise. "You don't understand—"
"You pushed the champion, Kate Miller, in front of a subway train in New York.”
“She was my friend!” she shrieked. “You don’t know shit! I was framed!”
He cocked his head. “Sentenced to be a trinket.”
She collapsed onto her knees and covered her face, shoulders wracking with sobs. She had not cried since she was human. For a moment, she was gone. All she could hear was the roar of the train. The screaming. Her own screaming. It echoed so loudly in her ears, she was surprised she wasn’t doing it in front of Andres. He said nothing, merely observed her as she cried herself out and gathered her bearings again.
“Louis Mclean came in third,” she went on in a thin voice, dropping her hands to her knees. “I humiliated him in the semi-finals. I beat him in less than ten moves because he was cocky. Just like that, in ten moves, all of his training was shot down and meaningless.” She swallowed hard, feeling tears brim up again. “Then Kate beat me. Oh, I was pissed. But she was my friend. And Mclean wasn’t done playing.”
She sniffled, flinching when Andres’ hand appeared beside her. He touched her shoulder with his fingertip, his expression unreadable as he regarded her.
“Go on,” he said.
“One, he invited us out to eat the next night. Two, he made sure we were standing in a blind spot while we waited for the subway. Three, he pushed her. Four, he jumped back while I tried to catch her. Five, he screamed that I killed her. In half the number of moves it took me to put him away in the semi-finals, he eliminated us both. Six moves, if you count him puking when he looked down at Kate’s blood on his clothes.”
Her words hung in the air like falling snow, until it settled.
Andres did not speak for a full minute. Then he gave a slow nod. “I see.”
She wiped her eyes. “You believe me?”
“Whether I believe you makes no difference, does it? That game is over.” He folded his arms on the table in front of the board, looking down the bridge of his nose at her. “But I vowed not to leave this place until I beat every worthy competitor. It would be an honor to play you again, Lorelei Weaver. And this time, don’t you dare go easy on me.”
She stood slowly, her body and mind still deciding whether to fall apart or put itself back together. Then she straightened her back, turned her spine to steel, and looked up to meet her opponent’s eyes.
“Black or white?”
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gracelessfighters · 4 years
flower crowns
JJ Maybank x female reader
Summary: Y/N has her feet in both worlds of the pogues and the kooks but she loves the pogue side more and this is shown when she defends JJ at Midsummers (i’m so sorry this summary is awful)
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: swearing, a bit of fighting -  but I think that’s it
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(gif not mine credit to @rudypankows​)
A/N: This is the first time I’ve actually posted anything I’ve written and ngl as it goes on it kinda gets worse but oh well - any feedback would be great though! :)
Being raised with both Pogues and Kooks meant you knew what both sides were like, your mum was a pogue who married your dad, a kook; and despite the class differences they were happy and that’s what they wanted for you as well. This meant throughout your childhood you had experienced both sides - the freedom and fun of the Pogues and the luxuries of the kooks.
Although because most kooks were so up themselves you preferred to be around your friends on the cut, your Pogues: John B, JJ, Pope and Kie; and luckily your parents allowed you to spend lots of time with them, whether on your small adventures or on HMS Pogue, it didn’t matter as you felt like you belonged with them.
For the past two weeks you had been on the mainland looking at college options and visiting some of your family, which meant it had been ages since you’d seen your friends - and you really missed them. Luckily though, tonight was Midsummers and you knew you’d definitely be able to see Kie and ask her about everybody, and maybe see some of the others too.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, a yellow silk dress hugging all your curves, delicate make up with black winged eyeliner and a daisy flower crown on the top of your curled hair. Even you thought you looked quite nice, especially as you don’t dress up often.
“Y/N can I come in?” Your mum knocked at your door, and began opening it after you replied back yes
She stopped at the sight of you, “oh wow Y/N, you look absolutely beautiful, I might even start crying”
“Please don’t” you laughed back, “We both spent quite a bit of time on our make up, we don’t want to ruin it just yet.”
She chuckled, “True, come on then lets go downstairs so your dad can take a ridiculous number of pictures of us then we’ll head out.”
She had been right about your dad wanting to take loads photos of you and your mum, some of them with him in them as well, but however much it annoyed you, you enjoyed this time together as you always loved spending time with them.
By the time you arrived at the venue, the party was already in full swing, with some people dancing but most chatting on the sidelines, probably discussing business deals you thought. You quickly said bye to your parents so you could begin your search for Kie, moving through the crowds at a slight speed.
You saw her then, talking to Pope by the looks of it, and rushed over to her, hugging her from behind. She squealed in delight when she realised it was you and turned around so she could hug you properly.
“Holy shit Y/N you look amazing!” She said when you finally broke away from your hug.
“Thanks, but it’s nothing compared to what you look like, I mean how can you look this good!?” You reply to her, a huge smile on your face, you had really missed being around your friends, you thought.
Pope cleared his throat behind you, “is nobody gonna compliment how I look? I mean I clearly spent hours on my outfit tonight.”
Laughing you pulled him into a tight hug, “you look even better than us Pope, so there’s no need to worry.”
You three stayed like that for a little while just chatting about what you had missed whilst you were away, and it seemed like a lot. Still listening to the ongoing conversation, you scanned your eyes over the crowd, taking it all in when you made eye contact with JJ and sent him a small smile which he returned straight away.
You stood like that, smiling at each other, for what felt like ages when it was suddenly broken when Rafe approached him and caught JJ’s attention. You saw the small bit of panic appear on JJ’s face as he quickly moved away from Rafe and his goons, trying to lose them in the crowd, and failing miserably. Then they all began running, disappearing into the house.
You had seen this situation play out in many different ways before and you knew JJ was going to get beaten up and most of the adults here wouldn’t lift a finger to stop it. You quickly told Kie and Pope that you were heading inside for a little bit as they were unaware of what was going on.
Picking up the hem of your dress and walking as quickly as you could in the heels you were wearing, you headed into the house trying to guess where they all would’ve ran to. The first five rooms you checked were empty other than a few people chatting in them, and you slowly began to realise your efforts might not mean anything as this was a huge house and you didn’t even know the layout. Just as you began giving up, you heard a small commotion coming from the locker room, and without hesitation you opened the door.
The scene in front of you made your blood boil, there were five of them in total, all laughing as Kelce held JJ in a head lock. They were so busy threatening him they hadn’t even noticed you come into the room, and lean against the wall with your arms crossed.
“Are you really so incapable of fighting your own fights, that you need four other people to help you beat up one guy Rafe?” You say from where you’re standing, all of their heads turning to see who was talking, JJ’s eyes widening when he saw you, you quickly made eye contact with him as he seemed to plead with his eyes that you leave him. As if you would ever leave any of your friends to be beaten up though, so you looked away from him and turned your attention back to Rafe who had finally spoken up.
“Fuck off Y/N, this isn’t anything to do with you.” He snarled
Ignoring his comment you continued, “I mean imagine having such a small dick that you feel the need to constantly get into fights to make up for that fact, and then you don’t even win the fights. I mean come on it’s a little pathetic.”
You heard JJ snigger at this, but you were more focused on Rafe who was now moving towards you.
“Listen here you little bitch, you can’t talk to me like that - you may live in Figure 8 but you’re still scum and you don’t want to mess with me.”
You scoffed but didn’t say anything as he was now standing directly in front of you.
You winced as he grabbed your left wrist, his hand tightening as he leant to talk in your ear, “you can’t do anything to stop me because you’re weak and it’s not like your little boyfriend can jump in and help you.”
The sounds of JJ struggling against Kelce’s grip were getting louder along with him shouting to let you go.
“Get off her Rafe you piece of shit.”
You could hear the panic in his voice now and before the situation escalated any more you head butted Rafe with as much force as you could manage, hearing his nose crack underneath you. He stumbled away letting you go, your head now pounding.
Just as Rafe regained his bearings, the door to the locker room was opened by a security guard who clearly didn’t want to deal with this so before Rafe could get a word in, obviously to blame you or JJ, or both to be honest, you cleared your throat.
“I’m so sorry sir but me and my date,” indicating JJ with a wave of your hand, “got lost and these lovely gentlemen were just helping us out when one of them fell and hit his face, and we’re just trying to help them.” This lie sounded less believable with every word you said, and the security guard was obviously not fooled but still asked you and JJ to follow him out, leaving a seething Rafe and his mates behind.
You felt JJ nudge your shoulder as you walked, “so I’m your date huh?”
Turning to look at his face, an annoying smirk playing at his lips, “it’s all part of the cover Bub, don’t get too attached.” Patting his shoulder you sped up a little trying to keep up with the weirdly fast security guard.
JJ also sped up slightly, matching your speed, apparently wanting to still be irritating as he continued, “Would it really be so awful to date? I mean I’m sure as hell more attracted to you after seeing you not only stand up to Rafe but break his fucking nose as well - which was amazing by the way.”
Grinning, you turned to look at him again, “Yeah the absolute bitch of a headache I’ve got now is 100% worth it, although I feel like his retaliation might make me regret that.”
“It will be fine and if he tries to do anything to hurt you, I’ll protect you,” pausing he wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer, “because that’s what a good date would do.”
Rolling your eyes, but still smiling like an idiot at his comments you wrapped your arm around his waist and sarcastically replied “oh wow JJ Maybank what would I do without you?”
He let out a little laugh but before he could say something, the security guard interrupted him,
“Either you can both leave this party in a nice subtle manner or you can cause even more of a scene and I’ll get others involved, including your parents Miss Y/L/N.”
You never realised that your family name was well known until situations like this, which always made you feel awkward but nonetheless you took it in stride like everything else.
JJ had leant towards your ear and whispered, “Do you trust me?”
In a heartbeat you replied, “Of course.” And took his hand that he had held out for you.
He smiled brightly and squeezed your hand just as he started running, dragging you with him towards the main part of the party, with the security guard following closely behind trying to stop whatever JJ was about to do.
“It’s okay everybody, there’s no need to panic! Leave it to the men and women in uniform.”
You were smiling at his outburst, his hand still in yours, but you couldn’t help thinking about what your parents thought of this, unfortunately there was no turning back now so you stayed in pace with him.
He continued, “Rose you look like Lady Liberty, by this point the security had gotten ahold of JJ once again which caused an outburst from Kie.
“Let go of him! You can’t boot him - we invited him here” she indicated at you, whilst her parents tried to stop her from talking, “we’re members of this club.”
“Hey mandatory power hour at Rixon’s Kie; Pope, you as well right?” JJ shouted, “Workers of the world unite - throw off your chains!”
Pope and Kie then both ran to catch up with the two of you, ignoring the protests from their parents, and you let go of JJ’s hand briefly to hug pope whilst JJ hugged Kiara and then you all ran off together. You loved your friends, but you were starting to think maybe you loved JJ in a different way.
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