#the lieutenants are sooo silly
fishfingersalad · 10 months
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charles palomo, the silliest lieutenant <3
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losersimonriley · 2 months
Someone else already beat me to the horror (omg i love horror so much) sooo Under the ice shelf! PLSPLS
!! My little experiment with hypothermia and sex pollen rolled into one!
An excerpt just for you my dear:
He’s not fucking dead then. That much is clear upon opening his eyes. He’s definitely been unconscious for a while if the little set up Ghost has going on is any indication. They’re on the floor of what looks to be an industrial kitchen. A woodstove crackles beside them.
He doesn’t remember settling in or the fire being lit. And he certainly does not remember losing the rest of his clothes.
His body convulses. Violently.
“You’re shakin’ again. ‘S good, Johnny. Stopped for a while. Thought I lost you for a minute back there.”
And Simon Riley is bundled under a pile of blankets with him. Naked. Well—mostly naked. Ghost still has his mask on. Briefs too probably. Probably.
He can’t feel his legs all the way but his bare feet are pressed against equally bare shins, seeking out any warmth they can. His icy hands are tucked into Ghost’s armpits, and he briefly wonders if the man is ticklish. Would he get thrown across the room if he dug his fingers into the soft flesh to find out?
Steamin’ bloody Jesus.
This is his life. Sometimes it’s the humid jungle, sometimes a war zone, sometimes it’s his lieutenant’s limbs entwined with his own. Naturally. Just a normal Friday night in the Regiment. Nothing unusual about this.
Falling into that crevasse didn’t kill him, but he is going to die.
“Right. Suppose a wee coorie couldnae hurt,” he mutters through clattering teeth.
“Johnny,” Ghost gently tugs the thawing hands out of his armpits and heaves himself over top of him, bracing his elbows on either side of his head. He looks down at him with serious eyes, firelight making them appear even more honeyed. “I don’t know what the fuck a wee coorie is.”
Big, beautiful, silly man. Warm man. Soap laughs and wraps his weakened arms around Simon’s neck, feeling a boost of bravado after everything that just happened. He pulls him down against his chest. He goes easy. Like a weighted blanket.
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cytocutie · 10 months
tag game sent over by @chiropteracupola :)
rules: list ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
haha oops it's long. i'll go ahead and put my chain letter bit up here if you folks would like to have a crack at it: @atomic-madness , @the-atrium-of-fools , @another-sad-lieutenant ?
I'm gonna take "books" loosely—some of the pieces of writing that have affected me most were short stories. In no particular order:
1. "There Will Come Soft Rains", Ray Bradbury
is the house, broken, obsolete, and alone, still a house? the gentle death is far more painful than the violent one. oh shit i just realized how much this story influenced my d&d character
2. "A Fisherman of the Inland Sea", Ursula K. Le Guin
i have so many second-/third-generation immigrant feelings about this story. even if you could do it all again, better this time, there would always be something too late to be changed, it was already part of you... when you make a decision there's always something you leave behind... and then there's the ansible and the desperate futility of communicating with a world "you" cannot return to...
3. "A New Refutation of Time", Jorge Luis Borges
this one's an essay! well kind of also a prose poem. one of those works that found me at exactly the right time in my life to punch me in the gut. "The world, unfortunately, is real. I, unfortunately, am Borges." sooo true girlie.
4. Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer
i don't know what to say just please read this if you haven't. it changed the way i love
5. Pachinko, Min Jin Lee
i do enjoy a good intergenerational epic! despite spanning a century, each character was written with so much love and humanity. this book sat down in my stomach in 2018 and has not budged since.
6. The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer
7. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
speaking of epics with ensemble casts whose humanity breaks me. there's nothing i can say that hasn't already been said. i love People
everyone shut up about victor. the creature is so fucking transgender. i cannot emphasize enough how transgender the creature is. envisioned as Adam, cast as Satan, yet so often paralleling Eve. conceived as the perfect man, meticulously designed, and rejecting the design. bristling against his own body. the monster is Creation itself, creating itself. but i didn't give you that option! none of us are given that option. <-part of an unfinished diatribe ignited by my ap lit teacher
8. A Tale Dark and Grimm, Adam Gidwitz
10. The Unfolding of Language, Guy Deutscher
a silly trilogy and not one i particularly enjoy as an adult, but i found it very cathartic as an unwell nine-year-old with violent fantasies.
9. Superman from the 30's to the 70's
i inherited my affection for Superman from my dad, mostly through this anthology. at one point i had the first couple issues in it memorized. i got some very strange ideas about crime from this book before i learned enough about the modern world to realize that's not quite how things work
words (and art and ideas and loss and transformation) are so fucking cool you guys. this was my comfort book as a tween but i honestly hadn't thought of it in a while. i should go back and reread it
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project1939 · 1 month
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100+ Films of 1952
Film number 141: The WAC from Walla Walla 
Release Date: October 10th, 1952 
Studio: Republic 
Genre: comedy 
Director: William Witney 
Producer: Sidney Picker 
Actors: Judy Canova, Stephen Dunne, George Clevland, June Vincent 
Plot Summary: Judy’s family is disappointed she was born a girl because of their proud military past. While trying to replace a statue of one of her ancestors in battle, she accidentally enlists with the WACS, the Women’s Army Corp. Is this her chance to carry on her family’s legacy? And is this also a chance to impress her crush Tom, a Lieutenant in the Army?  
My Rating (out of five stars): ** 
If I were giving this film a rating based on how much I enjoyed it, rather than how good it is quality-wise, I might give it a marginally higher rating than 2 stars, but... despite the fact that I like Judy Canova, the film was pretty bad. Even the charms of a silly singing comedian like her cannot save it. I was really disappointed, because I thought her other film of 1952, Oklahoma Annie, was heaps of fun. 
The Good: 
Judy Canova. She might actually be the one saving grace of the movie. I can’t explain why I find her appealing, because I bet she’s an acquired taste, but I could watch her in pretty much anything. 
I was never bored? Even though I thought this was a seriously bad film, the time never lagged, even at 83 minutes. 
The crazy title killed me and made me seek this one out! 
The Bad: 
The plot was a mess- it was badly structured, poorly paced, and seemed to exist only as a gag reel for Canova. For example, it took 30 minutes of an 80-minute film before she even joined the WACs!
Everything was really predictable- from the plot as a whole to the comedy bits. I could guess where almost every little skit was going to go. 
It was not very funny- like, at all. I could visualize writers sitting around spit-balling comedic situations to put Judy in, but all the thought was put into the idea of the gag, not the follow-through. Like “Wouldn’t it be funny if she got lost during a wilderness walk?” but when it actually played out on screen it was transparent and uninspired. I think I chuckled a couple of times, but that was it. 
The characters were boring cardboard cut-outs. 
The music Judy sang was forgettable. 
Here we have another film from 1952 that has a laughably unrealistic portrayal of life in the Armed Servies. Because You're Mine, Skirts Ahoy!, and this one make military service seem like summer camp. 
It was sooo clear how cheaply and quickly made this was. 
The poster!! Why did they make Judy Canova look like that?? 
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
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↳ pro-hero hawks x lieutenant m. reader
summary: Y/n has to go to work while Hawks stays at home, recovering his wings from a fight the previous day. Safe to say Keigo gets bored pretty quickly and he starts “bothering” Y/n at work.
w.count: 3.9k
content warning: smut, porn without plot, snapchat sexting during work, size and height difference, male squirting, hickeys / marking kink, shower sex
The soft pitter-patter of someone’s naked feet on the parquet flooring made you turn around, a smile, that formed into a grin quite quickly, on your lips as your boyfriend stood in front of you. Hawks was only wearing a much too big button-up of yours that exposed his heavily marked chest a little as well as his inner thighs, hickeys spreading along his delicate skin.
“Already leaving?”, Takami asked, still a little tired as he had woken up just a few minutes ago – since he was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and his hair was even messier than usually, falling into his pretty face.
“Yeah. I’ve got a lot of work to do, solving crime mysteries and all. How are you feeling?”, you were about to put on your shoes, though now, you stepped back from the little entryway into the corridor again, basically towering over Keigo as you stood in front of him, since he was so small and cute.
“Hmm, I‘m okay. Just tired. Wish you could stay home with me. You look so handsome in your uniform.”, a tired grin immediately played around his lips to match your own sneaky one, his hands already teasingly playing with your tie and pulling on it so you would lean down a little.
Hawks had a fight yesterday, hence why his wings were mere stubs and he had to rest at home for the next days for him to recover them and get back into the field.
“Mhhh, don’t tempt me, Baby. You look incredibly cute and so absolutely ravishing as well. Maybe I should mark you just a little more, hm?”, you snickered, your big hand cupping his cheek and pulling him closer, Takami immediately melting into your touch and kisses, his hands gliding up your chest to sling his arms around your shoulders while standing on his tip-toes.
“Hmmm Y/n.”, humming delightfully, he tilted his head just a bit as you kissed over his jaw to his neck, giving him soft kisses and pulling him even closer into your strong arms, only to shudder once you started traveling down. Kissing his body through the button-up he wore – such a tease – Keigo’s heart fluttered in his chest like a little hummingbird. Golden eyes fixated on you as his hand buried itself into your hair as the other had taken your police hat and put it on himself.
Gasping softly as you reached his leg, he didn’t stop you when you touched and slung it around your shoulder, exposing his soft cock and even more marks that were hidden underneath the button-up.
“Y/n!”, with his raspy voice, he kind of laughed and quietly moaned at the same time as your teeth sank into his skin, sucking on his already heavily adorned inner thigh while your other hand was caressing his other leg, traveling from his shin up and underneath his shirt to his hip, placing your hand there and rubbing circles with your thumb.
“I might seriously just attack you, you know, Pretty Boy?”, hearing those barely breathed words made Kei shiver and bite his bottom lip, definitely having to bite back his want as he shook his head a little.
“We can’t, you need to go.”, even though he didn’t sound convincing at all, especially when his actions also contradicted his words, pushing your head just a little closer against him.
Though in the end, you also pulled back and after a newly formed hickey, you let go and stood back up, Keigo purring and snuggling against you, almost making you cave in honestly.
“When I come home tonight, be prepared. I won’t hold back, okay?”, you also purred in such a seductive tone that Hawks’ eyebrow twitched in anticipation, his pretty lips escaping an interested “Oh?” as well.
“Then don’t let me wait, okay, Handsome?”, with an alluring grin on his lips, Kei gave back your police hat, just to let his hand sneak into your neck and pull you down to his height for one last intimate kiss, making himself softly moan against your lips as your tongues fought playfully. “Hmm, love you…”, he said out of breath as he pulled back just an inch, not really wanting to let go to be honest, though he knew he had to.
“Hmm, I can’t wait for tonight.”, and with that, and one true last kiss against his lips, you whispered, “Love you, too, Baby Boy.” Hawks let you go for real, watching as you put on your shoes and then take your bag and walk out the door, leaving him all alone – already bored and hoping you would come back soon.
In the early afternoon, however, Hawks was feeling overwhelmingly lonely and horny – even though he tried distracting himself with a little bit of work regarding his agency papers and all. Though after showering that morning after you had left, he had just thrown own the same button-up again, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea…
Because now, as he bit his lip and let hand travel to the collar of the t-shirt to sniff it, your scent that still lingered on the fabric made him even more horny and lonely; and so, he dared to send you a message first before going all in, “How’s work Babe?”
You were sitting on your desk in the office, doing some paperwork when the message came in, the quiet sound immediately catching your attention. A smile flitting across your lips as you responded, “Boring. Doing paper stuff, you?”
And that was all Keigo needed since he knew you had your own private office so no one would be able to see his little thing he had planned. Standing up from his home office chair and walking into your bedroom, he flopped onto the bed and opened his private snapchat that was only for interactions with you.
Biting his lip and teasingly tilting his head he snapped the picture and wrote, “Waiting for you to come home and fuck me 🍆 I’m so desperate for your cock, Handsome 💗💗”
A bit confused, since the snapchat ping went off and not the normal message sound like before, you opened the snap only to suck the air between your teeth in surprise.
“Fuck, Baby Boy. Yesterday night really wasn’t satisfying enough for you, huh? So insatiable. Just wait till I come home, you won’t get a second to catch your breath 💕”, you sent back, paperwork pretty much forgotten.
“Hmmm.”, he hummed and giggled in lustful excitement when you answered him, giving him the okay to continue as he rolled around after throwing the t-shirt onto the ground, being completely naked. Stretching himself out seductively, he snapped another picture to tease you, not revealing anything past his chest though – not yet at least – then he wrote, “Hmm, I can’t help it. Your cock makes me fly without needing my wings 💞 I wonder what you would do to me when you come home? You wouldn’t punish me for being horny, right? 🥺”
“Damn…”, you mumbled to yourself as he once more showed you his already very well-loved body, his chest adorning hickeys and little bite marks, his nipple red and erect with teeth marks around it - delicious.
Slowly reaching down, Hawks started playing with himself, teasing his sensitive bud just a bit; just like you would tweak and twist them to make little jolts of pleasure rush through him, before he grabbed his phone again when a snapchat arrived. The picture was your already growing bulge in your uniform pants and the text read, “Oh Pretty Boy, maybe I should punish you a little for being so horny and greedy 😘 You know, when I come home, I’ll take my time with you and prepare your cute little ass first. Make a mess out of you with just my tongue until you cry and beg me to fuck you already, but I won’t budge until you cum so hard with my tongue you scream and sob👅🍑”
His cock was already growing and lightly twitching when he simply imagined how he would feel if you would do that to him, hissing a bit in delight as he softly dragged his nails over his own chest and nipples before gliding down and spreading his legs, snapping another picture and clumsily writing with one hand, “Don’t get my hopes up, I’d love to be fucked silly by your tongue, Y/n 👅💟💕����”
After he had sent the photo, he also filmed himself, starting at his face where he sucked on his finger and traveling down with the phone to his spread legs, showing off his hard cock and drops of precum on his belly and his pink little hole that was twitching, before he stopped, muted the little video, just in case, and wrote, “Just look, Y/n 😩 I’m already sooo wet 💦 and my pink little tight ass is all excited now😖💞” while he smeared his own spit around to soften his hole a bit.
When you received both the photo and the short video, you seriously had to bite your tongue to not let out any sounds, especially when you saw how wet and excited he was, the bulge in your pants growing and feeling the throbbing in your pants quite vividly. Before it was too late and you couldn’t walk out anymore, you stood up and pulled up your pants properly, thankfully the uniform pants were quite loose, thus calmly walking to the bathroom as to not catch attention, you then hid in a stall and pulled down everything.
“Ah! Fuck!”, he moaned quietly and hissed in bliss again as he teased himself by rubbing over his hole, ‘punishing’ himself by not entering more than the tip of his finger, only to hastily grab the phone and open another snap from you. “Y/n! Nhh”, he couldn’t suppress whining your name when he saw the picture of your freed cock in your hand, your pants pooling around your ankles. Keigo was proud of himself that he made you retreat into the bathroom so quickly, knowing he could rile you up so much in such little time.
“Just look what you have done to me, Baby Boy! 😥 How am I supposed to keep going if you do this to me during work? Such a naughty boy. I really have to punish you tonight, just wait. I’m going to split you in half with my cock and fuck you so hard you will only know my name by the end and nothing else💗”, read your message.
As Kei spit onto two of his fingers, he started rubbing his pink hole again, making a video of teasing himself by now entering and just spreading his ass and showing off how tight he still was. This time though, it took a little longer as his other hand was a little shaking as he wrote, “Y/nnn I just want your cock inside of me. so. badly. How badly I want to be in the office, just sitting on your cock while you work right now, getting split in half like that💕 Can’t wait until you come home and just rail me, Baby 💞💞”
Seeing that snap was literally pure torture in the sweetest way possible, but you didn’t want it to end, though you knew, you just had a few minutes or people would get suspicious, and so, you took a deep breath and snapped back, “Promise me you won’t cum Baby Boy. Be a good boy and wait till I come home, okay?”
“Mhhh”, whining disapprovingly once he opened your snap, he, however, pulled back his hand from his twitching hole, a pout on his lips as he snapped you back, “You are so so sososo mean!!! But I’ll wait… just because it’s you, Y/n! And you better not let me wait too long or I’ll start without you!😖”
Hawks was on a high, his cock was twitching and leaking and yet, he stopped completely, laughing at himself that he was so obedient, definitely not something others would probably expect about him, but he loved you and he loved being teased and ‘punished’, knowing it will feel even better if he listened to you, even if it was brutal to edge him like that.
“Good Boy I love you so so much Kei, I won’t let you wait Princess cuz this cock can’t wait to feel your tight little ass around it💞❤💕”, you sent back one last picture of your cock, before you neatly put back on your clothes and got out of the stall to wash your hands and then get back to your office.
After looking at the photo, he snapped one last picture where he was obviously pouting and wrote, “You better keep that promise cuz your Princess is very VERY impatient 😘🥰” before sighing as he threw the phone back onto the bed. Rolling on his tummy and resting his head in his crossed arms, he mumbled, “Such a tease.”, and yet, his heart was thumping excitedly when he thought about tonight.
Once the door opened to your shared apartment, you were greeted by your boyfriend leaning against the wall, naked and with just your spare uniform jacket and police hat on, his “Welcome home, Baby.”, paired with that tempting grin immediately riled you up.
“Hmmm, you look so… goddamn fine in my jacket, Baby Boy.”, you grinned as well, frustrated that you had to wear heavy duty shoes that you couldn’t just carelessly toss to the side.
“Yeah, I thought I’d borrow it, since I was so cold.”, Hawks almost purred as he walked up to you, slinging his arms around your shoulders and throwing away your hat carelessly, until you were finally able to slip out of your shoes.
“Ahnh~”, moaning delightfully (and maybe a bit exaggeratingly) once your big hands grabbed his little thighs, he willingly let himself get picked up, lips already colliding with yours and an intimate kiss igniting as you carried him into your bathroom.
“Do you know just… how fucking hard it was to calm down?”, Hawks wantonly groaned into your mouth, pressing his barely clothed body against yours.
“Mhh you don’t have to tell me, you know?”, you sat him onto the washing machine so your hands were free to undress you from your uniform while your lips were clumsily moving against each other as you groaned, “I had to go back to work with a massive boner. Because you’re such a tease.”
And your boyfriend’s answer was a mere wide grin and chuckle as he swiftly opened the tie and throwing it onto the floor. Stepping out of your uniform pants and underwear eventually, Hawks also stripped himself off any of your clothes, both of you naked finally as you grabbed him again to carry him into the shower, his red wings small and already grown back a bit.
Water was running over your bodies as your lips met once more, tongues lustfully fighting and his hands gliding through your wet hair and burying them in it eventually as his hips were starting to grind against your thigh.
It, however, didn’t take long until Hawks had enough, pushing you away and turning around and leaning against the shower walls as he presented his ass, head turned slightly to look back just to whisper, “Please… fuck me. I waited all day. I was a good boy, no? I deserve being fucked silly now, no?”, which certainly was enough for you.
“Hmh, fine.”, you purred and leaned down to kiss along his little wings, making him shudder and his wings flutter a little before reaching his sensitive back that was also adorned in so many love bites, Hawks immediately melting and leaning his forehead against the cool wall as you grabbed the bottle of lube that was always ready to use, since you both loved shower sex quite a bit.
Taking just enough so it wouldn’t drip everywhere and you wouldn’t slip, you put the bottle back as you rubbed it between his cheeks, Keigo’s impatient groan as he wiggled his butt simply earning him a small smack that made him gasp in delight.
“Hurry.”, he almost whined, pressing his ass back against your massaging fingers that were playing with his hole, definitely ready and prepared enough, because all he wanted was to be filled by your cock now and-
“Ahnh!”, throwing his head back, he interrupted his own thoughts with his loud moan as you had grabbed his hips, positioned your cockhead and pulled him back harshly so you rammed into him in one go with absolute ease, both of you moaning in synch as he was so warm and wet while Hawks was completely overwhelmed with joy and lust to finally be connected.
“Fuck me! Fuck me! Come on. Rail me so hard I can’t stand tomorrow! Y/n!”, he cried out, pressing his ass back against your cock and moaning even louder when you granted his wish as you started slamming your hips against his ass, your dick penetrating his sweet spot almost perfectly that he saw blinking little starts.
Water was drumming on your back as you had leaned down to kiss and nibble on his neck, Kei tilting his head to give you more space while you held his small hips in a tight grip, probably leaving marks already, though he didn’t mind, instead he only pushed further against your hard thrusting, needing to be fucked silly since all that was on his mind today was your cock after all.
“Ahnh, ah~!”, not holding back his moans, your own deep grunts and growls sent shivers down his spine, knowing his ass could make you feel so good as well, feeling always a sense of pride as he swallowed your cock so effortlessly. Your wet skin slapping against his making the lewdest sounds.
Reaching between his legs, your big hand wrapped around his cock, earning his high-pitched cry as his hips stuttered against your palm when you started to rub against his bright red, cute cockhead.
“Ahh d-don’t t-tease me, or I’m-“, he laughed and moaned at the same time, being too overwhelmed by everything, before another cry left his lips as you pushed him fully against the wall, only your hand in-between him and the coldness in front of him, while you changed pace to slowly grind into his tight hole.
“Just let loose, Baby, don’t hold back. This is just the beginning after all.”, you purred deeply into his ear, before licking along the outside edge of it, his little body shuddering and writhing in pleasure as he moved his hips in synch with your own, vividly feeling your cock pulsating inside of him.
“N-no, Y/n, ah, ah! I- I feel- ah!”, he couldn’t speak properly as his hips jerked into your hand that was just stimulating his cockhead vigorously, knowing exactly what you wanted and he didn’t know if he should push more into your palm or pull back as his head was spinning and his legs shaking.
“Y/n! Y/n! I- Ahh!”, Hawks cried once more as you slowly started thrusting again until you were back to literally ramming into him balls-deep, your boyfriend flying high on cloud nine as his legs seriously quivered, hence why you slung your big arm around his hips to safely hold him if he couldn’t hold himself up any longer.
Which only happened just a few moments later as Keigo was now officially not able to hold himself together anymore, throwing his head back and wings puffing up, little red feathers falling onto the shower ground as he cried your name, voice breaking and tears of pleasure dripping down his cheeks as he squirted against the shower walls. Fluids covering your hand and his hips jerking in desperation, squirting all over the place as his cock bounced once you let go.
“N-No-no! Y/n- AHNh~!”, Hawks cried, sobbed and moaned, too much overwhelming pleasure almost making him black out, even though this was just the beginning, but it was what he had craved all day long after all.
If this wasn’t in the shower, he would have been drenched by his own fluids.
“Shhh, I got you Baby Boy. That was really intense, huh?”, you chuckled, your ramming stopping as you almost softly swayed your hips against his while you protectively held him.
“You… made me do it again…”, only hiccupping, he instantly snuggled back and into your arms, though he wasn’t complaining, not at all, your chuckled “I know. It felt good, no?” making him also giggle as if he was high – well he was, high on serotonin and overwhelming pleasure.
Reaching back, he pulled your head forwards a little as he had also turned his to connect your lips a little clumsily while you rested in that position for a moment, water still running over your bodies.
“Next, you’re gonna make me cum, right? For real…”, he purred against your lips, that smirk you loved so much back on his lips and your own forming immediately as it played around your mouth.
“Hmm, I will. This was just the appetizer.”, with that, you pushed him back against the wall, having him moaning into your mouth without restraint as you made love to him once more.
“Hey, Sweet Stuff.”, your soft purr made him groan a little as he turned around to instantly snuggle against your broad chest, before slowly opening an eye to look at what you had gotten him.
“Thank you.”, Hawks barely mumbled as he sat back up a bit to take the glass of water and gulp it down quite quickly, only to lay back into the bed and cuddle against you once more, your arms immediately slung around him protectively while your lips were showering him in sweet kisses, making him giggle.
“Hmmm I love you.”
“I love you too, Handsome.”, he mumbled back and sighed in bliss as he was smushed underneath your body – feeling absolutely satisfied and in heaven after your thorough love making in the past hours with little breaks in between to recover, though with how horny you both were, recovery time wasn’t that big of a deal.
Bathing in your sweet affection after a day full of sexual tension and sexting and just…craving your love was absolutely the best way to end it all. He had never once felt like an object or just someone to have sex with, but those moments just made it even more impossible to feel that way. Hawks didn’t know he could love like that.
He had been a player, not taking relationships really seriously before, sex was to have fun, anonymous, to get rid of stress, but now? It was different. It had been different for over three years now and he couldn’t be any happier.
“So, Lieutenant Y/n, tell me. Was I a good boy today? Or do I need to be imprisoned?”, Keigo teased you with that grin, making you laugh a bit and press your full lips on his before whispering against them, “I think you don’t need to worry at all. You were a very good boy and behaved very well.”
Both of you giggling again, two grown men, just being happy and in love, as you rolled around in bed whispering sweet, and maybe a little bit stupid, things to each other, bathing in the aftermath of your very nice evening together.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: am I projecting my unbelievable kinky and chessy af fantasies onto fictional characters?... maybe… but what’s new here? 🤪 once again, I declare my love for birb boy! hawks is. so. goddamn. fine. ✪ ω ✪
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
Sooo I'm back at it again with the fanfic writing, this time tryna work on writing stuff that's a bit shorter...anyways, enjoy this one, featuring Tape n Sciss chatting!
Captain and Lieutenant
With black tattered paper-y wings, the green knight swiftly soared from their castle in the heavens. Silently, yet anxiously, they swooped down to earth.
            Atop the great Sea Tower, laced with clouds, rested the purple streamer, pristine as it always was. All was silent, aside from the soft crashing of waves in the distance.
Scissors leaped onto the landing, wings quickly retracting back into their bow as they unsheathed the swords from their sheath. 
Raising their blades without hesitation, they cried, "Where is he?! Where is the plumber?!" 
Twisting their neck and scanning the area, however, they found no such plumber in sight. Rather, it was all quite tranquil, with no signs of life, except for one, who was sitting on the ledge of the tower. Of course.
He was still, mostly, clad in his purple three piece business suit (his fedora resting on his lap) as he swiveled back to meet eyes with them. 
"Oh..hey Sciss.. glad youse could drop by," they spoke monotonously. 
"...Tape..tell me WHAT.." Scissors briskly strut towards them, slipping their blades back into their sheath before looming over them, "...exactly is the meaning of this."
The mobster simply glanced up at them before returning to their gaze towards the distant seas.
"I dunno."
"You DON'T know?!" Scissors snapped, "Why did you dare summon me then?! Do you have any idea how busy I am…!?" 
Tape shrugged, and tuned out their scolding.
Several minutes passed before the knight's rant was concluded. "...Fine then. If you really have nothing better to do then I might as well just go-"
"Wait-" Tape blurted out, "I, ah, I wanna. I wanna talk-" 
Well wasn't that such a strange thing to want, especially from someone so cold hearted, simple minded, and unfeeling, Scissors thought. "...Fine. Make it quick."
He jolted up a bit at the response before mumbling, "Well, ah, well… Youse remember 'im, 'im. Right? It ain't jus' me? You remember dat guy? 'E's. 'E's not 'ere anymore y'know. Gone. Boom. And I. Well. Dis is kinda silly but. You do remember 'im? And da others? Right?" 
They scoffed, "Of course I do. And if you're worried you're going to be next, I suppose it would be best to say that I have some faith in you and your fighting ability. And if that doesn't work, I'm always the next line of defense." 
"Dat's. Dat's not what I. What I. Whatever." Why didn't they expect this to happen? They sighed and continued, still staring out in the distance. "I mean. Ah. Do youse..miss em? Think about Dem? Want dem back? Or. Somethin'?" Their voice cracked a little.
"Of course not. They failed at their sole purpose. Why should I have pity for such lazy, ignorant fools? And if you're hinting at what I think you are, you might as well eliminate that thought, lest you end up like them." 
Tape stared down at his fedora on his lap in silence, while Scissors prepared to make their way back up. 
Eventually, they spoke up again. "I dunno what da hell I was thinkin', wantin' ta call youse down 'ere like dis…-" 
"And you thought wrong and wasted my time. Goodbye-" 
"-Fine den. Leave. I don't need any sorta self-righteous snob bein' 'round me anyhow! I don't even know why I called ya down 'ere, seein' as though all youse do is yell at me like dis! Some kinda boss youse are! Can't even have da brains ta think right or even get some heart for anyone! Well, anyone but youseself an' da boss, like da entitled, snarky, stuck-up brat youse a-"
Promptly, Scissors' hand swiped out and smacked him on the back of his scalp. He flinched, yet didn't say a word, only glaring down at the ground from the impact. 
"Don't you dare insult me like that ever again. I'm sure by now it'll be best if you keep your mouth shut, unless I need to kick you off this Sea Tower to teach you to mind your manners and shut up."
And with that, Scissors' great black paper wings extended once more as they flown back to the heavens, leaving Tape behind, sobbing softly. 
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bastillia · 4 years
First Lesson (NSFW)
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Read on Ao3
Summary: Commander Kylo Ren needs a competent officer to accompany him on an important mission, and he has requested you specifically. When he discovers that you don't know how to pilot a TIE fighter, he takes it upon himself to fix that. Turns out cockpits are good for other things, too. 
Rating: Explicit
Words: 7.4k
Content Warnings: possible dubcon, choking, spanking, inappropriate use of the Force, rough sex, minimal aftercare, cockwarming… yeah. 
A/N: Wow so this is officially my first published work after lurking in the fandom for a good 4 years??? Holy shit. I'm super nervous, but hey, I've got to start somewhere! I've had this silly idea gnawing around in my little rat brain for fucking ever, so it feels good to finally pound it out (heh). I have... literally never written smut before, sooo I welcome any feedback. Thank you for reading this!
"Take a fighter. Follow me to the surface."
The commander strode powerfully over the gangway, dismissing you with a flick of his gloved hand as he approached the yawning cockpit of his TIE silencer. Engineers scrambled aside like rats to sunlight as he moved, conveniently parting a clear path for you to follow the rippling tower of black robes across the platform. You stumbled and jogged slightly to keep up, your gaze shifting nervously along the sinister row of TIE fighters. They sat anchored to the dock, still as a cavalry line at dawn, each black durasteel destrier awaiting its chance to charge into battle. But there was no impending fight here. Why weren't you taking the command ship?
"Commander. Sir, w-wai-" You collided with an unyielding wall of black, having not been looking where you were going. Ren had stopped and was now turned to look at you, posture stiff, eyes burning with impatience. You straightened sharply and jumped back, shying away from your next words as your cheeks burned under the dark beam of his stare.
"I... I don't know how to fly one. S-sir." You managed to say, and your heart plummeted into your stomach with the admission. It seemed childish. Silly. But-- what would he think of you now? You had always admired the commander more than you'd ever admit to your peers, and if you were honest, you found him wildly, dangerously attractive. There was something about the way he barely held back. The fire that shone behind his dark eyes like they were the only living part of a face cast in carbonite, that made you dare to wonder what he would look like if he let go. The power that radiated from him was always so visceral, yet restrained. Except, of course, when he had his outbursts. You only ever saw the aftermath: a shredded, glowing control panel, a dazed and heaving officer slumped against the floor after being Force-choked within an inch of death over a particularly inconvenient mistake. You'd be lying if you said such unbridled evidence of his power didn't stoke a flame of intrigue. And perhaps something else.
You had only recently been promoted to lieutenant general, but you had a feeling Kylo Ren had watched you closely for some time. You saw it in the shift of his eyes whenever you passed him by, the particular burn of his stare when you delivered reports on behalf of your superior general. You'd never known a commander to hold such a piqued interest in the drabble of stormtrooper reconditioning scores. Or why he had to fix his gaze so intently on you that you could swear he was trying to turn your blood molten. 
You knew that you were more than competent in your position, yet you couldn't quell a desire to impress the commander. Whether it was with your sharp aptitude for command, tactical maneuvers, or securing risky strategic alliances, you always tried to establish presence. To command the room, intimidate both your peers and subordinates with your sharp wits, and earn those rare, blood-branding stares of approval from Kylo Ren when your steel confidence washed a hush over the room. What you'd never admit was how that steel later melted down into gushing whimpers under the forge of your sheets, imagining the kinds of things that your commander might do to you. 
You'd had to forcibly smother your elation when you received the order for your aid specifically on this mission, not even knowing until a few minutes ago that it was you, and only you, that Kylo Ren had requested to come along. It sank like a cold blade into your gut now to know that your ineptitude would make him think less of you. The knife twisted with the realization that you would be left behind on the only opportunity you might ever get to spend some time alone with the commander.
He looked at you for a moment, expression unreadable. How had your command training not included basic piloting by default? A brief flash of anger lit his eyes and set his jaw tight as he thought about whoever's incompetence he would have to deal with later when he reviewed the training program. But for now, there was no time. 
Your eyes were fixed to the metal grate of the floor, stomach knotting, as you steeled a calm mask over the disappointment that tightened your throat. You began to speak, your voice coming out smaller than you intended. "I’m sorry, Commander. I will inform mission control that you are in need of--" Before you could finish, Kylo Ren clamped his arm around your waist, pulling you firmly to his body as he leveraged his hips in one fluid motion to drag you with him into the small cockpit of the TIE silencer.
Your brain reeled, a small yelp escaping your lips as your ass landed firmly into his lap, one of his arms anchoring you there while his other hand reached to flick a control above him. Before you could stammer out the question of what the fuck he was doing, the cockpit was already hissing closed around you both. 
"First lesson." 
Your pulse was a flurry. He began to flip the controls absently, looking easily over your head as you awkwardly adjusted yourself on his thighs. The space was so small, there was absolutely no position you could assume that didn't involve your ass planted into his hips, your back against his broad torso, and your calves draped around either side of his ridiculously long legs. Your head spun. The thrusters hummed to life. Fuck. Everything was moving too fast. His gloved hand began to point individually at each control he had just engaged.
His voice was dead even as he pointed to the first switch on your left, the movement of his arm making his chest ripple under your shoulder blade. Your brain was a mess of thrill and panic. Was this really happening right now? Heat flowed in a river down your spine and pooled in the roiling cauldron of your belly. Whether it wanted to wash you away, or pull you in like a rip current to his body, you couldn’t decide. His hand moved to a lower control panel where the second switch sat, affording you little time to take in what he was saying. 
You tried hard to focus on his words, blinking the spinning confusion out of your eyes as you dumbly studied the path his hand had just taken. You blinked again, hard. Auxiliary. Compressor. Okay. You forced yourself to bid the controls to memory, trying to catch up as he moved along. Four adjacent switches to your right had been next. 
His gloved finger drew languidly against the curved switch in a way that suddenly made your skin light up against every solid line of his body pressed flush to yours. Your thighs tensed. Heat climbed your neck as you struggled to hold onto a fragile thread of focus. 
He gestured to the final three buttons. Fucking breathe. Ignition, thrusters. Okay. Simple enough. You sobered yourself sternly and nodded your understanding as you flicked your gaze along the control path that started the engines, internally repeating it several times as your heartbeats became distinguishable again. It was quick. Concise. Fitting, you thought, for a state-of-the-art starfighter prototype that might need to get airborne in a hurry. It was certainly far less brain-scrambling than the orchestrations you'd seen performed upon the control panels of freighters to wrangle them towards liftoff. Why don't they label anything in those damn ships anyways?
"Now," Ren’s hands gripped your hips, instantly shattering your moment of composure. Stars, why did he have this effect on you? And why did a part of you never want it to end? He adjusted your seat, pressing you slightly straighter against him, and you could feel the warm, solid contour of his abdomen flex under your spine. You swallowed hard.
"Steering is intuitive." His palms smothered the backs of your hands as he picked them up, guiding them to grasp the vertical steering grips. Your blood felt uncomfortably hot in your veins. He kept his hands wrapped firmly over top of yours, arms encircling you like a gigantic fucking scaffold, coaxing you to lift the handles very slightly upwards. The craft lurched to life in response, and you were suddenly thankful for his hands holding yours steady as your heart threatened to explode from your ribs. 
It was intuitive, you'd give him that, even if your intuition felt starkly absent from your brain at the moment. The body of the craft lifted smoothly, almost sentiently, with the subtle upward press of the handles. Still, the sudden g-force of liftoff sank you firmly into the commander's lap, amplifying an alarming and far too pleasant stir that agitated the pit of your belly. 
You breathed slowly, trying to stay as still as possible on top of him, your brain still coming to grips with what the fuck was occurring right now. You thought maybe you'd had a dream like this once. Come to think of it, the enigmatic commander had starred in many of your most pleasant dreams -- with or without the mask. Oh, stars. You screwed your eyes tight, inwardly cursing your useless fucking brain. Did you really have to think about that right now? You were definitely blushing. A puff of breath hit the back of your neck. Wait- Did he just chuckle? 
You didn't have time to figure out the answer as his gloved hands flexed over the top of yours and your eyes flew open, finding that the fighter was now hovering a comfortable distance from the hangar floor. He pressed your joined hands forward, and the ship responded gorgeously, accelerating towards the mouth of the docking bay in a smooth departure that made your veins flutter with a thrill of adrenaline. Vacuous darkness swallowed the viewport as the Supremacy was left swiftly in your wake, and you released a lungful of air you didn't know you had been holding. An unexpected calmness suddenly blanketed you as everything fell to the periphery. As your wide eyes adjusted to the void, a spattering of stars slowly blinked into view, decorating the expanse. It was... silent. Still. Breathtaking. 
Ren pulled the grips under your hands back like the reins of an obedient steed, and the craft responded as such. The only indication that the fighter had stilled was the slightly quieter hum of the idling ion thrusters vibrating softly through the air of the cockpit. Your respite was brief. The tranquility of space was magnifying your far-from-tranquil realization that you were now decidedly, irreversibly alone with the commander, and your insides folded in half. 
You hardly dared to breathe, let alone move, your senses suddenly augmented and trained sharply onto Kylo Ren as you sat pressed into his lap. His lap. Maker, have mercy. Your clean-pressed uniform suddenly felt tight and stifling around your neck, and you swallowed thickly. 
"Take over." 
He spoke curtly into the silence, almost making you jump as the baritone rumbled close to your ear. Stars, everything he said was a fucking command. You couldn’t deny how much you’d always enjoyed the rich color of his natural, unmodulated voice, taking secret reverence in the way he could paralyze a room with it. Nor could you ignore the way that every word he spoke was now having the opposite effect, riling up that dismayingly persistent heat between your legs. 
He slid his hands off of yours, leaving you in full command of the sleek starfighter. Nerves needled a patchwork in your gut as you stared disconnectedly at your own bare hands gripping the controls. They might as well have been someone else's entirely. Two palms settled over the tops of your thighs, and the gesture pierced all the way to your brain.
By the void, calm the fuck down. You grounded yourself sternly, tightening your grip around the contoured handles and forcing yourself to feel their texture, the ridges that dug into your skin, the tension that rippled up your arms and into your shoulders as you squeezed them. Breathe. There was a reason you'd been promoted so fast: it was your aptitude toward levelness and situational control under pressure. You could do this. Just... treat it like another test. Taking a steadying breath and fixing your brow in determination, you pressed the grips forward. 
If you thought takeoff was intuitive, now that you somewhat had your frayed wits about you, this was like an extension of your own consciousness. The silencer handled like a dream, and you quickly got the hang of its basic movements, almost forgetting your strange predicament as you took surprising delight in steering the agile craft through the vacuum of space. Kylo Ren hardly moved beneath you. He seemed to be letting you feel the ship out on your own, but his hands occasionally flexed over the curve of your thighs, his fingers splaying into a wide grip that pressed heat into your veins. An alarming reminder, each time, that he was paying attention. Always paying attention.
You cut the silencer back towards the Supremacy after a short while, and were surprised to note that the stifling mega class dreadnought seemed much… smaller, from out here. It felt strange, looking upon the massive vessel that encompassed your entire life, whose halls and chambers you had meticulously memorized, as if it were no more than a distant memory. The perspective settled a quiet feeling inside you that you couldn’t quite formulate.
Also in view, and framing the silhouette of the star destroyer impressively, was your ultimate destination. A large planet, twinkling with tiny rivers of light between clouds, and crowned in a halo of white flame from this system's central star. The planet would be the site of your mission, which, you noted -- the commander still hadn't even briefed you on. You funneled the nervous pang at the thought into determination as you caressed the controls again, considerably braver now about handling the craft.
In a moment of spontaneity, you locked the arches of your feet under Ren's calves and accelerated sharply, whipping the silencer into a tight barrel roll. A breathy, delighted laugh swelled in your chest before you could catch it as you righted the ship to its initial orientation again.
"Good," Ren murmured into your hair, a large hand sliding up to your belly as you reined the ship smoothly to a halt. He pressed you slightly tighter to him with a splayed palm, his strong nose grazing your ear, and the responding thrill between your thighs set your brain back to spinning. You suddenly became aware of a firm knot under your seat that you hadn't noticed before, and your breath stopped. You'd been so distracted maneuvering the ship, you couldn't be sure. You cocked your hips slightly, daring to shift against him, and with the movement it was undeniable: Kylo Ren was hard as a rock. 
You gasped, and the moment you tensed, a gloved hand snaked up to slam into your throat and pull you roughly back against a solid chest, breath hot and immediate in your ear. 
"Don't think I haven't noticed..." His voice was dark and dangerous as his free hand slid to your inner thigh, gripping the sensitive flesh there, your airway closed tight. You trembled, pulse galloping, as a spear of adrenaline ignited each of your most primal instincts at once. 
"...How you can hardly keep those eyes to yourself around me." His lips were warm against the shell of your ear as his nose grazed the baby hairs at your temple, the feeling adding a confusing tingle to the sharp claws of terror that gripped you. Your pulse was deafening, and you struggled to find either breath or coherence under his iron grip. His hand on your throat loosened slightly with a creak of leather, and the sweetness of air crashed into your lungs.
"I could say the same," you breathed without thinking, suddenly wondering if you actually had a deathwish. His hand flexed threateningly on your throat and you flinched, but he simply breathed a dark chuckle into the hollow of your ear. Oh. That made you fucking shiver. 
"Observant." He slowly ground his hips up into you, more or less fucking his prominent erection against your ass. Needles of fear laced confusingly into a wash of desire as a soft noise escaped you, and you bit your lip to catch it in its tracks as he continued. "But I know every thought you've ever had about me, lieutenant." Oh, stars. Fuck. You knew he’d paid attention to you, but not that closely.
"It's pathetic, really… " He continued to grind torturously against you, his broad hand pinning your thigh the same way a predator might hold down a piece of live prey that it wants to toy with for a while before killing. "...The way you try so hard to impress me." His growl bottomed out on the emphasis with a decisive roll of his hips that sent an electric shock careening to your core. You squirmed against him, but his grip on your neck and leg had you on an axis that allowed precious little freedom. His hips continued their disciplined pace as he spread his knees slightly, forcing your own to follow, and his thumb traced electricity into the tender patch of thigh just below your most intimate parts. You clenched at the closeness of it.
"But…” he purred, tone shifting slightly.
“The things that cross your mind at night?" You froze with dread, wishing the ice in your spine would somehow percolate into the space around you, freeze it into stasis so that he wouldn't continue with his next words. But Kylo Ren was a furnace, burning the unlimited fuel of your fear, and he rumbled on. 
"When you touch that wet little cunt, and think about me?" He lifted his palm away briefly - the predator's illusion of mercy - before delivering a hard, stinging smack straight to your inner thigh. Your cunt convulsed. 
A silent pause filled the cockpit, allowing both the word and the impact to sink into your nerves before he slowly circled his glove across the tingling flesh under his hand. Your bones went gelatinous, and, stars, you whimpered. It was a sound so foreign to even your own ears, that you startled yourself. 
His straining cock pulsed against the curve of your ass, and he swore darkly, sliding his hand on your thigh up to cup your sex through the fabric of your pants. You were already wet and aching, you could feel it, but the slight pressure of his hand over your sensitive heat drove your need to a frenzy. Another whine leaked unbidden from your lips. 
“Tell me, lieutenant, how do you prefer me?” His voice was cruel and dark, drawing out your torment as he began to tease your slit with a pressure so light you thought you might die on the spot. 
“With, or without the mask?” He pressed down, rolling his forefinger over your clit in a firm motion that sent sparks into your brain. Your mouth fell open in an obscene moan that echoed around the cockpit. Kylo Ren stiffened, tightening his grip on your throat and stilling the pressure on your aching bud.
He didn't have to say anything for you to know in your gut that an answer was required. Your stomach quivered. This was his game, and you were going to have to play at it if you wanted any of your deepest, most secret desires to come to fruition now. And stars, you wanted it bad. You found a few breaths, collecting fragments of your voice. 
"Any w-way you'd have me, C-commander." Your voice was hardly intact, but you managed to breathe the words out through your daze of terror and need, finally pushing your own ass back into the motion of his hips. He released a warm huff of breath into your ear, seemingly pleased. Thank the Maker. 
"That's right."
His soft hair dusted your ear as he dipped to latch a hot kiss into your neck, pulling your head slightly aside for better access. His tongue was molten and wet against your skin, and the feeling sank straight to your core. You reeled and whined as he sucked a bruise into your throat, taking his time tasting you, his hand over your pants drawing an embarrassing volume of wetness from your aching cunt already. You dropped your hands beside you and sunk your nails into the fabric over his thighs, need overflowing from your skin and into his body. 
Kylo Ren sucked a breath through his teeth and slipped the hand on your throat upwards, gripping your jaw instead and pushing the leather pad of his forefinger through your lips. You accepted it a little too eagerly, sucking it in delicately and running your tongue across the ridges in the supple material as you relished the expensive taste. He hummed and slid a second thick digit into your mouth as his lips and teeth continued to worry the tender skin of your neck, and you were sure you would bear the dark purple evidence of his possession for at least a week. You didn't care. 
His ministrations had your body pliant and wanting in no time, and your thighs had involuntarily begun to relax, falling wider around each side of his lap even as the sharp edge of a control panel dug into your leg. You felt the rigid hilt of the saber on his hip as well, a sensation that paralyzed you for a moment with a new spike of fear and thrilling desire. He ascended from your neck with a sharp nip. 
"So eager, lieutenant." He clicked his tongue once and landed a sharp spank straight to the mound of your pussy. It made you jump, and clench hard with a small, leather-muffled yelp. He deftly switched hands, removing his fingers from your mouth as his other hand closed around your neck. His moistened digits dipped below the waistband of your pants, and you felt his own breaths quicken underneath your shoulders, exciting you. The smooth, warm leather slid easily down your folds, drawing a gasp from you as he collected and spread your arousal. Now, this, you had definitely dreamed about before. He circled slowly across your clit, slicking it over in a motion that sparked white ecstasy through your nerve endings, and you whined pathetically. 
"What would your superiors think," Kylo Ren's deep, mocking voice dripped through you as he slid one finger down to tease your entrance. Your hips bucked, trying in vain to draw him in. "If they knew what a desperate little whore you are for your commander?" 
Your brain stuttered then. An involuntary smirk pulled at your lips as you conjured the image of your superior general, and how his eyes always seemed to darken when they wandered a little too far down your uniform. You didn't consider the fact that your mind was on full display to Ren before the brat center of your brain produced one clear thought. 
They'd envy my commander.
You bit your tongue hard the second the thought formed, as if you could banish it with the flash of pain, hoping desperately that he hadn't read your mind. But the way that Ren’s whole body went rigid suggested otherwise. Maker damn your smart ass. 
His hand fisted into your hair, wrecking your neat bun, and he wrenched your head to the side, forcing you to look up at him. Your brows knitted together in pain, but you dared not whine about it as you met his stare. His eyes were black saucers, clouded with such a tenebrous fury and lust that it made your walls flutter in time with your stomach.  
"Is that so?" The ice in his voice squeezed your veins. 
Gone was all that confidence that you prided yourself on in your profession, all the poise and tact and sharpness of wit. It slipped as easily as water through your fingers now as you drowned in the inky depths of his stare, fear anchoring your words to your diaphragm with no means of escape. 
Ren studied you, embers flaring in the pits of those live irises, framed by the beautiful stone hearth of his face. He moved your head back and forth a bit by his grip in your hair. You winced, but your muscles might as well have been liquid, unable to resist him in the slightest. He was testing your pliancy, considering. 
"Open your mouth." 
There was no warmth, no tease behind the words, and as if they flowed straight into your neurons directly, you obeyed. Your jaw fell open, your pink tongue pushing slightly against the pillow of your lower lip as it rested over your bottom teeth. He spat into your mouth, holding your stare in the tight space as… Oh. He sank two thick fingers straight into your soaking core, stretching you full, holding them rooted inside you. You might as well have been vibrating. 
The command was deadly. You snapped your jaw shut and complied, heart thrumming with fear and a hot, blooming need originating from the delicious ache that now filled your walls but refused to move. You whined, trying weakly to shift your hips for any amount of friction on his hand, but his hold on you tightened, immobilizing you. 
"Impudence will get you nothing." He uttered warningly, never breaking your stare as his fingers began to pump slowly, agonizingly inside of you. You could feel yourself dripping around him now as the ridged leather of his gloves did something delicious to your walls. "Don't you want to come, little whore?" 
You were putty in his lap. "Yes, Commander, sir." You managed to groan out quietly, embracing the pain that screamed through your scalp. His plump, gorgeous lips were parted slightly, a signal of desire to underlie the tempest of his stare. You relaxed more into his grip, hoping your show of submission would drive him just a little more wild, just a little closer to... Yes.
He yanked you closer and stroked his hot tongue into your mouth in a fucking vulgar kiss that spun your brain like a top. You suppressed a sigh as the taste of him filled you, his plush lips divine and remarkably soft against your mouth as you melted into the heat of his possessive kiss. He jerked you away by your hair long before you'd had your fill of his taste, a thin string of spit connecting you as you squeaked a pathetic sound. Your disappointment was fleeting, though, because his fingers were now curling faster against a heavenly spot inside of you that was beginning to coil you tight. 
"Then be good." 
You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, bit down, and nodded as well as you could with his fingers rooted into your follicles. He watched the ecstasy blossom across your face as his thumb began to pass in quick circles over your sensitive clit. A cry fell from your lips as your pleasure began to overtake you, his fingers building you towards a crescendo that threatened to split you clear in half with a galaxy between. You didn't even have to try to keep your mind blank now as he consumed your every nerve ending in rippling pleasure, and soon you were barreling towards the event horizon of climax with every stroke of his digits and every slick pass of leather over your delicate pearl of nerves. Sparks flowed like hot plasma to your extremities as your walls began to flutter tight. You whined the warning of it as your brows drew together in restraint, pleading silently for the commander to send you halfway to hyperspace with the orgasm that teetered in your core. 
"That's right, cum for me, little whore." His voice was harsh and cruel and delicious and everything your reeling brain needed to send you barreling over the precipice. Your orgasm split you, blanching your vision as your walls slammed down around his fingers and you sobbed out the waves of your release. He didn't slow, drawing out your climax to an impossible length as each clench sent you spinning and wailing again. Ren groaned and cursed under his breath as he watched you come apart, leaning on the familiar edge of desperate self control as his stiff cock twitched violently under the confines of his trousers.
He slowed and withdrew his hand from your pants, allowing you to come down with shallow breaths. He brought the hand up to taste you slowly from the glistening leather of his fingers, eyes never leaving yours, and the sight made your insides combust. He hummed a low, appreciative sound before shoving the cum-slicked digits roughly into your mouth. The sweet tang of your juices flooded your senses as he sat you back up against him, such that you faced the viewport again. Impossible as it realistically was, it suddenly felt as if the entire Supremacy may as well have just watched you cum like a trained whore around Kylo Ren's fingers. The thought tickled your belly as you laved your tongue over his glove, still warm from your cunt, your body thrumming with the high of post-orgasmic ecstasy as you diligently cleaned the ridges. Your insatiable pussy clenched hard when you felt his length grind against your ass, reminding you of its presence, and you suddenly ached to be filled again. You whimpered into his hand as you rolled your hips.
"You want my cock?" His voice was ragged in your ear, hardly restrained as he fucked his bulge against you. You nodded with an obscene whine, clutching the sides of his thighs and using them as leverage to grind yourself into his throbbing length. He cursed. 
"Filthy girl."
Ren released you, withdrawing his fingers from your mouth and hair, and you collapsed back against his chest, panting. He shoved at the waistband of your pants, and with a thrill, you lifted your hips as far as you could to allow him to yank them down around your thighs, panties and all. 
He propped you forward slightly, bringing a hand behind you to wrestle with the clasp of his own trousers. He unleashed his cock and sat you back over it, so that it rested thickly between the flesh of your thighs, flush with the swollen line of your wet slit. You looked down and gulped. Stars, he was big. Not that you expected any different -- you'd be the first to admit that this man carried himself like he was packing. Still, you couldn't suppress a twinge of nerves as you looked down at the fat head of him, swollen beautifully at the end of a thick shaft and leaking a bead of pre cum between your thighs. He rocked his hips up, and the thick, velvety length of his cock parted your lips, coating the top of his shaft in your wetness as it slid against your tender folds.
You whined, your walls screaming to be filled, to be stretched, and you strained your pelvis down towards his dick, but the angle was all wrong for you to have any control. His glove snaked into your hair and fisted it roughly, yanking you immobile again as you gasped. 
Your pussy throbbed, dignity a distant echo in your brain as you keened and clenched around nothing. You'd never been known to beg for anything in your life, but with the way that every nerve ending in your body felt like it was curling towards him, trying to take root, to feel him in every way possible, you were sure you'd do anything to earn his cock now.
"P-please-" it came out in a whisper, your voice absent from your chest, and he jostled you by your scalp sharply. Pain shot through your nerves, somehow only kindling the flames of need that were licking up your spine and you yelped, the roughness punching your voice back into you.
"I can't fucking hear you." He growled through his teeth, breath crackling in his throat as he fought his own restraint. The sound shot a thrill through you. Oh, you were gone. 
"Ple-ase, s-sir, please f-fuck me," you moaned louder, and your voice sounded foreign through the ring in your ears. Your thighs strained against the hobble of your waistband as your body tried to spread and arch back for him like a bitch in heat. Thoroughly carried away, heady pleas continued to pour from your mouth. "I n-eed your cock in me, Com-commander, please." He huffed a pleased sound, pulling you back until his lips grazed your ear. 
"Good girl."
He released your hair and gripped your hips hard, lifting you up just enough for the head of his cock to slide down towards your entrance. You found yourself pressing your palms eagerly into the seat, pushing yourself up to give your commander better access. You tipped your hips until you felt the swollen head of him perfectly align with your soaked entrance, and-- Oh, fuck.
Even thoroughly lubricated with your own cum, it was a tight fit as he began to sink you down. You whimpered as the angle forced you to take the entirety of him, struggling to relax your tight walls through your descent. You were sure you'd never taken a man nearly this big, sure that your body might break open around him, and yet you were determined to withstand his challenge. He hissed slowly through his teeth as he buried into you inch by steady inch, until you finally sat flush with his lap again, keening from the pleasant sting of complete fullness. 
Ren choked on a stifled groan as you reached the hilt of him, his grip bruising your waist as he held you there for a moment. He shifted you both forward, allowing him to brace you up with his arms, and pumped his hips once slowly to test the position. The feeling of his thick cock sliding tight against your walls until it pressed your cervix was as obscene as it was delicious, and as he buried himself again, you couldn't hold back the wanton moan that tore itself from your diaphragm. 
"Fuck," You heard Ren mutter raggedly behind you as he adjusted his grip. He began to rut his hips up into you at a punishing tempo, and your thoughts evaporated as his cock slammed over and over into the epicenter of your core. You cried out, voice hitching from his pace and ferocity, as you wildly clutched at the side of a control panel for stability. Somehow the pain of taking him over and over began to morph into blinding oblivion, and the viewport swam before your eyes as you lost yourself in the furious rhythm of his cock. 
Ren grabbed your neck and arched you back against his chest, slowing his pace enough to allow shards of air to fight back into your starved lungs. The slower thrusts, the slick feeling of every ridge and vein of him, sent a spike of voltage through your limbs that jump started your senses again. 
"Was I wrong to assume you could handle me, lieutenant?" He purred breathily as he slowed to nearly a stop, though clearly not intending to cease his torment altogether. You whined your dissent and tried to roll your hips down into him, hoping to fuck yourself on his cock, to feebly prove that you could take him. "No?" His voice dripped warm with mockery. "We'll see." 
His grip anchored you fast. You gasped, almost panicking for a moment as a foreign pressure began to flit and squeeze around your clit. It wasn't his hand. One was controlling your neck, the other a vice on your hip. You didn't have much time to register the fact that he was using the Force until his hips were moving again, his cock filling you whole at a steady pace as that strange and wonderful pressure swirled faster at your bud. 
Then suddenly his hand was closing like a leather serpent around your neck, slowly, expertly constricting your pulse. A primal burst of adrenaline blinded you for a moment. He could kill you. It rang between your ears, imploring you to resist, but your body was so pliant, so wholly under the spell of submission, that the thrill melted into something warmer. Something perhaps like trust, but with a much sharper edge as it cut a path through your veins. He squeezed your arteries steadily until your hearing began to fog and inky motes crossed your vision. Pressure swelled in your head, the cockpit beginning to drift away around you until all that grounded you to reality was the steady pumping of the cock inside your cunt and the Force at your clit shooting effervescent waves of pleasure into your darkening brain. 
Just as the cusp of total unconsciousness began to seduce you, the pressure vanished. Ren slammed his length into you, and you gulped a massive breath of air as the Force jetted against your clit. Your orgasm crested hard, and shot you over the edge faster than you'd have ever thought possible as he held you steady and pounded into your core. You screamed as your release tore through your body in a perfect harmonic overtone to the oxygen flooding back into your brain, and the combined relief washed such a powerful bliss through your nerves that in that moment, you felt as if the very fabric of space could part for you.
"That's it, fuck, good fucking girl." Ren’s snarls were filthy and delicious in your ear as he continued to fuck you hard, the pace of his cock refusing to let your body come down from the orgasm. You keened and moaned in an incoherent stupor as he slammed up against a spot inside you that was somehow, impossibly, pushing you towards the edge again already. Another orgasm ripped through you, this one singeing your nerve endings as you felt his thrusts become unsteady. Ren bellowed through gritted teeth as he came, cock pulsing inside you while your quaking walls milked him through his release. He pumped you slowly through your aftershocks, tensing with each clench of your cunt around his oversensitive dick, until your bodies stilled in a tranquil beat of silence and shared breathing.
You didn't know at what point he had wrapped both of his arms around you, but you snapped to the realization that Kylo Ren was now holding you tight, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he came down through shuddering breaths. You blinked, slowly bringing the geometric planes of the viewport back into blurred focus, and then beyond it, the distant Supremacy. 
It hung suspended like a leviathan in the void, a staunch and silent voyeur to the star-shattering sequence of undoing and accretion that you had just experienced here at the hands and cock of your inscrutable commander. You couldn't be totally sure this hadn't all been another dream, but the feeling of him now was so real, so warm, so human in the depth of his breathing and the slight dampness of his skin against yours, that you were sure no version of Kylo Ren you'd ever conjured in your dreams could feel like this. 
You didn't move, didn't dare, but simply felt him encase you, afraid to break whatever spell was holding you in this moment. In a place where maybe, maybe, you could pretend that you weren't just a rank. Or a strategist, or a minuscule pawn in the grander scheme of First Order rule. Here you were a body, yes, but a body that intertwined with something beyond material. Something that laced gently with the threads of humanity behind the frozen carbonite mask of Kylo Ren, which now seemed to thaw for the smallest moment as he held you wrapped in an embrace that could almost be mistaken for tenderness. 
Your high descended on clipped wings as he finally stirred, settling colder in your stomach as he loosened his arms and you waited for whatever would happen now. He was still inside of you, and half-hard at that, but even so, you felt filled to the brim with his cum and stretched tight around him. Your body bemoaned the idea of vacancy, but if time was up, then it was up. You weren't about to push it. You started to move, shifting to lift off of him.
"No. Stay." He murmured against your neck, and you almost questioned whether your brain had shorted out and you'd misheard him. He coaxed you back against his chest with a press of his palm, and you hesitantly allowed the gentleness of it to malleate your rigid spine. Your brain misfired again as you felt the soft brush of his thumb running slowly up and down the contour of your ribs. Your pulse skipped into your throat. You didn't dare allow your body to think that this was anything akin to intimacy. You had been starved of it for so long that if you let it believe so, you might fully lose sight of the fine line you were now walking. And if you fell, it would be straight onto a saber's edge. The vibration of your body fighting against its own tension ricocheted to the walls of your pussy, and as you squeezed him slightly, you felt his cock already beginning to harden again inside you. Your breath hitched. 
Kylo Ren made no acknowledgment of the exchange as he peeled his face from your neck, straightening slightly. He reached his long arms around you to grip the controls of the silencer, but didn't move the craft. He sat still. Contemplative, perhaps. 
You were leaned back against his shoulder, forehead resting just by his jaw, and you dared to let your face tuck gently towards him. You waited for a reaction -- to be pushed away, for some signal that you'd overstepped. But he was still. You cautiously nestled the bridge of your nose against his neck, feeling the steady thrum of pulse there, the soft currents of breath that drifted from his nose down to trickle across your skin. You tried to memorize the warm, masculine scent of him that drifted up from his collar, magnified by body heat, stirred by the gentle tide of his breathing. Oh, how long it had been since you'd had this… 
The oxytocin-riddled valleys of your mind echoed with a sudden and deadly urge to tilt up and press a soft kiss under his jaw, but a harness of fear held you still as you remembered your place, and the fragility of whatever this was. Instead, you squeezed his cock with your warmth again, a flame of lust already flickering against your belly and providing a welcome distraction from the confusion that was drawing and quartering your brain. 
Ren's chest swelled with a soft "mmph" as he seemed to come out of his own trance of thought. You wondered if he'd even been listening to yours at all. He rocked his hips once, the slide of his stiffening cock making your walls leak, and you sighed. Yes. This was fine. This was simple. He pressed his hands forward, beginning to guide the craft towards the twinkling planet in no particular hurry. You gripped his thighs and rolled your hips, squeezing and riding him slowly so as not to break his concentration as he guided you both through the silent expanse of space. 
Yes, it was best just to enjoy the simplicity of this. Of two bodies exorcising your respective tensions through the physical release you could pull from one another. And soon it would be over, and the chaos would resume around you, and you'd carry on like your spirits hadn't just fused like two atoms -- for a microsecond -- within a supernova of passion in the middle of space. And that was fine. That was for the best. 
So you fixed yourself on that tangible goal of physical pleasure, on the rhythm of your hips, on keeping your commander nice and hard and ready for whatever he decided was next. 
Because if you were good enough, then maybe. 
Just maybe. 
You'd earn yourself a second lesson. 
Update: Part 2 here.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
21 asks, some old some new, all basically just heart warming compliments. ♡ඩᴗඩ♡
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You’re welcome!! And thank you so much!! Something I always love to do with characters like this is give them some crazy depth. Give answers for things that the media they’re from never answers. I always work really hard to make it all fit together and really feel natural and I’m so happy you noticed! (இ﹏இ`。)
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I’ll be sure to. I’m still feeling really crummy mentally, but taking a break from my lovely community of fans certainly didn’t make me feel any better. XD
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Pfff Kitty cat Pirate man XD
Well you’re sort of right. Captain Barnacles is my favorite character 100%, but the reason why I draw those two together so often is because the show has established that they are really good friends. 
Where ever the Captain is, Kwazii is usually nearby. Kwazii was the only one that knew about the Captains fear, Kwazii is the Octonauts lieutenant, which probably means that they spend a lot time around each other. They share a bed pod, they have had these little interactions that don’t happen with anyone else. Like fist bumps, shoulder pats etc.
They’re even used as an example of symbiosis in the crab and urchin episode! Now, you can interpret that how you’d like, but I believe the show is somewhat subtly trying to push the point that these two are best friends, like family even.
So when ever I draw Captain Barnacles, I always have an incentive to draw Kwazii with him. :}
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Honestly by my headcannons, I feel like Kwazii would need it more than anyone else really. But yeah, the Captain could really use me a pick me up. XD
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Dawww you’re welcome, I’m just glad everyone likes my art so much. ♡●ᴗ●♡
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Th-Thank you!! That’s so sweet!! I’ll Be sure to keep making them!- Be sure to drop in some suggestions you guys so I know what ya’ll want to see!! :}
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(before I left for a break)
Well I may have needed more time to “relax”, but I just missed you guys too much lol.
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Wow! That’s a lot of shows! I don’t recall really watching.. any of them.. any way uh- that aside, there are several shows I used to watch as a kid. Some weren’t meant for kids but were still funny to me.
For one, like I’m sure a lot of people did, I watched SpongeBob.
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I also used to watch, of course, Octonauts. Although that was when I was a wee bit older.
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I also used to watch The Three Stooges.. this one was for adults I think but it was still hilarious.
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I also used to watch Beetle Baily, although this one was kind of like a once a year tradition type thing we did.
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There may be one or two more but I don’t recall.. I mean, we did have one episode of speed racer that I watched over and over and over again. Or.. was it a movie? Heh, I uh, cant really recall.. 
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(after my break announcement)
Thank you, turns out taking a break from Tumblr kind’a just made me miss the community. I felt really awful while I was gone but feel a little better after returning sooo.... guess I’m hangin around for a little while longer! :}
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No I don’t ship anyone personally, although I can see how some of their dynamics could be seen like that.
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Oh! No worries, that’s alright, and that thing is in the description as a heads up kind’a. If I tag my own art as ship or explicitly say it is okay to do so, then go for it. I just don't usually ship characters and don't want my art to be perceived incorrectly.. 
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I have watched both Octonauts movies and season 1-3 on Netflix. When it comes to season 4, so far I haven't had much trouble just finding it on YouTube.
When it comes to watching season 4 in order, just go to the episode wiki, find the names in order and keep searching on YouTube until you’re sure you’re on the right episode. Pretty sure you can find basically all the Octonauts episode this way, go ahead and give it a shot! Hope it works!
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To keep the fourth wall breaking to a minimum, what would my Transformer OCs think of Octonauts?
Suburban, A.T.Dragster, Green Truck, Escort, Vega, Red Van, Brown Suburban, Miata, AND Honda, most likely wouldn't really be interested and wouldn’t really have an opinion on the show, but they don't make fun of anyone who does watch it. No matter how old. Volvo specifically would respect the educational aspect of the show and most likely wouldn’t pick on anyone for watching it either.
U.M.Dragster would kind’a poke fun at the show and its imperfections. But low key is peeking around the corner wanting to know what the characters do next.
White Truck thinks it pretty cool and kind’a likes to watch it with others, but wont really go out of his way to watch it on his own.
Beluga would probably think its really cute, bet 10 bucks her favorite character is Kwazii.
Ranger would be hooked. She loves everything about Earths water and want’s to learn everything about it. Including the creatures that live in it. She would appreciate the show “dumbing everything down” for her, because she doesn’t know these basic things that kids know. Having everything “dumbed down” makes it easier for her to understand everything.
Jeepy’s driver used to make fun of me for watching it, but now he thinks it neat. So maybe he’d think its silly but eventually come around?
Bash Buggy cant see the screen-
But really Its cool though, he wouldn’t be all that interested in it even if he could watch it anyway.
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Daww thank you! ♡●ᴗ●♡
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Oh how cool! I never thought so many people grew up watching this too, I thought this show was really obscure! Glad I can share the nostalgia and joy with ya’ll through my art! :}
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You mean the Vegimals? These little dudes?
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I just haven’t had a good opportunity to draw them yet is all. 
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Hmmmm.... let me think.. I feel like my Transformer OCs would mostly like certain aspects of seasonal things, not one season and all of its aesthetics as a whole.
Suburban, Red Van, Escort, Brown Suburban and Green Truck love the bonfire part of colder weather. The warm, bright and surrounded by loved ones aspect of it is what they enjoy. Especially Brown Suburban. He loves bonfires man. The more light and heat the better, that poor mech is freezing his aft off out there in that old manky dark shed all by himself. He just wants to be around his loved ones where its warm and bright.
Miata would probably like pumpkin spice lattes, and just that aspect of fall. Beluga and Honda however would be all over fall and all its traditions. They’d be all over every season really, always up to date with trends and having fun.
The Dragsters are all about summer and its aesthetics. Summer is the prime time for dragstrips and the weather they function most efficiently in so they’re all for it.   
Vega is more about fall. Sure its not really racing weather, but he does like all the pretty colors and the temperature is just right for him.
White Truck would like summer the most. He’d like the attire, the swimming, the warmth, all of it. He’d function a little on the edge I’d think though, he does have a bit of an overheating issue.. but still, I think summers for the win.
Ranger would like summer. Summer = more fish in the water. She loves to look at fish and be out in the water and just explore everything. Summer is when most of the fish are around so she’d really enjoy that. When it comes to seasonal outfits and food? Meh, waters cooler.
Volvo doesn't care for any weather or aesthetics honestly. But would prefer fall for its cooler temperatures. Having so many layers of armor is bound to make you overheat eventually.
Jeepy would like the fall and winter most of all, because of MUD. Going slipin, driftin and slidin with Bash is a real hoot, so he’d really like those seasons. He’s just built for them you know? Plus he’d kill a man for a glass of eggnog so he likes that aspect of cooler seasons too. :}
Bash Buggy likes summer and spring for the temperatures mostly. He also likes winter and fall, but because of the mud, he doesn’t like them for any other reason. Just the mud and goofing around with Jeepy. Everything else about those cold seasons are terrible, and he cant even see all the pretty colors and aesthetics so what does it matter? His body has no insulation anymore so the cold just eats him up, and he cant go outside in the snow because of his blindness and the cold. So he’s stuck shivering indoors while his friends go goof around in the snow without him. Colder seasons suck besides mud, the warmer ones are a win.
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I don’t know, it just kind’a makes me uncomfortable. Not all artists are the same, not all artists like that.
It kind of feels like stealing to me in a way, I just don’t like it..
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I want to, but I am completely halted by the knowledge that these comics don’t get much traction. They only get a handful of notes when I post them, which just makes them feel like a waste of time.
I’m weird about time. I don't like talking about my interests with others because I know I’m wasting their time and they don’t care anyway.
I am heavily discouraged to draw things online, not just because people steal, but because only a handful of people truly care and get excited about them.
And I mean, a handful of lovely followers, is a handful lovely followers. But you can see how a people pleaser like me would drift towards what people want me to draw instead of what I want to draw.
And when it comes to what people want me to draw? Besides those lovely few, people don’t want to see my comics.
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sratsome-jack · 4 years
BTV- WIP Wednesday
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Pinglist (BTV): @kita-lavellan | @mrstethras | @noire-pandora | @nocturna-morte | @jarakrisafis | @silvanils | @shadowcrow | @queen-kass-the-writer | @followingthewolf
Sooo I just joined the BTV discord server and I decided to do my first WIP Wednesday! I’m v nervous about posting this but also pumped to introduce my OC! This is an excerpt from the Chapter 3 first draft of my Rhiannon Lavellan x Cullen longfic that is currently being edited:
Rhiannon jumped off her place on the wall and began to wander around. She figured she should take her mind off things and meet some of the newest members of the inquisition that they had picked up thus far. She found Sera, the red jenny from Val Royeaux, sitting in the tavern. Maybe she could make a friend in her new elf companion.
She took a seat across from Sera, who was making her way through a mug of ale.
“So, what’s with you and that Commander?” Sera asked, skipping introductions.
“I’m sorry?” Rhiannon responded. There was no way that Varric had told people already. He promised not to tell anyone, right?
“Oh, come on, it’s obvious with the way you two stare at each other, and are all weird with each other,” she said, “either you’re both weird people or there’s something going on.”
She was observant, Rhiannon had to give her that.
“There’s really nothing between us,” Rhiannon said, “but I guess I wish there was.”
Sera slammed her glass down. “I knew it! Blackwall didn’t believe me when I told him but I knew something was up!”
“Please, don’t tell anyone,” Rhiannon insisted.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, secret’s safe with me,” Sera assured her, “look, I don’t see what the big deal is about him but you should just go for it. You can’t miss the way he looks at you.”
Rhiannon was confused. “The way he looks at me?” she asked, blushing a little.
“Yeah, he looks angry all the time, but not when he looks at you,” Sera explained.
Rhiannon cocked her head. “I never noticed him looking angry,” she said.
“Well duh, silly,” Sera exclaimed, “cause he’s not like that around you. Just watch him when he’s with anyone else. Make sure he doesn’t see you or you’ll miss it.”
“I guess I’ll just have to take your word on it,” Rhiannon chuckled, taking a swig of ale.
Sera rolled her eyes, “come on, I’ll show you.”
Sera got up, motioning for Rhiannon to follow.
“Sera, I’m not sure…”
“Come on,” Sera grabbed Rhiannon’s arm, pulling her up from her seat.
She followed Sera down to the fortress gates.
“If you stick to the wall you can see out there, without them seeing you,” Sera explained, as she slid along the wall with her back to it.
Rhiannon followed her lead, though still somewhat reluctant. If Cullen saw her doing this, that would be embarrassing.
Finally, they were at the fortress gates, Sera poked her head around to look out into the courtyard where the soldiers were training. She motioned for Rhiannon to come forward to join her. Rhiannon crept up beside the other elf.
“Just wait til he turns around,” Sera whispered, her gaze fixed on Cullen as he stood observing the soldiers.
Cullen stood facing outward. His stance was stoic and focused. His lieutenant came to talk to him and he turned his gaze slightly around to face the fortress.
“There!” Sera exclaimed in a whispered voice, pointing toward Cullen. “That angry face, he’s always wearing that around everyone but you.”
Rhiannon studied the Commander’s expression. It did look more harsh than usual.
“Maybe his lieutenant is giving him bad news?” Rhiannon suggested, matching Sera’s whisper.
“He always looks like that!” Sera said.
“There’s no way that’s true,” Rhiannon retorted. “You’re just imagining things.”
“Am not!” Sera exclaimed, defensively.
“He can’t really be interested in me!” Rhiannon said, “I’m an elf, and a mage!”
Sera shrugged. “You’re people is what you are,” Sera said, “and not bad looking people either, I’m not surprised he likes you. And you’re the Herald of Andraste and all. Templars are into that Chantry stuff.”
“If you’re trying to teach the Herald how to spy on people, you’re not doing a very good job.”
Rhiannon jumped and spun around to see Varric standing in front of them.
“Sera thinks Commander Cullen looks at me a certain way,” Rhiannon told him, “I don’t think there’s any truth to it.
“He does though!” Sera protested, “you see it, don’t you? He’s always angry, except when he looks at her!”
Varric pondered the question for a minute. “He does look a bit angry all the time.”
“Oh, come on, Varric, not you too,” Rhiannon pleaded, “he’s never looked angry when I’ve talked to him. Uncomfortable, sometimes, but never angry.”
“He definitely looks at her differently,” Varric said, agreeing with Sera.
“Now you’re just ganging up on me,” Rhiannon said.
As she stood there, defensively. She noticed Cullen enter the gates of the fortress.
“My lady,” he said, nodding with a small smile as he passed her and the others.
Rhiannon just smiled nervously, her cheeks becoming flush.
“Rosy, I may not be the best at writing romance serials but I know a crush when I see one and I’m willing to bet good coin that our Commander’s got one on you,” he said.
“And I think you’re about to lose a sovereign on that bet,” Rhiannon replied, “saying hello to someone is hardly an indicator of romance.”
“This is excruciating,” Sera moaned, rolling her eyes. “I thought you were supposed to be smart and stuff.”
“One sovereign it is,” Varric said, with a chuckle. “I’ll admit, I was starting to think your little crush on him was a shot in the dark, but I have never seen him look at anyone like he just looked at you.”
That night Rhiannon found herself lying on the roof of the little house she’d been staying in, staring up at the sky. She’d always loved looking at the stars when she needed to get away, even when she wasn’t charting them.  She thought about what Sera and Varric had said. Maybe they were right, and she should make a move soon. Still, she wasn’t sure what they were talking about with how he looked at her. She just couldn’t see it.
She definitely had to do something before Varric decided he couldn’t take the waiting anymore. But what would it do to her if Cullen wasn’t interested? She just couldn’t see how he could be interested in her. What kind of templar could catch feelings for an elven mage who did nothing but stumble over her words? Even if he wasn’t a templar anymore and didn’t have a hatred of mages, there was no way he could love one, right?
She wanted more than anything for him to be up here with her, to hold her in his arms and keep her warm. The thought of those large muscles and that fur coat wrapped around her made her heart jump. But it was just thoughts, just fantasies, and that would have to do for now.
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i have done my classic thing: i have started pride and prejudice 2005, i am 7 minutes in, and i am disgusting with this bastardization of the text
my liveblogs below the cut
elizabeth is a man-hating love-hater? not according to any book jane austen wrote!
elizabeth is too silly and improper, mrs bennet, kitty, and lydia are not at all silly enough
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this sucks
lizzy is upset that mr darcy didnt find her attractive? that is a devastating mischaracterization and sets the whole plot and their relationship off on terrible and incorrect footing.
also wtf are they sitting under some benches at a dance?
hate that darcy immediately looks at elizabeth (in a way we’re meant to assume means he finds her attractive) as if his attraction to her comes from her initially from her appearance. he really was not interested in her until he began observing her behavior and interacting with he
when mrs bennet says, “it’s a shame [charlotte lucas] isn’t more handsome,” a terribly improper and humiliating thing to say, mr bingley snorts a laugh. mr bingley is not supposed to be improper at all. he has good breeding, he’s rich, he’s just also very nice and friendly. he would never laugh at that
i do not know enough about the regency era to comment, but it seems to me that there are certain liberties with historical accuracy wrt clothing and such in this film that you don’t see in the bbc miniseries. for instance, elizabeth coming to netherfield with her hair down? i don’t believe women ever wore their hair down at this time (*edit* the bbc series and this movie take place in different periods. bbc series: 1813, movie: 1797)
why is mr bingley so awkward? i mean i know why, it’s to make him seem charming and unthreatening and cute and relatable or whatever, but it’s just inconsistent. his character is extremely warm, friendly, polite, not terribly intellectual, but not a bumbling mess who can’t execute a thought without backtracking because he’s so nervous around his lady love
the book has comedy to spare, you don’t have to cheaply manufacture it in this way just because the director’s scared that his audience won’t understand the original humor/scared that he won’t have the ability to make the original humor understood/doesn’t understand the original humor himself because he doesn’t understand the source material!!
i also hate the sharpness and vitriol that this darcy puts in his language. he’s supposed to be uber-polite but cold and haughty. propriety doesn’t permit active hostility (such as when he’s bemoaning the liberal use of the word “accomplished” when applied to women) in regular conversation. that’s intense and insane 
why does he speak so quickly? also they really should not have cut the whole netherfield drawing room scene, at least not the conversation between darcy and elizabeth about teasing and pride. they actually now that i think about it cut his whole thing on how a great man can never be too prideful. that’s really fuckin important character stuff! for both of them!
the comedy in this mr collins scene is not landing. they’re like laughing at him before he’s gotten too outrageous. and the actor is such a quiet, mild-mannered dude that he’s not really grating as he should be. this is supposed to be an extraordinarily annoying character, so annoying that the bennets can’t stand him for literally one meal.
ugh they have mrs bennet suggest to mr collins that he should pursue lizzy instead of jane. that’s not out of character for her at all but it misses the opportunity to show how scuzzy mr collins is, and also how fucking little he cares about who his wife is, assuming she meets the criteria of lady catherine de bourgh
ew mr wickham is so skeevy! lizzy’s into him because he’s hot and picked up her handkerchief? that’s it? is she an idiot? he’s not charming or good-natured or fun or funny at all. lydia: he’s a lieutenant! wickham: an enchanted lieutenant (referring to being enchanted to meet lizzy). like scream! what a gross pick up line!!!!)
and their flirtation is based on banter (no!) and him being self-deprecating (maybe, but not in such an obvious way “ignore me i’m next to nothing” what a fucking weird thing to say)
he literally charms her by pulling a quarter out of her sister’s ear. are you kidding? is she 8?
this dance scene btw elizabeth and darcy is all wrong. she immediately jumps on him with “it’s your turn to say something” after it’s been .1 seconds since he last spoke, and he spoke way more amiably (”indeed, most invigorating”) than would be his wont.
oh my god they’ve stopped dancing to angrily talk to each other in the middle of the dance floor? this is so incoherent with the characters (so improper!) and the time period. just cultivating more drama. this scene’s already juicy, they don’t have to be spitting angrily into each other’s mouths for it to come across
so silly and melodramatic that twice in this movie the entirety of a loud crowded drunken ballroom has screeched to a halting silence immediately for some minor drama. the first being the bingleys and mr darcy simply entering the room. the second being mr collins introducing himself to mr darcy (that one is especially ridiculous)
oh god why are they portraying mr collins as so sympathetic and sweet? he’s a fucking asshole! he’s not just annoying he’s a dick! that’s important, otherwise elizabeth is really unjustly mean to him, especially while she’s rejecting his proposal
oh i disagree with the way they play charlotte’s reasons for marrying mr collins. instead of her just not being romantic and marrying for practical reasons because that’s her nature, they make it a biiig thing like she has to marry because she’s old and ugly and otherwise she’ll go to the poorhouse
it’s not surprising that a lot of my critiques have to do with them pumping drama that doesn’t make sense into the story. making characters shout or spit words etc, because of course that’s what a hollywood film was going to do with a 19th century novel of manners
i guess i should say some good things about this movie. the cinematography is very lovely, obviously. i think it’s well cast, especially judi dench, with the exception of kiera knightley and the actor who plays mr collins. i think matthew mcfayden could’ve been a great darcy had he actually known anything about the character beyond the script
actually i take it back, judi dench isn’t quite amping up the ridiculous nature of this character like she should. they keep a lot of her silly lines but she doesn’t hit them to emphasize just how silly they are. she’s almost too stately to play this woman who, despite her great rank, enjoys spending her time being condescending to lower rank people
here comes my agreement with the grand critique of this movie: they make darcy out to be socially awkward rather than a haughty ass. he’s leaning in and whispering that he has trouble conversing with people, as if he means he has social anxiety and doesn’t mean, “small talk with simpletons bores me”
oh no they cut the delicious piano practice scene! they rewrote it and lizzy just says, “you should practice,” and we don’t get to have this famous, witty misunderstanding that elucidates darcy’s character so well!!!
oh no no no in this scene where colonel fitzwilliam tells lizzy that darcy split up bingleys attachment he tells her that the problem wasn’t the lack of fortune but the family! why?????? that’s half of the big reveal of darcy’s letter????? it’s when she realizes that oh his intentions weren’t so bad
i know i already said it but fuck darcy speaks fast. it sounds like shit. why doesn’t he just shut the fuck up and slow down? it’s weirdly inconsistent with his character. though i guess if they’re trying to rewrite him as socially awkward this could be part of that. but they shouldnt be! because it invalidates the whole premise of the story, their romance, and his character arc!
whoa whoa whoa and in the proposal scene when she says “why did you propose by telling me you’re doing this against your better judgement” he interrupted apologetically, trying to explain. what!!! no!!! he is an asshole! he’s insulted that this low rank woman would dare reject him. he didn’t suspect for one instant that she would. he’s fucking fuming from her first word
wow they’re chopping up this iconic proposal scene huh. i guess to make darcy still seem like a Nice Guy. he didn’t get to accuse her of only rejecting him because she was insulted by his proposal, she had to say that line. this movie is like, let’s make lizzy seem as insane as possible, and darcy as sweet as can be.
you’re not supposed to realize how wrong lizzy is, it’s supposed to creep up on you very slowly. youre supposed to feel like she’s been very reasonable up to this point, and you’re as shocked as she is when she reads the letter.
even his face! so shocked and sad like a kicked puppy standing there in the rain (we won’t even touch why the fuck they’re standing outside in the pouring rain). he’s angry right now! he’s so mad! he’s supposed to be fucking mad, because he’s a proud, arrogant, asshole!
oh my god and look he’s saying the lack of fortune of the bennets had nothing to do with it, and lizzy wow she’s sooo crazy for suggesting it, even though 20 seconds ago he just said it sucks that i’m in love with you ‘cause you’re so low class. god this scene sucks
there’s a reason this is all written in a letter in the book, it works much better that way. this is not a back and forth, lizzy doesn’t get to ask questions and poke holes. he offers his defenses and is still kind of a dick, and lizzy has to read it all without responding or rejecting it, really has to sit with it, the way you can’t do in a fight
oh and he just apologized for accurately noting that elizabeth’s family is often really disgustingly improper! how fucking out of character! both in general and in the scene because, and i can’t stress this enough, HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ANGRY
oh ok i have to redact some of my former criticism. he finally gets mad at the very end here, and makes the comment about “did you expect me to rejoice in your low birth?” though he still didnt say the crucial “perhaps you would have accepted had not the manner of proposal offended you”
wait what the fuck??? did they just lean in for a kiss and lean away?? like a whole, i’m angry at you i’m hot for you let’s fuck thing? what the fuck? not only is that cheap romance melodrama but also lizzy HATES this man. not like oops i love-i mean hate you but really hates him
why do they choose to have elizabeth not tell jane about the proposal? i can’t imagine there being any reason? except of course that’s she’s secretly already in love with him and doesn’t want to admit it! gag
this scene between elizabeth and mr bennet about lydia going off with the forsters is well done imo
ugh god but they’ve given lizzy’s “what are young men to rocks and mountains?” line to mary, making it seem stupid and platitudinal, because that’s mary’s character
oh good, elizabeth is going on another “all men are trash” rant that is a thinly veiled reference to darcy. they’re just fucking taking a wrecking ball to this character’s credibility and intelligence huh?
this is really devastating actually because at this point the movie is telling us that lizzy is fighting through the anger and hate and realizing she loves darcy, after their sexy confrontation and his letter. in reality, she’s realized she was wrong and is doing some deep self-reflection.
she feels a little sheepish about how she boldly she accused darcy of things she was so wrong about but she still isn’t in love with him because he’s still a fucking proud ass! he just happened to be right about some shit that she was too prejudiced to realize
it doesn’t make sense if she falls in love with him before he grows and becomes a good person. it shows a weakness of character on her part and makes his eventual character growth just a cherry on top. oh that’s nice, they’re in love *and* he’s not gonna treat her like shit. totally invalidates the whole point of the story, overcoming personal defaults and finding healthy love that way
wow they make lizzy so stupid! she objects so stupidly to visiting pemberly! oh let’s not. he’s so…. he’s so… he’s so rich! wtf are you talking about? in the book she’s just kind of like eh idk…. do you really want to go? i guess if you think we should go… oh he won’t be there? oh cool let’s do it
ok so i’m 1:21:54 into the movie. i have 45 minutes left. i’m stopping. i’m angry and getting no joy from this so. this was a humiliating project for me, thinking i could enjoy this movie. never again
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ferocioushonesty · 6 years
Romance Canons
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NAME:  Aristide Javert NICKNAME: Nothing he’ll encourage in the bedroom— they all come from his job, and as cool as “emperor of the devils” sounds, he’s used to it coming from criminal lips. Not an association he wants for sexytimes or even off-duty-times. GENDER: Male ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic— he’s more prone to get crushes on men/lust after them, but forms relationships more easily with women. PREFERRED PET NAMES: Nothing too silly— if you’re to the point of concocting one for him though you’ll know that already. Animal metaphors are common. I can’t tell if that’s a 19th-century Thing or a Javert Thing or both... but it’s a Thing. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse-dependent but overwhelmingly single take note, ladies & gents FAVORITE CANON SHIP: LMAO where?? FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP: ALL THE SHIPS. Of the ones with characters from his own canon it goes without saying that it’s Valjean. I love the idea of them working through their tangled past and making something good from it, whether that’s friendship or romance. As wrong as he’s been, he knows Valjean better than most without having to be told everything that’s happened to him. (And of course there’s the obligatory jokes about Madeleine’s muffins and ‘the strength of your loins’ because how can you not.)
The three ships that have developed through RP (I do count Éléonore as a fourth but technically that was still in the chemistry/building friendship stage, sooo) are each different & I couldn’t hope to choose between them. I will say that they have in common a view of positive qualities that rarely make an appearance in his job, and that does bleed through to his job (when it still exists; RIP werewolf!Javert on the dole). He is a more adjusted, better person for them. OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: He doesn’t believe in true love, not in the sense of soulmates or fate. There’s depth of feeling, there can be enough that actually scares him, but if he loves you that’s already a big enough leap. It doesn’t need an extra qualifier. OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: No. HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: Not very. . IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: Not completely unimportant for him, but first and foremost he has to like you. (Or dislike you. He’s unlikely to act on it but hateship is definitely possible.) General types are women with some substance and bears/otters, twinks being a rarer taste. IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Honesty, integrity, loyalty, good work ethic, competent. UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Dirt & grime if it’s not from honest work. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Lying, laziness, cruelty, overly merciful. IDEAL DATE: Can vary slightly with mood but he generally likes a date doing something— can be as simple as watching a movie, or active like hiking, horse riding, camping. Just going out for dinner is too weighted to conversation, which he’s not great at. DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: A good shorthand would categorize them as superior or equal. He’ll be protective once he’s in the relationship but he’s not interested in playing nursemaid or knight in shining armor. Either they dominate him or they’re a match for him. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: Several years at least. He moves slowly, so by the time it gets to the relationship stage he’s certain it’s solid. Things can still happen, he’s just deliberate in his choices of mate. PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Not a big cuddler but he likes just being near the other person, sitting side by side for instance. Having his hair stroked is a big one too. COMMITMENT LEVEL:  In ordinary circumstances the job takes precedence but even then can force him into flexibility. i.e. he wouldn’t be the one to stay home with the sick kid, but if he was supposed to pick them up from school? He’d just about die trying to get there on time. OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: Generally prefers privacy. Not above taunting known homophobes though. PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: because I can’t make anything simple, this varies between verses. And I can’t find my dang headcanons, so no names.
Canon: Delphine de la Roche, daughter of Toulon’s commissaire. Ex-fiancée. Modern: his lieutenant when he was a rookie. Broke up when he cheated on Javert. American: met in college; his first time, took him out dancing often. Broke it off when she moved back home after graduation. They’re still in occasional contact.
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sunshine-captain · 6 years
Hi! I asked Phoenix (horsegirlharry) for fic recs about star trek tos and she sent me to you! I am a new fan and in desperate need for some good fics since I am having a hard time finding them. I would be very grateful if you could link me to some. Thank you in advance
Oh my goodness!!! Hello my friend! I’m honored Phoenix directed you to me, I really am! To tell you the truth, they’re the one that actually convinced me to watch TOS from the start. Welcome to the fandom!! 
To start off with, here is a lovely rec blog that is exclusively TOS (that I’m a mod on, so I am of course biased, but I loved the blog even before I was added, haha!) It’s not updated that often at the moment, usually just when I have some spare time, but there’s a lot of recs already added to look through, and there are plenty of tags to maybe let you look for tropes or genres that you like. :) 
Alright, here go the recs! 
Sha Ka Ree The year is 2258. Jim Kirk is a Lieutenant on the U.S.S. Farragut, Spock the science officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. When the ships come together for a priority landing party, these two strangers find themselves fighting against the odds for a chance at life in an alien world, and the only way they’ll make it through is by relying on each other. This is a TOS fic that takes place seven years before the show begins. It’s one of my favorite fics ever, it’s beautiful and just perfect. It’s a lovely slow burn, and it contains one of my fave tropes: Jim (Kirk) and Spock crash on an alien world and get stranded there. So, so highly recommended! Honestly, that writer is amazing and anything by them I recommend.
Crash and Burn As the Enterprise’s celebrated voyage winds down, the tension between her captain and first officer escalates, and three days aboard Jupiter’s premier lunar station will change everything. Jim doesn’t handle change very well. Slow-build, character-study prelude to the Lost Years and TMP. Unhappy ending, but canon functions as a fix-it! As the summary states, this fic doesn’t end happily. But it’s basically an explanation as to why Spock does what he does prior to The Motion Picture (I’m not sure if you’ve seen the movies so I won’t clarify just in case you haven’t, haha!), which also means there is a happy ending after the events of the movies. I had it in my bookmarks under the tag I use for fics that hurt me (literally ‘ow’, lol) so apparently I found it pretty painful. ;__;
The Squire of Eros An old nemesis pays a social call to the Enterprise just in time for the annual Valentine’s Day party. On this occasion it’s Spock who draws the brunt force of his irritating personality. But when his holiday-inspired antics turn dangerous, it’s up to the Captain and crew to take him down, and Jim is forced to confront his long-evaded desires regarding his first officer. Written for the K/S Valentine Challenge at LJ, beta’d by purple_spock. This one isn’t even remotely as serious as the other two. It’s honestly just a lot of humor and lightheartedness for the most part. It features Trelane from TOS paying another visit to the crew. :D 
Definitions “We call it t'hy'la,” Spock says. This one is so beautiful. It’s a relatively short oneshot (under 10k) but it’s so romantic and in character and just perfect (this author is another one of my favorites, I would read anything at all by them.)
Pattern Deviations A mind meld is the most intimate of any possible connection – to know and be known, wholly and completely. Usually, melds are advocated for leading to increased understanding and empathy. Spock wonders what it means, then, that everyone he melds with is so repulsed by his mind… Until he meets James Kirk, anyway. This is by the same writer as Definitions; another lovely oneshot by them. I love it! 
And I Am Also Quite Blind In the aftermath of Spock’s blinding in Operation Annihilate, Jim tries to help him through his pain. A fic with premise that Spock doesn’t handily recover from his blindness in Operation Annihilate. Lengthy, painful, excellent. I try to avoid WIPs because I can’t deal with the pain of fics that are NEVER FINISHED, but I started reading this one when it was only halfway through and man, it sucked me in. Worth it! (And it has been completed now, so no worries, haha.)
Undone During first contact with the highly telepathic Nghians, an invasion begins on their home world. A powerful psychic attack cripples the populace–and Spock.Out of contact with the Enterprise and stranded on a planet at war, Jim must struggle to keep himself and his violent, unpredictable first officer alive. Another of my favorite writers! I love this fic. Lengthy, excellent, and that favorite trope of mine again (being stranded, heh), this is great. Please note the tags, though!
What I Am To You I say, “Ask me anything, Spock,” for perhaps the fifth time.This time, you respond, your gaze bright and penetrating, “Perhaps you could satisfy my curiosity in–one particular.”“Of course,” I say enthusiastically.You seem perfectly calm as you ask, “How long have we been lovers?” And I am certain I have heard you correctly, even as I struggle not to allow my astonishment to show on my face. Takes place after the events of the third movie. Spock tries to make sense of his and Jim’s relationship.
Spice It’s a question of biology. Vulcan biology.The problem with falling in love with a member of an insanely private species is that it just might take you the best part of a five year mission to work out that the feelings are requited. And then you might discover that he’s already decided that the two of you can never be together.And what are you supposed to do if he won’t tell you why? Honestly, I’m reccing this one with…some trepidation. I never did decide whether I actually liked the fic or not, but I know a lot of people do like it. It’s most definitely one of the longest fics I’ve ever read in this fandom. It’s the SLOWEST OF ALL SLOW BURNS, which you said you liked, and even though it made me SO ANGRY at one point that I almost threw my phone across the room when one plot twist happened, it’s well written and in character. The reason behind it all is…kind of silly, in all honesty, but it makes complete sense why Spock thinks it would be best if Jim wasn’t with him, just like him to be so overprotective. *sigh* I’d say definitely give it a try and see if you get sucked in!
Translating Ennoia Spock intends to resign his commission with Starfleet six months into the Enterprise’s mission. Then he meets Captain Kirk – his t'hy'la – and everything becomes infinitely more complex. This author again! This fic has lots of pining. I love pining. And I love happy endings and romance and watching Jim and Spock’s friendship develop, too, and this fic has all of that.
Dirty Laundry Jim keeps leaving dirty dishes in the sink and toast crumbs in the bed. Spock deals with the mess silently until an unfortunate ironing incident puts it all in perspective. Jim and Spock have to adjust to domestic life. Spock has to adjust to Jim’s messiness. Domestic Spirk is always wonderful, and I enjoy that in this one it’s not all perfect at first. They have to adjust and learn to actually live together.
Breaking Tradition Newlyweds James T. Kirk and Spock spend their Holiday shore leave alone together in a remote cabin once belonging to Jim’s grandparents. They learn more about each other and Jim introduces his new husband to the Winter Holiday traditions - even if he doesn’t quite understand why he take part in them himself. An unexpected event occurs that disrupts the couple’s newlywed bliss. Luckily, one of them has experience with taking charge of a situation. This one is sooo sweet. Jim just wants to share Christmas with Spock, but they have a mishap. But it’s okay, because Jim takes good care of Spock. (Features cold!Spock, one of my favorite things. :3 )
Ghost in the Machine Tom Paris stumbles upon a Pandora’s Box of loss and regret. This fic is the outlier in this list; it’s actually a crossover of sorts between TOS and VOY. I’ve not actually watched Voyager yet, but that doesn’t stop me from reading and enjoying the fic, so please don’t let that stop you! Let me tell you, though, this has to be one of the most painful fics I’ve ever read. It just makes me cry for Jim and Spock both. It’s so painful. But also really great. But I totally understand if you don’t want to read this one, haha! It’s not for everyone. It messed me up though, I kept thinking about it for days. Especially Jim as he is in this fic. Ugh.
Home Renovation Shortly before his first mission to Romulus, Spock buys a fixer-upper house with Jim. Although Jim is excited to begin renovating their new home, Spock worries it’s only a matter of time before his husband falls off a ladder and breaks his spine. Not to mention, the house’s derelict state is preventing Spock from enjoying his remaining time with Jim. Old Married Spirk, protective!Spock, perfection.
To Be Wed “With a human ruling alongside King Sarek, it makes sense that they would want a Vulcan to rule alongside you. Look on the bright side. At least it’s not Sybok."Prince S'chn T'gai Spock and Crown Prince Sam Kirk are pushed by their families into an awkward courtship, sure to become an awkward marriage. Meanwhile, the younger Terran prince just wants to make sure his future brother-in-law feels comfortable in his new home. But unfortunately for Jim, the road to hopeless, unrequited love is paved with good intentions. It’s an AU, obviously, and it’s by the same author as Sha Ka Ree (who as I mentioned is one of my favorite writers) and I just adore this fic, it’s so great! Pining, slowly getting to watch Jim and Spock falling in love even when it’s ill advised, Sybok!! I’m also just a total sucker for royalty AUs so that helps. 
In My Own Skin After the events of Turnabout Intruder, Jim is trapped in Janice Lester’s body indefinitely and has to learn to carry on with his normal life and duties trapped in this body. Established relationship with Spock, but things become understandably difficult as a result of Jim’s situation. Complicating matters even further, the Enterprise is assigned to a difficult diplomatic mission with a new member of the Federation. I don’t know about everyone else, but my brain definitely went “what if Jim was stuck in that body…” after watching Turnabout Intruder, and this fic definitely satisfied that urge to see that explored. 
Heat Trapped together in a cave until the storm ceases, Jim and Spock find some freedom outside the press of the ship and its responsibilities. Oh look….this writer again. :DDD You’re starting to notice a pattern here, I’m sure. This was written because of a prompt I gave, so obviously I’m a little biased, but it’s just SO perfect??? Cold!Spock, cuddling for warmth (another of my favorites, hello), and just so ROMANTIC that I almost can’t handle it.
Okay, those are all TOS, but now I have just a handful of AOS AUs:
Still, Like Dust Vulcans have been enslaved on Earth for more than fifty years. To Jim Kirk, 14, this is just one more chapter from his history book… until his uncle brings home a Vulcan boy to help on the farm. I know this fic isn’t for everyone, it definitely isn’t, but it really is a great read and I enjoyed reading it a lot. There’s a lot of pain, it’s true, but there’s also a happy ending, if that helps.
Inside The River Starfleet sends Jim a spouse and an oddly vacant honeymoon. Arranged marriage!AU, always fun, and an interesting mystery going on throughout. Great read!
That’s all I’ve got for you for now, this should be a start! Welcome again to the fandom, and I hope you find something in this list that you enjoy. :)
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