#the most insane shit is always tweeted by the official accounts
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happy m(ommy)’s day!
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xbomboi · 1 month
misc. bribelle thoughts
prefacing this by saying bribelle is my favorite ship. actually might be one of my favorite all time ships considering whenever i catch 11:11 i make a tweet on my priv twitter saying “11:11 bribelle and rarijack” because i’m insane.
i think it’s a lot easier to justify saying faybelle potentially has feelings for briar in a canon context because even aside from her diary, her behavior in epic winter can most definitely be read with flirtatious undertones, especially after witnessing the dream sequence
but i’m always trying to justify things to myself in accordance to canon without feeling ooc, because i’m the type of creative who would rather write my own original thing than make alterations to a pre-existing work. that’s just me.
and briar is trickier to do so with. in the show alone, she only actually verbally responds to faybelle once and it’s a line that also adds exposition. “but it’s forbidden!” girl come on throw faybelle a bone at least…
by epic winter, i’d say briar could potentially have had surface level attraction to faybelle, but it isn’t until having that dream and probably especially post-epic winter when she’d get time to actually reflect on it that she’d start to develop palpable feelings for her.
i’ve kinda noticed something about briar: she likes attention. i guess she’s kinda like faybelle in that respect.
briar grew up with neglectful parents. fill in the blanks. why wouldn’t she want attention when she lacks it properly from the two most important people in her life?
along this line of thinking, briar especially values explicit displays of affection, particularly from a potential romantic partner.
so, regrettably, let’s look at her relationship with hopper.
i.e. briar’s behavior in the webisode “Here Comes Cupid.”
when she first confronts hopper about his unconventional advances, she’s disinterested and borderline repulsed.
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but after hearing him profess his love via the recording, she’s taken aback and actually grows endeared.
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until this BAFOON fumbles the bag and does some really creepy shit by leaning into her personal space and calling her hot. understandably, this miffs briar and she once again loses interest.
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(side note, too many people ignore how blatantly creepy hopper is to women, ESPECIALLY briar. he needs to be held accountable, not rewarded by getting the girl.)
even then, despite not necessarily returning his affections, she’s somewhat comfortable in the status quo that he devotes his attention to her. which is exactly why i think in bunny’s diary (bunny is wrong btw she doesn’t know a damn thing so idk why the one wiki that’s not the official wiki list hopper as briars crush when the source is bunny’s word like fuck all) bunny mentions observing briar appearing disappointed when ginger asks hopper to the dance and he accepts.
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to briar, it’s like she’s losing one of the few things she’s familiar with, the few constants in her life. in this case, her only plausible option who she’d have reason to believe would accept. and we all know how briar is about losing things.
briar sorta settles into this state of fondness towards hopper’s affections, despite them being unrequited. because at least he gives a damn about her.
faybelle—at least, outside of her diary and up until epic winter—might as well be any villain; faybelle just wants to cause chaos for the sake of ruining somebody’s day. and i don’t think briar likes it that way.
i’d assume around the time of faybelle’s introduction to the series, briar’s stance would be one of upset towards faybelle, believing she doesn’t take their story as seriously as she(briar) does. that her role in sleeping beauty isn’t as important to her as being evil in general.
i have half the mind to say that this could potentially be read from briar’s behavior in faybelle’s diary.
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first off, that underlining wasn’t added; the underlines are in the official print. meaning briar is putting emphasis on those words specifically. sure it’s a lesson to faybelle about not being an asshole, but also it reflects on briar in a way. like it could be her saying, “you’re supposed to be my villain, but you act like i’m no different to you than anyone else.”
now, this next part is obviously a surface-level gag about faybelle making a malicious act seem so thrilling, but if we close our eyes and pretend that we’re in a different world called I.D.G.A.F. dimension, we can now analyze this in a different light.
briar’s confused by faybelle’s verbal expression of almost-affection. it doesn’t help that she’s most definitely barely awake. but i’m willing to say her confusion is partially born out of actually having heard faybelle say such a thing. it’s gotta be surprising and hard to believe in that moment, because briar has every reason to think otherwise.
in the show, like i said, faybelle just does whatever the fuck. open a sweat shop? sure why not. assist her peer’s mom in attempting to turn the entire world into her own dictatorship? count her in. make a deal with the mafia? just a regular tuesday. but god forbid she focus on being the one to make the sleeping happen in sleeping beauty.
i think that irks briar. or at least make her generally act indifferent when faybelle comes waltzing around to do god knows what; if she won’t care, why should briar, right?
then there’s epic winter. or, as i like to call it in bribelle terms, “they finally fucking interacted”
when briar explains faybelle’s inclusion of herself to crystal, she simply says it’s her thing and cites the sleeping beauty story. like “hey crystal this is my villain btw, trust.”
later when briar’s yapping about the story, some may say it’s counterproductive in relation to briar’s arc that ashlynn brings up the miserable part of it only for briar to talk fondly of it, but i know briar personally, and have been filled in as to what the truth is.
briar dropped that attitude because faybelle was there. she started talking up the story, almost as a cue to faybelle, like “hey remember how you’re like a big part of my life’s purpose???”
faybelle butts in about it. and briar doesn’t get the chance to respond, but i think she was almost expecting faybelle NOT to gaf, so her doing so threw her off just a little. maybe she expected to hear something like “who cares?” instead.
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then of course when they get to the castle briar’s little act is dropped and her deep fear of the sleeping beauty destiny is once again present. and of fucking COURSE that’s when faybelle decides to CARE ABOUT THEIR STORY.
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listen to me, LISTEN. briar looks at faybelle BEFORE faybelle actually says “no, there’s another room far more important to our story. isn’t there, briar?” she looks at her BEFORE she actually talks. she was looking to see if she’d react, then when faybelle does speak she looks away, then she bumps her to get her attention so briar has to fight the adhd and lock in.
and faybelle just keeps instigating which honestly kinda takes briar out of her typical sulking over her destiny mood and more of like ‘what is your game here exactly’ mindset.
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there’s so much to that look briar gives her. so many emotions in there.
after this they go up and faybelle taunts some more only for briar to almost actually prick her finger yada yada. and like i said, it’s a lot easier to understand faybelle’s pov. it’s very clear she doesn’t actually wanna go through with cursing briar, teasing and all. she makes as much obvious by her reaction alone when briar gets too close.
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but once briar’s fine she’s like ‘yeah, okay, back to normal,’ meanwhile briar is kinda just done because faybelle is acting a fool. but she never shoves faybelle off of her unlike she did when hopper intruded on her boundaries huh briar why is that what’s that about briar still, briar has yet to have any indication from faybelle about how she actually feels in regards to their story and her role in it. or how it pertains to their relationship with each other. rather, faybelle doesn’t take it seriously much to briar’s chagrin.
then the dream sequence happens.
to me, this is the turning point.
it’s a stupid music video for an insert song, but goddamnit it confirmed darabella and even hunter got to be there with ashlynn so i’ll die standing on business.
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this is what briar’s been waiting for from faybelle. that frenemy status is something i think briar wants to figure out which one to see faybelle as, depending on how she really wants to proceed with the story. and i’d say faybelle surprises her; hell, she even shows her a side of her rarely seen.
like with hopper, an outward display of affection such as this is something briar is drawn to. faybelle’s display towards briar in the dream sequence is something briar would be endeared by, as she goes out of her way to prevent her from experiencing the very thing she’s been dreading for so long. that’s gotta fit briar’s love language.
side note, i think it’s very very interesting to note that faybelle is the one to swoop in and save briar in this case, without any other characters present to show a significance in the ending of the story. i say this because hunter gets to be in ashlynn’s sequence and the bears are in blondie’s, despite none of them being in the tower asleep. all this is to say, if briar really did have feelings for hopper or really was gonna end up with him or some guy, they’d be there, right? but nope, just faybelle. I Understand.
after that we don’t really see them interact at all again, but there’s the general disdain for faybelle’s actions as a shared sentiment amongst the others. either way, by the end she shows remorse and seemingly ends on good terms with everyone, meaning i don’t see why briar wouldn’t be left thinking about the dream, seeing her in a whole new light. honestly briar would probably be kinda intrigued by the idea of the bad girl having a soft side for her. briar and i actually spoke about this the other day.
either way, this is briar learning that despite the general ignorance faybelle portrayed, she actually does care about her.
faybelle demonstrating, proving to briar that she is capable of showing affection and actually does care for her is what i think is enough for briar to begin to start falling. (which is kinda reflected in how i approached their relationship in fable fest.)
because briar knows there might actually be something there.
or maybe it’s a kid’s cartoon and one girl mean other one nice, idk.
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calhanx · 2 years
Please let me make a fansession with these dumbasses. Do you have Dream moons or even classpects?
nothing official yet since im still in the process of adding more socials to the mix but for now my very rough draft is
tumblr — prospit (page of life)
4chan — prospit (prince of hope)
twitter — derse (thief of heart)
tiktok — derse (bard of time)
reddit — prospit (seer of rage)
instagram — prospit (maid of space)
deviantart — derse (heir of void)
youtube — derse (knight of light)
as for my reasoning, pages tend to suffer from their aspect being taken from them or suffering from other people's manifestation of the PAGE's aspect. tavros's agency was always taken away by vriska. jake was everyones crush in the alpha kids group (one of hopes domain is sexuality and crushes. so its like they had hopes for jake) and it ended horribly. and horuss was often told off by meulin to keep a facade of smiles and politeness (voiding him even FURTHER). or whatever i dont remember much.
and yknow tumblr is like. why the hell does everyone think this site is dead? its cause twitter got most of the userbase when the porn ban happened. then BAM suddenly folks wanna get a piece of tumblr cause theyre all suffering under annoying billionaires (luxury is a domain of life, but can also be a source for doom).
as for 4chan. well ok im not familiar with 4chan but their vibes pretty similar to eridan so lets go with that.
twitter is a thief of heart because they always steal content from other sites (technically most sites do this) and its got a culture of being mean all the damn time even to earnest (heart) things. and i guess because of the short shelf life of tweets and trends, its impossible for most of its userbase to really make an identity? excpet for the influencers on there lol idk. so theres this lack of their aspect, which is a thing thieves go through and is something that causes them to always seek said aspect. still tentative!
tiktok is a bard of time because they invite destruction to time. they waste your time. they waste other peoples time. thats literally how its built. even its trends and culture make ME (personal opinion) go "why am i being subjected to this i dont care stop wasting my time". they dont last long either or at least dont stay relevant (to ME)
reddit. idk thats the place where smarty know it alls go. and yknow the challenge for seers is that they have to learn how to be wrong and EFFECTIVELY communicate with their teammates (kankri failed on both accounts. kept shitting on porrim. pre retcon rose failed on the latter because yknow alcoholism. retcon rose eeeeeh didnt really have a choice in improving herself on her own cause vriska did it for her but hey if it works it works i guess). if you make reddit into a person, seer feels like an appropriate class. also i picked rage for them because rage = truth. also lots of trolls on there, both in provoking rage through silly funnies, real life stories, real life but Insane stories, or legit fucked up stuff.
instagram is the maid of space because idk its vibes make me think porrim would like it. tentative idk much about it. all i know is that its very prospit-y because it requires the user to have a looot of grit to maintain their acc because of their shitty "post regularly" algorithm. at least from what i remember.
deviantart is heir of void because they are like equius. i think you get it. horses. sweat.
youtube is a knight of light because its culture revolves around its content creators! and yknow ccs gotta put up a front to entertain ya. its light because of its content! they literally need and breathe your attention. sometimes has educational stuff (knowledge) sometimes is just shitposts (attention) sometimes its really cool impressive stuff like speedrunning and gaming (victory/luck) sometimes its just funny challenges (success over goals). so putting all this together and makin a person out of it its like oh! theyre going to be sooooooo dysfunctional
anyway lots of this is still not finalized but feel free to do what ya want! socialstuck is free to share and im always glad to find folks makin stuff about it :]
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iseathegalaxy · 7 months
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what if the main timeline, the sacred timeline, the one we've known for over a decade, the one we've always known to be 199999 is getting erased for good?
we've been hearing kevin feige say the mcu is actually 616 for a while now and we've all (including iman "ms marvel" herself) called bullshit on that because that's the thing that's always made the MCU make sense with the stories they've been telling, the fact that it is not the same timeline as the comics, that's always been the whole point.
however, this tweet now makes me think the following: what if, now that disney owns literally everything marvel-comics related so as to have it all be part of the cinematic universe, they do go for the soft reboot (the rumours that have been going around) as the way to make the main timeline earth 616??
we all saw the ending of loki s2 ep4 and, unless a fucking miracle happened afterwards, everything got blown to shit, the sacred timeline is no longer, so they're probably waking up to the timelines all broken and messed up and they'll be in a "shard" of one so maybe the point now is gonna be making all the pieces left fit into a single timeline?? that way they can literally pick and choose what they keep, what they remove, and, most importantly, what they add !!! I'm talking miles, the x-men, f4, deadpool, and so, so much more.
in the end, sure, they wouldn't have managed to save everyone, but we knew that was imposible, but this way they at least aren't forced to make the choice "which timeline gets to live and why this one over the rest because the sheer chaos of all of them together is unmanageable" but rather they have to piece a new one together because there's no other choice, there's literally not one timeline left whole to "choose".
this is just my theory, my brain's been going insane thinking about that cliffhanger and the future of the MCU as a whole and this one tweet (from an unofficial/official account, mind you) just sent me spiralling, hopefully I made sense
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lady-lazagna · 2 years
Legendary Blader Phone Headcanons
The Boyz™ got me thinking of how the legendary bladers communicate long distances because they are such Non-People that there's just no way most of them are capable of communicating like regular humans. So here are some headcanons to enjoy:
Gingka: Knows how to call people. That is it. If he tries to text, every sentence is sent in a separate message (and there WILL be multiple sentences) and he always has to incorporate his fifteen favourite emojis in there somewhere. If he tries to use a social media account, he posts a blurry picture of himself or Pegasus every single day with a caption similar to "HELLO🚀✨ how are you guys😉?🤣🦄🤺 BLADERS FOR LIFE‼🤼‍♂️🙋‍♂️🏃‍♂️💪"
Kenta: Sensible Phone User™. Prefers to call instead of text, cause he's just that kind of guy. Can't legally have any social media since he's only twelve (and actually cares about the law), so he screenshots memes to send to people off of google images. All the memes he likes are at least five years old. Would probably love Facebook.
Kyoya: The only time you will ever receive a text from Kyoya is when he sends you a time and a place to battle. Do not ask questions, he will not respond. Do not ask him to hang out, he will not respond. Do not tell him you've been in an accident, he will not respond. Only got a social media account to cyber bully anyone who comments on his boyfriend(s) pictures. If you accidentally get him in the background of your TikTok, your beloved home will be mysteriously wiped off the face off the earth by a tornado.
Ryuga: Every single time Ryuga has a phone in his hand- whether it be a gift to him or someone else's- he crushes it immediately. No words, no expression, it will be destroyed. Kenta and Gingka both learned this the hard way, losing either their own phones or the valuable money they spent buying one for him. Wanna get a message out to him? Burn his name into the forest floor. Otherwise, only fate can decide when you two will speak again.
Chris: The embodiment of "kids these days always on they damn phone." Hours and hours of mindless scrolling. Horrible back issues. Occasionally he will let out a light nose exhale in response to something. DO NOT LET HIM ON REDDIT or he will read AITA posts until he inevitably starves to death.
Yuki: Though he loves science and all that crap, he's not super into technology outside of Beyblade stuff, so he only uses his phone out of necessity to call and text people- and to keep up with all the latest space news. Was forced to be the one who had to teach Dynamis how phones work after King and Masamune were banned from the job. The only time he ever went on social media, he immediately got into an argument with a troll and had to be pulled away from his phone to get him to give up on it.
King: A social media fiend. Made one tweet that popped off and now thinks he's hot shit. Co-runner of the official Dungeon Gym TikTok account, which is primarily dedicated to pranking Coach Steel. He and Masamune like to teach the socially unaware about random memes (usually the most annoying ones). The two were banned from Dynamis' temple for yelling "FORTNITE CHUG JUG" and dumping blue sludge on his robes, and for teaching Tithi the word "poggers."
Dynamis: Absolute grandpa. Old fuck. It's not that he doesn't like receiving messages from his dear friends, but do they really need to add those obnoxious little pictures along with them? And at this ungodly hour of the night? Was given a touchscreen by King and Masamune, who preceded to overload his brain with deep-fried memes and Fortnite gameplay videos. Was almost driven insane until Yuki intervened. Eventually, he ditches the touchscreen and gets a rotary phone to make it physically impossible for anyone to text him.
Tithi: Is only allowed to have an iPad, and has to use Dynamis' rotary phone to call people. A sucker for Cocomelon. Can't download any games that aren't free because Dynamis doesn't believe in capitalism. Won't stop saying poggers guys why won't he stop-
Aguma: He will send you a message via falcon messenger. Phones and social media are a mind-melting waste of valuable time that should be spent training, and the fact that Wang Hu Zhong has a successful TikTok account only proves that point further >:(
Rago: Is dead.
Might do a second part with the other, less important people in life.
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go-our-own-ways · 1 year
I keep tweeting my thoughts abt 8loom and tsunapi when I REALLY ought to be putting them HERE jasdfoiawherogh I keep forgetting aggghhhh
ig for now the tl;dr is after falling down the 8loom/kimi no hana ni naru rabbit hole, my new hyperfixation now is tsuna keito and hachimura rintaro, but there's way more watchable/leisure content of tsunapi (bc of being in industry longer + being an established actor already) so I've been watching his stuff
started out with ookami ni wa damasarenai, and have been flip flopping it with ryusoulger! it's been a fun time
admittedly feeling kind of bored by ryusoulger, but I'm gonna try my best to finish it (I'm like almost halfway through anyway). I think it's just not my cup of tea, sentai series... it's a lot less engaging (for me) than I thought it'd be compared to kamen rider ;; I've seen several kamen rider shows at this point and I know sentai isn't the same but I had hoped for like...clearer plot, I guess? but I'm halfway through with a lack of plot other than episodic like monster of the week style plot orz not a bad thing! just not my thing in particular, I guess
BUT it's still worth my time for tsunapi, so I will persevere
meanwhile ookami has been...interesting lol. I keep cringing at the romance element, even though I know it's just the medium through which they're trying to determine who the werewolf is. I couldn't stand the tension so I spoiled myself already, so at least that's out of the way? but also because like. my jp isn't THAT good, so it's a little hard for me to follow all their logic right...so I figured meh, doesn't hurt to know in advance lol
tsunapi is very charismatic and cute throughout ookami (: makes me happy to see him here, actually. my one gripe is that his end-game coupling is with an 18 year old, when he was 22 at the time lol. why does japan keep doing this... ; u ;
also been browsing t1kt0k a lot lately... yep I finally fell into that. I use it almost exclusively for 8loom content though, since I realized that these boys (well, most of them) have one, and the official account posted a lot of their stuff there, too. plus, it's been a nice place to find a lot of random content I missed from their insta lives, magazine shoots, and whatnot (:
on a more..serious? note
I get mildly disgusted with myself whenever I think too hard about the next hyperfixation I enjoy, because it feels like the age of the boys just keeps getting younger each time TT I'm trying to tell myself that I just like cute faces + jdramas have a habit of always picking up new cute faces so it's inevitable I'll find younger and younger actors... but ugh god I don't want to become a cougar or some shit TT I could never actually deal with someone younger than me by more than like. 2 years probably LOL...
I think maybe also what's going on is that even though I'm nearly 30 (insane, but time sure flies...), my soul is still stuck at like. 26 or 27. because that's when the pandemic happened. lmao.
I feel like I haven't lived life, had a crazy romance, or anything...so it just gets funneled into the next idol or actor hyperfixation... TT
sorry god for being a disgusting human I guess ;__; though I know my intentions are not dirty, but I know there are z gen kids now who would find me disgusting so... I'm sorry... ; ;
so yeah...that's me lately LMFAO
now note to self COME BACK HERE TO POST YOUR BRAINWORMS...I need to unaddict myself from twitter lmfao
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graven images.
[source] [triggers]
If you really believe in something, it can be yours.
That's how we've been conditioned to think. Mostly, I suppose it's a coping mechanism to keep us from eating the rich. We all think we'll be rich someday if we just want it hard enough. How long has it been since there was a good, old-fashioned culling of the wealthy elite?
That probably wasn't a good way to start this blog post... I'm more than a little tired, but fuck it. I'm leaving it.
That was the subject of an email I received before my ISP dropped me. My phone turned into a brick the same day. Hell, I think it was the same precise moment, though it's difficult to know for sure since I only tried it after my laptop couldn't connect.
"Corruptus"... I'd never heard the word before, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure it IS a word at all. It could be Latin. It sounds like Latin. I haven't been able to look it up, and this is the first time I'm getting on the web since my unexpected removal from the grid.
I tried to sign on at the local library, by the way. My card was revoked... unpaid late fees for books I'd never read, much less checked out. Mostly borderline fetish material and self-help books for various mental illnesses. The apparently quite detailed tome on weapons of mass destruction seemed to be of the most concern for the librarian.
I hung around the library for maybe a half an hour, until someone left a computer logged in and unguarded. When I went to check my email, to tweet a complaint about what happened, those accounts were gone, as well. Honestly, I was a pretty huge dumbass for expecting them to be there.
It wasn't long before I noticed the computer's rightful user pointing me out at the front desk. I guess she wasn't a fan of the direct approach. I was out the door before anyone could cause a real fuss.
It's been over two years since I left Mowgli's Palace and never looked back.
The original blog post has come and gone so much... across so many different sites... that I can barely even remember the first place I tried to host it. If I'd known how far this would go, I don't know if I would've been able to hack out that clumsy, flawed account of what happened. The pressure would've been too great, and I suppose there's a certain level of comfort in the idea no one will actually see or care about your work.
It seems like a lot of sites removed the information, either upon direct request from Disney... or on their own in fear of reprisal. I know a really popular YouTuber who pulled readings of my posts from his channel. The rumor was that someone threatened to sue him, some supposed "author" of the "story". Bullshit. I know first-hand that he took it down in a bout of pants-shitting fear when he realized Disney's connection to his partner company.
I tried to keep up my "After Abandoned" blog for a while. I don't know how many people out there saw my notes on Room Zero, Club 22, and so on. They're still around if you look... at least at the time of this writing.
Yes, "Club 22" exists. No, it's not a typo of "Club 33". I later learned, from the same contact, that there's an 11 as well, and supposedly the debauchery only grows as the numbers get lower. I heard of a "Club 00", but I can't confirm that as clearly as I can with the previous contact. I also don't know if it has any connection to the "Room" of a similar name.
Yes, the door probably said "Characters" or "Cast Members" instead of "Mascots". I know, I know, I hear you all. Thank you so much for that. I'm sure your memory is crystal clear in moments of abject terror, right?
Overall, I'm glad that my words have spread so far and wide... but the down side is that so few of you are taking this seriously. I can't stress this enough... Treasure Island? Real. The Utilidors? Real. Just because you can't substantiate the rest doesn't mean it's "a cool story". Instead of picking apart the inaccuracies and making games about how cool it would be to have been in my position, maybe people can start taking this seriously and digging into what's going on.
I don't know. I don't want this to be a rant. I want to stay focused and make sure I post exactly what I wanted to make public. All of the stress... the stalkers, the phone calls, the broken windows... I know that's all supposed to keep me off track. They want me confused, scared, and most of all they want me quiet.
There's a team of men and women in suits that I've seen at random times. Here and there. I call them "The Focus Group" because they pop up with clipboards and pens, taking notes about everything I do. They all have the same outfits, the same thick-rimmed nerd glasses, the same red pens that just scream "we're judging you".
The first time I noticed them, they were following me through the Mall. I looped and turned, trying to be SURE they were following me... and there they were, every step of the way. Days later, I spotted them again in the laundromat window across from my new apartment.
I chased one down, once. The tubbiest one. They stayed silent through the entire chase and even the scuffle that ensued. When I wrenched the clipboard from his hand, I only found page after page of off-kilter, random gibberish coupled with crude Mickey silhouettes. All in the same red ink.
I know it sounds insane, to say that a group of men and women in black are following me and taking nonsense notes, but I think that's the point. I think the idea is that it SHOULD drive me insane, and if it doesn't, you'll still think I'm crazy just for saying it.
It's a no-win situation.
I will forever regret that trip to Emerald Isle, but on the other hand I'll always be grateful to the people who have come forward, anonymously, to share their experiences with me. Whoever mailed me the suggestion box from the resort is basically my hero at this point. To read what I'd written about the place and still brave the journey... wow. I can't imagine how that felt, whoever you may be. You even left the original, corroded lock in the box so I'd know it was legit. To do all of that without even taking a look inside for yourself must've been really hard. Thank you.
If you haven't noticed, I'm treating this post a lot like my "final installment". There's a reason for that. I don't know how long I can keep subverting Disney's attempts at silencing me before some sort of final action is taken. I have no doubt that somewhere, at this very moment, someone is using my identity to commit a crime that would discredit me. That, or the men in white jackets are about to show me a lovely little padded cell. I don't know what's going to come of this, and that's the worst part I suppose. All I know is that it's coming.
So what is "Corruptus"? Well, as I mentioned it was the title of an email I received. One that was presumably deleted along with my account. It was blank, and seemed to exist for the sole purpose of placing an attached text document in my hands.
Too bad for the powers that be... I had already printed it the moment I saw it.
Not much they can do to reverse that, can they?
I should've mentioned... remember that library? I used their copier to run off a few thousand duplicates of that letter. A few hundred are stapled in random places, a few hundred were passed out to random people, and the rest... let's leave those as a little surprise. Have fun trying to stifle THAT, you horrible mouse-fuckers.
Without any more rambling, here's the letter. Word for word. It arrived from a source whose email address I won't disclose... though I assume it's an untraceable dummy account, anyway.
Summation of CORRUPTUS incidents for January, 2015
For office use only. This message contains information that may be confidential or proprietary, or protected by the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. Any review, disclosure, distribution, copying or use of the information by others is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error or without authorization, please advise the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message. All email sent to this address will be received by the Disney corporate email system and is subject to archiving and review by someone other than the recipient. Violation of this disclaimer as written will result in prosecution.
Please refer to official guidelines with relation to "known" and "unconfirmed" incident reports. Respect regulation as per ongoing and/or finalized designations.
Known CORRUPTUS incidents up to and including January, 2015
Treasure Island
Extreme agitation/inappropriate activity within Vulture population.
Mild to moderate agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Unidentified Avian Species
Abandoned. Final.
Disney's Pop Century Resort
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Chronological Displacement/Anachronism.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Wandering entity.
Disney's River County
Microorganism infestation.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Clear Man" aka "See-Thru Man" aka "Friendly John".
Abandoned. Final.
ImageWorks: The What-If Labs (2nd Floor)
Multiple missing persons reports regarding Dreamfinder's School of Drama.
Pin screen fatality.
Vibrating mirror sickness.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Wily Wizard" installation
Abandoned. Final.
Mowgli's Palace
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Moderate to severe agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Inverted Character
Abandoned. Final.
The New Global Neighborhood
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Fiber Optic Worm (NGN C 1)
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Digital Howl (NGN C 2)
Resolved. Repurposed.
Room Zero
Sudden-onset mass-hysteria.
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Unknown
Contained. Final.
Please note: Nara Dreamland is not an officially licensed Disney park and no information or resources are to be shared with any responsible for containing its residents.
A complete list of suspected CORRUPTUS incidents and reports may be available.
It took a few readings before I could get my head around this. Essentially, if the attached file was to be believed, then the events I had experienced were not part of an isolated incident. The events within Room Zero... the Gascots... they seem like part of a much larger problem.
What is "Corruptus"?
Corruption. I mean, I don't need to run Google Translate for that, even if I felt like I COULD take a break from writing without the risk of someone finding and disconnecting me at any moment.
Corruption of what? Dreams? Ideas? Desires?
I've never been a religious man, but I was dragged to Sunday School more than enough times to know about Golden Calves. False Gods created by man... icons, graven images...
Characters. Mascots.
If you believe in the Bible at all, and I'm not sure I do, especially not after what I've seen... then maybe God wasn't angry because people worshiped other things. Maybe he was afraid. Maybe if enough people believe in something hard enough, there's a chance it will come to be. Since we're naturally flawed beings, that means there's a very good chance such a thing would become corrupted.
If you think about it, Disney's animated films have always had one overriding message.
Clap your hands and believe hard enough, and Tinkerbell will live. When you wish upon a star... anything your heart desires...
People like to say Disney has some connection to Satanism, but I never bought into that. I still don't. I think they've been trying to create that Golden Calf... a God-Idol that everyone believes in... one that everyone loves... It's almost as if any dream or idea that is shared by enough human hearts and minds has a real chance of being born into the world.
The creatures... if any exist beyond what I saw with my own eyes... I think they're the deformed half-starts. Random manifestations of some dark, unquantifiable non-life that seeped into our state of being. They're mistakes of reality. Cosmic abortions.
The Corrupted.
Did everyone in Emerald Isle harbor such a negative impression of Mowgli's palace? How potent was the fear of nuclear war on the day Room Zero became full? If you want to find Gascots and mystery voices, does that search bring about the very thing you're looking for?
How many children have been disappointed, confused, or scarred for life when they saw Mickey without his "head"?
These are questions I'm never going to be able to answer. I don't know if anyone can. Speaking personally, this will probably be the last time I talk to you about Disney and everything I've learned about them. I'm truly sorry for that, especially since there's so much more I could say... unconfirmed rumors, documents and items I received that now seem to be gone forever...
I thought they were just trying to contain that Mickey costume. I thought that's why they went out of their way to keep the public in the dark about so much. Why they coerced and bullied to get their way.
Now I realize I was wrong.
It was this, all along.
They didn't want anything like THIS getting out.
I wish you all good luck, and I know I need the same from you.
Thank you.
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Lords of the Sea
@tuxedo-rabbit is to thank/blame for this
Summary:  Hawke and Isabela are bored without a ship to sail, and the news from Ferelden is as ridiculous as always.
(modern AU, featuring Isabela/f!Hawke, and some minor Alistair/f!Tabris)
Read on AO3 here
The TV in their crappy motel room was turned on to a press conference the king of Ferelden was holding. Hawke, sitting on the floor in front of it, turned it up, half out of national pride, half because most of what came out of the guy's mouth was absolutely hilarious.
“For my latest decree, I, uh, decree, I guess, that all dogs are sovereign citizens of Ferelden,” he announced, looking straight at one random reporter, because he clearly still hadn't managed the art of talking to crowds.
Isabela, hanging upside down off the bed, squinted at the screen. “What?”
“When you say all dogs,” one reporter began, “do you mean just Fereldan dogs? And is there a segregation by, say, breed, because mabari are obviously very intelligent, but some others--”
“All dogs,” King Alistair said firmly.
“Even...dogs in other countries, your majesty?”
The king looked vaguely confused, and struggled to keep professionalism as he answered, “I don't understand what's so difficult about the phrase 'all dogs.’”
Isabela groaned and turned off the TV. “I'm not going to watch what's probably going to be those same questions over and over for the next fifteen minutes,” she told Hawke.
“Fair,” Hawke replied.
This motel was one of many they'd stopped at after leaving (leaving, NOT fleeing, because fleeing implied they weren't welcome, and that they couldn't come back whenever they wanted, both of which were obviously untrue) Kirkwall, and while sneaking around the Free Marches had been fun in the beginning, the monotony of it all was driving Hawke and Isabela insane. They'd already played FMK about their friends about six hundred times and come up with justifications for every choice in every combination and what was there to do after that? Nothing, was Isabela’s thought, except put their ideas into practice.
(“We're not going to kill Anders, Bela. At least not while he's still making us hangover potions.”
“Ugh, fine.”)
So here they were, so bored that not even the king of Ferelden’s ridiculous ideas about governing a country could faze them.
“That guy ever text you back about his boat?” Hawke asked, leaning back against the bed so her head was next to Isabela's.
Isabela scowled. “No. Back to square one, then!”
“We could…” But Hawke couldn't think of anything. “Shit.”
Hawke turned the TV back on.
“--does this mean human citizens can no longer own dogs, because they too will be citizens?”
“Will dogs get more or less rights than say, elves, or dwarves? Or mages?”
“Does this mean dogs will be able to vote in local elections? How will that work?”
“Okay! Press conference over,” said the king's press secretary, a man called Nathaniel Howe who had formerly been a soldier under the Queen's command. He ushered King Alistair, who was still trying to yell out things like “if all dogs go to heaven why can't they own themselves?”, back into the castle.
“Your country is a shitshow,” Isabela said dryly.
“Guess Champion of Kirkwoof is a Fereldan citizen now. What a good boy.” The dog's original name was Hawke, because Hawke (the original) had never been good at names, but he had accepted the change with all the grace a mabari could muster.
(The combination of a lack of naming creativity and her childhood obsession with showing ownership over everything had led to her parents being Mom and Dad Hawke, Carver and Bethany being Little Brother and Sister Hawke, and various inanimate objects being things like Apple Tree Hawke, or Barn Hawke. Marian herself was, obviously, just Hawke.)
Champion, hearing his name, excitedly bounded over from the other side of the room and started licking his owner’s face enthusiastically. “Yes. Good boy. Down.” Champion sat back obediently.
“He looks like he wants a walk.”
“You're upside down, how can you tell?”
“Well, men and dogs--”
“Right, okay. I'll take him out. Back soon.” Hawke got up, leashed Champion, and headed out.
They couldn’t stray too far from the motel, in case they were recognized, but Champion made the most of it, spraying his scent on every car in the parking lot, and on most of the doors, too, for good measure. Hawke felt badly that he couldn’t spend more time outside, but mabari were pretty unusual out in the country, and all it would take was one curious idiot to have the templars on them to arrest them for killing Meredith--or worse, that Chantry thing Sister Nightingale was rumored to be running. They’d never be able to get out of it.
Hawke and Champion couldn’t have been gone more than twenty minutes. Half an hour, maybe. But of course, by the time they went back to the room, Isabela was gone.
Gone to see a man about a boat! her note said. Back in a few days ;P
Hawke sighed. “Not surprised. Well, boy, let’s see if there’s anything better on TV, then.”
She wasn’t surprised Isabela had left like that, leaving just a note. She would be surprised if she didn’t come back. Still, this was probably something they should talk about. Both of them hated talking about their feelings. “There’s only one time when you should ask someone how they feel about something,” Isabela said, “and that’s when you’re trying to make sure you’re not about to accidentally commit a felony through lack of communication. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me, after all. Besides, anything less than enthusiastic consent is no fun, anyway.”
Hawke just hoped this new boat wouldn’t fall through like the last dozen. It was like people didn’t want to sell their things to a known pirate. People were stupid.
After three days of catching up on Vael Abbey and Skyping Varric and Bethany about it for over two hours--Varric was doing something in Orlais, last Hawke had heard, and Bethany was following Anders around to random little villages to learn healing but to mostly make sure he didn’t commit any more acts of terrorism--Isabela returned.
“Get your boat?” Hawke asked.
Isabela closed the door behind her, and sighed. Hawke’s heart sank. Not another disappointment.
“I did!”
“You--were you trying to trick me just now?” Hawke jumped off the bed and hugged Isabela.
“The look on your face was hysterical. God, and I thought I hated being cooped up like this the most. I guess I was never alone for it.”
“It’s not so bad. You’ve missed quite an interesting news cycle.”
Isabela rolled her eyes. “Your king and the dogs?”
Hawke summed up the last few days of politics for Isabela.
(“This just in,” the FNN anchor said while Hawke did some stretches in front of the television, two days previous, “Prime Minister Anora Mac Tir has released a statement regarding the king’s decree yesterday granting all dogs citizenship. The statement reads: As of this time, our offices have received no documentation requesting such a decree. We would like to remind King Theirin that Ferelden is a constitutional monarchy, and as such he cannot just say things and have them magically become law.”
Then, the next day, just as Hawke’s pizza was arriving, an emergency press conference by the extremely elusive queen of Ferelden, an elf woman named Kallian, was held. “So, I bet Alistair he wouldn’t actually say the dog decree thing, and he said he totally would, and so I said, there’s no way you’ll make it through a full press conference about that with a straight face. So he said, okay but if I do, you have to take a week off work. It was a deal, so, I guess this is just me saying, no, dogs aren’t citizens, although I think they should be, and I guess starting tomorrow I’m taking a week off work. Alistair is very excited--he has a whole cheese tasting thing planned, and some other stuff. Anyway. Press conference over.” Later, the queen tweeted, “people have been asking what i was going to get if i won: it was the password to the official king of ferelden twitter account,” the idea of which quickly became a meme.)
“So how did you get the ship?”
“Well, while you were out, that guy texted me saying his last buyer fell through, so I should come look at it. It’s not the best I’ve ever seen, but it sails, and I’ve already started putting out feelers for a crew. I probably should have stayed to tell you where I was going, but I was just too excited.” She still looked more excited than sorry, but that was the closest to an apology Hawke was probably going to get, so she was forgiven.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go see it. I can check us out.”
It was a two hour drive to the coast, but it took them about an hour and ten minutes. Isabela’s new ship was docked at a small port, and she actually made Hawke close her eyes when they got there to preserve the surprise.
“Tada! Open them.” Hawke opened her eyes, and looked up at the ship.
It wasn’t as big as the one she’d taken with her mother, Carver, and Bethany when they were fleeing the Blight, and it was ugly as sin, but it was Isabela’s, so she smiled. “It’s--”
What the hell was that written on the side?
“Marian? Isabela!”
Isabela laughed so hard she doubled over. “God! I didn’t even know it was called that until I arrived, but isn’t that the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”
“You cannot have a ship named after me!”
“Who says it’s named after you? I think it’s named after the previous owner’s grandmother--ow! Okay, we’ll repaint it, it’ll be the Bethany-- OW! Hawke! Stop smacking my shoulder.”
“I am very happy for you,” Hawke said, through gritted teeth, “even if this is a stupid coincidence.”
“I would prefer to call it fate, but sure, that works too.”
“Well, come on then. Let’s go christen your captain’s quarters.”
And aboard the Marian Bethany Siren’s Call 2, the two of them lived happily ever after.
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