#the oi!takus
showmeyourflyers · 1 year
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anemptypuddingcup · 8 months
For baby ‘taku.
contains kidnapping.
“Oi! Ya gonna join m’crew!”
You perk up as you heard a young man yell in the distance, the voice strangely familiar. You turn around and see the self-proclaimed future king of the pirates himself running to you, his hand holding on tight to his signature straw hat while he ran. You give him a nervous smile and your eyes widens as you realized that he was going to charge into you.
You stumble back and yelped as he tackles you to the ground, his hands pressed against your shoulders while he looked deep into your pretty eyes. His eyes were sparkling, filled with love and lust as his face grew a deep shade of red. Blush begins to dust your cheeks and you press your hands against his chest to push him away from you.
Though not even a push from both of your hands moved him. Not even slightly.
“Ah..I-I’m not interested. I’m very flattered that the captain of the straw hat pirates is inviting me, but no thank you.” You say politely
“Ah- That wasn’ a question. Ya comin’ w’me and m’crew.” He says firmly, his face quickly shifting into a more sinister expression.
Your eyes widens from his sudden change of tone and panic begin to run through your veins as you began to squirm and pull away from him. “N-No really- I-I don’t want to join-“ You say, letting out breathy gasps as you began to feel the rush of adrenaline shoot through your body. The anxiety quickly rolled in the more he stared into your eyes, this glistening eyes now growing dark and devoid of emotion.
Luffy smiles and wraps his rubber arms around you, pulling you into a tight bind while you begin to struggle and squirm in his grasp. “N-No! No! I don’t want to be a pirate!” You yell out, trying your damned hardest to break from his grasp. Luffy chuckles and throws you over his shoulder before yelling to his crew. “Oi guys! I found what I wanted! Les’ get goin!” He beams, disregarding your pleading.
Tears quickly began to spill from your eyes and you yell out in protest as you continue to beg and cry out. “Please…Please let me go…I-I don’t…want to…leave.” You whimper breathlessly, your voice breaking as you watched the villagers with shocked faces.
Your eyes looked down at the ground while your tears slid from your cheeks, making them sticky. “Well too bad! M’takin’ ya! Say bye-bye ta everyone now!” Luffy hums, carrying you down and out of the village.
You whimper out softly, broken as you were carried away from the village and onto the pirate ship of the straw hats.
“Tomorrow, you’ll be m’gal!~ We’ll go on fun adventures together!~”
“And I can call ya mine forever baby~”
Inspired by ‘taku’s art, I wanted to write a mini short. Hope you like it ‘taku!
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r0gue-taxidermy · 4 months
• the oi!takus
•black market kidney surgeon
•toxic culture
•Bled to submission
•Dru the drifter
•Torsion (black metal grind)
•Tank rats
•bolt swallower (hc)
•scex tape (no released stuff yet
•bologna pogna
•local 58
•officer down
•bazookatooth (hc)
•abated mass of flesh (brutal death slam)
And here’s some GA and KY bands that I also fuck with
•stripper cult
•triangle fire
•super shotgun
•black forces
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portlandlac · 2 years
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Smagios Joninės…be Jonų
Švento Jono vakarėlį - oooj
Susitikt tave norėjau – oj-oj-oj!..
Portland’o Lietuvių Bendruomenė šiemet Jonines šventė visa savaite anksčiau,- šį šeštadienį, Birželio 18-ąją. Beje, mūsų pamėgtą Joninių šventės vietą,- parką, esantį šalia Columbijos upės,- dėl visą mėnesį pliaupiančio lietaus ir patvinusios upės, užliejusios pakrantės takus, teko pakeisti: šįkart Jonines šventėme svetinguose Ingridos ir Lauryno Misevičių namuose Lake Oswego, OR.
Jauki aplinka,- Misevičių namas apsuptas galingų eglių ir pušų bei daugybės žaliuojančių krūmų ir žydinčių gėlynų,- ir smagi kompanija – tai viskas, ko reikėjo, kad šventė tikrai pavyktų!..Ir nesvarbu, kad šiemet neturėjome nė vieno Jono ar Janinos, o ir kompanija susibūrė daugiau moteriška, nei vyriška, linksmybių, juoko ir dainų tikrai netrūko!..
O ir vaišių stalas, kaip visada, nenuvylė: išragavę visų mūsų šauni��jų šeimininkių su meile pagamintų patiekalų, skubėjome pinti tradicinius Joninių vainikus iš 9-nių įvairiaspalvių pievų gėlių bei žolynų, nes Portland‘o lietutis niekaip nenurimo, o po truputį vis labiau įsilynojo...
Nepralenkiama vainikų pynėja vienbalsiai pripažinta Greta Babarskaitė - jos mikliose rankelėse dailus vainikėlis buvo baigtas, nespėjus nė apsidairyti!..
Na, o kai visų moterų ir merginų galvas papuošė margaspalviai vainikai, prasidėjo Joninių dainų vakaras...Užsigerdami žaliu vyneliu, smagiai traukėme tradicines visų mėgstamas dainas „Oi, ta-ta, Kupolia graži...“, „Panedėlios dieną pjovė Jonas šieną...“, „Švento Jono vakarėlį...“, „Pjoviau šieną per visą dieną...“, „Plaukia upė vingiuodama...“
Išdainavę visas Joninių dainas, perėjom prie kitų liaudiškų dainų ir populiarių šlagerių. Šauniai nuskambėjo merginų atliekama daina iš Keistuolių Teatro repertuaro „Trakų Pilis“, „Dainuokim, dainuokim, dainuokim ir šokim, ir šokim visi!..“ bei daugybė kitų dainų.
O kai jau užkimom bedainuodamos, susėdom prie plataus ąžuolinio stalo ir dalinomės prisiminimais iš vaikystės ir jaunystės, kai šventėm Jonines Lietuvoje, porinom linksmas istorijas, išsirinkom netgi savo šauniąją padavėją – „bufetininkę“ Laimutę, kuriai namų šeimininkė Ingrida net lietuvišką lino prijuostę padovanojo už puikų darbą...
Buvo taip smagu, kad dar ilgai niekas neskubėjo namo...
Nuoširdžiai dėkojame Portland’o Lietuvių Bendruomenės Valdybai ir ypač - jos pirmininkei Giedrei Babarskienei už žaibiškai pakeistą planą dėl Joninių šventės: ji nenuleido rankų ir neatšaukė numatyto renginio, o surado puikią alternatyvą. Žinoma, šventė ko gero taip ir nebūtų įvykusi, jei šaunioji Ingrida Misevičienė nebūtų geranorškai pasiūliusi susiburti po jos svetingų namų stogu. Ačiū jai labai visos Portland’o Lietuvių Bendruomenės vardu.
Toks smagus vakarėlis jaukioje, nedidelėje kompanijoje dar ilgai išliks tą vakarą susirinkusiųjų atmintyje. Na, o tie, kas pabūgo lietingo oro, tolimos kelionės ar dėl kitų priežasčių praleido šią tradicinę, kiekvieno lietuvio širdžiai mielą vasaros šventę, tikrai labai apsiriko: Joninės šiemet buvo labai smagios,- kad ir be Jonų!..
Tad iki kitų metų, kai švento Jono vakarėlį susitikt visus norėsim - vėl…
Gražina Kazilienė,
Portland’o Lietuvių Bendruomenės Valdybos atstovė Spaudai ir Ryšiams su Visuomene
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seongsanhq · 11 months
Oiii quando as reservas novas abrem?
Oi cinzinha, tudo bom? O Taku tá fazendo o levantamento do que foi liberado agora mesmo, assim que tivermos certeza, vamos fazer o post pra vocês ficarem cientes.
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etherbonded · 1 year
" How abouuuuut this one? Ooo but... that one's cute too! Taku-Kuuuun help me choose which dress to pick! I feel like I wanna be cute today but I'm struggling. "
Mukuro whines as she looks at the two dresses she's holding up by their coat hangers while still in her pajamas, one being a simple maroon sweater dress while the other is a flowy yellow sundress. It's a rare time that the girl just wants to feel pretty, she doesn't often have much care for her appearances but she supposes maybe she could at least give it a try. ...Besides, she's certain Takuto wants her to look after herself a bit more than she does so she hopes this makes him happy.
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" Oi, Taku-Kun are you paying attention? I'm in a real dilemma here! " She's pouting grouchily at this point just because doing things like this isn't normally her thing.
starter for swap!maruki from swap!mukuro @fukushn
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katsudon-fatale · 3 years
You ever just listen to a song and
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takuyakistall · 4 years
red ribbon | ace trappola
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summary: ace receives the best birthday gift he could ever ask for.
taku's notes: @lolitsleia your prize for winning ebg 🗿 and also a bday special for mr. ace !!
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"I like you." Ace declared, in the middle of the rose garden, where no one was around to overhear your conversation. Your cheery expression slowly crumbled, was this another one of his jokes? Half a mind was telling you to take him seriously but, the other was desperately making up excuses to brush off the confession—trying to convince yourself to stay calm and laugh it off, to believe that it was just Ace joking.
In the end, all you said was "Stop joking." In an unusually cold tone. Ace couldn't help but flinch, you turned your heel and left him all alone. Ace could feel his own heart break a little when he saw you walk away with that cold expression on your face. You didn't take him seriously at all, no? Well, Ace wasn't giving up that easily. "Yikes." Was all Ace said as he scratched the back of his neck.
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"Oi" Ace poked your side with his textbook, seemingly bored. You gripped your pen tighter as you quickly scribbled down more notes, ignoring him. He pouted. He only continued to annoy you with his constant poking until you finally snapped and faced him.
"What is wrong with you!?" You couldn't concentrate at all, not with Ace distracting you like this. His mere presence was already a distraction, what more when he decides to actually annoy you? Ace only shot you a smug grin, he finally made you face him. You shot him an impatient look which was practically yelling "Out with it already!" At him.
Ace only put his hands up in defeat, "Sheesh, I just wanted to remind you about my upcoming birthday." Ah, he was right. Ace's birthday was only a few days away and you hadn't paid it much attention. You wondered why Ace went out of his way to remind you, is he perhaps expecting a gift from you? Your expression softened. "That's it?" You let out a sigh, you should start thinking about his present soon.
"I like you." Ace's usual out of the blue confession made its appearance today. You flushed a bit, looking away from Ace immediately to hide your embarrassed expression. It's been a whole month since Ace started saying those words every single day—you were beginning to question whether or not Ace was toying with you. "Stop joking around." You immediately shut him out again.
You could see how Ace's expression tensed upon hearing your stone-cold answer. "Another rejection?" He complained, burying his face in his palms. "When will you take me seriously?" His question threw you off, you already knew deep down inside that Ace was serious about this. Would he really confess day after day just for a silly joke? Ace wasn't the type to do that.
You paused for a moment, completely silent. "Who knows?" Ace's eyes lit up, perhaps he had a chance.
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Gently tapping on your desk with your favourite pen, thinking about what to get Ace as a birthday gift. You hummed a short tune, maybe something related to basketball? Or cherry pie? You wondered if you just get him nothing at all. Of course, you immediately scrapped that thought. Ace was special to you; special in a sense where you harboured romantic feelings for him.
That's why you always rejected his confessions, you were afraid. Afraid of ruining the relationship the both of you had built up to this point. Deep down you desperately wanted to say yes to every single confession of his. You just didn't have enough courage to do so.
You let out a sigh of frustration as you messed up your own hair— thinking of gifts is a hard task. Suddenly, an idea popped up inside your head— suddenly making you flustered. It was a bold and risky move but you were willing to do it nonetheless. You just closed your eyes and hoped for the best.
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Heartslabyul's common room was decorated with party decorations, a banner that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in a big bold font, and tables set up with countless dishes and desserts placed atop of them. Everyone was lounging around, talking to one another and greeting the birthday boy— Ace Trappola.
Ace was sitting somewhere along the table, on the biggest chair there is to practically point out that he was the birthday celebrant. He already removed his jacket and the stash that read "BIRTHDAY BOY" and was left with the black shirt underneath. He was happy with the celebration taking place just for him. He took a bite out of his favourite dish, cherry pie, and licked off the remnants of its juice dripping down his hand.
His eyes never left the door, he was waiting for your arrival. He felt kind of stupid for waiting so eagerly but he couldn't help it— you probably had a present for him and he couldn't wait. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw your figure enter through the door. He noticed how you had nothing but a red ribbon in hand, where's his gift?
Your eyes immediately scanned the room for Ace, heart pounding. You crossed your fingers and hoped you weren't going to make a fool out of yourself. When your gaze landed on Ace, you felt your whole body tense up as you caught him staring right back at you. You clutched the ribbon even tighter when you saw Ace stand up and make his way towards you— you wanted to back out but you couldn't.
"Hey-!" Before Ace could even let out a full sentence, you grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him outside in a rather harsh manner. You stopped in the middle of the rose garden, where no one was around to overhear your conversation. It was where Ace first confessed to you, you brought him here. Ace shot you an expression which was a mix of confusion and annoyance. "Why the hell are we here?"
You took a deep breath and hoped for the best. You faced Ace and wrapped the red ribbon around your face— from your chin to the very top of your head; like a gift. "Ace, I like you!" You wanted to run away but you stopped yourself, you were going to brace yourself for his reply. You stared at Ace's blank expression for a moment or two before he broke the silence.
"Pfft- Ahahaha!" Your expression suddenly turned crestfallen, was he ridiculing you? You removed the ribbon from your head as you clenched your tightly, nails digging into your palm. You stared down at the ground, how stupid of you to think Ace was serious. "So is that a no--!!" You were abruptly cut off by a pair of lips placing itself on your own.
Ace was kissing you. It was rather aggressive, a bit sloppy if you might add. You couldn't believe he was kissing you so suddenly, it wasn't as if you were against it though. You let yourself melt into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck, the red ribbon dangling from your fingers. You could already feel yourself going breathless and you needed to pull away but then Ace suddenly nibbled on your lower lip slightly.
You were mildly surprised at the sudden action and pulled away. Ace's face was red from embarrassment and you could tell that he was confused as to why you would suddenly pull away. "I'm sorry, that probably was a bit too much for our first kiss huh?" Ace apologized in a cheeky tone, his hands wrapped around your waist as he held you closer to him.
You still couldn't believe what just happened and rested your head against Ace's chest— you couldn't look at him in the eye like this. Ace could only stare at you with such a lovesick gaze. He was beyond happy when he heard your confession, happy to know that you felt the same way. Truly, this was the best birthday gift he could ask for.
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Leader: Tsurugi
yes I am biased I love him a lot and he deserves a lot of love so he gets to be first Stars indicate a translator’s note related to that dialog
Tsurugi x4
Tsurugi:”Whoah! What’s up with this, I’m here four times?! W-Weird......”
With Mahiru
Tsurugi:”Hey, Mahiru-kun! We’re in a team together, let’s work hard~! Every time I protect you from an enemy’s attack will cost 10,000 Yen!”
Mahiru:”If we’re a team, please protect me for free!”
With Kuro
Tsurugi:”Ah, it’s Kuro-chan! I’m so glad we can fight together~ I’ll do it right this time! I’m not some brainwashed character anymore!”
Kuro:”Hahhhh~...... Annoying......”
With Misono
Tsurugi:”Hey, Kuni-chan’s little brother. Wow, you look so similar~ You’re the spitting image of Kuni-chan.”
Misono:”......Th-That’s the first time someone said something like that...... You’re not being serious, are you......?!” *
With Mikuni
Tsurugi:”Hello~ Kuni-chan! Did you come all the way back here to be in a team with me again? Guess it can’t be helped then~ I’ll make a team with you for 50,000 Yen!”
With Jeje
Tsurugi:”It’s Jeje-chan~! Do you want some tea? I want to have a livetalk with you until the morning again~”
Jeje:”..............................Livetalk......?” *
With Tsubaki
Tsurugi:”Hey hey, little fox! How are you~? Ah, I’m off today, so you don’t need to be careful~! Let’s get along~!”
With Higan
Tsurugi:” …………………………………………………….”
With Yumi
Tsurugi:”Yumi-chan! The time to use our best combo-technique has finally come!”
Yumi:”I’m tired of waiting, Tsurugi! Let’s go! ‘Final......’“
Tsurugi:”Huh? Wait, shouldn’t it start with ‘Extra’?”
Yumi:”Oi, do it like we discussed! First is ‘Dark Crystal’, right?”
With Jun
Tsurugi:”Jun-chan, could it be that you’ve recently......... Nope! Nothing!”
Jun:”I didn’t gain weight!!!”
With Toma
Tsurugi:”Tai-chan, do you want some sweets?”
Toma:”...... No.”
With Izuna
Tsurugi:”Hey, hey, there’s something I want you to make. I want to see a trap that can make a super tall person fall flat reeeeaaaally nicely, isn’t there something like that?!”
Izuna:”Oh~ ... If there’s a chance you’ll use it on the vice branch manager, maybe I’d rather decline, since I value my life~”
With Gil and Ray
Tsurugi:”Huh? Have I met you guys before?”
Gil:”Yeah, you have~~? Kamiya Tsurugi... 13 years old, was it?”
With Takuto
Tsurugi:”I get excited when I think Taku-chan is watching! I’ll try to show you something nice~!”
With Yoshimasa
Tsurugi:”...... Eh, Tsuyuki......san? ...... No, seems like I’m having a weird dream.”
C3 Trio Team (Tsurugi, Yumi, Jun)
Tsurugi:”No~w, everyone, step back, step back! You’re in the path of C3′s strongest trio~!”
Yumi:”It can’t be helped...... We’re gonna save the world again tonight.”
Jun:”The wind is howling......” *
TN: As for Misono, his words literally are along the lines of “You’re not talking properly”, but it also means serious, and unless Misono thinks Tsurugi is not using the correct politeness terms, “You’re bullshitting me right?!” felt like it made more sense.
As for Jeje... I’m not 100% sure what “livetalk” is either. It seems to be something like a livestream, though there’s an app by that name that is basically facetiming/videochatting... Jeje seems confused, too, though, perhaps wondering whether face-to-face talk isn’t technically always “livetalk”, and well, that’s what they’re doing right now.
For the trio talk, Jun literally says “The wind is crying”, which is a way of referring to very strong winds, though he could mean it more literally that the world is crying for help (since Yumi talks about saving the world). It’s also a song from the late 60s but I doubt that one has any significance here.
Aside from that, I find it interesting that Tsurugi reacts to Yoshimasa and Higan, but not Sham. Unless I’m missing something, Higan and Tsurugi met when Sham killed Yoshimasa and Higan wanted to kill Tsurugi. Like, it makes sense that he remembers the giant dude who planned to kill him, but one would think he’d also remember the dude who a) killed his teammate(?) and b) stopped said giant dude from killing him.
And yes, you do need both Gil and Ray for the dialog, though only Gil answers. They even get a combined pic!
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apparently-artless · 3 years
The Other Way Around - 1st Chapter
A Daiya no Ace Fanfic
Warning: Not Beta Read, English Grammar Nazi be warned! ( `ε´ )
Just as how the whole baseball team is protective of one Sawamura Eijun. The southpaw pitcher is also protective of his teammates – his second family away from home.
Note: Different settings and timelines for each character. Check out source below for AO3 version.
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Okumura Koushuu, Seto Takuma, Asada Hirofumi, Okumura's classmates
Chapter 1: Okumura Koushuu
Summer had finally ended and so is Kōshien. Seidou baseball team, the new champion of the said event, is busy preparing for the upcoming Fall Tournament now that the third year had retired. Sawamura Eijun, the new captain, was unanimously selected by their former two vice-captains and captain.
It’s a heavy burden considering he is still the team’s ace but he’s being supported accordingly by Kanemaru and Kominato as vice-captains. Besides, there’s Furuya and it’s not wrong to say that they have two aces in the team right now. After the summer tournament, Furuya and Sawamura had become even closer but the rivalry is still there. Their usual antics can still be heard from the bullpen and dugout. Needless to say, Sawamura is mostly the one doing the talking. But this time, Furuya is sharing the ace burden with Sawamura when he sees that Sawamura is trying to fulfill his responsibilities as the captain. He even requested Coach Kataoka to let him be the one in charge of the pitching team. Of course, Sawamura complained at first but eventually agreed upon seeing the determination in his rival’s eyes.
Summer ending also means classes resuming. During lunch break, Sawamura was on his way to the classroom of Seidou’s new main catcher, Okumura Koushuu. As soon as Sawamura arrived at 1-A room, he loudly announced himself as he looked for the catcher.
“I’m Sawamura Eijun of the baseball team! I would like to request the presence of our new main catcher, Okumura Koushuu! May I know where he is?” The southpaw declared while rotating his head from left to right.
There were several murmurs across the room as gazes traverse from the loud southpaw pitcher.
That’s Sawamura-senpai. The ace of the baseball team.
Wow! To think that someone as great as him is visiting our classroom.
His pitching is so sick! I saw him during the Kōshien. Maybe I should go ahead and have him sign my baseball?
Eh? So Okumura is the new main catcher now? Even though he’s still a first-year? So cool!
As expected, Okumura-kun belongs to a different dimension.
The whisperings continued but Sawamura couldn’t care less. Fortunately, one of Okumura’s female classmates answered the pitcher’s inquiry.
“If you’re searching for Okumura-kun, he just went out for a bit. He’ll be back in a few minutes,” said the girl in glasses with a smile who appeared to be their class representative.
“Oh! Is that so? If that’s the case, I’ll just be waiting outside. Thank you so much, young lady!”
The girl blushed at being called a young lady. “N-No, it’s fine. You can stay inside. It’s not often that a senpai visits our room. Also, I think some of my classmates would want to talk to you. Would it be possible to indulge them while you wait for Okumura-kun to arrive?”
“I see. So the first years would like to hear the wisdom of this lowly pitcher,” Sawamura responded in a serious tone with his arms crossed and his eyes closed as he pondered on the girl’s request while trying to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. “Then, if that’s the case, feel free to ask me anything and I’ll make sure to respond to the best of my abilities!”
How many pitches do you have?
Were you a member of a senior league before you went to Seidou?
Do you plan to go pro after high school?
The southpaw pitcher was continued to be bombarded with questions that he unwittingly responded to as he scratched his head because the first years seemed to assume that he’s some big-shot when he’s actually not. At least, that’s how the boy perceived himself. After all, he still has a long way to go.
After about five minutes of waiting, Okumura arrived and noticed how half of the space of the room was vacated and most of his classmates were gathered in front. He only needed two seconds to process what’s happening inside as he heard his main battery partner's obnoxious way of laughing.
As he entered the room, most of his male classmates and some of his female classmates were listening attentively to the southpaw pitcher.
“Okumura-kun! You’ve finally arrived. Sawamura-senpai is looking for you. He’s been here for a while now,” said one of the first-year managers who is in the same class as Okumura.
But before Okumura could respond, Sawamura already noticed his arrival.
“Okumura-shounen! Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you,” Sawamura bellowed in the center of the crowd as he raised his left hand while waving enthusiastically at the catcher.
The whole class turned silent as they watched Okumura moved towards the front of the room where the pitcher and some of his classmates were gathered. As if intimidated by the boy’s aura, his classmates dispersed to give way to Okumura which he didn’t notice as he’s focused on the beaming second year.
“What are you doing here, Sawamura-senpai? Do you need something from me?” Okumura asked.
As soon as he spoke, some of his classmates seemed amazed hearing his voice.
So, he does speak.
I see. He’s still using Keigo when speaking to his senpai.
“Now, now! Don’t be so stiff Okumura-shounen! Why don’t we speak outside so I can discuss the details with you? You see, Furuya and I tried to come up with our training menu for the week for our pitchers and catchers. Since you’re the main catcher now, we thought it’d be best to seek your approval too! We’ll start the training this afternoon so I’d like you to check it now. Just check the ones for today then you can check the remaining ones once you have the time.”
So Sawamura-senpai calls Okumura-kun as Okumura-shounen?
Does he call other first years as ‘shounen’ too?
Okumura-kun doesn’t seem to mind.
Okumura’s classmates remained silent but they were obviously thinking at the back of their heads. They didn’t expect to see this side for both players. This is indeed a rare sight for them – a talking Okumura and a very serious Sawamura. Before Okumura arrived, Sawamura was wearing this idiotic look which made him appeared to be approachable. Had he shown this serious face right at the start, no one would have even tried talking to him.
“I wouldn’t mind doing this now. However,” Okumura paused as he looked at the two megane duo silently peeking at the front door of their classroom. “Taku, Hiro, what are you two doing here?”
“Ha-ha-ha. Koushuu, you found us,” Seto replied as he fake-laughed while Asada just smiled awkwardly.
“You’re not even making an effort to hide,” Okumura commented with his usual monotone.
“We heard Sawamura-senpai is in 1-A room right now so we decided to take a look.”
“Take a look? What are you talking about? You see him all the time in the dorm and during practice.”
We’re here to make sure nothing bad will happen between you two.
Asada and Seto thought to themselves as they immediately went to 1-A room upon hearing someone from their class that Sawamura was in fact visiting one of the first-year classes.
The conversation went on like this:
Boy A from class 1-C: Oi, you’re from 1-A, right?
Boy B from class 1-A who’s speaking to one of his friends in 1-C: Yep. Why do you ask though?
Boy A: Are you sure this is the time for you to be here?
Boy B: Huh?
Boy A: I heard that Sawamura-senpai is visiting your class. Don’t you want to check him out? You won’t even shut up last time after watching Kōshien.
Boy B: Ehh? For real? Dude! Tell me that earlier!
And then the boy ran towards his own classroom. Seto and Asada who were nearby happened to hear the entire conversation. And in 1-A room, they could only think of one person as the main reason for the southpaw’s visit.
Going back to the present –
“Oh! Seto, Asada! You’re here as well! Feel free to join this tiny meeting. It’s good to be exposed to this type of planning. Especially you, Asada, since you’re one of our pitchers too,” Sawamura beamed in response upon seeing the two first years while naturally ignoring Okumura’s comment.
The four of them had forgotten the fact that they were still inside the classroom.
The boy in black glasses called Okumura by his first name.
So he has friends too.
Are they from other dimensions as well?
Sawamura was the first one to notice the weird silence emanating in the room, which is surprising, to be honest. He noticed too, that Okumura’s classmates seemed to be looking at him with curiosity. A realization suddenly dawned at the southpaw as he drew nearer to the boy.
“Oi, Okumura,” whispered Sawamura.
“Why are you whispering?”
“Your classmates are looking weirdly at you. Are you by any chance being bullied? Are you not getting along well with the class?”
“Huh? Just where did that come from?”
Seto and Asada who can hear their conversation just fine were trying their best not to laugh. Since the two were classmates, Seto had already explained to Asada how he worried a lot about Okumura being in a different class because he tends to be misunderstood by some of his classmates. Needless to say, he knows what’s actually going on in the minds of Okumura’s classmates. After all, those were his initial thoughts too when he became Okumura’s classmate for the first time.
“Or maybe it’s that! You’re the one bullying them? That won’t do Okumura-shounen! As one of the members of Seidou baseball team, you must not use your strength to bully the weak,” Sawamura whispered once more, his right arm placed on Okumura’s shoulder and his left arm covering his mouth as he spoke, as if the two of them are on the mound planning some tactics to strike the batter out.
Seto laughed some more but decided to stop this hilarious conversation seeing that Okumura is now trying his best not to smack the pitcher on the head.
“Senpai, no one’s bullying anyone,” the boy in black-rimmed glasses decided to join in on the ‘secret’ conversation. “Koushuu’s very quiet when he’s in class, you see. I bet some of his classmates are just fascinated to see him talking normally.”
Asada nodded as well.
“Oh! Is that so? Thank God you’re not being bullied, and you’re not the bully as well. Yosh! Let’s clear the misunderstanding right now!” Sawamura proudly declared as he faced Okumura’s classmates.
“Sawamura-senpai, wai – “
But Okumura’s attempt at stopping the pitcher was in vain as Sawamura addressed the entire class.
“Listen up, Class 1-A! Okumura-shounen here is a very passionate baseball player. If you want to know more about him, you may want to start with baseball first! And then everything will follow! These two young megane lads here with me,” announced the pitcher as he walked towards Asada and Seto and placed both his arms on their shoulders. “…assure you that Okumura will not bite people. While I can definitely understand that he seems like a wild wolf, there’s no need for you to be so guarded around him.”
Seto and Asada were once more trying their best not to laugh at this awkward scenario. Okumura, on the other hand, was emitting an ominous aura towards his not-so-adorable senpai.
“Oh, of course! We’ll take note of that! Thank you for your guidance, Sawamura-senpai!” said the girl in glasses.
“No worries! Now, if you’ll excuse us. We still have some things to discuss.”
Okumura was speechless at the moment as he followed the three outside his room. There were various comments from Okumura’s classmates as the four players left.
Sawamura-senpai is a weird one.
Yep! But he’s still cool! At least, he’s looking out for his kouhais.
I wonder if Okumura would be willing to share some strategies when it comes to game-calling? I’m a catcher in our baseball community team.
“Senpai, you’re no longer allowed to go to my classroom. If you want to discuss something, meet me at the library,” Okumura finally spoke as soon as they stepped outside the room.
“Don’t be like that! We’re the main battery now! No need to hold back on me!”
“I am holding myself back, but for a different reason,” Okumura responded, his menacing aura oozing out again.
Seto and Asada initially laughed but tried their best to diffuse the tension between the two by telling them to continue with their meeting.
As stubborn as he is, Sawamura still visited Okumura at least once a week in his classroom. And each time, his class got to see a different side of the catcher. Gradually, Okumura started making conversation with his classmates as they realized that he is a normal student as well. Of course, his catching skills are still extraordinary.
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muskiuwu · 3 years
Gakuen Babysisters como se fossem babás
Kirin: Segue um cronograma, sempre com tudo organizado e na hora. Os pais adoram ela por ser uma babá super competente e gentil com as crianças. Ela geralmente segue o cronograma á risca mas quando as crianças insistem ela deixa ela dormir mais tarde, comer mais sobremesa, assistir mais um pouco e afins pq ela não resiste ao rostinho fofo deles. •────•──────────•────• Takuma: De longe a babá favorita das crianças, sempre brincando, sorrindo  e fazendo as crianças se divertirem a todo o custo. Ele é uma ótima babá porém não é das mais competentes pois nas brincadeiras as crianças tendem a se machucar (tipo uns cortes bem pequenos, ralado e afins). É uma ótima babá mas quando se trata de exceções ele nunca deixa. •────•──────────•────• Kazuma: Ele é uma ótima babá porém ele entra em pânico muito fácil e não sabe oq fazer pra acalmar as crianças. Ele é bem atrapalhado então o Taku geralmente sempre ajuda ele fazendo a melhor dupla de babás que tem. Trata as crianças muito bem mas sempre cede as birras e pedidos deles mimando um pouco as crianças- •────•──────────•────• Midori: Todos os pais ficariam surpresos por uma menina tão jovem cuidar tão bem das crianças, ela tem um dom natural pra isso kakakakak. A aura e voz dela acalma as crianças e ela sempre sabe do que elas precisam, porém ela não sabe lidar de jeito nenhum com crianças mimadas que fazem birra pq  não consegue acalmar elas. Ela se acostumou tanto a ter tudo sob o controle que trava quando as coisas dão “errado” mas no final ela sempre consegue fazer tudo ficar bem. •────•──────────•────• Taka: Só serve de babá pq é obrigado. Ele grita bastante espantando as crianças geralmente mas quando elas pedem algo ele faz na hora sem questionar. Adora brincar de herói e vilão com as crianças, ele sempre é o monstro mas queria ser o herói kakakakak. Totalmente incompetente e ngm confia nele com crianças por perto pq além de fazer tudo oq elas mandam ele não sabe o básico de cuidar de si mesmo imagine de outro ser, especialmente crianças resumindo ele é uma babá mediana que ngm confia •────•──────────•────• Kotarou: É o tipo de babá que as crianças não gosta no começo mas no final não quer desgrudar dele. Quase nunca fala com as crianças mas sempre tá atento a tudo que elas fazem e falam. Crianças rejeitam ele mas depois de 5 minutos já são melhores amigos pq ele é um imã natural de crianças. Não importa a criança ele sabe lidar, desde as que ficam no canto na delas á aquelas que metem fogo em gelo. ──────────────────────────────────────────── Oi oi meu nome é Muski e esse é o primeiro post de headcanon de Gakuen Babysitter que eu posto. Ele foi feito de presente pra uma amiga e eu vi os 12 eps hoje e ontem (22 e 23 de Julho)  kakakak sim eu virei vendo anime de bebê mas nossa valeu muito a pena eu adorei e recomendo. Caso tenha gostado dê um coração🌻
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dragaliamini · 4 years
Dragalia Lost A Splash of Adventure Theme Song:
Artist: Siren  (Liyuu) Lyrics: MCTC Arrangement: TAKU INOUE  Original Video: Cymusic
This time I had to upload on youtube as tumblr’s video size limits prevent me from uploading. There is a high risk of the video being taken down. This is one of my favorite songs. Actually I am kinda down about Dragalia Lost lately so I’m probably taking a break.
Thanks for all your support thus far.
Synced to song:
My journey starts, on a starry night The milky way is calm, what a beautiful sight The galaxy is calling out to me
Gathering courage to keep me calm I'll keep it in my pocket as a lucky charm I trace the stars to map my path to you
My journey to your star
Look there! Is that the Southern Cross? Shining brightly as my airship sails across Gliding through the darkness
25 hours til I reach you Darling Darling I'll always be thinking of you
As I sail across the galaxy
My journey starts, on this starry night My path to you is clear guided by the lights I make my way to the city that you live
Someday I'll be able to hold you in my arms Even if you are hidden among the stars I'll search for you no matter what
No matter if the winds blow up a thunderstorm Even if I am lost among this lonely sea As long as I can see you smile As long as I can see your smile!
My guide to you, Polaris star The freezing night cuts at me like a knife But I won't be backing down
I'm all alone amongst the stars Lonely lonely But I'm still hanging on to hope That you are waiting for me That you are waiting for me
Hey won't you give me a smile!
My journey goes on, on this star filled night The road to you is long, and doesn't seem to end The galactic waves lull me into a dream
And If somehow, I don't wake up Tomorrow and I drown into the starry sea I'll sing a song to guide me to your heart
My song of love to you
Someday I'll be able to hold you in my arms Even if you are hidden among the stars I'll search for you no matter what
No matter if the darkness starts to blind my eyes Even if the pouring rain clouds my eyes with tears As long as you will wait for me
And when it's finally time for us to say goodbye As you prepare to leave me for the next city Hey won't you take me with you Hey won't you take me with you
Hey won't you take me with you
Official Lyrics:
星降る夜から 始まる僕の長い旅 銀河の海は凪いでる
苔むす勇気をポケットにひとつ詰めたら 向かうよ君の街へ
ほら南十字星 宙の船は彼方へ ただ闇を切り裂いて
25時の操舵輪 ダーリンダーリン 君を思うたび
星降る夜から始まる僕の長い旅 向かうよ君の街へ
いつか僕らは出会うだろう 無限の星たちの中で 君を見つけだすから どんなに風が強くても 孤独の海で迷っても 君が笑うなら 君が笑うなら!
見下ろすポラリス  凍える夜はナイフのよう でも耐えられるよ
そうさ僕は一人  ロンリーロンリー だけど遠い星 君が待つのなら 君が待つのなら 君が笑うなら!
星降る夜 まだ終わらないこの長い旅 銀河の波に揺れる
明日が来ないような 消えてしまいそうな夜には 歌うよ愛の歌を
いつか僕らは出会うだろう 無限の星たちの中で君を見つけだすから どんなに空が暗くても 冷たい雨が止まなくても
いつか僕らは出会うだろう それからまた次の街へ ねえ連れていって ねえ連れていって
Literal Translation:
My long journey starts, on a starry night The galactic sea is calm tonight Gather some mossy courage to keep in my pocket I begin to head towards your city
Going to your star
Look there, it is the Southern Cross, my spaceship sails towards Cutting through the darkness Turn the steering wheel to 25 degrees Darling, Darling Everytime I think about you
I trace my fingers along the globe of the universe
My long journey starts, on this starry night I make my way to the city that you live
I believe we will be able to meet someday Even if you hide among the infinite stars I'll search for you no matter what
No matter how strong the winds blow Even if I get lost in the lonely sea As long as I can make you laugh As long as I can see your smile!
Polaris star looks down at me The freezing night cuts at me like a knife But I won't be backing down
That's right, I'm here all alone Lonely, Lonely But your star is so far from me So long as you wait for me
So long as you wait for me
So long as it will make you laugh!
On this starry night My long journey goes on and doesn't seem to end The galactic waves rock and shake me
It feels like tomorrow will never come I feel like disappearing into the night I'll sing a song of love
The song for you
I believe we will be able to meet someday Even if you hide among the infinite stars I'll search for you no matter what
No matter how dark the sky becomes Even if the cold rain never stops So long as you wait for me
Someday we will be able to meet And when you prepare to leave for the next city Hey won't you take me with you Hey won't you take me with you
Hey won't you take me with you
Hoshi furu yoru kara Hajimaru boku no nagai tabi Ginga no umi wa nai deru
Kokemusu yuuki o Poketto ni hitotsu tsumetara Mukau yo kimi no machi e
Kimi no hoshi e
Hora Minamijuujisei Sora no fune wa kanata e tada Yami wo kirisaite
Ni-ju goji no sooda rin Daarindarin Kimi o omou tabi
Uchuu gi wo nazoru
Hoshi furu yoru kara Hajimaru boku no nagai tabi Mukau yo kimi no machi e
Itsuka bokura wa deaudarou Mugen no hoshi-tachi no naka de Kimi o mitsukedasu kara
Doun nani kaze ga tsuyoku temo Kodoku no umi de mayo-ottemo Kimi ga waraunara Kimi ga waraunara!
Mio rosu porarisu Kogoeru yoru wa naifu noyou Demo tae rareruyo
Sousa boku wa hitori Ronrironri Dakedo to-oi hoshi Kimi ga matsu nonara Kimi ga matsu nonara
Kimi ga waraunara!
Hoshi furu yoru mada Owaranai kono nagai tabi Ginga no nami ni yureru
Ashita ga konai yona Kiete shimai-sona yoru ni wa Utau yo ai no uta o
Kimi no uta o
Itsuka bokura wa deaudarou Mugen no hoshi-tachi no naka de Kimi o mitsukedasu kara
Doun nani sora ga kurakutemo Tsumetai ame ga yamanakutemo Kimi ga matsu nonara
Itsuka bokura wa deaudarou Sorekara mata tsugi no machi e Ne etsurete itte Ne etsurete itte
Ne etsurete itte
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r0gue-taxidermy · 3 months
ok, so I’m stalking your page like a creep. Just so you know. But you seem so rad! What kind of punk stuff do you like the most (like folk, hardcore, pop, riot grrrl, and the many others I can’t think of cause I’m fucking dumb) but yeah, any recommendations too?
Thank you!! And to answer your question I fuck with pogo a lot
Bands like -
•Chips ov oi
•Who killed spikey jacket
•the erections
•Tom and the boot boys
•Chernobyl babies
• the oi!takus
• Wrekt!
•spikey joys and the attacked
• the discocks
Are considered pogo punk but that’s just a small amount of a HUGE genre of beer punx
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mankai-fuckhouse · 4 years
I’m on top of things. Would you like to be one of them, Itaru?
"On top of things?" Itaru tilts his head, staring at Taku in suspicion. "Oi, those are the consoles I brought here. Why are you sitting on top of them?"
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drkreviews · 4 years
Painful Girls
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Here I am with a new song analysis in “Lyrical Love”! Today’s subject is a song by the Japanese artist Miyavi, precisely one of his earlier hits, named Girls, be ambitious, released as fifth track of the first album Gagaku (Elegant) on 31st October 2002. This song is mainly recognized in Miyavi’s career for his mixing up an energetic sound with a not so obvious theme, hidden behind simple words.
The song starts with soft notes, intervalled with a fast and energetic guitar, where Miyavi’s voice is light and pretty suffered; then the rhythm explodes in a decise way, building up a quite strong and catchy track, surrounded with an halo of unusualness and fascination in its own.
Lyrics (Romaji)
Kono yogore ta te de yokere ba, ikura de mo sashinobe te ageru douhyou nante ira nai kara, me tsumutta mama issho ni aruko u. Neifu tte hane, sasu toki yori mo nuku toki no hou ga itai n dette shitteta? hana ha isshou jubun ga kiiei koto sura shira nai n datte ne. Kono senaka ni demo tsukamattere ba, sukoshi hora, guzuguzu shiteru to oi te chauzo Boys & Girls, hurry hurry up. Oyasumi no kisu ha shi te age ran ai mitai da kara, gomen na. dakara utau yo kore de o aiko tte no ha dō ka na. sorede o aiso tte no ha dō na no. kono serifu chotto bakashi kusai ka na. If you give me a chance, apologize and I say [Girls, be ambitious] Hitoribocchi no yuro wake wakan nee fuan ni, nogare e nu kyoufu, naki taku naru you na kodoku ga, kimi ni no osoraku otozureru desho u? Sono toki kimi ga gussuri nemureru you ni, ni noroi.
Lyrics (Translation)
If you are satisfied with these dirty hands, I will resist you as long as possible Indications are not needed, eyes closed Because we will walk together. (I)
Are you aware to be more hurting than a piercing knife when you extract it? A flower doesn’t know to be beautiful for all the life, at the end I don’t care about that, but it is a sad thing.
If I held you on my shoulders, a bit of wind is not bad, is it? Come on, if you go so slowly, I might leave you behind Boys & Girls, hurry hurry up. (II)
I guess I can’t give you the goodnight kiss I am sorry. So I sing How is that we are “even” now? And what you want to say with being “amiable”? This speech is a bit confused.
If you give me a chance, apologize and I say [Girls, be ambitious] (III)
Night of loneliness In the anxiety of not understanding the situation, I am afraid to escape, scared, close to crying, for the fact that I stay alone I am wondering if maybe it will pay you a visit?
In the moment you could sleep sonorously, here’s a curse to you. (IV)
Written by Miyavi himself, the song features a short but plain text, characterized by slang expressions, use of English for key lines and certain musicality in words. The theme of the text can be identified with the album where it is releases; the word “gagaku” indicates a musical genre typical of Japan, specifically of imperial courts, which brought even to a second meaning, which is synonym of elegant music. But what is meant by elegant? Elegance is synonym of a thing which features unique traits and Miyavi’s songs, especially the earlier ones, have always broken the schemes of the genre, so this definition quite fits him and in particular this song. From the title, it might seem an appreciation for the women in general, but actually it is a parody, which mocks the women who make suffering their partners. The protagonist has got a love delusion and such in a way identifies all the women in the same way, like the one who disappointed him. And now... let’s analyze the song!
I) The text starts with the protagonist who is going to resist the dirty hands of his woman as long as possible (Kono yogore ta te de yokere ba, ikura de mo sashinobe te ageru); then he says that they will walk together in a place where the indications are not needed and eyes need to be closed (douhyou nante ira nai kara, me tsumutta mama issho ni aruko u, there may be a double meaning to it, hinting to a polite way for him to send her to hell).
II) He asks the woman who hurt him, but actually referring to all the women, if she is aware to hurt more to a knife who pierces after being extracted (Neifu tte hane, sasu toki yori mo nuku toki no hou ga itai n dette shitteta?); then he comes up with a metaphor, referred to a flower who doesn’t realize to be beautiful in its whole life, a sad thing in its own, but which he doesn’t care about (hana ha isshou jubun ga kiiei koto sura shira nai n datte ne); then he asks her if a bit of wind is not bad, in case he has to hold her on his shoulders, warning her that he will leave her behind if she is so slow (Kono senaka ni demo tsukamattere ba, sukoshi hora, guzuguzu shiteru to oi te chauzo), with an invite to all boys and girls to hurry up themselves, opportunely written in English.
III) He knows that he can’t give her the goodnight kiss and he apologizes for it (Oyasumi no kisu ha shi te age ran ai mitai da kara, gomen na), so he starts to sing in a series of rhymes, which will be defined confused at the end of the strophe, asking since when they started to be even or since when she is so amable (dakara utau/yo kore de o aiko tte no ha dō ka na. sorede o aiso tte no ha dō na no/kono serifu chotto bakashi kusai ka na); finally he asks her the chance for apologizing himself, saying that girls are ambitious, another line written in English.
IV) The final sequence sees a change of atmosphere, with the image of a night of loneliness, driven by the anxiety of not understanding what is happening around him, his fear to escape, leading him closer to crying for his being alone (Hitoribocchi no yuro/wake wakan nee fuan ni, nogare e nu kyoufu, naki taku naru you na kodoku ga), wondering if that thought will pay her a visit (kimi ni no osoraku otozureru desho u?); the text ends with the protagonist sending a curse to her while she sleeps sonorously, not caring of his pain (Sono toki kimi ga gussuri nemureru you ni, ni noroi).
A praise to the gentle sex which hides the outburst and the contempt of a broken heart; Miyavi brings up a rebellious song for showing the consequences of a love delusion, linked to the women but which can be easily extended to everybody, with word games and effective lines.
That’s all folks! See you with the Album Selection of 2019!
Thanks for the reading!
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seongsanhq · 11 months
Mods, estou pensando em fazer meu person ter um filhinho. Queria saber o que vocês acham sobre postar fotos de crianças! Se pode postar, pode postar cobrindo o rosto ou não pode de jeito nenhum!
Oi vidinha, perdão pela demora, mas eu tive que levar a questão pra moderação discutir e acabou que nossas opiniões divergem um pouco, então vou te expor um resumo de cada uma. Eu, mod Howl, sou meio contra a propagação de foto de crianças na internet, justamente por elas não terem idade ou discernimento suficiente para autorizar (ou não) a utilização da sua imagem, mas ainda sou um Talvez (já que também depende muito da vontade dos pais de expor ou não).
O mod Taku, por sua vez, acha que é ok desde que o rosto esteja coberto e não seja algo frequente, como uma vez por semana, algo discreto, um exemplo disso seria uma foto dela brincando distraída onde o rosto não é mostrado.
No entanto, nosso mod Haku é completamente contra a ideia. Então já dá pra você ver que é complicado, né? Sou super a favor de plots de pai/mãe solteiro, ou num geral, mas acho que por agora, vou te dizer que é melhor não postar.
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