#theresa arena
devdas5z · 8 months
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Theresa Arena
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cerastes · 1 year
Since you like talking about relationships, I've got one I've been rotating in my head but can't really figure out: Kal'tsit and Muelsyse. They're both extremely long lived and, judging from Mumu's song, it's a major source of pain for her. But their personalities, at least on the face, are so totally different. I imagine they'd take quite a while to figure each other's shit out, since neither seems inclined to speak clearly or trust anyone more than necessary, leading to a dynamic that evolves quite a bit, and for a long time, perhaps to the confusion of less observant peers.
With both being practically the urban fantasy equivalent of long lived archmages with aching hearts, as well as experts on their particular fields, there's quite a few parallels one could make between them and their interactions would be very fascinating indeed!
However, I think you touched upon something that I think is both important and a bit different from how you put it: A main difference between Kal'tsit and Muelsyse is, in fact, that Kal'tsit does allow herself to trust in others, while Muelsyse keeps her cards close to her chest, even among those who she supposedly trusts.
Kal'tsit isn't naive, but she does in fact allow herself to trust others... A whole lot, in fact. She believed and trusted Theresa, and still tries to carry out her goals, she trusts in Amiya, not just because Theresa chose her, but because she really believes she's got what it takes. She trusts Rhodes Island Operators so much that, even though she's a powerhouse herself, she doesn't handle everything that Rhodes Island has going on and even has some Operators she implicitly trusts enough to let them handle some seriously dangerous stuff either under her or by being her extension in other endeavors she can't be there for personally, such as Margaret Nearl and Elysium. Reluctantly, she trusts in Doctor's abilities and temperament, in part out of necessity, in part because love it or hate it, Theresa did trust Doctor quite a lot, and so she'll trust in Theresa's trust.
Muelsyse, on the other hand? Her 'trust' is hugely utilitarian. Her choice of joining up with Rhine Lab was born out of necessity, as she judged that Kirsten and company would be her very best bet to achieve her own goals, but that backstabbing environment doesn't particularly allow one to make good friends or trust anyone too easily. In fact, during Mansfield Break, Muelsyse quite literally couldn't compute why Silence would be helping Anthony (Mountain) without ulterior motives: The fact that Silence would do it first and foremost out of the goodness of her heart was unbelievable to Muelsyse, because it goes against everything she's learned, especially in Rhine Lab. In a way, one could argue this is where she started changing a little, and it brought to mind how Saria was legitimately trying to be there for Ifrit because Saria legitimately holds affection for her, which Muelsyse thought was a load of barnacles before, at least without any sort of further objective or ulterior motive. Hell, Muelsyse's character song is a perfect fit for her: Chipper and energetic, yet, the lyrics are very sad and lonely.
I think a dynamic between Kal'tsit and Muelsyse would fundamentally be very... Curt, initially. All business from Kal'tsit's end, because Muelsyse has yet to earn her trust, all plastic smiles and idle hands from Muelsyse, because unless Kal'tsit can verifiably be of use to her beyond being a bigwig at RI, she doesn't need to know her.
But Kal'tsit grows on you, you know? Doctor's not the only one with those people skills... Perhaps they are at another level altogether, given they can handle even the freakiest freaks and weirdos and wrangle friendship out of them, but to say Kal'tsit isn't formidable in the arena of trust is but a lie. She'd get in, I'm sure. Muelsyse would see someone akin to her in ways other Terrans simply could never achieve, and while they are very different in terms of demeanor... Well, so are Kal'tsit and Closure, and Kal'tsit and Warfarin, two good friends of hers. Kal'tsit can definitely deal with Muelsyse's antics, and I think Muelsyse would enjoy seeing someone so similar to her in so many ways that can also allow herself to trust others. Maybe Kal'tsit could be important in just that: Muelsyse allowing herself to trust more.
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arbolxn · 1 year
Okey so Fable fans, the seven of us that we are I think we all agree that maybe it’s not the same style BUT HELL AT LEAST WE ARE GETTING SOMETHING.
So my takes of what is going to be are here:
-I think it might be made between the end of the hero’s guild and fable 2, why? Because of the clothes styling AND that the voice actor of Reaver it’s in the games PLAYING REAVER, so of course it’s going to be or in that middle or staring Fable 2
-No dog, and if there’s dogs, I think you’ll have to buy one
-if we see reaver, I think Hammer will be there too BUT not Garth (since canonically he’s in his native home)
-another trailer that it’s going to show EVEN MORE I KNOW
-Jack of blades but not in a big quest, maybe mentioned or even encounter at some point
-Oakfield getting fucking destroyed (thanks to reaver)
-dumb options again
-ROMANCES I know that it’s going to be way better AND WITH EXCLUSIVE CHARACTERS (idk why I just think it’s like “a thing” now in videogames)
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mariacallous · 1 year
Is the grievance factory about to shut up shop at last? The Northern Ireland protocol is the last outpost of the once mighty manufacturing empire that produced, in industrial quantities, self-pitying narratives of Britons oppressed by Brussels. Now, perhaps, that assembly line has finally juddered to a halt.
The paradox of the Brexit project for its own advocates is that its very success has cut off the pipeline of complaint that fed their teeming springs of outrage. The protocol was the last excuse for throwing the old shapes, the one remaining arena in which the grand game of Euro-bashing could be played. It is not surprising that there are those – Boris Johnson, much of the European Research Group (ERG), part of the Democratic Unionist party – who can’t bear to part with it.
The most obvious thing about the deal announced at Windsor on Monday is that it shows that there was always a deal to be done. As far back as October 2021, the EU formally accepted that the way the protocol was being implemented had to be changed. It made no sense for goods destined to stay in Northern Ireland to be subjected to the same checks as those that were going on to the Republic and hence entering the EU.
Pretty much everything that has now been agreed was there to be negotiated two years ago: the sharing of advance data on exports, red and green lanes, flexibility on VAT and state aid rules, an enhanced role for the assembly in Belfast in scrutinising new single market regulations. All that was ever required was normal diplomacy at the high level and nerds lower down to do the nuts-and-bolts stuff.
So why was this not done? Why was this row allowed to become a standoff that paralysed politics in Northern Ireland, when everyone knows from bitter experience that its political vacuums are filled by malign forces?
First, because of the inability of the Brexit ultras to wean themselves off the “Those Eurocrats don’t like it up ’em” mode of international relations. The complete failure of bluster and posturing in the negotiation of the overall withdrawal agreement taught them nothing. They remained convinced that the way to get foreigners to do what you want is to shout louder.
Hence Boris Johnson’s idiotic Northern Ireland protocol bill. It said, in essence: scrap the protocol that Johnson himself begged you for or the UK will start a trade war with the EU, alienate the US, override its own most basic democratic procedures and declare its contempt for international law even while attacking Vladimir Putin for the same sin. This was never going to work, but it gave the zealots the thrill of one more excursion to the cliffs at Dover to shake their fists at the continent.
There was, though, an even more profound reason to avoid realistic negotiations on the protocol. The miasma of craziness that occludes this whole terrain emanates from the inconvenient truth that the protocol is, in horse-breeding parlance, by Johnson, out of the DUP. It was the DUP that made it inevitable by helping to bring down Theresa May, whose “backstop” agreement would have prevented the need for any controls on goods crossing the Irish Sea. And it was Johnson who, with his usual mastery of cynical opportunism, double-crossed the DUP, created the protocol, and used it to win an election.
But all of this had to be denied. The Frankensteins had to disown their monster. And the way to do that was to indulge in the fantasy that what they had done could somehow be undone. This mirage was conjured from two impossible demands: that the protocol be scrapped and that the European court of justice should cease to be the final arbiter of EU law as it applied to Northern Ireland’s operation of the single market. The beauty of these demands, for those who wished to drown the whole story in obfuscation and amnesia, was that they were so fantastical. They pushed the reality of what Johnson and the DUP had achieved – a serious weakening of the union – into a parallel universe of high dudgeon and glorious defiance.
Rishi Sunak deserves credit for rejoining the reality-based community. The relative speed with which the deal has been done shows the benefits of trying to function like a normal government and seek mutually beneficial solutions to common problems. But part of the reality he has faced is that one part of the UK – Northern Ireland – has a very different kind of Brexit to all the others. Agreeing to make the protocol work is accepting the immutable fact that a hard Brexit means that Northern Ireland will become ever more a place apart within the UK.
That’s very difficult for the DUP to accept and all the more so because it is to a very large extent its own doing. It is hard to think of a worse strategic error by any political party in these islands in modern times than the defenders of the union doing so much to undermine it. It is tough to come to terms with this outcome and reasonable to give the DUP time to adjust to the fact that it has been fighting, not a losing battle, but a battle that was irretrievably lost when it put its fate in the hands of Johnson.
Yet what alternative does it have? The deal is a very good one for Northern Ireland, most of whose people will have little patience with a rearguard action against it. Sunak has called the bluff of the DUP’s allies in the ERG and their hand is in fact very weak – not least because, in the end, few people in Britain care very much about the protocol. The prospect of a Labour government will further diminish the DUP’s influence at Westminster.
The only place it can exercise power is in Belfast. The protocol deal, with its “Stormont brake” on new EU regulations, gives the assembly real powers to block EU regulations – but only if there is an assembly in the first place. There are a thousand other reasons why the DUP should fulfil its responsibilities and allow Northern Ireland’s political institutions to get back to work – but that has to be, from its own point of view, the most compelling.
Exporting Brexit grievances to Belfast was always much madder and more pernicious than sending coals to Newcastle. Northern Ireland has its own superabundant supply, flowing through both green and orange lanes. The heedless exploitation of that trade has been one of the ugliest aspects of the Brexit debacle. Now that the last drops of performative affront have been squeezed out of this tawdry drama, perhaps Britain and Ireland can get back to the slow and undramatic business of reconciliation.
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busghost · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#and i feel bad cause new players don't get all the events that were so fun and really made the 6 st. freya characters feel like a family
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pardo in lore: I cannot fight, I am weak like a small baby
Pardo in gameplay: I have replaced half the elemental supports in Memorial Arena
231 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Happy Pride Month to Honkai Impact
Kiana and Mei
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Bronya and Seele
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248 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
I dislike that the recent reveal has led to some people calling Kiana K-423, so they can call Bianka Kiana instead. They both already have names you know?
252 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
do we know what honkai beast each flamechaser has in them?
Not every single one but for quite a few!
Kevin has genes from the Emperor-class Honkai beast Parvati, the boss in MA and the Honkai beast Theresa killed when she was only 1 year old. Parvati has ice powers thus all the red/black ice Kevin uses and the -30°C body temperature.
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257 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know about those? I have so many questions...would you be willing to expand on that chart?
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The post in question, in case anyone missed it.
I'll just go down the list and start explaining every one I know in a sentence or two.
Welcome everyone to busghost explains the joke.
The first box is pretty self explanatory. Lobby 1 belongs in hell though. I once saw somebody say "use my tongue as your toilet paper" and that's the quality of statements said in Lobby 1 NA.
The Second Box begins getting a little more interesting.
Brilliant Light Fu Hua: there's a scene in the bunny girl video where Senti temporarily takes over Hua's body and feels up her own ass.
Dvalin: has a cameo in chapter 17 when Otto looks across the multiverse.
I dunno daily accounts, maybe it means playing every day.
LE/HoT/HoF Armada support: You always set your friend support as one of them because they give MASSIVE starting sp to people, unconditionally in LE's case.
Theres'a creation: This is just the Theresa Chronicle. She's a clone of Kallen with genes from the Honkai beast Vishnu. Otto was trying one of his many schemes to get Kallen back.
Genshin Appropriation: Genshiners™ only care about Honkai for the bare minimum it can provide them with Genshin Theories, don't actually know/care about the story, and treat it like a stupid little side game to the Holy Relic that is Genshin. "DAE HIMEKO IS DILUC'S MOM???" "OMG DILUC IS A COOLER HIMEKO" You've probably heard these phrases before.
Idk what the Otto homophobia is, probably people who think that Otto wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with Kallen and ignored the fact that she's gay. That opinion kinda misses out on all the nuance of Otto and Kallen's relationship.
Kiana flies herself to the Moon: I mean, she does. Characters do it a few times actually. Also Fly Me 2 the Moon was Mihoyo's first game and it's main character is Kiana.
The Day You Vanished with the Stars: The event that has broken everyone's hearts by making you watch the Captain try to save Kongming over and over and endlessly failing. A really good event, most people's favorite in the Captainverse.
"She will never forget the promise to go to the beach with her friend": Bronya promised to take Seele to the sea but then Seele got quantized and trapped in the Sea of Quanta. Very sad, won't be fulfilled for years.
The Third Box
A-303: Theresa is clone serial number A-310. Otto made her fight A-303 but Theresa refused to kill her. A-303 grows up to become Amber. (idk why she grows up and Teri doesn't, or why Amber is a cyborg)
Fu Hua's taxes: this a great meme from tumblr where somebody asked how/if Fu Hua would pay taxes all the way at Mt. Taixuan. https://busghost.tumblr.com/post/665322989875806208/well-the-answer-is-simple-does-fu-hua-legally
APHO Project Bunny: Project Bunny 19C has retired in APHO so Bronya gets a new gun from Theresa and she names it Project Bunny 0019
Schicksal is the Catholic Curch: I mean that's exactly what it says. The leader is an Archbishop, the Valkyries used to dress like nuns. There are crosses everywhere and Kallen mentions that they're supposed to follow the "Good Book" a name for the Bible. They also talk about "holy" this and that and there are churches everywhere. This makes it VERY funny that Schicksal's cover story in the modern day is as a religious charity/ idol company that calls their idols Valkyries.
Unfinished stories is to general for me say anything about, I'm certain there are unfinished/abandoned plots in Honkai.
Lesbian Jesus: After Kallen dies people start regarding her as the Holy Maid who died for our sins to save everyone... Sound similar to certain Christian religious figure?
Joachim Nokianvertanen: The name Welt Yang was given by his parents. He adopted the Name Welt after taking up the responsibilities of being the Herrscher of Reason. Yang is his mother's maiden name.
Honkai Tumblr: You are here.
Fetus Mobius: not 100% sure but Mobius spoke her first words minutes after being born, so that's pretty funny. The question is also posed that if Mobius died enough times will she revert all the way back to a fetus?
Adam x Mei/Bronya shippers exist: self explanitory and gross! they really did go "unlesbians your gays". Also Adam is a minor.
Durandal's Age: the origins of Bianka are known now but before the only thing we knew about Bianka's age was that Jan 1st, 2000 was a placeholder since she had no memories. This led to plenty of people calling Rita a pedophile for being in a relationship with, even though Bianka is clearly not 16-17. It's over now, We know how old she is, 19 nearly 20.
Fourth Box
Kiana B: Bianka is the original Kiana. Rearrange the letters in Bianka and it spells Kiana B. The other Kiana...
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262 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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littlfrcak · 19 days
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☠︎︎ starter with @thcresa
¸ arena.
⭑🕯️ʿ não sabia quanto tempo estava ali na arena treinando. a camisa há muito tempo já descartada, o corpo doendo em todos os locais que tinha se machucado durante a missão; por sorte já não tinha mais pontos que pudessem ameaçar abrir, apenas os hematomas que aos poucos se tornavam uma tonalidade roxa mais clara e em breve iriam sumir. os cachos já estavam úmidos de suor e as mãos... os nós dos dedos sangravam um pouco. então não, não sabia quanto tempo estava ali até que a simulação fosse desligada, uma filha de Atena começasse a brigar consigo por estar sujando o chão da arena de sangue e então a ameaça de trazer um curandeiro lhe fez despencar no chão finalmente sentindo o cansaço e as dores. não levou fé. não acreditou que a garota chegaria a esse extremo mas então estava erguendo a vista e vendo a figura de theresa diante de si. para alguém que estava indo até a enfermaria com mais frequência nas últimas semanas, todos os Curandeiros se tornaram figuras bem conhecidas por si. “ ━━━ não precisava... ter vindo. vocês já têm muito o que fazer lá, eu estou bem." murmurou, a respiração ainda se assentando. “ ━━━ If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.” encolheu os ombros ao confessar o motivo de estar assim.
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limoteethw · 8 months
Jeep Tropical Palm Trees Beach At Sunset Pattern Hawaiian Shirt
Jeep Tropical Palm Trees Beach At Sunset Pattern Hawaiian Shirt
Beethoven turns his anger to Fate at having been dealt a Jeep Tropical Palm Trees Beach At Sunset Pattern Hawaiian Shirt and now, this decision. In consolation, Fate allows Beethoven to travel back through his life in order to review it and make any changes that he wishes. Beethoven accepts this and they begin with Beethoven’s experiences as a child. Beethoven comes into his room while the young Beethoven has just been slapped by a tutor for failing to receive appointment to the Imperial Court. Beethoven turns to Fate and informs her that he did not need the hardships that he had faced, with his mother dead and a painful childhood. He requests that she remove the experience from his life. After being told that such a request would remove the inspiration for his sixth symphony, he changes his mind. Fate and Beethoven then go to one of Beethoven’s happier moments, meeting the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the city of Vienna. Fate then reminds Beethoven of his “immortal beloved” Theresa and after experiencing a fond remembrance, Beethoven explains his reasons for needing to leave her.
Jeep Tropical Palm Trees Beach At Sunset Pattern Hawaiian Shirt
Beethoven turns his anger to Fate at having been dealt a Jeep Tropical Palm Trees Beach At Sunset Pattern Hawaiian Shirt and now, this decision. In consolation, Fate allows Beethoven to travel back through his life in order to review it and make any changes that he wishes. Beethoven accepts this and they begin with Beethoven’s experiences as a child. Beethoven comes into his room while the young Beethoven has just been slapped by a tutor for failing to receive appointment to the Imperial Court. Beethoven turns to Fate and informs her that he did not need the hardships that he had faced, with his mother dead and a painful childhood. He requests that she remove the experience from his life. After being told that such a request would remove the inspiration for his sixth symphony, he changes his mind. Fate and Beethoven then go to one of Beethoven’s happier moments, meeting the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the city of Vienna. Fate then reminds Beethoven of his “immortal beloved” Theresa and after experiencing a fond remembrance, Beethoven explains his reasons for needing to leave her.
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warpedlegacywrites · 10 months
Dragons of Thedas Prompts
Inspired by various DA collections prompt lists, I decided to make one for the dragons! Apologies if this was already done and I missed it. For prompts, feel free to reference just the dragon, or the Situation/Descriptive/Location prompts I've included in parentheses. Or both!
Feel free to reblog and use for your own purposes.
Fereldan Frostback - (Ambush/Territorial/Mountains), found in Lady Shayna's Valley; the northeastern-most region of the Hinterlands, situated north of the Dusklight Inquisition Camp.
Northern Hunter - (Disturbed Slumber/Hungry/Dam), found lying asleep in an inaccessible location south of the dam in Crestwood.
Abyssal High Dragon - (Mistaken Identity/Reclusive/Forge), found in the southernmost area of the Western Approach, in The Wastes (south of Nazaire's pass).
Theresa really comes alive after a good fight
Gamordan Stormrider - (Off the Beaten Path/Shocking/Orlais), found in the Crow Fens in the far North-East of the Exalted Plains.
Dorian and Iron Bull, lost at the Winter Palace
Theresa wandering the streets of Val Royeaux
Greater Mistral - (On Display/Bright/Forest), found in the Southfinger Watch region, in the north area of the Emerald Graves.
Hivernal - (On the Hunt/Resourceful/Hot Springs), found in Etienne's Ring, the first arena seen after crossing the bridge.
Vinsomer - (Forging Ahead/Wary/Coastland), can be confronted on Dragon Island, located northwest off of the Storm Coast.
Sandy Howler - (Digging Deep/Nocturnal/Ruins), found in the east area of the Hissing Wastes near the Tomb of Fairel.
Kaltenzahn - (Migration/Stubborn/Bridge), found in the eastern area of Emprise du Lion in Judicael's Ring.
Highland Ravager - (Rampage/Showboat/Coliseum), found in the eastern area of Emprise du Lion, in Leontine's Ring.
Hakkon Wintersbreath - (Frozen in Time/Hubris/Temple), found in the Frostback Basin during the main quest of the same name Hakkon Wintersbreath.
Ataashi - (Held Captive/Poisonous/Fortress), captured by Viddasala and the Ben-Hassrath and confined within the Darvaarad.
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mongraffito · 1 year
Would that be so crazy to declare LGBTQ a religion/monarchy?
Just think about it:
- in a monarchy (still present in the 21st century) the royal line is a blood/sperm line.Our sperm line is a Ghostly Sperm line. The holy ghost chooses which will become gay. Just like "God" chose virgin Mary (at 12, was that a surprise? She gave birth at 13)
- we had/have apostles and martyrs of many sorts. Some of the most brilliant minds and talents of humanity were/are gays. I think sainthood would be reasonable
- we have kings and queens, their tiaras are not much over the Pope's and the attire not much more extravagant that the Catholic priests'.
- while religions worship a god, an invisible entity that "we know it's there because the book says so", we have tons of more books and witnesses of a greater entity, the Reasonable Human Nature.
- miracles have been and keep being performed, from darkrooms to private houses, the lives of so many change for the better because of it
-we gather, like the first christian sect worshippers, in underground places. We try to leave our marks for the future generations, form a history book for the gays of tomorrow (which the Bible, at least the first part, is)
-we have been / are victims of the modern day Caligulas and their arenas where people can enjoy watching the lions devour us. We are victims of depression, drug abuse and commercial crap that sells us something on the promise we'll be easier tolerated. (The Roman empire didnt so much want to change the religions of the occupied territories, as long as they were paying taxes to Rome)
- once LGBTQ will be declared a religion (I hope some day it will, as religions of the future will be different), we'll be freely allowed to publicly wear symbols of our religion. All the others do, from cross pendants to burkas, from hare Krishnas to mother Theresa's girls.We wont need the Pride, 1x a year, to show that. And in principle, we'll be protected by las as religion. Several countries "protect" LGBTQs but that doesnt stop Karens shooting at us. Imagine if some Texan slaughtered a transwoman when he discovered "the hooker was fake". That would be attack to a Religion, not just a person.
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bestantmin3r · 2 years
some Common Mistakes You must Avoid When Buying and selling Cryptocurrency
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best antminer
Today, you'll be able to invest in cryptocurrency easily. You have the freedom to invest with the help of on the internet brokers, but you can't say for sure in the event that this is a foolproof undertaking. There are a lot of problems and pitfalls you must face if you are pondering entering this arena. However , you don't have to turn into a master in the world associated with computer science and finance to get started. Just what it means is you have to make an informed choice. In this article, we are going to mention some common errors that most cryptocurrency businesses make. Read on to learn more.
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1: You Buy a bad Coins
If you have built your mind to purchase Bitcoin, you have to be careful. There is different types of Bitcoin, which include Bitcoin private, Bitcoin SV, Bitcoin Golden, and Bitcoin funds. In other words, there are numerous offshoots that you need to watch out for.
Despite the fact that these are not bad and also scams, make sure you realize you are buying. Even though you purchase the wrong gold coin, you can still offer for sale it back to check out the right one.
2: You aren't for the Wild Cycle
If you want to enter the entire world of cryptocurrency, you must have nerves of metal to face the volatility. Unlike the traditional money world, cryptocurrency offers extreme volatility, as reported by Theresa Morison who might be a certified financial coordinator in Arizona.
As reported by her, as a cutting edge investor, you should commit a small sum originally, such as $100 per 30 days, and then forget about the application. If you keep an eye on this marketplace on a daily basis, it will commute you crazy.
In addition to this, just because you might be a beginner, you must stick to 2 to 3 cryptocurrencies that you are familiar with. If possible, you may consider the organized coins first like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
3: You don't Double-Check the Address
Various cryptocurrency traders eliminate their coins although they don't double-check your address. Unlike an old-fashioned bank transfer, it's not possible to just reverse your transaction. So , you've got to be really careful when reaching this type of transaction choosing cryptocurrency. If you don't take care enough, you may turn out losing thousands of dollars around seconds.
4: Most people Lost Access to a Wallet
Although a few limited number of 21 years old million Bitcoins, the full number of Bitcoins will not be being created. Associated with that many of the gold coin holders have damaged or lost access to their openings because of forgotten account details.
According to the report coming from Chainanalysis, 1 due to 5 Bitcoins mined so far is not reachable because of Lost accounts. Therefore , make sure you save your password in a very safe place before commencing reading.
In short, most people suggest that you refrain from these four most usual mistakes if you want to be successful in the world of cryptocurrency trading. Hopefully, the strategies presented will help you be over the safe side in addition to achieve success as a investor or investor.
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xtruss · 2 years
Ukraine Conflict Could End Western Hegemony & Hypocrisy – Hungary
Prime Minister Viktor Orban says he doesn’t believe the West can win militarily in Ukraine and argues that sanctions are failing
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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. © AP/Theresa Wey
The deadly conflict in Ukraine has the potential to “Demonstratively” put an end to Western hegemony globally, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has claimed.
In an interview with German online magazine Tichys Einblick, published on Thursday, Orban said he expects the European Union to emerge weaker in the global arena once the fighting in Ukraine is over.
The Hungarian leader argued that the West is incapable of winning the conflict militarily, and that the sanctions it has imposed on Moscow have failed to destabilize Russia. To make matters worse, the punitive measures have spectacularly backfired on the EU, he said.
Orban also noted that a “Large Part of the World” is clearly not getting behind the US when it comes to Ukraine. He pointed to “The Chinese, Indians, Brazilians, South Africa, The Arab World, Africa” as regions not supporting the Western line on the conflict.
“It is quite possible that it will be this war that will demonstratively put an end to Western supremacy,” Orban said.
On the other hand, non-EU powers are already benefiting from the situation, he said, pointing toward Russia, which “has its own energy sources.”
The premier noted that while EU energy imports from Russia have plummeted, Russia’s majority state-owned gas giant Gazprom has seen its revenues skyrocket.
Beijing, too, is now better off than before the start of the conflict, Orban claimed. He explained that China had previously been “at the mercy of the Arabs,” but is not anymore, apparently referring to the oil market.
The other beneficiaries, in the Hungarian prime minister’s view, are “big American corporations.” To prove his point, Orban pointed to profits doubling for Exxon, quadrupling for Chevron and increasing six-fold for ConocoPhillips.
While going along with EU sanctions against Russia, Hungary has maintained a neutral stance since the outbreak of the conflict, by not providing either side with weapons or making any harsh statements against Moscow or Kiev.
Budapest has insisted that it cannot not risk the security of Hungarians, and will not be dragged into the conflict.
Moreover, Orban and other Hungarian top officials have repeatedly criticized some of the EU sanctions, claiming that they harm the EU more than they do Russia.
Back in May, Hungary entered into a direct confrontation with the EU leadership over a Russian oil embargo. Budapest lifted its veto only after it carved out an exemption for the fuel imported via pipelines.
— RT | August 18, 2022
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Make It Loud
Corpse Husband x Reader with Narcolepsy (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of struggles with Social Anxiety, Struggles with Narcolepsy (All described in a lighthearted manner), Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: For two people with social anxiety, an arena with hundreds of people packed in a small space like sardines would sound like a nightmare. But, oddly enough, that’s exactly where Corpse and Y/N find their peace - under the flashing lights of the stage in front of them; surrounded by the loud blast of music played on that stage and the cheering of strangers who are enjoying the experience just as much as they are - just not in the same way.
Requested by @laurenfangirlsout Hi dear! Thank you so much for your second amazing request, I’m so sorry for the long wait but it’s finally here and I hope you come across it and read it - most of all, I hope you enjoy it! I know you said I could make it a disabled!reader but I decided to switch it up a little because Narcolepsy, I think, is a disorder that doesn’t get talked about enough. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Love, Vy ❤
Being complete opposites doesn’t always mean you don’t have similarities with your partner. You always have a ground you can share with them, even if it’s the tiniest island in the many oceans or a whole damn continent. There are always things you share, things that make you compatible despite the differences you see as opposites.
Take Y/N and Corpse for example. A guy who couldn’t care less about the world of fashion and a girl who always looks her best, always smoking hot and always able to find the perfect outfit. A guy who hardly leaves the house and embraces his social anxiety as the barrier between him and the outside world and a girl who is constantly working on bettering her own anxieties by going to parties or talking to strangers and refuses to give up on it even when she fails. 
A guy who cannot sleep and a girl who constantly feels drowsy. Yeah, an insomniac and a narcoleptic. And their dynamic cannot be matched.
Now, after mentioning few of their many differences, let’s take a look at all that bind them, all the things they share and have in common. Things they enjoy together.
First of all: failed attempts at cooking at some ungodly hours of the night. Yeah, rare are the occurrences when they’ve made a successful, edible food but that has never slowed their roll in the kitchen - it’s the fun that matters after all. Second: their taste in music. BONES, MGK, some Arctic Monkeys and Panic! At The Disco are constantly blaring whenever she’s at his apartment. The neighbors haven’t complained yet, luckily. This adds to their shared love for singing in the car while, making even the trip to the store seem like a roadtrip adventure.
Speaking of music, their shared love of concerts is not to be underestimated. Yeah, it sounds counter-intuitive considering they both struggle with severe social anxiety and suck at holding onto their bearings in social situations, but concerts seem like a whole different world. In those arenas, each person is invisible, all of the listeners are in their own worlds. That is mainly due to the fact that they all have different memories relating to the songs being played. Everyone’s taken back to a different place in time, everyone’s experiencing the music differently, no one sharing their experience with another. Well, no one but Corpse and Y/N. Having listened to so many songs together, it’s impossible for them to imagine that time and place without the other. Music is their vessel for the strongest non-verbal communication they’ve established over the course of their relationship.
Music is what keeps Corpse sane and music is what keeps Y/N awake. Music is what binds them stronger than anything else.
“Imma have a song with him one day.“ Corpse says in Y/N’s ear as he stands behind her, her back pressed against his chest, his voice somehow managing to reach her over the roar of cheering of the people surrounding them following the end of yet another one of Machine Gun Kelly’s songs. “Just you wait and see.“
“I’d never doubt you, Corpse.“ She replies, resting her hands on top of his which are around her waist, holding her close as both a sentimental reminder of the time when they were listening to these exact songs for the first time as well as a way of holding her her up in case she experiences muscle weakness from the long standing. Thankfully, he managed to talk her out of wearing heels, despite her complaints that sneakers wouldn’t match her chosen outfit. He came out the winner in that argument, leading to her choosing a whole new outfit that’d work with a more casual footwear - this one even hotter than the previous. “Just make it loud, ok? I don’t wanna fall asleep listening to it.“
Corpse chuckles, planting a kiss at the top of her head with nothing less than complete adoration for her, mellow at a wave of emotions because of that realization that never fails to knock him off his feet - she’s his girlfriend.
I must’ve done something of Mother Theresa’s rank in my past life to deserve you, he often finds himself thinking as he observes her while her mind and attention is elsewhere.
“You bet. You bet.” His arms tighten their hold on her waist, bringing her even closer which he initially thought was impossible. “Just for you, I’ll make it loud.” 
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nanshe-of-nina · 3 years
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Favorite History Books || Queenship and Political Power in Medieval and Early Modern Spain edited by Theresa Earenfight ★★★★☆
For example, Mark Meyerson describes the importance of Elionor of Sicily to the tumultuous reign of Pere III of the Crown of Aragon (1336-87) in fostering, and in some cases defending, their Jewish subjects in Morvedre, a town located in the kingdom of Valencia. Marta Van Landingham describes the relationship between Violant of Hungary and Jaume I of the Crown of Aragon (1213-76) as both an exemplary marriage and a superb political partnership. Jaume claims publicly to make no final decisions without first consulting Violant, his second wife whom he takes pains to present as an improvement over his first wife. Violant possesses all the characteristics that Alfonso specified, but what Violant has, and that Alfonso did not think to mention, is brains. She is not only intelligent, she is savvy in many ways— shrewd, patient, courageous in speaking her mind, and very much involved in military affairs. This is a significant but unusual place to find a queen— with the exception of Urraca of Leon-Castile and Isabel of Castile, military affairs were off-limits for late medieval and early modern queens. Unlike most medieval kings, Jaume gives us a rare glimpse of a queen who, although a “junior partner”, is nevertheless a genuine partner who typifies the ways in which, in the absence of prohibitions, queens simply stepped into the political arena.
At the other extreme, Marie of Montpellier exemplifies what Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch describes as an “unsuccessful” partnership, an appearance of a partnership which was in fact, a failure on all levels. Marie of Montpellier brought an impressive dowry, substantial personal wealth, and formidable family connections to her marriage to Pere II of the Crown of Aragon (1196-1213). These assets should have positioned her well for a role in the governance of the realm, but instead they became a site of conflict rather than a source of power. And Pere was a bully, unwilling to accept anyone, least of all his wife, as sharing in any aspect of his sovereignty. She was a “silent” partner, the financial backer whose wealth and family connections enabled Pere to wage war and opened the door to Aragonese influence north of the Pyrenees, setting the stage for the conquests of their son, Jaume I (1213-76).
We are fortunate to have two important perspectives on queens and their political role in monarchy from medieval kings themselves— a proscriptive view from Alfonso X of Castile (1252-84) in the Siete Partidas and the Especulo, and a descriptive one from Jaume II of Aragon in the Llibre dels Feyts. What does a queen bring to this partnership? As Joseph O’Callaghan clearly demonstrates, when Alfonso emphasized the “harmonious” union of a king and queen, he meant more than just the reciprocity of the marriage relationship and the ways in which one partner makes the other better. He also meant the ways in which both king and queen share their responsibilities in both the public and private realms. Alfonso enumerates four things that a king should look for in a partner: money, character, physical attributes, and good lineage. The possession of money can cut both ways, as the case of Marie of Montpellier makes clear. Character, meaning personality, intelligence, diplomatic skills, tact, shrewdness, wits, and even tenacity, is harder to measure and yet it may well be the determining factor in the success or failure of a monarchical partnership. Marie of Montpellier comes across as particularly passive and weak while Violant of Hungary, Elionor of Sicily, Maria de Luna, and certainly Isabel of Castile and Isabel of Portugal were endowed with formidable personal traits and were well matched to their equally formidable husbands.
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busghost · 3 years
i saw a great ask on reddit, what makes a valk f2p friendly in stigmas? Nyx with Ana does something around 78% and HoF around 83% with Lwh TB Thales M and both need weapon. yet Nyx is said to be gear dependent along with geared HB, but isn't HoF the same? in the endgame she also needs Sakura PRI and AE, doesn't she? i never thought about it, but since nobody answered the person's question yet, i came to you :D
Those damage test are true and Nyx does do well enough but there is one problem that becomes extremely obvious once you take them out of a testing environment.
In testing on the beta, you have all the sp you need to do your ultimate and weapon actives and other such things. In the game during Abyss for example, it will take multiple ults for Nyx to kill an enemy so she NEEDS the sp regen that Sanguine Union and the Verne set give. Also one of her own skills increases damage on hit count going up during ult and HB doing her own ult with her signature weapon which you can only get from gacha at the same time is basically the only way to do that AND get the elemental support you'll want, and HB is most competitively viable at SS rank. And for her to have enough sp to work in Memorial Arena, you NEED to have a SSS Lightning Empress to give your whole team the 70 starting sp.
If we take a look at HoF, she needs her guns for certain, there aren't any other guns that will work as well considering every gun character has been physical damage except for Sixth Serenade but her guns are more focused on a very different style of play. The big difference between Nyx and HoF is that Nyx's damage comes from her ult. HoF definitely likes having her ult for damage but you don't need it right away to deal all of your damage, you can build up to it and still deal damage with her charge atks in Herrscher mode. Plus her own leader skill provides 50 sp to the team. If you have her guns you do get 9sp from the wep active but one piece of equipment giving sp is much better than needing Nyx's entire stigma set to have good sp regen AND damage. Also HoF's support is much more affordable, you can farm Sakura's Salvation PRI entirely f2p and even though Sakuno Rondo is the best carrier, you can put it on any Theresa. Also it only really needs to be level 50, unlike other PRIs.
Overall, it all comes down to where the damage comes from and with Nyx so reliant on her ult for any damage, she needs sp that she can only get from all three of her signature stigmata. HoF gets most of her damage from her atks in Herrscher mode that doesn't rely on having sp.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Hero of Oakvale Ask Game
We’ve had Sparrow. We’ve had the Hero of Brightwall. It’s only fair the Hero of Oakvale gets a turn ;)
Hero of Oakvale || Sparrow || Hero of Brightwall || Fable OCs
Background - tell us a little about your Hero! Do you stick with a male protagonist, or do you prefer to headcanon them as a different gender? What’s their name and/or Hero Title? Do they have a preference between the two? Tell us whatever you like!
Hero - do they have a preference in Heroic Disciplines? Do they mix and match their abilities across disciplines or do they prefer to specialise? What weapons do they prefer to use?
Morality - are they good or evil, or do they fall somewhere in between? How would they describe their moral compass and how does it affect their decision-making?
Doggo! - while the Hero didn’t have an animal companion in game, does your Hero? If so, are they the ever popular dog, or another type of creature?
Sister - how do they feel about Theresa? What was their relationship like prior to the game, and did the Hero’s opinion of her change at all? How did they feel when reuniting with her at Twinblade’s camp? What did they think about working with her to stop Jack of Blades? Did they ever see her again?
Mother - what was their relationship like with Scarlet Robe? Were they close before the raid? How did they feel about her being away with the Heroes Guild so often and what did they know of her reputation as a Balverine Slayer? What was their reaction when reuniting with her in Bargate Prison and how did they feel about witnessing her death at Jack’s hands? Did they take her soul to stop Jack in the Northern Wastes?
Father - what was their relationship like with Brom? How did they react to his death? How did his loss affect them going forward?
Mentor - what kind of relationship did they share with Maze? Was he a father-figure to them at all, or did their relationship remain strictly professional? Did they ever suspect him of having ulterior motives in helping them with their quest for revenge, or did they truly believe that he was helping them? Did they ever forgive his betrayal?
Rival - did the Hero develop a friendship with Whisper, or was their relationship purely one of rivalry? How did they feel about her competitiveness? Did they spare her in the Arena, or did they claim the 10,000 gold reward? If she survived, did they ever see each other again?
Strength - did the Hero develop a rivalry with Thunder over Lady Grey? Did he hate them if they killed Whisper? And if not, what are their feelings towards the Arena King?
Skill - how do they feel about Briar Rose? Did they meet her during their apprenticeship? What’s their overall opinion of her over the course of the game?
Will - what about their relationship with Weaver? Did they have any particular feelings towards Weaver, or was it a more professional connection on the Hero’s part? Did they kill him in the end?
Family - did the Hero marry during the course of their adventures? Did they have any children?
Religion - did the Hero make any sacrifices to Skorm, or did they donate to the Temple of Avo? Do they have any strong feelings about either deities?
Quests - what kinds of quests did the Hero prefer to carry out? Did the choose exclusively between good and evil? Or were they indifferent to the work they did, and if so, why? Did any quests in particular stand out to them?
Doors - did they open the various demon doors scattered around Albion? Were there any they refused to fulfill the requirements for or did they go to ridiculous lengths to get them open, no matter what?
Childhood - did the Hero commit good deeds to earn gold from their father, or did they choose to do bad deeds and earn their gold elsewhere? Looking back, what do they think of those choices now? Do they think they mattered at all?
Orchard - did the Hero help to defend the farm from bandits, or did they join the bandits in their raid? What were their reasons for their choice?
Traders - did the Hero agree to escort the third trader through Darkwood, or did they abandon him?
Bandit King - after learning that he saved Theresa’s life, did the Hero spare Twinblade’s life or did they kill him? And how did they react to learning there were assassins after them as a result of their choice?
Murderess - did the Hero court Lady Grey? Did they, at any point, launch an investigation into Gethyn’s claims that she murdered her sister? And if they did, did they agree to cover up the murder or expose Lady Grey?
Bargate - how long did the Hero remain in the prison? How did their time in Bargate effect them, and did it change them in anyway? Did they break out any other prisoners, and if so, why?
Swords - did your Hero keep the Sword of Aeons or kill Theresa to unlock its power? If you chose the latter, how would you choose to explain Theresa’s survival in the following games? Did they obtain Avo’s Tear later on?
Souls - which souls did the Hero use to reach Jack in the Northern Wastes? Did they kill living Heroes, or seek out the souls of others? What were their reasons for their choices?
Nemesis - what did the Hero think of Jack in their first meeting? What did they think of him in the end? Did they dispose of his mask or wear it themselves?
Future - how did the Hero spend the remainder of their days? Did they remain in Albion with the Heroes Guild? Did they travel elsewhere? How do you envision their life after the events of the game?
Freebie - talk about anything you like, whether it was covered in this list or not!
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pureirishnonsense · 3 years
Aight, Honkai Impact 3rd Speculation time. This will probably contain spoilers for ALL of the last year or so of Honkai Impact 3rd's content and just assume the manga extra materials will also be spoiled too.
So, with the new trailer and chapter released - hoo boy, that chapter is Nigh-On Incomprehensible without reading the following manga on the Honkai Site: 2nd Eruption, World Serpent, London Holiday, Second Key, and the untranslated Durandal Visual Novel (Hurrah!) - I am throwing my hat in the Speculation/ Analysis arena.
From Chapter 25-EX's general run and the Return to Nagazora, we know that Otto intends to try and access the Imaginary Tree in the hopes that the knowledge there will allow him to resurrect Kallen (Dear god, this man is a worse simp than I am). In order to do so, he plans to use the Herrscher of Dominance's Theatre (It's own Imaginary Space), to link to the tree. Which he can only do with the Core of the Herrscher of Domination. Mei herself said the Core disappeared...
Because Otto acquired it when Kiana landed her killing blow on the Herrscher. (Chapter 25-EX cutscene).
So, the general thrust here is that Otto is now, essentially, the next Herrscher of Domination. From the trailer, we see both Seele and Bronya fighting masked Otto-look-a-likes (Hey, if you read Second Eruption, Otto wore a very similar mask at one point.) And since Domination could steal Herrscher Powers, this arc is likely going to be him attempting to steal both Reason and Death (Implied to be related Seele's Other Self, as she does have the Stigma of the Herrscher of Death, a Scythe and the Butterfly is often used as a symbol of resurrection). We see in Second Eruption, that by using the powers of Reason and Death, a physical form can be made, when Sirin attempted to use them to revive her mother, but it was an imperfect resurrection because it didn't contain the soul of the revived individual.
Otto thinks that the Honkai God/Will of the Honkai etc, probably has the answers - and that he can probably achieve such power in the Imaginary Tree. So, he'll probably grab the powers of Reason and Death from Seele and Bronya.
Following on from this, we also have Fu Hua fighting a disciple of hers from another untranslated Visual Novel (About Fu Hua and her seven disciples, first seen in the Herrscher of Sentience Arc). This is either somehow Otto bring her disciple from her past, Sentience being a bit of a binch to Old Timer, or... Otto using the Power of Sentience to face down Fu Hua. The Power of Sentience is probably going to play a role in somehow recovering Kallen's original will/ sentience and somehow transfer it to a body made by the Reason/Death powers. It'll probably also be somewhat related to his Pact with the Void Archives to surrender his body at some point.
As for why Mei is facing down Durandal - I predict that Mobius or Elysia in the Elysian Realm is going to reveal something to her about the nature of Imaginary Spaces and how Otto's whole plan is bad for humanity - which will lead the World Serpent to try and stop Otto's plan, hence why Mei is wandering a path in the Sea of Quanta and then squaring up to face Durandal (Note, Kevin's whole Eugenics to Defeat the Honkai is... probably Not a Good Plan Either). Durandal's loyal to Otto, believing his plan will lead to some breakthrough against the Honkai, so she'll defend him whilst he does his shenanigans. Meanwhile, everyone else sees messing with something like the Imaginary Tree is... probably some Bad News for us all. Hell, I can imagine Otto offering to revive Himeko for Kiana in exchange for her help or to get her to stop opposing him. Because he always tries to hit emotional weakpoints cause he's a bitch.
Theresa's probably going to awaken a Herrscher Consciousness, cause apparently attending St. Freya's increases the chance you'll become a Herrscher by like...90%. I want Himeko's ghost to just sigh at all her girls becoming Herrschers, because even after death, Squad Five is going to cause Himeko problems.
I... really also believe Kallen will be revived - hell, she hasn't had a new battlesuit in over 2 years - but become the Herrscher of the End/ Final Herrscher. Just because the Irony in that would be too good.
I mean, this isn't an exhaustive speculation on ALL that Honkai has going on for its remaining few years of Main Line Story content, especially since additional Honkai IPs have been registered by Mihoyo, but it's the bad ideas rattling in my brain.
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