#these new ones are incredible... but they're not what I want and they warp things even a little which is much more than my old ones
medicinemane · 2 years
Self advocacy in medicine in a very important thing. You very much should focus on getting your own goals met first and foremost
Keep looking till you find a therapist who really fits (it makes a huge difference), know what matters to you and just make that happen
Doctors often get caught up in trying to get your health to a perfect level, but that's not what matters in life. What matters is whatever you say matters, because you're the one living your life. You know best on this
#my mom worked long term care and I'm thinking about stuff like how there was this 90 year old diabetic patient#and they refused to let her eat stuff like cake or anything at all like that#my mom once saw her sneaking some at a party and just ignored it cause like...#she's over 90... she only has so much life left on earth... let her choose how to live it#and it's also sort of like how Rob despite being a good therapist just... he had no idea how to work with me and I think it frustrated him#turns out I needed a change of situation cause like the amount I got done flying solo in my own home is so much more than we did together#though I still really miss having a therapist and I miss my really good therapist most of all#how much could we get done together if I could see her even like once every 3 months#she got me to make a phone call to volunteer at that crisis line like I wanted#how much could she help me do in a situation where I'm so much more in control of my life?#...that's why I'd like a therapist again but... no idea when that can happen#but seriously... I know what I need with my glasses; I'm gonna listen to myself and just get that in future#...might even make a bit of a fuss before the 30 day warranty is up and see if they'll swap it out and save me some money#my old lenses aren't as crisp at a distance but they're just right up close with no distortion#these new ones are incredible... but they're not what I want and they warp things even a little which is much more than my old ones#so... I'm not saying totally disregard medical advice but I'm saying they won't always get what matters to you#advocate for what you want and need cause otherwise they just might not get it and... I don't know#plenty of times I haven't and still don't advocate for myself medically but it's better when I do
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monkey-network · 27 days
Good Stuff: Bluey's The Sign
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Bluey is still great and I don't need to go into why again. What's most important is that even in such short time of knowing this cartoon, you can see the growth of it all. Joe and the crew share how the world of the Heeler family gets to learn, adapt, and grow without rapidly warping the status quo. You go through and see how everyone is able to work through rough and weird times with sincere maturity. Season 3's Finale is where this all comes to a head and it's as beautiful as I expected, MORESO.
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Brandi got to be happy would've been enough for me
The Sign deals with the idea of hard ideas. Those hard ideas that aren't inherently about change, but issues that when faced with initially, it feels like a bad ending. A bad ending which can't be easily fixed and you don't know where to go from there, and it hurts. It hurts when hard ideas swoop in, ruins your mood, festers your mind, and leaves you aimless. Bluey shows that it happens, this is the rare time where a ton of crap hits the fan in one day and it's not something Chili or Bandit or any adult can fix right away. I've never experienced this, but I felt the pain Bluey, Bingo, Frisky, and Chili went through where they're bargaining, burying, and avoiding confronting a potential reality they didn't want. This is where the real hero of the special comes in...
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Haven't said before, but Calypso is a masterful teacher
The parable of the farmer works as an incredible seedling thought for Bluey when she reveals her moving. It's not a story I ever heard, but known the message all too well. The message of not just accepting bad things that happen to you, but know that it'll never be the end of the world because of them. Don't think of it as deep, but a natural motif to grow with. This is where a debacle regarding the episode churns with me. It can seem like a cop-out that every character gets what they wanted by the end, as I said before the cartoon can be more idealistic than what our real life allows. Then again, the true beauty of Bluey I believe has always been if it's possible, the family will find a way and do it responsibly.
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If happiness can be achieved, they'll know how to get it
Beyond all this, the special is great. They waste no minute here in art and storytelling, and as said before, it's like Smash Bros Ultimate where everything is here. There are great callbacks to episodes you probably wouldn't have thought about, on top of getting to see the whole Heeler family on Chili and Bandit's sides like that blew my mind. Plus I love seeing weddings, dude, like I wish I was there with them. The feels are tsunami-ous like it's unfair to say this is the all-time best episode of the show, but darn if it wouldn't be earned.
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When else will I see the epicness of riding shotgun?
But to conclude, it's been said that after this the Ludo crew will take a indefinite hiatus from Bluey the series, especially when they have a new project underway. And honestly? I'm more than satisfied. The show could've ended here and I would've been somewhat at peace with them giving us this beautiful episode. I of course didn't get into this series since its beginning, but I came around the right time to enjoy it myself, to see others recognize its greatness, and to finally make it here. It's great to know this was only another chapter in the book, and I'll see to be around when it gets to come back. As for The Sign? What else is there to say?
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It was Beautiful. Cheers to the crew for everything.
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littlewigglers · 7 days
Okay I’ve never asked on tumblr but I just found your page and I’m OBSESSED!!! I want to get/make a Vivarium/bioterrarium for millipedes and isopods and I can’t WAIT!! Please please if you have any advice at all, I’d love to hear it! Where to get supplies, the buggies themselves, how to handle them, what do you do if they get sick, how much space to they need for how many there are, etc? Your buggy babies are so cute!!
First off thank you! I love all my little guys as well <3
I ramble kinda a lot so I'll put this under a read more.
For advice I'm still very much a novice when it comes to keeping but I'll tell you what I can!
For tanks I got my glass ones second hand or ones made my the store I buy used to buy my millipedes from, you'd be surprised how cheap you can get a nice big one! For Acrylic THESE are the ones I've had the best luck with not warping BUT they sometimes have kinda blurry parts on the plastic, but still I'd say good for the price if you can't afford glass. I tape up some of the ventilation holes to keep more moisture in.
For soil that ISN'T bought from a specialist stores(Sometimes I can't afford it) I use Peat free compost, paired with leaves and rot wood I buy off ebay stores that sell bug/reptile products, I mix them together with some water and leave them in a tub for 1 week to soften up the leaves. Some people go out and get their own leaves and wood but I'm not really in an area to do that so I can't give advice on that. It's important to keep it moist BUT NOT WET!
Heat mat! You want one to put on the SIDE of the tank and not under it, just one would be enough. I have a timer plug for mine so they're on a few hours a day on and off all day. If you REALLY wanna spoil them then I've seen a few people use reptile headlamps.
For moss and plants I again just buy it off ebay in sheets and give it a cheap over to make sure there are no hitchhikers on it before I put it in the tank. It needs watered and looked after for a while for it to take to the tank. Carpet moss is mostly for looks while sphagnum moss is used to keep moisture in areas and should be water/sprayed often. I have a little fern plant in my tank rn they seem to leave alone. I know a lot of people use fake plants as well for decor!
You should make a point to put a little temp and humidity monitor in your set-ups as well. The special reptile ones can be expensive so I just but the little ones you put in rooms and have had no issues with them.
Don't forget to give them hides! Cork wood/bark or coconut shells are nice and cheap. You can also use man made items just make sure they can handle the moisture and aren't made of anything toxic to your new friends. Also give them little sticks and things to climb up on. Just make sure the lid is secured so they can't escape.
For food I just use kitchen scraps like carrot peel, cucumber, apples and melon, give them a cuttlefish bone and some dried tiny shrimps in small amounts once a week or so, but you can also use fish flacks instead. But remember! Leaf litter and rot wood is meant to be their main diet for most species.
For the millipedes I would recommend Ivory millipedes as a good starter one, they're lovely in colour and are often up top, hardy as well, and usually you can get them captive bred which I've had much higher survival rates with vs wild caught. For each species you'll have to look up their needs yourself though, there isn't a 100% catch all set up for all species. Woodlice/isopods I'd suggest dairy cows as they're lovely and also very easy to get a hold of. I will say species of Armadillidium(roly poly/pill bugs) are my fave and I'm very biased and want 500 of them.
For handling just be gentle! I wear gloves in a lot of my videos but that because I've incredibly sensitive skin and can't stand soil under my nails. The worse they can do to you is them staining your skin(not all species), or give you a little nibble. Make sure if you're handling to wash your hands off BUT be careful what hand soaps you use! Wash hands after as well some can be toxic to bugs from what I've heard.
For tank size hmm that's hard, usually you want soil as deep as their body but that can be hard, 10-15cm is what I aim for my BIG boys and 7-10cm for my others, deeper is better but sometimes you'll also just never see them again! You'll want a tank at least a few times longer than your pets body or at least big enough for them to filly stretch out in if you get really big millipedes like giants and a 120cm tank is just kinda unrealistic haha.
I do not have a lot of advice for if they get sick sadly, it's kinda of hard to tell honestly and usually when you can it's too late. I would just say don't beat yourself up too much if some pass away sometimes bugs just do that especially if you don't know their history.
Where to get them depends on where you're from and what you want. A ton of reptile/specialist stores will have wild caught which isn't great but they will have the largest range of species and usually also sell all the stuff you need to tank care of them. Ebay is where I've gotten most of my captive bred and I just message people if I've questions about their bugs there.
I think that's everything I can think of,
Again I'm a big novice when it comes to bugs, @onenicebugperday and @crevicedwelling likely know way more than me, though idk if they're open to questions but they likely already have a lot of info on their blogs.
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normal-horoscopes · 2 years
what’s your favorite dangerous conspiracy theory. just wondering.
I'm gonna derail this post a bit, because the way we talk about conspiracy theories deserves a bit of discussion.
"favorite" feels like it could use some nuance here. I find these things interesting and valuable to study, but I don't have favorites in the sense that I have a favorite TV show or favorite movie. I have favorite conspiracy theories in the sense that people have favorite eras of history, or favorite battles from the Napoleonic wars.
Many conspiracy theories are objectively silly and entertaining to read about, but at the same time they can have very serious consequences in the real world. I want to discuss conspiracy theories in an accessible and entertaining way while also acknowledging the gravity of the subject.
I've always found the more wild flat earth theories to be captivating. So many of the people who get into Flat Earth theories suffer from what I'm gonna call "engineer brain." They're usually highly intelligent people who are experts at some specific thing. They think that because they're smart at one thing, that they are smart at all things. (With no shortage of believing that they are immune to propaganda.)
Flat Earthers, more than any other type of conspiracy theories, are driven by an overwhelming desire to be right, to be the smartest guy in the room. It's how you get things like Zetetic Astronomy and Vortex Math. It's not every day that a conspiracy theory has to invent it's own branch of pseudomathematics to continue existing. That's absolutely incredible to me.
Because, if you start from the assumption that the earth is flat, you're forced to explain increasingly complex astronomical phenomena. For example: "If the earth is flat, why is it day in New York but night in Canton?"
Their response? "The sun does not radiate light in a sphere. It actually shines down on the earth in a cone like a spotlight, and sweeps in a circle like it's tied to the blade of a ceiling fan."
Fantastic. All that does is introduce new questions. "So why doesn't the sun radiate heat like a sphere? Shouldn't it work like any other light producing body in the universe?"
Their response? "The sun is not actually a sphere either. It's a torus. A donut shape. At the center of the donut is a small black hole that is warping spacetime, causing the light of the sun to radiate as a cone to observers. It's also why the sun appears round."
Absolutely incredible.
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maxwell-grant · 1 month
After watching I Will Save The Universe For Food and the last Like A Dragon games, I had an idea.
What happens in a superhero universe when superheros and supervillains become obsolete, like knights and cowboys before them?
When society outgrowns their neccesity and the system which they are part stops working how will they adapt to a world that no longer need, wants or supports them?
Which will fight back and which will try to give them a place in this new world?
(If this question is too complicated, just respond in the context of the Marvel universe)
I think that depends on what you mean by "like knights and cowboys before them", because that can mean different things. The simplest answer for these is that you don't have a superhero universe anymore, if your universe is one where superheroes can just vanish into irrelevancy and become historical curio figures that definitely 100% won't need to come back to stop the Anti-Monitor from exploding a world or two, as they always do everytime they have a "but what if we didn't need superheroes anymore?" story in a superhero universe.
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Closest example I can think of within the Big Two is, probably the stretch of time between the disbanding of the Justice Society in the 1950s, and however long it takes in the continuity for Superman and the Justice League to be a thing and inaugurate the age of heroes proper, where in-between you have all those less-known almost-superheroes and your Task Force X / Challengers of the Unknown / fringe guys guys running around until the superheroes become the center of the universe again. Alfred's espionage career goes here until it's time for the Waynes to be shot, that kind of thing. And of course, that's not an ending, that's backstory, that's a gap in between proceedings. The DCU didn't stop being a superhero universe during those years and it doesn't really stop being one when all capes are gone in the Kamandi future either, where the lack of dominant superheroes is supposed to be an outlier state.
(And to address the proverbial elephant here: Watchmen is a world where superheroes are depicted as socially detrimental and warped, and yes there's only one guy with outright superpowers, but this is still 100% a superhero world where superhero things have and have happened, where superheroes and masked crimefighters were and still are an incredibly useful thing for the powers that be even in spite of being specifically outlawed. The best thing for the people who live in Watchmen would be for them to live in a world where the superhero was truly no longer supported and allowed to fade into irrelevant fantasy, but they don't, they live in the 35 minutes murder squid massacre world)
If we're comparing superheroes to knights and cowboys in the sense of the archetype, the storytelling tradition they socially occupy, the superhero as a character figure the way knights and cowboys are, then if they go, they go the way those did, and become historical characters and costumed personas within the realm of fantasy. In fact, if this is a thing that can happen or always could happen and the story chugs along just fine, it's possible you didn't even really have a superhero universe in the first place, you just had a universe with superheroes in it.
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Which is a thing that can happen, and happens quite a bit in universes that want to take a crack at superheroes but don't want the proceedings to revolve around them. Like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, or Redline with Lynchman and Johnny Boy, deranged pastiches of Batman and Robin who are very much real superheroes, fighting supervillains and outrunning cars while tanking gunfire and all, they're just not the thing the film revolves around nor are they even the weirdest thing in it, so they don't warp the universe and they're just one more freakish thing about it. The key word here is irrelevancy: Captain Universe is not the protagonist of LOEG, the universe of Redline and it's races do not revolve around Lynchman and Johnny Boy, the Crimson Chin doesn't show up to pull Timmy Turner out of trouble on most Fairly Odd Parents episodes, and etc. These guys are superheroes, they can even solve some big problems, but they are not needed, the universe spins just fine without them, which means they're not really much of superheroes to begin with. It's not for nothing you mostly see this play out with gag characters, or at least, characters whose superhero-ness makes them dissonant next to their surroundings (think Captain Falcon in Smash Bros).
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Now, if we're talking about comparing superheroes to knights and cowboys in the real world practical sense of what they were and did, if we're talking about them as part of a system through which they operated and applying it to how superheroes operate, well, then we still have cowboys, and knights, and samurai and all that. Individuals or groups with enhanced weaponry or fighting skills who go around stopping crime and enacting vigilante justice with a mission to defend something / "society". It's just we generally call them cops or private military contractors now. Or mercenaries, if you wanna split hairs a bit and go with the "independent operator who sells his services and brutalizes people for money/political favors", which was what knights and cowboys did also, but they all work within and for the same system.
There's been a lot of commentary already on how the superheroes, as a western action genre, operates as an extension of cowboy stories, most visible when we get to the superhero-supervillain dynamic, the "eternal frontier of gangsters and super-scientific menaces who play the role that Indians take in frontier narratives" as I elaborated here. And it's easy to point out the similarities between cowboys and knights, who comparatively skew a little closer to the mercenary side of things than the "cops-and-robbers" paradigm, but historically tended to benefit from political privileges and whitewashed reputations as adventuring defenders and champions of the community in very similar ways. Works that explore superheroes as an institutional power, like The Ultimates or Worm, tend to touch on this, and how "lucky" these guys are that there's always a bigger villain or monster in the room to fight to justify the continued superhero project. The superheroes can have as many Civil Wars as they want provided there is a Norman Osborn at the end of the day to be the bigger bastard they can settle their differences by punching out.
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A story about a society that "outgrowns their necessity and the system which they are part of stops working", a story that abolishes the need for superheroes entirely and doesn't provide them allowance anymore, is a story about a society that would have to, at minimum, either have cops and law enforcement so effective and powerful that there's no room for superheroes or any kind of alternative to even pretend to exist, in which case congratulations, you're writing Judge Dredd, or a society that has completely abolished a need for cops and law enforcement of any kind so thoroughly that superheroes are not needed or able to fill the vacuum either, which is a much taller order and it's the kind of stuff you find in speculative political fiction and utopian sci-fi. But, even that wouldn't even necessarily stop superheroes from being active figures.
Because for one, systems fail, in several ways by design, and superheroes tend to exist in the first place because of that, conceived and presented as a superior alternative to traditional law enforcement. And two, obviously the concept of independent policing exists, the concept of communal policing or unlawful vigilantism and so on, and it's typically the thing that gets brought up as a rebuttal whenever superheroes are criticized for being too much like cops, the fact that they don't answer to law enforcement or government and therefore cannot be exploitative or opressive or, god forbid, that dirty word that starts with f and ends with -ascist. But we already live in a world where vigilantes are not supposed to be needed, a world that doesn't support them, and still they exist. And we do have a name for unaccountable, community-based solutions to crime policing and what those look like, people got very angry at Alan Moore for bringing it up even.
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Of course this is an extreme negative example (if no less of a foundational one because of it), there are many many different degrees and reasons and methods by which vigilantes operate, just as there's a difference to the degrees by which heroes associate with law enforcement, but that's part of the issue here. No matter how repugnant a precedent is set by the KKK and others, vigilantism is an extremely popular idea for many reasons and it accounts for so much of why knights and cowboys and superheroes become so popular.
Everyone has their own reasons as to why they would support or become vigilantes, everyone has things and causes they'd fight or kill or die or embrace violence for. So unless we're going the utopian sci-fi route again, there is no rendering vigilantism obsolete, and there is no rendering the superhero obsolete in a superhero universe, even if we completely strip away superpowers from the equation. Vigilantism is and will always be deeply popular no matter how wrong or horrible it is as a thing for people to embrace. There is no pretending otherwise in the aftermath of this
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being the most globally beloved political development of the past 5 years at minimum.
Superhero universes trap themselves into the vicious cycle where superheroes are needed to stop super-menaces and even other superheroes, and they all justify each other's existences and they all recreate Cold War dynamics just by existing (and this is something that Kieron Gillen and Caspar Wijngaard are gonna be exploring in their upcoming mini The Power Fantasy, so be on the lookout for that), even if just those who become vigilantes to stop other vigilantes from going rampant. But if superheroes aren't on some level impossible to replace, whether it's because they are genuinely necessary or simply too enmeshed into the inner workings of society to be removed without issue or ending the story, then you don't really have a superhero universe.
The questions of what happens when they go, where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods and where is streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds, those I think tend to get explored a bit, but not too much, because generally speaking you write superhero universes to tell stories about superheroes, not to write about what happens to those universes when they're completely and utterly gone and never coming back.
Again, it is entirely possible to have fantastical universes with hero stories in them and not have superhero universes, superheroes are not synonymous with cowboys, knights, samurais, wuxia and other kinds of hero stories either. In fact, if you take a step back from America and away from European and Japanese works exploring said relationship with the US, the idea of a superhero, let alone a whole universe full of them where everything has to revolve around them, kinda shatters. Much as I may be trying to do just that, it is more than a fair bit ridiculous and self-defeating and even a little impossible to authentically put superheroes in the global south, although that is considerably less of an issue when thinking of supervillains. Those can and do crop up whenever and whatever.
And I'm ending on those because, the reason I'm not even really touching so much on the supervillain side of the question because supervillains don't actually need any kind of superhero context to exist, as I keep reiterating they predate superheroes by a significant margin and are far less defined and restricted in terms of how they exist and operate. By design, supervillains can and do exist in systems that don't allow for them and don't want them, it's kinda what they're supposed to be doing even, it's even kinda the main thing that separates a supervillain from a regular villain.
But you don't even need supervillains most of the time to be a superhero. The masked avenger pulp heroes tended to not have them, and the Golden Age superheroes took a while to get going there. You need supervillains only when you're strong and good and long-lived enough at it that you need, well,
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blood-mocha-latte · 3 months
what sort of dynamic do you think luztoye has?
ohohoho anon... welcome.... i am wearing my luztoye dunce cap...
ok so i've expanded on this a little bit in little talks (the next chapter of which is coming out sunday asdfghj), but basically. the whole thing about luztoye for ME is that they're a tragedy in a sitcom.
like. people are so distracted by luz's general utilization in bofb mediums as being the comic relief and the jokester compared to others that oftentimes i think that luz in fics just lacks... depth? like, yeah he's funny, he's got this, he's got that, but he's human. he's a person, and a traumatized veteran at that. he's got dark days and thoughts and moods and actions, just like anyone else. i wish we could've seen more of how he acted in the last patrol, for example
and in contrast toye is often seen as the 'dark' one and the serious one which YEAH he is especially compared to luz, but he's like. he's a fuckin nice dude bro! the horse scene in day of days, him listening and empathizing with guarnere while still defending winters in a rational way, wanting to get back to the front line and be with everyone else. layers people!!
so for me a REQUIRED part of understanding luztoye is understanding the fucking layers the ship can have.
now that THAT's out of the way we can jump into the dynamic!! and part of the reason i have the Luztoye Fever is BECAUSE of this dynamic because it's translatable and able to change and warp and move, but at the end of the day, it's still the same dynamic.
from the two (three if you're flexible) interactions we get of luztoye in the miniseries, there's the general equation of a match (toye) plus a cigarette (luz).
luz instigates most things - dust on your jump wings, got a penny, etc - but the only reason that he can at ALL is because toye plays off of him - just give me a drink, Shut Up - which makes them SO interesting to write because like. that's an INCREDIBLE fucking dynamic.
in writing them they almost remind me of other couples in television like that (jess and nick in new girl comes most blaringly to mind) which makes my brain go WHOOOO and which makes the entire ship, dynamic, and methods of communication throughout their relationship so interesting to me
and nonnie i have to THANK YOU for asking me this because i have been thinking about this for entirely too long because i am an unfortunate victim of Luztoye Fever and you have given me Stimuli <3
anyways. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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furrylibrarian · 7 months
I want to talk a bit about Tears of the Kingdom.
It's hard for me to do that, because all my feelings about it are contradictory and tangled up. I think its storytelling is incoherent and is actively hindered by the game structure, but it also has unquestionably some of the best story beats in the series. I find the open-ended creativity encouraged by its mechanics wild and engaging, but in practice I tend to just fall back on a few simple solutions and get frustrated when they don't easily apply to the thing I'm trying to solve. Most of all, I think it (alongside BotW) represents a much-needed shakeup to a series that was getting entirely too stale, but it is those very games that stagnated the franchise that made me fall in love with it.
Expanding on the second point I just made; I think TotK might be the only game I've played (that isn't a fighting game, anyways) that makes me feel inadequate. I know enough about its mechanics to understand that, conceptually, there's an incredible amount of potential Nonsense you can do with Ultrahand, but I just don't know how I should tap into that potential. I think it's admirable that the game doesn't tutorialize everything and lets you discover functions on your own, but because of that I've missed critical information about mechanics and felt like a complete fool for having to look up the information online (case in point; I had to consult the internet to figure out that I had to hit devices to activate them). I often have this background feeling that I could be doing something more interesting and effective when I'm playing TotK.
But really, most of my issues with TotK come from the lore implications. Gonna put a break here because spoilers. It's kind of just a rant after this point.
I've always been sharply aware that the devs aren't really concerned with adhering to an extended continuity and would rather craft a self-contained experience, but I just can't get over how weird TotK's story and backstory are. I'm still not sure what to make of the revelation that APARRENTLY there was just a SECOND GANONDORF the whole time who nobody knew about, and I'm still not really sure if Calamity Ganon was the classic Ganondorf degraded to a primal form after millennia of reincarnation (as I believed before TotK dropped), or if it was related to this game's new ancient Ganondorf? It's a messy situation that's only a problem when you're thinking about BotW/TotK in the context of the rest of the franchise WHICH IS COMPLETELY REASONABLE
Also the memories are just so strange. They feel like a warped retelling of OoT's first act, especially since a main character shares his name with an OoT character, a name which is not one of the many continually-recycled named the series uses which makes it sound way more significant! Like when I was playing through, I had this weird creeping feeling that this game was trying to replace OoT with this new backstory? Like obviously, no, it isn't, but it hit so many of the same important beats! Ganondorf allies himself with the king of Hyrule (even mirroring a shot from OoT), Zelda realizes he's up to something and tries to stop him, only to fail spectacularly such that Ganondorf gets the exact empowered artifact he was gunning for the whole time. Even Zelda transforming into a dragon to repair the Master Sword and sacrificing her identity in the process reminded me of Link in OoT drawing the Master Sword and losing his childhood, LIKE THEY'RE TELLING THE SAME STORY, WHAT IS GOING ON
I don't have a conclusion, I don't have a thesis, I just have opinions and I needed to vent them
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
One of the dumbest things I think you've ever said was that cartoon fans hate children because they don't like how certain child characters are written or because they think a reboot of a kids show is badly written. Like, you do understand there's a difference, right? Yeah, I totally want children dead or something because I children's entertainment can be better than those soulless, ugly nursery rhyme compilation videos that children are addicted to. Logic.
Cartoon fans always have a warped idea how children actually are. Because they forget WE WERE kids. Whenever they see a little kid character who is slightly overbearing and overenergetic, yknow what a little kid IS, the fandom calls the character "annoying", "brat" etc. And god forbid if a teenage character was their point of contention
I remember watching Transformers Prime and I thought Miko was my fave out of the human teens the Autobots looked after. Yet Ive seen so many fans complaining she was a rude, impulsive, bratty bitch and found her excitable attitude around the Autobots "annoying" because how DARE a 14 year old acts stupid and is excited to hang out with giant robots.
And this stems to how cartoon fans view children who are fans as well. I was in the brony fandom and I noticed whenever the show introduced more characters or spin offs for the sake of toys, a lot of bronies groaned how its so "girly" and "not what the show is" aka anything remotely marketable and feminine whatsoever. And they got mad when kids loved it cos it reminded them they're watching a girl's show. They outright pilloried G3 fans for liking such a baby's show when Friendship is Magic is literally no different than g3 outside of more consistent characters and its funnier. Heck, even when G5 came along and there was a poll of who their fave main character was and Pipp, the most feminine of the group who was a social media savant, had the least votes. Whereas Izzy, the g5 Pinkie Pie, was at no. 1. (which goes to show how cartoon fanbases are extremely biased to wacky comic relief characters with quasi-neurodivergent traits) Also I was exposed to a lot of fucked up shit, the porn of this fandom was unfiltered and incredibly easy to access on youtube and google. (this was before youtube kids was a thing) This is the same fandom that brought us Cupcakes and Fallout Equestria and Rarity's New Designs. All from a show thats about horse puppies being friends. And as for the little kids who were surrounded by this content, no wonder they grew up traumatised. Cos bronies didnt give a single pissing shit about the children. Look up brony horror stories. You'll see why.
Cartoon fandoms have this preconceived notion to muscle children out of the picture as possible so they can feel more secure watching kids shows without their parents judging them. They hate being reminded that the stuff they watch IS FOR KIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE. But the problem is 75% of media out there is made for children in mind. Star Wars, Disney, Pixar movies, Dreamworks movies, Batman, Spiderman, Marvel, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Transformers etc.
As for the bad reboot angle, I always firmly believed the phrase "This X REBOOT RUINED MY CHILDHOOD" is always a defensive way of saying: "THIS CHILDRENS PROPERTY IS NOT IMMEDIATELY CATERING TO ME >:(" Like they treat a reboot like its an act of betrayal when its just a piece of media changing and evolving with the generations to appeal to the newer ones. If you want the same show you watched as a kid, just watch the original thing on youtube or collect dvds and merch of it. But if you want to watch this reboot, you've got to realise change is what reboots do and if you get mad at the small/big changes a reboot makes...
You're literally Patchy in this scene
As long as a show doesnt push racist/sexist/bigoted or any problematic themes in their faces, its fine. If the kids love it, the reboots done its job.
And as for the quality of children's entertainment, I dont really give a shit what soulless nursery rhyme collection or sanitised fluff kids watch. We all had our mindless fluff we watched as kids and we didnt get scarred for life because of it.
Just...leave the kids alone. Just act like adults and manage your shit carefully. Let the kids enjoy what they enjoy and for the love of god DONT GET SO FUCKING DEFENSIVE OVER LIKING A CARTOON AIMED AT BABIES. ITS ONLY WEIRD WHEN YOU MAKE IT WEIRD.
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gainprincess · 8 months
There are some things that one simply does not expect in life. Some things that one simply cannot expect in life, because they are so unusual and unlikely that it should not even enter one's field of thought.
There are many such things, of course.
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The youngest Gorgon sister, Medusiana, becoming an obese, meaty, greedy bovine...is one of these things. A woman so powerful, taciturn, and focused, becoming a cow beyond the ken of any reasonable person...well, that's just flat-out ridiculous in its unlikelihood.
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The Alter-Ego of Pleasure, Meltryllis, becoming an equally indescribable lardass alongside her...well, that's not even in the realm of viable thought. Meltryllis values her slim figure above all else, considering her body a hand-crafted masterpiece that exemplifies beauty. The idea that she'd give it up for Medusa, a woman that, while someone she is endeared to by appearance alone, she does not really know that well or particularly care about...it's deranged. Obscene. Utterly absurd in premise alone, let alone execution.
And yet.
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Meltryllis can say that she's never smiled this much before. She's never been this pleased, this content, this happy with someone. Not before her Albrecht arrived. She calls Medusa Albrecht when indignant, horny, or lovestruck, and her name normally. So what if the man of her dreams is a woman? That doesn't matter. Medusa's more man than most actual men anyway, in her heart.
Medusa is her boyfriend now, and all that means is that they can go on as many dates as they want, and be together.
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Medusa, for all her unending hunger and lust, agrees with that, at the very least. Her happiness derives from Melt's, and as long as that blubbery face is smiling, so to will her own.
It was very hard at first; Resisting the urge to just go full-glutton and achieve her newfound dreams at the expense of Melt's feelings. To just eat and eat and eat, letting the Alter-Ego either watch or snap up the remainders. But she didn't.
After all...love redeems. It does not fix. It does not save. It does not truly cleanse. But it does redeem.
Because, dear viewer, it must be restated that Medusa is insane. Irrevocably so. However, she is not evil because of it. She is merely more Berserker than Saber at this moment. And focusing that insanity on a single person, one that can handle it...well, that's something she'd like. She doesn't want to be evil, after all; just fat.
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However, regardless of their focus shifting to 'lovey-dovey together time', they're still Heroic Spirits devoted to the survival of Humanity, despite this new priority.
So they've decided to hit two BBs with one Noble Phantasm.
How, you ask?
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Her incredibly-obese frame bumps against her lover's in indignance, sending the Saber wobbling into another bar table, taking the thing into her gaping maw like it was a damn thing of Jello. How dare her boyfriend be so good at this?! Gulping incredibly long, massive things is her thing now that they're together! This is bullshit!
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"There's...BBBBBBBBWWEEEEEELLLLLLCCCCHHHHH!~...plenty more on the other side of the bar, beloved...I wouldn't dream of letting you become underweight, after all. Please do not fret. The Grail is in this bar as well, so we can consider this a final meal before the next Singularity."
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"Hwwwhurrrppp...f-fine. But only because the Singularity's collapsing. The next one we go to needs to be a more modern one than this; I want a hotel for us. And room service..."
Ah, yes. Meltryllis and Medusa, after consuming Holy Grails, have gained the ability to Rayshift independently. It was less of 'their wish' and more of 'their default reward' for such a hedonistic act. It gave them what they really wanted: A chance to be together, while also not forsaking their respected Master and Humanity.
Using singularities both minute and massive, they warped to and from everything on Chaldea's lists, recovering whatever Grail was responsible, and either sending it back to their Master or just chomping it themselves. Medusa, for what it's worth, has turned this minor German singularity's grail into snake-ass already.
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"Whatever you wish for, my love...you will be given. I promise.~"
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"You're...HHURRRRRPPPPP...just as lovely as always, Albrecht...~"
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"If...hfff..I am..it is only due to your support. Your affection. Your true, unshakable love for me."
She reaches out with a soft, hammy hand, cupping and stroking Melt's cheek as she murmurs at her. Lying in bed with Melt in some fancy penthouse post-coitus or post-meal is always her ideal time. Since they've finally found a modern city again...They get to have the most wonderful cuddles again.
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It's this that makes Melt's numbed, bloated arms want to reach for Medusa. She wants so badly to just reach out and touch her Medusa, to feel such ponderous obesity for herself...to let her know that every inch of passion is returned, without having to say it in words. Her legs aren't much better, either, since the prosthetics she swaps into for close contact lack feedback receptors, meaning that she can't tell if she's brushing legs with Medusa, even if she wants to.
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At times, it makes Melt hurt. It makes her heart throb to not be able to do all those things couples do non-verbally. Because her sadistic bitch of a mother thought it funny to ruin the parts of her that she felt would be unnecessary.
But when Medusa cups her cheek like that, and she feels their blubbery, gurgling guts ooze over one another...? It calms her back down again. The bottom-heavy hog-dancer's ass wobbles and WHAMCLAPs against itself as Melt snuggles closer into the other fatass's embrace. She has no chest to speak of, so the feeling of Medusa's engorged cow-chest mashing against her own is...invigorating.
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"Hey...I'm here, alright?"
Medusa strokes her cheek again, pressing a soft kiss to Melt's forehead. Her other hammy hand rests itself around the bloated side-rolls of the Alter-Ego's stomach, kneading the doughy fat gently.
"Would you like me to get a breast out for you?"
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"N-nononono, I'm alright...You filled me up plenty earlier."
She sighs wistfully, resting her lardy head on Medusa's heavy bust.
"I'm just...happy we get to be together like this at all, you know? I was afraid that...um. You wouldn't think I was pretty enough. Or you'd think I was just another Sakura. Or..."
Melt's voice trails off as she starts mumbling to herself. She's never really shared this much about her feelings with Medusa before. Her bad ones, anyway. The thoughts that eat away at her every time she feels those soft meaty arms wrap around her body.
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"...You've been thinking about this for a while, I see...You've always felt this way, then? Since the first time I ate that Singularity for you?"
Melt's tiny nod is the only confirmation Medusa needs.
"Well, then let's start with the basics. When have I ever called you Sakura, Melt?"
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"N-Never, but that's..."
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"You're the beauty of Chaldea, the apple of my eye. You're Meltryllis, the Alter Ego of Pleasure, but you're also Meltryllis, the woman who would sacrifice everything for the sake of her love. You're Melt, the woman who I've had the pleasure of watching devour, consume, and digest anything and everything she views as a potential advantage to herself. You're Melt, the woman who I've seen fall flat on her blubbery gut more times than I can count, and most of the time, I have to help you up after."
The embarrassed hissing doesn't register in Medusa's ears. She's already lost in her lovestruck monologue. Insanity can mean many things, but it USUALLY doesn't mean that one will become absorbed and obssessed by her lover's every action.
Medusa, however. Is very unusual.
"You're everything I do want, everything I will want, and everything I need. You are my Giselle, after all, yes? That means I must never leave you, or I'll suffer your vengeance after you've passed."
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"...You know about that part of the play?"
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"Well, you call me Albrecht quite often, so...I watched a few recordings, and read the novelization...Was I not supposed to?"
Medusa feels a twinge of regret. Has she erred so soon into their relationship?
"I'm so-"
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"Nonononononoo, none of that angsty bull. I'm flattered and overjoyed that you took the time to learn about my favorite play, and I love you very much for that dedication, okay?"
Forcing herself forward to press a kiss to Medusa's soft lips, she sighs happily, feeling the Saber's fingers glide through her hair. She breaks the kiss, looking at Medusa with all the love a person can possess.
"My dear, sweet Albrecht."
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"I love you too, my lovely, lonely Giselle. I'll make sure you'll never doubt my feelings again. In fact...shall we go exploring tomorrow?"
As Medusa's soothing words massage her brain, Melt feels tiredness start to take over her obese frame. In this tired state...she muses.
Maybe Medusa was always meant to beat her like this; To make her someone docile, agreeable, and happy. Maybe she's more like Prince Charming instead of Albrecht; Medusa would never bring her harm, after all.
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"Mmmh...gnnaahhhh....Yeah, that...smack...that sounds nice. I'll...borrow some of Lambda's clothes...so we can have a real fun day in the town before we eat and locate the Grail..."
Her eyes flicker and blink, the stubborn Alter Ego wobbling in place in an attempt to stay awake a little longer. Sure, Medusa's all she sees when she closes her eyes anyway, but...she wants a bit more of the real thing...
"Albrecht...my sweet Albrecht...~"
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That's the last thing Melt says before she closes her eyes one last time...and Medusa starts hearing peaceful snores from her blubbery love.
"Sweet dreams, Melt...I love you."
As she reaches over the hammy dancer, gently nipping at her ear when she shuts off the lights, she fantasizes about what they'll do tomorrow.
Her eternity with Meltryllis...
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It's only just beginning.~
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rolybug · 10 months
My goodness HIII this is tertain from artfight… your art is GORGEOUS!! I would LOVE to learn more about your head world… are there other deities? What kind of creatures live on that world? IM HIGH KEY SUPER CURIOUS NOW!! 👁👁
HII !!! thank you so much !! and thank you for being interested in my headworld !! i'll put this under a readmore because this post Will be long i will ramble
im basically in a constant state of changing my mind about how the lore of my main headworld works ,without ever really writing i down in a concrete way (💔), but the gist of it is that it came to be when the goddess Ethel turned herself into a planet so that she could witness life in the universe besides just herself. she first created her son, Fenrihar, who could create life from the ground and watch over it for all of eternity. he is officially known as the father of dragons, ut his very existence and his actions are basically the first domino that would lead to the existence to almost all of the other gods and life forms
the main sapient species/sophonts in ethel are humans, sphinxes, mages (they're just anthro animals with cultures primarily geared towards mastery of magic use), dragons, miscellaneous spirits that can't really be considered on the same level as gods, and the gods themselves. i need to get to developing what the actual critters and plants on ethel are like though, but for now just assume there are a lot of earth animals and miscellaneous fantasy animals like sea serpents and the like.
the "main patheon" of deities in ethel is also something that is still unfortunately a work in progress after so much time because i am. bad at making new gods and just like to rotate the same few in my head (this is the curse of my headworld, i just think about the same few things ,when i really want to flesh out other things)
but to summarize, what ive got at the moment:
ethel: the planet herself! though when she appears in dreams and visions, she takes many forms, resulting in varied depictions of her. being in planet form is actually very painful for her - her tears led to the formation of the sea and the sea god nautilus.
at her core is a very high concentration of pure magic, and it radiates out up to the surface of the world- pure magic itself is incredibly dangerous to mortals and warps the world around it in strange ways, but in the usual process, by the time it gets to the surface it's in a safer and less concentrated form and helps uphold the structure of the physical realm (there are other realms and types of magic. for the most part they do not affect the physical realm, but they are intricately connected in imperceptible ways.) safer magic can be channeled and manipulated by those with a high "magic affinity" either through tools or directly through the user. its reality warping nature means it has a lot of potential in skilled hands
fenrihar: the first god besides ethel! he was created to jumpstart life on the surface and make sure it doesn't go extinct. he's responsible for a lot of important features of ethel due to his efforts to keep everyone from Just Dying. such as floating islands, a large river in the middle of the largest continent, and a collosal white tree reaching deep into the planet and far into the sky, created to contain an ancient force of destruction.
ilandel and llewenthe: the twin deities of the sun and moon, their work is of course very important to the wellbeing of ethel's denizens. ilandel created the sphinxes, while llewenthe created the mages. while on good terms with one another, they seem to have opposing philosophies- ilandel values the pursuit and sharing of as much knowledge as possible, while llewenthe is a more secretive sort, dispersing the secrets of the world only to her most loyal and trusted of disciples.
in the earlier eras of the world, ilandel was much more jovial and sociable and would often visit his children in their burgeoning city kingdom. the early sphinxes, just like ilandel, sought to discover and record as much knowledge as possible, and their civilization was renowned for vast libraries. there was an insatiable desire within the collective conscious of the sphinxes to find the "ultimate truth of the universe" as they called it. until in one day, the entire civilization burned itself down, leaving not a trace of their records. the only survivors were groups of sphinxes that had left the main city kingdom months or years prior. it's a bit too long to get into on this already long post, but a certain royal scientist named minerva was the main catalyst for these events
after the fall of the early sphinxes, ilandel fell into a deep grief and now hides himself away from the world except for when he carries the sun. so he doesn't uphold his philosophy very strongly in the present day, and he seems reluctant to contact his still surviving sphinxes, leading to many groups choosing other gods as patrons under the belief that their father has abandoned them :(
nautilus: a massive serpent and the sea god! he was the next god to form after fenrihar, created from ethel's tears. immediately after her formation she began to splash around in the water, creating large waves that started to drown the world. fenrihar was very much not happy about this, but nautilus was so much larger than him, so he couldn't stop his rampage with brute strength.
so instead he challenged him to a race, and nautilus being very cocky and brash and five minutes old, accepted the challenge. at first nautilus relied on the waves to give her speed, but this proved difficult once she got to parts of the land he hadn't drowned yet. after just a few laps nautilus was exhausted from dragging himself through the ground each time, and yielded, agreeing to stop flooding the world for fun and instead preside over the new ocean that had formed around the continent. nautilus's repeated laps had worn down the ground as well, leading to the massive river that splits the continent
viridian (name pending?): the deity of the wilds and humans. she's responsible for a lot of plants and animals and smaller deities, and humans! she loves hanging out with her kids, she will attend any festival in her honor and drink all of the alcohol (so usually a lot of alcohol is prepared when a festival is about her). she's generally benevolent at these parties, but she can be unforgiving when someone incites her wrath. she loves tricks and games and adventures though, she'll disguise herself as all sorts of things just to mess with mortals. she says she's just testing them, but it's clear sometimes that she's just bored and wants something exciting to do.
in the earlier eras of the world, viridian and fenrihar worked together closely, though a rift has grown between them ever since a massive conflict between dragon clans and a human kingdom lead to the near extinction of dragons, and the lifting of many landmasses in the sky for them to migrate to as a safe haven.
as of yet unnamed sleep deity: the god of the realm of sleep, as well as the realm itself. it's a manifestation of the dreaming minds of those asleep, and is the realm in closest "proximity" to the physical realm. the exact nature of its existence is a mystery even to the other gods, but it's considered llewenthe's child since it actually talks to her, and delivers messages for her to mortals through dreams. the other gods are uncomfortable with being in the sleep realm but sometimes need its help delivering messages as well.
i should probably stop here.. i want to get around to sharing a lot of the stuff in my mind about ethel eventually, like the magic system and certain moments of its history, certain characters, etc. it's a huge struggle to get that stuff out of my head and into words/images but, essentially: AAAGH!
it's also a bit of a struggle to generate new ideas and lore to make the world feel more.. concrete? because it seems that im particularly latched on to a few concepts that my brain likes. but i'll figure it out eventually lol, hopefully without having to uproot what ive already got since ive done that quite a few times already.
anyway !! thank you so much for your curiosity!! i did ramble a bit. and sorry if there are any typos or weird formatting or if the way i structure sentences might be odd, im on my phone which can be difficult to type with sometimes. im hoping i can write down and share more about ethel some time and in a more presentable format . my poor poor world in my brain that i need to explore more ...
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So with what we're learning about the subminds do you think that means that Malahayati is who hunted Felwinter and killed the Iron Lords or is that Rasputin as a whole? My thought is that in D1 it very much seems that that part of Rasputin is sectioned off - exactly as they're treating subminds now, for survival - and adding to that the fact that we retrieved Malahayati from the lunar seraph station with Felwinter's memorial in it.
I'll caveat this by saying I'm traveling during Week 2 and won't have a chance to play Destiny till Saturday at the earliest, so if there's new Week 2 info pertinent to the question, I don't know it.
An interesting question, and one that runs into a lot of fundamental unknowns about subminds. I don't think it was Malahayati in the Cosmodrome because we've met her before, pre-Collapse, and although she identifies herself as a submind she also speaks as if she were separate from Rasputin, more like an aide or deputy than one facet of a whole. So if we had been talking to her all along in the Cosmodrome I would have expected her to identify herself as, well, herself, not as Rasputin.
But that just raises more questions. What are subminds? This season treats them as fragments Rasputin sectioned himself into to survive when his central network was shut down. But when the warsat network fragmented during the Dark Ages the Earthbound part of Rasputin still identified himself as Rasputin, both to us and in his internal messages. So it's not just a network thing. And it’s not just a personality thing or post-Collapse Rasputin's incredible powers of denial and compartmentalization would have made one whether he wanted to or not. So submind creation is more deliberate. Was Malahayati therefore a distinct consciousness he intentionally spun off, like Felwinter? Is the Malahayati we're retrieving now the same as the one who existed during the Golden Age, or did she stop existing at some point and then get recreated? 
I suspect the latter, if for no other reason than Rasputin the drama queen constantly declaring "I am alone.” The original Malahayati might have been killed during the Collapse - I can see a Rasputin submind getting hit with a noetic contagion and forcing him to sever its connection to protect the rest of himself - or he could have simply...re-absorbed? reclaimed? it. Post-Collapse Rasputin might have judged subminds a risk, especially if they couldn't all be corralled into MIDNIGHT EXIGENT, or wanted to consolidate his severely-diminished resources. Either way he kept the "pattern" of Malahayati somewhere in him (”those names live in me”?). It was a known-good solution for a semi-autonomous entity. Similarly the "kernel" proto-AI used by CB Corp was an early self-contained component of his self, like a standalone code module now absorbed into a bigger project. 
I’m working on the theory that the Pyramid Fleet “killed” him by locally warping the vacuum permittivity constant to make space opaque to radio (the way it did in the Marasenna) and disrupting communication between all Rasputin’s warsats at once, causing his whole network to disconnect simultaneously. So when that happened he fractured, intentionally or not, not along regional boundaries but along these pre-existing faultlines in his consciousness - Malahayati, the proto-mind, the other subminds we’re going to meet. He cleaved apart into pieces that had once functioned semi-independently and could therefore disconnect again with the least overall damage, like a signpost hit by a car snapping along the breakaway bolts. So Malahayati was recreated.
I don’t think rebuilding him is going to be as simple, by the way, as “merge subminds, receive Rasputin.” I think both Clovis and Ana are wrong in thinking about him like a jigsaw puzzle to be reassembled. But that’s for another, much longer post.
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analogue-system · 3 months
My question is vague, blunt, and honestly sounds incredibly dumb when asked on its own. It may still be incredibly dumb, but I’m going to try to give it context via analogy to hopefully make it less so.
My mind is a room made of soundproof glass. Within the room is “me” and nothing else. Outside of the room is my “awareness.”
This encompasses my bodily senses - sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing - and my abstract senses. A factoid I remembered, an instinct, my memories and subconscious thoughts. When the little “me” inside the glass box sees my awareness, it reacts. Often by talking; the sound doesn’t carry through the walls, but I can read my lips and know exactly what the words are, exactly what the tone and volume are. When it feels emotions in response to my awareness, its body language changes. It may start to gesture as it speaks. It may pound on the walls of the box and scream, or it may impatiently tap its feet or do a little dance.
And this “me” has its own unique language — or perhaps dialect — that undeniably mark it as “me.” An intrusive thought warps that language. Not always by a lot, but it always shifts in a direction that feels distinctly “other.”
My question is: “What does the inside of your head look like?”
What does the inside of your glass box look like? Are there a lot of “you” running around? Do they have their own little languages? Or is it more like a chimaera or shapeshifter, some construction of different pieces that speaks many languages and feels many things?
If my analogy doesn’t fit your situation, feel free to make up a new one. But I want to know how a system’s internal dialogue might differ from mine.
Take as much time answering as you need — and make sure to tell me if I’m being an idiot.
For us it's an interesting question.
Headspace for us exists as a formless void with doors occasionally in the middle that lead to moving and shifting corridors and rooms. There's a main room where fronting and hanging close to front is. We exist as our own entities, some of us splinter and fracture and reform occasionally, usually me, and others just sit down, exist, create beds to sit and lay on, sit by an infinite bookshelf that's barely as wide as you are but infinitely wide at the same time. We have our own rooms that we rest in, but we typically don't actually see those rooms and they're usually no bigger than a person could fit in. Dialogue happens by conversation typically, whether internal or external. Nonverbal headmates tend to communicate through passing thoughts and emotions on when not directly fronting.
So yeah, it's... less of a glass box for us, and more of a boundless void
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running thoughts about S3 E01 of The Mandalorian, "The Apostate"
jesus Christ of COURSE the Mandalorians have their child soldier investiture ceremonies RIGHT WHERE A FUCKING MOSASAUR CAN POP UP AND RUIN THINGS
oh my GOD you guys
simple FISH RADAR could've given you the early warning you needed to avoid this malarkey!
also okay wow
way to upstage Paz YET AGAIN Dindin
you slay the dragon when he can't AND you have A HOT NEW SPORTSCAR and you still have a CUTE BABY
also listen
or maybe it's one of those space whales that Ezra Bridger disappeared with?
ngl I was a little disappointed one of the street musicians on Nevarro wasn't Max Rebo
awwwww they put up a statue to droid Taika
Greef's clothes just keep getting bigger
"The belters are mining the asteroid fields at the edge of the system." Just like The Expanse! let us know how that works out for ya, you're already dressed a bit like Chrisjen Avasarala
absolutely no one is impressed by Grogu's weak sauce name
you know where else you could be apostate landed gentry? TATOOINE
I'm not saying Greef doesn't care about you but COME ON why move to a planet with one friend (since I don't expect we'll be seeing Cara again) when you could hang out with FOUR friends some of whom are VERY GOOD-LOOKING and talk with fun accents (Kiwi and Cowboy)
c'mon Greef they just wanna get drunk in a school
you know, for a pirate, you don't have a very good hat. Hondo Ohnaka's hat would take a shit on your hat.
what do you mean you need him back
what makes you think the brainy parts are even there?
I mean always happy to have more Taika
assuming he still talks like Taika
maybe his voicebox is effed up
maybe now he sounds like Jemaine Clement
"now that's using your head" says Din
oh okay it's the tiny cute mechanics from the sequels
a new side quest begins
did Grogu want to cuddle the tiny mechanic or eat it
I bet he's feeling a lot perkier by now! and would do basically anything for you if you bought him a drink and put your hand on his knee under the table
like you wouldn't even have to rub it
ohhhhhhhhhhhh he's starting to deliberately TEACH the baby
the pirate is suddenly talking MORE PIRATEY and saying things like Avast
I miss the Space Scotsman, remember him? "Tell that to Kanjiklub!"
will not be appearing much in this episode, I suppose they're just introducing him so he can be a recurring and very moist foe
With Din talking to Grogu so much more, explaining things to him, do you think his little speech delay will start to come right?
say what you will about Bo-Katan Kryze, she certainly can strike a louche pose on a throne. She's no Darth Maul, mind you. Then again, who is? (blows a kiss towards hell for him)
If she's so depressed and all her plans are fucked, why is she still striking poses on thrones?
get a job Bo-Katan
you can always work private security
or be an aesthetician because given what we know about your age clearly you have SOME incredible skincare secret (and your hair always looks nice)
I mean... the planet was poisoned decades ago, that's why everyone was living under domes.
That felt pretty short, I have to say.
I like how you can see from the concept art over the end credits that both Bo-Katan's throne and her pose got fancier over time
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scattered-winter · 2 years
Elaborate on were creature au 🔫🔫 /lh
aight listen. LISTEN. sit down kids Uncle Winter's gonna Learn You A Thing
so in this AU: were creatures are all compelled to transform and go apeshit but each one uses different phases of the moon to do that. werewolves are full moons obviously but like. a new moon is a different species etc etc I haven't worked out which species fits which moon phase yet but you GET me. so during the Moon Transformation they HAVE to transform, but only the people who have been turned by someone else have the whole "go apeshit insane" bit. if it's hereditary, then you just have a lovely jaunt as an animal <3 also everyone can transform into their animal form at will outside the moon phases. tldr: moon phase = transforming against their will. not moon phase = transforming whenever the hell they want. turned were creatures have the apeshit out of control thing, born were creatures do not. hope this helps <3
Bruce is a werewolf who was turned as a kid. his parents were torn apart by the wolf but police managed to stop him before he could do the same to Bruce. he has the scars from the bites on his shoulder and arm still :] he also has sharp wolf canines and can have wolf ears if he wants to lmfao. he chases his tail and I won't be accepting criticism on this. I'm right. part of the reason he adopts kids so much is because werewolves have an INSANE parental/pack bond instinct. he sees kids without a home and wolf brain goes "PUP NEEDS FAMILY!" it's not his fault all his pups are frothing at the mouth craving for violence if he had a choice he would keep them safe in the manor but noooooooooo
Dick is a werephoenix. he can spontaneously burst into flames at random moments because he deserves it <3 also the symbolism of like. rising from the ashes of trauma and tragedy to become something More. his parents were both weres so he doesn't go Apeshit but sometimes his flames kinda burn out so he needs to take time to recover and regain his energy. he also has wings whenever the fuck he wants to because he DESERVES them. and when he's angry his eyes glow like a bonfire and his voice roars and smoke rises from his skin/feathers and he burns everything he touches. even as a human he still carries himself like a bird. like he's going to take flight at any moment. like he's lighter than air. he has red and orange feather patterns on his back and shoulders that everyone thinks are tattoos but no they're just his phoenix characteristics showing through
Jason is a werewolf. he was born, not turned. before his death he could transform into an ADORABLE wolf pup with big eyes and soft ears. he used that power for evil <3 (conning Alfred into giving him more cookies, for one). AFTER his death, he's like a werewolf crossed with Eldritch Horror. his eyes glow green his teeth lengthen and sharpen before your eyes his coat warps and fluctuates like a living shadow he can disappear completely into the darkness except for a pair of glowing green eyes leering out at you etc etc etc. he also has canines and after Lazarus he has inky black marks on his back and shoulders like the shadow fur fixed onto his skin, too. his coat started out pure black but now he has the White Floof(TM)
Tim is the Certified Normal Human(TM). at some point he is bitten and transformed into something but HELL IF I KNOW WHAT THAT IS
Cass is a werepanther. she moves with a very eerie Catlike Grace even as a human and her eyes reflect yellow in the dark. she was born a were but lives in fear every day that she'll lose control one night. she yowls when she's upset and her hair poofs up around her head like a cat's tail would. she keeps a scratching post in her room. she can jump incredibly high and balance extremely well and she always, always lands on her feet.
Damian is part werewolf (from Bruce) and part weredragon (from Talia.) as a human he has scale patterns on his back and shoulders, and sharp canines from his wolf side. he has two animal forms which is incredibly rare but they're mixed. his wolf form sometimes has reptilian eyes. sometimes the fur standing up along his neck looks more like spines. his dragon form can howl. sometimes he snuffles the ground like a wolf. when he's angry his ears lie flat and his growl rumbles and the very back of his throat begins to glow orange.
Steph is a werefox. a thinker. a survivor. she wraps her big bushy tail around herself to keep warm on cold patrols <3 as a human she has sharp canines and her hair looks Distinctly Orange in certain lighting. she has a tendency to collect things and hoard them in her room. when she's angry her hair puffs up like fur, and a low growl rises from deep within her throat
Duke is a werelion. he still has his powers so he's a GLOWING werelion btw. as a human he has retractable claws and canines and sometimes in certain lighting the lion shows through. in his eyes, in the way he's sitting, perched like he's about to pounce. regal, like a king. when he's angry his roar sounds like it can split the very earth in two, and light dances in his mane like flames
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I bet the new YJ is going to focus on how we need to move on from the 90s ("this is how things are meant to be" vs. YJ trying to escape the fantasy) and yet. It still feels incredibly superficial, like we haven't had any time for emotional/character development for anything to actually HIT hard, especially due to YJ 2019 and Bart's ongoing disconnection from the Rebirth and OG Flashfam. I'm holding out that the OOC-talk and dismissive-talk from Cissie, Wally, Jon, etc. are due to Dark Crisis reality warping for them to not care about their family (so Cassie is the one who has to save them) so hoping that we'll get resolution on that. And Cassie seemed incredibly cynical when commenting on her friends' current states like _goddamn._
I don't expect or want a rehash of the 90s young justice (ex. YJ 2019's attempt) but something substantial that can stand on its own would be nice, like the team having civilian lives (have we seen Bart or Kon out of costume in this verse? nope!) and an active exploration (or just a note) of how they're adjusting to life after the reboot and returning to this universe.
Honestly I think the entirety of Dark Crisis is going to be showcasing our nostalgia and putting it to rest. Retiring the old JL members, reliving YJ, bringing in new kids, ect. I could be wrong but this entire event feels like a goodbye.
YJ probably won't be retired but this will probably be exactly what you said: The message will be that they have to be Young Justice in a new way. They can't go back to how things were, they just have to keep moving forward. (Bit of a moot point when Bart is literally a time traveller but eh)
Dick and Jon were relatively in character but JESUS CISSIE AND THE FLASH FAM ARE SO OUT OF CHARACTER WHAT THE FUCK
The entire Flash family is running a rescue op on a hunch that Barry and Avery are alive. The idea that, while two of them are already missing, they would hear about another missing family member and not take two seconds to search for him via their speedforce connection??? (They'd instantly know Bart was where Barry and Avery are) It's just so out of character. Even for 90's Wally. 90's Wally didn't listen to Bart but he still cared about his wellbeing and Wally's had so much character development since then. He actually likes and respects Bart now and he has the emotional maturity now to show it. No way Wally would say anything like that.
And no way in hell would Max just stand there and do nothing. Bart is his son.
Also what Cissie said was out of pocket. Tim was adopted. Clark is Conner's bio dad. Barry is Bart's grandfather. Saying that the boys are grieving their 'fake dads' is just... not it
Reaaaaaaaaaaally hoping there is a spell or mind control in play and that's why the characters are out of character. Otherwise, sorry to say, it's just bad writing.
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
(Not so) Micro BL (mostly) Reviews
It's that time again; I've been watching things and I want to talk about them. So here I go.
These are all shows that I watched but for whatever reason did not (or am not, in the case of the currently watching ones) liveblogging week to week. Mostly they're binge watches so make of that what you will. I would love and welcome discussions about any of them, if anyone wants.
Watched - New to Me
Tonhon Chonlatee - Did I watch this entirely for Khaotung? Yep. Am I sorry? Not really. Did I wind up shipping Na and Chonlatee way way harder than Tonhon and Chonlatee in spite of myself? Oh, most def. So when are Neo and Khao gonna get a BL, huh?
I am glad the horrible former faen trope is slowly dying out, though. Really couldn't stand Amp, but then again I was way more offended by the attempted SA followed by literally nothing (and by the fact that Amp was somehow worse than the person actually trying to SA Chonlatee, like no. NO nononono). Also incredibly incredibly annoyed with the whole "I will kiss you to prove I'm a man who isn't afraid of women" thing. Nope, sorry. It was dumb, I'm calling it out as dumb, Ton is just lucky Chon loved him too much to keep staying mad at him because that's a dumping offense, my friend.
I liked Chon's spine, though. Khao is so tiny and fox faced that it would be very easy to play into that and have Chon be this sweet, spineless little thing that can't stand up for himself and that  Ton has to protect constantly. And in some ways he does, although I think the show does a really good job of showing that Chon is more than capable of taking care of himself. I liked that.
Honestly I just feel like the writing failed both Pod and Khao. They did what they could with what they had, but Pod especially could have had so much more. There was so much meat there that they just…didn't let the man chew, and I saw nothing that made me think that he couldn't.
The chemistry between them was good though, even if I am one of the (few? Idk I have no idea how people see this show) people who liked Na for Chon better. Na was actually my favorite character, and in the end I'm pretty sure I was only watching for him. Final verdict 5/10. I would probably have forgotten about it already except I keep coming across that set of gifs. You know the one. A+ gifs, 10/10 no notes.
The Warp Effect - This was my second drama ever from Jojo, and I loved it so much. I enjoyed all the characters, especially Jean and Mollie, and I loved the relationships and the way that Alex had to navigate his new (to him) adult life as an asshole after (essentially) passing out as a fairly earnest, well-meaning seventeen year old. I adored the things the show had to say about sexuality, about gender, about the way people who don't conform to expectations (in whatever way that is) are treated.
I loved how it continuously pointed out the hypocrisy towards women in particular (there are several examples of this, but I am thinking particularly of how Jean was treated after the party vs. how Alex was. I love that the show made a point of explicitly stating how messed up the disparate reactions were, and how unfair. I also liked that despite following Alex as he goes on this journey, the show never attempted to pretend that he was the wronged party in that situation. Neither did Alex himself, which was refreshing). I'm not used to that from my shows, full stop.
I loved how queer friendly it was. I have read over and over again that it is one of the queerest shows people have seen, despite focusing mostly on a het dude. And you know what? They were right.
I spent eleven episodes loving this show with everything that I am, so enthralled with it that I did nothing else but binge it over the course of like a day and a half (if it hadn't been a work night I probably would have stayed up just to finish it, that's how hooked I was). And then…the final episode. I have to say that it disappointed me.
I am one who puts a lot of stock in an ending. A great ending can elevate a drama for me, a bad one can kill it stone dead. The Warp Effect didn't kill things, but it disappointed me. It felt like the show was saying something really interesting about forgiveness using Alex and Jean, about how sometimes you do things in your life that can't be forgiven. That sometimes things happen and the best you can do for the person you wronged is to step the fuck back like she's asked you to and let her try to forget.
But nope, Alex gets to go back in time and wisely fix all his friends problems and never have that awful encounter with Jean. And everything ends in a pat, happy way that kind of set my teeth on edge. If not for the fact that Jean (my darling) didn't deserve what happened to her I might have disliked it more, but the truth is that she didn't deserve it, and I'm happy for the unambiguously happy ending for that and that alone. No clue how prevalent this opinion is but knowing how my opinions tend do go I'm guessing not very, ha. Final score 8/10 - yes I docked it two points for the ending, I said they can make or break things for me.
Step By Step - I will watch any and every office BL that I am given. Do you hear me? Any. And. Every. Except A Boos and A Babe, oops (does it count if I tried because it was an office set BL and then just bounced off hard? I'm counting it).
Anyway, tangent. The point I'm making here is that I was never going to not give this a shot. And I am glad I did. It wasn't my favorite thing but I was happy to see it actually tackle the realities of what it look s like when you're dating your boss. The way that all the crap rolled onto Pat was very true to life, if painful to watch, and I appreciated the show for going there.
I was also kind of unimpressed with the time skip BUT that's only because it happened in the dreaded episode eleven and I would have liked more time with the 2 years later Jeng and Pat. Ah well, it was still cute. 7/10
Enchanté - Watched this because I was curious about Force & Book after I bounced off of A Boss and A Babe (and since they are in one of my most anticipated dramas of the year, possibly as the main main couple but definitely as one of them). I was curious if I would bounce off of them here as well, because if so that probably wouldn't bode well for the future.
And? I liked it. I liked the bickery romantic tension between them (I blame my misspent youth and all those slap slap kiss shows from when I was a wee, impressionable thing too long ago to want to talk about). I was highly annoyed at the beginning when it seemed like eight hundred different men wanted to date Theo (as well as incredibly baffled why Theo was so damned into this dude who wrote two whole sentences in a book with him. But I have no romance in my soul so I was willing to let that part go) because I start to get twitchy at two, let alone literally every guy he talks to. But once that mystery started unraveling and we started learning what was going on with all these dudes, I liked it a lot more. And I don't know if Be My Favorite has made me appreciate Gawin more (yes, definitely) or if I was just way too hard on him in Not Me (maybe, idk I still think he was kind of drippy), but I really enjoyed him in this one, too. Yes, even with the singing. Gawin for me is a rarity because frankly, he can actually carry a tune. I will never understand what's with making all these BL boys sing and dance. Sometimes you just aren't a triple threat, and that's okay.
Anyway remember my endings problem? Yeah, didn’t love this one. I mean, fine, chase your love interest all the way to fair Paris because he's having a crisis about his parents (and honestly, that part I really liked? I liked how selfish he was about it. Idk it just worked for me), I would have let him run off and found someone else but as I said I have no romance in my soul. 7.5/10
Naked Dining / Zenra Meshi / 全ラ飯 - Cute, but. I found myself really really annoyed by all the misunderstandings. This never happens to me, I love a good misunderstanding or three, but my gosh there just comes a point when you need to stop making assumptions and talk, my guys. Food porn was good, though. 6/10
Hello Stranger - Baby's first Pinoy BL! So I guess this is in the same vein as Gameboys, but I did not see that one, and I found this charming. The leads were adorable, and I do have a fondness for shows told almost completely via skype. Look, I still haven't seen enough of them for the novelty to have worn off. The mix of Tagalog and English was a little hard to adjust to at first but after a couple eps I got there. It was just a cute, breezy little thing that was easily digestible and I'm happy I watched it, although to be frank I probably won't put it into my rotation. 8/10
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Soul -
While I really enjoyed most of it, I feel like it fell apart for me at the end and I'm having a hard time articulating why.
I think it might be the reincarnation bit. While I get what the show was going for there, what are we saying, exactly? Is Tua gonna wait now until Prakan is of age before showing up to be his boyfriend again? Are they gonna go back to phi and nong until then? Or is Tua gonna watch Prakan like he's straight out of a Police song without speaking to him for the next 5/6 years? My problem isn't even really with the idea that Tua and Prakan will continue to meet in all of Prakan's lifetimes until perhaps Tua's time as a reaper is over and they can be reborn in the same timeline again and maybe be together for real. I think it's the idea of them both waiting around for Prakan's minor clock to expire that's doing it. I feel like Goblin did this trope better. Personally I loved Tua and Prakan being together until he passed, and for me, I think that the show would have been stronger overall if they had left it at that and not done the end bit with the new Prakan.
That said, the child actor who played young!Prakan was stellar and I hope that he has been getting steady work. I have to say that in a lot of the Thai dramas I've watched, the child actors have been standouts.
Other than that, I did really enjoy the drama. It was interesting and I liked seeing Yacht play a character that wasn't super Pond-esque for once. I did feel watching Between Us that he could do better, if given the material (not his fault, Between Us had too many side couples, both he and his partner did what they could with what they had), and I'm happy to see I was right. Metha actually became one of my favorite characters - he had a whole arc from conflicted asshole to loosening up and remembering that he actually loved his friends/realizing his uncle had manipulated him into hating Prakan for his own personal gain, and Yacht did a really good job with playing both the asshole and the decent dude beneath.
I saw a lot of comments complaining about Prakan's inability to be mature regarding Tua's job, but I think that for the most part it was actually fairly believable a reaction, especially after his mom died. And it would be hard for me to deal with the idea that death can be around any corner no matter how hard I try to prevent it, let alone someone for whom that is their entire job.
I was annoyed, however, by the weird ep 11 (I think, might have been 10) "Nuch could die" plot, simply because it was so late in the game, took up so little time, and seemed like a plot device just to get Metha to finally tell her he loved her. Annoying and pointless. Wasn't needed - he could have done it a million other ways.
Enjoyed the couple of Kheeta and Nathee as well - Nathee was another one that did a 180 as the show progressed, but unfortunately I believed his less than I did Metha's, mostly because I just don't think the actor is as good. He was kind of a weak link in Between Us too, although I think I enjoyed him in Even Sun? I can't remember (and just as I said that I did remember, and no, he wasn't one of my favorites in that either. But the less said about Even Sun the better, really). Still, the whole plot for them is one of my bulletproof tropes. It would take a lot for me not to be into it.
Overall though, I enjoyed it. It kept me extremely engaged and made me cry more than once, and up until the last let's say half episode it really worked for me. 8/10
He's Coming to Me - Seeing everyone talk about this lately made me want to rewatch it, and aw, I forgot how much I loved it. It truly is a gem of a show, and I am glad that a lot of people are talking up how good it is lately. Ohm especially really shines.
What a gem this show is. I really enjoyed the slow burn between Med and Thun, and I liked that it went hand in hand with Thun's realization that he was gay. Really enjoyed how supportive his friends and mom were about it, too. Just a really lovely group of people all around.
Another thing that was fun was the mystery of how Med died. I liked that once Thun decided to help him find out he was all in, willing to help him pretty much no matter what. I honestly don't know if I guessed the mom thing or just remembered it from before but that was a kind of hilarious twist - well mom, I'm in love with your ex who's been a ghost for twenty years. Blessings?
The one thing that knocked this down for me was the whole story with the grandpa/uncle. I think I will never get used to these dramas downplaying things that seem like a pretty big deal to me. Manipulate your student into committing literal crimes and nearly drive him crazy with the pressure of holding up an impossible standard? It's okay, you have trauma too so we understand! Deliberately sabotage your son's happiness so that you can make your marriage scheme become reality? All's well that ends well! Plot and then actually go ahead and murder your own nephew, or at the very least orchestrate events so he could die? We can't change the past, all we can do is hope for a better future! Clearly I take these things too seriously.
Overall though, I really did have a good time. I thought that the chemistry between everyone was excellent, not just the two main characters but the entire cast, and I think the eight episode run time worked in its favor because it kept the show from ever feeling bloated, or like they were trying to find things to do to fill time. And the ending, while bittersweet in its way, is perfect for them. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable show, and I'm very glad I decided to watch it again.
Currently Watching, Sans Liveblogging
Laws of Attraction - I am LOVING this. I did not expect to from the trailer, but nope. I'm hooked. It's got plenty of time to off the rails I guess, since it just started, but I'm not even sure I will care if it does, so long as our very cute lawyer keeps smiling and flirting (and then trying desperately to gtfo of the room whenever Tinn gets to close the whatever killed his ideals (mom was murdered and then the murderer got off? Drunk driver who got released due to a slick lawyer? It's definitely mom based, and I am very curious). The chemistry between the two leads is very very good, too. I've not seen them in anything else, but I might check out To Sir, With Love because I like them that much. Also Silvy Pavida is in this, and she was one of my favorite things about The Warp Effect. I gave out a little cheer when I saw her, and I hope she's in the show more.
Stay by my Side - Cute, has all the tropes. It's Taiwan so I expect it to be solid. Reminds me a bit of Master's Sun kdrama, but BL. That is not a criticism - I freaking love Master's Sun. Although our ghost repellent isn't aware that's what's happening in this one. I'm enjoying it a lot.
3 Will Be Free - I'm working my way through this, and am way more invested in Mae than the three main characters. Oops? If anything happens to her I will lose it.
The Jungle - MIX VILLAIN ERA GO. If it goes too far in the womanizing direction I will probably drop it, but otherwise I will stick around just to see if I am right and Hunter is the worst of the lot. It has a cast mostly filled with actors I like, and I have to admit I got a kick out of watching Lookjun play a character in love with Off's character again. Also they're giving Nanon the Gun Atthaphan treatment and having him play two people. Whee.
Wedding Plan - It's MAME. Enough said. No telling if at some point I'll have to drop it, but well. MAME. I hope the lesbian couple does more than coo at each other, though. Even if the cooing is indeed very cute.
Looking Forward To
At this point I think we all know, but just in case we don't:
Only Friends
Dangerous Romance
Only Friends and Dangerous Romance are neck and neck in the race to get a premier date. My ideal would be to have them both released in August so I can have max messiness and angst to finish out my summer.
23.5 is on Q5 so I expect we won't see it for a while, but I'm waiting and very excited. We need more GL and I adored Milk and Love in Bad Buddy - I shipped ink and Pa so hard and watching it become canon was one of the best times I've ever had. I'm also pretty jazzed that it looks like there's a second GL couple as well. Both View and June are actresses I like and I'm just very ready for this.
Also I watched the GMMTV 2023 lineup again and I think Last Twilight is now on my list too. Like I'll watch stuff like Cooking Crush when it comes out but I'm not really jazzed about it, lol. Last Twilight however has moved into my "I think I'm excited for this one" list. 
If you made it this far, congratulations. I'd offer you a prize, but I have none. So instead, here. Have a dancing Chonlatee.
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