#they truly seem to react differently to most stuff but still being there on the same page.
cuubism · 22 days
some canon-verse trans Hob for the lovely @five-and-dimes who recently got top surgery! 🥳🥰 congratulations, I'm truly so happy for you, my friend. please accept this humble offering
“So, it actually started on a dare,” Hob says, on the day he tells Dream the story of him. Or of this part of him, anyway.
Normally, Hob gets a bit guarded the first time he tells someone he’s trans. It’s hard to predict with absolute certainty how people will react, especially ones he’s just become romantically involved with. He’s had it go poorly, to say the least, in the past.
He doesn’t feel that way with Dream. It’s not because there’s so much trust between them—they’re still new, after all. No, it’s something about Dream himself. For all his prickly and standoffish nature, being close to him feels like sinking into a warm lake, into a dark sleep where secrets and hidden wishes float up like glowing reeds to the surface. Deep, personal feelings feel safe with Dream; he cradles them in his hands and soothes them. Or that’s how it feels, when Hob is touching him.
Personification of dreams, indeed.
“A dare?” Dream echoes.
“Sort of," Hob says. "Got frustrated with people saying women should or shouldn’t do this or that or the other thing, so I decided if they felt so strongly about it I’d just be a man. Moved somewhere no one knew me, dressed differently, got stronger, practiced the sword—and that was that. No one seemed to care much, once you were at war. So long as you could swing a sword and not get yourself killed.”
“A choice, then,” Dream says. He’s listening very intently, hands folded on his knees, untouched tea on the coffee table before him.
“At first. Was only after I’d been living that way for a few decades—before and after we met—that I realized while there might be a handful of women out there living as men for the freedom of it, that they didn’t all like it. Given the choice they’d rather just be women in a more equal world. You know?”
Dream hums in understanding.
“But I didn’t want to go back,” Hob continues. “I felt like... who I'd become was the truth of me all along.”
“Identity, while not wholly immutable, is resilient against adversity and circumstance,” says Dream. “You found what your heart wanted you to be, if in a circuitous manner.”
“You seem very unbothered by it,” Hob observes, sipping his tea.
Dream frowns. “Why would I be bothered by it?”
“Dunno.” Apparently he can’t fully shake that this’ll put a wedge in us feeling. “People sometimes are. Feel deceived, or something like that. So they say.”
“If they are deceived, it is by their own assumptions,” Dream says, with disdain. “You should be as you dream yourself, Hob. No more nor less. Put aside these petty physical trappings.”
“I do actually have to live in these ‘physical trappings’ even if you don’t, you silly thing.” He can’t help laughing. “Besides, I rather like being some kind of living creature in the world, rather than what? A ghost? Best I can do is make this body as close to how it should be as possible.”
Hob’s come to like his body, for the most part, in the form that he’s made it. He didn’t always. But he needs a body of some kind to be alive, and he likes being alive. So what he couldn’t change, he made peace with.
Besides, they have hormone treatments nowadays. Brilliant stuff. Makes it so much better.
“Anyway, now you know. I wanted you to. Since we’re together.” It’s still a marvel. Together.
“Thank you,” says Dream, with evident sincerity. “It is a privilege to be gifted your secrets.”
“Not really a secret, but I get what you mean.” He takes Dream’s hand, just to touch him, and admits, “Telling it to you is like… I don’t know. Feels like when I was younger and first admitted out loud, ‘I’m a man. I want to stay like this.’”
It hasn’t been a proper secret in a very long time. But giving it to Dream is like the freedom of releasing a held breath, even so.
“I am the harbor and cradle of dreams,” Dream says in reply. He traces his fingers over Hob’s. Does Dream’s strange form just spring from the ether? Hob wonders. Or does he have to choose it? The way Hob chose his? “Dreams of being and becoming… these are most precious for they grow from tough soil. I can only protect them, I cannot create them. You must do that. And I expect that were I to find you in the Dreaming, there would be a fantastic garden there, indeed.”
Dream himself is the most fantastical thing. “Well, darling, just know your work is appreciated.”
Dream’s lips tip up in a tiny smile. When he meets Hob’s gaze again, his eyes have gone dark and starry. He folds Hob into a hug, and—
oh, it’s like being hugged by the universe itself.
Hob feels the light breeze of a warm dark night, when he’d lain by the dying fire in a war camp in the French countryside, and looked up at a million stars and first whispered to himself what if this is really who I am? Dream is that breeze and those stars. The dying embers that had lit him as he’d run his hands over his body and felt it differently than he ever had before, and been terrified because what would it mean?—but also thrilled and alive. Dream is the night wrapping around him in that moment, the night that was listening to his dreams no matter how quietly he admitted them, Dream is that and more and the voice in his heart telling him it would be okay.
A younger, more uncertain Hob would have needed this. Hob now is older, and he already knows who he is and what he wants, but he falls into Dream’s embrace all the same. A tear slips from his eye, and Dream kisses his cheek, wiping the tear away with his tongue before leaning their heads together.
“I could craft you any body you wanted in the Dreaming,” he says lowly. “However I think the one you have made with your own hands is more remarkable.”
Oh, God, he’s going to tear up again. “Dream, you are the most beautiful, wonderful thing.”
Dream hums in pleasure at the words, and lets Hob hold him close, lets him cradle his head to his chest, a dream kept close to his heart. One that he knew as soon as he saw it walk into the White Horse. Sooner even than he truly knew himself.
Then Dream looks up at him with a hopeful expression. “With these truths revealed, are we able to be intimate?”
Hob laughs so hard he has to tip his head back against the couch. “Wow. One track mind with you, isn’t it? I spill my heart and that’s what I get?”
Dream grumbles, tucking his face in against Hob’s neck to press his lips to Hob’s throat. “I find myself impatient of late.”
“Knew all along you were only with me for my body.” He’s grinning, though. Can’t stop.
“Well. Considering it is such a lovely one.” He plucks at Hob’s shirt buttons. Lecherous little nightmare.
It feels fucking good, though, to be desired.
“C’mere, then,” he says, and drags Dream into his lap.
Dream settles there with a purr, starts playing with Hob’s hair, but says, “I would not truly derail this moment, nor distract from your feelings if you do not wish it.”
“Oh, I wish it. You’ve no idea how much I want you right now. You’re like a prize.” He cradles Dream’s beloved face between his hands. “Stick around for long enough and you’ll get the most incredible Dream at the end of it.”
“Or at the beginning,” Dream says, and Hob’s heart swells so much to hear him voice that that he has to kiss him.
When he does, Dream makes a low, pleased sound, settling deeper in his lap. Yes, this moment, this life, is certainly the prize for all of those years hanging onto those dreams:
the dream of his lover
and the one of himself.
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ineffably-human · 10 months
Nandor's better to Guillermo than I remember from my initial watch. It's still regressive (and it was starting to head that way in 4x10 too, so maybe this just continues from there), he still has times he's thoughtless and dismissive. But he's the one advocating the others listen, and that they do nice things for Guillermo. He's noticed something is wrong just like Laszlo, he just comes to a different conclusion. He listens to an offhand remark from Guillermo that wasn't even directed at him, just to get him a present.
Any shittiness he's engaging in comes from the very idea of Guillermo being a vampire. (The way Nandor brings that up to the others almost feels like he's been floating the idea in his head, which is a whole other thing; I'll see if I'm right with more episodes I guess and we'll take it at face value for now.) And aside from not wanting that to happen because it would change things, maybe lead to Guillermo leaving, etc it's laughable to him right now for the same reasons it would have been laughable to him in season 1 or 2. Guillermo is a little more assertive than in those years, but he's completely returned to the familiar role. He's reacting to Nandor with fear, more than he did even then.
Guillermo's big attitude change came with being a slayer, and now he seems to have forgotten that completely to the point that he doesn't even consider it as one of the reasons the transformation hasn't worked. He wasn't ready, he was in pain, this isn't how he imagined it (insert @cookinguptales's excellent meta on how it's all a big metaphor for virginity loss). And right now he doesn't know what his body is doing, and he's walking around consumed with guilt and imposter syndrome. Becoming a vampire is making him forget other real, important parts of who he is.
I think it's very easy for the vampires to regress - because of time, stagnation, etc - to an earlier point. Guillermo's regression is just as rapid-fire but it's from trauma. His intense desire to not want to talk about it, to wait over two weeks before the camera crew wears him down enough. To try and describe the turning as sexier and more intense and life-changing than it was, only to be jump-scared by Nandor and reminded that what he did was a (fully justified) betrayal. Has he forgotten that if Nandor really did want to kill him, Guillermo's kicked his ass without his now-perfect vision, and has killed dozens of vampires at a time? Or is the thought of hurting Nandor and fracturing that relationship the thing that hurts far worse here?
I'm a little insane about how, while in the process of going behind Nandor's back, while he's right about to get the thing he's ostensibly attached to Nandor for, he's insisting that Nandor will eventually do right by him and really truly cares about him. So much that Derek again asks Guillermo if he's sure about this.
Even more than the love search stuff Nandor dealt with over two seasons, all of this seems tailor-made to address the big unspoken questions of their relationship. What does Guillermo hope to gain as a vampire? How much of that involves his feelings for Nandor? What matters most to Nandor when it's Guillermo vs his own pride, especially if there were a real threat of losing him? Can they actually find their way to eternity together, and what does that look like when they do?
Which is to say, it's absolutely happening this season. And shit's going to get insane on the way.
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slashers-and-rats · 8 months
slashers reacting to being their bpd gn s/o's fave person?
rat chat: i really like this prompt, because i have a lot of stuff goin’ on up in my noodle, and i also experience the fave person phenomena to a high extent. so i relate to you, and i like that.
Slashers reacting to being the gn!reader’s favourite person | sfw |
featured slashers: billy lenz, thomas hewitt, vincent sinclair
billy lenz :
billy wasn’t a stranger to obsessive tendencies. this man, at some point in his time of knowing you, watched you through holes in the ceiling and actively snuck out at night to stare at you sleeping. he knew what it was like to have someone you cherished more than anything in the world. it was a bit different, obviously, but he still related to what you were feeling.
there was a day when you had to sit down and explain it to him. it took him a bit to really chew on the words you were feeding him. he was your favourite? you wanted to always be around him? the things he did had that much impact on you? deep down, in the sicker parts of his psyche, he was elated. he wanted you to be reliant and obsessed with him, he wanted you to feel just like how he did. but, at the same time, your tone didn’t seem so chipper. he could tell it was something to tread carefully on, especially knowing that the things he did could effect you so deeply.
he was always at your disposal, so withdrawals weren’t much of a problem. the anxiety of him being away was always satiated within seconds, as he liked to stay close to you too. billy was always just a call away if you needed to be grounded and reassured he was there.
you would ask for praise from time to time, wanting to hear him say you were good and that he actually cared about you. this was a foreign concept to billy. how did you not know? he knew he didn’t say many coherent things, but even his disjointed ramblings were often worships to you. he always did what you asked tho. he’d praise you, and pepper your face in sloppy, wet kisses, and purr about how he’ll never leave you. in between his garbled noises, he’d mumble out compliments, and make sure you felt as happy as he did.
he was truly delighted to be so attached to you. the concept of bpd and having a “favourite person” might’ve been new and different, but at the end of the day, it only made him feel more comfortable with his own feelings. sometimes he felt like he was pathetic for being so clingy to you, and knowing that you, in some way or another, felt the same made him comforted.
there were some downsides. sometimes billy didn’t like being out and around people, and would coop himself up in the attic. he saw on those days how blue you’d get yourself, even without him doing anything. during those times, he’d draw you small pictures and write cat scratch notes, and slip them underneath doors as he glided through the house in complete silence. it was just reminders that he did love you, even when he needed his own space.
he just really cares about you. and is happy to know that he is so cared for as well.
thomas hewitt :
thomas has no real knowledge of mental illnesses. that’s not to say he hasn’t experienced it, he has his own issues, and his whole family is riddled with different disorders, but it’s never really been openly talked about.
that being said, when you went to him and explained it all, he picked up on the concept fairly quickly. sure, he didn’t understand all the bits and pieces being told to him, but he was really trying. he understood that you always wanted to be near him, and he could relate to that. it was something he had to get over himself, as he’d never really had a relationship like this before, and it made him over eager. he knew that his own mood could affect yours, whether he meant for it to or not. that was something he found easily maneuverable. he wasn’t the most enthusiastic guy, and you hadn’t minded before. he knew you needed lots of reassurance and praise, that you got anxious about him leaving easily. he was amazed you thought he’d be the one leaving you.
he fell into a routine quite quickly. he’d spend a little while longer in the morning cuddling you and squeezing you, his own way of saying he wanted to be with you. he kissed you lots whenever you two were alone, and always kept himself touching you somewhere. he liked making sure you knew he was there. he liked being present when he could.
tommy did have to leave during the days to go help his family with their exploits, and he always fretted over you before he left. he always lingered in his room, kissing over your face and reassuring you that he’d be back, that he’d miss you, that he couldn’t wait to be back. the second he’d get home, he’d pass right by his family (stopping at luda mae only because that was his mama) and go straight up to his room to see you again.
tommy liked bringing you trinkets and things. he liked giving you things that would remind you he’d be there. he didn’t want you to think he’d go anywhere. you were so special to him, and the idea of you being so reliant on him emotionally was new. but he liked it, somewhere inside of him. he liked knowing you were so vulnerable and open with him, and that you really were attached to him, and that he could provide you support he didn’t previously know you needed.
there were setbacks. tommy didn’t talk much, and so it was very hard for him to provide verbal reassurance. he remedied this by showing you lots of physical affection when you were both alone and away from the family. sometimes, when he was feeling particularly brave, he would utter a small “i love you”, and that always seemed to be enough to prove how much he cared about you. he didn’t talk to anyone, but you were different.
he just wanted to make you happy.
vincent sinclair :
vincent had a soft centre. on the outside, he was this large, brooding, empty eyed man, but on the inside he was filled with lavender and vanilla. he was always very understanding of your own habits and coping mechanisms, whether they made sense to him or not. as long as you sat him down and explained it to him, he made sure to be good and provide support where he could.
the idea of a favourite person resonated deep with vincent. wasn’t that how he felt about you…? whenever you were away from him, even in the other room he felt sick. he’d push his cheeks into your palms, and make you kiss him and promise him you’d never leave. it was something you both seemed to be working on. there was a mutual obsession, or a reliance on each other emotionally that you both had to navigate.
him relating made it easier for both of you, as it brought forth a conversation of what to do. the solution was simple. just do what you’ve been doing. you two spent as much time together as possible, vincent not liking when you strayed too far, scared his brother might devour you.
he didn’t talk much, but he when you were both alone and curled up, he’d speak in soft, raspy tones, whispering about how much he loved and cared about you. every time you left his workshop to go and prepare food or clean up a waxy mess spilled onto your front, you’d come back and be met with vincent fretting over you and making sure you were ok.
he didn’t show his emotions much, so it wasn’t hard for him to keep his worser feelings inside for your own good. he knew that sometimes when he let it slip that he was upset, he’d see you change, and slip into the same dreary feelings. he’d be quick to reassure you he was ok, and you’d do the same. alone, you two were almost sickeningly sweet with each other. out in the real world, outside of his studio, you two tried to stay neutral and appropriate. bo already teased vincent enough, you didn’t want to add more.
it was actually vincent that tended to have issues. he didn’t like the feeling of anxiety he got when he saw you sad. sometimes you’d be missing home, or upset that your art wasn’t going well, and he’d feel it shoot through his heart. he wanted to just take it all away and make it feel better. you always had to reassure him in those moments that there was nothing he could do, that sometimes you were just going to feel blue, and you’d let him rest his head in your lap while he calmed himself.
when you did have problems, it always came from his intense focus on his work. sometimes, without realizing it, he would ignore you for hours, and by the time he was pulled from his creative marathon, he’d see you dejected and alone in the corner. he’d always make sure to make it up to you, and have you sit on his lap while he praised you for being so good and patient. or, he’d simply have you come sit beside him while he worked, and he’d listen closely to you talk. he never really got tired of you filling the silence. either way, he’d always do something to make sure you knew you were his top priority. because you were.
over all, you two are a fairly good match.
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fallout4-reacts · 9 months
Oh! I have a fun idea! How would the companions react to sole going through some rubble and finding a former degree/award for some massive achievement that was prewar. Like sole finds some massive medical award and is like “oh yea. This was for that surgical technique I made up” or like a military award like “oh yes this was when I saved 4 guys from a bomb”
Sole demanded them to assist them in clearing out the house of anything that had not stood the test of time. They remove the shattered old furnishings from the master bedroom. Sturges might be able to assist with one or two repairs. When they drop a drawer, a plastic-coated document falls out. Sole rushes to hide it from their companion, but it is too late.
Cait : "Hold up, what's that I'm seein'?" she asks.
Sole replies with "nothing."
"It's a real big deal," Cait says as she takes the certificate from Sole's grasp. "Damn, I did know about this tournament! It was some fancy-pants international featherweight champion. I had no clue you were into the ring, darlin'! And here I was, thinking I was the one who fought for the both of us!"
Sole seemed to be really uneasy.
"It happened in college. I was actually at college. To pay for my studies, I had been fighting in the ring. It was... another era."
"Hold up, there's a difference between scrapping and scraping to fund your education and being the legendary international champion! Are ya still sportin' yer belt? "
"No. I sold it to put down the deposit on this house. And I assure you, it was nothing. I won luckily."
"Yeah. Just one foolish thing. I was fortunate in every bout. The guys had been drinking or cheating on their diet the night before. As a result of one thing leading to another, I was proclaimed champion."
"Without raisin' yer fists, huh?"
"Of course I raised my fists! I won by chance rather than by forfeit. But I'm sure I couldn't compete with opponents like yours."
"Still, it's bleedin' impressive.”
Sole grumbles as they stuffs the document into their bag.
"Are we moving this furniture, or are we still gossiping about things that are worth nothing?"
Cait snatches her side and says nothing. However, she vows to request lessons when Sole will be in a better mood.
Codsworth : "Ah, sir/madam, I must confess, I was not aware of your esteemed possession of an honorary doctorate of science!"
Sole specifies, "The most important word is honorific."
Codsworth grabs the document and holds it up to his ocular sensors. «They do not bestow honoris causa to simply please. What did you do?"
Sole appears irritated. They sets down their side of the furniture because Codsworth doesn't seem to be willing to let go.
"Ah, foolishness. I contributed to the concrete's resilience to salt action. Not much at all."
"Doth mine ears deceive me? Verily, I comprehend that this wondrous concoction of concrete hath indeed brought forth a grand revolution in the realm of construction. Yet, I beseech thee, should such an accomplishment truly warrant the bestowal of a doctorate?"
"I may have studied the radar and the atom... that may have prompted me to design a radio-localisation model as well as the practically autonomous extension of the atomic battery... which may have led to the final version of the Pip-Boy 2000 mark VI."
Codsworth perfectly imitates an impressed whistle.
«Just that, » he says ironically.
"Sturges will be waiting."
They takes their side of the furniture and Codsworth does the same.
Curie : "Is this a publication highlighting your remarkable achievements?"
Sole rushes to grab the document and hide it beneath their mattress, but Curie quickly catches it.
"Hero of the day?"
"Arf... good luck. Good time, good place. I was the first on the line when a man hit his tanker on the road. I assisted him in getting out of the cabin before everything blew up."
Curie is pleased by both the act and the modesty.
"It is documented that you valiantly ventured into the fiery depths of damnation to rescue this unfortunate soul."
"Journalists favour to exaggerate things. It wasn't quite as good."
"But the vehicle experienced a rather explosive event.”
"Like the grenades that lob at me all day long. Do we remove that piece of furniture or not?"
Curie adds nothing. Her long-held admiration for Sole, on the other hand, has only grown.
Danse : Sole quickly hides the document, but Danse sets the furniture down and crosses his arms.
" What is it, soldier? This appears to be of great significance."
"It is not."
A tiny smile is stretched out by the Brotherhoods.
"I have perused the text. However, I yearn to receive your words directly."
"I may have rescued a patrol during a military operation, and my unit just happened to need publicity. That kind of stuff happens all the time in a fighting era."
Danse takes the document from Sole's grasp. " The Medal of Honor, a symbol of unwavering valour and unyielding dedication to duty. Though it existed long before my existence, I am not oblivious to the profound significance that this esteemed recognition embodies."
"Well, it's nothing anymore, and it won't take my furniture out of the room."
"That doth epitomise the individual who didst cast themself into the fray, valiantly rescuing mine unit from a ravenous horde of feral ghouls.”
Sole growls and grips their side of the furniture once again. Danse sets the certificate on the bed and vows to persuade Sole to display it noticeably in the Prydwen dormitory.
Deacon : Deacon goes up to Sole and grabs the document to read. Sole tries to take it from him and follows what appears to be a tango.
“God! Gold? I never knew you were a spry athlete, pal.”
"Congress gold medal, nothing to do."
"Yup, ain't got nothin' to do with it, I see. Service to the country ain't no walk in the park, my friend.”
Sole finally gets the document out of his hands and throws it in the back of their closet.
"If you bring this to anyone...I swear..."
Deacon chuckles. Sole attempts to threaten him from time to time, but they are never successful. This time, however, they appears to be completely out of it.
"I swear to God, I'm leaving the RailRoad!"
The spy swallows slowly.
"Let's get a move on, this here's a real big deal. Why does you appear so ashamed of it?"
"Excellent service to the country. I created the radio guiding technology that was later used on the nuclear bomb. You know that thing that swept the country and ushered in our era?"
Deacon's brows appear over the lenses of his glasses.
"I ain't never gonna spill the beans to nobody...”
Dogmeat : He doesn't move furniture, and even if he falls on a document, it makes no difference to him. However, one evening while Sole is laying in their bed watching an old award, Dogmeat comes at the foot of the bed.
«Never tell anyone, buddy,» Sole murmurs, «but it was me who discovered this vaccine against the flu H6D20 during my master.»
In heaven, the dog wags his tail when Sole scratches his head.
Elder Maxson : Sole had offered to discuss troop rationing in exchange for a service, but Maxson had no idea that this service would consist of cleaning up a wrecked house. Then this document slid out of a drawer, and Maxson bent over to pick it up, discovering at the same time that he is helping to empty Sole's house, and that Sole is a former civilian hero, permitting the evacuation of roughly twenty citizens from a burning building at the risk of their life. He stares up at a snow-white Sole (despite though he has no idea what snow is).
“Sir…I'll explain."
"Explain me that you have comprehended our core values prior to being recruited into my organisation?"
"Sir, it didn't happen the way it was described in this article."
"Cease this, Knight. I have no tolerance for disingenuous humility. Embrace the recognition that has been bestowed upon you. "
Sole scowls and goes out of the room. Maxson follows them.
"Do I connect that this esteemed honor instills a sense of unease within your being? And what, pray tell, is the purpose of laminating it, then?"
Sole kicks a shard of metal that has fallen from the roof.
"Nora/Nate requested that we save this article to show our son later. I always thought it was silly, and I tried everything to get rid of it. I have just now discovered the hiding place that has been found to keep me from wiping its existence."
Maxson places his hand on the shoulder of his soldier. "Do not cringe in shame. Take pride in your unwavering commitment to righteousness and steadfast courage. That is what sets you apart within our ranks and renders you of great significance to me."
Sole becomes even more uneasy, so Maxson changes the subject. "So, what about the supplies?"
"I will give you whatever surplus my colonies have...but never talk about it again."
Maxson extends his hand. "We have an agreement, General."
Hancock : The ghoul turns and returns the document he stole from Sole, placing it on their bed's mattress. " What in the blazes is this?" he innocently wonders, even though he knows exactly what it is due to his broad pre-war knowledge.
“Hm…I jumped from a vessel into a port to save the daughter of a wealthy politician who had gone overboard her own shuttle. They made a fuss of it."
Hancock whistles between his teeth and takes a shot of Jet. "Copacetic! I reckon I'm acquainted with a genuine hero?"
"The only heroic act I can brag about," Sole interrupts, grabbing the newspaper. "it's to not having  strangled you for all of the chem breaks you take instead of helping me."
Hancock chuckles and stands up. It is true that it is easy to divert his attention away from such a unpleasant activity.
Gage : Porter only groans and whines. Instead of cleaning a house, they should be conquering settlements. Despite this, he picks up the document from the ground and instantly realizes what he is holding in his hands. "...the President of the United States recognized their bravery..."
"You can read?"
Porter, somewhat offended, looks up at Sole. " Of course I can decipher the written word, friend. I have an aversion to perusing literature, but my maternal figure insisted on instilling some intellectual capacity within me. What's the dealio, pal?"
"There is no story. I hurried to save a senator who was crossing the street when a truck broke down. They made a spectacle of it."
Porter blows a whistle. "I'm afraid I didn't quite catch what you just said, but judging by your humble nature, I feel it must have been quite the substantial tale."
Sole mutters. "The sooner we get this piece of furniture out, the sooner we'll be able to go conquer settlements."
Porter agrees without further explanation.
MacCready (romanced) : "What's this now? Primetime Emmy award?"
"Nothing...really, and more nothing important today."
"But, still?"
The mercenary ignites the cigarette that has been put behind his ear, having all his time. Especially when he is not compensated for his services as a mover.
"At the start of my marriage, I was a TV show host for a few years." They gave me this award because they believed I was good. The trophy had to have been stolen by now, but the document had to have been hidden in that drawer by Nate/Nora."
"A trophy, huh? Like when ya win a real high-stakes game?"
Sole approaches the mercenary with a smile, wrapping their arms around his shoulders. "The only trophy that matters to me is a certain wooden statuette that was given to me on the day you opened your heart to mine." then they passionately kisses him.
Mac no longer complains. He just got a nice income and believes that if he works hard, his compensation would be even better in the evening.
Nick Valentine : “Ah, the Call to Service Award! I must admit, I had no inkling of your unwavering dedication prior to the war."
"I guess it's in my nature to spend all of my free time helping others," Sole laughs nervously. "But, really, it's nothing. I… It was fairly simple, and I had an excellent staff. Instead of going to bars, I went to the community center and helped others. It was enjoyable."
In turn, the old detective laughs. "Quite the spectacle, tending to the aged, providing sustenance for the destitute, and offering refuge to the wanderers."
“Well, it hasn't changed much,” says Sole, following the humor of the mocker.
Nick approaches and hugs them. "The more I come to know you, the more I find myself growing fond of you."
Sole appears indefinitely nervous, and Nick becomes too. By making the gesture that he has just too naturally provided, he is now persuaded that Sole's discomfort is, as often as not, because he is a synth and not another human being.
"Well, let's extract this particular piece of furniture, shall we?" he says quickly.
Sole observes him for a bit, realising that their friend is now more uncomfortable than they are, and knowing how self-aware he is, they place a warm hand on his shoulder. "By the way, thanks for helping me."
Nick smiles slightly. "It's always a real pleasure, partner.” And they each take their side of the cabinets.
Piper : "Are you jokin' with me?”
“What? It's insignificant."
“The damn Pulitzer Prize? Nothing? You really think I ain't aware of what it is?"
Sole seemed to be uneasy.
"I wrote an article criticizing the waste of resources in the movement of troops in Anchorage. It didn't turn me into a hero."
"But there's the Pulitzer Prize!"
"Do you really know what it is?"
Piper gives themm a mocking glance. "I’m a journalist, Sole. jour-na-list! Oh, you bet your sweet Nuka-Cola I know what it is!"
"I'm sorry for bugging you, but it's not like they're still do it."
"I understand, and I believe it's a shame. My McDonough story would've fetched me one, I tell ya..."
Sole bursts in laughter. "I'm convinced, too."
They resume the task without adding anything, but later that evening, Piper feels compelled to bring it back on the rug, for the damnation of Sole.
Preston : "A humanitarian award?"
Sole growls as they reclaims the article from Preston's grasp. "This must have been laminated by Nate/Nora. Shit…”
"A humanitarian award." Preston muses.
"In Africa, I dug wells to provide water to villages. It's not a huge deal. It was just another pastime for students with low self-esteem."
"You ventured all the way to Africa just to dig wells?"
"It was with a hundred other students. And there are many more. It was a common occurrence, I assure you."
"And did everyone receive a humanitarian award for that, General?"
Sole seemed to be uneasy.
"I may have started the nonprofit organisation that raised the most funds and travelled the furthest...However, it was in the past. I'm not even sure Africa exists anymore..."
Preston slaps Sole in the back while laughing heartily.
"You're that. The yearnin' to protect the world. I'm mighty proud to be your friend."
Sole gives a gentle smile. "You're more to me than just a friend, Preston. Everything is due to you."
"It's quite amusing, because that's exactly the sentiment I was about to express. Beginning with my life, in all senses."
Sole stares at the ceiling. They are occasionally irritated by Preston's approach, even though Preston is the great spirit who resurrected the Minutemen from its ashes. But if that pleases him, so be it. They take their place at their side of the furniture, and their Colonel gets the message.
"Ah, don't forget, tomorrow's is my humble abode, alright?”
"Too good." Sole grunts.
Strong : "What paper?"
"Stupidity of the past."
"Why Puny human hide paper?"
"Stupidity, I said. Sole piloted a plane to prevent it from collapsing on a skyscraper."
"What plane?"
"Stupidity. Can you get that piece of furniture out for me?"
Strong snatches the furniture with both hands and throws it through the window.
"Puny human furniture out."
Sole scratches their head. Sturges might have a hard time fixing it...
X6-88 : "Sir/Madam, is this document authentic?"
Sole growls as they grabs it from the Courser's hands. "It had to be Nora/Nate who laminated it."
"May I offer a remark?"
Sole points to the other end of the cabinet to X6, and the synth rushes to take his position, but as they leave the house, he can't help but return his eyes to Sole from time to time. Sole exhausts their patience by travelling to Sturges to drop off their burden.
"It is a privilege to be in the service of a genuine revolutionary in the field of modern medicine, and I cannot help but fathom the origins of Father's exceptional intellect."
"It was a laboratory accident that had a positive impact on humanity because my assistant was clever enough to capitalize on it and he was noble enough to give me the credit."
X6 adds nothing, yet on these rare occasions, a small smile extends across his lips. He has known for a long time that Sole is very modest, but he also knows that they are a particularly smart person, and he is not astonished to find that they distinguished themself even before the war.
119 notes · View notes
feeder86 · 2 years
Levi loved sex. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it and he didn’t really care that the people sharing the corridor of his dorm all prudishly looked down on the fact that he had so many guys staying over. He was eighteen, handsome, and in college for the first time. There were sexy guys all over the place. Of course he was going to indulge himself!
But whilst he could shrug off most of the disapproval, the thing that did annoy him was the fact that the guy living right opposite him was pretty much exactly the same. Julian seemed to bring a different girl back almost every time he went for a night out; sometimes more than one. However, no one seemed to mind about that. The girls all loved him for his toned body and good looks; whilst the guys admired Julian for his confidence with the ladies and generally fun personality. Julian seemed to get on better with people in a way that Levi didn’t. Maybe that was why they accepted his promiscuous lifestyle more than they did Levi’s. Was that where he was going wrong?
Two months into college, Levi decided to forgo a night hunting for his next conquest and graciously accepted an invite from the people in his corridor to meet up for a social evening in the shared kitchen. He knew it would be lame, so it didn’t come as too much of a surprise when he was trying to stifle a yawn after only twenty minutes. Still, he plastered a smile on his face and made the small talk that was expected of him. Eleven o’clock came and people started to drift away to bed. Within another hour, everyone had gone, leaving only Levi and Julian left behind. The pair looked at each other, seeming to think exactly the same thing.
“What a lame party!” Levi said aloud, looking at his watch and seeing that it had only just turned midnight.
Julian laughed and nodded, clearly in complete agreement. He opened another bottle of beer and seemed quite prepared to stick around and keep the night alive for just a little longer. 
“At least Sally won’t be complaining about you tomorrow morning,” Julian joked. “She says she has to sleep with ear-plugs in when you bring guys home. These paper-thin walls aren’t great for privacy!”
Levi smirked at that. Sally wouldn’t know fun if it bit her on the ass. “I can’t help it if I’m good in bed,” he joked back, suddenly feeling as if he wanted to be a little flirtatious. That was probably the beer.
“Well, you’re doing something right, I’ll give you that!” Julian laughed, nodding in agreement. “Even I’ve heard you a couple of times!” He looked impressed, then added, “Well, maybe not YOU. But I’ve heard the guys you’ve been with. They sound like they’re having a pretty decent time with you in there.”
Levi nodded proudly, deciding that Julian was tipsy enough not to be offended if he flirted with him a little. “You’re welcome to find out for yourself,” he teased. “Although I’m not so sure that you could handle me.”
Julian seemed to delight in being flirted with. It was a weekend and they had both given up a night out in town for this lame party. Maybe Julian felt just as sex-starved as Levi did? “Oh, yeah?” he grinned. “What makes you think that?”
“Because I like to be the dominant one,” Levi stated frankly. “I’ll admit that I’m pretty good at making guys submit to me.”
Julian reacted by losing eye-contact with him. He closed his legs, as if he was suddenly turned on by the idea but unwilling to admit it. “I figured as much,” he nodded. “You definitely have that slight edge to your personality…”
“I have even more of an edge in the bedroom,” Levi pressed on, making an undeniable advance on the guy. “Seriously,” he smirked, “Come see for yourself.”
Julian looked around, as if he was suddenly unsure that they were truly alone, Then he leaned in closer and lowered his voice. “So, what? Do you have handcuffs and stuff?” he asked with undeniable interest.
Levi chuckled. “Handcuffs, ropes, cable ties… you name it,” he flirted, suddenly realising that this might actually happen. “Are you telling me you have a submissive streak?” he asked excitedly.
Julian seemed to consider before he answered. “I might have fantasised about it a few times,” he nodded. “I’m a lot kinkier than most people realise.”
Smiling, Levi let his hand travel down to Julian’s knee. “I really don’t think you understand the meaning of the word ‘kinky’ until you’ve spent a night with me.” His cock was hard with anticipation of spending some sexy time with such a handsome guy.
Considering things, Julian seemed to weigh up his options in his head. “Your room, or mine?” he asked at last.
Levi pulled out his rolling desk chair into the middle of the room. “Sit,” he ordered and smirked as Julian did exactly as he was told. Of all the guys he had had in here, he’d never expected to have the handsome jock from across the hall. “Get your shirt off,” he barked next. Again, Julian did as he was told, revealing his awesomely toned and athletic chest. Levi had never been with someone this in-shape before, but he wasn’t about to tell Julian that; this session was all about his dominance over him. He instructed him on where to place his hands and then watched as a tent formed in Julian’s pants, just as the handcuffs came out. But Levi didn’t set to that straight away; that wasn’t his style. Instead, he made Julian wait, watching as he rattled his handcuffs and realised how restricted he was. Then, at long last, he unbuckled Julian’s pants and pulled them down, along with his underwear, leaving the young stud completely naked.
Julian’s cock was just as pretty as the rest of his body. Long and perfectly shaped, it almost made Levi jealous to behold. No wonder all the girls loved this guy! He bent down, taking some rope and tying Julian’s ankles to the chair, just above the wheels.  As he did so, he could see the guy’s hardness weeping with excitement. He hadn’t been lying, he really did have a submissive streak to him. But again, Julian was in no rush. He teased the handsome boy by kissing him and then pretending to go down on him, before aborting and chuckling with laughter at his torturous ways. He smirked, seeing Julian getting more and more aroused by this. He could smell the lust coming from the guy, as he ached to be touched.
At long last, Levi put a little lubrication on his hand and started to handle Julian down below. Gasps and moans escaped from the guy’s lips each time, followed by frustrated sighs whenever he deliberately stopped. But this was Levi’s method. If anyone wanted to know how he got his conquests to moan with such deep delight after he’d finished with them – this was it.
Levi took Julian to the edge a couple of times; expertly pulling back at the very last second. “You say you’re a kinky guy?” Levi questioned, sitting down on the edge of his bed and pulling the strapped in guy towards him; as if to interrogate him. “I want to know everything. Every last dirty, kinky little thought in that brain of yours.”
“I want to be dominated,” Julian whispered, out of sheer exhaustion. It had been over an hour since he had been first strapped into this chair.
Levi laughed. “I can already see that!” he exclaimed mockingly. He reached in and grabbed Julian’s hardness again, massaging it to relax the guy and loosen his lips. “Tell me about how you fantasise about being dominated?” he insisted soothingly.
The sexy guy’s eyes rolled up into his head from the touch. “I want to be owned…” he confessed. “I want someone to take complete control.”
“Don’t stop there…” Levi whispered back. “Tell me everything…”
Julian was relaxed and more aroused that he had probably been in his whole life; wound up like the tightest of coils. Making him say out loud his weirdest, dirtiest and kinkiest fantasies was bound to ensure that he came like never before.
“I want someone to treat me like a pig,” Julian admitted, his cock pulsing dangerously as the words slipped beyond his lips. 
Levi eased off. Now he was getting somewhere. “A disgusting little piggy, huh?” he asked interestedly. “How perfect!” he smiled. “I think you’d make the perfect little pig for me!”
Julian moaned and listened carefully, having his secret and closely guarded kink indulged for the first time. “I want someone to turn me into one!” he stated more confidently. “I want them to take control and make me look like nothing more than a fat, greedy pig!”
Julian grinned from ear to ear. Of all the kinks he had heard guys confess to him, this had to be the weirdest, as well as the most perfect. What could be more submissive than this?
“Pigs have big, fat bellies on them, you know?” he teased, just massaging the very tip of Julian’s hardness in an almost unbearable way. “Does that mean I’d get to destroy your abs?” he whispered.
Julian moaned louder than ever. “Bury them in blubber!” he pleaded, sounding as if he could come in a microsecond with the right push.
Levi looked around his room, spotting a box of cookies his mom had sent him. He stood up and collected them. “Look what I’ve got!” he teased, shaking the box. “The perfect pig food!” he chuckled, ripping open the box as the helpless, horny young guy watched on. “Open up!” he insisted, popping the first into Julian’s mouth. “These will turn you straight into my fat, little piggy!”
Julian chewed, but even as Levi kept his hands away from the guy’s crotch, he could see it pumping as if it was about to give way. 
“You're mine, Julian!” Levi stated forcefully, taking hold of the guy and stimulating him with the utmost ferocity. “My fat-bellied pig!”
Even with a full mouth, Julian moaned louder than any other guy Levi had brought back here. His long dick squirted endlessly, with high jets landing all over his torso and even on his face and hair.
Grinning, Levi looked at the mess he had made of the hot jock from across the hall. The guy was completely spent, exposed and vulnerable. The sight was absolutely thrilling. But there was one thing Levi knew for certain; Julian would be back for more of this. There was no going back.
After being released and sent back to his room, Julian’s shy gratitude made Levi chuckle to himself. He thought about it all the next morning, still grinning as he went into the shared kitchen.
“There he is!” grumbled one of the girls. “Did you really have to make so much noise at two in the morning? No one wants to be woken up to the sound of one of your one-night-stands coming!”
Levi felt a little ambushed, with them all looking at him, annoyed. In the background, Julian quietly buttered his toast, not saying a word and clearly not wanting to be implicated.
“Yeah, he was a bit of a squealer, wasn’t he?” Levi laughed, completely unrepentant to the grumpy faces that surrounded him.
“It’s not on!” another argued at him. “We all have to live here, you know!”
Levi simply raised his eyebrows and carried on with what he was doing. He wasn’t about to apologise; especially when the person who had actually woken them all up was stood right there, saying nothing at all. But as he got his milk and cereal, Levi noticed that Julian was deliberately avoiding eye contact with him. Was he embarrassed? He’d never been with a guy before last night and probably didn’t want to advertise that fact.
Over the coming days, Levi waited for Julian to come to him to discuss what had happened. But, instead, the handsome jock seemed determined to ignore him entirely. Maybe if Levi was a better person, he could have left things there and allowed Julian to forget the whole thing. But with the guy playing hard to get, it seemed to make Levi all the more excited. It was the thrill of the chase. He was the predator and there was Julian as his juicy little piggy, just waiting to be taken.
By the end of the following week, Julian had seemingly bounced back. He’d been out on the Thursday night and returned home with a new girl. He spoke about her loudly in the kitchen area, as if he wanted Levi to know that he was over whatever had happened the weekend before. That was when Levi realised that he was going to have to get more creative.
“Whose is this massive cheesecake in the refrigerator?” asked one of the guys that Saturday night. 
Levi smirked. It certainly did look delicious and it was large enough to comfortably feed everyone on their corridor. “It’s mine,” he replied. “I have a hot date tonight.”
Collectively, everyone sighed. “You’re not going to keep us up all night, are you?” one jumped in.
“That whole cheesecake is for you and your date?” asked another.
“Oh, the guy I’m seeing absolutely LOVES his food!” Levi smirked, noticing how Julian was trying his best not to get involved in the conversation, despite the fact that he was undoubtedly listening in. “He could eat this whole thing in one go!”
“You’d have to be a real pig to eat that in one sitting,” dismissed the girl who had first noticed the cheesecake in the refrigerator, closing the door to it.
Levi laughed. “Oh, he sure is!” he nodded, noticing that Julian had turned to look. “He’s coming over at nine this evening,” he said directly to Julian, leaving him in no doubt that it was actually him who was expected. “And he’s in for a real treat!”
Waiting in his room later that night, Levi nervously watched the clock. Would Julian show up? Had he connected enough with him, or been obvious enough in his approach to calling him over. But at nine o’clock on the dot, a faint knock came at his door. Julian was standing there, having crept over silently from his room so as not to alert the other people in the dorm.
Levi raised his eyebrows with a grin on his face. “Get inside!” he whispered in the same dominant tone that had driven Julian so wild last time.
When Julian walked in, he would have immediately seen the desk chair, with handcuffs ready to hold him, left in the middle of the room. The cheesecake was sat to the side, along with a large container of full-fat milk. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Julian muttered, as if he was simply talking to himself.
Levi didn’t say a word. He simply stood before the handsome boy, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling out his belt, undressing him without a hint of emotion on his face. He could hear the fast, nervous breathing of the jock and could tell, just from looking, how fast his heart was beating.
Before Julian seemed to make sense of what was happening, he was standing entirely naked, with his pants dropped to his feet; his perfect hard-on looking dangerously erect, just like last time. But Levi had chosen this spot very carefully. He opened his closet door to reveal the full length mirror screwed into it; allowing Julian to see his athletic physique. “Tell me, what do you see?” Levi asked him.
Unsure what to see, Julian shrugged. “My body,” he replied.
“Do you see your tight abs?” Levi asked teasingly, stroking his stomach. “Or your strong chest? What about that handsome jawline? Or this cute, little butt?” he continued, grabbing Julian’s ass with that last question. 
Julian nodded, knowing that this was all part of some twisted game that he was being lured into. 
“And what am I going to do to those things?” he asked, lubricating his hand and already starting to gently caress Julian’s hardness in preparation for what was to come.
Immediately, Julian melted, just as easily as last time. “You’re going to reshape me,” he replied. “You want to transform me!”
“I’m going to fatten you like the greedy little piggy you are,” Levi stated more bluntly. “But…” he paused dramatically. “...Only if you beg!”
Julian looked at him as if he had not been expecting Levi’s sudden request.
“On your knees!” Levi grinned wickedly, taking his hand away from Julian’s groin and standing there expectantly.
Slowly, Julian sank to his knees. He hesitated only for a second, then looked up at Levi and placed his hands together. “Please…” he whispered obediently. “Please do it to me!”
“Do what?” Levi smiled, wanting the boy to elaborate.
Julian sighed slightly, relinquishing his control on those kinks of his a little more. “Fatten me,” he stated. “Turn me into your own, greedy little pig!”
Levi sank to his knees as well and kissed Julian sweetly. He resumed his teasing of the guy’s hard-on and whispered seductively into his ear. “Am I going to grow a large, fat belly on you?” he teased. “And a round, jiggly ass?”
Julian nodded and became more aroused with every word Levi said. In fact, Levi estimated that another ten seconds would have seen the boy come already. And so he stopped, leaving Julian gasping with disappointment. But he knew what had to happen now. Without a word, he got up and slipped into the chair that had been left for him. He then waited excitedly as the cuffs were set and the rope was tied around his ankles. But this time, Levi added another rope, pulling the guys knees out and ensuring that his legs remained splayed.
“Aw! Such a handsome boy!” Levi cooed teasingly. He picked up the cheesecake and dug his large table spoon in violently. “It’s such a shame!” he smiled, stroking Julian’s handsome jawline. “A shame that you got yourself mixed up with someone who is going to feed you into a greedy, gluttonous porker!”
Julian gasped with delight. Those words, every one of them, seemed to deliver a shot of adrenaline into his system.
“Open up!” Levi insisted, slapping him gently on the side of his face. “It’s time to fatten into my pig!”
Julian’s mouth couldn’t have been opened any wider. He took the large spoonful like a professional; chewing, swallowing and then opening up again, just as wide. Every now and then, Levi would tease the guy’s hardness, but he hardly needed it; it wasn’t going anywhere. In time, as Julian started to slow down, Levi smeared the cheesecake around his mouth, laughing at the ridiculous sight as the boy’s tongue came out, licking all around it and trying to scoop as many of the calories up and into his mouth. Levi would also space things out, unzipping his own pants and feeding his harness to the jock in short intervals. Then he’d wash it all down with the milk, watching as the guy’s stomach bloated more and more. Julian could clearly see it too, and his legs twitched as he ached to come.
“I meant what I said last time,” Levi stated seriously. “You’re mine now! I don’t want anyone else going home with you.” He paused and looked harshly at Julian. “You’re MY personal plaything from now on!”
Julian nodded in agreement. “I’m yours,” he exclaimed emphatically.
“Swear it!” Levi insisted, taking hold of Julian’s cock for the grand finale.
“I swear! I swear! There’s no one else but you” the guy cried out as he finally gave way, with those forceful jets streaming all over his bloated form.
Julian managed to sneak over quite a few times over the following week. Neither of them wanted to announce their new romance, if it could even be called that. The secretiveness of it all was, in itself, rather thrilling.
“I haven’t been to the gym in over two weeks!” Julian grinned, rubbing his still flat stomach with excitement.
“Good!” Levi shot back. “Pigs don’t use gyms, so why should you?”
Levi smiled at that and gave a short little ‘oink’ of excitement before leaning in to kiss Levi. His attitude towards Levi had completely changed. He seemed full to the brim with gratitude; delighted that Levi was so willing to indulge his kinks to such an extreme. They talked about it endlessly and, over the coming days and weeks, Levi began to understand it a lot more. He knew the TV shows and movies that had sparked the gaining interest in Julian as he was growing up. He knew the phrases and scenarios that the guy imagined to be the most arousing, and he also knew how much Julian’s sexuality was driven by it all. Within only a couple of weeks, he could tell just how much Julian was falling for him; the way he held him in bed, or kissed him upon his arrival. In a way, it almost made Levi panic. He hadn’t anticipated being in an exclusive relationship, but he also no longer had the desire to explore with other guys; not when he had Julian, who could submit to him better than any other guy could.
Being a ‘Trust Fund Brat’, Julian lived on a surprisingly healthy allowance from his family. While other students were scraping by, he’d had money to burn. Now he’d handed over one of his cards to Levi, asking him to use it to buy foods to fatten him up with. That was the only brief Levi had been given. At first, he’d used it to buy in pizzas and doughnuts. Then he’d researched it better, buying in crates of extremely high calorie shake products, which he kept concealed under his bed during the day; bringing them out in the evening when his horny little piggy came over to see him.
It was hard to know which of the measures was having the most effect, but it was soon clear that Julian’s body was gradually succumbing to it all. The gentle softness that covered his abs formed a distinct, fleshy crease across his belly button as he slouched, handcuffed to the desk chair most evenings. The guy’s sides had also thickened, although it was only really noticeable when his shirt was off. However, it excited them both immensely to know that Julian’s narrow waist was on the way out.
“Pretty soon you’ll have a fat, little pot belly sticking out of your shirts,” Levi declared as he spoon fed very soft ice cream to his horny lover in the dead of night. “Then everyone will be able to see what a greedy pig you’re becoming!”
Talking about the future always excited Julian. It made him eat more and made his hardess flex and pulse. Levi only had to watch it to learn all that he needed: Which words worked best on him? Which names got him the most excited?
“You’ll be a whole new man after the holidays!” Levi grinned, poking his finger into the new flesh on the boy’s lower stomach. “You’re going to secretly gorge and guzzle everything in sight while you’re without me.”
Julian nodded. He’d already been reminded of the expectations of him during the three week break. In the time they had been dating, he’d gained twenty-two pounds, taking him from an athletic 140lbs, to a more robust 162lbs; yet it still wasn’t all that noticeable to most people. “I promise, everyone will see how chubby I’m getting when we come back to college!” Julian declared; his voice full of enthusiasm and lust. “I’m going to eat so much for you whilst I’m back home!”
“I’m very glad to hear it,” Levi replied, gazing down and seeing how much the guy’s long, perfectly shaped cock was weeping with joy at the thought of it all. He both loved and hated that thing. But having a boyfriend who was so well-endowed somehow made it harder to see him as a true submissive. He poked a finger around the flesh that surrounded the shaft and pondered. “Maybe I can get the fat to start swallowing this dick of yours soon,” he mused aloud. “I want to take off a good few inches off this thing!”
Julian’s eyes widened and he suddenly looked around in a panic. His hands were bound and Levi had been busy holding the tub of ice cream, spoon-feeding it into his mouth. Yet, Julian gave a long, agonising groan and picked his butt up as much as he could from the chair. Gentle waves streamed down his shaft as he came, entirely on his own, from just a few simple words.
Levi had hardly had any time to react. He dropped the spoon into the almost melted ice cream and threw it down onto his table, exchanging it for a large, fluffy muffin. Then he stuffed the fat-filled treat into the greedy boy’s mouth; pressing it firmly against his teeth and deliberately stifling the loud moans that the horny guy always made, never failing to get Levi in trouble with his neighbours.
Even though Levi had not intended to let him come for a little while yet, he was still pleased. Now he’d found something else to get Julian excited, just as much as himself.
Despite their regular contact over the holidays, Levi’s eyes still widened slightly as he saw Julian for the first time. He’d popped into the kitchen after getting back and saw Julian with his back to him chatting to one of the guys. He’d seen pictures of how far the horny guy had been pushing his stomach, but he hadn’t been expecting how dramatic a transformation was taking place from this perspective. Previously tight and cute, Julian’s butt had somehow developed a little width to it. It looked rounder and fuller, pressing up against the material of his pants. The sight gave Levi an instant boner, and he wondered why Julian had failed to show him this change through the many, many pictures he’d sent him over the holidays. Then an even more exciting thought came to Levi: maybe even Julian wasn’t aware of just how much his body was changing!
“Julian’s been eating well over the holidays,” chuckled Dan, one of Julian’s supposedly best friends, once the former jock had left the kitchen. “Did you notice?” he asked the room collectively.
“I noticed!” nodded Emma, one of the girls Levi knew that Julian had slept with in the past. “He’s getting chubby cheeks,” she chuckled, with a little bitterness.
“And the rest!” exclaimed Dan. “Did you not see his belly?” His eyes were wide, as if the whole thing was a lot more serious than it actually was. “What the hell has that dude been eating?” he joked cruelly. 
“Well, it’s no wonder,” went on one of the other girls, opening up one of the refrigerators and spying on what Julian was storing on his dedicated shelf. “Look at all the crap he’s eating!”
Dan gazed in and then went over to Julian’s designated cupboard, opening the door quickly. Out fell candy bars and packets of savoury snacks which had all been packed in tightly. 
“Shit!” Dan laughed. “What the fuck?”
“No wonder!” Emma tutted. “He’s going to have to watch that, or he’ll end up getting fat!”
“He already is fat!” Dan replied, laughing in sheer shock from their discoveries. “The guy’s a complete pig!”
As hot as it would have been to explain to Julian all that he had heard, Levi decided to keep it to himself. Hearing it second hand wouldn’t have been quite as thrilling as Levi wanted it to be for Julian. Instead, a rather cunning and wicked plan was forming in his head.
Julian sat strapped to the chair. It was a Friday night and so the two boys went late into the night, stuffing and packing as much as they could into the transforming porker. Levi noticed with glee that the boy’s chubby butt seemed to be spreading out a little wider in the seat and his overall capacity had increased dramatically over the last few weeks. Tonight, his beautiful belly had bloated up well, looking round and packed to the brim. And so it should have been; Julian had been fed a feast of treats: a rather strange mix of ice creams, cookies, bacon, pizzas and sodas; along with the usual calorie shakes that Levi had become accustomed to making.
“Ugh, I don’t think I can actually finish this…” Julian winced, twitching his strapped up hands as if he itched to stroke and soothe his tight gut.
“That’s all right,” Levi smiled. “I don’t need you to eat it all. Do you want a little break?”
Julian looked up at him, completely shocked, for this was not how Levi usually pushed him. Levi didn’t compromise when it came to feeding his pig.
“Yeah, please,” Julian nodded with relief. “Just a quick break.”
Levi smiled. “Okay. But if you’re not going to eat for me, you can wait out in the corridor until you’re ready. Then, with that, he began pushing the naked boy’s chair to his door.
“No, no! Please!” Julian quietly cried out as the door was opened. His eyes were wide with horror as he suddenly found himself being wheeled into the very middle of the corridor, his head throwing itself from left to right and back again, searching for anyone who might come out and see him like this. “Please!” he begged quietly. “I’ll eat whatever you want!”
“I don’t know…” Levi pretended to consider. “A pig who can’t finish his meal is no good to me. I might as well just leave you here. That way, everyone can get a peek at that small pot belly you’ve grown, if that’s the biggest it’s ever going to get.”
“I’ll grow it bigger. I’ll grow it so much bigger!” Julian promised. “Take me back in and I promise I will show you how much I can eat for you!”
Levi smiled. He always knew there wouldn’t be anyone about at this time, but the exercise had helped to make his point. When Julian was taken back in, he ate everything up without complaint. Then the greedy glutton came, knowing with complete certainty that he had a feeder who would push him to the very extremes.
“Who ate my ice cream?” Emma cried out in shock, as she opened the freezer.
“Someone took my frozen pizzas as well!” Dan nodded, sounding unsurprised.
“My bacon’s been taken too,” Levi threw in, trying to build momentum.
Suddenly, like a pack of cards falling down, everyone was complaining about items that had been taken from their cupboards, freezer or refrigerator space. Everyone, it seemed, had lost something.
The timing was absolutely perfect. It had gone exactly to plan. Levi stared across at Julian as the realisation dawned on him. Everything that had been stolen had been fed to him by Levi the night before. His face flushed a little red and he looked over at his secret lover.
“Well, I think, whoever the greedy pig who has taken everyone’s food, should own up to it immediately!” Levi declared.
Julian’s feet shuffled, but he clearly knew what he had to do. “I might have… accidentally taken some of it,” he mumbled.
“You?” Dan asked, dismayed. “You don’t have enough crap in your own cupboards?” he asked, opening it up and seeing that Julian had made a good dent in all of his supplies.
“What the fuck has gotten into you, man?”
“That’s not cool,” agreed one of the others.
“I’m sorry,” Julian offered. “I just got a little hungry.”
Levi looked around. Was anyone going to properly call him out on it, like he deserved?  “You know…” he began, pretending to find the situation delicate, “…we’ve all noticed that you’ve put on a little weight recently.”
Around him every single person was nodding, looking with disappointment at Julian.
“That t-shirt you’re wearing is looking pretty tight. We can all see that belly you’re getting,” he stated, as if only commenting on the sight for Julian’s own good.
Everyone gazed at Julian, as if this was some form of intervention. In turn, a few more people commented on how they had seen Julian cooking up large portions for himself, or sneaking out for snacks constantly throughout the day. But their message was clear and made with complete agreement: Julian needed to do something about his greedy appetite.
Levi sat in his bedroom, hardly able to contain the smile on his face. He listened out until all the activity settled in the corridor and everyone went back into their rooms to study, before the inevitable gentle tapping sounded on his door. Julian entered with a shocked look still on his face. “I can’t believe you did that!” he chuckled, as if the adrenaline rush was continuing to pump through his body.
Levi nodded and grinned, undressing the increasingly stout boy as he always did upon him entering his room. “I needed them to start seeing you as the greedy little pig that you’re turning into,” he explained. “And I needed you to hear the sorts of things they’ve all been saying about you behind your back,” Levi added, giving Julian’s increasingly oversized butt a pat.
Julian’s hardness twitched. “They’re talking about me behind my back?” he asked excitedly.
Levi opened the door to his closet before he spoke, revealing the mirror inside. “Of course they are!” he laughed, pushing Julian forwards a little so that he could see his body better in the reflection. “The best looking guy in the building suddenly starting to let himself go; growing a little pot belly and one hell of an ass! You bet they’re talking about you!” 
Julian sighed with lust. He loved his stomach being referred to as a ‘pot belly’ even if it wasn’t quite there yet. It was simply a little, chubby paunch, but the abs were now very much gone. “Look at what you’re doing to me!” he mumbled excitedly as he gazed at his reflection. He rubbed his stomach and twisted his body to marvel at the changes to himself. “I’m actually fat!”
Shaking his head, Levi closed the closet door. “No, you’re not,” he clarified. “Not yet! But I’m going to get you there; one jiggly pound at a time!”
Just as he had been trained to, Julian sank to his knees. “Please!” he begged, looking up at his dominant boyfriend. “I want to get so damn fat for you!”
Now Levi smiled. He reached out and grabbed one of the pre-bought calorie shakes he’d left out, punching a hole in the top to let the liquid flow out. Then he reached his hand out and pulled at Julian’s chin. “Open up!” he ordered.
Doing as he was told, Julian’s mouth stretched to the widest it would open; as if that would allow him to take on more calories somehow, or to show just how much he wanted it. The highly fattening liquid poured into his mouth, filling it up and making him swallow every few seconds. Then, out came the next shake; then another, and another, providing a hearty base of calories before the food came out. Each time he would pause, placing Julian’s mouth over his crotch and setting his greedy tongue to work in payment.  By the time they both came later, Julian was massively stuffed and well on his way to generating even more comments about his expanding waistline.
“Are you trying to hide this double chin?” asked Levi a few weeks later, as Julian’s head popped up for a brief break from blowing him off. He’d noticed that Julian hadn’t shaved for a few days now.
“I’m just trying out a new look,” Julian replied innocently.
Levi simply shook his head. “Shave it,” he stated. “I’m finally softening up that jawline and I want EVERYONE to see it!”
Julian’s eyes twinkled with delight. He loved to be told how to present himself. He got a kick out of Levi insisting on him wearing tight shirts and pants that showed off his gains; those t-shirts that clung unflatteringly to his developing love handles, or the overly tight pants that showed off how out of shape his butt was getting. “Yes, sir!” he nodded eagerly, setting his mouth back to work.
“Pig!” Levi called, holding out a cookie and feeding it into Julian’s mouth to give him another brief break. This was their routine. Julian could eat so much more than he realised if he was kept busy with a job. Besides, he’d really improved his skills in giving blow jobs recently; so it worked on multiple levels. The boy was so grateful, so in love, and in lust, there was no one on Earth who would try harder at pleasing him with his tongue.
People were cruel, Levi realised, readjusting his crotch as he’d been turned on once more. Since no one knew that he was sleeping with Julian, they didn’t hold back around him. The girls were especially nasty. As if trying to make up for how much they had all lusted after Julian back in September, now they sounded full of disgust whenever they mentioned him.
Levi had insisted that Julian wear his tight jeans that morning, resulting in Emma getting an eyeful of his butt crack. And that had fuelled an entire morning of petty, mean talk in the kitchen. Emma had recounted it over and over again, pretending to gag as she thought back.
It was as if the entire past had been erased. As if Julian had never been that hot, stunner that they all loved. Now he was just the chunky, overfed ex-jock. At 200lbs, his beautiful, tight butt had been bloated and morphed into something of ridicule, rather than admiration. His handsome face no longer looked the same. Those puffy cheeks and slight double chin removed the athletic look that made him appear so energetic and lively before. Now his pecs were starting to grow pointed and a tight, round little stomach was slowly pushing its way out of his torso. Julian was transforming, all because of his desire to submit to Levi – and the eroticism of that was unlike anything Levi had ever experienced. When he heard people discussing the changes like this, it made him want to speed it up; increase the effects; make it more extreme - and get his little pig oinking!
Julian never knew whether he was eating the food Levi had bought in for him, or whether it had been stolen from the other residents’ cupboards in the kitchen. Whenever food went missing, the finger was always squarely pointed at the growing glutton, making him flush red with embarrassment and yet grow harder than ever before. His popularity was dwindling and chains started appearing on cupboards to help protect people’s food. ‘Pig-proofing’ was how Levi described it. He’d then spend hours picking those weak locks to get at their snacks to continue to rile them all up. Then he’d smile broadly, watching Julian unknowingly taking it all down into his chubby body.
“How fat are you going to get for me? he’d ask his horny lover.
“As fat as you want me!” Julian would reply between chews. Talk like that was always so arousing. Levi couldn’t help how horny it got him to hear those submissive moans of discomfort as Julian was stuffed beyond reason. Yet he would still open his mouth and take in more food for him; knowing how it would transform his body.
The chubby boy looked at him in confusion as his handcuffs were unclipped before he had even come. Then he looked with even more bemusement as Levi laid a complete and oversized chocolate cheesecake on the floor. “Come on, Pig!” he ordered.
There was a groan from Julian as he had to lift his bloated body up. Movement was always hard when he was this full, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t keen to see what Levi wanted from him. He was sent down onto his knees and then fell onto all-fours; the little chub that had been gathering on his stomach now drooping downwards, along with the slight fleshiness of Julian’s chest. Levi simply admired for a short while, until he encouraged Julian’s knees a little wider so that his hole was exposed and stretched. Rubbing in a little lube, Levi heard Julian moan softly at the gentle touch, even as the tips of his finger slid inside; knowing that he was being prepared for something new.
Levi grabbed at the flesh in Julian’s middle, pinching it and jiggling as he laughed mockingly. “You’re going to guzzle down this whole cheesecake while I fuck you,” he explained bluntly, as the boy looked awkwardly up at him, wide eyed and obedient. Then, as if to counter any potential protests, Levi once again grabbed at the fat roll around Julian’s middle; jiggling it until the boy moaned in delight. He slapped the widening butt and then pushed the guy’s head, lowering it into the cheesecake that had been placed under his nose. There was only a little resistance and soon Julian’s mouth had been plunged into the creamy surface.
The sight was even more arousing that Levi had anticipated. Seeing his pig’s teeth biting into the fattening dessert for him, with such enthusiasm and greed, his hardness was ready to explode.
“Come on, Pig!” he called again, slapping the softening butt in approval. “Get it all down!” he ordered, now beginning to pushhis hardness inside. He could already feel himself getting ready to come. It wasn’t the first time he’d fucked Julian, but it definitely hadn’t felt as good as this before. He gazed down at him, shouting more words of encouragement for the pig to continue eating. In return, Julian gave grunts and moans of compliance. It was all so intoxicating. Levi could feel the power of the orgasm building and he had to close his eyes to take it all. He was exploding into the chubby boy, like never before. Then he heard other moans from below, as Julian had done the same, cheekily grabbing his own hardness at the last minute and climaxing.
As they both got to their feet, Levi’s face was a mess, covered in chocolate cheesecake. His plate however, had been almost entirely licked clean.
Exams were soon over and the first year had come to an end. It was going to be a long summer apart, as both of them went home to their families. As always, Levi would be spending the free time working, building up cash to fund his studying next year. Meanwhile, Julian would return to his family in Manhattan, living the pampered lifestyle that he was used to.
“I’ve got you something,” Levi smiled, passing over a bag. “I want you to wear it all summer.”
Julian nodded, smiled and slipped his hand inside, taking out a bright red baseball cap. “Thanks!” he replied automatically, turning it in his hands to inspect it. Then his eyes caught the logo on the front and he simply stared at it in shock. “Zarian?” he mumbled.
Levi nodded. Zarian was an expensive brand, but that wasn’t why Julian had been shocked. It was also a brand for very large and heavy men; their sizes ranging from XXL to quite simply ginormous. Their logo was unmistakeable. “You may not be ready for their clothes yet, but I want you to wear this all summer, as a promise to me; a promise of what will happen to you next year.”
Julian looked at the hat with disbelief, then there was an unmistakeable bouncing throb in his crotch. “Next year,” he echoed, with a cheeky smile.
All summer long, Levi had been working. But each evening he had set aside to video call Julian. He’d chat to the rich boy, relaxing in the comfort of the family’s fancy Upper East Side apartment. It was when the glutton would eat for him and excitedly show off all of the clothes in his wardrobe that no longer fitted. He’d also recount tales of family or friends who had reacted to his new, chubbier physique; all of which seemed to excite him more and more as the weeks went by. Levi hadn’t just indulged Julian’s kink, he’d also developed it; made it more extreme and urgent. Now the idea of getting fatter wasn’t just a fantasy, it was a reality. And, even more than that, it was imperative that it happened as soon as possible.
Julian returned to college with a sizeable belly. Levi measured the width of him and placed him on the scales before they had even kissed each other for the first time. “Right, our first job is to push you over the 250lb mark as soon as we can this semester,” Levi declared, seeing that Julian was still about 12lbs off. 
The new fat was hypnotic. It had gathered all in his chest, softening up his nipples like never before. “I’m getting tits!” Julian threw out excitedly, the moment Levi’s eyes spotted them. But that wasn’t all. Julian’s love handles had thickened to rather extreme proportions, even considering the fact that his butt was already strangely wide. When Levi sat him back down in his old chair, he could also see how deep his belly button had become as his fat little tummy rolled up in the pinched position.
“Oh, boy! Look at what hashappened to your face!” Levi marvelled, seeing the fat that had now swollen into Julian’s neck, developing a sizeable chin and almost melting into his chubby cheeks. “You’re almost unrecogniseable!” His fingers explored it all, knowing how erotic Julian would be finding it, having his fat touched again. He slipped his finger lower, inside the belly button and bounced it, seeing how excited and aroused the fat boy became. He pressed his mouth up against the nipples, realising that they were becoming large enough to be developing some real sensitivity now. He listened keenly to the moans of delight and then ripped open a fresh gainer shake from the massive collection he already had stashed under his bed. He shook it and watched the erotic excitement fill Julian’s face. He’d waited all summer for this. “If you think you’re fat now… just you wait and see what I’m going to do to you…” he teased.
Julian’s eyes widened in excitement and he tipped his head back to take the shake, swallowing it down with more speed and enthusiasm than ever before. He wanted this. He really wanted this!
No one was left on their corridor from the previous year. Everyone had moved out, or requested transfers away from the greedy thief who made their lives so much harder. Levi grinned as he saw them all, taking a peek in their kitchen cupboards to see what treats he could feed to Julian later on. The pig was going to be waking up a little fatter tomorrow.
Julian had brought far too many clothes with him back to college. Levi knew how excited the boy got, feeling them all getting so tight on him, but there was no room left for anything else. “You do know, this isn’t just a fantasy, don’t you?” he asked the porker a little impatiently. He was searching through his underwear drawer, having already been through the shirts and pants, now pulling out endless amounts of overstretched boxer shorts and briefs, shaking his head crossly. “Do you really expect any of this to fit in a few weeks’ time?”
“I like it when I put them on and….” Julian began.
“I know you do,” Levi nodded. “But this is impractical. You are actually going to need some clothes that fit” he explained, finally compromising on a few items that they could keep for future comparisons and letting the rest of the stuff go. Most of it, Levi kept for himself. His wardrobe had never had such an influx of a rich boy’s designer shirts and pants. He certainly looked a lot better in them than Julian had for quite some time; all he had to do was sew a couple of the buttons back on.
Julian settled back into his evenings of being fattened. Like the food he was eating, the regular schedule was comforting and predictable. He would allow himself to be strapped to his chair, taking the food and shakes as his hardness was slowly teased and edged. The process could take quite some time. There was always a lot to get down. Julian would gasp and moan as he was stopped from coming each time he got close. He should have known better; he was never allowed to come until his food was all eaten.
The fat boy had been particularly aroused that night. Someone on his course had made a comment about his weight and he hadn’t been able to shake his boner since. He’d been desperate to come, even before he’d arrived there that evening. That was why he had tried being sneaky. As Levi edged and fed him, Julian must have been trying to hide how close he actually was. He gave none of the usual signs, trying to act as normal as he could. It was only when Levi felt the eruption that he knew he’d accidentally jacked his pig off far too early. 
“Oh, Julian!” he cried out crossly. “You know you’re not allowed to do that yet!”
Julian gave a satisfied smirk as he sat back in his chair, feeling that he had finally outsmarted his feeder.
“That was naughty!” Levi grumbled, continuing to work Julian’s hardness regardless.
The boy’s smirk faded a little and he looked at Levi with only the smallest traces of concern at first. He’d enjoyed coming, but he’d never been so disobedient with Levi before. Now his penis was getting sensitive after the ejactulation, yet Levi was still stroking it up and down. What was worse, Levi didn’t look like he was going to stop anytime soon. 
Julian wriggled a little, but the guy simply reflected that smirk back at him, letting him know that this was exactly what his punishment would be. Julian gasped as the feeling became almost unbearable. He jumped and panted, but never once told Levi to stop; even as Levi placed his palm over the head of Julian’s cock and ground into it with that sly smile on his face.
“Fat boy is not allowed to come until I say,” Levi stated with absolute authority.
“I understand!” Julian squeaked, almost in panic. “I understand!”
“You’re going to eat even more than I had planned tonight,” he demanded. “Pig has to be punished.”
“I will! I promise!” Julian bellowed back, repeating it over and over until Levi finally pulled his hand away. He was true to his word too; gaining an appetite that Levi had rarely seen in him. His hardness never faded. Julian had always wanted to be owned and dominated. Now he seemed to understand, even better than before, just how far Levi was willing to go.
Julian’s punishment continued over the next few days. Levi was concerned over how much the blubbery guy had enjoyed coming early, and the consequence that had been given to him. So instead, Levi began a hands-free strategy. No matter how much he begged, Julian was strapped to his chair and not stimulated by Levi at all. “You need to earn my trust back,” Levi simply stated as he watched Julian’s untouched hardness dribble with arousal. “Obedience will need to be trained back into you.”
When everything was eaten, Levi simply unstrapped him and watched as the guy’s hand flew in desperation onto his aching erection, stroking it with a ferocity; needing to come as fast as possible. Some days, Levi would insist that Julian got up off his chair and slide onto all-fours on the floor. It was always amusing to watch that bloated gut sag and jiggle as Julian came all over the carpet like a pig. Other days, he would allow Julian to stay where he was. As the guy worked his hardness, Levi would pick up the flab around Julian’s stomach and push his arm back so that the fat sat effortlessly on his wrist, jiggling and shaking from the movement of the guy’s attempt at masturbating. 
It was November and still Levi hadn’t touched Julian in the way that he was used to. He knew that Julian had learned his lesson, but the punishment had had the most remarkable effect on Julian’s appetite. He now seemed more willing than ever to submit. He ate, he gorged, he talked about getting fatter every second of the day. 
Like a true glutton, Julian snacked constantly, taking down sodas and cookies with only one aim in mind. Even his fat clothes were getting tight, with an umistakable build up of lard in his tummy, chest and butt. Levi especially admired the way the fat had crept from the guy’s chest and under his arms, giving his shoulder blades a strange puffiness that looked incredibly amusing next to his swollen love handles.
“Do you miss the way I used to make you come?” Levi asked at long last.
Julian nodded; his eyes filled with lust, just as they always were, half way through a feed.
“I’ll make you a deal then,” Levi smiled. “I’ll make you come on one condition…” he looked thoughtfully down at Julian’s pulsing dick, pleased with how well the fat was starting to make its way into the guy’s groin and, in turn, gradually swallowing the shaft from the base. “...Once I resume making you come, I don’t want you to ever pleasure yourself again. Only I can make you climax from now on. Forever.”
“But… the holidays are coming up…” Julian fretted, knowing that they would soon be parted for three whole weeks. That amount of time without being able to come at all was definitely not something the horny ex-jock would be acustomed to.
“Just think of how much extra time you’ll have for eating…” Levi teased, beginning to touch Julian’s dick for the first time in weeks.
Julian moaned in surrender as their lips met and tongues slid into each other’s mouths. Of course Julian agreed; parting with yet another piece of control over his life.
The New Year brought even greater revelations as Julian returned with the most shocking news. 
“They bought you an apartment?” Levi asked, flabbergasted that Julian had been keeping this little surprise right up until they had arrived back in college that January.
“My dad decided that the dorms clearly weren’t encouraging a healthy lifestyle…” he smiled, rubbing his bulging belly fat and giving it a pinch. Having gained so consistently over the last few months, Julian had seemingly developed layer upon layer of fat; blubbering up to make him appear more fleshy and lardy than ever before. “It’s across the street from this super expensive gym they’ve signed me up for as well… as a Christmas present,” he grumbled. He looked a little sheepish and shook his head. “But I have no intention of using the gym,” he clarified, trying to assert his absolute determination on that point.
“So your folks think that if they get you out of these dorms you’ll suddenly start losing all the fat you’ve been packing on?” Levi chuckled to himself.
“Something like that,” Julian nodded, mindlessly picking at the cookies Levi had brought over with him.
“You know that I need you a lot fatter than this, don’t you?” Levi asked, always loving the way Julian’s eyes sparkled with arousal whenever he talked about making him even fatter. “You do also realise that alll this blubber is only just the beginning of what I have planned for you?”
Julian’s big, docile eyes looked up at Levi as he moved to stand over him, before sliding behind him to whisper into the softening boy’s ear. 
“If your family want to buy you a nice apartment to live in, that’s fine by me. But I’m coming with you…”
Julian’s arousal could be heard in the sudden deep breaths that he was taking as Levi’s hand swept over his large, doughy stomach.
“Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I think your folks have just given me the perfect opportunity to keep my greedy little piggy growing twenty-four hours a day!”
It wasn’t long before Levi had packed up his stuff and signed out of the dorms, eagerly counting up how much cash he would be saving by living rent-free with Julian. Money that he could reinvest into massive amounts of calories and joyously pour down his fat boy’s throat.
Obesity had taken Julian, there was no doubt about it. His stomach was bulging like never before and even his arms had become fleshy and jiggly as he began to make a steady climb up and over 270lbs. Watching the gentle flutter of body fat as he strolled around the apartment naked was intoxicating; the awkward grunts as he bent down to slide socks on in the morning. The gut was now starting to wrap around his back, making him almost stoop forwards with the increasing mass of it. Then came the lines where the fat began to fold and eventually emerge into creases of blubber that asserted the dominance of the love handles. Oh, those beautiful fleshy love handles! 
Meanwhile. Levi had dutifully taken the free gym membership that Julian had been gifted by his family. In doing so, he had discovered a whole new thrill of working out with the personal trainer, whilst leaving a whole stack of gainer shakes for Julian to finish before he got back. As long as he answered to the name Julian at the gym, no one would ever know.
As the exam season arrived, Julian and Levi found their shared lives consumed in a way that it had never been before. Suddenly the reality of only having a single year left in college dawned upon them both. But whilst the shift in focus had been entirely justified in order to finish their academic year on a high, Julian’s gains had started to plateau for the first time. Partly, he had become slightly enthralled with how toned and fit Levi was getting with the personal trainers in the gym. The contrast between them was even more distinct once they both got shirtless after a day of lectures, and the thrill of their very different bodies led to more than a few steamy sessions together.
It hadn’t been something Levi had especially looked forward to, heading out to Manhatten with Julian to meet his family. But now that they were over eighteen months into their relationship, with only a single year left of college, they both knew that this was something that had to be done; speaking at length about it for months. Julian had laid the groundwork, heading home for a weekend a few weeks earlier to drop the bombshell that he was dating another guy. It meant that Levi wouldn’t have to sit there as Julian awkwardly explained their relationship, with all of them having plenty of time to get used to the idea first. Still, the prospect clouded his mind for weeks.
No one was home when they both arrived. Even though Julian had taken Levi on a virtual tour of the apartment many times in the past when they were online together, it was still incredibly awe-inspiring to see the wealth of Julian’s family so lavishly displayed in the luxury of their Manhattan home: enormous windows with incredible views of the park, giant rooms and the most contemporary of designs. Yet, as the time trickled by, there was still no family at home to enjoy it all. The refrigerator was all but empty and there was no sign that any of them had been expecting their arrival at all.
A cell phone pressed to his ear, Julian’s father was the first back, just before seven. He raised his eyebrows in greeting as he continued to chat, roughly shaking Levi’s hand, listening keenly to whoever he was chatting to on the other end. Julian’s mother had arrived back from the gym then, kissing them both politely on each cheek without actually pressing her lips to them; not getting at all close until she had showered. 
Dinner arrived soon afterwards, confirming to Levi that the immaculate designer kitchen was indeed hardly ever used. Then all four of them sat down awkwardly at the large, grand dining table, beginning to make difficult conversation. To Levi, it felt more like an interview than a friendly ‘get to know you’ chat. Julian’s parents wanted to know about his schooling, his career goals, what his parents did for work; whether his siblings had made anything of themselves yet. Then, with each unimpressed and disappointed look Levi received, he felt himself resenting them both more and more.
For the first couple of days, Levi swallowed his dislike of Julian’s family. It was only as he walked quietly down the large spiral staircase one morning that he heard the sharp whispering of Julian’s mother as she grumbled at him before heading to work.
“You’re going places, sweetheart. You’ve got a dazzling career in front of you, here in New York. Levi is never going to amount to anything, and you know it!” She gathered her bag and slipped a light, sleek jacket over her arm in case it rained later on. “Find someone better connected because, I’m telling you, that boy upstairs is just going to be a dead weight.”
Levi heard Julian trying to protest, but his mother clearly wasn’t listening as she slipped out the door. Then Julian sighed loudly and rested his arms against the kitchen counter.
“I see I’ve failed whatever test your parents have put me under,” Levi laughed, sneaking up behind Julian and hugging his increasing bulk from behind.
“You heard all that then?” Julian sighed sadly.
“I sure did,” Levi smiled. It might have been difficult to hear that Julian’s parents disapproved of him, but at the same time, it felt incredibly freeing as well. “Come on!” he chuckled. “You hardly expected your folks to like me, did you? I’ve been purposefully fattening you up since we first met!”
With that, Levi gave Julian’s chubby rear a pat and grabbed at both of his love handles, pinching and jiggling them; immediately taking away Julian’s depressed state. Now that Levi had met Julian’s parents, he felt like he understood his boyfriend more than ever before. He’d grown up with two cold, money-hungry parents who had clearly never put him first in their entire lives. They’d been overly concerned about looks, wealth and status, sending their boy off to college in the hopes that he would return, ready to live life in exactly the same way that they had. But Julian had always wanted something else; that true feeling of being properly loved and looked after; fattened to the point that no one could doubt how much he was cared for.
“I want to apologise to you,” Julian stated seriously. “I think, ever since we moved in together, it was obvious that we couldn’t keep our relationship just between us anymore; that we would have to do the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing by coming here.” His hand went back to exploring Levi’s large rear, pulling down his pants to get a peek at the blubbery cheeks. “I think it may have been holding me back a little bit; stopping me from doing what I was always meant to be doing.”
“And what is that?” Levi asked. His dick already hard; it had always been pathetically easy to get him aroused.
“Now that your parents have decided they don’t like me, your final safety net has gone. There’s nothing holding me back anymore; nonone’s approval that I need to obtain. If your parents don’t want me to have you, I’m going to take you anyway. I’m going to turn their chubby boy into the greediest, most disgustingly fat piggy that they’ve ever seen.”
Like always, Julian’s eyes sparkled with lust as he craned his neck to see Levi feeling up his rear; squishing and bouncing the glutes in the way he always did before he would bend Julian over the counter and take him there and then.
“I’m done hiding this. From now on, I want everyone to know exactly what we are to each other.” He pointed to himself and then at Julian. “I’m the feeder and you’re my big, fat, growing pig.”
Julian looked aroused enough to climax right there and then. He’d always loved Levi making declarations about how fat he was going to make him, but this one felt more real than ever; that this really was it; the final mental shiftt that they both needed to make in order to ensure their fantasies became a reality.
Levi saw Julian’s parents several times over the coming months and years; relishing in their mutual shock and disapproval of Julian’s physique. It was one of the things he was most excited about as their wedding day approached; letting them see just how much he had pushed and pushed the weight onto their boy as he stood there in his custom made suit; large bulging belly pushing its way out in all directions. At over four hundred and fifty pounds, Julian’s entire neck had completely disappeared, with his fat-filled chins constantly kept shaven and on display for all to see. His face had widened with the balloon-like cheeks swelling up with each passing week; yet those piggish, lustful eyes still sparked with desire. He grunted as he stood up to use the bathroom and watching the enormous man struggle to move when he was stuffed never failed to get Levi hard. Every inch of his body spoke of his monstrous obesity; the sagging of his enormous former pecs, the mass of his giant, flabby arms and thighs. Every stick of furniture they owned groaned under the weight of Julian’s wide and lard-filled rear. Even now, sat at the top table at their wedding reception, Levi secretly longed for Julian’s inadequate chair to buckle underneath him, sending his almost spherical husband crashing to the floor in front of all of their guests.
“Try some of this,” Levi smiled wickedly, feeding Julian from his own plate in what most others would view as an entirely romantic gesture. But if Levi couldn’t will the chair to break, the least he could do was to ensure that Julian’s most strained shirt button blew before the end of the night. With a two-week all-inclusive honeymoon to enjoy from tomorrow, the journey to five hundred pounds and beyond was well and truly underway.
Julian watched as Levi’s greedy, obedient mouth opened and accepted whatever was on the fork without a second thought, hopeful that the boy’s parents would be scowling at him from further down the table.
“Just think,” Levi teased, placing his hand on Julian’s bloated, ball-like gut and stroking it just below the table, “you could have been marrying some beautiful, well-connected member of New York’s elite right now. That gorgeous, hunky guy I met in college could have had any girl he wanted, until I came along.”
“Do you think that’s what everyone else is thinking as well?” Julian asked; always enjoying hearing about the potential life he could have had were it not for Levi indulging every last one of his suppressed kinks to fatten up well beyond the gigantic size he was today.
“Of course they are,” Levi nodded discreetly. “They’re thinking what a shame it is that you fell into my hands; that you let yourself go and allowed yourself to be so uncompromisingly overfed by me, day after day. You’ve been fattened into a pig, Julian.”
“Do you think they’ll miss us if we sneak back to our room for a little bit later?” the horny, greedy man asked before filling his mouth with even more food.
Levi smiled and placed his strong arm over the wide shoulders of his massively obese husband, whispering into his ear. “Not just yet, Piggy,” he teased. “We’ve got a five-tier cake to cut and I’ve been training your appetite up for weeks in preparation for this. It’s time to show our guests exactly what my pig is made of…”
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justtrashperson · 1 year
For the Cursed Jimmy Toy AU:
So, something we see the Rift doing is essentially setting players back to their physical default. When Fwip and Jimmy go to hermitcraft they’re set to being human and regular sized respectively. This leads to the though that should Cursed Jimmy cross through the rift, the first thing they hear is just *screaming*
He is screaming his lungs out because he has lungs, his voice is going horse with the effort but it’s his for the first time in what seems like forever. There is no cotton in his head, no muffled voice box imitating his voice with a electronic tinge. He holds his arms with his own fingernails, something that was missing as a toy, and squeezes, gloriously to him his own blood- not fluffed stuffing- blood drips out. Because he is himself, truly himself, and so begins the crazed laughter of freedom. The Sheriff is out of jail.
shaking you shaking you shaking you shaking- /pos
That is actually a really good idea!!! I would imagine this is one way to 'end' the AU or like, fix everything. Well probably not everything but the most important one first. Though probably some stuff before the hermits went back to their server are different because of the AU (most notably Jimmy's alliance/peace with Joel, him working together with Fwhip, etc.)
I would imagine the reason behind how Jimmy managed to get through the portal, is that probably something similar to Fort Riff happened, Cursed toy jimmy is also very possessive towards Tango and Scar, and so when the hermits did manage to get through and get inside the portal, probably after Grian, Jimmy was the first one to follow through. The others was too stunned at first before reacting like, "oh, he went through the portal. OH FUCK, HE WENT THROUGH THE PORTAL" and then immediately follow him, out of pure panic and fear.
and then when they did get to Hermitcraft, instead of them seeing the hermits fighting what they thought was still cursed Jimmy, they only heard a scream before a crazed laughter, of someone they knew, someone they thought was long gone. The other hermits was too stunned looking at this situation, of this guy that they thought was dangerous, laughing in tears, inhaling as much air as he can, blood dripping from his forearm because of how hard he's gripping it, while the other empires members was also stunned behind him.
The one that broke the silence (other than Jimmy's laughter) was Tango, who ran and hugged his rancher, laughing alongside him in tears, because finally, finally, his Rancher is back, and he's actually here. Not some disgusting being taking over him, not some heartless entity, but Jimmy. His Rancher.
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pontifexscourt12 · 5 months
So i just watched Scott Pilgrim Takes Off!
and what better time to make my first big boy tumblr post then now. Cause i got big boy feelings over it and the general reception to scott pilgrim ive seen online.
Scott isnt that bad of a guy, the internet seems to think he is truly horrible and the new show seems to only cement that as a poor look on his character
I think everyone in the comic hurts people and act like an asshole to others needlessly, Scott being no different.
but what i think is different is that scott is a fucking oblivious idiot, and truly thats said with love, but he is the most obtuse man written.
All the horrible stuff he is accused of comes from people looking at his treatment of Ramona and Knives, and ill get to the ramona stuff in a second but lets get into knives.
So them "dating" is gross and weird, even if its really just knives obsessing with him and scott enjoying the attention. still not great man but scott obsesses over ramona instantly and thats not great either.
With the knives stuff it seems like people think that he never breaks it off, which he does, knives just reacts poorly since to her, its him being stolen rather then him being a dick.
Now i love ramona, truly the comic and movie version are great but they pale in comparison to her in the show since she becomes the protagonist.
And its awesome and fulfilling to watch he be the obsessive one to scott, a guy she new for one date and made out with a bit, then suddenly devotes all of her time looking for him
truly scotts game must be mythical in nature to do that to a woman like her, but on a bigger point the show also focuses more on her toxic traits and explicitly points out scotts more positive traits, her tendency to run from love and his unwillingness to give up on it.
I completely get why old scott went insane, going through all the comic stuff we see him go through just to have her run from him too, thats crushing. Maybe not crushing to the " invent time travel and then became a akuma-esque villain" extent ,but crushing nonetheless. When ramona ask if maybe he was right i was feeling really down , i thought they werent gonna end up together and it might end sweet but not the way i had hoped. but then
the savior
even older ramona
The best scene of any show ive seen recently, Both ramonas realizing that
1.They love both scotts, even if ones naive idiot and the other is batshit fucking insane(love works mysteriously )
2. You gotta stop running from what you love
lordy lou hallelujah my heart grew 3 sizes that moment, im a sucker for true love
they both confront the inherent shittiness of each other and come out the other side, with better world and relationship.
God what good show
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fucking sparks baby
Im sorry for anyone who had the horrible idea to read this long incoherent post about my love for these two assholes and this phenomenal franchise and show.
but its done now get outta here
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alexanderlightweight · 11 months
Cat Magnus waiting to see how Dragon Alec will react to people being around him is my new obsession. I love how Magnus is so smug when Alec gets all protective & cuddly. Also I was losing it at Alec eating Magnus jewellery cause they weren’t warded enough 😭🙈🙃
Ok so I have another request (or something I was wondering). What are they like in battle? I wonder if they’d be in sync or if Magnus would be more daring and Alec would be going feral anytime someone/something goes near Magnus. Also how would Alec ward Magnus? Would they fight in different forms? (human or animal or both).
This fic is honestly so amazing and I’m so excited to see it continue to unfold. You’re so talented 😬
alec has opinions okay. and magnus enjoys hearing them, but also he's still working on his draconic understanding so he only gets about a quarter to half of the language when alec's trilling at him.
he did get that alec told the jewelry it was 'no good, unworthy. not allowed' because it wasn't 'good enough to be on magnus'.
alec: i let magnus wear me and i am the most valuable thing here besides Magnus. he can't wear subpar stuff
magnus charmed despite all his best efforts: isn't he so dashing
magnus doesn't typically fight demons in cat form because ichor in fur is messy but he does have a more demonic cat form he uses in edom. magnus has a plethora of dragon battle magic jewelry and a very hungry dragon who is irritated he had to taste magic other than magnus'
unless they fought someone really powerful, alec won't interfere in magnus' kills. that would be like saying he doesn't respect magnus. he'll protect magnus and guard him but magnus made it pretty clear alec can't kill 'pests' so he's basically a giant protective dragon who mopes about not being able to just eat magnus' enemies.
alec crunching grapes: i wish these were the hearts of your enemies
magnus: what was that treasure?
alec sulking and just turning smol!dragon to crunch his grapes in piece and pretend they're peoples organs.
magnus when he finally asks alec to kill somene for him
magnus who was just going to ask alec to freeze the person staring as alexander turns into a small mountain and just swallows the person whole like, no hesitation, no questions asked. annoyance now gone. alec licking his lips and looking at magnus, tail moving back and forth and making the building shake: who is next?
cue pandemonium in pandemonium
ty so much!
<3 lumine
Alec rolls his eyes from where he’s snacking on magically grown gooseberries, ignoring the battle that Magnus insisted on bringing him to.
It’s a silly little dispute but Magnus seemed hesitant to leave him behind and while Alec knows Magnus is more than competent, he also doesn’t like being left behind.
Which means that Alec gets to watch Magnus be pretty and use his magic to subdue everyone else. It’s the kind of entertainment he rarely ever enjoys and while it’s nothing truly spectacular, he does enjoy watching Magnus use magic.
It also means that when one of the idiotic warlocks messes up a spell — and an explosion of magic heads towards Magnus' only barely acceptably protected back — Alec steps in.  The last thing Magnus needs to worry about is his outfit being ruined when he’s always so generous with Alec. 
One moment a giant, writhing meteor of magic is about to clip his beloved hoard and the next, Alec snaps the defective, tasteless magic out of the air. It’s with a crunch of his jaws that he untangles the mass of energy and swallows. It barely warms his gullet and he licks his maw, tongue dripping with frozen venom as he turns to glare at the warlock who dared be so useless.
The battlefield is quiet around him, at least until the demons start to scream, fleeing from his very presence.  Alec sighs and rolls his eyes as he shifts to a smaller form. Magnus accepts him with a smirk, nothing but pride in his golden eyes as Alec wraps around his shoulders.
“Aren’t you a sweetheart, remembering that I love this jacket.” Magnus croons and Alec nuzzles into his neck and cheek, pleased to be appreciated by his hoard.
The problem with Alexander being so protective is that Magnus is quickly running out of excuses for why he hasn’t introduced his dragon publicly, or at least to the Elders and other kings. Especially since Magnus is having trouble leaving Alexander home alone, even with the promise that his dragon isn't going anywhere.
It means that there are more and more confirmed sighting of Magnus and his boy out together. Which would be find, except Magnus isn’t convinced that he’ll be able to keep any meetings civil.
He also isn't sure if Alexander realizes he’s halfway towards being Magnus’ consort at this point and Magnus is carefully easing him into it. However when it’s official, the meetings will no longer be optional and Magnus will just have to hope that Alexander cares for him enough to not kill everyone who irks him.
It also means that Alexander is getting used to being out and about with Magnus, just without ever really being seen in his true form. 
Except for now, because his lovely dragon is fiercely protective and if Alexander so much as thinks Magnus has a potion burn, he’ll start snarling and digging through the healing cabinet.  
It means that while Magnus isn’t surprised at the scope of Alexander’s overreaction and protection, he’s still viciously gleeful of it.  No one other than Cat and Ragnor has ever tried to protect Magnus so swiftly or completely and Alexander doesn’t even have the bonds of their friendship to explain his intensity.
Magnus reaches up, summoning a galaxy pearl and offering it to his greedy boy without a second thought.
In the shadows, a warlock only two centuries old winces and steps further away from Bane and his… whatever he’s playing at with an actual dragon.  It was bad enough when the rumors began but it’s worse to see in person that they’re true.  To be faced with the evidence that Bane is treating the magical behemoth almost like a beloved pet. 
Elise opens her eagle eyes and watches them interact carefully, the way that the dragon so effortlessly changes sizes and she swallows harshly.  The only reason for a dragon to be able to shift so easily is either that they’ve mastered their draconic form or their power is immense. 
It’s with fear that Elise thinks both might be true and she bites her lip as she watches Bane summon a massive galaxy pearl. It’s with terror that she watches him offer the priceless treasure to the dragon curled around his neck and she stares as the dragon eats it.
No matter how important battle magic is, Elise no longer wants to be there.  She can learn other places, in fights where Bane and his dragon aren’t.  Because Bane was already one of the most dangerous kings and now, well, anyone who had a problem with Bane are about to regret it.
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jess-the-vampire · 11 months
Out of curiosity, what’s your take on what would’ve happened if Caleb won the knife fight and ended up killing Philip instead?
i've seen multiple different takes on the idea, and it's def something that depends on your interpretation of caleb as a character.
cause while we know some things about him, caleb, in a lot of ways, is extremely moldable as a character. It kinda makes a lot of the arguments about what caleb did, would do, and probably did, a lot more pointless to even have because outside of a few stuff because we have very little grasp on him and his personality.
Like it's hard to claim anyone's view on him is "Wrong" because no one really truly knows who caleb was, they can only rely on what they are given and try to fill in the blanks.
For me, i interpret caleb as a lot more morally conflicted, some people think he would flat out disown philip and beat down on him had he lived, but i think caleb would've felt more like he failed his own brother.
He had been responsible for him, he had lied to him, and he is well aware philip grew up under prejudiced and dangerous conditions. So i think even in a situation where philip tried to do what he did, and failed, caleb would see philip's behavior as a failing of his own part and probably his death too.
Like this is still his baby brother after all, he was responsible for raising him and putting him on a good path and instead it led him to meet this fate.
Whether you interpret philip's response as thinking his brother was bewitched or as a response to believing his brother flat out abandoned him....either response could make caleb feel philip's death was a failure on his part as a brother.
that he wasn't there for his brother as he should of been, that he neglected him and drove him down this path that led to him dying, that his choice to be selfish in leaving lost him someone important.
and may affect how he parents in the future too, given how his own brother turned out, might make him question if he'd even be a good parent.
these are elements that are even in my arofam au but yeah, i am of the mind had caleb lived, he'd see philip as a lot more of a failure of his own part rather then showcasing a ton of anger towards him.
and it would affect him throughout the rest of his life.
some people think caleb should share nothing but hatred towards philip, but given caleb's role in philip's life to protect and guide him, something he seems to have made the choice to stop doing for himself....i feel he would look back on philip's reaction as a fault on himself for making that choice and failing to do that for him rather then completely blame philip.
he'd question philip a bit, but have a harder time being as angry as people think he should be.
whether you think he should or not, i certainly think he'd FEEL that way, rather then show intense hatred for philip reacting to the situation within how he was taught.
Some people are of the mindset caleb did try or had tried to help philip and philip didn't take it, but there's just nothing to really say that for sure within the show itself. And truth be told, i still don't think it would stop caleb from thinking he could of done more.
Going through life conflicted because he feels terrible and sad and angry, and not sure how much he aims at philip or himself.
i think he'd still visit his grave often despite it.
Again, caleb is a lot like an oc for the most part, so people are gonna have different outlooks on his personality, but i personally see him coming out scarred emotionally and dealing with a lot of internal guilt as a response.
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polyhexian · 4 months
one thing that gets me about Jasper and Hunter is how they react to the unfairness of their existence.
like, in every universe, Hunter says "it's not fair." and he's right and he should say it. it's not fair that he was created just to be used, abused, and eventually killed. it's not fair that he got possessed and lost Flapjack right after he started to like the life he was living. it's not fair that he has to live with the consequences of his actions as the Golden Guard when he was too young and indoctrinated to have much agency in what he did. acknowledging that neither the world nor Belos were fair to him is part of Hunter's recovery process.
before he learned Belos was wrong, Hunter thought things were fair, in a brainwashed kind of way. but once he knows the truth, and learns about Jasper--or meets Jasper, depending on the AU--he starts railing against how unfair it all is. because, crucially, Hunter grew up with a belief in his own personhood, and he believed things were fair before, so learning how unfair his life really is rightfully angers him.
and Jasper…doesn't do that. partially because he didn't have a sense of personhood to begin with. but even after Jasper realizes that he is a person, he very rarely complains about things not being fair. Jasper knows that he, and Hunter, and any other Grimwalker of Caleb who ever existed, were never meant for fairness.
Hunter is still grappling with this. he was raised as a person, and while he knew his life wasn't easy, he thought it was normal. realizing the many different ways that the world hasn't been fair to him yanked the rug out from under his feet.
for Jasper, that's just his baseline. at no point in his life did he ever expect the world to be fair to him. first he wasn't a person, and then his journey to personhood (if he gets to take it) starts by finding his predecessors' bones tossed in a trash pit.
the world was never, ever going to be fair to them. they couldn't even come into existence fairly, because if the world were fair they never would've been created.
Jasper accepts that. and then he keeps living anyway. in an unfair world, Jasper believes the best thing you can do is just keep going, take what you can get, and make the most of it. he basically tells Hunter so in Twas Brillig, and you can see it in eventually, where Jasper believes that as awful as Hunter's life is, it's worth it for the chance that it'll get better someday.
and in every universe, Jasper is always grateful for "better", because he's never going to expect "fair".
Truly. And it's not even in a hopeful way- it's not "the world might not be fair, but we can be." It's just. The world is unfair and that's the natural order of things. You have to fight for every scrap you get, which is why he doesn't feel all that bad about stealing those scraps from other people- no one was promised anything fair. If you want it, fight harder for it.
Hunter is really struggling to come to terms with how cruel and unfair the world is, to him and to his dad. And the fact that Jasper doesn't seem all that upset about it- shouldn't he be?! Does he not think it's unfair? It must seem to Hunter that Jasper really doesn't think it was all that big a deal, that he doesn't think it was as cruel and unfair as it was because if he did- he'd be more angry, wouldn't he?
I have actually been making notes about having Darius sit Hunter down and like. Hunter, you really gotta understand that Jasper isn't like you. It probably seems like he coped better than you did, but you have done soooo much better than him it's not even on the same scale. Jasper is just straight up never going to be okay. Better, sure, but he's never going to be truly okay. It's just not going to happen. And there's stuff you want from him that you're not going to get. There's stuff he just... Doesn't have to give you and probably never will. You're gonna have to lean on me or Camila for that stuff because jasper just. Doesn't have it.
Which I really think hunter kind of needs to grasp at this point. It would be great if his mysterious long lost dad was actually ready to be a great parent who could offer him love and guidance and protection but uh. He's got two of those. But eventually!jasper REALLY doesn't see all that much difference between life and death other than that death is the cessation of life. Eventually!jasper hasn't even confronted the idea that killing people may be behaviour he should meditate on the morality of. He has internalized approximately zero personhood, he can't help you with that bud, I'm so sorry. You gotta love the dad you got and not the one you wish you did.
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maxphilippa · 8 months
Bro I wanna write a Soap x Trophy fic, I need someone to help smoothen out their dynamic.
Are they just the usual "Good girl x Jock" or "I can fix him"?
Alright! Here's something from a personal perspective and on how I imagine their dynamic to be (without Limegold Jokes in the way cause I do hc that Trophy is just some guy after he's with people he loves + had so much trouble getting with), if it comes to a Trophy that still needs to become a better person and Soap who has a generally kind view of others, here's how I'd say it would go + some notes.
Soaphy's Dynamic with Pre-Redemption/Half-Way-Through-Redemption Trophy.
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Trophy is NOT a jerk, he is a jock. Most stuff I've seen of him? Trophy being a complete asshole, when that's really not quite true. Of course there's definitely some anger issues he has to work through and he needs to get more comfortable with being himself rather than a stereotype (in a harmful way to himself and others), but here's also the thing. He DID got better once he arrived to Hotel OJ, he still picks up on Cheesy and such, but he's not an complete bitch to begin with.
He's "softer", more relaxed, he's not focused on winning or anything because there isn't a prize. He seems to prefer being alone if anything! He likes photography and finds butterflies nice! He eats cacao nibs and drinks herbal tea and takes care of himself! But he's still pretty strong and most likely works out! Just... doesn't know how to get close to anyone because there's an image he has to put, and can still be pretty mean/rough at times. But he does seem to be just. A bit chill nowdays.
Now, Soap. Oh, Soap. Despite the fact that in my own opinion she was under-developed, and doesn't really bring out too much for her character other than her obsession with cleaning and some scenes, there's still something I like about her. She's sweet and kind, considerate and gentle. She cares about others well-being! And she cares so SO much about everything being on place. But she's not only sweet and kind. She ALSO has a strong attitude because she won't let anyone put her down by any means, and if stressed enough, she shows to be pretty strong and to react out of spite. However most of times she's just chilling.
This two personalities are so different yet match well in a way. There's nothing that they share but just finding a comfort on eachother on a very very weird way. I wouldn't say that it's "good girl x jock" or "i can fix him", but rather a, "i want to become a better person for you and i don't know why and i hate it x oh thank you", in a slowburn type of way.
Because Trophy isn't mean/rough to Soap at all, and I'll put an small scene they had together for an example! When Tissues sneezed on Trophy, Trophy was certainly frustrated/disgusted, until Soap made her way to him and 'polished' Trophy (cleaned him from the bacteries), and Trophy doesn't push her away or anything. He just. Stares at her and seems a bit awkward. But he's not mad or anything, he just lets her do so.
Their dynamic is complicated to be fair. They're complete opposites but still somehow managed to hang out well. I think that they would start off very awkwardly until Trophy starts becoming a better guy for Soap and he doesn't know why. Soap doesn't want to fix him, but rather wants to show him that he can be a better person if he truly wants to. Trophy is very much in denial but still thinks about it at times as well.
But that's how I see them too. It's completely fine if they are a jock x good girl or i can fix him for you! But it's how I think their dynamic would work out as well? At least on this settling of not fully redeemed Trophy?
if it were fully redeemed Trophy i'm so certain that he would be so cringefail and in love with her and he sucks so bad at approaching those feelings. and soap is oblivious. "hahaha wow you're such a good friend trophy!" "i need to kiss you" "what" "WHAT?" /hj
Thanks for asking!
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mocolococoffeesimp · 23 days
This is a bit different than most of what I publish on my blog. An original story by yours truly, featuring one of my ocs Candi! I have been writing this on and off for the past month or so. To those that aren't aware Candi is actually the face of my blog. So, I thought why not write a short story for him? Is this a masterclass in literature? No, but it is something to try to flesh out character. So, here's the story, for those interested.
Word count: 2073.
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"Come around, come around! Come and take a look at the fine merchandise!" A young man named Candi was trying to sell stuff he had acquired. Some more legal ways than others. "You want something for your partner? I got it." A small crowd had appeared before the table where he was selling the stuff. He held a wooden clock up to the crowd. "How about this fine clock, good people?" He let the audience look at it. "Sturdy and ancient. Worth bragging to your friends." He smirked at the audience, knocking on the wooden clock to show its durability. Only for the bottom of the clock giving out, the mechanic of the clock falling down on the ground. The crowd stifled their laughter at the sight. Candi didn't seem to falter.
"Well, it is still a fine looking accessory. So, any buyers? How about you, miss?" He pointed at a woman, who was dressed fancily. She shook her head. And, just like that the crowd started to move away from the table. Candi tried his best to sell something, only managing to sell lollipops to children. As the evening arrived, a couple guards arrived at the table. Candi looked up from the comic book he was reading. Once he realized they were potential customers he smiled widely. "Evening, gentlemen. May I interest you in some goods?" The guards looked at each other, before another one of the guards took out a wanted poster.
"Are you.. Candi?" Candi chuckled nervously, ready to start running any moment. "Depends who's asking." Before the guards could react to it he threw some of the items from the table, confusing them for a moment. Candi started running as fast as he could. Guards started to run after him, dedicated to catching him.
"What is it this time?" Candi muttered as he jumped over fences and obstacles with ease. "Larceny? Nah, I haven't stolen anything for a couple of weeks. Spying, nope." The guards were falling further and further behind him, as he kept on jumping over obstacles and such, showing off his mobility. Soon enough, Candi was climbing a ladder. Once he reached the roof, he looked behind him not seeing the guards. He laid down on the roof, catching his breath.
"They were probably some newbies, trying to solve some old unsolved case." He muttered to himself. As he laid on the roof, he noticed a delivery happening on the road. His interest was piqued, as he kept looking at it.
"A lot of guards... Usually it means something valuable." Candi looks at the delivery with intrigue. As the guards started to drag the delivery out of the van, he saw a large blue diamond in the glass casing. His eyes twinkled with dollar signs, as he already thought of how to get the diamond.
"Me want, me want..." He muttered to himself, as he started to think. "I am low on funds after ditching my merchandise... Not to mention, stealing a diamond would be a fun challenge... Let's do it!" He declared to himself, as he took a confident pose on the rood, his eyes landing on the castle where the diamond was being delivered.
After a couple of days. Candi was wearing a fancy bathrobe, as he had a facemask on. He was looking through some information about the security for the diamond. It was tight security, but Candi didn't falter about this. He was excited about the challenge. He sipped a can of soda, as he went looking for an opening in the security. "Hmmm...." He looked at the floor plan he had set on the wall, upside down on the couch. "Nope, didn't help." It seemed like he didn't have a way in. "Ventilation system, nah. Doesn't go to the right place. Sewers, not a straight access." He stood up, kicking the soda can on the table. "Damn it!" He quickly grabbed some tissue to dry the table. Once, he dried the soda off the table, he noticed a message on his phone. As he opened the message, his smirk widened.
"Well, it looks like the front-door is the solution." He set the phone on the table, revealing an ad to a party in the castle. He had some clothes shopping to do.. Right after, he's done with his beauty routine.
A door opened to a locker-room, revealing Candi stepping into the room. He stopped by the nearest locker. He took out a pair of lock-picks starting to lock-picking a lock on the locker. Without a problem, the door opened. There was a uniform inside among some other equipment. As Candi grabbed the uniform for his plans, he noticed a can of soda.
"Ooh, bonus." He folded the uniform over his arm, and cracked the can open. He sipped the drink absentmindedly, only for his face to turn into one of disgust. "Ew, gross. What kind of lunatic drinks soda warm?" As he complained to himself, the door to the locker room opened. The guard looked at Candi, it being obvious he wasn't supposed to be there.
"Hi?" Candi waved to the guard. Guard looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm the new recruit?" The guard noticed the open locker next to him. He then realized what was going on. "Hey, that's my locker! Stop..." Before the guard could finish her sentence, Candi threw the full can of soda at her face. This confused her enough, for Candi to slide past her and start running away from her. As he ran, the alarm started to ring trying out the facility.
"There is an intruder in the building. Capture him." The monotone voice from the speakers alarmed everyone to be alert to Candi. As he ran past the corridors, guards started running after him. He was close to the door, but it started to slide down. Candi managed just in time to slide beneath it, leaving the guards to the other side of it. He was smug about it, as he waved to guards. "See ya never." He waved to the guards, only to trip over a rock. He managed to stay up, but his cool moment was ruined. He didn't dare to look back at the guards, as he started running again. His plan was coming together.
Couple days later.
Candi was munching on a sandwich, as he was scouting the castle through binoculars.
"Hmm.... Where to get out?" He looked at the castle from top to bottom. His plan was to get in as a guard, take the guard outfit off, as guards would soon realize he wasn’t with them, blend in with the guests, find a vault, steal the diamond and leave. But, the problem was where to get out. He could always jump out of the window. But, after doing that couple times, he would prefer a safer way down. "Maybe there.." He saw a ladder going up to a window, which was pretty high up. It looked like it was the sixth floor, but after that he could parkour his way down.
"Seems easy enough..." As he was doing that, he also wrote down guards patterns around the castle. He had to be prepared for the heist, when to move in specific areas and such. His plan was coming together, he would make a bank with this one.
"Evening." A guard nodded to another guard. The guard was shorter than most, once the guard got inside and beyond a corner where no one would see him, he removed the helmet revealing Candi. He had a cheeky smirk on his face. "Hah, idiots." He took the rest of the guard outfit off, revealing he had dressed in quite the flamboyant way to blend in with the other guests. He tossed the guard uniform to a corner, blending in with other guests. He entered the dance hall, looking for the most lucrative spot. He had a smirk, as he started emptying some pockets. Talking to the rich guests, distracting them as he took their wallets. The guards entered the dance hall, making Candi a bit nervous.
"Alright... A distraction is needed..." He started to look around the dance hall, for something to allow him to slip past them and possibly into the vault. Or, at least near it, as he still wasn't certain where the vault was. "Excuse me.." He tapped a woman's shoulder getting her attention. He bowed to her. "May your radiance allow me to dance with you?" He put his best game on. The woman agreed, thinking she was going to be swept off her feet... She was wrong. As Candi took the lead with the dance, he occasionally stepped on her toes and she stepped on his. It was a painful dance for both of them, but it worked as a distraction. Others started to waltz around them, giving Candi an opportunity to slide under guard's eyes. Candi apologized to the woman about the dance, jogging where the guards had come from.
"Alright.... Where there are guards, is something valuable.." Candi muttered to himself, as he explored the corridors. He soon enough found a guard, guarding something. Candi smirked to himself, as a plan formed in his head.
"Oh poor me..." He waltzed into the guards vision, pretending to be drunk. He tried to take support from a table, only to fall onto the floor overdramatically. The guard rushed to him. "Are you okay, sir? I can get you some water." He held Candi gently to check if he took any damage from the fall. Then Candi slammed the guard's head against the floor, effectively knocking him out.
"Easy enough." Candi whistled to himself, as he checked the guard for keys. "Of course not... Let's do this the hard way then." He started to lockpick the safe, behind the door. It only took him a moment for it to open. And, there it was the diamond, he had seen so much effort for. "Jackpot." As he grabbed it, a sound behind him made him stop. "Drop the diamond and get on your knees." Candi turned to face the voice, seeing a muscular guard, she seemed about to be thirty, if Candy had to guess.
"Well, I happened to work extremely hard for this. So, nope. Unless, you ask kindly." Candi smirked at her, as he scouted for a way to get past her,
"Hard? Sure, stealing is so hard. Drop the diamond. I won't ask again." She pointed a baton at him. He rolled his eyes. "Well, since you asked so nicely." He threw the diamond at her, making her drop the baton trying to capture the diamond. Candi took his chance, tripping the guard and capturing the diamond. All before the guard could react. Candi was about to say something snarky, but she tripped him as well. Candi hopped just enough to stand still. Guard stood up, managing to punch Candi. Candi hopped backwards, away from her.
"Damn, I do love a woman who could kick my ass." Candi kept on hopping backwards gaining distance from her. "Watch your mouth, and you'll be leaving in cuffs." The guard snarled at him.
"Aw, buy me dinner first." With that, Candi started throwing whatever he could at her. One of those things happened to be a lit candle. Candi realized too late what he had thrown. But, he wasn't going to stick around to find out the results. "See ya never!" Candi winked at her, as he started running.
"Get back here, you damn twink!" Candi ignored her cries. Guard started to put out the fire. It didn't do any massive damage, but it was enough to set off the fire alarm. Candi opened the window, jumping to the ladder. He started to climb down in peace, as he noticed the people leaving the castle. Once he got close enough to the ground, he jumped off the ladder and blended in with the crowd.
Once he got to his apartment he tossed the diamond into the air with a gleeful smile. He set it down on the desk with a loud thud. He leaned back on his couch, with a satisfied sigh.
"Another successful heist." He looks at the diamond. "To sell or not to sell? That is a question." He pondered to himself, as he cracked a well deserved soda for himself. He was extremely satisfied with himself. for pulling off the perfect heist... Perfect in his mind.
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femenaces · 9 months
i feel like the really complicated part for me about bisexuality as a phenomenon is like the unending nuance. like if we’re being honest there are bisexual people whose experience is functionally basically the same as heterosexuals. and then there are those who come closer to the gay experience, and there are more classic 50/50 bis, etc. like not only is there not common ground with straights and gays, it often seems there’s less common ground than one would assume within the bisexual population itself. and it is the only sexuality where there is an element of choice in what “lifestyle” (forgive me) you pursue. I would say it’s the sexuality that reacts most interestingly to the norms of a particular society/millieu. and none of this can be meaningfully discussed because it’s such a disparaged sexuality that basically any exploratory discussion about these things is fraught to the point of being dead on arrival.
I agree, you bring up an interesting and important point that bisexuals frequently experience "bisexuality" in ways that are so different from one another that two bisexual people might find they don't even have much in common in regards to their internal experience of their sexuality, despite both technically sharing the same label. And I think this is a big reason why many people don’t recognize that they are actually bisexual.
(post-writing edit: I'm about to go on a tangent about some stuff that might make people uncomfortable so if you are not a fan of reading about this topic here is your warning to bail. But if you choose to continue I just want to say that I'm speaking very honestly from my personal experience, and the experiences I've heard from other bisexuals who have reached out to me about this.)
The two main variables I can think of which combine to form very different experiences of bisexuality from person to person are:
(As you mentioned) different ratios of sex preference
Whether or not a person experiences a temporal aspect to this ratio (not everyone does!), and if so, how does it manifest.
The first point is becoming more discussed in recent years but I don't see the second mentioned hardly at all despite it being extremely relevant to many people. I think the lack of awareness and understanding about the temporal aspect is actually a huge factor in bisexual people "misidentifying" themselves. Straight and gay people often assume bisexual people do this on purpose, "pretending" to be straight or gay for personal gain, and while I'm sure that does happen (for a variety of very interesting social reasons too complex to discuss in this response) there's also the reality that if you are a bisexual person who goes through this, especially on the extreme side, you can 100%, truly and honestly, feel like one or the other at different points in your life. And if you go through something like that without the knowledge of temporal changes even being a thing (termed bi-cycling), it is shockingly easy to fall into the trap of assuming you're not bisexual after all, you're gay. Or, not bisexual after all, you're straight. And even when you DO know that this is a thing, it can still be hard to wrap your mind around in the moment and you can still wind up doubting yourself.
This particular concept is one that causes a lot of intense controversy when it's discussed because if you believe people who say "I thought I was (X), but then I discovered I was (Z)" then it could technically happen to anyone, right? And that thought makes a lot of gay & straight people very uncomfortable. I really can't even blame them for it, because in my experience it IS scary and unsettling if you wind up going through it. So a lot of people don't believe it, probably in part because of this, but also in part because it does sound kind of impossible if you haven't had it happen to you.
So to get into a really controversial example, of all those bisexual women who are assumed to have been purposely lying about being lesbian when they wind up dating a man, I'm 100% certain at least some of them are actually being totally honest when they say they never were into men before (Of course the reverse is also true-- ask me how I know-- but isn't usually as controversial for obvious reasons). But if we don't make it more common knowledge that this is one type of bisexual experience, you're going to continue to get a lot of the "I'm gay with an exception" and the "Hang on, I'm actually (a lesbian)/(straight) despite my (sleeping with men)/(women) phase" nonsense that everyone hates.
to conclude:
Why is this a thing that happens to some people? I don't know.
Will this happen to me? Probably not, but I don't know.
How common is it? I don't know. (Like I said, I think many many people are misidentifying themselves because of this and couldn't even be counted in a survey of bisexual people because they don't think they're bisexual!)
This sounds messy. Yes, it is.
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streets-in-paradise · 11 months
Chucky scenario : Showing Andy that you believe him ( headcanons + blurb)
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Special thanks to @losersclubisms, I'm posting this mostly because she wants to see it :)
For this one I'm trying to keep descriptions as gender neutral as possible. I'm practicing that because i write explicitly fem readers most of the time.
Note: I'm using an old pic of Alex as header because i am slowly running out of Andy pics due to the very little screentime he has and the amount of fic i have been posting about him.
- He met you online, as one of the very few people who reacted positively to the video of Chucky. The amount of insistent interest on your part was quite new for a guy used to being taken as crazy, but you let him know that you weren’t some internet weirdo neither believed him to be one. 
- You are a paranormal researcher with genuine intentions on the case who had wanted to contact him for years and you found your only shot through the posting of that video. For so, you did as much efforts as possible to get an interview with him. 
- It took a while, but that meant the chatting had to extend more than expected because you had to create some level of trust with him for it to work out. Andy was very surprised to find out you weren’t just interested in the content of the video, you seemed willing to take his side. 
- From what he understood from those conversations, you had serious reasons found through different means of research to consider his theory. You commented with him some of the inconsistencies found in the evidence of the Pierce case and linked those with other alternative interpretations in some of the previous murders. As well, you shared some of the in lore research pointing to a twisted turn for the famous link between voodoo and the ritualistic use of dolls. 
- By the time he agreed to meet for the interview you were almost like online friends and that made him quite nervous. He enjoyed chatting with you and you seemed so passionate, never pushing any boundaries but always willing to share stuff showing him that you had no intentions of making fun of him. 
- He also happened to find you very cute through your posted pictures and that didn’t help at all. The initial arrangement to see you was meeting somewhere else and only if being completely sure about it he would show you later the Chucky head hidden in his cabin. 
- Although he didn’t have to, he wanted so badly to impress you with his answers. It wasn’t a date, but Andy felt like that because he liked you. 
“ I had no idea that there were universities for this stuff.” He shyly commented after the initial salutes. “ So, from all the mysteries out there, you have chosen Chucky as the one you want to solve.” 
“ Possessed dolls are a fascinating phenomena. I have personally met some of the most worldwide famous ones.” You calmly explained to him. “ I even traveled to Japan and visited Okiku. She truly grows real hair!” 
He was smiling out of pure amazement, realizing that it was most likely you were going to believe him for real. 
“ Does she?” 
“ Absolutely! And she is completely harmless, just a sweet little girl receiving visitors. Of course, not all of them are so lovely. There is Annabelle, said to be the artifact mediating an attempt of demonic possession… and I believe your Chucky shares a similar nature.” 
You made a brief pause and he catched a glimpse of nervously on your part as well. 
“ To be honest, the fact that Chucky is still treated like a joke even in the researching circles investigating other dolls like him is extremely unfair. I want to change that and I believe I can open the way for an entire new field of investigation. I dream of creating a commission entirely dedicated to him.” 
Andy was in absolute disbelief and he couldn’t hide it. 
“ No way! Why would anyone want to do that? Nobody in thirty years has believed a single word I said.” 
“ If I can prove that the doll head is authentic, it should be in a paranormal museum with all kinds of experts doing testing on it. “ You insisted, with excitement. “ What I am about to say is going to sound weird, but I think it needs to be said anyways. “ 
He chuckled and you couldn’t help smiling although you knew that you were going to be awkward. 
“ Andy, I am your biggest fan… but not in the typical meaning of fanaticism. “ You shyly commented. “ Just as historians develop an intense bond with certain historical personalities, being in this field makes you relate to urban legends. I’m fascinated with your story and I want to help you get truly heard. Hell, I'm convinced that you are a hero! I can’t offer the kind of credibility that would be accepted in courts, but if we get attention in the researching community we may accomplish something in circles of people who believe in the paranormal. “ 
His mind went blank for a brief instant, making his answer get delayed while blush was becoming visible in his sweet looking face. 
“... A hero, you said?” 
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scuopsie · 1 year
rant time!
kpop reaction content isn't exactly new (at least as far as I know) but it does seem to have kind of boomed in the last... two-three years I think. I remember there being only a handful of relevant kpop reaction content creators on youtube, some more popular that the others, but still there weren't a ton of them around. and I guess it makes sense because kpop itself has gotten much more popular and widely known outside of just [REDACTED] and among a wider age range I'd say.
but nowadays if you look up “X group - Y title track reaction” you will find tens, if not hundreds of reaction videos (especially if its a well known group) ranging from channels with hundreds of thousand subs to small account with a couple of hundred views on their reaction videos. and I just find that so weird.
like... especially for channels that do reactions as their main (and only) content, I find it extremely difficult to believe that after a certain point there is any authenticity behind these reactions. these big reaction channels are out there reacting to damn near every relevant kpop group's comebacks (and there are a LOT of them) and every single reaction is generally positive and often very enthusiastic.
aside from the fact that logically and statistically it's impossible for someone to like every title track being released, even if they're all objectively good (which they're not), because no one likes every genre and every style of music, there is basically no creativity involved in creating this type of content which makes it very dull both for the creator and the consumer after a while.
on top of that, this type of content has created a really toxic environment around expressing opinions and criticism toward kpop groups and kpop music. I just came across a video from one of these bigger (while also being newer) creators talking about how she's not happy with the content she's been making for the past year. she said that it's extremely overwhelming trying to keep up with every comeback when everyone expects you to react to their fave's CB and after a while sitting and reacting to music videos becomes repetitive especially when you're not even allowed to truly be yourself and express your opinions. she said she can't even talk about having a bias in a group because she would get tons of hate comments and dms about ppl bashing her for not having a different bias. I can't imagine how people would react to a reaction video creator saying she doesn't like a comeback or even a certain element in the song/mv.
I used to love kpop reaction videos back when I had just discovered them and they were not as big. like I genuinely get the appeal. seeing someone who's not a teenage girl (which is what stereotypically the general public thinks kpop stans are) is pretty validating. and back then there were like 'vocal coach reacts' or 'producer reacts' etc. seeing the reaction of "experts" analyzing different parts of a song/mv was really interesting for someone like me with zero knowledge of any of the technical stuff. and I also understand that they do contribute to promoting groups and comebacks to a certain degree. but it has just gone too far, in my opinion.
idk maybe I’ve just gotten old and lost the will to enjoy the small things that used to bring me joy but I genuinely don't enjoy reaction videos anymore. most of those older 'exerpts' (except for two I think) aren't active anymore (I'm guessing at least to some degree bc stans didn't want to hear that their fave was not that legendary of a vocalist or their fave song wasn't as layered and complex as they thought it was) and instead there are just random people reacting to kpop and some of them you can just tell that all their reactions are completely faked out. Youtubers are jumping on this trend bc it’s easy (in terms of not having any kind of real substance) and gets u good views if you’re a little charming and funny.
TL;DR : everything is fake and authenticity is dead. kdjfdjf I'm mostly joking but in the end, as per usual with my rants of this kind, I don't have a specific point or a solution. I'm just starting a conversation. so if any of you have something to add or just want to chat about this send me an ask!! (plz don't reply in the comments because I want this to be on my dash so everyone else can read too.)
#I believe the only technical reactors that arent new are PD and reacttorhek#iirc Dre used to be the biggest reacting channel but idk if hes not active anymore or just not relevant#there are a few ‘dancer reacts’ that are new and i didnt find any of their reactions that fun to watch. they didnt anything to the convo.#idk how new ben (birb) is but i used to like his reactions back when he would pause a lot and make longer comments. new hes making very-#short reactions and barely rewinds/pauses for comments.#i dont watch reacttorhek anymore at first bc they werent doing reactions to my faves anymore so there wasn’t anything for me to watch#but then I discovered that they have a doc where they’ve made a list of groups/songs they wouldn’t be reacting to#i think the explanation was that the producer has to choose songs that are complex enough and are worth their artists reacting to#which made sense but seeing the songs/groups they are reacting to (granted i dont stan any of them) it seems like they’re actually mostly-#-reacting to the most popular groups and not necessarily the groups/cbs that deserves the attention#like it makes sense for them to be picky bc they’re a huge team and cant be mass producing tons of videos like some of these solo reactors#but it seems like instead of picking actually musically complex and interesting songs from lesser known/underrated groups theyre just-#-picking groups that will bring the most views.#i just scrolled thru their channel and nearly all the videos were reactions of popular 4th gen gps#essentially the only reactor i still enjoy watching to some degree is PD#But i still cant get over the fact that none of these reactors ever have anything other than praise to say abt evey song they react to#even I dont like EVERY song my bias group releases#so even when i watch a reaction of a song/mv i DO LIKE i dont know if the person is being genuine abt liking it#okay i think I’m done 🤔#niki screaming into the void#long post
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noemitenshi · 9 months
I’m really struggling to imagine Troy as a father (if the rumor is true lol but I feel like it is) 😭. Whether his daughter is his biologically or not how do you think he would’ve raised her???
YES I've finally found the time to answer this ask! I have been burning to ever since I got it but was too busy until now.
OMG, nonny! That's the question, isn't it?! I've asked myself the very same thing more than once - and, unfortunately, can't quite land on an answer. I think the biggest problem is that we don't know anything about what Troy has been up to in the last 10? years between s3 and s8. So truthfully, anything could happen!
Also I do think there is a difference re: adopted kid vs. biological one. Mostly because there's a difference between being responsible for a baby (most vulnerable being) vs. taking in a older kid (fully formed human, own personality). So let's go through that bit by bit.
I think the baby would soften Troy very early on. I also think being so loving towards his own child would reopen old wounds and traumas, make him see the things he never got to have so who knows how that would go, right… he's not the best adapted person after all. Even so, I think that the way he would be needed by a baby (and the easy way they love/respond towards caregivers) would work wonders on him. Make him live up to being a good dad with a fierce determination. Not for himself, this time, but for the baby. I also think that the influence the mother could play on him can't be neglected (if she's still around haha). He does have his issues with parent-figures ('mommy issues', but also daddy issues) and so there's lots of opportunity for angsty, dramatic stuff happening between him and the mom - mostly I'm thinking of how he'd overreact to perfectly normal behavior of mom that would seem abusive to him - especially in the cases when she is tired/exhausted. At the same time there is also opportunity for lots of healing. Depending on mom's character this could end up being really good for him - or fucking him up further (especially if mom is manipulative etc). After all, we can't forget that Troy in s3 didn't really know yet who he was - remember Jeremiah telling Madison something along the lines of "Even Troy doesn't know what he'll do next/how he'll react". But I still think if he has a baby instead of an adopted kid the probability of him mellowing is greater. Sure, they'll hit bumps in the road (terrible twos for example) but all in all I think he'll do his damnest to be a good dad. To be different than his parents were. With the same determination he doesn't drink, he'll also make sure not to repeat these sins of his parents (abusive behavior). And mom can help, again, depending on her character. I also think if mom turns out to be abusive Troy's not gonna stay (I mean, truly abusive towards the kid. He'll probably do the less healthy thing and stay if she's 'only' abusive towards him…) And of course, no matter which path he'll follow, he will teach the kid everything she needs to know to survive. Just, his methods may differ (being patient and kind and enthusiastic vs. being more like I imagine his parents were (easily angered when kid!Troy didn't get things right the first time, annoyed by questions, brutal teaching methods like leaving her out alone for a night etc).
Now, if he adopts, there's more opportunity for clashes between him and the kid from the start and the transition could be more difficult. Doesn't have to be, of course, depending on how it all starts out. If he stole her then there definitely will be clashes. If he saved her from her parents or zombies or whatever, much less so - or, at least, it will happen later (I'm of course assuming the kid is grateful for being saved….). If the clashes do happen later, their relationship will have had a chance to blossom though and they could get through it smoother. He would react much gentler I think than if the clash happens right at the start (or, keeps happening). And yes, overall I do think having someone helpless depend on him so obviously (either the baby thing or him having to save the kid from a bad situation) will turn him gentler too, at least towards her. Also having adopted (pre-)teen (I assume) will most likely remind him starkly of his childhood self, too (or even more so than a baby) - and this could go either way, too. Him becoming like his parents in response to the uhm stress of it all (since stress or being overwhelmed does make it more likely to fall back to behaviors well known. And his parents abuse is very well known to him I think…) or him making a very conscious effort to break the cycle of violence. I could see him do the former in this scenario more likely than the one with the baby.
Though I think another factor plays into what kind of dad he becomes. Namely, his own headspace (and what kind of person he is at the time of the adoption. Since, again, he didn't really know himself by the end of s3, not fully. There was still so much opportunity for growth and getting to know himself). Is he only out for revenge and the kid thing just happened to have happened on the way along and well now he's saddled with it but like, not really putting too much thought into this? Not dedicating too much time to it? Then he'll be a more distant dad, more easily annoyed, more like his parents. From the short teaser (not the newest one, the one that showed him listening to Madison's broadcast and him having Alicia's arm(?)) it seemed like he is out for revenge, for hunting down Madison. But it could as well be used to mislead the viewers so I'm not putting too much stock into it until we see s8B… (to me, personally, it doesn't feel like he would want revenge - he'd just want another opportunity to interact with Madison… but that's my personal interpretation and could well not be canon-compliant…).
In conclusion, it is really difficult to say what kind of dad Troy ends up being (mostly because we have so many things missing and have to make up our own theories). If well explained, any path could work, I think. Good dad or Jeremiah 2.0 or something in between… (though the Jeremiah 2.0 would break my heart and I'd really love to see some good dad Troy)
I hope this answers your question (otherwise feel free to send clarifications haha). Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you have a great day 🧡
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