#they're like the bestest of friends
crocchompers · 8 months
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Little doodles I've made like an hour ago, my friend and I randomly started talking about Beta Wally and we decided that Beta Wally and modern Sally would be roommates and would always have a sass battle
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radaverse · 3 months
When the angsty ahh aus meet
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+ smol comfort bestie swap
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woodchipp · 2 months
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yeah! maybe you could've tried to visit him at the hospital while he was with his dying grandmother and lent a shoulder! but I suppose that listening to Aubrey rant and having arguments about expired soda was more of a priority
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>>"Maybe he just needs some time alone..." >>"Could you guys try to talk to him?"
peak caretaker, truly
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"We're all here to see you!' have you considered that he may not want to see you? y'know, because he's having a rough patch right now? oh sorry, I forgot that the narrative only cares about Basil when it needs to use him as a punching bag
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"Maybe he just needs some time to himself..." then why did you let them into the house in the first place
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love the implication that Kel somehow didn't know friends should be there for each other until these past few days. that'd explain why he started giving a shit about Sunny only after he learned that the latter is about to move town lmao
given the characters' behavior towards each other during the game's events, this supposed showcase of True Friendship™ is so shallow it becomes disgusting. I'm impressed!
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"we just want to know that you're okay 🥺" you bullied him for four years because you couldn't be arsed to clear up a misunderstanding and then nearly killed him. what the fuck do you think?
"will you please say something? 🥺" he doesn't need to say anything to you
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oh, so you, who previously admitted to barely knowing the kid you've been taking care of despite being his caretaker for two years by that point, suddenly know he's going to appreciate his friends crashing on his couch? while he's grieving?
Fuck you and fuck this game's writing.
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crayonflop · 1 year
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he's like i've known this guy for 1 day and i would die for him he's just like meee seriousslyy omg
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hoperays-song · 6 months
Gooseless's Favorite Sing Ships
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daydadahlias · 8 months
Ace Awareness Mini-Masterlist
this is totally inspired by @allsassnoclass !! I saw Hazel's little list and i thought to myself omg i wanna do that.
It's asexual awareness week so I wanna hop on the train of linking my fics that feature characters on the asexual spectrum <3
NOTE: this list only includes fics where characters are openly asexual + actively talk about their asexuality, not fics where characters are asexual-coded
Made in Magnolia (220.5k) E-Rated
Michael is a sex-averse asexual in a relationship with a very sex-positive Luke. Ch. 12 specifically discusses their relationship and their experiences with sexuality + how they navigate their different sex drives <3
For Him (25.5k) E-Rated
Michael is a sex-positive asexual in a poly relationship w/ Ashton and Calum <3 He talks a lot about his specific interactions with sex and how his comfort levels vary/fluctuate <3 also i wrote it for cutie patootie maya @calumsash for her burfday
Bug's Life (16k) T-Rated
This is a coming out fic!! It's all about Ashton's relationship with his own asexuality as he realizes he's sex-indifferent (it even has him googling a "are you asexual" quiz) and he helps discover that through his relationship with Michael who is a sex-pos ace <3
Over Break (16.1k) T-Rated
Michael is a sex-averse asexual pining very dramatically for Luke <3 there's fun silly miscommunication and affirmation/validation at the end of Michael's asexuality <3 also i wrote it for perfect angel em @redrattlers for HER burfday
Bittersweet (20.8k) T-Rated
Luke is discovering he's a sex-adverse asexual while also navigating his relationship with Ashton <3 also i wrote it for little gumdrop megs @igarbagecannoteven hehe and it was my first fic including an asexual character so im very soft for it
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mewharley · 10 days
so idk how to explain when I think someone is good looking
because it's a rare occurrence and like I just agree that they look good, that have some charm but that's that
I don't actually want to pursue anything with them or be sad if they have a partner or think about them after that or smth, idk what people actually do or think when they see someone attractive ??? (I've seen people try to give them their contact info and I'm like what but you don't know them ???)
that being said, I had never seen Bruno Mars before but that man is (was?) good looking
pretty wild because when i notice it's about women not men
but I was watching some videos and I'm like ??? how ??????
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
Quinobi *cries*
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englishlotusflower · 4 months
I don't know if anyone reads my fic 'Look To Your Kingdoms (I Am Coming For Them All)', but honestly I don't care.
I just need everyone to know that Celegorm and my OC Isiloth (who for the record is not the main character, was not in the first four drafts of the fic, and was meant to have only one line in her original form in draft no. 5 or 6) are basically married. On the 'wear co-ordinated outfits to a feast (with extra Symbolism because Celegorm is a Noldo and therefore Isiloth wearing his colours is a Thing)'; 'adopt a half-feral child together'; 'go on family trips of them and their adopted child'; 'Isiloth gets ready for feasts with Curufin's wife who is wearing Curufin's colours while Isiloth wears Celegorm's'; 'Celegorm giving Isiloth a full set of jewellry without even asking what her dress will be because he knows her so well'; 'working together to rule Himlad the same way Curufin and his wife do' level.
Oh and neither of them know. They're both idiots who haven't realised they've been married since the Sun rose.
No one needed to know this but no one has picked up on it in 46,000 words of fic so I needed to rant.
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n41r · 8 months
Hey hey, it's Monday! You know what that means...
Corocoro uploaded a new chapter for Posuka's Oreca Battle manga!!!
Today's chapter is Ares's chapter! And I'm here to make a fangirling posts about it-
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The heated warrior, Ares is here!!! He shows up and already made a ruckus at the training ground, hshshshshhs;;;
And gosh, Culann showed up already roasted to well done, arfgksrhkrg-
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I don't know if the story development for New Ch. 4 is already ongoing when Posuka-sensei was working on this manga, but the fact that in this chapter Ares was suspected on being a lackey of a Demon King/Emperor, and remembering what happened at New Ch. 4, I JUST- AJLDFHSJKGJFSRNHGTRU---
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Also, THIS-
B E E G -
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Also, Culann get roasted again-
Please save this child, otherwise he's going to be roasted beyond the point of well done- He's going to be Great Job-
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trencri · 1 year
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Friends !! ✨
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imreaallyasorry · 6 months
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I’m getting jumped for this one
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zakuryoishi · 7 months
this is me when i see tsunami norika and hamano together in a fanart btw
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xenonmoon · 2 years
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Marc and Frenchie here are written like your average romance story couple going through a relationship crisis??? hello???
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Every time I remember Goenji doesn't have a chara song with Endou and Kidou I wanna kick him in the face with a ball
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i thought these templates were fun, so i gave them a go :)
(sorry for the shitty quality of the images, i tried lol)
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#story of seasons#rune factory#i started writing an in-depth analysis below explaining all of my choices but i accidentaly deleted it and i don't feel like retyping#everything again#so i'll just do a quick summary here in the tags#first with the boys#i didn't realise i had a type and that type was fishermen but i'll embrace it#joe is my fucking man like i played the wii version of mm so i couldn't romance him#but i got him to 10 hearts and he was my best friend he's genuinely one of my favourite characters in the series#gustafa the man the myth the legend. tbh i don't really like the bachelors for awl / cute#i think they're the worst of any games lol#but gustafa is fine i like him with his funky hat and his cool glasses :)#toby is actually the only bachelor i've married!!! and he's also my favourite story of seasons character ever he's the bestest <3#i'm not a fan of tott's bachelors tbh i picked hiro just cause#same with sos i'm not a fan of any of the characters in that game imo they're really bland#emilio is hispanic i'm hispanic what else can i say <3#joe is literally named after the best character of the series AND he's a pirate. 10/10#i haven't really played rf5 so my picks there are just based on the hour or so i've played#kross my sweet sweet child i will protect him at all costs <333#and bob <3 just bob#onto the girlies#i normally play as a guy so they were much more difficult to choose#i struggled a lot#mm was my first story of seasons game and ann was the first bachelorette i ever married :) but i like literally all mm bachelorettes#imo one of the strongest roster of bachelors / bachelorettes ever#they're all phenomenal#flora!!! an archaeologist!!! like me (kinda)!!!! the bestest!!!!#i'm still mourning the fact she's not a bachelorette in the remakes#tumblr ate my tags for most of my opinions on the girlies which were a lot™️ i hate it here#anyways if you want me to talk about them more leave an ask (or really just leave any ask about story of seasons)
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