#they're shown in the order i drew them
recurring-polynya · 1 year
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i guess this is what we're doing now
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DCA Subnautica AU
Version #2 of the designs, including the bioluminescence! + fun tidbits on each of the goobers and a visual on Y/N!
(Edit: it’s out now! Check my bio for the link)
Eclipse is up first!
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Theirs was the first design I drew out in any detail (as shown in the crude MS Paint drawing), so it's the one that needed the most work. Even after making the more detailed version with the lights, I still ended up changing things as I got a better grasp on what direction I wanted to head in. Fun lore tidbit! Eclipse is a freak of nature and should not look like that! They're properly split down the middle between day and night. Also I messed it up in the drawing because I was tired when I made it, but they're also covered in scars and bite marks.
Sun !!
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I did Sun next, and here I had a better idea for what I was going for. There were still a few problems with this design though, which got changed. This is also where I started drawing the pattern on the tail, which I felt looked weird in this picture. Fun tidbit! Sun has an inability to express his feelings in the appropriate fish mermaid way, leading to much confusion.
Moon !!
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Moon was done last. Once again, I learned from this drawing and changed Moon's design to match, however Moon is the one that remains the most unchanged! I knew what I was going for by the time I got to him each time, so I guess that helped. Something I did alter, however, were some of the lights. I found that they either blended together too much or weren't as visible as I would have liked. Fun tidbit! This is pose actually based on a scene in one of the chapters. It was actually one of the earliest written scenes.
Y/N, my beloved <3
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I did 2 versions of Y/N, one with longer hair and one with shorter. It was important for me, when writing the story, that I kept the person I'm imagining as vague as possible, with the only physical descriptions being "physically fit" and having a few scars (for plot reasons), so this is only for me and whatever drawings I do. As a result of trying to keep it vague, I ended up going with the shorter hair (though in the final reference I made it a bit longer than shown here). Fun tidbit! The green is because whenever I'm sketching, I have 4 colours I sketch in to differentiate parts of the picture (usually background vs foreground or different people), and green was the one I used here (red, blue and purple were taken, I'm sure you can understand why). It ended up sticking, since I didn't want to go with the orange that's on Ryley's suit in order to avoid possible confusion.
That's it for now! At some point, I'll post the full references for each of them, but until then, the next thing I post will probably be chapter 1!
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tetedurfarm · 4 months
Hey so I want to get into showing rabbits (probably when I move out), would Blanc de Hotots be an ok breed to start with? I have my heart set on showing/breeding them eventually lol
Also, any book or resource recommendations for learning about showing rabbits? :p
Thank you!
short answer: no
long answer: i love blanc de hotots with all of my heart but they are the rarest ARBA breed and i can list the breeders i know of on one hand. there is One Single Breeder besides me in washington and i have still never met her. i got most of my rabbits from breeders in the midwest. i spent a Lot of money on them. this is a massive barrier to entry in the breed and it's part of my mission to fix them is to sell them for affordable prices, too. they're a really awful breed to start with if you've never shown rabbits before. in order to work with a breed this neglected type-wise you should have a really good grasp of showing, evaluation, how to choose pairings to fix faults, and a lot of understanding that nothing you produce is going to really look good for like six generations. also get use to nestbox culling because you are lucky if you get one kit in a litter with the correct markings.
the other reason they'd be a terrible breed to start with is they suck. type, personality, difficulty of working with them. the breed is a disaster because it is so rare; type has definitely suffered in favour of markings and Just Having Rabbits To Show At All. outcrossing is controversial but especially in rare breeds. because of this they ALSO have horrible horrible personalities. they're mean. they're basically unhandleable if they any sort of stressed. this past weekend one of my blancs drew blood on a judge. they're horrible animals.
i also had my heart set on them from the beginning and i got ghosted by The blanc breeder in the country who at the time lived only a few hours from me. in a way, i'm a little glad for it, because i absolutely would not have been ready for how spicy they are back when i'd only been breeding for a couple of years.
i really, really suggest picking up another breed or two first and really get into showing first. something typey and unmarked and maybe comes in some fun colours. learn the nuances of picking a good animal, and in a year or so hmu and maybe i'll have some hotots that i feel comfortable selling :)
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agro-carnist · 1 year
i appreciate the answer but you still didn't answer my question, being if you'd want someone who fantasizes about kids to work around children... i do not inherently believe people with certain fetishes are evil but i think the best course of action is not to repeatedly indulge in it i.e. the glitchedpuppet example. and not just them, but others like zaush or jasonafex, who both drew (and in some occassions even traced over pictures of) children in sexual situations and were later outed as grooming children. I bring that up not to insult you but to try and emphasize that they also started out as fiction-only and later moved on to the real thing... i think its simply irresponsible to claim fiction is harmless when it can have an actual impact on the way your brain normalizes things, like mortal kombat developers actually getting PTSD from being forced to watch gore videos in order to make the gore in-game as realistic as possible. Repeatedly exposing yourself to large amounts of simulated CP/abuse, zoophilia, etc can really fuck up your longterm perceptions and even if you think you would never cross the line that doesn't mean the others consuming your publicly posted works might not have that resolve and act out their fantasies on real life animals or children ... once again i emphasize i don't want this to come across as an attack and i dont condone harassment of you but people have a right to be concerned, esp those like me who were shown content like this at a young age, specifically a lot of zoophilic art, and got really fucked up by it. I do want to apologize for no links as tumblr hates them in asks, but you can look up these claims and they are verifiable
I get what you're saying but I'm just not convinced that nsfw art is at all the culprit for why those people did bad things. Like, look, porn isn't going to wave away your convictions. These people just didn't have moral standing to begin with. Whether or not porn existed they'd have hurt people. They're shitty people that also happen to draw nsfw. People use all sorts of things to hurt. If someone makes and sells knives anybody could buy one and hurt someone with it. I make sure to make my space one that rewards morality and is hostile to people with bad intentions. The kink community, at least the part I've become a part of, is full of literally the kindest and most safety oriented people there are. They're very focused on consent, mental well being, and social progress. I can't police everyone that engages with my work, there will always be bad people that slither their way in, but that's true for literally anything.
As for your question, if someone is fantasizing about real kids, then no I don't think they should work with children. If they fantasize about fictional kids, that gets into a big gray area. There are several other factors to consider when calculating if someone is high risk, and I dont think we as just some shmucks on the internet are qualified to decide that. I don't think these are things that can be summed up in one blanket statement of if they're dangerous or not. That's something for professionals to work on. I'm just not qualified to say if this one trait should be a qualifier for pathology
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lenskyq · 1 year
"when Daniel attacks the cops in Blood Brothers/Lone Wolf, it's so terrible! they don't have to be harmed at all, it's literally shown in Parting Ways! low-morality Daniel is who attacks first. cops were just defending!"
Um, well, how would… no? it seems to me that when people say such things, they really don't understand what happened at the border and what happened in Parting Ways.
at the border, they were surrounded by cops, whose main task is to prevent Daniel and Sean from crossing the border, arrest Sean and present Sean before the court. it is absolutely obvious that they will not let the Diaz brothers go. so Sean and Daniel have only two choices, it's to give up or to continue the fight. the second option means that Daniel will have to attack the cops.
I really wonder how people imagine a "humane" way to cross the border when it doesn't exist.
if Daniel had just moved the cars out of their way without hurting anyone and opened the way for them to move on, the cops wouldn't have let them go. they wouldn't say something like, "well, since you broke through our fence with the help of unknown magical powers of your younger brother, then have a good trip!".
the cops would continue to chase the Diaz brothers and attack them because there are no other options here. they won't let them go just because Sean and Daniel just drove past the fence, and even more so they won't do it when they witness Daniel's superpowers. the cops came there for the sole purpose of stopping and detaining them. how can people imagine that the superpower demonstrated by Daniel and going beyond the fence will convince the cops to abandon their goal, turn around peacefully and leave with the words "oh no, we screwed up! well, it would be impolite to continue chasing them, so we give up"?
"but in Parting Ways!…" in Parting Ways, the cops literally started shooting at them, trying to kill them, as soon as Sean drove on. they started shooting even before Daniel even damaged their cars and demonstrated superpowers. wtf, people. if they want to cross the border, they will have to attack the cops, otherwise the cops will kill them. the cops try to kill them even when Daniel isn't attacking them. after that, how can you say that a low-morality Daniel, who wants to cross the border, could not attack?
this is literally what Sean says to do when he decides to cross the border. In Parting Ways, Sean wants Daniel to do what he does in Blood Brothers and Lone Wolf, which is why the highly moral Daniel says he doesn't want to do it and jumps out of the car.
Daniel: I don't wanna! I'm not hurting anyone else!
Sean: It's too late! They're shooting at us, Daniel. This is the only way!
Parting Ways directly tells us that they can't cross the border any other way, but the fandom somehow drew the exact opposite conclusion from this. it really blows mind.
The only reason the cops didn't follow Sean was Daniel falling out of the car. the younger Diaz, who demonstrated incomprehensible superpowers in front of them, is clearly a much higher priority for them than his older brother.
if Daniel had stayed with Sean, the cops would have continued the chase. if they had driven on without attacking the cops, the cops would have continued the chase. so… it's obvious. low-morality Daniel attacks not because he wants to be awesome cool badass, but because they have no other way out. high-morality Daniel jumps out of the car not "for fun", but because he does not want to attack (and it is necessary to attack in order to cross the border together).
"Daniel destroyed the cars" but did not erase the cops and Florens's memory of what they saw.
it's a little funny when criticize the Blood Brothers and the actions of the Diaz brothers at the border, but ignore that what happened at the border in the Blood Brothers is what Sean demanded from Daniel in Parting Ways. Daniel, who is comfortable with Sean's desires and shares them is bad. Sean, who forces a scared Daniel to do something Daniel doesn't want (risking his life), is good. although what Sean demands from Daniel is bad by the same logic.
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batterdoodle · 1 year
what was your creative process for coming up with 🦞Lobster🦞?
Okay so, a LOT of my Spamton-related designs literally come from me going "I want to combine something with Spamton". That's happened for Pleo, Moth, Shroom, Buzz, and definitely Lobster too. I don't remember if this was the case for Widow though, he's more of a special case (for everyone else, I haven't posted Widow yet)
For Lobster, I was trying to think of like... the most obscure animal / creature I could combine with Spamton because I mostly wanted to test my designing skills and see if I could fuse the two ideas? So he honestly started out as a joke design, and his personality was initially way more different than he is now.
This is the first art I ever did of him:
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I drew this in the beginning of May, so I've actually had him WAY longer than I've been posting him for. (Also lord if anyone wants to draw him please do NOT use this ref, I've made so many minor changes like his antenna and teeth / mandibles that he almost looks completely different face-wise)
He's based on those rare blue lobsters, but also based on lobsters specifically sold in grocery stores for meat.
More lore under the cut because I want to add some pictures of what I mean, be warned for some pics being stuff like lobster shell diseases and stuff:
So the whole idea of him is that he's based on bad living conditions when it comes to animals kept in grocery stores, whether it be lobsters being held in those tanks just filled with other lobsters for food, or even the pet section where there's always a bunch of those dead fish at the top of the tanks.
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Like one of these, but maybe half of the size and with a lot less lobsters in it. I'm thinking of a very specific one I used to see when I was younger but I can't find a good comparison image. Just imagine a Walmart with the tank I described above around the deli section.
I really hate generally bad care of animals even if they're intended to be eaten, so I thought playing around with the idea of a small lobster living in one of those tanks never being picked out (because when buying a lobster, who would want to buy a small one? Less meat), and being left in there for an unbelievably long time until it was bought... for a prank. I'll explain more later though there's a good synopsis of that on this post.
So Lobster, in the light world, is just a normal grocery store lobster! He's heavily inspired by this video:
He's just a normal looking lobster, like the right one:
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You're probably wondering why he's blue. He's not only based on those rare blue lobsters, because Dark Worlds are shown to drastically change the colors of people who go into it, a good example being Kris's sprite turning to shades of blue. I wouldn't be surprised if a lobster being taken into a dark world would change colors too, hence why he's blue. I've actually drawn a hypothetical alt of what Lobster would look like with "normal" coloration as well:
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The band on his claw is based on the bands that grocery stores use on lobsters to keep them from being snippy to people handling them / so they don't hurt other lobsters.
The orange markings are actually a disease that lobsters can develop when they're malnourished. When growing their shells and molting, lobsters use nutrients that they eat in order to regrow their shells underneath. There's a disease that looks very similar to "rusting" that deteriorates the shell. I felt that it worked really well for an accent color for him (I tried to find some less terrible looking pictures, be wary on google because some lobsters are in super rough shape):
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Personality wise, he was supposed to be a lot more vulgar and rude, though now he's a lot more creature and just unknowing more than anything. There's more to him than that but this post is super long already so if you have any more questions, just feel free to send them!
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amelikos · 8 months
I realized that on top of highlighting both Liko and Amethio's considerate sides (which I wrote about in a separate post here), HZ021 also drew another parallel between them in the last scene.
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Which is their tendancy to think of shouldering everything by themselves and take responsability alone.
Liko had moments of wanting to handle things by herself (for example in HZ003, Liko was willing to look for Nyahoja alone and not involve anyone else) and blaming herself and having misplaced guilt (in HZ002, she felt guilty for involving the Pokemon on the ship, and when her pendant got stolen, she blamed herself for it and for involving everyone). On Amethio's side, he was ready to bear responsability for acting alone when facing Gibeon in HZ006. And now, he is also willing to handle things by himself and not involve Zir and Conia any further. In both cases for Amethio and Liko though, they have people around them who do want to help and won't leave them alone (the Rising Volt Tacklers for Liko, and Zir and Conia for Amethio). I'm curious about Zir and Conia's personal loyalty to Amethio (Amethio thanks them for their efforts, they were both shown to be quite familiar with him in this episode and asserted their own wishes, they don't want to leave him alone even though their positions would potentially be at risk).
Anyway, the parallels between Liko and Amethio keep piling up. Their similarities are interesting to think about.
Also, Amethio is starting to act beyond orders and he is fully aware of that. First he was removed from the mission, and now he is straying away from orders (perhaps that'll lead to him breaking away from the organization eventually, if their agendas become too separate). This really looks like this is a last ditch attempt to prove something and if he can't, then this might be it. There is a kind of desperation coming off his actions ever since the beginning, and narratively he is falling more and more. He endangers himself for the sake of the mission (like when he chased the ship through the storm, which was reckless). After being removed from it, he still wants to be doing something and doesn't want to sit still, like he wants to be useful in some way. Even now, Amethio was willing to chase Rayquaza alone in the mines. He saw firsthand in HZ006 how dangerous Rayquaza could be (especially when angered), but he was still willing to face it one more time and alone on top of that. His lack of concern for his own safety is becoming a pattern (and it's pointed out by characters in-universe too: Hamber in HZ004 told him not to strain himself, and Zir and Conia are clearly worried about his wellbeing as well, like they're all worried he is pushing himself too far).
What is going on with Gibeon is very intriguing. I wonder if Amethio is doing all of this as a desperate attempt to get his approval by bringing answers to him, or if there is something else to it.
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barkskins · 2 months
💕 from @knifepcrty mwah
send 💕 and I will tell you some muses of ours I think could work as a ship.  ( feel free to message me to establish any connections or brainstorm further ! )
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elsie & forrest ― you've already shown excitement towards my reeve so, unfortunately for you, you're getting my reeve. elsie drew my attention as she is a practicing nurse. i imagined this dark, visceral connection between the two of them. forrest is a vampire, a blood drinker, but it isn't always easy in this day and age to get what he wants. instead, he creeps into the blood bank of the local hospital in order to drink fully and completely, to satisfy his urges and keep himself out of the jails. one late-night discovery leaves forrest infatuated with elsie; soon, it's not just the blood that brings him back to her.
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elijah & elspeth ― WE DESERVE THIS ! i know how much you adore elijah and i adore elspeth, and also they're just ... hot. but beyond them just being sexy, i feel like we can have a really cool noir-esque story between these two. a private investigator and a mortician ... i'm not sure if elijah deals in dirty bidding, but i can definitely see an alliance between these two to help them both get what they need. investigations that take them into late nights, long conversations and reviews of evidence and documentation, hours of tension to be expulsed in a crescendo. late night romps in the mortician's office? i know it's hardly sanitary but, hey, this is fiction, so anything goes.
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ossyflawol · 1 year
how did you get that ref sheet, btw? It looks nice! Also, if you really know Portal, explain all the warning symbols when looking at a test chamber sign on both Portal and Portal 2.
i drew my own ref sheet! so, the 'warning symbols' you talk of are what is referred to as "Signage'! On the main Test Chamber Signs that introduce you to the Chambers, it lists you the Test Elements you should expect to see, and those signage pieces sometimes are used in the chambers themselves to denote where Test Elements are. I cannot summarise each and every single piece of Test Chamber signage (there's like... ~70 of them!), however, I figure this is a great way for me to generally summarise the wonderful world of Portal 2 signs. Some of the signage pieces are obvious as to what their function is:
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These are very easy and readable to understand what they're conveying, it's a safe bet you know what the Test Chamber contains when you see these. You'll be placing cubes on buttons, or maybe you have to watch for High Energy Pellets. Perhaps you'll be seen travelling through an Excursion Funnel, or there'll be an Aerial Faith Plate that'll catapult you. A Turret you have to blast with a Laser, or a gap you'll cross with a Light Bridge. Though, Portal has it's fair share of signage pieces that don't make too much sense at first glance.
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For instance! The Dot signages. (The 4 on the left.) These are a bit esoteric in what their function is, since they may seem a little strange without context as to what they're saying.
Luckily, there is an actually fairly simple explanation! These signage pieces are used to indicate what you should do in a Test Chamber in what order. Essentially, if you see a sign with a bunch of dots on it, try find the sign with just one dot on it to see where to start solving the Test Chamber! Then, work your way through the dot signs to figure out what to do next. The "No Drinking" sign is fairly strange too, but this is actually a unique signage - it always comes in a pair of signage pieces.
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As seen here in Test Chamber 8, the Chamber that introduces Toxic Goo in the first Portal. The "No Drinking" sign is always accompanyed by the Toxic Goo sign, it's simply a half of a whole! "Don't swim in the toxic goo, and don't drink the toxic goo."
Then, the shape signs...
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God, Valve made so many of these. The most simplest way I can describe them is that they're used when a connection between Test Elements is really far away and can't be just shown with a simple indicator line. So they give you a pair of shape signages on both ends to tell you what's connected to what.
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...Well that, or if the environment artist got lazy.
Anyway, hope that clears up the "Warning Signs" as you called them! I obviously can't reasonably explain each and every single one in just one answer to an ask, but maybe I could do that at some point!
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elizabethplaid · 3 months
daily notes for Feb 1 and 2, 2024
Got the library keys to LL-K on Thursday. She's opening solo today (Sat, Feb 3rd), as I'm taking February off for mental health.
The 1st was spent revisiting my past-self. The 2nd was starting the new friendship bracelet. Discussion below the cut:
I spent that evening going over some of my old writing and old photos. I talked with my friend about how those stories are like a time capsule - a slice of our psyche, our mindset at the time. I cried as I read an affectionate scene. Not happy or sad tears, just reflective. I was really hurting at the time (senior year of high school, through college).
Reading that paired well with my recent discussions of my behavior at that time. It eased some of my regret and guilt, allowed me to forgive myself a bit more.
As shown in the previous post, I started a new friendship bracelet on Feb 2nd. I like sharing these happy memories with these friends. I had to hide away my Alaska-childhood-self in order to survive adolescence in NC, so letting "her" out again, rejoicing in that past-self, means a lot to me.
That evening, we had another long phone call. Discussed writing techniques, how to develop styles and just get the words out, different work styles. My friend's more advanced in methods than I am, as my stories live in my head more than in text.
We discussed tarot/oracle cards again, revisiting my Grail Oracle spread from Tuesday and seeing the cards he recently drew. On a card he thought symbolized me, I saw a pair of fish with the Pisces sign next to them. I'm like, "You know my cats were born under Pisces, right? They're my fishy-cats." There were also shed deer antlers on that card, which felt like a sign. Both images appeared on other cards in the draw, too. But there were more symbols that didn't speak to either of us.
Both our draws discussed the need/quest for playfulness, amid other themes. I mentioned how I felt drawn to the Hermit card in the past, on the self-reflection in isolation. After all, that's how I lived in recent years, and it was the key to my development/growth/healing.
I like using tarot for reflection. I can analyze the heck out of stuff, but I need a starting point, eg a card or prompt.
When I woke up this morning, Feb 3rd, I decided to wear my henna choker right away. Then I added the bell-necklace AND my glasses? This is even more significant than wearing heavy earrings on a public-day! When I'm at home, I rarely wear my glasses, because of the weight on my face. I'm staying home for the next month, so really didn't have to wear my usual jewelry or glasses. The bridge of my nose is starting to hurt a tiny bit, but the necklaces still feel okay.
I plan to work on the bracelet more, maybe try some knitting if I need a break.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I had painted my nails again before last night's call. I couldn't find my old nail polish remover, and the one tiny jar I found wasn't working, so I just painted over the old chips. It's a neat effect, though it's a little silly on principal. So yeah, more nail polish, more jewelry, even heavy glasses. It feels good. :D
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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I did not accomplish the things that I was thinking I was going to accomplish today but I did get a lot of organizing down in that was nice. Even though it was fueled by anxiety.
I slept really hard last night and when I woke up this morning I was so tired. I told myself so I could just be awake for 1 hour and get something done then I could go back to sleep. But I did not go back to sleep. I woke up and I got dressed and I just kept telling myself to stay awake for one more hour. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule so that next week when I'm actually working I will not fall apart.
So I got dressed and I actually felt okay. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast and I decided that I would get some work done in studio. But then as soon as I got in there I was like oh I have to figure out how to use this little shelf thing that we found in the trash last night but then it didn't work on the shelf I thought it would so then I started taking off the shelf. And then I was like well I should just reorganize this. And then I was like oh wait no I need to do this thing. And I was just jumping around the room not actually accomplishing anything but taking everything down and making a huge mess. So I knew I was going to have to make some calls and decisions today so that I could actually utilize my room again because I'm not going to have a lot of time when I go back to work.
So when I decided to do was take everything down off the shelves and then I went out to the car to get the coffee shelf that we found him on the side of the road earlier this week.
When I went down there there were two old guys sitting on the stoop and when I brought the shelves back The one told me I should hit the guy with the shelf and I was like I'm not going to hit him with the shelf! Being very silly.
And then I decided that it needed to be painted. Because someone had painted it a very early red color. Not a good tone at all. But I was being lazy and so I just tighten all the screws and then I paint it with a brush. Instead of using spray paint which was the original plan. I'm not that concerned. It's mostly going to be covered with stuff but someday maybe I'll paint it nice.
I was listening to podcasts and learning stuff about history today. Specifically it was about history of the swastika which was fascinating. Apparently it's shown up in like every culture and it might be because it's similar to the inside of Mammoth bones. It's the first complex shape that we ever drew. Amazing. I hate how much it's been ruined by horrible people. But that also led to me getting a new book recommendation so I bought a book called swastika night that is apparently the inspiration for 1984 and some aspects but it's about what if the Nazis won and it's like 300 years in the future and I'm looking forward to it but it seems like it's going to be like a bummer. Still looking forward to a sort of history book.
once I painted the shelf I had to wait for it to dry so I started working on other things and then all of a sudden I got very stressed out about my stuffed animal collection. And I basically took almost all of my large stuffed animals and put them into trash bags. I'm not necessarily getting rid of them but I am going to make my parents take them back to the house because I can't have them here right now. And like I told Jess if we have a baby we will never have to buy them any toys because we'll just go to my parents house and pick a few and wrap them up and give them to the baby. But I felt a little better once I got those out of the space because it was just causing me a lot of grief. And just having the few up there now makes me feel a little bit better.
I also changed the direction of the cube shelf so that it would be on its side which worked way better and organized my yarn and all of my drawing utensils. I put all of the markers in color order and boxes and it's way more accessible now. And I started cleaning off my desk and while they're still a lot of catch-all in the desk itself at least the top is neat.
And I was doing this literally all afternoon. I started a 11:00 and I worked in there until around 3:30. I was exhausted by the time I was done and I did not want to go to Jesse and Haley's birthday potluck tonight. I was just dreading it.
But soon James would be home and they told me the plan was to leave at 5:30 and go to the grocery store to get sodas and then we would go and we would stay until 7:30. And I did not want to go but I knew that it would be nice and so I kept my opinions to myself.
I fixed my makeup and I put on the nice jade bracelet my mom just gave me. And then we got in the car we headed out.
The grocery store was fine except there was some confusion of the checkout and I got a little annoyed but we figured it out it was fine. And then we got to Jessie's house and we were basically the first ones there. Which was nice. Haley showed up right afterwards. And it was really nice to see her.
And honestly once I ate something I was in a much better mood and I really enjoyed talking to them and showing off some of my knitting projects and asking people about their pets. And I even showed them the very silly T-shirt I designed with sweet peas face all over it that I ordered today. And I got to have a really lovely conversation with the guy named Harry who's partner isn't influencer of some kind. And was telling me about all the whole videos that they do and how they just have way too much stuff in their house. They were asking if I had tried monetizing my making and I was like I've tried but it's just emotionally not something I want to do. I like making the little videos and posts that I make but I have no interest in really the type of videos that I would need to do to create an audience in the way that people do that. Just not something I'm interested in. But I love hearing about what they do even though they kept saying that it's boring doing systems coding. And I'm like it doesn't sound boring but I love learning about what other people do. And I just wish that people wouldn't be so mean to themselves about what their jobs are. I love telling people about my jobs but so because I want to hear about yours! Like everyone's things are interesting and different and that's what makes the world beautiful.
And the food that we had was really good. Me and James both made what we called pasta plates which were just four different types of pastas / noodles and we have had a piece of pizza. And it was really nice. I kind of wish I grabbed a cookie before we left but there was too many people standing around the food. At 7:30 though we gave Jessie and Haley hugs and then we were off. The perfect amount of party.
We got home and me and James stopped outside so they could take my picture and then we came up here and I called a couple more snails to put into the snail jar. And they got on their call for their podcast. And that I have just been laying in bed since then but I'm going to go take a shower now. I feel a lot better than I did. It was a good day even if I did not accomplish as many things as I maybe hoped. At least the studio is nice and clean. And all the camping stuff has been pulled into the living room. Even if that was just to make space for the tornado that was cleaning the studio.
I have the market tomorrow and I have my new piggies that I'm hoping do well and I'm going to bring some of the big bears and we'll see if I have a good day. I hope that the weather is nice and the people are kind. I hope you guys all have a good day. Until next time. I hope you are telling the people around you that you love them.
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kristinakyidyl · 2 years
The Bronze
Edit: rofl apparently they copied some of rheas runes right out of the codex runicus and despite having the damned thing pasted into the file I had these images in I didn’t notice bc they put it all out of order. 😂 ah well, it was still a fun exercise.
I have been feeling extra nerdy lately, and really into House of the Dragon. So when some stills from e5 of the Royce armor were shown last week, an idea started to form in my head. Here are the two pictures:
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And what interested me about these is that we finally got a good look at the infamous house Royce armor. In the books, it is ancient bronze armor engraved with runes that are thought to protect the wearer from harm. Although this armor isn't bronze, it does have the runes. And I started thinking to myself "that's a pretty clear, high-res shot of the armor. I wonder how deep into the attention to detail their costuming department really went, anyway?"
I think you can see where I'm going with this. I decided I was gonna translate the runes on the armor.
If you're unfamiliar, the runes on their armor are futhark runes - an alphabet used most notoriously by the old Norse. There are several different versions of this alphabet, and of course it can be difficult to read them from the old examples because people had different handwriting, but generally speaking they are divided into 3 eras: The Elder Futhark, the Younger Futhark, and the Medieval Futhark. There are so many different versions of this alphabet. However, runes can be interpreted two ways. One, as a direct one-to-one translation where each rune is the letter of an alphabet. Two, by what the runes symbolized in a larger sense. Elder Futhark tends to be sharper and more blocky than younger futhark, like this:
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And on the Royces' armor I noticed that the inscriptions on their bracers and the added pieces to the armor tended to be written more in the style of the elder futhark, so when I was making decisions about what letter I thought it might be, I took that into consideration.
As an aside here: this is why the phrase "runes on rocks" drives me crazy. The maesters imply that the First Men couldn't write because they left behind "runes on rocks". Runes ARE letters. And if they're being represented in the Royces' armor by the letters of the futhark alphabets, they absolutely are letters and not just pictures. The maesters are such poor scholars.
Now, a couple of notes and caveats before I show you what I did:
I am familiar with runes, but I'm not an expert, and even among experts the interpretation of a given rune can be subjective depending on context.
I did this from stills. I did the best I could to figure out which runes were which, but sometimes the image was too blurry or was blocked by something.
I'll be able to explain this better later on in this post, but sometimes it really was just up to my best guess, so if you disagree that's totally ok!
The first step I took was to outline all of the runes I felt I could clearly outline. It looked like this:
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You can see what I mean here about how the writing on her bracer and the leather piece on his chest plate being more angular. Those : and ; between the runes in places are not other runes. They were used in medieval reconstruction writing as the equivalent of a modern space or period. They indicate separation in the groupings.
After I had that, I took like half a line on his and started doing a direct rune-to-letter translation to see if there was anything there that warranted doing a larger project. And, much to my disappointment, it was gibberish. It does not spell anything. However, there were a few things about the groupings and the letters that drew my attention. 1, they bothered to do them in groupings at all. Why? If you're just going to write gibberish it doesn't really seem like it would matter if we knew where the breaks in groups were. 2, the runes are a mix of elder, younger, and medieval runes. This is something modern writers of runes sometimes do when one alphabet is missing something they need. It's not at all historically correct, but it still happens in modern use of the letters. 3, They aren't in a pattern. It doesn't, from what I can tell, repeat. That could be a function of how it is inscribed and how their armor is made, but I didn't notice a pattern. 4, runes in spellwork and when being used for esoteric meanings can be written two ways: forwards and backwards, aka merkstave. A few of the runes on the armor are merkstave. Seems like a very purposeful choice if you're just throwing runes on there for aesthetic purposes. 5, It includes bind runes. Bind runes are complex runes made of two or more individual runes written together in one rune. They're extremely common in spellwork. It's the same thing as writing a word that has meaning to you, but taking all of the letters and artfully combining them into one complex-looking sigil. It's very personal to the individual working the spell, and is something of an art form.
After I'd noticed those things, I decided to move forward with transcribing the runes. First, I wrote them all in a more cohesive manner and then put the direct letter translations under them. Here's what that looked like:
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Hers is left, his is right. The first line on hers is her bracer. The blue on his is the separate leather plate on his (I also thought it was a nice touch to have the runes written in one like long run on circle on this piece, as that's what they look like on a lot of runestones.). Green is a line break. ? are characters that aren't actual runes, so I've probably just gotten them wrong bc of where they were located on the armor. Both : and ; and . are breaks in the groupings. Here's an english letter transcript for those who can't see the image, or might have trouble with my handwriting. Brackets [] are a bindrune and parenthesis () are a merstave rune:
Her Bracer: TUUAR. MA. N
Now, if you look at the images you might be wondering how two different symbols ended up being the same letter. For example, the H's in SAHH on his breastplate look different. That is because of the mixed alphabets. The letter H in elder futhark looks very much like a latin H and the letter H in younger futhark looks like a line with a little x on it. You'll also see that there are places where I just had to make a decision. For example, there is a run on both their armor that looks like a lower case h. There isn't a rune that looks like a lower case h. So I had two choices in that case, either it was a poorly written n or a bindrune that said "iu". Because the lower part of the rune was so small in comparison to how the U rune was written the rest of the time, I decided on the poorly written n. After all, perhaps there's a : or ; there that I can't make out because it's a photo.
So it's fairly obvious that the runes don't say anything, at least not in English, which is fair. Maybe they made up some First Man version of Westerosi. I don't know. but I'd like to take just one group of runes and see how it might work together as a spell because they are repeatedly referred to in the text as spells, not necessarily as writing. Ideally, I want one that is clearly visible and uses as few as possible medieval runes.
Let's go with the UILI(A) sequence on his breastplate. These runes all happen to be elder futhark (although some did carry over to younger futhark.). They are: Uruz, Isa, Laguz, Isa, and merkstave Naudhiz. Here's what they mean:
Uruz: it can be used for mental and physical health when used in spells, but when it is used in casting it represents personal success that is out of the control of the person. It stands for an aurochs (an undomesticated cow.).
Isa: It represents ice, and can mean that an activity should it is stopped, and a change should be made to restart it.
Laguz: Represents water, or moving and flowing with the world and tides around you.
Isa again.
Naudhiz: It doesn't seem to really have a merkstave meaning (a lot of times the merkstave meanings are just the opposite of the main meaning.), but it means restriction of power. Not really hopelessness, but more a sign that one's power is being restricted but they have the ability to break free of that restriction. It stands for need.
Taken together there are 3 runes for restrictions on power, for containment, for control, really. The other two are for healing, and deal with the environment around the person rather than the person themselves. It's all very subjective, but if I were to put something like this on armor, it would seem to be a spell for control and calm within the chaos of battle, and a request for healing and strength of mind.
Do you wanna do another one? Let's do another one because they're fun. Let's look at one from Rhea's armor. The one that says "losar". The runes that make up that set are: Logr(younger) or Laguz (elder), Fehu (the medieval incarnation.), Sowulo (both), Ar (younger), and Raido (older & younger). Their meanings are:
Logr/Laguz: same as above, but Logr also means purification. It has to do with cleansing or washing.
Fehu: Power and wealth, or the power to obtain wealth.
Sowulo: A light in dark places, seeing clearly in times of doubt and confusion. In the younger futhark, it is also associated with control exerted by the person via strength of will.
Ar: Bounty and rewards coming via the application of your own skill, not something left to chance. IE, reaping positive rewards for taking an action.
Raido: Being able to focus will and energy for positive outcomes (elder), or a journey that the user must go on (younger). Represents a horse, cart or riding.
If I were to take this group and put it together on armor, I'd use it to represent winning the battle, whether it be overall or just coming out of the darkness safely because you made good choices. It seems like it's a spell for winning.
What I think is interesting about both of these spells is that they have to do with personal choice and skill, and the boost they're looking for in the magic is to enhance their own skills and abilities rather than just, for example, asking the warrior to do it for them. It's more that they're saying they've prepared for the battle and they want that preparedness to mean something. They want to be ready.
Was this done on purpose by the showrunners? I mean...I think so, at least a little. I think they shouldn't have mixed alphabets though. Anyway, I hope you got at least a little amusement out of this terribly detailed random fandom thing.
As a bonus, here is the translation of the Royce shield on the westeros.org wiki:
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Spoiler: it doesn't say anything:
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It literally starts with lorem ipsum, but the creator for some reason weirdly chose to use an A rather than an O. BTW, do you see that letter I've marked as an N? Top row, third from the right? That is not a rune. They used it on the show, too. I checked like 5 different sites, including the one I've used for years for rune meanings, and it is *nowhere*. It's not even in the codex runicus so far as I can see, which is a medieval reconstruction of the futhark alphabet.
Anyway, if you're interested, here's how you write a couple of Royce things in runes (to the best of my ability, since the runes are just an alphabet and some of the letters - like the thorn - don't have a direct latin equivalent.).
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nightfall-1409 · 9 months
hate when you're reading Star Wars and you someone uncritically Redeem Count Dooku but make Mace Windu The Worst (TM)
Like. I know what's going on there. Most people prolly do too. It's not a hard thing to look at the facts on Paper and go "Oh bud you've got some serious internal biases to unpack."
"The republic was corrupt tho and the Jedi enslaved the clones"
Yeah the first one being the case doesn't really mean what most ppl think it does and the individuals we learn the information from (Notably Palpatine and Dooku) have ulterior motives and an openly authoritarian agenda.
The second one is dubious as fuck. The Jedi hold 0 power in the Galactic Senate and are, in fact, beholden to them. It's just canon that most planets in the galactic republic are demilitarized, the Jedi are meant to be diplomats and peacekeepers, but as the galaxy turns more hawkish as those with authoritarian aspirations start to take control, they're the ones who are going to be thrown at the problem in spite of their objections. They've no means to change the laws. They've no means to protect them but by getting out there with them, and they did that. In fact, Mace Windu in the 2008 CW is repeatedly shown going to great lengths to save his men whenever he's able to.
"Well they should have refused the clones" they did at first. The first battle of Geonosis, at the outset, the Jedi went by themselves. They launched a mass attack against a portion of Dooku's forces alone. 212 Jedi went. 30 came back. Over 80% of the Jedi they sent died. They would have all been killed if the clones' presence hadn't turned the tide of battle.
And if they refused the clones, they would have been given to the "Republic Navy", which neither was truly a republic entity, as it initially belonged to Governor Tarkin of Eriadu. Within the star wars canon, the "Republic Navy" or ORSF drew heavy criticism as a human-only, male-dominated space. There's a reason why these guys went on to become the heads of the Empire, and it wasn't because they saw the Clones as people.
Mace Windu is the head of a religious order that has a public service purpose. If they do nothing, they will be declared traitors to the Republic, if they don't take the clones, they will be given to those who explicitly want to play war games. The tragedy of the clone wars is that for the Jedi, it was always a no-win scenario.
But okay, let's say thats not enough. Slavery is always bad, I do agree with that take. No matter what happened during the Clone Wars, the Jedi should have done more to advocate for Clone Rights (though on what platform would they have been able to, I do wonder, from a logistical POV) and how could they have depicted that in a child's TV show from the doylist POV)
Count Dooku explicitly sells people into slavery in the clone wars show. An entire planet's population of Togruta pacifists are sold into slavery, explicitly to his ally, the Zygerrians, in explicit hopes of using their labor to restore their mighty slave-fueled Empire. Indeed, most if not all of the people that Count Dooku work with in the CIS either currently use slave labor or want to use slave labor. He's 100% down with slavery, because he believes that power should go to the powerful, bc he's an authoritarian. Some of the "Corruption" that these people accuse the Republic of was the Jedi going after their ability to own and sell slaves.
So if you're condemning the Jedi for the Clones, you should be sending Count Dooku into the fiery pits of hell right there too, along with basically every leader in the CIS.
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newhologram · 2 years
Jennette McCurdy & Drew Barrymore on Complicated Relationships with Mothers | Barrymore's Backstage "Does someone have to die in order for us to be able to tell our truths?" "I think if saying the truth ends a relationship, I think it's probably a relationship that needed to end." "How do you get over guilt and shame if they're still alive in order to tell those truths?" Love that they get into the complex feelings that come with wanting to speak our survival story and emotional truths. It's been something I go back and forth on so hard as I've been finally really speaking up about the reality of my childhood and even my young "newly"-disabled adulthood as it brought a whole new kind of abuse into my experience. For so long I was scared to really talk about it more than just vaguely because I genuinely feared for my safety if anyone ever found out I was sharing this stuff online. Sometimes I still have intense waves of anxiety and dread (and nightmares I'm being harmed) over it, and then I'll go delete a bunch of posts about the kind of abuse I've survived, and how I'm still to this day gaslit about it. Most of the time now I feel really empowered because I am absolutely allowed to talk about this stuff. I'm an adult with autonomy and the right to my reality. I do NOT need permission or approval from my family to talk about the impact my childhood or the past 10 years as the disabled scapegoat had on me. If that upsets them because it "makes them look bad", that's actually on them. No one you hurt "makes" you "look" bad when your actions and behaviors are actually what was bad. Own up to it, maybe? Do better, maybe? And stop continuing to blame me for everything. I just find it kind of pitiful now. Sorry if that's harsh, I know we all have our own pace and path. But I have no time or energy for their stuckness. They've shown me that they aren't safe to be around, and I take my safety and health very seriously. No more sacrificing. This isn't about revenge or being petty but taking back my story which allows for healing. In my case, though I've been at the trauma work for nearly 10 years, it's been some pretty rapid healing in the past 1.5 years. Like a kind of mental and emotional bootcamp. Especially since I tried to sit down with them and talk about how harmful their gaslighting and apologism is and then they immediately just took turns gaslighting me (Is anyone home? A conscience or empathy or... anything?). I'm at peace with the thought that some of these relationships may end, or are in the process of ending. If the alterative is to be forced to be part of that unhealthy system, then what am I actually losing? A fake head-in-the-sand mannequin stand-in family, full of people who won't open up, who won't do the work, who won't get help and instead wish to pretend... for what? I'm done pretending. And I'm happier than ever and finally loving life despite my many health challenges.
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a ramble on my personal canon that turned into a ramble about the production and universe implications of the TVS and RWS
*cracks knuckles despite not being able to* today i shall talk about my personal canon for ttte/rws because i'm in the mood for an infodump :sunglasses:
you may be wondering, jade, what the hell is this supposed to mean? basically it's me trying to stitch a patchwork of the classic series canon, hit era, cgi, rws, and my own oc stuff to my liking.
...and i'll also admit i wrote this really tired, but I wanted to infodump so bad. putting the rest below the cut!
so far, my most simple summary of it so far is that it's mostly the RWS with the timeline of the model series. things from the RWS happen in the order they happened in the TVS (albeit not with the exact same execution as the RWS or the TVS all the time). Series 5's events happen, as do series 6's and maybe some of series 7's? But also, events that didn't get adapted to the model series happen, as to characters, such as Bear and two entire railways. I also wanted to take some characters from hit era and beyond, albeit I'm not sure I have a complete list yet.
I'm also including the UHR, aka the Ulfstead Heritage Railway, my original smaller railway that kinda... happened. Basically, a variation on Toby's Discovery happens, and the controllers of the railways, not quite sure what to do with it, end up with an offer from my oc, Tiffany Lancaster. She offers to run the track and perhaps then some as a heritage railway. Restoration ensues! It connects to the Skarloey, as seemingly shown in the show, and the NWR. I also decided it runs around inside Ulfstead itself and a bit further south to the Ulfstead Castle and The Mansion, which I'm using the RWS canon for and saying they're a preserved castle and mansion-turned-expensive-fancypants-hotel respectively. Sorry, no Estate Railway here... maybe, I haven't watched relevant CGI episodes yet, but something about a castle on top of a mine sounds horribly structurally unstable. But it's not like anyone lives at that castle anyways.
Other things I'm consolidating include: Toby's Branch Line and the Arlesdale Railway run near each other, like in the 2014 map of Sodor. I've elected to put Toby's Old Line on Sodor like in the TVS. James's red coat of paint comes after his accident, like in the RWS and CGI canons. Thomas just kinda Showed Up, like in the RWS. And Henry doesn't need the special coal post-rebuild like in the RWS, albeit he still might have some occasional problems.
honestly, i just wanted to write this because I was sorting out my OC event timeline for my fanbooks, realized I've been using the TVS timeline the entire time, remembered I had a personal canon, and then went wild assigning series to events and year estimates.
And, to be fair, in-universe, these stories were NOT written at the time they happened or anywhere near 'em until much later into my fanbooks, if at all. My stories are written in modern day both in-universe and out because of whatever the heck the Secondman got up to, so this is a bit loose! And setting them in more vague years, like the TVS did, might help me in the long run somehow. Toward the Christopher Awdry part of the RWS's run, more stories were written just so the TVS could have stories to base things off of, so I'm genuinely unsure if they're supposed to be records of a past year in the RWS canon or set closer to the year they were written or what. I may have worded that weird because I'm tired, but basically, if those stories were written to be scrambled in with the others in the early TVS, does that mean that they took place during different times rather than when one would think the books are set?
Despite being the guy who posted the links to RWS resources, I still don't know as much as I'd like to, LOL. And consolidating multiple canons, while fun, is tiring. So with this, I shall end this ramble. Goodnight. I leave you with MS Paint Wesley whom I drew with a mouse and also whilst very tired. I could not wrap my head around perspective tonight LOL
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traibm1 · 2 months
Second Class
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Firstly, we did some more straight line shapes, learning about how complex they can actually be, and compared them to drawing them on paper like the previous class. There is more on this in my notes from this class which are at the bottom of this post (Along with notes on every other section of this post). I found the Dog shape particularly complicated, which is why I highlighted it. It was interesting actually making a more complex shape with the new techniques I had learned.
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We then moved to learning about curved lines, starting with single arc curves (Although I did try making a circle). They're much more complicated than straight lines, as rather than just clicking two points, you need to create handles to control the angle of the curve, and adjust them accordingly. This was pretty simple to get the hang of though once you mess around with it a bit.
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Next we added more points into the curves, turning them into multi-arc curves. This allowed for more complex curved shapes as shown. In the second picture is an example of all the handles in the shapes we drew, which are the lines with the dots on each end sticking out from each point in the shape. We had to learn in this section that the best way to make a symmetrical curved shape is to have even handles, though I am pretty bad at doing that as you can see.
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After that, we learnt about Hybrid points. Hybrid points have a straight line on one end, and a curved line on the other. These are much more complicated than the other two points from earlier, as they take certain keys to create depending on what order you put the types of lines in. The key is listed in the notes below. By this point, we had nearly learnt all of the types of points, but there was still one more.
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The final type of point is known as a broken point, as it is literally a break in a curve. It was just about as complicated as the hybrid point, also taking a button to create. It is achieved by separating the two ends of the handle on the point, and pointing them at different angles. As you can see at the top of the teardrop shape the handles on the joint are both pointing at a downwards angle in opposite directions, literally bending the handle and creating a break in the curve.
So to recap, there are 4 types of points:
-Corner Points: Used to create straight lines and corners -Curve Points: Used to create curves, achieved with handles -Hybrid Points: Used to connect a straight segment with a curved segment -Broken Points: Used to create a break/corner in a curve, allowing for more complex shapes.
We learnt how to utilise these 4 joints, and are now able to create any shape we want with Adobe Illustrator.
Notes from this class Page 1 - Straight Line notes Page 2 - Single arc curve notes Page 3 - Multi arc curve notes Page 4 - Hybrid & Broken Point notes
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