#this drawing came up because i was thinking about how the 'bakusquad' and 'dekusquad' feel like college friend groups
jade-of-mourning · 2 years
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i was tempted to give them a tray of shiggy-hand-fries on that table. the five of them have the most high school band energy i’ve ever witnessed and i felt like drawing them :>
(the joke’s not funny anymore since i don’t know what fashion is, but i was committed. kami probably came up with it and in spite of the other four adamantly hating it, nobody had a better idea — aside from “a-band”, which he rightfully argued is objectively awful)
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can’t draw shoes but i spent too much time on them so now you get to look at them
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Humans And Cats
Bakugou disappears! Oh no. Nobody has any idea where he is, and while searching for him, Shinsou finds a cat! He loves cats, so he takes it home and starts to spend time with it, explaining his fears and worries about Bakugou. It seems to understand him more than normal though, which is... strange. Yes, it’s BakuToshi or Bakugou X Shinsou. Fight me.
It’s 3764 words. 
Being the adopted son of the teacher of U.A's 1-A class wasn't the easiest thing in the world. You'd think, wow the teacher would go easier on you, right? Yeah, no. Shinsou sometimes believed that Aizawa went harder on him! He believed that it was because he wasn't in 1-A at first and needs to catch up, but he thought all that special secret training would be good enough! I mean yeah, he was happy that he even was allowed to be switched into 1-A but still. At times he couldn't believe all the stuff that these students had to go through. The training made his bones ache, and his skin felt like it would tear! Also how many times has Midoriya broken his bones? How do you even do that man? Yet even with all that, he kept it to himself. He knew that Aizawa wanted best for them and these guys had quirks that were good for fighting or stuff like that, and Shinsou didn't. Like Aizawa always said 'if you rely on your quirk too much, you're worthless' and with all the training he's been bulking up more! It was something he was happy about; he wasn't as much as a bean pole as he used to be.
Shinsou still liked to go talk to the people in his old class, and he was slowly gaining friends in the new class as well, even if he said he didn't want friends when he first got there. It was annoying at first, if he was to be honest, yet he was now pretty happy he had friends that didn't hate him, or ones that weren't scared of him. He even got along a little with that Ojirou guy! The one he uh... sorta insulted yeah... he felt bad for that still. They were on a better page now though, which Shinsou found shocking at first nerveless, he was happy it worked out well.
Even though Shinsou has been adopted by Aizawa and Yamada, along with Eri, he was still called Shinsou mostly because if he was called Aizawa it would make it hard to tell them apart, and Shinsou liked his name, simple as that. Now, speaking of his friends. He was 'friends' with Deku, Denki, Monoma, and a few others... that Kirishima boy has been hanging out with him more and Mina has been inviting him out shopping and stuff it was honestly a little overwhelming at first however he liked it. There was one student that he loved to fuck with and that was Katsuki Bakugou, the guy with an explosion quirk. They just seemed to rub each other the wrong way, mostly cause Shinsou loves to get on Bakugou's bad side at times just because it was funny yet he knew when to stop, and it seemed like Bakugou liked him too because they both seemed happy afterwards, or at least Shinsou thought, it was a little hard to tell at times if he was to be honest. When did that guy ever smile other than when he's fighting?
Speaking of Bakugou. Nobody had seen him in a few days. Kirishima was panicking along with the rest of the class. Was Bakugou kidnapped again!? It was the second year of U.A who would have gotten him? The school checked all the cameras and it showed him leaving school grounds but never returning and they called his parents who said they didn't know where he was either. With that, some of the pro heroes went out looking for him along with the rest of the Bakusquad and the Dekusquad. Shinsou even went out to look around but he wasn't really sure anything was wrong, Bakugou was good at taking care of himself. He was strong enough to get away from villains.
Thus that is why the enervated boy was out in the world, looking around for his... friend? Acquaintance? Ugh this is bothersome. That is why Shinsou was out looking for this bother of a student. He cups his hands around his mouth, calling out "Bakugou!" His voice rang through the sort of silence, the only sounds being light chatter from the few people around him or cars driving by. He ignored anyone that looked at him, this wasn't about them right now and he could care less for some unnamed extras... he's been spending too much time around Bakugou. He makes a tsh sound and sighs shaking his head, starting to walk again however a sound caught his attention, making his head perk up his eyes shooting around and he proceeded to follow the sound, which sounded like scratching.
When he looked into the alleyway he almost reeled back in shock, his normally half shut eyes opening wide, his lips parted slightly. There was a messy looking blonde, very fluffy, cat that was clawing at a box that had fallen on their tail, most likely trapping them there. There's a random cat? Poor thing! He puffs his cheek out in thought, thinking about what to do but exhaled a slow huff of breath and he slowly creeps closer to not scare the cat who's ear twitches, then it turns its head looking at Shinsou, growling but paused.
"Hey hey" he starts to speak, holding up his hands his voice soft "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you" he slowly walks over, crouching down moving the box off the cats tail and scoops the cat up. The cat makes a sound of worry, looking apprehensive "Don't worry" he continues, smiling faintly "I won't hurt you" he made sure to keep his voice quiet, and calm to not scare the cat and starts to walk "I'll feed you and get you all nice and clean" Damn he loved cats...
If he was to be honest, he was appalled that people would just leave this poor cat all alone! What the hell is that? Eh whatever, guess he got a new cat he would just have to keep them hidden and he would need to name the cat. They walk in silence for a few seconds the cat curled up in his arms, seeming too tired to try to fight against him or maybe it didn't want to fight him? That's pretty shocking, he wondered just how long the cat had been stuck there? It's a little saddening.
Of course Shinsou knew that they should be looking for Bakugou, but he also knew that Bakugou could handle himself. He was strong, and brave he was gonna be a good hero so he was sure that Bakugou would be okay! "You know" Shinsou murmurs "You remind me a bit of Bakugou, mostly the fact that your fur looks like an explosion... heh maybe I'll just name you Baku" he laughed "I'm a little worried about him, we haven't seen him in a while everyone's out searching for him but I feel like it's a waste" as he said that the cat, who he decided to name Baku, looks up growling a little but Shinsou continues, ignoring the cats growl "Bakugou's training to be a hero, he's strong and smarter than most of the others, not like he'd get himself kidnapped or something. Plus, we would know if something like that happened... tsh I feel bad for whoever was a dumbass enough to kidnap him" with those words Baku stares up at him, then curls up more starting to let out a soft purring sound, which caught Shinsou's attention his eyes shooting down and he lets out a soft laugh. Heh, guess this cat was a nice one... that's always a good change.
Finally by the time that he got back to U.A the others seemed to be back from their searches as well. Deku looks over at him, and falters over to him, his own steps seeming shaky most likely from worry or panic "Shinsou!" he starts, making the cat make a sound of annoyance in his arms "did you find kacchan? We looked everywhere unless we're drawing a blank but I don't think so. I don't know where he is, or where he could be. We asked Hawks, the winged hero, to go searching by air but I don't think he'd be able to do a lot, mostly because he's the number 2 hero so he's most likely really busy, and Uraraka can't exactly do the same thing, as she'll start to feel sick because overuse of her quirk. Maybe we could ask mt. Lady to help us search for kacchan. Do you think she'd agree to help us? I think they might be related in someway but he's never told me and I'm a little too nervous to ask though now what if I never get the chance to ask and-" he was rambling a little from the nerves making Shinsou sigh out in slight annoyance just like the cat did.
"Midoriya" Shinsou interrupts "you need to get your act together, we're in the same boat, everyone is. We all want to find Bakugou but panicking won't help it... no, I haven't found him but I did find a cat" he nods his head down to the cat who had opened his eyes by then, seeming to be glaring at everyone.
Uraraka looks over and smiles, putting her hands on her cheeks "aw! He's so fluffy" she steps closer, reaching up to pet the cat who growls swiping at her hand, but didn't take out his nails it seemed, since she just giggled and scratches behind his ears making him start to purr again and Baku squeezes his eyes shut. "I'm not exactly sure if he's a boy, but guess we can just assume" Shinsou says, with a shrug of his shoulders and Deku sighs, going to tell All Might that kacchan wasn't found.
After a little Shinsou was able to be on his way, heading to his dorm room. Once he got in there, he sets the cat down on his lap and pulls out a can of cat food, opening it, putting it in front of the cat he found. Yes, he had cat food. Sometimes he would leave it out for the strays but guess this came in lucky today.
Baku looks down at the can, then smacks it off the bed onto the ground and he walks over laying across Shinsou's pillows. Shinsou blinks looking down at the can and sighs, shaking his head "dick" he grumbles, but starts to clean it up anyway and goes to take a shower leaving the cat alone in his room making sure to shut and lock the door behind him, just to be careful. He didn't want the cat to somehow get out of his room, then he'd have to go searching for two blondes!
[Slight Time Skip]
After Shinsou finished his shower he proceeded to head back inside his room. His room was fairly neat, and pretty empty. His capture weapon was up on a hook along with his voice changer, and there were quite a few posters but nothing way too fancy. There were a lot of fairy lights hanging around, a purple blanket on his bed, and way too many pillows which often would fall off his bed because of how many there was. A lot of stuffed animals too, though that was cause of Denki and Mina.
Still laying on his pillows was that cat, who seemed to be snoozing. What time was it? Shinsou's eyes shoot over to look at the clock, which said around 8:19. It was late... Where was Bakugou? With a sigh Shinsou starts to dry his hair his eyes shut, a pair of loose pajama pants hanging around his hips, almost sliding down but luckily seemed just tight enough to not as long as he didn't move too fast.
After he finished drying his hair, his eyes shot around, looking for his shirt yet before he could do much he heard a warning growl which caused his eyes to drift over to the, used to be, sleeping cat who was now staring at him and growling "why are you growling at me?" He asked in a, very slight, anxious way. Why did the cat not like him all of a sudden? It seemed like the cat was tired of his questions already and moves off the pillows, instead moving under the blanket a little. "It looks like you're trying to tell me to go to sleep, you know" now speaking in an affectionate way, he walks over moving the blanket looking down at the cat with a small beatific grin.
The fluffy blonde cat, which he decided to totally name Baku, looks up at him and curls up the cats eyes shooting down to the bed then up at him wait... was the cat really telling him to sleep? Shinsou sighs rubbing his temples. He really didn't want a brooding cat so... with a flick of his tongue he reaches over, flicking off the lights leaving on the fairy lights and he gets into the bed making sure to be careful with the cat and lies his head down against his arms, shutting his eyes. Okay, time to try to sleep. Hearing a slight purr from the cat, he guessed it was happy he listened.
After maybe two hours he was finally able to fall asleep, the faint light from his fairy lights making it easier for him to fall asleep. How many days has it been since he really slept? Two? Three? He didn't really know, he wasn't counting. Before he fell asleep he could feel the soft fur of the cat pressing against his stomach, making his lips twitch up in a very faint smile and he fell asleep, keeping that smile on his face. This cat seemed pretty nice...
[Time Skip]
Cat wasn't nice.
Yeah, simple as that. The cat wasn't nice. At least, not to the others. To Deku it would claw and hiss at him, the fur of the cat sticking straight up making it look more like a puff ball and it would still growl and hiss at the others but wouldn't claw at them much, even with Shinsou it would still try to hiss or growl, yet not claw as often which was... nice?
Shinsou was sitting in the common room, with Baku on his lap petting him slowly while Baku was curled up on his lap purring softly, relaxed. "You really need to be nicer to the others, they're stressed about Bakugou" he encouraged, his eyes scanning around. It was faint for most, but he's caught Midoriya gazing longingly at Bakugou's desk, like he was scared which, you know, did make a lot of sense. At least three times he's seen a gloss form over his eyes, his eyes flickering with sadness and other emotions that Shinsou couldn't place.
Baku's eyes, which had been closed, open and look up at Shinsou. His eyes burned with a bright red color, looking like they would almost glow then they just shut again the cat letting out a soft sigh "hey, don't take that tone with me"
"Are you arguing with the cat, dude?" a voice interrupted making Shinsou jolt from the shock, and he looks over. Oh, speaking of shock it was Denki! He was grinning a sparkle forming in his eyes most likely of amusement, standing there he was rocking back and fourth he never did seem to be able to stand still or even sit still, it was funny sometimes.
Shinsou nodded his head in approval at the question "I was" he uttered "He's been acting like a brat" he gets a warning growl from Baku who could weirdly seem to understand him, it was a tad strange "Don't act like you weren't" he hisses softly when he felt Baku's nails go into his leg making him huff in annoyance.
Denki couldn't help but laugh, but bristles when Shinsou glared at him, making him nervously chuckle "sorry... but come on, it's a little funny" he walks over, leaning over the back of the couch wrapping his arms around Shinsou's neck, his head rested on top of the taller purple haired Insomniac. "I'm glad you found a cat you liked though"
The other gave a slight nod and was about to say something, when Baku jumps up, landing on Shinsou's shoulder swiping at Denki smacking his cheek with his paw, making Denki reel backwards almost tripping. With that, Baku curls around Shinsou's neck the best he could growling softly.
Shinsou fell silent, looking down at the familiar cat who was still just curled around his neck, then over at the blonde who had his lips parted slightly, seeming shocked until he let out a slight snicker, then laugh covering his mouth with his hand "Aw!" Denki squeals, "that's so cute! He got all jealous I have to go tell the others" then he turned, running out making Shinsou frown and he holds up his hand "no he didn't, he-" he started to object then just sighs, since Denki was already gone and reaches up to lightly scratch behind Baku's ear again, mumbling "don't get jealous, I don't like Kaminari like that... I like a different loud blonde" that seemed to catch Baku's attention, who started to let out a louder purr than Shinsou had ever heard from him so far, which of course made himself pretty happy. Even if Baku wasn't the nicest, he still really liked the cat.
Later that night it was around 9 and Shinsou was chatting with a few of the others, in his pajamas. "Okay listen-" Sero was saying, the corners of his eyes crinkled as he grins "I'm just saying, if you think about it, there are more nipples than there are people in the world" Denki was wheezing with laughter, holding his arms over his stomach tears dripping from his eyes with how hard he was laughing. They were all trying to lighten each others moods, since Bakugou still hasn't been found and it's been three days! Shinsou himself let out a soft laugh, rolling his eyes and he starts to say something himself, but a yowl silences him, his eyes shooting over to see Baku stalking over, then grabs onto his pants leg starting to tug on it growling loudly.
Denki sniffles, wiping at his eyes and looks down at the angry looking cat "Dude" he starts "why is your cat pulling on you like that?" he pondered, his eyes shooting over to look at Shinsou who just let out a sigh.
"I guess it's time for me to sleep" he muttered, and stands up picking Baku up who huffs and curls up in his arms. Sero blinks, looking up at Shinsou asking in a disbelieving way "you let your cat decide when you sleep?"
Shinsou nodded, not waiting for them to answer his nod, heading over to go to his dorm hearing their laughter and he goes to his room putting Baku down onto the bed "there you go" he says, sitting down himself and looks up at the lights frowning "I'm worried, you know? We still don't know where Bakugou is, none of the animals even know where he is that Koda has been asking"
That seemed to make Baku's fur bristle so Shinsou's eyes shoot over and he reaches down, petting the soft fur of the cat "Don't worry, we'll find him and when we do, I guess I'll tell him I like him just to get it off my chest... I know it'll be dramatic and I'm doubtful he'll feel the same but hey, no reason to keep it to myself" he announced, mostly to himself, and lies back on the bed. Baku looks up at him, crawling up to lay on his chest shutting his eyes and Shinsou smiles faintly starting to pet him again until his movements slowly came to a stop when he fell asleep.
[One More Time Skip]
After a few hours Shinsou got woken up by a heavy weight on his chest, making him unable to breathe; it just seemed to appear out of nowhere making him jolt awake. That wasn't Baku, it was a lot heavier so he moves his arms up, pushing the weight off him hearing a bang and he reaches over quickly, turning on the bedside table light, his chest heaving with slight paniced breath.
That panic just doubled when he saw a pair of red eyes glowering at him, looking annoyed, then a thought came in his mind, and it was answered when a familiar voice snaps "what the fuck was that eye bags?! Why did you push me off?"
"Bakugou?" he asked, rubbing one of his eyes, looking sleepily confused. "What... what happened?" Was he asleep still?
Bakugou opens his mouth, but shuts it again, seeming confused himself, his eye lashes fluttering then he looks down at himself his brows drawing together until he finally let out a laugh "fucking finally" he starts, pulling his fingers through his hair "holy shit, that was annoying" he most likely noticed Shinsou's confusion and Bakugou's lips twitch up in a smirk as he continues to talk "Was hit by a quirk few days ago, turned me into a cat" he reaches up, grabbing Shinsou's face holding his cheeks gently pushing them together "So, you have feelings for a loud blonde, eh?" he repeated.
Oh God.
That was the first thought that went through his mind. Loud blonde, huh? "Could have been talking about Monoma, you know, also you were the one that kept clawing and hissing at anyone that got close to me, care to explain that?" Shinsou remarked, his own smirk forming.
Bakugou narrows his eyes then makes a tsh sound, and leans down pressing their lips together for a second "Don't even mention that copy cat bastard, you're mine now, got that? Now scoot over, tomorrows gonna be a pain in my ass with that nerd" most likely he was talking about Midoriya.
The tired males heart skipped a beat when he was kissed, his pale skin getting a pretty nice red tint "A-Ah..." he spluttered, then groans when his mind caught up and he grumbles, scooting over so Bakugou could get into the bed with him and he does, scooting in behind Shinsou, turning off the light then slips his arms around the others waist. Guess he was the big spoon.
…Shinsou didn't think he'd be able to sleep after that. At least he didn't have to explain his feelings?
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shouta-aizawow · 3 years
I’ll say a couple things then!!! >:D
1. I posted abt it before but my ecology teacher has two axolotls that she keeps in one of the labs!!! (We don’t do experiments on it ofc) and they’re so precious I take videos and pictures everyday I’m there and send them to my mom XDDD The albino one is smaller and named Bartholomew and the green with brown freckled one is bigger and named James Pond. They’re siblings but we don’t know their genders. ALSO!!! I watched a TedTalk about them and they’re endangered and would live in such an unchanging environment with no natural predators that scientists believe that they’re stuck in that “baby” state bc they never saw the need to evolve and be on land. And there’s competition among the babies so they eat each other but it’s okay because they regenerate fast!!! Anyway I love axolotls so much
2. Squid Game best show
3. BNHA thoughts bc this is a 99% BNHA blog!!!
Hmmmm my mind is drawing a blank 😭😭😭
There are so many things that make me uncomfortable in the BNHA fandom and it’s not even bad things???? Like, Deku Stans, Dekubowl, Romantic Kacchako/BakuJirou, ShinKami, TodoDeku, Deku praise sometimes, saying that the fandom doesn’t talk about a character/ship enough in some way (that’s not Bakugou ofc 😌), and other stuff
And all of this is 100% fine???? But it deadass gives me anxiety when I have to see it. And that’s terrible for when I use Twitter bc I have to see stuff I don’t want to all the time???? So the block and mute buttons get a lot of use but more keep popping up 😫😫😫
Also, for TodoDeku and ShinKami, I don’t like fanart for them most of the time, and 9/10 times the cutesy or whatever way they’re portrayed is extremely boring, but in fics, depending on how they’re written, I like it.
TodoDeku just seems like the friendship that’s like “you’re the first person I met here and now I’m attached to you” which is fine but I’ve felt that and it didn’t turn out well for me at all. Like before, it feels boring and is usually portrayed as a “strong silent type” and “uwu soft boy” and I hate when Deku is characterized that way. (Same with in BkDk and Bakugou is big and buff and angry and masculine and Deku is a skinny twink and feminine. Nothing wrong with femininity in men but like??? Feels very…idk the vibes are allll wrong) (I also don’t like “Deku brains and is scary and outsmarts Bakugou bc Bakugou is a brute that underestimates everyone” when Bakugou is canonically the opposite and is canonically terrifying when he gets serious. He’s always calm and thinks analytically even when he’s angry or shouting, and his battle sense is amazing)
I like “TodoBaku” as a friendship more, because it’s more like “We were forced to work together but hey you’re actually pretty cool and I can be myself around you…✨bestie✨” and it’s great. I adore their relationship
Speaking of that, Remedial Squad honestly seems healthier for both Shouto and Katsuki than the DekuSquad and BakuSquad (minus Kiri)
Idc about the Dekusquad much, but I love the BakuSquad even though I think this
It’s just,,, with the RS (remedial squad), it feels like everyone is one equal grounds. They all failed, they all have similar flaws, they all get along and have similar humor, and it just seems like a group that was put together and came out as friends
With the DS and BS (ha! Bs), it feels like one of those groups you immediately form at the beginning of school. Nothing wrong with that!! But!!
DS feels bland ngl, and yeah Shouto is friends with them, but it feels like there’s a clear hierarchy in a way. Idk why. And I don’t really see Shouto’s personality shining through with them
With the BS, it kinda feels like there’s a disconnect between Bakugou and the rest of them. They get along and I love their friendship, but it honestly feels like a group you just hang out with bc they’re the only ones there even though they’re all great. Their relationships with each other seem to develop more than Bakugou’s relationship with them (minus Kiri) kinda??? And it feels like they’re on different standings than Bakugou, like how the DS is with Deku. Idk (also, in fanfics and stuff there’s always a clear Kiri bias and it’s portrayed as them being Kiri’s friends but Bakugou still hangs out with them. When there’s a fight of KiriBaku start dating, they all abandon Bakugou or threaten Bakugoi to treat Kiri right and everyone tells Bakugou that he doesn’t deserve whoever he’s dating in the squad which???? Terrible, 0/10, no good very bad)
Romantic Kacchako and Romantic BakuJirou is icky. Bakugou with any girl is icky, but I like BakuMomo under specific circumstances. Kacchako is also a painfully het relationship it’s terrible.
Kacchako as a friendship is also boring compared to other Bakugou and girl friendships. It’s not bad, just doesn’t have as much spark as the others imo
KiriMina is also the Het’s couple. It can be cute and I definitely have a more positive opinion on it than Kacchako and BakuJirou, but it’s definitely not my preference
KiriShinBaku is my absolute favorite ship (OT3?)
SeroShinBaku is also amazing, same with Todoroki replacing any of them except Bakugou
Bakubowl >>>> but also they’re the relationships where idm if the others get focused on in terms of affection
BakuDeku is okay but the shippers/seeing someone ship them makes me uncomfortable. It wasn’t always the case until recent manga chapters, and even though I’m fine with fics where they have a romantic relationship (and like to read those), I see them as siblings more than anything else
People that ship Aizawa or All Might with their students ew
That’s a lot I’m sorry!!! As soon as I got what I wanted to say my fingers didn’t stop typing so it’s probably all over the place 😭😭😭
Anyway Moli my beloved thank you!!!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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franeridart · 6 years
Do you care for any of the dekusquad?
I care for most if not all hero-related characters in bnha! But if with care you mean if any dekusquad member is between my favorite characters/if I care enough about any of them to draw them more than once every blue moon, then my Todoroki tag might tip you off, there lol
Anon said:Will you ever draw Bakukamikiri again? I rlly loved how you did them!!
Thank you!!! And I think I will, though I don’t have any project to do so in the near future, sorry!
Anon said:Soo KyouHaba day (6/16) is coming up and was wondering if you could do some seijoh next gen stuff. Yahaba is often forgot about a and Kyoutani isn’t really included in a lot of Aoba Johsai stuff. Feel free to not do anything just suggesting something
Aw sorry anon but I don’t have the time to do day-themed stuff right now! KyoHaba is currently the hq ship I’m most likely to draw for, though, since they’re the only ones I’m still reading fics for! So I don’t think any will come around 6/16, but I don’t exclude I might draw them anyway in the near future! :D
Anon said:Omg your taking part in a zine!! I’m so excited! And it’s a BakuSquad one too! Ik I’m definitely going to be buying it when pre-orders open up!
I’m taking part in TWO zines, actually!! Both the @takemyhandzine and the @sixthwheelzine !!!!! I’ll be making comics for both, and if you do decide to buy either I really hope you’ll like them!!!!
Anon said:whats a zine?
In general, a zine is an amatorially published magazine! Specifically tho here we’re talking about fanzines, so magazines put together and published by fans for other fans! The ones I’m taking part in are both about kiribaku, and will include both fanart (fancomics included) and fanfics! Depending on how much you wish to spend on it, you can also buy a bundle with fanmade merch too, and the Sixth Wheel zine is gonna have a pdf version too, in case you’d prefer to buy it like that! They’re super cool projects I’m insanely happy I got invited to take part in!!!!
Anon said:Your art style is so pretty and I love to see your amazing bnha drawing on my dash
There is literally no way I could ever stop being into d gray man ever and I’m also still following hq’s manga, yes! I dunno if and when I’ll draw for either fandom next, tho, sorry! ;^;
Anon said:Everytime you draw kiribaku I gain 1 life,,,,, tysm I love ur art SM ur such an inspiration,,,💖💖💖
Oh my g o d s thank you so much ;^;
Anon said:Your Kiridragon is the cutest, I love him and want Katsuki to protect him forever. Thank you for sharing that last story with us!!! (Ps. Can we expect more Kiridragon adventures in the future? *puppy eyes*)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! And if you’re talking about the fantasy AU in general, I’ll 100% for sure draw more for it! If you’re talking about them as kids tho I can’t say for sure - I definitely want to, tho, right now!! ;^;
Anon said:As a suggestion, could you maybe do Kiri*Deku, whether it be romantic, platonic, or misinterpreted by Bakugou and he takes Kirishima because that’s his sunshine boy thank you very much, get your own
Aw anon sorry but krdk is…………. really not my thing, so I don’t take suggestions for it ;-; I might end up doodling them in the future anyway since I have in the past, but that’s only gonna be if I find an idea I really really really wanna draw, I’m sorry
Anon said:Just wanted to say that I love your art and I just went through a majority of your blog. But I noticed you used to draw erasermic but haven’t recently and I was wondering if you still ship it??? It’s okay if you don’t or if you just haven’t gotten the inspiration recently, I’m just curious. Anyways, keep doing what you do and being amazing
Thank youuuu!!!!! And I’ve actually always drawn erasermic super sporadically! They’re one of my main ships in the fandom honestly, but since they’re sorta hard to draw for me I rarely end up drawing them? I do still love them with all my heart tho! You can expect to see more of them in the future, for sure ;u;
Anon said:I came for my kiribaku fix (it HAD to be him I’m dying all over again) but. God ur art always blows me tf away ur so good and skilled and ur improvement in like… everything inspires me SO much so bless u and I hope u have a WONDERFUL day
I’m so glad I can inspire anyone, oh my g o o o o o o d ;O; thank you so so much!!!!
Anon said:Wow your dragon kiribaku art is so cute! Will there be a sequel!
Not for the immediately after, for now! Since Horikoshi is yet to give me the official design for Kiri’s mom //sob - but as I said up there I do want to draw more with them as kids in the fantasy AU, so maybe, yeah!!!
Anon said:I absolutely love EVERY SINGLE facial expression that Bakugou makes in your Fantasy Babies comic strip. He’s such an unapologetic little shit.
THANK YOU!!!!! I was mostly trying to convey the fact that he’s too young to think about the consequences of his actions before doing stuff like calling the rage of a dragon mom upon his city l m a o glad you liked him!!! :D
Anon said:The way you draw the baby bois has me weak 💖💕❤️💗💞💓💝 That baby dragon Kiri 💯💯💯💖💖💖😊😊😊
Thank you so muuuuuucccchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:EYYYYY! Love your art, the newest comic made me laugh so hard that I almost chocked to death :D (Jk, I just couldn’t breathe normally) God bless youuuuuuuuuu
I’m SUPER HAPPY it made you laugh!!!!!! heck!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^;
Anon said:You content makes my heart go doki doki doki doki doki
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:the way you draw wings is so cool, i love it. your art is just amazing in ggeneral to be honest, like akjdjkhdlkdl
AAAAHHHHHHHH I’M HAPPY YOU LIKE THEM I have so much fun drawing them, honestly!!!
Anon said:I love the fact that mina and kiri are cannonically childhood friends (middle school counts as childhood right??) Like I love their friendship so much and they both deserve the world.
Real, they’re adorable and I wish Horikoshi would actually have them interact a bit more in the manga, since as for now their scenes together are pretty much non-existent aside from their backstory ;^;
Anon said:You with your beautiful beautiful art and Chonideno with her beautiful beautiful writing about Kiri and Bakugou makes my heart so happy and warm and just… Thank you for existing and love Kiribaku! I don’t know, your art makes me so happy
Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy what an honor to be put at the same level as mag ;^; I love her and her writing so much, honestly !!!!!! thank you so so much for the compliment, anon!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Kirishima braiding his hair while he talks is both adorable and relatable. Thank you for that.
I’m!!!! mostly happy you caught it hahahaha thank you !!!!!!
Anon said:Hey. You seem insecure but your art is great. What kind of color scheme do you see for Hawks?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I honestly don’t like thinking about stuff I think Hori will give me in canon soon enough? But out of instincts I mostly imagined him in shades of brown, I think - typical birds of prey and/or aviator colors, you know!
Anon said:I love ur drawings but i also love reading ur tag. They re so funny sometimes
lmao that’s good too!! As long as I can make people enjoy a couple of moments of their time I don’t really mind how I do it hahaha
Anon said:your art is beautiful anfndfnd
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello fran, just wanted to say i’ve been here for a long long time (since the h/q times :‘o) and today i was thinking about some of your old art and if you remember, you had a soulmates au for b/n/h/a that was super good and i really loved so i wanted to tell you!! You as an artist have such an impact on me and that au is my fave of yours!! ;0; have the nicest day ever!! -soulmates anon (4 future ref!!!)
OH MAN I’m so happy to hear you still remember that one?? It was such a fun experiment to play around with, I’m glad you liked it this much!!!! Thank you for telling me omg !!!!! ;^;
Anon said:Hi, so where did you go to watch Haikyuu (I’m assuming probably Crunchyroll but ya never know) and where might I find the dubbed version?
Aw anon sorry I don’t watch the dubbed version! Since I’m Italian, I don’t really have much use for the English dubs haha I’m pretty sure you can find it on kissanime, tho!
Anon said:could you briefly go through the process of making and completing one of your comics? I wanted to start some short bnha comics but idk where to start, thank you!
Sorry this took me an age to answer - I have answered this question a while back, I think it might be in my art tips tag! But to go through it fast, my process is something like
find a line or an exchange I want to deliver, or a topic I want discussed (usually happens randomly as I’m doing other things)
spend a million years just staring at a wall or at my ceiling or anything else as I build a whole scene in my mind to have the lines or topic take the form of an actual comic (might take two minutes, might take a month)
draw a rough sketch of the whole comic - I do this with all panels (and pages, when I separate a comic in pages) on the same canvas, so that I can look at the whole scene all together and get a good sense of the general flow of the storytelling. This process includes cutting panels, moving panels around, reshaping panels, trying different poses and angles for the same panels to find the right one, writing and deleting and re-writing lines till I’m sure the wording is what I’m going for*
line the panels - I mean the actual panels, the straight lines delimitating the panel, I line them all first and put them on a separate layer
line the people!! All the characters in every panel are lined in this stage
line the backgrounds! In case there are backgrounds and the comic is meant to stay in black and white, if not then color the backgrounds! (I always start coloring from the backgrounds cause they’re the boring parts and if I leave them for last I never do them ever #rip)
in case of black and white comics, we fill in flat, gray-scale colors at this point (or, as I’ve lately started doing, I only put down shadows and leave it at that). If it’s in colors, we color the people!
Write down the dialogue!! *at this point we change a lot of the dialogue again because enough time has passed since I sketched it that I changed my mind on everything, don’t be like me
you’re done!
All of it is done on one single canvas, unless it’s a comic with separate paneled pages in which case they’re all done on their own canvas but still drawn all together. That’s about it, hope it was at least a little bit useful!
Anon said:Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your art, especially your KiriBaku. I was exactly in the same situation than Bakugou in the post tagged “bakugou being blunt about his feelings” (except we are 2 girls) , so I used it to confess to her. She said yes! X3
OH MY GOD I’m so super happy to hear that!!!!! Congrats on your gf, anon!!!!!! *throws hearts at u*
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