#this is a snily hate page
kheta · 1 year
I don’t actually like Snily except for Feral!Lily Snily.
I don’t care about a mournful Snape who wants to make amends with the most perfect best friend in the world. I don’t care for regretful Snape who needed to lose his best friend to realise he was a prejudice bigot.
Give me Lily Evans who has had one constant her whole life. Lily Evans who knows every single cruel, bitter thing to say to hurt Snape. Lily Evans who has hated the other Slytherin’s far before blood-purity rhetoric was being sprout, because they were too comfortable encroaching on her territory. A Lily Evans who is visibly thrilled, pupils dilating from the intense, singular attention she garners from wide, onyx eyes. A Lily Evans who forces her way into all of Snape’s hobbies, making a home next to him, arms and legs brushing. A Lily Evans who drags Snape through Hogsmeade by his hand, pretending it’s his reluctance, his discomfort that makes her lovingly join their fingers and not her own selfish desires. A Lily Evans who argues with her parents, with her sister, with her friends for the boy who lives down Spinner Ends, because Severus Snape had called her a witch at all of nine and she’s wanted to know all of him ever since. Give me Lily Evans, the girl who let herself be dragged to Quidditch matches she doesn’t care for because even though he acts otherwise, Snape has an obsession with the game. Give me Lily Evans who poured over potion books for hours just to keep up with Snape when he’s in a ranting mood. Allow me to see Lily Evans, a princess to everyone but her equally as cruel, equally as brilliant best friend. The girl who gossiped with her best friend under trees and archways and between classes but the Gryffindor who also used the same snark to the faces of the people she badmouthed. The girl with a sneer as twisted as a future potion master. I want to see the girl who managed to get distrustful, sarcastic, socially inept Severus Snape to be wholly and truly obsessed with her.
Lily Evans who is sarcastic and obsessive and for all she hates him, can’t live in a world without Snape. Who has thought about shoving him against the wall during an argument to shut his stupid, brilliant mouth shut. Who has thought just as often about kissing him when he’s studying with her because his voice does something to her. Who had mentally prepared a whole argument on what they should name their kids and why. Who has a thousand and one torn pages of love letters she never sent. A Lily Evans who had never imagined a world without Severus Snape but can no longer picture her world with him. Who cries herself to sleep because she can’t love him anymore. Who can’t even look at him without getting mad, because he didn’t just shout a slur, he said it to her, he cut into her. It wasn’t that he was a bigot that made her give up on him, it was that he was a bigot to her. He turned on her and that was the final straw. Because no matter how much he liked the Dark Arts or he had other friends who were plain evil. No matter the red flags and the shouted arguments and the exchanged hexes with the marauders, and the passing of blame, Severus was supposed to be hers. Was supposed to pick her. The fact that he didn’t. The fact that he picked anyone else over her. It was the last straw.
And that. That is the Snily I want. The one about two obsessive, unintentionally cruel and intentionally vindictive people who knew each other as well as they knew their own body. About two wildly different, wildly loyal and wildly in love friends, who gave up on being together not because they did not love each other, but they knew that love could not be enough.
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yletylyf · 1 year
As of this morning’s chapter update on my long Tolkien WIP, this is my ao3 stats page:
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A million words published on this site! Some personal reflections and ramblings below the cut.
I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. I’m sure I’ve written many times a million words in my life, let alone since I’ve been posting to ao3. I didn’t used to let a single other soul read my writing, though. I had a short period of posting to fanfiction.net in the early 2000s (though I have since deleted all evidence of it!), but it wasn’t a lot of words in total and the stuff I wrote didn’t get a lot of feedback and I didn’t last long. In 2020, I got back into fanfiction due to the quarantine shutting down all other avenues of entertainment, but was resolved against publishing anything. I always knew I loved writing but thought I really disliked publishing it.
Around March 2021, a very good friend’s efforts to convince me to publish my stuff finally bore fruit. I started posting my 225k snily masterpiece, quite innocent of the fact that this is the most hated ship in the HP fandom, but managed to learn a lot of lessons from that experience and shifted my focus rather than quitting.
And today I posted my millionth word to ao3! It’s beyond exciting, I’m endlessly grateful to anyone and everyone who has left kind feedback about my stories, and I hope to be here for another million or so in another few years. 💛🖤
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I’m out here getting pressed for no good reason @ marauders stans
Okay it’s for a good reason their caption was literally just “snape slander” but it feels silly, cue some incoherent rambling below: (I am DEFINITELY about to start my period)
Their post went something like, “when you’re talking to a Harry Potter fan and they’re an ‘always’ fan and you’re a ‘moony’ fan”
Like cool whatever bestie stan Remus! I don’t care, he’s the least gross out of all the marauders!! Hell, I don’t even dislike him that much though my opinion on Remus isn’t really what matters here
But like
I know it’s easy to chalk Severus up to that creepy guy who joined up with the wizard nazis and was hopelessly in love with his childhood best friend, because I was totally in that same boat for a while though I only held those beliefs to impress my crush at the time LMAOOOO
That’s not important rn though
- He joined up with the “wizard nazis” because they were a cult and he was indoctrinated into said cult. He was groomed into feeling like he didn’t belong anywhere else. He may have done this in a misguided attempt to impress Lily as well, but that doesn’t negate the grooming, conditioning, and indoctrination. Those words are all a bit interchangeable, but my point still stands.
- Yes, Severus was canonically in love with Lily for years, but he was never gross or creepy towards her?
- There is the whole ‘mudblood’ incident, which was obviously out of pocket. The subtext there reads that Severus, in total fear for what James was going to do to Lily (I’ll come up with receipts later if need be, but James was literally blackmailing Lily into dating him there) was trying to push her away from him and make it seem to James that they weren’t friends and that he should leave her alone. This was once again very misguided, as is a common theme in Severus’ early life, and it resulted in the usage of a slur, but if you learn to read between the lines there were pure intentions there however nasty his words were. (For the record I don’t ship Snily)
- Also, technically speaking, Severus can reclaim that slur but uh, that’s not exactly my place to speak on (grammar is hard you know what I mean)
- Severus Snape is not a perfect angel who’s done no wrong. He’s killed and tortured in the name of a blood supremacy cult, for one. But he’s not fucking Voldemort either. Not only did he realize the error of his ways and change himself for the better (even if he was only holding up his end of a bargain for a while,) but he watched over and protected Harry very markedly. There’s obviously more but I’m not gonna talk about stuff I don’t have receipts for.
I’m not trying to convince people not to hate him because at the end of the day that’s your call! He’s literally not real!! He’s just some ink on a page, pixels on a screen, or an image in your head. He doesn’t care if you hate him or not, he can’t. He’s not capable of that. I guess I’m just kind of defending him to this person I’ll never speak to.
Hormones man, they make you do things
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Fic idea giveaway!
Hi all. I have a fic idea, which I love the concept of, but I already have several stories I am working on and merlin knows how many ideas which I hope to write on day. I would love to see this story written, so I am hoping that someone might want to take it on?
It's pro Snape, pro Lily, (but both morally grey?), anti James, semi anti Sirius. Also features a good Peter (idk i usually hate him but?)
Basic premise:
James is controlling/abusive to Lily. After Snape defects Lily contacts him in secret. Peter also sees the abuse, and between the three of them they come up with a plan to help Lily escape. Peter "betrays" the Potters to Voldemort, he kills James, then Lily and Sev kill Voldy, and fake Lily's death. She and Harry go into hiding in the muggle world.
If you want more details message me. I have over 4 pages of plot / character notes, but there is plently of scope to change details and make it your own.
Ships are open at the moment, could be Snily but I prefer platonic. Could be eventual Snupin. Could be no ships, or oc's.
If an author I have read and respect a lot wants it I might give exclusive, but potentially could go in several directions so could be open to all.
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maniacalmarauders · 3 years
"One spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk with just a few inches of clear water in it. And floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I watched, it sank. Just before it reached the bottom, it was transformed into a wee fish. It was beautiful magic, wondrous to behold. The flower petal had come from a lily. Your mother."
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
yk, for once, just once, at least, i would like to be able to go into the general tag for something i like and not have to sift through through endless hate posts, or attach the pro prefix to the same search every single time. anyways, here, have this itty bitty fic i wrote to make myself feel better after trying to find smth for one of my wips and coming across nothing but slander :) and i do mean itty bitty, it's 312 words of baby snily being silly :)
"It is! It is, because—because, no, Sev, listen," Lily says, idly plucking a leaf out of her hair as she continues to make her point. "We've figured out plausible scientific explanations for most of the spells we've done, it must be possible to find one for Patroni."
"The important word there is plausible," Severus says, closing his Defence text. He sets it aside before he continues. "As of now, in order to scientifically explain Patroni—"
"Sev?" Lily asks, when he cuts himself off.
"...Isn't it Patronuses?"
"No? Why would it be Patronuses?"
"Because it's always been Patronuses?"
"But, why?"
"What'd'you mean, "why"?"
"I mean why. If it's octopus, octopi, platypus, platypi, then, why would it be Patronus, Patronuses?"
"Because it's octopus, octopuses, platypus, platypuses, Patronus, Patronuses. It wouldn't make sense if it was octopus, octopuses, platypus, platypuses, Patronus, Patroni."
"What about radius, radii?"
"Radius, radiuses?"
"But, why?"
"Well, I don't know, I didn't make up the words."
Lily sits up. "What about that dictionary your mum has? Think it might settle this for us?"
"It might," Severus says. "I'll be right back."
And he does, in fact, come right back, dictionary in hand, as he sits cross-legged on the floor. It takes a moment to get to "O", but they do. "...Octopus, octopodes," Severus reads.
"Really? You're joking," Lily tells him, shuffle closer so she can peer over his shoulder at the dictionary.
"I'm serious," he says, angling the old book so that she can see.
"No, you're Severus," she says, and she can feel the disappointment in the sigh he lets out.
"Was that necessary?"
"Wasn't it?"
He shakes his head and keeps flipping through the pages while Lily scans the lists of words until she finds what they're looking for. "...Platypus, platypodes."
"So, Patronpodes?" Lily asks.
"Or Patronodes, apparently."
"Or... neither."
"Neither is good."
"Patroni and Patronuses it is."
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sirrriusblack · 4 years
Romantic prompt. Almost strangers,sit together in class one day because one of them forgot the texbook(everyone thinks this person loves to study,but they just wanted to get away from the people they usually sat with for a bit). Weekend. The one who borrowed the book last time is now cold and borrows the other one's jacket. Goes on for about a week. Everyone ships them. (They get together). Happy ending. The part in bracket are just suggestions. Ps- please dont do snily
Snily? As if I would. (I mean sorry to anyone who ships them but...)
Anyway thanks for the prompt @just-a-teen-fangirl I think you meant it in an AU but I’m sorry if I got that wrong. Also I was going to tryyyy not to do wolfstar but I mean, I have impulse control issues ummm. Maybe one day :)
tw for vague mentions of child abuse
* * *
Sirius heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned around in the chair he’d been lounging in to find a tall, curly-haired boy with a scar running across his face standing behind him, looking more than a little awkward. He was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans and was holding an exercise book and a graffitied pencil case in his right hand.
“Hey, uh, sorry to bother but I forgot my textbook and I was wondering if I could use yours maybe?” the boy asked, fiddling with the zip on his pencil case. Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Like, use it with you, maybe. Share it, you know.” He coughed, clearly not meaning to have rambled so much. Sirius bit his lip to keep from smirking. He recognised the boy; he’d spent more of the class admiring those brown curls from across the room than actually doing work, but they’d never really interacted. Sirius didn’t interact much with anyone though. At least not beyond the fake grins and small talk he made at parties and the like. Not beyond talking to James. But James wasn’t in his science class, so Sirius had taken to sitting alone, finding it more appealing than the other option; making new friends, having to explain his backstory, the scars, why he lived with James, what happened to his brother. And no one really bothered to approach him either. Until today. The boy’s name started with ‘R’, but that was all Sirius could remember. He had a group of friends he hung out with, Marlene, Lily and another short, blond kid. He only knew the girls’ names because James never shut up about how gorgeous Lily was, and nudged him and pointed to her every time she passed. And everyone knew Marlene. Everyone wanted to hang out with her. Or snog her. Or both. Sirius glanced over to the boy’s group of friends and back to him again.
“None of your friends have a textbook?” he asked, turning back to face the front of the room where the teacher was still writing the lesson plan on the board. Sirius sighed.
“Uh, no?” he said and Sirius immediately knew he was lying. He pointedly looked to Lily, who was leaning over the textbook. Sirius hummed. “Okay, fine, I didn’t ask any of them to borrow theirs because they’d think something was wrong if I left my textbook at home, and that’s cool or whatever but I really can’t be bothered with that shit and I—” Sirius cut him off, scared of how much he liked the boy’s rambling.
“Okay, you can sit down.” Sirius said, turning back to the front again. The boy cleared his throat and sat down in the seat next to him, opening his books and pulling a pen from his pencil case. He quickly glanced at Lily, Marlene and the other kid before he flashed a tight smile at Sirius. Sirius smirked back. He wasn’t sure whether to cringe or laugh at this situation.
“I’m Remus, by the way, in case you didn’t know,” he said, running his hands through his curls. Sirius didn’t want to to shiver, didn’t want to be so affected how bloody gorgeous this guy was. Remus. The name fit.
“Sirius,” he said in return, reaching his hand out. Remus shook it hesitantly and Sirius cursed himself for letting his childhood etiquette habits show to a very not fancy high school kid. He shook his head. Remus was looking at Sirius with a strange expression on his face. He didn’t like it. Or maybe he did. “How’d you get the scar?” he asked, knowing exactly how rude it was to ask. Knowing exactly how it would take Remus by surprise, probably push him away, make him regret sitting with Sirius. But Remus didn’t seem bothered. He laughed.
“No one’s ever asked that straight to my face.”
“Why?” Sirius could see something in his eyes, a gleam of amusement, of something more maybe.
“Probably ‘cause it’s considered kind of rude,” he explained, smiling. Sirius shrugged.
“Good morning everybody, today we’ll be continuing on from last lesson with the questions in the textbook. You may read the passage again, and look back on your notes from the experiment as well.” Sirius huffed in annoyance.
“Why does she even write what we’re doing on the board if she tells us anyway?” Sirius muttered, looking over to Remus, who wasn’t paying any attention but was instead drawing something on a blank page in his book. It was a night sky, and even though he only had one black pen, it was amazing. Sirius looked closer at what part Remus was working on; a constellation. His constellation. Canis Major. Sirius huffed a laugh. He wasn’t paying attention at all. “I guess that’s why.” Remus’ head snapped to Sirius.
“What?” he asked, oblivious. Sirius smirked.
“Nothing,” he said, turning away from the other boy to tie up his hair. He threaded his pencil through it for extra support and swore he saw Remus shudder. Shit.
“So, how’d you get the scar?” Sirius asked again, wanting an excuse to get away from the class more than anything. It was Friday, and Sirius wanted nothing more than to get to the Potter’s and lie in bed for all eternity. Remus just went back to his drawing and smirked.
“How’d you get that bruise on your eye?” he asked in return. Sirius laughed bitterly, thinking of last month, how his mother had smacked him across the face with her wine bottle. The bruise was just barely gone now, a faint brown and purple.
“Fair enough,” Sirius said, dropping the subject and leaned closer to look over the Remus’ shoulder. “You like drawing?” he motioned to the book, the constellation and the stars glittering across the page.
“Uh, yeah. Since I was little.” Remus looked up at him, and Sirius couldn’t help but notice how close they were sitting. He looked into Remus’ amber eyes, at all the varying colours. Sirius sucked in his breath as he looked down, and his gaze fell onto Remus’ lips, soft and—
“Boys! A little less staring and a little more working, please.” Sirius felt his cheeks heat as he leaned back and mumbled a quick ‘sorry, miss’ under his breath. Remus cleared his throat and ran his hands through his hair, no doubt cringing at all the heads turned their way. A quick glance between Remus and his friends’ shit eating grins had Remus’ cheeks reddening more. Suffice to say, the boys spent the rest of the lesson in near silence, sharing the textbook between them and ignoring every brush of their hands.
When their class ended, Remus mumbled a quick ‘thanks’ before he packed up his stuff and walked back over to his friends. Sirius’ stomach was tied in a knot, and he hated it. He hated that this random guy, with his random scar and his random hotness was having this effect on him. Yet when he saw Remus begin to walk out the door, Sirius couldn’t help but run after him.
“Hey, uh, Remus!” he called out, causing the curly haired boy to turn, confused. Something in Remus’ eyes shifted as he beheld Sirius. He muttered something to Lily and walked over, his hands fiddling with the zip on his pencil case again. Students streamed around them; they were boulders in a river, disrupting the water’s path.
“Hey,” Remus said, unsure. Sirius felt sick, nervous even, as he struggled to find something to say.
“Uh, sorry, stupid question, are you going to Dorcas’ party on the weekend?” Sirius asked. It was all he could think of. Remus’ eyes widened.
“I’m not sure, maybe...” he trailed off.
“Oh, okay... Well I hope you do.” Sirius smiled quite awkwardly and walked away, cursing himself, before Remus could reply.
* * *
“Shit,” Sirius groaned smoothing his hair over with the palm of his hand. James swung into the room, his hand gripping the doorway.
“What is it now?” James asked. He’d been waiting for Sirius for twenty minutes.
“I can’t get my hair to work. I’m not going, oh my gosh, I look like a fucking idiot.” Sirius was pacing the bathroom, much to James’ amusement when Mr Potter walked in, a jar in his hand.
“Language, kiddo, and here.” He threw the jar and walked out while Sirius was still scrambling to catch it. James cracked up laughing.
Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion: Two drops tames even the most bothersome barnet.
Sirius glared at James, and opened the jar, pouring three drops into his hand. “Thanks, Mr Potter!” he called out, finally satisfied with his hair. James turned to Sirius while they walked toward the front door.
“Why do you even care? You never usually do.” Sirius thought about those brown curls, that smug smirk and the intensity in those burning amber eyes. He thought about the constellation Remus’d been drawing in his book and the way he’d locked eyes with Sirius, like they could tell each other anything, like they could burn forever, together and in love. Sirius shook his head. He barely knew the guy. Shit.
“I don’t know, James.” Sirius’ voice was quiet and soft and he hated it. He cleared his throat and smirked. “Guess I just felt like dressing up, aye?” Neither James nor Sirius believed that.
* * *
Sirius hated to admit that he was looking for Remus before he even got to the party. Him and James were walking up the street and Sirius was watching every person surrounding the house or the street for that head of brown curls. He didn’t find him. James’ house was around the corner, less than five minutes, so the walk here had been quick and the boys hadn’t talked all that much. But James had noticed that something was happening with Sirius.
“What’s happening, mate?” he asked, hazel eyes piercing into Sirius.
“What?” Sirius asked, craning his neck higher to look at someone that could be Remus. It wasn’t. When Sirius turned back to James, his eyes were wide.
“Who are you looking for, and why are you dressed up? You hate parties.” It was mostly true, Sirius didn’t like parties all that much. When he walked into a room and the smell of alcohol hit him sometimes he’d be back in that place, back with his mother, her breath reeking of wine as she screamed at him, screamed slurs and threw glasses and all Sirius could do was sit there and take it, or his brother would have to instead. So no, he didn’t really like parties very much. But he didn’t hate parties. He told James as much but only got dissatisfied look in return. “Who are you looking for?” he asked again, following Sirius’ line of sight.
“Uh, no one, some guy from science, I need to ask him a question.” James cracked a smile.
“The guy from science with the golden brown curls and the glittering scars and the eyes of amber glass?” James asked, amusement dancing in his eyes. Sirius shoved him and opened his mouth to speak, to deny it, as he heard a voice behind him.
“James, I had no idea you felt that way about Remus.” Sirius lost his shit. He spun around, quicker than he thought he’d ever moved. Lily was standing behind them, an amused smirk dancing on her face as she poked fun at James. Remus was standing behind her, his face flushed pink despite the grin creeping onto his face. They all stood there in silence for a moment. Remus was wearing a burgundy t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, and was holding a glass bottle of some sort of alcohol. Sirius looked at Remus, at the utter lack of effort he’d put into his outfit and he almost laughed. Of course he hadn’t put in any effort, there was no way Remus actually liked him, no way he’d spent ages before the party choosing what he’d wear, fixing his hair. Shit. What was Sirius thinking? A song came on over the massive collection of speakers and James grinned.
“Care for a dance, Lilypad?” he asked reaching his hand out. Lily looked between James and Remus, conflicted, before she smirked and took James’ hand.
“Of course, James.” She seemed to direct the answer toward Remus, and the boy’s eyes widened. Even James was surprised. Both Sirius and Remus watched, shocked, as Lily followed James and started walking. Never in a million years had Sirius ever imagined that happening. He snuck a glance at Remus who, in return, was watching him. Both of the boys blushed.
“Golden brown curls?”
“Look, James was exaggerating.”
They both spoke at the same time which only led to more blushing and smiles. Remus crossed his arms. “So you were still talking about me?”
“You said James was exaggerating. Which means you’ve still talked about me, right?” he asked, looking somewhere between amused and hopeful. Sirius didn’t see the hopeful. He opened his mouth, ready to deny it, but, he’d backed himself into a corner.
“I—I mean... yes?” Sirius admitted, his insides twisting in every direction. Remus nodded.
“Follow me,” he said, starting to walk towards the house. On the porch, there was a bench swing and surprisingly, it was empty. Remus sat and looked up at Sirius, waiting for him to take the space next to him. They sat for a moment, watching the chaos on the front lawn and listening to the music around them. Sirius looked over to Remus and swore.
“You’re shivering like crazy,” he said. Remus tucked his knees to his chest, bottle in his hand.
“Yeah I, uh, forgot my jacket.”
“First the book, now your jacket,” he said, taking his leather jacket off. “You’ve got the memory of gold fish,” he finished, handing the jacket over. Remus raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to refuse but Sirius gave him a stern look, and he took it, chuckling.
“Thanks.” Sirius nodded in return. He’d admit—to himself at least—that James hadn’t been exaggerating. Sirius could get very... talkative when he was tired and the previous night he had been very tired. So, yes, he had said all of that. But Remus didn’t need to know. On cue, Remus took a swig of his drink and opened his mouth.
“I like you,” He blurted out. Sirius nearly shat himself.
“What?” he spat. Remus looked mortified and he ran his hands trough his tangled hair. If Sirius wasn’t stressing so much, he probably would have admired it.
“Um, uh, I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have said that. Never mind. I’m going to go get another drink.” He stood up, ready to make his way to the kitchen, ready to bolt straight out of there.
“Wait!” Sirius stood up and grabbed ahold of Remus’ arm, unintentionally triggering something in Remus. His soft, amber eyes turned hard, glazed.
“No, don’t!” He shouted, snatching his arm away and backing up slowly. Sirius stumbles back a bit too.
“Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to...” He didn’t finish, didn’t know quite how to, But Remus’ eyes slowly softened again and his shoulders slackened.
“No, it’s not—I just” Sirius cut him off, glancing at the scar on Remus’ face, thinking of his own scars, littering his body.
“You don’t have to explain. Just... don’t go, please?” He hated the idea of this, hated how much he wanted Remus to stay, hated how much he liked this boy, hated how he barely knew him. Remus nodded and sat back down on the swinging bench. “Did you mean it—what you said?” Sirius didn’t need to explain. Remus hesitated, but still nodded. He didn’t look at Sirius, didn’t want to see his reaction, probably, in case it wasn’t what he wanted. Sirius reaches out again, slower this time, and placed his hand next to Remus’s— not quite touching.
“I like you too,” he whispered, ensuring that only they could hear, ensuring that this moment was theirs, and theirs only. Sirius hated the feeling of vulnerability, of uncertainty, but when he saw Remus grin, a mess of teeth and lips and absolute divine gorgeousness, his mind was clear of every doubt. Remus moves his pinkie on top of Sirius’, and both boys blushed, and grinned.
“Can I kiss you?” Remus whispered, still keeping the moment between them. It was like the whole party, the whole world, disappeared at that question. Sirius nodded. Remus moved closer and closed his eyes, still smiling. Fuck. Sirius closed the gap between them and fisted his hands into Remus’ jacket. When they broke apart, Remus huffed a laugh. “You want your jacket back?” Sirius had forgotten that it was his, and at this particular moment, he didn’t want it.
“Nah. You look hot in leather.” Remus’ next laugh was muffled behind the other boy’s lips, but Sirius could have sworn he’d never heard a better sound.
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lilylovessev · 4 years
the return || snily
Lily Evans groaned tiredly, pushing her eye-mask up onto the top of her head before then reaching out for her glass, taking a swig of her vodka lemonade. She hated flying, in all variations, both magical and muggle methods. It was a bloody long journey from the states though, and she seriously hadn’t felt like exerting just about all of her physical energy into magically transporting herself all the way back to England. 
The redhead pulled off her sunglasses as she glanced down at the picture on the flyer in her hand, before then looking back up at the cottage. Cute. It was all very picturesque, uniquely British, something that she had missed deeply. This was a small, predominately wizarding-folk inhabited village. She would be travelling into London daily for her work at the Ministry, but really hadn’t wanted to live in the city. She’d had more than enough of city living whilst in New York. She pushed open the slightly creaky gate before fumbling in the pocket of her jacket for the key whilst walking up the path. 
She unlocked the door before stepping inside, glad to see that all of her furnishing requirements had been accommodated. That was definitely one of the perks of living in a magical area, that this sort of thing could be done very quickly and very easily with minimum fuss. She wasn’t having to haul anything around, because that was not her. She didn’t have time to fully kit out a house. She was about to undertake a role at the Ministry, much like that she’d been doing back in New York. She was, essentially, going to be in charge of the Aurors. She knew that James Potter, a boy whom she had... also broken the heart of, but not quite as drastically so as that of Severus, probably wouldn’t be all too happy about her appointment, but he’d already been given the news, and so would hopefully have had time to adjust. 
Honestly, it felt so strange, finally being back on home soil. It had been over ten years now, which was just mad. She had a nervous, sickening feeling developing in the pit of her stomach, which was quite unfamiliar for her. She had been away for so long now. She knew that there were many people to see, but that they definitely wouldn’t want to see her. 
The decisions that she’d made for herself in the past had lost her so much, undeniably so. However, she’d made the decision that had been best for her. Had it been a tad selfish, in hindsight? Yes. She’d been quite young, but that wasn’t really an excuse, was it?
She’d been in a relationship that had been going all sorts of ways very quickly, and it had been incredibly overwhelming for her. She definitely hadn’t wanted to settle down. She simply hadn’t wanted to become someone’s wife, to have to stick to one person’s side, to be restricted by their wants and needs. As much as she had been in love with Severus, it hadn’t felt right, not at that time. He had been everything got her though, that much she could never deny. They had been close from the age of nine, and it wasn’t as if she’d been able to shake that off, ever. She felt the most guilt over him, obviously, and the decision that she’d had to make about their relationship. It hadn’t just been a relationship, it had run so much deeper than that, and she’d thrown it away. 
The Ministry had offered her a post in law enforcement over at MACUSA, and everything had then fallen into place. Something had been pulling her away, something had been holding her back from staying and committing to everything that she had there; fear. Had she enjoyed having to leave them all behind? No. Initially, she had tried keeping in touch with everybody, but her efforts at reaching out had only ever fallen on deaf ears time after time. She’d even visited home once or twice, to see her family for important celebrations, and had attempted to contact the girls but had heard nothing in return. Her visits had never been for long. 
Her parents had always acted as if she was gracing them with her presence and that she felt forced to be there. They had never approved of her moving abroad and had felt entirely disrespected by her decision to leave. She would never really understand it, but they had every right to feel the way that they did. They had shown some sort of sense of relief at her return in their last phone call, but time would tell how that would pan out. 
Why should she expect anything from anyone now? She shouldn’t. It wasn’t fair on them, right?
Obviously, over the years, she had missed them all. She had kept on feeling that sense of guilt but had focused her full efforts on making something of herself in the states. Had it been worth it though? Had it been worth sacrificing her best friends and boyfriend for? The boy that she had loved? Honestly, she wasn’t entirely sure that she could give a solid answer to that. 
She was incredibly proud of her achievements, and she had done very well for herself, but there was far more to life than that. She’d dated a number of guys over the years whilst living away, all of whom fairly well-known in the wizarding world. She had never allowed anything to become particularly serious though, and so had consequently done her best to avoid reading all forms of wizarding press whilst out there. She’d had quite the social life, and the society pages of the big wizarding ‘paper over there had loved her. Oh, how that was going to change now. Why was she giving that up though? Because, yet again, something had pulled her back home. She very much doubted that anyone who had been in her life would want her back in theirs, but she had hope, albeit a little. 
Perhaps, they’d be able to forgive her, or at least show some understanding of why she’d left in the first place.
She took a sip of her wine, distractedly flicking through a magazine, knowing that she was going to have to brave the Ministry tomorrow for her first day and the thought of that was just about enough to stop her from getting any sleep that night. 
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ruiningvoldemortday · 6 years
Cali Reads DH- Chapter 33- The Prince’s Tale
I haven’t forgotten about this!  That would really suck with like four chapters left.  The holidays just got super busy with family visiting.  And I was hoping to finish by the end of the year but oh well.  Time to get back into it!
Before I start this chapter I would like to reiterate my disclaimer from waaaay back in Sorcerer’s Stone Chapter 8 The Potions Master.  I  do not like Snape.  I mean I really do not like Snape.  And this chapter all about his backstory and what a *~hero~* he is actually has the opposite effect of what JKR intended.  It makes me dislike him more.  So, if you have an issue with me seeing Snape as a selfish dudebro who thought not getting laid justifies becoming an abuser, please don’t open the Read More.  Because frankly, I’m really not in the mood for thirteen-year-old discourse.
- “I do not wish this to happen”  you could just like… not kill them, Voldie. - “Lord Voldemort is merciful”  bullshit and also stop talking in third person you sound crazy - “One hour.”  VOLDEMORT OUT BITCHES. - It’s been like forever since I’ve quoted AVPM sue me - Okay Harry you so did not permit your friends to die for you that’s not even a little bit what happened at all don’t let him get to you - FRED UGHGHGH MY HEART ;-;  JUST SEEING THE WEASLEYS CRY OVER HIS BODY IS NOT OKAY -  AND REMUS AND TONKS DIED OFFSCREEN I’M STILL NOT OVER THE INJUSTICE OF THIS UGH MY POOR OTP WHY HE WAS SO HAPPY LAST TIME WE SAW HIM AND SHE JUST WANTED HIM TO BE SAFE UGHHGHGHGHGHH. - “He wished he could rip out his heart” SAME BUT IT’S FINE BECAUSE JKR ALREADY DID IT. - And now begins the Snape hate.  You have been warned. - There’s “undisguised greed” while he’s watching Lily at the age of ten.  Just the way that’s described is really really not okay. - Lily’s first sign of magic is actual wandless flight which is really really impressive - It’s actually kind of sad that young Petunia wanted to be a witch so badly but she wasn’t born with magic so she ended up getting THAT bitter about it. - Is this the first time he’s actually spoken to Lily?  Because if he’s been sitting in the bushes watching her long enough to blush when he speaks to her that’s… Yikes. - Protip: if you like somebody, A) don’t stalk them and B) don’t insult their siblings in front of them :) - Am I supposed to feel bad that Snape’s bitterly disappointed? - The constant descriptions of Snape watching Lily greedily are making me really uncomfortable - Say it with me kids: being abused does not justify being an abuser and you are responsible for your own shitty actions :) :) :) - AND YEAH YOU SHOULD PROBABLY NOT ASSAULT YOUR CRUSH’S SISTER BY MAKING A BRANCH FALL ON HER???? - And then he lies about it but please tell me again how cute Snily is I care so much. - Damn Petunia already salty that she doesn’t get to go to Hogwarts.  Can’t say I blame her but calling Lily a freak was harsh. - “She’s only a Muggle” is not a comforting thing to say when Lily’s upset about her fight with a sister.  Christ. - I really, really wish we got to see some of the Marauders without it being colored by the lens of being expected to sympathize with Snape. - “where dwell the brave at heart”  I see you, Sorting Hat, repeating lines by the time Harry gets to school. - I like how Lily’s not taking any of the Marauders’ shit even at the age of 11 - I thought Lucius graduated before the Marauders came to school? - Young Snape is already hanging around sadistic creeps and hurting people for fun and completely ignoring Lily’s concerns for him.  And for others. - “Let me?  Let me?”  YOU GO LILY HE DOESN’T OWN YOU AND HE DOESN’T GET TO THINK HE DOES.  YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS GIRL <3 - Snape’s jealousy of James over his crush on Lily is really not okay, especially at this point where Lily doesn’t like him back.  It screams that he only sees her as a prize to be won, and James as a rival getting in the way of getting what he wants.  That’s not why Lily never loved Snape back- it’s because Snape was starting to grow up into the magical version of an incel, all sociopathic and skeevy and grossly misogynistic with absolutely no self awareness at all. - Snape doesn’t even care that she’s concerned about the company he’s keeping.  She doesn’t like James so that obviously means she’s his because THAT’S NOT CREEPY AT ALL. - Time to see why Snape is the victim for spewing racial slurs to his crush! - The scene where Lily is finally done with Snape’s shit is probably my favorite in the chapter.  “It’s too late.  I’ve made excuses for you for years” starts an absolutely MAGNIFICENT Reason You Suck Speech that feels like a long time coming even though it’s only been a few pages. - “You call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus.  Why should I be any different?”  Oh shit.  You tell him girl <3 - If Snape had an ounce of humanity he’d be at least mildly concerned for the baby Voldemort’s going to kill but no, it’s all about the girl who rejected him - “You disgust me.”  SAME DUMBLEDORE.  I mean, Dumbledore isn’t much better, but I love watching other characters call out Snape for his creepy bullshit. - “They can die, as long as you have what you want?”  That kind of embodies Snape’s entire line of thinking and Snape’s silence after that line is really really telling. - Why would you count on Voldemort to spare anyone? - Using Lily’s eyes to manipulate Snape is pretty gross of Dumbledore, too.  It’s like Dumbledore is trying to stop Snape from moving on with his life after what happened.  And as not okay as Snape’s inability to handle rejection is, Dumbledore encouraging him to never heal from her death is also not okay. - There’s so much ick in this chapter I can’t even. - Snape for god’s sake get over your dislike of James.  It was never a competition for Lily’s favor.  She chose him.  The kid’s not yours.  Fucking deal. - “Sometimes I think we Sort too soon”  no not really being braver than Karkaroff isn’t really a feat.  And anyway, people can totally display more than one of the House traits. - Okay Snape’s not a murderer it was all engineered that makes EVERYTHING FUCKING FINE DOESN’T IT - “dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it” <3 <3 <3 <3 - Dumbledore is such a manipulative bastard ugh - “I thought… all these years… that we were protecting him for her”  LOL NOPE it’s all for THE PLAN TEN POINTS TO DUMBLEDORE - “After all this time?”  “Always” Basic white girls will have this line tattooed on them for generations to come.  Because we should absolutely romanticize the fact that it’s been like thirty years and he still can’t handle that she chose James and he takes it out on their child.  Yup. - Obsessing over her handwriting and the word “love” is kind of a drop in the bucket after everything else but it’s still weird my dude. - And ripping the husband she chose (have I put enough emphasis on this?) and her child away from her even in photographic form so you can keep her with you is ALSO WEIRD. - Thank God that chapter’s over. - What the fuck kind of redemption was that? - I need a drink.  I don’t even drink.
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So I was just going around on the snily tag on pinterest and came across this comment that roughly said (the following is paraphrased) “I hate how people try to blame the bullying the Marauders did to Snape as the reason he became a Death Eater. I mean, Snape did the exact same stuff to Hermione and Neville and they didn’t become evil!!!”
Now I can understand where they came from about the Marauders not being the sole reason as to why Snape became a death eater because Snape had chose to become a death eater and there were other factors involved (however, I do see where the bullying may have influenced Snape’s decision). But what I do not understand is that 2nd part...hm. 
Where does Snape undress Hermione and flip her upside down in the books? *looks* Huh? That’s strange. Seems to not be there? Is it in the movies then? Nope. It appears not.
Maybe we can find a page where Snape is making Neville choke on soap and simply hexing him because of his “existence” and as a “prank”. 
Odd. Couldn’t find that either. So where is it?
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Seems to not have happened. 
Look, I do acknowledge the fact that Snape did some pretty jacked up things to Hermione and Neville and for that matter, the whole student body at Hogwarts. But to compare or to at least say that he did “the exact same stuff as Potter did to him to Neville and Hermione” is just false. 
And anyways, despite how Snape treated his students, he didn’t want them to be truly harmed in the end. We see this in the Deathly Hallows. Besides, what did James ever do for Snape? Oh yeah “he saved him” from Lupin. Yeah maybe he did. But honestly, I wonder if what Snape said to Lily had been true; maybe James did it just to save him and his buddies’s butts from loads of trouble. I guess we will never truly know until JK decides to reveal it in a book or twitter post one day (if she already has, please show me and I will promptly apologize for my mistake). 
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