#tma hc
itisonlyeyes · 3 months
You think Jonathan Sims, The Archivist, pupil of the eye, The Anti-Christ who brought the end of the world against his volition, ever used his Knowing abilities to find out what his parents looked like.
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ian0key · 7 months
@emerald-emerlad (almost 2 days late, sorry, tomorrow I will post the 18th and 19th)
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the-lantern-lights · 9 months
I assume Jon can do any shaped pupils, so in this case if you would like to could you draw Jon with star pupils? Have an amazing day! :DD
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Let our guy have fun with his eyeball powers instead of just witnessing the HorrorsTM
Edit: I totally forgot all of his scars, but honestly I have minus one thousand brain power atm
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carciinogen · 3 months
Sleepy TMA Headcannons (Because I'm Sleepy)
Martin: He snores, mumbles, AND drools. John doesn't really mind, but has occasionally woken up to a quiet "john hi hello..mm I love youuu" or a distraught "NOOoo don't you take my sandwhich..."
John: Sleeps with his eyes open. Along with this, he has the tendency to mumble out coherent sentences. Some of these have been: "have a seat", "what did you say your name was?", or: "this is great, but unfortunately, I appear to be asleep" (Martin ended up putting that one on a magnet).
Sasha: Punches and kicks in her sleep. After hearing this, Tim would always ask "Punch yourself awake again, huh?" whenever she came in tired.
Tim: Cries in his sleep. Along with that, he has been known to sleepwalk. Once, he woke up to find an entire omelette sitting in front of him. He doesn't know where it came from, and he's still haunted by that.
Daisy: She doesn't like to admit this, but she'll frequently wake up from dreams in which she's chasing someone to find she had been running in her sleep. This also has the added bonus of launching everything off her bed.
Basira: Cannot stay still. She must rotate every thirty minutes, much like a turkey. Maybe that's just because she likes to sleep on the floor, though.
Melanie: MUST fall asleep to music. That, or some variety of nature white noise. She also frequently rolls off her bed.
Elias: Sleeps like a log. Nothing could wake that man up, not even an actual flood. That did happen once, and yep, you guessed it: He somehow slept through it.
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mcskullmun · 5 months
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Elias using his powers for incredibly mundane tasks will never not be funny to me. He’s very reluctantly domestic.
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thegaynessarchives · 10 months
Peter Lukas headcanons, feel free to reblog and add ur own!
He has either a t-shirt or a tattoo that says "Salty bitch" i will die on this hill, also its one of those ones that's a heart with an arrow through it and a banner with the words on it wrapped around
He has a "#1 Captain" mug, Martin bought it for him and he loves it more than he loves Elias (which isn't saying much but he loves it a lot)
For all the knowledge Elias has he knows jack shit about boats somehow so whenever he goes on the Tundra Peter refuses to let him touch any surface except the floor lmfao
Elias buys peter boat related things in the same way a clueless mother trying to be an ally buys her gay child things during pride month
And some conversations that have 100% occurred:
Elias trying to get back on Peter's good side: hey honey I bought a thing for your boat Peter, holding up the shitty dollar-store "Ahoy, matey" wooden sign: ...thanks.
Peter: "Elias if you sing that fucking sea shanty one more time I'm pushing you in the ocean and not coming back for you"
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aiiidoneus · 4 months
i feel like tim would be a pineapple on pizza enjoyer it's just like a Vibe he gives off
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robyn-i-guess · 11 months
hc that s1 jon barely takes care of himself. hc that everyone at the archives knows because any time he leaves his office he looks utterly exhausted, but nobody does anything. hc that once martin learns about jon's lack of eating he begins giving jon crackers or cookies along with his tea, just in case he'd eat them. hc that at first jon ignores them because he knows what martin is doing but eventually does start to eat them. hc that the first day martin saw jon bring an empty plate to the staff's lounge he told jon that he's proud of him and jon simply rolls his eyes and goes back to his office. hc that jon begins always eating the small snacks martin brings him and, though he'd never admit it, he looks forward to when martin would bring everyone tea because then he'd get something to eat. hc that martin began checking up on jon as he worked. hc that one day martin walked by jon's door and saw through the window in his door him pacing back and forth with a slightly crushed paper in his hands. hc that martin knocks on his door and when he does jon's head snaps up to the window in shock before realizing it was martin and relaxing. hc that jon had barely slept at all the night before that day and had gotten particularly stressed over a statement, and in response martin brings a blanket that he keeps in his office and tells jon to take a nap on the couch in jons office. hc that jon refused but once martin left he decided to at least try, and he laid down on the couch with martins blanket and fell asleep before he realized. hc that when martin comes around that day to bring jon his afternoon tea jon is still asleep so he shakes him awake and tells him that he's brought his tea and snacks and the still very tired jon smiled at him in a way that martin hadn't seen before. hc that, even when they are together, jon still denies that he ever did such a thing, but martin knew and he remembered. hc that it became a quiet habit that martin had gained, checking in on jon everyday, something that none of the other coworkers were aware of. hc that jon didn't like the way martin would take care of him constantly at first but he grew to enjoy it more than he'd admit. hc that one day jon came to work sick and martin had spent all morning convincing him to go home until jon caved in and left. hc that during martins lunch break that day he had visited jon at his house to make sure he was okay and not working while he was sick. hc that jon was reading through statements when martin had come in so martin snatched the papers he was holding and insisted that he rest, which jon denied but quickly changed his mind and listened once he felt his headache grow worse. hc that martin had made jon tea at his house and gave him the usual snacks he'd give jon at the archives along with soup he had found and heated up. hc that jon never forgot that day or any other days that martin had helped him, and felt strange about it in a way he couldn't pinpoint at the time. hc that in the future martin teased him for not realizing he was in love despite how obvious it was. hc that when martin was living in the archives, he would help martin just like martin had for jon. hc that one day he had brought him the blanket that martin had gifted him many months ago, to which martin responded by hugging him close, much to jon's shock. he didn't mind that much though.
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hypnogogyc · 5 months
The thought of some avatars still in need to eat normal food is so funny to me.
Like Mike serves some supernatural god and pushes people off buildings to live and probably heals much quicker then a normal person, but he still gotta buy groceries and eat bc otherwise he’ll starve in a non-supernatural way. Jude and Oliver? They don’t have to, they literally died for their becoming.
I imagine Oliver still eating normal food around Mike, mainly bc like, feels a bit rude watching his boyfriend eat while he doesn’t, you know? Jude however will laugh at Mike’s face whenever she’s reminded about it.
AHA id imagine Mike moreso stubbornly refuses to stop eating human food. To me he’s kinda got a casual relationship with existence and the definitions within and he’s decided he is simply Mike Crew and mike crew likes tea and tartar sauce and also tossing people off buildings.
Jude thought playing human was dumb but then Agnes told her about wanting to try coffee and Jude suddenly decided it wasn’t that dumb I guess (i think she would like gummies cause itd boil n bubble in her mouth)
Oliver doesn’t need to eat but will if he likes it. Usually he’s drinking a hot beverage. Oliver occasionally cooks for Mike, though neither are particularly skilled at it.
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eternalspring4 · 2 months
thinking about safehouse martin struggling a LOT with dissociation. i think martin as a person has always struggled a lot with dissociating, but i think the lonely makes it bad. i think touch is the only thing that really brings him back, and i think jon gets in the habit of touching him casually whenever he can, knowing that it grounds him. letting their hands brush when he hands martin something, leaning against him when they sit by each other, etc. i think this starts from jon watching how martin starts to go a little fuzzy at the edges when he's spacing out, how his eyes go unfocused and how his glasses fog up, all of which go away when jon touches him. i think jon develops a HORRIBLE fear of falling asleep and waking to find martin gone. i think this adds to the "there was only one bed" safehouse trope, except it's now, hey, if we don't cuddle im worried you'll fall victim to an eldritch horror god and you'll die while i'm asleep. so i think we should cuddle, you know, like just in case. for safety.
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vastpotato · 7 months
I hc that Tim is artistic and has ADHD (at the very least) so he’s constantly got little doodles on his scratch paper and on his hands. And every once in a while, if she’s super bored, Sasha will color in the doodle doodles on his hands.
Jon tried to tell him it doesn’t look professional once. But let’s be honest, neither actually cared. Elias will see his inked hands and give them a disapproving look but knows better, so he doesn’t say anything.
It’s a mystery to see what new doodles he’s covered in everyday
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itisonlyeyes · 2 months
I have a simple lil headcanon about Jon and his smoking
I reallt do mean to.add this into my art more, but I like to think that even after he quit smoking, he always kept a cigarette tucked behind his ear in times of emergency bc how else would he just have that cigarette after he took that smoke break after meetign leitner? Its simple, but I think it'd be a neat little detail to show the web was always with him, even when he quit smoking.
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modrzewek · 8 months
TMA sketch dump since I already draw them so much, thought I could share some of my brainrot
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the one above is a scene from Found in the School Library by @hezekiahwakely and mermaid Jon has been planted in my head from reading The Sea Calls Me Home by @cowboyselkie (though it's been a while since I've read this fic so he probably looks different than there)
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ceaseless-whore · 8 months
I think it a cute idea for Jon to wear some kind of heeled/platform boot (he still dresses like a travesty of course) because he likes feeling tall
And Martin actively wears vans/converse to make himself as short as possible for Jon (it's not much but Jon sees it and appreciates it)
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distortionswife · 5 months
I hc that mildly intoxicated Jon suggests to do karaoke.
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mcskullmun · 5 months
Hc that ever since the coma Jon just- can’t do captcha tests anymore. He’s staring at the computer screen sweating as he tries in vain to Know which boxes have traffic lights in them. Consulting the All Knowing Eye as to where the bicycles are located. And every single time without fail he has to ask Martin for help, protesting that ‘it keeps saying I’m wrong, honestly Mahtin I have no idea what’s up with technology these days’ and at first Martin kinda believes him. Maybe he just wants to believe him. But they both refuse to talk about it and eventually after Martin begins isolating himself Jon finds he can’t use certain websites now.
He also cries every time he has to tick the I am Human box. Elias offers to do it for him but given that he’s in prison Jon assumes it’s another ironic insult.
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