#to everybody it’s not that difficult
luminouslotuses · 2 months
i’m gonna say it i don’t give a fuck how old you are in this situation. your age, even if you’re younger, is not an excuse to continue supporting wilbur. this behavior is fucking disgusting
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king-krisu · 7 months
Everybody say thank you @kiuruthings for doing the most of this already but I had some thoughts as well 😮‍💨🤚🏻
Preliminary lyrics / translations
Rakkauden laiva on lastattu
The love boat is loaded
Käy köysiini keinumaan
Come swing from my ropes
Kun viimeinen tanssi on tanssittu
When the last dance has been danced
Voidaan mennä hyttiisi heilumaan
We can go swing around in your cabin
En tiiä oonko/ootko se oikea, vai ootko mun vielä aamulla mut tänään
I don't know if you're/I'm the right one, or if you're still mine in the morning but today
Verse 1:
Ku tuun diskoon nii mun estot tippuu
When I come into the disco my inhibitions fall [off]
Saman tien joku tulee kimppuun
At once someone comes up to me [literally "attacks me"]
Okei, sä kuiskuttelet mulle jotain (mä tuun?)
Okay, you whisper something to me (I'm coming [over]?)
Mä koitan vastaa mut ei suusta tuu ku (?)
I try to answer but the only thing out of my mouth is (?)
Ja kun (soittaa?) Ricky vanhaa kunnon Martinii se saa joka iikan haluu naimisiin niiku tyylii sillon
And when good old Ricky Martin (plays?) it'll make every single one want to wed kinda like when
Sä, ja mä, tänään
You, and me, tonight
Okei, okei, okei, okei
Sä, ja mä, tänään
You, and me, tonight
Ja sisälläni sydän laulaa sävelmää
And inside of me my heart sings a melody
Verse 2:
Okei, en pistä vastaan jos tää menee (hullummaks?)
Okei, I won't be against it if this becomes (crazier?)
Enkä pelkää sanoo jos tää menee (too much?)
And I'm not afraid to say if this becomes (too much?)
Ja kun ne soittaa Ricky vanhaa kunnon Martinii se saa joka (?) haluu mun (?) niiku tyylii sillon
And when they play good old Ricky Martin it'll make every (?) want to (?) kinda like when
..... mut tänään jään sitä selvittämään
..... but today I'll stay and figure it out
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tj-crochets · 8 days
Thinking about my neurology appointment again, I have another weird question for y'all! My neurologist was surprised and said it was weird I was right handed, which I am assuming is because of the reflex and grip tests she did, not because I give off a left-handed kind of vibe Wait I was going to ask if it was weird that I, a non-ambidextrous person, hit and kick evenly with both right and left sides, open doorknobs with whichever hand is closer, and use the foot pedal for the sewing machine with whichever foot it ends up nearer but can't write with my left hand But I just tried it and I can write with my left hand??? Like, not as neatly or as quickly as with my right, but it's clearly legible and not difficult to do. Have I been ambidextrous this entire time??
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ridell-crimea · 1 month
something something im once again looking at the tellius artbooks. i think i hauve covid
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petrichormore · 7 months
really hope this fandom doesn’t boil down Ron’s character and Ron’s relationship to q!bbh as just “haha Stockholm syndrome” because
1. the first ‘case’ of Stockholm syndrome was literally made up by police to discredit a woman. it was made up. Arguably not real. a very misunderstood phenomena.
and 2. Their relationship is so much more complex than that? especially Ron’s motives and decision making, but also q!Bad’s motives as well. They are both completely fucked in the head and fully believe they care about the other (or rather, we know q!bbh is so twisted that he’s come to care about Ron - from what we know this is not a giant ploy to give Ron Stockholm syndrome. maybe it was at first but now he’s just batshit crazy). The toxic codependency they have going on is so intriguing and like whatever it’s funny to point and go “lima/stockholm syndrome” as a generalization but don’t be like “and this relationship is toxic because it’s just Stockholm syndrome” nuh uh. it’s toxic for a million other reasons as well. Get swarmed 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
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rickybaby · 6 months
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The Ricciardo factor applies
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kagooleo · 1 year
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only have time for some quick doodles but I’ve been doodling some of the king ohger fellers while i'm at work!
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dumbhero · 5 days
shuro's bad shuro's the worst i'll kill you i'll kill us both he literally hasnt eaten or showered in days and has been searching for a woman he loves very dearly i think that alone entitles him to be a little cranky with laios + he ALSO doesn't understand social cues because he comes from a totally different culture and social standing. laios is a completely different kind of person than shuro has ever had to deal with before. yes they fight but CLEARLY they don't actually want to hurt each other because if they did shuro could, weakened though he is, turn laios into mincemeat. he's angry but he wants to talk to him. he's angry because if the western elves learn falin was brought back using ancient magic they'll kill her or experiment on her, NOT because he has some beef with ancient magic itself. and literally at the end he tells Laios he's not going to say anything. and that no matter what happens he can call Shuro for help and he'll literally HELP HIM ESCAPE TO HIS HOME IN THE EAST. if you don't like shuro because he "doesnt like laios" you're already wrong because that's a bad reason to dislike a character (laios is legitimately grating and awkward, we find it endearing bc we understand he's not doing it on purpose + we know he's fictional + many of us see ourselves in him anyway) but also he LITERALLY DOES LIKE LAIOS. he finds it difficult to communicate with him just like laios finds it difficult!! if shuro hated him i cannot stress there's a million things he could've done other than punching him back when he slapped him LMAO
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alphadog · 3 months
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killed hey chris with one line
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nerdgirlnarrates · 6 months
So a fun thing that came up in therapy is how I have a lot of trouble believing that I can be in a long-term loving romantic relationship and how that relates to being told over and over that going into medicine would make me difficult to marry. There were other things about me that garnered this criticism (I was a weird kid growing up and had the typical weird kid experiences that make you believe you're unlovable), but it mostly revolved around wanting to go into medicine, and it mostly came from my parents. There was a lot of fretting over how men would struggle with a woman having such a demanding career and how they would be emasculated by my salary, etc. There was also fretting over how I should avoid ambitious men because it would make it even more difficult to balance careers, and this concern usually came with the message that the man's career is more important. Sometimes this was implicit, but sometimes it was explicit: at the beginning of med school, my mom told me I shouldn't date a classmate because "[their] career will come first." I once had a hypothetical discussion with my dad about what I would do if I had a disabled child who needed a parent at home, and his immediate response was "you can't ask a man to quit his job." Never mind the work you put in to your career, how much you like it, how your respective jobs impact household finances--you can't ask a man to quit his job. That's that. I was also asked repeatedly, and not just by my parents, if I would give up my job if my husband asked (no additional context was given, of course). When I said I wouldn't, I was accused of being unwilling to make any sacrifices in a relationship.
In retrospect, I think my parents thought they were preparing me for realistic relationship struggles. Obviously having a demanding job can create tension, and it created tension in their marriage when they both had demanding careers and small children. Ultimately my mom quit her job, for that and other reasons. But I think that decision was also due, in some part, to patriarchal assumptions about who should be at home and whose career matters. That assumption was passed along in the concerns they harbored about my career, and instead of making me feel prepared to deal with relationship stressors, I started believing I couldn't have a career and a marriage. I picked a career.
Medicine is deeply, deeply important to me, and it feels like part of who I am, and I can't imagine giving it up to be more appealing as a wife. I can't stop being someone who loves medicine and work. I don't want to be married for the sake of it or loved halfway; I want to be loved as what I am or I want to be alone. For years, it felt like I couldn't both want things and be married. To be married, I had to be ready to give up everything at the drop of a hat, throw out all my dreams and ambitions if someone asked. The context doesn't matter--I'm the woman, so I'm the one who quits. I'm the one who gives things up.
I couldn't do it. I couldn't stop wanting things: I want to be a physician and teach and work in sexual violence prevention for the rest of my life. I want to paint and write novels. And I don't want to give any of it up unless I absolutely have to. Worse, I want someone to actually like all those things about me rather than simply tolerate them. And I want to be seen as kind and smart and funny and interesting and attractive, and it's just too much. I want too much. I just don't think it's possible to want this much from life and from a partner. I've had some people tell me that what I want is fine and realistic, and I don't really believe them.
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redbootsindoriath · 10 months
I remembered today that if I want to continue my accidental Bilbo and the troll tradition I need to get cracking on a new drawing before I wake up in 2024 having missed my chance.
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2023 Bert stole 2020 Bert’s hair and put it all over his face.  That’s why 2020 Bert was bald.  I just didn’t know that at the time.
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californiannostalgia · 4 months
sometimes I think
hey maybe it's that time again
it's that time to write an abuse survivor mental illness fic with lester papadopoulus and maybe that will help me figure out what the fuck is going on in my brain
maybe my obsession with normalcy and potential dangers and spiraling late at night and being suspicious of people and the hollow disgust at the desperately cheerful person I become around my (changed behavior) parents isn't normal people stuff
maybe I'm gonna be afraid forever incomprehensible forever non-normal forever and maybe apollo wants to say a few words on the subject
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koko2unite · 3 months
I'm so mentally ill I can only draw in my cheaply bought pre-owned tablet from 2015 using my computer in my silly little room in my house and not anywhere else
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odo's whole "i don't choose sides, i'm the outsider, i'm not a collaborator - i investigate crimes objectively, only if someone is guilty i turn them over to cardassian authorities" is so weird to me. because by letting cardassians decide the fate of bajoran criminals, he acknowledges them as having authority on bajor. which they should not, because bajor doesn't belong to them - their claim to power over bajor is inherently violent and is by far the biggest injustice in this whole situation. and since odo defines his whole being by his own sense of justice, you would think he would see that.
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warlenys · 4 months
hallucination kutner literally calling it “five months of wilson” just not ok
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kukekakuningaskris · 2 months
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A tiny painting inspired by Everybody's Waiting💡
(explanation of the symbolism below the cut if you want to read about it!)
The lightbulb itself is made out of the symbols used in poetry analysis to portray stressed and unstressed syllables (macron and breve notation). There are five of the stressed symbols (straight lines) and four of the unstressed symbols (curved lines) between them, because that's the rhythm of the main line that is repeated in the chorus (everybody's waiting at the ball). Inside the bulb there are the five straight lines for the stressed syllables because in poetry the focus is almost always on the stressed syllables, thus being the thing everyone pays attention to - the light. Then at the bottom of the bulb there are four curved lines for the unstressed syllables, since they are not focused on as much, but they are still important and hold the whole line and verse together.
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