triaelf9 · 3 months
freeforums.net is good.
Thank you so much! I'm getting this suggestion other places as well, so that's great to know that it has a good rep and might work for what I need ^_^
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singinprincess · 1 year
TV show tag game
Tagged by @trcunning ♥
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
Law & Order: SVU
Once Upon a Time
Legend of the Seeker
Mutant X
Tagging: @fourteenthofaugust @detkatebenson @killervibe @ariestess @benantis @eddiediaaz @buckleyhans & anyone that wants to...
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Matchbox 20 - Busted (link)
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
God, I haven't listened to matchbox 20 in like..... over a decade.
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cowboybuckleys · 8 months
you should check out taylor zakhar perez in minx. long, 70s style hair. nice
ugh this is a month old, i'm so sorry 🫣
i think i added it to my to watch list, at the time, for Austin Nichols and Michael Angarano (and because i knew a bit about Viva from college) and then like any other show on my list, my brain farted and forgot about it lol. i'll definitely have to watch it now tho, i've gotta see TZP with long hair xD
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Today is FOP Awareness Day
It is a super rare medical condition I have.
Here is an 86 second video narrated by Stephen Fry to tell you all about it!
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is a progressive condition that slowly turns muscle, ligaments and tissue into bone ‒ sending those who have it into a spiral towards complete immobility; as extra bone grows, locking joints and rendering movement near impossible.
[ifopa.org] (multiple languages)
Taglist of friends and mutuals I thought might like to know more about me:
@bekkapramheda - @bext-k - @booasaur - @brotherconstant - @cilly-murphy
@finecallmejane - @freckleslikestars - @fruitysports - @maycanady - @mottles
@nerdalmighty - @notnearlyenoughmermaids - @royalarmyofoz - @sersi - @spockvarietyhour
@swallowedabug - @tennant - @trcunning - @violaobanion - @wiha-jun
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
I was tagged by @trcunning 💕
Tag game! Choose an artist you like and use their song titles to answer the questions as close to truthfully as possible!
Name of the Artist: The Used
What is your gender? Take It Away
Describe yourself: Pretty Handsome Awkward
How do you feel? Blue and Yellow
If you could go anywhere, where would it be? My Cocoon
Describe your best friend: Gravity's Rainbow
Your favorite time of day: Light With A Sharpened Edge
If your life was a tv show, what would it be called? Pieces Mended
What is life to you? Hard to Say
What do you fear? I'm A Fake
Tagging @pixiedustandbluebutterflies @inacatastrophicmind @thehomohomosapiensapien @moonlightspectre @redheadqueers no pressure, only if it's fun for you!
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swingsetindecember · 3 years
Army of the the Dead question. How obvious is it that they had to sub in Tig Notaro? Is it distracting?
like it's impressive? if i didnt know i wouldn't have noticed
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queenklu · 4 years
prompt: Steve couldn't afford any of the portfolios from the bookshop Peggy took him to in Soho but he went back more than once to browse and speak with the owner. Imagine his surprise when he sees the store and Mr Fell are still there 70 years later.
(hi yes this got me Good)
Steve brought himself back to the present with a shake, though the bookshop remained pristine as ghosts of soldiers scattered back into his memories. It looked exactly the same, red-brown brick and off-white pillars, gold lettering above the door. 
“Go on ahead,” he said, “I’ll catch up.” 
Natasha looked amused but unimpressed. “You know they have these things called ebooks, now--” she started, but Sam rolled his eyes at her and ushered them along. 
“Let the old man have his books…” 
Their voices faded away with the ringing of the shop bell as Steve ducked inside. 
The shop was so exactly the same he half expected to see Peggy look up and smile at him over a stack of good mystery novels. He swore it was the same books on the display, some a little dusty with covers faded, but well-cared-for. Well loved. 
It was something that had always struck him about this place, how loved it felt. How soft and warm and safe. Even when his army pay couldn’t be stretched to afford anything here--not that he’d have wanted to take any of these nice books into the trenches--he’d always felt welcome by the owner. 
“Go away, we haven’t got anything by whoever you’re looking for!” a voice called from the back, and Steve looked up to see that very owner pop into view. 
Mr. Fell had always looked on the cusp of slipping out of middle aged and into older gentleman, with his white-puffed hair and his friendly smile-lines. It was this, and the surprise of seeing an old friend, mixed with the cobwebs of old memory, that caused Steve’s scientifically enhanced synapses to delay just long enough for him to extend his hand in greeting. 
“Mr. Fell!” 
“Goodness!” Mr. Fell cried with similar delight, grasping his hand in a good shake. “Crowley, come see! It’s young Mr. Rogers!” 
Perhaps it was the ‘young’ that tipped the scales for both of them, as one realized young Mr. Rogers should not be quite so young, and the other realized that old Mr. Fell should be...quite a bit older. 
They froze, in time for Mr. Fell’s lanky companion to slither in from the back, and pause. “...Huh,” he said (Steve had never caught his name before, since the man had always skulked in the shadows on Steve’s previous visits, though now he could guess his name was ‘Crowley’), “shouldn’t you be nearly dead by now?” 
“Crowley,” Mr. Fell scolded, “that’s not a very nice thing to say.” 
“Dunno, how long do humans live?” 
“Crowley!” Aziraphale finally realized the only way to end the handshake was to drop Steve’s hand to wring his own. “Oh bother. Should we use a miracle to erase his memory?” 
Steve took a hard step back, in time to the sharp jangle of the shop bell as Bucky strode in. 
“I wouldn’t recommend it,” Bucky said, low and toneless. 
Steve swallowed back a sigh, trying to pretend he wasn’t just a little bit relieved. “I thought you’d gone with the others.” 
Bucky didn’t take his eyes off their adversaries, if they could be called that, but Steve still got the feeling he was internally rolling his eyes. “Only you could find trouble in a bookshop.” 
“Boy, do I know that feeling,” drawled Crowley. 
“Did you say ‘miracle?’” Steve asked. 
“Don’t fret, angel,” Crowley cut in when Mr. Fell worried his knuckles even more. “And you,” he added to Bucky, “I can see you clocking the heaviest objects in the room, and I’d advise you not to do anything stupid. He only just got the place organized again.” 
“Dreadful gendered children’s novels in the back,” Mr. Fell muttered. “But Crowley, what are we going to do? I don’t know what age young Mr. Rogers expects us to be but we’re certainly not it.” 
“He seems rather timeless himself,” Crowley pointed out, slouching a step closer with his hands in his pockets. His eyes were very bright behind his sunglasses, though Steve couldn’t guess at a color. The machinery of Bucky’s arm gave a low, warning whirr. 
“I think I do remember you,” Crowley continued, unbothered. “The War, wasn’t it? They had you stuffed in some awful freezer.” 
The sunglasses, Steve realized too late, also made it impossible to tell which one of them he was looking at. 
“Were you working with Zola?” Steve demanded, a low, sick feeling growing in his stomach. 
“That puddle of human pestilence? No. I tried to set your lot up for success catching him and his lot loads of times. Never went anywhere. That whole Hydra exposé a while back certainly explained why.” 
He wrinkled his nose. Somehow, he’d managed to place himself directly between them and his companion, the same way Bucky was angling to get himself in front of Steve. 
“No, I was there to track down a source of loose ethereal energy.” He tipped an eyebrow up a fraction. “You.” 
“Oh!” Mr. Fell suddenly said. “There was another one, wasn’t there, around the same time? Off in America? I was sent to investigate, but by the time I got there everything was a bit more...blown up...than it had been before. I thought whatever it was had been destroyed.” 
His wide blue eyes fixed on Steve. “Oh,” he said, voice soft, “Oh yes, I can see them now.” 
“Them?” Steve repeated, skin crawling in an almost not-unpleasant way.
“Your wings,” Mr. Fell said, and looked at Bucky too, “Both of them.” 
“I smelled it on you right away,” Crowley piped up. “Honestly, until now I thought you were a spy for his side.” 
“No sides,” Mr. Fell chided gently, at last looking away so he could take Crowley’s hand, and tug him back close. “Not anymore.” 
Even as hardened a front as he put on, Crowley seemed to melt a little. “Of course, angel.” 
“What does this mean,” Steve got out, wishing more than anything that he could do the same to Bucky. Bucky looked at him, sharply, not like he’d heard the thought but like he wanted just as desperately to know, but hadn’t found the words. 
Crowley shrugged. “Dunno. Maybe nothing. Looks like immortality, but maybe not.” 
“I think,” Mr. Fell said, “it’s whatever the two of you decide it to mean. Together.” 
That was a very profound thing to think, or say, on a Thursday afternoon in a bookshop in London--but though Steve wasn’t to know it, recently this same bookshop had had a great number of profound things happen in it. And twice on Sundays. 
So what was one more? In the grand scheme of things, one man taking another man’s hand wasn’t monumental--not even if one of the hands in question happened to be cybernetic. No one would write a book about it, or slip it into the shelves of this magnificent shop suspended in time. But it did Happen, and it Happened with a capital H that had been waiting in the wings of this particular story for quite a long time. 
Soon enough, two hearts would rejoin the bustle of the world outside. Only this time, they’d be walking close enough together that the feathers on the wings they’d never known they had were intermingled, grey on grey. 
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Who are some designers who could be good but waste their potential? They release mediocre collections except for 3 perfect pieces. Their HC collections are overblown and unedited but their Target collab is amazing. Etc.
oh my god dude. i mean obviously dennis basso, who is hurting my feelings more and more with every collection. frankly i think zuhair murad is the biggest offender just because he ISN’T TRYING. bibhu mohapatra is really good but overdesigns to an extent that is really frustrating.
alberta ferretti’s insistence on doing daywear when she is capable of making fantastic gowns. actually pierpaolo piccolini is doing that at valentino right now too and it makes me nuts. i hate this idea that luxury fashion should be minimal and blend in, the whole concept of the designer white t-shirt. if you’re paying thousands of dollars for something i think it should look like a fucking fairytale gown.
i always tag alexis mabille as my problematic fave because he is talented but works with really unforgiving shapes and fabrics. i actually think this is true of zac posen too and i think it’s why he went out of business. he’s currently designing for brooks brothers and the limitations placed on him there actually really force him to create better, more curated looks, imo.
i think daniel rosenberry at schiaparelli could stand to go much weirder than he does. schiaparelli is a brand known for surrealism but he’s been leaning hard on making more conventional clothing but super weird accessories, which makes sense from a business perspective because people can wear a schiaparelli dress and look elegant and normal but weird it up with nipple earrings if they want. however, from a me perspective, i feel cheated.
vera wang is doing a lot of weird beige tulle creations, but as someone who learned about her from her all-red bridal collection i wish she would play with colors more.
i’ve never hated simone rocha or anything, but she just did an h&m collab that is really nice -- i feel like the need for it to be sellable reigned in some of her less wearable tendencies and so the collab ended up being super nice. she usually likes volume and kind of cocoon shapes but this line is more streamlined.
as a general rule of thumb, though, any time a brand is like “we’re going to make more conventional sellable stuff” i am disappointed, because i prefer things to skew towards drama and weirdness.
i pretty much hate any time designers do disney collaborations. i don’t like the use of cartoon characters in prints and i also dislike disney making even more money off its ip. this is just my opinion, though -- there’s nothing wrong with cartoon prints, they just aesthetically are very much not my thing.
i’m not calling any brands to mind rn, but every season there are 15 or so lines that produce collections that are super mediocre except for one great dress. i used to collect all those “one good piece” photos and just make a giant tumblr post for them, but i didn’t really like those posts because they weren’t very cohesive. the aesthetics of all the different brands never married into a single post well. but definitely that is a thing.
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theladyragnell · 4 years
top 5 killjoys side characters (not dutch, d'avin, johnny); top 5 elementary charcters (not sherlock, joan); top 5 leverage marks
1. Zeph
2. Fancy Lee
3. Lucy
4. Delle Seyah
5. The Lady
1. Moriarty
2. Marcus
3. Mrs. Hudson, who showed up tragically few times
4. Clyde
5. The collective of Everyone (the hacking collective, not cheating by picking all the rest of the characters)
Leverage marks (taking this as a love-to-hate situation!):
1. Dubenich
2. Monica Hunter
3. The con artist psychic from The Future Job
4. Damien Moreau
5. The villain of the job with the blight and the Steranko, episode title and villain name have both escaped me
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singinprincess · 2 years
Another movie you'd propbably enjoy is Troop Beverly Hills. :D
I will check it out for sure! Thank you for the recommendation. I’m really enjoying my movie binge 😁
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If Transformers use Prime-feets (which change) and Decepticons use Megatron-feets (which doesn't change) does that mean Transformer scientists use M-feets th way US scientists often use metric for the sake of clarity? Do they call they M-feet and hope no one asks what the M stands for?
Hmm I don't think so. Optimus is already prime by the time Megatron invents M-feet so I think they mostly stick to standard and only throw M-feet out when they need to convert something they stole from decepticons. Of course after Optimus' legally required death things get changed up, but usually Megatron is ALSO dead by that point so it evens out.
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cowboybuckleys · 3 years
The Subway tuna thing is like the wasps in Fig Newtons. It's just what's going to happen with mass harvested agricultural products. Hell, if you told me there were wasps in the "tuna"? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ooo yeah, god i forgot about that! it's one of those things where i'm never really surprised by how anything is produced or made and what could, potentially, be in them. lol transparency would be nice tho, just in general, with some of this stuff.
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purpleplaid17 · 1 year
tv show tag game
tagged by @abnerkrill, thanks mott!
rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better
a league of their own
the expanse
feel good
kipo and the age of wonderbeasts
hometown cha cha cha
tagging @backwardscapavasilva @dagyo @bekkapramheda @jennaortegas @royalarmyofoz @trcunning (no pressure xx)
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raptorific · 4 years
Imagine the AU where Jack had teleported up Ruth!Doctor. He'd say "Doctor?", she'd say "yes" and we would have two very confused immortals.
I’m not gonna lie to you, I was legit waiting for that to happen the whole episode. I really thought the whole “two doctors” thing and the “Jack keeps abducting people and mistaking them for the Doctor” thing, I thought for sure he was going to scoop the (Fugitive? -1st?) Doctor up, and be like “do I have the Doctor this time?” and she’d be like “yep” and he’d be like “okay don’t give the lone cyberman what he wants” and she’d be like “ok but what’s a cyberman and who are you”
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 years
In the student housing bunker how long does it take the linguistics students to find the library? Or to notice that some of the "artwork" on the walls are actually Enochian glyphs?
Oh, every student finds the library as soon as they’re unpacked and set up in their rooms, because it’s like the second thing you see (as far as I can tell, the layout is such that you have to walk through the war room and past the library to get to the rooms). One of the few house rules is Do Not Read The Books Out Loud, but that doesn’t stop the history and theology majors from reading a few to themselves, silently. This results in their professors getting several very interesting papers over the course of the term.
By the time midterms roll around every chair in the library has a jittery, overcaffeinated, exhausted student sitting in it, and poor Sam has been banished to the war room to do his research (when he’s not helping the pre-law kids out).
Cas and Jack start making it a habit to go through the room at least once a day, taking away headaches and sore necks from all the time spent leaning over books. The bunker is probably the first student housing in history that didn’t have an outbreak of some bug or other. Dean goes full dad mode, supplying coffee and snacks and, once, a hug (when the chemistry major bursts into tears mid lab report).
Sadly the college I had in mind doesn’t seem to have much in the way of linguistics studies, but they do have a three-prong program (every student has either a double major and a minor or a major and two minors), also this is fiction and we can do what we want, so one of the new bunker residents has DIY’d themselves a linguistics program out of an English and Communications double major with a minor in Philosophy and Religion, just for spice.
They notice the Enochian. And the warding tucked cleverly away in the art deco designs. And once, when they get turned around, a room with a massive protection sigil from the Lesser Key of Solomon etched into the floor. And there’s the unicursal hexagram everywhere, too, which is...odd. Taken together, the symbols don’t point to any single faith or culture, and they’re definitely out of place in what is supposedly an old Midwestern bomb shelter left over from the Cold War.
But did I mention rent is cheap? And the food is free? And this particular student had a roommate freshman year that stole locks of their hair while they were asleep for “personal use”? So. Unless and until the small oddities of the bunker manage to rival that, they’re saying fuck all to anyone.
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