#ummm and insert any other tag that might work here !!
happyaslaura · 5 years
Anybody (like me) who’s on a weight loss / fitness journey, could you please, please, please like / reblog this post so I can find you all ?  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Looking for people who: 
- are trying to be healthy / fit and are on a weight loss journey 💪🏼
- post updates, are kind and supportive   ✨ ✨ ✨
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binniesthighs · 3 years
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a/n: and we’ve got another lil valentines day drabble eeee hope you all are staying cuddly and fuzzy! 
sweet like strawberry | reader x felix
Paring: self insert, gender neutral reader x lee felix 
Genre: fluffy fluff hehe 
Tags: valentines day special, coworkers au, friends to lovers, cafe au, two cuties in love, stuck with you au, wintertime au, teeeny bits of magical vibes, mentions of food, teensy bit of food play (sfw but like a leeetle suggestive), that good good makin’ out hehe 
Word count: 4.7k 
Tagging: @stayhavens​ thank you for letting me join for Felix as well ❤️
“Oh! And one more thing, for some reason, the security system keeps acting up. If the doors don’t lock up the first time around, just try it a couple more times and I think that it should work...I kind of just try it enough times until it works.” 
Felix nervously adjusted his cap with the little embroidered yellow chick. 
“Okay. Sounds good to me.” 
Your boss tucked his neck deep into his cable scarf, then tipped both you and your coworker a little salute. 
“Thank you both for being here on Valentines Day. Just a couple more hours! You can do it!” 
The back door to the café slammed shut from the blustering winter wind behind your boss’ coattails. 
“It’s really coming down out there isn’t it?” Your friend, and coworker-in-suffering Felix, shifted from foot to foot. 
Outside of the shop windows, the howling of wind shook at the shutters of the the display case filled with little mock-up cakes and pastries. The snow storm had been unexpected, but it hadn’t seemed to dampen anyone’s spirits on the holiday. Since the snow had picked up in the afternoon, customers still came rolling into the cafe with flakes all caught up in their hair, scarves and hats. On this day in particular, you had seen dozens of school girls and boys come in carrying their stash of valentines letters, bouquets of flowers and all kinds of candies. Little groups of friends would share slices of your special Valentines Day cake and smear cream over each other’s noses in a tizzy of laughter. 
You didn’t mind Valentines Day; there was something extra heartwarming and universal about it all. One day, out of all the days of the year, everyone stopped for just a few moments to say “I love you” or give out an extra hug or kiss on the cheek. How could you not feel all lovey and gushy from it all? Maybe you were a romantic, or maybe you really had just watched one too many dramas to make you feel this way. 
Earlier, you had been making a couple lattes, and a couple sitting by the window had arranged to meet right at the loveseat by the door to exchange gifts. One of them had given the other a couple books and a journal, and the other gave them what looked like hand-knitted mittens. They held the frayed fabric in their hands while the watched how their partner reacted. Of course, they accepted the mittens with a wide smile then pulled their love in to give them a giant hug. 
I love them. So much. Thank you. 
You thought that was what they had said from as far away as you were. 
This kind of love, was your favorite kind. The kid of love that was unconditional, that was given no matter what time of day, no matter what it looked like or how it was expressed, it simply was. 
You had always hoped, this was the love that you would have some day. But, you hadn’t found it yet. Not in all your years of crushes from afar, or love letters written in the night when you should have ben doing work. You had wondered, what was it really like to have someone love you like that: a love that existed in the early mornings, and dead of the night; the kind of love that looked over at you for no reason, and smiled at you just because. 
Perhaps you would spend your whole life looking: and while it saddened you, in a few ways, you had come to terms with it. If you had to wait, that just meant that you were waiting for something really great...right? 
You wondered what kind of love Felix wanted. The thought had crossed your mind time and again. You figured, he was the kind to fall in love fast and all the time. He would even get crushes on people who would come to the register to pay for their coffee and custard tart. It was supremely adorable. He’d stammer over his words with hands trembling at the keys of the register, and the tips of his ears would turn rosy pink. 
“U-ummm here-here’s your receipt....” 
A tiny smile would spread across his freckled face after they would leave, then he would rake his cute little hands though his hair, stammering even more about what a fool he had made of himself. 
“Well, when you think about it, you might never see them again?” You’d joke to him with a playful jab to his side. 
“But what if I doooooo??” 
Maybe Felix was the kind of person who wanted a love that would last forever, or the kind of love that he could daydream about. You thought that this might’ve suited him. It seemed as if that boy was often in a faraway place. There had been a couple times when he would stare out the shop windows wistfully with his mop in hand, or would giggle a little when he made designs into the lattes and mochas. He was just so happy all the time, but for what, you had no idea. 
Maybe Felix already had a love. You wouldn’t put it past him seeing how dreamy he was often. Felix deserved love more than anyone in the world you had decided. He deserved some to love him so hard and all the time. Admittedly, it made your heart ache a little thinking about how badly he deserved it. He deserved someone to kiss away on all those freckles on his cheeks on his cute little wrists. He deserved someone to shower all their love into his strawberry pink lips, and ruffle up his golden hair just to make him laugh. 
Maybe...you wished that you could’ve been the person to do so. 
“Do you think that we’ll get any more customers?” 
Felix had squatted down on the floor behind the counter into a pseudo-sitting position. His tan apron crinkled on the ground. 
“Don’t you think that everyone’s gone out by now? And the snow is picking up?” 
You squatted down next to him. “I don’t think we’ll be seeing anyone else. There’s only one more hour left anyway.” 
A sly smirk started to sprout on his lips, “What if we left a little early? No one is coming so...” 
“Have somewhere that you need to be?” You patted his head. 
“...No, unless spending the night with my cats counts as “plans.”” 
“Date?” He scoffed, “Me? Nooooo.” He paused, and with a tentative air, met your eyes. “Do...you have plans tonight?” 
Felix sucked in a tight inhale, as if he was mustering his courage. 
“Well, m-maybe, after we leave, --only if you want--we could--” 
The bells over the café door tinkled, sweeping in snowy and white air in with it. 
“I’m sorry, are you still open?” 
The old woman carefully closed the door behind her and clung tightly to her shawl that was wrapped around her shoulders. Only dressed in the thin fabric, you figured that she must’ve been freezing. Both you and your coworker sprung to your feet to attend to her. 
“Yes! How can we help you?” 
She was an odd woman, the kind that you could only really describe to look witch-like. While she had warm features, her aged skin had grown stretched with little marks and veins feebly showing. Bags under her eyes were deep, but they didn’t look tired, but like they held many years of wisdom, like he had witnessed much, and knew much. 
“A-aren’t you cold?” Felix rushed to the other side of the corner to help her to a chair. “It’s so freezing outside, and you’ve barely got on a hat.” 
His tone was gentle, like the one that you guessed he would speak to his cats with. 
“I’m fine. Nights like these, I’ve lived through many of them. They don’t phase me any more. I just thought that I could come inside for a moment to have a slice of that strawberry cake that you have in the window. It looks very delicious.” 
You nodded quickly then plated the second to last slice for her. You brought the dish over quickly with a little fork. “Anything else that we can get for you?” 
The woman shook her head politely, then took up the fork in her shaking hands. She ate quietly, merely making little “mm’s” as she licked the cream away. You and your coworker didn’t really know what to do, seeing as she hadn’t paid, and wasn't shivering from the cold at all. Felix shot you a confused glance, then rushed to the back of the café and to his locker. You heard the usual metallic clang, and he came jogging back with his own scarf that he had worn that day. 
“H-here. Please put this on.” He offered her the periwinkle blue fabric. 
“Oh. Dear, you are so kind. I just knew that you would be such a sweet soul. I could sense it.” 
The woman dabbed her mouth with the napkin that you had placed under her plate. 
“That was wonderful, I could really taste the love that had been baked into that cake. It’s always refreshing to feel that.” 
You and Felix nodded, still unsure of the situation, but smiled as politely as you could. She then swaddled her neck in the scarf, and sighed in her contempt. 
“No one has ever offered me something like this before. You are quite special young man.” 
She had voiced the comment about Felix, but she had held your eyes as she said it. Her eyes were a bit hazy, some kind of color that must’ve been blue at some point, but here now a type of soft grey-lavender. They were enchanting, and mysterious, but you had felt that you had known them somehow. 
The old woman rummaged around in her pockets, the pulled out two gold coins that were hefty in size, and thick like the kind of candy ones. You had never seen anything like them before, and they were a bit comical to look at, but still shone like the golden sun. On both sides of the coin, there was no writing, but merely an insignia of two arrows crossed over eachother. 
“I think that should suffice.” Her chair creaked under her as she rose, and placed one in your hand and the other in Felix’s. “Thank you so much for taking care of me. Both of you deserve all the love that’s coming to you. I hope that you remember this.” 
Felix muttered and turned over his coin in his hand. “T-thank you.” 
You shot Felix a glare. You had not the slightest idea how you could have accepted this as payment, but Felix seemed completely fine with it. 
The woman’s crinkled hand wrapped around the door handle, and she pulled her shawl around her once again, then buried her neck back into Felix’s scarf. 
“Happy Valentines Day!” She waved to you both, and you found yourself waving back. 
The door slammed, and you felt as if you had been snapped out of some kind of hypnosis. 
“Wow.” Felix whispered with a little smile. 
“What. The heck. Was that?” Your body trembled in the way that you would’ve have as if you had plunged right out of cold water. 
Felix stood smiling and gazing out, not even paying attention to your remark. 
“Felix? ...Felix?” 
“Hmm?” He turned nonchalant. 
“Did you hear me?” 
You reached your hand down the pocket of your apron to study that strange coin only to find that you couldn’t feel the cold metal. 
“...What?” You rummaged around even further. “I could’ve sworn...” 
In Felix’s hands which he had left cupped in front of him, his gold coin had vanished too, and he hadn’t even noticed. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“I hope that this works.” 
Felix’s mittened hands tapped over the keys of the security system keypad and he mouthed the numbers as he did so. The pad illuminated with a green light and made little beeping sounds with each number. Once he finished the sequence, it flashed with a red light. 
“...Does that mean that it didn’t work?” 
“I think so?” 
The two of you had shoved your bodies together in the little corner nearest the back exit of the café. 
“I should try it again?” 
“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?” 
Felix gave a determined nod, then did the passcode, only for it to flash red again. 
“Oh my god, what if we mess this all up and then someone breaks into the café and then we get fired--I mean--I get fired because it would be all my fault--” 
You snarked out a laugh and pushed him lightly aside, “Here, let me try. No one’s getting in trouble.” 
You pressed in the same code, getting red once more. 
“What do we do????” 
As if it was his security blanket, Felix tucked his neck into his coat collar. 
“One more time, alright? Maybe there’s a manual in the office or something. We can try that.” 
An ahhh circled Felix’s mouth and he let out a relieved exhale. “Right. Right. That’s a good idea.” 
This time, you pressed the numbers in hard, as if that would make any difference, but you thought it best to try. But, red again. 
“I’ll go check the office,” Felix announced, and shuffled closer to the manager’s office near the back door. He wiggled the doorknob, finding it locked as well. “We’re doooooommed.” 
“No, we’re not. I’m not giving up.” 
In your head, you cursed out the damned security system up and down. If it wasn’t going to work, you would make it work. 
“5. 9. 2. 5. 0. 8.” 
beep beep beEP! 
“Oh my god!!! It worked!!” Your friend jumped up and down in his excitement. 
“Thank God.” 
Felix hiked up his backpack on his shoulders, grabbing the door handle at first, but then stopped. 
“Wait.” He licked his lips, “Before we go out there, I...I wanted to ask you, since it seems like we’re both not doing anything tonight, would you like to maybe...do something...with me?” 
His anxious eyes widened, and you could see his breaths quicken under his wool coat. For a moment, you couldn’t even believe that he had said such a thing. Normally a timid boy, his strike of courage was something that was astonishing to you, but it also made your heart beat just a bit louder in your ears. 
“You want to do something...with me?” 
He giggled lightly. “I just said you.” 
“On Valentines Day?” 
“I-is that weird? I-I’m sorry if I’m weirding you out, I didn’t mean to. I know that we’re friends a-and I think that you’re really cool--I’ve always thought that--but, I never really had the guts to say so, and honestly I don’t know how I’m getting it out now but, I just don’t like the thought of being alone right now, or you being alone. So--” 
“--Felix! Felix, calm down...” Even though your chest was thumping, your sweating hands squeezed your palms to calm yourself down. 
“Sorry...I ramble when I get kind of nervous.” 
His hands nervously fidgeted at his sides, and under the light of the emergency exit sign, a glimmer of gold winked between his fingers. 
Felix asked his question with glimmering eyes. “Would you like to?” 
“Yes. Yes. I would really really like to.” 
“Really?” His smile was filled with the very sunshine that he seemed to carry with him every day. 
“Okay.” He reached for the handle once more, yanking it down, but instead of it swinging from it’s hinges, it clanked, glued to the wall. 
“What?” Felix shook at the handle once more. “It’s not...budging.” 
“Let me try.” You mirrored his action, and sure enough, the door had locked itself in place. “Wait. I thought that it wasn’t supposed to lock after we exited?” 
“I...thought the same.” 
Once giddy, Felix turned solemn and worry chased across his brows. 
“No. Nononono. This can’t be happening.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll just unlock it again.” 
You went back to your mortal enemy, the keypad, and pushed in the buttons, but no green light came from the action. 
“Is it on? Is that supposed to happen?” Felix’s tone edged with anxiety. 
The display screen on the interface had turned blank too. You had seen in movies that if you slapped the thing, maybe it would turn on, but after you had tried, nothing happened. 
“I’ll try the other door.” Felix scuffled over the the front of the café, and you could hear the answer loud and clear even from the back. The other door also had locked and it’s metallic clang resonated through the empty tables and chairs. 
“What do we do?” He asked once he returned to you in the back. 
Even though your heart was racing its way up your throat, you remained as calm as you could. “We call for help. It’ll be okay. Look, there's a phone number here on the panel to call the service company.” 
You drew your phone from your pocket, and it added yet one more object to your list of worries. “I-I don’t have service?? What the hell?” 
Felix opened his phone screen too, and showed you his non-existent bars. “Me too. It’s gotta be the storm right?” 
Your coworker’s eyes flicked back and forth in the darkened hallway, and you could hear his breaths start to quicken one after the other. 
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay.” You fluffed his hair like you had down a few times before, an action that never failed to make him giggle, so you hoped it helped put him at ease. He keened his hand into your hand a bit like a cat would, and it was just too frickin’ cute, even in a situation just as this. 
“So we’re just gonna wait? Wait until our service comes back?” 
“I guess so.” 
Felix started with taking his coat off, and hung it back up in his locker. “Who knows how long that we’ll be here?” 
You did the same, but left your hat on, merely liking the way that it warmed up your head. “Maybe we can make ourselves something to drink? How about, I make something for you, and you make something for me? Sounds kinda fun?” 
“Sure.” Felix responded with a faint smile. 
In the dim lighting of that hallway, you reached for his small hand at his side. 
“Um, looks like we’re still getting to spend tonight together. I wish that it wasn’t like this, but, it’s something, right?” 
He was startled by your action, but let your fingers lace between his. The small connection was the one that had made you feel butterflies just thinking about, and now it really was happening. 
“Felix...I’ve thought before, I think that you’re really cool too.” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You knew that using the ingredients for your own experimentation was against the rules, but you had hoped that your boss would’ve understood considering the situation. The rule had been written on the little spreadsheet that he kept taped to the side of the syrup holder, but that wasn’t going to stop you. 
“No peeking.” Felix giggled as he shook something together in one of the hand-held mixers. 
“No peeking to you either.” You said, scooping some macerated strawberries into the bottom of a cup. 
For a boy as sweet as him, you knew exactly what you wanted to make: it was your own version of the strawberry milk that you had made in the café, but it had chocolate dripping down the sides of the glass and it was topped with chocolate shavings and a lovely amount of whipped cream. 
“You done yet?” You asked while adding your finishing touches. 
“Juuust about.” He rummaged around the little array of fresh prepared herbs that you kept in the minifridge under the counter. “Oookay! Now I am!” 
In the corner of your eye, that last slice of strawberry cake called your name. You thought to yourself, I could always make more. It was the last slice anyway. 
The two of you made a little set up at one of the tables and Felix even thought to turn off a few of the light fixtures, and brought out a couple of those birthday candles that you would use on customers, and arranged them in a cup to burn. 
Happy Birthday! 
You Are Special! 
“Aw, cute.” You slid your drink for him closer, and admired the way that the yellow glow of the candles flickered in his soft brown eyes. 
“I-I thought that it would make it more special, considering that where we are isn’t like, the most special place. Especially for tonight.” 
“I think that it’s special. Or, who you’re with is what makes it special.” 
Your coworker smiled coyly, then took a sip of your strawberry milk. 
“Try yours!” He pushed the iced drink in front of you. It looked a bit like lemonade, but not exactly. Swirls of purple juice danced along with the pulp of the lemons. He had garnished it with a sprig of mint. “It’s blackberry lemonade. I’m sorry if it’s kind of tart. It was my first time making it, but I thought that you would like it.” 
You took a sip, and the second that the concoction touched your lips, it was heavenly. While it was a little tart, the juice of the lemon bit wonderfully on your taste buds, and was complimented well with the sweetness from the ripe berries. 
“Really good. Thank you.” 
He sighed a sigh of relief, then passed you a fork. 
“Maybe this isn’t so bad after all.” 
“You thought that being trapped with me would be a bad thing?” You teased. 
Felix’s eyes adorably widened, looking as if he had spilled his strawberry milk all over the table. “N-no, I didn’t mean that, I just thought that being locked up would feel--” 
“--I’m kidding! Kidding, okay?” 
A tiny oh formed on his mouth, so he took another sip to fill the gap of silence between you. “Your drink is really good too. How did you know that I liked strawberries so much?” 
“Hm, it was a hunch.” 
Actually, he had said it a dozen times or more, but, it was much cuter letting him think that he hadn’t said it before. 
With the light of the candles now dripping a bit of wax onto the table, all of his features seemed so much softer: he was like some kind of dream, almost like a mythical being that you must’ve imagined. 
You wondered, maybe this was the kind of love that he wanted: the kind of love that was sharing something that you had made, something special to you in a simple place, a place that was not much else other than the people who made it. Or, maybe this was the kind of love that you wanted. 
Your pants pocket felt a little heaver, and you snuck your fingers in. The touch of your fingertips felt the cold and smooth metal first, then they ran over the outline of the arrow shapes on the flat side. 
“Mmm. You made this cake so well!!” Felix did a little dance while popping in a bite. 
“Felix?” You ran your finger over the golden piece. “I’m glad that we’re stuck here together.” 
“Me...too.” He shied. 
Carefully, you took your fingers to trace the yellow strands of his hair dipping over his forehead, taking in the way that they tickled your skin. In his nervousness, he took another sip, gulping loudly with eyes fluttering. On his lower lip, a bit of the cream streaked, and all you could do was wonder how it might’ve tasted there on his strawberry pink lips. 
“Can I...kiss you?” 
You could nearly see the way that his heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird in the way that his shoulders rose and fell with his anticipatory breaths. 
“Yes.” He whispered. 
You leaned forward slowly as to not scare him, tilting your head to the side as you pressed your lips against his. You had thought right: there really was nothing sweeter. His shaking breaths quivered over your lips while he tentatively kissed back, and it made your chest ache thinking about how nervous he must’ve been. You didn’t want to startle him, bur rather gently kissed him slow, carefully and respectfully. He shivered at the feeling, and his hand crinkled the napkin in his hand. The other, he had drawn out to rest on your leg, and rubbed his thumb into your jeans. The sweetness of the cream on his lips caught on yours, and it was unlike any kind of flavor you could have ever imagined. 
After a moment, you drew back, and Felix appeared like he was about to burst with giggles but held himself back. 
“I-I really liked that.” He tried his best to keep his composure. 
“Me too.” Turns out, you really didn’t know what to do with yourself either. Instead, Felix made the decision for you. In seconds, he had launched his small body into your arms and wrapped himself around you in a hug so tight that it was nearly suffocating. 
“I always kinda wondered what that would be like...with you.” He squeezed you tighter. “I can’t believe that just happened.” His smile cracked though his words. 
You wrapped your arms back around him and you could have sworn that you could feel his fluttering heart against your own. 
“Me too Felix.” You breathed in his scent which was that of daisies and candy floss. 
“Can we...do it again maybe?” He leaned back with arms slung around your shoulders and pleading eyes. 
“Of course.” You wove your hands into his puff-ball hair. “Can I try something?” 
An even more sickly sweet idea crept into your brain. 
“What’s that?” 
You took your thumb to scoop up just a little bit more of the cream bubbling on his drink, then carefully wiped it over his bottom lip, just as if you had been coloring him like a finger painting. You sucked off the excess, and he watched as you did so with wonder. 
“You’re just so sweet, I can’t get enough of you.” You hushed into him, leaning closer once more. 
His eyes fluttered closed, and with his quivering breath, he waited for you to kiss away the taste there, sucking the flavor into your mouth, then going to kiss over his parted mouth. A rather awkward creaking of chairs echoed, and he pulled his body closer to yours, and let you fill him to the brim with kisses in all of the places that you desired. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and he even giggled into some of your kisses too. His hands found the sides of your face where he held you there gently. Once he was comfortable, the warm feeling of your tongues met, and he nearly melted from the sensation. Your hands crept around his tiny waist, and you never let go. 
It felt like the moment that you had been waiting for. 
Your lips broke, and Felix threw his arms over your shoulders again, dipping his head into the crook of your neck where he stayed for a while as you ran your fingers up and down his back. 
Outside it was a much colder and harsher world, but here, it was your own kind of paradise, and it was sweet like strawberry. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
At some point, you had fallen asleep together on one of the loveseats: a pile of legs and arms all tangled up together. When the morning came, the snow had subsided, but rather was caught up everywhere in the streets and sidewalks, and sparkled like diamonds. 
It was your manager that had woken you up, and of course you had gotten in trouble, not at first for sleeping in the café, but for leaving the all the doors unlocked. 
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bisexualsforprompto · 4 years
Worth Chapter Two
(Mostly some introductions, integral exposition. The next chapter will be far more interesting).
Marinette walked onto the plane, the day was a much better day. She had a whole breakfast, and was so excited that she never even thought of disappointing anybody. That is until she got onto the bus, Lila started talking about how the city was crime ridden and she couldn’t believe Marinette would let them go. Marinette’s heart sank, she was right. Gotham was dangerous, if something happened she’d never forgive herself. She’d be a failure just like Chat always knew.
Luckily for her, Lila’s story had to be centered around the liar herself so she quickly changed the subject and regaled the bus with her “true stories” of how she and Batman had teamed up, he even wanted to make her a superhero, but of course Lila was too busy. She also told the bus about how her and Damian Somethingorother (marinette couldn’t remember the name because her BS detector was going off too loudly) were in an on again off again relationship. Marinette sat down in a back seat in the bus, she knew that Alya wouldn’t join her, she was too invested in Lila’s story, but to her delight Kay joined her.
Kay Khan was Marinette’s other best friend. Gigantic theatre nerd, couldn’t go a day without talking or singing but Marinette wouldn’t have it any other way. The rest of the class thought she was a little odd, but she was a genius. Like freaky smart, so they all tried to work with her when they could. Unfortunately for Kay, Marinette was really her only friend because she was...overly blunt. Kay didn’t have a filter and Lila took her down pretty quickly.
On Kay’s first day she came into the class and expressed her adoration of theatre when Miss. Bustier asked her what her hobbies were. Kay told the class that her favorite musical was Newsies because Jeremy Jordan was the original Jack Kelley. So of course Lila said that she personally knew him, on that day Marinette was not happy. Chat had been a handful the night before and she expected the new girl to fall for Lila’s lies, instead Kay asked, “Wasn’t he just amazing in Dairy Boys?” Lila nodded and exclaimed, “I saw him in that. A true work of art.” Kay smirked and sat down, but not before saying, “That’s funny because Jeremy Jordan was never in Dairy Boys, oh, and Dairy Boys doesn’t exist.”
Marinette knew Kay and her would be great friends, but that meant Lila had Kay targeted. Not only for humiliating her (which she quickly covered with another idiotic lie), but also because she vowed she’d take Marinette’s friends away. That included the weird new girl. It didn’t help that Adrien also seemed to hate Kay, mostly because she had called out Lila. If it had been a year ago Marinette would’ve never talked to Kay just because Adrien didn’t seem to like her, but after Chat Noir had demeaned her as Ladybug she felt like she didn’t deserve somebody like Adrien. Marinette gradually fell out of love with Adrien until there were no feelings left. She hadn’t felt romantic love in a really long time, she didn’t deserve it.
The class already wasn’t fond of Kay, especially since she missed classes a lot. Her mother was a director who was directing a movie Kay starred in in Paris. Her first television debut. The class was naturally insanely jealous, but it didn’t matter to Kay because she was barely in school to hear the awful things they said.
The only reason she was going on the trip was because she had family in Gotham and her mother decided to give her a little break. Kay accepted when she knew Marinette had planned the trip, she wanted to keep an eye on her best friend. She wasn’t the best with expressing emotions or giving advice but she could tell Mari was spiraling sometimes. Kay knew all about spiraling…
Kay sat down next to Marinette, starting to giggle. Mari smiled, Kay’s laugh was ridiculous and normally she laughed at funny musical memes nobody got but her, it brought Marinette lots of entertainment to hear Kay say every time she looked at a meme and Marinette asked about it, “YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF [INSERT SHOW TITLE HERE]?!?!” Marinette was about to ask what Kay was laughing at before somebody beat her to it, only this somebody wasn’t going about it the way Mari would’ve.
“Spaz, why are you laughing at Lila?!” Ivan asked pointing rudely at Kay. “Yeah! You have no right to laugh at her!” Mylené said coming to her boyfriend’s defense.
“I wasn’t laughing at her, I was laughing at something she said.” Kay stated plainly before slapping her headphones on. Marinette internally facepalmed, Kay was far too blunt. Lila started her crocodile tears but Miss Bustier stood up on the plane for a head count before it escalated too far. While she took role the class still shot daggers with their glares at Kay, but only Marinette seemed to notice, Kay was lost in the world of her headphones.
Alya was still entranced in Lila’s story but she wasn’t too harsh on Kay, her and Nino were pretty indifferent about her. Alya at first wasn’t too fond of her because despite Marinette being friends with her Lila claimed she was a bully, but Alya warmed up to her when she and Kay bonded over superheroes they liked. Kay had watched a lot of superhero movies because her mom had directed them but Alya still knew more. Kay and Alya had a mutual respect for each other, Nino was basically Alya’s extension so he felt the same, so they didn’t really talk and Alya didn’t gang up on her like the others.
Marinette knew Kay didn’t like to be disturbed when she had her headphones on. It was headphones on, world off. Marinette did text her though, so she could talk to her friend before they took off and eventually fell asleep.
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: Wait so what were you laughing at that Lie-la said?
Kay Khan: lol the guy she was talking about was one of my friends when I lived in Gotham!
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: cool! Do you’ll think you’ll see him? I’d like to meet any friends of yours!
Kay Khan: It’s possible, anything’s possible (Suessical). Ummm mayb. He’s kinda moody tho so he might be somewhat rude just warnin ya.
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: Really? I can’t imagine you being friends with somebody like that. You’re literally sunshine.
Kay Khan: Awwww thankies! But Damian is super cool once he warms up to you, he’ll like you I bet. OMG I BET HE’LL LIKE YOU!!! ;)
Mari!!!☺️🤩🥳😺🤗: as...exciting as it is you shipping me with another guy I haven’t even met, the airplane dude just said turn off devices headphone girl.
Kay Khan: Dang! (Dang diggity dang a dang) I only got like 5 minutes into Jesus of Suburbia. Oh welllll
Kay took off her headphones and turned off her cell phone. She smiled at Marinette before the plane took off. Marinette took out her sketchbook as Kay quickly fell asleep. Marinette envied her, she could literally fall asleep anywhere anytime. Marinette looked out her window as she sketched for inspiration, and before she knew it she found inspiration within a sparkling city they were landing in.
“Psst, Kay. We’re here.” Marinette said in a hushed whisper as she poked at Kay. Kay sat up straight and rubbed her eyes.
“Dope! Let’s get this par-tay started!” She cheered quietly. Marinette giggled, “It’s 3am in Eastern time, I’m pretty sure even the Gotham people aren’t partying.”
“You never know.” Kay shrugged. Marinette giggled a little softer, trying not to wake the sleeping passengers on the plane until they landed in the airport completely. The French class started buzzing quietly from excitement but everyone was mostly too tired to be too excited so it was a relief to everyone when they were passed out in their rooms in the Wayne Hotel.
Kay and Marinette were elated for the days to come. Kay was going to make sure Marinette enjoyed her trip, no matter what.
Tag list (lemme know if you wanna be added/ I forgot you/ spelled your name wrong):
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nikatyler · 7 years
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Sims Q&A
I've been tagged twice for this (or at least that's what my activity feed shows), so I'm going to do this tag twice. I'm choosing my other favourite redhead for this one.
Also, Caleb, can you like, um, I don't know, smile for the camera?
Sim's name: Caleb Rose
1. What is your sim’s favorite food? Spaghetti
(hello it's 10 pm, i ate my dinner already but thinking about food makes me feel hungry again) i mean it was 10 pm when i wrote this
2. What is your sim’s favorite color? Dark purple
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? He's a Libra!
4. Does your sim believe in “love at first sight”? I don't think so. His views are very realistic when it comes to...most of the stuff.
5. What is your sim’s sexuality? Straight.
6. Is your Sim a cat or dog person? (or both?) This might be a dumb headcanon, but considering his sister is allergic to cats, he always somewhat disliked them. He's more of a dog person.
7. Adding to the previous question, if your sim were to have a cat and/or dog, what kind/breed(s) would it be? Husky
8. Does your Sim have a best friend? Of course he has a best friend, and he hates him most of the time. (Hi Tyler :D)
9. Does your Sim have a favorite life stage? I'd say his favourite memories come from his teenage years.
10. What is your sim’s ethnicity? White
11. If your Sim could travel to anywhere in the world, where would they visit? Willow Creek so that he could see his little sister again. Sadly, he's very aware of the fact they'll never meet again. (too soon?)
12. If your Sim was a castaway on a distant, uncharted island, who would they bring? Here's the thing: Try to separate him from his daughter and his wife and you're dead. I'm just saying.
13. Does your Sim have a favorite tv show and/or movie? Caleb will love any good history tv show.
14. Does your sim believe in the “simulation theory”? He didn't at first. But then a lot of things happened and now he's convinced someone is in charge of this rollercoaster of life.
15. Does your Sim have a favorite kind of clothing to wear? That cardigan or whatever it is (I'm not good at fashion terms, sorry) that he's been wearing since April queues? Yeah, that one. That's his favourite one.
16. Does your Sim have a lucky charm? Kind of? I mean, everything always works out in the end.
*insert another aggressive winking*
17. What kind of music or singers does your sim listen to? I'm just going to copy this from the fact thing I did earlier so that at least one thing in this makes sense XD Caleb likes to listen to rock ballads and quite a lot of 90′s songs. He’s not really into new music.
18. Does your Sim have a favorite family activity to do together? Playing videogames.
19. What is your sim’s age? Ooooh. He's in his mid 40's in the queue right now. That's weird. I mean it's not weird but...it is weird, okay. Gen 4 can't be getting old. Nope, not happening.
20. Does your Sim have a dream job? He's always wanted to be a teacher.
21. What is your sim’s favorite beverage? English tea
22. What is your sim’s favorite dessert? can you believe i can't think of any dessert right now?
23. Does your Sim have any siblings? if so, do they get along with all of them? Three of them, and yes, he does, even if it's hard sometimes. (Hi Tyler :D)
24. What activity/hobby makes your sim the happiest? He loves playing chess, even though he's actually bad at it. (Miracle sometimes lets him win though.)
25. If you could meet your sim, would you be friends with them? Ummm...he and his brother (hi Tyler) share the worst personality traits with me, soooo...but yeah, I think we'd get along!
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11 Questions tag
I was tagged by the ah-mazing @stylessemantics Thank you, girl! And sorry for the delay
1. Always post these rules
2.Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
3,Write 11 questions of your own  
4. Tag 11 people
1.Do you have a pet name? What is it and why, and if you don’t have/don’t like pet names; why?
I have loads of pet names which I don’t wanna say out loud, just because. And most of them are either word play with my name or based on my attitude or habits. And though they are extremely annoying, I think I kinda love it ‘cause it has become a part of who I am?
2. Tell me a joke.
As Harry said, this is the hardest way to say a joke.
3. Are you a plant inside the house person? if yes, fake or real plants. If not: why?
I’m not :/ I got no heat against it. It’s just one of those things of whose significance I don’t get. I mean, like highlighters. Like you can just underline the text, no need to make rainbows of your textbook.
4. Take me down memory lane and tell me a first. (first tattoo, first kiss, first time you saw the colour pink idc, just take me with you)
First of all, smooth Iv, very smooth.
Okay, no tattoos or kisses, yet. So lemme talk about the first time I saw the Himalayas which is misleading ‘cause I live in the lesser Himalayas but oh well   So, what it’s like to stand in the middle of white peaks and the cold wind numbing all your senses? Belittling, that’s what. When you realize how large and infinite the world is and how transient we are. It’s just so…. spiritual. Like falling back on the lap of nature and knowing that’s where we came from and that’s where we are going. Okay, I’ll stop now.
5. Pick one of Harry’s 8 unreleased songs and give me a prediction. What does it sound like? What is it about? Get creative and write a verse of the song if you want. Just for funsies!
Okay, I’m excited for all the songs ‘cause I abso-fucking-lutely love Harry’s song writing skills. But the names, “Sweet Creature” and “Only angel” intrigue me. I know I’m supposed to talk about one but I’ve similar opinion about both. Both the names have two words which usually don’t go with each other and sounds kinda contradicting. it’s like it is romantic but with a tint of darkness. Like “Sweet Creature” being about someone who is sweet and endearing but cannot be qualified as human exactly. Usually it is ‘sweet angel’ or ‘sweet *insert cute animal names*’ but no! It’s a creature which is usually not used in a good notion, but somehow he found it sweet.
Same goes with ‘Only Angel’ like whoever he is referring to is angel, but not just an angel, the only one. Like the only one deserving of that title, the only good one, the only pure one. And the rest? Are they just corrupted, evil? I feel this has some kind of message about today’s scenario as SOTT is assumed to have. But obviously I can be waaay off the mark.
6.You’ve just won a Grammy/ Oscar/ Emmy IDK. Thank you speech? Go:
I’ll go with Nobel ‘cause in my line of work that is the most probable one I can get as if *eye roll*
“Once upon a time, a girl with wild hair and wilder dreams dared to believe that all her dreams can come true. That she can climb Everest and vacate in Antarctica. And while not all dreams come true, some do. As long as you believe. And that’s the only difference between dreamers and doers, when you start believing that that dream will be your reality. Because today’s dreamers are tomorrow’s dream. So keep on dreaming, ‘cause that girl might have not been to Everest or Antarctica…. yet, but still can stand here and tell you, dreams do come true.”
This came out of the blue and totally sounded like Bieber’s Believe promo but hey! If I ever win something as if you got an exclusive sneak peek of my speech!
7. Fill in the blank: I instantly smile when ____ because ____
I instantly smile when I see Harry smile ‘cause it’s bloody infectious.
8. Favourite Harry trait? #AHarryLovePlatform
How he doesn’t give a fuck to gender norms
9. What don’t you understand? (besides this question, come on, be creative)
Ummm I don’t understand why is it so hard for people to grasp the concept of equality. Like, why does it have to be a cause, isn’t that a basic human right?
10. If a sandwich was named after you what would it be called (your name or something else)? What did you do to earn that honour? What’s in it? (taken from my 1 page at a time daily creative companion book)
‘Bitter kick’ made with chocolate and cheese. Most probably ‘cause the maker hates to love me. I might/might not say this from experience
11. Recommend me: a song, a book and a movie. (they can be Harry inspo or not. just give me art!)
A song- Falling for you by Secondhand Serenade (Marcel feels, idk why)
A book- I’ll give you more than one.
The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga
Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho
A movie- Trishna
My Questions:
1. What’s the name of your autobiography if you write one?
2. One incident you will never forget.
3. Lyrics that means a lot to you.
4. You’re winning a Nobel Peace Prize. What’s the cause you worked for?
5. If you are given all the money in the world but need to have a new identity, who are you and where are you?
6. Mountain or ocean?
7. If you were asked to do something out of your comfort zone, what would it be?
8. If you can kill anyone without any repercussions who would you kill and why?
9. Any childhood nightmares?
10. A song that makes you cry.
11. Recommend me: a song, a book and a movie. (Sorry, Iv! Stole your question)
I tag: @harryisthebaneofmyexistence​ @giveyouthisgiveyouthat​ @whoopsharrystyles​ @roseonhissleeve​ @yetanotherharry​ @weeklyfangirl​ @aesthetic-harry​ @kasiwrites​ @oh-styles​ @inwhichitrytowritesomething​ @packersbeanie And also! @stylessemantics because I want to see your answers to my questions​
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endlling · 6 years
RULES: Answer the questions you’ve been given, then write your own and tag 11 people.
tagged by: @askharukakujo​ (thank you~!)
tagging: @thelazyeditor​ , @sarusu​ , @thewanderingchika​ , @tataraxx​ , ummm whoever wants to do this? if you’ve already been tagged please just ignore this, no need to do it twice (unless you really want to)!
my questions:
1. do you have a preference when it comes to threads? short, long, etc.?
I’m fine with any length as long as it’s not one liners. I’ve never been able to do them. I like adding description and feelings and thoughts so just having a sentence of dialogue isn’t enough for me to properly get invested in a thread. 
2. do you like using icons? do you find that they help your writing? do you find them unnecessary?
I love using icons! Sometimes when I’m stuck on writing a thread I look up an icon I might use and that helps me get through the block and figure out what I want to say. Also finding a face claim that works for a muse is a great feeling. Even if a face claim doesn’t look exactly like a character I’m writing if it gives me the feel and looks kinda similar than that’s good enough for me. 
3. is there a certain trait that you would want to take away from your muse(s)? either for the better or the worse?
Make Hotaru more socialble/friendly.
Sometimes I’m afraid Hotaru comes off too grumpy/rude/tsundere/etc. I feel like that’s all really people see of him. He jokes around and has fun and all that good stuff too like others but I’m afraid it doesn’t get to show often enough. 
4. what genre do you enjoy writing the most? what do you enjoy writing the least?
I like fluff and angst and all the in between. I don’t think I have one that I enjoy writing more? Some days I might enjoy writing tragedy and angst but others I just want some cute fluff and silliness. 
I guess for least that would be sex scenes. I’ve never ever written one before and I don’t want to ever. In books and fanfictions I always skip over the scenes because I am hella asexual and I just don’t care to see it described. I don’t mind headcanoning and writing what leads into the sex but the actual act :/ nope.
5. are there any plots/scenarios that you’re absolutely dying to write?
This is hard for me to decide because I don’t like pushing my wants onto others and I feel like saying anything is me doing that buuttttt I’d love more threads exploring characters weak points and them coming out a better person. Or worst person. I want to see my characters at their lowest because they have that - faults, weaknesses, bad points that don’t get seen or pointed out often enough. 
Also android/persocom/etc AU. Give me those feels for robot characters and their human friends and lovers. And one more - I’m sucker for the ‘person a waits for *insert this ridiculous amount of time* for person b to return’. Adding twists like one’s immortal or one’s gone through time and basically disappeared for years. That’s some good stuff.
6. do you listen to music as inspiration for your muse(s)? any songs in particular?
I have songs I relate to muses but I usually don’t listen to it as I write. I like having background noise so the TV on or maybe a youtube video if it’s not too loud or distracting. Majority of the music I reblog on here is linked to one or multiple of my muses, or just the universe in my head in general. 
7. do you like reblogging aesthetic posts/pictures for your muse(s)? do you prefer quotes/poems instead?
I’m a visual kinda gal so I like aesthetic posts and pictures. But! if I see a quote or poem that fits a muse then I will reblog it.
8. do you and your muse(s) have any shared interests? likes/dislikes?
I like to think a little bit of me goes into every oc I create. Like Kura and I both enjoy supernatural things, though she takes it to an extreme and actually goes out looking for it. I’m good watching my crappy ghosts shows on the travel channel. 
I think my ocs share more of my fears/insecurities and that because that’s one way for me to work through that shit and also have a way to let it out.
9. what is your muse(s) biggest flaw? are they aware of it? do they choose to ignore it?
Hotaru does. He knows he has a problem with his attitude and socializing. Souta can see his flaws too but he doesn’t have the best self-worth in the first place so it’s not hard for him to magnify those.
Everyone else I feel would have to be pushed to a point they admit it or come to a realization after some event that triggers it. 
10. does your muse(s) have a trait that you wish you had? or one that you’re glad you don’t have?
I wish I had as much energy and confidence as Kura does. She does what she’s passionate about and isn’t afraid to admit it and enjoy it. 
This is more superficial but I wish I could be a skinny thing like Souta. Maybe not /as/ skinny cause he’s a twig but yeah. I hate having curves (but I love them on others //shot). 
11. positivity time! what is one thing (or multiple!) that you can say you’re proud of about your writing?
I haven’t given up yet. Drawing is my main passion so that takes priority but I do enjoy writing. I have since I learned that it can be fun when you write what you want (Did I write my own version Barbie in Fairytopia on a TAKS test in 4th grade and have a blast doing it? Hell yes I did.) So seeing that I am still here, so and so years later, writing is a really good feeling. Even if the writing never leaves my head I’m still doing it and that’s what matters.
My questions under the cut!
1. What got you into rping? Or more specifically, what got you into rping on tumblr?
2. Do you take inspiration from any other writers, be it published authors or online creators?
3. What is your favorite thing you get out of rping?
4. One or more thing(s) you would like to see come out of this year as a rper?
5. How long have you been rping? 
6. Care to share a good memory or two about your rp experience?
7. If you had to choose one muse to rp as for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Why?
8. Any past muses you wish you could rp as still? Any future you are itching to write?
9. What’s your favorite saying? Have you ever used it in your writing before?
10. If there was a feature tumblr could add to benefit the rp community, what would you want it to be?
11. Tell me something that has happened in the rp community (to you or someone else) that has made you smile.
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