lionfloss · 2 years
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via lafugg
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birdnoise · 2 years
Another good resource for those wondering about fascism in the black metal community. This video actually serves as my inspiration for reviving this old tumblr page after being gone for several years. I hope you enjoy.
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dotglobal · 2 years
dropped this album last year but def my personal favorite track i’ve made in my 13 yrs of making music 
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takeatoke · 2 years
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Notes from the Underground
The underground isn’t a place, it’s an intention. The term in the US political context is widely associated with the “underground railroad,” a network of safe houses and people who “conducted” a clandestine route out of slave states to “free states” in the US, Canada, or Mexico.
The intention was freedom, for some abolition, for others simply accomplicity in the criminal act of achieving dignity, for a class of people forced to live undignified lives, that of the enslaved.
The stories and places in the underground unfold in plain sight: at the bar, or the cafe, at the beach and the park, the safe house and the hotel.  All things constructed in the underground are from “household items.”
There are no doors to the underground, only bridges, not a single moment of passage, but a project of construction that forges pathways, one step at a time.
There are always others there, another requirement of the underground’s existence, sharing. Sharing in some way the intention on which that particular network exists. Most conflicts within the underground are fought over the issue of sharing or lack thereof. Sharing risk, sharing power, glory, attention, or money.
The stories you’ll find here are an exercise in maintaining my own memory, and like all memories some are clear, while others are hazy, some are facts, while others are memories forgotten, fighting still to influence the present, and making themselves into mythology.
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chikinan · 1 year
i finally got a psych evaluation scheduled today for the ahdh situation and. i forgot. and missed it.
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thebestestdancers · 4 months
ummm :p i might be high
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the-fourth-knower · 2 years
WHY the [dolphin noises] is SONIC the pilot????
out of literally anyone you pick Underground Sonic? why
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tezzbot · 2 months
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Out of context bits and pieces for a silly little Sonic Undergorund AU bc it's buzzing around in my head rn hehe
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aliorsboxostuff · 9 months
just finished Good Omens s2, feeling real good rn !
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spoilers bellow the cut !
GUYS... yall can find another fanfic writer i am six feet undergorund rn i am dead i am deceaded i have left the mortal realm
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HOLY SHIT IM GONNA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAMS !!!!!!!! SHOUTS !!!!!!!!!!! EATS GLASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
They had so much time, so much buildup, years and years and thousands of millenias and decades of bond and trust and just... just..? god.. sigh
if anyone needs me I'll be deep in the Good Omens tag in AO3 and will currently be digging my own grave, thanks.
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myrskytuuli · 10 months
Part of me did wish that the ao3 attackers would have been russian hackers, because it would have been incredibly funny to imagine Putin seething in his bunker, after spectacularly failing in his war, descending down to a undergorund volcano-lair where I imagine all Kremlin online-trolls work, and with glowing eyes declaring that if nothing else works it’s time to hit those degenerate westerners where it really hurts, and then all the faceless hackers unifyingly start working to take down ao3.
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chez-mimich · 4 months
Cominciamo da un dubbio: le 771 pagine del possente libro di Wille Hermes, ci restituiscono un Lou Reed visto al microscopio. Un lavoro immane di ricostruzione, quasi maniacale, della vita di Reed, della sua sfera privata, dei rapporti con i Velvet Undergound e con Andy Warhol che può lasciare anche qualche dubbio. E' pur vero che Will Hermes, collaboratore della rivista "Rolling Stones" e del "New York Times", ha potuto lavorare sui materiali che la famiglia di Reed ha reso disponibili e che sono attualmente conservati presso la New York Public Library, ma nonostante questo è difficile credere ad una ricostruzione fedele al reale di dialoghi, confessioni, serate, atteggiamenti, persino rapporti intimi, come se la vita di Lou Reed si fosse svolta in una sorta di faraonico "Grande Fratello" che copra quasi settant'anni della sua vita.
Al di là di questa considerazione preliminare e del tutto personale, il libro di Hermes è oltremodo interessante e rivelatore di fatti e cirocostanze, atteggiamenti e convinzioni di questo gigante della controcultura Underground e della sua musica. Molto complesso anche sintetizzare in un post (di lunghezza accettabile), il succo dell'intero lavoro di Hermes. Certamente, dalla lettura, emerge un affascinante parallelismo tra la convulsa e maledetta vita di Lou Reed e il profilo di una città, New York City, che hanno riempito la scena della musica d'avanguardia, dell'arte, del cinema e del costume dalla metà degli anni Sessanta fino al Duemila e oltre. Del resto anche il titolo allude ad un regnante e al suo regno in maniera piuttosto inequivocabile. Ma ci sono anche altre storie che scorrono come fiumi carsici in questo volume e nella vita di Lou Reed e molti artisti della sua generazione: la storia della dipendenza dalla droghe e qualche volte dall'alcol di Reed e di moltissimi musicisti e addetti ai lavori della sua generazione e le rivendicazioni nascenti della “Queer Culture” che si affacciava massicciamente in quegli anni, soprattutto negli ambienti legati all’arte e alla musica. Lou Reed incontrò gli stupefacenti molto presto e non se ne liberò mai e Will Hermnes ne rende conto puntualmente, anzi con una precisione quasi maniacale a partire dagli anni della Syracuse University, dove Reed studiava giornalismo e dove ebbe il fondamentale incontro con lo scrittore Delmore Scwartz, anch’egli dipendente dall'alcol. Gli anni dell'università videro anche la nascita del suo primo gruppo musicale, "The Shades"; il secondo gruppo non ha bisogno di nessuna presentazione perchè si chiamava, come tutti sanno, "Velvet Undergorund", gruppo che paradossalmente, come sottolinea Hermes, non aveva alcuna possibilità di avere un pubblico di massa, benché figli della propria epoca e facenti parte di un panorama musicale dominato dal rock e dal pop in tutte le loro multiformi sfaccettature,perché erano troppo sofisticati per piacere a tutti, troppo cerebrali, troppo incuranti del pubblico. Un gruppo che già nel 1966 aveva una batterista donna, Maureen Tucker, non poteva andare lontano nel mondo maschilista della musica. Il libro indaga e descrive fin troppo dettagliatamente, come si diceva i rapporti di Reed con Sterling Morrison, Nico, John Cale. (Continua)
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the-fandom-qu33n · 10 months
Chapter 3____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
After what had seemed like Asgore knows how long
 red had eventually left the bar..
sighing in relief Grillby looked around..it seemed even the other monsters were as surprised and caught off guard as he...why?
..red hadn't cause a fight this time. He didn't seem to care enough to rile anyone up as strange as it was Grillby... wouldn't complain... 
his precious bar was clean and somewhat in order...less chaos...
the rest of the night was the same... even closing had no issues...
walking y/n down the stairs of the trap door Grillby noted how  drowsy you were...maybe the sugary drink was to much for you today... he had read sugar crashes were a common thing for children... he should have sprung for the sugar free soda instead...curse his need to please his child...
scanning over y/ns poor tired state. He couldn't help but worry...maybe being at the bar at all was a bad idea. Did someone slip something into your drink when he turned away? 
oh fuck he was a terrible father        he should have kept his eyes on you!!  flickering in panic he checked your stats sighing in relief seeing nothing damaging...he sighed again smiling to himself picking you up taking you to your room to tuck you in..you muttered tiredly words uncoherent...he chuckled before putting you to bed pulling the covers over you...your now faint flames dancing across the oiled blanket...good...even your fire was ok...
being fire monsters was difficult he knew that well...sitting beside you he noted how his purple flames lit up the walls of your room...casting his beautiful creation in a violet hue that meshed with your own...when you changed color you looked so much like her it made his soul ache.  
your mother was a crystal monster from waterfall .     a beautiful woman Grillby didn't plan on falling for after all he was in danger being in waterfall alone
 many challenges he had faced.  Many monsters he fought.....  but all in all it ended in creating you...his wonderful rainbow of flaming color...he loved it
if the undergorund knew you he was sure you'd be well loved and sought after. Snarling to himself in those thoughts he sighed even if they loved you for you...most monsters like your mother ... were from the other areas of the underground...his precious baby was never safer than in this bar in this room with him ...where he can keep you safe..
most of the underground is either raining water...covered in water or surrounded in it...not many places were fire monster safe...not every item in the underground was flame resistant either.. before you were born and your mother had dusted...he had made sure to spring into action and gather any item he thought you'd ever need...things he never had and things he knew would keep you safe...
sure many of his rules seemed unfair to other monsters...sure his lies would one day catch up to him.. but then again not many monsters knew about you. He had made sure of that...only letting certain monsters in when you were around...any curious monster who snooped where they didn't belong was.. 
"dealt" with  swiftly 
but right now to have kept you alive for 21 solid years...was enough to sooth this poor flame monsters soul for the night.
 turning over to curling into your plushie pile ..many plushies to hold and adore..he had gave you every single one you pointed at as a child..from unicorns to dragons to some weird puffy cat thing. you sighed happily muttering a goodnight to him as he went to close your door.
"goodnight my dear..."
smiling to himself he began walking down the hall to his own room humming to himself in the process.. looking at the pictures and various trinkets of memories lining the walls. he had a good business...a good stable income of gold..a sturdy food supply and a wonderful daughter to keep him company.
"mngh..hope to meet that new m..onster tomorrow..."
he froze feeling his flames spark as his eyes grew wide.looking back to your door he ran what you had said through his mind as his eyes narrowed at the thoughtof his daughter meeting that damned skeleton or worse...both skeleton brothers...out of all the monsters to have you meet he NEVER in a millennia would have expected youto have been curious over RED...if you stumbled on another monster he would have worked with it...convinced them to keep quiet about you...bribe or whatever was necessary but red?no...gritting his fangs he growled at the thought of that brute going near you making his flames whip angrily.he'd dust the fucker himself regardless of the consequences...out of everyone...
he was the worst influence....
drifting off into dream land
 you couldn't stop your mind from fading as everything went black.......
flowers...a field of glowing strange multicolor flowers swayed in the breeze...almost like and ocean as they moved and bent with the power of the soft breeze...as it swirled around her...in response her flames flickering and swaying with the flowers as if in a strange synchronized dance...a calming sense washed over her as she sat running her flaming hands through the flowers expecting them to shrivel and turn to ash at the slightest brush of her skin... but they didn't. They simply disappeared..as the time grew longer the area grew darker...casting the flowers in a dark shadow...in response they began to glow...turning a bright blue as they began whispering ...why was it so dark?..where did the light go?...where was she? looking up after a second she gasped in awe...there was a dark expanse above. Littered in thousands of tiny balls of light.a bright round circle glowed brightly among the others casting the flowers and herself in a white glow turning her flames a pure white before going back into a translucent shadow..was she a shadow?...why... how..? ...
 this is all new... what was this?...
a new crystal cluster in the undergrounds ceiling?... she must find it!
wait...why did it look so far away?...would she be able to reach it?
looking back down she flickered in confusion.
 What was this green fur like thing coating the ground around these flowers?...was it perhaps a plant to?... why was it green...?
a grumble of annoyance sounded a bit always away causing her to look over...another shadow a shorter one was sitting far off in another field of flowers but didn't seem happy in the slightest...ripping at the beautiful blooms to shreds as it growled. 
You flinched watching the once gorgeous shining flowers turning a dark black before fading away with a whispy  cry that  littered the air catching the breeze turning the atmosphere  an inky black color tainting the view slightly almost like a thick fog.. ..
the air smelled of something sour...
" ya fuckin kiddin me...here again?!  fuck even ma dreams mock me..."
tilting your head you watched in curiosity as it stood up yelling at the ..ceiling
"where's the rest eh?! where's the fuckin brat ta taunt me !?" 
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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pinkhuman99 · 1 year
Toriel ♡
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1. Appletun: You know why this is here. It's a pie Pokémon. Now, there isn't a butterscotch or cinnamon Pokémon, but Appletun works just fine here. Those floppy "ears", which look like Toriel's own ears, are actually Appletun's eyes! Appletun is apparently also very popular with children...because they eat the pie crusts off its back. Huh. Well, now you have that knowledge. It doesn't hurt the Appletun though, so it's fine.
2. Chandelure: This Pokémon is a ghost and fire type. Toriel needed at least one fire type of course! I also think Chandelure's elegant shape and purple flames match Toriel's aesthetic and roylaty. Its tendency to haunt dilapidated places matches Toriel's purple Kingdom in the Ruins. Like Toriel, this Pokémon "wields flames with mastery." It said that there are constant funerals in places where Chandelure hangs...a nod to the many deaths of the children who have fallen under Toriel's care. 
3. Hatterene: Hatterene is a feminine, fairy-tale Pokémon resembling an evil queen, a wicked stepmother, and a damsel stuck in a tower all at the same time. It is a serious Pokémon, alluding to Toriel's serious and intelligent side. It's no question she was the brains in the operation of the throne. This Pokémon dislikes strong emotion, much like how Toriel rules with sound reasoning and left when Asgore made his rash declaration of war in a fit of rage.
4. Blissey: Blissey is a cutesy, motherly Pokémon who is the pinnical of nurturing. I promise, I'm not boiling Toriel down to just "mother" (boiled egg pun intended). However, Blissey really feels like a Pokémon she would have. It is not only motherly, but great competitively. It has great defense and special defense, so it can take a lot of damage as well as dole it out. Like Toriel does with the fallen children, Blissey will nurse any sick or injured person or Pokémon back to health. Also like Toriel, it has a layer of soft fur.
5. Gardevoir: Gardevoir is a guardian Pokémon that is as powerful as it is elegant. According to its Pokédex entry, "Its pure white dress, reminiscent of those worn by ladies of nobility, is the dress of one who is willing to risk their life." It is in opposition to Gallade, which is used by Undyne. This is an allusion to the timelines where Undyne takes over the throne and Toriel steps down; they solve disputes and deal with Humans in opposite ways. However, like Toriel, Gardevoir is not a pushover. It may look fragile, but it is capable of intense psychic power.
6. Nidoqueen: Paired with Asgore's Nidoking, there's an obvious reason Toriel, as ex-Queen of the Undergorund, has a Pokémon with "queen" in its name. This Pokémon it at its strongest when it is protecting its children. Again, like Toriel, this Pokémon is better at and prefers defense to offense.
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Toriel's Legendary is Cresselia and her Mythical is Diancie.
Cresselia: Described as looking like a "heavenly maiden", this Pokémon is representative of the cresent moon. It's purple colouration, bird-like appearance, and three-fold design resemble the robes worn by Toriel in the Ruins. It is said that anyone who sleeps while holding one of its feathers will have joyous dreams. I imagine Toriel encounters this Pokémon in the Ruins as it watches over the Human children sleep.
Diancie: Known as the "jewel Pokémon", it is a visual pun on "princess cut," a type of cut of jewels. It might also be inspired by the concept of a queen bee. Apparently, it can create diamonds instantly by compressing carbon in its hands. Not only is Diancie relayed to royalty as a "princess cut," but it could also be a reference to "crown jewelles," like those in a royal crown. I imagine this Pokémon was passed down through monster royals in the Underground since it is found in caves with another, closely-related rock type Pokémon, Carbink.
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lavenderyulu · 2 years
please never let me fact check anything and dissect any sort of plot because i will go into a rant about how inconsistent it may be. for example, my friend and i hopped into a call to watch a few pokemon episodes, but within 10 minutes i directed the conversation to, and in this order:
- How im disappointed we didn't really get to see Alain form an actual full team of pokemon apart from one singular metang -> metagross
- Where alain got his pokemon from in kalos
- Where lysandre labs was located in the anime
- Trying to find out where it was located through the megalith bc it made a beeline for the sundial in the anime
-finding out not only where lysandre labs is located, but also the fact that if in fact the megalith DID make a beeline for the sundial IT WOULD GO TREKKING THROUGH ALL OF KALOS AND THROUGH LUMIOSE CITY AND THE POKEMON LEAGUE. (then again i have a vendetta against the megalith plots inconsistencies so...)
- Looking at lumiose city too close and finding out it has a river going through it/ a canal
-spending a  good half an hour trying to find pictures of said canal
-finding said pictures in the clemont, bonnie and cilan special and then watching it
- trying to figure out the metro system in kalos
- trying to figure out how clemont, bonnie and cilan went from a undergorund metro system tunnel AND ENDED UP IN THE UNDERWATER TUNNEL LEADING BACK OUT TO THE CANAL?
the moral of the story is i have a problem
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f0xd13-blog · 2 months
Israel has a bunker undwrground full of blood idk where they got that blood from and the millions to built bunkers undergorund.. this shit should be an issue specially coz we are blood doners and i quwstion where that blood is going through all this years and had places paying the debts that should havw been payed by israel. Bomb them
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