#v: untitled
im-on-fire-today · 1 year
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Who did it? We all know who did it.
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eightyuh · 9 months
I know you've probably got like a billion asks but I love Glen soo much. I want to grasp him firmly. Like the rat. Grasped firmly.
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i can't NOT draw that c'mon...
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foxinys · 6 months
Hyunjin x I.N — untitled
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
very bad news to the people who came for untitled comic content
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So we all know pride month is the day this mf come to life
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So this is more of an announcement for whoever in the McMuns Hut Server. In honor of Goode Phineas, I will be playing the goose game in stream around 1:00am ATS time zone.
Hope you all ready for it~
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shalmonsdraws · 11 months
against my better judgment, i have started a devlog for my possible RPGmaker experiment  :’v  feel free to follow here!  i’ve not yet been tagging the posts since i’m new to gamedev journaling & have no confidence, so just quietly announcing here for now  🙃 basically i’m going to be queue’ing up my daily logs in topical chunks rather than one big post (and that way maybe they’ll build up enough to fill in during inactive times lol) but i’ve never really done one of these, so the format may change? might reblog the more art-focused ones here, but the more warbly wip stuff will stay over there 
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hugsohugs · 2 months
of course the one indie world showcase i skip has the little kitty big city release date announcement
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snail-eggs · 1 year
untitled 02 | 04.24.23
synopsis: V sits boneless on the floor of the Afterlife's bathroom and asks him if she's been good. a/n: just exercising the ol' writing muscle and getting a feel for my V and Johnny's dynamic make sure to check ao3 for tags and warnings. stay safe and read at your own discretion :)
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She asks him if she’s good and he isn’t entirely sure what she means. Crimson runs from her nose and into her mouth, down to her neck and into her shirt. V sits boneless on the floor of the Afterlife’s bathroom and she asks him if she’s good. He can feel her hearing fading away as if it was his—because it is his. The relic is wreaking havoc on her body and somewhere far away, he feels the hurt. 
He’s kneeling down, making himself as small as he can in the stall with her though he does not have to. “V, what the fuck’re you talkin’ about?”
“Am I good?” She sounds weak. Scared. Johnny has called her many things since appearing in her head—Corpo Cunt, waste of space—all of them foul. He does not deserve residence in this body of hers and yet he has it. Her eyes fall to his slowly, like the movement of her irises is just too much. In his chest a pit forms. He wants to tell V to reach for the pills in her pocket, to let him take over. To let him take care of her. 
Recently he’s taken to caring for her. 
V stares at him and behind her bleary eyes, he can see distress. He feels an acceptance. Someone walks in and quickly walks back out seeing the state of her. She laughs a laugh that sounds like a groan. “Johnny,” he remembers how she’d said his name back in Pacifica after she sank into that tub of ice. How it made his heart drop just like this. “Please just tell me.”
He knows he’ll have to take over, she knows that too. But she’s sitting in it. Johnny doesn’t know why she’s just sitting in it. “‘Course you’re good, V.” If he could touch her—really touch her—he would. He tries even now as his organic hand phases through her own. She feels it somewhere distantly in the back of her mind. 
She scrunches her nose at him. “You’re so full of shit.” V closes her eyes, exhales a shaky breath. In these moments she becomes keenly aware that she is dying. That she is losing herself more and more. V opens her mouth to speak. A rush courses through her, one that courses through him as well. Her words catch in her throat and words do not come out, though she tries. And then they just do. “I’m gonna miss you when I’m gone.” Dead or faded into his subconcious, whichever comes first. 
“Let me take over,” he can’t find it in him to believe that she would. Not very much. “Just take ‘em, V.” And so she does.
V finds it hard to not give into Johnny most days.
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marcelineuntitled · 1 year
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my boys <3
version without lighting:
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A BIG BOI!  He’s based off of a design I posted a couple weeks back on my Patreon when I was working on some concepts for robots in the sci fi wip story, except this is much more refined LOL  He’s meant to be a guard robot, or some such that works alongside soldiers for jobs that require more manpower 🤜🏽
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themerrymutants · 1 year
"Thorin Oakenshield, are you in?" Gandalf asked knocking on the door with his staff. A beat passed before he added: "I assure you that I do come merely to visit."
Well to visit and to drop off whatever he'd been travelling with but he knew full well that any allusion to his strange companion would keep the door locked and windows shuttered. Said companion let out a soft hiss; at what eru only knew. It seemed to find most things disagreeable including, but certainly not limited to: robes (thankfully it was weak from whatever had the absence of mind to attack it), sticks breaking, leaves rustling, and coin purse that had fallen (it refused to go anywhere near that side of the cart the entire night).
37 was fast asleep in the back of the healer's cart, its mind sweeping the area for anything that could be a threat as it slept. Flashes of memories that it couldn't quite comprehend filled its mind, shouting, running, a flash of a knife, a great light, then darkness. It woke at the healer stopping then leaving the cart, letting out a soft hiss as the shift in weight from his departure shook it.
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Now awake it sat up just enough for two deer-like ears to poke out over the side. It reached its mind out as far as it could racing through the minds it touched along the way. Animals were ignored, people marked but left alone, orcs were dealt with on touch. It reached the end of its range quickly flickering through minds fast enough for most to miss it; all at once it snapped its mind back to its present location to resume its telepathic rounds.
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im-on-fire-today · 1 year
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Backpack mode, but goose style
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mcarter · 2 years
For some in the city, the setting of the sun and rising of the moon called them away, beckoning them into their beds for an evening’s rest. Such a thing had not happened to – or for – Peggy Carter since she had lied on her enlistment forms, falsifying her age so that she could slip into the folds of the military. An aptitude for espionage and mind for codebreaking soon had her welcomed into agencies more accustomed to working in the shadows.
Her post-war life would prove no different. In this new world, there was no Eastern or Western Front – war loomed around the corner, ready to strike before a moment’s notice could even be given. Barely two years before, the war – now being dubbed the Second World War – had come to a close. Yet for those like Peggy, work continued. It was simply that the spotlight shifted. Now, she sought to end wars before they had the chance to begin.
All of which was a prelude to her latest assignment, undercover as always: a jazz singer. Up on the stage, weaving through the crowds, she’d be able to make note of anyone unsavory. Much to Peggy’s unsurprise, such figures were plentiful these days. She had a mental rolodex of war criminals, traitors, informants, and dozens of other ‘enemies’ that she was to keep tabs on during her sets.
She had only a quibble with how she had ended up here, and that was only because her superiors hadn’t let her audition with the pianist. There was a definite chance that he was going to be suspicious of her, given that he had been told who his newest singer would be rather than given the chance to see if she would fit the bill.
So she had bargained for this: a dinner with him, if only to have the chance to slip him her story herself and see if there were any loose ends that needed tightening. It would also give her the general lay-of-the-land in terms of the jazz club they’d be entertaining for the foreseeable future. Lastly, a swing band was set to take the stage tonight, relieving her of the pressure of transforming into a suave songbird.
In the powder room, she touched up: she swiped on one last coat of red lipstick (one that matched her dress, naturally) and tucked any disobedient curls back into place. Then she headed to their reserved table – a perk of being ‘talent’, she supposed – and sat down, fifteen minutes early as usual.
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perchsnug · 2 years
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@littlebennettbitch​ asked: “I leave for a little bit and come back to this?”
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“I didn’t do anything, this is all their fault,” he said, motioning over to where the rest of the squad was doing god knows what. He was just a witness. Could he have done something? Perhaps. Was he gonna? No.
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gikairan · 2 years
You ever see a story so Sad, all you can do is laugh, because otherwise you'll just fall into a pit of despair?
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stillkenobi · 2 years
@foundjarin: ❝  i may live to regret saying this,  but i agree with you actually.  ❞
“Well, if it is any consolation, you may not have to live with that regret for very long.”
    The pair had strayed perilously close to a dragonsnake nest – Obi-Wan had encountered such creatures before and he knew them to be really quite unpleasant. The entire planet fell into that category in his opinion. If the mother returned to the nest, it could be a rather sticky end for both of them. Sticky, as in a brutally violent drowning, which was hardly the way Obi-Wan wanted to go out. They would need to avoid attracting unwanted attention and carefully retrace their steps.
“Do try not to shoot anything,” he said quietly, turning to glance at the helmet, “at least until we’re in the clear.”
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