#vecna is targeting him and i want all the details
elkdiaries · 1 year
no but seriously how did el know who will was when she pointed at the picture in season one
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henrysglock · 11 months
Now the girlies aren't going to like this. But I will say: I would laugh very very hard if Brenner was behind everything re: Will's vanishing. Putting boys in places fr.
Like there's too much Creel-Byers paralleling re: Henry's abduction and Will's vanishing, especially with how Brenner specifically mentions Will/has a body ready to cover it up just like he did with Henry...
I'm just saying. It would be funny if Will sent himself to the UD in hopes of escaping Brenner, just like Henry supposedly went off the rails trying to escape Brenner. Especially with how we see Will nearly opening his own gate in ST1.
Brenner knowing to look in that shed...I would laugh very hard if Brenner had been in that shed and Will just yeeted himself to the blue UD to escape him.
Picturing Henward standing there in the blue UD, just chowing down on those big UD-creature eggs or something, when Will runs past and he's like "Oh?? Hello Little Boy. How did You get down here?? 👁️👁️ You have gate opening powers?? You wanna Share?? Share or I'll make you?? I want to go home." Thus why Will ends up stuck in the wall/the Henflayer targets him in ST2 and tries to take over his body.
I just think it would be peak cinema that's all.
(Especially with how Vecna is so fixated on El/stealing her gate powers, which he didn't know about until she opened the 1979 gate. And with the fact that Vecna pays zero attention to Will...Vecward has been fixated on El since ST3. Just saying it would make sense for Mindflayer Henward to have been focused on Will because he saw that he had gate powers. I have more details floating around in my head about this, actually, but anyway. yeah.)
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bylerschmyler · 1 year
Mike - Vecna's 4th victim
I know that many people believe that Mike was a tool for Vecna to get Will and El back or that he waited for Mike to be gone to California. I have a pretty different perspective on this and I want to share my thoughts about this. I just gonna warn you that this post will be quite long but I would appreciate it if you take your time to read it.
For the tool-theory and waiting to be gone-theory I have two simple reasons why I don't think that they are correct.
When Vecna kills Chrissy Mike is still in Hawkins. He doesn't wait for Mike to be gone/sitting in the car/plane and traveling to California. Vecna kills her mere hours before Mike had no possibility to interfere with him. It's not only that Vecna kills Chrissy, no he kills her in close proximity to Max who could have been more suspicious about Eddie, Chrissy and the lights and could have called a CODE RED, which would have led to Mike not going to California. So if he wanted Mike to go to California (either for him to be gone or to get El/Will back) why would he jeopardize this mission by being too impatient?
If Vecna wanted Mike out of the way why didn't he just kill him? I mean we can all agree that pre S4 Mike already has a massive amount of trauma. So if he needs Mike out of the way he could have just cursed him too, couldn't he? There was nobody to stop him from doing it. El? Out of the picture. No powers and too far away. Mike? Wouldn't be able to help himself during a trance. The Party? If they don't know what is coming, how would they prevent it?
So I think Mike wasn't a tool for Vecna. He was a perfect fit for a far more important role.
He was the Chosen one, the fourth, the final sacrifice.
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But before we are going to discuss Mike's role in Vecna's plan in detail, let's take a step back and take a look in the things that actually happened in S4.
Specifically everything that has to do with Patrick and his curse. Because there are so many things wrong with Patricks curse.
First of all Patrick doesn't fit the other victims. Timing wise as well as in his trauma and our connection to him and his connection to other characters on the show.
Patrick is the only victim that we see getting cursed. This happens on the March 23rd (sunday) at some point during the day (morning or noon I guess). (here the scene where he gets cursed)
This is in direct contrast to the timeline which is presented by Max. For further explanation this is also March 23rd but late in the evening.
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So let me get this straight.
Chrissy's curse started a week ago (approximately week = seven days. I made this post where I found a specific date when Chrissy's symptoms started and they are not adding up. But I think it's because it's meant to be not the curse itself that's coursing these symptoms but something else which I will talk about in another post)
Fred's started six days ago
Max's five days ago
And Patrick just that morning (basically one day ago)?
In no way this is supposed to happen. What was the reason? Did Vecna forget to curse Patrick four days ago? Or couldn't he decide who to curse 4 days prior?
Well the most logical reason (imo) is that his actual target can't be targeted. And we do know one character who was in Hawkins and left during the season. And that's Mike. But this is not the only reason Patricks timing is off.
With Patrick being cursed there is a change in the way the curse works for Max and him in comparison to Fred and Chrissy. I won't go too much in to the details but here are some observations.
Chrissy and Fred both have 3 visions that are heavily paralleling each other.
Their 1. vision is related to the people around them. Chrissy thinks that Max is still in the room when the pounding on the bathroom stall starts. Then she hears her mothers voice and Vecna's feed come into vision. Her mothers voice get distorted soon after and Vecna's voice fades in.
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Freds first vision is also directly connected to a conversations he is having with Officer Daniels. Daniels also fades in to Vecna. His face and his voice.
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The second vision is the grandfather clock. But a very creepy version.
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With Chrissy it's spiders with Fred it's people turning into Vecna calling him murderer.
The third vision is there death and relieving their nightmare.
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Both die on the end of their 5th day of being cursed. Their visions start during the day and the day ends with their death.
In contrast to this Max curse is put off this timing. Max visions start on the end of her 5th day of being cursed and she has 3 visions with different themes than Fred and Chrissy.
Max's 1. vision is the grandfather clock. But it's only the creepy grandfather clock. No spiders and no link to Max's trauma.
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Her 2nd vision is like Fred’s and Chrissy’s 1st vision a person who fades into Vecna.
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her 3rd vision is supposed to be her death which she can escape from.
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She has a 4th vision where she actually dies.
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Patrick only has one vision we see and one that is implied but we don’t see at all. His first vision is the clock during Chrissy’s funeral.
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the other would have been when he dies but we don’t see the vision.
Timing wise this implicates the scenario that Patricks’s cursing throws the timeline off schedule because we see a clear pattern before he was cursed which is thrown off the second Vecna targets him. So likely the original schedule would have targeted Max on the 23rd and the 4th victim on the 24th.
Lack of imagery and missing build up
His trauma, connection to other characters and the connection we build to him is also off. While most of it is due to the lack of imagery regarding him but also to the fact that we have a build up in this topics that Patrick is reversing.
I don’t really want to order the trauma of Vecna’s victims in terms of severity because I firmly believe that any trauma should be addressed and recognised and you shouldn’t compare trauma (unless you’re a therapist) because this kind of invalidates the people with “less severe” trauma. But when we talk about Patrick’s trauma we only have two clues about what it is because we don’t see visions that are related to his trauma. The first one is when he gets cursed (here). A man, likely his father, calls him a disgrace. Lucas also tells us that Patrick came to practice with a black eye once.
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This implicates that Patrick is also a victim of domestic abuse (like Chrissy) What I find interesting is that this creates a circle of trauma themes.
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(I want to emphasize that between Fred and Max there is a build up because Fred has survivors guilt and Max has survivors guilt but also wanted the person that died to die before he died. This is obviously meant for us to notice because it’s an addition to the same theme)
Ignoring the potential build up in the trauma and going into Patrick’s relationships we see that he doesn’t make sense as 4th victim narratively speaking. We have a clear build up in the victims relationships with other characters:
Chrissy has no known relationship to our main characters 
Fred is Nancy’s colleague and apprentice (Fred asking Nancy how she did this with Jonathan). They are close enough (Nancy trusts him enough) to take him to the Trailer Park. 
Max is a main character of the show. She has many close relationships to other main characters
And then Patrick comes around and he is just Lucas’ team mate who he can’t even trust because they are hunting for his friends. 
The connections to other characters get closer and closer until Max only to go rapidly down with Patrick. Narratively this doesn’t make sense because Patrick is supposed to be the 4th victim. He should have close ties to our favorite characters and they should care deeply about him because of the needed rise in tension. They get around it with Max escaping the death vision and being the actual 4th victim but for the original plan this would have been very weird.
This also ties to the connection we as an audience have to the victims.
Chrissy is a new character. We only see her in one episode and we barely know anything about her. Most of what we know is that she is a cheerleader and she has trauma. Although many people sympathize with her we can’t really get connected to her.
Fred is basically the same. But we get more information about him. We know he is a journalist. We also know that he does know about Jonathan and Nancy and their struggles in their relationship (which he kind of wants to take a chance in because he flirts with Nancy). We have two episodes with him.
We have known Max since season 2. We had a lot of time to get to know her and create a bond with her.
And yet again Patrick doesn’t make sense. Why do we get a new character which we don’t like because he is part of the antagonists, after a (beloved) main character? There was a subtle build up and then we flunk down in the negatives with our perspective on the character.
I wanna add that in an recent reblog of a post i discussed Mike's parallels to the other victims. You can find the post here.
But how does Mike fit in?
Most people on here are well aware of all the hints that connect Mike with Vecna. Therefore many people believe he is a target in S5. I believe so too. I still don’t think that so much has changed during S4 that made him more targetable than he already was. Yes his trauma increased through the shootout, the death of unknown hero agent man, lying to El and losing Eddie and Max, but his trauma was there before. And it was severe enough to make him struggle. It’s pointed out in the canon extending book “Lucas on the line” and it is also shown in his behavior in S4 (getting up too late, used clothes, dirty room/basement, he doesn’t eat on camera, and more). So Mike would be a perfect target for Vecna only considering his trauma. But there is way more stuff that make Mike a perfect last puzzle piece in this situation. First of all he is one of the few characters that are in Hawkins when the curses begin and have more/deeper connections than Max. Yes Max has a lot of deep connections (the Party and El specifically) but Mike has those connections too and he has deeper connections to the teens (Nancy and Jonathan especially), Will, Joyce and Hopper. So in a certain way he is more connected to the rest of the cast and would be perfect to be the final step of the build up we see with character relationships. He has also been part of the show since S1 and was one of THE main characters in S1 and S2. He has a very important role in figuring out important plot points and so for us he is obviously a very important character. And so while I don’t play favorites he is slightly more important for the audience (subjectively speaking). Timing wise (as I said before) he is the only character we know to travel out of Hawkins during the cursing. Him being cursed on March 20th (thursday) wouldn’t compromise the given timeline. It would also explain this scene where Mike clearly looks like he has a awful headache.
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And this scene where Max has a nosebleed and the camera’s focus shifts to him
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(some people believe that’s the moment he cursed Max. I doubt that. When Max explains the symptoms she said nosebleedS, plural [Insert Eddie’s comment on Nancy’s guns here].I believe that’s thursday morning and Mike was just cursed and had a nosebleed like Patrick and he looked like he looked because he found it suspicious that he had a nosebleed and now Max has a nosebleed.) Clearly two times where he was visibly shown in the context of the curses symptoms. Also his bedroom scene, when he reads Els' letter could connect to the symptoms (this is more of a reach than the other two).
Sleeping in underwear => He woke up an a cold sweat
The binder with Will’s drawings is in his room => having nightmares and needing comfort
(re-)reading the letter => having nightmares and needing reassurance that everything is okay
he is later than he usually is => trouble sleeping
Also I think @aemiron-main pointed that out: Mikes Reaction to Karen telling him that he need to be home by nine because it's an early flight suggests that he barely sleeps because he seems to not care of the early flight.
And last but not least the line Vecna uses for Max (You’ll be the chosen one, the fourth the final sacrifice) fits way better to Mike. Why? Well the main reason I only got on the Mike getting vecnaed’ train was while I was rewatching the show I saw this scene where El screams for Mike while she has a vision:
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This scene reminded me of this scene where Will does the same:
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And it made me think about how Vecna knows that both of his former targets heavily depend on Mike. He is the first they think about when needing help. He’s the first they find comfort in when upset. So Mike is obviously on Vecna’s radar. There is more…. These two scenes where Max and Mike help El and try to protect her and Billy sees it.
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They stand out because it would make so much sense for Mike to be targeted too. Max does become a target because of her trauma but also because of her connection to El. So Mike would be a perfect target too. Him being the final sacrifice would be the peak of devastation for both Will and El and would make perfect sense for Vecna to do so. Also it would contrast Mike’s arc because he is usually the one interfering with Vecna’s plans in overtaking the real world. Mike being the last kill to open the gates to the UD would be very “poetic” from Vecna’s POV. Furthermore the line “You would be the chosen one” would be far more fitting for Mike. Mike is a fan of fantasy stories. The Chosen One Trope is a typical fantasy trope that has been used for ages. Mike can relate far more to this trope than Max (Max is a comic fan where this trope is used too, but Mike is pictured way more with classic fantasy where this trope is used very often).
But why did Vecna wait for Mike to go on vacation?
This is the only thing that really makes me struggle. Because I don’t have a good answer to this. The only possible explanation I see (without doubting the rest of this theory) is that Vecna didn’t look for his plans, his supposedly happy memories/thoughts and only took in the bad ones. Max tells us that she thinks Vecna only looks for the bad memories.
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So if Max is right then Vecna didn’t look for the light in Mike’s mind and only for the darkness. (Therefore didn't see his hope of reconnecting to Will in Califronia) I also want to point out that Mike is not the only target Vecna needed. He needed four victims. So this is not solely about him. And you need to know that Vecna feeds off his victims fears, anxiety and guilt. So it makes sense for him to unleash his curse when all his victims are especially tense/anxious
Chrissy’s mother forced a beauty idea on her daughter that resulted in her being connected to bulimic tropes (Throwing up, rotten food). She is also a cheerleader in the 80s and she “needed to be pretty” because the championship games were coming up. So Chrissy would be more anxious than usually
Fred is less obvious than Chrissy. The only clues I got why he would be more anxious than usual are that Officer Daniels (Vecna Vision) tells us that the accident happened last year and he knows about Jonathan and Nancy’s relationship problems. The first could mean that the car crash happened somewhere in 1985 or it could actually mean that the anniversary is coming up which (knowing from S2) would affect Fred through the anniversary effect. The latter could make him anxious because he might see a chance with his crush (we see him multiple times openly flirting with Nancy)
Max would be more anxious because Billy’s birthday is coming up (March 29 - also anniversary effect)
Mike would be more anxious because he is traveling to California and he doesn’t know how Will feels about him and maybe he is a little jealous because of El’s letter and Will painting something for a girl
Additionaly the week before spring break could be full of tests which could make all victims more anxious.
Another good question regards the timing. Vecna did look for a replacement for Mike on March 23rd but Mike left early on March 22nd. So why did he wait an additional day for Mike? This is obviously a question I asked myself a lot. Why did Vecna wait for Mike to be gone for a whole day before looking for a replacement (Patrick)? Well this one is very hard to answer. But there is one scene in particular that makes me believe that Vecna starts his rampage usually early in the morning. You can take a look here in this post. I included the scenes right before and right after the scene on purpose because it gives us a better perspective on the timeline. So right before Vecna gets hooked up to the vines, El went to her bedroom crying. We know that this happened on the night of March 22nd. Then it cuts to the UD where Vecna gets hooked up but nothing happens afterwards. Instead we see how the sun rises/travels in the sky. Then it cuts to Lucas and the beginning of the hunt for Eddie. So what is the purpose of this whole scene? Vecna wanted to start the final stage of his curse (visions) for Max early on the 23rd. This is probably what he was doing with Chrissy and Fred the days before. He recognized that he couldn’t find Mike anywhere and then started to search for a replacement until he found Patrick. Very important for this theory, Vecna finds Patrick way later. There are almost 20 Minutes between this scene and the scene where Patrick gets cursed. Even more important: We see every group on screen before we get back to Vecna. There is literally a cut to every small group. First Lucas and the Jocks, then Max, Dustin, Robin and Steve with Eddie, then Nancy, the Cali Gang, Joyce and Murray, Hopper back to the Hawkins gang at the Trailer Park. I think Vecna didn’t recognize Mike’s absence because he was solely focused on Fred on the 22nd and started with Fred visions early in the morning before Mike got to the airport. So when he wanted to get started with Max the next day he realized that he couldn’t reach Mike anymore and decided to go for a replacement. That’s when the timings of the victims don’t add up anymore.
Besides everything I showed you here there is another theory that is connected to this. #possessiongate from @dinitride-art
This shows how my theory is supported visually in the show. It also explains why Mike isn't shown as cursed after the breakfast on the 23rd because his curse was shifted to Patrick.
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starry-eyed-steve · 7 days
i got this ask and im curious to know what your answer would be. 👀
If you could rewrite one thing from Stranger Things, what would that be?
Lmao, I was the one who sent you the ask (you wanted anons so I thought, okay, I can do that). 😅💗
I would also change a lot of stuff (s2 Jancy plotline, s3 completely, s4 Ronance with Nancy being the one wanting to make that work with Robin), but I'm gonna focus on one thing now. I would change Steve's role in s4 by not focusing on Stancy but giving him something else to care about.
The thing I found most frustrating with s4 Steve is him being not comfortable with his role as the babysitter, to a point where it felt like he absolutely hated it but then be smacked in the face with his "actually I do like it sm I want kids bc of it" speech. I think the show did a terrible job of showing us why he was frustrated (aka him feeling helpless because he can't just whack Vecna with the nailbat). The show made it seem like all he cared about was getting back together with his ex, with whom he didn't interact in 2 years. Every other relationship fell short, and Steve thrives the most when he's paired up with the kids and Robin.
I feel like s4 had the perfect opportunity to explore his relationship with Lumax. For one, Lucas and Steve are quite similar characters (I'm thinking of writing a separate, more detailed post about this if anyone is interested). Steve could've have been there for him in two ways, one his role as a popular guy who played basketball and second to show off the character development he received, he could've given Lucas viable tips for how to be there for Max. It would solidify Steve's change in relationships and would show he learned from his failures with Nancy.
Second, his relationship with Max is also a missed opportunity. In general, Lucas and Steve should've gotten the opportunity to voice their feelings about Billy's death because they were both, along with Max, personally victimized by him. It would totally enrich Max's feelings towards them as well. I think one of the reasons why she isolated herself was because she felt guilty for grieving her stepbrother who hurt her friends. Coming to terms with Billy's passing while being around Steve, who treats her like an actual little sister, would've added soo much to the story. It would make Max's grief story and fighting Vecna even better, and again, it would show that Steve actually cares.
When it comes to the babysitter role in s4, we are basically almost told that he cares, but never really shown. Like why the hell was Steve getting a letter from Max when she went to him last and barely interacted with him since s2? Not that I mind the letter, I hope it will be relevant in s5, but it didn't feel earned, you know? I wish the show would show us him being the babysitter instead of making stupid jokes about it.
(Not to mention that his torture trauma or trauma in general got swept under the rug, while it could've been the opportunity for him to be possessed by Vecna instead of Nancy. Like idk it would've been much more shoking to the characters when the guy who is seemingly fine and dandy suddenly gets targeted by a monster who goes after traumatised kids.)
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pinkeoni · 11 months
Would Will's Importance Really Be Out of Nowhere?
This is a counter to some of the arguments I've received from anons and seen on reddit re: Will's importance to the supernatural plot and his connection to the Upside Down.
"If Will was suddenly important to the supernatural plot, it would be out of the blue."
I'll admit that not everyone is as hyper focused on Will as I am. Yes, I do think about him an abnormal amount of the time, so I'm probably going to be noticing far more details than the average person. And if the majority of audience members don't see Will's importance, then it can't be for nothing, right?
But I think there's a fine line between what the writer's leave out and what... certain audience members choose to willfully ignore.
Of course I wish that Will received more screen time in the show, but that isn't to say that there isn't any evidence to suggest that he holds a connection to the supernatural. Here's a list of Will's connection over all four seasons:
Will is taken into the Upside Down and stays there for a week. This event is the inciting incident of the entire show
Will maintains a connection with the entity that targeted him (which we later learn to be Vecna) and he is possessed by him
Will's connection to Vecna persists, even though his screen time is squandered in this season
Will is mostly removed from the supernatural plot, and yet Nancy brings him up by name while in the Upside Down regarding both time and the lights. At the end of the season it's revealed that Vecna and Will are still connected.
If it were just one, two, or even three seasons where Will had a correlation to the supernatural plot, then I might be able to brush it off as not being important or coming out of nowhere. If Will was only taken in season one, he was used as a MacGuffin for plot purposes. If it was just season one and two, Will was in the wrong place at the wrong time when he was taken and Vecna possessed him as a means to an end. If none of the events from the past three seasons happened, and at the end of season four Will suddenly felt Vecna on the back of his neck, that would be out of nowhere. But it's the fact that this association started at the very beginning and persisted for all four seasons is what makes me raise an eyebrow. The hints are subtle, but they are still there.
"Why doesn't Vecna seem to care about Will in season's three and four?"
I'm going to answer this question with another question, why would Vecna reveal his plans to his opponents? And from a writers perspective, why would you want to reveal your endgame so soon in the narrative?
My personal belief is that Will possesses something vital to Vecna's endgame plans, and thus is integral to this last stretch of the show. If Vecna signaled to the gang that Will was important to him, then the others would make sure that Will is protected and try to formulate a plan surrounding that. Vecna would want to throw them off and want Will as vulnerable as possible. Furthermore, if the writers wanted to create a twist, then they wouldn't put all of their eggs in one basket and leave nothing to be revealed in the final season.
But still, I'm not making these claims based off of nothing, as per the evidence that I listed above. Simply saying in itself that "Vecna is holding off on Will because he's important to his plans" is a pretty flimsy claim that you could then apply to any character. "Well, Murray is important to Vecna's plans and is the big twist because he hasn't been targeted!" Luckily for me, my claim about Will is supported with evidence and isn't a claim that has to stand by itself.
"The show is all about El and her relationship between Vecna and the Upside Down."
This claim isn't wrong, per se. It's been proven before that El has the most screen time out of any character, and to say that she isn't important to the supernatural, Vecna, and the Upside Down would just be false.
But I don't think that pointing out Will's importance in the story takes away from any of El's relevance. I'm trying to show how they share the space, although there are some El fans (redditors) who would rather completely write off any indication of Will's influence on the supernatural plot and place it all on her. Here is how they both connect to this storyline:
El has a connection to the Upside Down since she is the one that opened a gate there, although I would argue that Will's connection is more personal on the basis that he spent a week there. What "created" the Upside Down and made it look the way it did is still up in the air, although Nancy's dialogue in 4x07 imply influence from both El and Will. The only "confirmation" we have that El created the Upside Down was an outside comment made by a production designer, and even then his wording is very vague and "created" is used in quotes.
Will is actually the only one implicated in how the lights function in the Upside Down, once again per Nancy's dialogue. El carries the gate opening ability and Will seems to carry... something else.
El obviously has a history with Vecna, although to say that Will doesn't is obtuse. We know that he possessed him and that their connection persists through seasons three and four.
My Question: If Will is really unimportant, why would the cast and creators tease that he is?
I know I just stated that outside comments from cast and crew shouldn't be taken as fact, although this point, which they have been pushing in interviews since season four ended, would be a really weird thing to lie about. If anything, it would be mean spirited. Teasing the importance of a gay character, only to reveal that he isn't, would feel pretty mean if anything. There's also a difference between "confirming" huge details in the show (as was the case with the production designer) and hinting at what is to come next as a marketing tactic.
"This is an ensemble show, Will isn't the main character/there is no main character."
This I agree with, partially. Not unlike what I said regarding El, I don’t think that me pointing out Will’s importance is taking away from anyone else’s storyline. Saying that the show is an ensemble show is true, although to say that the show balances it’s cast equally is also a false statement, which to be honest is a fault of the writing. As I said earlier that it’s provable that El has more screentime than any other character. And still, it’s not unusual for even pieces of ensemble media to have a central character as it’s focus. As much as I am excited for Will to have his spotlight, I do still wish that each character be given ample time and care (even if this is naïve and wishful thinking on my part).
In conclusion: Yes Will is important to the supernatural plot, yes he will be a focus, no it won’t come out of nowhere.
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Okay so like ik a bunch of people are saying will or Mike will get vecna’d
but what about Jonathan
Obviously him and will both experienced Lonnie but not only did he experience it longer (cause yk older) but also he tried to shield will as much as I think he could from the worst. Like I feel like we don’t talk about the fact that in S1 when he was looking for will, the first place he checked was Lonnie’s TRUNK. Also when will first heard “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” It was because Lonnie and Joyce were arguing and Jonathan really pumped up that volume so will couldn’t hear it. Literally live for the protective big brother vibes
The trauma is something everyone experiences throughout the show so I won’t go too deep into that but I want to go into his school life. He was bullied what it seems like through his whole school career (especially as we see by Steve) but we don’t really know if that was through all 12 years of school
Back in S1, CAN YOU IMAGINE THE INTENSE GUILT HE MUST HAVE FELT. He basically blamed himself for wills disappearance. Like he was supposed to be home that night and if he were he probably would’ve “saved” will. Now obviously without that key detail we wouldn’t have the beginning of the show and he needed the extra shift to help out Joyce but I bet he felt SO BAD for that.
Well that’s like half the evidence but yeah that’s why I think vecna could target jonathan
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madneedshelp · 2 years
Never Let Go-Steve Harrington x Fem Reader
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Summary: Y/N was a prime target for Vecna. She’d suffered enough to know that it wasn’t a coincidence when she’d started displaying the same symptoms Max had felt. The only thing left to do was pray that her boyfriend Steve could save her when the inevitable happened.
Warnings: mentions of abuse; slightly detailed depictions of injuries
A/N: So apparently I’ve discovered that I’m better at coming up with dark fanfics, so if anyone has requests for happy, fluffy moments I’ll gladly take them for Billy, Steve, and Eddie.
You knew time was running out. You’d been having the nightmares. You’d gotten the nosebleeds. And just now, you saw the clock. He was coming for you soon.
More than anything, you wanted to keep everything a secret. You didn’t want to have to go tell your boyfriend or your friends that you could quite possibly die at any moment. While Nancy and Robin had figured out how to save Max with music, you weren’t sure. What if it didn’t work like that for everyone? What if Max had just gotten lucky?
You backed out of the bathroom, away from that stupid fucking clock, and rushed down the hall to find Steve and the kids. They were all sleeping, completely exhausted from nearly losing Max yesterday.
“Steve,” you gently poked his arm.
“Hm?” He mumbled, still mostly asleep.
You smiled sadly. You really hoped you were going to get countless more chances to see sleepy Steve. You took one long moment to just admire the details of his face before you woke him up with a kiss on the cheek.
“What is it? What’s going on?” Steve startled awake, looking around to make sure the kids were all still present.
“Hey, it’s okay, they’re all fine. I just…I saw it. The clock that Max talked about. It was in the hallway.” You really didn’t want to dump everything on him, but you knew he’d be pissed if you didn’t tell him.
It was hard not to regret your words as fear completely overtook his face.
“No no no no. Are you sure? Like positive that that’s what you saw?” Steve grabbed your arms and looked you dead in the eyes.
You nodded grimly. “You knew it was coming. We both did. I told you about the nightmares, and headaches, and everything else. We can’t play it off as coincidence, this is it.”
“This isn’t it, Y/N. We saved Max and we’ll save you too. Look,” He pulled out your ‘Rumors’ cassette. “I picked it up from your house last night. The Chain, right? You told me it was your favorite when we heard it on our first date. You’re going to be okay, babe, I promise you.”
You felt tears sting your eyes as Steve’s voice grew more and more panicked. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. You would fight as hard as you could to stay with him.
“You saw it, didn’t you?”
You looked up to see that the kids were awake and now watching the two of you. You nodded in response to Max’s question.
“It’s gonna be okay, guys,” You said with as much confidence as you could muster. “I’ll be around to annoy you all for a very long time.”
The group didn’t look too sure of your statement, but they too were determined to help you beat Vecna. Besides, there was business to attend to and there wasn’t time to be wasted worrying.
With each passing hour, you grew more and more tense. You tried to distract yourself, but it was well into the afternoon and you couldn’t stop thinking about how little time was left.
You, Steve, Dustin, Max, and Lucas had met back up with Robin and Nancy and were currently headed to find Eddie at Skull Rock. The hike through the woods was proving to be long. And annoying. Steve and Dustin were both a little on edge and were arguing about how to get there. To make that worse, Dustin’s compass was seemingly broken, so the arguments only got worse.
“Y/N, get your ass over here!”
The furious voice made your blood run cold. It was so sudden, but you were sure you’d heard him.
“Dad?” You whispered, turning around toward the direction you heard his voice from.
There was no one there.
That’s what you thought anyway, until a hand closed on your arm, squeezing to the point of pain.
“I said get your ass inside, you ungrateful bitch! Where have you been? Whoring around with your boyfriend like the little slut you are?” Your dad’s words slurred as he talked.
You could feel your heartbeat skyrocketing. He was worse when he was drunk. Sober, he mostly relied on hurtful words. Drunk, however, he preferred more physical forms of punishment. You were back there now, sitting in your old kitchen while beer cans littered the floor.
“Dad, no please, I promise I was out for good reason!” You began to beg, but slowly his face started to shift.
His left arm turned to black ash and dissolved away as the entire left side of his body started to melt.
“It’s your fault your mother left! She couldn’t deal with your shit! Why would she stay when this is where you got me?” Your dad kept talking as he disintegrated. “You know the fire was your fault. If you had been home, you little fucker, then I wouldn’t be dead, now would I?”
You started backing away as quickly as you could, but you stumbled and fell. “Dad, please, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want you to die.” The tears spilled down your cheeks. You’d never felt this afraid.
“I know I didn’t raise a little liar, now did I? You know you wanted me dead. You know you hated me more than anything. Well that’s fine, I wished every day that I hadn’t been stuck with you for a daughter.”
All thoughts except for panic left your mind as your father’s half-melted figure closed in.
“Why won’t this work? Why won’t it fucking work? WHY WON’T IT WORK?” Steve fumbled desperately with Max’s Walkman.
He’d been sure to bring it, the headphones, and your tape, but he never thought the damn thing would be dead. He pushed every button, hoping for something, anything to happen. It was no use. The Walkman was completely and utterly dead.
You were going to die. It was the only thing running through Steve’s mind. He failed you and now he was going to lose you.
Dustin was digging through his backpack, muttering about maybe having a spare battery. Max and Lucas were trying in vain to pull your levitating body back to the ground. Robin and Nancy were shouting, as if your trance could be broken.
Everything was pure chaos, and Steve refused to let this be the moment you died.
You weren’t sure what had happened with the plan, but you knew something was wrong. There was no music. All you could sense was the pain you felt as Vecna’s vines suffocated you.
Vecna stood in front of you, muttering words too far away for you to hear as he prepared to end your life. This wasn’t an end to your suffering. The end to your suffering happened when you met Steve. In your last moments, you happy that you at least had some time with him, even if it hadn’t been the lifetime you’d imagined.
Then you heard it.
The words were the same as the song you’d heard millions of times, but the sound was different. It didn’t sound like Stevie Nicks, it didn’t even sound feminine. The longer you listened, the clearer it became.
You took advantage of the song. The girls were right, music did reach a part of you that nothing else did. You did have to admit it had seemed strange that a mere song could save you from something as powerful as Vecna, but it seemed like maybe you had a chance now.
Vecna seemed to hesitate for a moment and you took your small window of opportunity. Whether it was adrenaline or just summoning all the strength you could muster, you ripped free of the vine’s hold on you.
Then you ran like hell.
The next time you opened your eyes, you were back in the woods. You’d never been so happy to see a bunch of trees in your entire life. You looked up and realized that you were in Steve’s arms on the ground. His cheeks were damp and his eyes bloodshot, and you realized you could feel tears running down your own cheeks too.
Steve had never been so happy to hear your voice. He’d done the only thing he could think of to save you and sang your song to you. It was something he’d done before, but during playful moments when you two were hanging out. They hadn’t ever tried just singing to save someone, so it was a long shot, but it was the only shot.
“Steve? Steve, please tell me that’s really you,” you mumbled, still in shock of everything.
“Y/N? Oh thank God,” Steve pulled you into his chest and held you there. “I thought I lost you.”
You burrowed closer into him, clutching tightly onto his shirt. “I thought that was it. I-I saw my dad. He came back and…” you dissolved into sobs, unable to finish the sentence.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’ve got you. He’s gone, and you’re alive.” Steve kissed the top of your head, keeping his comforting hold on you.
“I heard you. The song. You brought me back,” you muttered into his chest. “Thank you.”
The group allowed you to sit there until you calmed down. They offered to let you go home, but you wanted to stay and help. Anywhere Steve went, you were going.
“Don’t let me go, okay?” You murmured to Steve as the two of you walked through the woods, hands clutched tightly together.
“I’m never letting go, baby. I promise.”
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aemiron-main · 1 year
pearl buttons: an analysis of barb possibly having powers
Barb may have had powers. This isn’t the full analysis on it bc im gonna go over it in detail in the vanishing of Will Byers analysis, but let’s take a look at all of this!
First of all, this is some pretty tiny stuff, but Barb and Henry/Edward’s shirts are pretty similar, especially when looking at them from a distance. Barb’s shirt is also a VERY similar style to Robin’s Pennhurst shirt, right down to the same ruffles and bows- and who do they visit at Pennhurst? Victor Creel, tying Barb to Henry/the Creels yet again.
Barb’s shirt, much like Robin’s Pennhurst shirt, also has pearl buttons- Henry’s buttons aren’t completely pearls, but they ARE pearlescent rather than matte white, connecting Barb and Henry’s shirts in yet another way. As well, Barb has her lightning bolt binder- not only do we see Henry being struck by lightning repeatedly, but electricity, as I’m sure we’re all aware, is constantly associated with people who have powers, with things like the lights flickering and the fact that powers and gates affect electromagnetic fields. We can also see that Barb was not only bleeding from her nose, just like El and Henry (even out of the same nostril), but also bleeding out of her ears, which is something we see consistently when El used her powers.
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Vecna was possibly trying to use Barb to open a gate just like how El opened the mothergate- how, though? By appearing as a demogorgon. Because it’s confirmed in s4 that he knew that El opened the mothergate when she was scared by the demogorgon, and that Vecna wanted to open his own gates, and so, it would make sense for him to go after other people with powers and attempt to replicate what happened with El, in the hopes of opening another mothergate, which would explain how Will and Barb got into the UD (they opened temporary gates, but didn’t end up opening a full mothergate).
The shot of Barb seeing the demogorgon behind her is IDENTICAL to the shot of El seeing the demogorgon in the void except for one detail- the egg behind El’s demogorgon which is an enigma all on its own and is something I still need to think on. Why parallel Barb’s vanishing to El opening the mothergate, right down to both of them not only having the same bloody nostril, but also having the same sort of smear pattern on the blood, if not to indicate that Barb also had powers and opened a gate because she, just like El, was scared by the demogorgon?
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And I talked about this in a reblog awhile ago, but looking at the way that Barb spits out water (much like El in s2 after she awakens in the UD version of hawkins middle school), where else have we seen somebody drown/have water down their throat? Heather. Heather was shown drowning in the void, and when Barb sees the demogorgon, we don’t see any sort of background behind the demogorgon despite the fact that there’s elements of the harrington house and pool that SHOULD be visible. It seems like people who are forced into the UD by Henry, such as Barb and El and Will end up coughing up water, unlike people who go into the UD willingly via a portal- which makes me wonder if Henry is dragging them through the void/they end up going through the void when they open a portal. We even see El fall through the void in s3 into Billy’s memories, and we also see Nancy fall through the void into Henry’s memories/her vecna vision in s4.
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It’s just really interesting to me that Barb is paralleled to both Will and El, and that we don’t know how she got into the UD or why her nose and ears were bleeding. It’s difficult without being able to compare her to other victims, as she’s the only S1 victim that we actually see in the UD, but the parallels are definitely suspicious, and Barb having powers would explain the blood and how she got to the UD and why she was targeted & details like the lighting bolts on her binder.
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willel · 7 months
Vecna and his choice of victims
This has probably already been written before but I've had some more thoughts since the play. I also have like, 20 asks people have sent in that i haven't answered and I'm pretending to not see until I figure out what I want to say in response >.> (I do appreciate the asks but phew my brain juices are running low. Ha)
Most of this is related to season 4 so I won't be putting them under a read more now. I'll also be making a lot of assumptions here.
I hadn't known until now but apparently people have been getting into fights because of their theories and well, I don't want any part of that. THESE ARE JUST THOUGHTS~. I'm not an ST writer and I have no idea where they're going with things, so let's just chill and have a chat alright?
General assumptions
I know I and some others have discussed this in the past, but it's pretty obvious Henry is deeply connected to El and Will. He has a lot of parallels with them. Not just surface levels ones either, they seem pretty intentional and the writers/actors themselves have been hinting at it.
But what if it doesn't stop there? What if he relates to ALL his victims which is why they were chosen in the first place? What if it's not just "they were teenagers suffering" but it's a specific kind of suffering he could relate to?
#1: Chrissy.
Chrissy was suffering from bulimia and it seems one of her major triggers was her mother constantly talking about her weight. In Vecna's depiction of her mother, she was called a fat pig, her mom constantly readjusted her clothes at the sewing machine so they would "fit". Her father was either dense as hell or refused to see what was happening since his eyes were sown shut in Chrissy's waking nightmare. Food was depicted as rotten and disgusting, which is probably how she felt due to her eating disorder caused by her family situation.
With the extra bits we've gotten from the play and what was in the show itself, I believe Henry faced a similar situation. He was going through stuff and his mother was unsupportive and visibly disgusted by him. Even though Henry and his mother obviously had a tense and extremely negative relationship, Henry's dad Victor seemed completely unaware of what was going on or refused to acknowledge it.
When Victor retold what happened to his family, in his opinion, his life was pretty picturesque. I haven't heard many details about Victor in the play but he completely glossed over all of his son's odd behavior or why they even moved to Hawkins in the first place. In fact, he thought his son was sensing the danger rather than his son BEING the danger.
It's almost 1 to 1 of Chrissy's home life. Terrible mother child dynamics. Emotionally absent father. Irrelevant sibling.
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#2: Fred.
We know a lot less about Fred's home life, but there's still a little bit we can pick apart from what we do know. We know that Fred was involved in some kind of accident a year or so ago. Instead of helping his fellow victim in the crash, Fred ran all the way home, terrified. Either people blame him for the other victim's death or he blames himself so harshly that he believes others blame him (guilt basically).
If I stretch things a bit, it sorta lines up with Henry hurting a kid at school while he lived in Nevada before moving to Hawkins maybe?
Or maybe it's that situation they created with Patti in the play with Principal Newby? I don't know all the details but Patti blamed Henry for what happened right? At least temporarily.
When Fred has his vision in the woods, a little girl grows a weird ugly finger and starts the "Murderer" chant. Maybe that's similar to Henry's sister Alice approaching him and telling him he's a different person now?
This one is a stretch I realize, but hey.
#3: Patrick.
This one is pretty similar to Chrissy situation but in reverse I suppose. It's not Patrick's mother that's the problem, but his dad. When Henry selected Patrick as his target, we heard Patrick's dad basically call him worthless. Lucas mentions Patrick coming into practice with bruises sometimes and feels bad for not being there for Patrick more having realized belatedly what was going on.
I don't believe Henry was physically abused by his parents, BUT "Papa" certainly was. Brenner, the obsessed scientist weirdo has done plenty of things to Henry and the rest of the kids so I'm sure I don't need to go into detail.
We've even seen him berate El multiple times for not doing what he wants. He even tried to pin blame on her for everything that was happening in season 4 before she rightly pushed the blame right back on his shoulders. (and then he stabs her with a needle and puts a shock collar on her.)
Maybe it doesn't match up for you but I dunno, I think that lines up pretty evenly.
#4: Max.
Unsurprisingly, Max's situation is what triggered this entire post. I was just thinking, "All these people moving to Hawkins and it kinda sucks there." Then a light bulb went off. "Wait, Max also had to move to Hawkins because of something Billy did." And it spiraled from there. Nevada isn't California, but I bet Billy, Max, and Henry all preferred living where they were before they had to move to Hawkins.
I wouldn't exactly call moving across the country traumatic, but Henry could possibly relate to Max's feelings of isolation and moving with your dysfunctional family so that things would "get better" but they do not get better at all.
If we look at the play again and coat Max and El a little bit in Patti and Henry's colors, then I guess Henry and Max can relate to the isolation of losing your closest friend, but that's a stretch I admit.
I could make another header for Billy but I think I'll just leave him in Max's section since the situation is pretty identical. Billy is a mixture of Max and Patrick, he's way closer to Henry's situation than Max is.
#5: El.
This one is so obvious that I don't need to go into detail but it still needs to be said. Henry and El's stories are extremely similar. The super powers. The lab. Brenner. The kidnapping and isolation in general. The experimentation. Being forced to kill things. Afraid of hurting people because of your powers.
She even shares the "being separated from the people you care about" stuff, she's had to deal with that multiple times on repeat.
Luckily for El, all of her real parents are chill (Terry, Hopper and Joyce) so in that regard, other than Hopper being a punk bitch a few times, she's been blessed there.
#6: Will.
Finally we get to Will. It's interesting how different Will and Henry's stories are and yet they're also so similar.
Will has an amazing mom but an absentee dad. It's hard to say what is worse between Henry and Will's situations but at least Will had support at all with Joyce.
Apparently, Henry also disappeared once into the Upside Down and returned a completely different person. Not only that, apparently Henry was possessed by the Mind Flayer in the same manner that Will was. This is so obviously related to Will's story that I don't think I need to expand on it.
Like El and Max, Will also had the pain of moving away from most of the people he cared about, though this pain is very understated for Will in the show. Will seems pretty content with just having his family and long distance friends even though the long distance friendship was secretly eating at him too.
Apparently in the play, Virginia forced Henry to visit the "doctor" (lab) like Joyce did to Will. Someone described it as almost exactly like the beginning of season 2. Not only was Henry's lab experience just like El's, but Will's as well. Luckily, Will's doctor was Owens and not Brenner, though I'm sure Brenner was watching (I got an ask related to this btw I will get to it because I wanna talk about this more)
If Henry's life was segmented into parts, then it'd be "before the UD", "after the UD", "before the murders" and "after the murders"
Chrissy, Patrick, Max and Fred are all "after the UD" and "before the murders". A part of Henry's life that is seemingly drastically different than the life he had before.
El is "after the murders". His life in the lab leading into who he is today.
Will is.... a little bit of everything. He was Henry "before the UD" and "after the UD", that transition into a different person specifically after the UD experience. He's also "after the murders" when he's possessed by the MF and "before the murders" when he's a little bit of a lab rat at Hawkins before things go south.
Through the circumstances of the show, Will has literally become the closest person to Vecna. They'll likely understand each other more than anyone else, which kinda sucks for Will.
But I suppose the fundamental difference between them will be.... El. Funnily enough. You know how Henry (and Kali) taught El that hatred and sadness is the key to becoming more powerful? Well, El has already discovered that love is infinitely more powerful.
Not only that, El has chosen her friends and family. She rejected Henry. She rejected Kali. But there is one kid she hasn't rejected that could really use her insight on breaking through the pain to find something greater.
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love-kurdt · 8 months
Thick Skull (byler): IV
word count: 2,068
warnings for this chapter: flashbacks to spicy experiences, coming out multiple times, internalized homophobia
Come on out with your hands up
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“It just felt so real, Jonathan. Up until he said it wasn’t real… I genuinely thought it was.” Will took a hit of the joint between his fingers before passing it to his brother who was seated next to him, criss crossed on the roof. Jonathan had initially been hesitant to let Will smoke weed, but when Will approached him in a state of panic, he cast his façade of morals aside in turn for some Purple Palm Tree Delight. Will sat there with his knees bunched up to his chest, and Jonathan sat there for a moment in thought, taking a last hit for himself before placing the roach in a glass stolen from the Wheelers’ kitchen.
“I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, buddy…” he started, and Will cut him off, resting his head on his knees in embarrassment. After all, he did just tell his brother about a sexual encounter that may or may not have happened.
“No, say it, please say it. I don’t care.”
Jonathan had known about Will since the day they left Hawkins. He watched as Will hugged Mike for a few seconds longer than everyone else (and Mike reciprocating the affection without a second thought), watched Will crying in the back seat as they drove out of the only town they’d ever known as their home, watched Will sit in the living room armchair staring at El, who was on the phone with Mike for hours at a time, and watched Will frowning at the envelopes he brought in from the mailbox every week.
He patiently waited for Will to come to him, though, and that moment occurred during the night at the pizza shop. From that moment on, Jonathan made it his mission to be Will’s person. He’d no longer just be on the sidelines, smoking weed as life passed him by. He would be there for his brother… and bring the weed, too. That seemed a good enough compromise.
Will heard his brother take a deep breath before shifting to face him. He lifted his head and locked eyes with Jonathan. “Do you think it could be Vecna trying to torture you? With, like, your deepest heartache? Since Vecna targets those who are… hurting, emotionally vulnerable, or hiding something, this is probably the primary source of your pain.”
Will shrugged. “I mean, it makes sense. I just… I don’t know how this all has to do with how Mike’s been acting lately. Because everyone’s noticed, it’s not just me. And the way he kissed me during spin the bottle? The way I felt during that kiss is far from what I usually feel when Vecna’s around.”
Jonathan nodded, glancing straight ahead into the Wheelers’ front yard: infested with black, slimy vines, which had frightened them in the beginning, but the fear factor became less and less powerful as time ensued. “You sound really sure of that.”
“Yes, Jonathan, I’m sure!” Will snapped, waving his hands around in their air. “If you really want me to go into vivid detail about it, I will–”
“No, that’s okay,” Jonathan said slowly, and Will anxiously cracked his knuckles. “I don’t want you to feel pressured to tell me about something so personal. And I wasn’t doubting you.”
“Well, thank you.”
“I’m just thinking…” Jonathan continued, pulling a second joint out of his pocket and lighting it– did he have that the whole time? “If you were to come out, that would make that source of pain null.”
Will’s eyes widened. “But what about Mike?”
“What about him?” Jonathan passed the joint to Will, who took it with a grateful hand. “You would be coming out by yourself. You don’t have to include your undying love for your childhood best friend that may or may not reciprocate your feelings–”
“Oh God, this is a bad idea,” Will groaned, running his free hand through his hair.
“Why?” Jonathan asked, putting an arm around his little brother’s shoulders. “You know how loving and supportive Mom is, and Hopper would stand by her regarding literally anything. I can promise you this: we will all continue to love you, the way we always have. And your friends, Will, they’re an amazing group of people who would never judge you.”
Will opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out. He felt his eyes involuntarily welling up with tears, which Jonathan noticed before he pulled him into a tight hug.
“We’ve got you, alright? I’ve got you, Will.”
Will extended his arm out to prevent lighting Jonathan’s long hair on fire before whispering a small, “Thank you.”
Come on out with your hands up
“Hey, guys? I kind of have something to tell you.”
“What is it, honey?”
Will gulped, his eyes shooting across the table to Jonathan. He nodded slowly, encouraging Will to go on. He found all of the courage within him, and then he spoke.
“Oh no, is Vecna back? Can you feel him nearby?” Joyce interrupted, worry etched onto her face. She turned to Jonathan next to her, then back at Will. Well, he got one word out… “I’m sorry, honey, please continue.”
“No, it’s okay,” Will shook his head. “I mean, not really. It kind of depends on how this goes.”
“How what goes? What do we need to do? Should I call Owens?” Hopper gripped his sandwich tightly, so much so that the condiments began slipping out and onto the plate beneath it. Will blanched, unsure of if he should proceed with what he wanted to tell his family, which now included his soon-to-be stepfather, the former chief of police.
Joyce sent daggers in her fiancee’s direction. “Stand down, Hop, let him talk.”
“Yeah, Hop, let him talk,” Eleven repeated, a slight retort in her tone. She’d taken on a more sassy persona as of late, thanks to her recent reunion with a certain redhead. Will stifled a laugh, attempting to keep the tone of the conversation serious. He cleared his throat, checking on everyone to see if the coast was clear.
“Okay. I, um… I– I like boys? I’m gay?”
Oh God… abort! Abort! ABORT!
“Is that a question or a statement, kid?” Hopper asked in his usual gruff tone.
“Hopper!” Joyce scolded. “Shush!”
Will decided against getting up and leaving; he was in this now. “Statement,” he said, tentatively testing the waters. “I’m gay. I like boys.”
A smile spread across Joyce’s face, just as Jonathan predicted, and she extended her hand to hold Will’s. “Well, sweetheart, I’m so glad you found the courage to tell us. You are very brave, and we all love you, no matter what.”
“Really?” Will asked, shifting his eyes to Hopper. “Even you?”
“What did you take me for, kid, a bigot?” Hopper laughed, reaching over to pat Will’s shoulder. “Believe me, nothing fazes me after your mom and I went into the Upside Down to save you. You’re the same Will I’ve always known, and you being gay doesn’t change that.” Will looked over to Jonathan, who sat there with a knowing smirk. Hopper would stand by her regarding literally anything. Will made a note to himself to trust Jonathan’s intuition.
“But I’m confused, honey… What does this have to do with Vecna?”
“It’s kind of complicated,” Jonathan said. “So when Vecna targets his victims…”
I'm coming out with my hands up, ooh
“So what’s this ‘thing’ you’ve been wanting to tell us, Willy? The suspense is killing me!” Dustin called across the basement, shoveling a handful of popcorn in his mouth as he spoke. The Party’s normally scheduled movie night was afoot, and Will had told them ahead of time that he had some news.
Everyone found their spots in front of the TV: Lucas and Max on the right side, Dustin on the left, El on the floor in the middle, with Mike and Will on either end of the couch. Will tried to gather his thoughts. Lips. Deep breaths. Hand on hip. Shoulders. Tongue. Fingers in hair. Arms. He could still feel Mike’s breath against his face, the feeling of Mike’s lips on his own, then on his neck, moving down, down, down… but it wasn’t real. Mike said so in the dream. But why did he remember it so vividly? Will looked up and noticed Mike’s eyes already on him, and his face suddenly grew hot.
“It’s kind of… strange. Telling you guys this now.”
“What do you mean?” El asked, tilting her head, as if she had absolutely no clue as to what Will could be going on about. He was glad she kept it secret up until now. 
“Like, it’s definitely not as important as everything that’s been going on, but–”
“Out with it, Byers!” Lucas exclaimed, and the rest of the Party laughed, settling some of Will’s nerves. It was now or never.
“I’m gay.”
The response was immediate. Dustin rose from his spot and crushed Will in a hug, practically sitting on him in the process. Everyone else joined in on the group hug within a few seconds. Will had vowed he wouldn’t cry, but the tears were threatening to escape, for sure.
“That’s great, Will! Thank you for trusting us with that!” Lucas grinned when they all eventually pulled away. “We had no idea!”
“Dustin and Max told me Will’s closet is made of glass,” El remarked. “What is ‘the closet’? And why was Will in it?” Wait, what?
Will raised an eyebrow in confusion. Max was quick to explain.
“I mean, we had our suspicions. But we always thought that you and M–”
“We’re just glad you told us, Will,” Dustin cut Max off quickly, leaving Will puzzled yet satisfied. “We still love you and will always be your friends.”
“Thanks, guys,” Will smiled. Then he looked up at Mike.
Come on out with your hands up
Mike was happy for Will. Mike tried to be happy for Will. Fuck it, Mike was jealous of Will. He was jealous that Will had the balls to say something that personal; and Mike had seen Will’s balls, up close and personal. Will was incredibly lucky to have the confidence that everyone would still love him. Joyce, Jonathan, and Hopper had probably thrown him a fucking party with streamers, confetti, and cupcakes. He wouldn’t put it past his parents to throw him to the demogorgons the first chance they got if he ever came out to them.
Mike was the only one who didn’t join in on the group hug. Dustin had looked up in the middle of it and mouthed a quick “Get over here,” but Mike just shook his head and gave a half-assed thumbs up. Dustin gave up with a roll of his eyes, flipping the bird. Mike definitely felt guilty, that went without saying. He just couldn’t help but hate the fact that this would never be a reality for him.
Especially after what he’d done a few nights prior. He’d been kicking himself ever since. And if he were to ever come out, what would Will think? What would Will say? He’d probably assume that Mike was just into guys in general. He wouldn’t be wrong, but also… Will was Mike’s one. He was the one Mike thought about when he woke up, when he went to sleep, during every meal, every time he showered, every time he jerked off by himself in his room… and he’d ruined it all. When he had the chance to tell Will that yes, this was, in fact, real, and that this was something Mike had imagined nearly every day since they were fourteen, he told him the complete opposite. A single word. No.
Mike’s soul returned to his body when he felt Will’s foot nudge his own, and he looked up, noticing Will’s nervous expression. He’d been waiting for his approval. Shit. Mike was digging his own fucking grave. Will probably thought he was a homophobe, that he hated him, while in reality, all Mike wanted to do was–
“Yeah, Will, we’re happy for you. I support you.”
“Um, thanks, Mike,” Will replied monotonously, picking up the remote and starting up Dr. Zhivago, per Steve’s suggestion. The group’s attention settled on the television screen, leaving Mike to his thoughts, with Will right there to remind him of his cowardice.
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Reader is Gareth's sister, who finds out about what Jason and his asshole friends did. And she ain't very happy.
Steve Harrington x Emerson!Reader
You found out about all of this complete bullshit with Vecna, and knew you should go check on your brother, Gareth.
You pull into the drive and see Jason's car leaving. Fuck, you see Gareth is on the ground and slam on your breaks before running over.
"Jason?" You ask and Gareth nods. You see he took a pinch to the face, his hand doesn't look so great. You look at the other guys and realize you are going to need some ice.
You run into the house and grab a few ice packs before going back into the garage. You had to be quick, you were going to help Steve with some type of plan, you forgot.
"Did Jason and his friends do this? I know they did, why?" You ask. Gareth looks reluctant to speak. You didn't have time for these delays.
"Tell me or I will finish what Jason started," you threaten and those words, they get Gareth to sing like a mockingbird.
"Jason wanted to know where Eddie was," Gareth blurts. You remind the boys to keep ice on their wounds and run off to go find Jason.
You find Jason's car in front of Dustin's house. You were going to get arrested, but you didn't essentially care.
"CARVER," You yell. Jason turns around and looks at you with confusion. He seems to not be aware that he just punched your brother and nearly broke his hand.
"Why did you beat up my brother?" You demand as you stalk towards him. He was fucking dead. If Vecna didn't get him, you would.
"You know he was helping hide Eddie. Eddie killed Chrissy, did you hear what that freak did?" Jason asked. He was disoriented. Clearly afraid.
"Bullshit," you yell as your first collides with Jason's nose. He falls back and blood drips from his nose. Some of the other guys walk towards you, but help Jason up instead.
"You are going to leave my brother the fuck alone, or there might just be two psycho killers on the loose," you threaten before walking off.
You get in your car and drive, Dustin was trying to radio you, "Y/N come in,"
"What did you do?" You ask as Jason's car disappears from view. You were going to have to watch your back from now on.
"Um, Mrs. Kelly's house isn't where we need you to meet us, go to the school," Dustin says and you know they fucked up something.
"Don't even want to know, I'll be there," you say and drive a little faster. You couldn't risk something happening. You were alone.
But, at least you weren't on Vecna's list. Or were you? I mean, all of those times that shit had happened, saving the world numerous times, had taken a toll on you. You did get nightmares. Fuck.
It you didn't need to think about that. You needed to figure out how you were going to tell Steve, how would you tell him that you just made yourself a target for Jason and his gang of assholes?
Steve was going to kill you. You knew he would be mad for provoking Jason, and maybe even convincing him you had something to do with the murders.
He wouldn't understand, he couldn't win a fight for the damn life of him. You still don't, and never will, understand how the fuck he won against a trained Russian guard.
Yet, you could beat him I'm a fight. Hell, a child could beat his ass. Erica would definitely, but maybe a different kid. But Erica definitely seemed like the type who could kick Steve's ass. Jonathan and Billy, upon many others, have beat Steve's ass.
God, you had trued to teach him to fight. It didn't work, if anything he got worse. But then he goes and kicks a Russian guards ass. You don't even think you could do that.
You pull into the school parking lot. You would deal with that when it was completely essential to deal with it.
Requests are open! I write for a shit ton of characters so check out my pinned post for more details!
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
S4 part 2 predictions
Lol I don't feel super confident one way or another but... who Cares . This is for fun XD. Also Will mention some movies said to inspire s4.
- el probably does everything in her power to save her friends. Especially max who is still cursed and vecna's target. El may look through max's happy memories to save her- since a happy memory of el's defeated henry/vecna in the past. Vecna probably follows them through the dream scape and corrupts the memories . I know some leaks said max goes into a coma? Which is still possible-I guess. But I think it would make more sense for it to be el (for a myriad of reasons- post explaining the reasons/foreshadowing here). But the most obvious reason is henry (and 9 in the comics) when they pushed their powers too far- both fell into comas. And the fact rolling an 11 (in ep 1) doesn't defeat vecna is also foreboding. She'll probably push her powers too far trying to save her friends, close the mini gates, etc ... but by s5 she'll recover . I also believe given el's powers she'll be able to more easily infiltrate vecna's mind (aka the scene of el at the creel house in the part 2 teaser).regardless of what happens, the only real way to defeat vecna is through El AND teamwork of her friends. She can't do it alone.
- hawkins is probably destroyed or partially destroyed due to : vecna, hawkins angry mob (caused by jason), and or sullivan's troops.
- I posted this theory before part 1- and part 1 just made me more worried it's true. I'm worried joyce and co are stranded/stuck in the soviet union at the end of s4. Joyce threatening yuri that "we're in the middle of nowhere. No one for miles". Still applies to joyce and co too . Not to mention they repeat multiple times (like literally 5 times) that the soviet union wants to capture joyce after she sabotaged their usa operation (even paying others to capture her) . Also...because some s4 movies have the shitty dead beat dad get custody - I just start thinking a cliffhanger could be lonnie getting custody of Will. Like tokyodrift was inspo for s4: dead beat dad who is into cars, g*ns, and who hasn't seen his son in many years gets custody when he's a teenager. Yikes.
- I don't necessarily think Will will be stuck in the ud by the end of s4 even though i previously made a theory post about it (but I get it's still a decent possibility) . I still think it may be more likely he's stuck with the human monster lonnie (and his support system of family and friends is gone inbetween the time jump of s4 and 5). Because alot of the inspo films had the ab*sive parent isolate the kid on purpose. 😞
- it would be interesting for Will, jonathan, and mike to see hallucinations caused by vecna- that reveal more about their character's inner psyches (and the byers' pasts). The s4 movies kind of imply it-talked about that,and the possibilities, in detail here . And I mean- jonathan talks about his fear of becoming his dad, and argyle calls it a " nightmare cycle". And we have a nightmare monster (who has a habit of shapeshifting into teenager's family members- to mess with them ). Wasted opportunity for jonathan if nothing happens there. But who knows we may have to wait till s5. Since duffers said 'the ud being stuck on the day Will disappeared'- won't be adressed until s5. So we may have to wait till s5 for that + maybe the same for Will's (possible pyrokinetic?) powers too? But who knows maybe we'll see something in s4.A part of me still hopes Will lights vecna on fire lol- maybe while vecna is shapeshifting as lonnie . Literally only say this cause 3 movies (that are inspo for s4) incorporate someone in a dream world lighting on fire a dream version of their ab*sive parent. And will the wise has fire powers. Plus the fact- henry/vecna says a "cure" for him isn't possible. And el/Will are associated with "the cure": Will's "the cure" poster/ El being called "the cure". Plus all of their luke/leia twin parallels. And Will saying to El "we'll fix it together "- hopefully means something. Superpowered twins- please.
- at the very least Will's psychic connection with the ud will be mentioned again in s4. And be useful. Dustin in s4 "maybe the answer we're looking for is in this vague drawing. God we need Wiill." Max: "yeah, no shit" .
- high key mostly wishful thinking. But i also hope kali returns in s4 or s5 . Narratively would make sense. There's def some s4 foreshadowing that makes me think she may come back eventually. But we'll see.
- I talked about a lot of possible deaths , linked below in last bullet point. But low key think yuri prerending to be someonelse, and lying and saying a bear clawed at "yuri's heart " . May be a hint of how he's probably k*lled later by the demogorgan. Murray later to yuri : "bears... who knew you could see your own future ". Fyi in s1 and 2 the demogorgan was compared to a bear.
- eddie has a 50/50 chance of making it. Either he dies or (possibly?)ends up in jail as part of the bleek cliffhangers . Like , we had dustin in s3 mention a "patsy" (someone innocent to blame for crimes) . And we also had a s4 scene where a guy mentions "jail" and the " justice system being a joke"- then it pans to eddie. And I suppose it would go with the prison storylines this season (El/hopper's storylines).Also one s4 documentary film "paradise lost" - had a goth guy similar to Eddie arrested for m*rders he didn't commit (the small town blamed him due the satanic panic - they cited him wearing black, and liking: rock music, stephen king, horror books/movies, paganism ,etc as evidence of his crimes - I wish I was joking ).
- hopefully m*leven finally breakup- amicably. I don't think byler is officially dating by s4 ... but some romantic feelings will probably be heavily implied . Curious about Will's painting- hopefully it's a callback to the first time they met on the swings. Sigh ... if I have to wait till s5 to have confirmed reciprocated byler. Fine. But if this love triangle can end ... please let it be sooner rather than later. I'm so tired XD
- I feel like vecna may not have to curse all of the crew to cause illusions for them (similar to when he was little): so we may see him affect various characters this way, without full on cursing them? Pretty sure lucas hitting Jason is an illusion. But yeah given how jason's crew feels like Lucas is a "traitor" - they Def will come for him along with rest of hellfire. But I think lucas makes it out safe by the end of s4.
- so yeah s4 will probably end with some bleek cliffhangers. Joyce and co maybe are stranded in the soviet union at the end of s4. There may be multiple deaths (post about all the other possible deaths and why- here). Hawkins ,their home town, may be wrecked. El may be in a coma and ...taken into gov custody ? Will may be taken (away from his brother and friends), because Lonnie got custody? If eddie actually makes it out alive (50/50 on that) he may be taken into police custody . Honestly even if I'm totally wrong - I just don't expect a happy ending... that's reserved for s5.
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Alright guys here's the first room closeup (+ headcanons/notes), by popular demand:
~Mike & Will's room~
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(Plz don't judge my choice of wall art I pretty much just picked it bc it matched the wallpaper colors and there weren't a lot of good options)
Ok so design details
I know yall see that blue and yellow, and the green in the middle. All very intentional. The bed w/ the yellow blanket is Will's & the one w/ the blue blanket is Mike's. They sit on the rug when they're having their little heart-to-hearts that the rest of the party never seem to be a part of for "some reason"
Also, these boys wear a lot of fuckin stripes, so. Blue and yellow striped wallpaper? Green striped rug? Idk man it was screaming byler what can I say
And then there's a record player or whatever on the dresser between them, bc as we all know Will is a music guy and Mike lets Will do whatever he wants even if that means keeping him up listening to his favorite song all night bc he'd never forgive himself if Vecna somehow got Will bc Mike made him turn it off*
*So, to explain what that's all about: after his repeated failed attempts with Max, One went after Will next bc y'know, lots of trauma, easy target, etc (at least that's what the mf thought, I'm pretty sure Will lowkey has powers or smthn)
(This happened before the start of the au btw so it's just sort of background info, it might be mentioned but it won't be happening in present)
But anyway Will almost got Vecna'd and it was partially Mike's fault bc they got in a fight, Mike said smthn stupid and Will ran off, we know the drill (Mike still blames himself for it even tho they made up & Will forgave him and is fine)
Mike kinda lost his shit, honestly I'm thinking in his terror he pushed El too hard to save Will (when she was already doing her best obviously bc that's her brother) and that was part of why they broke up bc even El realized he cared more about Will than her- Mike is pretty much the only one who doesn't know yet lol
And they all survived obviously but now they're both kinda extra paranoid about it and even though they've moved far away and One hasn't followed them they still worry that some day he might track them down, so they fall into a (compulsive) habit of playing Will's favorite songs on repeat
(I'm not giving you his fav songs bc first of all I can't even decide my own fav song and also it just feels really presumptuous like that's too personal of a thing for me to decide for somebody else. I take music very seriously & very personally ok. Funnily enough tho I am listening to "should I stay or should I go" at this very moment)
Anywho, moving along
That desk by the door is mostly used for coming up with new campaigns they don't want the others to spoil (it's ok for their roommate to have insider knowledge that's not an unfair advantage or anything and besides it just can't be helped y'know? /s) no but they do collaborate sometimes and they work so well together as storytellers that the others find it lowkey unsettling (Dustin and Lucas are used to it tho)
>tw: vaguely suicidal themes?
Someone, not thinking I guess, makes an offhand joke about them being on the ground floor so they don't have to worry about Mike jumping out the window, and Will, who somehow hadn't ever actually heard the whole "quarry story," asks what that's supposed to mean and then they very awkwardly have to explain and he's basically like "oh my god what the hell that's not fucking funny why would you joke about that" and for a while after learning about it he's extra conscious of any self-deprecating/self-sacrificing type shit Mike says
Also they have "crazy together" written somewhere in the room no one else will see it. It's uncertain where, or whose idea it was, or why they did it, but they did. Probably to sort of make the room feel more like it was claimed as *theirs* after having to move to a new house far away from familiarity, and as a reminder to always be there for each other when times are tough
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
link to chapter three.
link to chapter four.
Fall of 94′: Eddie Munson x Black Reader Chapter 5
it’s been nearly 8 years since the events of hawkins and out of the entire party, the only one to stay behind is the one and only eddie munson. with a five year old daughter in tow, his life is a simple one, still trying to escape the dark cloud over him that never went away.
but when all too familiar hellish events start happening again eddie must team up with his daughter’s favorite and mysterious new teacher to protect his little girl and the town he owes nothing to.
warnings: violence,  gore,  religious trauma, soft dom! eddie, discussions of mental health and ptsd, praise kink,  childhood trauma,  smut to end all smut,  hawkins indiana is a warning to me.  
minors dni, I check.
The passage of time was an incredible beast, Eddie couldn’t remember what he had for breakfast yesterday but recounting the story of Chrissy Cunningham was as easy as breathing to him. 
He hadn’t done it since the spring of 86, recounting each and every detail to a government agent and friend of the psychic girl with the shaved head that everyone had already known as El. They cleared his name but no matter what he did, his hands still shook at the mention of her name and turned his legs to jello whenever he had a passing thought over his senior year.
But this time around, there was someone holding his hands as he told the tale of 1986, two tired and feverish hands squeezed his in comfort, attentive as he spared no shortcuts, every and every detail spilling out of him.
“And that thing that almost killed us on the road, the bat, was it a part of the same creature that killed Chrissy?” You asked, wanting to make sure you had all the details right.
“ The same one that Rosie saw. ”
“So she saw the bat but nobody else did, I saw Chrissy but nobody else did, but we both saw the bat and it attacked. They’re all connected, in what way I don’t know yet.”
“ If Vecna is back, there’s nothing I can do to stop him. It took all of us the last time and I can’t ask the others to come running back here, not after everything they’ve been through. If anything happened to Rosie, I could never forgive myself. “
“ You can’t think like that.” 
“Why not? How do we know this isn’t happening  because of me? This is all my fault, I should have left with Rosie but instead I made her a target. ” Eddie folds in on himself, hands in his hair but you gently remove them placing them in your lap instead.
“I know I don’t know you very well but whatever’s happened in 86 wasn’t your fault and what’s happening now isn’t either. You’re a good man Eddie and you both are going to be okay.” You said, throwing your arms around him, wrapping you both in the blanket.
 For a while you just sit there and let him cry, your grip on him just as tight as his grip on you. Puffy eyes and nose red, he lets you go, his hand on your forehead.
“I think my breakdown broke your fever. How are you feeling?” 
“Better, exhausted. It’s been awhile since I’ve used my powers like that, my body wasn’t ready for the kickback.”
“ You know, you can tell me anything. I just told you I was a part of an operation run by children to take down an inter-dimensional monster, nothing you say will make me head for the hills.  Or you can tell me absolutely nothing, I’m not owed anything I don’t have consent for.”
You had a certain set of rules to follow.
Keep your head down.
Take the pills.
Be good at your job and come straight home, nothing else.
Relationships lead to questions, questions to lead to police, police lead back to Mama.
But nothing could prepare you for the kindness of a stranger and the yearning for the softness you had every single right to but never, ever, offered for yourself. 
Could you risk it for just the tiny bit of relief that comes with laying a burden down?
The words die on your lips as the words as Eddie’s overhead lights flicker on and off above you.
“What’s that, what’s happening?”
Eddie’s hand is back in yours as you both look at the ceiling, eyes wide.
“Someone is in The Upside Down.”
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strangertheories · 2 years
Do you think that the demogorgon actually took Will in season 1? Or Vecna?
Or something else..
I feel like it was a mixture of the two. First of all, there's the argument that the Upside Down is a hive mind meaning Vecna probably would've been in control of the demogorgon in the first place. But there's little details that make me feel like it was Vecna directly without him using something to get in the way. For example, the lights flicker when the demogorgon is around but they get brighter when Vecna is around because Vecna is a human (Will made the lights brighter too) and when Will was taken the lights got brighter but they flickered when Barb was taken as far as I'm aware.
Although they flicker when Vecna uses his powers too, I think he uses his psychic powers before he took Will into the Upside Down. When Will is at Mike's house, the porch light flickers. This wouldn't be the demogorgon as it's way outside of its hunting range and also he doesn't tend to stalk his prey. The TV is also static-y, just like Max's pre Chrissy, the one at the diner pre Patrick and Victor's radio. Eleven uses static to infiltrate people's minds, so I believe at this point was when Vecna selected his target.
But then that raises the question of why? First of all, it could just have been a random kid. But Will has been targeted across all of the seasons, not to mention he brought the demo slug into our world, developed true sight and got mind flayed. I think Vecna selected him as a target possibly as a bit of projection. He selected Eleven before because I believe he saw her being persecuted for something she couldn't control and that she wasn't conforming as well, which is similar to what he experienced as a kid. Maybe when he saw Will getting bullied for not conforming to societal norms he thought he might want to join him? I mean mind flayed Will did say Vecna wanted everyone dead except for him. Perhaps after giving up on Eleven, he turned to Will and targeted him instead.
That's why instead of just being eaten, Will was found with a vine. Vecna knew he was going to get saved so planted the demo slug in him and decided Will would be his agent to blur the lines between Hawkins and the Upside Down. I also wonder if Will was actually going into the Upside Down as he didn't disappear in our world. Stuff that happens in Vecna visions clearly affects you in real life so maybe he got flayed in a manufactured vision and then real life by extension? He could clearly sense the Upside Down pre flaying and that to me seems very reminiscent of Max sensing that she was cursed by Vecna.
So those are some of my thoughts. Thanks for the ask, anon (:
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Dear rude anon. If you don't believe that Will is already in a trance at the end of S4, that's fine. It's a theory, after all. 
You can think that Will is whiny and useless. I couldn't disagree more, and I'm sure S5 will surprise you (and maybe piss you off), but that's your opinion.
But what you say doesn’t make much sense. So you think that even if Henry's already put Will in a trance, wasting literally no time, it doesn't mean anything. 
Then why do you think this powerful man would target useless Will the moment he’s back in Hawkins? Maybe he just has another message for El? Like: TOLD YOU, hehehehehe
Or he can’t find someone else to stalk or possess? Someone bigger and already strong without the power of the MF’s particles? Not to mention that Eddie’s body is right there, in the Upside Down. And the scenes in the prison prove that the particles CAN control dead bodies (yes, I believe we’ll see Vecna!Eddie in S5)
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Henry has an army of monsters, he is undead and basically unkillable, but for some reason he keeps targeting this kid.
Maybe you think that it’s obvious that things happen to him because he’s a main character. But does this seem the kind of story where things just happen, with no deeper meaning? Sorry, I can’t agree with that. These writers have proved that everything happens for a reason. The villain is the mirror/foil of both the kids involved with the supernatural plot. In every season there are references to other works, tons of easter eggs, meaningful callbacks to previous seasons. And the music is always a fundamental part of the story as well. So it’s clear that, if Henry keeps targeting Will, there must be a reason.
Let’s see how many times he did it.
S1. The abduction  Coincidence! Will was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ok. Possible. Sure, his kidnapping is still different from any other attack we’ve seen in the show, even from the attack of the real first victim, the scientist, but let’s say they wanted Will’s kidnapping to be as mysterious as possible. Why wouldn’t Henry try to get Will in his house, if he was involved in the kidnapping? We still don’t know, but I have a theory on that. Maybe it’s crazy, but imo it makes sense (here)
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S2. The possession  Just the consequence of the coincidence in S1? Will spent a week in the UD and coughed up an UD creature, so why not possessing him? Makes sense. Well, there are curious details we shouldn’t ignore, like the eye color change during the possession that doesn’t happen to other people who get possessed later (I talk about it here) But it is possible. 
By the end of the season tho, it seems that Henry/MF is a little obsessed with Will. They could’ve shown the MF looming over Hawkins, since he’s a threat to everyone. But he was at the school, and the lyrics of Every breath you take mean that he’s still stalking Will, specifically (more here) We now know that Henry wants to kill El since 1979, but in S2 he wanted to kill everybody but Will. The song tells us what he thinks about him: “Can’t you see, you belong to me”. He wants his Zombie boy. And not to spy on El, imo. If Henry was still spying on Will after the possession just to find El, then in S3 he would’ve found her way sooner, since Will spent a lot of time with El in that season.
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At this point, Will has been targeted three times already. In S1, beginning of S2, end of S2. 
S4-S5. I believe Will is already in a trance at the end of S4, yes, and that there is evidence that supports this theory (here my post but other people have talked about it. heroesbyler aemiron-main, and mIchaelwheeler). Then there is the pic of the actor who plays Lonnie. So it is possible that he’s part of Will’s vision and that they already filmed it. Also, we know for sure that Will is going to be central in S5, and that the UD being stuck on the day he went missing is the key plot point of the last season. 
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Seriously, I have no idea how people can think that Will is not an important character or that the villain keeps targeting him because... Coincidences! Things just happen! It’s all about El. No, actually it’s all about Henry and HIS story... 
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