#vitamins to take after covid recovery
krazyshoppy · 2 years
बढ़ रहे हैं कोरोना के मामले, इन विटामिन से बूस्ट करें इम्यूनिटी
बढ़ रहे हैं कोरोना के मामले, इन विटामिन से बूस्ट करें इम्यूनिटी
Boost Your Immunity: बदलते मौसम के साथ कोरोना के केस भी तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट के मामले मुंबई समेत कई जगहों पर सामने आ रहे हैं. मानसून में इम्यूनिटी कमजोर हो जाती है ऐसे में कोई भी संक्रमण तेजी से फैलता है. अगर आप खुद को कोरोना और अन्य संक्रमण से बचाना चाहते हैं तो डाइट में विटामिन और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर आहार शामिल करें. इससे बीमारियां शरीर से दूर रहेंगी. मानसून में सर्दी,…
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nimblermortal · 11 months
Nimblermortal's Covid Survival Tips 2023
because what's the point of having this if I can't make it easier for the next person?
First symptom for me was a mild sore throat. This started around noon; the next morning I woke up with no symptoms but feeling terrible, which I interpret as the medical "sense of impending doom" that is a real symptom.
Charmin toilet paper. This stuff is softer than Kleenex. Get you a whole roll and a shopping bag. Don't have a runny nose for a symptom? Don't care, it'll come.
Blankets you can kick on and off. I spent two days "cycling" - chills, fever, then lucidity. You need to be able to both vent and huddle.
If you are scientifically inclined: Keep a thermometer nearby. I regret not taking my temperature during the cycles, I'm really curious about whether I was running hotter or colder during the hot stages. That said, you will definitely not have enough energy to take your temperature during these stages.
Some sort of infinite podcast. It doesn't matter what it is. Honestly I recommend Critical Role even if you don't like D&D live plays. You do not care what is going on here, the point is white noise that you don't have to change. Make sure the device is plugged in. I could only nap while there was white noise happening - and when I say 'nap' I mean 'I don't know if I slept or not, just that I was face-down and some time passed'.
Advil. This will lower the fever. If you can, wait until the second day - the fever helps burn out the disease, but this only applies to the first 24 hours. But don't let the fever get too high. I ran a steady 101 F/38.3 C for two days, which is fine. You can take one every 4 hours up to 6 times a day. For me the best effects only lasted 2 hours and I was ready by the fourth (but also a stubborn pig who tried to hold out; there's no advantage to this after the first 24 hours).
Small dishes. People kept trying to feed me and I couldn't finish anything. Small dishes, plain foods, let yourself have the ability to win at meals. (Note: this may not apply to you, but I'm the sort of person who used to be sent to elementary school with a single small potato because the cafeteria was too noisy for me to eat but I needed to win at lunch.) If you're preparing just-in-case, you could put some in the freezer
Immune boosters. My aunt swears by Sambucol, which is elderberry and vitamin C and zinc. Zinc matters more if you are male. My take on the Sambucol advantage is elderberry taste good.
Non-caffeinated tea. Something that goes down the throat easy. I had a sore throat to start with, then after the cycling I've got a progressively increasing cough; warm beverage nice. (I also craved a masala tea in the middle of the cycling, so caffeine might be nice, but you probably want to let yourself sleep.)
Vicks vaporub. Apply directly to the forehead liberally once the coughing starts. The package says you can do this 3 times a day.
Don't worry about cough medicines unless you have one you trust implicitly. Mum says they're not very effective, so you want that sweet, sweet placebo effect.
Someone to watch over you. Partly to make sure you don't get it worse than I had. Mostly because when I'm weak and sick I get clingylonely and I need someone to assure me I am loved. I had the same problem with the vaccines - shivering under the blankets calling weakly for Hyacinth because I was alone and Sad. Honestly the covid has been less intense but longer.
Recovery time. Covid heals a lot slower than comparable sicknesses. Whatever you think your return-to-work day might be, add at least two days to it. (I thought I was getting away with something last Wednesday, tried to work Thursday, and survived for one hour.)
More recovery time. This thing heals very slowly. I haven't had symptoms in a week - aside from having to plan for being able to do single-digit numbers of tasks in a day. And 'digesting a meal' is a separate energy task from 'eating a meal' is a separate energy task from 'preparing a meal' is a separate... (No really, I had to plan energy expenditure for digestion.) At a week out, I am still having to make room for daily hour-long naps and activities interspersed with lying down - though at least now I can embroider with a TV show during these periods. Give yourself lots of time, even when it feels stupid.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Do you have any tips for surviving covid and avoiding any long term symptoms? I had CFS for two years and I’d just mostly recovered (somehow, I got really lucky) before I got covid, and now I’m scared it’ll flare up again :(
Hello friend, I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with this.
I'm obviously not a doctor, but as a chronically ill person, covid definitely set me back in my own recovery when I got it. This is not to say it will for you, but if you already have CFS, it's best to act with caution. I thought I was "fine" post covid infection in 2020, and then 3 months later, all my chronic illnesses flared at once, and I'm still dealing with some of the fallout -- likely because I didn't take adequate time to rest post-infection.
I basically spent the whole of 2021 working on my mental and physical health and am just now getting back to a stable baseline with my POTS and exercise intolerance.
So my advice would be to treat yourself like you are already dealing with a CFS flare. Prioritize being gentle with yourself. Avoid exercising beyond your limits, and make sure you're getting enough to eat and sleep.
Also, make sure you're on top of any possible deficiencies. I seem to recall covid hits people harder if they've got vitamin D deficiencies, which makes sense if you know vitamin D helps regulate mast cells, which in turn regulate how your immune system responds to infections and recovery. (You do not need to have MCAS for low Vit D to affect your mast cells. It's been shown to affect things like asthma and other allergic diseases as well.)
Guard your energy levels as best you can, and if you're able to, take extra precautions against getting infected again. If I have to go anywhere, I only ever wear n95 masks with an additional paper surgical mask over the top to get more wear out of the n95.
I buy mine from here, in case that helps. You can also get "reusable" ones from places like Cambridge Masks, which can be hand-washed.
Also, make sure you stay up to date with any available vaccines. I know the vaccines may cause mini-flares (they do for me), but it's better than the full-blown flares that covid itself can cause.
Overall just rest, rest, rest. Obviously, talk to your doctor too if you find yourself with any new or worrying symptoms, just be wary of any recommendations for exercise.
Doctors do so much harm when they prescribe exercise too soon for post-viral syndromes, and while the initial hit of endorphins might feel good, the long-term damage isn't worth it. Trust your body; after living with CFS, you know it better than anyone else.
Best of luck and take care. I hope things go smoothly for you.
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When nurse practitioner Angelica McGough, founder of Essential Infusions Plus in Rochelle and Rockford, Illinois, opened her clinic, her mission was to provide hope and health to her community instead of “just putting a bandaid on the problems once they arise.”
“I started an infusion clinic when I saw the great success patients were having with the Myers’ Cocktails and staying out of the hospital when they had Covid. As a hospitalist, I wanted to be able to offer patients hope and the ability to give their bodies what they need to heal themselves,” shared Angelica McGough, DNP, FNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN.
To accomplish this, she understood that offering the best products on the market was the only way to go, so she sought out the wellness company Liquivida. As the #1 IV therapy company in the US, she knew partnering with them was a smart choice.
Liquivida partners with doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and naturopathic doctors who align with their vision to provide optimal nutritional support to their patients and clients. By distributing IV drip “kits” directly from their partnering pharmacy, they give practitioners the confidence to know they are getting the best products with the best quality ingredients.
What are Liquivida IV Drips?
Liquivida IV drips, also known as IV vitamin therapy, are a convenient way to get the vitamins your body needs to support your health and boost your immune system.
Benefits of IV vitamin therapy include:
increased energy
maintaining health
fighting sickness
slowing aging
supporting long-term health
improving mental focus
body detoxification
“Our outside appearance is a reflection of what’s happening on the inside, and if we are out of balance it affects our skin, energy levels, mental clarity and more. Liquivida IV vitamin treatments are a great starting point to achieve optimal health, wellness and vitality,” shared Samael Tejada, founder of Liquivida.
Similar to an IV drip in a hospital, Liquivida IV drips are administered using a small IV injection. The essential nutrients go directly into the bloodstream, which allows the body to absorb and process them more efficiently.
Although the nutrients we need can be found in the right foods, it’s not always a guarantee that we’ll get the essential nutrients in the right quantities. Clients visiting Essential Infusions Plus can take their care to an even higher level by receiving an in-depth diagnostic assessment.
This gives the practitioner information on the nutrients that the client is lacking so that supplemental vitamin support can be provided in the proper doses that the client needs.
Once a practitioner knows which nutrients are deficient and the proper levels needed, Liquivida’s IV vitamin therapy treatments can be administered with the confidence that the patients are receiving the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other essential micronutrients at the correct dosages.
IV therapy sessions take less than an hour and leave you feeling refreshed and energized.
They come in the following nutrient-dense formulations:
Fountain of Youth IV Kit. Replenishes the body for healthier-looking skin, hair and nails.
Natural Defense IV Kit. Protects the body and speeds up recovery from airborne illnesses like colds.
Rise and Shine IV Kit. Reduces headaches and stops feelings of fatigue or exhaustion after a hangover.
The Executive IV Kit. Promotes mental clarity and focus during work hours and beyond.
Glutathione IV Kit. Empowers cells, slows down aging and produces a brighter, healthier skin glow.
Vitamin C IV Kit. Boosts immune systems and promotes healthy skin.
What are Liquivida IV Drip “Kits?”
Liquivida makes it easy for practitioners to offer IV vitamin therapy to their patients by providing IV kits that include everything a practitioner needs to administer vital nutrients. IV Infusion Vial Packets are preservative-free nutrient vials specifically designed for IV Infusion and for single-dose administration.
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nikhildev555555 · 9 months
Complications rise among piles patients in shutdown
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A sizable number of people with piles and fistula are taking longer to get cured as most of them are delaying medical care in the wake of the coronavirus triggered lockdowns, resulting in complications.
“Usually, 70% of patients with piles are treated with medicines and dietary changes as they get diagnosed in an early stage. However, owing to the extended lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, a sizable number of patients are presenting in late stages of the disease with symptoms like severe pain and bleeding,” said consultant colorectal surgeon Ashwin Porwal of Healing Hands Clinic.
Once the haemorrhoids (piles) are in grade III or IV stages, medical management has a limited role.
“Most of these patients with progression of piles are being treated with laser surgery when medication and lifestyle modifications could have been enough to do the trick if they had approached us early,” Porwal said.
Similarly, patients with an anal fissure, a small tear or crack in the lining of the anus, who normally respond to medications in two weeks are now taking a minimum of 4-6 weeks for recovery with medications. “Patients with fistula, a tunnel that runs from inside the anus, are also approaching us after developing severe pain or fever due to abscess (collection of pus). Quite a few of them even required emergency surgery,” Porwal said.
Many of the outstation patients who were operated in early March (before the lockdown) for complex fistula couldn’t come for follow up due to the lockdown.
“They developed premature closure of the wound, which developed into pus leading to an abscess. This would not have happened if the follow-up dressing was not skipped,” laparoscopic surgeon Deepak Kulkarni said.
Healing is slow in such patients even after surgery.
“Patients need weekly follow up after surgery. But the frequent lockdowns made them reluctant to venture out for follow up, delaying the healing and recovery,” said anaesthetist Nitin Nachane.
Contracting Covid-19 from infected but asymptomatic patients is always a risk for healthcare workers as much as other patients.
“To minimize this, strict universal precautions are being taken. Post-surgery, patients are put on immunity-boosting medications like Curcumin and vitamin D for two weeks. None of our patients have developed Covid-19 during hospital stays and even after the surgery so far,” Porwal said.
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eo-obsession · 1 year
Ningxia Red - what tipped me over into YL
For the longest time I have resisted, but I finally caved.
It was something someone has let me sample more than 8 years back and at that time, although I had thought it was a great tasting product and seemed to give me an instant boost, I had reasoned, I didn't need it. I had gojiberries in my diet and they were easily available, easy to use in cooking, and probably I could get the other antioxidants and vitamins elsewhere in my diet.
Now that I'm a little older and starting to have some eye focusing issues, it didn't hurt to get a starter pack to see if it helped my eyes. Turned out - it did! I am not having such a difficult time reading text messages on my phone especially in the mornings, after only 2 weeks of intermittent use, and months later it seems to be a sustained benefit. Of course I am also more careful with my diet and choose to have more B vitamins, omega 3 and protein rather than the bare minimum I was going by during the Covid-19 era, but overall I am very grateful to have this product in my life to give me a headstart in my path to recovery.
If you are in the US, check out the starter bundle, it is full of the amazing benefits of gojiberry, citrus essential oils for that mental boost and other super antioxidant ingredients like sweet cherry, plum, blueberry, available to you at a discounted price. This also gets you an instant 24% off (member price) other Young Living products, without signing up as a brand partner:
If you are located in Singapore or Malaysia, you can always take advantage of the heavily discounted bundle price and sign up as a member, the benefits that Ningxia Red's antioxidants can do for your body is well worth the value.
Here are my referral links for the different regions:
USA: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/37723593
Singapore: https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start?sponsorid=37723593&enrollerid=37723593&isocountrycode=SG&culture=en-SG&type=customer
Malaysia: https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start?sponsorid=37723593&enrollerid=37723593&isocountrycode=MY&culture=en-MY&type=member
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition consult a health care professional prior to use. Shake well before use. Refrigerate after opening. Consume within 30 days. NingXia is certified as Halal and Kosher in the 750 ml bottles.
*Gojiberries are known to have oestrogen-mimicking effects so do not use if you have contraindicated conditions. Use with discretion in young or prepubescent children and adolescents.
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kathrynlynntrammel · 1 year
What Relieves Chronic Fatigue?
One of the most typical symptoms of long-term COVID sufferers is fatigue. It may cause both physical and emotional exhaustion. Although experts are unsure of the precise origin of post-COVID weariness, they believe it may be connected to the overproduction of cytokine. When you are battling a virus, your immune system produces these substances.
A good night's sleep is crucial to feeling good. It can aid in lowering stress, enhancing mental health, and regaining vitality. When recovering from prolonged Covid tiredness, getting adequate sleep is especially crucial since it helps you feel refreshed when you wake up. Each person will have different sleeping needs, but it's crucial to make an effort to get enough sleep each night.
Long-lasting weariness is a common symptom of post-COVID syndrome patients, who may also have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). You can take several actions to assist in managing this condition. It's crucial to remember that your body may require some time to return to its normal state of vitality.
Moving around as much as possible is crucial for recovery because long-term COvid exhaustion is a dangerous problem. But be careful not to overdo it. For instance, going up and down the stairs is simple and an excellent method to increase your energy, but repeatedly doing it might leave you feeling exhausted. However, you may conserve your energy and remain active in the future by timing your activities and taking frequent breaks.
A new National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) study indicated that persons with long-lasting Covid symptoms recovered better when they engaged in both strength and aerobic activity. Enya Daynes, a physiotherapist who oversaw the study, claims that participants could walk faster and further after their workouts without feeling entirely worn out.
You will feel your best and have more energy if you get the appropriate combination of vitamins and minerals. It can also aid in improved stress management. Eating a balanced diet containing lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes (beans) is vital for recovery from Long Covid. Limiting refined carbs, added sugar, and red and processed meats are also beneficial.
The Mediterranean diet is also connected to excellent health, which is high in fish, olive oil, fruits, and vegetables. Being adventurous and trying new things is the most excellent way to maintain a healthy diet. However, it's crucial not to consume too much of any food, and you should constantly be conscious that eating too many calories might lead to weight gain.
Water has a crucial role in maintaining the health of the body's organs, muscles, bones, and nerves. Breathing, sweat, and urine help your body eliminate waste and pollutants. Eight glasses of water each day is an admirable goal. However, it's crucial to understand your body's requirements, which might change based on age and health.
Carrying a water bottle or utilizing smartphone applications that prompt you to drink can help you keep hydrated. Water is also beneficial to consume before exercising or in hot weather.
Taking frequent pauses is one of the most crucial things to do when feeling fatigued. You may save energy and accomplish more during the day by taking pauses. You may also give relaxing methods like yoga or meditation a try. These can relieve stress and improve your mood. Breathing slowly and deliberately also helps. First, locate a few quiet moments and practice a four-second in, six-second out, and one-second hold breathing rhythm.
Try also attempting quick daytime naps. This may increase your energy levels and enhance the quality of your sleep. Don't go overboard; you could discover that these naps disrupt your sleep at night. The ideal length of a wink is 30 minutes or less.
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smitharaghu · 1 year
Post COVID Fatigue
If you’re like most people, you’re likely to feel fatigue after a viral illness. Symptoms can continue for weeks, even months after the infection has cleared.
Fatigue can be a difficult symptom to cope with and it’s important to know how to manage it. Getting a good night’s sleep, eating well and staying active can help you get back to your normal life.
If you have post covid fatigue, it is important to rest as much as you can. Your body needs time to recover from the stress of a viral infection, so it is crucial not to overdo it.
During this period, you can try to balance periods of gentle activity with longer rest breaks. This may help you get more energy and improve your recovery faster.
You can also try relaxation techniques to calm your mind and reduce stress hormones in the blood. This can help you to manage fatigue, pain, and your overall sense of wellbeing.
Your fatigue will likely improve as your body heals and the virus fades, but it may take a while to feel completely recovered. If you feel like you are not getting better, it is important to talk to your GP about what you can do to support your recovery.
In some cases, post covid fatigue can last for weeks and months after the initial infection. It affects nearly half of people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and can have a dramatic impact on their quality of life.
Some patients experience long-term fatigue that does not improve with rest, even after sleeping more and exercising more. It can be difficult to determine if this is due to your COVID-19 infection or another cause, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), rheumatoid arthritis or a preexisting condition.
It can also be hard to pinpoint when you are feeling tired, as your fatigue can change depending on what activities you are doing or what you have been doing recently. It is important to record your symptoms and how you feel every day.
Eat well
Post-COVID fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of the long-term syndrome known as COVID-19 (post-acute syndrome of covid-19). It can affect the quality of life for sufferers and may last weeks, months or even years after the initial infection.
It is important to eat well when suffering from post-COVID fatigue because it can improve energy levels and overall health. Foods rich in nutrients can help the body fight off infections and heal itself, says Rupali Datta, a clinical nutritionist who has worked in hospitals across the country.
"Foods such as fruits and vegetables are powerhouses when it comes to a person's vitamins and minerals," she adds. They give the body sugar and electrolytes that keep it hydrated, while also providing vitamins and minerals to nourish the immune system.
Eating a balanced diet, including foods that promote a healthy weight, can help prevent chronic illness and reduce the risk of developing other ailments, like heart disease or certain cancers, said Datta. She recommends eating a Mediterranean diet that's high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, nuts and whole grains.
She also suggests adding protein to the diet, which helps with muscle recovery and increases energy. She recommends meats, poultry and fish, which are good sources of vitamin B12.
During post-COVID fatigue, small changes to your diet can be effective in boosting your energy levels. For example, avoid caffeine after lunch and make sure you get enough sleep by going to bed at a regular time and avoiding exercising within two hours of sleeping.
Exercise is important during any illness, but it can be especially hard when suffering from post covid fatigue. It's best to keep it low-impact and light, Robinson says, and focus on exercises that will not strain the muscles or joints. If you do decide to engage in exercise, make sure to pace yourself and keep track of when your energy level is at its peak — this can help you plan your workouts accordingly.
Getting a little exercise each day is a great way to keep your body healthy and improve your mood. It can be done in a variety of ways, and is beneficial for everyone, regardless of age or sex.
It can help prevent or treat diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. But it’s important to make sure that you are doing exercise that is appropriate for your situation and level of fitness.
One of the best things to do is to consult with a doctor or physical therapist about how much and what kind of exercise you should do. This is because it’s important to start with a safe and gradual amount of activity that you are comfortable with.
Experts recommend that people with post covid fatigue slowly return to their pre-infection levels of exercise. This is because the body needs to recover from the infection and the immune system needs time to rebuild its reserves, says UCSF’s Durstenfeld.
This can cause some people to feel tired and sluggish for several weeks after the infection has passed. It’s also a good idea to avoid going back into vigorous exercise too quickly as this can cause your body to weaken even more.
Another option is to start with small amounts of exercise each day and gradually build up to more. This is especially true if you are a beginner or have not been active for a while.
Many people who have long COVID can’t take part in traditional exercise, because their symptoms can worsen when they perform any sort of movement or physical activity. This is known as post-exertional malaise (PEM). The solution is to start with very gentle and low-impact exercises that don’t involve any physical movement, such as tai chi or aqua therapy.
Stay active
During post covid fatigue, it is important to stay active. However, this may be difficult because of the symptoms you are experiencing. You may find that your energy is low in the morning or afternoon and you may feel tired at night. This is normal and will only get better as you heal.
It is also important to pace yourself. If you push yourself too hard, it will not help you heal and could make your symptoms worse.
Keep a diary to record when you feel your best, so you can plan activities accordingly. This will also give you a chance to avoid things that are draining your energy.
You can also try relaxation exercises and measured breathing. Doing these activities will help relax your muscles and increase your strength.
Getting plenty of rest and eating nutritious food can also help you recover from post covid fatigue. This will also help you improve your health and quality of life.
Some people find it helpful to take part in a support group or therapy program that can help you work through your emotions. It is important to get help if you are struggling with your symptoms and don't have enough energy to do the things that you need to do.
Your doctor will be able to recommend an exercise program or suggest ways to increase your activity levels. It is also a good idea to talk to your friends and family about how you are feeling.
It is common to feel fatigued after COVID-19 infection, but this can last for weeks or even months after the virus has gone away. It is important to seek professional help if you are suffering from long-term post covid fatigue.
Manage stress
COVID-19 is a traumatic infection, so it's not surprising that many people who recover from the disease experience long-term issues like anxiety and PTSD. It's also not uncommon for survivors to be fatigued after the disease resolves.
While it's completely normal to feel anxious and worried during this time, you can manage your stress by learning to relax and challenge anxious thoughts. You can also try to find a way to unwind, such as joining a support group or finding a therapist who can help you work through your emotions.
Post covid fatigue can last a long time, so it's important to keep up with your recovery plan and take care of yourself physically and mentally. For example, you should rest a lot and pace yourself so you don't overdo it.
You should also eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids, including water or intravenous solutions. This will keep your energy levels up and help you feel better.
Your doctor can also prescribe medications to reduce pain and muscle aches. He or she can also recommend exercises and therapy to help you recover and feel more comfortable.
When you're struggling with post covid fatigue, it's especially important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms and concerns. Your doctor may suggest a referral to a mental health professional or a support group.
While it's natural to be tired after an illness, it's also important to keep in mind that fatigue can be a sign of more serious problems like depression. Managing your depression during and after a traumatic event like a COVID-19 pandemic can help you feel less overwhelmed and more able to deal with the stress.
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numberonelab · 1 year
Brain Fog From COVID-19: How Long Does It Last?
Brain fog from COVID-19 is a symptom that has become increasingly common in the last few months. People with mild to moderate cases of the virus have reported experiencing feelings of confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty focusing, all symptoms of brain fog. Although it can be concerning and uncomfortable, there is hope for many who suffer from this affliction; studies have shown that most people experience relief within one to two weeks following recovery - but for some, it can take up to a month or longer. The best way to ensure full recovery and get rid of brain fog is to rest, limit stress, eat healthy meals in moderate amounts and get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Taking regular breaks throughout the day can also help cognitive clarity return faster. With patience and self-care, you can shake off unwanted brain fog eventually!
What is COVID brain fog?
COVID brain fog, also known as post-COVID syndrome, is a newly identified phenomenon experienced by many people who have recovered from coronavirus. It is characterized by difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, and mental exhaustion. Researchers don't yet know how long this condition will last or how to treat it. Common treatments for COVID brain fog are rest and stress reduction activities such as meditation and yoga. Nutrition can also help by providing the body with essential vitamins and minerals that improve cognitive function. Additionally, exercise can help increase physical fitness as well as promote positive moods which may alleviate some of the cognitive symptoms associated with COVID brain fog. While a definitive answer to how long brain fog lasts remains elusive, it is apparent that this condition must be managed holistically to ensure improved mental functioning after having recovered from the virus.
How long does COVID brain fog usually last?
Omicron brain fog is the name given to the cognitive issues that often arise in individuals who have been infected with COVID-19. It can cause confusion, forgetfulness, and difficulty in focusing on tasks and conversations. Unfortunately, omicron brain fog can last beyond the recovery of other physical symptoms of COVID-19, making it a persistent challenge to manage. While omicron brain fog can last up to 6 months post-recovery from COVID-19, there are ways to combat its effects and help maintain mental clarity during this time. Taking short breaks throughout the day and sticking to a regular sleep schedule can help boost concentration and maintain a higher level of mental alertness. Additionally, eating meals containing lean proteins along with leafy greens high in folate has been known to improve focus for those struggling with omicron brain fog.
Brain fog peaks in the months after COVID-19 before gradually improving
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have taken many forms, including a phenomenon known as "Covid brain fog". This can manifest itself in various ways, from struggling to concentrate and remember things to even having difficulty articulating thoughts and finding words. Although episodes of these foggy feelings may occur during chronic infection, it is during the months following an infection that brain fog peaks before gradually improving over time. Some Covid-positive people report seeing a decrease in short-term lapses early on which likely provides a sense of relief. As we look for more answers, does Covid brain fog go away will be an ongoing question into 2021, with the good news that like other symptoms the ill-effects of the virus are transient rather than permanent.
What can you do to manage COVID brain fog symptoms?
Covid brain fog is an increasingly common symptom of the pandemic, but there are strategies you can use to manage its effects during this difficult time. Getting regular and adequate sleep is one of the best things you can do to help your brain recover from covid brain fog. Aiming for at least seven hours a night allows your body and mind time to rest and reduce stress. Additionally, keeping a regular routine can be incredibly helpful in regulating covid brain fog symptoms. When possible, try setting specific times to go to bed and wake up each day to create structure and stability. Additionally, regular exercise has been found to reduce covid brain fog duration significantly when done consistently over the long term. Combining a regular exercise program with healthy eating habits will aid your body in managing covid brain fog levels while protecting your overall wellbeing as well.
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captainconvey · 1 year
what to do if you have a stroke and the best nutrient to support stroke recovery.
Credit      Dr. Eric Berg DC
Learn the signs of a stroke and what to do if you have a stroke.
Today, we’re going to talk about what to do if you have a stroke and the best nutrient to support stroke recovery.
Mini-strokes have symptoms that aren’t permanent. But severe strokes can leave permanent damage. If you have a mini-stroke, the odds of you having a severe stroke are pretty high.
Warning signs of a stroke:
• Loss of balance
• Blurry vision •
One side of the face starting to droop
• Arm or leg weakness
• Speech difficulty
If you experience these symptoms of a stroke, it’s crucial to call an ambulance as soon as possible. There is a certain medication that can help you if you can get it fast enough.
There is also a type of vitamin E called alpha-tocotrienol that may be beneficial. All it takes is a very small amount of this nutrient to help prevent glutamate-induced brain cell death.
If you start noticing stroke symptoms, you may also want to take alpha-tocotrienol as quickly as possible or use it during your stroke recovery.
Tocotrienols may help prevent a stroke, help prevent damage during a stroke, and support recovery after a stroke.
Tocotrienols are also very powerful for many other health conditions.
Vitamin E, in general, is necessary to allow omega-3 fats to work in the brain. One of the top causes of vitamin E deficiency is a diet high in refined grains.
Or, you might not be consuming enough vitamin E.
But keep in mind that it isn’t easy to get vitamin E from food. Natural ways to help prevent a stroke:
• Consume garlic
• Get on the ketogenic diet
• Avoid consuming sugar
• Take omega-3 fatty acids and avoid omega-6 fatty acids
• Exercise regularly
Captain Convey Note
Given the massive uptick in adverse reactions of the nervous system from the mRNA covid-19 "vaccine" jab, this video may be more helpful than even Dr. Berg realizes.
Here are some comments about the video:
There is a problem with getting the medicine after having a stroke.
Having had two small strokes and three minor stokes I was never given the post stroke medicine.
The problem is you get to the hospital and admitted as an emergency patient.
You have wait for the doctor to get to you.
The doctor will not issue you the medicine until you get an MRI. You wait to be taken down to the MRI.
Once there you have to wait for all the patients in front of you to get their MRI.
This includes non emergency scheduled MRIs.
After that you wait to get taken back to the emergency room where you wait for the doctor to get around to you.
This process has always exceeded the four hour limit to receive the stroke medication.
Stroke patients are not given the ER priority they need.
Truth Seeker
3 weeks ago
I am a retired RN of 27 years employment.
From 1978 to the middle/end of the 80's I worked in ICU, and in one facility where I worked, was also an emergency room "code" nurse.
If a patient was admitted with CVA (stroke) symptoms, they were ALWAYS given priority in diagnostic procedures over scheduled appointments.
Sadly, times changed as I experienced the medical profession slowly, gradually, and increasingly deteriorate, and is the major reason why I retired early.
Although, the diagnostic technology has greatly advanced, the application o and the treatments deteriorated.
Truth Seeker
3 weeks ago (edited)
 @Kathy Escobedo  EMT's do not diagnose.
They are on about the same level as a CNA and are basic technicians (as their name states).
If they informed the professionals of those complaints of yours, then the professionals should have taken over.
If they told the ER that you had "no symptoms", then the professional, knowing that they are not educated to do assessments and diagnose, should have assessed the patient thoroughly. (Paramedics can do assessments but not EMT's.)
If you were not treated properly, the responsibility falls into the professionals hands.
(If you are picked up in an ambulance by an EMT you better make sure, if you can, that the doctor in the emergency room or RN knows about your symptoms.
The same is true if your picked up by a Paramedic even though they can do assessments.)
The above possible Fiasco could happen to anybody.
That makes it even more important to have Alpha - Tocotrienol on hand to take every day and in a stroke situation take even more as Dr Berg suggests.
I don't sell Tocotrienol.
I am providing a link on Amazon where it can be purchased at a good price.
NatureCity True-E Full Spectrum Vitamin E Tocotrienols & Alpha Tocopherol Complex 60 Soft Gels (2 Pack)
Given the information, the process it takes in a hospital can exceed the four hour limit to receive the stroke medication this is a must have item!
I have a friend who is an RN and she agrees a hospital can cure you or kill you.
She worked as an RN in a hospital for 20 years including the emergency room.
Delays and mistakes etc.
Another big, big reason to have some Alpha - Tocotrienol on hand is, if you have gotten the JAB which makes you more vulnerable for sure.
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Hey guys, if you have tickets to Regina Spektor this fall, she just announced the dates are pushed back til next year because she has covid and lost her voice. Here's the message she sent out:
"Hi dear friends.
I can’t believe I’m writing what I’m about to write. After being so careful and miraculously avoiding it for over 2.5 years, I came down with a bad case of Covid.
I’m so sorry to everyone who bought tickets and was coming to see me in their town. I have gone from feeling bad, to worse, to terrible. I’ve lost my voice. I am a bit delirious from fever, so in advance I apologize if this note isn’t too coherent.
I have had a really hard time lately, and all your love has been helping me so much. I hope mine reaches you as well. For now- I will have to sing to you from past recordings, and we will reschedule the shows for when the theaters are able to have me back.
Please take good care of yourselves. I will try to take good care of myself too. I’m thankfully surrounded by a wonderful team of people and I’m super grateful to doctors and scientists for all they have done to help us get to a better place with this thing.
I just want to add that my heart is with all the people who have suffered from the different iterations of this virus over this long while. Long Covid, side effects, loss of loved ones… Everything about this seems so individual- to some it is asymptomatic, or some sniffles, and to others it is a long road to recovery or worse, it alters the course of their entire life.
I truly can’t believe this has happened. I was overjoyed in Chicago to play the first show of the tour- and I’m grateful I got to have at least one night of loving you all from that stage! I felt your love too!
Please take your vitamins and take it easy on yourselves. I have beaten myself up about letting you all down, but sometimes life is life- and you can’t control the circumstances. I’m going to try and heal up and see you on the flip side as soon as possible!
Big hug (an energy one, virus free)
Your feverish friend,
Oh no she's cute.
I hate that she's feeling so bad and beating herself up about missing the shows, especially since this has been a hard year for her anyway. Would anyone be interested in organizing a fan gift for her? Maybe we could all film ourselves singing "better" or something and we could edit the footage together and tweet it to her or something? Kinda dumb, I know, but I think it could be kinda sweet
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
JoJolion: The Hard Life of Nijimura Kei
…and how she was criminally underutilized by Araki.
Nijimura Kei, the other Joestar in JoJolion besides Josuke & Holy, who was alive during the JJL storyline (until her last role). She was introduced as a young woman in her early 20s, working as the maid in Higashikata, the richest family in Morioh where most of the family members are spoiled.
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JJL Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
She was a Stand user, using 「Born This Way」, an automatic Stand that activates when the person she has targeted opens something to attack Josuke as a temporary side boss/antagonist. Knowing that it’s automatic, this sealed her fights to be very limited and hard to develop further (both in terms of mechanism and plot).
It turned out that she is a Joestar and related to Josuke, the main protagonist.
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JJL chapter 16 and 17
And her role as Higashikata’s maid was just a disguise to investigate Higashikata's family secret and help her family (mainly her mom, Holy).
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JJL Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
Kei's life at that time should have been pretty tough, when she got news that her brother had just been declared dead and her mother was terminally ill.
Her father died when she was barely a little girl (according to family tree, Kei was born in 1989 and her father died in 1991, making her just around 2 years old when she lost her father).
As a widow, it also made Holy to have to work as a career woman to support her young children (9 years old Yoshikage and 2 years old Kei were left fatherless). And indirectly took away her time as a 'mother' for Kei.
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JJL Chapter 50: Vitamin C and Killer Queen - part 1, look how little Kei looked lonely with her doll.
And back to present time (2011), Kei also had to lose her brother (Yoshikage) and lived alone with the only family member who really depended on her (a very ill mother).
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JJL Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
I'm not sure Kei's salary as a maid alone will be able to cover her mother’s medical bills, plus she was in undercover so she couldn't show herself as her family member out-of-nowhere.
The family mostly depended on Yoshikage to pay for it, and very unfortunately that Yoshikage is already dead, causing the payment to be stopped. I'm sure Kei did not want this to happen to her mother, but sadly she couldn't do much.
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Supposedly, after Kei's true identity and role were revealed, there should be a secret collaboration between her and Josuke. Too bad we never see it, Kei only occasionally appeared as cameo or one of the 'victims' of the Stand attacks from rock-humans (aka. jobbing).
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JJL chapter 75 and 48, not doing anything and got jobbed by 「Vitamin C」& 「Ozon Baby」.
And when she did not get any significant role through the story, she was doing her own business. Turned out that she had been taking care of her mother in hospital.
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JJL Chapter 102: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 19
And taking care of someone who is in a coma like that is not something that everyone’s willing to do. Surely everyone loves Holy, despite her lesser time as Kei's mother due to her job, her daughter still loves her and that’s why she was willing to take care of her in such a way.
Still, having a life like Kei's is a tough one… and not everyone can live it.
And when Kei got her new significant role in the story, her last chance to help the protagonist as his ally…
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Araki gave her such badass intro only to…
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JJL Chapter 104: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 21, get jobbed once again.
Kei's role in JoJolion is quite disappointing, she is a Joestar, a Stand user, and unlike her mother’s condition, she was fit and well so she should be able to do a lot more than Holy as a Joestar.
Kei is connected to the main protagonist, biologically related in a weird way and she held an independent mission as a spy in the Higashikata family. There should have been a lot she could have done in exchanging information and cooperating with Josuke, but her only product to Josuke throughout the story was an information regarding 'equivalent exchange' ability in Higashikata's land and nothing more.
And in the climax arc of “Wonder of You” where it was Kei’s last chance to cooperate with Josuke in defeating the big villain, when we were expecting an exciting 2-vs-1 battle, her role was only as far as a messenger as she delivered the cellphone (message) from Yasuho and just… die, nothing more to it.
Caato got a great intro (so great that she was wrongly hyped for years), but was absent for a long time and suddenly came back just to die. But even so she still left an impactful impression by defeating the main villain and breaking the family curse.
Too bad, Kei’s character who underwent similar thing ended up just jobbing like that… with her last action that was not so impactful, because we need to surprise the readers.
Kei might be a disappointment, regarding her role as a ‘character’ in JoJolion. But if we look at her as an ‘individual being’ with a life of her own (using the mindset that we are the main characters in our own lives), she had lived a very hard life. And we need to appreciate her toughness, that she still lived her life well, that she did not fall into moral turpitude, or becoming a criminal. She did not abandon her family even though they became a burden to her.
My personal confession:
Kei could be the person I admire right now because I am currently experiencing similar thing as her life. My father got covid and currently he is hospitalized. It’s been around 2 weeks right now. We both live off the island away from family, so I am the only family member who is able to support him. A few days ago he needed a platelet donor, those were the hardest days for me as the only family trying to look for. At least those days have passed. But until now he has not recovered yet and is still being treated in hospital.
Our apartment is far from the hospital so I have to go back and forth there for about 30 minutes almost every day to deliver the basic things he needs. I also have a full time job that can't be left behind. So just imagine how tired I am.
Unlike Kei who can visit his mother and directly take care of her, I can't see my father at all (and you know why). Even so, I stayed strong and did what I could as his daughter, just like Kei. And Kei became part of my inspiration to be as tough as her. Of course I still hope that these hard days will end soon and our family can be happy again together.
Let's pray for the recovery of my father and anyone else who is also seriously ill at this time.
Update: 7/15/2021
Unfortunately, my father just passed away at noon, 7/13/2021. May God forgives his sins. Bless for you all who still have your family intact, and pray for anyone who also lost their loved one by this terrible pandemic.
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startledstars · 2 years
I got covid lol
(and I’m unvaccinated)
here’s how it went:
the initial onset was sudden and rapid. I was at my family’s house the day after Christmas. At around 8pm (?) my back started to hurt. I drove home to lay down.
you know that feeling you get right before you fall ill? For me, it manifests as a certain type of warm, neutral smell. Like the kind you get right before you sneeze, but more lingering.
I got that pre-sick feeling, so I ordered DayQuil, NyQuil, and food to be delivered in the morning. I also took vitamin C, NAC, and Zinc.
About half an hour later (9-9:30pm?) I laid down as the fever set in.
That first night was rough. Headache, body pains, fever, and no medicine to take the edge off. I couldn’t sleep, so I listened to the Bible while praying pretty much the whole time.
I was still awake when the NyQuil was delivered at ~9:30am the next day.
I drank like, a lot of NyQuil that morning (because I needed to sleep.) I also took lots of vitamin C and NAC again. Due to a total loss of appetite, I drank smoothies instead of eating.
Sleep didn’t come easy that day or night. However, I could breathe just fine and barely coughed at all. The worst part was the lower back pain.
By the following morning, the worst was over.
I had the flu in 2019. It incapacitated me for three days. Covid was about 50% as bad as that flu. Comparatively much more manageable.
On New Year’s Eve (4-5 days after initial symptoms) I had a moment where I smelled a few things that weren’t actually there. Scents without a logical source one after the other over the span of a few seconds. As it happened, I realized that I’d be losing my sense of smell.
Less than an hour later, that’s exactly what happened. I drank coke, but it was like lightly sweetened carbonated water (as opposed to the syrupy caramel smell/taste I expected.) I ate a slice of pizza and could appreciate the texture of the meat, vegetables, cheese, and bread, but the taste was muted.
Even now, almost 10 days after the initial onset of symptoms and 5 days after losing smell/taste, drinking black coffee is almost like drinking water. Also, I can’t smell check my clothes to decide what needs to be washed; everything goes in the laundry now, even if I tried it on once and tossed it aside.
My appetite is almost non existent. I eat maybe half a chipotle bowl’s worth of food along with a small bowl of Cheerios. It’s hard to eat more than a few bites at a time.
I’m also exhausted. My limbs feel heavy. Small tasks like putting away water bottles leave me out of breath. On top of that, the insomnia is persisting. I can’t sleep for more than a few hours at a time despite being tired.
I used to have bad chronic fatigue a few years ago along with severe depression. Going downstairs to get a bowl of cereal once a day was my limit. I still struggle with these issues, but not nearly as much. Fatigue due to Covid is, comparably, much more manageable.
The good news is that every day, I feel a little better. I have a little more energy. I can sleep better and get stuff done. In a week or two, I should be back to 100% 😁
To summarize my personal experience:
Covid has sudden, rapid onset
The first day and a half are the worst
Early symptoms: fever, body ache, headache, eye pain. Like the flu but not as bad.
Late/lingering symptoms: loss of smell, muted sense of taste, fatigue
Supplements like NAC, vitamin C and zinc might help. They may explain my rapid initial recovery and relatively mild symptoms. I’ve been taking NAC for years; it is a supplement that boosts lung health and a healthy immune system. This may be why I had no issues with coughing/breathing.
Seriously, the flu was so much worse 😅
So again, from my personal experience as an unvaccinated person, Covid seems as dangerous as, or less dangerous than, the seasonal flu. This disease definitely exists. It is highly contagious.
But it poses a risk to the same sub population that would also be at risk from the flu, which has been around for years. I can see why the elderly or immunocompromised might be concerned about Covid, the same way they may be concerned about the flu.
I can not see why this is an illness that requires a “new normal” in the form of perpetual forced mark wearing, social distancing, and totalitarian government control.
Also, both my parents are fully vaccinated. They both got sick too, and their symptoms were just as bad as mine. I know at least three other fully vaccinated family friends who got sick.
So, threatening people with unemployment unless they take an ineffective experimental mRNA altering drug with unknown long term effects makes even less sense now than it did a few months ago.
Diseases like the flu evolve to be more contagious and less deadly each year. The Spanish flu, which killed 25-50 million, evolved into one of the strains of seasonal flu, which has a significantly lower death rate. The same thing may be happening with Covid. It wasn’t that deadly in 2020. It became even less deadly by the end of 2021. If the pattern continues, in 2022, there will be even less of a logical reason for all these mandates and restrictions.
But I have a feeling all this will continue. Two weeks to slow the spread turned into two years of tyranny with no end in sight. Especially on this website, I can’t shake the feeling that people want to lose their freedoms because they don’t want to be held responsible for their own lives. They want to be perceived as moral, heroic even, without actually standing up for anything. The mask and vax propaganda allows them to do just that. People want the simplicity that the pandemic narrative offers: you’re a good person if you wear a mask, take the jab, and don’t question the government. You’re a bad person if you don’t ‘do your part.’
People as a collective look for a reason to feel good about themselves while simultaneously searching for scapegoats to project negativity on. People can recognize this tendency in themselves, realize it makes them easy to manipulate, and adapt a more nuanced perspective of themselves and their fellow man.
But they usually don’t do this; it’s too much work.
This is incredibly cynical and I wish, I wish someone would prove me wrong. But it was never about saving lives, and most people know that on some level. They just don’t care, because they’re getting exactly what they want.
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beyond100-gen · 2 years
🌞 Detoxing (i.e. Clearing Out) Components of the mRNA "Vaccines" & Other Vile, Toxic Stuff from Your Body!
Like Dr Robert Malone and various experts have stated thus far (as at Dec 2021), there is NO REMEDY (yet, or if ever) for people who have taken the rushed-out, experimental Covid-19 mRNA-based "vaccines".
Nutritional or nutraceutical therapies work at organ, enzymic, cellular, molecular and atomic levels of our bodies. They can even repair some damaged DNA, and work on our microbiome, which in turn regulate the expressions of our genes.
However, thus far, (general, unprogrammed) nutrients and nutraceuticals CANNOT reverse-hack or reset our genes after they have been hacked by some targeted and programmed chemicals like those found in your "beloved" mRNA "vaccines"! [That's just way too much to ask from "vitamin companies" and so-called "get-rich-quick-scheme companies", which most of you have NOT even been supporting all these years. And now you expect these good guys to save you after you lemmingly (sic) put a few bullets into your own head??! Heh!]
The only consolation and hope for now, for those who have "somehow taken" the mRNA shots, is to minimize the load of those vile chemical ingredients in your body ASAP.
There are simple ways to do this. But do NOT expect "magical" or "miraculous" results, okay? (If you truly have faith in your god, goddess or deity, you wouldn't have taken those rushed-out, unproven "vaccines" for a puny virus in the first place! So, please stop saying that you have faith in your god, goddess or deity to work some magical miracles for you now! Sheesh! You cannot have the cake and eat it too! Do read an earlier post of ours on this here.)
You shouldn't expect magical or miraculous results because of this fact, among others: The mRNA "vaccines" were shot into your (arm) muscles, and/or directly into your bloodstream, depending on who gave you those jabs. Oral ingestion of nutrients and nutraceuticals therefore CANNOT do much to directly extricate or destroy those toxic materials, including graphene oxide, from your muscle tissues and bloodstream.
The only consolation and hope for now, like we said above, is this: Since ALL of our blood (which transports literally everything around our bodies) and (internal body) fluids must travel through our Liver, Kidneys and Spleen, your best chance of "detoxing, removing, degrading, neutralizing, extricating or clearing out" any vile or toxic material (including programmed graphene oxide) is to upregulate and fuel your Liver, Kidneys and Spleen to work at their level best!
Help these three organs to help save you! The right nutrients, at the right amounts, will optimize your organs' functions to either bind or break up, and then clear out some of these vile, toxic materials from your body when you defecate and urinate. As such, you should also eat, drink and supplement correctly to care for your Intestines and Bladder.
The two links below are a very good place to begin your healing journey. However, before going to them, do read the following two notes. Don't shortchange yourself, again:
[Important Note1: Helpful compounds like zeolite and activated charcoal should be taken AWAY from your meals, medicines and other supplements; don't take them at the same time. They should also NOT be taken in large amounts, or for long term, as they also bind to and clear out some beneficial nutrients and minerals from our gut. Do read up on them independently before starting on your health recovery journey.]
[Important Note2: To optimize your therapeutical efforts, we highly recommend everyone to take the following supplements as daily basics: a Multivitamin-multimineral, and an Omega 3 supplement (that contains at least 200 mg of DHA & EPA respectively). You should add some Alpha Lipoic Acid (at least 100 mg), and a good Probiotics blend as you feel better. You can add other beneficial nutrients later, like Coenzyme Q10, Tocotrienols and Tocopherols, Curcumin (e.g. Longvida or Theracurmin), Trans Resveratrol, Pterostilbene, Ginkgo Biloba, Grape Seed Extract, Gotu Kola, PQQ, Bacopa Monnieri, etc. into your wellness and functional longevity regime as your confidence in natural and functional nutrients grow.]
Now, read the recommendations in the two articles below. Follow through. Do it religiously. Don't be stingy on your own safety and well-being. DON'T do a bit here and there, add this and subtract that, take a break, and then play around with it again when you feel like it. Behave like a sane, informed, and responsible adult: Follow through!
1) https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/antioxidants.html
2) https://www.orwell.city/2021/08/josep-pamies.html
We hope to post more cost-effective and practicable information to help in the future. Stay the course! ~ Beyond100
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lovesaadiqa · 3 years
BBL Costs, Prep + Recovery
Im booked!!  I talked to a few friends who I know either got this surgery or is getting this done.  I wanted one since forever but I wanted my teeth done first.  The deciding factor came down to my birthday plans.  
Originally I was going to do a birthday tour.  First weekend of October in Miami for carnival, 2nd weekend in Atl for Freak Nik, 3rd weekend in Bahamas and finally Nola for the finale.  Well Nola was just hit with a storm so yeah that’s out. Once I totaled up the flights, hotels, food and spending money.. I was like hmm, I can get a fat ass and started this process.  Immediately looked into surgeon and Dr. Pena was my favorite, his bodies come out so mf snatched, he’s located in Columbia.  Columbian surgeons can take out way more fat than American doctors however, the fatality rate is stupid and ultimately the factor that made me choose an American doctor.  
The next step was choosing the surgeon for the body I have and the one I want.  I weigh 151 and im 5′6″ I’m considered a “skinny bbl”.  I started researching doctors in Atlanta (so I could recover at home) and Miami (like duh).  I chose to go with Dr. Desouza in Miami with CG Cosmetics for a few reasons.  First, I love the look of his skinny bbl’s on other women with the same body type, weight and height as me.  Secondly, he was having a special for the end of the year (lipo 360, bbl, jplasma for $6500 for the surgeon I wanted) this almost sold me but it was the surgery date!!  Jplasma is skin tightening procedure to help with loose skin, you can only get this with lipo.  When they perform lipo they created canals under your skin to remove the fat.. well those same canals are essential when getting Jplasma.
Ok so I decided on the surgeon, contacted the cosmetic group and had a consultation which is pretty much just front, side and back view pictures.. I think they use this to make sure you don’t need a tummy tuck prior to surgery.  They also asked me questions about previous surgeries and if i’ve ever had anesthesia.  The next step went pretty quickly, we talked about what would be lipo’d (abs, waist, back.. I wanted inner thighs, an additional 2k, but was advised to wait on my pre-op to decide), when I wanted to book and how I'd pay.  My consult was on August 30th.. I bitched up when she attempted to take my payment.  I am a money hoarder and spending that much money made me feel like I was being financially irresponsible.  I called one of my Aunt’s who I felt wouldn’t judge me and also give me sound advise.  We talked about my fears, why I was getting the procedure and of course money.  My Aunt gave me excellent advice, reassured me and is a professional CNA who offered to accompany me so yeah I dare not turn that down, lol.  August 31, 2021, I called my coordinator (the contact between me and my surgeon) and told her I wanted to book, she asked me when I’d be ready and I requested first available which was 9/20/21!! Excited is an understatement.. I'd be 24 days post op on my birthday.  After I calmed down I paid in full for multiple reasons:  had to in order to secure the date, all surgeries book in this year had to be paid in full, it was the only way to get the discount.. My coordinator gave me so much information I couldn’t see straight (I was also high as shit off life thinking about a fat ass and me in the same sentence).. she emailed + texted everything, congratulated me and we hung up.
I get the emails:  “raise you hemoglobin with these vitamins” I purchased vitamin C $2, folic acid $2, iron $3 and floradix $35 - amazon, I take them as directed on the bottle and start eating my ass off (just to give my surgeon more to work with, lol).  Talking to one of my gf’s I realize I have to be cleared for surgery?!?!  What?  I open my email and sure enough I have to have blood work done 15-20 prior to surgery, it was 9/3 and a Friday.. SHIT!! I fly over to an Piedmont Wellstreet urgent care facility as recommended by my friend (she started this process as well so I was crazy grateful for her experience and that she shared it with me).  Urgent care was full but opened the next day, my ass was in that line at 7:32 am, I was the 13th person in line and they opened at 8.  I get to the desk and my appointment is at 10:30 and I'd have to pay the office visit fee to be seen, it was $155.  I came back at my allotted time and was told how much all of my labs would be.. $302.  My labs were to be processed and faxed to my surgeon by 9/9 because Labor Day weekend so.. yeah.  
I discuss accommodations with my Aunt and realize it’s cheaper, safer and more beneficial for me to go to a recovery house.  I search high and low baby and most of them were booked.. found one regardless with lymphatic massages included called Flawless Recovery House.  This wasn’t my 1st-6th option but the one with availability on my surgery date so I paid a deposit to hold onto my spot.  Total was $1312 for 5 days with 5 massages, I paid a $200 deposit.  Next, I booked my flight, round trip $116 with Delta.  My surgery date is on a Monday, I have to have my pre-op done on the Saturday prior so I booked a hostel from the 18th-20th on booking.com for $66.  I know I could have gotten an airbnb or hotel room but I wanted this experience.  I want to go to Amsterdam and stay in a hostel so I need to know what to expect.  Also I cannot party, smoke, drink or eat before surgery so fuck it.. a hostel will do, lol. 
I smoke big fucking weed and watched someone else’s bbl journey today and realize if I fail the drug test, my surgery will be cancelled and it’ll cost me $1500 to reschedule.  Boy the shit sent me into panic mode like I've never experienced before, only to find out the weed isn’t the issue nicotine is, it slows down your heart rate.  I can smoke weed just not out of a wood or a rillo and nicotine takes 3-4 days to get out of your system so a bitch barely made it.  I just won't be smoking until I get back home lol.  Just to be super informative no alcohol, diabetic meds, cocaine, pcp or anything that will fool with your heart or makes your bleed.  Today is 9/11 and im one week out from my pre-op... my body is a joke cause I haven’t gained a single pound and normally it’s nothing for me to put on weight.  I took my acrylics off, when you’re put to sleep they monitor your oxygen levels with those clamps they put on your fingers and they aren't the most accurate when you have on dark polish or acrylics.  I also cannot wear lashes cause when they go to fill this ass in I'll be laying flat on my face.  I mean my hair didn’t have requirements but I figure since im naked I might as well be bald.. y'all should see me rn, I look very much like a young man but im hype.  I’ll be back later to tell y'all what I pack and purchase prior to my flight.  Imma put the dates at the end of each update.. today is 9/11/21
My surgery group send me list of supplies  that I would need and the cost came to roughly $1100.  Naive me was definitely going to purchase everything on the list from them until I saw Leslie’s (@prettyhaute - on ig) bbl vlog.  I went on amazon and got away with murder.  Below I’ll list what I purchased and the price I paid versus what the surgery center was quoting me.
Faja - I paid $74.69 - Quoted $160.50 || BBL Pillow - $26.99 - Qouted $42.80 || Arnica pills - $8.95 - Quoted $37.45 || Compression socks - $13.99 for 3 - Quoted $10.70 for 1 || Foams - $17.99 for 3 - Quoted $64.20 for 3 || Scar Cream  $$29.82 - Quoted $80.25 || Arnica Gel - $7.92 - Quoted $21.40 || 
There a shit ton of items on the suggested list that I didn't purchase but way more items that wasn’t on the list I still need for instance:
Crocs, benadryll, robe, adult diapers, straws, earplugs, liquid iv, stool softener, antiseptic body wash, avocado float, back board, urinal, pineapple juice, throat calm, 3 moo-moo’s and a massage roller (the crocs are the only thing on this list that cost more than $20).  My flight is at 7:15a tomorrow and im so damn nervous but excited.  I will spend Saturday and Sunday gallivanting around Miami and then body , ody, ody, ody, ody, ody.  I still have to send my entire itinerary to my aunt but I think im all set.  9/17/21
Pre-op was packed but I went on Saturday and was in and out in an hour.  I was charged for a covid $80, 3 post-op massages $150 and a drug test $20.  I went over my clearance paper work with a medical assistant who also took 9 before pics of me.  Keep in mind, your surgery can be cancelled or reschedule if all of you labs aren’t at the surgery center on pre-op day.  I cannot stress how important it is to take your labs with you!!!  Mine were faxed over from urgent care but I was also provided copies which I took with me.  The photos were sent directly to my surgeon to analyze before surgery.  From my knowledge, I was also to be fitted for my faja but that never happened, do NOT leave pre-op without a faja!!! I paid for 3 massages from CG totaling $150 which I regret badly.  I do NOT recommend getting massages from the surgery center.  There are 4-5 different surgeons performing surgeries on any given day and they do at minimum 4 surgeries per day, that’s at least 15-20 different girls with the same surgery and post-op date.  CG had 2 massage therapists to drain 15-20 girls.  I was drained for 9 mins, your drain massages should last at least 45 mins for maximum drainage.  I only used 1 of the 3 massages I paid for and was denied a refund.  That is a huge downside to CG once they have your money good fucking luck getting it back! Ps. Ellie was a royal fucking cunt!!!!!  She told my medical assistant that I didn’t need a faja so I was never fitted for one and woke up out of surgery with a binder on versus a faja like I should have.  I wanted to slap the shit out of her and took the charge on the chin but I wanted my surgery so I refrained.. I was put on a 12 hour fast and contacted an hour after pre-op with my surgery address and time.  My fast started at 7pm the day before surgery and my surgery time wa at 6:30a, there was a $300 for showing up to surgery late.  All I could bring to surgery was compression socks and a faja (that I didn’t have), I was instructed to bathe with dial (the orange one) before surgery to make sure my incisions weren’t infected, no lotion, perfume, deodorant, makeup, nails, lashes, no jewelry/piercing or hair products and no personals ie, purse money, wallet also you will need a companion or surgery will be cancelled.  I’ll upload all my paperwork at the end.   Surgery day arrive at the surgery center at 6:15 am how about the entire fucking staff was late!  Bitch I was outside in Miami alone with compression socks on and a moo moo, LIVID.  No one arrived until 7:10 am, baby I wanted to kill everyone but fuck it, it was go time.  I’m escorted to a room, changed into a paper gown, piss tested, my labs were reviewed again and finally my surgeon comes in!  We were in the exam room alone which was weird cause I was asshole naked but he kept it 1000% professional, he asked me what I wanted and I say “the fattest ass” he looked me dead in my eyes without a single hesitation and said “it’ll heal like a diaper”  LMAO.  I showed him areas that I wanted lipo’d to death and he marked me up, I didn’t aka e picture of my mark ups but shit was rolling by then, he walked out I put my paper gown back on and the anesthesiologist walked in.  I expressed my biggest concerns to him, I didn’t want to die and I didn’t want to wake up during surgery.  He explain why the drug test was so important because certain street drugs will have adverse effect with the anesthesia.  My anesthesiologist walked me up to the surgery room and I hopped on the table, they put massage boots on both of my feet and inserted an iv, the mask was put on my face and my heart rate went to heaven, I wanted to shit myself bro.  The anesthesiologist told me to make a tight fist, I asked what time it was, 8:08am.. I woke up to a nurse helping me into a wheelchair with a binder around my waist and I was scream crying because my entire body ached, I didn't know where I was and the anesthesia is no hoe.  I was escorted to my recovery house’s transportation van and taken to my damn bed.  
I chose Flawlesss Recovery House with Ms. Opal.  I paid a $200 deposit before 2 weeks before surgery and the balance the day I left.  I opted for a 5 day stay.  I loved it there bro and couldn’t imagine trying to recover at a hotel or air bnb!  There were nurses there 24-7, I was roomed with one other girl but the house had a total of 4 bedrooms, one of which no one occupied and the door was always shut but my room was the only room with 2 beds, the others had 3 beds.  I had a call button, it was love, the nurses came expeditiously when I rang it.  They made 3 home cooked meals per day and I don’t eat meat, they accommodated me with no hesitation.  I loved it man.  So couple hours after surgery I attempted to use the bathroom on my own and blacked out, the anesthesia is really fucking strong and took an entire day to wear off (for me), the nurses helped me pee in a cup until then.  Post op day 9/21/21, I went in to make sure I looked good, got a faja finally and received that lousy as drain.  Back to the recovery house I was able to walk finally w/o passing out and in went my foams, I also could pee by myself with the use of a urinal.  I was constipated for 2 days, first bowel movement was on post op day 2. I paid for an independent massage therapist named Tatiana, she used a ultrasound machine to massage me so I cancelled her.  When I took my faja off for my massage it was washed and dried by the time I was done, I took a shower and put my faja on with my foams.  I cancelled Tatiana because don’t let nobody use no machine on you until you are at least 2 weeks post op, hand massages only.  All the girls were getting massaged by the literal best massage therapist (in my opinion) her name is Brittany, I could cry she was EVERYTHING, I was tender but she put the painful massage theory to bed!  She taught me how to drain myself and how to open my incisions without the q-tip looking thing.  In 45 mins she drained 5 of those doggy pad things worth of fluid off of me.  I received 4 massages in 5 days.  I left on Saturday 9/25/2021 on Sunday, back in Atlanta, I received my 5th massage and that when I was told I have not one but 2 seromas.  I swear on everything I love it was because everyone wakes up from surgery with a faja on but not me (Fuck you Ellie, lil bitch) I had on a binder (its what they use for tummy tucks).  The lady who did my 1st massage in Atlanta was Bri, not gone post her ig cause she did a damn good massage but when I asked her to syringe drain me the good sis stuck this long ass needle in my seroma but could get the fluid out, cancelled her too (the massage was good asf tho but nah).  Tired and tried I bit the bullet and booked a packed with Dream Body ($455 for 5 massage, I think, don’t quote me look it up on there site and follow them on ig)  because they are the biggest name in Atlanta, Jayda Wayda goes to them.  The  most painful massage yet, yes Michelle lil ass is so strong but she will get the fluid up off you.  She made me tear up bad and no matter how much I screamed or even tried to push her off of me she understood the assignment, Michelle helped me get back into my faja after my massage and told me my faja was too big and to have it altered.  She recommended a lady on ig @siri2sir but to know me is to know I altered my shit myself.  Allow me to tell y'all, I look good asf!!!!!!! 10/4/2021 
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angela-addams · 3 years
I have watched "It's a sin" and it made me cry and made me laugh and got me through my post Covid recovery.
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I have been ill for three weeks, taking million vitamins and heart pills a day and thinking about lots of different things.
This show is what I needed to see to feel so much better. It is on the same line with "Pose" so vibrant, so full of life and so tragic at the same time.
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I have never thought that my health would plummet so much after a mild case of covid-19, but I feel like a grandma, and watching my favorite actors like Stephen Fry make cameos in this show gave me a bit more energy to get through the day.
I highly recommend it
And to anyone who's ill right now: you are not alone.
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