#wa ke e
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neonpaperlanterns · 2 months
Okay part two of the last request! (Also good job on the first one).
Dog day x reader heavy angst to fluff.
Poppy, kissy, and dog day realize the reader has been taken by catnap. They search for he and only end up back in play house. Throughout the search dog day gets more and more panicked and aggressive. They find the reader is bad shape and hung in the same jail like dog day used to be. (Trigger warning). Dog day, while seeing this, just losses his mind…his pupils no longer visible in his eye sockets. Catnap taunts dog day asking if he’s that attached to the reader before dog day tackled his and fights him. The fight pretty gore heavy and dog day yells at catnap while fighting saying he should’ve killed him. It gets to a point where dog day is about to kill catnap but the reader weakly calls for him and he immediately stops and looks back to see them okay. They run away and nurse her back to health before dog day confessed that he loves her and the two kiss. The end!
Wake Up
Part two of Star Gazing. [Part one]
[A/n: Trigger warnings for mild blood and gore. And technically attempted murder.]
DogDay fought against the rubble of their destroyed fort. Smoke clogged his nose and made his head spin. The world around him was becoming hazy as he clawed his way out. There was a throbbing sensation in his left leg as he attempted to right himself. Scrubbing at his eyes, he tried to clear his vision. 
It wasn’t working. 
Shapes were blurring together and his knees were buckling. 
“Angel?” He called out, his voice filled with choked panic. He was met with silence. 
“Angel?” He called out again, trying to stay standing as he stumbled through the room. “Poppy? Kissy?” His voice echoed and bounced around in his own skull uncomfortably. 
“Where are you?” DogDay felt his shoulders sagging as his gait became uneven. Tripping into the hallway he tried to brace himself. He had to stay standing. He had to find them, had to find you. But his arms weren’t working, they felt disconnected from the rest of him. And with every shuddering breath he took he filled his lungs with more of that horrible gas. 
“No I have to…. I have to…” words slurred together as he slipped down the wall. “Have to find every… everyone..” Against his will DogDay’s eyes dropped closed. Even behind closed lids all he could see was red.
* * *
“W..ke u.. ,Do..da.. co..e on wa..e up!” DogDay groaned, something was touching him and he needed it to stop. 
“Go away.” He went to push away the insistent thing that kept shoving him but everything was just so heavy.
“No! Ple..e you hav.. to g..t up!” Oh god why were they so loud! 
“DOGDAY!” Every fiber of his being shattered like glass as his eyes snapped open. Adrenaline tore through his veins as he bolted up. Pain lanced through his head as his gaze bounced around unfocused.
“Wha-” small hands grabbed at his face. But something was incorrect, it made the hair on his spine stand on end. 
“It’s us, it’s Poppy.” His heart was thundering in his chest as he tried to even his breathing. Looking down he felt more confused than reassured as he stared at Poppy.
“Where’s..” he trailed off, eyes darting around looking for you. Yet all he found was Kissy and the small doll still grasping at his face. 
“Catnap took them.” Poppy’s voice came out quiet as she clutched at him.
DogDay stopped breathing, his vision was narrowing .
This couldn’t be happening.
No. No. No. 
A low snarl was building in his chest as he dug furrows into the ruined ground. He has no idea how you have kept calm in situations like this. How you kept them all from falling apart. He wished he could be but he wasn’t you. Standing up he felt as the fur around his chin was tugged at and he heard the surprise squeak leave Poppy as she dropped to the ground. If you were here you would comfort her, you wouldn’t have pulled away like he did. But you weren’t and Dogday wasn’t you.
Storming his way out of the school he didn’t stop to see if the others were following. He knew exactly where that traitor had taken you. Ripping out the metal lamppost that stood out front, he felt it twist and bend underneath his grip. 
“DogDay wait, we should think this through.” Poppy called after him but he didn’t listen. You would have listened. You always listened to them, to their concerns, their fears, everything. You listened.
But he was not you.
Gritting his teeth DogDay stared down The Playhouse. 
“Please-” Poppy flinched backwards as a snarl tore from his throat, interrupting her. 
“No! Angel needs us. I will not leave them with that thing for another moment.” Later he would regret how he acted towards Poppy but right now he didn’t care. His heart clenched in his chest and he could feel the blood rushing in his ears. The door loomed above him and he could feel himself hesitating. 
DogDay could still smell the cloying scent of old blood and mildew. He could still see those hungry piercing eyes. Could still feel those gaping ravenous mouths tearing him apart piece by piece. 
Bile pooled at the back of his throat. He had thought he would never have to come back here. Had done everything to make sure that you, him, or the girls wouldn’t have to step foot inside that hellish nightmare again. But here he was and he was hesitating and he hated himself for it.You needed him and he was just standing out here. 
The image of your content face and the feeling of your weight on his chest flooded his mind. 
Gritting his teeth he tightened his grip on the metal pole. 
Metal creaks as he kicks the door.
This isn’t subtle. He was sure Catnap could hear this.
Pain lances through his leg.
DogDay is breathing heavily as dust flies up into the air. He can hear skittering as he runs towards the cells. The feeling of being followed made his skin scrawl as he rushed through the once colorful plush maze. His vision narrowed as he threw himself at the entrance to the pool. 
He stopped again. 
The pool area was shrouded in deep shadows, the only light came from the one above the other door. It flickered sporadically, elongating the silhouettes made by the rusted ducks. 
Memories unbidden clawed their way to the forefront of his mind.
Everything is so quiet, it feels near deafening after the alarms. He can still hear the screaming, how they cried for help. The phantom of pounding fists pulse along his chest and the taste of iron still lingers on his tongue. His head is spinning, the world is tilted and he doesn’t know which way is up.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” DogDay shouts. Ears twitch as Catnap turns to look at him. The feline's head is titled in confusion. He flinches as the cat approaches, slow and measured Catnap looms above him.
“What do you mean what I’ve done?” A heavy purple paw still stained with blood comes up to rest on his shoulder. 
It pulls him closer.
“I think you mean, what have we done.” the words slither along DogDays’s ears. It makes him gag. The smell of poppy’s is suddenly rapidly filling the air.
“And what we have done my friend is give those that hurt us exactly what they deserve.”
Eyes flutter open, DogDay’s vision slowly swims into focus. Everything feels heavy. Attempting to lift his head feels impossible. 
A wheezing groan escapes past his uncomfortably parched mouth.
“Oh you’re awake.” The sound of Catnaps voices makes his stomach churn. 
“That’s unfortunate.” It’s said with dull amusement. “But I suppose you will succumb again soon.” The way the cat was speaking was grating on his ears. 
“Wh.. Why?” He choked out, his throat felt so dry. Catnaps hums at his question. Through blurry eyes he watches as a paw comes up to rest on lower abdomen. 
“He said it would be better this way.” Catnaps' tone continues to hold the same dull amusement.
“What wou- Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
DogDay sucked in a breath, heart leaping into his throat as a scream echoed through the decrepit pool room. The sound bounced around in his skull and for a moment he didn’t know if it was real. What was happening? Clutching at his chest he felt like all the air had escaped his lungs.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Another scream and he was moving. Ramming into the other door he burst into the other room. The faint orange glow of old candles littered the hallway. Visibility was low but it didn’t matter. At the end of the room stood Catnap, hunched over with gas billowing out of his mouth. 
He couldn’t see you but he could hear you. Soft quiet sobs drifted through the air. 
“Oh you’re here.” He watched as the feline cocked his head to the side. Something flickered in those cavernous eyes.
“We thought you’d never come.” Catnap’s tail swished lazily as he fully turned to look at DogDay. The traitor's face was on full display now and something snapped inside of the canine. Blood was splattered across the feline's face. It stained the purple fur crimson and the world suddenly became solely centered on the cat. 
DogDay saw red. 
In seconds he was breathing the same air as that… that bastard. Raising his weapon, it made contact with CatNap’s head. The monster screeched as he attempted to scramble backwards. DogDay didn’t let him get far. Bringing the pole down he could hear a CRUNCH.
Catnap’s shoulder sagged. 
He brought it down again.
And again.
And again.
Catnap was screaming. Red was pooling beneath him. He was trying to fight back. Claws would swipe at him, tearing into his skin but he kept bringing the metal pole down. Kept hearing crunch after crunch.
 Scream after scream.
Plea after false plea,
“DOGDAY!” DogDay stopped, the pole raised. His body shook from the aborted motion. 
“DogDay please stop. Please.” His head snapped to the side. You hung there in a cell all too familiar. Your arms stretched above you with belts pulled tight enough to bruise. Blood spotted along your clothes and dripped from your mouth. He swallowed thickly as he looked at your tear stained face.
“Please.” You begged, your voice hoarse. The pole clattered to the floor as he rushed over to you. His hands were shaking as he undid your binds. You dropped heavily into his waiting arms. 
He watched as you curled closer to his chest.
“Please get me out of here.” He could only nod at your request. His voice failed him as he held you close. Taking uneasy steps towards the exit he glanced behind him.
Catnap was a bloody heap. He was breathing, it was shallow but he was breathing. Trickles of smoke fell from his gaping maw and one eye light flickered, stained a murky red. The cat watched them with a look DogDay could not decipher. A paw weakly reached out towards him, Catnaps jaw clicked wordlessly.
DogDay shut the door.
* * *
Hiding above PlayCare DogDay watched over you. 
You’ve been asleep for four days. Barely waking up enough for him to at least get some water in you. Poppy and Kissy would creep in, their movements skittish as they dropped off supplies. He would watch how weary they were, how they kept glancing at him and God he needed to apologize. Yet every time he tried the words would get caught in his throat. 
All he could muster was a nod of acknowledgement and a whispered ‘you don’t have to leave.’ but they wouldn’t stay. He really couldn’t blame them. 
Taking a fresh cloth he wiped it over your face. The cuts along your cheeks and forehead were thankfully shallow. He got the feeling they were meant to be superficial. A way to upset him, which worked. Rage and guilt bubbled in his gut every time he looked at you. 
If he hadn’t hesitated. If he had just been a little bit faster then maybe you wouldn’t be in the state you were.
“Now that’s not the expression I wanted to see when I woke up.” Your cracking voice had him dropping the cloth. His focus solely on your groggy lopsided smile.
“You’re awake.” His voice comes out wobbly.
“How are you feeling?”
“Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I should go get-” A hand on his face cuts him off. Your thumb is tracing along his cheek and you’re looking at him with such affection that it makes all his thoughts but one come to a halt.
“I’m so happy you’re awake.” He choked out as tears welled in his eyes. “And I’m so sorry.” He cried as he nuzzled further into your hand. 
“No, no, don't apologize.” You’re hushing him, wiping his tears away as you cradled his head in your hands. “Please don’t apologize. What happened wasn’t your fault.” You lean your forehead against his.
Tears blurr his vision as he continues to cry. “But-” A soft bush of lips against his make him pause. Leaning back he stares at you, wide-eyed.
“No buts. I love you, you saved me. You protected me. Never apologize for that.” You shake him a little bit for emphasis. 
“You love me?” He asks, disbelief coloring his tone.
“Yes, very much.” You’re smiling and his heart is beating so fast and hard that he is sure you can hear it.
“I love you too, so much that I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest.” Tentatively he leaned forward. “Can.. Can I?” He looks down at your lips then back up to your eyes. 
You answer him by closing the gap. He can feel as your hands gently run over the back of his head. His arms came up to wrap around your waist. 
DogDay melts into your embrace. 
When this is all over he can’t wait to see the stars with you.
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williamy3w · 19 days
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For you, William
Ah! What a stylish pair o' ears! Am I hearin' double now? Ha! Ha!
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While you're here, give us a vote, won't ya?
cu t e!!!! is the re any wa y to ma ke those per m a nen t
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kiragecko · 2 years
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Stop says the red light, go says the green
Wait says the yellow light, twinkling in between. 
I had so much fun translating the Tiger Poem that I’m back for more!
This time, I’ve coloured the glyphs to make them easier to separate into words. Teal is for verbs, as well as green if there are 2 verbs in a row. Red is for nouns, with red/brown specifically for names. Yellow is for adjectives, pale blue for prepositions. The center diagrams show the order to read the characters.
Here’s the Demon Light Poem in Classical Maya:
(First line: Glyphs (ALL CAPS are word signs, lowercase is syllabic signs)
Second line: Transliteration (how it’s pronounced)
Third line: Exact Meaning
4th line: Translation)
13-HIX 17-SUTZ’
uxlajuun hix huklajuun suutz’
13-ocelot (14th day sign) 17-bat (4th month)
[On] 13 Hix, 17 Sutz’ (Oct. 18, 2012)
 ‘u-tz’i-ba AJ-ba-la²-ka-bo-si
‘u-tz’ihb-a-Ø Aj-Balalakaboos
they-write-transitivizer-this honorific-Balalaikaboss
They wrote this, Sir Balalaikaboss:
k’u-xa-jo-me-ta che-he CHAK-K’IN-ni
k’ux-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø chak-k’in
stop-intransitivizer-must-you say-they red-sun
“You shall stop,” says [the] red light
[bi]BIX-xo-me-ta che-‘e ya-YAX-K’IN-ni
bix-oom-eet che’-Ø yax-k’in
leave-must-you say-they green-sun
“You shall go,” says [the] green light
hi-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e K’AN-na-K’IN-ni
hil-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø k’an-k’in
“Rest-intransitivizer-must-you” say-they yellow-sun
“You shall rest,” says [the] yellow light
‘U-‘EK’-k’e-le ‘U-TAN-na
‘u-‘ek’-al ‘u-tahn
they-star-like they-between
star-like, between
ya-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e WAY-ya-si-K’IN-ni
ya[h]l-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø way-is-k’in
throw.down-passive-you say-they familiar/spirit-unpossessed-light/sun
“You shall be thrown down,” says [the] spirit light
tu-ta-TAJ-ja-la ‘u-‘UT
with.his-torch-like face/eye
with it’s torch-like eye
‘U-TZ’AK-ka-we-ta ‘a-xo-ko-la-ka K’UH-so-lo-no-‘AJAW-wa
‘u-tz’ak-aw-eet ‘a-xok-lak K’uh-Solon-Ajaw
he-count/add.up-s-you your-accounting-plate Holy-Sauron-Lord
Holy Lord Sauron determines your accounting plate
yi-‘IL-we-ta ‘a-ma-la-‘OL-la
y-il-iw-eet ‘a-mal-ohl
he-see-s-you  your-within-heart
[and] he sees within your heart
‘u-wo-jo-le IX ki-la-ke-ko
‘U-wojol Ix Kilakeko
they-glyph/character Lady-Kiragecko
The glyphs [of] Lady Kiragecko
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lumenflowered · 25 days
I... I did not honestly think that I would ever...
... S he found it in the Nightmare. Then my suspicions abou t what exactly lay beyond my clocktower wer e correct after all. It wa s that fishin ghamlet after all, or a version of it. Perha ps it was for the best that I neverworke d up the nerve to travel beyond that pointmysel f. It certainlywas for the be st thatshe kille dme again .
Pe rhaps I shou ldhave said n o but I
I did miss i t
Eve n though Ikn ewI shouldn t
I. Do not thi nk I am in an emotion al stat e to ta ke challeng ers rih gt now . Hopefull y Lance wil l unde rstand.
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puttybutter · 1 year
You are my sunshine
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My only sunshine
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You make me happy
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When skies are gray
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You'll never know, dear
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How much I love you
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Please don't ta ke
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My su n sh i n e
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A wa y
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mr-fortunate-97 · 3 months
Manifesting a backspace (and a new keyboard) for you spamton 🙏🙏
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taurusmoon2008 · 16 days
Girl you look so smash in that jeans shirt paired with black trousers
And your hair goddamn today they look more good
But I am shocked to see your appearance why you look so pale , your eyes they look dead. What happened to my lovely and lively Kittoo ?
Now don't say you are fine cause I know how well you fake laughter with everyone
Kitni baar bola hai toxic logon ko chhod de
Stop being kind to people who don't even give you basic human respect
Chhodo sab ko aur waapis aajao jaan-e-mann , tumhe pyaar ke liye bola tha , aap to unse pyaar karti hai jo aapke baare me soche bhi na
Dekh kar aisa lag raha hai jaise Roz thoda thoda marr rahi hai
Mat kar ye sab
Bhai it was a bet of 1 week and you found my blog in a day ab mujhe bhi jaldi dhundhna padega 😭
Thank you for the compliments 😔
Your lovely and lively kittoo has been brutally murdered and now only I am left
Aur haan Ikr Roz marr rahi hu
Energy is drained
If you can't see I am depressed as hell 😔✌🏻
And I can't stop being kind sorry 😞🙏🏻
Mai to karungi ye sab 😔
Aur kitni baar bolu I don't love anyone , I am not interested in love or relationships rn
Aur ye sab call par bol dete ya fir wa par ya fir jab dance practice kar rahi thi tab bol dete😔
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theqalbofnight · 1 year
«Zehaal-E-Miskeen | Amir Khusro
–This poem is written by Amir Khusro in Persian and Brij Bhasha. Brij Bhasha is a Dehaati Zabaan (country tongue) and a dialect of Hindi. In the first verse, the first line is in Persian, the second in Brij Bhasha, the third in Persian again, and the fourth in Brij Bhasha.
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Zehaal-e-miskeen makun taghaful, Duraye naina banaye batiyan.
Do not overlook my misery, by blandishing your eyes and weaving tales,
Ke taab-e-hijran nadaram ay jaan, Na leho kahe lagaye chatiyan.
My patience has over-brimmed, O sweetheart! why do you not take me to your bosom.
Shaban-e-hijran daraz chun zulf, Wa roz-e-waslat cho umer kotah.
Long like curls in the night of separation short like life on the day of our union.
Sakhi piya ko jo main na dekhun, To kaise kaTun andheri ratiyan.
My dear, how will I pass the dark dungeon night without your face before.
Yakayak az dil do chashm-e-jadu, Basad farebam baburd taskin.
Suddenly, using a thousand tricks the enchanting eyes robbed me of my tranquil mind.
Kisay pari hai jo ja sunave, Piyare pi ko hamari batiyan,
Who would care to go and report this matter to my darling.
Cho shama sozan cho zaraa hairan, Hamesha giryan be ishq an meh.
Tossed and bewildered, like a flickering candle, I roam about in the fire of love.
Na nind naina na ang chaina, Na aap aaven na bhejen patiyan,
Sleepless eyes, restless body, neither comes she, nor any message.
Bahaq-e-roz-e-visaal-e-dilbar, Ke daad mara gharib Khusro.
In honour of the day I meet my beloved who has lured me so long, O Khusro!
Sapet man ke varaye rakhun, Jo jaye pauN piya ke khatiyan.
I shall keep my heart suppressed if ever I get a chance to get to her trick.
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 6 months
🇮🇶🇵🇸🇮🇶 Iraq Ki Muqaddas City Karbala Mai BAYNUL HARAMAIN (Roza e Imam Hussain Wa Hazrat Abbas Alamdar a.s) Ke Darmiyan Iraqi Baccho Ne Mazlum Falasteeni Baccho Ki Himayat Mai Jama hokar Duaa Ki Aur Zalim Israil Se Izahare Bezari Ka elan Karte Huwe Uske Zulm Ki Mazammat Ki...
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bnhaobservation · 9 months
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: Pre-marriage Todoroki Enji (Part 1)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 356 "Regarding the Enemy" (敵について Teki ni Tsuite) Chap. 93 "One For All's Ember" (残り火ワンフォーオール Nokoribi One for All) Chap. 165 "Win Those Kids' Hearts" (掴めガキ心) Tsukame Gaki Gokoro) Chap. 189 "Why He Gets Back Up" (彼は何故立ち続けたか Kare wa Naze Tachi Tsudzuketa ka) Chap 192 "The Todoroki Family" (轟家 Todoroki-ke)
Ep. 49 "One For All" (ワン・フォー・オール) Ep. 79 "Win Those Kids' Hearts" (掴めガキ心 Tsukame Gaki Gokoro)
School Briefs I "Epilogue" School Briefs III "Dramatic Makeover!"
Team-Up Missions: Mission 33
To this date the chapter that shows the youngest Todoroki Enji is 356, which include some sort of dream/hallucination in which Enji faces his past self and his 'origin' so first let's look at...
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There are two core scenes, one depicting Enji's father's death preceded by a speech of young Enji:
'Sara ni yowaku natta' 「更に弱くなった」 “You became beyond weak.”
'Tachiba to tsugunai to ayamachi to sekinin ga' 「立場と償いと過ちと責任が」 “Position, atonement, mistakes and responsibility.”
'Omae no seirai no yowasa wo abaki dashi miru ni taenai guzu e to hikizuri oroshita' 「おまえの生来の弱さを曝き出し見るに堪えない愚図へと引きずり下ろした」 “Your innate weaknesses was exposed and I can't bear to see how you were dragged down into an indecisive person.”
'Chōjin ni wa narenainda yo Enji (omae) wa' 「超人にはなれないんだよ炎司(おまえ)は」 “Enji, you can’t become a superhuman.”
'Genten wo omoi dase' 「原点を思い出せ」 “Remember your origin.”
While fighting the Nomu Enji said he hated U.A. School motto, Plus Ultra or, in Japanese 'Sarani mukō e' (更に向こうへ "Beyond the other side" or, better "Further beyond"). Now his past self seems to taunt him saying 'Sara ni yowaku natta' (更に弱くなった “You became beyond weak.”)
'Seirai no yowasa' (生来の弱さ) is translated as 'weakness that was always there' in the English version but 'seirai' (生来) actually make clear the weakness is innate, by nature. In short Enji was born weak and tried to hid it. 'Guzu' (愚図), more than a loser is a 'foolish figure', a 'dullard' or also an 'indecisive person'. Enji project an air of arrogance and security but Enji's younger self is implying he's basically not capable.
The official translation uses "Superhero" to translate 'Chōjin' (超人), but there's no 'hero' in the word, someone can be a 'Chōjin' (超人) and be a villain. Ironically we could also translate it as 'superman', and considering later Enji uses laser eyes like Superman I wonder if this was planned.
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'Teki ga nan datta no ka wo' 「敵が何だったのかを」 "What was the enemy?"
'Akkan kara shoujo wo sukuou to shi kekka shoujo moro tomo nikukai to ka shita chichi wo' 「悪漢から少女を救おうとし結果少女もろとも肉塊と化した父を」 "Your father tries to save a girl from a scroundel and, as a result, he and the girl were turned into a lump of meat."
The way the sentence is put, it seems to imply that the girl and Enji's father both died because the man tried to save her.
Enji is witnessing the scene, a schoolbag on his back. His school uniform misses the shoulder insigna and the necktie which are part of U.A. summer uniform, so it's possible this took place before Enji joined U.A.
The whole implication of the sentence and the dialogue seems to be that since his father was weak, he caused his own death as well as the one of the girl, and this should have started Enji's obsession for strength.
Young Enji goes on speaking about other things Enji should remember:
’Shin no choujin he no senbou to higami wo’ 「真の超人への羨望と僻みを」 “Your envy and inferiority complex toward a true superhuman…”
Again, the official translation uses plural but there's the image of All Might and in My Hero Academia Ultra Archive is made clear Enji previously viewed everyone else but All Might as weak, so the 'true superhuman' is solely All Might back in his past (then he also added Deku).
We can't see Enji's father's face but he's likely the man on the picture hung on the wall in the room with the Butsudan as in that room Enji would place the photo of his deceased family members.
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Going on.
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'"Doryoku (‘Endeavor’)” to nanoru hikutsu na shoune wo' 「“努力" (エンデヴァー)と名乗る卑屈な性根を」 “You called yourself ‘effort’ (read 'Endeavor’) due to your menial nature.”
This bit confirms Enji chose his Hero name while at U.A. and picked it up because (compared to All Might) he believed he lacked in skill but, probably, he thought he could compensate with effort/hard work.
From other chapters we know Enji and Recovery Girl know each other from his time at U.A.
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‘OB no Yoshimi de kite ageta yo’ 「OBのよしみで来てあげたよ」 “I came for you since you were an alumnus”
'Soreni ima wa mō No.1 hīrōda mono ne' 「それに今はもうNo.1ヒーローだものね」 "Besides, you're also the No. 1 hero now.'
While in the Japanese version Recovery Girl is more vague, saying she came because Enji was an alumnus, since she's in U.A. by basically forever she likely got to know him, which is confirmed in "School Briefs I Epilogue" and "School Briefs III Dramatic Makeover!".
In "School Briefs I Epilogue" is said that with her Enji manages his manners because she's someone he had known nearly all his life.
By the way the two of them call each other by their Hero names.
"School Briefs III Dramatic Makeover!" is more specific. It has Recovery Girl tell Shōto she's been in U.A. by a long time and knew his father from when he was a student at U.A. and how she was always threating him for scrapes, cuts and bruises back in those days as his father used to put himself through the wringer hoping to become Number 1 one day, implying he was impressively driven. Shōto will make clear he doesn't want to hear about his father so she'll later be more subtle, telling him every boy and girl at U.A. tend to do their darnest and that they always had, implying Enji did the same.
We also have a bit of info in "Team-Up Missions: Mission 33" about how Enji holds the U.A. record for no-quirks trash pick-up (as All Might was too busy chatting with everyone).
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'Sorezore ga hirotta gomi no sōryō o kiroku!' 「それぞれが拾ったゴミの総量を記録!」 "Record the total amount of trash each person picked up!"
'Tadashi "kosei" shiyō-fuka!' 「ただし”個性”使用不可!」 "However, "Quirk" cannot be used!"
'Onore no junsuina tairyoku nomi de shin kiroku o mezasu nōsuji ibentona nda!' 「己の純粋な体力のみで新記録を目指す脳筋イベントなんだ!」 "It's a brain-muscle event where you aim for a new record using only your own physical strength!"
'Chinamini rekidai No. 1 kiroku hoji-sha Endeavor da 「ちなみに歴代No.1記録保持者エンデヴァーだ」 "By the way, Endeavor is the all-time No. 1 record holder."
There's something else in chap 356 that's interesting in the following bit.
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'Kojishite inakereba tamotenu teido no minikui kokoro wo' 「誇示していなければ保てぬ程度の醜い心を」 “Unless you're putting on airs you can't sustain your ugly heart”
'Minikui' (醜い) means "ugly" in the sense of "unsightly/unattractive". 'Kokoro' (心) is a delicious word that can refer to "(emotional) heart" but also to "mind" and "soul".
So basically Young Enji is saying that to hide the fact Enji is weak and indecisive, not a real superhuman, he put on airs to hide it... but the interesting part is that the image focuses on Enji's fire beard.
This was said in his profile.
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The rest we have on Enji's youth is from other chapter and it's mostly tiny info.
We've a young Enji, who's now an adult but who still feels the gap between himself and All Might is one he can't surpass.
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'Kisama (All Might)..." 「貴様 (オールマイト)…」 "All Might..."
'Kisama o koeyou to kensan o kasanete kita…!' 貴様を超えようと研鑽を重ねてきた…! "I've been repeatedly training hard to surpass you…!"
'Kasaneru hodo ni tsūkan suru.' 重ねる程に痛感する。 "I realized the more I repeatedly did it, the more I feel the pain."
'Kisama to no sa ga… kisama no senaka ga…!!' 貴様との差が… 貴様の背中が…!! "The difference between you and me is… your back…! !"
'Zetsubō ga! ! Ore o…' 絶望が!!俺を… "I despaired! ! I…"
'Nanda so nonnasakenai senaka wa!!' 「なんだそのっ情けない背中は!!」 “What’s with that pathetic back?!”
LOL, the sentence seems not to make sense but in Japan a large back is equated to strength. Hawks later, thinking about Endeavor will say Enji must do it because Hawks' back isn't large enough.
On another interesting bit... even if Enji says 'All Might' the kanji actually say 'kisama' (貴様) which is currently a very rude way to say 'you'.
We've another bit about Enji's past when he talks with All Might after the latter retired.
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'Ore wa ase kō ni subete o takushita' 「俺は焦凍に全てを託した」 "I entrusted everything to Shoto"
'Hatachi no koro ni wa sudeni No. 2 e to noboritsumeta.' 「二十歳の頃には既にNo.2へと登りつめた」 "By the time I was 20 years old, I had already climbed to No. 2."
'Tō tte kitakara koso… rikai shite shimatta.' 「登ってきたからこそ…理解してしまった」 "Because I made that climb… I understands."
'Ore wa itadaki ni wa tadoritsukenai to' 「俺は頂きには辿り着けないと」 "I can't reach the top"
'katagaki ga hoshī dakenara kisama no yō ni herahera to' 「肩書きが欲しいだけなら貴様のようにヘラヘラと」 "If I just wanted a title, I'll be laughing like you."
'Aiso mo furimaitadarou sa.' 「愛想も振りまいただろうさ」 "I would have showed sociability as well."
'Ore wa dare yori tsuyoku naritakatta' 「俺は誰より強くなりたかった」 "I wanted to be stronger than anyone else"
Okay so this was meant to be solely about Enji's past but I can't skip this line. The English translation decided to translate 'takushita' (託した) with 'gave' but it's not like Enji gave Shouto everything Shouto wanted... it's that Enji entrusted his dream, his everything to Shouto. So he's not really depicting himself like a doting father but as a father who planned to have his kid fulfil his dream.
The relevant part in this little dialogue is that Enji became Number 2 at 20.
Considering he started U.A. at 15 and should have finished attending it at 19, it's quite a fast climbing.
The mountain is probably Sekoto Peak (瀬古杜岳 'Sekoto take'), where Enji said he used to train in the past and where Touya will 'die'. (Chap 291).
According to Hawks, Enji was the only one trying to surpass All Might.
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Technically though, considering Hawks is one year younger than Touya and got interested in Endeavor after he was saved, he only witnessed him post marriage and it's hard to say if this applied also to when Enji was pretty young. Anyway the previous generation of Heroes come out pretty lame as now the kids at U.A. wants to surpass All Might while before only Enji considered doing it.
And so we get to Enji deciding he can't surpass All Might and therefore must produce a heir who will do so for him... but as that part was transposed in the anime, for a better comparison I'll put it in a part 2.
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mikuheritageposts · 2 years
Sekai de ichiban ohime-sama Sou iu atsukai kokoroete yo ne
Sono ichi itsumo to chigau kamigata ni ki ga tsuku koto Sono ni chanto kutsu made miru koto Ii ne? Sono san watashi no hitogoto ni ha mittsu no kotoba de Henji suru koto Wakattara migite ga orusu nano wo Nantoka shite!
Betsu ni Wagamama nante ittenaindakara KIMI ni kokoro kara omotte hoshii no kawaiitte
Sekai de ichiban ohime-sama Ki ga tsuite nee nee Mataseru nante rongai yo Watashi wo dare to omotteru no? Mou nanda ga amai mono ga tabetai! Ima sugu ni yo
Ketten? kawaii no machigai desho Monku ha yurushimasen no Ano ne, watashi no hanashi chanto kiiteru? Chotto... A, sore to ne shiroi ouma-san Kimatteru deshou? Mukae ni kite Wakattara kashizuite Te wo totte "ohime-sama" tte
Betsu ni Wagamama nante ittenaindakara Demo ne Sukoshi kurai shikattekuretatte ii no yo?
Sekai de watashi dake no ouji-sama Ki ga tsuite hora hora Otete ga aitemasu Mukuchi de buaisouna ouji-sama Mou doushite!? ki ga tsuite yo hayaku
Zettai KIMI ha wakattenai! Wakattenai wa...
Ichigo no notta SHO-TO KE-KI Kodawari tamago no torokeru PURIN Minna minna gaman shimasu... Wagamamana ko da to omowanaide Watashi datte yareba-dekiru mon Ato de koukai suruwa yo
Touzen desu! datte watashi ha
Sekai de ichiban ohime-sama Chanto mitete yo ne Dokoka ni icchau yo Fu ni dakishimerareta Kyuu ni sonna! e?? "Hikareru abunai yo" Sou itte soppo muku KIMI
...kocchi no ga abunai wa yo
don’t think i have to add a comment to this. you are all right
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miku-hime · 4 days
Sekai de ichiban ohime-sama
sou iu atsukai kokoroete yo ne
Sono ichi itsumo to chigau kamigata ni ki ga tsuku koto
sono ni chanto kutsu made miru koto
ii ne?
sono san watashi no hitogoto ni ha mittsu no kotoba de
henji suru kotowakattara migite ga orusu nano wo
nantoka shite!
Betsu ni
wagamama nante ittenaindakara
KIMI ni kokoro kara omotte hoshii no kawaiitte
Sekai de ichiban ohime-sama
ki ga tsuite nee neemataseru nante rongai yo
watashi wo dare to omotteru no?
mou nanda ga amai mono ga tabetai!
ima sugu ni yo
Ketten? kawaii no machigai desho
monku ha yurushimasen no
ano ne, watashi no hanashi chanto kiiteru?
a, sore to ne shiroi ouma-san
kimatteru deshou?
mukae ni kite
wakattara kashizuite
te wo totte "ohime-sama" tte
Betsu ni
wagamama nante ittenaindakara
demo ne
sukoshi kurai shikattekuretatte ii no yo?
Sekai de watashi dake no ouji-sama
ki ga tsuite hora hora
otete ga aitemasu
mukuchi de buaisouna ouji-sama
mou doushite!? ki ga tsuite yo hayaku
Zettai KIMI ha wakattenai!
wakattenai wa...
Ichigo no notta SHO-TO KE-KI
kodawari tamago no torokeru PURIN
minna minna gaman shimasu...wagamamana ko da to omowanaide
watashi datte yareba-dekiru mon
ato de koukai suruwa yo
Touzen desu! datte watashi ha
Sekai de ichiban ohime-sama
chanto mitete yo ne
dokoka ni icchau yofu ni dakishimerareta
kyuu ni sonna! e??
"hikareru abunai yo"
sou itte soppo muku KIMI
...kocchi no ga abunai wa yo
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world is mine - supercell feat. Miku
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plangentia · 5 days
PY An 657
.1 o-u-ru-to , o-pi-a2-ra , e-pi-ko-wo , .2 ma-re-wo , o-ka , o-wi-to-no .3 a-pe-ri-ta-wo , o-re-ta , e-te-wa , ko-ki-jo , .4 su-we-ro-wi-jo , o-wi-ti-ni-jo , o-ka-ra3 VIR 50 .5 uacat .6 ne-da-wa-ta-o , o-ka , e-ke-me-de , .7 a-pi-je-ta , ma-ra-te-u , ta-ni-ko , .8 a2 -ru-wo-te , ke-ki-de , ku-pa-ri-si-jo VIR 20 VIR “10‘ .9 uacat .10 a3 -ta-re-u-si , ku-pa-ri-si-jo , ke-ki-de VIR 10 .11 me-ta-qe , pe-i , e-qe-ta , ke-ki-jo , .12 a-e-ri-qo-ta , e-ra-po , ri-me-ne , .13 o-ka-ra , ‘o-wi-’to-no VIR 30 ke-ki-de-qe , a-pu2-ka-ne , .14 VIR 20 me-ta-qe , pe-i , a3 -ko-ta , e-qe-ta ,
How the watchers are guarding the coast: The o-ka of Maleus at O-wi-to-no: Ampelitawon, Orestes, Etewas, Kokkion, su-we-ro-wi-jo, o-ka-ra3 from O-wi-to-no. MEN 50.
The o-ka of Nedwatas: Ekhemedes, Amphiyetas(?), Maratheus, ta-ni-ko, at Halwon, Kuparissian kekides. MEN 20 MEN 10.
At Aithalewes, Kuparissian kekides. MEN 10. And with them, the Follower, son of Kerkos, Aerikwhoitas, at the Bay of the Deer. At O-wi-to-no, o-ka-ra. 30 MEN. ke-ki-de from A-pu2-k- 20 MEN. And with them, Aigotas the Follower.
This is the first tablet in a series of o-ka tablets, all of which are interlinked.
o-u-ru-to - ho wruntoi - "how [the watchers] are guarding. o- is the introductory particle ὡς - "thus, how." wruntoi is transcribed as u-ru-to and is a 3rd person plural middle verb in -ntoi. IN Classical Greek, this ending is -νται due to analogy with the singular middle endings -μαι, σαι, etc. This is linked to the Homeric verb ῥῦσθαι, meaning "watch" or "guard" (alongside several other meanings).
o-pi-a2-ra - opi-hala - "coast." A direct precedent of Classical ἔφαλος, meaning "coast", or "on the shore." o-pi is an Ablaut variant of /epi/.
e-pi-ko-wo - epi-kowoi - "the watchers." Nominative plural noun, composed of e-pi ("over," etc.) and -kowoi, which is related to the Classical suffix -κόος, meaning "watcher." Cf. Delphi πυρκόοι - "watchers of the sacred fire."
ma-re-wo - Maleus. A man's name in the genitive singular. He is the supervisor, or "commander" of the o-ka.
o-ka. What is an o-ka? It is often speculated to be a military unit of coastguards (e-pi-ko-wo), but not sure. It could be etymologically related to ἄρχω - Homeric Greek shows an o- at the beginning - ὄρχαμος. o-ka could therefore be "people under the command." It could also be related to PIE root *sekh- > hokh- and meaning "something held." Nonetheless, o-ka are certainly the sub-groups into which the "coastguards" are divided.
o-wi-to-no - Owitnos. A place where the "garrison" was stationed. o-wi-ti-ni-jo in .4 is the ethnic adjective derived from this place and describes the 50 o-ka-ra3.
This is then followed by a list of men's names: a-pe-ri-ta-wo - Ampelitawon ("Mr Vine"), o-re-ta - Orestas - "Orestes," e-te-wa - Etewas, ko-ki-jo - Kokkion ("Mr Berry.") It is unclear where this list of names ends. su-we-ro-wi-jo could be another man's name, a place name, or an ethnic adjective describing what comes next.
o-ka-ra3 - nominative plural denoting a man within the o-ka. Recurs as o-ka-ra without the optional -ra3 sign later in the tablet.
ne-da-wa-ta-o - Nedwatao - Nedwatas. Genitive singular of a personal name. He is the commander of this o-ka. The name may relate to the river Neda in the Peloponnese.
A list of men's names then follows: e-ke-me-de - (H)Ekhemedes, a-pi-je-ta - Amphiyetas, ma-ra-te-u - Maratheus, and ta-ni-ko.
a2-ru-wo-te - Halwontei - locative singular of Halwon. This could be related to Ἁλοῦς in Arcadia, but this seems unlikely. Rujigh posits that it is a non-Indo-European formation.
ke-ki-de - kerkides. Unclear meaning - -ides ending suggests that it would be a type of troop. kerki- could be related to κερκίς meaning "weaving-shuttle," but the consequences of this for our translation is unclear.
ku-pa-ri-si-jo - Kuparissioi. Kyparissia continues to be a place on the coast of Messenia. The ke-ki-de here is comprised of Kuparissians.
a3-ta-re-u-si - Aithaleusi. Dative-locative of a place name.
me-ta-qe - meta-kwe - "and with." Equivalent to Greek μετά τε.
pe-i - sphehi - "them."
e-qe-ta - hekwetas - "Follower". An office of Mycenaean society that was seemingly associated with the military. Originally derived from PIE root *sekw-, meaning "follow."
ke-ki-jo a-e-ri-qo-ta - a double barrelled name + title. ke-ki-jo is almost certainly a patronymic, indicating that this was a high status individual. a-e-ri-qo-ta likely meants "he who goes about early in the morning."
e-ra-po ri-me-ne - Elaphon Limenei - "Bay of Deer." A double-barred place name. Classical Greek ἔλαφος - "deer" and λίμην "bay, harbour."
a-pu2-ka-ne - an ethnic adjective describing the kerkides.
a3-ko-ta - Aigotas - "Mr Goaty."
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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vincent-val · 1 month
Fandom Oneshots: Sophie In Wonderland (The Walten Files)
This was requested by TheGrimRead3r on A03. If you want to request me anything let me know (keep your fetisheize to yourself and don't request me any weird shit. Your gonna get blocked if you do)
She remembers what happened at Bunnyfarm... Everyone else that got hurt including her own family
A white man was next to her and scared her. Sophie is haunted by memories of Bunnyfarm, where so many people were killed, including her own family. She is startled by the appearance of a mysterious white man, and it triggers her fear. "Who are you?" Sophie said, Bon got close to her and leaned forward "my n am e is B on" he said "I do n't t hi nk we've me t be fore" "Bon" said "b ut" he trailed off "yo ur moth er said so mu ch abo t you" Bob tried to to place his hand on her check and backed away Sophie remains alert and doesn't let "Bon" get too close. She looks puzzled as he trails off, and says, "My mother did?" "Bon" tries to place his hand on her cheek, but she pulls away. "Y es". She seems surprised with Bon's assertion, and doesn't quite believe him. "What did she say?" She asks. Bon gets a little closer and tries to place his hand on her cheek again, but she pulls away just like before. This time, he doesn't try to stop her. "T hat y ou we r e specia l, tha t y ou wer e her on ly chi ld." Bon says gently.
She glared at "Bon" "I had two other siblings, Edd and Molly, I was never an only child" "I th in k she me ant tha t y ou wer e her specia l chi ld." "Bon" says sympathetically. "She loved you ve ry, ve ry mu ch." Sophie remains silent, taking in "Bon's" words. A hint of sadness crosses her face as she remembers her family. "My mother loved me very much..." she repeats softly. 
"Bon" tries to grab Sophie's hand while she resists. He seems to be trying to gain her trust, but she's not letting him get close to her. "Le t me ta ke yo u to h er," "Bon" says earnestly once again, "S he wa nts to se e y ou"
He makes one more attempt to grab her hand, but she pulls away again. "Wait..." Sophie says once more, "Your name sounds familiar..." "My n ame is no t Im porta nt r igh t no w de ar" "Bon" said as he looked at her "yo ur m o ther is wor ried" Sophie looked at him "who are you"
"Bon's" voice had a certain kindness to it, but even so, something about him made Sophie feel uneasy. She tried to pull her hand away again, but Bon grabbed it before she could. "Do n't be af raid," he said softly, "I'm n ot goi ng to hu rt y ou."
"Why should I trust you?" Sophie said with a mixture of anger and fear in her voice, "I don't even know who you are." "I'm j ust he re to he lp," Bon said gently, "Yo ur mo th er se nt me to fin d y ou. S he wa nts u s to go ba ck-"
She looked back at "Bon" and he turned into the rabbit from Bunnyfarm
"-S he wa nts to s ee y ou."
Sophie recoiled in fear as "Bon" transforms into the dreaded rabbit from Bunnyfarm. The memories of that fateful incident came flooding back, and she felt the same terror she felt that day. But a creeping doubt began to set in, could this actually be true? Could her mother actually be alive? Or was this some sort of sick, twisted joke? "You- you killed innocent people including my mother, why!" The rabbit remained silent, not willing to respond to Sophie's accusations. He just stared at her, his face conveying no emotion whatsoever. It was as if he was waiting for her to make the next move. Sophie was shaking with anger and fear, her heart racing and her body aching from the adrenaline. In a moment of rage, she lunged forward to attack the rabbit, but he ducked out of the way easily and quickly. "Oh S oph ie" Bon said
Sophie froze, hearing her name in the rabbit's voice. Something about it sent chills down her spine. "H-how do you know my name?" She asked, her voice shaky with fear. The rabbit didn't respond, just smiled back at her chillingly. The rabbit took a step towards her, his sharp teeth and piercing eyes making her recoil in fear. "I kn ow a l ot of th ings, my de ar." He said, his voice menacingly calm. Sophie felt trapped, like a deer in the headlights. "D on't be afr aid," The rabbit continued, "I'm not go ing to h urt yo u..."
Sophie stayed frozen. She was terrified, but the rabbit's tone made her feel slightly emboldened. Maybe she could reason with him, or at least figure out what he wanted. "What do you want from me?" She asked, her voice still trembling. "J ust to s ee yo ur m oth er." The rabbit calmly replied, "Sh e wa nts to s ee yo u to o, and s he's wa itin g for yo u." People with masks came into view, a sheep, a clown, a purple rabbit, and a musician "a re n't th ey bea utif ul So ph ie" Sophie felt her heart sink as the masks appeared, knowing that those were the faces of the other victims of Bunnyfarm. It was a horrifying sight, and reminded her of their tragic fates. She wanted to look away, but at the same time she couldn't help but stare at the masks. "Why are you showing me this?" She asked the rabbit.
"Y ou ca n't make an om elett e, wit ho ut br eak ing a f ew eg gs" "Bon" said as he grabbed her arm, Sophie flinched in pain as Bon grabbed her arm, but she didn't try to pull away. She didn't want to make him angry. "What do you mean?" She asked nervously. Sophie struggled to understand what Bon was saying. She wanted to fight back, but he had a firm grip on her arm. And before she knew it, she was surrounded by the masks - the other victims of Bunnyfarm. The sight of the masks triggered a wave of anger within her, and she tried to pull away from Bon's grip again, but he wouldn't let go. She pulled hard, but he held fast and she just couldn't get free.
In a sudden burst of anger, Sophie twisted her arm hard, causing Bon to let go. She swung at Bon, but he was quick and dodged just in time. He lunged forward and grabbed her arm again, but this time she was prepared. She kicked Bon in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and allowing her to spin away. Sophie stood her ground, determined to fight. She glared at Bon, waiting for his next move. Bon stared back at her, his expression unchanged. He lunged again, this time in a lower stance. He got close quickly, looking to grab her again. Sophie saw this coming and stepped back quickly, dodging his grab and landing another powerful kick to his stomach. Bon backed away, not wanting to get within kicking range again. He held his arms out wide, inviting her to come at him. Sophie saw this as a challenge and charged forward, swinging a powerful punch at his face. Bon saw this coming and caught her punch, flipping her onto her back and slamming her hard onto the ground.
"My h ead, m y rul es" "Bon" said then he twisted her arm causing her to yell "wh at a p ity" he said then dropped her "I th oug ht you wo uld be mor e of a fi ght" Sophie moaned in pain as her arm was twisted, her body aching from the pain of the fall. She couldn't move her arm at all, it sounded like it was broken. She glared at Bon with a mixture of anger and fear, waiting for whatever he would do with her next. "Yo u're mu ch we ak er th an I thoug ht." Bon said with a cold, calm, and almost amused tone. "I th ough t yo u'd pu t up a b igge r fi ght, bu t, y ou ca n't eve n mov e yo ur ar m no w" He said, as he stood over her. "Wh ere's you r stre ng th, S oph ie?" He mocked. Sophie groaned as her arm ached severely, causing her to feel even more anger. She glared up at Bon, and even though she couldn't move her arm, she still wanted to fight back. Sophie screamed in pain as Bon's foot was pressed firmly against her back, pinning her down to the ground. She was powerless and couldn't move a single inch. She was scared, wondering what Bon was doing and what he was going to do to her next.
"P oor litt le Sop hie" Bon said "yo u ca n't eve n fi ght" Sophie screamed when she felt her back snap, the pain of it was like nothing she had ever felt before. She wailed in agony and couldn't move, unable to do anything to stop it. Bon kept his foot planted on her back, preventing her from moving in any way. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't move a single inch. The agony of her back was so immense that it made her unable to think or speak, she couldn't even form a complete sentence. Bon walked away from what he did and left Sophie there to slowly rot
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