#we won for once
christopher-bryant · 11 months
thank god they finally allowed a tough and buff badass woman be straight for once
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damn-daemon · 2 years
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Stay winning, boys.
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lycorim · 7 months
Iron Islands naming conventions are soooo funny because on one hand you have the most viking-ass names that ever did exist you've got Stygg you've got Gelmarr you've got Harl Jorl Qarl you've got Ragnor. A good number of them overlap with Freefolk names (idk what to do with that information either). But then a small handful would better fit in a Jane Austen novel with how fucking posh they sound in isolation. This is a post about Tristifer Botley.
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bethanydelleman · 1 month
I'm going to tell you about a pro-vaccine commercial that plays in my head all the time and I wish I could create.
We start with a counter on a black screen, it's Humans vs. Smallpox and our score is zero and their score is super high and it just keeps going up. Then we see flashes of physicians from the past saying in various languages, "There's nothing we can do."
Then we go to all these soldiers attempting to fight this rampaging representation of smallpox. Think of the cave troll in Lord of the Rings. But the soldiers don't have any weapons and everyone is just screaming and trying to run away but they get stomped on:
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(my excellent art)
So then we see Dr. Edward Jenner invent the smallpox vaccine and moms lining up with all their lil' babies (in old timey outfits) and we flash back to the counter and look, the smallpox side starts slowing down! Progress!
We go back to the soldiers. A scientist runs in with a glowing vaccine needle and they finally have weapons and they start to defend the townspeople from the big smallpox blob and he's getting smaller.
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And then we see the World Health Organization announce that we will eradicate smallpox. The soldiers keep fighting and smallpox gets smaller and smaller until it's in a lil' jar:
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(this looks more like a jug but stay with me)
and then we flash back to the counter and the numbers freeze on the smallpox side and on the human side a huge needle smashes down through our zero to be a 1 on the human side. We killed it!
Then a copy writer says something more clever but along the lines of "We've killed one once, let's do it again."
Honestly, I don't know if it's possible to move the needle on vaccine hesitancy and denial, but I'm like, super proud that we've managed to kill a disease. Diseases have been killing us, without mercy, for thousands of years and we killed one back! We did it! That is so amazing and I wish we talked about it more. We got revenge. We were persistent and strong and we finally defeated our oldest enemy.
I want other people to feel that pride and accomplishment. I want dramatic music as we vaccinate the final person. I want all the people of the past marvelling that we now grow up and live without fear of being killed or scarred for life by smallpox. It is a miracle. 40% of babies used to die but we live in the age of miracles.
Anyway, that's my vision. Let's kill polio! Let's kill them all!
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Honestly, it is so funny remembering that Annabeth Chase's literal, stated, canonical fatal flaw is hubris.
Rick Riordan was like, "This clever, neurodivergent preteen girl believes that she is smarter than the gods, and she will get the chance to prove herself right," and he was correct. 😌
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alfazoings · 3 months
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distortion detective been on th brain,,,,, i Am so ill about them
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tomssobbingcorner · 1 year
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mazojo · 1 year
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Asmodeus has unlocked the power of gay everyone cheer
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cementcornfield · 6 months
What do you remember about that first touchdown?
I just remember scoring and doing the griddy and then Joe pushed me.
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poisonghoulart · 7 months
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Burdened with Glorious Purpose
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ammy246 · 7 months
Just saw some Narusasu shippers shitting on Bakudeku, and as someone who's first gay ship and otp used to be Narusasu instead of Bakudeku, I have some thoughts.
I remember the heartbreak I felt the day Kishimoto ruined Narusasu by forcing them to be romantically involved with women without a single bit of relationship development. Naruto ended up with Hinata in a filler movie despite having ignored her even after her romantic confession to him, and Sasuke abandoned Sakura after having a child with her. This was not the ending any of us wanted. We wanted Naruto and Sasuke to peacefully resolve their rivalry, and find love in each other after all they've been through. But unfortunately, that's not what happened as Kishimoto had to force a next-gen onto us, and permanently friendzoned them. It's tragic and felt like a betrayal, but shounen had not been ready for queer relationships, so Narusasu being shafted was ultimately inevitable.
While I cannot say for 100% certain, I can say that Bakudeku has a much greater chance of becoming canon than Narusasu ever did. Horikoshi once stated that he will tell the story he wants to be told and not follow the stereotypical formula, contradicting Kishimoto who went with the shounen ending we've seen many times before of the protagonist accomplishing their goal and marrying a woman and having kids (even though they have no chemistry with said woman or a lack of feelings for them compared to their rival).
Horikoshi had the chance to make Izuocha canon. They could've confessed before the war, but they didn't. The two moved on with their lives, and have made no desire to talk about feelings for each other, but are rather focused on other peope (Bakugou and Toga) as that's where their hearts reside. Bakugou also has no other potential love interest aside from Midoriya as he is the one he is closest too in the entire world and knows the most which is different than Sasuke who had some moments with Sakura scattered throughout the series from the start.
Bakugou cares about Midoriya in a way that's beyond friendship. He means the word to him to the point he was willing to sacrifice himself and even die for him, and will make himself vulnerable around him and nobody else. Midoriya has hidden feelings for Bakugou as his thoughts regarding him are hidden, and his heart always spirals out of control because of Bakugou, but we have not yet been directly told why. Midoriya does not act like this around his other friends, and he has many.
Naruto and Sasuke resolved things right after their final fight, and their friendship returned stronger than ever before, but that was it. Yet even after Bakugou's apology, there are still unresolved issues even though Midoriya chose to forgive him, meaning something must still be said between the two. Midoriya did not want an apology; he wanted to deepen their bond beyond friendship, but was too afraid of rejection hence why he never confessed and hid his feelings instead.
This plotline is still unresolved as of chapter 405. Bakugou is now being honest about his feelings, yet we have still yet to see Midoriya's thoughts regarding Bakugou's death and revival only having been given face expressions. So if their friendship has returned and gotten stronger than ever before despite the series not yet being over, what else is there to develop aside from romantic feelings?
Narusasu shippers, I hate to say it, but we lost. We cannot change the past, but we can have hope for the future. Bakudeku has surpassed Narusasu long ago, and the two are closer to a love confession than ever before, which is something we never quite got close to with Narusasu. If Horikoshi is serious about not following the typical shounen formula, we might have a real chance here. We might not get a kiss or marriage, but if the two confess their feelings for each other and do not end up with women like nothing happened, then that would be a huge victory for the LGBT+ community, and hopefully open the gateway for more queer relationships in shounen jump for the future.
Both Bakudeku and Narusasu are amazing ships. I wish we could live in a reality where both became canon, but getting one would still be a major milestone. Do not attack each other over what could have been, but resolve your differences like Bakugou & Midoriya and Naruto & Sasuke did and look towards a brighter future where LGBT+ can be mainstream without us having to fight for it and fear losing.
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darkangel1791 · 2 months
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Matthew Daddario as Alec Lightwood
Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane
Crazy Chemistry
All of their fans, 50% of which only watched Shadowhunters for them
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symeraid-s · 23 days
Ignoring the entire shitshow around Eurovision this year, it was pretty solid for music.
Switzerland absolutely deserved to win. The Code is a bop and their performance was my favourite of the evening.
Croatia also was really good. Baby Lasagna has a really strong voice and I really liked the vibes of it overall. Also, he's apparently an Electric Callboy fan, so that's a plus in my book.
Ireland was solid. I don't think I like the song as much as other people, but their staging and the screamo parts of the song were perfection.
On the other hand, Israel got way too many points. I kind of expected it, but it still stings. Like, even if the votes were unpolitical (which is highly doubtful), the song wasn't that good. Lativa had a way better ballad.
A thing I definitely didn't expect though, was Germany being in 12th place. It feels wrong to see us on the left side of the scoreboard. Though it is also funny, because Isaak told a newspaper: "who would want to end up on place 12?" He really jinxed himself with that one.
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mila-bee · 4 months
I’m playing SOCN on 2 devices and romancing Agnia and Ash and you wouldn’t think they have anything in common… but after this update I think I might have a type 👀
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kamil-a · 2 months
indulge me a moment. while i firmly believe sayer is both atheist (belief) and anti-religious practices (distraction) (unproductive) (you are notttt getting shabbos/holidays off at aerolith are you kidding me lmfao) sayer would looooove pesach. sayer would love it so much. i would attend sayer's sayder. and it would read and explain the haggada itself. and everything it said as explanation would be like literally religiously heretical. it would be talking about how the exodus from egypt is actually about leaving earth for typhon. go off on a tangent about how taking upon oneself the yoke of heaven is actually about going to literally space in the sky and doing your part to comply by aerolith rules and be responsible for your fellow residents. it would LOVE to tell everyone a story about a goat bought for two zuz that gets eaten by a cat whos bit by a dog whos hit by a stick etc etc etc and honestly it might view it in an innovation/obsolescence way and scare itself.
and of course it would be. unbelievably strict. with how much of each thing youre supposed to eat.
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