#what the hell is that preview
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Preview of the runner up results from this poll. I wish everyone who wanted to see more SVSSS characters from me a merry "I'm So Sorry'.
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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ms paint nicky v pretend i posted this a month ago
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ghouljams · 11 months
Witch does some magic, Fae!Price remembers why witches are so dangerous
this is a longer one(1.4k words), dealing with a lot of spell work, and mostly OC stuff.
One of your friends is laying on your kitchen table. Arms folded to cushion their head, half asleep as you scrub their back with salt. You already washed the table down, chalked your largest circle on the floor, made sure your herbs were prepped. You really don’t know why you keep doing this to yourself. You let your eyes wander to look out your back door, peaking across your garden to your back gate.
“I can come back if you’re waiting on someone,” You friend mumbles, you shake your head. You grab a washcloth and dip it in the copper bowl of new moon water to rinse the salt off their back.
“You’re fine, I want to get this done today.” They hum, sitting up enough to finish their last swallow of tea before passing you the mug.
“You’re always so serious about this.”
“You pay me to be serious about it.” You step out of the circle to put their drained mug in the sink and finish your own. Hyssop tea isn’t your favorite but better safe than sorry. You grab another copper bowl and a small sachet from your cupboard. Another hum from your friend. “Where’d you get the baby ginger?” You ask, removing the small humanoid root from its sachet and placing it in the new bowl.
“Trade secret,” You try not to think too hard about it. There are a lot of things about your friend you try not to think too hard about. “Figure that should be enough to mix a few sessions worth of ash.”
You nod, casting another glance out your back door. You need it open for the sun, for the tie to summer to keep the room warm, but you also need your garden free of distractions. You twist open the jars you’d pulled. Morning Glory, Comfrey, Angelica, Marjoram, Ginger, fuck what are you missing?
“Ruda.” Your friend tells you, their eyes closed peacefully.
“You hate Ruda.” You leave the circle again to grab the herb. It feels like you’ve got everything but the kitchen sink in this bowl.
“The dragon’s blood will cover it,” You pause, at the edge of the circle, stomach twisting, “I can smell it.” Your fingers tighten on your jar, you hate when they do this, talk to you like they know what you’re thinking. Especially when they know better. You step over the chalk circle and deposit a few pieces of ruda in the bowl. You’re quick to strike a match and light the mixture, letting it burn down as you center yourself.
The sound of the wind rustling through the trees, the light herbal small of your garden, the warmth of summer, you do your best to keep your focus on the earth. Stable. Grounded. Your herbs crackle as they burn, the smoke finding its way out your back door, hardly bothering to be contained by your circle. Your house is silent, your fingers are warm and buzzing with potential.
Everything is easier after this, or faster. Magic always seems faster once you set it free to run. You mix the herbal ash with a little alcohol and some chips of dragon’s blood resin to make ink. You clean your needles and set your intention. You trace the patterns already on your friend’s skin and find the breaks that need to be mended, and snap on some gloves.
You poke new lines of honeycomb across their shoulder. Dip your needle in the ink and fix the pentacle on their spine, the salt, the concentric circles. Hyssop, lavender, parsley, you sink comfortably into your work tattooing herbs and wards. You mind is clear, present and gone at the same time. It’s comfortable here. Your friend sleeps as you work, not even twitching as you wipe at the ink. 
You don’t think of it as what it is. Blood magic. Magic you shouldn’t be doing, wouldn’t be doing if it was anyone but them. Magic made just for this singular person, just for their needs. You mumble to yourself as you work, watching the pentacles turn, the sword glint. The honeycomb drips onto the lavender making you wipe at it to check that your lines are all connected. It’s complicated magic, a spell you’ve been weaving and maintaining for years. You trace your fingers around the unbroken ring at the center, the dark abyssal black that fills it. The sink.
You pull back and inspect your work, roll your shoulders, check the time. You pat your friend’s shoulder to wake them up before spraying the fresh tattoo with green soap. They groan and stretch out over your table.
“Feels like a fucking rock on my back.” They grumble. You hum, cleaning your work station to give them room to sit up.
“Gotta charge it, that’s what the sun’s for.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know the drill.” You help them up, careful to avoid breaking the circle or knocking over any of your herbs. They wave you off as they exit your house to your garden, sinking onto the little stool you’d set out. You hover close by, just to be sure they don’t faint. It’s happened before. You glance at the gate when they do, feeling your stomach flip when you catch sight of Price watching you.
Your friend waves you off, shooing you towards your distraction. It’s good you didn’t notice him sooner, it might have broken your concentration. The last thing you need is for a spell this intricate to backfire.
“You have a client,” Price nods at your friend, you don’t bother looking back at them, sure they’re enjoying the sun.
“You haven’t been around in a while,” You counter. Wincing a little at yourself. Truth for a truth. Though one is more an embarrassing acknowledgement that you noticed his absence. Price smiles at that before covering his mouth, trying to spare a little of your pride.
“Did you miss me?”
“No.” You say quickly. He nods, it’s cute the way you lie to him. “Did you need something?”
“Just wanted to check up on you,” He tells you, you raise a brow, clearly not buying it. The “and” that should follow that statement hangs in the air between you. He’s not impolite enough to impose himself on your hospitality when you have another guest. Especially not when you’re working.
It’s strange though, if he hadn’t seen you bringing your client out, he might not have noticed them at all. They look human, but.
But they don’t smell like anything. They don’t have any presence at all. You smell like burnt herbs, ink, residual magic falls off of you and threads through his. It’s terribly distracting. You’re always distracting. Enough to keep his attention off of whatever is in your garden.
“Well, here I am. No need to drop by just to see me.” Price respectfully begs to differ. He has every reason to see you. Your sincerity in the statement doesn’t go unnoticed.
“I thought you didn’t deal with creditors.” Price leans away from the threshold as you turn to talk to your client. He hadn’t even registered their presence.
“Go wait in the house if you’re all charged,” You tell them quietly. Charged. Price knows that term, what were you charging? The whole person? Your client shrugs and turns back towards the house.
Price’s stomach rolls, and he has to stop himself from taking a step back. Fae trap. The blossoming tattoo on their back hums and moves, alive with captured and contained magic. A seal on the client’s presence, a ward, a living hex breaker, all wild fed magic channeled through your spell work. Not human, just disguised as one. He can feel the hooks spinning off of them now that he knows what to look for. The fae itself doesn’t seem too dangerous, but the spell on their back...
You look up at him so innocently. Sweet as can be, waiting for him to take his eyes off your retreating client. “It’s good, right?” You ask, and he knows exactly what you’re asking. Knows that you know exactly what you’ve created.
You laugh, and wave your hand, “Not a chance, too much upkeep. I’d burn through the ink faster than they do.”
“Bloody hell,” Price swears, unsure what else to say to dislodge the knot his stomach has twisted itself into, "So you let a hunter in but not me?
"Hunters are stupid," you look over your shoulder towards the house, "think with their stomachs, easier to guard against. You on the other hand..." You look back at him, it's clearly a compliment, not one you're willing to say aloud, but he'll take it.
“You don’t have one of those on you, do you?” Price asks, a mixture of pride and apprehension rising in his throat.
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faerynova · 1 year
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two methods of play
fic writing is going great
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nicoisastar · 1 year
just read the recent readriordan tsats post and 1) hypnos’ design is cool as hell and 2)
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some of nico’s nightmares are gonna come to life???
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i-mode · 2 months
when i.v drops i will make a vellory google doc and ill have my own pepe silvia moment. Everyone will see the truth eventually
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nereevio · 4 days
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Who doesn’t know the accidental color drop on the wrong layer that’s bound to be your next nightmare? I sure do 💀 sneak peak of my next post ig :)
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eternalduos · 27 days
oh my god WHAT are those fucking outfits
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e-adlirez · 4 months
Hot take, but I feel like the star / supersister artstyle has a much better taste in fashion compare to the rest. Idk something about the way they style the clothes for the sisters just hit right to me and I even dare to say it is a bit better compare to the older artstyles (including the 1 - 4 comics artstyle). Like, don't get me wrong the old artsyles has good fashion, but for me personally, the star artstyle fashion choice for the girls felt like something they would actually wear u know?
It is a hot take in the fandom, but I do agree with said take :D
You can hate on the snouts and the lips, sure
But the girls’ fashion sense?
Let’s be real the girls’ fashion sense in the previous artstyle was very general white person fashion sense, enough so that you can swap the color palettes of one of their outfits and you’d think it was for one of the other girls. Which isn’t a good thing when you think about it :D
Like seriously their fashion sense can be summarized thusly:
For all of them in general: if they’re not in a tropical climate, they can and will have sleeves. Usually long sleeves.
Colette: roll a d20. If the result is under 15, then she wears a skirt or a dress. Ironically she’s the one with the most hit-or-miss outfits of the five, either through color palette or just skirts being used when they shouldn’t be.
Nicky: if it doesn’t fulfill any of the given conditions: a variant of her old standard outfit, has a collar, is a green shirt paired with brown pants/shorts, is a jacket, is a jacket/coat with upturned collars, has green in it somewhere or everywhere, has orange in a strange spot meant to emulate the old outfit; then who the hell are you talking to that’s not Nicky
Pam: either it’s a shadow of her original red and olive palette, or it has the most heinous shade of lime green paired with her usual red or just have green where it legally shouldn’t be. If it can sweater, it will sweater. She’s been gaining drip lately in the Italian books tho I’ll give her that—
Paulina: she does go for a bit of cozy retro vibes in her fashion style, but I think 60% of them at least have some sort of scarf variant. I dunno, she’s doing fine but her fashion sense is nothing to write home about. If it can sweater, it will sweater.
Violet: Violet, I love you, you’re my blorbo but I’m sorry, you wear so much purple that sometimes I think your wardrobe just looks like Robin’s wardrobe in Teen Titans with the hundred copies of the exact same color palette. Bit classy, fluctuates from sweater child to absolute queen on a dime /pos. If she’s in a temperamental climate, roll a d20; any score below 15 means she wears long sleeves. Flip a coin; if you win, skirt, and if you lose, no skirt. IF IT CAN SWEATER, IT WILL SWEATER. Tho I will say I don’t think I’ve seen a single wardrobe L from Vi that wasn’t out of pure personal taste or the artstyle being weird (i.e. frills and/or lace), so that’s a dub for her :D also in-character but also good on Vi’s sense of judgment because apparently according to some extra Italian content, Vi’s the most experimental with her wardrobe. Minus the purple. God woman has so much purple—
With the newer style, at least the girls have more drip :D drip that actually looks like something they’d wear as opposed to being restrained to color palettes :D
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topaztimes · 2 months
Hi this is a vent post! Continue scrolling if you'd rather not see that
#Giving time...#Still more time...#Wouldn't want to plague any previews#Maybe another filler. Just for some fun#Is this enough?#It certainly is now#Alright start:#I'm so bored. I am so incredibly; intrinsically; entirely bored. I have been taught the same thing for four years straight#'It's only four years!' that's literally a quarter of my lifetime right there. My formative years are being spent stressed and in a state /#/of constant self-loathing#I was watching a YT video and the phrase 'attention-starved STEM major' came up and I was like. Yea#What am I even working towards? The hope that my version of capitalist hell isn't as bad as everyone else's? I'm just so sick of not /#/having a stable future what with politics and normal working people becoming more and more oppressed#I don't want to work and that's not because I'm lazy. It's because my brain is recognising that there is no reward anymore#I used to have such a little spark in Yr7. I remember having things to say and wanting to share everything I've done#I still do that now; sure I do. I don't enjoy it though#I thought I liked drawing but I'm realising that all I really like is the attention. I COULD draw things I like drawing... but then I /#/ don't get attention which my mind then classifies as zero reward#I'm very tired of doing things for no credit; reward; or validation. This is becoming a theme#Then I wonder what I'm doing wrong. What part of the algorithm am I not hitting. Then I realise that I'm just not marketable in a way#God. I'm seriously breaking rn. It's not even only because of GCSEs#It's just a culmination of doing all these things to be told that I am unworthy of Having as a result. It doesn't matter if I'm smart; my /#/ parents still don't own their house and can't afford to pay for heating most days#Literally what am I doing this for#And then I realise that all of this is ALSO attention-seeking behaviour! I'm my own worst problem; I recognise exactly what's wrong with /#/ myself but the body wants what it wants. And what it wants is validation that I'm not going to get in this life#Hi guys! Maybe don't interact. That could fix me#Wean me off of needing virtual numbers just to feel something. Jesus#I can't even be happy with the things that I make for myself. Because I make nothing for myself anymore#It's just a whole sad existence of an expected 12hr+ of school every day until I get a job I guess. Then it's 12hr+ of job every day until
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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She can't keep getting away with this!
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streetcleanrr · 2 months
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caffiend-queen · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
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So I put this together last night and promptly forgot to hit post, but... waste not want not, right?
This is from the next chapter of Blood and Music, where Maila and Captain James Conrad finally Do It.
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You broke apart as you could hear Tommy speaking louder than necessary, clearly warning you as he escorted an extremely drunk Billy and crew up the stairs to the rooftop lounge. Matt’s pale eyes narrowed slightly as he looked between you and an unflappable James, but he didn’t say anything. 
Billy held court for the next hour until James and Lea convinced him it was time to call it a night. You’d been sitting next to Matt, vibrating with impatience and seething frustration. He has a job to do, you reminded yourself. He’s on the clock. Stop whining. But after all these years, to feel something like this?
There was a moment, a short one as you all headed back downstairs to the waiting cars. “I would have wished for more time,” he murmured in your ear, surely seeing the spray of goosebumps sent up on your skin. That man and his perfect voice! “But I very much want to speak with you when we have time to-”
“Just talk?” you teased, wondering inside who this carefree creature was, “Only converse? Dialogue? Reflect?”
“Stop it now or I shall throw you over my shoulder and carry you off, duty be damned.” Oh, there was that wildly arousing growl you’d been dying to hear. When only a weak puff of air escaped your slack lips, he chuckled softly and moved in front of Billy.
I’d love to hear about what everyone’s working on, please feel free to jump in.
I’d really like to see some tantalizing tidbits from @nildespirandum @myoxisbroken @imanuglywombat @jtargaryen18​ @wrathkitty​ @threeminutesoflife @lokislastlove @dreamlessinparis @what-is-your-plan-today @mdemontespan1667 @navybrat817 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @saiyanprincessswanie @toozmanykids and @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay
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aashiyancha · 1 year
What does Alice dream about during her sleep?
Alice's dreams are very mundane. She either sleeps dreamlessly or just dreams based on her fantasies or events from the day. Rarely does she have a bad night or bad dreams.
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I know u didn't ask but ima tell u abt Ares' dreams since his are juicier.
The guy has nightmares all the time. The dread he feels from the nightmares usually results in him waking up in the middle of the night with a scream. It's why he basically never sleeps (that and he just doesn't want to disrupt the other Silo ppl anymore so he just sneaks out after Alice has gone to sleep to hang out with Ryker or go for a run).
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This is a preview from another skit I was working on. I thought it was relevant to this question so I'm posting the preview here. The rest will be out on a later date
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