#while he's in hylian form
adrift-in-thyme · 16 days
I've got so many wips rn and what do I do? Start something new. I'm hopeless. But how am I supposed to resist the chance to write more fairy Time? ;)
CW for blood and injury
He drags himself to the fountain.
The battle would have been difficult for nine heroes. For one — even one as experienced as himself — it had been nearly impossible. A fight hardly even worthy of being called a battle. 
No, Time thinks, grim and dizzy, as he digs his fingers into the dirt and attempts to sit up, it had been a pathetic struggle at best. He had barely escaped with his life. 
The Shadow, it seems, has a vendetta against him. Not that he doesn’t have one toward all of the Links, but…
Time’s efforts land him back on the ground, shuddering as wet coughs tear through him. 
…but it had felt like something beyond his usual distaste for the Heroes of Hyrule. As he had poured monster after monster through those cursed portals, as he had attacked with a sneer on his lips and a glint in his eyes, it had felt personal.
Perhaps, that is not so surprising. 
Wavering, Time grits his teeth. Blood trails down his chin. Its warmth is in stark contrast with the icy chill that has taken root in his bones. 
The Shadow’s sentiments hardly matter right now. It is not as though he could decipher them correctly if he wanted to. 
His thoughts are scattered and panicked, his body failing, his vision going gray. He is mere inches away from salvation, from safety, and his time is running out. 
Another stab of pain imprisons him in its steely grip. A muffled cry breaks through his tightly closed lips. His vision whites out for a moment, before returning fuzzy and distorted. 
Desperately, he reaches out. Trembling fingers slip, slick with blood and monster gore. He collapses with a small splash. 
The effect of the sacred water is instant. A ripple of magic runs through him, warm like a blanket and sweet like the sugar water he offers in hopes of regaining his fairy. In the next second, wings unfold from his back, his body shrinking to fit them.  
He slips fully into the embrace of the shallow waters. 
Time ends up on his side, liquid seeping in through the chinks in his armor and beading upon his wings. He blinks, slow and agonizing, trying to drag himself back to some semblance of awareness. But whatever delirious strength had born him here has fled and taken everything with it.
The water flows around him, glittering and cool. Gently, it soothes his injuries, carefully, it numbs them. But it’s not enough. He knows that now.
This fountain has been weakened. This fountain has no fairies left — save for himself — to imbue it with blessed strength.
No doubt, the monsters have driven them away. He can feel their distress, can imagine their flight, away from here and the encroaching darkness of evil and night.
Time gazes at the surrounding trees. They are mere shadows now, hazy and grayish. Twilight is long gone, bringing with it its brilliant purples and pinks and oranges. Storm clouds cloak the usual speckling of stars and block out the dismal light of the moon.
Not that Time minds that. Without its depressive glare, he feels calmer. 
If he has to fade away, he would rather do so beneath an angry sky, curled in the fountains that have always been his haven, in the form he feels most comfortable in. The form he cannot comprehend, yet treasures all the same. 
The waters turn black with his blood, feathery wisps of it floating out and away from him. He watches it with disinterest. Everything feels far away now. Even his need to survive, to return to Malon. 
He tries to grasp for it, to bring it back to the forefront of his mind. But his efforts are for naught. And what good would it do him anyway? He is too weak to move. He spent his remaining energy on the desperate gamble of stumbling here. Hoping, praying that the magic he felt calling him was still active. Was still alive.
Something rustles in the bushes. A creature, most likely, scampering about, unperturbed by his wavering presence. He is so small now he would be surprised if anyone could see him. Or hear him.  
His blood, however, is another matter altogether. Who knows what beasts have tracked the scent? 
He shifts slightly and a groan slips out before he can stop it. It doesn’t matter though. Whatever horrors seek him cannot measure up to the pain he is already enduring. The Shadow has the power to turn one’s own body against them. No wolf or bear has that ability.  
Something large and dark emerges from the shadowy foliage. Piercing blue eyes glare into his. Time tries to focus on them, tries to decipher their strange familiarity. But the world seems off-kilter, pain turns everything distant. 
I’m sorry, Malon. He thinks as the form moves toward him, looking to his fading eye almost like the clouds that hover above them. I’m sorry that I broke my promise.
And pup…I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.
“Time?” He hears the voice from very, very far away, growled more than spoken, a rumble like thunder before a downpour of rain. It cracks at the end, splintering like his bones when the Shadow had swung his sword too high, too fast for him to evade.
Time wants to drag himself up, wants to comfort this being he is certain he knows. But he lacks the strength to so much as raise a finger. 
And when he is lifted with a gentleness he cannot comprehend, when something soft and warm envelopes him, something that murmurs, “safe” in tones he knows — he doesn’t even attempt to break free.
If this is death, it is wonderful. ---------------------------------
He must lose himself soon after that. Because when he opens his eye it is an act of awakening, surfacing from the unfeeling deep. 
Time stirs, sighing as that same warmth of before embraces him. The pain that had torn him apart has dulled greatly, leaving behind only a ghost of what it once was. And though he isn’t certain why it’s gone — or even if that is a good omen or bad one — he can’t truly bring himself to care. 
He is comfortable here, drifting in this haze of dark, and he doesn’t want to disturb it. It has been so long since he felt like this (perhaps, since the start of the heroes’ journey). It has been so long since he slept, actually slept. 
“Old man?”
Something damp and cool nudges at him. His bed of plush fur (fur? His mind questions blearily) quivers at the movement. 
“Hey, old man. Can you hear me?” 
Time hums, a low sound that grates on his abused throat. 
A sigh of relief. His sanctuary shifts again. 
“Thank Hylia. I thought we’d…I thought…”
Time frowns. There it is again — that voice he knows, usually so strong and joyful, not shattered like broken panes of glass. The voice that ignites something in him, a protective instinct as strong as he feels toward Malon. The voice that reminds him of their love and the miracle that will come of it.
Reluctantly, he drags his eye open. 
At first, he can make out very little. But a few blinks and his vision clears enough that he can see the thick gray fur that surrounds him. He is nestled on Twilight’s back, he realizes, sluggishly, situated so his pup can keep an eye on him, even reach him if he cranes his neck. 
Those crystal blue orbs meet his and there is something broken in them. Time has never seen such emotion in a wolf’s eyes before.
“I thought I’d lost you.” 
He shouldn’t be able to understand that sorrowful growl, and yet, Time can hear the words as clear as day. 
That…is a mystery he will decipher later.
“‘M sorry, pup,” he croaks. His wings flutter gently. “‘M sorry.”
Twilight must have found him lying there in his own blood, hardly clinging to life. To have come upon such a sight…
Guilt wells within him. Time swallows against it.
Twilight shakes his proud head. 
“You can’t scare me like that. I can’t even scold ya like you can me.” He narrows his eyes. “Not that that’s gonna stop me from trying.”
Time huffs an attempt at a laugh. “I don’t…don’t doubt that.” He grows somber once more. He feels unconsciousness tugging at him again. But before he falls, he must at least say this. “You saved me. You shouldn’t-shouldn’t have had to. But I thank you for it.”
Twilight gazes at him for a long moment. “Of course. I love you, old man. Malon loves you. I never would’ve left you there. I never even entertained the thought. So, no thanks are necessary.” He cocks his head. “Although, gotta admit I’m a little sore about the fairy secret.”
Time resists the urge to roll his eyes. “You keep your own transformation a secret. Why…why should I not keep mine?”
“Oh, you can keep it from everyone else if you want. Just not from me.”
“What makes you s-so special?”
“I’m your descendant,” Twilight answers drily. “So, how do you do it? This isn’t an after-effect of what they…what happened to you…is it?”
Time shakes his head. “No,” he murmurs, struggling to stay alert. “I’ve always been able to do this.”
Twilight is silent for a moment. Then, “I came across a stray fairy when I was trying to get you back to camp. She was the one who healed you. She called you a child of the fairies. Not ‘brother’ like Hyrule. Their child.”
Time stares dazedly at the shrubbery surrounding them. They have always called him that. Even Tatl had. But hearing it now, from Twilight, raises new questions. Questions he supposes have always been there, hovering in the back of his mind. But that he has never bothered to ponder. 
The quiet stretches and Time can’t decide how to break it. So, he merely lets it be and snuggles deeper into Twilight’s fur, suddenly immeasurably grateful that his descendant’s secondary form is a wolf.
Powerful and gentle in equal parts. It fits his pup well. 
“But never mind that now,” Twilight says, as though sensing Time’s exhaustion. He sighs. “You need your rest. You comfortable up there, old man?”
Time nods. “Soft,” he mumbles, drowsily. 
Twilight nuzzles him again and humor is in the movement.  
“Good. Go to sleep then. I’ll watch over you.” His tone grows serious, unyielding. “Nothing will touch you while I’m here.”
A slight smile lifts the edges of Time’s mouth, even as a voice cries out within him, protesting this display of weakness, this terrible burden he has put on his descendant. But he is so, so tired. Too tired to rise and be the stalwart leader he knows he should be. 
His wings spread flat upon his back, like a shield. Darkness crowds his vision, numbing his thoughts and weighing down his still-sore limbs. 
“Thank you, pup,” he whispers, with what little strength he has left. 
He is gone before he can hear Twilight’s reply.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Okay but how many "werewolf" sightings happens when Twilight was younger and what's the funniest one?
More than he hopes his parents ever find out about, but the number is actually pretty low considering. Twilights a pretty careful person, and guards his ability well.
...though there is a rumor flying around of a mysterious blue-eyed wolf that can turn into a human. Kids took off with it a bit, now it’s somewhat of an urban legend (much to Twilight’s annoyance, and Wild’s amusement)
And I don’t know about funniest werewolf sightings, but there were a bunch of rumors floating around after the Zoo Incident. Plus there was the time Twilight was maybe three and turned into a puppy in the middle of the grocery store
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lovely-v · 1 year
Me before completing the forest temple: okay I get that ocarina of time is fun and nostalgic for people but it’s a bit of a stretch to call it one of the greatest video games of all time
Me after completing the forest temple: By revealing that Link is not a Kokiri, but a Hylian, the game effectively strips him of his humble origins amongst a group of people that already fail to recognize him in his adult form. Thus, kokiri village instantly becomes a location that is no longer Link’s home in any sense, exacerbated by the fact that the game now loads up in the temple of time instead of Link’s bedroom— he is a stranger in the only place that has ever been familiar to him and he is depressingly reduced to his destiny alone. However, the subsequent introduction of the time travel mechanic, which allows the player to travel from the horrific apocalyptic future back to the idyllic past of Link’s childhood, gives new meaning to the idea of this “destiny”. In effect, Link is not a stock “chosen one”, but a protagonist who consciously decides to fight onwards. Link’s dual existence as a child who knows the grim future and as an adult who was powerless to stop disaster gives a sort of desperation to his character, because while it brings the player relief to revisit the Castle Town that is populated by cheerful villagers instead of lurking zombies, the story can only be progressed through the acknowledgement of reality — the decision to make those seven years pass again. Therefore, both the player and Link as a character must be proactive in their heroism and make the conscious choice to struggle onwards despite the darkness that permeates—
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dragonknightcal · 3 months
Times that the chain forgot Wolfie is Twilight (Fluff for day 3 of Febuwhump)
Here's some fluff to soothe the soul.
Was super tired that day 
Saw Wolfie laying down and flopped on top of the wolf
Sailor was asleep as soon as his head was resting on Wolfies side 
Twilight didn't mind, but he definitely doesn't prefer it 
It becomes a regular occurrence later, much to his chagrin 
(he doesn't really mind that much, he's just keeping up appearances)
Wakes up from a nightmare 
Ends up cuddling with Wolfie 
Maybe cries a little bit 
Twilight politely doesn't bring it up the next morning 
He does keep a careful eye on Wars the next day and offers silent support 
He doesn't forget as often as the others might 
But every so often he finds himself idly scratching Wolfies ears 
Red does it most out of the colors 
But they all do it
Twilight doesn't mind 
He low-key enjoys it from time to time
 Rulie sometimes forgets Twilight is Wolfie
And that Wolfie is a nice wolf 
He has startled in a sleepy state and drawn his sword on Wolfie before 
Twilight takes note to approach slower as Wolfie 
Or just transform back to his hylian form 
He would never hold it against Rulie, he understands that wolves are not the nicest  
He lives on a ranch
He for sure has been around farm dogs 
When he's super focused/distracted he’ll give Wolfie commands 
The one that got the most laughs was when Wolfie/Twi was trying to snap Time out of his own head
And Time on impulse told Wolfie “No bite.” 
Neither lived that down for a while 
He also wakes from a nightmare 
Lege decides that he needs a walk and Wolfie goes with 
He ends up venting at some point 
Twilight never mentions the stuff Legend said that night
But makes sure that Wolfie is there to supervise more late night walks as they seem to help 
Completely forgets that Twilight is Wolfie 
Baby talk 
The whole nine yards
Twilight learns to appreciate it, despite the others teasing 
It's kind of nice to get praise just for existing sometime 
Wild almost never forgets 
However, if injured or really out of it, he completely forgets 
Wolfie becomes like his companion in his era 
Subject to all the cuddles and silly questions and weepy venting 
Wild has admitted to Wolfie his fear of disappointing Twilight 
Twi always makes sure to reassure Wild when he's more aware of reality
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
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Finally did all of my Cryptid boys in color! (And also decided on a Wind design).
I experimented a lot with Twilight, Wind, and Wars. For Twilight, his most prominent feature (his facial markings) are usually covered by his bangs so I wanted to see what it would look like if he tied his hair back. For Wind, I finally found a design that I like! You guys voted a while back and I completely ignored it. Sorry. (He’s not usually gonna look like this anyway, he’s gonna look like a Hylian). And the same goes for Wars! He’s most likely gonna look like a Hylian or a sword, but this is his Sword Spirit form.
Anyway! Sky, Hyrule, and Time are my favorites out of this batch! What about you? Do you have a favorite?
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z3rinn · 6 months
in which link has secretly been pining for the new librarian, and when he finds out you like someone he goes a bit batshit. warning : theres some blood and yandere content ahead !!
this took so long omg T_T testing and everything was hectic, but i hope you guys like it! this was written with botw or totk link in mind !! is it weird that I love Zelda so much but I haven't written much for it?? yes. but uh. LINK !!!
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Link had been blessed. That's what everyone told him. He was a hero. Someone who saved this land for more than a millenia. He weilded the legendary sword, the one said to seal the darkness. He was blessed by the Triforce of Courage, given to him by the gods themselves.
Link had many titles in life, many burdens he had to carry. It was his job, his duty as a citizen of Hyrule. His duty as the hero.
He had almost everything in life. An outstanding reputation, a good job that kept him steady and afloat. A big house, secluded from others but close enough to not be considered an outcast. Good cooking skills that could impress anyone. Girls flocking and cooing over him. Link was the perfect man for anyone. He had it all.
Except for you of course.
The cute castle librarian.
He first noticed you in the old, rundown, library. A place that definitely needed to be renovated. The hylian glanced around as he stepped into the room. Cracks and shatters littered the room, bookshelves were close to falling, and the roof just seemed to barely be holding up. Books were piled everywhere and anywhere the eye could see.
It was an impressive library, he had to admit. Just a bit outdated. Perhaps that's what gave the building its beauty though.
Link glanced over to the small door near the end of the library, noticing a person coming out of it. You must’ve been the librarian, he quickly realized. He sized you up and down, you looked… done, oddly enough.
Zelda was the one to first talk to you of course. You were the head of the library, so kind and soft-spoken. Links eyes stayed fixated on your form as you greeted him and Zelda, showing them around. It was obvious you were trying to impress the princess while still being as kind as you could.
However, Link watched closely, scrutinizing your form with his piercing gaze. He noticed the way you talked about the different books and architecture of the building in great detail. Usually people spoke about the details with great pride, flaunting how they were so well versed in the subject.
Yet Link could tell you were tired. Tired of your duties and being stuck in this library. The way you spoke sounded energetic, and the smile on your face could fool anyone.
Yet he noticed the way you deflated after speaking with the princess. As if you had said these words a hundred times over. It was all calculated. A prepared speech. You were tired. That much he could tell.
He was tired too.
Link found himself gravitating to the library after his first visit. There was something about it that called to him. Perhaps the want to know of his ancestors and their accomplishments. Thats what he kept telling himself.
He wouldn't do much while there however, other than picking up a book ot two before taking a seat at the table closest to your desk.
He tried reading the books of course, and at first succeeded without much distraction. However from the corner of his eyes he watched as you worked. Placing books onto their shelves, helping out customers, and tidying up as best you could.
Link’s eyes followed your form wholly. Although he could still notice ths small details, like your walking being sluggish, the knight couldn’t help but gawk. You were just so captivating. So fluid with your movements.
The way you moved around so swiftly yet carefully, aware of what you were doing while still being carefree. You could balance various books in your hands, all in different sizes. You maneuvered across the children running around, being steady to not harm them.
A light laugh escaped your lips as you told them to be careful, this was a library after all.
Link could tell that laugh was genuine at the least.
The heroes gaze fell to his hands. He wondered how you could act so engaged while still hating your job. The book he held felt as if it weighed just as much as his sword now.
"Oh, if it isn't the princesses guard! Uhm, Link... right?"
Link’s head snapped up, his gaze meeting your own. He was quick to note that the library had become silent. He hadn't realized it, but it seemed as if it was only you two left in the library now.
"What brings you here?" You spoke with a soft smile on your face. A costumer service smile it seemed. You were probably just waiting for him to get up and leave so you could close shop.
You shimmied over next to him, eyes focussing on the book in his hands. "Ah, a book on the master sword. You must be reading about your ancestors, correct?"
Link nodded, as you came to sit besides him. "I can help if you'd like? I’ve been researching the master sword ever since I was young. I’ve always been fascinated by the legends and heroes that fought with it.”
You turned to him, “It’d be nice to learn from someone who actually wields it as well.”
You spoke with a smile on your face, it was bright and real. He noticed the way you glanced at the sword on the table. Awe and admiration in your shimmering eyes. It looked as if you wanted to learn about it for a while now.
Hm. A small smile grazed his face. Blue eyes shining down at you.
Perhaps this could blossom into a nice friendship.
It seemed as if Sir Link was visiting your library more and more often as of late.
You couldn’t help but smile as you noticed him outside office window, seeing the familiar blonde hylian sitting at the desk closest to you. He always sat there, eyes glancing around for you before just sitting and silently waiting. You giggled, placing the book back on your desk before walking out of the small room.
Walking towards him, you reminisced, recallinghow much time had passed. It had been around a month since you first met the hero, asking him to collaborate with you.
It started off simple, researching the master sword while talking about the heroes of past. There wasn’t much meaning to it, in fact it was just pointless chatter.
I mean the both of you knew the same exact things anyways.
However, you couldn’t help but think of Link as some sort of idol. It was a practically a dream come true, being the wielder of the legendary sword. Almost every kid that had heard of it wanted to become the great hero.
It was an honor and a sign of courage.
But also a sign of power.
You sighed, well if you couldn’t keep the sword, you could at least be friends with the person that did.
So it was only obvious to propose your grand idea.
And ever since then, Link would visit whenever he was off.
Sure, you didn’t expect him to show up every other day, but Its not like you were complaining. Link was basically unreal. He had a pretty face, and great hair. He was quiet and mysterious, yet soft and kindhearted. Plus he could cook. Practically everything you could want in a man.
You tapped your fingers against the table, another sigh escaping your lips.
Hm. Too bad you were already engaged.
Sure it was a forced marriage, but you wouldn’t cheat. You couldn’t deal with that guilt on your conciseness. You had to do it for your parents.
Your soon to be partner wasn't a bad person. He just wasn't the right one for you.
You didn't like him.
If only you could make someone get rid of him.
Your eyes shifted to Link’s form, staring at him intently. A smile was on his face as he rambled on about his first time seeing the sword. There was a childlike joy on his face as he spoke.
He was experiencing an old memory. A vivid scene from his past.
You noticed Link seemed to be opening up to you more, speaking incessantly and happily. You couldn't help but smile too. He was just perfect.
Someone that was already wrapped around your fingers.
Link was opening up more and more to you throughout your time together. At first he was silent, just watching you speak. You were the one to hold most of the conversations, with him just humming or intensly nodding along. He was so serious it was kind of funny.
You knew he had gone through a lot, so you'd let him take his time. He could become closer to you as time passed.
It didnt take as long as you assumed however, as the shell he hid behind had begun to crack. He started to smile and laugh when you told him a dumb joke. He was relaxed around you, his stiff posture loosening with a soft look on his face.
He started speaking on his own as well. That was probably the biggest improvement. The first time you heard his voice you practically swooned.
Link opened up conversations now, speaking about his experiences and abilities.
Someone that was already yours.
“So Link,” you suddenly started, staring at the wooden table before you while placing your head on your palm. Might as well as do it. “Have you ever had a lover?”
You were nervous to look at him. It was an odd question for sure, and you weren’t certian if you were close enough to ask him. A moment passed. And then another. Sweat ran down your back. Perhaps you were right for being concerned, as Link was silent.
You couldn’t help but glance up at him, gazing into his eyes fearfully. However, instead of the disgusted and judging look you expected, you were met by red.
Links face was flushed scarlet, hot and warm. His eyes were wide and darting to every corner of the room, so obviously avoiding you. Their pretty blue color was accentuated by his reddened face. Magically, his pretty hair became disheveled, adding to the almost comical scene before you.
A small smile played on your face, mischievous and sly. You couldn’t help but giggle, "Have I struck a nerve?"
He looked away from you, albeit, while shaking his head. It surprised you honestly. He was oddly embarrassed for such a simple question...
A laugh escaped your lips, a joking tone laying on your tounge. "Really? I would've assumed the hero of hyrule would have a partner..."
You paused, watching his expression closely. He was just sitting there, listening to you intently. The blush on his face had slightly subsided, yet was still present on his pale face.
Was it right to say this now?
A smile grew on your face, elegant and sweet. Hiding your intent. "Especially since even I have one."
You looked closer.
It was subtle, but you could tell Link’s expression changed. His face fell, even if it was just slight. You could see his eyes grew wide, mouth slightly falling agape.
But as quickly as the shock arrived, it left.
A soft smile grew on Link's face, gentle and calm. It would've captured your heart if you didnt know him that well. It was so obviously sad it kind of hurt.
Eh. No. No it didnt.
"I'm surprised, you don't seem all that shocked...," you leaned forward against the table, placing your head in your chin.
The hylian simply shrugged, lip twitching as if he wanted to say something.
Suddenly Link stood up, stammering something about Zelda needing his help. It almost gave you whiplash with how quickly he tried to leave. What an obvious lie. You tried to hide the smirk peeking up on your face.
You didn't expect him to loose his cool that fast.
Instead, you mirrored Link's sad expression, standing up to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Ah, I'm sorry to have taken your time away from the princess..." You flashed him a smile, patting his shoulder while trying to convey a solemn expression. "I guess I'll see you later?"
He nodded, taking your hand off his shoulder and keeping it in his. You noticed that he hesitated for a moment, eyes fixated on your softer hand.
He brought your hand to his face, gently kissing your finger tips and knuckles before turning away. You gaped, holding your hand close to your chest. Subconsciously, it seemed, that Link did the motion.
And he left you in the dust, just like that. With your heart beating and your mind racing. A smirk grew on your face, shining brightly as you giggled.
Link was the right choice.
Link was sure he knew everything about you. From your favorite book to how many fruits grew in your backyard; despite never being formally invited.
It wasn't unwarranted for him to... conduct experiments per say.
You always told him to research if he was ever curious about something. And doing it hands on was one of the best ways to get good information.
So he researched, learning practically everything there was to learn about you.
Including your lover.
He just hoped you'd forget about them. Hoping you realized you didn’t need them. Link was so much better, he could love and care for you more than they ever would. He could protect you better then they ever could.
Your lover wasnt even there half the time. They didn't care for you. They didn't love you. They weren't right for you—
Link stepped back, startled. He reached for his sword, before a light sigh escaped his lips, relaxing. A pretty vase sat in front of him. Now broken and shattered. He was getting carried away it seemed.
But Link cared for you. He was capable of everything. He could protect you. He would always be there for you.
He would love you.
Link would always love you.
Although. Sometimes he couldn't figure out why.
Perhaps it was because you spoke to him as if he was normal. Being the head librarian led you to learning heavily about Link's ancestors, and of course, their legacies.
They were all courageous hylians, heroes that were blessed by the gods themselves. Heroes that held the triforce.
Heroes he had to live up to.
But you didn't treat him like that.
While yes, you commented on him being a hero, and how he was lucky enough to have everything, you still treated him like a regular hylian.
You didn't judge him for his mistakes. Nor his skills. You laughed with him as you would a friend, jabbing and joking with him. No matter what he did, you accepted with a smile. Speaking to him as a friend would.
With you, he was like he was any other person.
He was so glad to have you.
It could've also been your mannerisms. You were gentle and soft-spoken, helping others with no compensation needed.
You were a model to many. The embodiment of a worthy citizen.
Yet there was also an air of mystery surrounding you. As if you knew more than you let on. It made you oddly compelling.
He noticed how you payed close attention to things. Just by the way he would speak, you could tell how he was feeling. Just by glancing over at someone's expression, you could tell what they wanted.
Link especially noticed how you looked at him. How you paid so much attention to him.
And only him.
Or maybe it was the way you slept with all the light's off. In pitch dark, no light whatsoever. It made it absolutely perfect for him to just stand over you in the night, breathing heavily over your gorgeous face. His hot breath mixing with yours—
Link blinked, glancing down at the broken shard from the vase in his hand. He had clutched it too hard it semed, as blood coated his hand.
It steadily dripped to the floor. A small pool of blood seeping into your wooden floors. It was red. Deep and scarlet like.
So different from the blood of monsters he'd slain countless times before.
He wondered how scarlet red blood would look pooling out of your lover.
While looking up at the clock on your bedroom wall he smiled.
You should've been home soon.
And he was right here waiting for you. :)
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bokettochild · 8 months
Alright! I wanna play around!
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Who's handwriting is whose?
Obviously, Warriors is the forth one down because JoJo said so.
Time would be first because he was the one who hauled Twilight to the inn in the first place.
Four and Hyrule were the ones to follow Time while the rest were out fighting monsters, so I'm going to guess Hyrule is second and Four is third (which if I'm right implies that Four waited to sign in so Hyrule could get to Twilight faster)
But after that?
There's nine names, which is kinda weird? I'm pretty sure Twi didn't have it in him to write his name down? But whatever, maybe he did?
I'd assume Wild's name is last, since he was the last to arrive, but I think the last has to be Twilight's actually. Wild and Legend have the same Hylian, so whichever two match in form (although not penmanship) would be theirs; six and eight. You can see that line two is the same as those ones though, so we can only assume that Hyrule uses the same Hylian; Old Hylian (from his time) since there's no official written Hylian for the 1986 game. Since Legend arrived before Wild, I think his name must be the sixth one, and Wild's the eighth. And since Sky and Legend arrived together, that would make him the seventh in the lineup, meaning, by process of elimination, that Wind is fifth!
So I guess the order is
Time Hyrule Four Warriors Wind Legend Sky Wild Twilight (why the crap did you sign later, Twi?)
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ijustreblogcoolshit · 2 months
Apparently people liked it when I posted LU headcanons the other day so uh here are some more !!
- Even in Hylian form, Twi has some dog-like instincts like, he's fiercely protective and loyal, but he will also chase birds or sticks or monsters and likes it when people play with his hair
- For a long while after being resurrected, Wild had no clue what sex was and his Zelda found this adorable but did explain
- Sky is a willing pillow for anyone and everyone
- Wind has adhd
- Wild and Hyrule will both just pick up dirt or insects from the side of the road and snack on them
- While he's not strictly opposed to physical contact, Legend struggles to accept hugs and affection as he's scared of letting himself be vulnerable around others for fear of losing it all (Koholint trauma yay)
- Warriors gets hit on in bars a lot and hates it
- Four has gotten arrested at least once
- Malon has saved Time's life before (interpret this how you will)
- She can also bridal carry him (I need to draw that at some point-)
- Wind climbs on the taller members of the chain
- Wind and Four both use their height and childlike features to get free stuff in towns
- Wild is very gentle around kids and they like him
- Twilight often gets dared to lift or carry stupidly heavy things just because
- Warriors has been the victim of attempted murder many times due to people blaming him for the war
- Both Wild and Time have very loose concepts of gender but don't think too hard about it so go with whatever people call them
Have a good day !
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nell0-0 · 1 month
Hello, how are you? I was wondering how Twilight became a Twili
Hi! I'm just having fun with the hyperfixations, surprised so many people liked these ngl.
As for how Twilight ended up as a twili...
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...turns out sticking around after your era to help out another hero while using shadow magic to be in wolf form can have unforseen consequences, who knew. Certainly not Twilight.
At least this means he can go back to the twilight realm and hang out with Midna again (after lots of troubles to get there, that is, but since he's a twili now it's way easier than when he was fully hylian).
> Stuff with twili Twilight HERE and HERE
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candy8448 · 10 months
Random details i noticed while rereading random bits of LU:
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1. When going into a new world and asked if anyone recognises this place, Wild pulls out his slate (probably to check if his map is working) to see if they are in his hyrule. Ive seen this a lot in fics before but i never noticed that the idea may hhave come from the comic itself
2. When Wild feeds Epona, it has the same sparkle effect as in BotW!
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3. "Its a secret to everyone" hehe
Wild also said it in that one extra where they discuss who knows about Twilight's wolf form
Intresting how its been used both times to do with dark world forms
4. Twilight looks like a werewolf, almost definetly probably intentional
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5. When Legend reverts back to hylian form and is holding the master sword the tempered sword is also very obviously glowing, just thought it was intresting
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6. "Nice hair" XD
Quote from Skyward Sword, Link says it to Groose at the begining when Groose hides Link's loftwing as one of his dialogue options
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7. The first reactions we see to Wolfie being hit are the four people who know that Wolfie is Twilight
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8. At this point, Warriors knows about Wolfie being Twilight, and probably knows that Wild is very close to him, so he lets Wild run off ahead, understanding that he probably needs to make sure Twilight is okay as soon as possible
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9. "What a terrible fate" 0.0
10. This is probably going a little deep into analysis here, but when Wild starts talking here the pannel has him silhouetted against the background, as if he is laying his feelings plain and bare
11. We see the Link from 100 years ago here as a ghost with the champions, in his soldier armour, Wild probably sees him as a different person
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12. I may be missunderstanding something here, but does Time not know that twilight is his descendant? Because in the Malon comics he does know, but the extra comics always did feel really seperate from the rest of the main story
13. Also! Malink baby!!!!!!!!
14. Also (ran outta space for photos) Hyrule's healing powers look similar to Mipha's healing powers
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spirit-tracks · 11 months
Okay SO. Theory Rush after finishing Tears of the Kingdom. Go.
The Zonai are said to have descended from the heavens to help found Hyrule. I can think of another race that descended from the heavens. Do you guys think the minish are native to the Zonai sky islands?
Does the Depths set look a little familiar to you? This along with Josha's theory that people once lived down there, I wonder if the interlopers were present in the Depths before being banished to the twilight realm.
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The architecture and robot designs from Skyward Sword have a distinct Zonai look to them! So that leads me to believe the Zonai were the race that created the Lanayru Mining Facility.
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It might even be that the Past from Skyward Sword is indeed the time period that Zelda was transported back to! Maybe the legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule goes back even further than the fight between Hylia and Demise: though I admit the early appearance of Demon King Ganondorf throws a wrench in this theory.
About secret stones and the amber relics in Skyward Sword: I want to say there's a connection between them, though amber relics don't seem to be as rare and important as secret stones, (we find them in abundance in Skyward Sword and they don't do much). Of course, i haven't played SS in a while so if they have any more significance it's escaping me at the moment. For the time being I'd like to think ancient hylians might have carried them around as good luck charms to emulate secret stones of their own.
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The Legend of the Great Sky Island mini quest in has the construct telling us that the island was supposed to be where a hero will one day awaken to defeat the Demon King. I know our Link wakes up on this island, but there's definitely something eating at my brain about the Great Sky Island being related to (or perhaps even IS) Skyloft, and that the awakening of the hero is referring to Skyward Sword Link. (This potentially supports the theory that the Past in TOTK predates the war between Hylia and Demise)
There's a pretty good chance that Rauru and Sonia's child could have been named Zelda, after the sweet time traveling girl they practically adopted :) the first princess of Hyrule named after the last princess of Hyrule.
There is a giant dragon skeleton in the Gerudo Desert Depths, big as or even bigger than Farosh, Dinraal and Naydra. It is my belief that this mystery dragon became a dragon ala Secret Stone alongside the three aboveland, but was killed at some point in the Depths. I don't know what four people decided to become dragons, but my strongest theory is that Dinraal, Farosh and Naydra are the draconified forms of the oracles of the Golden Goddesses, Din, Farore and Nayru. So who is this?
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Seeing as the Lightroots underground are activated via Zonai hand terminal and each Lightroot lies directly beneath a shrine on the surface, I think the Lightroots are extensions of these shrines, having grown straight downward to light up the underground. This is probably obvious but I just barely figured this out 😅
Since Rauru, sage of light, and a new Temple of Time are in this game, I want to think that this person and location are more than just Easter Eggs to Ocarina of Time. I think that the sage from Ocarina of Time was named after King Rauru, though I'm not sure whether him being the sage of light would have been a coincidence or a direct inspiration.
What I do think is that he indeed did put the triforce in that very same Temple of Time and all the sky islands went to the Sacred Realm until Tears of the Kingdom, when they came back to earth and appeared in the sky. That's just a theory but why else would the sky islands be reappearing as if from nowhere?
Speaking of which, there were floating masses in the sky in Minish Cap, namely great big stone temples and fortresses. Minish Cap takes place during the early days of Hyrule, which would be pretty much right after the Zonai descended. Perhaps the Zonai are the Wind Tribe mentioned, and the people we see in game are their descendants, who look much more hylian than Zonai due to being crossed with full hylian genetics over the generations?
Anyway I need to retouch up on my Zelda lore to make sure I'm getting the details right, (that, and i haven't yet 100% the game so i may be missing some totk context), but I HAD to post my thoughts and get them out there! I'll add on later if I think of any more, in the meantime feel free to brainstorm!
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neverchecking · 11 months
Could you do Yandere BOTW Champions or TOTK Sages x Reader who has the Mask from Majora’s Mask? The reader is Hylian. But they have the usual four mask, Plus the Fierce Deity mask.
As head cannons preferably.
This is a mostly Linked Universe Blog, but sure! I'm not overly well versed on the whole Mask deal, so please bare with me.
I went with the BOTW Champions, since not everyone knows the sages.
Champion of the Masks
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・❥・So, if you know the Champions, there's a good chance you are a knight or warrior in your own right.
・❥・You are someone powerful, probably because of said masks. For Hylia's sake, you have the Fierce Deity looking over you. You are practically untouchable.
・❥・And the other Champions are well aware of this fact. But that doesn't change anything.
・❥・Because you are still so vulnerable. What happens when you're separated from your masks? Then what? Hm? You are just so vulnerable, can't you see that?
・❥・You don't have any powers of the wind, not any form of protection. You can't control any elements, nor can you heal. You certainly don't have any part of the triforce. You are powerless.
・❥・Which is why they needed to be there to protect you!
・❥・Now, Revali. My loveable douche-bird. He tries to keep you at a distance, but still falls. And he falls hard. Revali is the only champion who wasn't born with his gift. He had to build Revali's gale into what it was from scratch.
・❥・Reader probably recognizes all of his hard work, because (and this is from my very limited research) to get all of the Masks in their possession? A bitch and a half. They weren't gifted these masks. Not without a price. So they can recognize a situation where you are pitted against these...demi-gods eons beyond your own abilities and forced to catch up or fall behind.
・❥・And Revali absolutely cherishes this. Having someone not look down on him, but instead stand on the very same footing he was? Man's is down bad.
・❥・He is particularly fond of your Breman Mask because you just look so pretty in feathers. And while yes, white looked nice on you, blue looked better.
・❥・I HC that every race has their own form of courting rituals, Rito included. They probably make their intended betrothed some sort of snow-quill headpiece meant for the cold, lined with their feathers and intricate braids of fine silks and expensive ribbons.
・❥・You just know that Revali, as a champion, would make a nice courting present. And you just know he is purposefully difficult and makes everyone else come to him in the Rito village (He is their best warrior and is shown to lead their army in AoC). You just know that he demands the princess bring her two best knights, which begrudgingly means Link, but it also means you. You who wears the snowquill bit with pride-- even if you don't know what if means really.
・❥・It doesn't matter because the others do.
・❥・The next one to fall is Urbosa.
・❥・She falls after seeing you in battle. The Gerudo, regardless of gender, can respect a Warrior when they see one. And you are a warrior. You with your sharp wit and insane reaction times, parrying a blade aimed for her.
・❥・Your strength alone makes her swoon because out of everything she can respect that.
・❥・Her favorite mask of yours is the Garo's mask. Not only does it fool these supposed Garo (You are so smart, did you know that? With all of your stories and journeys.), but it also fools the Yiga. The Mask of Truth does as well, but the thought of spilling her guts to you makes her uneasy.
・❥・Not because she doesn't want you to know how constantly you're running through her head, but she doesn't want you to know how deep these thoughts delve.
・❥・When you're able to fool the Yiga and get back to her about an ambush planned on her people, she knows you're the one.
・❥・I like to imagine the Gerudo focus more on jewelry for a courting action. Not rings, no. But intricate pieces of armor lined with gems aimed to aid in battles.
・❥・Brigandines lined with topaz; Gorgets lined with opals; spaulders ordained in rubies; Poleyn decorated in sapphires. Even your own Scmitar enhanced by diamonds. All of it custom made to you to show her devotion to you.
・❥・Now, with this being all useful items you can wear in battle, you're seen in it often.
・❥・Daruk is next. He falls for you after seeing you in his, coincidentally, favorite mask. You tell the tale of the Goron Mask after he asks, weaving this intricate legend that had him hanging onto every word.
・❥・The Gorons show their love through food. So Daruk makes it a point to constantly share his food, both sedimentary and otherwise. He loves knowing that you are well fed and cared for because of him.
・❥・I feel like the highest form of love that can be shown through food for a Goron is a Prime Rock Roast. And while he knows Hylian's can't eat rocks (Link excluded because...it's Link), he looks for the next best thing.
・❥・Intricate pasties filled with only the finest of whipped cream and dusted with powdered sugar; dripping roasts just oozing juice that practically fall of the bone; grilled fish where the smell alone is enough to make you sallivate
・❥・All of it are gifted to you to ensure you think of him whenever you feel hungry. That he is your go to.
・❥・Now, next is a tie between Link and Zelda.
・❥・Zelda probably falls first because she sees you interacting with the others and watches you. In fact, you watch her back. But the difference between you watching her and Link watching her, because her father has allowed you to take over for Link on the rare occasion, is that you give her space. You allow her to disappear into the divine beasts, waiting patiently for her to come to you.
・❥・You entertain her with stories upon stories.
・❥・You listen to her woes with a careful ear and offer your own advice.
・❥・You even braved her cooking.
・❥・She loves all of your masks and cherishes each story about them. But when you wear the Great Fairy Mask and let fairies tickle her cheeks?That's when she swoons the most.
・❥・Link falls during all the time he spends with you chasing after Zelda. You're able to hold your own, which is always appreciated, and you're okay with silence. Silence settles between you two often while waiting for Zelda and you don't push it.
・❥・And you don't look at him like he's anything other than a Hylian. Not the wielder of the sword that seals the darkness.
・❥・Not this random knight that was handed a legacy on a plate.
・❥・Not an annoyance that needed to be shook off,
・❥・He was just Link to you. And it made his heart sing.
・❥・Unfortunately, neither are quite in the position to court you. Not with Calamity on the horizon, nor with their standings in the royal council. And it tears them apart in the inside. Seeing you decked out in jewels with feathers woven into your hair, eating some of the finest things Hyrule has to offer, all of it makes them bitter and hungry. Hungry to show how you belong to them.
・❥・You get prefential treatment in the castle. The finest of rooms with the softest of sheets. Plump pillows and too many locks on the door to keep you right where she wants satin pajamas, all just for your enjoyment.
・❥・Or the best weapons and shields available to the royal guard. Bows re-strung just for you, or the lion's share of arrows provided. Want that Shield that Jimmy Whosit has? Give Link three minutes. No, there's no blood on the shield, what are you talking about? You must exhausted if you're seeing things, maybe you should just skip training all together?
・❥・It's all yours.
・❥・Now, the last person to fall, is Mipha. She's very hesitant to lend her heart out to you, but you know who isn't afraid of showing their emotions on their sleeves for everyone to see?
・❥・Sidon, in all his little fishy glory, loves you when you come around. when you dawn the Zora mask and swim with him. You play all the games that Mipha won't because they're 'too dangerous'. So when you come around he's ecstatic, dragging his sister down to see you alongside him.
・❥・Mipha tolerates you for the time being, probably still in love with a different knight, making him his own armor. But after she finishes it, it's no longer shaped to Link's form. No. Somewhere along the way it went from being formed to his broader shoulders to being shortened to your own narrower set. It no longer was long enough to fit his torso, instead fitted to your own.
・❥・Her heart had tainted her hands, making armor for you before she even knew what it all meant. The only reason the rest of her catches up is because she sees you with Sidon.
・❥・She watches you swim on you back, with Sidon clinging to your chest, laughter bubbling up from both of you.
・❥・And the last of them falls.
・❥・She aims to give you the armor after the fall of the calamity, but...I'm sure we all know how that'll play out...
・❥・Anyway, between them all, you get very little time to yourself. They are all constantly hovering over you.
・❥・You think you can get away with one of your masks?
・❥・Nice try.
・❥・Your precious Stone Mask? Gone. Confiscated under the order of Princess Zelda King Rhoam.
・❥・Think you can fight your way out?
・❥・Not even the Fierce Deity mask can save you from the champions, their Divine Beasts, and the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage, nor their wielders.
・❥・You wanna run and hide?
・❥・There is not a single inch of Hyrule that one of them doesn't know about.
・❥・You are well and truly trapped under their hold, just where they like you.
・❥・Trapped like a fucking bird in a cage while they fight amongst themselves to see who you stay with.
・❥・ Let's hope they decided quickly before the Calamity decides he's done being patient.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 11 months
« You Belong || Prince Sidon ||
A/n: here is the fic idea I was talking about, but I will give it a more happier ending! Though I’m not quite sure how I feel about this one.
And thank you anon for this lovely idea
Warnings: Blood, child birth/mentions of child birth.
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To say Sidon wasn’t over protective of you would be an understatement. The man was constantly by your side and if he wasn’t he had no begged is sister and to Yona to watch over you.
He didn’t trust anyone else near you, how could he? He wasn’t deaf to the whispers of the people, how some would often say he wasn’t the father. How could he be?
You were the first Hylian to become pregnant by a Zora and honestly he was a bit sick of watching you get poked and prodded and then he revived the news of his close friend and Zelda vanishing. He couldn’t imagine what his sister was going through, didn’t want to imagine if you left his life.
It was even more troubling when the slug started to appear in the Domain, he didn’t want you anywhere near that and while he hated to leave you alone he knew what he had to do.
“Sidon, please be careful.”
Stepping close to you, he placed his hand on your stomach rubbing the bump gently. “I’m always careful haha!” Doing his best to stay positive he cupped your cheek then stepped back. “Yona will be watching over you.”
Watching him closely, you rubbed your stomach doing your best to push the pain aside as he vanished into the waterfall.
Hearing your name being called, your turned spotting Yona, a look of concern on her face as she quickly made her way towards you. “Why didn’t you tell him.”
“He has to much to worry about….dealing with whatever is causing the slug now I think I’m going to just lay.” Gritting your teeth you stumbled forward clutching your stomach, nearly falling to your knees you were pulled into Yona’s embrace.
“How long have you’ve been holding back these contractions?” The woman’s voice was full of panic as she called over one of the Hylian medics that were watching over you.
“Only a few hours?” You let out a weak laugh, your eyes closing for a moment feeling a rush of pain wash over you, it felt like you were being torn apart from the inside.
Shaking her head, Yona did her best to explain the situation but she was more concerned with you. Your skin tone was starting to lose its natural color and the metallic scent of the blood was making her sick, she knew she had to do something but she knew nothing about humans. “You’re both going to be fine, I promise. I’ll keep them safe Sidon.”
The birth was grueling, you could feel the blood but that’s the only thing you felt. You tried to listen to the Hylian woman telling you when to push. You tried to keep your gaze focus on Yona but it at felt to much, it hurt to much.
A broken cry tore from your lips as you fell back on the bed. “I can’t do this! I can’t.”
Grasping your hand on hers, Yona did her best to give you a smile. “You can do this! You will do this! And you will do this. You and Sidon are going to be wonderful parents…you must push.”
Taking in a deep breath and taking her words to heart you continued to push until you heart the cry of a small infant fill the small room.
A weak smile formed on your face though your eyes started to slide closed. Yona panicking as she rushed to your side still holding the crying infant. “No..no you must wake up.” Calling out your name she placed the infant by your side hoping, praying for a reaction.
And nothing, no smile, no in take of breaths. You were quiet and still, like everyone in the room though it was the Hylian that watched over you that broke the silence.
“What do we do?”
Blinking away a few tears, Yona picked up the infant as she hugged the little girl to her chest. “Clean her, we can not let Sidon see her like this, I will not let him see her like this.”
Waking up to nothing but an ocean of blue was an odd feeling, you really didn’t know what to expect. You also didn’t expect to see a woman that looked so much like your love.
“Mipha? You’re Sidon’s sister?”
“I am…I never expected my brother to follow in my footsteps for falling for a Hylian though.” Letting out a soft laugh you couldn’t help but feel sympathy for her though your heart dropped when you realized what she meant.
“Am I dead.”
“Not quiet….I couldn’t just sit by.” Stepping close to you, Mipha placed a gentle hand on your cheek as she gave you a soft smile. “Thank you for loving my brother.”
And with that you were engulfed in a blue light, the former Princess fading form your vision as you gasped for air.
“I do not.” Sidon frowned looking at the squirming infant in his hands. She was so small, she looked so much like you. He could see some features of himself, the eyes, little fangs poking from her gums whenever she would let out her cry’s, webbed fingers and toes. He could even see a red hue to her skin and while he took her appearance in he tried to wrap his head around what Yona told me.
‘Gone…how could you be gone?’
“I want to see her.”
“Sidon..I don’t think!”
“You will not deny me this.” Nothing mattered to him right now, he needed to see you, had to see you.
Quietly, Yona gave the King a nod as she lead to him to where they were keeping you. Silence filled the room as he knelt down beside you. He tried to blink away the tears but seeing you, he knew he couldn’t hold back.
It felt like nothing when he lost his sister, he felt like he had just lost his soulmate. The infant letting out little cry’s as he pressed his head against yours. “I’m sorry my bro ex. I should have stayed by your side. I should have.”
Yona stepped back, her hands clasped in front of her as she watched the scene unfold. Her heart clenching tightly in her chest. Seeing someone so strong, someone that always had a smile on his face, it made her sick. Just as she was about to give him some space, she winced from the bright blue light engulfing the room followed by a shark intake of your breath.
Tears were streaming down your face but you were alive, and Sidon looked so happy. The man tugging you close to his chest careful not to hurt the infant that was laying next to you.
“You’re alive…h-how.”
Giving him a weak smile you placed your hand against his cheek. Leaning into your warmth, Sidon closed his eyes as he did his best to to listen to how you recovered.
“I’m happy I’ve got to meet her, at least once.”
Shifting his body so you and his child were in his arms, Sidon placed a small kiss on top of your forehead. “I am too.”
He always knew his sister was special and he couldn’t help but feel joy knowing that she was watching over everyone.
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sapphicseasapphire · 4 months
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A bit of a redesign for Cryptid Twilight! This is the real one I promise (until I change it again). Everything from the original character sheet is still true, just like… pretend that his outfit is different.
I based this one off of his Ordon outfit since I liked it (seriously, Ordon clothes and Skyloft clothes go SO hard. I would wear them) but I still wanted to keep the green tunic that he got during his adventure. Classic Link stuff. Also I put his hair up so we can actually see his facial markings since they’re very important to his character. If he ever needs to hide them though, he’ll let his bangs fall over his forehead.
More Twi lore under the cut!
In my au, those with markings on their face have the powers of a God. I’m going to make an origin story for him at some point, but in the mean time have this:
• Twi was orphaned at a young age. Like, very young. He was a toddler when he was found wandering the woods outside of Ordon Village.
• No one really knows where he comes from. Or what he is. He acted like a normal child so the people of Ordon didn’t hesitate to take care of him, though it was a shock when he started shifting!
• He has no designated father figure or mother figure. Instead, he was raised communally by the people of Ordon. Loved like a son by every one of them and he loved them all just the same. He’d cycle through their houses until he was old enough to have his own. He’s great with children and animals and has the biggest family of all of the Links.
• He can only take the shape of animals that he’s seen before. So he cannot change his face to appear as a different Hylian or turn into a different cryptid. As a child, he shifted less often because he hadn’t seen many animals to imitate.
• If my understanding is correct, in Twilight Princess, Link turns into a wolf because he is in possession of the Triforce of Courage. This turns him into a beast instead of a spirit like everyone else when he’s forced into the Twilight. And then he’s cursed, stuck in that form for a while before he can meet the spirits and their light. Right? So for my au, the same kind of thing happens. Only, instead of him involuntarily being turned into a wolf, the curse is that he cannot change his shape. And even when the curse is “lifted,” he can only pick between two forms: Hylian or wolf. It is not until the very end that he gets his powers back.
• Midna.
• No one knows how or why he has the ability to shift. They don’t know if he was born or created. If he started as Hylian and then became something entirely different or if he was always a cryptid. But I, as the creator, can tell you that he has the ability to shift because he has the blood of a God in his veins. He is Time’s direct descendant. There’s more to this! But I’ll save it for the origin story. (Whenever I get around to writing it haha)
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dreaming-of-lu · 4 months
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Continuation to this ask
CW: Self-deprecation (in Sky’s part)
Part 1
Part 2 of 3 (Warriors, Four, Sky)
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The captain usually kept his head high on his shoulders, never once drooping or faltering. He was a proud man, sometimes occasionally getting in over his head, but it was inevitable since he was just like the other men who all shared the same namesake and wielded the triforce of courage on the back of their hands. Brothers in arms that he admired for their strength in places he lacked, which they made up for.
Chosen hero or not, he was still a Hylian; there were days when he didn't want to listen to others. Consistently, he wanted to not exist as the captain and be a stranger to all so he could breathe. There were regrets, deep ones indeed. Ones that scarred harshly, but were invisible to the eyes.
"Ya know," a form blocked his view of the sun, "looking directly into the sun for too long can destroy your retina." “Oh?” he blinked away the dryness that took place, splotches of colors danced in his vision; his voice limp, “I hope so.” “...Hey, what’s wrong?” The frown was evident in their voice, making him wince lightly at the worried tone. He shifts in his spot, avoiding the question as he faintly picks at the scar on his left arm. Warriors jolt when they softly grabbed his hand, pulling it away slowly and carefully that made him huff at the gentleness they gave him. He kept avoiding their eyes, not once looking in their direction, “Don’t wanna talk about it...please,” he muttered.
“You don’t have to at all; want me to leave?”
“No,” he swallowed thickly, “stay here with me?”
“Of course, darling.”
“I honestly don’t want to be here right now,” Sky looked up from his carving at the sudden proclamation that left your lips. His brows furrowed when you didn’t say anything else after that; he never thought words like that would ever leave your lips, it sort of scared him a little and he felt a cinch in his chest. You were, well, not new that’s for sure to him, but to the others, you were new to the group.
He knew you all too well on the back of his hand, your likes and dislikes. Your dreams and hopes. He knew it all and he cherish them as much as he cherished you. Though, seeing you like this and hearing you sound so...broken, made his lip quiver.
“Why...why’s that?” He asked softly, keeping his voice calm to hide the wavering in it.
You weakly shrugged your shoulders, “Just felt like it. I could be too much in my head right now or hell, overthinking a bunch of dumb shit I said in the past. Ma’s probably pissed at me right now, deeming with the words that she said in the letter to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love being with you guys and all, but there’s only so much shit I can handle at this point and- look at me, complaining about this to you.”
You covered your face with your hands, a helpless watery laugh left you, “I’m fucking pathetic, aren’t I?”
Sky sets the carving and knife aside; settling his body down next to you while taking his sailcloth and putting it over you. His hand ran through your hair as he struggled to keep himself in check for you,
“You aren’t pathetic at all. You’re so strong whether you realize it or not. I get how you feel in a sense; it’s okay to feel, you know? It’s okay to cry. I- We don’t expect you to carry the entire world on your shoulders alone that’s what we’re here for.” “But it’s not fair to co-” “I’m going to stop you right there,” Sky interrupts you, “you are human. Your feelings are valid.”
He breathed in through his nose and slowly exhaled out his mouth, “I don’t expect you to be a hero at all, you know? You’re such a talented, beautiful and kind soul that I’ve ever met in my life. I love hearing the stories you paint to us, I love the songs you sing that I never heard of before. I love how you feel and- and just being honest to us while lending an ear. You don’t give yourself a lot credit than you realize.”
It’s silent between you, save for the chirping of birds and the running of water nearby. You piped up,
“You’re such a sweetheart.” “So are you.”
Four usually wouldn’t share his mind with anybody within the chain, he kept more so to himself. While yes, he shared ideas or theories with the others, the rest? Hidden. Locked under key and away from sight. Though when it came to you? It’s a dam spilling over; you don’t got to understand what he’s saying, just listening is enough to make him goop.
He could ramble all about the different metals and hijinks that exist all day to you if given the chance. He would flush slightly under your gaze and attention that stayed on him as he continued to shoot off thoughts to you. He always wanted it on him; selfish a bit? You could say that. Yet, why did he curl today under your sight on him? 
He tried so hard to avoid you, not once even glancing or speaking in your direction; just curt answers to others and putting up a wall to distance himself from the group. He was tired, not willing to mentally argue with himself as flashes of dark memories rose in numbers in his mind. There was bags under his eyes that’s for sure from the sleepless nights, the slump in his shoulders were more visible than ever, and for this, he failed at dodging you.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” you sounded timid when you settled next to him.
“...There are none,” he shrugged.
“Oh...i-is it something I’ve done or have said that might’ve upset you?” Goddesses, you were picking at your fingers; a nervous tick he figured out, but seeing you be anxious at the thought of him being upset at you? It didn’t sit right with his stomach.
“Goodness, no!” he splutters, “it’s just...been a rough time, I guess.”
You slumped in relief, “how bad?”
“...bad enough,” he mutters.
“Do you want me to give you some alone time?”
“No, just you is enough for me.”
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bokettochild · 3 months
Hyrule headcannons because :)
he doesn't actually understand Hylian Sign, he grew up in Calatia and knows their sign, but he's still new to Hylian anything, but since the others don't realize this, he sometimes gets left out of conversations
He's bi-lingual, Calatian and Hylian both, with a small smattering of Labryn
he absolutely loves sweet things, with a preference for sugary items over juicy ones
he tends to save extra non-perishable foods in his bag for a rainy day
he has a favorite type of bug, and yes, it's based off of flavor
he adores butterflies and likes finding out new kinds, because their wings are all so pretty and unique (he will not eat them)
he knows a lot about geology, just not the proper terms. he has his own vernacular for geological happenings, but he has a good grasp on the science of it all outside of that
he's better attuned to magical signatures than the rest of the chain
he likes Wild as a person, but while they share interests and habits, Wild's magic is strongest when he's doing what he loves and because his magic is Very Off-Putting, it makes it hard to be around him for extended periods
he has so many unspoken puns. Pun King. He doesn't think they'd be appreciated by the others, but he's biding his time until they're all comfortable enough with each that it won't matter
his favorite color is yellow because that's how his parents described the sun before Ganon's power corrupted the world
he's very good at weaving, and while art isn't his thing so much, designing new patterns for his fabric is a fun past time when he's very bored
because Hylian culture is new to him, he's been studying it a lot and, unlike the others, has already pieced together a rough timeline
he actually doesn't care much for his fairy form and only uses it when he needs to, mostly because he perfers the freedoms that having a larger body gives him, even if flying is nice
the idea of birds is still very new to him, and he tends to be off-put by bird-song and the sound of wings; the world making noise is still weird to him
while he's okay with having someone treat his wounds, he's very insistent about clean-up afterwards due to his blood being a key to resurrect Ganon. He's not above using Legend's hemophobia as an excuse either, if it gets him out of explaining
a bit of a clean freak in general, he likes to keep his items in perfect condition and organized, even his cave has precise places for everything
while birds are off-putting, he likes feathers, he likes collecting fallen ones to wash and tusk in his bag, not to use on anything particularly, just because they're pretty
he thinks cows are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world (Malon loves it)
he's very particular about gift giving; showing thanks is important, but giving gifts out of the blue feels rude because it makes others feel awkward, still, he'll make sure to return any gift given to him, usually with a particularly pretty feather, rock, or a small woven trinket
during long winters he used to build tiny houses with sticks to entertain himself, and his designs are very intricate at times
his favorite type of food (outside of sweets) is soups, he fully supports food being drinkable and when Wild introduced him to smoothies (sweet and drinkable) he fell in love
he loves art, although he doesn't care to try making it, but legend's sketching and Sky's carving have his full support and awe. Aurora likes to paint as well and he can spend hours just watching her work
he's terrified of babies, he's certain he'd either break them or get them sick or somehow screw them up, so bringing a baby in the room is one of the quickest ways to make him leave
in contrast, he loves cats and handles them like most people do babies
math whizz
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