#why cant i just be a rat and scurry around
b0ttl3d-up-st4rs · 3 years
uh shit i have an F in physical education now 😃 at least my F in drawing went up to a D. My 3.9 unweighted gpa is nervous 🥰
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janaeekook · 4 years
Incapable ii. || {myg}
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“You cant love Min Yoongi, he doesn’t know how to love. Or care for that matter. You’ll just end up getting hurt.”
pairing: assassin!yoongi x reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: - mafia - depictions of death -
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"This morning I received this." Namjoon spoke handing his phone around the room.
Unknown- You spill our blood, we spill yours.
"That's for rat face?" You asked,
"Has to be." Jin spoke.
"Taehyung do you think you could pull information from it?" Namjoon asked the tired looking, fluffy haired boy.
"I can try." He took the phone starting to get to work on it.
"Alright, Y/n, Jimin, get A-team together, gather as much information as possible." You both nodded, heading to the east wing to retrieve the 4 members of the A-team, Jeonghan, Jen, Win, and Kai. The members of army bowed to us as we entered, heading to the common room were you found the 4 sitting on the couch.
"Y/n, Jimin." Jeonghan stood quickly bowing which the rest of them followed.
"There's no need for formalities with me." You chuckled hugging him and Kai, You turned to Jen trapping her in a hug, Win who stood next to her smiled at you before you also gave him a hug, "I hope you've all been well, Namjoon gave us a casual intelligence mission."
Jimin handed Jeonghan a manila folder, his eyes skimmed over the pages before his eyes flicked back up to Jimin, "Is this all we have?"
"Unfortunately, yes. Taehyung is working on gathering more remotely, but they're good, they know how to cover their tracks." Jeonghan nodded at Jimin’s words before handing the folder to the other three.
"The Russian mafia? Why would they be in Seoul?" Win asked.
"Wouldnt be much of a mission if we knew right?" You jokingly poked fun at Win, He punched your arm lightly.
"Lets get going as soon as possible, we dont want to waste anytime." Kai said handing the folder back to Jimin.
Jeonghan nodded, "10 minutes, we'll meet at the entrance."
You tied your hair back and away from your face before leaving your room and heading for the main staircase, but the second you stepped into the hallway you collided with someone's chest.
The hands gripping your hips lingering longer than they should, the tips of the fingers constricting ever so slightly into your hips. You looked up your breath catching in your throat Yoongi's cold eyes stared back into your own, cheeks ablaze. Your skin all too aware of how he was holding onto your sides before they fell away.
"Uh, sorry." You hurried quickly away from him and down the stairs, not wishing him to know how much power he had over you. Or better yet read you like a book and know you'd fantasized about his hands on you the night before.
Yoongi watched you scurry down the steps. He had felt you shrink beneath his solid gaze, He felt you melt in his grasp, He had felt the control he had over you the brief moment you were in his hands and deep down he wanted more though he'd never admit it.
Jeonghan handed you an earpiece, you put it in your ear before going over the plan, "We're starting downtown dont draw attention to yourselves, you can't forget we're still highly wanted suspects by the government, and keep your eyes open. Understand?"
"Loud and clear." Jen said.
Jimin spoke next, "Alright, Kai and myself will be together, then with Y/n and Jeonghan, Jen and Win do you think you can handle yourselves on your own?" The two only nodded, they were experienced and used to working alone anyway.
You looked to your side peering up at Win, he glanced down at you and smiled. You all did a special handshake you made up years ago in training before heading out the door.
"Hey," a voice stopped you in your tracks, you turned around to see Jungkook, he wore a low V-neck shirt which exposed his tattoos that designed his neck and chest; complimenting  the sleeve running down his right arm. You told the others you'd be right out and turned your attention to Jungkook. He was a very attractive young man, you had found yourself tangled up in sheets with him on more than one occasion but nothing had ever been made official, it was more of a stress reliever than anything.
"Hey." You said with a smile which he quickly returned.
"Be safe alright?" He told you.
"Always am." This caused him to smile wider, before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, and without another word you made your way out the door to join the team.
"What's up with that?" Win looked to you with a raised eyebrow.
"Its nothing." You said with a smile, playfully punching his arm.
"Hey just looking out for you." He said flashing you another priceless smile before climbing into the vehicle. You sighed, following after him.
It had been 2 hours since you started to search, you walked around the streets with Jeonghan. He was quite a bit taller than you, he wore a baseball cap that shadowed his face, a man bun tied at the base of his neck due to his long hair.
"That man, all black straight a head." He suddenly stated, his eyes narrowing at the suspicious looking man.
"You got something?" Jen's voice came through the ear piece.
"We're on the main road, it's a bit crowded but I've got my eyes on him, we'll tail him." Jeonghan said, the man was thin, if his behavior weren't so odd you'd probably look right over him. "He just turned left at the bbq shop, he seems to be headed towards the docks."
"Headed that way." Win spoke.
You and Jeonghan reached the corner the man had turned down, Kai and Jimin were there as well. Jeonghan looked around the corner before waving us on.
"Keep your guards up." You spoke in a hushed tone. We all continued down the rather quiet road compared to the bustling road you'd just come from, the dock ahead was old and rundown unlike central ports. An abandoned factory you'd assumed, stood at the end of it, all the windows boarded, moss stretching up the old concrete and rusted metal.
"Well that's not sketchy." Jimin stated from behind you.
"Spread out, surround the perimeter see if there's anything of concern." You suggested and everyone nodded continuing forward before splitting to circle the aged building, Win stayed at the front watching over the building and studying the main entrance.
You walked around, Jeonghan still at your side, The sloshing of the ocean to your right and the monstrous building to your left.
"Anything?" Kai asked through the ear piece.
"Negative, Jen?" Jeonghan said.
"Nothing here."
"It doesn't make sense for there to be nothing, circle back around to Win. Win you have anything at the front?" Jeonghan asked, he was answered with silence, "Win, do you copy?" His question was met with another chilling silence. A blood curdling scream came from the direction we had come, you and Jeonghan looked at each other before taking off in a sprint.
You found Jen on her knees sobbing in front of Win, blood spilled from his throat staining his shirt before it seeped into the fine cracks of the concrete around him, forever stained a rusty red puddled that began to encircle his head. Your stomach lurched at the sight, the choked noises as he tried to find his breath but only finding his blood which was suffocating him slowly. An odd looking weapon still stuck in his chest, ungodly amounts of blood spilling from his fatal wounds, you felt frozen as he choked on his own blood. What could you do? Could you do anything? You felt utterly hopeless, fear clawing at the back of your mind, you didn't want to lose someone else, but what could you do?
You willed yourself to move but your feet didn't budge, Jens hands frantically trying to cover his wounds, to cease the blood from evading his body. Your eyes finally met his, softening upon seeing you, you'd bet you'd looked rather like a deer in headlights. His lips shook as he continually struggled for breath, but he managed to quirk them upwards the slightest bit, as if to tell you it was ok before you watched in horror and unexplainable helplessness as his eyes rolled back into his head, his chest no longer rising and falling, in an attempt to take in stuttered uneven breaths.
"No." You whispered, not wanting to believe the sight before you.
"No." It couldn't be Win.
"No." There was no way he could be dead.
Your mind couldn't process it; that he now laid there, no light, no life behind his eyes. Gone. Warmth fading from his skin.
Jen wrapped her arms around his body, You took stumbled steps towards her pulling her up into your chest, She continued to sob, gripping at the back of your shirt with her blood stained hands. Win had been with us for as long as you could remember, you stared at his pale face before allowing a single tear to fall. You looked around for any sign of the person who'd taken your friends life.
"I-Its my fault! I-I sh-should've stayed with him." Jen cried into your chest, you closed your eyes more tears slipping over your cheeks.
"No, Its not your fault. None of us could've known." You spoke softly into her ear, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down. When in reality your mind was just as frantic as hers, you mind begging for Wins eyes to open and tell you he was alright.
But he wasn't, the blood being evidence to that. It was real. Painfully, brutally real.
"We need to get him out of here." You told Jimin still holding onto Jen.
"I'll call Jungkook." Jimin said, his face seemed as shocked as the rest of us. No one had ever been able to sneak up on Win before or land an attack on their own, the person who did this had to have been very skilled.
You sat silently in the passenger seat, Jungkook driving. When Jimin had called him he thought it had been you that got hurt, although he was relieved, he had just lost another brilliant gunman. It was only the two of you in the car, the others had been taken in another one.
"You alright?" He finally broke the silence, his tone was soft.
"Ya, nothing I haven't seen before." You bit the inside of your cheek, trying desperately to bite back the tears that threatened to spill.
"It was Win, y/n." His tone dropped lower, you didn't want to respond for fear of your voice breaking. When you joined, you spent most of your time with Win, Jeonghan, Jen and Kai. They were your best friends and they got you through a lot.
It was quiet the rest of the way home, when Jungkook pulled up you jumped out walking up the steps and pushing the door open. You headed straight for the stairs not acknowledging the eyes of everyone on you as you came through the door.
"Y/n." You looked over your shoulder to see Jungkook and the others looking at you, "Where are you going?"
"It's 3 o'clock, Y/n." His tone remained soft.
"I'm tired." You stated, mentally cursing at yourself for allowing your voice to break. You hurried up the steps and to your room, shutting the door behind you and sliding down the dark wood as your body shook with each silent sob that racked your body.
"Y/n? Why didn't you save me?" The blood ran from his throat, soaking his all white clothing in dark crimson.
"I-I'm Sorry."
"Do you know what it feels like to have your throat slit?"
"Maybe I should show you then-"
You screamed yourself awake, it carried through the whole house. Hot tears spilled down your cheeks as you sobbed, the crown of your head littered with beads of sweat as anxiety ripped at you. The door to your bedroom swung open. Jungkook was the first one in followed by your brother and the others. Namjoon's eyes softened at the sight of you, he hurried over pulling you into a hug.
"Shhh, it's ok." He caressed you're hair in a soothing way.
"J-joonie, it was awful."
"It was just a dream, you're safe." He whispered, you looked over his shoulder, everyone's faces filled with worry, even Yoongi. You let your glistening eyes linger on his, "Get some rest ok?" Namjoon asked, pulling himself away from the embrace, you grabbed his wrist.
He sighed, "I've got work to do, y/n." You pouted.
"I can stay." Jungkook spoke from behind Namjoon, who now looked at Jungkook questioningly, "I'll watch over her."
"Is that alright?" Namjoon turned whispering to you, You nodded, he gave your hand a squeeze and smiled sadly at you. He remembered you getting nightmares when you were younger, and having to hold you until you fell back asleep, he wished he could be there for you like back then but his work called. He lead everyone out of the room to continue their prior activities. When the door had shut Jungkook immediately climbed into the bed next to you, propping his elbow on the pillow next to yours, resting his head in his hand.
"You alright?" He asked, you laid on your back staring at the ceiling.
"It was just a bad dream." You told him, not wanting to elaborate. He simply hummed in understanding, "did you get any information off the weapon?" You asked quietly fiddling with the sheets in your hand.
"We don't have to talk about that, y/n." He spoke soothingly.
"I want to know, Jungkook, please." You turned your head to look him in the eye, letting him know you were serious.
"Well, while you were asleep, I began to analyze it. It's an oddly shaped knife, the letters N-C-T were carved into the handle. They seemingly want us to know who they are, but the question we're trying to figure out now is, why?"
"N-C-T? Who are they?" You questioned but Jungkook shrugged.
"Beats me, they seem to be another group and we can't underestimate them anymore," He spoke as he played with the ends of your hair, "You should get some more sleep."
You nodded, though deep down you knew you'd wouldnt be able to fall back asleep; That your subconscious would only torment you. He put his arm around your body, your mind wandering, feeling miles away from your physical body. The thoughts left in your mind turned over again and again; Who was NCT? What are they looking for? What are they trying to prove?
taglist: @art-myg @hwaddict @ahgasearmyfan @gee-nee @janeelizabeth1216 @elliegrace1999tvd @sunnynxy @boba-king-iroh @deathkat657
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akaashipogi · 4 years
Get the Job Done (Akaashi mafia au)
Request by @weebintheinternet : Hello mamser is it alright if I requested a Mafia!au of Akaashi that's just filled with ✨ angst ✨ ??
Pairing: Akaashi x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings!!: Some violence, mention of a gun, and character death
The cold, autumn night surrounded Akaashi as he walked towards the location Bokuto had told him to go. Internally, he may or may not have cursed his friend for making him go on a new mission on such short notice, as if he hadn’t just gotten back from his 3-week negotiation trip abroad. Why couldn’t he just send Konoha-san or Onaga to do the job? But what could Akaashi do? Although Bokuto was his friend, he was still his boss, and what he says goes. Despite having a very quirky and dorky nature, Bokuto can be quite terrifying and merciless, if he wanted to be. That is how he got into his position anyway, being one of the most feared bosses of one of the most feared mafia groups throughout Japan.
Still Akaashi cant help, but curse him still. He could be home by now, with his beloved s/o, watching TV while cuddled up on the couch. He could have told them about his recent trip abroad and given them all the gifts he brought home just for them, but no, he just had to do this urgent mission. At this point, Akaashi told himself not to complain any further, the only thing in his mind was that the sooner he finished the mission, the sooner he can go back home to his beloved y/n.
“Where do you need me to go? Akaashi asked his boss.
Bokuto who sat across from him looked at him with very serious eyes, one’s that not everyone, even Akaashi were quite used to, “I need you to go to warehouse 9, by the fishing port.”
Akaashi was confused by his friend’s statement, “That’s awfully near Nohebi’s turf.”
“It’s just by the border, so technically still ours, so that stupid snake can’t say shit. Besides, he got himself into this mess.”
“What do you mean?” the younger male asked.
“There’s a mole amongst us, one of Daishou’s little snakes.” Bokuto stated.
Akaashi was taken aback by his senior’s words. A mole inside Fukurodani? He could hardly imagine it. Nearly everyone in the group was tightly-knitted and close to one another. Each member was even hand-picked by Bokuto himself, making sure they were worthy of fighting by his side and worthy of his trust. 
"How long have you known about this mole?”
“I’ve suspected for quite some time now, the fact that that bastard is suddenly able to be one step ahead of us is quite suspicious don’t you think? Fortunately, a few days ago Kaori was finally able to sniff out our little friend of ours.” 
The silver-haired man handed Akaashi a folder containing instructions and information about his mission, “I’ve set up a little meeting for you and the mole. They’re supposedly going to hand you the files, they have on us. And once that’s done, make sure to get rid of them. I don’t need any more rats scurrying my streets.”
Akaashi nods, listening to his boss’ instructions all while reading the file given to him, and to his surprise, the file does not contain the identity of the mole, “Are you gonna tell me why you didn’t put their identity on here, and why I’m going along? Don’t you think it’s dangerous?” He asked.
“You’ll see once you get there, I highly doubt there will be anyone else but the two of you in that warehouse, but don’t worry I’ve got that covered already, just do what I need you to do.”
Akaashi sighed as he was faced with the entrance to the warehouse.
“Make sure to get rid of them”
Bokuto’s words kept playing in his head over and over. Akaashi wasn’t new to it, and he has long surpassed the feeling of being uncomfortable with the idea of taking someone’s life, but he just feels uneasy somehow, as if whatever would go down inside the four walls of this warehouse would not be in Akaashi’s favor. With no time to think about what the outcomes might be, Akaashi buries his worries and enters the premises.
With only a single light, illuminating the center Akaashi walked further into the warehouse. He silently walked around to see if there was anyone inside, surprisingly no one was inside. You think a mole would at least make it to the meeting on time. After a few minutes of walking around the warehouse, he returns to the center and waits. 
“Well, Fukurodani boys are never late are they?” Akaashi knew that when he would be faced with the mole, he would see a familiar face, but he just wasn’t expecting this one.
Akaashi quickly turned around to the source of the voice, “Y/N?” he asked with so much mixed emotions tied to his tone. 
“Keiji?” He saw her terror-stricken face once he turned around and revealed himself to the mole. He concludes that he wasn’t the Fukurodani member you were expecting to see.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Akaashi asked angrily. He had told himself not to swear in front of his girlfriend whenever they were having arguments, but right now he couldn’t bring himself to care, “You’re the mole? What the actual fuck Y/N?
"Keiji, I can explain." Y/N replied.
"Then explain." Akaashi listened to Y/n tell her story of how she was originally from the Nohebi group but was assigned to act as a spy. Apparently, Y/n knew that getting in and working into Fukurodani wouldn't be as easy, so she and Daishou opted for the easier option. Infiltrating the system by means of having a romantic relationship with one of the mafia members. She explained how she did use him to get the information she needed, but as time went by, what started as nothing but fake feelings, bloomed into something more. She started to fall in love with him, as each day went by. With every minute she spent with him, Y/n felt themselves fall deeper and deeper in love with Akaashi.
“You have to believe me, Keiji, I promise you everything I feel for you is real.”
Akaashi, far too hurt and betrayed by his lover, chose not to reply to whatever she stated, "Just give me the files Bokuto-san asked for and go." He stated in the most stoic voice he could muster.
Obviously, shocked by Akaashi's reaction, does as they're told and hands him the files.
He takes the files and looks at Y/n straight in the eyes, hurt ever evident in his beautiful eyes, "Go, before someone finds you."
Just as Y/n was about to run out the exit, they hear a familiar voice, with its signature playful tone to it, "Now, Akaashi, I would never expect this from you. "
"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi obviously states.
"And here I was thinking that out of all the people in our group, you would be the most loyal and obedient," Bokuto chuckled menacingly, "I guess love does bring out a different side of you," he continues as he takes out his pistol from his holster.
Akaashi held his boss by the arm as he finally approached the two lovers, "Bokuto-san please don't," he begged, tears starting to form as he knows what might become of his dear Y/n. He knew just how merciless his boss could be, and once he had made up his mind about something there was no stopping him. Not even the tear-filled pleads of someone he considered as his close friend and right-hand man.
Bokuto easily shakes Akaashi's grip off of his arm, “I told you Akaashi, I don’t want rats running around my territory. And seeing as our not up for the job, I”ll just have to do it myself,” He continues as he points the gun at Y/n's direction, completely ignoring the black-haired male clinging onto him, still begging for his friend to spare her life, "Any last words?" He said to Y/n. 
Y/n raised her head and looked at Akaashi who was kneeling on the ground with tears running down his face, 'I love you' Akaashi mouthed to his lover with his quivering lips.  Unfortunately, she didn’t say it back, instead she simply gave him a soft smile, "I'm sorry, Keiji".
Akaashi screamed as he saw his Y/n's lifeless body fall onto the floor, blood beginning to pooling around her body. 
Bokuto sighs as he puts his pistol back into its place and looks down at Akaashi’s sobbing figure and puts a hand on his shoulder, "I know you cared about her a lot, but I highly doubt they felt the same about you. I'm sorry Akaashi,” Although his sympathy was short lived as he retracts his hand from his junior’s shoulder, “But next time please when I say get the job done, you get the job done." The silver-haired man says nothing more and walks out of the warehouse, leaving Akaashi to mourn for the betrayal and the death of his beloved Y/n
Yaay! Damn I only wrote this in one day, its a miracle hehe. Anyway i hope this is what you meant by filled with angst HAHAH. I didn’t really dive into Akaashi and Y/n’s relationship bc it might be too long? Anyway i hope you like it and its what you wantedd,, Thank you again for requesting heheh (um it wasn’t really specified if you wanted it to be fem, male, or gender neutral so i um opted for fem,, but if fem is not whut you meant please feel free to message me!
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maniacalmachinist · 5 years
Predator/D&D (pt 6)
Sleep didn’t come easily to Hachende after the feast, his mind abuzz with everything said and done; notions that were, and still are, completely contrary to everything he’d known.  He’d been given a small lodging, though from what he’d been told he was significantly taller than most “civilized” races.  The “bed” was a bit too soft for his taste, but the flooring offered a bit of comfort, and the wood itself smelled oddly sweet, and there was an odd form of fire enclosure that provided some degree or warmth.  What sleep he had was interrupted by a sudden series of sounds hitting against the portal of the room.  He had grabbed the handle after picking up his spear, recalling how the locking mechanism worked.  The Cold One was standing there, [Ah, good afternoon my friend . . . apologies if I woke you, but we decided to let you sleep in for a while.]
Hachende grunted, [I would thank you I suppose, but it was overwhelming to say the least.]
Gyre held up a hand, [Ah, again, I am sorry for the slight . . . but, the Druidess came to me this morning with something to better aid in your conversations.]  He took what seemed to be a pendant of some kind, a shiny blue stone embedded in a silver filigree.  [I apologize that it may stand out a bit from your normal attire, but rest assured that your ability to communicate will be far more useful.]
Hach rolled his eyes, growling and took the pendant, throwing it over his head and letting it dangle around his neck.  He was about to say something when he heard five familiar voices . . .
“So anyway, Lars was trying to get saddled on the horse when suddenly Wagh sneezed, scaring the fucking purebred, running around half mad with this dumbass strapped to it.  The orc was panicking while the dwarf and I were laughing our fucking asses off.” laughed Sven to a rather sour looking Lars. The female, Jessica, was rubbing her head, clearly agitated by their conversation.  Hach was shocked . . . understanding most of what was being said, clearly for a loss of his own words.  In an attempt to divert attention, Lars waved at Gyre, “Good morning Steward . . . most of us are ready.”
“Wagh comin’, Wagh comin!!”
“Honestly, you five have to be the oddest combination in the northern regions . . . though I suspect your little troop might expand.”
Jessica canted her head, confused, “What do you mean, ancient one?”
Gyre looked at her, aghast, “Come now, I’m older than most here, but I’m by no means ancient . . . ah, and I forgot my manners, Hachende will be joining us.”
Wagh scratched his head, “Duh, who be Itchy-Hand?”
Hach growled a bit, but recalled the simplistic creature, “I am Hachende . . . do you understand me?”
The five blinked at him, the dwarf Durgo laughing, “Ah laddies, ya be owin’ me again . . . told ye tha’ stew’rd would ha’ some deviltry ta be helpin’ our gues’!”
[If their speech becomes too annoying, you can always take off the pendant for a while to give your hearing a rest.]  Hache nodded, thankful for the advice.  “If you dolts are ready, I had a skiff prepared at the landing.  We’ll have to make a slight detour to my den before picking up Hachende’s ship.”
Jessica was clearly anxious, “Oh this is going to be once in a lifetime . . . to travel with a dragon!”
Hachende took a moment to gather his gear, “I’ve heard that term so much . . . is it a title of reverie or something?”
The five merely looked at each other and laughed, “You’ll see in a moment,” Lars responded with a chuckle while the group headed up to the landing, Gyre at the lead.
“Ah, a clear day . . . a most welcome sign to be sure.”  The landing itself was at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a drop that seemed to go for over a kilometer.  With a deep breath, Gyre jumped off the edge of the cliff . .
“What in the name of the gods . . . did that fool really just dive off a cliff without any equipment?!?”  Hachende placed his hand over his face, then shook as a melodic roar filled the air.  He looked at the lip of the cliff, his breath catching in his throat as a massive beast with huge wings was slowly lifting itself.  He took a step back defensively, not knowing what the fuck was going on . . . the creature itself did in fact resemble what Gyremar described to him earlier, but it was far more majestic: scales of silver that rippled like ocean waters, wings that were kicking up a blizzard of their own, and a muscular body that belied age and strength only ever seen in his own people’s greatest Leaders.
“I told you, Hachende,” the beast bellowed, lowing it’s head to the group, “Best get a good look and commit it to memory, for sights like this will surely be a rarity in your lives.”
The five were silent, mouths agape in disbelief, “bloody fuckin’ fel!” muttered the one called Lars.
“Well, don’t stand there gawking like a group of idiots, get on the skiff . . . “ Bellowed Gyremar, moving to the center of the landing.  What looked like a log raft with rails was awaiting them, and was attached to a long metal bar over the top with enough room for the occupants to sit down. “Try not to move around too much, a fall would be most inconvenient.”  Hach took up the center of the skiff, the others arrayed themselves around him against the rails.  Gyremar grunted, diving off the edge again, and flew back, taking hold of the skiff’s bar and pulled the group into the air.
“FUUUUUCK MEEEEE!” screamed Durgo.  Hach gasped, never having flown exposed to the elements in such a primitive manner.  Jessica was oddly at ease taking in the sights that passed beneath them.
The travel, which would have taken days by foot, went by in a matter of a few hours.  The four fools, mage, and Hach himself were actually fairly quiet.  Gyremar grunted in approval, making this trip easier to deal with, “WE’re coming up on my den, be ready to land.  You can get up and stretch, but I won’t be long . . . I need to speak with my cohort, lest they start tapping into my personal stash.”  He chuffed lightheartedly.
Gyre slowed down to hovering speeds, enough to plant the skiff on the landing point, “FUCKIN’ LAAAAND!!” The dwarf screamed, kissing the ground.  The rest, except Hach laughed at his antics, while Gyre made a deep bellow into the den, which was welcomed with excited yipping sounds.
“BOSSSS!!  Ya back!!” shouted a Kobold, Dar’gor from the look of it.
“Temporarily . . . I’m here with guests.  I came to inform you that the emergency is over, and return to business as usual, but I may be gone for several more days.”
The kobold chief nods excitedly, then it’s tone changes, “Ah, about that boss . . . we kept hearing barking outside the sealed cave, like a weird laugh. Yip!  I think the frost gnolls are on the move!”  Gyremar grunted, thinking on a plan.
“What are these small creatures, and that odd noise they make?”  Gunted Hach, hand on his disc, but more as a precaution than a necessity given the dragon conversing with them.
“Oh, those are Kobolds . . . kinda like reptilian rats, or vermin, but smart enough to use magic and some light weapons.” replied Jessica.  “Alone, they’re pretty harmless, but when they form raiding parties, it’s best to watch your step.  What they lack in strength, they can more than make up in numbers.  What they’re speaking is their language . . . a form of draconic, but far less elegant.”
“Draconic?  I’m assuming the language of the Cold One?”
“Uhh . .. oh, if you mean Steward Gyremar, then yes.  The language of his kind, and those like him.”
Hach nodded, then his eyes went wide, “Wait, how many more of his kind are there?”
“Oh, right . . . uh, his is but one breed out of, what was it . . . ten to fifteen different ones?  There’s five metallics, Gyremar being a silver dragon, the rest are gold, bronze, copper, and brass.  Then five chromatics; red, blue, black, green, and white.  There’s stories of purple ones as well, and some with gem-colored scales that are said to bend light as they fly,” Jessica responded, clearly enthusiastic . . . a little too much so for Hach’s tastes.
Hach put on his biomask to get a better look around this den, and mark it.  To his surprise, they had flown a course just southeast of where his ship crashed, and none too far from the site.  He cycled the vision modes, finding one that showed movement in the giant reptile’s den, and it was alive with what seemed like hundreds of the smaller “kobolds,” all scampering about with various duties.  He peered over the edge of the landing while the humanoids continued about their idle banter, cycling his vision . . . “Hmmmm, interesting . . . these creatures are cold blooded, but why are there warm signatures down below?”
“You said something big guy?” chimed Lars, curious about the yautja’s comment.
Hach nodded, pointing down at the base of the mountain, hundreds of meters from the landing, “Mostly reptiles live here, but there are warm bloods at the base.”
“Hey Steward!!  The Traveler thinks you and the kobolds might have some uninvited guests down below!!” Lars shouted to the dragon.
Gyremar snorted, and grunted . . . then sniffed the air, “Hmmm, while it is not my place to fight for others, perhaps this would be a decent test of your group’s abilities.”  He shifted his head to Hachende, “They’re likely gnolls, often hunting in small packs . . . probably thinking to take a few kobolds for food.”  He then addressed the whole group, “I’ll take you down below, but you’ll need some rope to hold onto me. Dar’gor . . . open that entrance, but only enough for one of your clan to get through, it’ll tease the gnolls enough to stick around, and my friends here will take care of the rest.”
“Yip yip, right boss!!” Dar’gor scurried off, barking what Hach thought were orders to the rest.
Sven and Lars procured some rope from their packs, and started preparing them, “We’ll have to latch them onto your horns, Gyremar . . . any objections.”
Gyre grunted, “It’ll be awkward, but expedient . . . ,” with the exception of Jessica, they were practically giddy with anticipation.
“Bou’ fookin’ bloody time!  Been itchin’ for a damn fight . . . the one with fewest kills buys the first roun’!”
Jessica strapped her stave to her back, “Are you guys seriously going to play around?!?”
“Hey, if today is your last day, better make the best of it.” chimed Lars.
“Fuck yea!” agreed Sven, bumping his forearm with Lars.
“Wagh beat heads?!?  Who heads?”
Durgo groaned, “Gnolls, ya bloody simpleton!”
“Uhhg . . . Wagh hate gnolls!!”  He beat his club against the ground, “Spirits, fight wit’ us!!” He howled.
Jessica blinks, “Wait, he’s a shaman!!!”
“Yeah . . . doesn’t look or act like it, but he knows his shit when he needs to know his shit” grinned Sven.
“Alright, enough talk . . . climb on and hold tight.  I’ll drop you off to the south side of the entrance.  Once there, it’s up to you six . . . I will observe from the side.”  Gyre tilted his head so the group could sling the ropes over.  
Hach was oddly thrilled and afraid . . . the struggle against the wyvern had left him questioning this place.  But at the same time, he would experience combat from the human ways.  He took hold of the rope, fastened well to the Dragon’s horn, opposite of the Orc Wagh.  When all were secure, Gyre started his descent to the entrance, his claws plowing into the rock, his pace steady but moved with purpose.
They made good timing, Hach was able to see the warm bodies of the intruders more clearly, counting the warm-blooded signatures.
“How many ya be seein’ there, Hachende?” Shouted Durgo, annoying the warrior further.
“At least 20 . . . “
“Ya hear tha’ lads . . . soun’ like three or four huntin’ parties!”
Jessica started whispering, and the air around their bodies developed a light shimmer, even Hach’s.  He felt oddly lighter, and his mind clearer.  She panted afterward, “That should handle the basics for a while . . . please, don’t get too injured.  I’m an apprentice wizard, not a priest.”
“Hey, Bookworm Bitch, you worry too much . . . just keep your back to the wall, and keep an eye on us,” Lars laughed out.  Males openly insulting a female . . . Hach really wondered about the mental capability of these creatures. Hach just groaned, completely uncertain of this group of imbeciles . . .
“If you warm bloods are done, we’re almost there . . . save your victory soirée for later,” grunted Gyremar.  He looked around, then lowered his head a few meters from the Kobold entrance, “Good luck . . . and do be careful.  I’d hate to report bad news to the mayor.”
Lars and Sven smiled, hunkering down in the front of the group after dismounting, followed closely by the dwarf, orc, and female.  Hach took to the nearest tree, climbing with barely a sound and activated his shift suit, then advanced ahead of the group, eager to draw the first kill.
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silviasutton1989 · 6 years
The True Kings Ch.6 “The Plan”
A/N: I really am not thrilled with this one (am I ever??) But I had to get this damn story moving. So much has happened in the span of 3 days so after this chapter we will move a LOT faster (next chapter is crazy).
Pairings: Idk they have to figure it out (lol)
Rating: Teen ( I may have some course language)
Word Count: Look it’s over 2000 but not 3000 that’s all I’m gonna say...
Summary: Liam proposes a unity tour for Drake and Riley’s engagement. Olivia has a plan to find Boss.
Catch up: Chapter 1  1.2  2  3  4 5
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"Father will kill us if he knew we were down here, Liam."
"No he won't....we are almost there." Leo and Liam walk through the dark corridors of the palace dungeon. He tried his best to hold the flashlight sturdy, to seem unafraid, but really all he wanted to was hold his brother's hand. But 10 year old's don't hold their big brother's hand--not even if they are in a scary dungeons...right? No...he had to stop her from screaming, protester or not, he had to help her.
They reached the caged cells where a figure is huddled in the corner trying to keep itself warm rocking and moaning.
"M-Miss...we brought you this." Liam pushes the blanket through the openings of the cell.
"Yeah and this..." a frustrated Leo carelessly slides the plate of bread onto the floor under the opening of the cell
"Ok I helped! And I made sure you didn't get yourself killed down here. Can we go now?"
Leo turns on his heals to leave as Liam watched the figure. It scurries to the bread like a hungry rat.
"You two are the King's boys aren't you?" The figure stampers closer to the cell walls to get a better look. "Yes you are aren't you? You came down here to show me kindness?" She says through her toothless grin.
"They don't usually feed the prisoners....I just thought it might help you get through--"
"Stop talking, Liam." Leo grabs his brother's arm to leave "We must be going ma'am. May God be with you."
"God!" The protesters smile fades, as her eyes fill with rage. "How dare you. You come down here with your day old bread and flea ridden blankets and speak of God! I will die soon but you..you and your selfish family will suffer till the very last one of you are plucked from that throne." Her voice screeches as she clings to the bars. The boys are frozen where they stand.
"Your father thinks he is God and so did his father and so do you. BOTH OF YOU. You sit on your throne of lies and murder any person who knows the truth about you.  But the True Kings will come to claim their throne back. To rid Cordonia of the blood thirsty impostors your family is. Ha! You’re all going to die. Your father...then you...then you!" Her laugh echos throughout the dungeon.
"Let's go now!" Leo orders as he takes his little brother's hand quickly stepping away from the cells. They don't let go of each other even as they reach the large door, still hearing her behind them:
"The True Kings will kill you! Every last one of you!"
"That's why I feel we should be having a serious discussion about a wall surrounding our borders, your majesty. I know it may be costly but I have a 38 step plan that if implemented--."
"You mean a 138 step plan, Scribes. Your idea is hogwash!"
The two men bicker back in forth, Lord Scribes and Colonial Martin. They are polar opposites and argued like cats and dogs on a daily basis, but they were loyal to Cordonia. At least that is what Liam hoped having called them to his office.
"I didn't call you two here to speak on border patrol. We all know this is a domestic matter."
The men silently nod in agreement.
"You majesty, if I may, now that we know the True Kings are behind the attack the other night and that mishap yesterday, I propose..." Colonial Martin's voice gets lower as he speaks. "we implement your father's tactics on the issue.."
"Surly you are not going to go around killing anyone with connection to that group! Sire, that's preposterous!" Lord Scribes sits up in his chair."The True Kings are a peaceful group on the basis of legacy and heritage. We cant just go exterminating them because of a few miscreants!"
"Sounds like you know a lot about them, Scribes."Martin says with a sly smile.
"Why I--"
"No one is accusing you of anything. And no I don't think my father's tactics are the best way to go for this issue." Liam taps his fingers together as he leans back into his leather chair. "The intruder yesterday mentioned that the attack was done by one person. The True Kings now approve of it but initially they were not out to kill me.Therefore we will continue to look for that sole individual and keep a close watch for anymore attacks."
Martin scoffs, "You father's actions may have been harsh but they kept this monarchy alive...literally. It would be foolish to not look at your father's rule as an example of how you should conduct leadership."
Liam could feel his leg beginning to shake underneath his desk. He places a firm hand on it just a his father would do. There were very few things that could get Liam riled up but one was to compare him. He hated that. Growing up the younger brother of a future king, his life was built on comparisons. He was the spare, and therefore he must be identical to his brother's achievements in every way. It was a feat twice as hard given that Leo was handsome charismatic and even great in his diplomatic studies. Liam foolishly believed that after his brother's abdication that the comparisons would stop. But instead of his brother he had to compete with his father now. A competition he feared he could never win. His father was ruthless, one trait that Constantine had always noted that neither of his sons had.
His leg shook at a rapid pace forcing him to stand up from his chair. The two men look up at him in shock. He tries to play the emotional act off and walks to his bar for a drink. After a few deep breaths and a small glass of brandy, Liam turns back to the men with his diplomatic smile.
"Gentlemen, I have developed my own plan. Yes, my father did great things for this country, but he also prolonged another generation of problems for me to fix. I want the monarchy secure for my successor and I believe that we must tighten the bond within our own ranks."
Liam sits back at his desk. "Many of our nobles have fled the palace. Fearing that it is too dangerous here.  We must fix this first. Our power is only a strong as those that believe in us. We need them here...all of them."
"Well how do you suppose we do that...drag them to court kicking and screaming?"
Before Liam could answer Scribes, there's a knock on the door. He smiles as the door begins to open. Liam barley slept 4 hours last night trying to form his plan and walking through the door was his answer.
"Ahh Lady Riley." Liam walks to her guiding her to towards the men. Her brows furrow in confusion he ignores it. "I would like you to meet two members of my privy council Colonial Marian and Lord Scribes. Please have a seat."
Riley takes a seat in between the two men. She tries to catch Liam's eye but he only looks at her for a second or two. He needs this to go accordingly.
"Lady Riley recently got engage."
The men congradulate her and she nods a thank you, still more confused as ever.
"Her wedding can become the very thing that brings our nobles back, showing our solidarity and strength."
"Are you proposing a unity tour?"
"Indeed, Lady Riley and I will go to our absent nobles and personally ask them back to court an support her union."
Through the corner of his eye he can see Riley' eyebrows rise in shock. There was a large lump in his chest he couldn't swallow. He knew he should have asked her first. But there wan't time.
"Well, I do believe that that is a splendid plan. Cordonians love celebrations. And since we will not have a royal wedding anytime soon, one for our newly elected duchess just may be the distraction this country needs while we fix this whole True Kings situation." Scribes beams as he turns to Riley (her eyes still trying to stare daggers into Liam). "I wasn't that pleased when the king announced you were to become a duchess, but you are proving your loyalty and for that I thank you."
Riley sees the hopeful eyes of the three men. "Anything for Cordonia." Her statement sounded more like a question a she shrugged and smiled to them.
"We don't have very much time to prepare." Colonial Martian stands to his feet bowing to the king as he begins to walk out the door. "Our guards must be ready this tour must start soon if not within the week."
"The week but--" Riley tries to interject but Lord Scribes is right behind Martin.
"Yes if we can get the unity tour out of the way within a month or two, she can be wed by June. Everyone loves June weddings."
The two men continue their conversation even as the door closes behind them, leaving Riley and Liam alone. The lump grew 3 times once he could bock Riley's glares.
"Riley, thank you for th--"
"Oh you want to thank me? Now! Why not wait till my June wedding!"
"Listen Riley we need a distraction. My monarchy is at stake I hoped that you would be willing to help in the matter."
"Our friendship is at stake! And you didn't give me that option Liam...oh I'm sorry your highness!"
She stands to feet and marches toward the door.
"So are you saying you don't want a grand wedding...one fit for a queen. I'm giving you that even though..." He couldn't say the rest that damn lump was beginning to choke him.
"I'm saying I would have liked the opportunity to agree to this.To be thankful and appreciative and on bored with anything you ask. But you didn't ask me you are forcing me to do this. And what's worse you didn't even include Drake. It's his wedding too Liam I'm marring Drake not ..." Riley storms out of the room choosing to finish her sentence where he couldn't hear. "You!"
..but he heard it just the same.
Issac rubbed the sleep from his eyes. His body was sore, well mostly his face and chest. Wherever Olivia fist landed currently hurt like hell. But that pain couldn't compare to his anger after seeing the scars on her body. Or the disappointment on her face when he told her his plans to join the True Kings.
He needed to explain himself to her.  He had to clarify to her that his intentions where never to kill Liam but to expose Constantine's decades of tyranny. Issac can still remember leaving his only home, the duchy that had been stripped from his family, along with their title.
Issac still remembers walking into his father’s bedroom, seeing his dad curled up on his bed holding a picture of his mother, sobbing into the bed. 7 year old Issac rubbing his father’s back.
“It’s ok papa…” young Issac says to his weeping father.
Issac lays in the bed of the royal palace, a courtesy gift along with a bogus title of being a Count were the only forms of an apology Constantine thought to give.
A sharp tap on the door drew Issac out of his thoughts.
Olivia bounding through, wasting no time for him to answer.
“So you want to help me?”
“Help you?” Issac sits on the edge of his bed, and watches the determined woman pace in front of him. She was thinking. He loved to watch her think, he always have. The way she would suck in that pink bottom lip, the way her eyes would zone out as if she was planning 5 steps ahead. He didn’t know what her plan ways. He never knew, and never dared try to guess the workings of Olivia Nevarkis’ mind, but it was a beautiful mind, one that aroused him just as much as her body.
“You want to help me find Boss right?”
“Yes of course!”
“Ok so I never saw him…well I’m assuming it was a man. I did hear him talking to Mick but I was more focused on the words than the actual tone. And I didn’t get to see where I was taken…BUT I did see a hallway.”
“A hallway?”
“Yes for about 5 seconds before…” Olivia rubs the back of her neck. “Before Mick found me….Anyway yes I saw a hallway and I have seen that hallway before. I figure if I find the hallway—“
“You will find Boss.”
Issac rubs his back-still sore from his falls to the ground. “So what are you going to do sneak into every noble’s home and patrol their hallways?”
“You know you should really put something on that nose of yours…I think it’s swelling.” Olivia’s sly smile sweeps her face watching Issac jump to his feet speeding to a mirror. “Oh don’t worry I’m sure a swollen nose will not hinder your pursuit of sleeping with every woman in Cordonia. No I don’t plan to sneak into their homes. I will be invited in.  Apparently hobo Drake has decided to chain himself to Lady Riley—I’m sure you have slept with her too.”
“I haven’t slep—“
“Anyway. Liam has decided-for some bizarre reason—that it’s a good idea to support this sham of a union. He has formed a unity tour starting in a couple of days.”
“So while Liam is promoting the engagement trying to unify his nobles you—“
“I plan to follow and find out which noble is betraying him.”
Olivia smiles from ear to ear, it’s a real smile not a condescending one she has on most of the time. It’s one that she only shows when she is happy or she has a plan and right now –for a split second- she has both.
“I just have one question. Why do all this? Why not just run up to Liam tell him what you know… Let his guards deal with it?”
“Liam thinks I am responsible for the attack at the Homecoming Ball.”  Olivia sits down in a nearby chair, and though her face was stoic her tone was hurt.
“Nah..I don’t believe that, Cherry. You should just—“
“You didn’t see the look in his eyes yesterday, Issac. He may not admit it now- knowing him he will wait till he has undoubted proof—but he thinks I’m involved.” Olivia shakes her head. “No. we are doing this my way. “
With a sigh of frustration she stands up. “You’re the only one that…knows about what happened. I mean I can do this on my own. I’m sure I can. I—“
He didn’t know when he stood from the bed or when he walked over to her, but before he could stop himself he had one hand at the small of her back, the other tilting her chin up staring into her green eyes. Those eyes daring him to do something.
Don’t do it Isaac. She will probably punch you again.
But telling himself not to kiss her was like telling a moth not to fly into the dangers of a flame- it was impossible. With his body hungry for the smallest sample of heaven, he dips his head to kiss those soft pink lips. Somehow, however his lips land on her finger, as she blocks their mouths from touching."
"Who did you sleep with the night of the attack Issac?"
"Never mind I'm sure it was nothing personal... right?" She paces back to the door, Issac unable to move. "I am on a mission Issac, I have no time for your little escapades, if your going to help me we will do this as friends are we clear?"
She's out the door before he even answers. She walks down the hall, proud of herself for not giving into him...at least not this time.
Tag List: Ok so I do not want to upset anyone so I’m going to put this with the tags every time. If you want to be on the tag list permanently (this one is randomly selected with some permanent in as well)  let me know. If you DO NOT want to be tagged ever just send me a message I will not be upset.
@darley1101 @speedyoperarascalparty @mfackenthal @jadedpixiescribbles  @boneandfur @andy-loves-corgis @blackcatkita @missevabean @snyggflicka @stopforamoment @agent-zephyrkah @endlessly-searching-for-you@indiacater @choiceswreckedme @choiceswhodunnit @liam-rhys @alesana45​ @drakewalkerrosenberg​ @drakewalkerfics​ @butindeed​ @lienka12345​
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
My life partner of decades passed away three weeks ago. And what Ive discovered in those difficult weeks is how much I didnt know about the man I spent the bulk of my adult life with.No,I havent discovered that he kept a second family in Ohio or anything along that magnitude. But what I did discover surprised me.
1) He intentionally made turning on a TV in our house harder than it needs to be.
For real. My husband Vic was the master of the remotes. The black one for on/off. Gray one for volume. Blackish-gray one for channel changing. Or at least thats what I think they do. Throw in a few remotes that used to control a DVR and the little basket that houses them overflows.
Only he knew which remote did what. In a million years of marriage, he never thought it necessary to label them. Nor did I. But it wasnt until he died that I figured out why: He liked that I needed him and I liked it too. When I wanted to watch something on TV, I would have to call him into the room and ask for his help.Hed come in, do it and give me a peck on the cheek or a gentle bop on the head with the remote. It always made me smile.
Being needed and appreciated is one of the things that keeps a marriage alive.And since my husbands death, I have learned that we have a universal remote that does it all.
2) His corniness was sweetness just wrapped in different packaging.
Traditionally on the night before my birthday, Vic would wait for me to go to sleep and then scurry around the house stashing little happy birthday notes in strange places for me to discover the next day. He would stick them in my shoes, inside the coffee pot, and even inside the plastic bin we use to store the dogs food (that one was signed by the dogs.) One year, he taped a note inside my English Muffin that luckily I spotted before it went into the toaster.
Some years, he concocted an elaborate Note Hunt, using riddles as hints to lead me to the next note. He knew my morning routine precisely and taped the first note to the toilet paper.
Vic never gave me a birthday gift per se and I was fine with that. The thought and effort he put into the annual notes was gift enough.
Marriage is a commitment to not just another person, but also to the idea of hanging in there through thick and thin, good and bad. My husband was a big goofy guy, an imperfect teddy bear with an occasional growl.I got scrawled notes for my birthday instead of little blue Tiffany boxes and I cherish every one of them.
3) He was a better dad than I ever knew.
Sure he went to every practice and game for every team sport either of our kids ever played. And yes, he always drove half the team home, stopping for pizzas or In-N-Out burgers or both. And of course he always carried in his trunk spare shin guards and soccer socks in multiple colors with him just in case. When a violin was forgotten at home, he drove it to the music class and kept his promise to not tell Mommy.When there was a big test coming up, he was the parent who always stayed up till midnight the night before to quiz the kids.
But he did something else. To the very end, he was blind to their flaws. He loved us all too much to ever see anything wrong. In his eyes, our children were never at fault and I was the wife he was meant to marry. With love as unconditional as his, our kids are strong and solid people. They have experienced losing their Dad to a terrible illness and have emerged as kind, compassionate human beings. Our daughter is changing her college major to nursing.
4) His disorganization had an upside.
Not a hoarder, exactly, but Vic was definitely a pack-rat. And thank God for that. As a result of his inability to throw anything away, I am now basking in the warmth of memories spurred by what I have found in his clothing pockets. Yesterday I came upon a hotel card from a London trip we took at least 10 years ago. I also found our ticket stubs from visiting the Space Needle in Seattle, mixed in with a few old grocery store receipts and long-expired coupons for Subway. In a box in our foyer closet, I found a car key that went missing last April and the program for our daughters 8th grade graduation. She is now a college freshman.
Amid the chaos of our daily lives, I would reach the clutter breaking point and stealthily toss things out when I thought he wasnt looking. Now, each item I find feels like a cherished gem. I do wonder though why those loose almonds I found in pants he hasnt worn in years never got moldy.
5) His car trunk could be declared a hazmat site.
My husbands beat-up old SUV was his man cave. He used it to take the dogs to a muddy park or sandy beach every day. It was also used to transport soccer players with stinky socks and as a storage bin for half-eaten school lunches with the occasional forgotten bag of oranges rolling around until they fully rotted. His trunk was where things went to die.
How did I not know this about his car trunk? Easy. I chose not to look.
Choosing not to look may be a new widows best survival mechanism. When you dont look, you cant see whats missing. But since today is my birthday and I had no notes to find, my heart most certainly knows whats missing, and that its him.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jAyIPe
The post 5 Things I Learned About My Husband Since His Death 3 Weeks Ago appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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viralhottopics · 7 years
5 Things I Learned About My Husband Since His Death 3 Weeks Ago
My life partner of decades passed away three weeks ago. And what Ive discovered in those difficult weeks is how much I didnt know about the man I spent the bulk of my adult life with.No,I havent discovered that he kept a second family in Ohio or anything along that magnitude. But what I did discover surprised me.
1) He intentionally made turning on a TV in our house harder than it needs to be.
For real. My husband Vic was the master of the remotes. The black one for on/off. Gray one for volume. Blackish-gray one for channel changing. Or at least thats what I think they do. Throw in a few remotes that used to control a DVR and the little basket that houses them overflows.
Only he knew which remote did what. In a million years of marriage, he never thought it necessary to label them. Nor did I. But it wasnt until he died that I figured out why: He liked that I needed him and I liked it too. When I wanted to watch something on TV, I would have to call him into the room and ask for his help.Hed come in, do it and give me a peck on the cheek or a gentle bop on the head with the remote. It always made me smile.
Being needed and appreciated is one of the things that keeps a marriage alive.And since my husbands death, I have learned that we have a universal remote that does it all.
2) His corniness was sweetness just wrapped in different packaging.
Traditionally on the night before my birthday, Vic would wait for me to go to sleep and then scurry around the house stashing little happy birthday notes in strange places for me to discover the next day. He would stick them in my shoes, inside the coffee pot, and even inside the plastic bin we use to store the dogs food (that one was signed by the dogs.) One year, he taped a note inside my English Muffin that luckily I spotted before it went into the toaster.
Some years, he concocted an elaborate Note Hunt, using riddles as hints to lead me to the next note. He knew my morning routine precisely and taped the first note to the toilet paper.
Vic never gave me a birthday gift per se and I was fine with that. The thought and effort he put into the annual notes was gift enough.
Marriage is a commitment to not just another person, but also to the idea of hanging in there through thick and thin, good and bad. My husband was a big goofy guy, an imperfect teddy bear with an occasional growl.I got scrawled notes for my birthday instead of little blue Tiffany boxes and I cherish every one of them.
3) He was a better dad than I ever knew.
Sure he went to every practice and game for every team sport either of our kids ever played. And yes, he always drove half the team home, stopping for pizzas or In-N-Out burgers or both. And of course he always carried in his trunk spare shin guards and soccer socks in multiple colors with him just in case. When a violin was forgotten at home, he drove it to the music class and kept his promise to not tell Mommy.When there was a big test coming up, he was the parent who always stayed up till midnight the night before to quiz the kids.
But he did something else. To the very end, he was blind to their flaws. He loved us all too much to ever see anything wrong. In his eyes, our children were never at fault and I was the wife he was meant to marry. With love as unconditional as his, our kids are strong and solid people. They have experienced losing their Dad to a terrible illness and have emerged as kind, compassionate human beings. Our daughter is changing her college major to nursing.
4) His disorganization had an upside.
Not a hoarder, exactly, but Vic was definitely a pack-rat. And thank God for that. As a result of his inability to throw anything away, I am now basking in the warmth of memories spurred by what I have found in his clothing pockets. Yesterday I came upon a hotel card from a London trip we took at least 10 years ago. I also found our ticket stubs from visiting the Space Needle in Seattle, mixed in with a few old grocery store receipts and long-expired coupons for Subway. In a box in our foyer closet, I found a car key that went missing last April and the program for our daughters 8th grade graduation. She is now a college freshman.
Amid the chaos of our daily lives, I would reach the clutter breaking point and stealthily toss things out when I thought he wasnt looking. Now, each item I find feels like a cherished gem. I do wonder though why those loose almonds I found in pants he hasnt worn in years never got moldy.
5) His car trunk could be declared a hazmat site.
My husbands beat-up old SUV was his man cave. He used it to take the dogs to a muddy park or sandy beach every day. It was also used to transport soccer players with stinky socks and as a storage bin for half-eaten school lunches with the occasional forgotten bag of oranges rolling around until they fully rotted. His trunk was where things went to die.
How did I not know this about his car trunk? Easy. I chose not to look.
Choosing not to look may be a new widows best survival mechanism. When you dont look, you cant see whats missing. But since today is my birthday and I had no notes to find, my heart most certainly knows whats missing, and that its him.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jAyIPe
from 5 Things I Learned About My Husband Since His Death 3 Weeks Ago
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