#yeoone imagine
minimultiestfandoms · 3 months
Pentagon reaction to you asking to tie a bow around it pt.2
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requested: no
wanted to start doing fake texts as they are easier to do then writing full fledged fanfics and i’ve been busy with uni and work so please note fake texts are only open for now! i might open small headcanons later on when i get more used to my schedule!
— sunnie
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taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @neochan, @jinkoh, @shinwolo, @hazyhae
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cyncialwoo · 2 months
[4:58 pm] Time-stamp/ drabble
-pairing: changgu x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
-words: 494
-warnings: none
-a/n: This is something new and not out of my drafts!! I am still working on something new that's at 3k words, but I haven't gotten to the climax of the story yet, so stay tuned!!
You were waiting at a cafe, staring down into your coffee cup. You kept putting off drinking your coffee. You didn’t want to leave the cafe yet, not when you hadn’t accomplished what you came here for. You looked around the cafe for him again, and he was nowhere in sight, again. It felt like you had been waiting all day. 
He promised you he would be there, and yet again your coffee was growing cold with each minute. Your mind wandered to teh days where he was earlier than you, already ordering for you. When the two of you would play games on napkins, and would spend hours together. The way his eyes would glow as he spilled details of the things he loved, and how he listened to you when you would talk with him. 
You looked out the window, it was still snowing. The snow covered the ground and only kept piling more and more. You had enough, that’s what you would tell him when he would arrive. If he would arrive. You ran your finger around the rim of your coffe cup, your face inbetween your hands. You watched the people in the cafe, the people in line for a quick drink, the people sitting down, weather they were alone or with other people. 
You met the eyes of one of the guys in line. He was far back in it, and he gave you a soft smile. You smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth on this cold day. You continued to watch him from the corner of your eye as he looked around before making his way to you. He slid into the seat next to yours. 
“All alone?” He asked you, while getting settled in his seat. 
“You’re alone too.” You retorted to his rhetorical question. “What brings you here?”
“Coffee, you?” He looked down at your full coffee cup that hasn’t been touched since the waiter gave it to you. 
“I wish I could say the same thing, but it looks like I’ve been stood up.” You looked out the window again, the sky looked a bit darker than before. 
“I could make up for that absence.” the stranger said causing you too look back at him. 
“You don’t even know my name, but you want to butt in on my date?” You smiled at him. 
“Only if you let me. And my name is Yeo Changgu” He said. You thought about it for a bit and nodded at him. It didn’t seem too bad and it didn’t seem like your boyfriend would ever show up.
So you spent what felt like hours talking to this new stranger about anything and everything that came to mind. It felt like the early days. You didn’t know how this guy made you feel so comfortable around him. For a moment you could’ve sworn that you looked outside, and it was spring with flowers blooming around you and Changgu.
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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pentagonieslut · 11 months
my pentagon thing ain’t uploading
i give up
but Megan verse on 34 + 35 hittin rn
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bomnun · 1 year
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kim lip and changgu know each other 🙏
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chiveburger · 8 months
broseph... I definitely saw disbandment or rather members leaving cube in the future but yeoone, yuto, kino, wooseok and yanan are all leaving cube. I'm not necessarily surprised but the fact that the company didn't release a statement regarding the rest of the group makes me think that either the other members are in the process of discussing their contracts or they're just like "heres some slop for you pigs for you now" to the fans. I can't imagine pentagon being a 4 member group staying in cube when a majority of them have made the decision to leave. KINO nonetheless who has almost kind of been cube's little promotion angel the last couple years... moreover, wooseok would never leave without shinwon and if shinwon leaves, nobody in pentagon would stay so I have no doubt they will continue somehow but this feels adjacent to hell
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riversonfire · 1 year
2, 5, 13, 20 for Pentagon ~
2. How did you decide on your bias?
Well, I was a casual fan of Pentagon for the longest time and during that time, based on what I knew of the members, hongseok was my favorite/bias bc he fits my bias type (tall, muscular, cute, sexy). But after kino's appearance on hyunsik's radio show, I fell in love with him and reassessed everything in my life lol not exactly but it caused me to take the leap to stan Pentagon and after further research, I realized kino is my bias (I also love kind, super creative, cute, talented dancers lol)💖
5. What is your favorite era?
Musically- Daisy/Feelin' Like. Conceptually- Dr. Bebe (I LOVE dark, sexy concepts 🔥)
13. Who would be your best friend and why?
Oh gosh. I imagine it'd be hongseok or kino. honk would be my workout buddy while I'd just chill and hang out in kino's studio as he makes music or he'd be my art gallery buddy 😌 Or maybe shinwon just because he reminds me of changsub (btob)- the type who'd make me laugh all the time and be very trustworthy.
20. Favorite live performance?
I haven't watched nearly enough of their performances tbh but I'd choose either yeoone/kino doing taemin's move or this. Someone in my NCT 127 group chat showed me this kingdom performance and you wouldn't believe the way I CRIED (at work too lmao) 😭
OH and I almost forgot- THE BLACK HALL!!! 🔥
Send me a K-POP group and a number!
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foruniversesfthrs · 4 years
[2:44pm] You were with your boyfriend Yeoone having an intense make out. Your hand already rubbing on his jeans over his hard erection while kissing his neck. He places his hand on yours worried about your dad walking in, but you just bit your lip in reply
“He won’t” you whispered to him as you nibbled on his ear.
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sunwoossunflower · 5 years
It's Over to Off Road
It was hard to hold the tears back when he said: "It's over"
I just stared at him for a few minutes without saying anything. I felt like something inside of me, something I could hold onto, just disappeared. He started talking again after the uncomfortable silence. "I know you love me but I think our relationship isn't more than an attachment anymore. I don't think it's an emotion." Of course we have been together for long, enough to get used to each other but only attachment? It made me think a lot. Was I really not in love? Was there really no emotion anymore?
I let his words sink in, but at this point I couldn't hold back anymore. Unstoppable tears started rolling down my face. My knees felt weak. "Y-you really want to end it?” it was hard to speak the words. I didn't want to hear his answer. He knew but still said: "I know you don't want to hear this but..." This was when I broke down. I fell on my knees. My face wet from the tears, my eyes already swollen. From my blurred view I saw his pained expression. Why? Why did he look pained when he was the one to break up with me? I got angry... So angry. Why would you make me love you even more than I already do? Showing me that face of yours. He tried to help me up but I pushed him away. "Fine", I said. "If you don't feel anything anymore, let's end it."
With that I turned around and ran.
I don't know for how long I ran but somehow I ended up at the place he took me for our first date. My tears had stopped a while ago. "I lost him. I lost him." Just this thought made me laugh hysterically. I looked up at the tree I was standing under. The leaves wear coloured and slowly falling in the wind. Maybe it was faith? Maybe we aren't... no, we weren't meant to be? I started smiling to myself as I realised "I loved him".
I needed a while to recover. It has almost been 8 month. I haven't seen him since that day. The first few months were hard to handle. I just kept thinking of him, but with time I got better. They say time heals wounds but I think this would always leave a scar. Sometimes I asked myself if he’s doing well. I knew it wasn’t good for me to keep thinking of him but there is nothing I can do about it. He was my first love, my first breakup, maybe even my last of both. It’s hard to explain but I always thought our love was different, special, meant to be? Maybe it was only me who thought this way. I wasn’t feeling lonely anymore, nor was I desperately trying to fill out his place with someone else. I knew that it’s not possible to replace him. And I was not planning on replacing him, ever. I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t realise that I had already passed my favourite coffee shop on the way to my campus.
“Ah, no I wanted to grab a coffee before class”, I said to myself and made a quick turn. I walked into the little coffee shop and the guy working there already put on his usual smile when he saw me. “The usual?” he asked. “Yes, please” I said smiling back. I was trying to pay when someone reached over my head and gave the cashier a card. “That’s on me” an oddly familiar voice said. I felt how colour left my face. I turned around to see him. How did he find me? And more importantly why? He was standing way too close for my liking and my heart skipped a beat. “It’s been a while” he said only a few inches apart from me. I didn’t dare to look up at his face. He grabbed my coffee and handed it to me. “You still like it sweet huh?” he asked and I could hear his soft laugh. I drove me insane. I ignored him, took my coffee and left him behind without another word.
“Yaa, yaa wait” he came running after me. How dare he? “Stop following me” I said slightly annoyed. “Who said I’m following you” he replied after catching up with me. “You are making it obvious” I said while sipping on my iced caramel macchiato. It was the first time seeing him since then. I did not want to break down now. My feelings were already building up inside of me. A mixture of anger, sadness and…no I am over him. It can’t be. He now stepped right infront of me. He forced me to look up at him. My heart skipped a beat. His dark brown hair looked effortlessly good and showed his forehead. Damn it, did he do it on purpose? I always used to tell him, how good he looked with his forehead exposed. I quickly looked away from his face. “What do you want?” I did not sound too confident but at least I tried. He bit his lip and stressfully brushed through his hair with his fingers. Fine, if he was really going to play this game with me I will join. I pulled my hair to the side exposing my collarbone and shoulder. “I said, what do you want, Yanan?” His gaze was fixed on my collar now. “We need to talk” he said biting his lip. “I don’t think so” I replied trying to play it cool but my heart was about to bust. Why did he want to talk? Why was he even here? And moreover how did he find me? He let out a sign. “Please” his voice was deeper than usual, “I need to talk to you”. What was this about? He was the one who left, why was he bothering me now? But as much as I tried I wouldn’t be able to turn him down. “Fine” I finally said and his face lit up. What is he so happy about?
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sunflowersoonyoung · 2 years
senior | yeo one
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w.c ↠ 1.1k
pairing/s ↠ yeo one x fem!reader
genre/s ↠ office au!, senior!changgu, established relationship au!, inexperienced!reader, dom!changgu, corruption kink, semi public, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, unprotected sex, spit kink, creampie
description ↠ changgu was one of the first people you met at your new workplace a month ago. since then, you’ve been in a risky workplace relationship with him.
warning/s ↠ sexual themes, unprotected sex
a/n ↠ sorry this took me so long to write! I just am in love with office aus atm as you can maybe tell, just alternate universes in general tbh. it’s actually my birthday today ;-; I'm now 21.
requested by anon
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“You’re not supposed to fill that form out like that, you know.”
When you turned your head to glare at your boyfriend and senior coworker Changgu, he offered you an innocent grin in response.
“I’m just trying to help. You know I want to go home. That outfit looks really good, and I wanna get rid of it.”
You adjusted the collar of your blouse with hot cheeks, knowing precisely what he was insinuating.
It was the early stages of your relationship with Changgu. You had been placed under his wing when you first started working there, and there was an immediate connection. Soon you were arriving at work in the same car.
You were in a heated place with him after only a few weeks of dating. It was an impossible task to keep your hands off each other during the day. Now it was nighttime, and Changgu’s pupils were blown with arousal.
“You’re dirty,” you replied with a huff, although you were pressing your thighs together to mask your excitement.
Changgu peered at you for a moment through his honeyed irises. He seemed to be devising something. A slow grin spread across his thick lips as cogs turned in his head.
“You know,” he hummed, resting his large hands on your shoulders from behind, “I’m pretty sure we’re completely alone right now.”
Immediately your head was clouded with warmth, and your thoughts emptied due to only one sentence. You breathed out slowly to compose yourself, “n-not here, Oppa. It’s too risky.”
“We won’t get caught,” Changgu purred, now leaning over so that his lips could hover over your ear. You could feel his hot breath clouding against your cheek.
“Changgu,” you mumbled, your skin electric, desperate for contact. Changgu chuckled lowly, loosening his tie and stepping back.
“You need me to take care of you, don’t you, sweetheart?” He asked, and you could not bear to look at him, your face flushed out of arousal.
“I-I’ve never done this in public before,” you stammered. Changgu laughed, “you’re cute. Come here.”
Your legs were wobbly as you finally stood, and your boyfriend flashed you a grin before tugging you from your desk.
Your floor manager had a separate office, which you rarely visited. Changgu led you inside, opening the door to a dim room with tall windows and a desk. The sky through the windows was a dark shade of navy. You stepped inside, and Changgu closed the door behind you.
He immediately pounced, cupping your face between his large hands and kissing you. It was a deep kiss that dazed you. You had to grasp his white dress shirt to remain steady.
Within moments his hand was between your thighs, hiking up your skirt to reveal more flesh. You mewled when his fingers pushed between the folds of your pussy.
“You’re so wet,” Changgu hummed, “aren’t you starting to get hornier recently?”
You blushed, retorting, “isn’t that your fault?”
He merely laughed, pushing you back against the floor manager’s desk. You sat atop the wooden surface, knocking over a cup holder and scrunching papers. He settled between your legs, a devious smile on his face.
“You have to stay quiet, okay?” Changgu ordered, wasting no time by pushing aside your underpants. He was rough as he slid his fingers over your bare pussy, circling over your clit. Eventually, he settled one palm over your mouth because you failed to keep quiet.
To be honest, you had been staring at him all day. He looked stunning, with his thick forearms, tan skin, and dark raven hair pushed back over his forehead. By this stage, you were swollen with arousal. It had been a long wait.
“You’re not very obedient, are you?” Changgu chuckled, pushing his thumb hard against your clit. You threw your head back, crying out against his hand.
Suddenly, you came; it was unexpected for both you and him. You were seeing stars, your head spinning.
Changgu laughed amusedly, “cute. You cum so quickly still.”
Sometimes he could be a little cruel. Today would be one of those days.
“One more time for me, sweetheart,” he hummed, rubbing harsh circles over your clit with his thumb. Your legs were trembling as he forced a second orgasm out of you. You could only sob against his palm, tears running down your chin.
By the time you opened your eyes, you had realised you had squirted all over the desk and floor and Changgu’s hand. He was laughing, licking your juices off his fingers. You flushed with embarrassment.
“You idiot,” you huffed, trying to catch your breath, “we made such a mess.”
“It’s fine,” he soothed, “come here.”
Changgu pulled you up against him because your legs were quivering from the repeated orgasms. He wrapped your leg around his waist, unbuttoning his black dress pants to reveal a sliver of his grey underpants.
You could see his boner pressing up against the dark fabric of his pants. The sight of it, combined with Changgu’s thick scent in the air, made you dizzy with desire.
“Hurry up,” you pleaded, and your boyfriend laughed, “you’re getting needy. I like this side of you, though~.”
Changgu pulled his thick cock free, dropping his pants to the floor. He stroked it a few times before sliding it between your pussy folds. You clasped his shoulders tighter.
Abruptly, Changgu filled you up in one stroke. Your head lulled back and you gasped, your toes curling. He started to fuck you at a casual pace, letting his hips meet with yours. Even at this pace, you were shuddering with pleasure.
“Changgu!” You gasped, and he grinned, fucking you at a harder pace that made your vision blur. Beneath the buzz of your ears, you heard him speak, “open your mouth.”
You did as he ordered, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue. Changgu let a wad of spit fall onto your tongue and you swallowed it, tasting his sweet saliva.
“Good girl,” he praised, grabbing your hair and pulling it so that your face was an inch from his. He kissed you deeply, letting his tongue explore your mouth. You could hardly concentrate on the kiss, his cock hitting spots that tipped you over the edge.
“Cum one more time for me,” Changgu breathed. You nodded, shutting your eyes tightly and letting an orgasm crash over you.
You ascended into the ceiling, unaware of anything else for a few moments. You could hear Changgu cumming too, thrusting deeply inside of you and filling you up.
By the time you recovered, you realised you were covered in sweat and that you had semen dripping down your inner thigh. Changgu had been observing you, his hair messy and his forehead shiny.
He fell away from you, pulling his pants back up and readjusting himself.
“Let’s get that form filled out, hm?”
You pouted, “I can do it myself, you know.”
Changgu turned back to you, now mostly fixed. He adjusted his tie, running his tongue over his bottom lip.
“You need to clean up your mess. And I want to get you home, now.”
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It's always been you - Ko Shinwon (F)
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Summary | Your friendship with Shinwon is something that you would never change for a thing in the world, but what if feelings are getting involved?.
Genre | fluff, high school, non-idol boyfriend.
Warnings | none.
Pairing | femxreader x Ko Shinwon
WC | around 2.4k
Note | Requested by anon.
Note | I will be on holiday from the 12th of January till the 1st of February. I won't post anything during these days, but I will of course try to write as much as possible for you guys in my notebook. Please be patient if you have any requests.
Note | thinking about a part two?. Let me know if you want a part two (this will probably contain smut)
Original request |  hi! could i request something with shinwon of pentagon? something fluffy, like a slowburn friends-lovers? if theres smut at the end its ok too but i'm not picky :o
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming
Requests open!
Shinwon will do anything for you, whether it's 3 AM or 4 PM when you need him, he's there. You met him when your parents decided to move to South Korea and enroll you in a Korean high school. There was only one problem, you didn't speak a word of Korean. The first days were hell, nobody spoke to you, partly because the language was a problem, but also because you looked different from others. You didn't belong to the Korean stereotype. For a few days, you were mostly on your own, trying to understand every word that the teachers said and find yourself a place in Korean society. A new house, a new city, new culture. Everything was different from home.
The moment Shinwon walked into class after a few days off due to a death in his family, his eyes were on you. The young lady at the back of the class, sitting quietly leafing through her book with an annoyed expression on her face. His best friend slapped him on the shoulder and gave him an update on who the new student was.
Shinwon had his full attention on you. You on the other hand were too focused to understand a single symbol written on the board. Your eyebrows furrowed, eyes fixed on the board and your tongue sticking out beyond your lips. Shinwon had to and would talk to you no matter what.
Most students thought it was weird. One of the hottest guys in school who took an interest in just one of the least popular ladies, as if they'd landed in fanfiction on Wattpad. Shinwon was careful on his first attempt to talk to you. His English was not at all what it should have been, if only he had paid more attention in class instead of making paper airplanes and then tossing them at his best friend. It could have helped him so much right now.
Sitting on one of the picnic benches outside in the square you scribbled something in your notebook, sometimes they were drawings, and sometimes you wrote a simple story about a bird that just flew over. Suddenly the book was snatched from your hands, your hands actively trying to get the book back from whoever had the guts to pull it out of your hands, but as soon as you saw his face you lowered your hands.
Shinwon flipped through the booklet, the occasional nod, and an approving hum as if it were a project for an exam. In his best English, he commented that he liked it. A smile appeared on your face, the first in a few days and you slowly took the book back from his hands.
''I'm Shinwon, nice to meet you''.
''I'm Y/N, nice to meet you too''.
"Where the hell are you with your thoughts?". Shinwon throws his bag down on one of the tables in the room and then takes a seat in the chair in front of you. His English has improved and, to your surprise, your Korean has gone faster than you expected. Those three evenings a week have paid off.
"Zac Efron," you mutter and Shinwon rolls his eyes. "Sure, like you're ever going to meet that guy." Meanwhile, several students enter the room. Over the past few years, as your Korean got better, more and more social contacts came. Likewise at school. Not everyone was talking to you, but no one was ignoring you either. Shinwon turns leans over the back of the chair and prepares to speak as the teacher slams the door shut. A wink is all you need to know that he has plans.
The friendship between you and Shinwon has grown in recent years, from not being able to communicate with each other to learn each other's language by studying to completely trusting each other about two years later.
A lot has happened in those two years. Shinwon is still the popular dude, you the less popular lady. You often got the idea that when you hang out with Shinwon, you are automatically popular, and often it is. Shinwon on the other hand is the most chill guy you can have in your group of friends. He doesn't care if he's seen as popular, because popularity doesn't define you as a person.
"Psst..." You are startled by Shinwon tapping your arm. "Lesson is over." Surprised but still deep in thought, you grab your things and put them in your bag.
"Let me guess, Zac Efron?". Woo, one of Shinwon's best friends, yells from the doorway, laughing.
"Shut up," you mutter as you pass him into the hallway. Shinwon follows but stops when Woo grabs him by the arm.
"You better get that Zac dude out of her head."
Shinwon chuckles as he wraps an arm around his best friend. "Don't worry, I can handle Zac."
''How many pizzas did you order?''. With some great surprise, you drop the five pizza boxes on the table. Shinwon gets up from the couch with a grin on his face. "What, I'm hungry." You open the boxes of pizza while Shinwon stands behind you. He leans over your shoulder, one arm close to your lower back as he takes a slice from the box. The way he grabs a simple pizza slice is new. Normally he takes one of the boxes from your hands before you close the door at all.
"Yummy," he mumbles with a mouth full and leans against the table, his eyes on you. A smile appears on your face when you see how much he enjoys food.
''Better for your life that it's nice because I don't like to spend money on your addictions''.
You are both sitting on the couch in the meantime, each with a box on your lap. Shinwon's is almost empty, yours is still half full with delicious pizza slices.
Shinwon casts his gaze on you. The past few years have been nothing but great for him. He got to know you, improved his English, you became best friends and graduated together and then both went on to study different directions. He the entertainment, you in law enforcement.
Many things have changed, but there is one thing that will never change until he has the guts to do something about it himself. He's seen plenty of guys hanging around you over the years, but none came close enough to the ideal son-in-law to come home with.
Despite being the popular guy, his attention has always been on you. From the moment he stepped into the room and set his eyes on you, it was clear to him. The butterflies that happily fluttered around again after a few months of being single, said enough.
Shinwon's behavior has changed, that's for sure. The moment he's alone with you, it's like a completely different Shinwon is there. Shy, observant, careful in his actions, and above all, he withheld from touch. Hugs were shorter. And the usual kiss on your forehead when he said goodbye he completely dropped.
It makes you insecure somehow. Why?. No idea. You're his best friend, yet the actions that seemed so normal in years past now seem abnormal.
You drop onto the bed, legs and arms spread like a starfish while closing your eyes. Lots of thoughts running through your head. You turn on your side, facing the wall of polaroid photos from past years. Parties, graduations, dinners, and much more. Shinwon is in almost every photo, even the one from Valentine's Day. A smile appears on your face when you think back to the last school year. Shinwon arrived at school with a balloon, you thinking he had his attention on another lady but no, the balloon came your way. Several students watched the whole view with their mouths open, while you took the balloon uncertainly with a feeling of nervousness. Shinwon assured everyone that it was purely amicable, that best friends can love each other even though there is no intimate relationship. Hearing those words made your heart clench. It hurt to hear, but you didn't know any better. You were best friends and that was it. You don't remember when the butterflies started fooling around in your stomach, you don't even remember the moment you fell in love with him. Maybe it gradually changed from friendship feelings to actual feelings, without even noticing it. What you do know is that you don't want to lose him, even it means that you need to push those feelings away.
A tear slips from the corner of your eye, leaving a wet spot on your pillow. Why does it hurt so much?.
Shinwon parks his car in the university parking lot, he sends you a quick message that he's there and waits patiently until he hears the door open.
"Hey, thanks for picking me up." Shinwon winks and starts the engine as soon as you are safe and sound in the seat.
His behavior, according to you, is still the same. He does the things he's always done, but a little differently. Still no forehead kiss, he will hug you but it feels very distant and he has been very distant the last few days?.
"I have a date tonight," Shinwon says, keeping his eyes on the road. His voice is flat. There is no emotion in it at all and thinking about him being with another woman tonight brings the same feeling again. A stab in your heart.
"Oh, great!. What are you going to do?". You ask with fake enthusiasm. Shinwon runs a hand through his hair as you stop at the traffic light.
"Eating out, she can choose the restaurant. I'll pick her up at 7 o'clock." The same voice again, flat as can be. You lean your head against the car window and sigh. Your gaze falls on his clothes, a small chuckle escapes your lips.
"I hope you're going to wear something different than this." Shinwon quickly glances at his clothes. What's wrong with jeans, a shirt, and sneakers?. "She'll just have to accept me as I am," he mumbles, a little irritation audible in his voice.
"Okay okay, clear. It's your date." Even though you try to be there for him, be happy for him and support him in everything he does, it changes your mood.
"I hope she's the one you're looking for, if not?. You know where to find me'', you blurted out as you get out of the car, with a light blush on your cheeks. You never expected that you would dare to say this. A smile appears on Shinwon's face, the first in the entire car ride. A smile you've never seen from him before.
"You'll hear from me," he calls after you and he quickly drives off, on his way to his date.
Shinwon knew the moment he saw his date walk through the door that he had made a big mistake. This was not what he wanted. His date was a beautiful woman, nothing could be further from the truth. But not the woman he expected. Woo, his best friend, thought it was about time Shinwon started dating. With the reason to get you out of his mind as long as he was too scared to do anything. One of Woo's colleagues thought Shinwon was a handsome man, and Woo didn't have to think twice about pairing the two together. Shinwon didn't know anything, not what she looked like, what she was like, and who she was.
It didn't sit well with him. It's not easy for him either. Having feelings for your best friend is often the worst thing that can happen to a friendship. At least that's what he read on the internet after he researched on google. He wants so badly to be more than that, but he knows full well that it is one-sided. You see him as your best friend, and nothing more. He should have known. A blind date would help him to change his mind, but this doesn't help either.
"Sorry, I have to go," he mumbles and puts some money down for the bill, grabs his coat, and storms out of the restaurant. He can't take it anymore.
Several loud bangs startle you from the series that has been watching for the past few hours, to avoid being busy with Shinwon as much as possible. You rush towards the hall where you take the door off the lock and open it. The very man you tried to fight out of your mind is breathless with one hand leaning against the door frame. "What the hell happened?".
Without saying a word he walks into your apartment, you close the door behind you and follow him. He stands with both hands on his sides in the middle of the living room, shaking his head and turning around.
"Sorry, I have to do this."
He walks up to you, takes your face in both hands, and presses his lips to yours. Eyes as big as the china saucers in your grandmother's closet, hands clenched in fists and your body that can't move in any way, that's how you react to the man who, after all these years, finally kisses you.
Shinwon lets go, a little unsure of how you're going to react, but the frozen attitude your body had taken doesn't give him a straight answer.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles and prepares to disappear from your apartment as quickly as possible.
''For what?. For the fact that it took you years?. Or for the fact that you seriously think I'll agree to just one kiss?".
You are amazed that you can speak at all, your body is slowly thawing from shock, your heart is pumping like crazy and a small blush forms on your cheeks. And you wonder where the confidence comes from. Maybe you are just sick and tired of not being honest about your feelings.
Shinwon chuckles uncertainly, not knowing what to do in this situation.
"So this means that..."
You don't let him finish, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his lips.
"It means we were both wimps." Shinwon smiles and without any warning, he grabs your body and lifts you up. Automatically you close your legs around his waist, his hands move from your lower back to your butt.
"Then these wimps should make sure that doesn't happen again," he jokes as he presses a kiss to your lips and makes his way to your bedroom.
Copyright © 2022 International-kpopfan. All rights reserved.
Don’t repost without permission.
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cyncialwoo · 4 months
can you make a reaction of pentagon if they gonna see their ex girlfriend after break up
a/n: Hihi! I know I said two weeks, but I've been balancing school and home life. I'm also re-reading this piece I wrote a while back and brainstorming for new things. Also, I've never written reactions before, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry this is so late.
words: 2.2k >>Masterlist
He would be the type to avoid a meet-up.
It’s not like the relationship ended badly, but it’s for convenience. 
Jinho wouldn’t want to step on your feelings if there were any remaining
Honestly, for him, there was still something left over
He's delusional. Literally gaslighting himself to think he’s avoiding you for your sake.
The meet-up would be accidental like it was meant to happen. 
Jinho honestly hadn’t been out of his apartment in a few weeks. He had been having second thoughts about the entire breakup. Was it the best decision? He wasn’t sure. Although, the food had run out in his house, and takeout was expensive these days. 
He was walking through the isles bored when he saw a familiar figure. He didn’t see your face, but he didn’t have to. Something inside him wanted to approach you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t and he didn’t know why. He would rather die than go up to you. He stood there for minutes wondering whether to move past you or do a 180. 
He ended up just staring at you, taking in this moment of seeing you again. You were looking at some snacks on the shelf when you turned your head and looked over at him. He watched as the smile spread on your face, and how you waved at him. He reciprocated it, all without much thought. The moment flew by too fast for him because, in the next second, you were gone for the next item on your grocery list. 
Hui would most likely become obsessed with his work
Anything to distract himself 
Maybe he’d blow money for some serotonin
Anything to give him a quick whiff of some happiness 
He’s been writing songs like crazy and they're all sappy breakup songs
He doesn’t like any of them though 
He needs a break and a bad
Hui needed some time out of his studio which was now too stuffy for him. Just a simple walk would do for him. For what he meant for a short walk around the building, he ended up in a park nearby. He sat on a swing slowly rocking back and forth. His eyes were closed taking in the sound around him. It was quiet, barely anyone was around. Still, the sound of the wind and the trees slowly dancing to it making their sound, The casual cars driving by in the background. That was the serenity and peace he had been looking for this whole time. 
When he finally opened his eyes he noticed a familiar figure sitting at a bench. They were eating lunch alone with their head down. He didn’t have to see their face to know who it was. He smiled to himself, maybe this was the motivation and clarity he sought. 
He’d be more of the jealous type. 
He’s most likely the type to stalk a page 
He made a fake account just for you!
okay, maybe that’s not that charming. 
he regrets his decision though
he's sincere about that
Lately, Hongseok had been feeling like you were losing interest in him, or you were getting over this. With all that he still felt for you, he couldn’t let you. He still couldn’t let you go and needed something to drag you in with him. So, he devised a plan. He would “randomly” meet up with you. 
He got used to the schedule that you had, and have, so it wasn’t that hard to find you. He had crossed your path multiple times after the break-up, but neither of you had decided to go and talk to each other. He was too shy, and you wanted to get over him. It was better for you anyway, and sometimes seeing him just hurt.
Not this time when you saw him. You two had managed to get on the same bus. Although, you knew hongseok had a car and could drive. It made you wonder what happened to him after you two separated. You locked eyes with him, and he shared a smile with you. He took that as an invitation to come closer to you on the bus. He made small talk with you for most of the ride. Something about the whole experience felt like deja vu almost as if you had met him again, but in a new life.
He plays it off but he’s most definitely hurting 
He hangs around other people for a distraction 
He is not okay though
When he’s alone or at home he mostly pouts
Dont come about his mood though because he will snap
He also won't leave the house unless he has to
The guys have to make him come out, so they take him to an inside amusement park
They may spoil him a bit too much. 
It seemed like Shinwon was as good as new. He was smiling, laughing, and making his awful jokes. Honestly, Jinho and Hui kind of wished they left him at home. It seemed like this was the perfect thing to bring him back from being a literal human zombie.
They were walking around the theme park when he saw you giggling with your friends. You guys had rented school uniforms on. He was happy that you were happy though. The way you laughed or held your friend's hand. He didn’t notice how long he had been staring. 
He was sent back to reality when Jinho tapped him on the shoulder. “You ready to head out already?” Shinwon looked back at him just nodding. He didn’t know if Jinho knew if he was looking at you or not. Either way, nothing was mentioned on the way home.
He lives in a cafe. 
Or he visits it a lot
Either way, he wants to run into you
First, it was the old cafe you two used to visit
Then your favorite cafe
But nothing, he couldn’t
One day he gave up and just started to work part-time at a random cafe
He was working late nights due to his day job. He was enjoying working at a cafe. He loved the smell of coffee beans after all, and wouldn’t complain if he smelled like them all day. One thing was for sure though, he brought a lot of business to the cafe. 
Everyone went to the cafe to see the cute barista. He smiled with all of the new attention, but he wasn’t quite sure if he enjoyed it or not. Some part of him still hoped that one day you would walk into those doors. He convinced himself that all of the girls he turned down were for you. He was staying loyal to you. 
The only problem was that he only worked at the late-night, and it was not the most favorable time for a cup of coffee. 
One night while he was making one of his famous cups of coffee, he heard a familiar laugh. His head shot up, he had to see your face again. Although, he frowned as soon as he spotted you in the crowd. Your arm was locked around another guy’s laughing and leaning into him. 
He frowned and turned over to his coworker, “I'm taking my 15.”
The relationship was short
Surely not long enough for deep feelings
That's what he thought before he broke the news to you
But lately, he had been missing you
Denies it and tries to play it slick
I’m thinking this is like a college fling thing
So you guys could run into one another
Finals were coming up and Yanan was in the library with his head stuck in one of the textbooks. He had been there for hours, and he was starting to get hungry. He had a six-hour final that he was preparing for, and he could not flunk it. He searched in his bags to see if he had any snacks left over. Luckily he still had some, leaning back and eating it.
He took that time to scan his surroundings. He had been focused on his work for so long that he hadn’t noticed the amount of people that had come and gone. This time around he noticed you dozed off on a desk. Your head was lying on a textbook sleeping soundly. You looked so pretty to him. He went close to you and put your jacket over you.
He didn’t quite understand his actions or what possessed him to buy snacks for you. He smiled to himself as he wrote a note. He teased you about falling asleep in the library and how you should take better care of yourself. He didn’t sign the note, smirking. Maybe he could tease you more like this in the future.
He is already a quiet person, so I feel like he kept the relationship very private
Barely anyone knew that the two of you had broken up
The break up wasn’t on good terms
The two of you could not agree on something 
He hated arguments and everything that came with it
He also hated telling you when he disagreed with something because it would lead to even more arguments even if it didn’t have to be one
The two of you were petty anyways
He tried to avoid you, and the places you hung out frequently
Yuto was out with a large group of friends. It was unusual for him, but he was enjoying the extra company. They were at a large shopping mall, so it wasn’t an ideal place to be. He was quieter than usual. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself. That was the reason. He wanted some quiet time but didn’t want to be alone. Maybe this was the best solution for him. 
He thought of himself over the relationship. Maybe he was being too harsh, but he thought if he heard that you died in a week or so he wouldn’t care. Okay, that was cruel of him, but he needed some way to distance himself. 
The sad part was, when he saw you at a store with another guy, his heart sank. He was mad that he still felt some type of way about it and about you. He was disappointed in himself, nonetheless, he played it off and went on with his day. 
I'm going with the cliche trope
He’s just a party guy to me 
And I think he’d go to parties to let off his cool. Especially if it was a harsh break-up 
I feel like he’d still be jealous and possessive after the relationship
If anyone would try to say something bad about you, he would get mad at them. 
He’s still sweet as ever, even if it ended on bad terms or not
Kino was at a party, like usual. He had a huge social circle. He was floating around the party talking to a lot of different people. He was feeling better tonight. He preferred to put himself out there when he didn’t feel up to it. Honestly, he was feeling a lot better. 
He did notice you when you walked in, it would be hard for him not to stare. He watched over you, still feeling protective. He knew a lot of the people at the party, some of them having a bad reputation. He would rather watch over you from a distance, not ready to face you. 
That didn’t matter when a random guy came up to you. He didn’t know him, but he could not stand the fact that another man was talking to you. He came up to you putting his arm over your shoulder casually.  “I forgot to ask you what drink you wanted.” Kino kept a sly smirk on his face. You looked a little upset and surprised to see him there, but he just brushed it off. It was fun to cock-block you.
I think he would be quieter about the breakup
He seems like he keeps more to himself 
But he’s generally sweet to everyone 
I think the motivation would be down
He wants to keep things on good terms, but that doesn’t mean friends. 
He’s not the type to text you after
Unless he needed something 
Wooseok had gathered up some motivation lately, after looking at how messy his life had been lately. He was picking his stuff up and putting things in their right places. During that, he found some items that were yours, and he noticed that some of his things had been missing. He frowned, he didn’t want to do any confronting, but he wanted his things back. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
His hands were sweaty as he texted you. He simply stated that he had a few of your things and he thought that you had a few of his. It was simple and he tried to be as polite as possible. He was not trying to make anyone upset. 
After a few days you hadn’t answered his text, so he tried again. This time his tone was a little hasty, and when you responded, it was in an aggravated tone. He was confused. You didn’t want to meet with him and made that clear. He suggested mail, but that seemed to upset you as well. 
When he saw you later that week on the street, he said nothing. He did nothing. Any feelings that he had left over for you, were gone. Then he knew he could move on.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Pentagon Masterlist
Rules and Request Information
Key: 🔞- 18+ 🤬 - Angst 😊 - Fluff : 💗 - Female Reader 💙 - Male Reader 💜 - Gender Neutral Reader
Gone - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Suddenly people keep disappearing, but you’re the only one who can remember them. -  Warnings: Disappearing themes (somewhat explained, not really), stalker themes, forgotten/abandonment themes, yandere themes? at the end kinda.
Petal Parade - 😊💜 - Summary: When you’d accidentally shared something about yourself thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal you didn’t expect them to react like this. - Warnings: Some slight anxiety (like social anxiety), but I think that’s it.
Something New - 😊🔞💗 - Summary: You wanted to add a little spice in the bedroom. -  Warnings: Bondage/Handcuffs, soft dom/sub themes, overstimulation, oral, implied sex.
Family - 😊🤬💗-  Summary: Hwitaek swore to protect his family no matter what, and he would do so with a vengeance if necessary. He was going to ensure people knew not to mess with him. - Warnings: Vampire themes, kidnapping themes, some violence.
Start With the Basics - 😊🔞💗 - Summary: You knew you wanted Jinho to be your first, and he knew he was going to take his time with you. -  Warnings: Virgin reader, oral sex (f! receiving), honestly not much I think this one is relatively soft and mild.
Step 2 - 🔞💗 -  Summary: Short continuation of Start With the Basics - You wanted Jinho to be your first, and you were only willing to be patient because of how amazing he looked when like this for you. - Warnings: Protected sex, fingering, praise kink, virgin reader, teasing mentions of corruption kink, cursing.
Affair - 🤬🔞💜- Summary: This is the last thing you would have expected from Hongseok, but now you saw it...right before your very eyes. - Warnings: Cheating themes, it’s gender neutral reader but he cheats with a woman, heartbreak, mentions of nudity, crying, mentions of sex (Hongseok is literally caught cheating, so...).
Love Stings - 🔞💜 - Summary: Shinwon decided to be a cheeky little shit, so you decided to return the favor. -  Warnings: Biting, marking, possessive, slight exhibitionist kink? kinda sorta.
License to Kill -  🤬💜-  Summary: His system was flawless, until you came along and had to figure him out. - Warnings: Serial killer themes, undercover agent/detective themes.
Yeo One:
Glitch - 🤬💜 -  Summary: As if finding out that your whole life was a lie wasn’t bad enough, you then find out that it was all thanks to the person you loved. - Warnings: Robots (not like a take over, but just pretty much all that exists anymore), science experiments, some angsty themes, uncertainty, blood (but it’s fake from the robots so..).
Home Alone - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Suddenly everyone over a certain age is gone, with no explanation and now you have to figure out how to survive. -  Warnings: Themes of abandonment? kinda, mentions of death.
Tough Love - 😊💜 - Summary: Yanan is starting feel left out and it’s kind of making him regret getting you a kitten to love instead of him. He’ll get his attention soon enough though. - Warnings: Scratches and biting (from a kitten), that’s it I think.
Rings - 🔞💜 - Summary: You might like it a little too much when Yuto wears rings. -  Warnings: Ring kink, hand kink, spanking, choking, dom/sub themes, hard dom, degradation, master kink, brat taming.
Thief - 😊💜-  Summary: Yuto’s finally figured out who’s stealing his clothes, and he’s not having it anymore.
Changed - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Everyone has been changing and you think you just met the next person who will. -  Warnings: Pandemic, cure, side effects, body transformations, blood, gore, dystopian.
Kino In Bed - 😊🔞💜 - Headcanons - Warnings: 18+, NSFW
Devil in Disguise - 😊🤬💜-  Summary: You knocked on the wrong persons door, and now all he wants to do is lure you into his trap. - Warnings: Devil themes, mildly suggestive.
Unwind - 😡😊🔞💗 - Summary: Hyunggu just wants to be the most loving boyfriend and take all your stress away. You’ll let him take care of you, won’t you? - Warnings: Stress, crying, slight dom/sub dynamics if you squint, oral (reader receiving), praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, unprotected sex (be safe).
Play Thing - 🔞💜-  Summary: Wooseok was everything you wanted in a dom, that’s why you hired him. That doesn’t mean you were always good and obedient though, where would the fun be in that? - Warnings: Hired dom, bdsm themes, dom/sub themes, brat taming, bongage, shibari, spanking/impact play, implied smut, cursing, degradation, hair pulling, sir kink.
-coming soon-
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imaginekpopidols · 3 years
[1:53 am] driving 90 down the highway in a convertible always hits different. next to you is Yanan who has his hands up in the air as he screams the lyrics to the song playing. Changgu, Shinwon, and Yuto are in the back laughing and talking as the cities fly by. “IF YOU DON’T CALL AND YOU THINK ABOUT ME DON’T WORRY I’M GOOD” the five of you yell and decide on an exit. at the next red light we turn to see the rest of our friends in Hyunggu's car, and Yuto yells, “RED LIGHT ROULETTE!” everyone scrambles jumping in each other’s car. “How’s it going Jinho?” you ask as you ended up squished between him and the window. everyone cramming into the tiny Lexus Prius. “Not bad, it seems like you got Wooseok driving your car--” Wooseok pterydoacl screams as he floors it. your eyes nearly pop out of your head as you tell him, “I’ll miss my convertible” he laughs and Hoetaek races Wooseok to the next red light. how you love your friend group and wouldn’t change it for the world. you just want to live in this moment forever.
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coffeeshoptalkks · 3 years
pentagon’s not shy cover
hello and welcome to another episode of me falling more in love with pentagon while doing unnecessarily long analyses
(and me loving mdr performances lmao)
no but seriously pentagon is one of my two ult groups and it shows in this lol
i apologize in advance because half of this is more about vocal placement and small personal habits than actual analysis, but when did that ever stop me lol
enjoy :)
timestamp 0:02
hongseok diverting to kino
so hui and jinho are in the military which means that hongseok is the oldest by a good year and a half
i could get into group dynamics for about an hour and a half but for the record, kino is the official leader of ptg until hui comes back
hes the second youngest which is v interesting because about 90% of the time the leader of a group is in the hyung line, or at least somewhere in the middle (namjoon)
as kino is now officially the leader (he was always the dance leader so its kinda natural) hes the one who usually starts the introduction, but hongseok did it this time
you can see him look at kino and kino nod as a kinda “yeah, you’re okay, go”
its a very interesting role reversal, especially since naturally, hongseok is less extroverted than kino, but korean age hierarchy now dictates that hongseok holds an innate place of power within the group
timestamp 0:18
yanan jamming, wooseok’s squak, and whatever yeo is doing lmao
i love and adore whenever yanan does something more flamboyant 
just because hes naturally pretty reserved and has seemed to really come into himself in the daisy and do or not eras
especially cause he took time off and just, v glad to have him back and he seems really happy
one of the funniest things (jinho? maybe hui?) has said was in a buzzfeed interview when asked about who can sing the highest and the answer was wooseok but that jinho’s was more “usable” 
this dolphin boy is breaking the treble clef with how high he’s going at the end of a lot of his phrases
idk what changgu is doing but he and hongseok in particular do this thing where they just kinda lose themselves in the music 
for yeo its more full immersement while hongseok’s is more just vibin
but changgu is just fully in the moment and you can tell
watch him throughout the performance, seriously, hes the one moving the most, throwing his body around, hes fully in the moment and enjoying performing
this is my note because i could write a dissertation on everything i love about changgu and his micro-movements and i want someone to get the same heartwrenching joy from watching him as i do lol
i’m serious 
spend an entire time watching changgu
unadulterated joy i’m telling you
for someone like me who is a chronic overanalyzer (case and point -.-) living completely in the moment is something very rare, and frankly foreign, but it makes me smile a little more to see him enjoying himself so much
and now i will try to stop staring at changgu 
i failed
timestamp 0:22 / 0:29
kino’s extra adlibs
it took me multiple listens and watches to realize what happened at 0:22 cause i didn’t hear/see it the first time. 
theres this little noise he makes and his mouth contorts. 
i really don’t know how to explain it lol
just adds a tiny bit more depth to all the rock, it shows innate musicality (obviously but anyway) and its just a nice little touch
the adlib is much more obvious, its literally him “owwwh!”
i am so sorry, i have no other way to explain it
you can actually hear him do this in a lot of their songs, he does it in their do or not performance also from mdr, happiness, a live radio performance of shine, and more obviously in the rock demo version thats on his soundcloud
most of the stuff kino does has a very recognizable signature (think the like this choreo) and this is one of those
timestamp 0:48 
shinwon’s bopping and hongseok’s uh swaying (?)
have you noticed the trend of really mundane and small things really doing something to me?
thats all i got
timestamp 1:00 - 1:19
the transitions between the vocal line
so something really interesting about pentagon is that each of their singers has incredibly distinct timbre and tone
frankly the entire group has super recognizable voices but for the sake of vocal line
welcome to a horrible explanation of trying to explain people’s voices using adjectives
jinho - his voice is so light. powerful, but light. he’s usually using his upper register and just has a super clean sound
he doesn’t have any excess sound or movement between notes
i would shy away from saying classical when it comes to training, its just a less traditionally pop (?) sounding voice 
hui - don’t get me started lol. legitimately one of if not my favorite voices in kpop. 
distinctly recognizable, almost nasal but in the best way possible 
freaking love his voice man
have u heard him live?
like this?
literally anything???
hongseok - if jinho has a less traditionally pop voice, hongseok takes the cake one this one. 
theres a very soft quality to hongseok’s voice. hes projecting, don’t get me wrong, his placement/voice is just naturally softer and breathier around the edges than someone like shinwon 
listen to the lovesick boys cover if you wanna know what i mean. the pre-chorus into 2nd chorus with yeo and hongseok is really distinct
shinwon -  he has such a solid voice? i just don’t know how else to describe it. 
the sound he produces comes from (in my experience) a vocal placement thats somewhere in the chest voice but producing sound as if you were singing in your head voice
very few idols sing like this, it takes a very specific voice because any movement too high or low will result in a voice crack or being flat. and man its loud when it happens lol
theres no hiding it (think that time live on the radio with his voice crack) 
love u bb lol
a singer has to be within their range (for me its about b-e) and control the amount of pressure they’re exerting for something to not go horribly wrong lol
san from ateez is another example of someone who does this
theres 0 vibrato in this, just solid sound
changgu - so the interesting thing about changgu’s voice is that the real beauty sometimes gets lost in studio recordings.
the best way to describe his voice is full 
theres a depth of tone (especially in his lower register) that is just so beautiful
basquait, runaway, 
yanan - talk about distinct voices lol
i already used soft for hongseok but yanans is both soft and very airy.
he naturally doesn’t project a ton, and up until recently his voice was more unstable than the other vocal line but his voice is so much stronger ever since he came back :)
kino - the interesting thing about kino’s voice is that it has this forceful but breathy quality to it
its more comparable to hongseok but hes more often using a lower (ish) register and projecting more forcefully
what was this supposed to be again? right lol
basically the entire vocal line sings within 10 seconds of each other and its this extremely interesting transition between different and very distinguishable voices
the entire sequence just shows the flexibility of pentagon and how all these different styles and tones somehow work together
timestamp 1:16 
shinwon finishes a note, spins, and then proceeds to meander for another 10 seconds
its so funny lmao
the rest of the group is largely normal and doing their own thing and then theres a wild shinwon wandering in the back as if a single turn messed up his internal gps
timestamp 1:21
wooseok’s “ptg”
so it was later figured out that they were not actually singing “itzy” like the captions said but “ptg”
wooseok does this several times but he puts his hand on his hip and kinda bounces?
its just a very odd position to be in while rapping lmao
timestamp 1:47
kang hyunggu get that tongue bAck in your mouth siR
timestamp 1:49
the zoomed out camera shot is literally a personality (video (?))
this is gonna sound insane but you can kinda guess a few personality traits of the members from a 3 second clip
okay we’re not counting wooseok cause hes rapping lol
the extroverts are literally moving more lol
hongseok, yanan, and yuto all have less animated movements than shinwon, kino, and changgu
even yuto who does move a little more turns his back to the camera, which, like, do ur personality/body language analysis on that lol
not saying they’re always like that but its hilarious to me that their movements are so indicative of their (shown/well known) personalities in this super quick clip
timestamp 1:51
yanan doing the robot (?)
its just so nice to see him comfortable and happy
also the wiggle at the very end is heart wrenchingly cute
timestamp 2:03
wooseok and the rest bouncing
i mentioned in an onf analysis that a lot of musicians tap their foot to the beat
wooseoks doing the same thing here
and the rest of the group is kind of doing a similar thing lol
stan talented and musical boys thats all im gonna say 
timestamp 2:07
shinwon in orange sunglasses and holding his mic
i’ll save you my long ass dissection of how idols hold their mics and how i wanna figure out patterns in that but 
*laughs nervously*
shinwon looks so freaking good in that outfit and idk, the sunglasses, the upwards tilting mic, it just works ya know?
timestamp 2:15 - 2:19
kino’s *come and get it* and yeo’s aggressive walking (?)
i was so attacked
i’ve been attacked this entire damn performance but something about this part right here gets me 
every damn time
timestamp 2:22 / 2:30
yuto’s not shy
you can hear it come through so nicely 
his low tone is such a nice contrast to the brighter tones coming from the band
you hear it again at 2:30
theres just something i find so beautiful about lower register softness from singers
its probably the overemphasis on tenors in the kpop industry (baritones like jaehyun are few and far between) but even in rap, its just so refreshing to hear
timestamp 2:26
kino’s kick on the beat
welcome to me overanalyzing microgestures part ten thousand
whoops :)
the really interesting thing about kino is that not only is he a phenomenal dancer, but hes an amazing performer (and everyone knows it)
you can be an incredible dancer but not a great performer and vice versa
but when you get both qualities in the same individual 
one of the things that kino does soooooooo well is engaging during the entire performance
its things like the little kick, his mannerisms while the others are singing, its what takes a performance over the top
timestamp 2:27
shinwon aggressively bopping
hes so in tune with the music i love it :(
he just looks like hes having the time of his life
and at the end of the day isn’t that what music is about?
its fun to watch people have fun performing
its fun to hear music that you love
also at 2:35 you can see him shaking his fingers and its so fucking cute lol
timestamp 2:30
literally just kinos smile
its so beautiful and makes me so happy :)
timestamp 2:40
pitstop for changgu and hyunggu voice appreciation
please go listen to live performances (eternal flame holiday edition is also a good one)
i know i talked about it earlier but holy hell
changgus voice gets to me in ways that it shouldnt lol
you can feel the emotion coming through
but in a very subtle way
and then kino following with rasp?
you can actually see kino pull at his collar and flex his neck right before he sings just because sometimes before you sing a straining note you just gotta move the neck muscles around a little bit lol
timestamp 2:51 
whatever the hell yuto is doing
tbh it kinda reminds me of that sloth move junhee (a.c.e.) did during a costume relay thing but it gives me big embarrassing dad energy
in the best way possible i promise lol
hes like an embarrassingly proud dad at a baseball game and im here for it
timestamp 2:57
hongseoks high note
i want my emotional support kpop boy (hui lol) back as much as the next person but what has come out of him and jinho being in the military is hongseok getting to shine
if the two oldest were there hongseok wouldn’t have taken that high note just because (if i’m not mistaken) he officially became a main vocal after jinho joined the military) 
not that i give much weight to roles but hongseok worked so freaking hard to improve his vocals to take up the mantle of jinho and hui
i don’t remember where i heard/read this but hongseok said something along the lines of focusing on his singing and improving because there were people much better suited to a leadership (kino) and production (wooseok) role
first off i find it so admirable that hes humble and self-assured enough to openly talk about what he perceives to be his strengths and weaknesses
idk it shows a level of maturity and humility that i find beautiful
its really just nice to hear him showcase his voice in a way that he didn’t have many opportunities to before
timestamp 3:03 / 3:07
changgu’s adlibs
once again, just
theres a comment somewhere saying something along the lines of *don’t you love when changgu sings so passionately that he bends himself in half
and yes
also the growl / grit
i am deceased
timestamp 3:29
the ending poses/lights
theres something about mdr lighting that i fking adore
idk its very bright and welcoming
but anyway
they sing the last “not shy not me” and then everyone (except yuto lol) lowers their hand and its v satisfying to watch
because there was a surprise happy birthday afterwards the camera kept rolling when the lights dim down
i just find it sooo satisfying to watch as the light fades and all the members start to decompress (?)
just start to get out of performance mode and adjust everything
just a little peek into what goes on behind the scenes 
honorable mention 
changgu at 1:20
don’t break your eardrums for this but he comes in during the second not shy and you can hear just the tad bit more depth he brings when he jumps in
its vocal layering but it just shows how integral every part of the vocals and performance are
every tiny thing can add something to a performance and it makes me giddy to find tiny new things in something that you’ve seen before
i thought it was kino just because he didn’t sing during the first one but that incredibly subtle sound only comes from changgu
you’re just gonna have to listen lmao 
(i killed my eardrums trying to figure out who it was and i have no regrets)
ur welcome for this being like 3 months after the first 
oh whale
i didn’t proofread this lmao
fin :)
i hope ur day was okay this time @rutosruru 
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smitten--kitten · 4 years
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