#yes jimmie is bts park jimin
ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
"I cannot for the love of the gods come up with a theory on why Jk is ok with getting all this nice promo while Jimin got nothing". How about u try to change your solo perspective that makes u look at jimin like a victim all the time? Jimin GOT promotions, and a big one, money related. He had 2 mv that took a lot of budget and preparations: the 2 mv needed sets to be created, and SMFPT2 set was HUGE. He promoted at korean music shows, which too took a lot of money to build those giant sets. Yes, he did have a short promotion period, for reasons we dont know but my guess is that Suga needed to do his comeback because of the tour and i hate the person who came up with those dates but ok... We all know Face promotions got some biiiig problems and im still mad about it, we just dont know what really happened, but i'm sure jimin would fight back if he thought he was being mistreated. But to say that jm got zero promotions... nah
Face, Like Crazy and Seven r different projects, with different visions and different goals. Jimin wanted to tell his story of when he was going through a hard time, and he wanted to do it in korean, promoting more in Korea, with songs that, in the end, only him and people close to him know the meaning. Yet, he did AMAZING and made history (is still making). It seems to me that the #1 on hot100 was unexpected to the company and even jm, but yet they did provided to us 2 versions of Like Crazy, one of them being an eng. ver, and promoted at Jimmy Fallon... So maybe they still hoped that the song would do well internationally? (pdogg tho... he just KNEW face would be massive and destroy kpop). But Jungkook... i think that, for a long time now, he aims to achieve western recognition, way more than jm, and thats ok. So Seven obviously is a song to the US market, and all of us know that. The song is in english, is very pop, written and produced by an american guy that is responsable to other huge hits. It is made to be stuck in our heads, not to make us think about deep things. It is breaking and will break so many records just like LC, but the difference is that the success is THE GOAL (remember all of that Scooter posts on his ig?). Jimin wanted to tell his truth with Face, Jk wants to be closer to being a big pop star with Seven. So, of course Seven would get a different type of promotion.
And btw, just because the song is doing really good and is aiming to the US market, doesnt mean it is by having deals and paying for playing. Its the Jeon Jungkook, of BTS, we are talking about. Jk seems very happy and jimin seems happy for him. I dont think jimin would support jk if he thought he was doing wrong. He didnt post anything, but he did not post about L&R and Dreamers too. He supported jk with Dreamers by posting about his presentation at Qatar, and now he supported seven by going all the way to NYC to be with him.
All of this to say: Jimin is not a victim, he is a badass and he knows how to stand up for himself. When will you come out as a solo, btw? its getting old...
Hi anon,
When will you try thinking for once instead of being a parrot and writing what you've read in other blogs?
Your entire ask is wrong. I don't even know where to start.
YOU sound like a jjk solo or delusional jikooker or Jk biased jikooker.
But you know what? Call me a solo. I don't mind. Anyone who ever defends Jimin or loves Jimin is always called a solo. Why? Because no body else defends him or loves him like solos do. So, sure. Call me a solo.
First of all, we are talking about THE Park Jimin. Of BTS. That's who are talking about.
I'm done with people who, somehow for some delusional reason, think Jimin is inferior to Jungkook. You know nothing about Jimin if you think this.
I've NEVER said that Jimin got 0 promotions. I've been screaming (into the void, apparently) that Jimin only got 9 days of promo that were too hard on his body and had to wear it kt tape for weeks after. I've been screaming that the company is sabotaging him and it's true. People who actually know things about the company know this quite well too.
Take a look at everything and the sabotage is obvious. But look let's start here:
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This same guy posts on DC gallery:
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Yes, Jimin's promo costs money. But so did everyone's. How much do you think payola costs? That's much pricier than what Jimin's promo costs. And either way, Jimin was a return investment.
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Not only did Jimin's place on the charts affect Hybe. It also affected other companies.
And right now the stock at Hybe at decreasing and foreign shareholders are selling to make it seem like Jk's position on the chart will have a bigger impact than it actually will:
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Just watch.
You are proving me right with everything else:
So sure, let's sacrifice Jimin's promo time for Suga even though Suga was the one that postponed his album because it wasn't ready.
Jimin had 2 mvs. Suga had how many? And he had a whole tour too.
Jimin didn't have any visualizers. Jk had how many?
Jimin had 5 versions of Like Crazy. Jk has how many?
Jimin's Like Crazy cd was never stocked. Jk's has been stocked how many times?
You think Jimin doesn't want international recognition? Like Crazy was released in ENGLISH for a purpose.
After Jimin's no.1, if they wanted Like Crazy to succeed in the US market, they would have at least sent it to radio. This would have avoided freefall. They would have also shipped albums on time. They would have also informed us of the rule change for online sales instead of waiting until Suga's album was coming out.
It was the fans that were begging radio to play Like Crazy and the only way to play it was from the mv on YouTube:
There are so many things they could have done differently. They can still do them but they choose not to.
Did you see what was trending today?
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Did you trend this, anon? Since you are so "mad about this"?
You think FACE wasn't created with success in mind? Pdogg came out and said it would break kpop because Pdogg knew what masterpiece FACE is.
You don't have to think deep with Like Crazy or any of the song...um just listen to them?
And don't be daft about Seven:
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And other things. Search "Seven payola" on twitter and you will find it.
So yeah. You are wrong.
If you don't see it, that's because you choose to not see it.
Stop pretending that you "are still mad about it". You don't care about Jimin and only want him for your stupid ship and for him to be Jk's cheerleader.
Ah and he went to NYC for a work thing and to support Jungkook. But he hasn't posted a single thing about Seven. He did post about Dreamers and Left and Right. But no Seven.
You think Jimin only wanted those close to him to listen to his music and know the meaning? He spent 10 months working on this album, hours practicing choreography, dieting, for stupid fans like you to say things like these?
I don't even want to see when he releases new music, appears in stuff with Jungkook, or leaves for military service. All these fake fans will be crying and uwuing when they couldn't lift a finger for him during all this.
To those that try to send others on guilt trips because we defend Jimin or point out the injustices: Are you guys even streaming Seven and Like Crazy to "support them equally"?
At least taekookers have taekook playlists and streaming parties for Jk and Tae. I haven't seen a single playlist around here that has both Jk and Jimin. But yeah, you all are supporters of jikook.
You all come and try to send me on a guilt trip but you all are worse than me. For reals.
You don't deserve Jimin. You and all the people who keep saying all this bullshit because it fits their stupid theories and shipping fantasies don't deserve him.
Jimin deserves so much more than this.
So just stop. Don't come to my blog.
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enbycalicocat · 3 years
Day 3: 29th of January, 2021
The day had finally come.
Not like he'd been anxiously waiting or anything. Well, he had been anxious, and he had been anxious while waiting. But not in that way. Not like there was anything wrong with his house in Busset or his family and friends. In fact, he had no reason at all to move.
Other than ambition.
He wanted to dance in the capital.
There were many great opportunities in Busset, yes. And it was a lovely city, yes. He definitely was not doing this because he thought going to the capital was the only way to make a living out of his passion, contemporary dance. He could easily do what he loved from the safety and comfort of his home town. But that was the thing. Jimmie didn't want safety and comfort. He wanted to explore. He wanted to see the world. He wanted to try new things.
And the first step towards that second dream of his was moving to the capital. That would be the first piece of world he'd see. It wasn't much, but it was something, and he had to start somewhere.
"All packed?" The door to his room creaked and a few soft steps sounded on the wood floor, taking Jimmie out of his mind.
He turned around and found his little brother Jily standing dejectedly by the door to his room. Jimmie smiled softly and opened his arms. Immediately, a little body collided against his and Jimmie wrapped his arms around it. Jily hiccupped and Jimmie started whispering nonsense to soothe his little brother.
To tell the truth, Jily was supposed to be at school right now. But the whole moving away thing had hit him so hard that he'd gotten physically sick. It hadn't been too bad or too serious so far, just headaches and stomachaches, but today he'd been throwing up nonstop. Jimmie's parents had been forced to call the school and notify them that Jily wouldn't be going that day. The boy's teachers knew Jimmie and knew he was leaving today, so they probably knew what Jily's sickness was all about. But they just said they hoped Jily got better. Didn't even ask to see a doctor receipt tomorrow. And good thing too. Because Jily was just so sad he made himself sick, and doctors couldn't detect or cure that.
"I don't want you to leave," Jily sobbed as his hands clutched Jimmie's shirt tightly. "Please Mimi. Don't leave. Please."
Jimmie was convinced this boy wanted to kill him. Cause of death: a broken heart.
He held back his tears and his feelings and smiled gently as he pulled back. Jily stared at him with big doe eyes, shiny and watery, his cheeks stained with old and new tears. He used his thumbs to wipe the tears as best as he could.
"Come on Jiji, don't be like that." His tone betrayed nothing, but inside he was begging. For all his little brother loved him and was doing this with good intentions, he was making it harder and harder for Jimmie to leave. "You know I'll be back. Thanksgiving and New Years are right around the corner. I bet the company will let us go visit our families. Just wait a few months and I'll be able to come see you."
Jily somehow seemed to see or perceive the begging Jimmie had been doing in his heart, and he stepped back and used the back of his hand to wipe what was left of his tears furiously.
"Alright Mimi," he said, meeting Jimmie's eyes for all of five seconds before he lowered his head because he was getting teary again. "I'll be waiting for you, so you better come visit us, okay?"
"Sure thing, Jiji." Jimmie gave him another smile, a radiant one this time, because he was proud of his little brother. Everyone and their mother could see that Jily was trying to be 'mature' and an 'adult' and that he was failing terribly.
God, Jily was already entering that 'I'm a grown up at fifteen and too cool for this world' phase of adolescence. And Jimmie wouldn't be here to tease the living daylights out of him.
Let's not continue that train of thought, okay? More importantly, shouldn't we be leaving soon?
"Jims," a low male voice rang through the room. "It's time son. Grab your luggage and let's get going or you might miss the bus.
Jimmie nodded and looked at Jily again. The boy, well, teen really, was staring at him with those red watery eyes again.
Please don't ask me to stay. I really might agree if you do.
"I hope you have a good time at the capital Mimi." Jily's voice was breaking all over the place but he held Jimmie's eyes and tried his best not to cry again. At least while Jimmie was still in the house. "Really. I hope you meet lots of nice people and make good friends, and dance a lot, and have fun, and love whatever you're going to be doing from now on."
Man, Jimmie would've almost preferred Jily cried again and asked him not to go. These words felt even more heartbreaking.
"I-I..." Jily's voice cracked and he had to take a deep breath and swallow before he could continue. "I ho-hope you're very loved and appreciated over there. And if you're not, then don't think about it twice and come right back home." Jily's eyes hardened and he took on a firm tone. Jimmie was shocked. He'd never seen his brother like this. "Because here you have people that do love you, and you have people that do appreciate you, and you have no need to be there. If they ever treat you badly, if they ever... I don't know, do something that hurts you in anyway, do not feel like you have to take it because there's no other option. There is another option. Remember that."
The teen stared Jimmie down like his life depended on it, no wavering; almost cracked his ribs with the fiercest hug he'd ever received; and then proceeded to walk out of the room with the same firmness.
Jimmie and his father stared at Jimmie's bedroom door, both dumbfounded and impressed.
"Wow..." Jimmie said quietly.
"I know, right?" Jimmie's father turned to look at his eldest son. "I've been raising him for fifteen years now and I didn't know he had that in him. I guess it's true that you never really know everything about a person."
Jimmie snorted and his father smiled. The serious atmosphere dissipated just like that.
They brought down Jimmie's bags and drove to the bus station. The car was silent as though no one was in it, even though mother, father and oldest son were there. No words were left to be said. No other topics came to mind. All the three could think about was that one verb: leaving.
They arrived at the bus station right as Jimmie's bus was preparing to depart. There was a long queue of people waiting to leave their luggage and board, but Jimmie didn't go immediately. After all, the seats were numbered. There was no need to rush. He turned to look at his parents and they both had the same red watery eyes as Jily.
"Listen to your brother. He was right with what he said. Do not let yourself be mistreated, Jims. You have another option."
Before Jimmie could think of something to say or some awkward joke to make, his father grabbed him by the arms and stared him down. For obvious reasons, his stare was by far more intimidating that Jily's.
Even though his mother hadn't been there to hear what her youngest son had said, she nodded with teary eyes.
"Give it your best. Put your whole heart into this project. Don't give up without a good fight even if it get's hard. But honey, remember you have a home to come back to."
Jimmie's eyes started itching and his throat got tight, but he fought it back.
Not yet, hold it a little longer.
Not trusting his voice Jimmie nodded firmly. They weren't a poor starving family that depended on his success to survive. There was no sob story here. No need for Jimmie to endure insults and abuse. He knew it well, and he would make sure to keep it in mind.
The three hugged one last time. Jimmie boarded his bus, his parents begun walking towards their car. They knew their eldest son, and knew that he really needed space right now. So, even though they wanted to stay until the bus left, they didn't because this particular son of theirs liked to cry in private.
Jimmie sat down, pulled his cap down low, and pulled the hood of his sweater on over it. That was when the first tear began to roll down his cheek. Many more followed and he tried his best to hold in his sobs. He didn't want the person sitting next to him to hear him.
The bus started moving and Jimmie tensed so fast his muscles literally hurt. Surreptitiously, he looked over at the seat next to his. It was empty. He rekaxed all at once and let out a long shaky and hiccupy exhale. Thank God for small mercies. No that he began full out sobbing, but he was a lot less tense and on guard while he cried. Jimmie looked out the window at the moving scenery as he thought about what he was leaving behind, about what he hoped awaited him at the capital, about why he was leaving in the first place.
Never once had it occurred to him that leaving, exploring, seeing the world, would hurt this much.
He hoped fervently that it got easier as the years went by.
Prompt: 3. Write about leaving home.
Previous Day Next Day
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95zintheirownworld · 3 years
Tae making Interviews about Jimin
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“Can I go back to talking about Jimin?” is rlly Tae’s mood 24/7 and I don’t blame him
for my dear anon
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there really Are a lot to enjoy but im including in this post only my Favorite instances. im working on a “vmin interviews” post with all the times vmin have talked about eo in interviews so pls look forward to that as well
right. On To The Compilation
i think we should start off with this one simply bcuz of how random it was?? and tae just slipped it in with ease while talking about how the grand central On performance was special to them
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from the Same interview. tae not being able to shut up about jimin’s intro in BST. both jinmin were so ??!!?!? over it
when bst was first brought up in the interview:
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after everyone finished talking:
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my man said head empty jimin only!
this jimmy fallon interview??
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fallon: V, what were you like in high school
tae: GLAD you asked. so jimin was brilliant and he always woke me up
more from the same interview
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he’s SO funny
this is old but also SO EXTREMELY FUNNY
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fan: waxing poetic about his encounter with tae
tae: thanks. i was on a date with jiminie
LIKE?!?!!?!? im in agreement with joon here TAEEE
also the vmin gucci sweater makes this X10000 times more precious
interviewer: what did you do in your spare time
tae: yes, jiminie, what have You been upto *heart eyes, hold hands
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on this note, why Were they holding hands for a solid minute in this interview
another one from dynamite era! tae just??? randomly turning all the attention to jimin in the middle of the press conference
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this one from let’s bts will Always be funny to me in that tae didn’t have to mention jimin at all????
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interviewer: what does ARMY mean to you
tae: they’re like my close friends BUT OF COURSE JIMIN IS MY ONE AND ONLY FRIEND
ok ;-;-;-;-;--;-;
THIS NEXT ONE you all should Rlly watch the clip for bcuz screenshots dont do it justice 
tae: our grammys performance outfits were so good! ji- namjoon hyung and jiminie looked so good!
jimin: thank you
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this isn’t Strictly an interview, but bts were discussing their performance and there went the jimin stan
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no one:
tae: jimin was great!!!
jimin: thank you
the rest of the members: ...okay moving on
one of everyone’s recent favs
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that was so smooth of YOU, tae 
this next one is only random in that PLS GO READ THE FILM OUT LYRICS  IN QUESTION
kim taehyung, are you in love with your soulmate, pls speak into the mic
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why is it that when it comes to memories in their hearts, vmin only talk about each other 33333
this next one-
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tae ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; “i did it with jimin. i liked these romantic skinship
and the most recent
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interviewer: what feature would you like to have from your colleagues
tae: im glad you asked about my favorite colleague park jimin, the love of my life, the most brilliant man i have ever met-
the way tae didnt even answer the question tho. why ;-;-;-;
some other interview instances where tae Made Sure all the attention was brought to jimin
interviewer: who’s the most playful on set
bts: jin!!!
tae: but also jimin
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tae: “this picture from the lights mv is from when i was waiting for my dearest jimin
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interviewer: so any memories of japan
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interviewer: what’s your favo-
tae: jimin
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does there exist a bigger serendipity fan
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“lets go jiminie!!!!”
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this next one is just cute
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bonus bonus:
i have to include the random ass jimin fansigns. i Have to, u guys
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after a whole year worth of this (yes guys theres more..... ) fans rlly got tired and straight up Asked him 
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ok tae;-;-;-;-;-;
annnd that’s all for this compilation. im sure there are more instances but these are all i could think of off the top of my head.
a more thorough vmin interviews compilation coming soon(-ish!)
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btschooseafic · 3 years
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: Aviva and the boys find out Jin has been sneaking out at night. They decide to follow him to see where he’s going.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. [Masterlist]
Track 14: Jin’s night out
I Don’t Wanna Dance-COIN
“I don’t wanna dance
I don’t know how”
“Yoongi-hyung!” Hoseok sang as he entered the living room. “Are you still working, cause Namjoon thinks you might be, and we wanted—” Yoongi shushed him. “Did you just—” Yoongi shushed him again, motioning at the lump on the couch. Hoseok stared until he realized the lump was Aviva curled up under a blanket. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi’s arm and pulled him out of the room. “What’s she doing here? Was that your hoodie she’s wearing? How is she so cute? She’s snoring, but she’s still cute? Why aren’t Namjoon’s snores cute? They’re just loud.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “She brought back Tae and Jimmie late last night, so she stayed over. Yes, that’s my hoodie. No idea. Yes. No idea, agreed.”
Hoseok tilted his head, trying to match all of Yoongi’s answers to the correct questions in his head. “Okay…” He said slowly. “Now that I’m caught up, it’s your turn. Jin-hyung is missing. The kids will be up and hungry soon. And as you know, Namjoon can only cook chicken breasts, and we don’t have any. I don’t feel like cooking, so we were wondering, if you’re not too sleep deprived, would you cook for us? But, if Avi’s here, she’s the better option for sure.”
“Hold on, back up.” Yoongi held his hand up. “What d’you mean hyung is missing?”
They heard what Yoongi was pretty sure was a Linkin Park song playing from the living room, and then Aviva came into the kitchen. Her hair was messy. Yoongi’s hoodie went down to her thighs, with the shorts peeking out underneath, and her bare legs on display under that.
“Hmmm?” She rubbed at her eyes, looking unusually vulnerable with that outfit and no glasses on. “What about Jin-oppa?”
“You’re still half asleep,” Yoongi said, resisting the urge to brush his fingers through her tousled hair. “What woke you? You still have some time before we need to get going…”
“Alarm went off,” she told him. “Have a few things to do before I go.” She squinted at Hoseok. “Hobi? Can you help me iron my clothes from yesterday? I have a meeting to go to, but ironing should help.”
“Aish, did you make a mess again, Avi?” He pulled her into a hug as she grumbled something about him being too warm. “Don’t worry, cutie, I’ll help you get ready.”
Yoongi glared at him. “Keep it clean, Jung Hoseok,” he warned.
After Hoseok helped iron her clothes and Aviva got dressed, she felt more awake. She got started on coffee and breakfast, worried at the news that Jin had been missing since last night.
Apparently, he had been acting strangely recently, at first bugging Hobi to practice whenever there was a spare moment, and then blowing him off when he tried to make some extra time.
“And he’s been going to bed real early too,” Jungkook put in, holding his bowl out for a rice refill. Aviva squinted at him, reminding herself to see if there was a bulk bag of rice on sale at the supermarket.
“Or I guess he’s been saying he’s going to bed and then actually sneaking out,” Jimin figured. “He must have been the creeper we saw sneaking around outside this morning.”
Aviva nodded slowly.
“So, Jiminie, Yoongi-oppa, and Jin-oppa haven’t been sleeping recently...”
Yoongi frowned. “I’ve been taking cat naps on the couch, you hypocrite.”
She waved her hand. “Whatever, it sounds like he’ll be back later in the morning… hopefully. So I can just talk to him tonight after my meeting.”
“But do you think he’s really gonna tell you the truth?” Hoseok wondered. “Jin-hyung is a tough nut to crack, surprisingly.”
“We could follow him when he goes out again tonight,” Jimin suggested.
“Ah! I’ve always wanted to do that!” Taehyung exclaimed, poking Jimin excitedly on the shoulder. “Like we’re spies!” Jimin swatted at him. Taehyung swatted back.
Aviva frowned. “That seems kind of invasive…”
“We’ve spent the last several years all sleeping in one bedroom together—the boundaries get blurred sometimes,” Yoongi admitted.
“I gathered that…” Aviva said, glancing at Jimin and Taehyung, trying not to imagine how they had both fit in that small shower together.
“Yeah...” Jimin giggled. “The first time I met Tae he was only wearing underwear.” Tae slapped him again. Jimin hit him back. Jungkook grabbed their wrists and sighed.
“And that night they both fell asleep latched onto me,” he complained.
“It’s a proven fact that it’s easier to sleep holding onto something... or someone,” Tae told him. He gave Aviva a pointed look.
“Hmmm.” Aviva ignored him, turning to Namjoon. “What do you think, Joon-ah? You’ve been awful quiet this morning…”
“I think Taehyungie should just get a teddy bear,” Namjoon grunted. Hoseok laughed.
Aviva frowned. “No, I meant about Jin-oppa...”
“Namjoon-ah hasn’t been sleeping much either,” Yoongi told her. “But unlike us, he can’t function without sleep.”
“I can!” Namjoon argued, standing up. “I just need an energy drink or some—” He tripped over his own feet, Aviva catching him without looking.
“Ugh. Joonie, maybe you should just take a nap.”
“This proves nothing,” he muttered into her shoulder. “I always trip.”
“That’s not something to be bragging about, Joonie,” Hoseok told him, clearly trying not to laugh again.
That night, they all hid around the side of the building. They saw Jin come out of the dorm, look around and then move down the path, hailing a taxi.
“Quick, noona, get your car and drive us after him,” Tae said, pulling on her arm.
“I couldn’t find parking around here, so I’m a couple blocks away,” she told him.
“Let’s get a taxi too then,” Namjoon suggested, a lot more cognizant after taking a nap like she’d suggested.
“Sure, why not? Let’s waste our budget on spying on our members,” Aviva muttered, sliding into the taxi with them. Namjoon was in the passenger seat up front, keeping a close eye on Jin’s taxi. The taxi driver gave them an odd look in the rearview mirror. Jimin was sitting on Tae’s lap, with Jungkook half on top of Yoongi and half on top of Aviva.
“Yeah, pretty sure this is illegal,” Yoongi said quietly, tapping his fingers against Jungkook’s leg. “Better save some room in the budget to bail us out of jail, manager. Ah, my parents are going to be so disappointed…” Jungkook squirmed. Yoongi gripped his arm. “Stop that.”
“Oh,” Aviva said, as they got out in front of the building Jin had gotten out at. “I recognize this place…”
“It’s the floor space we used to use before Big Hit finished renovating their practice rooms,” Hoseok recalled.
They followed Jin inside. “He really shouldn’t leave the door unlocked behind him,” Aviva thought. “Anybody could get in.”
“Uh-huh.” Yoongi shot her an amused look.
“There’s light on, and music playing,” Hoseok reported from the front of the group. Aviva sped up to walk alongside him. She and Hoseok carefully poked their heads around the open doorway. Aviva smiled slightly at the sight of Jin practicing the routine Hoseok had come up with for their debut.
“So what’s hyung doing?” Hoseok wondered, leaning on her.
“Ah! Hoseok, stop pushing!” Aviva hissed quietly at him, trying not to fall over.
“It’s not me,” Hoseok argued. “Jiminie is—”
Aviva fell into the room with Hoseok on top of her.
“What in the—!” Jin exclaimed. “A thief? I’m going to report—”
“Ugh, get off!” Aviva pushed Hoseok off of her and stood up. “Jin-oppa, it’s just us. We may be idiots, but we’re not thieves.”
“What? Manager-nim? Hoseok-ah? …Did you follow me?”
“Yeah, sorry, I tried to tell them not to,” Aviva said.
“You didn’t try very hard,” Hoseok said, brushing off his shirt. Aviva glared at him. “Anyway, Seokjin-hyung, have you been coming here to practice by yourself every night?”
“I feel like dancing comes so much harder for me… so I need the extra practice,” Jin said quietly. He pressed his hands together. “Can we keep this a secret between the three of us?”
“Ah…” Aviva said awkwardly, trying not to glance back at the door.
“Hyung!” Hoseok shouted. “I’m so sorry. I’ll be your personal tutor! Starting tomorrow—no! Starting right this second.”
“It’s fine, really.” Jin smiled gently at him. “You don’t have to do that.”
“No way! Be sincere or I won’t let go,” Hoseok said, grabbing onto his arm.
“Me too!” Namjoon said, entering the room and grabbing his other arm. “I’ll join you, hyung!”
“N-Namjoon-ah?” Jin stuttered. “How long have you been there?”
“I want to help too!” Jimin said, scurrying in. “Don’t leave me out!”
“What?” Jin’s eyes widened. “Jiminie’s here too?”
“We all came here together,” Aviva confessed. “We were worried about you…” The others came into the room, Jungkook smiling a little sheepishly, Taehyung humming cheerfully, and Yoongi yawning.
Jin’s ears went pink. “Aish, this is embarrassing.”
“Let’s practice together, hyung!” Namjoon said, still pulling on his arm.
“Mission complete!” Taehyung said, striking a pose.
“Okay, let’s take it from the top!” Hoseok said, his teacher voice switching on.
“Ugh, I want to go home and sleep,” Yoongi muttered.
“Me too,” Aviva agreed. “I miss Soonyoungie, and my bed. And clean clothes.”
“Your car is back by our place,” Yoongi reminded her. She groaned.
“Ah, that’s right,” Hoseok said. “Come on, manager, you should follow along with us. It’ll give you a better understanding of dance like you want, and your clothes are way past dirty anyway.”
Hoseok went over the easier parts of the routine with Jin and Tae, while Jimin took Jungkook through some of the more complex moves.
Although he had been one of the first to volunteer, Namjoon was also one of the first to drop out of the practice, suddenly struck by an idea for a new song.
Aviva gave him a few sheets from her notebook, and a pen, and he sat out in the hall, scribbling and rapping to himself.
Yoongi was sitting on the steps outside, the early morning quiet enough for him to record a few bars he’d thought of on his phone.
Aviva stopped at a nearby café to get them all breakfast, mourning the time she would have to spend budgeting to even things out for the rest of the month.
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solplparty · 3 years
BTS (방탄소년단) 'Permission to Dance' @ Global Citizen Live https://youtu.be/DYvrG_X5l8k Credits: Artists: RM, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, Jung Kook ARFILM Director: O Jun Kwon AD: Yun Hyungsik, Jeong Jiwon PA: Mok jihwan, Oh Joonseok, Park Seongho, Yoo Hyeonwoo, Kim Doyeoun DOP: Lee Hangyeol B cam: Kim Hyungyun 1st AC: Ha Jooyoung, Han Yeonghyeon, Lee seongwon, Park seunghyun 2nd AC: Jang byeoungho, Kim Seunghui, Shin Jaehyeop DIT: Yu byeongyong 3rd AC: Lee Suyoung, Park Sangwook Gaffer: Jeong Junhyuk 1st Assistant: Yang Junmin, Kim Taeyoung 2nd Assistant: Kim Hyunggyun, Kim Daehong 3rd Assistant: Choi Jihyun, Park Chiwan, Kim Byungjong 4th Assistant: kim Byungjong, Lee Yegun 5th Assistant: Heo Unjae Jimmy Jib A: Kim Youngjung 1st Assistant: Kim Hyunin 2nd Assistant: Kim Sunghoon Jimmy Jib B: Ji Seunghyeon 1st Assistant: Bing Jeonghyeon 2nd Assistant: Kim Junhui ART: Jang Zezeen Assistant: Noh Jisu, Kim Yejin Show Light: JSHOW COMPANY, Jun Sungkang Choi Minseok, Bang Yebum, Jeong Junho, Han Jiwoong, Kwon Yerim, Kang Haeyoung, Lee Junsoo, Jung Yena, Lee Myeongjun Special Effect: Maximum, Park Yoseop Assistant: Chae Hogeun, Kim Gwangsu, Jee Huiyeong, Lee Cheonhui, An Chiseop, Kwon Yongtae 2D remove: Kim Minjun DI: Lucid Colour Colorist: Ko Wonseok Color Grade: Ko Wonseok, Lee Seonyoung DI Crew: Jeon Hwadong, Kim Minjeong, Baek Jaeyeon, Na Somi, Kim Dain, Park Sujeong, Kim Daseul, Hong Serae, Oh Jeongmin DI Producer: Hyun Sooyun Global Communications: Jinho Jeong, Rachel Um, Mina Kang, Jennie Lee, Daniella Kim, Jieun Lee, Judy Jang Performance Directing: Son Sung Deuk, Lee Byung Eun, Yoon Seong Eun, Woo Hyun Woo, Hyewon Park A&R: Nicole Kim, Gia Lim, Daye Shin, Joongsup Um SoundLab: Yang Ga, Jeong Woo Yeong, Jeon Bu Yeon, Son Yu Jeong Visual Creative: Lee Sun Kyoung, Kim Ga Eun Makeup Artist: Kim Da Reum, Seo Yuri, Kim Seon Min Hair Stylist: Mujin Choi, Han Som, Lee Da Eun, Lim Lee Young Stylist: Kim Young Jin, Kim Ye Song, Kim Bong Kyu, Shin Sang Cheol, Kim Min Ji Artist Management: Jang Jin Gu, Kim Su Bin, Lee Jung Min, An Da Sol, Park Jun Tae, Lee Seung Byung, Jeong Dae Seong, Jeong Tae Jin Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://i.youku.com/btsofficial http://btsblog.ibighit.com BANGTANTV
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sturlsons · 5 years
one anon sent me an ask about if all of my fic locations were based on real life locations but i deleted it like a dumbass so i’m sending it to myself
secret i do this all the time when i accidentally delete shit bc i’m actually really good at remembering the exact wording of asks but it’s 8 AM so
HI. so okay, most of the locations i refer to in fic are based at least loosely off places i’ve been to in real life. i’m assuming you’re talking about things like bars and restaurants etc ofc. 
in petersburg - the whole thing is set in stras so Every. single thing is real. eren and armin’s apartment is based off an apartment down the street from where i used to live, though i barely describe it. it’s near the main station. (i don’t usually describe living spaces a lot. tbh i barely describe anything i’m very curious about ur question actually.) jean’s apartment is near gallia and based off the ex-apartment that my friends oscar and hernan used to share. i wrote some scenes while getting trashed at theirs. the boat bar in which jean calls eren shorty and ymir is like, serving tequila or something, is barco latino. it used to be off the quais of gallia but it’s at rivetoile now. the cathedral is, well, the cathedral. the cafe is based off a now-closed cafe next to our physics institute. 
jaywalkers - so funnily enough, the Iconic vertigo and le petit whatever are actually just built from scratch. vertigo gets its name from an actual club called vertigo in grenoble that i either never went to or have no memory of going - it’s just special to me because my first real night out, this girl i met kept saying we should go there because it’s lit. le petit bum is possibly lowkey based off this chain of cafés we have in india called café coffee day, because those are really cozy if you ignore the demanding indian metropolis sprawling outside. very warm colours, couches, all that. but yeah. also, i know it’s impossible basically anywhere let alone metropolitan japan but in my head le petit cube is just that. a cube. like. this cafe in the middle of a parking lot kinda thing, not attached to any other building or anything. improbable? yes. but what are u gonna do. kill me. ANYWAY all this to say that jaywalkers which is like arguably my Biggest Thing is actually not based off anything, it was funny enough that i had to mention it here. that being said the library tsukki studies in is based off the library of my faculty. 
heretic - tsukki’s apartment is based off the apartment of the architect who designed my house in india. kuroo’s place is designed after the first apartment i have a memory of, from my childhood, where i lived for about three or four years. funnily enough, every time i imagine an apartment for kuroo and tsukki, it ends up being that one. the apartment in ephemerides, the one they used to share in moonfall, and even the one they’ll own later in jaywalkers. anyway. the club in heretic is based off this random club i went to in prague when i was trashed. don’t ask me the name, i don’t even know how i was standing on two legs at that point. 
s;b - oooh so AGAIN, my childhood apartment. jimin and jk’s place is based off it. i think there’s something about the design that just made so much sense to me. taehyung’s penthouse is imaginary i’ve never been to a penthouse lel. gd and tabi’s mansion is based off our country house in the woods of south gujarat. taejin’s engagement thing hotel is real. kibum and CL’s club is like a much larger version of a bar we have in stras called le 21. blue lights, very chic, etc. boongi’s club is based off this place in grenoble called the phoenix, but like, smaller and greener lel. 
11:58:30 - suho’s place is based off someone’s country house but i cannot remember who, definitely somewhere in india. we’ve got chemistry is one hundred percent our chemistry faculty’s bar. 
buttergingers - FUCK i meant fingers but that’s funny i’ll keep it. seokjin’s is based off a cafe we have in stras called oh my goodness. soooo fucking cute. 
poppy seeds - vmin’s apartment is based off my ex’s apartment, minus the fact that q and his roomies were. Special and had a collection of stolen street signs, a giant traffic cone that they use to gather bottle caps, and also one metal horse pogo kinda thing that they stole from a playground. so none of that. but definitely the apartment. same-ish apartment used for that hopekook fic where jungkook’s a giant theatre nerd. i basically default to this apartment for all extreme party situations in fic bc that’s what we still do when we go there. he lives with two girls now so it’s much more Sensible but that apartment is HAUNTED. anyway. that board game singing kinda cafe they go to is a combination of two of my favourite places in grenoble, kfee des jeux and brown’s which has since closed down. biggest tragedy of my life. 
that namjin indie cafe fic - so seokjin’s cafe is just a tiny generic indie cafe but namjoon’s cafe is based off this like place in stras that has since closed down/switched owners so the decor is nothing like it, but basically this place was a front for a secret bar like it’d always be empty and you’d go to the bouncer like table for 3 and he’ll look you in the eyes like We’re Full Sorry and you’re like what. i actually did that 4 times before i found out it’s a secret bar and you have to like waggle your eyebrows and go table for 3 UPSTAIRS and they let you up the stairs and you can enter if you figure out 1) where the door is 2) how to open it. fun times. it’s a great bar, it’s called moonshiners. BEST. COCKTAILS. EVER. 
rockstar fic - ehhh. the system is based off a bar in stras called delirium. i actually fucking hate delirium lel you can barely hear yourself bc it’s so huge and filled w ppl talking. they serve you piña coladas in coconut shells though and there’s this bartender called martin or marvin or MATHIEU THAT’S IT who will give you haribo if you ask nicely. the hotel they stay at is based off the hyatt at jeju. i mean it IS the hyatt. i just didn’t mention it bc like that’s whatever. kth’s studio is based off that one really cozy studio that coke studio pakistan often films in. i think it’s in laage re nain by ayesha something. also JIMMY’S. based off jimmy’s bar in strasbourg. beautiful. i lived practically across from it until last week, just moved. but i’m only 2 minutes further i literally moved like 500m away, life is good.
tuesday wednesday - ok so nothing special here but like their first Battle Moment on campus is definitely on my campus. in general if i vaguely mention Campus™ somewhere outside jaywalkers, you can rest assured that i mean EXACTLY this area: 
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SO YES THERE YOU HAVE IT. now as a bonus for Big Boy it’s based in seoul (which i haven’t been to) but for the most part in paris (which i have been to and like lived in) and for The Most part the louvre. bonus appearances from moscow, st petersburg, new york, tokyo, and singapore. taehyung’s apartment is.........hilariously based on the apartment i just moved to. it’s hilarious because when i started writing (it opens at his apartment) i.....hadn’t seen this apartment yet? but i visualised it perfectly and when i saw it irl i was like oh it’s you. so fun times. 
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peach-chimm · 7 years
Warmth radiated from the bright sun, sending a wave of heat through my body. A cool wind washed over the trees, their lush green leaves swaying softly in the gentle breeze. The sky was an endless stretch of baby blue, cloudless and beautiful. Busan’s weather was perfect. Perfect for drawing. My messenger bag was slung over one shoulder, which contained various shades of colored pencils, a charcoal pencil, and my beloved sketchpad. I’d gotten into art during my freshman year, and it soon turned from being a meaningless hobby to an ideal pastime. On sunny days, like today, I’d go to my local park, sit under the shade of the tallest tree, and draw my surroundings. It always soothed any nerves that came to me during the day. Drawing was a way for me to express myself freely. I sat underneath my usual tree and immediately got started on drawing the pink flowers that were scattered among the tall blades of forest green grass. Nature was my favorite thing to draw, solely because it was always changing. It never stayed the same. Some days it could be as peaceful as a dove, and on others, it could be as wild as a hurricane. The park was deserted, and I usually had it to myself. And while the silence was comforting, I still wished that I could hear the laughs of innocent children or the soft chirps of birds. As my charcoal pencil moved across the stark white sheet of my sketchpad, I thought about how my life was boring. Nothing really happened. I went to school and if the weather wasn’t cooperating with me, I’d go home. Taehyung, my best friend, lived in Daegu, and we talked when we could. Either than that, I rarely saw him. I kept my distance from the other kids at school; they were all too outgoing for my liking. My parents had passed away months ago, and none of my relatives had enough time to take care of me. So, I lived alone in a decent apartment a few blocks away from my school. I had no interest in befriending anyone at school. Really, I was fine by myself. Company wasn’t something I desperately needed, but if I happened to get some, it wouldn’t be a problem for me. I heard soft footsteps coming towards me, and I looked up from my sketchpad to see who’d approached me. My mouth immediately went dry, as if I’d swallowed sandpaper. Goodness. He was breathtakingly gorgeous. He had raven hair, pale skin, and plump pink lips that were dying to be kissed. His eyes were the color of melted chocolate. He was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a loose white shirt, a light blue denim jacket, and tan boots. In his hands was a worn black notebook with an Iron Man sticker on the cover. A black pen was tucked behind one ear. “Is it ok if I sit here?” He asked, his voice soft. His voice sent a shiver down my spine, and oh my god, it was beautiful. I nodded, scooting over to make room. He sent me a small smile and settled down next to me, his back pressed up against the rough bark of the tree. He opened the notebook and, balancing it on his lap, began writing, the pen moving furiously across the page. Up close, the boy was even more attractive. Long eyelashes brushed his brow bone, and two silver hoops hung on his ears, glinting in the sunlight. He made me want to paint thousands of portraits, in order to capture his beauty. I’d never met a boy this beautiful. Blushing furiously, I tore my gaze away from him and looked down at my sketchpad. The silence between us was like fog, thick and heavy. Letting out a deep breath, I cleared my throat and said”H-hi, I’m Jimin. What’s your name?” The boy stopped writing and turned towards me, an adorable smile plastered on his face. It made my heart melt. His smile reminded me of a bunny. Geez, I’d barely known this boy and he already had me weak at the knees. “Jungkook. Nice to meet you.” Jungkook. It suited him. We managed to make small talk, and I was able to find out that Jungkook lived not too far away from my apartment and that he too, lived alone. His favorite color was red. Red. The color that I associated with fierceness and roses. We talked for hours, and he even agreed to let me sketch him. So, he sat there, looking absolutely breathtaking, and watched intently as my pencil moved swiftly across the paper, capturing all his features. And when the drawing was finally done, I turned it around to show Jungkook, and to my relief, that adorable bunny smile appeared on his face. “You’re really good at drawing, Jimin. Maybe you’ll be a professional artist one day.” My cheeks flushed scarlet. “Yeah, m-maybe one day.” And before we parted ways, he asked if it was alright if we met up here again. “Yes, I’d really like that.” Jungkook smirked and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss on my cheek. “See you tomorrow Jiminie.” And with a wink, he was gone, leaving me with flushed cheeks and my heart pounding wildly. Jungkook isn’t just beautiful. He’s intriguing, and I wanted to get to know him even better. As I walked home, I couldn’t help but smile. I finally had someone who enjoyed my company. And it happened to be in the form of a gorgeous boy. Tomorrow was going to be a great day. I couldn’t wait to see Jungkook again. A/N: sorry if this is bad, I came up with it on the spot lol 😂 Proud of BTS bc they’re going to be on ELLEN, JIMMY KIMMEL, and performing at the AMAS!!! Look at my precious babies I’m so proud 😭😍 - @peachtaee
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solplparty · 3 years
BTS (방탄소년단) 'Butter' @ Global Citizen Live https://youtu.be/wlIl2kpnFA8 Credits: Artists: RM, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, Jung Kook ARFILM Director: O Jun Kwon AD: Yun Hyungsik, Jeong Jiwon PA: Mok jihwan, Oh Joonseok, Park Seongho, Yoo Hyeonwoo, Kim Doyeoun DOP: Lee Hangyeol B cam: Kim Hyungyun 1st AC: Ha Jooyoung, Han Yeonghyeon, Lee seongwon, Park seunghyun 2nd AC: Jang byeoungho, Kim Seunghui, Shin Jaehyeop DIT: Yu byeongyong 3rd AC: Lee Suyoung, Park Sangwook Gaffer: Jeong Junhyuk 1st Assistant: Yang Junmin, Kim Taeyoung 2nd Assistant: Kim Hyunggyun, Kim Daehong 3rd Assistant: Choi Jihyun, Park Chiwan, Kim Byungjong 4th Assistant: kim Byungjong, Lee Yegun 5th Assistant: Heo Unjae Jimmy Jib A: Kim Youngjung 1st Assistant: Kim Hyunin 2nd Assistant: Kim Sunghoon Jimmy Jib B: Ji Seunghyeon 1st Assistant: Bing Jeonghyeon 2nd Assistant: Kim Junhui Show Light: JSHOW COMPANY, Jun Sungkang Choi Minseok, Bang Yebum, Jeong Junho, Han Jiwoong, Kwon Yerim, Kang Haeyoung, Lee Junsoo, Jung Yena, Lee Myeongjun Special Effect: Maximum, Park Yoseop Assistant: Chae Hogeun, Kim Gwangsu, Jee Huiyeong, Lee Cheonhui, An Chiseop, Kwon Yongtae 2D remove: Kim Minjun DI: Lucid Colour Colorist: Ko Wonseok Color Grade: Ko Wonseok, Lee Seonyoung DI Crew: Jeon Hwadong, Kim Minjeong, Baek Jaeyeon, Na Somi, Kim Dain, Park Sujeong, Kim Daseul, Hong Serae, Oh Jeongmin DI Producer: Hyun Sooyun Global Communications: Jinho Jeong, Rachel Um, Mina Kang, Jennie Lee, Daniella Kim, Jieun Lee, Judy Jang Performance Directing: Son Sung Deuk, Lee Byung Eun, Yoon Seong Eun, Woo Hyun Woo, Hyewon Park A&R: Nicole Kim, Gia Lim, Daye Shin, Joongsup Um SoundLab: Yang Ga, Jeong Woo Yeong, Jeon Bu Yeon, Son Yu Jeong Visual Creative: Lee Sun Kyoung, Kim Ga Eun Makeup Artist: Kim Da Reum, Seo Yuri, Kim Seon Min Hair Stylist: Mujin Choi, Han Som, Lee Da Eun, Lim Lee Young Stylist: Kim Young Jin, Kim Ye Song, Kim Bong Kyu, Shin Sang Cheol, Kim Min Ji Artist Management: Jang Jin Gu, Kim Su Bin, Lee Jung Min, An Da Sol, Park Jun Tae, Lee Seung Byung, Jeong Dae Seong, Jeong Tae Jin Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://i.youku.com/btsofficial http://btsblog.ibighit.com BANGTANTV
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