#you have mail ( asks )
buwheal · 25 days
Damn, Spam, did the cake taste that bad? - bad joke. Sorry you're havin' a rough day. We're here if you need to talk, or if you just need a distraction.
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kiitoskiitos · 7 months
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You can now buy my zine Mutilation grindset in my etsy store!!
It includes comics, essays and more. Many liked classics from me and also plenty new stuff only included in this zine. Read all the specifics in the item listing. Thank you for your support!
>>>link to store<<<
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soracities · 2 months
traveling to see a long distance lover in a few months and we're both about 5'4.. its symmetry of the heart! its completing a matching set after 20 years! its fitting over each other like milkcrates! its our shadows lining up! its picking same-sized clothes to exchange so we can still hold each other after i go! im in love and its my scariest secret! i am in love!!!!!
anon this is..........i am..............oh my godddd 😭
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
How do the girls get along
Pretty great actually!
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Jenny and Kim are very good/close friends, since they met relatively early compared to others (they actually met each other first out of everyone, then others at one point and another) and had a shared adventure sometime after the ends of their respective shows (wink wonk).
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But, their first meeting was not actually very um, positive. There was some conflict, but after it was resolved both of them gained a very solid friend for life!
Jenny, was glad to meet someone else (beside Brad) who treated her like a person/normal teenager (instead of an 8th wonder of the world or a freaky robot) and not to mention she got a fellow superheroine girl friend! After Misty, she kind of missed having someone like that to kick butt with (considering that like, 70% of her friends are dudes) or just hang out.
Kim was fascinated by Jenny, not because she is a robot (tho she does think its pretty cool) but because it kind of gave her a contrast to her own life in a weird way? Like, Kim was a normal teenager who got into superheroing on accident and just went with it, while Jenny was created with a goal of being Earth's defender but rebeled to have some sort of normal life. And now they both live those weird semi-normal lives, that led them to meeting each other.
Jun is around 5-6 years their junior and while they met each other much later on, when Jun was a little older (like not 11-12 age of the show), she still kind of looked up to them and both Jenny and Kim felt an instant kinship with the girl.
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Before she met Jenny and Kim, Jun only knew a couple other guys as fellow heroes/magical protectors (guess who ;D lol), and while she had plenty of female role models (Ama/Jasmine being the most prominent) and friends, she kind of enjoyed meeting some cool older superheroines to bond with! It also helped that despite the age difference, both Jenny and Kim never looked down at her when it came to superheroing/fighting, but respected her abilities and expertise (considering that Jun was practically an apprentice to her Ama since at least 8-9ish of age, when her powers first awakened, she has a lot of experience).
They both are kind of like cool older cousins to her, who travel a lot for their work and come visit to hang out often and tell/share stories about their adventures. Their and her lines of work while similar, also run in completely different circles (human/interplanetary vs magical/supernatural), so its always a treat to hear about the things they do.
(And yes sometimes she feels jealous about the fact that both of them get to travel all over the world, and despite the developments, more often than not she has to stay town locked and limit her excursions to magical realms.)
Silly thing, but Jun absolutely adores Jenny, for one simple fact that she can travel to space just like that (she and Danny, fellow astronaut/space fans, share that, despite the fact that Danny kinda can travel to space just like that too.)
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Im gonna be honest i dont see why everyone always jumps to "ohh but if animal people then how meat and what pet". Do those people live in a world where monkeys do not exist. where humans are the only primate. or do they live in a world where monkeys and apes are uncomfortable and strange to look at. no. there is no dilemma here. a normal chicken is to cocksley what a lemur is to you or i. those fools will not survive the winter
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newlifeau-askblog · 1 month
Kinito! You! Say hi to your partners right now! /Pos
(by the way hi Mike !!!!)
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Hi Jake !!
(whish there was a lighter purple I'm always scared this fluo purple is hard to read with the dark/blue Tumblr theme)
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crepusculum-rattus · 6 months
so i'm seeing you have some knowledge of philza's hc world. i started watching philza like four months ago and there's a Lot of s4. do you happen to have any vod recommendations for getting into the s4 lore because i would have to stop sleeping or going to work if i were gonna try and catch up with everything lmao
trying to watch all s4 vods would definitely feel Never Ending BUT!!!!!!!! for some quick ways to get into the lore, and get more understanding of what happened on the qsmp today, i have a few things for u!!!
hc s4 presentation by @greaterspawnislands (who is also a good person to ask abt lore in general!!)
& THIS >>> hc s4 lore carrd
i don’t entirely Suggest this if u don’t have the time, BUT if u Rlly wanted to watch from the start of s4, philza does have his hardcore series 4 playlist on youtube! (HOWEVER i should warn you he has not updated it in a long time, and will likely never update it again. but its fun to see the start of it all imo)
also!!!! most philza mains r more than happy to talk abt hc s4 lore cause we r always Waiting to talk more abt it >:3
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Being friends with Rin, hugging him as a form of greeting used to be quick yet warm. However, as time goes by, you noticed his hugs are becoming longer and tight as minutes go by (still warm though nonetheless), not to mention, during your hugs, he would rest his head between your neck and shoulder you could've sworn you heard him sniffing your perfume or whatever and he would sigh in relief afterwards.
"Hey (fem!reader)! Isagi is looking for you!"
Letting go from his embrace for a brief moment so you can go towards the voice, you replied: "Oh, okay! I'll be right over--!!" He unconsciously hugged your figure tighter and would elicit a displeased response when his time with you was disturbed.
My mind can't stop pondering about a jealous Rin throughout the day 😔
ooohhhhh he's def so jealous of the person he's finally allowed himself to be so comfortable with :(( ! he knows it's dumb and irrational, that you're friends with the whole team anyways and so he shouldn't be getting any special treatment. he knows he cannot bind you down. but he cannot help the way his cheeks warm up and a coil tightens in his chest, familiar frustration bubbling whenever you give him a small smile when you pull away to skip over to one of the guys :(
"what are you doing?" you let out a small laugh as he noses at the side of your neck, giving your waist a firm squeeze that makes your chest feel funny.
he shrugs a bit, as much as your arms wrapped around his neck allow him to, "y'smell good. is that some new perfume?"
he mumbles under his breath, the typical cool tone to his voice but there's something about him noticing the new scent that makes you feel so fuzzy :( you pull away slightly and his hold on you loosens as well. looking up, you give him a sheepish smile, "yeah, do you like it?"
you know rin for years now, having been around the team for a long time considering your field of work, but you've never seen the rin itoshi blush </3 (he does it a lot around you, no matter how hard he tries to fight it off. you're just in such a rush all the time, you miss out on seeing the flustered expression.) it suits him, looks so sweet on his aloof features and it makes your heart skip a bit.
"mm. it's sweet." he breathes, a hand moving to rub at the back of his neck, eyes scurrying away from your observant stare. "suits you well."
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smokbeast · 5 months
I find myself YELLING at how AWESOME your art is.
ALSO THE HEIGHT OF YOUR NIGHTMARE IS LIKE-?! SO TALL /POS I LOVE IT AND I'M ALSO KINDA SCARED OF THAT- Legit so many short people around 5'0 on this app are gonna have to stare so far up just to see his face unless they're standing on like- one of those really tall tables you might see in a school lab classroom.
I wish you a great life full of happiness and everything good ✨️✨️✨️
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how we feelin
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(gif by @usermeggy)
pain. I feel pain
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pinkinsect · 5 days
blue lockers having access to hair dye and nail polish inside the facility is actually fascinating given the state of the rest of their accommodations
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buwheal · 2 months
I am sorry.. most of us don’t really want to upset you, sometimes we don’t understand what we say is stupid or offensive, really
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* (He doesn't even read it.)
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skunkes · 5 months
Im sosorry to say this and it's maybe the sleep deprivation but your art looks like RCDart. I'm so sirry
i used to get this a lot when i was in high school bc i had an oc with hair that looked like how they drew a characters hair, and i could see it
No It Doesn't. Actually.
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What is your favorito couple?
Hmmmmm today I’d say these two:
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darkwood-sleddog · 3 months
working with the public or as i like to call it "baby boomer babysitter club"
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ch3rie-pop · 5 months
Oh boy, I’m unbothered by my family right now so I can DO ANYTHING!!!
So let’s make ART gang!
(a little p.s. if you plan on joining, please keep it SFW and lighthearted as a majority of my friends and mutuals are minors. Otherwise, be silly! Go crazy! LET’S MAKE A PIECE THAT RIVALS THE SCHOOL OF ATHENS!/j)
@allister-1903929 @satanic-witchcraft @stinging-metal @sincerecinnamon @imactuallysoup @paper-starz @boosterstudio @motherarts @lildeadmexican @chillerexidy @celestial-bell-drop @kodared @artblockedgremlin @eddiebanana @purpleart00 @lyric-abaddon @ab-art-07 @vixezn @nyxus-nyx @bloody--paws @plastirk @mindfulweather @alcoholicbreadohere @rockstar-ruby @willowwillflower @pordmug @taikokosblog @mockhound @nebulaarts
I’ve added my mutuals and followers to this list because yes -w-
However! If you just so happen to stumble upon this and would like to join that’s perfectly fine too! Simply adhere to the rules and you are good to go ^^
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