#you want me to tag anti bellarke or anti clexa
zenon-karr · 1 month
People ‘hating’ every interaction with Tommy is bad? but it was okay when it was the female love interests? How are people criticizing buddie shippers for doing what everyone has done this whole time with the female love interests and is what most shippers do? I mean as long as people aren’t going on and hating on you or other fans what the problem? Just sayin’ I think it would be sexist if you only criticized the female love interests? I think that people willing to criticize a white man that kissed another man is proof people didn’t just hate the female love interests if you get me?
Policing people’s behavior to themselves and fellow people who agree with them is toxic Imo and cross tagging and sending harassment and hate is the only thing that makes fandoms toxic. People can criticize characters whatever all they want. Idk I feel over criticism of buddies in the buddie tag is frustrating recently and for the same things everyone else does and that every shipper ever has always done. If people just saying make them a couple over and over sure you may be annoyed at seeing it but think here nobody has been threatened and nobody is sending hate. I just think it is common sense you go onto a ship tag you are going to find criticism of the opposing ship or person in that opposing ship. Which sucks yes for multi shippers but you have to understand that policing opinions is also not cool. Nobody is saying you have to agree w the Tommy criticism. And definitely I hope people don’t tag Tommy because fans of bucktommy and Tommy should be able to see the tags free from negativity bc that’s what anti tags are for! You can see this posts and block the shipper bc obviously if they don’t like your ship they’re not for you anyway. I say this as a person who shipped clexa and bellarke in the 100 people will not like your ship and criticize the love interest that conflict with the one they ship. Like is just the way it is. You can’t control other people’s opinions but you can block if it’s not for you. Sincerely a new buddie. I think mainly I’m saying peoples criticism is making you treat mlm and buddies different than anyone else and it’s kinda irking me. Ignore if you disagree is not meant to be mean is just vent.
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rivertalesien · 2 years
Just try the anti elden ring tag?! Generally with fandom you want to put positive stuff in the main tag, and negative stuff in the anti tag. That way if you want to read positive stuff you click the tag, if you want to read negative stuff you click the anti tag. Kinda like the 100 fans should put positive clexa stuff in the clexa tag, and if they’re anti-clexa then they need to use the anti-clexa tag, because I don’t want to try to enjoy what I like but see people invading the tag! (And if I want to enjoy a roast, I can search anti-bellarke 😇)
(And sure, discussions and differing opinions are great. But that’s when people probably need to touch grass because I’m on tumblr for a good time, not to argue and debate on what I enjoy/don’t enjoy)
I'm not here to manage anyone else's experience or to police it. If you're an adult, you should be able to handle a mature, considered opinion on a topic or ignore it altogether. You don't have to engage with anything you don't want to.
This business with "anti" tagging has always bothered me. Sharing ourselves, our opinions, our likes and dislikes, our work, is how we connect with others. There is always a risk involved: a risk of seeing something you don't care for. Always a risk of someone opening your mind to another point of view.
I do care that some of you are very keen to make sure opinions you don't like aren't widely available or stuck in tag ghetto where it can be ignored/forgotten/left to abuse by those of bad faith.
If we're all acting in good faith, seeking connection and understanding, should we really be telling others you don't belong here? Members only?
You get to decide if I'm acting in good/bad faith and you can choose to not engage with my content based on what you believe.
I think this has gone so far from just a simple bit of venting over the frustration with the design/mechanics of this game (how is that "anti?" or "spewing hate?") and what was BS with Clexa/Bellarke on occasion, is BS here, too.
If you believe in good faith, and yourself, know that anyone who is expressing criticism of something isn't doing so to merely hate: there is nuance in people's lives that isn't easily captured in a blog post.
I love games. I wanted to love Elden Ring. I didn't. I wish and hope for better.
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fila-fila · 4 years
Reading anti clexa post under the clexa tag just makes me giggle now. It used to piss me off but now it's a just a source of serotonin boost for me.
Bellarkes can talk all they want about the what ifs, the should have, the could have and the would have but its still not going to make any difference to the CANON finale. So you all should honestly just take your L and the cookies that you sent to the writers and ..... well I dont actually know but then I dont really care.
They're not on here but special shoutout to Johnathan, Elscaf, Yana, Chloe and LIB. Hope you enjoyed wasting 7 years waiting for a het ship to happen 👍
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reading backlogs of your blog... jesus you were a bitter asshole about murven, weren’t you? so annoyed and mad at people wanting it to be endgame or canon. when like, why should that have mattered to your and your friends? can people not want things? all your condescending little posts about “ship it if you want, but never ever ask for canon or endgame”. girl, people are just trying to have fun and all you ever did was try to make it into clexa vs bellarke 2.0
Hi, anon. I know. I’ve said many times that I really regret how petty and mean I had gotten at times in this fandom and that I wasn’t proud of it. I don’t even know why it got so heated in season 5, but I swear the entire fandom was just mad at each other and arguing all the time and I wasn’t helping any.
I’ve done my best since then to do better. I’m still going to critique ships/things I don’t like about the show because this blog is my place to just kind of vent about those, but there was no reason to start arguments. I’ve tried to use anti tags better since then so that people who are having fun liking their own ship don’t have to read my posts disliking it.
Honestly, I don’t know why season 5 was just like that in the fandom. I don’t know why it got so under my skin. But I do regret ever getting angry at real people just for liking the ship. There were people trying to pick fights deliberately, but that wasn’t the whole ship fandom and I wasn’t helping anything on my end by joining in the arguments.
I do want to clarify that never ask for endgame thing, though, because I still do say it about things and I KNOW I have used it condescendingly in the past (especially when technically my own ship is endgame/canon), but I do still stand by one aspect of that, though I’m definitely trying not to still be argumentative or condescending when I use it. What I mean when I say it NOW is that shippers can ship whatever they want, but liking a ship and even finding moments in the show that seem to read one way to you or inform your view of the ship don’t necessarily mean that they are intended a certain way by the creators. They’re not proof of anything being intended to be canon or heading towards endgame and that’s just good to keep in mind mostly so you don’t disappoint yourself thinking you know where the writing is going, when really we don’t know what the creators/writers really intend until they say it or it goes there. That aspect of what I said I still think is true, but I ALSO know I have used it in a condescending way when I felt like my ship was “winning” the canon wars or whatever. I only want to clarify it because that’s a belief I still hold and might say on occasion, and I don’t want me saying it now to be confused with the moments when I have used it in a petty way.
I don’t know what to say anon other than I know I’ve been pointlessly petty in this fandom and something about s5 really brought the worst out in me and encouraged so much nastiness in so much of the fandom and I didn’t help any by adding to it.
I’m not proud of it. I still don’t like Murven and never will and still really dislike a lot of the anti-Emori arguments I saw wrapped in Murven/Memori debates or the romanticizing of Murphy hurting Raven and don’t agree with those takes, but even that wasn’t any reason to get nasty or condescending or act like I know better than people who like a different ship than me. I don’t know. I’ve tried to do better. I still fail because I’m human.
Honestly at this point I’ve blocked or been blocked by most Murven shippers and maybe it’s for the best because clearly we just don’t like each other’s content, but I genuinely do apologize to any other fans I pissed off during my time in this fandom.
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float-me-now · 4 years
created by @johnmurphysreddit saw it in @kittinoir's blog
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
1. What are your primary topics?
Mainly The 100, I occasionally post stuff about Mr Robot, Harry Potter, Gintama and Haikyuu!!, I also like music (mostly metal but not only) and nature, so expect to find something like that too, and everything that I find right to share :)
2. What tags should a visitor check?
I have quite a precise tagging system because I'm a pretty obsessive person lol. Regarding The 100, I tag posts referring to the characters featured in the post and the season I'm talking about. Cast and behind the scenes stuff are tagged accordingly. I've recently found out about the "stan vs anti" culture, and even though I call myself a "Murphy stan" to express my love for the character, I do not support "anti culture": to me, it's more like writing/reblogging critique, thoughts and rants because I'm passionate about something, not because I want to spread hate. However, I will tag some of my posts as "anti" if I write/reblog something that could be seen as "not character friendly".
3. What do you love about The 100?
Oh boy!
- First of all, I love the concept: survival, radiation-soaked planets, difficult decisions, morals, fight-or-die situations, discarded youth who become the saviors of the human race.
- Then, good fight and action scenes (and some well-presented violence), no random sex scenes to lure a certain kind of audience.
- The costumes. Absolutely love the looks.
- Different cultures, a *freaking* new language.
- The beautiful sceneries and effects, sci-fi stuff, complex different plots that are all linked together.
- Powerful women and a bit of LGBT representation, complex characters.
- The freaking PARALLELS guys. I live for that stuff.
- The featured songs and OSTs (I discovered some great artists while watching the series).
- John Murphy, because of all he is, and the other epic characters I'm not sure how I'll live without (Raven, Bellamy, Roan, Octavia, only to name some).
- The cast. I've never had the pleasure to meet them, but they all seem like really fun, nice and loving people. I've watched some videos about conventions and they look like an awesome group!
- The talented part of the fandom that blesses us all with edits, gifs, fanarts and so on :')
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
- Bad character writing (see Bellamy Blake in season 6). Luckily, it doesn't happen often throughout the series. Same goes for some dialogues that are absolutely stupid (see some of Bellamy and Clarke's lines in 1x04 or 1x10).
- Abby Griffin and her "holier than thou" attitude even if she's the literally the character who acts in the most selfish way throughout the show. Also, her ridiculous tendency to make decisions involving other people's lives without considering the facts but just what "she hopes" (mostly season 1). If you are responsible for other people's lives you can't base your decisions on hope, it's ludicrous.
- Clarke Griffin. Not her in particular, and there were many moments in which I really liked her! More like the atmosphere of "we can't do anything without Clarke-she's the most important person in the world-she can do no wrong". I mean yes, she's the main character but there are many other characters that have beautiful and important qualities and overlooking them to focus on Clarke constantly is pretty ridiculous. And there ARE moments in which she made bad decisions, and it's not wrong to call her out for that, she's human. Instead, she's always praised and deemed to be this faultless, perfect hero.
- Sometimes, some things that happen between the characters are not developed or talked through. I understand that it would take like 289 episodes to get the characters to explore all the relationships between them though 😅.
- Memori. That's right: Memori is my NOTP :") To be clear: i see why most people like it, I obviously ADORE Murphy and I don���t hate Emori, I just don't like them together.
-Something more fandom-related: the endless bitching about Bellarke/Clexa. I double despise it not only because it's obnoxious and brings people down, but also because it makes some people who ship them in a civilized way look bad.
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
Nope but mainly :)
6. What else should people know?
I will likely vent and write rants about this series, and I want to make clear that I don't want to attack anyone, I just care a lot about this show!
Also, I have some difficulties with socializing but I like to interact with the nice people here so asks in particular are always very welcome :)
Tagging @bimurphy, @ayakomspacekru, @bananase221, @john-dontcallmejohn-murphy, @murphamyking, @bunker-boyfriends, @komraekenkru, @youmissedthewholeshow, @clarkewithameme, @dizzy-powerless and @aglicoe!
If you follow me and see this, consider yourself tagged :)
And, as usual, if you don’t feel like doing it, feel free to ignore!
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diestrangely · 5 years
okay i’ve gotten back into the 100 fandom with s6 coming out and oh my god i remember why i left.
everyone has to be either 100% a bellarke shipper to the point of ignoring clarke’s death for scenes of them together??? and it feels like a requirement to vehemently hate echo and tag every single post with “anti echo” “anti becho”
or you have to be 100% a becho and/or clexa shipper and despise any and all scene where clarke and bellamy acknowledge each others’ presence?
you can’t see octavia as a nuanced character. she must be 100% good or 100% bad. 
it makes it really hard to participate in the fandom. i literally just want to reblog gifs from the new episodes, not see angry tags from becho shippers every time clarke and bellamy are in the same room, and see rants wanting echo to die for daring to date bellamy while not being clarke from bellarke shippers. it’s exhausting.
this fandom has no understanding of nuance or calm, rational discussion of a show we all like. it makes me barely want to be in the fandom anymore, and i hate that. 
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alicelexi · 7 years
No need to tag the ships in your hate post lol lots of us have no problem with what you or other people ship we just wanna be in peace and not see hate on our dashes because we track the tag for our favourite ship.
so, you want me to take care and be mindful of YOUR ship but you can't be mindful and take care of MY ship? okay.
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osleyakomwonkru · 5 years
Blog Summary Tag Game
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow. @johnmurphysreddit came up with this idea, I’m here via @blodreina-noumou
1. What are your primary topics?
As the username will imply, everything surrounding Octavia Blake. Lots and lots of meta. So much meta. I will have a story behind every action she takes. I’m especially concerned about her mental state, so that comes up a lot. She needs help not hate. This is why I decided to create The 100 Mental Health Awareness Week, which I encourage everyone to participate in with their favourite characters next week.
Also, same username on AO3, where I have over 100k of Octavia-centric fanfic.
Occasionally I make photoedits. Not much in the way of GIFs yet, I’m still trying to figure out a way how to make them (I managed one, but that was only because I found a phone app and could use a shot from the trailer). If anyone can tell me how to make that happen from episodes and on a computer, that would be awesome.
2. What tags should a visitor check?
Well, I’m a fairly new Tumblr user, so just a scroll-through will tell you what you need. Most of my meta is tagged with #the 100 meta but not all of it will be, especially the earlier posts.
I tag anti posts (usually anti-Bellamy/Kane/Abby), but I also have perhaps an unpopular opinion as to what constitutes “anti”. “Anti” is deliberate hateposting about a character. Facts are not “anti”. Disliking someone and pointing out their mistakes is not “anti”. If you come to my blog and find the facts uncomfortable, that’s your issue, not mine.
I also need a lesson on how to reblog things. I very very rarely reblog, and only if I’ve got something to add. I know the attribution is there and everything, but reblogging makes me uncomfortable because it feels like I’m taking credit for someone else’s work. Which is why most of what you’ll find on my blog is my own work. Someone please tell me that reblogging is fine and cool and encouraged so that I do it more.
3. What do you love about The 100?
All the moral questions and ambiguity. That’s the main thing. I love that there’s so much complexity, so many impossible questions, and yet somehow people still have to answer them.
I love the pain. I love the anguish. But I also want love, I want healing, I want peace.
I also love that this show includes so much diversity - sexuality, race, ability, age, etc. - and that it just exists, naturally, and that’s the world. A world where the -isms of our time no longer exist, and people can just be and focus on different struggles.
My favourite living characters are Octavia, Niylah, Jackson, Echo and Murphy.
My favourite ships are Linctavia, Niytavia and Mackson.
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
Two big things, mostly in the fandom:
1. Ship wars. Particularly the Clexa/Bellarke/Becho triangle, because I have absolutely no emotional investment in any of those ships. I could care less who Clarke or Bellamy are fucking. Plus I love that romance is not the focus of the show, there’s so much more to life than just romance.
2. Hypocrisy. This exists both in-world and in-fandom. They’ve all done all sorts of horrible things, for various reasons, but only some characters *cough*Octavia*cough* get shit on for it by everyone. I’m sick of it.
My least favourite living characters are Kane, Abby and Bellamy.
My NOTPs are Clexa and Kabby.
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
Yes! And I’m dearly looking for other The 100-exclusive pro-Octavia blogs to follow.
6. What else should people know?
Umm, I like chocolate? I don’t know. Like, reblog, message me to rant about Octavia, it’s cool. I like in-depth discussions about stuff, especially Octavia. You don’t have to agree with me on all things, but you do need to be able to have a rational conversation.
I am a self-avowed Octavia stan, but that doesn’t mean I agree with or follow her blindly. I just happen to believe she’s right most of the time. I also heavily consider her mental state in just about everything she does, because yes, it matters, and if she were sane, there were some choices she’s made that she wouldn’t have. She’s a beautiful and powerful badass, but she’s also horrifically broken and needs understanding and empathy from the people around her (as a start) so that she can begin to heal. I believe she has severe depression and PTSD, she’s been a death seeker and alternately actively/passively suicidal since season 4, and also has minor cases of DID (dissociative identity disorder) and/or BPD (borderline personality disorder). Among potentially others.
Mental health: It matters. Especially for her, and that’s one of the reasons why I can’t help but empathize with her. Why I want better things for her. Why I want her to be able to live, not just survive.
Tag some blogs... umm... @easilydistractedbyfanfic @pro-octaviablake @apocalyptist ... I’m bad at tagging people. Go for it, if you want to.
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historyofshipping · 6 years
Musings on AWAE vs the 100 fandoms
~I’m not arguing with anyone about any of this, just felt like getting my thoughts down~
Being part of both the AWAE and The 100 fandoms gives me whiplash when I move between them.
Anne with an E is a beautiful, supportive group that I genuinely enjoy everything about. Even the critiques are met with support. People amicably disagree. (I know! It IS possible!) 
The 100 on the other hand... Don’t get me wrong, I adore people in the 100 fandom but good god- disagree about something and everyone takes it personally.
There are two ships on the show that I really don’t like. So I critique them, apply the right tags so people can filter out my posts. I will never, ever call for fans to boycott or send hate to anyone working with the show. In fact, I actively campaign against that. I might stop watching (again) but I will never try and pull anyone with me.
I’m a Bellarke shipper and have been since the beginning. My roommate and one of my bffs is Clexa all the way. We watch the 100 together. We good-naturedly bicker about the ships, but then we move on. 
Honestly, the treatise that are written by some to try and prove their point- not debate, just prove their point- are tiresome. I’m all for a good discussion. I’m not for the wars.
So people, tag your antis. Keep your antis out of non-anti tags. Filter out the tags you don’t want to see.
Also, here is my daily plug for the 100 fandom to join us over in the AWAE tags.
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11 answers & 11 questions
Rules 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions you have been tagged to answer 3. Ask eleven questions 4. Tag eleven people
Tagged by the wonderful @parkerbenjaminpeter ❤️
Jai’s questions and my answers ~ 1. What’s one ship that you would love to end? I’m not particularly anti anything tbh. But I was pretty bummed about Commander Lexa being killed off in the 100, and Clexa (Clarke and Lexa) ending. So I’m not that big on the new ship Bellarke. No hate, that’s just my opinion.
2. What’s your favorite song atm? And your all time favorite song? At the moment it would have to be Atmosphere by Bebe Rexha and/or Needed Me by Rihanna.For some reason those two are stuck in my head. And it’s not even like they are new or anything. Idk. But I most definitely can NEVER pick a single favorite song.
3. Who are your favorite actor(s) and actress(es)? Actors- Leonardo Dicaprio, Dylan O'Brien, Tom Holland, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Mark Walhberg, Benedict Cumberbatch, Al Pacino, Harrison Ford, Ryan Reynolds, Christian Bale, Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, Joseph Gordon Levitt (someone stop me), Andrew Garfield and more……. Actresses- Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Zendaya, Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Taraji P Henson, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Octavia Spencer, Halle Berry, Rachel McAdams, Lupita Nyongo, Natalie Portman, Sandra Bullock and more……
4. What is one talent or hobby you have that you do/practice often? Ballet
5. Who was your first celebrity crush? Celebrity speaking- Leonardo Dicaprio, but I fell for him as Jack Dawson
6. What are your favorite names? If you could choose one of them to be your name, which would it be? Ariadne, Kyra, Caitriona and Victoire or Victoria. I’m not sure which one I would pick for my name actually. (someone suggest what I can replace my name with)
7. What is your favorite movie to watch when sad? Breakfast At Tiffanys or Singin’ in The Rain. Anything old timey works. Bonus for musicals.
8. Who is your #1 favorite character? Why do you love them? Peter Parker❤️🕷💙 If I start I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop. ‘With great power, comes great responsibility.’
9. You have the chance to meet your celebrity crush, but you absolutely have to tell them everything you’ve said about them in your tags. Would you still meet them? I would love to still meet Tom. I don’t say as much in my tags, and if I do it’s mostly talking about what a dork, or cinnamon roll he is. Or talking about how ripped he has gotten. I’m sure Tom would love hearing that, because personally I think that is secretly the reason he slyly posts videos and pics of him in the gym…… Constantly…..
10. You get to be someone else for a day, who are you? What do you do? Beyoncé. I’d like to slay every second of my life for a day. Just to see what that’s like.
11. What’s One thing you’ve wanted to do/try but haven’t done yet? I want to try Flyboarding with Jetpacks or something. Not sure about what’s it called, but it seems amazing.
My questions💜 and now your answers
1. A book (or movie) you would not mind becoming your life. 2. One incident in your life that you wish you could go back and change to make better or not happen at all 3. You are in danger and you can bring to life one fictional character to protect you who would it be? 4. One place you have always wanted to visit and what did you want to see there? 5. Pick a couple (fictional or real) that you would like your relationship to be like 6. Any person you have always wanted to see perform live? And meet backstage later as well? 7. If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? 8. In light of recent events, pick two songs for a lip sync battle and your opponent 9. A skill you have always wanted to learn? 10. Biggest Pet Peeve 11. What would your dream job be? And place you have always wanted to live ?
I tag : @reveriesforyou @sailorchibimoonunicorn @i-write-and-stuff @lilaudrey23 @kittykat101ary @younggodimagines @bringmesomepie56 @vixenwinchesters I have picked at a random and anyone else who wants to is most welcome:) No pressure if you don’t want to
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blodreina-noumou · 5 years
I swear to god, I didn’t use to be so anti-Bellarke but omfg their fans have driven me to the far end of disliking them so much. They make the ENTIRE show that has literally hundreds of characters about the whitest White Savior to white and an emotionally crippled and traumatized dude who just needs a vacation and a healthy relationship. With Echo. Not Clarke.
Sorry I left this chillin’ in my inbox for a few days, anon. The holidays were draining. And I knew my response would be upsetting to some people who ship them.
And honestly I do understand why some people ship them - in the books Bellamy and Clarke get together early on, and they are the leads of the show. They have decent chemistry. Hints and seeds suggesting it might go that way are everywhere, despite the fact that they are vague enough to be misconstrued.
It makes sense. It makes almost too much sense to me, which is part of why I disliked it initially. (The irrational hatred came later, after being in fandom.) The slowburn-between-a-male-and-female-lead thing has been done to death. It’s beyond tired as a trope. It’s expected, and it’s boring. (Oh, man, do blorkers hate it when you call their ship boring. I better get in my bunker.)
Maybe the writers are still headed that way, who knows. But (and I’ve said this before) I truly do not believe the happy and in love co-existence blorkers want is ever going to happen. If it does, it’ll be at the very end. We’ll never get a full-blown onscreen romance, a la Memori or Clexa or Zaven.In the meantime, there is so much more going on with this show than who is kissing who. Raven is a gorgeous, brilliant woman who only has one working leg. Emori never had a family or even a real friend until she met John. Echo is a spy who has learned to overcome a lifetime of secrets and assassinations to find love with a new family. Diyoza has an unborn child that’s now over 200 years old. Octavia went from annoying little sister to full-blown cannibalistic clan leader, and survived. Now we’re at a whole new planet, with new characters, new challenges, new lore and new possibilities.
With all of that going on, how can Bellamy and Clarke’s lack of fucking be the one thing blorkers focus on??If it was a smaller/quieter part of the fandom, it wouldn’t bother me as much. But it’s constant, to the point where many blorkers act as if people who don’t ship them are evil or don’t belong in the fandom. People like us who don’t ship them can tag, blacklist, block users, etc - but that ship is impossible to escape. 
It’s annoying. It’s distracting from the true themes of the show. And it’s a motherfuckin’ boring ship! Come for me, I don’t care anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I block the really obnoxious blorkers on sight now anyway.(If we’re mutuals and you ship it, I promise none of this is directed at you. If I follow you, I don’t find you obnoxious, obviously, lmao.)
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