#yuki. >> answers.
prodigiousvisions · 2 months
❛❛ The only April Fool was me, for not texting you ' I love you ' before I left my apartment this morning ! ❜❜ Momo proceeds to gently cry against Yuki's shoulder. [ appears in your inbox with stupid & stupider ( me & momo ) ]
it's april fools somewhere. (accepting) | it will not let me @ u rn yasu
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Confusion wrinkles at bleary eyes, freshly open to the waking world as a hand runs through his hair in an attempt to process the situation. Days of respite were few and far between for the duo. Despite this, leave it to Yuki to capitalize on it in one of the worst ways possible: overwork to compose a more personal piece. Sleep deprivation was inevitable. Yuki stirs back to life while sitting up more properly on the couch he had taken his temporary death on as Momo pleads his case toward a nonexistent judge, jury, and executioner. Had Momo forgotten to text him such a thing?
Yuki wouldn't have known either way - for he was deep in his exhaustion-induced sleep until Momo burst through the door of his own apartment.
"It's fine. I don't need a written reminder of something you tell me every day," The idol mumbles softly, moving his hand to comfort his partner with a soft ruffle of his hair. Besides, he didn't have any inkling of an idea of where his phone was, nor what day it was until Momo mentioned it. "I love you always. Every day of the year. Even the you that has surely whipped up some sort of tricks for our juniors today. Won't you tell me about it?"
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spinaart · 11 months
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hey leader!!!
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eru-iru · 26 days
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how much longer can you keep this up?
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samkuchingdraws · 1 month
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The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to dim hope. Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...
** Reuploaded images with GLAZE
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I went a little crazy
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skrrtscree · 2 months
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Woe ryomina dump be upon yee 💙💛
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luniise-kel · 3 months
We’ll Meet Again - by The Ink Spots
who else crode
youtube link!
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persona-game-info · 3 months
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
What "The Hidden Fortress" (1958) tells us about the Jedi's status in the Prequels.
In 1999, George Lucas had this to say on BBC Omnibus: A Long Time Ago: The Story of "Star Wars" and then The Phantom Menace's director's commentary.
“I greatly admired Kurosawa, especially the film Hidden Fortress, which told a story from the point of view of two serfs, two slaves...
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... peasants who tag along with this famous general and a princess-- y'know, royalty. And the whole story is told from their point of view. And I like that idea. I like the idea of telling a story from the lowest person's point of view, uh, in the food chain, and that's how the story got to be told by Artoo and Threepio.”
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“[The Phantom Menace] is told primarily from the Jedi's point of view, but the story that's being told is essentially the story of Queen Amidala and her plight of having her planet blockaded. As in, say, Episode IV, where the story is told through the eyes of the droids, in this one, it's told through the eyes of the Jedi.”
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“But [from the moment we get to Coruscant, Anakin and Jar Jar] are standing on the sidelines. It's a little bit a riff on the very first film where the story is told through the point of view of the droids, who were sort of the lowliest characters.”
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“And in [Phantom Menace], I'm doing it through - primarily - the two Jedi, but then the secondary characters are also carrying a lot of the weight when the Jedi aren't around.”
George Lucas draws a comparison between lowly characters like Hidden Fortress' peasants Matashichi and Tahei, the droids in A New Hope, as well as the Jedi in The Phantom Menace.
What do they all have in common? They are all the lowest-ranking characters in their respective films. Repeat: the movie frames the Jedi as almost at the bottom of the food chain.
Because of course they are. Functionally, they're just diplomats. They hold no political power whatsoever and barely have any authority .
What little authority the Jedi do have in TPM comes from the Queen's young age, which allows them to ease into a more advisory position, and Qui-Gon's rebellious streak. And even he's explicit about the fact that his mandate has limitations.
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The only characters "below" them in status are Jar Jar, an exiled Gungan, and Anakin, who just yesterday was still a slave kid, Artoo the literal object and that's it!
Also the other Prequel films are consistent with this portrayal. Who do we see lower in status than the Jedi? Dexxter Jettster and the clones. Everyone else is pretty much above them.
Yes, the Jedi are part of the system, but they're not as high-ranking as you'd think. Yes, they have Force Powers, but that means squat when put against political power. So, like, to expect the Jedi to...
influence the decisions of the Senate,
wage a war against the Outer Rim to end slavery,
or blatantly refuse an order to join the war effort,
... is incredibly unreasonable.
They're not meant to be seen as "the elite, peering down upon the people from their ivory tower".
They're the servants! Servants of the Republic.
And they're seeing their higher-ups destroy what they should all stand for, but are unable to stop them.
Later on, with The Clone Wars, we are introduced to civilian characters and from their point of view, the Jedi are ultra powerful and are highly placed and "should do more but don't".
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It makes sense that these characters would see the Jedi as 'the elite'. But they don't have the full picture.
We, as the audience, do.
So we know that the reality is more along the lines of the Jedi "should do more but can't".
After all, we are made privy many instances of the Jedi speaking up and trying to change politicians' minds, only to be dismissed and overruled at every turn.
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↑ these aren't even all the times we see it happen, btw, there's more examples...
So at some point, if you - as an audience member - see all this and are still saying "the Jedi should've done more!" I really need to know... what more could they have done?
Take control of the Senate?
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That'll result in a dictatorship, there's a reason they waited as much as they did before trying to take down Palpatine.
Power corrupts and they're wise enough to know it.
Don't join the Republic in the first place?
George Lucas never frames the Jedi's involvement with the Republic as a bad thing. In the foreword to Shatterpoint (2004), he says their being part of the Republic led to 1,000 years of prosperity.
Where's the issue, then? Well, it's a two-man job and the Jedi's bosses, the Senate, grew corrupt and stopped doing their part. They stopped carrying their end of the couch.
But “no Jedi in the Republic from the get-go” means the Sith will rise to power even faster. Fun!
Stay neutral in the war?
The Separatists were killing civilians and testing weapons on neutral systems, or enslaving them.
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The choice put before the Jedi was "do what we tell you and fight, or let people die".
But also, out-of-universe... do you really think Palpatine, genius politician, master of spin, can't re-frame the Jedi staying neutral in a negative light?
When they joined the war, he unleashed propaganda that either directly (on the Separatist side) or indirectly (on the Republic side) framed them as "warmongers who corrupted their values". If they don't join, they're "apathetic cowards who care more about their own values than the lives of the people they're supposed to protect".
So either way, Order 66 comes around, wipes them out and the Republic goes "good riddance".
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So what else could they do?
The answer is "not much".
Because the whole point of the narrative is that Palpatine checkmated them by taking the fight to a field the Jedi had no experience in or right to meddle with: politics.
So if you look at these characters who are nowhere near the top of the food chain, and say "well, why didn't they fix things?" I'm sorry to say you're missing the point of the narrative.
Or maybe you do get the point of the narrative and just aren't trying to be fair...
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... in which case, at least be consistent and also argue:
"Why didn't Threepio & Artoo do more to save the Rebel crew of the Tantive IV from the stormtrooopers?!"
"Why didn't Matashichi & Tahei do more to save the Akizuki clan?!"
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 8 months
I'm sorry
Logan physically couldn't finish the race and could barely get himself out of the car
Oscar spent most of the post race lying on the ground because he was so wrecked as did Max
Esteban literally threw up
Lance and Alex both needed help to get out of their cars and have reportedly had to seek medical help
a mechanic had to hold Alex's drink so Alex could drink out of it
Why the fuck were we racing in Qatar in this heat???
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theoneprecioustome · 3 months
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The Answer (now titled Episode Aigis, just like its Japanese counterpart) has now been announced! With it we got the other half of this artwork... and it turns out that Makoto was looking at Aigis all along 😭
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prodigiousvisions · 7 months
❛❛ Darling ~ ! You're going to be so proud of Momo - chan ! ❜❜ Of course it's with a leap to his step, even as he balances a tray within his palms that Momo bursts his way into the living room where Yuki is. Nothing fancier than a healthy meal of vegetables, chicken & rice decorating the bowls but, it's Momo's best attempt at a laze around day meal. He settles himself beside of Yuki, placing the tray down joyfully 'pon his coffee table before picking up the bowl filled to the brim. Legs shift, placing themselves atop Yuki's lap for some extra comfort as he turns to him, cheeks all pink. ❛❛ Darling, should I feed you ? But I don't know if my fragile peachy heart could deal with seeing the handsome Yuki eat from my chopsticks ! Oh no ! What will I do ? ! ❜❜
unprompted. always accepting. | @dayrisen
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"What a predicament you've gotten yourself into, Momo. Saying all of this while offering me a bowl with meat? I didn't know you had such a cruel side to you." He laughs off the situation cooly, not truly offended at the proposal garnered by the other. He pats at the legs that have made themselves comfortable on his lap, shifting a bit to adjust.
"The only option is for me to feed you instead."
Yuki plucks the chopsticks accompanying the bowl up and away, methodically taking a piece of chicken into its grip and raising it toward Momo's lips. His smile is a carefree one; lacking any sense of urgency or dutiful purpose. A calm that was afforded to Yukito only due to the encouragement and persistence of Momo.
"It solves all the problems at hand, no? Make sure to open up wide, honey. You wouldn't want the efforts of your hard work to go to waste by letting it go cold."
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shitpostingkats · 3 months
your yugioh discord server au my beloved.
dunno if this already came up, but i tottaly see everyone chatting regulary (esp jaden the spammer-tm), minus yusei. he just lurks and gives a reply every second year/when tagged. </3
Yusei is the lurker who nevertheless responds immediately when tagged. The guy will never hop in and voice his opinion, but the second you @ him he has replied the nanosecond you hit send. He is, however, the biggest organizer of server movie nights, voice chats, and meet-up when multiple members of them are in the same city. This au is set after his series ended, after all. He's already keeping up long distance friendships with Jack, Crow, Akiza, and the twins. He is hardcore about keeping on top of online friendships. Sometimes he'll just pop into the vc while he's working and leave it open while he tinkers.
In ascending order of activity, Yusaku probably chats the second least. This tempered though, by the fact that they are always online. 4am in the morning? Yusaku is there. Yusaku's actually more vocal in the discord than in real life, after years of growing up raised by message boards an forums. If everyone sees it's been like 25 hours since they logged off, someone will shoot a message to Kolter, or they'll just log into vrains and hunt him down like it's the most dangerous game (getting Yusaku to log off and go the fuck to sleep)
Yuya took a while to warm up the the GC, but every day gets more bold with just kicking down the doors of the chat and going off about something or another. Also he's in a minecraft server with all his brothers and the bracelet girls, so if he's online but not responding, it's probably because he's griefing Yuri's dirt house for the third time this week.
Yugi's really active in the chat, a fact that never fails to blow Yuma and Yuya's minds. He'll be at a global release sponsored by every important duel monsters company under the sun, and he'll send pictures of Kaiba caught mid sneeze with the caption 'LOL'. He will be on NATIONAL TV AND TEXTING THE GROUPCHAT. His memes are legendary.
No one knows how to quantify Yuma's activity, because there's like a 90% chance most of the messages he sends are him???? But then there's also the possibility that half his messages are Astral feeling chatty, and it's very hard to tell because both of them are equally likely to start a rousing discussion on the morals of dolphins at 3 in the morning. Yugi is the only one who can reliably tell them apart.
And OF COURSE, AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, IT'S YA BOI, YOUR SUPREME MEME KING: JADEN YUKI. *insert airhorn sound effect* Spammer galore. Constantly uploading selfies of him standing in front of some eldritch abomination, or standing on the surface of Jupiter, or some other such equally questionable use of his powers. Liveblogs his annoyance at being made to do demonic paperwork. Makes incomprehensible memes that no one can tell if he's dunking on his henchmen again, or just really, really good at shitposting. He has a channel in the discord just for him where, every day, he just sends a single digit number, and some of the yu-boys are going crazy trying to figure out if it's a code, or some secret eldritch coordinates, or a massive ARG style prank, or what.
Yusei eventually reveals it's how many tries Yubel took to get the days wordle.
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dyingstars-if · 3 months
faolan: get away from me and my child
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who needs a gym membership when you’re throwing bitches away from your kid like it’s an olympic sport 💪
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My favourite part of P3 is when Minato becomes Nyx's divorce lawyer
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Without the super yellow great seal bg
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skrrtscree · 10 months
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Untouched, forever. 🗝
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