#i skipped p3 the answer for now
samkuchingdraws · 1 month
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The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to dim hope. Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...
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just-my-fandom · 1 year
Rocky Road P3 (JJ Maybank x Routledge! Reader)
Season 2 chapter 3
Summary; Popes appointment in Charleston takes an omnious turn over a proposed trade.
Warnings; Cursing, Pope almost gets kidnapped lol, Reader gets shot (yep), lots of time skips.
Note; Back at it again, I haven’t updated since February 2022 and I’m excited to get back down to business. Let’s GO!
Edit; So I’ve realized that the end got cut off, my Tumblr has been glitching to where it’s cutting off the last two sentences of anything I write. Please disregard as I try to fix this!
Tag list; @sinisterspidey @parkerhale13 @thoughts-elsewhere @b-lueberryy @deamus-liv @bubs-world @bibliophilewednesday @sexualparkour @jjpouggues @poguestyle17
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You stand with your arms crossed. Head tilted up, your eyes squint against the bright afternoon sun to eye the wire gate in front of you.
“So like,” JJ brings a hand to rub the back of his head, “Are those spikes to keep people out?”
“No,” Kiaras answer is simple, sad, and you glance over to look at her,
“The slave quarters are over there,” Popes head nods across the yard past the gate, and your eyebrows raise in realization, “These spikes were to keep people in,”
Minutes later, and you watch as Pope knocks on the front door once, twice, three times before stepping back, his gaze flickering between you and your two other friends, “Think that was too much?”
“It echoed the entire house, that’s for sure,” JJ flicks his eyebrows up, shrugging, “So they definitely heard it,”
“Maybe nobody’s home,” Kie hopes, Pope reaching forward to knock again, only this time the door jerks open, and you step back as a man steps into view, snarl stuck on his face as he looks between the four teenagers,
The man suddenly smirks, finger raising to point at your friend beside you, “You must be Pope,”
“Um,” Pope pauses, “Are you Mr. Limbrey?”
“Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday,” The man raises an eyebrow, eyes scanning across you, JJ, then Kie before settling back on Pope,
“I’m sorry,” Pope clears his throat, “My car broke down on the way up here,”
“Carburetor blew up in the middle of Nowheresville,” JJ speaks up, so the man’s eyes then stared at JJ, slowly shifting to you so your brows furrowed,
“Yeah she was real upset when you didn’t show up,” The man stares at Pope once again, Kie shrugging a weak shoulder,
“We tried to call, but there’s no number on the invitation,”
“We got here as fast as we could,” You exhale, the man grunting as he, a third time, stares at you, before looking back to Pope,
“She also expected you to come alone,”
“I mean, these are my friends,” Pope glances back as the man rolls his eyes, “They helped find the Royal Merchant too. Y/Ns dad-,”
“Yeah the instructions were explicit,” The man cuts, “Your friends can stay outside,”
Your eyes flick to the man, nodding, silently, “We’ll keep the car running, then,”
. . .
“Look, if Limbrey is legit-,” Kiaras sudden conversation dies down at the weird sight of the man and Ms. Limbrey leading Pope to the back of the house.
You worriedly look at JJ, confused, “Does that look voluntary?”
“That would be a negative,” JJ mutters, Kiara already beginning to open the passenger door,
“Come on,”
“Whoa hold on hold on,” JJ immediately reaches to grab her arm, “They’re going into the alley,”
“Go around back,” You order, JJ throwing the truck into drive before he begins to round the house, your head shaking as you lean forward, searching the front and back window, “I don’t see them,”
“There!” Kies sudden shrieks leads JJ to slam on the breaks, his arm instantly sticking in front of you when you lurch forward, your hand grasping his forearm as you watch Pope climb in, yelling for JJ to get a move on.
It only takes three road turns before the hood of the truck begins to smoke a second time, JJ slamming a hand down onto the wheel when the truck stutters to a stop, looking at Pope next to Kie in a panic, “Now what?”
“Go around!” As everyone climbed out the truck, JJs arm slide around your back to push you forward, immediately beginning to sprint down the road behind Kie and Pope.
“Does he have a gun?” You gasp, JJ tugging on your wrist to pull you down an alley, Pope skidding in an attempt to follow, before you rush out onto the street, nearing getting hit by two people on a motor bike,
“Sorry-!” Your hand raising on reflex automatically halts upon getting a look at the rider, eyes widening as John B grins, very much alive and well in front of you, “John B?”
“Get in!” John B alarms, JJ pushing you into the back seat of the motorbike as John B began to pedal, and soon enough you find yourself on the beach, pushing a boat into the water and finally getting a gasp of air,
. . .
“He’s taken care of you while I’ve been gone, right?”
John Bs words are quiet. Your eyes move away from the warm fire in front of you, shifting your gaze over to your brother who sat next to you, beer bottle in hand.
“Just like he promised,” You hum, nodding with a small smile, “It’s really good to have you back, JB. Therapy’s been shit-,”
“Wait, you’re taking therapy?” John B questions, quietly, eyebrows pinched as his head ducks, “How’re you paying for it?”
“The school offered it after you went missing,” You explain, “Hence why it’s shit. And they’re still trying to put me in the system-,”
“I thought Kies mom would’ve let you,”
“Will you stop interrupting me?” You narrow your eyes, John B raising his hand in surrender, “We tried. But the system isn’t budging. Plus with Kie getting in trouble for hanging out with pogues, I doubt I would’ve gotten far with it,”
“Well I’m here now,” John B drops a hand onto your shoulder, shaking it, lightly, “And we’re not going anywhere,”
Your smile drops almost as soon as it comes. John B is standing on high alert, your brows pinched in confusion as you sit up in your seat, “What is it, John?”
“I heard a car door,”
You pause, eyes skimming the dark yard as JJ made his way next to your chair, “You’re probably just paranoid, JB,”
Silence, before John B is suddenly grabbing your arm, tugging you onto your feet before pushing you towards JJ, “Hide. Now,”
It’s a solid five minutes before you see him. Rafe, Barry close behind. You sit on a tree branch feet above where you once stood, hugging the large trunk for support while feeling JJs hands at your hips, keeping both you and him steady.
“Anything?” Rafes voice startles you, body jerking slightly so JJs grip tightened, leaning forward to press his chest to your back,
“Nah, there ain’t shit in there, bro,” Barry’s grumble is audible as he stomps out of the Chateau, “Nothing,”
“They were obviously just here based off the smoke,” Rafe points to the abandoned fire pit, Barry scoffing out an irritated chuckle,
“Great observation, Boy Scout,”
“They gotta be around here somewhere,” Rafes head shakes, his body turning to face the tree you sat perched on, eyes landing on the engraved memorial on the tree for John B,
“P4L,” Barry snickers, Rafes jaw clenching as he nods, “Yo sisters a pogue for life now, huh, Rafe?”
“Shit!!” Rafes shout is loud, Barry even stepping back once as Rafe raises the gun in his hand, shooting once, twice, at the tree, before Barry rushes forward, grabbing at Rafes arm.
The movement jerks the gun upwards as it continues to shoot, JJs arm jolting out in front of your face as his other fully wraps around your front, nearly shielding you as your hands fly to your head,
“Rafe, chill!” Barry demands, “You’re gonna get our asses busted, man! Let’s bounce. Let’s go!”
The two take off in a sprint. JJ raises his head from your shoulder, eyes immediately gazing down at where your breaths heaved, hand clutching at your thigh- that stained red,
“Holy shit,” JJs hand tugs your arm up, leaning back to fully look at the grazed bullet mark on your thigh, “Holy fuck, John B, she got hit,”
“What?” John B forces himself to climb a branch over to you, your gasp wheezed in a panic as JJs arm tugs you to face him, hand pressing down hard on your thigh,
“She got fucking shot, dude!” JJ lifts his hand momentarily from the wound to lift you off the branch, your arm immediately coming around his shoulders for support as he leapt off the branch, catching you from impact, “I need towels, and water- where the fuck is Kie when we need her?!”
JJ lowers you to sit against the tree, John B rushing inside the Chateau as Sarah stares in a panic, JJs hands raising to your face so one cheek was stained with blood,
“Baby, you’re okay,” He sounds like he’s trying to reassure himself more than you, but the quickness of your breathing worries him to the point of you passing out, “The bullet just grazed you, you’re okay,”
Your head knocks back against the tree with a pinch of your eyes, JJ looking over his shoulder as John B shoves a towel in his face, followed by a roll of tape and bandages while a water bottle remains clutched in his free hand,
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” JJs mutter leads your eyes to open, instantly shutting again at the sheer pain of JJ tightening the bandage around your thigh,
Your hiss is loud, hand grabbing at JJs shoulder so he looks up, eyes softening at your pinched brows and glossy eyes,
“There’s blood, everywhere,” Despite the wound being patched, you still seem in shock, eyes wide on the blood staining your hands and his, which now stained his tank top,
“Let’s get a shower, baby,” JJs arm slides to your back, heaving you up on your feet so your own hand grips the fabric of said tank top, “You’re good, you’re good,”
“Holy shit,” John Bs hand raises to his hair, eyes flicking to Sarah when she squeezes his free arm, assuringly. His eyes flick down to her own bullet wound, heaving a breath, “Fuck,”
The next morning, Kie and Pope park the boat at the dock, Kiaras brows pinched as the group of four rushed down the dock, JJs arm supporting your limped form,
“What’s going on?” Pope stands from his spot, eyes zooming in on your leg, “What the fuck happened?”
“Rafe knows they’re back,” JJ hisses, “Went fucking nuts and shot a gun. Hit Y/N,”
“It just grazed, she’ll be okay,” Sarah reminds, as JJ steps into the boat, first, arms reaching out to you to help you step in,
“We’ve gotta go, there’s no telling when he’ll be back,” John B rushes, Kiara nodding before moving back to the boats wheel.
. . .
“Look, if Rafe and Barry know, it’s only a matter of time,”
You settle yourself on a rock perched, eyes watching as Kie, Sarah and Pope took seats, while JJ and John B continued to stand.
“I told you,” JJ scoffs, “We should’ve gone south, man,” JJ jabs a finger towards John B, “Why does no one ever listen?”
“I get it! I get it, I understand,” John B tries, JJ shaking his head as he spins, gesturing a hand out to you,
“Obviously not! Not only did you let Rafe shoot Sarah, but he shot your sister! You better be fucking glad that bullet grazed her!”
“J,” You murmur, raising your own hand so he heaves a sigh, taking your hand while standing beside you, refusing to sit,
“I know my dad,” Sarah speaks up, “He’s going to have to choose between me and Rafe, he’ll choose me. I just need two hours,”
JJ raises his arm and let’s it drop to his side as Sarah moves towards the boat, your eyes watching, silently, as she leaves without another word.
“J, sit down,” You murmur, tugging at his fingers, so he finally sunk down next to you, head fallen forward with a deep sigh.
. . .
“So, how’d it go?”
As John B helped Sarah off the boat, JJ peeled the old bandaged from your thigh. Your small hiss leads him to whisper an apology, taking the roll of fresh bandages from Kie to unravel,
“You were right,” Sarah sighs, glancing over her shoulder where JJ tucked the bandages over one another, before rolling down your shorts, taking your hands to stand you up, “It didn’t work,”
“Welp, then that settles it, guys,” JJ snips, looking over his own shoulder to narrow his eyes at her, “Now y’all need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck out of Dodge right now,”
“Yeah, you’ll need the supplies,” Pope nods, “Then y’all will need to split as soon as possible,”
“Guys I think it’s too late,” Kie speaks, your eyes shifting to the side of the water, squinting at three police boats,
“They followed you here?”
“We gotta go,” JJ rushes, throwing your arm over his shoulders while his own loops at your waist, beginning to pull you after John B, who did the same with Sarah, “Go!”
“Oh my gosh,” You heave, looking over your shoulder in a panic, “We won’t get far- with two injured people-,”
“I’ve got you,” JJ breathes, following your eyesight to a man trailing behind with a gun, “We’re good,”
The group ducks behind a large tree, your body turning to press your back to it, eyes staring at two cop cars skidding to a stop in the sand, “Guys,”
“What do we do?”
“We’re not getting out of this,” JJ heaves, your eyes watching him pull something- his gun- from his pocket, “We gotta make a stand,”
“J, no,” Your hand grasps his shirt, fisting it, “No, that’s not the answer,”
John B rushes to grab JJs wrist, grasping the gun with his free to toss it at your feet, head shaking, “Listen to her,”
JJ looks at you, watching your foot shuffle to throw dirt over the gun, covering it, JJ side stepping halfway in front of you as Shoupe and several officers rushed forward, all heading for John B.
“No no no- stop!”
. . .
“They’re gonna kill him in there,” You tug your cardigan over your front, sighing. Your eyes glance across the outside of the courthouse, sighing as JJs fingers grasped your upper arm, keeping you next to him.
“I’m sorry about what happened to you and your family,” You hear a man, glancing over to see him speaking with Ward, “Thank God for the system,”
“Can you shut the fuck up?” You spit without thinking, JJs fingers tightening in warning as the two men looked over, “Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect people like you,”
“He’ll have his day in court, a jury will decide,”
“He shouldn’t even be in court!” You pull your arm free, pointing to Ward, “You should, because you’re a murderer!”
“I know you’re upset,” Ward speaks, your eyebrows flicking up, “I know he’s got you all fooled, about this, about your father,”
“You know what really happened to my father, because you were there!” You step forward, JJ instantly sliding in front of you to grasp your arms, Shoupe behind you,
“No, no, get the fuck off her,” JJ jabs a finger to Shoupe, “Why don’t you go arrest a Kook for a change, huh?”
“You wanna get arrested? Get out! You need to go,”
“You’re a piece of shit Ward,” You hiss, “No wonder your daughters with us,”
“Okay, baby, you gotta stop,” JJ grasps your shoulders, spinning you around so Kie took your hand, “Let’s go,”
. . .
“I’m gonna testify under oath,”
Your eyes can barely stay open at this point. Curled on the couch on the patio, your halflidded eyes watch Sarah pace, “I was there! I just need to get in contact with my sister,”
“Sister?” JJ grumbles, your shrug light as his fingers trail across your bare legs.
“Wheeze was the only one who knows Rafe wasn’t home that day!”
“Wheeze?” JJ questions,
“I don’t know what else to do!” Sarah panics, “I got us into this mess, I have to get us out!”
“She’s right about one thing, we have to think of something,” JJ sits up, hand now grasping your calf,
“And do what? Kidnap Shoupe?”
“That’s not actually the worst idea, Kie,”
“It’s not?” “No!”
“That’s actually the worst idea ever,” Pope cuts, JJ jabbing a finger towards him,
“Okay, Pope, we’ve been doing everything your way, and how has that been going?”
“Okay so what’s your plan?” Pope stands, now nearly hovering over both you and JJ, “You’re gonna storm a jail, guns-a-blazing?”
“All I’m saying is that they have our boy,�� JJ stands up, you sitting up to grab his wrist, warning him, “And we’re just gonna sit on our asses? No, we’re gonna do something about it!”
“We are not storming a jail. That’s not happening,”
“That’s fine man,” JJ mutters, “Sit in your comfy chair. Do nothing. I’m gonna see what I can do. Make something happen, even if I have to do it myself,”
“JJ,” You stand up, hand still ahold of his wrist, “Come with me,”
JJ fixes his hat onto his head, jaw rolling as he fixes your grasp to take his fingers, letting you pull him into the rain outside the patio. He allows you to drag him to the hammocks, your hand running through your now wet hair as you look up at him,
“JJ, we can’t do this again,”
“I’m trying to save him, Y/N,” JJs brows pinch, hair sticking to his forehead as he looks down at you, “Do you not want that?”
“Of course I do, but not in a wreckless way!” You speak loudly over the rain, hands now grasping his shirt at his sides, “I need you to think this through. Last time something like this happened, we got in a fight and nearly broke up. I’m not watching you do something like this again, okay?”
His head tilts back to look up, wet hair falling back as his chest heaves in a deep sigh. Your hands raise to his jaw, tilting his head down to you, eyes instantly closing when your lips press to his, his own hands pressing to your face.
“Are you calm?” You barely pull back, him instantly pulling you back against him, his grasp lightening as he leans back, eyes flicking between yours.
“I’m going to think of something,” You blink, JJ pressing a kiss to your wet forehead before releasing you, stepping towards his dirt bike.
“I love you,” You call, waiting for him to look at you, “I really do,”
“I love you too,” He breathes, fixing his hat, “Stay safe,”
. . .
“That’s a lot of wax on your board. Put too much wax, it’s gonna be slippery,”
“Are you telling me how to wax my board?”
“I’m just saying,” Pope raises his hands as JJ raises an eyebrow, “That’s a lot of wax,”
“Guys, chill out, please,” You heave, JJ looking at you upon a distanced honk,
“You hear that?”
You look over, sitting up straight in your chair to see the Twinkie driving up, your smile wide as you push to stand to your feet, “Nuh-uh,”
“Yuh-huh!” Your brother grins as he slams the door to the van, running up to embrace you, “Guess whose out of the clink boy!”
“Uh, they dropped the charges,” John B sheepishly grins, JJ raising his brows,
“So all that work, I did for nothing,”
“Oh, the most elaborate escape plan of all time?” Pope jokes, John B looking around in confusion,
“Wait, where’s Sarah?” At everyone’s pause, he looks at you, “Where is Sarah?”
“She went to see Wheezie last night,” Kie speaks, “She hasn’t come back,”
. . .
You lift your head from the hammock you laid on, JJ stretched out beside you, opposite end, hand messing with the anklet on your foot, “He’s out, huh?”
“Yeah, he is,” You breathe, foot jerking when JJ tickles the bottom, your giggle light so he smiles,
“There she is,” He murmurs, grasping your ankle to tug on it, “C’mere,”
You sit up, shifting to turn around without rocking the hammock too much to knock you off, laying tucked against JJs side as his arm hooks around your shoulders.
“What’re you thinkin’ ‘bout, pretty girl?” JJs lips press to your forehead, resting there when you exhale through your nose,
“How we can’t seem to catch a break,” You murmur, hand twisting his t-shirt mindlessly, “Ever since Dad went missing, we’ve just been running. And now that Limberys involved it doesn’t seem to be getting any better,”
“We’re gonna get a break soon,” JJ speaks, tilting his head to rest overtop of yours, “And I mean hey, when’s the last time we sat in this hammock, hm?”
“Yeah, I have missed this,” You slide your arm across his chest, before he twists, facing you. Your hand reaches up to comb his blonde hair from his face, the back of your hand brushing across his cheek. “I love you, JJ,”
JJ hums, head leaning forward to kiss your lips, hand reaching for the back of your head, “I love you, too, baby,” A peck, then two, and you giggle as he continues, moving to kiss your cheek, “So so so much,”
“J!” You cackle, JJ rolling to hover above you, the hammock rocking against his movements, “J, we are gonna fall if you don’t quit,”
“You’re just too irresistible, baby,” JJ leans down, your hands cupping his neck to hold him still, “Can’t get enough of you,”
You allow his teeth to dig into your bottom lip, hand sliding up your flowy shirt to graze your rib cage, inching to your chest,
“Guys!” Kies shout startles you to lean back, looking over in alarm as JJ sits up with his hands at your hips, “We gotta go, Wards at the dock.”
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theoneprecioustome · 5 months
P3R Opening Aikoto Thoughts
I finished working so I can finally sink my teeth into this Aigis sequence!
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This post will contain spoilers about Persona 3, The Answer and Arena, so it'd probably be a good idea to skip it if you haven't played them yet!
So, first things first:
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Aigis' sequence begins with her falling to her knees, looking pretty roughened up. The Moonlight Bridge being the background tells us all we need to know about the setting: this takes place during her battle with Death/Ryoji. As if to make it even more obvious, her sequence directly follows Ryoji's (which, let it be known, is hands-down the best shot in the opening).
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Now, the question is... which fight are we witnessing, exactly? As we know, Aigis fights him twice. She fights him as Death 10 years ago, and then as Ryoji during the course of the game.
I think the opening sequence is meant to be the first fight: the one against Death, because we see Aigis falling asleep at the end of it. But I'll get back to that later. For now, assuming that it's that first fight helps contextualize the shots that follow:
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Aigis is surrounded by the 13 arcana while the Fool lies right in front of her. The 13 arcana are, of course, the 12 shadows that Death was split into and Death itself.
And this is when the Aikoto comes in, because I believe this sequence is meant to serve two purposes at once: Symbolism and foreshadowing.
On one hand, they symbolize Aigis' meeting with Makoto in the Moonlight Bridge 13 years ago. The Fool represents him, both as the child that she had to seal Death into and as the boy that she swore to protect.
On the other hand, I feel that the fact that they chose to set the scene this way also serves as a nod to The Answer. After all, if this were simply meant to symbolize Aigis sealing Death into Makoto, then Death should've been right in the middle alongside him. Instead it's just The Fool, because the Moonlight Bridge is the place where both — Makoto's and Aigis' journeys began.
And Aigis journey began with Makoto and ended with her becoming the Fool and carrying his legacy.
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Coincidentally, these seem to be the lyrics during the portion Aigis is on screen (credit to the Wiki):
No matter how far (No matter how far) How you go (How you go, how you go) How long you may last (F* tears, no time to waste) It's your life, burn your dread
This is not the first time Atlus references The Answer in an Opening. Burn my Dread foreshadows The Answer, and even Our Moment features a reference to it.
As such, it doesn't mean that we will see a The Answer re-release. All it means is that Atlus acknowledges its existence and, above all, the journey that Aigis goes through during it.
Now, back to Makoto! If you look closely at Aigis' expression, you will see that she looks sad, guilty even, as she looks down at the card representing him.
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We also see this shot lingering and Aigis' pupil contracting right before she closes her eyes, which to me represents the fact that Makoto — and what she had to do to him — were likely the last thing she thought about before she fell into her deep slumber.
Coincidentally, the only ones that are within Aigis' eye — and thus, her focus — are herself and the Fool.
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This, in turn, ties in not only with P3, where Aigis wakes up from her slumber when Makoto arrives to Yakushima:
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It also ties in with The Answer:
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And even with Arena. After all, thanks to Arena, we have an idea of what it is that Aigis thought about as she fell into her deep slumber. Or rather, what she wished for:
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Aigis' sequence in the opening (the longest one after Makoto, if I'm not mistaken), ends with her falling asleep, her Papillon Heart shining brightly in the dark.
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And of course, once she finally opens her eyes 10 years later, we get...
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unsaidcurses · 2 years
can you please write smth with reader comforting marcus and being his support system after todays shit show.
i rly need it, i just want to forget todays race happened 😭😭😭
you don't have to go through this alone// m.a.
summary: marcus needs some comforting after monza and you're there to be his support system
pairing: marcus armstrong × reader
wordcount: 2.7k
warning: angst, graphic description of a breakdown, monza weekend (it's a tw itself basically), tiny bit of cursing 
a/n: i swear he's cursed or it doesn't make sense + probably he can pass the curse because tumblr deleted half of this and I had to rewrite :D anyways, is this more dramatic and cheesy than it should have? yes do i care? not particularly
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the “delete” button doesn’t exist in real life, right? because if it did, you would certainly have pressed it by now, for marcus’ sake.
it was monza weekend and you accompanied marcus. thank god you did because it had been a real shit couple of races for him, and just the thought of leave him alone dealing with them destroyed you.
he qualified pretty well, to be honest, ending p3, which meant he would start in decent positions both in the sprint and feature race.
it looked so good on friday, you were confident about it.
saturday came and the sprint race with it. you were watching in from the motorhome, nervousness eating you alive as you looked at him overtaking some cars. nothing too bad happened. but then the last three laps arrived and when jack and liam started pushing him for sixth place, marcus had little choice but to skip across the run-off area, keeping his position. you didn’t think much of it, since your main concern was to see him on the track and not in the wall, and you just continued watching the cars speeding around.
when he crossed the line, you were content and satisfied. he finished p6 gaining one position from where he started, which meant a couple of point to bring home. at some point you heard the commentators saying that someone got a 5 second penalty, therefore out of curiosity you asked a mechanics who got it, and your face dropped hearing his answer.
“it’s marcus. he went off track and gained advantage. 5 seconds will bring him back to tenth.”
you tried to rub off your sad expression when you saw him coming closer to the garage. you didn't know if he was aware of the penalty and you didn't want to worry or scary him off in case nobody told him yet.
you kept your eyes on him all the time, from when he spoke to his race engineer, who you assumed announced him what happened, to when he went patting every mechanics’ shoulders murmuring small apologies for his mistake. after he was done, he made his way towards the back of the motorhome, close to his driver room, where he knew you always awaited him.
he stood there in front of you with a disappointed expression on his face. the only thing you thought of doing in that moment was to circle his body with your arms, trying to comfort him a bit, to which he responded just with sliding one hand on the small of your back. it made you frown: he never hugged you like that, if you can even call that a hug.
“hey, hug me properly. you love my hugs.” you tried to cheer him up, looking up at him when you noticed how his eyes were fixed on the floor.
“i don’t love when i finish out of the points though.” the remark came out with a serious tone you hardly ever heard him use. you were almost scared that the usual “make jokes to lighten up the mood” wouldn’t work as it commonly did, so you gave one last try.
“and your hatred for bad races is bigger than your love for my hugs? is it so debilitating?”
“mh, i don’t know let me check.” he placed both arms around your shoulders, gently stroking them. although you couldn't see each other's faces, his action put a smile on both of them.
“i guess i love you a bit more.” he chuckled. you were glad he still had some optimism, after all the next day he would have a huge opportunity starting from second row.
“why don’t you go shower and then we can celebrate with felipe and have some fun?” you hinted at the championship winner, bringing marcus in his room by pulling his hand.
“of course, i’ll be back in a flash.”
sunday morning was a repeat of the previous day. in hitch's garage, watching your boyfriend's car race with headphones on, but starting from third today.
you were hopeful. marcus was determined to fight for the podium today, if not even for a win. he wanted to prove himself after the two awful years he had in f2 that he was meant to be there, that he was fast and talented, just extremely unlucky. you perfectly knew it was not an easy game, considering the two drivers who pressured him from the back yesterday were in front of him today, but a huge smile appeared on your face as you see jack in pole struggling when the lights went off, allowing the new zealander to overtake him on the inside.
not even five seconds since the race started and marcus was already in second place, not bad right? wrong. 
six laps later, felipe passed marcus right before a huge incident that caused the deployment of a safety car. he slipped into third again, but regained the position as soon as the track was clear.
after a couple of laps, another incident took place and similarly as before, it resulted in a safety car.
hitech wasn’t particularly famous for making the most efficient pit stops on the grid, especially when it came to marcus’ car, so you hoped they didn’t mess up everything when you saw a silver car pulling in the pit lane. little did you know you didn’t have to worry about the pit itself, but about the way he got in. everything happened too fast, you didn’t understand if the engineer called him late or if he didn’t brake in time, the point is that the boy entered beyond the entry bollard, which caused him a ten second stop and go penalty.
you pulled your hands to your mouth in disbelief. each time he qualified high enough to compete for big points, something had to happen. It’s not like you wish anything bad to any driver, but sometimes the question “why always him?” passed through your mind. did he do something horrible in his past life to deserve this? was he a serial killer? judas? it’s not possible he was so unfortunate all the time with no explanation.
seeing his car getting on track, you didn't have time to rationalize your last thought as a red graphic with his car's number appeared on the screen.
another stop and go penalty for speeding in the pit lane.
“you can’t be real!” you couldn’t contain your shout, removing the headphone from your head and walking away from your spot. it’s absurd to throw away a race in less than 500 meters, yet it happened and clearly marcus was the victim, who else otherwise?
you were disappointed, as the whole garage was, after all, but you knew that none of that compared to what marcus was feeling, and you felt the world breaking in your hands realizing how devastating that could be. he was so positive that morning, only to get it snatched from his hands.
continuing watching the race was so painful, looking at him trying to gain as much ground as he could, but with his gap, you could consider that a wild-goose chase. the only thing that prevented him from being last was liam, who lost a lot of time after being hit by juri.
the race felt interminable, but eventually the checked flag brought an end to this disaster. marcus rushed out of the car, did the bare minimum he had to do publicly without even removing his helmet, like weighting himself and giving an apology to the team, and then left for his room basically running
“marcus, it’s me, can i come in?” you walked to the door and knocked on it, waiting for an answer that never came. you stood there some seconds and tried to lower the handle and then you realized: he locked himself in. you acknowledged the fact that he didn’t want to see, nor be seen from anybody, not even you, which explains why he purposely avoided the side of the garage where you usually were.
so you just waited there, with your forehead resting on the cold material of the door, counting minutes passing and watching all the mechanics moving around and leaving.
you heard a faint click, but at first it didn’t sink it was the key on the other side twisting in the lock. it did only when the solid object that was sustaining you wasn’t anymore, and you almost fell on the ground. you looked up to your boyfriend who had a blank expression on his face.
“can we go get lunch? i’m exhausted, i just want to eat and go to our room.” you wanted to check up on him and ask him if he was okay but he beat you to it by talking first. his face shifted to a pleading look, so you did not insist and just nodded as you walked toward the restaurant he found the other day in front of the hospitality.
not a word left marcus’ mouth during the meal. he didn’t even order, he just mumbled “the same” after you asked the waiter some dishes. some of his friends were with you and he didn’t laugh at their jokes, sometimes he smiled slightly but nothing more.
you slid your hand on his thigh, his eyes left his plate to meet yours and softened immediately, then he moved and placed his head on your shoulder. seeing him like this made you feel so powerless, you at least hoped that the contact could give him some comfort.
the lunch carried on and shortly after he finished his dishes, marcus tugged at your hand still on his leg as an indication to leave, therefore you said goodbye to everybody and headed to your hotel room.
as soon as he entered the room, the driver laid down on the bed. you observed him from the main door with his back turned to you, curling up with his legs close to his chest as to shield his body from all the thing that happened to him in the previous hours and shut them out of his existence.
your heart clenched at the sight. you didn’t know what to do, how to act. looking at the person you love knowing that they’re hurt, that their world is crumbling under their feet and not being able to stop it and protect them, it’s a nightmare.
you stepped closer to the bed and sat on the edge, brushing his hair with your hand in a soothing way.
“are you sure you don’t want to talk about the race?” the question came out as a whisper, not wanting to break the bubble you were in even more than you already did by just talking.
“what do I have to say about it? It was a shit show!” he answered turning briefly towards you, showing his defeated look, returning to his original position after finishing the sentence with an harsh tone. “and we can’t change how things went, it’s useless wasting time on it. just drop it, okay?”
“marcus-“ you called him passing on the other side of the bed to look at his face. “you don’t have to go through this alone.”
this was the last straw of keeping it together. he didn’t want to complain or bother you but when he realized you just wanted him to decompress and share his thoughts with you, he finally opened up.
"i'm tired of putting so much effort in this sport and always being walked all over. when i have the pace, i don’t have a good pit stop. when i have a good pit stop, i don’t have the qualification. and when i have the qualification, i mess up everything anyway!” he ranted sitting up. his hands were moving in the air and his eyes were darting in every direction.
“the fda dropped me, and i will lose my seat in formula 2 the end of the year.” listening him reviewing every single bad event he went through was a stab in the heart, and you really wanted to stop him and disagree with him, but he was unravelling everything he bottled up not only for months but probably years at this point, so you waited in silence listening to him.
“i left home when i was a fucking kid, i didn’t see my siblings grow up, i gave up time with my family, i give up time with you!" his voice progressively increased, breaking at the end of it.
“all of these sacrifices to just get a slap in the face."
he almost started rambling again, but it was clear he couldn't continue. his head fell in his hands, and hot tears escaped his eyes. he didn’t even have the strength to try to stop it, he just let everything go.
you immediately pulled him as close as humanly possible, his head naturally went in the crook of your neck, muffling some of the sobs of despair that left his parted lips. you hold him tight, as a way to tell him that you were there and he was not alone.
imagine how long and how much he held off to explode like this, to end in such an agonizing cry. with a lump in your throat, you whispered sweet nothings to his ear, hoping it would calm him down, and with some swinging back and forth, it did. after a good amount of time, his breath steadied, except for some hiccups sometimes. 
there weren’t big words of comfort you could offer him, after unfolding years of frustration and disappointment. you just wanted to make him realize that the majority of the things he said were none of his fault and that he deserved his place. 
“i’m so sorry you have to deal with all of this. I wish I had a magic wand to make all of this go away,” you let your hand wander through his hair, moving his head to look him in eyes. you meant every word, and you wanted to be sure he understood that. “but I do have time to listen. always. please don’t ever keep all of this to yourself, okay? you’re my boyfriend and best friend, helping you in any way I can is my top priority. we go through things together, and will work them out.”
the grey eyes turned teary once more, but from happiness this time. your words made him feel so supported and loved, he couldn’t find a better way to show you his gratitude than hugging you back, holding on to dear life, with your legs tangled together.
minutes passed and you slowly moved backwards, till you completely laid down on the mattress, marcus using your chest as a pillow while being wrapped safely around your arms as if you were the only thing who could protect him from all the atrocities the world may hold.
“i’m booking a flight for christchurch, okay? we can’t do much about the past, but you have ten free weeks ahead before the next race. spending some time with your family surely won’t hurt.” after meditating about how you could actively help him, you broke the silence.
“are you coming too, right?” he asked in a tiny voice, doubting you would let him down like the whole feeder series world did.
“of course, if you want me to.” you pulled the blanket over your bodies. “why don’t you rest a bit now, mh? you really need and deserve that.”
you felt him nodding subtly, a small yawn following. it wasn’t just for the play when he said he was exhausted, at the end of the day he still had an eventful feature race in the morning.
as you glanced at his face while caressing it continuously, you were met with a peaceful expression, finally. you let your cheek fall on the top of his head, letting your body relax at the thought of him sleeping.
except for the fact that he was still awake.
“thank you. for being my support system and choosing to be by my side every day. I couldn’t ask for anything better honestly. I love you.” 
it was unusual for him to make this kind of confessions, wearing his heart on his sleeves, spilling what he felt deeply, but if he didn’t say it today, when was he supposed to?
“i love you too marcus. dearly.”
and with that you both doze off, with the awareness that you were there for each other no matter what, through thick and thin, whatever your lives offered you.
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twilightknight17 · 4 months
On this round of P3R, we’re heading to the red-light district!
But first, I just want to say, Fuuka’s link requires MAX COURAGE to start? Omg. Now I’m assuming Mitsuru needs max academics. Good god. NG+ is absolutely gonna be needed for this.
So it’s now the third (technically fourth) full moon! And now that I’m thinking about the Magician and that whole mess, I think it’s a little funny that no one in SEES, in any of our downtime, has ever questioned, “Hey, what the fuck was that thing that ripped itself out of Orpheus and bodied the Magician in one shot? It might help with some of these slogging battles.” But no. It’s fine. We don’t need to know what that vastly powerful persona was. Whatever. Let’s rock.
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Shirakawa Boulevard, despite Ikutsuki’s attempts to talk around it, is where the love hotels are!
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I’m pressing X to doubt, sir!
So we’re off to the Champs de Fleurs hotel, and actually other than the weird curtained waiting area and sexy price list next to the front desk, it does look pretty normal? Like, it’s a hotel. It’s got hotel hallways and elevators and stuff.
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And then we get to the third floor and the equivalent to the presidential suite.
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This is labeled as the Hierophant’s Chamber, and… Lovers is supposed to be here? Did the P3 movies just straight-up skip the Hierophant Shadow and I never noticed? XDDD The Hierophant is very round and kind of looks like a really big guy with a lady with a head made of coral behind him.
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Hierophant wasn’t bad, actually, and we get to explore the room afterwards before heading back downstairs. The kids clown on a lot of the décor, but like, the silly round bed would be cool for the novelty, and who DOESN’T want a tub that big???
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But when we try to leave, we all get knocked out, and Minato wakes up in a different room, where Yukari is taking a shower.
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This sounds very like Orpheus, but it’s definitely not Orpheus, because Orpheus would know that Yukari is not our soulmate!
Yes I will continue being biased. XDDDDD
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If you say anything other than the correct answer, you get a “wait, that doesn’t seem right” thought bubble, and the dialogue just loops back to the start. You cannot fuck up the mission and game over on a night of brainwashed debauchery. XD
Minato comes to his senses, gets up from the bed, and Yukari comes out wrapped in a towel. She abruptly realizes where she is, screams, and slaps Minato before running back in the bathroom. And… Yukari? I was literally just standing here. Holy shit. Is this the pre-Kyoto warmup scene? God.
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Fuuka gets through to us, and we go back up to the second floor to meet up with Junpei and Akihiko.
I can only assume Junpei and Akihiko were put in the same room.
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No one accused you of anything. Although now I’m giggling wondering what would have happened if I’d brought Mitsuru along instead.
We roam the hotel to find the mirrors we need to break to get back into the suite, and this is weirdly hilarious, all things considered.
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But eventually we find our way back into the boss arena, and the Lovers has the perfect design, honestly.
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GOD is it a bitch to fight, though. This fight took AGES because EVERY time it cast a spell with a charm effect, people got brainwashed. God forbid anyone other than Minato ever dodge an attack. Jesus fuck. I used every single one of my patra gems and dis-charms. Plus it cast diarama halfway through and of course when a boss does that it heals THOUSANDS of HP back to full health. Just give it salvation if you’re gonna do that.
As a brief side note, I love that when Minato casts the Jack Bros’ fusion spell, he just casually walks “offstage” afterwards and leaves them to it.
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But finally, we’re out of here.
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...Yukari volunteered so that I couldn’t take her out of the party and ruin my scripted undeserved slap. X’D
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Gee, Yukari, I wonder if it’s because no one ever has anything nice to say to him? He just gets treated like the comic relief.
Also, we’re being watched by these dudes.
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So when you say “we” do you mean you three, or like… humanity as a whole?
Back to the dorm to sleep this bullshit off, and then we move on with our week!
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...christ, dude, I just came to see how you were doing. Can I please have a dialogue option so we can talk about this??? No???? Okay… God, this is Mona all over again. My god damn Magicians are always having problems.
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...well, that’s nice. I wasn’t expecting that.
People at school are gossiping about how the school was rebuilt after an explosion ten years ago, and I’m getting texts from my attendant, who I apparently haven’t added to my phone? But at least she texts nicely.
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It’s pre-exam week, so all my social links are busy. Instead, my academics are lagging, so I’m studying with the members of SEES who aren’t cranky with me. That means Yukari and Fuuka, and Mitsuru and Akihiko. Akihiko recommends doing a quick workout after every few problems, because then, you’ll power through the next set in anticipation of getting to your next workout!
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Everyone I live with is insane. I love them. :’D
Ikutsuki calls a meeting to discuss something important, but before he can get to it, Yukari wants to speak. She’s had Fuuka looking into some stuff from the incident that happened ten years ago, and now she wants answers, because she thinks Mitsuru has been hiding things from us.
Other than the explosion, students were sent to the hospital, even though they were formally noted as just “absent”. It’s the same thing that happened to the girls bullying Fuuka; they fell unconscious and were unresponsive. Turns out, yeah, it was the same sort of thing. And it was Mitsuru’s grandfather, Koetsu Kirijo’s fault.
In greater Persona lore, knowing that he broke off from the Nanjo Group, he probably had access to tech that made his bullshit significantly easier to pull off. At the very least, we know he had the blueprints for a prototype anti-shadow suppression weapon, and the method to create artificial persona-users. But of course, he pushed too far.
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(Sorry that these subtitles are kind of blurry. Basically, they gathered up a shitload of shadows and then lost control of them, because of course they did.)
Tartarus and the Dark Hour exist because of all of this. The lab explosion happened because they lost control, and because the lab was around/under Gekkoukan, it ended with the school needing to be rebuilt as well.
Yukari is not pleased with this development. She feels like we’re just being used to clean up other people’s mess. But as Ikutsuki puts it, we’re the only ones who can fix things. Normal people can’t fight shadows.
He also says that no one knows why the Arcana Shadows suddenly reappeared after ten years, but… Well.
No one is okay after this.
Junpei is angry because he feels like nothing he does is good enough, and that all he’s really good at is fighting, which won’t be necessary anymore if the Dark Hour vanishes.
Akihiko goes to see Shinji, who he apparently grew up with in an orphanage with someone named Miki, to tell him that they know how to stop the shadows now. But Shinji still won’t come back to SEES.
Me and Minato aren’t okay because I’ve finally started this guy’s social link, and he’s a dick.
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Yukari’s dad was the lead researcher on the shadow stuff that led to the explosion, so I assume that he’s the one who got blamed for everything. Ikutsuki mentioned that the media picked one dude and demonized him.
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I think this date is wrong, though. If it was ten years ago, that’d be 1999. Right? :/ It’s also just funnier if the lab exploded like 3 weeks after the Sumaru crisis ended.
But I saved the cat! So everything is not a complete wreck.
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Pharos comes back to see me and implies some sketchy shit about my parents.
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My parents (and my sister, shush, I’m pretending it’s canon) did not explode, though. So this isn’t their fault.
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We’re absolutely friends.
After affirming that at least one person will stick by me to the end, even if that one person is a strange child who keeps waking me up at midnight, I come home from school the next day to find everyone sitting around experiencing the most awkward silence ever conceived.
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Akihiko, no!
Thankfully, we manage to talk through what’s bothering the group as a whole (Junpei is still mad at me, I think), and Ikutsuki shows up to suggest that after exams, we all go on vacation to Mitsuru’s family’s summer home on the island of Yakushima. Her dad is going to be there, apparently!
Mitsuru reluctantly agrees, Yukari apologizes to her for being too gung-ho and accusatory the other night, and I think we’re all chill again. Which is good.
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…….it’s my last night before exams and my option for study-buddy is Ikutsuki???
Nah. I’m out.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
didn’t you keep saying you didn’t even like p4g when playing? how is p5r worse? genuine question. is it the pacing/characters/story?
cw: P5R negativity, fans might wanna skip this
I think you missed my final round-ups on P4G because outside very specific criticisms (Izanami being bad writing, the P4MC being an anchor around the throat of the game, and JESUS FUCK THE MUSIC WAS SO BAD) I was overall pretty positive on P4G. It has ups and downs, but the ups far outweigh the downs. I think if you check this blog with /tagged/p4 you'll find my two big Final Thoughts posts. I honestly think P4G gets a bad wrap. I'd give it a final score of, like, 7 out of 10.
It's just not Persona 3 Portable Girl Route, which I still maintain is the best scenario writing and some of the best character writing of the series, and I think the structure is much more solid. Also the music is the best I've heard yet.
P5R, I am currently doing the Kaneshiro Arc and I have recruited Makoto. My issue with P5R is probably three-fold.
One: I think that the cast is dramatically weaker than P4 and P3. Like, I'm kind of shocked at how weak the cast is. So far I like Morgana the most, but I think it was my friend Bane who pointed out that Morgana tends to be a very divisive character because he's such a strong character compared to everyone else. Me, I need this. I desperately need this because I think Ryuji and Ann feel incredibly weak, and while I am thrilled to have Yusuke, he's.... like mid-tier. For P5 he's godtier but he's mid-tier for P4 or P3.
I was talking to a friend and basically said that this game fails the Homestuck Rule of Writing, honestly. Like, when you are writing really distinct characters, one of the best shortcuts is to just.... make them passionate in uncool ways. Give them weird hobbies your audience probably will not share, but let the level of passion they have make them feel stronger.
Like, Chie is obsessed with kung fu, Akihiko and Shinjiro have a running fight about protein vs vegetables that's really funny, and Kanji just keeps a sewing kit on him and will fix people's hems on the street. Remember when Junpei met a gothic lolita girl by the train station who was making art in her own blood and was like "haha awesome you seem cool! Wanna hang out?"
God, I miss Junpei every day.
So far, honestly? No one in P5R passes the Homestuck Test. I keep complaining I need some weirdos and that's what I mean. I am kind of just "ugh" on this idea of "oh so and so gets better" but like. No one in P3 and P4 needed to "get better" (okay except Yukari but her arc fucking rocked).
Two: The technical quality of the writing of this game is so much worse than P3 and P4 imo. It's something i have a hard time explaining and I'm to a point I have just given up on even cataloging it because it feels like I'm complaining about something small, but it's a small thing that keeps happening over and over and over and over, until it's just this overall severe lack of polish to the entire game. Which, when I am dealing with a game that feels as overproduced and maximalist as P5R, having the actual script be this rough in a way that was easily fixable with another pass is just a rock in my shoe.
Three: I am severely fucking torn on the entire concept of Joker. In a way, Joker feels like a direct answer to my biggest criticism of P4G, that the MC was such a non-character, a complete void with nothing to balance the story on, a problem so severe that by midway through, P4G was about Yosuke instead of P4MC. And that sucks. Having a MC with no impetus, only reaction, just didn't suit the structure of P4G.
Now, we have Joker, who frankly is a great character who addresses those complaints perfectly. He has an easily detectable personality, he has more frequent and more interesting dialogue choices, he has quirks and oddities, and he has a compelling backstory that lends itself to the core themes and mysteries of the game.
Except: the Gay Options have been removed.
I was able to play P4G as a homogay from start to finish, which frankly softened some of my anger about the entire experience. Not to be flippant, but Reverie The Fourth's only traits were "calm dude" and "fuckin GAY".
After how queer P4G was, the complete absence of that in P5R is.... isolating and disappointing. It's something I am pushing through but the game's repeated calls for rebellion and pushing against what people think of you feels trite with how relentlessly cishet it all is.
At the end of the day, at the moment, I consider P5R easily the weakest of the Big Three. Maybe my opinion will change! But at the moment it's really not getting better.
I was talking to a friend and I think that the Perfect Persona Game would be
fully gender neutral protagonist, just don't refer to their gender at all, don't gate anything around gender, just don't
the setting of P5R
the cast of P4 or P3
Frankly if you gave me the same game, Persona 5 Royal, but inserted SEES or the Investigation Team, you would have the fucking greatest modern Persona game.
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pridewishes · 26 days
i was going to send a follow up ask about persona but my grandparents picked me up and made me drive. anyways persona time. persona 3 reload is soooo good. ive been wanting to get into persona for a while (like years while) but never did until recently and p3r was such a good start. i beat p3r in like a week and im really excited for the answer to be remade. im playing persona 4 right now and im also really enjoying persona 4. i was playing as i sent that last in actually! im about 15 -ish hours in? as for persona 5, i also plan on playing p5 myself, but im also watching my friend play, though he skips most the dialogue so im mostly just watching combat stuff lol. i dont know a lot about whats going on there. persona is a really cool series and i really like it so far! i wish i did get into it sooner
Yes yes! I really enjoy the atmosphere of p3 a Lot and I wish the characters in p4 were better written (Naoto....) but p5r I like a lot I've been really biased bc I hate the fans of it but in watching with my partner it makes me super happy I love it sm... I hope you have fun with p4!!
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marvels-bitch-boy · 2 years
Emerald Eyes Part 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: (No Ones POV)
Word Count: 5k
A/N: hey guys! Part 3 might be a little slower releasing than the last two because I want to make the chapters longer to incorporate more into them. Hope you guys enjoy it!!
Master List , P1 Chapter 1 , P2 Chapter 10 , P3 Chapter 2
The Rebirth...
The air in Lagos was dry, Wanda sat waiting at a coffee shop. She took a sip of her tea and listened to Natasha on the coms. She felt something was different here, it was a deep feeling in her gut. She sat uneasily surveying her surroundings. “Alright what do you see?” The captain spoke in her ear. “Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It’s a good target.”
“There’s an ATM in the south corner, which means…” he waited for the witch to give her answer. “Cameras” Natasha sat at a table nearby and smiled to herself. Although the two of them had been in love with the same man they bonded over their grief for the fallen soldier. She was proud of the girls' progress in the field. As the two continued to speak and Steve quizzes her on the details he’s already clocked. “...red one? It’s cute”
She inserts herself into the conversation “It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.”
“You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?” She took another sip of her tea with a slight smile. “Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature” The bird man hears this and another smile joins the team.
“Anybody ever tell you you’re alittle paranoid” the spy exhales through her nose in amusement at the jab.
“Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?” Once she says this Steve cuts the banter to the side and they all begin to focus on the mission.
---time Skip like fuckin 10 mins later or something---
As Steve has Rumlow on the ground and knocks his helmet off he sees a face covered with bandages that shook him to his core “no…”. Natasha steals a glance from a distance and catches only a small glimpse that she chalks up to her grief, at least she does until she hears Steve's words in her ear. “Y/N?”
That name causes both women to freeze in their places. Wanda stares at the man's face which seemed to be filled with rage as he stared up at the Captain. She covered her mouth as she watched the man she loveds’ memory become tarnished in her head.
“That man is dead…” Steve released his grip on him “The avengers killed him, you killed him… All of you did” Steve clamped his grip back onto his collar and demanded from him the same information he came here for.
“Where the hell is Bucky?” Y/N simply laughed at him with a laugh that could only be described as cold and distant. Natasha felt her body chill at the sound even under the direct gaze of the sun. “They told me you’d ask that… wrong question though” he released a smoke bomb and escaped the super soldiers' grip. As the heroes waited for the smoke to clear they stood in shock. Steve kicked a nearby chair over as he took off his helmet and hung his head. Natasha ran towards him and held him in her arms.
Unbeknownst to them Y/N discarded his previous garb and watched from a distance as he loaded into his convoy. The sight of the two made him sick and fill with even more rage towards the captain and widow. He pulled away from the scene as the dozen of police vehicles raced by. A ring came from his pocket and he answered the device. “Hello…yes ma’am, I did as you asked… we are on our way to the extraction point now… ma-ma’am I don’t think that would be the wisest move… no ma’am I’m sorry…” he lowered his head as the voice began berating him. “Yes ma’am… I will” the call ended and he dialled a second number.
Back at the city centre, a phone that sat on a table began to buzz and Natasha eyed it suspiciously and slowly made her way towards the device. Picking it up she answered, the silence on the line only confirmed her suspicions. “Agent… how have you been? Hope you didn’t miss me too much.” she clenched her jaw at his words and looked around attempting to see him. “I’m guessing this isn’t a courtesy call…” she heard the same cold laugh from before. The differences between the one that used to fill her with heat and joy became highlighted in her heart. “On the contrary, I missed you…” she didn’t respond, this only lit a spark of anger inside him.
“did you know that after a bomb almost blows up half your body the only thing you think about is the people you loved… the people who already moved on-” she attempted to speak but he stopped her “-no, I’m not finished… I will never be finished till that team is ripped apart, you destroyed me.” the line went dead and suddenly the booths around them began to explode one by one. The crowd descended into panic and Wanda attempted to contain the blasts to each stand but they broke through and entered the crowd. She could only look on in horror at the scene.
---time skip 4 days later---
Wanda sits on the edge of her bed and listens to the news. They spewed hate and blame toward her. It didn’t seem to end. The words they used began to infiltrate her head. A knock at her door brought her out of her head. Looking up she found the captain eyeing her with sympathy “you know those outlets don’t have the most reliability.” he joins her on the bed and she stares at the screen. “No, I’m pretty sure they’re right… I mean they saw what happened.”
“It’s not your fault…”
“Oh well they seem to disagree” she points at the TV and a frame of her failing to contain the blast is shown on the screen as if they are listening to her.
He turned off the tv and placed the remote back down. “Turn the TV back on. They’re being very specific…”
“I should have ordered an evacuation once the fighting started… He was a good match and I wasn’t thinking straight.” he looked down at his hands, the ones that held Y/N in them “I saw his face and my brain didn’t know what to do”
“I couldn’t concentrate when I saw him… it felt like I was standing in the rain with him again… his eyes were completely different… and people died because of me” She stared at the black screen and Steve placed his hand on her shoulder.
“This job . . . we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time . . . maybe nobody gets saved.” As he finished speaking Vision phases through the wall and catches her by surprise.
“Vis! I thought we talked about this” he looked confused and motioned towards the door.
“Well the door was open so I only assumed… sorry, but Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving.” Steve didn’t make eye contact with Vision but nodded. The android began to exit through the door. “Oh, and he’s brought a guest” Steve looked at him and cocked his head. “We know who it is?” the synthezoid mirrored the captain and responded.
“The Secretary of State”
As Wanda sat there listening to Ross speak to the team. “Sokovia” she saw her home country in ruins and lowered her head. Vision sat next to her and held her hand. Her stomach churned at his touch. Pietro sped out of the room without a word and only a perturbed look. Next, he showed the images and video from Lagos. That’s when Steve spoke up “That’s enough” he stared down at the secretary in front of the room who nodded his head. 
“For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.” he placed a thick document in front of Wanda and spoke once more. “This way we can avoid any more unnecessary collateral to the public and prevent rogue agents… like L/N” She slides the document down the table and remains silent. “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries . . . it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.” His words command steves attention and he looks up from the thick document.
“The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that.” His stern stare doesn’t phase Ross. who simply looks down and places his hand on the table before maintaining eye contact with the Captain.
“Tell me, Captain, Do you know where Agent L/N is right now? Do you know where Thor and Dr. Banner are?” He takes the man's silence as his answer and continues. “If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes . . . you can bet there'd be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. . .Believe me, this is the middle ground.”
Rhodey speaks up finally “So, there are contingencies.” Ross ignores his words and gets to his next point “Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.” he looks over towards Tony “Talk it over” as he begins to move towards the door Natasha asks him “And if we come to a decision you don’t like?”
He stops for a moment and looks back at her. “Then you retire.” and with those words, he leaves and a small smile is stifled by the spy.
As Zemo is currently attempting to gain entry into his targets' house in Cleaveland. Y/N sits in the car playing a game on his phone. He laughs for a moment before he hears a body drop and looks up. He spots Zemo entering the house and dragging a body, the door remains open which is Y/N’s signal to join in on the fun.
Minutes later the two are ready to begin their interrogation.
“You have kept your looks, Colonel. Congratulations.” he speaks to the man who is dangling above a filling sink “Mission Report: December 16, 1991” The man has fear in his eyes and begins to see a second figure approach from the shadows. “Who are you, people?”
“With none of my respect sir, answer the man's question,” Y/N speaks up with his face still hidden in the shadows. Zemo holds up a hand and answers the mans question “My name is Zemo, This is a companion of mine… I will repeat my question. Mission Report: December 16, 1991?”
The Colonel ignores the question once again changing the subject. “How did you find me?” Y/N lets out a small laugh and approaches the man now fully in the light. His face is seen without bandages and now we see the scar that crosses from his nose down to his neck. The indent in his chin from the shrapnel only makes his scowl more intense. “He didn’t… I did, my old friend -you know the black widow, well when S.H.I.E.L.D fell she release HYDRA files to the public. All I needed was a man who could decipher them, and here we are.” he slapped the Colonel's cheek and backed away. “Now answer him.” his face became stone and he let Zemo speak.
“Mission Report: December 16, 1991” the man spits in his face “Go…to…hell” Y/N attempts to move forward but is stopped by Zemos arm. He leans towards the Colonel and turns the tap off. “HYDRA deserves its place on the ash heap. So your death would not bother me. But I'd have to use this book . . . and other bloodier methods” he motions to the man behind him “…to find what I need. I don't look forward to that. You'd only be dying for . . ." he shrugs at the Colonel "your pride.” he studies his eyes and nods before turning the tap on once again. The water level rises and the Colonel attempts to lift his head but Y/N quickly holds his head below the water line as he thrashes and slowly but surely begins to go limp.
“Where to next?” he watches as Zemo takes the red book and begins up the stairs “We go to Vienna, my friend”.
As the Avengers begin to bicker like school children, Vision speaks up “I have an equation.”. Sam stops his fight with Rhodey and turns to the robot, he holds his temples with one hand and speaks “Oh, this will clear it up.”
“In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially for example Agent L/N who is a known threat. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.” Steve looks away from the Accords and up at Vision.
“Are you saying it's our fault?” She cocks his head and crosses his arms.
Vision looks as though he is thinking for a moment before he responds “I’m saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict … breeds catastrophe. Oversight... oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.” Rhodey looks over at Sam and mouths the word ‘Boom’ while making an explosion effect with his hands.
As the Avengers continue their spat Y/N is making a call from a pay phone. The line picks up and he hears a chipper voice “Ma’am… yes I promise the plan is going well… I made the call as you asked- no ma’am she fell right into the trap… Once I am in Vienna the next phase will start…”. He looks around the street and up at the former Avengers tower. “They will pay for the people they’ve hurt… " he nods his head at the voices requests being made "I assure you Zemo will be dealt with once his use is served.” the line goes dead and he makes his way down the street once again.
Zemo sits and waits near his car for the man in the ballcap and hood. As they drive off towards the airstrip Y/N asks him a question.
“Why did you reach out to my employer of all people? You seem capable of doing this all yourself.” he fiddles with a piece of concrete in his pocket. A piece of the rubble The other man continues to look forward and drive as he speaks “We had a common goal… and I saw the resources they could provide” the passenger nods his head and stares out the window at the passing landscape.
Believing in something strongly can more often or not end in pain. Fighting for your belief can hurt you at times. Especially when you lose those closest to you.
Steve stood in the isle of the church alone. A pair of footsteps approach and he doesn’t need to look up to know who it is “When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out that she was alive. I was just lucky to have her.” Natasha looks at him sympathetically “She had you back, too.” He sighed and figured the reason she showed up was the talk politics. He gave in and ask his question “Who else signed?”
She looked at her clasped hands “Tony. Rhodey. Vision”
A light smile appears at the mention of the man “He says he’s retired” she says it as though she doesn’t fully believe the words he uttered to her.
Natasha remained quiet for a second before speaking “She’s TBD… I think after Lagos she might need some time, more reasons than one…” She pushed herself off the isle “I’m off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet” Steve bows is head and sighs. She knows that he’s already made up his mind. “Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important than how we stay together.” After losing Iggy she was determined to make sure the team stayed the family it was. She was not only trying to convince steve of her choice but herself.
“I know that since you lost him this team has meant more… but what are we giving up to keep it?” She let out a sigh and he shook his head “I can’t sign it… I’m sorry”
“I know…” she stared into his eyes and saw slight confusion rise on his face “I didn’t want you to be alone… you were there for me when I grieved, it's the least I could do” She held her arms out for an embrace and pulled him into a tight hug. She wanted him to know that even though they were on opposite sides that she was still his family. He wasn’t alone.
In Vienna Natashas’ attention is pulled away by a UN staffer. “Excuse me, Ms. Romanoff?” She seems nervous to speak to the spy, apparently, even those who work for world leaders still get anxious around superheroes. “Yes?”
“These need your signature.” She hands her a clipboard with a document on it and Natasha signs it “Thank you” she gives the staff member a light smile to put her at ease and thanks her as well. Suddenly she hears a voice next to her that is smooth and charismatic “I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight.” she faces the voice and it's none other than T’Challa the crown prince of Wakanda, a small nation that is in the heart of Africa.
She smiles at the prince and indulges him “Oh, well, it’s not always so flattering” she knew this from first-hand experience. The press had attempted to capitalize on Y/N's death, they ran stories about the Avengers all the time but the way that they demonized his legacy hurt her deeply. They ran stories uncovering his S.W.O.R.D. training incident and some even said they were glad he was gone… those outlets were quickly bought up by Stark industries.
“You seem to be doing alright so far. Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill . . . I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this company.” He had very keen observation skills, she gave him that. “I’m not” It was the truth. Not since her days in the red room did she trust politicians. No matter how clean their hands seemed she could always see the blood they wiped off. “That alone makes me glad you’re here, Miss Romanoff.” She cocks her head at his comment.
Outside we see a van pull up to the exterior of the building, one man gets out dressed in a perfectly ironed suit. His lapel holds a pin of the Russian flag. His badge clears him for entry by security and he gets searched. While the room upstairs begins to assemble for the king of Wakanda T’Chakas’ speech, he makes his way as he enters the room he sees the bright red hair that used to capture his attention. She was in her seat awaiting the meeting to begin. He feels the corner of his mouth rise and makes his way to his own seat. Sitting next to the woman he can feel his heart racing. He can feel his old feelings for her begin to surface and he commands himself to control them. He takes a sip of the water in front of him and then turns to the woman as the King begins to speak to the room. He leans towards her and whispers low enough that only she’d hear.
“I did miss being close to you~” her head turns towards him and first notices the pin, she moves her eyes upwards and her Emerald Eyes lock into his own E/C that she could recognize anywhere. Her breath is stuck in her throat and she feels as though he is frozen in place. “What? You surprised to see me?...” he gives her a cocky smile “as if I’d ever miss our big day…” his words begin to sink into her brain. Our? What does he mean by that? She notices he now has a clenched fist between the two of them and she can feel the scalding heat that is radiating from it. She doesn’t dare to move as he continues to speak. “This is just the beginning” he reaches for his glass of water once again and seems unphased by her fear “you should have never unlocked my heart… All of this would have been avoided” He gets up and makes his way slowly to the left-hand side of the room.
He spots his partner drive away and begins to heat up both of his arms. The sleeves of his suit are beginning to steam and soon enough his arms have caught fire. The voice of T’Challa bellowed through the room and he raced towards his father. A scream of pure fury was let out of the human bomb and the room was filled with broken glass and fire. He hit the room with a burst of smoke and took one last look at the shocked woman. She looked into his eyes but felt a tug on her arm. When she looked back the man was gone. At that moment she knew the man she loved was gone too…
As Steve says goodbye to Sharon Sam walks over to him urgently. “Steve. There's something you gotta see” He walks the two over to the TV mounted on the wall playing the breaking news from Vienna. The anchor begins to list off all known information on the event “A bomb that was smuggled into…” Sharon pulls out her phone and begins to make calls as Steve and Sam are glued to the screen. “...Ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent,  linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations. He was able to get past security and detonate the device from inside the meeting itself.” Steve exchanged looks with Sam and they both couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
Natasha knows it wasn’t Bucky… She knows those eyes anywhere. His voice was the same, he didn’t even attempt to hide it. He wanted her to know it was him. He wanted to torture her with this knowledge. She watched as T’Challa walked away with determination in his heart. Her phone goes off and she knows exactly who it could be. “You alright?” Steve sounds concerned but she knew that he had another reason to check-in. “Ah, yeah, thanks. I got lucky…” she looks around at the faces that pass by her. She knew the reason she survived… he wanted her to. He wanted her to watch what comes next. She also knew that she couldn’t give up who the real culprit was. There was no evidence yet to clear Barnes of the blame. “I know how much Barnes means to you. I really do. Stay home. You'll only make this worse. For all of us. Please.” she can feel Steve's tone shifts and the smile on his face simply through his voice “You saying you’ll arrest me?” she continues to look around at the emergency responders hoping to catch a glimpse at him.
“No. Someone will. If you interfere. That’s how it works now” still no sight of him
“If he’s this far gone, Nat, I should be the one to bring him in.” She wanted to tell him how he had the wrong guy but his reasoning hatched a plan in her. “Why?” she prodded in an attempt to keep him on the line “Because I’m the only one least likely to die trying.” with those words he hung up and she knew what she had to do.
3 hours later in a dark hotel room.
Y/N removed his hood and cap as he set his food down on a small table. Turning on the light he was surprised by the woman he left in the dust earlier. Literally. She sat on the edge of his bed in her mission suit. He recovered from his shock and eyed her up and down. They stayed in silence for what felt like an eternity. Finally, he spoke. “Took you longer to find me than I expected…” he walked towards his food and began to unload the takeout. “-well, given your last attempt ended with me covered in the rubble for a month” This made her body tense as she thought over the times the site was searched.
“I came here to try and understand why you’re doing all of this…” she examined the way he moved as though he was walking on needles. He sat in the small armchair opposite her and began to eat. No emotion laced his face. 
“It’s simple… I’m getting paid and I get what I want” She examines his body language as she asks him the question he’s been begging her to ask.
“What exactly do you want?” He stops eating and puts down his food. Staring up at the ceiling he pretends to rack his brain “Well… I want the end of the Avengers, you left me in that rubble to rot… I screamed for weeks and nothing happened.” he leaned forward and stared into her Emerald Eyes “I waited to die… I wanted to die by the time I was saved.” he got up and walked to the minifridge where he grabbed two beers. “Now I owe a debt to those people who acted like angels. And your downfall is simply my reward.” he hands her a bottle and sits back down. Natasha is attempting to piece together the information she just heard. “No one but S.W.O.R.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D. had access to that site. Who could have possibly saved you?”. He releases one of his new bone-chilling laughs, it was as if someone else had taken his body.
Taking a sip of his beer he cracked a smile “Oh… they are a group that isn’t even on your radar. -it’s shocking isn’t it? Tell me what went through your mind when you saw me in Lagos?” His smile was gone in an instant and he was back to being made of stone. He didn't move his eyes away from hers for a moment. “Tell me…” His tone showed his anger and his cards bled. She saw the emotion in his eyes as he scooted his chair closer to her and she could feel the heat radiating from him as his anger rose.
“I felt like I was dreaming… I was in disbelief” she now took a sip of the drink and kept her eyes locked on his. “I’ve been grieving you and suddenly you appeared right in front of me. -I didn’t want to believe it was you” he rolled his eyes at her words. “No… you finished grieving me as soon as Steve swooped in. He saw a chance and took it…" He got up and stood close to her. "...so did you”  Looking down at her didn’t feel as good as he thought it would he was only reminded of his time with her. As she looked deep into his eyes she saw a glimpse of the man she loved. She saw a reflection of herself in his eyes and she knew she was doing the right thing. She jabbed a needle into his leg and injected him with the highest dosage of tranquillizer Tony would supply her. “I’m not going to let you leave me again” She was promising to him this time. His eyes filled with rage as he ripped out the needle and collapsed to the floor.  She knelt beside him and dialled on her phone. “Tony. I got him…”
As he woke he felt the cool air of the containment cell wash over him. Jumping to his feet swiftly he took in the exact surroundings. Glass encased him from all angles and there was only a bed, toilet, and small sink. As he reached the glass barrier he began an attempt to melt through it but to his surprise, he had no effect on it. He began to hit the glass repeatedly until his hand became bloody. Quickly in came Tony who seemed to have a face of disappointment on display. “Please know this is for your own protection.” Y/N laughed at the man and hit the wall once again.
“You just think I’m a hazard… like the rest of them…” he motioned around the cell “some kind of animal who needs to be on display?...” sitting down on the bed he watch as Tony circled the cell.
“I just want to help you… you’re not yourself. This-” he waves his hand in a circle “-I’m not buying it, first of all, you decided to attack the two people you care about most, then you blow up the UN… the boastful yet shy little agent I knew would have only been forced to do all of that…” he saw a shift in the man in front of him “am I right?... I there someone forcing you to do all of this?”. The man shifted away from Tony and hid his face. “Tell me now, I can help you Y/N” Suddenly Natasha burst into the room and pulled Tony out. “Romanoff! What the hell! I was getting throu-”
“You were getting played!” she tugged him along to the surveillance room. As soon as the monitor showed his cell you could hear his laughter echo through the room as he mocked the man who attempted to reach him. Chills ran down Tonys' neck as he heard the man. He looked at Natasha who only gave him a solemn expression. “Tony, I think he’s gone…”.
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
heylo!! i saw your wbw post and i’m interested in the technology aspect of your world 👀 as well as the magic aspect!! feel free to ramble about it :D [@fiercely-raging-writer]
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask! <3
So before I get too far, I'mma quick define some shit. Since ASTHC is, in part, a portal fantasy, as well as a sci-fi adventure, there's a couple places I'm gonna give placeholder titles. So!
Place where Jazz, Jason, and Alex are from: Base Universe (or World)
Universe where they get dumped by portal: Adventure Universe
Planet where Jazz ends up: P1
Planet where Alex ends up: P2
Planet where Jason ends up: P3
Now onto the actual question :)
Technology in Base Universe is essentially whatever it was circa mid-2010s. That's the boring part of this answer lol
Now, for the Adventure Universe, here's what I have so far:
Spaceships and interplanetary travel/faster-than-light travel. How that looks is probably gonna depend by planet tbh. P2: super "outdated" (inefficient and such) bc they don't go anywhere. P1: Clunky but effective. P3: Essentially engineered to where they can use their powers as part of the propulsion system.
Holograms, especially tactile ones. I def have a vibe I wanna achieve with this lol
There's one city that I wanna make look like that bright shiny futuristic aesthetic, so hover vehicles, robots, the whole shebang
(Jason: *drooling over all the tech* Jazz, grabbing him by the collar: Keep walking ya nerd)
I think that's all the kids will interact with, but who knows, more stuff might pop up as I dive deeper into this project lol.
As for magic..... time for a read-more lol
In the Base Universe, magic is this sort of "in the shadows" type deal. It's pretty hereditary, but also pretty random. Jazz and Alex come from a family with a long history of magic, but it just completely skipped over their grandfather. Meanwhile Jason's family on his mom's side has 0 magic other than his mom and her brother. People with magic tend to have 1-3 distinct powers, and I'll list those out in a bit.
Also, because you're enabling me to ramble, I'mma mention something that's uh, not a thing that was created crucially for ASTHC, but is a thing in my own character lore and therefore does make an appearance in ASTHC.
So there's some people with magic that are (tentatively) called star-touched, and the difference between them and say, Jazz or Jason, is that their magic is dormant until awakened. Once awakened, they get 1 power, period. This type of power is way less random than typical powers and very consistently hereditary, leading to the star-touched being kinda a lil bit culty. This gets to be somewhat relevant because Alex's mom was star-touched who said "fuck your lowkey culty shit" and married his dad (not star-touched, but has powers), which therefore makes Alex a unique lil bean lol.
(I really like this bit of lore. And just the entire complicated Lunacen-Evenstar family drama lol)
Anyhoot, enough about Base Universe, that's just to set up Jazz, Jason, and Alex, let's get onto the Adventure Universe!
Functionally, it's mostly similar to how powers work in the Base Universe, with the same set of powers existing in each universe. The key differences are:
In Base, powers are random and are not necessarily related to what parents and/or family members have. In Adventure, kids always have the same powers as their parents.
1 power per person all the time.
Due to The War, all of the different powers have been split up and are now living on separate planets
Due to being allowed more openness/freedom about using/learning how to control powers, they are a lot stronger and better controlled in the Adventure Universe.
There are, as far as anybody knows, there are no people who don't have any powers anymore.
Now, I did promise a list of wtf types of powers people have, so *blows dust off the old Word doc* here's the incomplete list I have so far (incomplete bc I do want to add more I'm just... stuck on what else to add lol) (and, for funsies, I'm also including which of my OG characters has said powers so. That's who all the names are lol)
Shapeshifters: Can shift into 1 or 2 animal forms. (Melody (wolf and phoenix), Finn (wolf), Celia (dragon), Jason (fox), Alex (dragon))
Time control: As basic as it sounds lmao. Stop, slow down, or speed up time. (Was Jared's, may be his once again)
Elemental: Control over water, fire, air, and earth (yes, just like ATLA lol). (Melody, Jared, Jason)
Werewolf: .... Yeah lol. 1 key difference from typical werewolves though, it is the one power that is absolutely hereditary. Also there's typically only 1 per generation. (Will Hayden, Jazz, Will Daniel)
Telepathy: Another of those (hopefully) self-explanatory ones lol. (Will Hayden, James)
Telekinesis: Able to move stuff with just a thought. (Sasi, Hayden)
Seer: Able to see the future, often in dreams. (Jared, Alex)
Illusions: Able to create illusions. Stability of the illusion depends mostly on strength of the creator, but none are able to hold up to physical touch. (Jake, Hayden)
Storm Twisters: Able to control storms and electricity/lightning. May or may not have lore in Base Universe that Storm Twisters are always twins. (James, Will Daniel).
So, as a fun bit of knowledge about Adventure Universe: P1 is the planet where the werewolves live, P2 is the seers, and P3 is elementals.
So yeah! I believe I've rambled on enough about all this lol. Thanks again for the ask!!
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sunjaesol · 3 years
to build a home with you
chenford | drabble | post-canon | written on the commute | title: to build a home // the cinematic orchestra
"Luce... what are you doing?"
His girlfriend looks away from cleansing their living room, not even fazed by his dubious tone and expression. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?"
"After that guy broke in—"
"—it disrupted the peace of our space," she explains.
An amused smile quirks up his lips. "You sound like your mom."
"Uh, that's not a compliment, Tim."
"I know," he quips. "Look, babe, it's just sage."
She stands her ground. "What if it makes me feel safe?"
"That's great..." Meeting her in the middle, he gently grabs her shoulders. "But I don't want you to rely on superstition."
Reflexively, her arms curl around his neck with a smirk she adopted from him, one that looked awfully good on her. "I'm sorry, officer Bradford, but... who always wears their 'lucky' socks to a football game?"
His eyes narrow, once stern yet now playful, and pulls her closer. The sage really hits his nose from this proximity, but his focus solely stays on Lucy. The nauseating memory of finding her buried alive, of having to hand over control to Nyla because he wouldn't understand, to then later realise she had terrible nightmares and couldn't date anyone without an otherwise thorough background check. Which, according to her, sucked the romance and intrigue out of a date.
Lucy Chen has many quirks and sometimes he needs to remind himself that a handful of those aren't by choice. Sage it is, then.
"Okay," he utters, kissing her forehead in lieu of surrendering. "You're amazing, if I haven't told you that recently."
She grins. "I know. Why now?"
"Someone broke in two days ago and you're..." Struggling to make sense, forever the half of the relationship that needed to dig for words, he presses his forehead against hers instead. "And you're really brave."
"I don't know how else to put it, but it's true," he says, matter-of-fact, and cups her cheeks so she won't bashfully look away — though he must admit that's what made his heart start skipping beats in the shop, seeing her face light up like that. "And you know it."
Her smile widens and pecks him on the lips, chaste, and he almost chases after her when she continues cleansing the apartment. Tim moved in soon after they started dating. His house had long lost his luster and joy after everything with Isabelle and his suffocating loneliness, that he needed a change of scenery regardless of Lucy. It was hell of a convenient timing though.
Lucy and him needed to feel what it's like to live together. Staying over for a couple days is one thing, but seeing the dirty laundry, smelling the farts and catching one another in a bad moment? — whole other ballgame.
"Oh, and also—" Her head pops from behind the bathroom door, mischief clear in her shimmering eyes. "—what're you going to do with that ring in your pants drawer? Has it been there a while, or...?"
"Detective exam isn't for another year, Chen," he smoothly replies, hopelessly trying to keep his voice levelled. His girlfriend may be seven years younger, but she sure isn't less observant because of it.
Her brows raise, unimpressed. "You're making me wait a year?"
Tim smirks, "I can make you wait however long I want, babe."
"Not really. I'm thirty-one. But sure, Tim, maybe I'll just cleanse the romance out of the opal then." The humor wipes from her face to show a tender gaze, her body leaning against the threshold as she takes him in.
He stares right back, drinking her in like he's done since the first day, though different circumstances, and quietly wonders how in the hell this amazing woman chose him.
Playing along, he grabs the sage from her grasp and throws it in the sink, wanting her full attention. He knows what she means with thirty-one, a biological clock he'll never fully comprehend but Angela made him quite privy of during her pregnancy of Jackson. He knows she wants to be married first before she gets pregnant. He knows it all.
Placing kisses on her lips, cheek and ear, he whispers, "If I proposed to you tomorrow, would you say yes?"
"Depends," she mumbles, feigning casualty when he can feel her accelarating heart, "if you mean it. If you actually want to propose. If it's not a Tim-test."
"You're a P3," he chuckles. "Is this a Lucy-test?"
She kisses him, long and languid, and he figures that yes, he could propose to her tomorrow. He won't, still needing to buy groceries for her favourite meal and making sure everyone's up for drinks on Saturday, but he could. He could drop on one knee right now and be so sure, more sure than anything in his life.
Whispering against her lips, he goes, "I love you, Luce. I love you." And then, bolder, "And I love whatever we make... together."
Her eyes shine with ardent love, face burrowed in his chest as he presses his nose in her hair.
"I dream of a girl," she quietly admits.
His heart stutters in place, holding her tighter to him. A game of House people their age liked playing, fantasising about children and school districts and book clubs. He normally rolls his eyes at that behaviour, but now he loves participating. Because it's Lucy. Because he wants all of that with her.
"She has your eyes and my hair and she doesn't like psych or policework at all. She's her own... little person."
"I want her to have your eyes," he counters.
She looks up. "What if it's a boy?"
"Same answer."
"What if it's twins?"
He smirks. "Then we give one away."
Gently swatting his arm, Lucy retracts herself from the embrace and plucks the dwindling sage from the sink, shooting him a look that reads: don't mess with me anymore until I'm done.
So he lets her — but not before he scoops her up and kisses the taste of soon on her lips, breath and bloodstream. Soon, he'll propose. Soon, they'll marry. Soon, a little human will waggle around the place.
They'll have everything they ever dreamed of.
@alphinias @chenfordsource @tim-lucy @jjskiaras
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fjsj · 3 years
fake dating p3 (final)
Frank Morrison x Reader
wordcount: 1482
warnings: blood, suggestive content, brief background!Julie/Susie
A/N: heyoo, this is the last chapter for this little drabble. I hope you guys have enjoyed it :3c //please forgive me I was very tired when I wrote this but hopefully the quality is up to par
With little to no thought, you reached out and grabbed ahold of Frank's hand before he could get too far into the lodge without you. Your fingers easily slipped between his, but he did not return the grip. The gauze wound around his fingers was surprisingly soft, a stark contrast to his exposed flesh that was rough with callouses. Perhaps you had gone too far? His hand remained limp in yours, and your heart sank into your stomach. You weren't sure how this would be too far after the little scene on the porch, but you began to withdraw your hand anyways. Before you could even untangle your fingers, he finally returned the gesture with a grip like a vice. It was borderline painful as if he was trying to keep sand from pouring out from between his fingers. 
You winced and opened your mouth to complain, but shut it once again as Joey rounded the corner. His eyes honed in on where you and Frank were attached, a grin quickly splitting across his face. "I never thought you'd actually have the balls to ask them out, Frankie." He ribbed, crossing his arms across his chest and looking the two of you up and down. 
"Shut up." Frank grumbled, his grip on your hand only increasing in pressure. His head turned away, and you had to wonder if it was to hide a blush. 
The dull pain spreading through your digits was ignorable, especially at this new admission. Joey could just be teasing, but...what if Frank really had been contemplating this for a while? Sure, it was just a rouse for Julie but he had said your name instead of anyone else's, hadn't he? 
"Y/N, blink twice if he's holding you against your will." Joey teased, and you couldn't help the smile it brought to your face even as you rolled your eyes. 
"Nah, I'm here voluntarily. I think...how long does it take for Stockholm to set in?" You bumped into Frank's side gently, a substitute for elbowing him.
"Haha, real funny." Frank responded, completely deadpan, before forcibly dragging you past Joey and into the living room. Obviously, he wasn't amused with the conversation, but you weren't really sure what had set him off. Usually, he instigated stupid jokes like those, especially with the other Legion members. 
You stumbled after him, not having much choice in the matter. He only released you when he made it to the couch, hopping over the back of it to flop onto the old cushions. The springs creaked from the sudden weight. One of these days that couch was going to snap in two, and you doubted the Entity would be kind enough to provide them a new one. 
"Hey, while you're here see if you can pull that stick out of his ass." Joey called out after you, sarcasm dripping from his tone. You turned to give him a two-fingered salute, "Aye aye captain. Should I beat him with it after?"
You could practically feel Frank glowering behind you as you and Joey burst into laughter. "Please do." Joey finally said once the giggles subsided, before leaving the way you two had come in. The door shut firmly behind him. 
"What the fuck was that?" The bite in Frank's tone made your blood run cold, and you turned to look down at him on the couch. He looked angry and...hurt? No, that couldn't be right. Your smile faltered and your brows furrowed together, "What do you mean?"
"You're supposed to be flirting with me, not Joey." 
You had to pick your jaw up off the floor and bite down on your tongue to keep from laughing again. You looped around the couch and sat down next to him. You propped your elbow up on the back of the couch, sitting facing him, your knees knocking against his. "Aww, is baby jealous?" 
From the corner of your eye, you caught Julie coming down the stairs with Susie in tow, their pinkies looped together. You quickly averted your gaze back to Frank, who was still bitching about your 'flirting' with Joey. "Frank," You said, voice low, hoping he'd shut up for a moment as you sat up on your knees. Your left hand came up to rest on his shoulder, your right cupping the side of his neck, using his body to steady yourself as you swung a leg over his lap and straddled him. Your knee slotted between his leg and the arm of the couch before you sat back onto his thighs. 
The new position made him freeze. Big, bad, overly confident Frank now a deer in the headlights. Your fingers trailed along the tattoo at his throat, and you leaned into his ear. "Don't lose your nerve now." You whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw. His hands found their way to your hips with a firm but gentle pressure to hold you in place. Not that you were planning on going anywhere. 
You pulled away, just far enough to look him in the eye. What you saw there was unexpectedly hungry. 
There was no going back now. Frank lunged forward and captured your lips with his, if it hadn't been for his hands anchoring you to his lap, you both might've landed on the floor. There wasn't a doubt in your mind he wouldn't have chased your touch if you had tumbled off the couch. He kissed you like you were a lost little lamb and he, the wolf, was only sampling what was to come. 
There was a passion and ferocity behind it that you weren't expecting, at least not from something that was just supposed to be pretend. Your hands ran up along his chest and across his shoulders before linking together behind his neck. Your hips hitched forward on their own accord, the sudden friction causing a growl to rip from Frank's throat. He bit down on your lower lip, a mixture of a moan and a squeak escaping your mouth into his as blood burst into your mouth. 
Abruptly, Frank's forehead connected with yours and your teeth clinked together harshly. You pulled away in confusion, and Frank did the same, hand raising to rub at the back of his head. Julie's shoe rested beside the both of you on the couch, and she stood smugly a few feet away. "Who needs a fucking room now?" She jeered, and for a moment you thought Frank was going to shove you onto the floor to go after her. Instead, his grip on your hips returned, strength renewed, as he deliberately dragged you against him. Your face buried into his shoulder, hoping to muffle the noises that wanted to spill out of you. You were sure your face was blood red from embarrassment if nothing else. "Fuck off, Julie, I'm in the middle of something." Frank raised one hand to flip her off, without even bothering to turn and look. He would give up everything just to keep the sight of you blushing and trying to hide in his hoodie in view. 
You heard the two girls going back up the stairs and you let out a shaky breath. "Just remember, I know where you sleep." Frank called out over your head, his touch leaving once again only to chuck her shoe at the staircase. Or at least that's only what you could assume. You weren't about to look and let Frank see how flustered you really were. Besides, he didn't seem to mind, as his arms easily coiled around your waist.
When their steps finally faded and your breathing leveled out, you turned your head, cheek now pressed up against his shoulder instead. "So, uh...are we done now?" You asked, unsure. You'd held up your end of the bargain, right? Now you'd leave and in a couple of days the whole thing will have blown over. The thought made your heart jump into your throat, could you even face him after this? He would return to his usual cold indifference to you, while you struggled to push the phantom feelings of his lips on yours away. 
He pulled you closer to him, this time without the suggestive motive behind it, just an attempt to keep you close. He turned slightly, his lips ghosting against your forehead. "Do you want to be?" His voice was a whisper, hesitant like he was afraid of your answer. 
Your heart skipped and you pulled away from him, leaning back in his lap. A grin tugging at your lips, and you tilted your head questioningly. "Frank Morrison, are you asking me out for real?" A faint blush that reached all the to the tips of his ears blossomed across his features. "If your answer is yes...then yeah, I am." 
You closed the distance and kissed him again, mumbling a happy 'yes' into his mouth.
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. P3/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: Mention of loss, Spelling mistakes, you go to church?
Around 2500 words.
Let’s Get Coffee.
“Yay thank you” You yelled heading up the stairs to get changed…
Training went well, although you didn’t really do much. Bobby who was still reluctant helped you to shoot inanimate objects and some basic hand to hand combat with no weapons, because in his words “you won’t always have a weapon on you so that’s the best place to start.” You are pretty sure it’s just because he is buying time before the brothers come into town so they can deal with the more athletic training. Not because Bobby wasn’t good, he was but he was quite impatient and not the best Teacher.
Time Skip to the Next Saturday Night brought to you by Juliet.
The last week consisted of a few training lessons here and there, you were starting to get really good with a gun, and to Bobby’s ‘luck’ he did some blade training and you actually weren’t half bad. Right now, you were eating takeaway, 8pm, on the sofa with Bobby watching some old tv show.
“So kid, Winchesters are coming round tomorrow. Want me to pick you up from church to save you walking so you can see the two idjits sooner, I know you miss them”. He said emphasising miss in a teasing manor.
“Oh yeah soo much” You replied rolling your eyes. “But no, I’m good, I’m actually going out after for some coffee”.
“So, you and Lena finally meeting outside of church?”
“Wait so who are you meeting with then? A new boyfriend of yours? If so, I want to meet him first.”
“What? No, I’m not completely sure, just a group of us meeting up after church.”
“What do you mean you don’t know. Who asked you? That old woman that lives next to the church because if so, I wouldn’t go she will just talk everyone’s ear of about her cats”
“No, the Priest actually just to share ideas about the bible after.”
“Right well err have a good time?” He replied unsure
“Thanks Bobby I’m gonna head up now and sort everything out and go to bed”
“Don’t use up all my water, I’ll see you after your coffee, call me if you want a lift.”
“will do, night”
“Night kid.”
*Beep Beep* Your alarm read 8:30 Sunday. You go up and got showered and dressed. You opted for an outfit which made you look good but it was still simple and casual, whether you were trying a bit harder because you were seeing Crowley or because the boys were coming you wouldn’t say. You grabbed an easy snack and decided to take the scenic route as you had 30 minutes to get there and you didn’t want to wait around. You arrived exactly at 9:32 and waited a few minutes before walking in, no sign of Lena anywhere, strange. Your seats however remained empty, so you sat once again on the seconded row back. Just as you received a message.
Lena- Sorry my mums not feeling well so I’ve had to take my brother to football. Hope service is good.
(Y/N)- No problem, have fun at football.
You replied before muting your phone and sliding it away just as Crowley came out.
“Good Morning…………………………………Thank you all for coming. Bless you all and I shall see you next week.”
Looking up at the clock reading 10:30, everyone stood up and headed out the door, you however being unsure of where you were going for coffee waited at the end of the pew, letting other passed. You didn’t really focus on the topic at hand but hoped you could blag your way through the teachings of rich man and Lazarus. As everyone left Crowley once again was behind you smiling.
“(Y/N) how are you?”
“Hi, I’m good thank you, how are you doing?” you reply, once again you feel strangely flustered.  
“Better now that’s over and we can go get coffee.”
“Oh yeah about that where are we meeting?”
“I was thinking the little café down 3 blocks over. Small and easy to find a table.”
“Mrs Wolowitz’s?”
“Yes, That’s it”
“I think I know the way; well you better go, and I’ll meet you guys there” You say about to head off.
“I’m sorry love, you must be mistaken I meant just the two of us. If that’s alright”
“Yeah no sorry that more the fine, I just assumed.” You stuttered out. You hadn’t meant to jump to a conclusion but that seemed more likely then just you two going out for coffee. Alone in a small café. Damn it (Y/N) stop thinking again.
“Do you want to follow me in my car? In case you get lost?”
“Oh um.” You awkwardly laughed. “I actually walk here so I’ll get it up on my phone”
“No, no don’t be stupid you’re going in my car.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude”
“No come on let’s go.”
The car ride was short and pretty much silent but not awkward. You were nervous but also happy you weren’t going to be stuck with a bunch of old Christians arguing about meanings. Before you got out the car, he took his clerical collar of leaving him in a normal black shirt. You got out, got a table and ordered your drinks, and reluctantly allowed Crowley to pay.
“So, Y/N how did you find todays service?” Crowley asked looking straight at you for an answer.
“Oh um, it was good” you replied suddenly feeling nervous and unsure of how to answer. You were sat in a café, with an attractive Pastor whose stare seemed to go straight through you.
“Anything to add? Any views on the passage?” Crowley said seeming slightly distracted.
“Not really no. Sorry maybe you start an idea and I’ll add?”
“I don’t really have any either, well to be honest with you I would rather get to know you then your views on the bible.”
“Me?” you smiled, this just got better now it’s apparent you probably aren’t going to be sat discussing the bible over the next half hour or so.
“Yes you” he replied a small smile resting on his lips.
“Well what do you want to know?” you didn’t really know what sort of thing to tell him so thought it best to just ask.
“Well how about we play a game?”
“A game?”
“Yes, a game, you know an activity one engages in for fun?” his smile turning slightly into a smirk.
“Oh, thanks I didn’t know what a game was, what sort of game?”
“I ask a question and you ask one back?” he paused “if you would like, if you wanted to sit around and talk about bibles, we could ask biblical ones”
“No normal questions are fine; you can start since I don’t know what games are” you say sarcastically.
Just then the waiter came and delivered your drinks, nodding his head slightly at your companion before he left. You took a sip of your drink as Crowley moved on; this wasn’t what you though this evening would be but it’s definitely an improvement.
“If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?”
“(Y/A) {your answer}”
“It just seems perfect. I could see myself walking around and just admiring everything there you know?”
“Well hopefully one day you’ll go.” Crowley took a sip of his steaming drink and returned to looking at you. Really looking at you, it was weird, like he was genuinely interested in what you were saying. “I’ve been a few times and I must say the {landmark} is beautiful to visit.”
“One day I will see it, anyway you seem like you’ve been to loads of places where have you been?”
“Pretty much everywhere, I do enjoy travelling.”
“wow, I wish” you sigh out.
“Do you travel?”
“Not really, when I was younger me and my parents would move around America but that stopped a while ago.”
“Oh, how come?”
“They died so I moved in with my godfather and haven’t left town since, I know if he could we would go but he needs to stay here for work and everything and now I’m blabbing on again sorry.” You said it more as a fact mentally ready for the normal oh I’m sorry and what happened and are you okay to come.
“No don’t apologise I’m interested and I’m sorry to hear about them but your godfather sounds like a good man, and maybe one day you can travel again, maybe even the world, what do you plan on being in the future?”
“Definitely the plan, and I’m not sure yet. What about you have you always dreamed of being a pastor?”
“No, definitely not. I’m only a substitute pastor anyway if there’s such a thing.”
“what do you do then when you’re not?”
“I guess you could say I’m a businessman, I mainly make deals and such.”
“oh, is that why you always travel?” You say looking down at your drink and sipping.
“Exactly why my job requires a lot of popping to places. Now if you will humour me, I’m curious, you go to church but don’t seem completely religious, is that so?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t mean to offend you, but I notice you zoning out during teaching and you just seem… I don’t know how to put it.”
“Well if I’m honest I’m not sure about it really. The whole believing in God thing. I mean I’m sure he’s there, but I don’t think there’s much he can do.”
“So why go?”
“Well my mum used to always take me and well it makes me feel closer to her, I’m sorry if that offends you.”
“Not at all, not at all” he said a slight smirk on his face again.
This was weird, not in a bad way but weird. As the time passed, he started to become even less like a pastor and more like a friend. You continued sharing random stories finding out how he grew up in Scotland and all about his random like and dislikes. He was a nice guy and you no longer felt nervous. Time went by and you both ordered another drink. Now your cups were sitting empty and you were discussing what the best era would be to live through, when your phone beeps.
Bobby: Hey, hows the discussions going, what time do you think your going to leave I dont know if I can deal with them alone any longer and theyve only been here 3 hours as it is.
You: oh, sorry I didn’t realise the time, um ill finish my drink and leave soon. Tell them I say hi.
You slid your phone into you pocket and looked back up at Crowley. Wow you had been sat talking for over two hours.
“Everything okay?” he asked
“Yeah everything is fine just didn’t realise the time. Sorry I’m going to have to go in a minuet I have guests over and completely forgot.”
“No problem, would you like a lift back?”
“I can walk it’s fine.”
“Please at least let me drop you of at the church, I need to pick up some things there anyway.”
With that the two of you got back into his car and arrived back at the church both getting out and standing in the completely deserted parking lot.
“Thank you for the lift, and the drinks.” You smiled checking you had everything and looking up at him.
“No problem I had a good time, and maybe if you would like I could get your number and we could do it again sometime, get to know each other a bit more, maybe over some food.”
If you didn’t know any better it would sound like a date offer, in fact part of you wishes it had been but pastors don’t date, do they?
“Yeah sounds good today was fun.” You grab your phone pulling up your number.
“I’m sorry that may not have been clear enough” he said looking at your phone and entering your number into his. “I was referring to going out on a date.”
“But you’re a priest?” you blurt out before thinking. Mentally slapping your head.
“A substitute priest love, and like you I don’t hold religion too close to my heart” he said chuckling and putting his phone away.
“Well in that case that sounds great. I better start heading back but text me.”
“I will, safe walk home, if you’re sure you don’t want a lift.”
“I’m sure, goodbye Crowley”
“Goodbye Y/N”
And with that you left. What just happened?
*Times Skip Home*
You walk through the door into the lounge greeted with the boys and bobby drinking beers and talking, coming to a halt when you walked in.
“Y/N, hey how have you been” Sam asks looking up at you smiling. Before you could answer Dean butted it.
“Y/N Bobby here tells us you’ve been out talking about the bible, please tell me you haven’t it’s like half one.”
“Nice to see you to Dean, and no I haven’t I met with a friend. I’m great thank you Sam, how are you?” you reply going to sit down before realising a pair of legs in the way. “Deans move your legs”
Reluctantly he swung them over the coffee table allowing you to sit down.
“Good thank you” you’re not sure if Sam would have continued but bobby spoke up.
“A friend? You said you were meeting with a group of you, lying, now are we?”
“what? No, I just got a bit confused we were going to talk about the service but we got distracted. But what’s more important is what you two have been up to.” You reply casually leaving out the fact you had spent the last two hours with a male and had half planned a date.
“No, what’s more important is you are 18. And we have something for you.” Sam said poking his head around Dean.
“Sammy’s right Dean said pulling something out his duffle bag. It was neatly wrapped and slightly battered around the edges. Sam definitely wrapped it.
“Guys you shouldn’t have.” You said unwrapping it. At first you saw a leather-bound book. It was bound with a rope wrapped around and decorated with a light house on the front.
“Open it up (Y/N/N)” Sam said.
Unwinding the rope, you opened it up to find postcards and pictures from the boys, all in Sam’s writing.
“We, well I thought you could have a journal to note down anything you want its always good to have one. The postcards and stuff are from each of the places me and Dean have been. We knew you wanted to go, and you always want to here stories so I thought it would be a good way to make it seem like you were there.”
“Sam it perfect thank you so much.” You stood up and hugged him before taking a seat back down noticing Dean had a scruffier package in his hand.
Accepting it and opening it Dean began.
“I’m not as thoughtful as Sam but I saw this, and thought would like it.”
It was a rope necklace with a stone on the end. Under the stone was a small piece of card with a handwritten message explaining the stones properties of protection and healing. You read it and put it on twiddling the stone in your fingers (You can change stone to your liking).
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“It’s beautiful Dean thank you very much” you say leaning over to hug him.
“I’m glad” he says pulling back smiling.
The evening goes on, you order food and joke with each other, Bobby leaving to go to bed and the three of you falling asleep sprawled out on the couch and armchair around 11pm
Wow that was long and mainly build up, but don’t worry romance will be in the next one.  I hope you enjoyed this though, thanks for reading.
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persona-enjoyer · 3 years
P3(The Answer)
Today kiddos, we learn about grief!
When I first saw Metis I was very what the fuck, but upon finishing the game her design makes it very obvious that she is a part of Aigis.
Being the same type of anti shadow weapon despite Aigis being “the last of her series”? check. Having the opposite color scheme? check. The fucking obvious butterfly motif? check.
Still it wasn’t until they explained that Metis was the embodiment of what Aigis wished away when she wished to be a machine again that I put these things together.
Like I saw how she was a foil to Aigis especially design wise but I had no clue what that meant. They were convinced at first that Metis was going to betray them so I was half expecting that to be the case, that she’d be like “dark Aigis” or something. I have to admit that what they actually went with is much better.
On the other hand when Metis said that the time skip had something to do with SEES I was immediately like oh because like they are stuck in grief, right?
Also the fact that the memories they saw related to their awakenings was pretty clear way before they stated it. Ken’s was first, we knew his awakening was due to his mother’s death (and more specifically the cover-up of the truth) and literally at the end of his he says that he can never trust an adult again.
That and Mitsuru’s was literally her awakening in battle to save her father like she described in The Journey but that was much later on. 
It’s kind of funny, my favorite part about the flashbacks was seeing younger Mitsuru and Akihiko.
The main story already told us what happened and this was just seeing it. I guess there were more details but it just felt like there was no new information.
JK I lied I don’t feel like the main game was as clear about Junpei’s issues with his Dad. I know when he first joined that Akihiko found him freaking out and I don’t remember if they explained later why he was out late at night by himself. 
So I guess Junpei’s was good.
Mitsuru’s was my second favorite because babie Mitsuru is adorable, it was cool to see that Ikutksi was unhinged so early, and I feel bad that Mitsuru awakened so young. 
I thought the fact that this game is mostly battle would make me not like it because I was starting to get really tired of grinding in Tartarus but I really ended up liking it. Probably because The Desert of Doors was separated into P4-like smaller chunks of floors.
You can really see how concepts from The Answer went into later games. Like I said, The Desert of Doors is very P4-like and though I know nothing about the arena games besides the fact that they exist, the battles for the keys seem like the groundwork for that. 
I was team Junpei and Koromaru by the way. I wanted to continue, not necessarily just to honor Minato’s sacrifice but mostly because if there was a way to save the world without dying than he wouldn’t have died? Also other games have had themes of accepting grim reality so I was guys, we are NOT going to the past.
However the final door cutscene made a lot of things click. Mostly why the fandom calls Minato door-kun. Also the complication that Nyx (and be extension death) is not bad or malevolent but just is. The problem is that those with this gift of life still wish for death (embodied by Erberus).  
The conclusion of the game that your bonds with others are what makes life worth living as well as a way to deal with life’s hardships is very on brand for this series and very good. 
I also appreciated Yukari’s arc. She grieved for Minato the hardest it seems. I was happy when she admitted she was being a bitch but it was just because she had not accepted Minato’s death and was jealous that Aigis inherited his power. While it was good writing and made sense as someone struggling with grief there were several times in the story that I was like “Yukari, can you fucking chill?” so it was very fulfilling to see her come to the conclusion that her behavior was a product of her grief and to end on friendly terms with Aigis. It was kind of like Junpei’s arc in the main game where I started being like “I logically understand why you are like this but you’re still annoying” to “aww baby, baby with character development!”
Also can we talk about Mitsuru’s speech to Yukari at the end. You were there at my darkest moment so I swore that I would stand by your side??? *trying to make it less gay* isn’t what that what your bonds with all your friends here are for, to help you through life’s hardships?
Like Yukimitsu shippers get your breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Also good message but I am shipping trash at my core.
The only thing I was not a fan of at the end was Aigis’ fake out death.
I was like, they are not going to play the “protag dies” card twice in the same game, you can quit playing now. 
The idea of Aigis literally coming to life was very cool though. 
Also congrats game on very nearly making me cry. Like Minato protecting them forever??? chokes me up just thinking about it.
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title: of enigmas, leaders, and other such mysteries
A/N: For the persona Free Time Zine, I got assigned the p3 boys, so I wanted to do a little Akihiko, Shinjiro, Koromaru, and Minato bonding. I’m sorry Junpei, you got left out.
Summary: Shinjiro doesn’t know what to make of his silent leader, with his wry sense of humour and his unreadable expression. Maybe walking Koromaru can change that.
“I’ll join you.” Even as he says them, Shinjiro can’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. Can’t understand the way his body is unfolding off the lounge couch, his hand already setting aside his book. His body is on auto-pilot and he’s making his way toward the dorm’s entrance before he can comprehend it.
 Even worse is Minato’s reaction. His fingers curl around his headphones, half-way through slipping them on. With no reaction, not even that of surprise, he merely nods as he settles his headphones around his neck. Like this is an everyday occurrence, as though Shinjiro is any of the other dormmates, joining Minato for afterschool snacks and homework and weekend outings.
 Koromaru yips excitedly, making up for it entirely as he bounces around Shinjiro. His tail is on a motor, wagging furiously. Tugging on his pant leg, Koromaru urges him to walk faster before letting go and sprinting to the door.
“Time for his walk already?” Akihiko glances at the grandfather clock. The pendulum swings forward and back, the hand ticking forward by one, and he sets down his boxing gloves. “I’ll come too.”
 “Three’s overkill, ain’t it?” Shinjiro mutters as his friend grabs his coat and slings it over his shoulders, ever the action hero. The motion shouldn’t look as cool as it does. “Even two’s kinda pushing it.”
 “It’ll be fine.” Akihiko shrugs his shoulders dismissively. Already Minato is ahead of them, holding the door open, and Akihiko gestures for Shinjiro to go first. He snorts derisively when he doesn’t move. “Unless you’re backing out?”
 It is stupid, in all honesty. That sentence is barely a challenge, they are in high school and should be beyond that, and it isn’t like it makes a difference if he comes or not. Shinjiro grits his teeth and pushes his way past Akihiko. “Never.”
 It is stupid and he falls for it every. Damned. Time. Akihiko’s lips curl into a smirk as he follows him out. He doesn’t say anything and that somehow makes it worse, as though Shinjiro has lost in a different way. A more important way. He thinks perhaps with Akihiko that’ll always be the case. There is something about childhood friends, about knowing someone in a way that just settles in the bones, that makes it so. Weaknesses, desires, hopes; all of them are laid bare and impossible to hide.
 The exact opposite stands outside, scuffing his shoe against the sidewalk impatiently. Shinjiro has known Minato for all of a month and he is pretty sure he will never be able to understand the enigma that is their leader. Hell, he’s certain that no one at the dorm even understands him; Junpei mentioned catching Minato staring vacantly in Tartarus’s lobby several times. Each time it’d happened, his Persona changed, and there’s just something wrong about that. It’s like he’s changing his face every battle.
 “Yip!” Koromaru barks, sitting on his haunches. The second the door clicks shut, he’s trotting down the usual path. Every now and then, he turns back to them and impatiently shakes his head.
 “Someone’s really excited.” Akihiko chuckles warmly as he watches Koromaru sprint between grassy lots and garbage cans. “He doesn’t usually have this much energy.”
 “No,” Minato simply agrees, hands in his pockets. His shoulders are slack and with his laid-back posture, he looks shorter than he actually is.
 Not that Shinjiro was any better. Slouching is his default by now, his lanky frame automatically hunching over till he’s only barely taller than Akihito. Which is still taller, and he takes a not-insignificant amount of pride in that. “Probably ‘cause of school.” When Minato glances at him questioningly, Shinjiro shrugs. “Everyone’s busier now.”
 “Now that you mention it…” Akihiko slows his step, his hands curling into fists. Quickly punching the air in front of him, he grins cockily as he bounces on the balls of his feet. “Boxing club’s started again.”
 “Did it even stop for you?” Shinjiro asks, genuinely curious. He can hardly remember a time Akihiko didn’t have his boxing gloves, the red leather polished till it shone. Even the band-aid on his forehead seems like a permanent injury.
 “Mitsuru banned him for a while,” Minato helpfully explains. There’s a light smile on his face, as though he’s remembering something funny, and Shinjiro is afraid to blink and miss the expression. “You played with Koromaru a lot then.”
 “It was training, not playing,” Akihiko hotly defends, his jaw set and shoulders rounded. Every part of him looks ready to fight, as usual, but there’s something unusually soft about him. Even his tone has less bite than normal. “He’s good at running.”
 “He’s a dog. Of course he is.” Shinjiro snorts, giving his friend dubious stare. It’s weird enough that Koromaru has a Persona and regularly shoots himself in the head in a nonsensical dungeon. If Akihiko starts competing with a dog, maybe they should just let the Dark hour take over. “Only you’d call walking a dog ‘training’.”
 “’Cause I’m the only one who’d actually train instead of walk.” Ahead of them, Koromaru disappears up the staircase to the local shrine. His paws scrape against the stone steps and Akihiko turns toward them, a competitive gleam in his eyes. “Here, I’ll show you the results. Race me up?”
 “Seriously?” Shinjiro mutters flatly. Not that it matters what he thinks; Minato’s already sprinting up the stairs, Akihiko just ahead of them, and even if they caught him off guard, hell if he’s going to lose. Straightening up, he takes full advantage of his long legs and skips every other stair on his way up. It’s late evening now, the sky a soft, hazy pink, few visitors to catch sight of three high school boys breathlessly running up to a shrine.
 Koromaru is first, as expected. These stairs are his home. Were his home. His tongue lolls out as he sits at the head of the steps, his mouth stretched into a wide grin. What is surprising is that Minato is second, pulling just ahead of Akihiko in the last ten steps. He’s hunched over, taking in big, deep breaths, and Shinjiro doesn’t even have time to feel angry at his third-place tie with Akihiko.
 Minato is second, despite his frail-looking body. There are a lot of surprises with this kid, with the people he knows and the powers he uses, but they catch Shinjiro off-guard all the same.
 “Not bad,” Akihiko pants, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Breathing in deeply, he forces his heartrate to slow down. “You improved.”
 “I knew you’d do that,” Minato heaves, his way of an explanation. It doesn’t make sense. Maybe it’s the lack of air. He’s leaning over, his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
 Shinjiro takes the easy way out and just sits on the nearby bench. There’s no need to posture over recovery. Koromaru yawns before jumping back on his feet, his tail wagging as though it’s powered by the energizer bunny. Maybe he really did miss his walks; between school work, clubs, and Tartarus, no one’s had time to relax, let alone go out with Koromaru.
 “Alright.” Akihiko stretches his arms above him and cricks his neck. Rolling back his shoulders, he glances down at Koromaru. “Up for some ball?”
 Koromaru barks, already racing off to a corner of the shrine. Minato cocks his head. “Ball?”
 “Didn’t you know?” Akihiko stares at them blankly, surprise etched on his face. “Lots of kids come to the playground here, and they’re always forgetting toys and balls.”
 “That’s…kinda cheap,” Shinjiro mutters, watching as Akihiko jogs off to Koromaru. At least Mitsuru could have bought some dog toys. Or maybe Akihiko’s just too lazy to bring them.
 “I guess.” Minato plops on the bench next to him. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he leans back and watches as Koromaru digs in the sand for a child’s lost treasure. “We can buy something on our way home.”
 “Yeah,” Shinjiro replies lamely, not sure where to take the conversation from here. Or if he even should. It isn’t like he has a problem with silence and based on the past few weeks, it seems Minato doesn’t either. From the corner of his eye, he observes as Minato contently just sits there, his expression conflict-free.
 There isn’t a part of this kid that looks ready to fight. Even his muscle seems non-existent, despite the heavy swords and axes he picks on a nightly basis. Then again, Ken also somehow fights with a lance bigger than he’s tall, so maybe it’s part of their powers. Added stamina to go with everything else.
 Akihiko winds up his arm, chucking a ball from one end of the playground to the other. Koromaru’s already running, his head turning back for a second to gauge the ball, and then he leaps. Minato’s smiling absentmindedly during the exchange, his fingers playing with his headphone’s cords. For a brief moment, Shinjiro misses Akihiko and his big mouth; even when he doesn’t like it, it is always more comfortable with Akihiko around.
 The wind picks up slightly and Shinjiro pulls his beanie down a little more snugly around his ears.
 “Koromaru likes your food.”
 He blinks, almost missing the words. Food. Koromaru. A combination of words that is a closely guarded secret. Shinjiro stares at Minato blankly; he was always alone when he cooked for Koromaru. No, to be exact, he always made sure he was alone when he cooked. Checked the halls, checked the schedule, even set up a freakin’ bell trap.
 Reading the confusion on his face, Minato rubs his neck. “Koromaru told Aigis. He wants to thank you.”
 Shit. He’d forgotten the robot could talk to dogs. The blood drains from his face and what else has that dog told her? Told their leader? “Huh.”
 An inelegant answer but Minato takes it in stride. He wraps his headphone cord around his fingers. “The same goes for me.” A short pause. Shinjiro can feel his heart pounding. “Thanks for fixing those meals and worrying over us.”
 At this he stiffens entirely, his ears burning from embarrassment. Seriously, just what did Koromaru tell Aigis? The only witness to all of his cooking endeavours. He thinks back to all the times he’s talked to the attentive dog, mentioning Akihiko’s or Mitsuru’s diet, and it’s not too late to go back to the streets, is it? Sometimes living in the dorm feels like he’s on drugs, so it isn’t too hard to make the switch to the real things again. “J-just doing my part,” he manages. Gruffly, he hopes.
 In all probability, the stutter just makes him sound flustered. Minato doesn’t laugh like he’s expecting. Instead, he’s still playing with his headphones, his gaze directed anywhere but at Shinjiro. “If you need any help, let me know.”
 Minato looks at him now, unwavering, and Shinjiro remembers another time people looked at him like that, as though he has something to offer. As though he has value. Like three years ago, when they first started fighting at midnight and Mitsuru and Akihiko would call on him for backup. Or even further bacck, when Miki wanted to sit on his shoulders and watch the fireworks. It’s been a long time since anyone needed him for anything and Shinjiro can only avert his gaze, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “Sure.”
 The tennis ball rolls to Minato’s feet. Akihiko’s not far behind it, Koromaru trotting tiredly by his side. “Think it’s time we head back.”
 The sun’s set by now, the sky above them cloudy, and Shinjiro reluctantly gets up. It’s a warm night, the last vestiges of summer clinging before fall fully rolls in. “Guess so. It’s dinner time, anyway.”
 “Who’s cooking?” Minato asks and Shinjiro lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. It’s not so much he wants to hide his hobby so much as he doesn’t want Akihiko to know about it. He’s not sure he can handle the nonstop teasing.
 “Fuuka.” Akihiko grimaces as they head down the shrine path. “I know she’s watching all those cooking shows but…I don’t think it’s helping much.”
 “What shows?” Shinjiro asks, surprised. Then again, that would explain the fancy recipe she tried the last time they chatted. For someone with her skill level, beef stroganoff is a pretty high bar.  
 With a shrug, Akihiko jumps the last three steps, landing with a huge thud. “Not sure. Food Network is always on whenever I turn on the T.V. and she’s the only one who’s into cooking.” He has a wry expression as he turns back to them, his face illuminated by the street light. “Don’t think it’s really helping her, though.”
 Fortunately, it’s dark on the trail, the tree’s blocking out the moonlight, and if he flushes lightly, no one can see. He’ll have to remember the change the channel next time he’s watching TV. Clearing his throat, Shinjiro slowly walks down the last few steps. “It takes practice. She’s trying.”
 “She’s improving.” Minato brushes his bangs out of his face. When they look at him curiously, he clarifies, “I’m taste testing for her.”
 “Oh man.” Pity colours Akihiko’s expression and he gives Minato a sympathetic pat on the back. “Good luck.”
 Minato shrugs, waving off the comfort. “It’s fine. She’s improving.” He turns to Shinjiro, his lips curling into a sly smile. “She has help.”
 Shinjro frowns—is that teasing? From their stoic leader? Before Akihiko can catch on, he picks up the pace. “We can all taste test.”
 Maybe if he gets there fast enough, he can salvage Fuuka’s cooking. He can hear Minato chuckling next to him and on at least one thing he stands corrected: their leader is not as mysterious as he thought. No, instead Minato’s a bit of a troll and Shinjiro is never going to reveal any weaknesses to him again.
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agastyatreepetals · 4 years
Personas’ Gifts, P3 Edition
So I’m finally coming back and expanding the ideas in this post and its notes so here we go.
[ Edit notice: feel free to send in asks if you want to discuss this! This is a sideblog so I would have to reply to...well, replies with my main, but I can reblog reblogs here, so you do you! ]
We’ll just be doing P3-P5, because P1 and P2 have different circumstances for the cast (they’re......in between being wild cards and not and are therefore Complicated) and we’ll also skip over the protagonists because wild cards and also I want to be a mild deviation from canon not diving into my fanon.
Oh, and I won’t do Shinji either. He has some special circumstances with his persona and uh...what canonically happens to him. Or Aigis, because of The Answer circumstances.
And so on we go.
Junpei Iori is fireproof. And while not sun proof he doesn’t get sunburns anymore, so eventually he stops using sunscreen. He just tans, or it does nothing at all. He loves hot weather because it’s sunny and nice, and it doesn’t bother him. He hardly breaks a sweat unless he’s working hard. Wind hurts like shit though.
You know how on windy days, especially when you’re really exposed, it stings? Especially your eyes? Amplify that by so much and make it feel like glass shards and sand. Junpei hates windy days so much, and storms, after everything. He even gets scars from how often the wind tears at him, so much that his spring of life ability can’t keep up.
Also he’s kind of unkillable. Perhaps even immortal. Junpei doesn’t try to think too much about that fact (and thanks @herstorycallyinaccurate for the immortal junpei tags on the last post)
And now we move on to Yukari. Still have in mind what I said about Junpei and wind? Yukari is the opposite. She doesn’t notice it unless she visually sees the wind moving something. The wind touches her, sure, waves her clothes and hair, but she doesn’t feel it.
The first few times it’s noticed by people who don’t know personas and they think she’s joking, but eventually Yukari learns how to listen and watch for the wind so that she knows if it’s actually windy. Ups her perception so that’s useful, at least. Makes archery a little harder because she can’t gauge how the wind will affect the arrow the same as when she learned the sport, but she adapts.
Also, it’s incredibly important for her to have gained those perception skills because storms are now unpleasant. She’s a lightning rod. A few trees have died in lightning’s attempt to get her. She also been zapped by several outlets and she’s not allowed to try and fix electronics after that one toaster incident. At least Aigis is sort of human and not exactly totally robot now in how her body works, but there’s still been a few zappy incidents.
Akihiko is not immune to accidental (or purposeful) zaps. And electrocution. Need to handle wires in water? He’ll be just fine, but don’t follow his example. Lightning doesn’t scare him one bit, and he even takes to training with live wires at one point to see how far he can go. It doesn’t hurt him, but Mitsuru is pissed when she finds out so he stops doing it. And then he goes and fights bears, but you can only win so much against Akihiko’s determination to better himself, even when it’s to his detriment.
He doesn’t like blizzards, or snow, or the cold. Ice cream gives him terrible brain freezes and aches in his mouth and stomach. He bundles up a lot during cold seasons, and uses tongs and gloves to handle items he stored in the freezer. He does try not to use freezer, but sometimes you gotta freeze stuff. It’s a conundrum for him.
If Mitsuru’s visiting Akihiko, she’ll handle anything cold because it doesn’t bother her. During Shadow Operatives Missions, she’s ended up lost in blizzards and when everyone was prepared to help her through hypothermia she was just fine. It’s unnerving that she treats snow like a hot spring.
It’s a trade-off though, because heat sucks so much for her now. Warm water feels scalding, she’s easily burned by the sun (so. much. sunscreen.) and she won’t even approach a hot springs anymore. She also won’t mess with fire. Or be that close. She can be like five feet away from a dying fire and she’s like I Can Feel The Heat From That and then she realizes it’s just embers and not like, a bonfire and oops.
Koromaru, like Junpei, is fireproof. And the heat doesn’t bother him, and his night vision goes up exponentially. Sunlight does bother him, but it mostly affects his vision, since heat doesn’t hurt him. He’s pretty good at using his other senses to make up for his poor day vision, so no one really notices enough to be like, suspicious.
Ken thrives in the daylight. He never needs sun glasses, and he’s unfazed by lights being pointed in his face. He doesn’t ever get headaches looking at screens too long, nor does it damage his eye sight.
Once it’s night, however, he struggles. He becomes clumsier, and if there is no major source of light he can’t see at all - even if other people’s vision have adjusted. He has no night vision, at all. In fact, he needs things to be pretty bright for him to see it best. He describes it as it dulls when it gets to his eyes.
Useful for all their skills being blocks or weaknesses rather than absorbs or the like, though that would would be been fun to explore what it would have meant to accidentally steal the heat from the stove.
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tothedarkdarkseas · 4 years
Was there ever a time in his life when Stu was truly innocent?
I had a good think about this, because the answer is of course yes-- as a child-- but I don’t think that’s exactly what you wanted me to say! Despite dunking on him, I certainly don’t think that Stu at 5 years old was capable of great evil or anything. no more than I’d think any young child would be. I’ll assume you mean a little bit older than that?
ROTO’s “biography” for him says that Stu was a mild-mannered and well-behaved kid, and while I tend to think that line is taken straight from his mum or himself and doesn’t necessarily need to be taken at face value as truth, I don’t imagine it’s wildly inaccurate either. We see a photo of him with his mates and he’s looking a bit rotten, I’m sure he skipped class to underage smoke and goof off with the lads, but I don’t overall picture him as a troublemaker. I don’t think he lipped off to authority-- in fact, I’d imagine Stu was pretty charming and at least a portion of that time it was sincere-- and while he wasn’t a good student, that was more the result of being “a bit thick” than being a disruptive sort like Murdoc was. But I don’t know that any of that answers the question of whether he was “innocent” or not, because the definition is pretty hard to pin down. Just based on the photo and what we generally know of him-- er, I wouldn’t say “truly innocent” is exactly how I’d describe him.
I’m not sure if this is what you mean either, but it’s maybe worth noting that I like holding Stu accountable, but I am also on Stu’s side when it comes to his relationship with Murdoc. While I don’t consider Stu to be an “innocent” in life or faultless in his behavior, I do think he is faultless in his trauma. There is something you might describe as innocence that he loses through Murdoc’s hands. In the same way Murdoc as a boy is faultless in his father’s abuse: like, obviously no one really has to say that it’s not really a question of his character or what happens after, we know that, there’s nothing he could have done as a child that would’ve made that situation fair. Stu was no longer a child when he met Murdoc, there was much more time for his character and ego to develop away from the innocence of a child, but as he relates to Murdoc he is an “innocent.” He was a stranger, he was young and unfortunately in a place where this would define his adult life, he’d done nothing that could have made it fair. I think that this is a misunderstood complication with accountability, it’s something that rubs fans the wrong way but it’s the kinda messy stuff I love, haha. To argue in their subsequent relationship that Stu is “equally at fault” for the dysfunction is, to me, not exactly true. There is a little bit of a false narrative in saying Stu’s been insulting to Murdoc because that’s just his prerogative. There is a clear point (and then a second even clearer point in P3) when Murdoc’s decisions ran completely counter to fairness, they robbed Stu of control, and Stu’s reactions are shaped by someone’s fingerprints on his life. However, to argue Stu is not accountable for his own behavior is also not true; it’s as untrue as saying Murdoc isn’t accountable for the crashes or PB because of his own trauma. These things are connected, but the blame doesn’t just get passed back generation after generation until no one has to take it. Stu can be wrong and do the wrong thing and I still think he has a right to do so-- and Murdoc, as the one who does ultimately carry responsibility for his choices affecting Stu, doesn’t necessarily get to hold him up to a standard that he has directly prevented Stuart from reaching. Other people in Stuart’s life though, or we as viewers, do get to hold that standard and say, objectively, that his behavior can be selfish or immature and Stu has now gone on to affect others (his children and their mothers, for example) and it’s on him to own up to it.
Sorry, bit of a tangent! I just bring it up to say, was the Stu stood in Norm’s that day innocent? As far as it relates to the story that would come of it, yes, he was completely innocent. Sorry if I’ve confused the question a bit!
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