unrealward · 17 days
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hatsune miku pet catshape
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unrealward · 17 days
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unrealward · 2 months
...For the most part, my reception into the art world has been a positive one, but I am occasionally questioned on what draws me to painting after my history in written works and my continued career in medicine.
The answer is relatively simple: Images are inevitable.
From the moment it catches your eye, an image is instantaneously embedded in your psyche, hypodermically implanted. Of course, it can take a moment to coalesce. It can take ages to digest. But even if it slips your conscious mind, I really believe it can never truly leave you.
And you can, if you try, take in the information through furtive glances, leave the image fuzzy and peripheral so as to blunt the effect—But the act of avoidance itself grants the image a supreme power over you. Even the most illegible image, reflected against the back walls of your mind, is immediately and utterly known. In this way, the ideas that I have so long struggled to express in the rest of my work flow effortlessly, unstoppably. All you need to do is look.
And I'll be honest. As doctors, we are asked to "Do no harm". As artists, we have no such obligation.
The world and its people that I have sworn resolutely to protect is one that I hold in great contempt, resenting it like a burdensome child. I rose with the sun carrying nothing but love for this world, but unable to express its complementary hatred I languished in an endless, overexposed daylight. Then I put my brush to the canvas.
Come, night. I want this to hurt you as much as it hurts me.
...I'm glad to see quite a few smiles—Nervous smiles, but smiles—Still in the crowd. This is a gallery opening. This is a cause for celebration! I'm smiling too. See?
...To be brief, this is the one and only act of violence that I have allowed myself. For anything else, I should never be forgiven.
But for now, I ask that you grant me this one wish: I hope to create an image from which you can never recover.
Thank you.
― Transcript of artist's speech from the premiere of the solo show, The Gallery of Living and Things, on display through April 20th.
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unrealward · 3 months
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im whuh??
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unrealward · 3 months
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"The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury
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unrealward · 3 months
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The Intracoastal Mangler On inlet shores where salty wind blows, young South Florida beachgoers must be careful not to plunder the sand for treasures too close to the mangrove trees. On rare occasions, they may find their hands trapped in the maws of the Intracoastal Mangler--A sneaky predator who ambushes its victims with the promise of rare shells and delicious kelp. Little is known of The Mangler. Children pass stories around about seeing it, especially as the sun sets, but many parents and seasoned sailors insist it's just a myth. It is proposed that the Mangler actually enjoys beatufiul sea treasures like many beachgoers, and collects them in its maws--the only places it can store and show them off. Or perhaps it's just a hungry monster looking to attract a meal. Either way, the Mangler seems to capture the imaginations of children more than adults.
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unrealward · 3 months
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anthro (2020)
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unrealward · 3 months
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craft recipe (2021)
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unrealward · 3 months
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typographic self-portrait (2021; featuring Lÿno Jean)
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unrealward · 3 months
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spread (2016)
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unrealward · 3 months
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citrus (2016)
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unrealward · 3 months
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sinkhole ecosystem (2020)
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unrealward · 3 months
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alien (2020)
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unrealward · 3 months
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future lifeform (2020)
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unrealward · 3 months
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deep sea creature (2020)
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unrealward · 3 months
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Courtyard (Google Slides)
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unrealward · 3 months
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Ecoposse (2021)
Drawn for a biomimetic design course; Collection of organisms and ecosystems that inspired me. Identification and fun facts below the cut:
Barometer earthstar - Puffball mushroom with a humidity-responsive outer casing that maximizes spore distribution. In dry conditions, outer layer curls around spore sac and allows the fruiting body to roll in the wind. During humid weather, rays unfurl and keep sac steady so rainwater disperses spores. The reaction is the result of the exoperidium's hygroscopic inner layer, and occurs without sensory organs.
Hagfish - Incredibly unique eel-like scavenger fish that have de-evolved a spine. Equipped with rasping jaws, baggy skin that protects the inner organs from damage and facilitates the body tying itself in knots, and a rapidly-expanding fibrous slime that suffocates predators. They are extremely cute and I love them so much.
Subterranean freshwater aquifer ecosystem (Specifically the Edwards Aquifer) - An ecosystem whose biodiversity is bolstered by favorable chemical conditions. Porous karst rock, alongside other natural processes, treat and purify the water to drinkable levels without the need for human intervention. Host to a plethora of stygofauna without pigmentation, eyes, and other features that allow for an efficient metabolism that can spend months between meals.
Harvestmen (aka Daddy Longlegs) - arachnids (not spiders!) adapted for movement in difficult terrain; voluntarily self-amputate limbs (autotomy) that do not grow back, but regain comparable movement speeds through behavioral compensation for up to 3 limbs lost. An interesting example of accepting greater risk by distributing resources among a greater number of less-specialized organs.
Caddisfly larvae - Caddisfly larvae are small insects that live in freshwater streams, rivers, lakes, and more, building protective cases with incredibly strong waterproof bio-adhesive and local detritus. Though they typically construct cases from specific abundant materials, they can incorporate artificially introduced objects like gold and precious jewels, which can be used to make jewelry.
Hydrothermal vent ecosystem - Deep underwater where no light penetrates, geysers of supercritical magma-heated mineralized water and high pressures create harsh conditions for survival. The unique adaptations of chemosynthetic bacteria convert the toxic sulfides into biocompatible chemicals, supporting the range of life in the ecosystem. Giant tube worms, scaly-foot gastropods, and eyeless, hairy Yeti Crabs are some of the interesting creatures that call this habitat home.
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