wilcze-kudly · 9 hours
How do you guys think Opal's airbending manifested because I personally think she was in an argument with Kuvira, and accidentally air yeeted Kuvira through a window.
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wilcze-kudly · 10 hours
Ooh that is an interesting concept! I can totally see Su softcore mothering Wu (i love to headcanon her as lowkey adopting Bolin so i cwn totally see her just collecting teenagers)
Will Opal and Wu get along since they both have airbending? If you bring Kuvira in earlier, I'm curious of what her and Wu would think of each other.
I'm writing an AU of season 3 and I'm about to get into the Zaofu episodes and I REALLY want to do a better job of how the Lin Su conflict was handled. I've gotten myself a little stuck and you're so Beifong smart. What kinds of things do you think I should adjust/change around their conflict to make for a more realistic and interesting story while still keeping to the general dynamics between them? I've rewatched those episodes like four times in the last week and I agree with your last post about how weird the whole storyline was.
Hmmm... well it really depends on the type of story you're writing, but my main issues with the Beifong sister's storyline was that it was basically a speedrun and very 'Lin-heavy'.
To be honest the story doesn't even feel like it's about Lin and Su's relationship. It's more Lin crashing through the first stages of dealing with repressed trauma on express speed.
I'd say including some more scenes with Suyin would be a good idea. Perhaps one of her comforting Opal after Lin yelled at her at the end of "The Metal Clan". It would be interesting to see, especially with this line from Lin earlier that episode.
Lin: Five kids. What a nightmare. Suyin: No, no. My children are a blessing. Lin: Yeah, mom used to say that too, but she never meant it.
You could have Opal (or Huan or the twins) asking Su about what Lin ment with that comment about Toph, since I doubt that Su would tell her kids about her difficult childhood.
Suyin seemed very intent on showcasing her children the best aspects of her family. She even told her kids positive stories about Lin, despite their estrangement.
This could provide a few interesting scenes as Suyin's kids realise that their cool aunt Lin is actually kind of a bitch. Su talking to her kids about her story is a better jumping off point than what we got in the show, since Suyin would probably be more open with her children then with Korra, outsider.
Seperating the actual Suyin from Lin's perspective of Suyin is key. Because Lin is an incredibly biased vehicle for the audience.
I'd also try not to make it seem that the relationship between Lin and Su is mending itself in leaps and bounds. Slow and steady wins the race here, Lin has only began healing herself, let alone her external relationships.
Please do keep me posted on your AU, I'm intrigued, love! And I'm honoured you reached out to me lol! If you have any more questions I'd be glad to ramble on.
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wilcze-kudly · 10 hours
it really upsets me when people call Suyin an abuser. She did a very bad thing, and she made a lot of mistakes regarding her kids and in book 4, but to me it doesn’t scream abuser. To me it shows her impulsivity and her lapse in judgement. Not that she’s calculated or insidious like a lot of abusers. She never was.
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wilcze-kudly · 10 hours
I read your ask answering the mako hate question but do you have any ideas why people simp for lin but then turn around and hate mako? like they are so similar personality wise. lin is more grumpy and snappish than mako is. is it just bc shes a lady and everyone likes to shit on male characters just bc they're dudes? like all the "yeah unfortunately I'm attracted to men" jokes?
honestly i think that’s probably accurate:/
same thing happens with kuvira
she is a LITERAL fascist and yet somehow ppl are like hehe,,,pretty lady,,,step on me
and still turn around and hate mako
some of the people in this fandom really baffle me sometimes
like i guess they think the way lin and kuvira express their trauma is attractive but the way mako does isn’t (which is so screwed up bc trauma isn’t something for you to judge as attractive or not but here we are)
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wilcze-kudly · 10 hours
A barely coherent ramble on the Beifongs being a family of people with an incredibly high ability to feel things
I think a lot of people really misinterpret Toph. They see her for her role as powerhouse. However, one of her key abilities is actually her ability to sense her surroundings with earthbending.
But that's not all. Toph is able to sense people's heartrates and tell when they are lying or not.
In fact, Toph is a surprisingly empathetic person. Despite her abrasive and harsh personality, she's surprisingly good at reading people and seems to have very high emotional intelligence. She's extremely good at identifying people's strengths and their weak points. Multiple times, she's able to successfully get under people's skin very efficiently.
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Girl is using her empathy to bully people good for her.
Sure, she often uses a tough love approach, however I would argue that it's a self defence mechanism. Toph doesn't like being vulnerable, probably due to the fact that she was treated as weak and helpless when she was growing up. People with higher empathy or sensitivity tend to be percieved as weaker or more delicate, which is something Toph desperately wants to avoid. Toph also carried her parents' emotions and expectations of her for a very long time and it could stand to reason that she doesn't wnat to do that with anyone else.
I think I may make a longer post on Toph and her trauma surrounding her parents and how that affects her relationships and behaviours lol.
So... Lin is very similar to her mother in many ways. She also puts up a prickly wall of "tough love" to deal with her high sensitivity. However, she seems to absorb and internalise things that hurt her much more than Toph does.
Lin's emotional maturity is heavily stunted, most likely due to her difficulty with bonding with people. She never really allowed herself to grow past a certain point. She didn't grow into her empathy, therefore she feels things, but doesn't exactly know how to handle them. Repressing these feelings is a band aid solution, and we do see how dangerous them overflowing is.
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However, on rare occasions we do see Lin allow herself to empathise with others. We see this particularly with Opal and Mako. However, with most people, Lin's guard is always up.
Lin is the textbook example of someone very sensitive who pushes people away out of the fear of getting hurt.
I can see some people arguing that Suyin has pretty low empathy. Looking at her treatment of Lin, Kuvira and Baatar Jr. I think it's true that in her younger years, Suyin struggled with her feelings. I'd argue it is due to very high empathy actually. In the flashbacks, Su seems to mirror Lin's emotions back at her, perhaps unable to distinguish them from her own.
However, unlike Lin, Su grows as a person in her time away from Republic City. When we see her as an adult, she is very in tune with her emotions and also able to deal with other people's outbursts without internalising their feelings.
She has a very gentle way of speaking to people and is able to quickly pinpoint what they need to hear, as she does with a young Kuvira and with Bolin. She can make other's feel comfortable and safe. Perhaps due to her own turbulent upbringing.
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However, Suyin is also heacily driven by her emotions. Her impulsivity can cloud her judgement, such as when she flew into a fit of rage at the idea of a guard betraying her city, or when she risked not only her own life, but that of her sons, and tried to impulsively save Zaofu feom Kuvira. She also still holds a shocking degree of sympathy for Kuvira, despite her initial anger at her ans her children's visible discomfort with Kuvira's presence.
Suyin feels things very strongly, and, despite getting better at managing her feelings, they still often overtake her.
Baatar Jr
It's interesting when a character who is characterised as a more "intellectual" type is driven primarily by their emotions. Despite being a man of science, Baatar Jr has a habit of disregarding logic completely.
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He prioritises his relationship with Kuvira, he has a weird lil rivalry with Varrick, he's incredibly bitter when it comes to his relationship with his family. Baatar Jr is such an underrated character.
I think most artists are inherently sensitive people. And we very much like to express the things we feel.
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Huan seems to use his art to process certain experiences, for example Harmonic Convergence. He's quite sensitive when it comes to his creations. He also values other people's art too and perfers "raw emotional power" over quality.
I think a lot of people pick up on Opal's empathy on the first watch, especially when you see her interact with Lin. Opal is also very quick to notice that Su still has a soft spot for Kuvira. She also sets boundaries with Bolin very quickly and efficiently and I would credit this to Suyin's parenting.
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But Opal is very much like her mother in the sense of having her judgement clouded by her emotions. Especially when it comes to the Kuvira situation. Her strong emotions often act to her detriment, as she almost gets baited into attacking Kuvira and her unchecked anger at Bolin arguably made him retract further into Kuvira's army. This is hardly a new thing for Opal, as we see her lashing out even as a child.
Wei and Wing
Splitting what little screentime the twins have between them yields scarce, but interesting characterisation. Wing seems to be more outwardly emotional, throwing a tantrum when he loses a game and cheering when excited about sparring Korra. While Wei, much like Lin and Toph before him, seems to put up a bit of a prickly wall, for example when he's antagonising Bolin.
The twins are very closely tied to their mother and it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to say that they internalise her emotions. Like when Wei yells at Kuvira during the negotiations.
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The twins are also very open about their upset at Opal leaving. It's honestly sweet to se that Suyin raised her children to be able to express their emotions rather healthily.
Uh. Anyway. This post was mainly meant to toss a pattern I've noticed out into the open. I might make some more posts elaborating on particular aspects of it (i also wanna make one on kuvira and how she's quite the opposite of the Beifongs). So uh. If you have any suggestions of topics i should start with,just shoot lol.
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wilcze-kudly · 13 hours
Tbh Baatar Jr just... isn't talked about at all? Which is a crying shame because he's genuinely an interesting character. But yeah he got off the easiest thanks to mommy's money (and maybe due to some operation paperclip-esque shenanigans). And I do wonder how he feels about it. And more importantly how his siblings feel about it. Especially that he said some really hurtful things to the family. And also. Y'know the whole war and capture and unethical prison and shit.
Kind of a tiny rant inspired by my previous post, but I’ll forever be mad at the people who love saying that Kuvira “got off easy” while totally ignoring Baatar Jr was basically not really punished at all. If he was then it was way less severe than what Kuvira herself got. Like let’s not forget that he was in full support of everything the Earth Empire did. Not only that, he literally helped build the technology that made it possible in the first place. Yet most of the fandom only ever blames Kuvira, as if Baatar Jr wasn’t her right hand man/fiancé.
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wilcze-kudly · 15 hours
Writing a fic when you're uninspired:
*writes half a sentence* *checks tumblr; no updates* *checks discord; all servers; no updates* *goes back to doc* *re-reads last three sentences* *removes last half sentence written* Hmm I want some tea ... *makes tea* *checks tumblr again; one new post* *checks discord; all servers; no updates* *checks four latest opened tabs* *remembers an old fandom you haven't thought of in years; goes to AO3 to see if there are any good fics for it* *opens three new fic tabs* *remembers that you're supposed to be writing* *writes a sentence* I'm kinda hungry ... *checks cupboards and fridge for snacks* *remembers that it's ten pm and you shouldn't snack at this hour* *remembers that you made tea; it is now cold* *drinks cold tea* *re-reads last three sentences* *checks tumblr; no updates* *checks discord; all servers; no updates* *in desperation, checks twitter; it is a cesspool of evil so you check tumblr again; one update* *reblog* Hmm, I have too many tabs open ... *opens a random tab; it is a 70K fic with 1K worth of tags that you last visited three months ago* *reads fic* Four hours later: ... I should go to bed. *closes doc* Total words written: 44
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
Anyway, something, something almost all the Beifongs we see in atla and tlok seeming to be very sensitive and highly emotional (all dealing with it with varying degrees of success) . Something something seismic sense.
Remind me to make a post breaking down this aspect of Toph, Lin, Su and Su's kids. Fucked up lil family of superfeelers.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
Tbh Kuvira's redemption kinda ruined her character for me. I'm not opposed to it and if it was done better I'd probably adore it. But looking purely at what we got, I'd much rather perfer her as a villain we feel sorry for.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
Why does the TLK fandom seem to think Korra and Bolin had any romantic involvement? I keep seeing people say they "dated." No, they didn't. He was into her, she wasn't into him, they went on one outing one night. That's not "dating."
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
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I think this is the worst pain korra went through actually
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
I'm writing an AU of season 3 and I'm about to get into the Zaofu episodes and I REALLY want to do a better job of how the Lin Su conflict was handled. I've gotten myself a little stuck and you're so Beifong smart. What kinds of things do you think I should adjust/change around their conflict to make for a more realistic and interesting story while still keeping to the general dynamics between them? I've rewatched those episodes like four times in the last week and I agree with your last post about how weird the whole storyline was.
Hmmm... well it really depends on the type of story you're writing, but my main issues with the Beifong sister's storyline was that it was basically a speedrun and very 'Lin-heavy'.
To be honest the story doesn't even feel like it's about Lin and Su's relationship. It's more Lin crashing through the first stages of dealing with repressed trauma on express speed.
I'd say including some more scenes with Suyin would be a good idea. Perhaps one of her comforting Opal after Lin yelled at her at the end of "The Metal Clan". It would be interesting to see, especially with this line from Lin earlier that episode.
Lin: Five kids. What a nightmare. Suyin: No, no. My children are a blessing. Lin: Yeah, mom used to say that too, but she never meant it.
You could have Opal (or Huan or the twins) asking Su about what Lin ment with that comment about Toph, since I doubt that Su would tell her kids about her difficult childhood.
Suyin seemed very intent on showcasing her children the best aspects of her family. She even told her kids positive stories about Lin, despite their estrangement.
This could provide a few interesting scenes as Suyin's kids realise that their cool aunt Lin is actually kind of a bitch. Su talking to her kids about her story is a better jumping off point than what we got in the show, since Suyin would probably be more open with her children then with Korra, outsider.
Seperating the actual Suyin from Lin's perspective of Suyin is key. Because Lin is an incredibly biased vehicle for the audience.
I'd also try not to make it seem that the relationship between Lin and Su is mending itself in leaps and bounds. Slow and steady wins the race here, Lin has only began healing herself, let alone her external relationships.
Please do keep me posted on your AU, I'm intrigued, love! And I'm honoured you reached out to me lol! If you have any more questions I'd be glad to ramble on.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
🤍🖤 for the ask game
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Suyin. Suyin, Suyin, Suyin. My god this woman has been dragged to hell and back for extremely petty and unsubstantiated reasons. I wouldn't even mind it that much if it didn't showcase a glaring lack of understanding of the character.
The way a lot of people talk about Suyin also makes me incredibly uncomfortable. It's so insensitive and mocking. Which, yeah, she's just a fictional character. But when everyone does it and it's clearly out of spite, not humour? It just weirds me out how the fandom despises this woman.
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
I was gonna say Lin Beifong, just to dovetail into my mini Suyin ramble lol. But I'm not super inclined to get into the inevitable debate. (I just think Lin isn't the fragile uwu baby that the fandom treats her as)
My final answer howerver is Asami, cause um. War profiteering. Lol.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 days
💛 🏳️‍🌈
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
I replied to this in a previous ask. Bopal. It's always As a bonus, I'll say I'm not super into Linzin. Or at least, not as a viable ship in canon. I very much like them as exes.
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
Idk. I try not to make judgements about characters or people 'seeming queer'. Especially if it's only headcanons. Uh... Lin Beifong? I like queer Lin ships, but I will say there isn't much substance to queer Lin other than it would be hecken cool.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 days
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I was originally gona ramble a little more about how Bolin is only seen as the comedic relief himbo with his depth and trauma ignored, but I think I've done a lot of that.
So I'll go with my second fave, Opal. A lot of people seem to see Opal as quite a bland and boring character. I will blame this mostly on Bopal, and Opal getting reduced to a love interest with a bit of a "girl next door" charm.
But Opal is a much more interesting character than she's given credit. She can be quite mischievous, teasing Bolin when they first start talking. She can be a bit aggressive and standoffish, especially during the B4. She has a very high sense of right and wrong, which doesn't align fully with the values of the Air Nomads which could lead to interesting drama.
She's much more interesting than the role of "vanilla het love interest" she's being pushed into.
She makes me think of a Lin Beifong in a happier timeline lol
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
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I really think she's very pretty. I like her greying hair and how well she wears Air Nomad robes and how they clash nicely with her green eyes. I also like her bangs and hairstyle!
I think Pema is much prettier and cooler than people give her credit for.
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