#FUCKING POINT OF THE GAME? It's like they actively chose to ignore the entire point that Frisk was supposed to be their own character
tasmanianstripes · 1 year
Are you ever tired of the fact that in gaming/fandom spaces when a character uses he/him or she/her it's taken as a fact but when they use they/them it's used as a suggestion?
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perseruna · 2 months
heyyyy do you have any details/sources for the ca*ill being a jackass thing? ngl i watch twn for yen and jaskier so i was already planning on continuing to season 4 but i'd love some reasons to be actively excited for the actor switch. but i haven't kept up on the behind-the-scenes stuff so i'm kinda lost on that front if you're up for sharing any of what you know!
okay guys buckle up this is THE anti henry cavill megathread xoxo
First of all him dating a teenager as a 33 year old fully grown man literally gross and disgusting.
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Also as this quote implies they started dating a year prior and only went public when she was 19 so they supposedly started dating when she was 18.
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His entire dating history is a MESS. Sure the women he dated are not him, but he chose to date them, I wouldn't even associate myself with people like these let alone be in a relationship with them. He dated the infamous transphobic TERF Gina Carano, albeit before her loud controversy, but I doubt her harmful views were any different back then. His current gf has a history of doing black face.
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His "Me Too" comments.
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His comments on the Me Too movement are literally so vile. If you don’t want to be called a rapist, just don’t rape women, it’s literally as simple as that. They’re even more foul because they’re promoting the idea that women lie about their abusive for fame, promoting that harmful rhetoric especially in our times is incredibly dangerous.
Now onto his on set behavior.
We can't talk about his set behavior without mentioning the deuxmoi set leak. Here's the transcript of it:
There’s something I really really wanted to read to you guys--it has to do with why Henry Cavill left The Witcher. I know that was something that you guys were super interested in when it happened, and I just recently got this message. Somebody was like “Hey, do you want to know what really went down?” And I was like “Sure!” So let me just read it. It says:
“At the beginning of the show, Henry was good to work with. A lot of difficult demands that made people feel like he wasn’t a team player, but that’s not unusual for a really big star. Though in TV it truly usually doesn’t happen until the second season. But in season two and three something shifted and he became really impossible for women to work with, which is always a big problem, but even worse here because the showrunner is a woman. He would try to overrule her and try to get changes made last minute across the board without her knowledge, which, if you know anything about showrunning, is completely fucked. The showrunner has to sign off on every miniscule detail down to the buttons on a costume. Female writers and directors were suddenly being completely ignored on set, unable to do their jobs. Every department head was complaining. He started making comments—it wasn’t a sexual thing, he wasn’t grabbing anyone or being lewd, but it was disrespectful and toxic all the same.
“He is deeply addicted to video games, to the point where it was like working with any other addict. He was distracted, he was late, he was obsessive, and a lot of people think the misogyny came from gamer world. Video game bro language is not how you talk to coworkers, and he wouldn’t stop. Someone on the show compared it to watching someone get brainwashed by QAnon, like his whole personality shifted. Eventually his disrespect escalated. He would rewrite scenes without even alerting the other actors in the scenes until it was time to shoot. He decided that he didn’t want any romantic scenes at all—no kissing scenes, no shirtless scenes, et cetera. He wanted complete control of storylines but really had no idea of the limitations of TV, structure, budget, et cetera. He formed a weird alliance with one writer who was also a gamer, who eventually got fired after multiple HR complaints were made and after that writer left, Henry did anything he could to hold up production and cause problems.
“Eventually top brass at Netflix was tired of him costing them money with delays and HR investigations and the showrunner was asked to construct a potential exit for him. Netflix reached out to him personally and he was given one final warning, and violated that warning with an email he sent to the entire writing staff right after that meeting. That was it. It’s very disappointing.”
End transcript.]
Now believe me or not, but I know from a really good source that the leak was indeed real.
There's a lot of patterned behavior that tracks with what we know of him and his past controversies.
After that leak came out, there was a lot of people from different places coming to comment that ‘yes’ they’ve heard a very similar story adding a little bit more details of their own.
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this quickly deleted tweet from one of the writers/producers:
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there were rumors about him being an asshole to Anya specifically.
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He went on record that he doesn't "understand" sex scenes. Which I know the sex discourse is rampant nowadays and each to their own, but he specifically signed up for a role that requires those scenes and then refused to do them and was allegedly nasty to Anya about it and with the way he talks about women...
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Also it’s important to touch upon the “writer he had a weird alliance with” that man in question is Beau DeMayo of the recent fame of getting fired by Marvel from X-Men ‘97. He was previously allegedly fired from The Witcher for being emotionally and physically abusive. And he allegedly got fired from X-Men for being abusive as well. One of The Witcher writers tweeted this after Beau smeared them for “disliking the books” Beau was literally the first person to start that narrative.
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The fact that it was HIS idea not to say lines of his dialogue in S1 and instead grunt. To the point that Joey had to take Henry’s lines and make it his own, so the plot would make sense, he talks about it in this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Oyh0t117t0U&, and then once S2 press arrived Henry was talking about how he was trying to fight the big bad writers to give him more lines. Ridiculous.
Everyone is already pointing out that the cast looks so much happier without him, and it’s very true. Henry was never present on close to any BTS pics from filming the previous seasons, or on any cast dinners or birthdays. He wouldn't even do any shared interviews with the other three mains but only had solo interviews which to me was giving disrespectful like you're an ensemble you’re not the only lead here. It felt like he was above them to sit down and answer questions with them. When they were doing press junkets in Brazil and Poland Anya, Joey and Freya would always arrive together and leave together with that man leaving all the events early and by himself. And like people who post quotes from the cast about him being perfect from press junkets as “proof” are insane to me like Obviously they’re going to say nice things about him, not only they're newcomers, and he's an established industry name, but they’re doing PRESS for a show that he’s a STAR of (well, was lmao)
The fact that he never defended Anya from the racist trolls, even though most of them were HIS fans. Like she had to go through so much and that man couldn’t make a single comment about it as a leading man BUT he could make a whole IG post because people were being mean to his gf and calling her out for doing blackface.
And sure people might say that a lot of these are unverified sources, and I’d get it if it was a singular case, but there are a ton of these accounts that all match each other. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
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libelelle · 1 year
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER. my opinion on Silver is by no means the single correct one nor do i think it should be, do what you do idc. we're all here throwing him at a wall repeatedly for fun
Ok so. whats the point i wanted to make. oh yeah right
his character is so interesting this is a character for sure. im screaming and crying etc etc. the unfortunate part is NO ONE GETS HIM. i see a lot of interpretations that cherry pick his personality and experiences and it just! isnt it! he is a complicated character!
trying to simplify him down to 🥺innocent soft boi🥺 doesn't work, not only cause you're ignoring his DEBUT GAME (NEVER FORGET HE TRIED KILLING SONIC) but also because you just disconnected him from his entire backstory and motivations. i see people making Silver into a "cinnamon roll" guy and it always makes me grimace because... do you know WHY he is clueless. do you know why he doesn't get things or is too trusting or this or that. its because he grew up in the apocalypse alone. he hasn't experienced anything normal or healthy in his entire life. and since these traits, which are used to make him into the innocent cinnamon roll, are a result of growing up in a very abnormal environment, are symptoms of having never been in social situations and never had a normal day-to-day life. this means you can't ignore the OTHER characteristics that result from it. by this i mean hes very independent, very stubborn and aggressively mean (i recommend watching any of Silvers interactions in the Rivals games. he is extremely confrontational and a very good example of the kind of behaviour i'm talking about). but since this doesn't fit the bill for the character that you want him to be, you remove the context. him being clueless has nothing to do with his background. hes anxious cause hes a smol bean, not because hes been drowning in responsibility and trauma for as long as hes been alive. hes kind because hes innocent, not because he chose to be despite it all
"but linnea! what about IDW! hes very innocent in that!" INCORRECT BUZZER. IDW is not the same. i'll admit, the writing isn't always what i want or expect for Silver, but there's something important for you to note here
Silver is ✨Recovering✨
from my perspective at least. what i see is Silver, who has actively been working together with other people for MONTHS. he has friends, a support net, as well as hobbies. these are things he didn't have before, and being with these people, in both calm and hard times, helped him. So what we are seeing isn't the trauma responses, we're seeing the result of being acclimatized into a healthier and safer position. that's why there's a change in behaviour. this doesn't mean hes a soft boy now. AGAIN hes complicated. be careful not to boil him down to a single trait. in IDW we still see moments where he experiences difficulties because of his past. examples include when he met Whisper, Failed Social Interaction and said this:
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he struggles with boundaries! of course he does! he's still getting the hang of being around people
then also recently when he came to help Sonic in 58:
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he is struggling!! with nothing to focus on! his default is fight fight save the future fight!! he's not used to normal life and that makes him anxious and frustrated, unable to focus on things he cares about, as we see in the future growth comic in the 2022 annual
there are likely more examples but idc. need to finish this post. continuing, Silver is complicated, meaning that even when he is aggressive and tunnel visioning on a task, he has more going on. one thing i fucking lovee LOVE love about Silver is that he has hope. fuck if i were him i think i'd have given up. THOSE horrors? every day? no thanks
Silver feels anguish and frustration and fear. this being said even at his angstiest moments he has hope. you cannot look me in the eye and tell me that Silver fought through every horrible disaster, coming back to a newly devastated world every time and decided to continue with no hope for a better future. he is determined and he has hope, even if he has to fight tooth and nail for it. Usually when i think about Silver and his odd optimism, i go back to '06, when he's having his moral crisis over killing sonic.
"To kill someone to save the world... is that really the right thing to do?"
it would've been understandable if he decided it was the right thing to do, even if sonic was someone who was kind and loved, because that's just how bad the world is. maybe its just me, but the way this thought broke through in spite of his bull headed focus on destroying the iblis trigger speaks to me about his nature as a person. even coming from the bleak world he came from and even with the tunnel vision he had, he still considered this one persons life to be important too.
he is, at heart, a very gentle and kind person. he is, at heart, someone who is strong and who wants to help others. a version of Silver that is sad all the time, unable to see the good in the world (a phenomena i don't see much of thankfully) isn't true to Silver as a character because its missing that core trait to his character, that he wants to help because he cares.
Silver can't be one or the other. one way ignores his background and his trauma, which leaves out important parts of his personality, the other just abandons a very integral part of who he is.
the point really is to say that (slaps roof of Silver) this bad boy can fit so much layers!
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we-will-be-reun1ted · 8 months
aether did wHAT
I did not know he put the flowers in her hair while she slept!!! :0000
Also i think the only things so far that i've seen that would indicate the travellers emotional strain from being separated is Dain (and i think Paimon too?) asking if the traveller was crying in their sleep because they dreamt of their sibling again; Traveller losing their patience by the time they got to Inazuma and just wanting to get things done as fast as possible to move onto the next nation; Traveller not even bothering to ask about their sibling anymore when they got to Nahida, only to be surprised by Nahida actually giving them information, and then asking about their sibling again in Fontaine; Traveller opening up to Venti in the teapot, saying they're tired; Voiceover where Traveller tells Paimon they've had nightmares of their twin leaving and saying they're too late; Nightmare hallucination thing of abyss lector telling Traveller that the abyss twin has abandoned them and no longer sees them as family (sumeru archon quest); And
this is just how i personally interpreted it: Traveller getting angry at Lyney for actively lying to them when they were supposed to defend him in court, because Lyney could've gone to jail and possibly be separated from Lynette.
Aether/Lumine are shown to be pretty secretive about their nature and actually keep a lot of things to themselves. Even actively keeping secrets from the people around them (shown most obviously during the Sumeru archon quest), To the point it's even implied they lie about their identities ("name your character" in the beginning of the game. Where in text that's how you get referred to as during the game, yet the abyss twin ends up calling the playable twin by Name™ instead of whatever name you chose in when you started playing).
So i'm not too surprised we haven't had many instances where Traveller talks about their sibling to other people, but yeah it does suck just how forgotten both the Abyss and Traveller twin end up in the game. (To the point a scary amount of players still think the Traveller is a self-insert, and don't know that Traveller has the most Voiceovers out of all the playable characters)
I could be wishful thinking and my mind playing tricks on me but I’m pretty sure that was mentioned??? If it’s not then bang there’s another one of my headcanons there you go.
Okay I haven’t gotten around to all of that yet but GOD WHENEVER THE TWIN GETS BROUGHT UP I think about it for absolutely she’s afterwards I’m not even joking. I’m really early in the Sumeru quest and actually only did the hallucination abyss mage one around two days ago and istg when he said about Aether not seeing Lumine as family anymore.
That would 100% fuck Lumine up for a while afterwards. No doubt about it. It would be playing on her mind over and over even though she knows it was only a hallucination.
Honestly I can’t really mention much since I’m not that far in the game yet but all of that does make a lot of sense. I would imagine they wouldn’t want everyone to know all about their lives and past since they aren’t planning on staying in Teyvat.
I makes me so upset when I see people completely ignoring the twins. I saw this one Twitter thread saying something like “it’s good that the story isn’t focusing on the twins as much anymore” and like??? No??? They are the WHOLE reason we are in Teyvat in the first place?? You can’t really have a story without the twins since the traveler entire reason behind doing what they are doing is to find their sibling. They wouldn’t be in any of the situations that they are in if they had their sibling with them.
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imperatorium · 2 years
Please rant to us about how you hate how the narrative and everyone in Anna’s life treats her. Personally I’ve grown to hate frozen and I love hearing other people’s rants about the movie. The only reason I ever watch 1 and 2 now is because the animation is stunning in both movies but hot damn if both of them could’ve handled Anna and Elsa’s relationship better (Christopher is still based though and so is Hanz before Disney decided to make the most stupid plot twist ever for no reason and ruin a perfectly character because we can’t show kids that you can be attracted to two people romantically but still only truly love one so I just ignore that silly little development)
H A P P I L Y.
So, I love Frozen. But I also hate Frozen. I was just reminiscing with my partner about the day my ex-bestie (the at the time Elsa to my Anna) and I went to see it and were like thisisamazing.gif but then came home and started trying to explain it to my mom and realized, while we were talking about it, that actually...it...wasn't really that good. We thought we loved the music, but then we realized what we liked was the opening song that stylistically did not carry through to the rest of the movie and that...while "Let It Go" was, removed from context, an amazing entry into Idina Menzel's repertoire of powerful protest/don't-hold-me-back songs, within the story it's a completely unearned moment. But that's fine, this doesn't bother me anymore. I still cry when I hear it because that's just what Idina singing songs like that does to me.
And the second movie is banger as hell, honestly, even if there are some aspects of it that I'd change. The entire soundtrack is good, even though it's not good as a musical, considering that it suffers from the same problem that the first one does, in regards to all the songs stopping while there's still like 1/4 of the movie left. And in this case, the last song is the most devastating thing I've ever heard in my life, but anyway that's ok because "Show Yourself" makes me ugly cry every time and I don't know how to explain to anyone else how funny it was when as soon as the soundtrack came out, we jokingly predicted the "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" style music video that the scene would be in the movie. People were furious with us when we saw it the first time in theatres because we were laughing so hard we were sobbing. (It's a dumb song, though, content-wise and actually diminishes Kristoff as a character but that's besides the point.)
I don't even know where to start with this. Anna is such a brave and loving and loyal character to what I see as an extreme fault and the story uses that but never rewards it.
Hans was the first good thing that ever happened to her and I don't care what anyone says, that twist is so poorly written because at every single fucking turn that they could have subtly hinted towards it, they actively did not. It's not good writing to just suddenly take the sharpest left turn and then be like, "Ha ha, audience, we tricked you!" Like, yeah, I guess you did, because you did something out of nowhere that made sense with nothing else you chose to tell or animate before this, cool.
Kristoff, meanwhile...okay, full disclosure, I did see the first movie like two days after I broke up with a long-term (abusive) boyfriend and saw a lot of similarities between the two of them, so I may have been harsher on him than he deserved for a while. But overall, I do actually like him. He is a very funny character and I think there's something terrifying that we're not being allowed to explore about how he was kidnapped by trolls, but that doesn't change the fact that he was a jerk to Anna for the first half of the movie. Just unpleasant and negative to the point that he even was like, "Well, I would be ok with her dying save for the fact that she's getting me a new sled." Like he says that. And like ok, he does chill out as things go on and has the decency to tell his creepy troll family to fuck off with the wedding stuff when he brings her to them for the purpose of trying to prevent her from dying and all they want to do is sing their dumb song about how sometimes people should just change for you and you should like them even if there's stuff wrong with them that doesn't work for you, idk.
It came to me at a time when I was not interested in hearing people preach about how someone who hated you upon meeting you could suddenly become your true love and all you had to do was put work into changing them and also ignoring stuff about them that were negative qualities.
The only passage in that song I really feel has any meaning is when they point out that people do bad things when they're sad or scared or stressed. To that point, Kristoff hadn't really been any of those things and was still kind of a jerk. Maybe stressed. I don't know. This isn't about him. My point is like clearly they wanted to extend that to Kristoff and Elsa, but not Hans? Who is maybe the most validly sad, scared, and stressed person present besides Elsa??
I'm also not as mad about Elsa as I used to be, either, considering all her trauma is also super valid and she clearly suffers from severe anxiety and agoraphobia, forced on her by the way their parents treated her. So, like. That's fine, I guess. But she definitely spends 90% of both movies dismissing Anna and her capabilities, despite Anna constantly proving both her unconditional love and adventure prowess until the end of the movie where Anna does some big heroic sacrifice and then Elsa goes, "Oh, you saved me!" like it should be any kind of surprise at that point!!!
Also, literally all Anna ever wanted was for them to have a relationship again and they do, kind of, for a few years, but then Elsa makes the decision to go be queen of the forest with the new half of their family they just discovered?? Like, okay, girl, I guess. Priorities and choices.
Also also, the directors/writers themselves have said before that they kind of hate Anna and just want to...push her aside in favour of doing more cool shit with Elsa. Which you can see in Elsa getting the hero treatment in the first movie, despite Anna literally saving the day. Again in Frozen Fever which is like...cute, but also supposed to be about celebrating Anna's birthday when really it just becomes about ~poor Elsa getting so sick~. Like, geezus christ, girl, sorry that performing even a fraction of the effort that Anna does on the daily gave you a fucking cold.
I see it in Dreamlight Valley, too - which is really fun, but. All of Anna's personal quests are about the other two people in her life - desperately trying to get Kristoff to remember her (he gives up his memory of his love for her for a spell to help save the Valley) and then being like "Elsa seems sad, how can I cheer her up??" while Elsa's quests are all about herself and like most of Kristoff's are helping new friends or taking a fucking bath.
And that's just like insult to injury, too, because for a property that wanted to spend so much time pushing the "true love can also be familial" agenda - which I do believe in - all they really ever want to do is talk about Anna & Kristoff together in like any other version of the franchise after the first movie. It neuters Kristoff as a character, making his whole personality/goal in life about being Anna's Love Interest AND it makes all the work they put into being like "Anna being so into the idea of romantic true love is dangerous and silly" just seem MEAN, since they ultimately decided she should forever be bound to a man she ALSO KNEW FOR LIKE A DAY. (AT LEAST HANS WAS NICE TO HER ON THE WHOLE DAY THEY KNEW EACH OTHER.)
It does help that Anna is queen now, I'll be honest. It's the least she deserves, but I'm sure if there's another movie, they're just going to be like, "Well, sorry, she's barely in this one because she's queen now and has to you know, just stay here and rule Arendelle, like everyone else who ruled before her did." OH WAIT.
Anyway, this is super incoherent because I feel all over the place when I start yelling about what I don't like about Frozen but the moral of the story is that I love Anna and I love Hans and at least once a year, I have to watch both of these stupid movies and be like, "BABIES I'M SO SORRY ALL THESE UGLY ASS BITCHES WOULD SAY THIS ABOUT YOU."
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notjanine · 1 year
soo i have seen both dudes (gn) multiple times in the past week
Tech Guy recap:
i have picked up on what i don't like about him. (he's boring and alarmingly incurious, lacks self-awareness, lives like a 22yo despite being well into his 30s- there's a balance between being comfortable and stable and just having a stagnant life...) i decided not to care too much bc it's not serious, i'm just trying to have fun. but we chatting over lunch and some pretty egregious cultural ignorance came up, so i half-jokingly asked him When was the last time you watched a movie or read a book by and about black people. and this guyyyyyy got weird. like very very, bizarrely defensive. he could not handle this one casual, low-stakes, non-political question about race and didn't understand why i--a black woman--thought it might be a reasonable question to ask. it was so uncomfortable, i would have Removed Myself From The Situation if he hadn't driven us there. not enjoyable!
despite that incident, this guy likes me too much. he really really wants to act like we're in a Relationship. it's been like this since the beginning, and i have repeatedly reminded him that that's not what this is, lately even going as far as explicitly telling him that i'm in my Slut Era, i am messing with other people and very much enjoying myself. but he just kind of... ignores everything he doesn't want to hear, and every time i say i don't want to do something bc it would feel too Relationship-y (e.g., sleeping over, hanging out on consecutive days, spending more than 1-2 days/week together, exchanging christmas gifts, etc), he adamantly disagrees and keeps pushing me to do whatever it is (but i don't, and so...)
Bookstore recap:
i have also picked up on the things i don't like about them. i also explicitly told them that i'm seeing someone else (bc it came up naturally in conversation). they also like me too much. we spent the whole day together yesterday, the first time we've ever hung out during daylight hours. we went to a stupid little instagram-trap art exhibition, hit up one of my fave cute little cafes (which they hadn't been to before), went to one of my favorite bookstores (which they also hadn't been to before), and then came back to my place and played scrabble until sunset. we did not finish the game, but points were about tied when we gave up in favor of more pleasurable activities (which is impressive- i'm quite good). in between rounds, we're lying on my bedroom floor on my softest blanket and it's warm and dark and they look pensive so i ask what's going on and they tell me they've Caught Feelings. just a quiet, straightforward answer to my question. everything with them (except the bde) has been so unexpected, up to and including the fact that this response didn't bother me at all.
like... okay i was ovulating yesterday, so i was not entirely in my right mind, but like. both of them had the day off; i could've spent it with either of them, but i chose Bookstore (and not just bc they're huge). i really enjoy spending time with them. with Tech Guy, my little dating rules have been there for me to use as an excuse to not cross boundaries that i don't want to cross. but with Bookstore, they've been helping me to tap the brakes when i WANT to do things that i don't THINK i should do. but at this point, iiii just wanna say fuck it. they make me want to break all of my rules, and why shouldn't i? i made them, so i can also decide when they're not needed anymore. i just wanna have a good time and go with the flow. neither of us know where this is going, but we're both on the same page. i have been saying that i want to add something to my life that is just good and easy and fun, and it has very much been that. we're compatible on a lot of different levels that neither of us expected, and we've been having a really unusual time, already doing things neither of us has ever done before. everything has been so unexpectedly good.
all that said, next semester is gonna be crazy for me and they're actually starting college for the first time. (they've also had a pretty intense year of personal growth and change.) we're both gonna be going through it, so this might peter out naturally too, we might not have enough time or energy to get too deep into anything, and that would be okay. i just know that right now, it feels very natural to withdraw from one of these people and lean more into the other. every time i see tech guy, i like him a little less; every time i see bookstore, i like them a little more. maybe i am being stupid and still going too fast, bc Bookstore is coming over again on saturday (which will be the third time in a week), i am gonna let them spend the night, and it's fucking christmas and they're gonna bring me a gift. they also found out my first name by accident yesterday and i don't even care bc i know they're respectful enough not to use it and i don't care how much they know about me at this point.
maybe this whole thing will go too fast and burn itself out quickly, who fucking knows! but no matter what, this'll be interesting. i have no idea how it's gonna go, but i'm sure i will learn a hell of a lot.
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buck-nialled · 3 years
Hello Kitty - B. Barnes
NOTE: for the sake of this imagine, let’s pretend that Bucky knows about HK. WARNING: contains smutty ending, do not read if you are below the age of 18! aka MINORS SCOOT! also this isn’t proofread so sorry if it’s shitty?
TAGLIST: @poetic-heart @hallecarey1 @moonlightbaby10 @5-seconds-of-bucky @bbl32 @wobblymug @iwannabekilledtwice @golden-hoax @barnes-lokison
SUMMARY: it’s your third date with bucky and you are dressed to impress...for the most part
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“It’s our third date.” You admit shyly to Natasha and Wanda, who sat before you on your bed. The two women’s “oohs” had your body feeling much warmer in your bathrobe than moments before. You maintained your gaze on your bare thighs, with your fingernails continuously picking at loose pieces of fuzz on your robe.
“So what are you wearing?” Natasha quirks an eyebrow at you, the corner of her lips tilted up deviously. Wanda matches her expression, further encouraging you to stand up and retrieve the knee-length, red dress from your closet. Once again, the two “ooh-ed” simultaneously at the piece.
“I don’t think he’s ever seen a dress so revealing.” Wanda giggles. Natasha joins her with a few chuckles of her own.
“He might think he chose to go out with a harlot.” Nat jives, earning another barrage of laughs from the girl beside her. Yes, Bucky did have a few years on him, but it was nothing you enjoyed hearing others tease him about. Bucky Barnes knew how to put up a shell, and do it excellently. Something you are certain of though, is nobody enjoys having their age being commented on.
“Guys, come on…” You whine, tossing the dress onto your bed and returning to the seat at your vanity, where various makeup products lie scattered.
“We’re only teasing, Y/N.” Wanda’s hand, donning several rings, waves carelessly about. Natasha hums in agreement.
“What are you wearing underneath?” She questions.
“Underneath? Why’s that matter?” Natasha and Wanda both suck in a sharp breath, and exchange a wary glance. When they lock their bewildered stares back onto you and still say nothing, you begin to grow impatient.
“Hello? Am I missing something?” You fold your arms together, leaning back in your chair and looking at the expectantly.
“Y/N, it's the third date.” Wanda snickers.
“I know.”
“Then you should know that it’s important to wear the proper...undergarments.” Natasha mumbles.
“Look who’s sounding old now.” You turn in your seat and waltz over to your dresser. “What’s wrong with wearing what I normally wear?” You call back to them as your eyes study the selection of panties and bras displayed in your top drawer.
Natasha scoffs, before bluntly stating “Your sports bra and granny panties aren’t gonna get you laid, Y/N.” You take a deep inhale through the nose and spin around to meet the woman’s interrogating eyes. Part of you almost makes a comeback on the sports bra comment, but find yourself squeaking after processing her last few words.
“Laid?! Who says we’re going that far?” You nearly choke out, laying a hand on your cheek in mortification.
“Says anybody who’s ever dated anybody. Third dates require you to bring your A-game.” Wanda informs, now making you succumb to humiliation further. The girl is years younger than you and knows more about a stable love life than you ever could. “You have to dress up. Even underneath.” She adds.
You glance down at the sloppy bow you tied to keep your robe shut. “Well...that rule is stupid. And outdated. Who says we can’t go out on a third date, have a good time fully-clothed and end it that way?” You snip, turning back to grab a nude bra with a satisfied smile.
“Y/N, just take our advice. It’ll help you in the long run.” Nat begs, catching a sinister glint in your eyes. You make an indecisive noise, feeling giddy for keeping your friends on their toes, before declaring:
“No, I don’t think I will. In fact, to prove to you both how ridiculous that rule is…” Your hand shuffles around the drawer, away from Natasha’s and Wanda’s prying eyes. When you finally retrieve your most embarrassing pair of underwear, you elicit a devilish laugh and raise the piece of clothing, high and proud for their eyes to see. In sync, you watch their lips part and eyes grow ide.
“Y/N, no…” Wanda’s strawberry-blonde hair swishes on and off of her shoulders as she shakes her head furiously.
“Don’t do this.” Natasha continues pleading. But their desperate attempts to keep you from wearing the pair of panties, clutched tight in your grasp, is only further motivation for you to pull them on your body.
“Y/N, yes.” You nod. “If you two ladies don’t mind excusing yourselves, I have a date to get ready for.” Both women perceive your satisfied smile with doubtful frowns tracing their lips. Natasha and Wanda knew perfectly well that you would come to regret your decision later in the night. You, however, were too ignorant to realize the mistake you had just committed.
“Thanks for taking me out, Buck. I had a really great time.” Your hand, entangled with Bucky's, lessens its grip. As the two of you approach the elevator to ride up to your floor, the red fabric adorning your body stops swishing at your knees. Bucky rests his vibranium hand against his chest, sparing you a smile nobody else in the compound would ever have the delight of seeing.
“The pleasure is all mine, Y/N.” His fingers remain laced with yours throughout the entire elevator ride up to your respective floor. When you began leading the way to your own bedroom, Bucky stops you with a proposal.
“Actually I was thinking about it, and uh…” the same hand on his chest moments ago winds behind him to scratch at the nape of his neck, “did you want to come to my room and chat a little longer.”
You graciously accepted the super soldier’s offer, but it was not long before your lips and tongues pursued more intimate activities. Currently, yours were forming escalating moans as Bucky’s mouth prioritized the space between your shoulder and neck, giving each patch of untouched skin his undivided attention.
“I gotta get this off of you,” he grumbles, yearning for more of your bare skin to meet his lips. Eagerly, his flesh hand searched the back of your dress up and down for a zipper. His vibranium hand remained at the bottom of your thigh, metal fingers tucked just below the red skirt of your dress and dangerously close to--
You suck in a sharp breath, eyes enlarging at the thought of the underwear shielding your privates. Bucky’s blue eyes, darkened by the dimly lit bedroom cast down to yours with concern.
“W-what happened? I didn’t hurt you did I?” You respond with a viscous shake of your head, desperate to not let this moment slip through your fingers.
“Just had a...small chill.” Your lips tremble at the sight of Bucky’s turning up into a smirk. You swear his eyes darken four shades in front of you too, complementing the burning list fueling your actions. His lips bend down to greet the shell of your ear, and this time, a sincere chill does run through your body. It sends tingles to your toes and an itchy feeling only Bucky can give you antidote for.
“Why don’t I warm you up, then?”
You’ll admit, for being over one hundred, the man still had power to every butterfly in your stomach, and each thump of your heart. Once glance from his blue eyes could send your knees wobbling, or worse, be to blame for a full on collapse. Currently, this charm of his was sparring with your inner-shame all because of what lies beneath your dress.
You remember why you put the pair of panties on in the first place, but you never expected your long-time crush to be witness to them. Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared to deal with any future teasing from Bucky this moment would bestow on you. After all, it’d be quite nice to rub it in Natasha’s and Wanda’s face that you still got laid while wearing them.
“Yeah, I’d like that…” you elicit a nervous chuckle, following Bucky’s perusing eyes. You feel his hand still struggling to take hold of the small zipper and tug it down. His impatience grew clear when his warm palm and cool metal appendage dissipated from your back entirely, and instead, grasped the hem of the dress pooling at your thighs.
“Fuck it.” He mutters, and lifts the skirt of your dress up. By this point, your eyes were clenched shut and your teeth were grinding together in anticipation. Without realizing it, your fingers were clutching Bucky’s bedsheets for support of the various reactions feeding through your brain. Only did your hands release the cotton sheets when Bucky’s hands cloaked them.
You peeled your eyes open to see him, a cheeky smile lining the bottom of his face as he responded in a coy manner. “Nice panties.” A wave of heat filled your body from top to bottom, while your heartbeat reached a pace that you never knew to be possible. Bucky could hear each thump for himself, and chuckled to himself at the sight of you falling sheepish underneath him.
The blue beauties of his eyes dragged down your body to the light pink cotton underwear, where a familiar cartoon head was printed all around it. The yellow noses and dotted eyes stared up at him daringly, awaiting his next move. As did you.
A sharp breath leaps down your throat when a cool metal finger inserts itself through the side of your underwear, and you feel your stomach begin quivering at the feeling of Bucky’s vibranium hand sliding the panties down your leg in a teasing manner.
“Hello Kitty.” Is all he says, before introducing your wet heat to the magic trick that is his thick, pink tongue.
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sneezefiction · 3 years
my turn
atsumu x reader
desc: you get a back massage from a gremlin your fiancé
a/n: @gahdam-beb hollz, thank you bunches for this cuteness! he absolutely would give good back massages. may or may not have gotten super carried away here – i meant for this to be like,, 200 words. not proofread & it’s all lowercase :,)
warnings: language, mentions marriage, mentions stabbing (i promise this entire fic is pure fluff though)
wc: 1.3k
so maybe the couch isn’t the best place to sprawl out on.
but you could hardly make it through the apartment door, much less all the way to your bedroom.
a leg dangles limply off the side of the worn-down sofa while the rest of your body merges with the cushion. the smell of pizza from last night’s takeout lingers on the soft material. an air conditioner unit whirs on and a chill streams across your skin, making your hairs stand on end.
unfortunately, all the throw blankets are either in the dryer or on your bed. and your fiancé? well, Atsumu is nowhere to be seen.
you sigh into a pillow.
it’s not every day you feel deprived of his presence. the blond is a lot to handle and he has a habit of bringing chaos with him wherever he goes, whether it’s a quick jaunt to the kitchen or across the country at a volleyball game.
but you can’t help but miss Atsumu, his chaos included. you’re quite endeared to him, actually.
i mean, there’s certainly a reason you’re wearing that silver engagement ring.
but right now it’s not just him that you’re missing. it’s those warm hands of his.
they tickle and prod and they’re not the softest things in the world... but they sure make for a back’s best friend. if you could wish for anything right now, it would be a back massage — for someone to rub and smooth away the tension of another long day.
but he’s not supposed to be back for another hour.
you shut your eyes, choosing to nap until he eventually walks through the door... but a tapping outside keeps your ears perked at attention.
the steps grow heavier in the corridor and, alongside that noise, your heart starts to thrumb louder too. you got off work early and your neighbors don’t typically come home til late... so you’re definitely not expecting anyone.
soon you realize the footsteps are just outside your door.
your heart jumps as the door clicks open and, from it, a rather refreshed-looking Atsumu emerges.
you thank the couch gods that it’s just him.
you would’ve rather been stabbed than defend yourself — you’re too tired to deal with that bullshit. but you’re glad that the universe hadn’t sealed your fate just yet.
“i’m home,” he calls, drawling out the words, “did ya miss me?”
you acknowledge him with a pitiful groan into the couch. it was an attempt at saying “yes” but even you aren’t sure of the unholy sound you just made.
“i don’t speak gremlin,” he chuckles.
you lift your head, shooting him a look.
“that’s unfortunate since you pretty much are one,” you say, dryly.
his jaw drops.
“i’m gonna tell ‘Samu you said that. we have the same face, y’know.”
okay, maybe you should be a little nicer if you want him to put his hands all over you... in a nonsexual way... at least for right now.
you don’t respond to him.
but that doesn’t stop him from talking.
“did somebody have a bad day?” his voice is high and he juts a lip out, taunting you.
you frown violently (if that’s at all possible). yes, he’s joking, but his face looks a fraction more slappable now.
“not particularly,” is your somewhat honest answer.
he shrugs off his jacket, the fabric tussling as he tosses it onto a wooden coat rack. there’s a clink of keys and the plop of a wallet on the countertop.
soon, those heavy steps you heard from outside are treading in your direction until he reaches the corner of the couch – right where your face is. without any hesitation, he sinks into a squat until you’re at eye-level with the giant.
you don’t move an inch, but even though you’re irritated, you kind of wanna kiss him.
“you’re home early,” you mumble, instead of grabbing his face and crashing your lips into his.
Atsumu tilts his head, “i wanted to surprise ya ‘cus i knew you’d be off early.”
he looks annoyingly attractive under the dingy living-room light. where are his dark circles? why are there no wrinkles on his forehead?
you, on the otherhand, probably look like a sloth on its last leg... arm? sloth appendages are confusing and you’d rather not think about that right now.
“is there anything i can do for ya?” he asks, softening at your grumpy expression.
why are you making this difficult for yourself? it’s obvious you’re not doing too hot... and you really want that back massage – your muscles are practically screaming at you for relief.
he leans in closer, brushing his knuckles across your exposed cheek. they’re gentle on your skin.
“are ya sure?” he asks, his voice just above a whisper.
okay, sometimes he’s sweet. but only sometimes.
“can... you give me a massage?” you mumble through pouting lips.
a gentle smile forms on his lips, “yeah.”
he stands, long legs replacing the space where his face once was. Atsumu then shuffles to your side, but it takes him a moment to get situated.
the couch dips as he places a knee on either side of you, straddling your hips. Atsumu makes ass-to-ass contact. the most romantic of positions.
you squeal as he crushes you beneath him.
“oh, c’mon i’m not that heavy,” Atsumu snorts.
“says the guy who’s not actively being squashed into a couch.”
although you’d rather this than the burning ache under your skin.
he grumbles under his breath, but you choose to ignore it. suddenly, fingers are pressing deeply into your upper back and grazing your shoulder blades.
a quick gasp escapes your lips and you instantly regret it.
his deep chuckle shakes his body and, in turn, yours too. thankfully, his lips stay sealed.
you wish you could see that little smirk of his, as much as it bugs you, while he works his magic on your tight shoulders. there’s something so charming about that lopsided grin – it’s part of why you love him so much.
he adjusts again, accidentally kneeing you in the side.
“shit! be careful,” you jolt, warning him.
he smooths a hand down your hip and mutters out a genuine “sorry,” atoning in both word and deed.
in doing so, a metallic coolness brushes against an exposed patch of skin, making you shiver. you peek over your shoulder to see what it is.
it’s the ring on his finger...
and suddenly you can’t fuss at him anymore.
instead, warmth travels steadily throughout your body and his palms burn against your skin.
how can you be marrying him and still flush over the silliest things? in your defense, the ring is a relatively new thing in your relationship. it throws you for a loop anytime you catch sight of it.
Atsumu kneads firmly into the tissues, loosing stubborn knots and waking up your tired skin. his hands are large and stable; like a potter to unshaped clay, the digits mould and shape and indent.
slowly, but surely, your body relaxes and your mood lifts. a soft, virtually undetectable smile is on your lips.
Atsumu could be hellish and rude and a brat about the oddest things. he’s pretty gross and always tries to hug you when he’s dripping sweat. you’re also certain, positive, without a shadow of a doubt sure that he’s the more disagreeable twin.
but you’re probably the only person who can put up with him.
and he, you.
it’s a good thing you found each other... and even better that you can both give great back massages. it’s likely that’s what’s preserving your relationship.
hopefully, that same tactic works in marriage too.
you hum to yourself and your eyes, already drooping, finally close. Atsumu softens his touch, tracing the curves and contours of your body, lulling you into a hazy state.
Atsumu, rough and tumble as he is, could be gentle when he wanted to be — a side of him that easily made you see stars and super novas where only golden eyes and blond strands exist.
at some point, you think you feel a ghost of a breath against your skin.
maybe even a pair of lips pressing to your neck? you’re a little too out of it to tell.
but as soon as you find yourself drifting off, his hands peel away from you. it’s like you just lost a piece of yourself because you’re desperately searching for that missing warmth.
you whine in protest, turning to face the cruel man. after such a long fucking week, he chose to stop. and you were almost asleep too.
but that bastard.
that disgustingly adorable bastard.
he’s smiling as wide and bright as the milky way. there’s not even a hint of guilt.
“my turn,” he directs through a waggish grin.
alright, he’s slappable again.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Round 2: Tik Tok
Bucky x reader
Part 2 to Round 1: Fruit Snacks
Summary: You enlist Peter to help you prank Steve, Sam, and Bucky.
Warnings: Language!
Word Count: 1795
a/n: Ahh, part 2! Gotta love tik tok. This entire part was inspired by the first Chris Evans tik tok I linked... I linked all the tik toks I referenced, but the descriptions in the fic have been edited a bit to better fit the scene!
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"Peter!" You called to him from the other end of the hallway as he entered the elevator. "Hold the door!"
He smiled back at you, holding the doors open as you ran down the hallway.
"Perfect. I need your help." You whispered as the doors closed, never knowing if a super soldier could hear you or not. You had an evil glint in your eyes that clearly said you were scheming.
"Oh, okay. What do you need Ms. L/N?" His eyes were wide, never having seen you this devious before.
"Peter. How many times have I told you to just call me Y/N? You make me feel old, and I am not old." You huffed, stalling for time.
"Right, Y/N. Got it. What do you need my help with?" He asked as the elevator doors opened.
You peaked your head, looking both ways before exiting. You gestured for him to follow you, exiting the compound and walking toward the gate where May was picking him up after a date with Happy.
"I need you to play the video on this flash drive at Tony's next party." You said when you reached the end of the driveway, handing him the mentioned flash drive.
"Why?" He took the device, albeit with a bit of hesitation.
"Because, I'm pranking Steve, Sam, and Bucky. They tried to get me the other day and failed miserably. Honestly, just watching them on edge has been great, but it's time for payback." You smirked, knowing the prank wouldn't do any real harm.
"Oh, Mr. Stark told me about that!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "Good job with the fake crying, I would've loved to see it."
"Well, you can help me get them back if you play that on the projector screen at Tony's next party." You nodded toward the flash drive, wanting to confirm the plan.
"What is it?" Peter looked nervous, unsure if he should get involved.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just a few tik toks I found from fans. Three for each of them." You smirked, already picturing the blushes. This would really get Steve and Bucky more than Sam, but when you came across the first video you couldn't not do it.
"Alright. I'm in!" He smiled, happy to help you. "But, why can't you just play the video?" He questioned, obviously not well versed in the world of pranks.
"Because, if they see me doing anything out of the ordinary at the party, they'll know something's up. I have to act normal, so it's a surprise." You outline the plan, explaining the need for two people.
"Why me?" He asked again, genuinely curious.
"Because, they won't think I'd go to you for help. They think you'll do anything to get them to stop teasing you, so they won't see it coming."
Peter nodded, understanding your logic. "Wow. You've really thought of everything." He smiled as May pulled up.
"I know. It's going to be great." You smirked, turning and running back inside before anyone could see you.
The night of the party, it took everything in you not to wear the world's biggest smirk.
Sam, Bucky, and Steve have been on edge ever since your warning, waiting for you to strike. They were huddled by the bar, appearing deep in conversation.
"Hi boys." You greeted them from behind, causing them to jump at the intrusion.
Sam recovered first, smirking at you. "Y/N. We've got a theory."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"You warned us about your next prank, and then planned nothing." You bit your lip, trying to appear deep in thought.
"Interesting theory. What do you have to support it?" You tilted your head to the side, waiting for more of an explanation.
"It's been a week, and you haven't done anything." Steve started, less confident than Sam, but still sounding sure.
"I haven't?" You questioned, enjoying watching them squirm. "You sure?"
Bucky shook his head with a grin. "You're doing it again. Trying to make us paranoid."
Your gave them your sweetest smile, running your hand up and down Bucky's arm. "Whatever you say, dear." You said it with mock reassurance, then walked away grinning.
The three men shared a look, trying not to seem overly paranoid, but failing.
You felt eyes on you for the entire party. There was never a minute at least one of them wasn't watching your every move. You were fairly certain they were even keeping tabs on Wanda and Nat, just to make sure you hadn't enlisted their help.
You chatted with Nat, Wanda, and Pepper, danced for a bit, and ate some food, all while ignoring their stares.
Around 9:30, Peter managed to get the video queued up. All eyes were on the projector screen at the sudden noise.
A tik tok started playing, flashing different images of Steve as the music played.
"Hush hush hush, blush blush blush, you are now my big fat crush."
Steve's face grew redder as the video played, turning into a tomato by the end.
"Love me, and hug me, and touch me. And well, fuck me."
Another video immediately started playing, also featuring pictures of Steve.
The caption read "Let me present to you: Steve Rogers Walking" backed by some sexy music.
"When marimba rhythm starts to play, dance with me, make me sway."
Clips of Steve walking, whether it be in uniform from a news clip or in suits from press events, graced the screen.
He was hiding his head in his hands, too embarrassed to even think you could have done this. He had been watching you all night, you couldn't have set up the video.
Bucky and Sam laughed as a third video started to play.
The on screen text read as follows:
"People: how do you sleep at night? Me:"
A girl fell into her bed, swaddled in a blanket covered in pictures of Steve.
The screen flashed black for a few seconds, making everyone think the impromptu display was over. That is, until a new video began playing.
A heavy bass started thumping as a girl appeared on screen, counting down with her fingers along with the sound.
"3, 2, 1."
Sam appeared on screen, a plethora of his most used interview and press clips being played.
He was enjoying the praise, although slightly embarrassed at the video being played in front of all these people.
Another video began playing, showing Sam acting out different Avengers in a game of charades.
"Oh!" It was highly edited to draw attention to his amusing sound effects.
Finally, a clip from an interview Sam did with Steve and Scott came up.
"The problem isn't the kids, the problem is the parents."
You knew he wouldn't be embarrassed by the same things as Steve, so you chose a few random videos you found to call him out for not always thinking before speaking.
The screen flashed black again, transitioning to videos of Bucky.
A clip that had gone viral from Sam's account was edited with new music, resulting in the crowd hearing Bucky say:
"Suck my dick!" Followed by the song "if you gave me a chance, i would take it."
These videos were really just for you. You watched them so many times while looking for the three best ones.
Although, Bucky's wide eyes and rosy cheeks definitely didn't hurt.
The next video began with Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.
"Take it to the chorus. Come here girl."
Pictures of Bucky flashed across the projector screen, showing off his physique. You don't know where fans find this pictures, but you loved them for it.
The last video of Bucky was a pov someone made about yours and Bucky's relationship. Although the two of you were flirty, nothing had been discussed.
Maybe that's why you chose this one.
You and Bucky were having a fake conversation that went as follows:
Y/N: "Bucky, I like your last name."
Bucky: "Oh thanks, that's sweet."
Then, in sync with the music in the background:
Y/N: "Can I steal it from you?"
Bucky: "Of course, doll."
Y/N: "What'd he sayyyyy?"
The crowd laughed at that one, knowing how the media and fans speculate about your relationship.
Finally, the screen went dark, no more videos lined up to play.
You made your way over to the guys as everyone resumed their normal party activities.
"What a show guys. Really well done. Don't forget to thank your fans." You slow clapped, enjoying their flustered faces.
"How long were you planning that?" Steve, blush just beginning to fade, questioned you.
"I've had the video made for 6 days. I started planning the second you left for the store." You grinned, enjoying the high of a good, harmless prank.
"We've been watching you all night. How did you manage to queue the video?" Sam questioned, eyes narrowed.
"I had help." You shrugged noncommittally. You wouldn't give up Peter's role in the prank unless he wanted you to.
"From? We had eyes on Nat and Wanda." Bucky questioned further, but you just shook your head.
"I can't reveal my sources." You laughed again at their matching looks of annoyance.
Suddenly, something clicked for Bucky.
"So, you chose all of the videos?" He sounded so curious, you couldn't help but fill him in.
"I did. It didn't take long. The internet is full of videos of the three of you. They were pretty fun to look through." You laughed at a few videos you opted to leave out of the montage.
"What's this about you liking my last name then?" Bucky had a new confidence about him with this question.
Having expected this question at some point, you had already thought of how you would answer.
"Well, the fans want what they want. Maybe we should give it to them." You stepped closer as Sam and Steve awkwardly shuffled away.
"You think so, doll?" Bucky relied, hands moving to your waist.
"I don't see why not." You closed the distance, pressing your lips to his in a moment you had been thinking about for months.
You moved together, pulling each other closer even when you were already chest to chest.
Eventually, the sound of a throat clearing caused you to break apart.
Tony was playfully glaring at the two of you.
"L/N, if you ever use my protégé to pull a stunt like that again, at least include some videos of me." He whined.
You laughed at his statement, having expected him to be annoyed at you interrupting his party.
"Can do Stark."
He walked off as you turned back to Bucky, whose mouth was hung open like a fish.
You gave him a questioning look as he sputtered.
"Parker helped you?!"
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“You’ve been holding out on me, Min.”
yoongi x reader (oc) genre: fluff; slightly crack honestly word count: 1.8K
a/n: So remember when Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin played Just Dance a while back? Well, this is inspired from that. Yoongi and Kid are just being their soft playful selves as they play a bit of Just Dance together. It’s honestly so dumb hahaha. But I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading! :))
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As a grown woman, maybe spending your Friday evening playing Just Dance alone wasn’t the coolest activity you could be doing. Then again, maybe it was. Afterall, you were an absolute ace at the PrimaDonna dance.
Singing along as you went through the moves, suddenly, your front door opened, your focus leaving the TV screen as your wide eyes met Yoongi’s tired ones across the room. It was a matter of a seconds, hell, milliseconds, before his lips curved up into a gummy smile at your expense.
“Jesus, Kid,” he chuckled amusedly, “is this what you do when I’m not here?”
Holding back a smile of your own by biting down on the inside of your lower lip, you shook your head, causing Yoongi to only smile even wider as he shut the door. “Only on Friday nights,” you joked, Yoongi tossing his head back in laughter.
“I was not expecting to find you like this,” he told you through his amusement, you finally cracking a smile as you giggled.
“Well perhaps you weren’t supposed to come home early and catch me in this compromising position,” you countered sassily.
Yoongi raised his hands above his head in mock surrender just before kicking his shoes off. “Not compromising, just surprising,” he corrected with a small smile. Walking toward you, he nodded to the screen. “Go ahead,” he beamed. “Show me what you got.”
Cocking your head at him, you let a small chuckle slip out before nodding in acceptance. “I will then,” you told him, focusing back on the game as you tried to find your place. The song was heading into the bridge and the final chorus when you jumped back into the choreography, your boyfriend taking a seat on the floor to the side of the living room.
“Got you wrapped around my finger babe,” you sang along to the song, Yoongi’s eyes glued to you as you blew him a kiss, which was a perfectly placed part of the choreography. Scoffing at you, the man’s mouth spread into a fond smile as he continued staring at you.
As the song picked up for the final chorus, the game telling you to run in place as you moved your arms back and forth quickly above your head, you couldn’t help but laugh in response to your boyfriend’s burst of giggles at your ridiculous dancing.
“Wow,” he cheered happily, dragging the word out as you danced along. “You’re actually really good at this,” he said in what almost seemed like surprise.
“Of course I am,” you agreed defensively through a smile. “You should see me do Rasputin,” you added, Yoongi letting leaning to the side as he nearly crumbled to the floor in laughter. “Don’t make me laugh, I’m trying to get five stars here,” you yelled out to him as he continued giggling quietly at you.
“You took like a two-minute break, there’s no way you’re getting even three stars,” he countered playfully, you squealing as you went through the moves even more intensely, trying to build your score up.
However, your efforts were futile when you caught Yoongi out of the corner of your eye minimally going through the moves on the screen, barely giving any effort as he lightly swayed his arms back and forth. Stopping your motions almost completely, you turned toward Yoongi to watch him.
“Yes, King, give me nothing,” you teased, the man looking to you with a challenging expression, his eyes slightly widened.
“Well give me something groovy,” he nodded to the screen, your orbs widening in response this time.
Pointing to the television, you repeated his words. “Something groovy? Ok, I see you Grampa Min, let’s see what you can do,” you grinned as Yoongi began to stand up.
Completely voiding your own score, you quickly set up the dance you already had in mind for your funky little dancer man. As he shed himself of his jacket, tossing it on the couch behind you both, he turned to the screen to find Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA starting.
Yoongi began chuckling in realization, his shoulders shaking as he let his head fall forward just slightly. “Ok, ok, ok,” he collected himself, pulling his shirt sleeves up his forearm. Preparing to play the game, he rolled his head back and forth from shoulder to shoulder to play up the seriousness of the situation. “You know me well,” he noted, commenting on the perfect song selection. Smirking to yourself you took a seat where Yoongi was previously sat watching you, settling in to enjoy the show Yoongi was about to put on for you.
Getting into character, he sat on the couch, looking around the room in feigned boredom to mimic the avatar on screen, already sending you into fits of giggles. Suddenly, he broke out into the choreography, swinging his arm in a circular motion with a swivel of his hips.
As you cheered in excitement, Yoongi held back the laugh that was threatening to leave his lips, scrunching his face up in an attempt to look serious. “Whoah!” You yelled, as Yoongi nodded cockily, going through the moves almost too perfectly. “Main dancer Suga didn’t come to fucking play,” you shouted out, causing Yoongi to break his composure as he shyly laughed, keeping his focus on the screen.
His attempts to ignore you were useless as you continued to hype him up throughout the song, never leaving much time between your playful cheers.
When the disco instrumental came in towards the end of the song, you couldn’t help but fall against the floorboards as you laughed. The choreography showed out with some of the most Yoongi-esque moves of the entire dance.
“Yes, King, give me everything,” you cheered to him, the man crumbling instantly at the comment as he silently laughed before screeching in exhilaration.
“Ah, Kid,” he complained through an exaggerated scream as he tried to get back into the dance but struggled to find his place as he continued to laugh. “I was on my way to a perfect score,” he whined through his amusement.
Placing your hand over your mouth, you promised not to make any more comments, the man smiling widely at your childish antics. Suddenly showing how winded he had become, he huffed. “Fuck, how long is this dance?” He continued to grumble, only making you giggle even more.
When he finally finished the dance, pulling a pretty damn decent score, he fell back against the sofa as you stood up. “This has to be one of the stupidest things we’ve ever done,” he vouched, you giggling as you chose the next song.
“I know, I love it,” you giggled, Yoongi sighing just before chuckling once again.
“Another one?” He questioned in exasperation as you turned around to glare at him, still manspreading on the sofa as he took a deep breath.
“Yes, now get up and dance with me,” you whined as you reached out for his hand and tugged on it, the man feigning reluctance as he stood way too easily for someone who was actually disinclined to do another number.
And when he realized the dance you selected was Havana, he let out a cute “oooh,” in anticipation.
Starting the dance, you both stayed focused on the screen, not giving each other much acknowledgment as your playful competition commenced. However, when you got to the pre-chorus, Yoongi began singing along with the “Ooh’s” in the song, and you couldn’t help but sneak a glance, catching him amid a sexy little hip move as he smoothly moved his arms.
“Oh my god,” you squealed, “show me what those hips can do,” you teased, Yoongi smiling with a scoff, though he stayed focused on the dance.
Giggling to yourself, you tried to turn your attention back to the screen but Yoongi was proving to be quite the distraction as he wiggled his hips both adorably and seductively and sang along to the chorus.
“What the fuck, why are you so good at this?” You giggled, Yoongi chuckling as he looked toward you for a brief moment.
“Am I taking this too serious?” He pondered with a gummy grin as you tossed your head back in laughter.
“No, I’m just impressed,” you clarified as you continued to carelessly go through the moves, most of your attention on your boyfriend.
“Yeah?” He asked excitedly, his eyebrows raising. “You like this?” He teased alluringly.
“I do actually,” you replied while biting your lip, turning toward him, casting the game aside. “You got a nice pair of hips on you, are they real?” You teased, Yoongi snorting in response.
“Are they real?” He repeated your question in slight confusion.
“You didn’t sneak around and get a hip replacement, did you, Grampa?” You joked slyly, the man instantly sighing before his shoulders began to shake as he laughed in defeat. “No but really, you’ve been holding out on me, Min,” you teased. It took Yoongi another moment before he realized you were no longer dancing, the man looking to you with a quick turn of his head, shooting you a wide-eyed look.
“What?” He asked, a hint of a smile on his lips. “Wait, really? That did something for you?” He asked in shock, you holding back a laugh at his reaction. “Shit, come here,” he grinned, stepping toward you as his hands found the sides of your face, pulling you into a kiss.
Giggling against his lips, he smiled into the kiss as he led you to the sofa, Havana still playing in the background though neither of you paid it any attention. When your legs hit the couch, you sat back against the cushions, Yoongi hovering over you as he chased your lips.
Shoving against his chest, you directed him to take a seat before you quickly swung a leg over his lap, straddling him. He smirked up at you as his hands rested on your upper thighs as you leaned toward him, catching his lips in a heated kiss. Your hands were positioned on his shoulders, sliding up his neck when the song finally ended, Yoongi breaking the kiss to look around your frame quickly.
“Wait,” he smiled, giggling slightly. “Did that actually do something for you or were you just distracting me from destroying you in that round?” He asked, you looking behind you to see your one star compared to his three.
Looking back to him, you smirked. “Mhmm,” you nodded, refusing to give him a clear answer before attaching your lips to his once again, Yoongi chuckling into the meeting.
“Such a brat,” he whispered against your lips just before deepening the kiss. When his hands squeezed your thighs, sending butterflies throughout your body, neither of you no longer cared how you ended up in your current position, you on his lap as your lips trailed to his neck.
As much fun as Just Dance was for a Friday night activity, the current one was just a bit more exciting. It was time for Yoongi to show you exactly what those hips could do.
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jishyucks · 4 years
Dollarstore Mistletoe ‣ ljn
‣ genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers, female reader
‣ wc: 2.7k
‣ summary: Jeno looked up at the mistletoe then at you, cheeks heating up from the situation. So that’s why Hyuck had mistletoe. 
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this was going to be a short blurb but sike... enjoy!
You sat at the corner of the room, eyes drawn nervously at Donghyuck who was holding a tied up bunch of mistletoe in his hand. Though he was tossing it to himself, you could already read his mind from across the room. He had a sly smirk on his face as he glanced between you and Jeno who chose to sit between Jisung and Chenle.
Donghyuck, I fucking swear. You texted him, eyes growing wide in a subtle warning once he looked back up at you. 
He laughed out loud before texting you back, I’m not doing anything.
Not rn but ur going to.
He loved going over to your place just to tease you about your (apparent) undying love for Jeno, constantly pushing you to make a move because Jeno was a ‘giant wuss’ and ‘would not grow balls to do so himself’ while you ‘had potential’. And honestly, you weren’t sure what to believe when it came to Donghyuck. He was a trickster. Who knew if he was lying this time or not. 
You could easily recall maybe a week back when you were hanging out with this pest of a boy. He had been spontaneously mustering up a plan to get you and Jeno to kiss underneath some fake mistletoe he could find at the dollar store, which could then lead to confessing. 
“Please don’t. We’re not living in some rom-com, Hyuck,” you glared at him, hoping that his ridiculous plan would be thrown out the window, “It’s not going to happen.” There was not a single bone in your body confident enough to kiss the boy you’ve held the longest crush on. Donghyuck was wrong when he said you had potential, meaning he could be wrong when it came to this plan he barely put effort into arranging.
“I know,” he replied simply, “But shit like this is inevitable.  Plus you’re forgetting that I have the brain of a mastermind.” You ignored the way he wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to persuade you, obviously failing. He knew he had to do everything himself, whether you liked it or not. Besides, he knew things you didn’t. He knew these plans were going to work. 
So now, here he sat at Jeno’s house, waiting for the perfect time to dangle the plant above you both. He already knows you had the capability to run if you saw him move even an inch towards you. You were probably as alert as those animals being preyed on on National Geographic, ears perked and everything. Your fight or flight response was already activated just because of him. 
As for Jeno, he was probably the complete opposite of you. He was leaning back on the couch with a delicate looking smile sitting on his face. Donghyuck was glad that he didn’t have a single clue about what was going on. But also... did he ever know what was going on?
A Christmas movie was playing on the TV even though barely anyone was paying any attention to it. Jaemin and Renjun were in the kitchen baking gingerbread cookies, following a recipe they found tiktok, while Jisung and Chenle were playing the nth game of PubG on their phones. Mark and Jeno were probably the only ones paying attention to the film, occasionally letting out a snort or giggle at a cheesy joke being delivered. Then there was you and Donghyuck, the only two aware of the plan that you didn’t even want to take part in. 
“Why are you holding weed?” Jisung finally lifts his head from his phone’s screen, brows furrowed at the mistletoe in Donghyuck’s hands. He pointed slightly towards them, arm falling to his side soon after. 
The older boy gave Jisung an unreadable look, “It’s not weed. It’s mistletoe.” Again, he tossed it up, barely grazing the popcorn ceiling before catching it. 
“Ohh~ like that Justin Bieber song!” Jisung pointed out. His attention was soon directed back to his phone, probably beginning another game alongside Chenle. Jeno glanced at the younger boy and just shook his head in adoration and slight genuine confusion. It seemed like he literally had no idea, no clue, why Donghyuck was holding mistletoe. This, again, was good news to Donghyuck. 
“Cookies!” Jaemin barged into the living room dressed in a holiday apron and oven mitts. He had flour sprinkled along his chest and collar bone, probably thrown on there by Renjun, who followed closely behind him. 
Like young kids, attention spans were cut off and brought towards the gingerbread cookies, its aroma soon flooding the room. Through the pride that Jaemin gave off while standing there, you already knew the cookies were good. Especially with the help of Renjun.
Ditching your tense position, you had completely forgotten of your silent duel with Donghyuck, hopping up from the couch and skipping over to Jaemin. The others followed you shortly, Jeno being the second there. 
Donghyuck pushed himself off the couch last, still playing with the mistletoe between his fingertips. Once spotting you standing directly next to Jeno, he stopped himself from audibly gasping and darted towards you both, holding up his arm above the space between the two of you, “Ah! Mistletoe~” 
Your heart dropped, hand physically letting go of the cookie. It plopped back onto the tray as you spun around to face Donghyuck and then to an equally thrown off Jeno. You wanted to beat yourself up for letting your guard down for cookies. 
Jeno looked up at the mistletoe then at you, cheeks heating up from the situation. So that’s why Hyuck had mistletoe. The math was mathing. 
Jeno took in what was happening. Even if it was so sudden, Jeno didn’t feel like resisting. Instead he stood there and tried to read the non-verbal cues you were showing, trying to figure out whether or not you would want to carry out this unexplained tradition. Your face seemed to express no emotion, though he figured you were deep in thought, trying to process what was happening. And that was exactly what you were doing.
“I told you not to,” you mumbled towards Donghyuck’s direction. The looks you were sending Donghyuck could be used as weapons in some other dimension, but in this one the most you could do was intimidate the boy. In a brief state of panic, assuming Jeno found this situation weird, you tried to leave the situation, avoiding Jeno’s gaze as you did.
“It’s tradition!” Donghyuck attempted to pull you back. He was trying to be Christmas Cupid, knowing that feelings were being exchanged without the other’s knowledge. He thought he’d be helping.
Jeno shook his head, “N-no, Hyuck, it’s fine… if Y/N doesn’t want to do it, we can’t force her.” He felt himself gulp, mostly from the subtle rejection he’d received, before quickly reaching for a cookie and fleeing the scene. 
Donghyuck turns to you, arm dropping to his side and mouth wide open, “He was going to kiss you!” 
For a second, you doubted Donghyuck, shaking your head. But then at the realization that Jeno had left the room in a rather disappointed state, you probably were wrong and for once, Donghyuck was right. But there was no way you were admitting that in his presence. 
It would’ve been completely silent if it wasn’t for the movie playing in the background. Everyone was still trying to process what had just happened, while you were still staring Donghyuck down. 
“Are you blaming me?” You gestured to yourself. Sure it could have actually been your fault but that really wasn’t good for your degrading self-esteem right now. 
“Yes,” Donghyuck threw the fake mistletoe onto the three seater couch, “It looked like you didn’t want to kiss the boy. You basically stomped on his heart.” Sure Donghyuck was over exaggerating but knowing how much Jeno liked you, you probably did. 
“No I didn’t,” you try to deny everything, not wanting your hopes to be crushed by false information and beliefs. 
“You did,” Mark butted in, “He looked like a kicked puppy.” You shifted your gaze from Donghyuck to Mark, someone who you could trust a bit more, and felt your frown deepen. Feeling yourself stumble back in the slightest bit, you glance at the stairs where Jeno had gone, probably to his room. Should you talk to him? 
“Just go talk to him,” Jaemin pushed on, as if he could read what you were thinking, “But take an extra cookie with you.” He held the tray of baked goods in front of you and you complied, slithering past Mark, Renjun, and Chenle before going up the stairs. 
You had no idea what you were going to tell Jeno. That you wanted to kiss him? That would come off as weird. 
The pair of cookies in your hands could be your conversation starter.
Upon reaching his door, you raise a fist to knock. 
If it was possible, Jeno would slap himself so many times just so he could knock some sense into himself. He was sitting at the edge of his bed with his palm to his forehead, feeling like an entire circus. Why the hell didn’t he even act like he was weirded out by Donghyuck and that fucking mistletoe? Why did he act like he was waiting for a long time for that opportunity to kiss you? 
Maybe because he was. But he should’ve at least pretended like he wasn’t.
Jeno threw himself back into his bed, blinking at the ceiling while he mentally attacked himself for being so foolish. How would he recover from this? He shouldn’t have ran out of the room like that. It made him so obvious. It gave away the feelings he hoped he had been hiding well the entire time. 
Jeno you’re so fucking stupid, he thought, teeth gritting. 
He clenched his fist and started to hit the middle of his forehead lightly with his knuckles, startled when he heard a loud knocking sound. 
Was that my forehead or was that the door?
Sitting up, he pivoted his head so that he was facing the door, brows furrowed as he waited for another indication that the sound was (hopefully) the door and not his skull. 
“Jeno, it’s me.” Your voice was muffled and your shadow could be seen through the bottom. 
For a second, Jeno hesitated, unsure if he was ready to face you at that moment, but he soon decided against it, standing up and towards his bedroom door in order to let you in. Opening it just a crack, he peeked out, seeing your shorter figure staring up at him, eyes slightly unreadable, “I brought cookies.”
Jeno couldn’t help but feel his chest warm up at the sight of you. He held back a smile to keep himself grounded. Pulling the door to create a wider opening, he let you in.
“Are you okay?” You knew he wasn’t okay. Just by the look in Jeno’s eyes, you could tell he had a lot going on in his head. You didn’t want to start the conversation off with ‘I actually wanted to kiss you too’ because in all honesty, anyone faced with that statement would be scared in one way or another, regardless of their feelings for the other. 
“I guess you can say that,” Jeno hummed and sat at the foot of his bed. You handed him one of the cookies and bit into the second one you brought. Jeno couldn’t even make eye contact with you. He was a smidge too embarrassed to do so. 
You sat next to him, the heat of your bodies bouncing off of each other from how close you were, “What do you mean?” You were drawing the conversation out while you still tried to run through what you were gonna say as your version of a confession. 
He shrugged, taking a small bite, almost a nibble, from the cookie, “I know you’re not stupid, Y/N… Donghyuck was painfully obvious and so was I.” Feeling his heart pick up its pace scared him. This only meant he could either lose total control of his words, or just not speak at all. He focused on keeping them tame, “I’m sorry you had to witness that. Just forget it happened, okay? Sometimes, Donghyuck doesn’t know he’s going overboard.” 
Jeno spoke softly, head dipping down and bangs falling over his eyes. The glasses he wore slipped down his nose as he did, but he quickly caught them with the tip of his index finger. 
“Donghyuck doesn’t normally pull shit like that unless he has to,” you say as a reply, “He somehow always knows things we don’t.” You hoped Jeno got the hint from what you were saying, but by the way he kept his attention at the cooling gingerbread cookie in his hand as he nodded, you knew that he was completely clueless. Were you being too subtle?
“Do you know why he decided to buy that plastic plant in the first place?” You took a bite from Jaemin’s cookie and swung your legs. 
Jeno shrugged again, “Because he’s Donghyuck?”
 You both let out brief chuckles but you regained your composure and sighed. From downstairs, you hear the others laughing at something, some background noise from the near silence in the room.
“Because he knows how I feel.” 
Jeno’s ears perked up at this statement, still afraid to look at you. He shifted in place, “How you feel?”
You rolled your eyes at Jeno, hitting him playfully, “Lee Jeno!” Yeah, you did want to drag the conversation in the first place, but it was getting too long. You wanted to get to the point and Jeno wasn’t taking any of the hints you were throwing. 
“What?” He whined, acting as if you hit him hard when everyone knows he’s got the muscle to resist that pain. This familiar feeling between the two of you, the wave of comfort he felt, caused him to turn towards you. Once he realized what he had done, he turned away quickly, feeling himself grow timid once again. 
“I know you’re not that stupid either, Jeno. Can you please look at me?” To no surprise he doesn’t listen. He was getting all flustered. The shy, blushy type of flustered. 
Lifting your hand up to his face, you grabbed it softly and turned it so that he was facing you. He complied, letting you turn his head, only, his eyes were shut tightly. 
You huffed, “Jeno! Please open your eyes.” He shook his head while his face was still being held with your hand, “Please?” 
Again, he refused, this giving you permission to attempt to pry his eyelids with your own fingers. Though you gave up quite quickly. You didn't want to force them open as any sort of mishap was bound to happen. 
“Last chance to open your eyes,” you warned, only he didn’t know what you were warning him about. He still kept them closed, feeling comfortable in this position he was in now, “Fine, Jeno, if you don’t open your eyes, then I will…”
“You will what?” He smirked. Though you couldn’t see his eyes, you could see his emotion through his raised brow. Deep down he knew what you were about to do. But he wanted to sit back and wait for it to happen. 
Without thinking, you leaned in and brought his lips down to yours. At first there wasn’t any response from Jeno, but once he had finally processed what was going on, his eyes shot open, and as if it was some sort of instinct, he kissed back. 
You liked this feeling. Maybe you would’ve felt it sooner if you hadn’t refused to kiss him earlier. But also you liked it how it was right now, and Jeno felt the same. Private, without any of the others watching. And it wasn’t because you had to follow a tradition, it was because you both wanted to do it.
After a few more long seconds, you both pulled away, beaming shyly at each other. You finally let go of his face and sat yourself back. 
“What was…?” Jeno was at a loss of words. 
You laughed softly, almost coming out as a giggle, “That’s how I feel.” 
Maybe Donghyuck was right when said you had that sort of potential. 
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 14/?
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name
Somehow! I decided that Y/N became more of an OC, I don't know how this happened, but I might release an AU just because I clearly can’t fanfiction Y/N lmao.
Warnings: Discussion of arrests, Mentions of alcoholism, Mentions of drug use, Mentions of Jason’s trauma, Mentions of relationships ending bad, Mentions of abuse (domestic), No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
“Your friends... all got arrested?” he paused, “Do you remember this? At all?” he questioned.
“Do you expect me to remember any of this? I was black-out drunk, Jason,” she said, “There’s a lot of questions that need to be answered now, I know that.”
“You going to worry about this now and fix it?”
“I really don’t want to deal with it. My memory of the night is non-existent anyway.”
“Getting drunk does that to you.”
“You’d think I would know that by now,” she muttered under her breath.
He chose to ignore that statement because clearly, she wasn’t prepared for everyone to know of that part of her past yet. But that was neither here nor there.
“Do you have any notes that you need to write?” he asked, trying to ease the tension. Hoping it would clearly make her feel better if he changed the subject.
“No, I can read my own notes. I only printed them out for you, Jay.”
“Well that’s very sweet of you to do, baby.”
“Got to make up for my recklessness somehow, I guess,” she laughed, “It is what it is, I guess.”
“You should be more confident in the fact that you don’t need to make up for recklessness,” he paused, “Did I ever tell you about that time I dared Dick to tuck and roll out of the car?”
“Dick mentioned it.”
“I’m surprised he didn’t tell you that he made me do the same first, actually,” he laughed, “We were with dad, he was teaching me how to drive as one does, and when we stopped so dad could answer a phone call, Dick leant over to me and said, ‘During my demo, twenty bucks if you tuck and roll out of the car.’ and me, being a stupid teenager took the deal,” he laughed, “Dad was pissed at us two and refused to take Dick on my driving lessons after that.”
“Well that doesn’t explain why you made Dick tuck and roll out of the car,” she laughed.
“I’m getting to it! So the next time Dick was going to go for a drive with Dad, probably because he wanted to tell Dad about Barbara or something, I don’t know, I said, ‘To get your twenty bucks back, you tuck and roll out of the car this time.’ Dick, also being a stupid teenager, did it,” he laughed, “And that’s why dad never takes us on car rides now.”
“Have any of your other siblings tucked and rolled out of cars?”
“You say that like it’s a daily activity people just do.”
“Well, who’s to say your family is not one of those types of people?” she joked.
“Logic? In the Wayne Manor? That’s rich.” she joked.
“Like you would know!” he retorted to her before grabbing her and yanking her onto his chest as he laid down on his bed.
“You’re dating a girl who flipped off the press twice, you cannot look at me and say your family possesses logical thinking.”
“That’s valid, I won’t dismiss that,” he laughed.
They let the news play in the background as they cuddled. Jason still had his stitches in and he said it was because Dick said, “You’ve been moving too much’ and the two of them laughed, knowing that that was likely going to be the outcome. They knew what they did, they knew it was worth it. Dick probably didn’t think it was worth it, if he even caught on,
Bruce had reamed Jason out for that, because Bruce did catch on. Bruce had to play the parenting role in this all, and he knew what Jason was like. He knew Jason likely wasn’t prepared for the escapade and journey they had took. 
He was right. Jason wasn’t prepared for that, he didn’t have the necessary items for it. Y/N and Jason didn’t care about that at the time, so they didn’t even bother to realize. Kids will be kids, Bruce supposed, and he hoped for the best possible outcome out of this. He knew Jason wasn’t ready, he didn’t know if Y/N was ready, but he knew if what he was scared would happen actually happened, he’d support the two of them unconditionally.
But they would continue to do their own thing as time went on, and even at 3 in the morning, no one could stop them from doing what they wanted, what they needed.
That was the beauty of the chase they had done to get to this point, the drama, the love, the pain, it all got them to the point where they were side-by-side in his bed, naked. Obviously they were going to have sex eventually, they just didn’t expect it this early on, but they also seemed to be speed running the entire relationship to the good parts, where they knew each other like the back of their hands, just enjoying the quality time they got with each other.
Yes, it was soon. But it worked for them, and that’s what mattered to all of them. Not just Jason and Y/N, it mattered to his family that even if they were quickening their pace, they were happy and understanding of sometimes it just goes a little faster than one would expect. It doesn’t mean it’s bad or doomed to fail, it just means it’s clicking in a lot of ways others didn’t.
Jason had a dating rep he didn’t like to admit. He was known for being a womanizer, a playboy, someone that dads everywhere didn’t want their daughters to be with. He was given this through the fact that he did have women come in and out of his life. He didn’t want it to be this way, but that’s how it ended up being when some women, most women, would crack under the pressure of his life. He moved fast because he thought it made up for the craziness that was his life. 
So, when he found out that Y/N didn’t like the press very much, he was ecstatic. He knew she didn’t know about what was being said about him everywhere, he knew she didn’t feel scared either, when she proved time and time again that she had a backbone to stand up against the press. Was she one-of-a-kind for this trait? No. Barbara also exhibited this with Dick and their relationship. But Jason had been so shit on by women he tried to date that Y/N was a nice change.
He didn’t want the press to be her new norm, that running from them would become her life, but he also didn’t know if that bothered her for a while, until he saw the articles. The ones calling her names and insulting her every feature, physical and character traits she had shown them. He knew that of course, with the games she had been playing, that they would insult her, and with the court case going on with her attacker, they were just more vicious.
That’s why he demanded she get into Dick’s car the morning after he found out about her drinking, not because he didn’t trust her or anything, but he knew with the ongoing case that she’d be bombarded worse than before. She realized this was his reasoning eventually, probably when she was in his arms.
Her dating streak had been better, but it still wasn't the best. She had a lot of secrets she felt like she needed to hide because of how they made her feel, but eventually she would come out with her stories, the assaults, the bad men, the way they used and used her and how she let it slide.
Being assaulted was something a lot of the population had to deal with and cope with, most likely never actually telling people of their assaults and just letting it simmer, deep, deep down in their brains. Wishing it would have just not happened. 
She wanted to talk about it, but she had also healed so much from it with the help of Jason. Sure, he didn’t fix all the issues she had with exes, but the fact that he didn’t treat her the way the others did, sure as hell helped. 
Writing and dance also helped her cope with a lot of the bad things that had happened to her. She figured if Jason went through bad things, he had an outlet too, because he did seem torn up, but not massively affected. Maybe he was good at hiding how he felt about it all, but maybe he had a way to deal with the trauma.
She knew his parents’ stories and how he was so young during so much of it, and he hoped, prayed even, that he had coped well with those events. But she had no control over most if not all of the events that transpired and how he handled dealing with them.
Both of their minds had a thing for wandering away from them at the worst yet best moments. When she got a call.
“Hello?” she questioned into the phone, when an automated voice returned.
“This is a prepaid call from Gotham County Jail. From inmate ‘Justine Wong’, to accept this call, please dial 1.”
She did.
“Thank you for your cooperation. All inmate calls are recorded. Your account balance is $40.50.”
“Y/N?” Justine asked.
“Hey, I’m here.”
“So, we have an issue,” she joked, “How much do you remember?”
“Nothing. I don’t remember anything.”
“I figured, fuck.”
“It seems issues follow me wherever I go, huh.”
“No, no. It’s our fault, myself, Kaitlin, Thomas, Christopher, we all dragged you out of the house and got you drinking. I barely even remember how it got to where it ended.”
“Well that... that isn’t ideal, Justine. Do you know when your court date is?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t even know if the guy is pressing charges, I hope he doesn’t.”
“You can say that again,” she joked.
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this mess, I took you to the bar that night.”
“You did, yeah.”
“I should have known better.”
“It’s... it’s not that you should have known better, man. It’s... it’s that a bunch of unfortunate circumstances lead us to this point,” she tried to say to comfort her friend. She did feel like it was Justine’s fault in a way, but she didn’t know if fighting with her over the phone while she was held in jail for bodily harm charges was the best idea.
“I feel like you’re mad at me,” Justine admitted.
“It’s not important, really. We can talk about it in anywhere from a couple months to a year, hoping you get lucky.”
“I think we all want to get lucky, Y/N.”
“I know.”
“I think we’re running out of time here, with the call.”
“We are.”
“Well, I love you, man. I’m sorry about all of this.”
“I love you too.”
Click. She paused for a second, with Jason sleeping next to her, she questioned a lot. Whether these friends were even worth it at the end of the day. She had changed so much since she last saw them, trying to cut clean of alcohol, drugs, partying. And trying to better herself,
But she knew all 3 of them were trying to do so too. They really had just ended up in a bad situation. It was 4:34am, and she was just lost in thought when Jason turned into her in his sleep. She smiled.
She played with his hair a bit while he slept, trying to just calm herself. He seemed sweaty, and clutched his bed sheets with one of his hands, She thought maybe he needed comfort right now, not her. She didn’t ever notice this behavior before these moments, and it concerned her. 
He was a grown man having nightmares, she assumed, but she didn’t like it. He deserved to sleep peacefully throughout the night when he woke up in a cold sweat, clutching his sheets and having his hair stroked.
He didn’t question it and just laid on top of Y/N, and let her stroke his hair as he tried to go back to sleep. They didn’t say anything, either of them. It was just really early on a Thursday morning, and they were making the best of the situations they had been thrown in.
There wasn’t any tension between the two of them, but they knew they were a ticking time bomb, that eventually they would fight and the supposed  ‘Honeymoon Phase’ would be over. They didn’t like that thought, that one day they might be at each other’s throats, forgetting that a problem in the relationship is them two versus the issue and not them vs. each other. Fighting with their s.o scared them. 
Jason would fall asleep in her arms, slowly drifting away into unconsciousness. But he would exhibit the same behaviors as before. The fear in his face was palpable.
But Y/N was asleep this time, so when Jason woke, trying to scream, he slapped his hand over his mouth and cried, he didn’t want to wake her, but he also craved just telling her what had happened and how sleeping was so, so much harder for him than she thought. 
People thought the nightmares had slowed, but he just got good at hiding them.
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corrupt-fvcker · 4 years
Annoying (Boba Fett x fem!Reader)
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Annoying ( Boba Fett x fem!Reader )
Warnings: fluff, hurt with sorta comfort, mentions of blood, one (1) mention of an erection, naughty words
Word Count: 3.1K
Author’s Note: boba may be a grumpy boyfriend, but he’s pretty decent. reminder that requests are open and if you want to be added to my tag list the link is in my bio :)
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Boba’s annoying.
Like, really annoying. 
He’s always telling you what to do and when to do it, like he’s the boss of you or something. 
Well, technically he did hire you as an onboard mechanic for the Slave I.
But that’s hardly the point.
Because after you reluctantly complete whatever (typically ridiculous) request he’s ordered you to do, he doesn’t show you ever a sliver of gratitude. 
He’s constantly teasing you
Probably smirking smugly beneath his bucket whenever you avoid his gaze after a particularly cheeky comment.
You swear that he's going to be the death of you if he doesn't shut the fuck up.
And he's an idiot, you're confident in this even though he always seems to be two steps ahead of you.
"If I'm an idiot, then what does that make you?"
The bitch that's about to roundhouse your ass.
"...shut up."
Boba's also big and green
Like a giant booger you decided.
Because calling him a Hutt would've been a direct insult to Jabba and all who hailed from Nal Hutta.
He's also stubborn.
Which you suppose is a good thing when it comes to his line of work. 
But after the quarry's been captured and it's just you and him, you're usually about two minutes away from stranding him on the nearest inhabitable planet.
Boba — the annoying, stubborn, big, green idiot that somehow managed to get his grimy gloved fingers wrapped around your heart with a durasteel strength grip.
And despite his imperfections, you know he cares. He cares a whole lot, actually.
Which is why you're approaching the hour mark of being stranded in the middle of a giant forest. 
The stars of the Corellia system moved across the night sky as you wait for your annoying, stubborn, big, green idiot of a boyfriend to find you.
It had started off as a joke. 
Not a particularly good joke, but your goal wasn't to make him laugh.
Your goal was to get under his skin.
So you, being the natural-born genius that you are, decide to laugh when Boba oh-so-casually brings up that he is the best bounty hunter in the field.
 And you should've dropped it when his helmet ticked to the side and he asked you what was so kriffing funny.
But you — the apparent brains of the operation — don't catch the hint and keep going.
"I mean, I think I could outrun you," you admit nonchalantly, not bothering to look up at him as you absentmindedly pick at a loose thread of your tunic. "Not to mention outsmart you."
You smirk because if Boba is anything but your annoying, stubborn, big, green, idiot boyfriend... he's egotistical.
Boba scoffs, a mixture of amusement and offense lacing his tone. "Yeah? That's what you think?"
You offer him a half-hearted nod, feigning indifference to the whole idea.
He doesn't say anything else after that, nor do either of you bring it up again.
You suspect that maybe he figured that you were just trying to get under his skin, but you didn't think that you could've bruised his ego so easily and truly gotten away with it.
But then all hell breaks loose and the joke that you had started morphed into a much more genuine issue.
An official bounty had been placed on your head, and the reward was quite charitable.
So now, you were hiding out in the middle of some random forest on Corellia as Boba hunts you down to put your survival skills to test. 
Your goal is simple, make it back to the Slave I before Boba hunts you down and catches you.
And you had originally thought that it had been a good idea. If Boba, the best bounty hunter there is, can't catch you then hypothetically you shouldn't have to worry about other bounty hunters coming after you.
But you quickly came to regret your decision because now you're lost out in the middle of the forest, hugging some random tree.
You tried not to wander too far from the ship, knowing that you’d have to eventually find your way back. 
But you also couldn’t stay too close, it’d be much easier for Boba to find you if you were in the first tree he sees.
You had no definitive way of knowing how much time had passed. 
Even though Boba had told you when you landed, you had already forgotten how long a Corellian day was. 
Logically, you knew that you couldn't have been waiting for more than an hour. 
Though when your natural restlessness mixed with how uncomfortable your hiding spot was, you were convinced that you had been stuck in place for at least several hours.
You had settled yourself up in the branches of a towering tree. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, the bark digging into the soft flesh of your back, but it was endurable. 
If you could hide, you could live.
It’s dark, You could barely see the forest floor from your hiding spot. 
You weren't far from the ground, maybe a good twenty feet up.
Though you doubted that you’d be able to see Boba if he strolled past your tree.
He had the advantage, of course. Night vision ‘n all his fancy gadgets.
To make matters worse, it’s freezing.
 You were itching to get the hell out of the forest and cuddle up on your cot. 
But there was a tiny problem. 
Boba was coming from the direction of the Slave I. 
Which meant that with your luck, there was a very good chance that you’d run directly into him as you’re trying to get back to the ship. 
You needed to get Boba off your trail first, get him lost in the jungle. 
By the second hour of hiding in the ominous forest, you hear rustling leaves in the distance.
He’s close.
Thankfully, he’s not moving directly towards you.
But you can hear him drawing closer and closer, and you’re about to make a run for it and hope for the best. 
And even though you know he’s not going to to hurt you, you’re still terrified. 
You hear a twig snap just a few yards from your tree, you flinch. 
And then he went silent. 
And for a split second, your mind lets you think that he missed you. 
But then, just a short distance away, you see it.
The subtle glow of a tracking fob.
He was waiting for something -- standing there, eyes searching for your figure in the darkness.
And then, he turns away, hesitating. Considering his options.
He moves a few paces east, thankfully away from your route back to the ship.
You wait until you can’t hear his footsteps, and begin to move. Quietly, making sure your movements did not betray you.
But that was your first mistake. 
Not noticing that it was a trap.��
You didn’t realize it until it was too late. 
He’s racing after you now, heavy footsteps thudding against the forest floor. 
And for someone weighed down by so much armor, he’s fast.
You’re sprinting.
Entire body burning as you make your way through the thick trees.
The world’s a blur as you run, your feet barely touching the ground as you speed through the forest.
He’s on your trail, hot and quick. 
You just prayed that you had a good enough lead, maybe you could outrun him. 
And just as the Slave I is in view you realize something. 
You realize that you’re wrong. 
Two strong arms plated with thick duraplast hook around your waist and yank you off your feet. 
Air is ripped from your lungs as soon as the slope of your back slams against the armor covering the firm muscles of his chest. 
And desperately, you suck sharply for the oxygen that was just knocked from your body but as soon as you manage to breath in, you are robbed once again as the two of you topple to the ground.
You hit the ground hard. 
Your head snapping back as soon as your bodies hit the dirt and the only thing keeping your skull from splitting open against the forest floor is the way Boba tugs you against his chest. 
“Fuck!” You grit through your teeth, not sure if it’s the pain of the fall or the disappointment of losing that’s bruised you more. 
You don’t stop struggling, continuing to fight him as he wrestles you to the ground. 
You’re panting, kicking, grunting, punching, swearing—
Boba... hasn’t broken a sweat. 
He’s leaning over your and has got one of your arms craned behind your back, your face pushing into the dirt as you actively chose to ignore what seems to be a hard-on pressed into your lower back. Instead of dealing with his problem, you use what little strength you have left to swing your limbs at him. 
You’re free hand collides with the dome of his helmet, and it nearly throws him off his game. You smirk— then you seethe in pain. 
The skin of your knuckles cracks open upon impact of the duraplast, successfully hurting you more than it managed to inconvenience Boba.
“You kriffing—”
Your words catch in your throat as he suddenly flips you over, forcing you to face his stupid helmet. 
He plops down on you, effectively pushing all the air from your lungs for the third time of the night. 
He’s sitting on your stomach, gloved hands grasping your wrists as his legs pin down your own. 
“Gonna need to put up more than a fight than that,” Boba growls through his modulator, easily restraining your struggling limbs. 
"Fuck you.”
You might actually hate him. 
No, you don’t. 
“C’mon,” he croons mockingly, leaning forward just a bit so that his helmet hovers over your face. “Thought you said you could outrun me. Outsmart me? You got to have more fire in you than that, baby.”
Then you do something incredibly stupid. 
Because — who are you kidding? — you’re not the brains of the operation.
You’re the stubborn one between the two of you (which is saying something), and Boba always knows which buttons to push. 
You jerk upward, momentarily slipping your wrists away from his grip that loosened from surprise.
Your head slams into the front of his helmet, your forehead splitting open on collision. 
But your pride outweighs your pain as you watch your boyfriend’s head snap back slightly with a strained grunt, effectively freeing your arms from his grasp. 
With all the force you can muster, you shove him off of you before he can quickly recover and then you’re running. 
Sprinting to the ship even faster than before, despite the heavy blood flow that is now running its course down the side of your face.
As soon as the soles of your boots make contact with the durasteel ramp, you collapse. 
Toppling down to your knees in the safe zone because you’re so kriffing tired yet so relieved that you won. 
The sound of Boba’s footsteps are right by your head as you carelessly sprawl out on the ramp.
“Fuck,” Boba snarls, suddenly invading your little safe zone. 
 You smirk because you know he’s pissed about losing to you. 
“What the hell did you do to yourself?” Boba snaps, his gloved hands seizing each side of your face to make you look at his visor. 
You’re bleeding. 
Like a lot. 
And you almost don’t have enough energy in you to brag. 
“I won, old man,” you sigh dreamily, batting eyelashes as you blink away the dots spotting your vision. 
Boba doesn’t even comment on the fact that you’re only a few years younger than him. 
“Maker help me, you better not have a concussion,” Boba grumbles with an unamused grimace that’s concealed by his bucket, hauling you up from the ramp despite your protests and carrying you into the hull.
He’s completely silent as he cleans your trophy -- a small cut just below your brow that bled way too fucking much for its size. He sprays some bacta on it and covers it with a bandage, only speaking once all the supplies is put away. 
“You need to take this,” Boba argues, his blood-stained gloves now discarded as he holds a few painkillers in his palm. 
You shake your head. “It’s not serious. You’re gonna need those sooner or later.”
“You have a head laceration, it’s not gonna be long before you get a migraine,” Boba retorts, forcing your clenched fist open so that he can put the pills in your palm.
Fuck, you’re stubborn. 
His heavy sigh echos through his vocoder. “I don’t want to hear about how bad your head hurts in an hour.”
“You won’t,” you promise. 
Though what’s he gonna do about it if you do? Lose another bet?
It doesn’t even take an hour for your head to start pounding in retaliation of your stupidity. Though you bite your tongue as you sit in the co-pilot’s seat, not wanting to get the “I Told You So” speech yet again.
You’ve been in hyperspace for about twenty minute, sitting with your legs criss-cross in the seat, your eyes closed and your head tilted back. 
You hope you just fall asleep unintentionally so that you don’t have to get up again. 
Every time you stand you think that your skull is going to burst from the incessant thrumming of your brain. 
Thankfully it’s mainly dark in the cockpit, the only light coming from the buttons and stars. 
“You don’t look so good,” Boba eventually mutters, a hint of something laced in his tongue.
“Gee, thanks,” you reply groggily, pinching the bridge of your nose as your brows furrow. 
Just let me fucking sleep in peace.
“How’s your head?” You were too tired to figure out if it’s concern or smugness in his voice. 
Probably both. 
Definitely both. 
“Do you have to talk so loud?” You complain lamely, opening your eyes to shoot a miserable glare in your boyfriend’s direction. 
He snorts, shaking his head in spite of you before motioning you over with two fingers. His voice is low when he speaks. 
You stare at him for a moment but the light is reflecting painfully off the dome of his helmet and you think that your brain is fucking bleeding. 
“Don’t want to,” you reply, trying to play it off as disinterest rather than the inability to walk the three paces to sit in his lap. 
When he doesn’t immediately react, you avert your gaze to stars and thank the Maker that you can finally close your eyes and have some peace —
A scoff crackles through his modulator, and you don’t open your eyes to glance in his direction as he stands from the pilot’s seat and moves.
Space is silent and his heavy footsteps ring throughout the cockpit and send vibrations through every bone in your body. 
He inserts himself between your slightly parted legs and hovers there for a moment, you can feel his gaze searing into your flesh despite your lack of vision.
His scent is overwhelming — something masculine and spicy, fresh and clean.
“What’s the matter, sweet girl?” He questions softly, leaning forward ever so slightly to cage you in between the co-pilot’s seat and his armor. 
His bare hand cradles your cheek before trailing down to wrap around the nape of your neck. 
Your eyelashes flutter open and you meet the ominous visor. 
It’s a plain lie that’s so clear and plastic that it loses all the sharpness and edge that a true lie holds.
He shakes his head, eyes still trained on you. “Really? Nothing’s bothering you?” 
This time you shake your head. “Nothing,” you repeat with more firmness.
He nods thoughtfully, a hum rumbling through his helmet before straightening out, pulling away from you a bit.
You sigh out a small breath of relief, finally having the space to breath air that wasn’t him. 
You let your eyelids slump shut again, though you should’ve know better than to think your stubborn boyfriend would leave you alone.
He’s scooping you up in his arms, pressing you against his chest and moving before you can wiggle out of his grasp. 
He’s still carrying you when he descends the ladder, you’re too disoriented to figure out how but he does nonetheless.
He flops you down on the bed, tugging your dirty shirt over your head.
Oh. Oh.
You mentally shrug because even with the pounding of your skull you wouldn’t mind a quick fuck before bed—
But then Boba presses his palm against your forehead and pushes you against the pillow — and you also then realize that he had only removed your dirty shirt so that you wouldn’t complain about the *germs* getting on your pillowcase (which causes acne, you dutifully remind him - not that his buckethead cares).
Though you give him credit where it’s due. 
He’s being thoughtful. 
He disappears without a word, returning only a few moments later. 
He outstretches his hand to reveal three painkillers.
Thoughtful bastard. 
You’re still lying flat on the mattress and your eyebrows furrow. “I said that I’m not—”
He tugs his helmet off his head with a short breath, tossing it haphazardly at the foot of the bed.
Sometimes you forget how beautiful he is beneath his green bucket. 
Tanned olive skin, dark wavy hair that’s borderline shaggy, calculating eyes that glisten with mirth, and rosy lips that are tilted into a boyish smirk. 
“They’re not for you, kid,” he grumbles teasingly before throwing the three pills to the back of his mouth before taking a single gulp of the glass of water that’s still beside your bed from the night before. “Now move over.”
It’s a miracle that you actually listen, scooting to the other side of the bed so that he can collapse on the mattress.
His arms drag you into his chest as soon as he settles, tucking the top of your head beneath his chin. 
“You’re a pain in the ass,” he utters, voice tainted from exhaustion but you can hear the adoration. 
You smile softly, burying your face in his neck so that you can press a kiss to his collar. 
“And you’re annoying.”
Good thing I love you. 
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
can i get some GOOD headcanons on kageyama, kuroo, oikawa, and terushima drunkingly confessing time there best friend? similar to how tsukki did it in the number neighbors au 🥰🥰🥰
drunk confessions w/ kageyama, kuroo, oikawa, and terushima
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— k. tobio
kags is the type to be hella emotional when he’s drunk, like full on sobbing or just being moody for no reason
it’s definitely not that bad at first, i would think he could handle his alcohol pretty well but once he get a couple shots in THAT’S when moody kags come in
with you being the designated sober for the group, you had to not drink ofc
out of everyone else in the group he’s one of the more difficult ones
near the end of the might where you had to take everyone home, you literally had to force a sobbing kageyama into the uber
homie would be choking in between sobs as you literally apologize to the driver
ngl it’s kinda hilarious
drunk kags = simp kags
“y/n ur so pwetty 🥺👉🏻👈🏻”
but if he isn’t showering you with compliments, he would be crying into your shoulder about how stressed he has been bc of volleyball
“coach said my sets are getting weird 😔😔”
and then you would sit there awkwardly laughing as you tried your best comforting him
you would run your hands through his hair and he’s literally about to self combust from the contact
by the time your uber arrives to his apartment, trying to pull him out of the car is harder than pushing him into it
his six foot one ass really be making it harder than it should be
once you do finally get him out of the car, he’s completely slumped over you and you try your best to lead him back to his place
his muscular arms strategically placed around and over your shoulders as his feet basically drag on the ground
“y/n~ where are we going?”
“back to your apartment, tobio.”
this is the part where he groans and immediately starts resisting
the thing is it doesnt last long considering he’s completely fucking drained, if anything the moment you past by the threshold into his apartment he was already halfway unconscious
your muscles strained guiding him to his bedroom to which your literally just plop him onto his bed
you sigh to yourself as you felt immediate relief on your body
after a beat or two passed to regain some strength and energy, you tug on kag’s body again to make him properly lay on the bed rather than being at the cusp of falling off
“you’re so fucking heavy, tobio.” you pull his bedsheets over him, “also don’t get out of bed or else i’ll kick you.”
honestly he looked so cute as he was in the process of passing out
“y/n?” he called out before you could leave his side
it was then his right hand would find yours and pull it close to him, mumbling: “you treat me so well, y/n... no wonder why i’ve been in love with you since high school.”
perhaps you ended up not leaving his side that night
— k. tetsurou
homie won’t leave you alone while you guys are out drinking
he literally refuses to leave your side as both of you were drinking
i would say kuroo has a pretty strong alcohol tolerance but ngl yours is stronger fr
this obviously led to kuroo getting completely shitfaced at a much quicker pace than you and when he’s drunk, it’s obvious
like REALLY obvious
he’s most definitely a giggly drunk
he probably laughs at every little thing with that obnoxious hyena laugh you love to hear so much
if there was ever a moment you two did split up, you would immediately know where he was the moment his loud ass laughs literally thundered throughout the entire bar
“excuse me, have you seen my friend? he’s tall, has black hair that look’s like a chicken’s—”
“oop- nevermind”
you were literally on your way to fetch him as it was getting super late and the both of you needed to go home when you saw him stumbling farther away from you
“kuroo! where the hell are you going?” you would shout over the loud conversating crowds and music
he ultimately didn’t hear you as he continued walking towards the bar
you grumbled as your eyes stay locked on his large figure to which he starts climbing a bar stool
“oh my fucking god—kuroo!!”
this dude literally CLIMBS ONTO THE BAR
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!” he yells over the large crowd, everyone’s attention is on him and you were immediately struck with second-hand embarrassment
when i tell you were wanted to drop dead then and there
your eyes widened in shock, your mouth parted, and you stood there completely paralyzed as kuroo points you out in the crowd
everyone surounding you turn towards your figure and your cheeks immediately flushed a bright red and your heart suddenly beating a thousand beats per minute
silence filled the club like a wet blanket as you nervously chuckle
this was so awkward like it’s not even funny
“well?” a random guy from across the bar shouted
you purse your lips, “if i say yes, would you get off the bar and take me out on a real date?”
the biggest smile melted upon kuroo’s lips as he laughs
he jumps off the bar and practically cuts through the crowd just to pull you into the tightest hug you’ve ever received
“god, you’re so drunk.”
“it was my only way of getting myself to finally say it.”
— o. tooru
if you think this boy has attitude when he’s sober just wait until he’s drunk
like literally he’s so mfing sassy and for what reason ??
i dont even think this boy drinks that much let alone has a high tolerance of alcohol
oikawa’s a lightweight (i said what i said 😤)
literally if he downs anything more than three shots, he’s a literal goner
not to mention HES ABSOLUTELY WILD
drunk oikawa — the wild, sassy one
i’d say he’s pretty loud, but def not as loud or confident enough like kuroo to stand on a mfing bar and confess his love
nah, if anything, oikawa’s more rowdy when it’s a party at someone else’s house
he knows to keep himself in check if he’s drinking in public (like he knows from experience and almost got arrested one time for public indecency but it izz what it izz)
so he practically learned to control himself, but if it’s a house party ??
knowing that it’s at a friend’s house, especially if it’s your house, he’s letting himself get completely loose
he knows you’ll take care of him anyway
throughout the night he’s literally messing around with friends, maybe a game of beer pong would usually get him drunk
put once the party’s over, he would usually be the last one to leave as he was left on your couch passed out
you didn’t even notice he was there until he started snoring
you couldn’t help but laugh at his adorable unconscious state, it was almost as if you wanted to leave him be, but you knew he had to get back home
so you stroll towards his slumped figure on the couch and kneeled on the ground
his cheek was pressed up again one of the cushions and he was dribbling a bit of saliva but you ultimately chose to ignore it
“oikawa,” you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder and shook it
he wouldn’t really respond for the first few times, but after repeating his name after a while, he would start to stir
he would groan and could barely open his eyes
half-lidded, a smile forms on his lips at the mere sight of you
“hey there gorgeous.” he slurrs through his teeth as he continued to stir
“c’mon, get up you gotta get up and go home. i called an uber for you.”
you tried helping him get up, but he just plops down again
“why can’t i stay wit you?”
“cause you don’t live here.”
“i would if we were together.”
your brows furrow in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“i always wanted to live with someone i really liked... and that’s you.” his words were almost incoherent how slurred they were through his drunkened state
“you like me?” you asked just to reassure what he mumbled was truly what you heard
he nods as you brush his tangled jungle of hair out of his face
there was a deep onset of crimson blush that appeared on your cheeks as he did so, your heart beat quickening it’s speed as you sighed in contrnt
“you act like i didn’t know this whole time. you’re quite obvious about your feelings, oikawa.”
— t. yuuji
you and terushima were club regulars
each weekend you were out with him club and bar hopping just for the fun of it
but lately, the more often you do things the more desensitized and bored you get of the same activities over and over again
you and terushima sat in both of your car ready to drive to downtown where all the clubs were when you both lazily sighed
“i’m not really in the mood for loud music and socializing.” you would confess, ready to perhaps hear terushima’s jests of you being a party pooper
but instead he sighs and agrees to your surprise as he’s typically the one dragging you to these places anyway
“same,” he mutters. “i think i’d just hangout with you tonight.”
there was a slight tone in his voice as he peaked at you that you couldnt exactly pinpoint as if you were waiting for the catch
“i still wanna drink though.” he added, there it was
“good call”
from then on you stopped by a convinient store where you and terushima buy the cheapest six pack of canned beer
in the end alcohol was alcohol and you both didnt care about the quality
this was the only case in which you had a lower tolerance than terushima as he could literally handle the strongest of liquors and still act sober
it’s kinda scary as sometimes you can never tell whether or not he’s actually drunk
but as he is a sober drunk, the only way you can tell that he’s absolutely blasted is that he becomes brutally honest with you
that brutal honesty sometimes comes with a childish offhanded joke that you would roll your eyes to
not to mention he sometimes becomes a bit of a perv too
“your ass looks better in the dress you wore last weekend” was one example
and because you both wanted some quiet for once on a late saturday night, you drove all the way to the park where it was quiet enough for you two to relax
terushima had held your hand to help you walk up the steep hill to the top of the park in which oversees a great view of tokyo
with it’s pretty city lights shining upon you two, you and terushima settle yourselves on a bench and crack open your beers
you and him cheers as you two silently sipped at the alcohol
by the time both of you were in your third can of beer, it was obvious terushima was completely wasted
“not gonna lie,” oh here it comes, “your driving sucks.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at his honesty
a laugh that he likes so much, it sounded like heaven to his ears and he wanted to make you laugh again and again
“i mean, you’re the one whose making me drive you everywhere all the time.”
he scoffs, humming in response as his half-lidded eyes flickered towards you, admiring how the moonlight reflected upon your face as you breathed in the sky
“you’re so beautiful,” he practically whispers.
“hmm?” you turn towars him with you eyes coated in honey
god he was in deep
“i like you.”
it honestly shocked you at first as your eyes widened into saucers
it was straight and brutally honest confession
just how you like it
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1a 2e and 5i for the ze ask thingy!! ^•^
1a. Favorite Character?
its (one of) the kurashikis by MILES past anyone else no question but i honestly cannot claim either of them over the other and stick to that it really just depends on my mood. Akane is a better character like quote unquote "objectively" writing wise which like it would be astounding if she managed not to be when she's the core character of the entire series and there's precisely one (1) scene where (adult) aoi isnt lying to your face lmao. BUT aoi just hits like fucking Everything that makes me insane about a character on both shallow surface traits and deep core characterisation levels. akane also functions better as an independent character not part of that pair like trying to look at them individually alone, if that's relevant to choosing one over the other, while aoi isn't much of a character at all if you tried to remove him from akane existing, there's just the santa persona left, like i WOULD still like him because hehe edgy twink :3c but it would be shallow. they're both two of my favorite characters ever ever.. frequently bought together do not seperate
2e. Least favorite scene?
oh damn dont think ive ever thought about that one. okay the first thing coming to mind is the scene in vlr with the lever with clover and luna outside the book room that fucking sucks but i want to give a more real substantial scene that that. there's nothing big that comes to mind that i actively hate i just ignore most of the points in ztd i dont like lol. i have more dislike for the ABSCENCE than prescence of things like how akane never once mentions aoi ever in ztd when carlos spends the whole game talking to her about his sister what the fuck. real answer probably the way they/sigma chose to deliver diana's backstory in the ending where they're stranded
5i. An unpopular opinion?
I don't buy the nebulous "fate dictated it had to be this way" story Akane keeps claiming after 999. I don't think it's ever questioned ingame iirc it's always treated as more of a fact Akane happens to be the one to relay, than a personal narrative or belief of Akane's. And Uchikoshi himself tells it like this in interviews also. So maybe it's more of me rejecting a canon thing than a difference in opinion to say this but the more I think about it I don't believe her word. In 999 there really was only one way to save her, but when she keeps stressing it about the AB Project etc I think she's kidding herself. She had a choice as much as she believes she doesn't. Even in 999 where there was truly one possible series of events that would lead to her retroactive survival, the only interpretation that makes sense to me is that she saw it happen that way because it's how she would have chosen to do it. Like, I've seen a lot of people write her as upset about having to kill the Nonary Board but her hand being forced - no. She wanted them dead. If you allow the "some external universal force beyond Akane determined how everything would need to be done" it sucks away soooo much subtext about her and even actual direct text because you can say well she just needed to SAY that exact sentence, she didn't need to believe it. All the interesting layers of thoughts you can have about her methods and motivations can fall away if it truly wasn't in any way hers. I think what she tells herself and everyone around her about the necessity of especially the AB Project is a justification she's making for herself and mostly does believe but if you dig to her core her motives are a lot more selfish and less noble necessary greater good than she presents them. and i find that a lot more interesting a read personally
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harpersplay · 3 years
4x14 Thoughts
I touched on this before, but context fucking matters. Even though it erased Annie's class & Ruby's race while using Beth's momness and whiteness as a shield, the speech in 1x02 works because it's life and death. It works because these women have just been thrown into this scary world and Beth makes a desperate but savvy (she picks up on Rio being more than just a gangbanger and appeals to his business side) plea. She uses what she can (Annie has never brought orange slices to any game ever, let's be real) and saves the day. And yet we see how terrified she was even after it worked. IT WAS AN UNREAL SITUATION THAT FELT REAL. Beth's recent "boss bitch" moments do not work because it's just her fully leaning into the smug entitled white lady role. I feel like too many fans ignore 2x13-3x02. The threat of Rio (and the FBI) was GONE as far as Beth knew. But she decided to do crime. Ruby was stealing from her workplace. Beth was putting Dorothy and Lucy at legal risk by using her store and her work, respectively, to commit crimes without telling them. That's who Beth is. So reframing her actions in S3 & S4 as simply reactions to evil Rio trying to ruin her life not only removes Beth's agency. It is also hollow. Because Beth has zero problem with crime—stealing Gayle's business, bribing a city official, hiring a hitman, setting up an innocent man to be a murderer, making Dean "sell" a hot tub to Mick, selling counterfeit purses, blackmailing men into buying those purses. Beth has a problem with not getting her way. And that's not enjoyable to watch. This is not me saying Beth has to be likeable as in a "good" person. But she has to be likeable to watch. Mary Pat is a total weirdo with very questionable morality, but she's enjoyable to watch. Vance is fucking creepy as shit, but he's enjoyable to watch. And while the show gave both those characters some dimension, it never portrayed them as characters we should unabashedly cheer for. That's not how they write Beth. They still—four fucking seasons in—want us to see her as a mom just trying to survive. But that's not the story plotwise that they have chosen to write. And the fact that Beth's "wins" are almost always at the expense of other women or POC is an added gross factor.
The show needs to make up it's mind about the monetary situation. Either things are dire and they are saving every penny to "escape" to Nevada. Or they have enough money to refurbish Sweet P's and buy Kenny an iPad.
Detroit city council is by district. Why do they keep referencing Ward 5?
Nice of the show to have Dave & Phoebe literally walk thru the situation. Super FUN! that the women who have been in this for years (per date revealed in 4x13) still don't understand how it works. The only way I like this scene is if it is a meta commentary about how the majority of the show stans have never understood how any of the crime aspects work 🧐 And I see that the show is yet again ignoring Turner's whiteboard and everything else implied about Rio's business dealings in S1.
Phoebe's no Turner, but I've never disliked her. She was really good in this episode, but the Phoebe/Beth stuff from stans is annoying. Why are people so into ships where Beth is awful to the other person and yet the other person is willing to risk things for Beth? Wait...I think I answered my own question.
So much wasted time on these MRA guys. I guess they don't need to be ~mysterious~ and I love (I don't) the casual misogyny in all their scenes. Preemptive GTFOH: I know—believe me, more than I want to—that men like this exist. I know it is realistic. But, again, as I mentioned before, the show is more than happy to ignore all types of realism to make the story they want to tell work. So don't tell me that this is simply a reflection of society. Jenna & Co are choosing to write this storyline in this way and she thinks it is fun and comedic.
The show is about the 3 women and anyone asking for more screen time for Rio is a misogynist. One minute spent on Annie's new shitty white male love interest popping her pimple = crickets.
The show is about the 3 women and anyone asking for more screen time for Rio is a misogynist. Dean having the reasonable response to Beth running for city council while she dismisses his legitimate concerns = crickets.
And, btw, Denise doesn't need secret insider information. Even if Dean's police records are sealed—why tho?—the two extremely visible daytime raids on the family businesses would have been on the news. And—gag!—Beth's visit to Denise was hella stupid. Denise is not a criminal, like the girls were in S1, so she has no narrative reason not to call the cops on Beth & her "thug." It was a shallow parallel and just another example of Beth needing a man to handle things for her.
I mentioned in my 4x13 thoughts about how the Sweet P's "fun and empowering...unlikely feminist statement" is bullshit. The girls, specifically Ruby, spent a lot of time judging the dancers. Beth straight up mocked Krystal's voice. They didn't care about implicating them in crime or costing them their jobs when they set up Gene to take the fall for the money laundering. They only "care" now because they need them.
Annie & Nancy's scene would have been nicer if Annie didn't imply that Greg(g)'s cheating was Nancy's failure. Again, they could have had them talk about the cheating and difficulty that Nancy went through as an example of a hardship she overcame. But they CHOSE to have Nancy explicitly frame the business disaster as a personal failing. So having Annie respond with the infidelity doesn't come across as tough love. It comes across as needlessly callous and victim-blaming.
This is long already, so I'm not even going to get into the Beth & Rio conversation at Sweet P's.
Ugh, Rio & Nick. So fucking dumb. Where was Nick before all of this? Why is he flexing his muscle now? With what we've gotten of his characterisation & attitude, are we to believe that this is the first time in 20 years that Rio & Nick have clashed? I would think that he would have been very concerned and involved when Rio drew the attention of the FBI. But Nick was nowhere to be found. (Because these writers don't understand the difference between retconning and world expansion.) Although I did get a chuckle when Nick said, "You think you'd have any of this?" while gesturing to Rio's usually empty bar.
Yet again, no cameras in an area that would most likely have cameras. And white woman Beth implicating gangs (which to cops = Black & brown youth) with her "broken windows theory" scare tactic is disgusting.
Caribbean flair and Mahalo. I'm so goddamn exhausted at this point.
Hello, Random Bitch Wife. FUN!
Hey, speaking of context matters....that entire last scene Beth is actively working with Phoebe & Dave to send Rio to prison. Romance!!!
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