#Heart Chakra awareness
cristinaholtz · 9 months
GRIEF & the Chakra System as a Holistic Framework Second Chakra (Part 3 )
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
spiritual notes: the path of the heart 💚
When exploring the intricacies of spiritual consciousness, one often encounters a labyrinth of interconnected themes, energies, and practices. At the center of this exploration lies the concept of living from the heart, a state of being that transcends the limitations of the ego-driven mind and aligns one with the universal force of love. This journey toward heart-based consciousness is not only a spiritual pursuit but also a practical approach to navigating life's challenges with grace and wisdom.
In the realm of spirituality, the mind often presents itself as an obstacle to living from the heart. It whispers doubts and fears, suggesting that focusing on love will detract from one's efficiency and practicality. However, as we delve deeper into the nature of heart-based living, we discover that the mind does not cease to function; rather, it operates under a new jurisdiction—the law of love. This concept of mind-heart coherence allows us to harness the intelligence of the heart while still engaging in daily tasks and responsibilities.
Living from the heart enables us to perceive reality through a different lens—one that is attuned to the energy behind words and actions. Instead of reacting defensively to criticism or grievances, we become adept at sensing the underlying desire for connection and intimacy. This heightened awareness fosters deeper understanding and empathy in our relationships, transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth and healing.
At the core of heart-based consciousness lies the recognition that love is the highest truth, the ultimate guiding force in the universe. This acknowledgment leads us on a path of devotion, a journey toward aligning ourselves with the divine essence of love. While this path may present challenges and resistance from the ego, it ultimately leads to a profound surrender to the power of love.
In various spiritual traditions and esoteric teachings, the concept of the heart is deeply intertwined with themes of devotion, transformation, and spiritual evolution. For example, in Christianity, the path of devotion mirrors the journey of Jesus Christ, who withdrew to the wilderness to commune with God and align himself with divine love. Similarly, in astrology, the Sun symbolizes our connection to our spiritual essence, representing the core of our being and our capacity to radiate love and light into the world.
The astrological sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, embodies the qualities of courage, creativity, and generosity that are synonymous with heart-based consciousness. Leos are known for their strong vital energy and their ability to lead with warmth and kindness. Through their connection to the heart, Leos embody the archetype of the hero, bravely facing life's challenges with love and integrity.
As we journey through life, we are invited to cultivate the power of our cosmic heart, to embrace the light of our true essence, and to align ourselves with the universal force of love. This journey requires courage, dedication, and a willingness to surrender to the wisdom of the heart. Yet, in doing so, we discover a profound sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy that transcends the limitations of the egoic mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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northnodal · 6 days
i had a revelation that i’ve been trying to protect myself from heartbreak by 1. approaching relationships with cold logic and 2. distancing myself from “passionate” romantic feelings. overall, i’ve been subconsciously keeping my guard up.
i realized that there’s always a risk when dating, but that shouldn’t stop me from leaning into intimacy. i’m more mature now; i possess discernment and self-respect. that’s the best i can do for myself in a relationship—the rest is out of my control.
loving is scary, but it’s better than never loving at all.
and so i am opening myself up.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
A little reminder that there is no wrong way to express your loving spirit as long as it is with pure-heartedness and benevolence.
Your love is not worse because it does not manifest in an extremely bubbly or emotional manner. Certain words and gestures don't necessarily change the quality of your love because love is a vibration. It can be a more reserved, masculine, protective expression, and that's completely fine because that is the exact kind of love some people need to receive and be surrounded by. And it's just as divine if you express a more extroverted, feminine, and tender love. It's all about love being expressed in our collective with balance & variety. So, show your particular brand of love without shame.
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urloveangel · 2 years
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cherry-vennom · 6 months
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pyramidmedia369 · 7 months
Healing your way to a Divine Union
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Original post can be found here: https://pyramidmedia369.com/f/healing-your-way-to-a-divine-union
🔮🛕🔊  The truest form of healing happens through the Union of man and woman. Our world will only know discord without it.
📜 But, the HIGHEST form of healing happens through the union of self-realized men and women who can move with spiritual maturity, under all influence. I’m not saying you have to be self-realized & super spiritual to heal, to have a community or to find love. But one cannot grow in any of these areas without self-realization. Proper shadow work and inspection on yourself through meditation, is how you become self realized; opening the 3rd eye. You cannot ever be fully self-realized if your 3rd eye is not working. There’s a reason I always say #KnowThyself.
The path of one Knowing Thyself is how this level of unity & healing is reached. By first having no agenda other than to be fully self-realized within your own being. Then functioning your world from there. This must be done first to achieve the highest levels of union. You must first unify all parts of yourself, for yourself.
If you find the right person for you, you two can create your own agenda together by pursuing the same spiritual goals. An agenda that serves you equally, because you both know that what you do to your partner you’re also doing to yourself. 
Merging with someone who can aid your spiritual activation the same way you aid theirs is true Divine Union. Not just because you and your person love each other. Or because you think someone is your soulmate. Or because you been with someone for a long time. Attraction and infatuation aren’t even strong enough frequencies to give you the level healing I’m referring to. High frequencies have to be “REACHED” INTERNALLY, first. 
In a Divine Union, evolution should be happening in two places at the same time. That’s how 2 become 1.
⚛️ “Inside, then outside.” 🧘🏾
- Phoenix Son  🕊🌞
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connectingwithsoul · 9 months
I thought it was you, but it was me. I thought you were weak, but it was me. I thought you were the problem, but it was me. I thought you were pushing me away, but it was me. I thought you stopped us, but it was me. I thought you didn't want us, but it was me. I thought it was the obstacles, but it was me. It was all me. @connectingwithsoul
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practicalpriestess · 2 years
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Positive reaction positive result means no matter what happens to you if you view it as a positive then it will be a positive. How we experience life is up to our perspective. The basic math of reality is you get back what you give. Exuding positive energy will attract positive things into your life. Remember your power. You create your reality.
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Breathe in… breathe out and remind yourself that you are sunshine energy. Breathe in… Breathe out and let your sunshine energy begin to shine… and vibrate its joy, its happy, its brightness…Breathe in… and breathe out and let your heart embrace and give sunshine energy through your words, spoken and written… and in your action. Breathe in… Breathe out and shine.
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ascendingjoyously · 6 months
🙏🏼Today's message is simple…
Just as you charge your devices,when they get low on power…Through your day,plug into your Divine Hearts,for that is where the Source of your Power lies….Take a deep breath in and connect with your Heart center,see the Light burning within,pure brilliant white light…Allow it to spread out and wash over your being…Feel it’s warmth,and experience the oneness with this light…It’s power is Infinite…This is who you are Beloveds…
Today brighten the lives of all that come your way,with the wealth of your hearts Love Light…Share,share,share,be kind,be loving…And see how your Hearts begin overflowing with the never ending Treasures of Grace,Gratitude and Joy….
Give thanks for all that you have received and will be receiving…
This entire process can be done in a couple of minutes,even during your bathroom breaks…
It will MPower you,and you will be able to continue your day with more clarity and zest…
You will handle everything with calm and control…Follow this and will see your life,monies, and relationships changing…
We flood your beings and your day,with pure Love and Joy at this time…Deep Gratitude for all that you are and do…🙏🏼
Source bless all of Creation,you your loved ones,including your pets…
I wish you Deep Peace and
Joy Beloveds…
🪷Upaasna Devi🪷
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luciddownloading · 5 months
Planets in the 12th House 🧿
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SUN IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Multiple personalities and they're all confusing. Either seems like a narcissist or a wallflower but they're really not. Most of them are massive insomniacs but also can freakishly thrive on very little sleep. MUST work on their solar plexus chakra (may either be blocked or overactive). A lot of them strongly believe in past lives/reincarnation and could be very naturally tapped into their Akashic Records. Deja Vu 24/7. In the arts, they are absolute icons and trendsetters. Could be more of a leader in their creative field but passive otherwise. If their father is in their life, no one drives them crazier but there is no one they admire and respect more. If not, they feel better off without a father and don't see it as a void in their life.
MOON IN THE 12TH HOUSE: The "child whisperer"; babies and kids instantly feel safe and soothed and understood around them. Capable of 100 different moods in the span of a day. Yet will insist they're "fine" when you ask. Uncannily capable of telling when others are not as happy as they appear. CLAIRSENTIENCE. An empath who needs to protect their energy for the sake of their sanity. Must express their emotions maturely or else they get very self-destructive. Deep, deep love of movies or music that may just be a hobby. Most feel incredibly indebted to their mothers or can have a very codependent motherly bond. Messy as hell sleeping schedule: staying up late, sleeping in late, insomnia, sleeping 10 hours, etc.
MERCURY IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Throat chakra probably needs a lot of healing. Could have a speech impediment early in life or be neurodivergent. They could also be judged very harshly (and unfairly) for their accent. Knows what people are thinking somehow and it freaks them out. Clairaudient abilities. Secretly very shrewd and cunning. Learned how to "play dumb" or "say less" early in life so people can't predict their next move. They have highly communicative Spirit Guides and they're always interacting with them but they may not be consciously aware of it. Natural channelers or mediums. NOTHING is a coincidence to them. They see signs in everything because they're always in dialogue with the Universe.
VENUS IN THE 12TH HOUSE: The biggest sweethearts but may hide that by acting kind of "mean". The best connections for them are the ones who see the big softie under the tough exterior. A lot of powerful feminine Spirit Guides around them. May also be very connected to love/beauty goddesses like Aphrodite or Freya. Is either seen as a goddess type or has a strong romantic relationship with a partner with big goddess energy (regardless of gender). Major Twin Flame vibes. Major soulmate connections. A divine counterpart could spiritually awaken them or even act as a guide (in human form or in the Spirit Realm). Art = healing. Could make their best art about the one they love or in collaboration with them. Heart chakra blockages that must be addressed.
MARS IN THE 12TH HOUSE: A dormant volcano that rarely explodes but causes total devastation when it does. Recurring nightmares that may haunt them through adulthood. Might be incredibly drawn to "scary" art: horror movies, heavy metal, grotesque visual art, etc. Would SERIOUSLY benefit from taking up boxing, self-defense or any kind of martial arts. As a teenager, they probably convinced adults they were perfectly well-behaved all while secretly drinking, having sex or smoking a lot. Becomes more open about their "bad behavior" with age. If they don't let themselves rebel, they'll implode/break down/become very destructive. Probably needs to heal their sacral chakra. Knows how to fulfill all their partner's sexual fantasies/desires but needs to express theirs.
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JUPITER IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Knowing that abundance is not just about money. They have an abundance of many spiritual/emotional/creative blessings (love, inner peace, talent, psychic abilities) and financial abundance follows. People constantly being jealous of them and they're just like, "Jealous of what?" Their humility and belief that everyone can win brings them more blessings. Incredibly inspirational. They make people want to be better versions of themselves. DREAMERS. Figuratively and literally; their actual dreams are like nightly movies. Constantly rescued or kept out of trouble by their Guides. Very active spiritual life. May start life very religious but benefits from exploring lots of spiritual paths.
SATURN IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Somehow super-grounded and very otherworldly, at the same time. Most likely to make skeptics see the truth or value in spirituality or psychic phenomena. Some may claim to be skeptics themselves but that's either just a phase or what they tell themselves to cope with this reality. Very powerful and natural psychic gifts that they may resist, dismiss or fear until they're called to embrace them. Although they see themselves as a hot mess, a LOT of people look up to and admire them. Major "older sibling" energy (regardless of if they actually are a big brother/sister or not). Also, "wise mentor" energy. VERY divinely protected. They have a lot of masculine, formidable Spirit Guides who do not mess around when it comes to them. One or two of their Guides or just a compassionate mentor may play a fatherly role in place of their father figure in this life, who could be absent, passed on or emotionally checked out.
URANUS IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Highly clairvoyant. As artists, this makes them ahead of the current trends and very cutting-edge. They could also have predictive dreams and visions. Raven Baxter vibes (including the chaos and calamities). Very good at convincing others that they are straight-laced or "normal" but the weirdness eventually slips through. Might be a model child and save all their rebelliousness for adulthood. Or they could be a model citizen but totally wild behind closed doors. They stand out through either controversial artistic statements or a very unique fashion sense. Really sensitive to mental health issues. Kind of like medication in human form; can help stabilize people's instabilities.
NEPTUNE IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Virtually hypnotizes people, without even trying. They have a striking beauty that is more about their aura/energy than looks (even though they may be gorgeous). Magical, mystical beings. A fairy, elf, mermaid, etc in human form. Often feels burdened/cursed by the pedestal others put them on. Humbly owns their flaws/faults while others are like, "Nah, you're kind of perfect actually". Seen as an angelic presence or guiding light to those they influence. Can go to some DARK inner places but can also heal/redeem themselves. Extremely psychic and trusts their intuition. Third eye and crown chakra are wide-open. Spirituality is the air they breathe. Highly connected to their past lives and were most likely artists or spiritual teachers in previous lifetimes, repeating those skills in this one.
PLUTO IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Often has to play the villain before they can become the hero. Get accused of absolutely untrue or unfounded things by people who are threatened by them. Can develop a very "bad reputation" that hides the fact that they're actually really nice or level-headed. However, they secretly enjoy being feared so they may encourage that illusion around them. Many of them have natural, powerful witchcraft abilities, due to a past life or more as a witch. As a result, they may be incredibly drawn to the occult/paganism or be one of those intense "that stuff is evil and demonic!!!" types. Their Spirit Guides are forces to be reckoned with, delivering retribution to their enemies yet also giving these people "cruel to be kind" lessons that change their lives. Walking bullshit detectors. Forces people to deal with their hidden truth but become more subtle and graceful about it with age.
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mercuryinleoblog · 2 years
With Today's Gift I...
I Choose Freedom. I Choose Gratitude. I Choose to Open my Heart Chakra. And I Choose to let go while taking it easy. See my body is so extremely proud me because she can trust me. Trust me to listen to her and hear her out without judgment. She feels safe with me and desires to rest in my arms. She wants to move gently or not at all today. She wants stretches, fresh air, and meditation. She wants soft talk and positive affirmations. She want self love and affection. She desires honest redirection through God's eyes into what today purely brings. She craves divine satisfactions through the alignment that is present ( pre-sent). She is here now through deep, deep breaths and self hand massages. She is sleepy and wants to watch something romantic. Maybe a movie while she learns & creates or maybe no creative work for career today. Maybe no asking God how she be useful to others with her gifts today. Feels like today's gift is resting & preserving energy for the moment she feels ready and energized enough to allow the Universe to catapult me into the dream experiences I prayed / asked for. It feels like some manifestations may be coming in today as we electronically speak. No rush. No force. No pressure. Just ease and vibes. Just relaxation & peace. Allowing my vibration to reach it's peak through rest and sleep. God is good to me. The Universe is catering to me. Mother Earth is nurturing me, and I, well I am listening & obeying. I hope you align with/through your truth today. I love you. Good-morning, Grand Rising, Good afternoon, Good evening, & Good night.
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moooncats · 3 months
✿ Pick A Card: Traits/Aura of Future Spouse ✿
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✿ Pile 1 : Clarity & Generousity ✿
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✿ The Giver ✿
Your future spouse is very much advanced when it comes to deep thinking into ones own conscious. They know how to separate their own intuition from the mental chatter that is going on in their heads. The clarity of their intuition is a sweet, simple fruit that tastes familiar to them. The mental chatter is a bitter rind that they peel off and chuck into the garbage (or compost heap, when their mental chatter seems to be organic cx ). They are also very generous, they will shower you with compliments, gifts, anything they can physically give to you. I'm seeing the giving tree in my minds eye. They will always be there for you and will love to be the one that you count and depend on. No matter how much, or how little they have, they will give, give, give. They intuitively know that there is enough to go around, and the main key is to allow it to keep going so the cycle can continue on forever- without stopping. If they don't give it is like they are the one person in the stadium who doesn't do the wave.
✿ Future spouses Aura: Green tones ✿
Your future spouse may have a green thumb and devle in green magick. If you don't know what that means, they are a master planter when it comes to bringing green life into fruition. They may also be rich as well as green is the color of money. Green is the heart chakra, they have many love to give when it comes to you and their heart chakra is forever open you those around them. It is quite infectious! They have unconditional love, empathy, and emotional equilibrium. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) 🌱✨️
✿ Pile 2 : Trust & Warmth ✿
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✿ The Gentle Giant ✿
Your future spouse has trust in the divine universe and is very brave when it comes to knowing that everything will be fine in the end. They have this instinct knowing in their gut that everything is always going to be okay. They rather live a fun life with trust and confidence than be a defensive weiner. All their focus is geared towards warmth. They let it guide every interaction that they have with all beings, little or big. No matter how other's behave, they choose to respond warmly. With warmth, they can melt any icy exterior. They can soften any hard feelings. They have adopted the saying "kill them with kindness". Omg pile 2, I'm hearing "Cuddly Teddy Bear"! Your future spouse is a Gentle Giant and they choose to be the kind one in every and any situation. They have lived many lifetimes. This is not their first time around the block. Their empathy shows no bounds when it comes to you and others in their vicinity.
✿ Future Spouses Aura : Blue/Purple & Indigo ✿
Your future spouse uses their throat chakra a lot to convey sweet and empathic messages to the world. They do not shy from spreading peace and positivity out into the world. They are also very much in tune with their intuition and gives trust to the universe to guide them and give them hidden messages. They are very self aware and give into their gut feeling and 6th sense. I'm hearing when you two meet they will know instantly as you are litteraly the person that they have been having constant dreams about. Omg this is so cute pile 2!! I love this for you. 🌠💫✨️ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
✿ Pile 3 : Individuality & Boundless Love ✿
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✿ The Alien ✿
Your future spouse was definitely the black sheep of society. Pile 3, I am going to be honest with you- this is the pile that I had a bit of trouble getting energy from. Your future spouse is very independant and they like to be lowkey. Take what you may with that information. Okayyy, now back to the reading. I'm hearing they may have a mental illness (Autism, Schizophrenia, OCD, ADD, etc) that has caused them to look through the lesnses of life with their own flare and style. Im hearing Neuro Divergent. They show delight in being their own quirky person, even if they connect with their friends/family/siblings/children/cousins/cats/dogs/sea monkeys- they see the unique beauty in being their own (sometimes crazy cx ) self. It's alright if their near (or far) and (mostly) dear ones don't always understand them. To be honest, they kinda take it as a compliment. Because of being a black sheep/ alien can cause isolation to some, they have developed an amazing super power- boundless love. They made sure to have their heart open for everyone so they can be known as a person who is just flipping wholesome! On the outside they may look a bit eccentric, or odd looking... but once you get to know them you'll see how multi faceted and just delighful they are! (: They understand that the world is filled with tiny miracles, with this in mind it is quite easy for them to fall in love over and over again, with anything from the honey bee's to neon signs. Whenever they are feeling inspired to love- everything sort of just falls into place.
✿ Future Spouses Aura : Light Tan / Blue ✿
They are so unique! Omg, Light tan is connected with brown. They are very earthly and in tuned with the inner core of the world. They may have had emotional trauma and learned coping mechanisms as a child to deal with it. With the additions of blue, they are in tuned with their throat chakra. They do not shy away from saying things that come from their uniquely structured brain and will have a blast partaking in deep thought provoking conversations with you! 🧠🗣✨️(✿◠‿◠)
Mahalo for reading my 4th ever tarot reading! This is my first time playing with colors and do I dare say, I am digging it! (: Please remember to hydrate and continue on being your amazing selves. I love you all, moooncats out! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)🚀🌌✨️
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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✨ It's quite simple to grow your self-love when you think of your beingness as an expression of quantum physics ✨
💚Self-care includes the care of your cells. ACTUALLY...that's what defines self-care. If it doesn't benefit the cells and quantum particles that make you up, then it's not good enough for you 💚
May all beings be blissful!
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bitchy-craft · 8 months
What Crystal Describes Your Future Spouse | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what crystal describes your future spouse. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
The Amethyst is a violet to purple quartz crystal with a transparent to translucent appearance. It often forms in geodes or clusters and can have variations in colour intensity. This crystal is associated with spiritual awareness, inner peace, and transformation. It is believed to enhance intuition, promote clarity of thought, and aid in meditation and spiritual growth. Amethyst is commonly used for meditation, promoting restful sleep, and fostering a calm and balanced mind. It is also considered a protective crystal against negative energies.
Your future spouse, who resonates with amethyst tends to be introspective, intuitive, and have a deep spiritual connection. They seek balance in their lives and have a strong desire to understand their inner selves.
Pile 2:
Citrine is a yellow to golden-brown variety of quartz. It often has a bright and vibrant colour, resembling sunlight or honey. This crystal is associated with abundance, creativity, and positive energy. It is believed to enhance self-confidence, attract success, and promote a joyful and optimistic outlook. Citrine is used to manifest abundance and prosperity, boost confidence, and dispel negative energies. It's also considered a stone of motivation and clarity.
Your future spouse, who resonates with citrine is an outgoing, cheerful, and motivated individual. They have a natural sense of enthusiasm and a knack for turning challenges into opportunities. They radiate positivity and are drawn to creative pursuits.
Pile 3:
Rose quartz is a pale pink to rosy-coloured crystal with a translucent appearance. It's often found in various shapes, from tumbled stones to carved figurines. This crystal is known as the stone of unconditional love and compassion. It is associated with healing emotional wounds, fostering self-love, and nurturing relationships. Rose quartz is used to promote love and harmony in relationships, encourage self-care, and heal emotional trauma. It's also believed to open the heart chakra.
Your future spouse, who resonates with rose quartz is gentle, empathetic, and nurturing. They have a natural ability to create and maintain meaningful connections and often prioritize the well-being of others. They are also in touch with their emotions and seek to bring healing to themselves and those around them.
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