#Peter you shouldn't have lied to mj
justablogger234 · 1 month
just something I think about everyday
you guys remember the ending of now way home? Cause I do. And it sucks in the most painful way.
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of course we had the lovely moments
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The sad moments
And then of course
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The devastating part. Oh peter, peter peter. When will you ever learn?
See this is why I can never fully like spiderman or peter parker because he's too dang selfless. I swear though, if him and mj don't get back together in the next one I'm gonna spiritually sue (cause I have no money). And if I even smell the implications of black cat entering the picture I'm never gonna watch these movies again . It literally makes no sense to introduce a new love interest when you have the best one. MJ. I really love zendaya's mj by the way and I love her too cause she really seems like an awesome person. Oh and it also helps when the two main young stars of the movie and on-screen couple are also dating in real life 😏😏😍
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ao3feed-petermj · 19 days
All Along - It Was You
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vglVW4s by burning_brighter, Taybay14 It all started with a suggestion from Natasha - which should have been Steve's first clue that it'd end in trouble. She suggests a BDSM club that allows photostatic veils for anonymity, knowing Steve has growing desires he's been desperate to explore. Of course, she didn't bother to warn him of three very important facts: 1. Bucky Barnes is a member of this club 2. Bucky Barnes is apparently queer 3. Bucky Barnes is a dom Steve is stunned when he comes face to (veiled) face with Bucky Barnes himself his first night at the club. His brain malfunctions. Surely, that's the only reason why he does the incredibly idiotic thing of accepting Bucky's invitation to play with him. He knows he shouldn't - but what will one night of lies hurt? One night to scratch the itch, to get Bucky Barnes out of his system once and for all, and then Steve can move on. Except when Bucky keeps giving him chances for more, Steve finds himself unable to walk away. Like Steve said before... trouble. Unfortunately for him, he's always been a magnet for that kind of thing. Words: 34110, Chapters: 8/8, Language: English Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Peter Parker, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Minor Original Characters - Character Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Peter Parker/MJ Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), They beat Thanos the first time because they're not idiots, new avengers team, Bucky Barnes is so done with this team, BDSM, Dom/sub, Dom Bucky Barnes, Sub Steve Rogers, Secret Identity, Avenger Bucky Barnes, Retired Steve Rogers, Getting to Know Each Other, Because despite nearly a century of time these two suck at communicating properly, Idiots in Love, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Smut, Anal Sex, Shibari, Bondage, Orgasm Delay, Sex Toys, Flogging, Aftercare, Gentle Dom Bucky Barnes, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Subdrop, Fanart, Swearing/Coarse Language, because these two veterans would realistically be dropping bombs left and right, all the avengers would, lets be real, Dirty Talk, Dirty Talking Bucky Barnes, Slight degradation but in a praising way?, Phone Sex read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vglVW4s
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
This is home
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Gender neutral reader
Pairing: Otto Octavius x reader. Slight Norman Osborn x reader, but not really.
Word count: 1.1k
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Chapter Two
"What the hell?"
Peter grits his teeth and turns his eyes away from you. He hadn't spoken to you about anything that had happened on his European trip, so it shouldn't be a surprise to find you a little bit upset about all of this. There was no way you wouldn't find out after his reveal was broadcasted everywhere on everything.
"Just let me explain." He holds his hands up in a defensive manner as he enters your apartment. You had walked away from the door with a long drawn out sigh, clearly tired and not in the mood, but Peter wasn't about to give up here.
"Explain! Explain that," you point at the TV, "and explain them, hello May," you wave at the beautiful woman standing by the door. May waves back.
"This guy Mysterio wasn't who he said he was and he ruined everything. I thought I could trust him, but he was feeding me all these lies and I believed him. Mr Stark trusted so much to me and I just gave it away because I didn't think I was worthy enough, but I gave Mysterio exactly what he wanted and everything went so wrong. He told the world who I am and made me out to be the bad guy. MJ, Ned and I were aiming for M.I.T but they dismissed us because of all of this. I tried to fix it. I went to Doctor Strange to see if he could undo what Mysterio did, but he couldn't because he doesn't have the time stone, but he mentioned this spell, a forgetting spell-"
"You went to Doctor Strange for a spell?" You sputtered.
Peter blinked, "well, yeah. I didn't know what else to do. M.I.T was the goal and because they're friends with me, they didn't get in. They helped me and it ruined their lives. Strange tried to cast the spell, but I kept messing it up because I didn't want certain people to forget. It backfired. I tried to get M.I.T to reconsider, but as I was doing that, this guy showed up. She said she would speak to them after I saved her, but basically because I messed up the dangerous spell, the Multiverse opened-"
"The Multiverse?"
"Yeah, and it let these guys in." Peter turns around and gestures to the group behind him. You look at the small gathering who had entered your apartment. You had to blink a few times to assure yourself you weren't seeing things.
"Is that man made out of sand?" You ask, staring at him. A small dust pile was gathering by his feet.
"Yeah... and he's electric. Oh, and this is Doctor Osborn, and Doctor Octavius."
Doctor Osborn steps forward with a smile and reaches for your hand, you give it him, letting him shake hands with you as he introduces himself less formerly. "Call me Norman, I insist."
"Alright, Norman..." You offer him a polite smile, but say nothing else. Your eyes turn to Doctor Octavius, but he's not looking at you. Actually, he looked like he would rather be anywhere else. "Right..."
Norman lets go of your hand in favour of looking around your home, you let him. You turn back to Peter and glare lightly at him.
"What do you want from me?"
"I need somewhere for these guys to stay, and I really don't want to leave them at Happy's place. He would be furious with me. Can they stay here with you?"
"Please!" Peter grabs your arm to stop you from walking away, he gives you pleading eyes ad he begs. "I promise I'll keep them all under control. I'm going to fix them."
"Fix them?"
"They're technically bad guys where they come from.... but if I send them back now, I send them back to their deaths and I can't do that. I'm not OK with sending people away to die. I want to change their fates.... I want to help them."
You sigh softly as you look at him. Peter is asking a big thing from you, and you really don't have the energy for this, but he is your friend. Peter has been able to rely on you in the past. He trusts you.
"They die?"
"Yes. Fighting Spider-Man. Please..."
You glance up at May. She wears a sad smile. Next to her stands Octavius, who is now looking at you. You glance at the two men beside him, then at Norman who has come to stand beside you.
"If it's not too much trouble," Norman says.
You bite the inside of your cheek. This is a less than ideal situation. However, it wouldn't feel right to turn these people away. You look at Peter and you nod softly.
Peter grins from ear to ear.
"Thank you! Thank you!!"
The hug you are then pulled into is unexpected, but your arms circle around him all the same. You smile softly at the thought of being so helpful to him, in what you can only describe as a really important and tough moment.
For now you'll let it slide that Peter called them bad guys, and the fact that you had seen the footage of Parker and Octavius fighting on the bridge.
"Great!" Peter lets go of you and turns to the group. "They'll need somewhere to sleep for tonight. Oh, uh, someone should go get the fabricator from Happy's place."
"I have the van, I can go," May says.
"You'll need help," Peter tells her.
"Fabricator?" You turn to Peter. "Why does Happy have one of those?"
"Best not to ask, really."
"I'll go with May. You stay and watch these guys," you tell him. "My apartment better still be standing when I get back. I will end all of you if not."
You go and grab your coat.
Norman watches you go, a small smile on his face. He watches as you and May talk quietly to one another, despite the fact Otto was clearly listening in. You shrug on your jacket and follow May out of the van. Peter is left with them all.
"Uh... make yourself at home, I guess..." Peter smile awkwardly a them.
Norman turns to the window and walks over to it, peeking through the blinds. He can just about see the van parked outside. Moment later, both May and yourself walk out. He watches with interest as you hear something from the van and become startled. Ah yes, Conners. He chuckles to himself as he watches you.
"What's so funny?" He hears Otto ask from behind him. 
Glancing back at the man, he sees Otto still bound by his own actuator. The man is clearly glaring at him from behind his shades.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," Norman grins, turning back to the window. He watches the van leave.
Yes, he would be quite comfortable here for now.
@alex-the-rainbow @smokeywhalee @nathan-no @beetlejuicesupremacy @marine-captain-deku @mischief-siriusly-managed @cute-angi @crazy-obsessed-enby @red-plaidedandcladed
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sunsetmaybank · 3 years
𝑌𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟-𝑀𝑎𝑛!
pairings: Peter Parker x you
word count: 1.3k
summary: You and your boyfriend Peter go to a party and he gets wasted, you have to get him out of there in time before he tells everyone that he's Spider-Man.
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You and Peter have been dating for a couple of months, like 2 months into the relationship he told you that he was Spider-Man..after that, the boy had no secrets so he never had to worry about accidentally slipping up and telling you something you shouldn't know. He could take a truth serum and have no fear, he could go under anaesthesia and be completely fine with it and most importantly, he could get absolutely hammered. Tonight, Flash threw a party and Peters main goal? Wake up the next morning not knowing what the fuck happened.
And by 9pm he had already achieved it, he was gripping onto the stool he is sitting on like he was gonna fall into another dimension. You've never seen Peter drunk before and honestly, it's the funniest thing you've ever seen. He's talking back to people, standing up for himself and saying the first thing that comes to mind.
You were worried that you'd have to babysit him all night but it's actually going great, well, he can't stand up without falling and you will definitely have to babysit him and his pounding headache the next morning but fuck it, let him have his fun. You swore to yourself that you'd keep eyes on him at all times but he's doing great! What's the worse that can happen?
'I'll go to the bathroom and fill up my cup then I'll come back. Nothing that bad can happen in the space of 10 minutes.'  You think to yourself.
You went to the bathroom and you're now filling up your cup with some apple juice. Suddenly, Ned comes rushing up to you.
"Y/n! Where did you go?!" He exclaims.
"Huh? I just went to the bathroom, why? What's wrong?" A worried look shows on your face very fast.
"Peter! He's telling everyone he's Spider-Man and he's really trying to prove it!"
Shit, you were really fucking wrong. It got really bad in the space of 10 minutes. You rush over to Peter and see that he's arguing with Flash.
"No Flash! You're wrong because I have pictures of me and Tony Stark in my Spider-Man suit! Look-" Peter whips out his phone, scrolling through his camera roll trying to find the photo. You quickly grab the phone out of his hand and shove it in your jean pocket.
"Alright baby, I think you've had enough to drink..let's go home!" You try to persuade your wasted boyfriend.
"Baby? Who are you calling baby?! I have a girlfriend!" He snaps back at you.
Yeah, you're shocked but at least he's loyal.
"Peter it's me, your girlfriend." You say grabbing a hold of his hand, trying to edge him out of the party.
He looks you deeply in the eyes before the everything clicks and he realises who you are.
"Baby! Oh my God where did you go?" He asks.
"I just went to the bathroom, c'mon Parker we need to sober you up before you go home to Aunt Ma-"
"Hold on there princess, I want to see the photo of him and Stark!" Flash interrupts you.
"Flash, fuck off. He's obviously pissed and just thinks he's Spider-Man." You lie.
"What?" Peter questions.
"C'mon Peter we have to get you home." You lied again, Peter didn't have to go home, he wasn't sleeping at Aunt May's either but you know he'll thank you in the morning if you get him the fuck out of that party.
"I am Spider-Man y/n! I told you a few months ago just after MJ found out."
By now MJ and Ned didn't know what to say or do and most of the people at the party tuned into your conversation, so all eyes are on you and Peter.
"Peter you're not Spider-Man okay? You're so drunk right now." You say almost yanking Peter by the arm but he still wouldn't budge. MJ stepped closer to help but you shook your head, indicating that you have this under control..which might I add, you don't.
"That's not what you were saying last night when I webbed your hands to the headboard-"
"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!" You immediately let go off his hand and covered his mouth with both of your hands.
It was too late though, the crowd already heard what Peter had said so now you were getting whistles and 'woo hoo's' from random people.
"Wow, okay. Ned? MJ? A hand please?"  You say looking at them, running out of options. Ned took his legs, you and MJ took and arm each and dragged him out of the party. While being dragged he still couldn't stop talking.
"I'm begging you y/n, can we please knock him out?" MJ grunts over the weight and annoyance of drunk Peter Parker.
"Trust me MJ, I'm thinking about it."
"Remember that you can also protect your neighbourhood! I can't be the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there's no neighbourhood!" Peter shouts, still being carried down Flashes lawn like he's a king.
"Peter! Shut the fuck up!"
After a few blocks Peter got on his feet again and with a little help from you and Ned holding him, he could walk. MJ and Ned both went their separate ways as soon as you were close enough to the compound. When you got in, Steve and Bucky were still sitting in the living room talking.
"You guys are home early." Bucky says.
"Take him! Please fucking take him." You shout to them as Peter presses all his body weight onto you, Bucky and Steve rush over to you both and take Peter under their arm with ease.
"What happened? Did he get drugged?" A concerned Steve questions.
"Nope! Dumbass here decides to get fucking hammered and almost outs himself to the whole school! Me, MJ and Ned got him out of there just in time though." You answer after dropping your body onto the sofa beside Bucky. After a few minutes, Peter falls asleep and Steve takes him to his room. You stay in the room with him the whole night just incase he chokes on his vomit or something.
You suddenly open your eyes to the sounds of Peter groaning, you must have fell asleep in the middle of the night.
“Hey, hey baby, you okay?” You ask him in a low voice just incase his head hurts, you brush the hair out of his face using you hand and then plant a small kiss on his lips. You could taste the alcohol from the night before.
“What the fuck happened?” He groaned, still groggy from waking up from his alcohol coma.
“Oh well, let me see..you got on Flash’s table and danced to one of Nicki Minaj’s songs, I think you were trying to look like Magic Mike or something but I couldn’t tell over your badass Nicki bars..total barb by the way well done!” You lied, waiting to see his reaction.
“Oh my God!” He murmured as he put his hands on his head.
“Nah I’m kidding..it’s actually way worse! You were so drunk that you were trying to prove to people that you were Spider-Man, don’t worry though me, MJ and Ned protected your secret superhero identity like our lives depended on it, you didn’t recognise me as your girlfriend but I’ll let that one slide..oh did I also mention that you almost revealed our fucking sex life to the whole school?” You grin, remembering how unfunny it was at the time but now it’s fucking hilarious.
“Jesus Christ, don’t ever let me drink again.”
“That I will do Spider-Man, that I will do. Be right back, gonna get you some painkillers.” You reply as you get up off the bed and go to the door.
“Thank you!”
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
I Love You Even At Your Darkest
She wasn't going to pick it up at first, assuming that it was some classmate from school with yet another uncreative threat against her or Flash trying to get through to her for the hundredth time to see if he could do anything to help, but something in her gut told her to take off her headphones and look at the number.
For @angels-creative
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Note; Merry Christmas, Angel!
Gotta be completely honest, I don't know what to say here. This year started out pretty crazy and it's ending that way as well (thankfully, not as crazy as the beginning of the year) and I honestly am so thankful that we had each other to get through it.
I hope you enjoy, this is pretty damn angsty so it's definitely not a happy one.
Do not spoil Spider-Man: No Way Home in the comments or reblogs of this story. I have not seen it yet and you will be blocked immediately and permanently.
And now, on with the story!
Michelle wished that her noise cancelling headphones hadn't lied on the packaging.
Peter was on house arrest for what happened in London, her life was falling to pieces all around her between her pictures with Peter being leaked to any remotely large outlet, her father's job being strained because of said pictures, and her sketchbook was no longer comforting after someone got their hands on it, writing "your boyfriend's a murder" on the inside cover in permanent marker.
So, she was trying to do her homework with music playing in her headphones and ignore the world around her, when her phone rang, bringing her out of the groove she had gotten into and making her realize the packaging on the headphones had lied about what they could do.
She wasn't going to pick it up at first, assuming that it was some classmate from school with yet another uncreative threat against her or Flash trying to get through to her for the hundredth time to see if he could do anything to help, but something in her gut told her to take off her headphones and look at the number.
She didn't hesitate to click the 'answer' button when she saw it was Peter's number. "Everything okay?"
"I-I screwed up," his voice came out in sobs, making MJ sit up, pushing her homework away as she stood up from her bed, her heart beating faster with the nerves of the unknown, "I really screwed up."
"Okay, okay," MJ took a deep breath, hoping that maybe it wasn't as bad as her brain was painting it out to be, that maybe Peter was just working himself up over something that had an easy fix, "what happened?"
"I had to help them, MJ. They needed help, t-they were screaming and I couldn't just sit there and do nothing and-"
'Definitely not something small.'
"Peter, breathe," MJ tried to sooth as best as she could over the phone, but he stopped her before she could say anything else.
"I took off the a-ankle monitor and i-it didn't alert the f-feds yet cause I reprogrammed it, b-but now May's going to g-get home and she has to report me or s-she'll get in trouble too, but I can't g-get it back on."
"Okay, I'm on my way," MJ insisted, pulling on her shoes before walking out of the house, feeling the tug at her heartstrings from the sound of her boyfriend's sobbing, broken voice, "just try and calm down, I'll be there in fifteen minutes, okay?"
MJ made her way to the specific apartment in thirteen minutes and knocked on the door before opening it with the key May had given her in case of emergencies.
"Peter, I'm here!" She called out as she locked the door before opening the door to his bedroom to see him sitting on the bed, the ankle monitor sitting next to him but he continued to stare at the floor, "Peter?"
He looked up at her with tears in his eyes, his mouth moving a million miles a minute, "I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have done it but no one else was stopping it and-"
"Hey," she whispered as she got on the ground beside him before holding his head in her hands and pressing a kiss to his sweaty forehead, "I can put it back on. Shhh…."
Peter nodded, and she heard him swallow back tears as she knelt to the ground and examined the bulky device closely, making sure she couldn't open it before handing it to him. "You've gotta use your strength, it's stuck."
He took it in his hands, and she watched as he pried it open with tear stains on his cheeks, quickly being replaced by more as he did so; he handed it back to her and she swallowed back sobs as she clasped it back around his ankle, his stomach turning as she reversed his programming so it was back to normal.
'Is this what this has come to? Putting on my boyfriend's ankle monitor for something he didn't even do?'
"Okay, there you go," she nodded, her brain running automatically because all she could focus on was her extremely upset boyfriend who desperately needed some sleep, "all fixed."
"T-thanks." he mumbled as he wiped his face on his exposed wrist.
"No problem," she nodded as she got up and sat on the bed next to him before wrapping her arm around his shirt-covered shoulders, letting him rest his head against her chest, "did you stop what was happening?"
However, when she didn't get a response, she looked down to see that he had already fallen asleep, forcing her to slowly slide away from his hold, lay him down and tuck him into bed, pulling the blanket over his shoulder before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"You just rest, Peter," she whispered, brushing his hair away from his peaceful face, "we're gonna get you out of this, I swear."
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how would you rewrite spideychelle in ffh and/or hoco?
I’ll answer this one with this ask:
I was reading your answers and... why is zendaya not mary jane w?? when you said it i never really thought about this because i was more excited about infinity war and the avengers but now... its the last spiderman movie and we know nothing about her character? i thought she was supposed to be something new and big like z said? whats going on??? 
Well, first of all, I would give Zendaya the original title of Mary-Jane Watson, I still believe it was racist not to give her this position. From what I understand, there was a rumor going around (2016) that the reason they didn’t give her the MJ title is because Stan Lee had it contracted that they couldn't race swap Mary Jane or Peter Parker, so they changed her name to Michelle Jones and made a different character while treating her as their version of what is supposed to be a homage to the comic character. The thing is, Marvel fought Sony really hard to get Peter into the MCU (in their own terms), so why not offer the lead lady the same treatment? I’m pretty sure they would do it for Gwyneth or Elizabeth Olsen. Also, the rumor doesn’t make sense because Stan Lee himself said this about the situation: ‘If she is as good an actress as I hear she is, I think it’ll be absolutely wonderful’
Gwyneth Paltrow is Pepper Potts and her character is called Pepper Potts. Scarlett Johansson is Natasha Romanoff and she’s called Natasha or Black Widow. Natalie Portman is Jane Foster and the character is called Jane Foster. Why change Zendaya’s character? 
‘She's not Mary Jane Watson. She never was Mary Jane Watson. She was always this new high school character, Michelle, who we know there's an 'M' in Michelle and an 'M' in Mary.’ - Kevin Feige.
‘She’s not Mary Jane, she’s this weird girl.’ - Tom Holland. 
In every interview, I feel second-hand embarrassment for her when the interviewers ask about character development for Michelle and she has to make mental gymnastics to answer and every time the convo comes back to romance and Peter; how Peter makes her feel, how she behaves around Peter, how Peter’s life is, how her character revolves around him. Even if Zendaya wanted to play the ‘I’m not like the other girls’ quirky loner girl, she could’ve been Mary Jane with that personality too. And what I’m going to share next is just my opinion and nothing is confirmed (just making sure because some people lack common sense lmao) I believe they fooled Zendaya and told her she created this original revolutionary character for girls, where Zendaya in almost all interviews states that ‘it’s ok to be weird, to not be like the other people and it’s fine to be’ etc, etc. But the thing is, that individualism and character traits she’s putting into the character don’t really matter because her character was treated as a love interest only. She couldn’t explore that individual part of her character because she’s written as ‘Peter’s observant’ friend and that is not a trait. Look at what they actually made her believe:
"My character is not romantic," Zendaya replied when asked if she would romance Peter on-screen. "My character is, like, very dry. Awkward. Intellectual. And because she's so smart, she just feels like she doesn't need to talk to people."
"I was lucky because they already kind of wanted to re-create the character and turn her into a new version of what I think maybe the original Mary Jane character represented, and just do it in our own way in this Marvel Cinematic Universe." - Zendaya. (Well, the MCU also has their own version of Peter Parker and they don’t call him Perkin Park; a homage to Peter Parker lmaoooo)
She went there thinking she would have a badass intellectual female character only to end up being the love interest without background, development or storyline. Let’s for a moment compare her to one of the extra characters, like Betty (no offence lmao) or some other decathlon kid; what’s the real difference between her and them? An intellectual is a person who engages in critical thinking; Betty and the other kids are like that too given the kind of school they attend. Awkward? All kids are like that. Smart? lmaooo same as before, they’re in a school full of smart people. She knew Peter was Spider-Man and that makes her special? She said she wasn’t even 100% sure about it and was surprised when Peter confirmed LMAO Betty was suspecting this in FFH, some of his classmates knew something was going on with him to the point one of them thought he was a male escort. There’s no real difference except that she’s playing Peter’s girlfriend. 
And I happen to think all of this is because fans don’t care about that development or the fact that a black character could be a lead lady with an interesting plot (just like they did with Tessa Thompson in Thor, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, etc). She’s been playing this character for 4 years and Michelle has 0 character development, no storyline, no background. How is that something they could use as a way to bring depth into the character? They can’t, because they didn’t actually care about the things Zendaya mentioned, they wanted her stardom and popularity to boost the movie. The fact that people started shipping her with Tom Holland helped to that reputation and promotion.
how would you rewrite spideychelle in ffh and/or hoco?
I would do exactly this: MCU’s what if’s + Michelle Jones is Nick Fury’s niece. Now, THIS is an interesting storyline, where a teenage girl is Fury’s niece, not exactly an agent but someone with a vast knowledge of espionage. This would explain why she was stalking Peter without taking away the fact that she might have a little crush on him and this line;
MJ: I don’t really have much luck when it comes to getting close to people. Um… so I lied. I wasn’t just watching you ‘cause I thought you were Spider-Man.
would’ve been more interesting with that plot in mind. This with the fact that Fury is probably training her to be an agent or to be the next director of SHIELD in the future, not only this allows her to form a much deeper connection with Peter (who is Spider-Man and struggles with a double life and responsibilities) but it would give her character depth, and a particular insight that the other spider-man girls didn’t have (this would attribute to the ‘not like the other girls’). This could’ve been done without removing the personality traits Zendaya wanted in Michelle.
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Fury was involved in the second movie and this would allow their weird contract to keep someone from the avengers or related to them in the movies without having to make Happy or any others participate in them. If they wanted an original character they would’ve given her a better position in it but they didn’t, the real reason they changed her name is because dudebros and extreme comic fans couldn’t stand the thought of having a black girl as a female lead in a Spider-Man movie. They wouldn’t dare to ruin their perfect comic book MJ image, which, btw, Zendaya could’ve pulled off as well. 
As Kevin said;
‘And then I think it leaked that she would be playing MJ and then it became a whole headache for Zendaya to have to navigate. It was never a big, 'Oh my God, it's a big reveal!' There are big reveals in the movie. That's not one of them’ - Kevin.
Why should it be a headache for her? Why didn’t they fight for her character instead of avoiding the real problem? lmaoo this is clearly Marvel having fear of a big backlash that shouldn’t exist in the first place. Her skin color shouldn't be a big thing that she has to deal with or navigate through.
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This could even allow her character to have a disney+ series to explore more about her and Fury’s family. I hope that No Way Home gives her character more screen time in terms of her independent development but as I’ve said before, I highly doubt this is possible if NWH is the last standalone spiderman movie in the MCU. 
You have Zendaya wishing to see a black Mary Jane; 
Zendaya would love to see a black Mary Jane, even if she doesn't play her. "People are going to react over anything, but of course there's going to be outrage over that because for some reason some people just aren't ready." 
You see this, along with Laura Harrier thinking that she was afraid Disney wouldn’t allow her to be in the same movie as Zendaya because she believed Disney would never handle two black girls in the same movie and still think there’s nothing wrong with the way they handled things? Only because of the typical opinion: ‘these are high school sweethearts, she’s only there to be a cute character and they already have too much diversity in the cast, it’s not that deep’ lmao 
Btw, read this, it’s worth reading: Michelle Jones: A Disrespect to Zendaya And The Mary Jane Character?
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...let’s do this...
“Dan Slott’s decade-long tenure on writing Spider-Man recently came to an end, swapping the prolific writer out with former Captain America/Secret Empire scribe Nick Spencer. The first issue of his and artist Ryan Ottley’s much hyped run, Amazing Spider-Man #1, took Peter Parker back to the basics. The hero has lost Parker Industries, is under investigation for academic fraud, was fired from the Daily Bugle, and other New York heroes hate him because they think he’s buddy-buddy with Kingpin of Crime turned New York mayor, Wilson Fisk.”
First of all Peter lost Parker Industries during Slott’s run so i dunno why this ‘article’ is framing things as though that is a development from Spencer’s run.
Second of all heroes hate Spidey because Kingpin made it look as though they were friends, its not as though Spider-Man really was friend with Fisk as this article frames it.
 “The issue ends with the two kissing and Peter declaring that this is “their story,” emphatically saying what the suspicions have been for some time: the new run of Amazing Spider-Man will begin to undue the events of the controversial “One More” and “Brand New Day” storylines that Slott became infamous for, which saw Mephisto destroy Peter and MJ’s marriage in exchange for bringing Aunt May back to life.”
 *pinches bridge of nose* ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
M**********r Wikipedia could have told you that! HOW?! HOW do you not know that Joe Quesada wrote OMD!
HOW do you not know this piece of comic book osmosis that everyone knows! My God!
Furthermore aunt May didn’t effing die in OMD. That was literally the point. They mad ethe deal to SAVE her from death. Not undo it!
I know people who’ve not even read the story and THEY know that!
Also Dan Slott became infamous but it had nada to do with OMD but other stuff.
Also also the story hasn’t shown or promised to undo anything yet but clickbait gotta clickbait.
Also, also, also UNDO ISN’T SPELT THAT WAY!
Holy fuck how do you write for the front page of the biggest comic book news site, get paid for it and not spell check shit?!
“And like those now infamous wedding issues for Batman and X-Men, the move to bring Peter and MJ back together doesn’t really work. There are couples who’ve gotten back together after a time apart, but the issue itself piles so much misfortune on Peter’s doorstep it feels like Peter should be looking into a therapist or anxiety medicine instead of making out with his ex.”
-Is what someone who’s never read Spider-Man would say.
Like Peter went though a lot of bad stuff in ASM volume 5 #1 but:
a)    Asshole please, this is nowhere near the worst most stressful or therepy worthy shit Peter has lived through. Supporting his sickly recently widowed mother figure financially whilst going to school, getting bullied, having a crappy boss, dealing with an unreasonable girlfriend and ALSO fighting crime in a city that feared and hated him for no reason. THAT is anxiety and that is also known as the start of Spider-Man’s entire story you fucking hacks!
b)    So when you’ve had an awful day and everything has fallen apart getting TLC from someone you deeply love and who deeply loves you...doesn’t  make sense. Okay sure.
c)    Justin Carter where the fuck did you learn how to read subtext? Shit, nevermind the subtext, where did you learn to read the text bro! The story spells it out for you. Peter’s life is bad, he keeps making the same mistakes again, he wants things to change to be better. So he steps up to the plate and puts the effort in to MAKE it better, specifically by chasing the thing he wants most, the thing he’s yearned for and literally dreamed about (as CLEARLY SHOWN on the first effing pages!). He reunited with the love of his life. For the fuck is that something that DOESN’T work!
d)    Exempting the X-Men wedding the Batman wedding issue in my observation totally worked from a characterization pov even if it wasn’t the result fans wanted to deserved.
“Peter and MJ Are A coulee Again! And It's The Wrong Move...”
 It isn’t the wrong move and I see no reason why anyone should take this article’s claims that is is seriously when it can’t even spell the word couple!
 “Like all relationships, the ones between superheroes and their non-powered partners are full of drama. In the decade since their split, Peter and MJ had many relationships that provided what neither could offer the other at the time. MJ got to date men who were reliable and had the stability that Peter couldn’t entirely provide, and Peter was with those who were more accustomed to or in the line of superheroic work as he.”
 Go fuck yourself CBR seriously.
 Let’s start with Peter. What in the flying fuck is this shallow, Celebrity gossip rag, juvenile, simplistic, unlearned horseshit of a mentality towards superhero relationships over the last several years that has the absolute biggest hard on ever for the idea that heroes have to date heroes.
 Especially Spider-Man.
 Whenever the mere idea of Spider-Man dating another hero crops up that is literally the ONLY thing people talk about.
 They have so much in common because they are both heroes.
 Well shit...why doesn’t he date literally any of the women in the multiple Avengers teams he was a member of. No Carol Danvers doesn’t count, it was one date.
 I’ll tell you why.
 Because if any of these jackasses knew what the fuck they were talking about with Spider-Man’s character, both in terms of who he is as a person and the entire concept behind him, they’d know that civilian women are both his preference and more in line with the idea of him as a hero who could be you.
 YOU in the real world do not date goddam superheroes. You date normal people. Therefore Spider-Man also dates normal people.
 ‘But what about Black Cat’, I hear you cry out.
 Yeah Felicia let’s talk about her for a second shall we.
 Felicia, the cat burglar costumed criminal. The one who tried to trick her boyfriend into a life of crime literally the issue after they hooked up.
 Felicia, the woman who recoiled upon seeing Spider-Man’s real face.
 Felicia the woman who lied and went behind Spider-Man’s back to get super powers that literally caused him cosmic bad luck even after they broke up.
 Felicia, the woman who jeapodized Peter’s secret identity multiple times.
 Felicia, the woman who literally got in bed with a mercenary (in every sense of the word) in order to frame Spider-Man for murder by seducing him.
 Felicia the one and only girlfriend Peter had before he got married who was a fellow costumed person...and she was literally named after something that brings you bad luck.
 It’s ALMOST like it was doomed to fail from the start.
 It’s ALMOST like it was intended that way.
 It’s ALMOST like it was a great big subtextual commentary about how Spider-Man is better off with normal non-costumed women.
 Oh...but if only there was some kind of page or panel clearly spelling out the idea that Felicia the costumed person was wrong for Spider-Man but someone else, someone normal, someone rooted in the real world with all it’s relatable problems and activities, was right for him...
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...if only...
And if only the comic book run most guilty of shipping Spider-Man with a costumed person post-OMD which was initiated by a hack writer had itself a page or panel spelling out that Spider-Man dating costumed people because they ‘get’ his lifestyle more doesn’t mean jack shit, showcasing even they recognize it to be a stupid shortsighted attitude to Spider shipping.
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Let’s move onto Mary Jane.
 MJ dated exactly 2 men during the decade after OMD. Bobbi Carr and Pedro the fireman who was literally a poc fireman version of Peter.
 Reliable and stable huh?
 Tell me how exactly is the life of a rising A-list movie star ‘reliable’ or ‘stable’...even aside from the fact that he was a drug addict?
 Tell me how exactly is the life of a firefighter whom would be rushing off whilst on duty and risking his life A LOT be stable for poor Mary Jane’s anxieties over his safety?
 What? Reliable is steady job+regular hours?
 That’s what Peter couldn’t provide so this reconciliation is bad?
 ...Didn’t Mary jane literally WORK for goddam Tony Stark, the globe/galaxy trotting superhero Avenger leader who went into a coma then disappeared?????????
 And she took that job by effing choice? AFTER breaking up with Pedro the fireman?
 How much ‘reliable stability’ does she really want or need?
 Because assholes MJ dated and was married to Spider-Man for fucking years. And she liked it. Are we just IGNORING that?
 Like assholes that wasn’t even the thing that they broke up over. MJ didn’t break up with Spider-Man in OMIT because he was unreliable and didn’t provide stability. She accepted that. She accepted that shit even in the nuclear levels OOC flashback sequences to their aborted wedding.
 She broke up with him because it endangered her family. THAT was the rationale. THEN she got back with him in Superior. THEN she broke up with him at the end because she wanted normalcy but then she literally said pages later that she’ll never get it because she lived in NYC and because guys like the Goblin wouldn’t care if she was dating Peter or not. THEN she threw away normalcy by working for Iron Man FFS. THEN in Red Goblin she claimed she couldn’t be with him because I don’t even know, some bullshit about feeling guilty that she was keeping him away from being a hero.
 So the stable reliability argument holds no goddam water to her pre or post OMD characterizations.
 Basically the above paragraph boils down to:
 “Peter and MJ getting back together is bad because they dated people who could offer them the stuff that neither could offer the other, even though there is nothing indicating either wanted that stuff in the first place.”
 “Not all of these relationships were perfect, but they were signs of real change, something that isn’t typically allowed in big two superhero comics, or at least, not in any lasting, meaningful way.”
 No they weren’t. They were signs of Marvel putting the characters on rotation because they axed the ACTUAL meaningful change that was the pair getting married and committing to a longterm permanent relationship that lasted 20 years.
 Hence why literally none of these relationships had ANY lasting impact upon either character.
 MJ was unchanged by Bobbi Carr dating her beyond it prompting her to return to NYC, i.e. return to her old status quo.
 Peter was unchanged by Carlie Cooper, Liaeean Teaaen, Mockingbird and Silk. I mean my God this article bangs on about how Mockingbird was so important because she provided something Peter otherwise couldn’t get from MJ but the seires literally handwaves away their relationship. They don’t even get a major break up scene or issue. It’s just. “We broke up, brief flashback. That was it.”
 “The last couple of times that Peter and MJ broke off their romantic relationship — after that one time Doc Ock jacked Peter’s body for over a year — it was because she didn’t want his, frankly, ridiculous life as a superhero to define hers.”
 The article says the last couple of times they broke it off then lists one example because what is counting.
 And as I said that was NOT the reason they broke up after superior. Hell they didn’t even really break up that time. Otto broke up with MJ in Superior ‘2, then she called him up to break up with him many issues later then she went to Peter when he got his body back to give a break up speech to someone she wasn’t even dating!
 “More, she didn’t want to keep risking the danger the comes from being close to a superhero.”
 And then she went to work for an even more famous superhero who didn’t even have a secret identity and who have much more powerful enemies many of whom would’ve targeted him even if they didn’t know he was Iron Man..before re-entering his friendship group in from Power Play onwards thus rendering her entire rationale for breaking away moot....not that it made any sense to begin with.
 “If anything, his life has become even more crazy since their split, since his teacher is the Lizard and he’s a roommate with Boomerang.”
 The Lizard was his teacher in the silver and bronze age too you goddam hacks and having a villain for a roommate is NOT crazier than your body being stolen by a villain for God’s sake.
 “Both of those situations are going to end pretty badly, and that’s coming just before the “Spidergeddon” event that’ll bring together the Spider-heroes of the multiverse yet again in a fight for survival against evil vampires.”
 I didn’t know CBR could see the future and also apparently knows that despite all current evidence to the contrary that Spencer would be doing a tie-into Spider-Geddon.
 “Fans of Peter and Mary Jane as a couple aren’t exactly hard up for a comic about their exploits. The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows series may be set in a new universe, but it’s been quietly operating as a book for the two to be happy together. Not only do they have a daughter in that universe by way of Annie Parker, the three of them are a crimefighting family where Annie is Spiderling, and MJ gained powers of her own and became Spinneret. ”
a)    EVERYONE knew RYV had a limited shelf life
b)    RYV is about Peter and MJ are a superhero family, which is a cool concept but also not what a lot, probably even most Spider-Marriage fans want to see. They want to see Spider-Man with a non-powered MJ in the main 616 universe because that is the original real versions of the characters and that dynamic is innate to the inherent concept of Spider-Man as a relatively realistic guy
c)    RYV places a lot of focus upon Annie, probably more than on Peter or MJ, especially after the time skip
d)    NOBODY who loved RYV was going to simply accept it as a suitable substitute for 616 Spider-Man and MJ not being together. Because as much as we love RYV Peter and MJ those are not THE characters. The specifics of each version of each character carry different emotional investments for the readers. And Marvel knows this hence why they didn’t permanently replace the 616 Spider-Man with Miles Morales, just the other Peter Parker Spider-Man who sold less and had been around for a mere 10 years. It is also the reason why Spider Marriage fans didn’t just say “Oh well at least I still have Peter and MJ in USM and Spider-Girl’ after OMD
 “Even if Renew ends and is considered no longer needed, it’s provided the most logical endgame with the best outcome one could think of. Doing that all over again in the 616 universe comes across as redundant and the only thing it really does is reduce the amount of Spider books on the market.”
 This one is a real headscratcher.
 RYV is not the logical endgame because MJ with powers is not the logical conclusion. Merely ONE conclusion.
 FFS RYV isn’t even the same as Spider-Girl despite the premises being similar.
 You can take the same broad ideas and do them suitably differently.
 Like I dunno exploring the inner dynamics and ups and downs of a couple who do not have a kid?
 Focussing mostly upon that as opposed to the kid and all three of them working out how to fight crime together.
 Not to mention from this point to even get to RYV (even pre-time skip RYV) would take effing years. Peter and MJ just got back together but it’s a write off because we’ve already seen Peter and MJ with an 8 year old kid so fuck following the trajectory that might get us there?
 What kind of nonsense is that?
 CBR nonsense, that’s what.
 Just like the ‘it will reduce the amount of books on the market’.
 Well fuck dude we used to have FOUR Spider-Man books every goddam month about literally the same version of Spider-Man. then 10 years later we had 1 book about Marvel Adventures Spidey, 1 about a high school Spidey, 1 about Mary Jane, then 3 about an adult married Spider-Man.
 I THINK we can be okay with a Spider-Man who’s dating or married to a normal woman and another one where he is married to a super powered version of that woman and they are raising their teenage super powered daughter FFS.
 And even if we do unfortunately lose Renew Your Vows the argument of ‘we’d be losing a Spider book’ doesn’t even hold up THAT much because...WE ALREADY HAVE TOO MANY SPIDER BOOKS!
 Amazing Spider-Man TWICE a month.
Spectacular Spider-Man
Miles Morales
Scarlet Spider
And soon to come
Spider Force
Yet more bullshit I’m sure.
Like I don’t want to lose RYV but dear God we’ve already got TOO MANY Spider books as is.
 “And it may have been better for them both to just stay friends, or at least not jump into getting together again so amazingly fast.”
10 years isn’t amazingly fast bro.
 So to sum up this article is hot trash that utterly failed to justify it’s own stupid title.
 Or maybe it just chronically misspelled it’s own title. Who effing knows. But burn it with fire either way.
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marvel-has-my-soul · 6 years
Jet Fighter
(Peter Parker x OC Female)
Description: Jet is a girl with wings and superhuman strength. Need I say more?
Lily Fisher
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Jet walked next to Tony as he led her through the Penthouse of Stark tower, her small suitcase rolling loudly on the title behind her.
"I've made a deal with Ross that you will live a normal life in exchange, you can walk free." Jet nodded along, figuring it was best not to argue against him.
"No flying. You have to hide your wings anytime you're in public." Tony continued, "I've already confiscated your suit, but you can keep your watch. All weapon systems have been disabled though."
"But I can have my wings out here, right?" Jet asked. Tony nodded.
"Yes, you can stretch them out here, but only on this floor and the one below us. These are private floors and only those how already know about you are allowed up. We can't rist anyone else working here seeing you."
"Okay...well that doesn't seem so bad." Jet said, trying to stay positive. "I mean, this isn't a permanent thing, right?" She laughed slightly. "Just long enough to get Ross off our backs." Tony didn't answer. Jet's smile faded and she looked up at Tony.
"How long will I have to do this?" She asked, scared of the answer.
"You'll also have to go to school." Tony went on, ignoring the question all together. Jet froze in place, Tony walking a few places ahead before realizing Jet was no longer next to him. He stopped and turned, an eyebrow raised.
"Is there a problem?"
"School? Why?" She spat.
"We have to convince the world that you are a normal teenager. And that means school."
"But... but what about homeschooling? Or that tutor that you hired for me?" Jet negotiated desperately. Tony crossed his arms and shook his head.
"Sorry kid. You're going to Midtown High School and that's final."
"Midtown?!" Jet shouted. "But that's over 40 minutes away!"
"I know. You can't in anyway be related to me or Stark industries. The further the school, the better." Tony said. Jet let out a jiff and marched passed Tony, in the direction of her new room.
"One more thing." Tony called after her. Jet halted but didn't turn around. "We'll need to find you a new name. You start school in two weeks." Tony said.
Without a word, Jet continued to her room, walking in and slamming the door. Leaning against the door for a moment, she took a fee breaths, scanning the nearly empty room. It was stark white, reminding Jet of her cell. The only differences seemed to be a bathroom off to the side, and large window along one wall.
Jet abandoned her suit case at the door and ran towards the window. She tried to pull it open, only to find it was sealed shut. She let out a groan and lensed on the window, watching a plane fly overhead.
"Jet another precaution." Jet whipped around to see Tony standing at the door, looking around the bare room.
"The rest of your things should be arriving tomorrow. You can decorate this room anyway you want." With those words, Tony left, leaving the door wide open. Jet stomped forward and slammed the door, locking it tightly.
Two weeks flew by and soon Jet woke up to her alarm at 6:30 am. She groaned loudly, swinging an arm out from under her sheets and punching the clock off the nightstand. It fell to the floor with a crash and the alarm stopped. Jet snuggled deeper into her pillows.
"It's time to get up." Friday's electronic voice echoed through the room. Jet let out another groan and sat up, her eyes squinting through the dim light of the sunrise shinning through the window. She sat there, angry at the world.
"Friday, close the blinds." She demanded through a yawn. The blinds fall closed, plunging the room back into darkness. Jet fell back into bed, burying her face into a pillow.
"Mr. Stark will be disappointed if you are not up in approximately one minute." Friday said.
"How will he know if I'm up or not." Jet asked, her voice muffled by the pillow.
"Because he wanted to make sure you were up ." Tony's voice answered. Jet shot up out of bed in a panic to see Tony standing in the door way. She reverted back to a scowl.
"The door was locked." She snapped.
"I own this door. You think I dont have a key to it?" Jet rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Hurry up and get dressed, Lily Fisher." Tony said before leaving.
Lily Fisher. That was her alias for the public. And Jet hated everything about it. She stood there for a moment, collecting herself before getting dressed for the day.
Jet was just about to walk out the door when Friday spoke up.
"You forgot your jacket." Jet groaned and ripped the jacket from its hanger and pulled it over her shoulders, the bulk of the oversized jacket successfully hiding her wings.
Jet left the room and shuffled to the kitchen. She pouted a bowl of Froot Loops, but ended up just staring at it angrily. Happy walked in, jingling his keys in his hand.
"Ready to go?" He asked. Jet pushed the untouched bowl into the sink and grabbed her bag, following Happy to the elevator down to the parking garage without a word.
The car ride was long and uneventful, Jet even dosed off and earned another 20 minutes of sleep until the car jerked to a stop three blocks away from the school.
Happy unlocked the door and Jet got out.
"Have a good day, kid!" Happy said.
"Unlikely." Jet slammed the door and walked the remainder of the way to school until she stood outside of the intimating building. Teenagers milled around outside, laughing and talking to each other like normal people. Jet took a deep breath and walked inside.
Not much could be said about Jet’s first classes in school. She had successfully caught up in her studies before the term began, so the actual curriculum wasn’t the hard part in all of this. It was the interacting with people her own age. She could hold a conversation with Steve or Sam just fine, but when it came to teenagers, she was at a loss. They talked about last nights episodes of their favorite shows, vine compilations that were titled “vines that keep me from ending it all” or “vines that really butter my eggroll,” whatever that meant. They were hyped about their favorite sports teams or the Friday night party that someone was hosting. Jet couldn’t relate to any of that. Fighting techniques? Got it. Shooting a gun? Done. Her days at the Avenger’s Facility? Covered. But talking about mundane things that she had never even heard off? Impossible.
Jet sat down at an empty lunch table, watching everyone interact around her. A group of guys, jocks, high-fived and shouted at each other from across the table. A clique of girls in short skirts strutted down the isle of tables, each of them swaying their hips unnaturally to catch the attention of any guy in their vicinity. Band geeks hung around each other, some supporting heavy instruments, while others tapped against the lunch table. Couples made out with each other up against walls, tables, other people.
Jet picked at her lunch lazily, not mustering up any sort of appetite. After the day she had, she could confirm that she was what one would call an introvert. All this human interaction was too much for her to bear and all she wanted was to take a nap. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by a tray slamming down on the table right in front of her and a backpack being tossed carelessly to the tile floor. Jet looked up to see a darker skinned girl with crazy curly hair and a smirk etched on her face. Without a word, she sat down and held her hand out.
“Call me MJ.” She said. Jet timidly reached forward and took the girls outstretched hand.
“Lily.” She responded, the foreign name falling from her mouth without emotion. The girl released her hand and began shoveling food into her mouth.
“Aren’t you hungry?” She asked through bites. 
“No...not really.” Jet answered, waiting for MJ to tell her why she was sitting here in the first place.
“You’d better eat something now. Ms. Warren doesn’t let people eat in her class.” Jet tilted her head and her shoulders tensed.
“How did you-”
“Your schedule’s sitting right there, I’d have to be blind not to see it.” MJ interrupted.
“Why are you sitting here?” Jet asked.
“Simple. You’re in my spot.” 
“Oh! Um, sorry...I didn’t realize.” Jet moved to put her things away when MJ started laughing.
“I’m just playing, Lils. Lighten up a little, will ya?” She reached across the table and lightly punched Jet across the shoulder. Jet let out an uneasy laugh, not sure how to interact with this strange, but oddly friendly girl. 
“I noticed you were new and I’ve decided to take you under my wing.” Jet nearly snorted at MJ’s analogy. If only she knew. 
MJ kept good on her decision, dragging Jet along with her and showing her the ropes of Midtown High School. They had a few of the same classes, and MJ made sure to fill her in on every teachers flaws. MJ was her guide, and Jet knew that she would probably be lost without her.
But by the end of the day, while MJ felt she may have made a friend, Jet knew that she could never make friends based off of lies. The people at this school knew Lily Fisher. Not Jet.
"See you later." MJ waved goodbye to Jet as they parted ways. Jet waved back and then turned, hurrying down the streets to where Happy had already parked his car. She hopped in and he drove off.
"How was school?" He asked, looking at her in the rearview mirror. Jet shrugged.
"Can you be friends with someone if they dont actually know your real identity?" She asked, leaning her head against the window and shutting her eyes.
"If the friendship is real, then it shouldn't matter whether they know your real name or not. And if they're really your friend, maybe in the long run, you can tell them." Happy responded.
"Yea, over Tony's dead body." Jet scoffed.
"He just wants to keep you safe, kid."
"No he wants to keep me restrained. There's a difference." Happy opened his mouth to respond, but saw Jet had closed her eyes and was snoring softly.
Happy drove silently for a few minutes before his phone rang. He answered it, making sure to talk quietly.
"How's she doing?" Tony asked through the phone.
"She's passed out in the back seat. Think she had too much human interaction for one day." Happy said, looking back at Jet as he pulled to a stop at a red light.
"Do you think she had a good day?"
"Hard to tell. I think she may have made a friend, but isn't sure about it being surrounded by lies."
"It's for the best."
"That's what I told her."
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