ranacr0ak · 1 year
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I wanted to practice digital painting and decided to go with my favorite character from my little sister’s current favorite show maya and the three. I am so gay for chimi like she’s voiced by the goddess herself STEPHANIE BEATRIZ and just,, mwah. also the goddess of death and the goddess of alligators in this show are both unnecessarily hot as FUCK
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mrdixon · 5 months
55th Birthday
pairing: established daryl x f!reader
wc: 6k
warnings: 18+ content, lots of plot!!!!, reader shoots a deer, alcohol, little bit of tipsy sex, oral (male AND fem receiving), hair pulling, little talk about pregnancy, slight breeding kink…?, creampie
summary: daryls birthday celebration!!
A/N: birthday fic for daryl since its normans birthday 😋 also ive been doing a lot of established daryl x reader, lmk if yall want something different i just like the way husband/boyfriend daryl feels… probably wrote this on ovulation.
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“It's the uh sixth of January t’day,” Eugene read from his notebook.
“What!? Shit!” You ran out of the council hall, ignoring Eugene’s confused babbles.
Today was Daryl’s birthday and you completely forgot. To be fair, who was keeping track of time nowadays? Eugene was apparently. You bit your lip as you scurried back home, Daryl was out right now so you had time to collect something to give to him.
Maybe you could bake a cake? Not much to work with though… and he isn't a big fan of sweets. You walked up the porch stairs and walked into the house, kicking your shoes off haphazardly as you furrowed your brows in thought. You thought about making him some arrows, but you didn't have time to make them, nor did you have the material for them.
You walked into the kitchen, throwing open cabinets and pulling open drawers, scrambling for any sort of material you could use to make something. How old was this man turning? You wondered, pausing for a moment.
“Fifty… fifty…” you thought for a long moment, “not in his sixties for sure.” You shrugged and continued your search for materials. Judging by the years that passed he was probably in his mid fifties, the thought making you realize just how long you’ve lived in this apocalypse. You picked up some twine, closing the drawer and running up the stairs. It wouldn't be much but you decided to thread some of your ribbon and twine together as a little charm for his crossbow.
Daryl knew how much you loved your little miscellaneous rubbish, despite his complaints of finding buttons scattered around the house. He brought you back a little wooden box just for your stuff, it would convenience both of you. The box stood atop your nightstand, you flipped it open and plucked out a light pink ribbon, it was one you threaded into your hair occasionally. Daryl always commented on it so you figured maybe he’d appreciate it if he had something of you with him all the time.
You plopped down onto the bed and made a little pattern with the twine and ribbon, intertwining them together into a little bow at the end. He could honestly wear it as a bracelet if he really wanted to, but the thought of having a slightly feminine object amongst his manly crossbow was kinda cute.
You tucked the charm into the pocket of your jeans, grabbing your holster that was also on your nightstand and securing it around your waist. Your gun was placed in there along with your hunting knife that was gifted to you by Daryl himself. You made sure you were fit to go hunting before leaving the house, the only thing you had to do was find your husband now.
You hastily walked down the street towards the front gates where Rosita was keeping watch.
“Rosi!” You called out and ran the rest of the way, she turned and smiled at you, furrowing her brows in curiosity.
“Hey you, whatcha’ need?” She brushed off your shoulder, you just sighed and placed your hands on your hips.
“I need to find Daryl, it's his birthday. He come in yet?” You sighed, fumbling with your fingers.
“No shit?” She asked surprised to which you nodded, “nah he hasn't come in yet. Probably still around the usual hunting grounds.”
“I'm gonna go track him down then,” you muttered and clutched onto the handle of your hunter's knife. Rosita chuckled and moved to open the gate for you.
“Yeah you go do that, be safe.” You nodded halfheartedly and quickly walked out of the gates and towards the forest.
It was surprisingly clear today, you haven't seen any walkers yet. The sun was bright and the atmosphere was just generally, calm. It was a perfect day for Daryl's birthday. You found the markers that stated the hunting grounds and decided on tracking Daryl. He's taught you many of his hunting tactics so why not put them to good use?
This quickly turned out to be useless as Daryl was really cautious out in the woods, and he tended to take careful steps. Meaning, no tracks to track. You groaned as you stalked further into the forest with no hope of finding your husband… until.
Rabbit tracks. Knowing him, Daryl would be following after the rascal. So if you couldn't track his tracks, you’d track the rabbit’s. You kept your hunter’s knife in your hand to be wary of your surroundings, it was way too peaceful to be true. The rabbit had travelled far as you kept walking, and walking… and walking. Eventually you reached a clearing, and the rabbit’s tracks had stopped.
You groaned. You were hopeless. Of course you could always wait for Daryl to just come home, but you wanted to do something for once. Plus if you really did track him down, he'd for sure be proud. And you loved when he was proud of you. You thought about different ways to find him, but there was really nothing to do. He could’ve gone any which way out here, and with no other tracks to look at, it was a lost cause. That was what you thought until you heard the sound of what you believed were your husband's arrows being shot.
You quickly made your way towards the sound, making sure to stay hidden from his sight. After all this was supposed to be a surprise. The more you walked through the bushes, the more you could hear the faint sound of his footsteps. You peeked through the leaves of a bush and saw your husband looking around, he heard something, probably you. You ducked when his body turned in your direction, slowly standing up to see him facing the other before carrying on his journey.
You smirked, you felt like a spy dodging his glances and switching from tree to tree. You kept your distance to not get caught, staring at him from afar as he walked around looking for whatever animal he could get his hands on. The sun shone on his hair, highlighting the little specks of blond scattered amongst his brown locks. Those angel wings that hung from his broad shoulders surely displayed his character. Your eyes travelled down his arms, annoyingly covered by his shirt sleeves. His right hand held his crossbow idly by his side, the other holding that rabbit and his backpack. Daryl was beautiful, he didn't think so but you always reminded him.
You started to get closer to him, close enough to hear him grunt to himself as he sat on a log. You started to get closer from behind, holding your hands out to prepare covering his eyes. He placed his stuff down next to him and looked down at the rabbit in his hand, though not doing anything. Like he was expecting something.
You quickly covered his eyes, not feeling him flinch a bit.
“Guess who?” You taunted playfully, standing right behind him. You heard him snort, his shoulders shaking.
“If I didn’ know it was you, ya would've been shot dead a while ago.” He shook his head chuckling as you removed your hands from his eyes and moved around the log to stand in front of him, your hands on your hips.
“Jeez, you couldn't humour me just a little bit?” You frowned at his smug expression, he was playing around with the rabbit in his hands.
“Nah, ya gotta work on yer tracking. Could hear ya from a mile away,” he snorted seeing your annoyed expression while simultaneously looking you up and down. “Is tha’ my shirt yer wearin’?” You looked down at the shirt you were wearing, noticing how much looser it was on you.
“Yeah, I guess it is, why?” You asked while plucking a pine needle off of the fabric.
“Ya didn’ have any other shirt ta wear?” He furrowed his brows before stuffing the rabbit in his bag, his head tilting back to look up at you.
“I just grabbed a random shirt from my dresser, why? Would you rather I not wear anything?” You crossed your arms and watched as he looked you up and down again, saying nothing but raising his brows. You rolled your eyes, “don't answer that.”
“I ain’ sayin’ anythin’.” He raised both hands up defensively before patting down the spot next to him. You grumbled but sat next to him, sighing as you relaxed and lay your head on his shoulder. He hummed in acceptance, placing his hand on your knee. “So why’re ya ‘ere?”
You sat back up, you almost forgot the reason why you were out here.
“Right, shit.” You fished out the handmade charm from your pocket, holding it out in front of him. He chuckled, taking it from your fingers and taking a closer look at it.
“’s cute, this fer me?” You nodded in response and his lip curled into a smirk, “this tha’ ribbon ya put in yer hair?” You nodded again as he pointed to the pink ribbon amongst the twine.
“Thought it'd be cute if you had a little something of me near you when you're out, you can tie it to your crossbow.” You murmured shyly, feeling like a schoolgirl giving her crush valentines chocolate.
“I love it,” he smiled genuinely before grabbing his crossbow and putting it between his legs so he could tie it to the handle. “Perfect, but why the sudden gift? Ya dyin’ or somethin’?”
You chuckled, “well…” He sat up straight and shot you a concerned glance. “No, I’m not. I’m giving it to you cause it's your birthday.”
His concern flushed away with a look of confusion, his hand coming up to rub his chin.
“My birthday? How do ya even know?” He narrowed his eyes questioningly.
He nodded, looking back down at the charm before looking back at you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and brought you close, kissing your forehead.
“Well thank you, I ‘preciate it.” He rested his chin on the top of your head, stroking your hair. “My birthday, haven' had one in a while.. damn, ‘m fuckin’ old aren’ I?”
You snorted, moving out of his grasp to look up at him. “You're not that old,” he gave you a ‘yeah right’ kind of look. “No really! You look quite young for your age.”
“Sure thing, ya just like butterin’ up yer husband.” He sneered playfully, you punched his chest in turn while chuckling.
“We’re both getting old hun,” you sighed contently and leaned against his body, feeling him let out a tiny sigh of his own.
“Mhm, yer still hot as hell though.” You laughed, covering your face while you felt his body shake in silent laughter. “’m not lyin’.”
“I know you aren't,” you chuckled and sat up straight. “Okay but… you have to admit, I did somewhat a good job on tracking you.”
Daryl snorted and raised his brows at you, but immediately stifled his chuckle when you frowned.
“Okay, okay sure. Ya did do a good job, ‘sides scarin’ my deer away with yer big ass footsteps.” You groaned at his feedback, kicking his ankle gently. You looked away from him and felt a gentle kiss on the back of your head, his warm breath on your neck. “Nah seriously, ya did a good job locatin’ me.”
“Really?” You turned around to face him quickly, “mean it?” He chuckled as you beamed at him, nodding.
“Yes really, now ya wanna help me find that deer so we can all eat t’night?” He nudged you on your lower back, his fingertips grazing your ass. You glanced at him, noticing a cheeky grin before standing up.
“Sure, why not? Maybe you could help me track better,” you dusted off your backside and took out your hunter's knife. He stood up with a grunt, slinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing his crossbow before leading the way.
“It went off in this direction, couldn’ ‘ave gone far.” He murmured lowly as he pointed towards the direction where the river was. You nodded and followed close behind him, wincing as you stepped on a few twigs. Daryl turned and smirked slightly, “alrigh’. Watch where ya step, find soft ground an’ take ligh’ footsteps.”
“I think that’s obvious,” you muttered and heard him snort, taking your hand in his.
“Look,” he pointed to a leaf on the ground with his crossbow. “Tha’s gonna crunch when ya step on it,” he looked at you to see if you were listening before continuing his tangent, “ya can tell if a leaf is crunchy if ‘s browned on the tips and edges. When the colour of the leaf is dull or muddy, it’ll be soft. So ya can step on it but ya have ta be careful ‘cause sometimes tha’s just the colour of the leaf.”
“Then what about twigs?” You squeezed his hand and swung his arm with yours back and forth while you two walked.
“Well those are gonna snap if ya step on ‘em obviously,” he rolled his eyes matter-of-factly. “Jus’ watch yer step, eventually you’ll be good enough at watching yer step tha’ it’ll just be second nature ta ya. Which is why I dun’ have to look down every time I take a step.” He nudged you playfully, watching as you bowed your head and took various lengths of steps.
Daryl chuckled softly, releasing his grip on your hand to grab your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. “Dun’ keep lookin’ at the ground though, ya keep doin’ tha’ an’ you’ll lose yer prey. Or worse, you’ll run into a walker wit’ yer head down.” You scoffed and shook your head, grabbing his hand again while he continued to walk ahead.
You occasionally glanced down at your feet, but kept looking ahead to watch your surroundings. Eventually, you found some deer tracks and elbowed Daryl.
“Deer tracks,” you pointed with your knife. He hummed in approval and let go of your hand to fully grasp his crossbow, turning his head over his shoulder and nodded as a signal for you to keep following him. You pressed your lips into a thin line and proceeded to follow the archer, making sure to take lighter steps.
The deer quickly came into view, unknowingly chewing on some not so crunchy leaves. Daryl raised a finger to keep you still and quiet, before beckoning you with that same finger. You quietly moved next to him, the two of you crouching behind a tree. His blue eyes met yours, holding his hand out for yours. You gave him your hand and he flipped it over so your palm was to the sky, and then he placed the handle of his crossbow in your hand. Your eyes quickly widened and you shook your head.
“No, Dar! I can’t shoot this thing!” You hissed quietly, seeing his expression shift into an amused one.
“Yeah ya can, dun’ worry. I’ll help ya,” he took your other hand and guided it to the foregrip before grabbing your waist and maneuvering you in front of him. He kept his body pressed against your back, his hands on yours and mimicked your placement. Your breath hitched as he moved his head to rest over your shoulder, his lips just barely grazing the shell of your ear. “Now aim fer the deer.”
His whisper sent a wave of heat through you, closing your eyes to calm yourself before opening them again and following his instruction. Gripping onto the foregrip, your raised the cross bow slightly and aim towards the deer, hearing a low whistle of approval.
“Good, now can ya take a shot at it?” His warm breath hit your ear again and you nodded, his pointer finger over yours as you started to slowly pull the trigger.
You flinched and widened your eyes to see the deer on its side, an arrow sticking out of it. Daryl chuckled and let go of you, patting your waist.
“Good girl.” The nickname made you shiver a little, hoping he didn’t notice. “See, I told ya you could do it.” He took the crossbow from you and slung it over his shoulder before walking over to the deer. You walked proudly after him, watching crouch next to the deer and finishing it off with his knife.
“I may have lost your deer earlier but I shot it,” you grinned as you placed your hands on your hips. He chuckled and stood up, kissing your forehead.
“Tha’, you did. Now carry my bag so I can lug this home,” you smiled to yourself and took his bag, slinging it over both your shoulders as he threw the deer over his shoulders. Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at him, wishing you were the deer right now.
“Well now we’ll have something to eat for your birthday dinner, isn’t that right?” You chuckled as you both started walking back to Alexandria.
“Yer gonna cook me somethin’?” He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. “Ya already made me tha’ charm.”
“Of course I’m gonna cook you dinner, hell it’s your birthday. You deserve more than that flimsy ol’ thing,” you snorted while adjusting the straps of his backpack.
“Ya dun’ ‘ave ta,” he grunted. “Ya could just gimme a kiss an’ I’ll be okay wit’ tha’.” You laughed at his comment, shaking your head.
“But I want to,” he couldn’t argue with that logic. Instead he just sighed and nodded his head, the two of you continuing to walk in silence.
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Daryl was in the shower while you pranced around the kitchen searing the share of deer you were given, making some venison steak for dinner. The smell of rosemary and lemon filled your nostrils as you stirred some mashed potatoes in another pot, the hiss of the meat cooking on the pan was delectable. You hummed while throwing some peas into the pot of mashed potatoes, along with some butter and salt before stirring it once more and turning off the stove. You checked on the venison which looked perfectly cooked, tasting a bit of the sauce left over and decided it was perfect.
“Really outdid myself tonight,” you hummed and turned off the stove completely before setting up some plates on the dinner table. You precisely plated the steaks on the plate, scooping the mashed potatoes intricately before drizzling some canned cranberry sauce over it. You smiled proudly and poured some red wine into some glasses before lighting up a few candles. After accessing your work you quickly ran upstairs to change into a little cocktail dress, still wanted to impress your husband after all. Speaking of, you could hear Daryl fix up in the bathroom so you hurried on. You fixed up your hair in the mirror and took one last glance over your body before running back downstairs, taking your seat at the table.
You waited patiently, letting him take his time to fix up. He wasn’t going to expect all of this, the dimmed lights and candlelit dinner, but you were ready to see his expression.
Daryl came down the stairs, his hair slightly damp and over his eyes. Your eyes trailed down his neck towards his button-up, which had a few buttons undone already, and he was wearing his usual pants. His head perked up at the smell of the delicious food, brushing his hair out of his eyes and taking in the sight before him.
You grinned cheekily as he stood there, mouth agape in shock. Catching himself, he smirked slight at you and brought his hand over his mouth, his eyes glazing over your legs.
“Thought you were jus’ makin’ me dinner,” he drawled lowly. “Didn’ expect a whole feast,” he gestured towards you. You laughed as he took his seat, his eyes still on you.
“Shut up, try your food.” You giggled as you pulled your chair in and cut at your steak, letting your eyes dart up to see what he thought. He looked down at his plate and picked up his knife and fork and cut into his, dipping a slice into the mashed potatoes to get a taste of everything before shoving it into his mouth. He groaned and leaned back in his chair as he continued chewing.
“Jesus christ, (Y/N)…” You giggled and took a bite yourself, groaning as well while leaning back.
“Damn, I’m good.” You rolled your eyes and took a sip of your wine, Daryl sitting up to do the same. He swirled his wine a couple times in the glass before taking a good chug and swallowing the liquid.
“Mmh, yeah ya are.” He grunted and continued to eat his food. You smiled lovingly at him, his gaze drifted back up to yours. He chewed his food and smiled back at you, just as loving. “Ya look beautiful.”
“You do too,” you grinned and earned a snort of disbelief from him. “You are!” You giggled, causing his stomach to swarm with butterflies, the sound of your laughter bringing joy to him.
The dinner consisted of you two talking and giggling about old memories, sipping wine and sharing longing glances across the table. Eventually you both finished your dinner but remained sitting at the table and drinking your wine.
“Do you remember when I fell off the back of your motorcycle and you refused to take me anywhere for two weeks?” You giggled against the rim of your wine glass, your eyes twinkling mischievously.
“Sure do, an’ I didn’ take ya anywhere fer two weeks because ya broke yer damn arm an’ had to heal.” He crossed his arms and had a stern look on his face, but laughed nonetheless.
You just giggled and finished your glass, reaching for the bottle for some more but it was quickly snatched away.
“Not too fast,” Daryl chuckled, reaching for your glass and pouring it himself. “Thank you fer all this, ‘s by far the best birthday I’ve had in a while.” He handed you your glass back, brushing his fingers over yours as he did.
“It’s nothing… I just wanted to spoil you a little, even if it’s just a little.” You smiled and took a sip of the wine, your head starting to spin a little. He noticed and took your glass away, finishing the rest himself. You chuckled, “I wasn’t done with that.”
“I know, but I dun’ want ya completely drunk.” He took the plates and glasses and put them in the sink before sitting back down in his seat.
“Why’s that?” You leaned forward, grinning expectantly.
“’Cause I wanna be able to reward ya fer yer hard work,” he smirked and leaned back in his seat, manspreading like his life depended on it. “C’mere.”
As if you were in a trance you immediately stood up and wobbled over to him, your mind still hazy but you both knew what you wanted. He tilted his head back to look up at you, that same cocky smirk painted across his lips. He kept his hands on his thighs, and it was like a silent communication of what he wanted. You bit your lip and held eye contact as you kneeled down between his legs, his head cocking to the side as he looked down at you, bring one hand into your hair.
“Good girl… now I may be askin’ too much, but do ya mind?” He nodded towards his erection that was eagerly straining against his pants. You shook your head, bringing your hands up to unbuckle his belt. He grumbled graciously, his fingers curling in your hair.
You bit your lip as you solely focused on getting his pants off, feeling him lift his hips up a bit to make the removal process easier for you. You glanced up at him while sliding his pants and boxers off in one go, he grunted softly as his cock sprang out. His pants and boxers hung around his ankles as you moved closer, inspecting his length. The head was flushed red, and looked almost painfully hard as it twitched from the feeling of your warm breath brushing against it.
As you continued gawking at his cock, Daryl got impatient and took his length in his hand. Your drunken body felt even more turned on as you watched your husband stroke himself slowly, brushing his thumb over the sensitive tip and hissing. You whimpered, biting your lip as you moved closer. The cold tile against your thighs was a good relief from your aching heat, feeling yourself get wetter the more you watched him.
Daryl brought his other hand to the back of your neck, bringing you even closer as he held his cock and guided it to your lips. You closed your eyes and let him run his length against your cheeks, giggling a little as he slapped the tip against your lips. He pushed the head of his cock against your lips which you quickly parted, letting him slide half his length into your mouth.
You both groaned at the contact, both his hands moving into your hair while one of your hands moved to hold onto the base. Daryl threw his head back and whimpered softly as you literally sucked on him once, pulling off to leave little kitty licks on his sensitive tip. He pulled your hair into a ponytail and tugged on it when you took him into your mouth again, rolling his eyes back as your tongue swirled around the tip. He let out multiple moans and whimpers of pleasure as you bobbed your head, stroking what you couldn’t take with your hand.
You could feel him start to get close, by the sounds of his breathless whimpers and the way his grasp on your hair got tighter. You let go of his cock and braced yourself before fully letting him in, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat and causing you to gag. He moaned loudly, making a sound of protest and trying to pull you off of him. You didn’t budge and kept bobbing your head, gagging every time he hit the back of your throat. He whined breathily, his cock twitching in your mouth as he got closer and closer. Your eyes were teary but you kept going, wanting to taste his sweet release.
Daryl tugged your hair hard, groaning deeply as he came. Splurging ropes of warm semen into your mouth, you eagerly licked it all up, savouring the saltiness of his release. The sound and sight of him coming almost had you releasing yourself, reaching down to squeeze between your legs.
His hand released your hair and caressed the back of your head soothingly, as an apology for his rough tugging. You looked up at him as you swallowed the rest of his seed, his tongue darting out to lick his lips as he wiped the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
“Get up fer me,” he whispered hoarsely, grabbing onto your thighs as you obeyed. He stood up after you and pulled you against his chest, his cock stirring back to life as you felt it press between your thighs. One hand was on your waist while the other held your chin, tilting your head back to look at him, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip before dipping his head to kiss you deeply. He groaned into your mouth as he tasted himself on your tongue, your tongues wrapping together as you fought for dominance. Ultimately, he won and you let yourself be kissed aggressively by this man.
He placed both hands on your hips, pushing you back and pulling his lips off yours. Before you could think he turned you around and bent you over the dinner table, his hand immediately moving under your dress. You cried out as his fingers rubbed your wet heat over your panties which were well soaked by now, he kept his other hand on your lower back before pulling your panties off. He pushed the skirt of your dress up and over your ass, keeping you bent over on display for him. You didn’t hear anything for a few moments, the alcohol in your system making you hear your heart beat in your ears. Your knees buckled as you felt his tongue run along your slit, you whined slightly while his hands held you steady.
His tongue wiggled around between your folds, a soft cry escaping your lips every time he brushed over your clit. His lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves, sucking on it and you could feel him smirk when you cried out. He continued this motion, your eyes rolling back while the top half of your body lay flat against the table. His tongue was replaced by his finger, rubbing your clit harshly and making your leg tremble in sensitivity. You moaned loudly, the sound of your moans echoed through the kitchen while his tongue entered you. You gasped harshly at the intrusion, your nails scratching against the table as his tongue thrusted in and out of your wet heat. The warm feeling of coming undone was brewing up in your stomach, your moans ragged.
“Fuck… Dar I’m gonna cum,” you whined breathlessly. He didn’t stop, rubbing your clit even harder and causing you to arch you back and squirm against his face. His tongue remained inside of you as you came, your breath heavy while he licked up your sweet nectar. You sighed and lay your head against the table, your mind swirling with lust and haziness from the orgasm.
“Stay there,” he grunted as he stood up, rubbing the flesh of your ass with his palm. “Ya look so beautiful bent over fer me like this. Makes me wan’ ta fill ya up, put a baby in ya.” Your breath hitched, looking over your shoulder to see if he was serious.
“Really?” You whispered hoarsely, your eyes sparkling in want. “You want a baby?”
“Fuck yeah,” he grumbled, standing behind you while caressing your ass. “I mean hell, we’re both gettin’ old. I wanna be able to give ya a child before we can’t… will ya let me?”
“Yes, oh god yes Dar please.” You pleaded, earning a light tap to your bum as he bit his lip.
“Then be a good girl fer me and lay still, yer perfect.” He whispered, running his length between your ass cheeks teasingly. You bit your lip and lay your head against the wood of the table, panting in anticipation as he continued to rub his cock against you. He held his cock in his hand and rubbed the head against your clit, spreading your folds so he could thrust along them. You both moaned simultaneously, the two of you relishing the slick feeling.
He pulled his cock back, circling it around your entrance before pushing forward, filling you completely. You moaned out in delight, closing your eyes and clenching around the length inside you, feeling your walls mold to his cock. He groaned, grabbing your hips and moving back and forth slowly. Your eyes rolled back, biting your lip hard as you felt every inch of his velvety skin stroke your inner walls.
His fingers surely were leaving marks on your hips from how hard he was gripping onto you, clearly holding himself back from taking you roughly. He kept the pace slow, his cock occasionally brushing against your sweet spot but not fully meeting it. You moved back to meet his thrusts, earning a moan of approval from your movements. It still wasn’t enough.
“Need you deeper,” you pleaded softly, the high pitched tone of yours making his hips stutter. One of his hands ran up your back, grasping your hair and gently tugging you, prompting you to come up. You obeyed instantly, pushing yourself up as he carefully pulled you back to his chest. Your back arched as his hand trailed down over your throat, holding you against his shoulder.
He pressed his hips harder into you, eliciting a light breathy whine from you as your back arched further. He continued his hard thrusts, turning his head to press kisses along your neck, his cock reaching deeper and deeper with every thrust of his hips. You were closer to getting what you wanted, just one swivel of your hips against his was what got it. He slammed against your sweet spot, your jaw dropped and you closed your eyes as he kept hitting the spot. Your moans came out freely, his palm against your throat as you leaned back on his shoulder, mewling and whining loudly.
His grunts came in your ear, his breath heavy and hot as the both of you started to sweat from exertion. The sound of your skin slapping together echoed through the kitchen along with your whimpering moans and his grunts and groans. He let go of your throat and let you fall over the table, placing both his hands on your hips and thrusting with renewed intensity. His hips slapped against yours hard, his eyes watching your ass jiggle with every contact. He brought a hand up to grip your ass, pushing himself deeper into your pussy. The wet sounds of him thrusting in and out just filled you with more arousal, closing your eyes to fully immerse yourself in the moment.
You tightened around his cock as you felt yourself coming close to completion, the feeling of your walls tight around him made Daryl groan deeply. His hips stuttered but kept the pace, fucking you deeply and hard. It was clear he was also close as his grip on you became tighter and his movements got sloppier.
“Fuck, yer so tigh’… gonna fill ya up,” he groaned, thrusting harder into you. “Gonna make ya carry my babies.”
His words sent a chill up your spine, mewling out in pleasure and desire. “I want that… please…” You begged pathetically, your voice barely a whisper from all your crying and moaning.
“Imma give it to ya, dun’ worry baby. Gonna cum inside ya so deep,” he grunted, pulling your hips back in time with his movements. “Gonna give ya a baby, make ya a mama.” You whined in desire, clawing at the wood as your body trembled. Your orgasm quickly coming up.
You screamed out his name as you came for the second time tonight, rolling your eyes back as you did. You lay against the table while your legs struggled to keep you standing, his hips rapidly pushing in and out of you as he chased his orgasm.
“Shit, fuckin’ tigh’ as shit.” He cursed haphazardly, his balls tightening as they threatened to burst. “C’mon take it, take it pretty girl,” he shouted as he came, deep inside of you like he promised. He fucked you through his orgasm, groaning softly before pulling out.
Your entire body shook in sensitivity, your legs threatening to give out. Daryl continued to hold you up, watching your pussy drip with his cum. He reached down to scoop it back into you, a whimper leaving your lips at the feeling.
“Dun’ wan’ this ta go ta waste now do we?” He taunted hotly into your ear, pulling your panties up and letting your dress fall over your ass. He slapped your ass playfully before pulling up his own underwear and pants, buckling his belt. “Now let’s go cuddle upstairs hm?” He chuckled lowly and scooped you up into his arms, his expression softening at your fucked out expression.
You looked up at him sleepily and nodded, pulling his head down to kiss him softly. He hummed against your lips, taking you upstairs.
“Happy birthday, Dar.”
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aprillikesthings · 2 months
oh god oh god
HEY GUESS WHAT I'm down to the last two episodes of She-Ra in my rewatch
On a related note, should you desire to read them all starting from s1ep1 for some godforsaken reason, here's the link. Please be amused at my claims that I would not do this for every episode and my repeated attempts to cut back on how much I copy/paste dialogue and/or explain the entire plot instead of just making jokes and commentary
If, somehow, you are New Here, I've been rewatching all of the 2018 She-Ra, ostensibly for fic-writing reasons as I had forgotten huge quantities of the plot. I have since become deeply obsessed, as one does.
I make a lot of adult jokes, random asides, references to other things, commentary, and a lot of cursing and crying. I love Catradora and I love Catra especially and have a tendency to add a screenshot every time they so much as look at each other. It seems silly to warn for spoilers at this point, but yeah, this is a RE-watch. It's just that I forgot a lot of it because I watched it the first time as it was coming out (pun intended). The shit I did remember is so fucking random tho lol
The last time I tried to do a two-parter in one post the number of times I had to reblog it because tumblr only allows 30 images per post got real stupid, so while I do still assume I will have to reblog multiple times per episode, I'm doing each episode separately.
s5 ep12 Heart (pt 1)
jfc i'm full of adrenaline lol
Also I have a beer, it's a citrus IPA because I live in Portland and it's required by law
(not really I just genuinely like them. that and IPA's that taste like gnawing on a douglas fir. also fruit sours.)
LOL I was so anxious I looked away from this post and consumed most of my beer this is gonna be hilarious
ALSO my goal is to finish these two episodes before the Easter Vigil service tomorrow night at 8pm
Theoretically I should be able to watch two episodes of TV in a day and a half, right? AHAHA
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Bow should play Wonderwall
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she always looks so soft with her hair down
but also having that thing just floating in front of your chest like that has gotta feel weird
ON A RELATED NOTE I know I made the joke in the last episode about how many people have the failsafe as a tattoo but the PROBLEM is that now I literally LIVE with a tattoo artist whose work I like--I already have two tattoos they've done, here and here, and the temptation is extremely high?? but I don't have any other obvious fandom-related tattoos (unless you count the title of a Björk song) so it feels weird to start with this one???? Like I don't have any LoTR or BBC Sherlock or SU or K/DA tattoos (to list off a bunch of fandoms I was devastatingly obsessed with at the time) so getting one for THIS fandom feels kinda weird. But like, also, if I got it kinda small on one wrist it would look kinda cool and be a nice loud DID U KNOW I'M GAY kinda thing. Gyahhh.
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She's struggling to do She-Ra, and I'm sitting here YELLING because IT'S BECAUSE CATRA LEFT and UGH I want to murder Shadow Weaver
(eyyyy I won't have to, ha ha oh god)
Oh she manages to transform anyway. Without making any noise or glowing lights, just pop, She-Ra
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awwww but also lol
related aside but like, every culture that figured out bows and arrows invented at least one kind of string instrument. Literally archers just fidgeting with their bows and going "oh this makes a nice sound, what if I put more strings on this thing." So many different places and cultures invented things like a guitar or like a harp or like a violin. But also I want to know who the FUCK figured out the hurdy-gurdy??? oh my god I just looked up the hurdy-gurdy and I'm cracking up because one of the earliest depictions of it is from the 1100's, in the Santiago de Compostela cathedral. A place I have been. Because I did the Camino last year.
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oh right plot
I would like to take a moment and be grateful for the people who put together the transcripts on the fandom wiki for saving me typing up long bits of lore-heavy dialogue
She-Ra: "Prime is getting closer every day to figuring out how to access the Heart of Etheria. If he succeeds, he can use it to destroy worlds, galaxies, maybe even the entire universe. The Failsafe is our only chance at stopping him."
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"His hold over them grows stronger every day they're chipped. If we don't free them now, we might lose them forever. Prime holds every advantage in this fight. He'll be ready for us. But we have a plan. Entrapta?" Entrapta: "I finally succeeded in cracking Prime's signal pattern. If I get access to his Spire network, I can use it to broadcast a jamming frequency that will disable all of the chips on Etheria, freeing everyone at once!" She-Ra: I need you all to get Entrapta to the Spire and keep Prime's forces distracted while she jams the signal."
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"We're going to make sure that Prime can never hurt anyone ever again. We're ending this today. For good."
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oh lord so Shadow Weaver is still there, sulking and looking away, and she looks over at her and starts almost losing She-Ra and being Adora again
have I mentioned how much I hate Shadow Weaver >:(
Adora goes outside...and looks around. I know who she's looking for. *sobs into a pillow*
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I made that joke and then Glimmer literally says "Any sign of Catra?" I have to remember that at this point in the story literally everyone knows how in love they both are. Except them. Of course.
Adora: "She's not coming back." ;_;
Adora: I mean you don't have to come with me this could be dangerous Bow: the fuck are you talking about of course we're going
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And she turns into She-Ra again, roll intro
Okay so they go to the Crystal Castle thing where Light Hope was
it doesn't look so good
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but also that's creepy
anyway they tell the hologram (not Light Hope, the other one) that they're looking for the Heart of Etheria and that they're Friends of Mara. She-Ra gets scanned and then a door opens into a passageway. Bow and Glimmer take her hands and they walk into the hall but:
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she's still looking for someone
I have to deal with another episode and change of her looking for Catra ghghggh this hurts meeeee
OH SO OF COURSE they literally switch to showing us Catra
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bahaha okay so she sits up and looks behind her kind of sadly, and Melog just skids to a stop so hard they throw Catra off
And Melog looks at Catra like she's fucking nuts. Catra's like, wtf is wrong with you??? and Melog looks back like BITCH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? Catra what did you think was going to happen when you got a therapy animal that can literally read your moods. Melog knows you're being a dumbass and has NO reason to pretend to believe your surface "I don't give a shit" act!!
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Melog does airplane ears at that. And then just pounces Catra.
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Time for pressure! Just like a real therapy animal. Big weighted blanket!
oh shit I forgot about this bit
Catra just immediately starts crying.
Catra: "You saw what happened! Adora chose Shadow Weaver, okay? Not me!"
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*sobs into hands* you useless fucking dumbass that is your abysmally low self-esteem talking literally every living semi-sentient thing in the galaxy knows Adora's in love with you EXCEPT YOU
I can get frustrated with AU fics where these two both pull this "but what if she doesn't like me back" thing for ages while everyone around them is face-palming in frustration, but like. You have to admit. It's accurate to canon.
(It's also accurate to lesbians in general, lbh. Either fucking on the first date or doing the "but what if she's not into me" thing for months-to-years. Sometimes both, including in some of the fics I've written, heyooooo.)
Melog purrs and licks her face. A clone approaches and they both go invisible and then follow it.
the rest of the rebellion is attacking Horde Prime's ship thing
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Wrong Hordak helps Entrapta get into the spire. The whole point of this fight (which I didn't bother screenshotting lol) is to give Entrapta time to disconnect everyone's chips from Horde Prime.
Lol once inside Entrapta does another one of those "holy shit this stuff looks so cool...OMG FOCUS" things
Back at the Crystal Castle Glimmers like "omg are you scared" and She-Ra says "No, I just hope this works." Liar.
Bow: "It'll be okay. And when we get back, it'll be a whole new world."
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this poor girl. she's so heartbroken.
(meanwhile the plot of my fic-in-progress is literally them breaking up. (not forever.) but it's hilarious of me to get SO UPSET over this scene when I'm going to force them to repeat it. like it's a mutual decision in my fic but it doesn't make it hurt any less.)
PFFT I unpaused it, and IMMEDIATELY:
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I just said OH SHIT out loud lol
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oh god I saw someone talking about this in a youtube video right around when I started my rewatch
It's a hologram, she's not actually there. And Catra goes through multiple other ages, including her kid self, being chipped on Horde Prime's ship, when they were Horde cadets, etc; before going back to looking like she does now.
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Adora's sharp little gasp of shock here
Adora goes to touch Catra's hand and the hologram disappears
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(good lord she's beautiful here)
And I think I agree with the youtube video: Adora knew she was upset about Catra running off, but this is the moment she specifically realizes she's in love, and it breaks her heart into tiny pieces.
(Hah, I actually say a very similar thing in part of my fic that they mention in the video--that previous to this, she refused to let herself want this or even think about it. "I didn't even realize this was something I could want.")
BUT ALSO so like is this a remnant of Light Hope's programming that tortured them with childhood flashbacks in season one (in order to drive them apart) or what
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I know I made this joke before but I'm suing Nate for emotional damages
She-Ra: "We need to be careful. It looks like this place can still project memories."
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A still-invisible Catra follows the clone to where Horde Prime's ship is and is visibly terrified and shaking. A clone who might be Hordak turns around with that white in his eyes that means Prime is using him to see, and Catra just tries to be quiet and not move but she's obviously triggered, and I mean that in the literal PTSD sense.
Horde Prime (via Hordak?): "My brothers. The time has come at last. No longer shall She-Ra stand in my way."
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oh okay so Horde Prime's actual ship is still in space (just orbiting Etheria I assume) and the planet-side thing is him speaking through one of the clones via the hive mind.
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"Begin the acquisition process!"
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are they just gonna straight-up drill into it?
apparently yes
the whole area lights up with that sickening green light, including all the lines that characters kept noticing on the ground that looked like some combo of circuit boards and First Ones' writing.
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meanwhile, Adora keeps slipping out of being She-Ra for split seconds and is clearly stressing The Fuck Out and possibly walking in the wrong direction in her distress, only to walk into another memory/hologram.
And I've predictably hit the image limit, but 13:30 to go which is better than last night pfft okay gonna reblog
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cerealmonster15 · 4 months
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ok. a few years ago like in 2021 or something my friend and made some twst ship fankids and then i kept making more. three of them are hers i think so i will specify the, but i drew this specific stupid little map to keep track of whatevers going on here. no real plot or anything just concepts that i wanted to make a chart for. a multiverse i guess. dont worry about it dont think to hard about it. also the names were just based off the ship names for funsies lol they werent like fully developed or anything oK ANYWAY a brief explanation of each kid under the cut!
so it started with jamil/azul/idia actually. the other guys just kept spawning later lol uhh lemme see what i can remember.
and i had a second image where i'd drawn arrows on top of who is full siblings vs half siblings vs cousins but it was too tangled and also i forgot a bunch of arrows anyway so fsdlkjfjdskl i just left it out so if i sound like im referencing a forbidden second image and forgot to edit out that talk just. that's why lol.
ummm so i believe azeal, azidia, and treya-da were the ones my friend came up with, and i made everyone else lol. we did a little art of them early on but i dont wanna go find or post those 🤸‍♀️ umm also some of them are girls, we just ignore the fact that nrc is an all boy school cuz who give a shit. anyway heres what i remember:
jazzy-zu: she/her, first one i made i think, jamil/azul child. takes more after jamil in terms of athleticism- actually wait i remember we had a stats web chart somewhere too but i dont remember where that is and i dont feel like looking for it lol but i think jazzy was like, high energy and sporty, and has purple hair like azul [deeper purple maybe idr] and tan skin like jamil. i think shes a lil less academic maybe. more of a jock. her overblot i think was a snake hair ponytail + red eyes + fangs + tentacles bc shes also a half mermaid in general. she was maybe more of a prankster schemer and was my fave of the ones i made lol. i debated savanaclaw or scarabia for her but tbh thinking about it now i think savanaclaw is the way to go.
azeal [my friend's character]: he/him, the other azul/jamil kid. i think he was more azul energy and kinda posh lol. less athletic but maybe did fencing? i think the thing with him and jazzy-zu was he didnt like team sports like she does lol. he's in pomefiore. he maybe wanted world domination but i dont really remember. also an octomerman i think
jammi-dia: he/him, jamil/idia's kid. he's got more of a punk aesthetic and is into robotics i think? i remember drawing him with one of those custom furbys so i think he had more of a creative side. i think he was more intellectual and less athletic. i dont remember if he skateboards or if im making that up lol [there were more stats besides athletic and intelectual i just forget what they were lmao. social was probably another. i think generally none of these kids were very good at social skills tho]. he's in ignihyde so yea i guess he was the robotics boy. he maybe also had world domination plans but i also dont remember skdjfljdskl it was him and/or azeal.
Azidia [my friend's character]: she/her, an idia/azul kid. i dont remember as much about her, but i think she was a schemer. she's in ignihyde. was SHE the world domination character?? i swear there was at least one. possibly multiple. octomermaid.
idizu: he/him, i think he was the youngest of the ones currently mentioned so like first year age? i forget how old the others were but they're all within the first thru third year range. idizu was way more jittery like azul and into his robotics as well; i think he was kind of like a sidekick sometimes for either jammi-dia or azeal but i forgot which one lol. idk why i debated his dorm of ignihyde vs octavinelle bc i just think of ignihyde for him. octomerman. i think he was tiny and had like bright pinkish purple hair.
mallow: she/her, cater/idia kid. lol. i think this was the last one i made. i believe she/her. i cant remember why i drew her with pointy ears, hence the question mark 🤔 lol i dont think i developed her much bc she came much later but i had reopened the chart bc i was like WHY DONT I HAVE A CATER/IDIA KID IN THERE, but i forgot most of what i said about her. her name is a reference to marshmallows but dont worry about it, it's a very specific convo train between my friend and me that is cater/idia related but i just dont have time to get into it!!! anyway i think she was kinda like. not very social. a lot like idia but i dont remember what her caterisms were. SAD. i guess i put her in ignihyde.
KJ: i think he/him? kj bc it sounds like cayjay and he's the cater/jade kid lol. freak behavior. gets in your space and interrogates you very bluntly. kind of intimidating i think but maybe that was just cuz hes weird. i guess i went with octavinelle, thats where the shady ones go... i think i drew him once in merman form specifically as a wolf eel bc theyre bright orange, but actually just now i googled and the fangtooth moray is decently orange as well, jade is a moray, and cater described his own tooth as a fang tooth so maybe im overwriting the canon lol.
trey-daa [friend's character]: she/her, the trey/jade kid. was actually one of the first few made as well and was the only one that broke out of the azul/jamil/idia containment for a while until i thiiiink either kj or catie spawned. she's an eel mermaid and i think she had the combined energy of jade's smiling threats and trey's genuine care, so she was like Unsettling Levels of Hello Beloved Sibling And/Or Cousin Do You Need Me To Poison Your Enemies For You or something like that lol. heartslabyul apparently!
catie: she/her, trey/cater kid. like the only other human besides jammi-dia and mallow lol bc everyone else on this chart is HALF FISH!!! she was calmer than most of them. normiecore. she i think has a baking youtube channel to channel her parents hobbies. i think i defaulted to putting her in heartslabyul but i CANNOT REMEMBER why i have that potential octavinelle in there??? i drew her and kj hanging out once. she's friendly and probably the nicest of the group without hidden schemes lol.
tomaya: i do not remember the pronouns of this child. maybe she? idk. riddle/floyd kid made i think just bc my friend and i were like the popular tweel ships are trey/jade and floyd/riddle so we gotta have the cousin duo. i think tomaya's thing was that she(?) was like, polar opposite to her parents. floyd and riddle are kinda both really intense people so tomaya was more sleepy and reeeaaally chill. it took me a minute to remember why bc i first remembered one of the only times i drew tomaya was like, yawning and holding a pillow, and i was sitting here like "huh silvers not on this chart so why- OH YEAH to be an ironic different vibe lol". i dont know why we picked heartslabyul for her.
THAT'S IT but also. if i had space perhaps i would now add a riddle/azul kid. maybe even a jamil/riddle kid. get more riddle in here he's only got one!!! but if you leave me alone with characters too long i WILL find seven thousand combos to pair them in fjklsdjfkljKLJFKDLGJ ok anyway. um. spirals. maybe next time will be my caterella chart ok bye!!!!
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
The Photoshoot-Part 36
Series Masterlist
Cillian Murphy
⚠️ Súper angst, cheating.
✨ This is probably the hardest part I will ever write for this story, it took me the whole week to complete it because I literally couldn’t get around to write this down… but when I asked you to vote, you made a choice 🤷🏻‍♀️ so here it is.
Thank you @peakypoet /Selene for making this beautiful header ♥️
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“I’m sorry, the bus got stuck in traffic.” Yael rushed inside, it was only meant to be a quick trip to give her client the printed photos of her shooting, but she spent almost two hours instead.
Scout greeted her wriggling his tail and she couldn’t resist opening the bag of treats she just got for him, he devoured it in a matter of seconds, she then heard a soft voice coming from the reading room.
“Don’t tell Dad I gave you two.” Petting Scout on the head, she tiptoed until the sight of her husband laying on the couch welcomed her; a script on his hands, glasses on the bridge of his nose, his hair drastically shorter now, the mustache gone, this was a completely different person from the last role when he played Chris.
“I heard that.”
Sometimes Yael had the impression that she was married to someone with different personalities.
“You finally convinced Erin to let us babysit Sean?” She changed the topic, while Scout was licking the evidence of the treat.
Opening his arm to her, Yael leaned on her side, hugging Cillian and smelling his scent. She noticed the script on his chest had his own notes in the margins, arrows and words scratched and smiled at the thought of him getting ready for his next role.
“Yeah, we’ll get him this Friday, but he won’t be staying to sleep though, she’ll pick him up around midnight, is that alright?”
“Hmmm.” Yael murmured hiding her face in his neck. “But tomorrow is Friday.”
“Well… yeah, tomorrow then.” His fingertips running gently all over her arm.
“Should we call your brother then? To ask them to come over instead of we going to theirs?”
“Ah shit, I forgot about that dinner…”
Yael giggled he forgot about the important things but somehow remember the silliest.
“Give me twenty minutes and I’m ready to go.”
“Take your time, I’ll take a nap.”
But Yael had different plans.
“I found some barre classes love! I start next week.” He followed her upstairs.
Coming out from their closet, Yael laughed. “Barre… it’s a modern version of ballet, for adults.”
Cillian smirked. “Does it mean I’ll get to see you wearing pink tights and a tutu?”
Doing a ballet twirl, she stopped. “No, we don’t wear a tutu.”
“And what’s that called?” His finger did the twirl movement, imitating her.
“You’re just teasing me!” Yael smacked his arm playfully.
“No, please I fucking adore you.”
Taking her hand, Cillian made her do another twirl and then, letting out a happy sigh his arms circled her waist, pulling her body close until their lips locked. Yael pulled away after one short kiss, only to come back for one quick peck and she moved away again with a smile. Cillian’s eyes were on her mouth, she had that lipstick color he loved. He just couldn’t resist to taste them one more time until Yael stopped him.
“I know what you’re doing.” Shaking her head to brush away the effect he had on her, Yael walked out of the room.
“We don’t have to go.”
But of course, she wouldn’t let him skip dinner at their friend’s house.
As they entered Gary’s house, their friends started to play the nuptial song.
“And that’s the face of a couple who can’t get their hands off each other.”
“I’m sorry we missed your wedding.” Rebecca apologized giving them a hug.
“Don’t worry, we know it was a short notice.” Yael greeted the girls and their husbands. They have been friends with Cillian since they were in high school, and they usually held their reunions with their couples.
“It was beautiful.” Marie admitted.
“Why didn’t we do that?” Gary complained to his wife. “That was a fun wedding.”
“Hey, slow down stallion, you know you could actually die from too much sex?” Clyde advised.
Cillian let out the loudest laugh Yael had ever heard.
“No seriously.”
“That’s not true Clyde.”
“Don’t listen to him, Lisa will scold him later.”
Yael chuckled at Dianne’s comment.
Then, she added in a low voice: “you know what we say… the only thing I need to make hard is his cock, not his life. And the only thing he needs to make wet is my pussy, not my eyes.”
A chorus of Amens was heard among the girls. It was such a rich group, some older, some youngers, some of them had children, others didn’t, some were a stay at home mums, some had their own successful business. Yael really liked them all. And as a new wife, she could use an advice or two.
“I brought canapés and Cill’s mac and cheese.” Yael announced.
“Fabulous! Let me put it in the oven.”
Looking over her shoulder, she found Cillian looking at her. He winked at her and a smile spread on her lips.
“How’s the baby?” Miles asked him handing his friend a cold beer. He announced that Dermot wouldn’t be able to make it on time.
“He’s alright, he had some allergy, but it’s all good now.”
“Cilly you really have the best luck, you don’t get to go through all the trouble with the mama, the feeding…”
“Yeah but-”
“Man the diapers, I hated them so much.” Clyde confirmed.
It was an incredible group, some of them had been married for a while, they’ve been through a lot; divorces, kids, in laws, different personalities, job careers, Yael had grown close to them as they all welcomed her with open arms.
“Mary-Anne almost walked in on us the other day.” Marie confessed embarrassed.
“She walked in.” Gary, her husband corrected her from the hallway.
Looking at Cillian, Yael sighed thinking how they didn’t have to deal with any of that for now. It could be a bit overwhelming to listen to someone else’s troubles or advices, there were so many different opinions.
“I know how you’re feeling, like you don’t fit.” Ella smiled at her, she didn’t have kids yet either. “I’m sorry we didn’t go to your wedding.”
She then gave her a decorative sign with the best marriage advice:
May your love be modern enough to survive the times, but old fashioned enough to last forever.
“Ella! I love it.” Yael gave her a hug, it would look incredible on the table next to the door, to remember the words everyday.
Yael assured her it was alright, but there was something else in Ella’s eyes, so they decided to go for a walk to the garden, where her friend finally opened up to her.
“We had a miscarriage two months ago and I still can’t feel like my old self again.” Her eyes were filled with tears and Yael didn’t know what was the right thing to say.
“I’m sorry.” Yael apologized quietly, Ella was kind to her since the beginning, reserved, but a nice person. “It must be so hard for you and Darren.”
“He’s devastated.”
She then went on to tell Yael of the thought that it was her fault, for not taking care of their baby. Feeling sad for their loss, Yael tried to comfort Ella the best way she could, even though there aren’t a lot of things you can tell to someone going through something like that.
“You’re so quiet tonight, everything alright?” Cillian asked later that night while they were driving back home. His hand started caressing one of her tights.
Coming back to reality after his words, Yael looked at her husband and just by that simple action, a smile started to form back on her lips.
“Yeah, just thinking how lucky I’m to have you.” In a sweet motion, she kissed his cheek as he stopped the mini in the garage. “I saw Darren a bit disconnected, don’t you think? Maybe you could go out with him or something?”
Cillian seemed to think about it for a second. “Now that you mention it, I think he was a bit off. I’ll call him tomorrow, maybe he has trouble at work.”
“And speaking about trouble…” As he closed the door, she started to unbutton the front of her dress. “Look at what I did to my wedding dress.”
Yael then revealed her one-piece white undergarment; partly made of the dress she wore for their wedding.
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It took Cillian a while to recover from that sight. It was something he wanted to keep in his memory forever.
“Do you like it?” Yael asked shooting him an innocent look.
“Sweetheart, I’m about to pass out, we’re going straight to bed before I die.”
Laughing, she added: “Please don’t, I need you alive and working properly.”
“Can you wear this every night?” She was always surprising him.
“I texted Dermot to let him know Sean’s wearing the gift he gave us.”
Cillian informed his wife as she came down from an edit session in the attic, she needed to print the photos to then ship them.
“That was a lovely set.” She stole some cheese from the board while he went to the fridge to get something.
“If you can, could you snap a photo?” Yael nodded after stealing some more cheese and as she took the basket where Sean was sleeping, she saw something that she didn’t like.
“Cill come here, I don’t like Sean’s color, he’s a bit yellow.” Moving the baby close to the window to use the natural light, Cillian realized she was right.
Sean was sleeping and skipped his feeding time, but he didn’t think that wasn’t strange.
“Let’s go to the hospital, yeah?”
Turning off the stove, Yael took the baby’s bag and as they were walking out of the house, his brother and wife, Elise arrived.
“What’s going on?” Paidi asked.
“We’re taking Sean to the hospital, take the keys.” Cillian threw the keys to his brother and drove as fast as he could to the nearest hospital.
“I’m calling his doctor, do you want to call Erin?” Yael asked from the back seat.
“No, let’s get him checked over first.”
Once they entered the emergency wand, they were asked a lot of questions by the nurses, talking of terms they knew nothing about. They were running some blood tests first and vitals.
A man around Cillian’s father age approached them, asking about the name of Sean’s doctor, but their worries didn’t fade away as the man started shaking his head.
“I’ve seen this before, a similar situation and the symptoms are almost identical, this doctor has made a few mistakes in the past and has diagnosed incorrectly to other patients. I’m afraid your son has a severe anemia.” Dr. McMillan stated firmly.
“God, why didn’t we know about this?” Yael asked more to herself than anything.
Cillian was speechless. Still trying to process the preliminar diagnose.
“Anemia in babies can be a bit confusing, but if his doctor decided to just assume it was an allergy to the formula, there was no way you could know.”
“What do we do now?” He finally asked crossing his arms.
“This is just a first diagnose, I need the results, but it’s more probable than not.” He looked between them. “If that’s the case, I’d suggest a blood transfusion right away and see how Sean reacts.”
“I can donate as much as it’s needed.”
As the doctor left them a moment, Yael turned to her husband.
“You need to call Erin first.”
“Love, the transfusion could make him better.”
“If you do it without her permission, you’re going to get in trouble, just tell her.”
Mumbling in agreement, she saw him taking his phone and walking away, probably outside in case the conversation scaled. Taking a seat in the waiting area, she decided to text Elise, they could stay over their house and have dinner by themselves.
The waiting was terrible, they were both feeling helpless as they heard Sean’s cries while he got checked, his little face was red and cheeks wet from the tears.
“What did you do?!” Erin stormed in no long after, trying to take Sean into her arms.
The doctor looked between the three of them and started to share his diagnosis with the mother of the baby.
“They brought him here on time, we were-” someone interrupted them announcing they had the results. “Come to my office, please.” He instructed them, he needed to be careful because one of the women was the biological mother of the baby while the other had genuine concern in her eyes. “My preliminar diagnose was correct.”
“What caused this? Was it something we did wrong?” Cillian needed to know.
“There are a lot of factors involved, prematurity, malnutrition…”
“How will you contra rest it?” Yael asked but immediately, she regretted speaking, she wasn’t the mother.
“Good news is this is a treatable condition. I’d suggest changing your pediatrician and the baby’s diet.”
“Is he going to be alright?” Cillian asked, he was extremely worried, Yael was holding his hand.
A small glimpse of relief appeared as the doctor nodded. “I’d like to start with a blood transfusion as soon as possible but you need to fill some forms.”
“I’ll sign everything you need.” Cillian assured looking at Erin, who had been very quiet. “Right?”
Yael titled her head as she saw color fading away from Erin’s face. “Can you give me a moment doctor?” She finally spoke.
Yael was about to leave the room as well, but Cillian stopped her.
“What is it, Erin?”
“I don’t know how to say this…”
Time was passing by extremely slow, Cillian was losing his patience.
“But I can’t keep this going on, this is all my fault.” She looked worn out.
Cillian shook his head, “you heard the doctor, these things are common bu-”
“You don’t understand!” She snapped, tears falling down. “This is my payback for lying!”
Yael got tense, what was she talking about?
“But you left me alone to go to film that series! On my fucking birthday! You didn’t touch me for weeks we had been fighting a lot and I went out to have fun to a club and a young man invited me a drink and he was really sweet and…” Yael’s head was spinning, Cillian had his eyes fixed on Erin. “I slept with him just once and three weeks later, I was late on my period, took a test and it was positive… then you decided to break up with me, but I convinced you we should be together one last time and-”
“Enough!” Suddenly everything clicked in Cillian’s mind.
“Are you crazy?! Why would you do that?” Yael couldn’t believe what she just heard.
“Erin what did you do?” Her mother joined them scandalized.
“That’s why you were so offended when I suggested the DNA test, right? You made me feel bad about it so you could get it your way.”
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t even remember his name and you always wanted to have kids anyway…”
Erin’s father was quiet in a corner, processing the bomb she just dropped.
Yael had never seen Cillian so out of character, so angry, he was furious, he wasn’t a violent man, but given the circumstances she tried to push him out.
“I almost gave up on him because of you!” Yael was hurt as well by the lies. “He can’t do this, but I can.”
And with that, she gave Erin a hard slap on the face, with all her anger and frustration, she just wanted to protect Cillian. Her palm was still tingling by the force of the contact by the time she reached their car. Storming outside seconds later, she deserved much more than a slap.
“Let me drive, love.” She tried to show him her support.
“I’m fine.” He replied in a serious voice tone while moving in the parking lot.
“Cillian you’re sho”
“I said I’m fucking fine!” He raised his voice and slammed his hand on the wheel, making Yael jump on her seat, she decided to remain quiet for the rest of their way back home.
It felt as if both of them were doing everything on automatic, like they were living a nightmare.
All of this time they had been fooled by Erin, she made them believe Sean was Cillian’s son for months and even let them fall in love with him, have him over, play with him.
It took Erin months to build the lie, but within seconds the truth was revealed.
And now they were childless, Sean was gone, taken away from their lives.
There was an emptiness in their hearts that they couldn’t put into words.
Arriving back home, Cillian immediately went upstairs, not stopping to answer his brother’s questions, he was holding Connor, his son.
“This is really not a good time, sorry.” Yael apologized.
“What happened?” Elise looked confused, they had been waiting to hear back from Sea‘s status.
If it was hard to comprehend, it was harder to explain.
“You were right, Pad… she lied to us, Erin just told us she had a one night stand and got pregnant.”
They were as shocked as she was.
“He should’ve done the paternity test.” Paidy stated.
“Look yes, he should’ve but it’s so late for that now, in the moment he did what he felt right and it was only his decision to make.”
As she finished saying that, a loud bang was heard upstairs, so she waved them goodbye and rushed to find Cillian with the night stand lamp mid-air, ready to throw it against the crib, the changing station was already on the floor.
“Cillian stop! You’re not like this.” Taking the lamp in her hands, she placed it on the floor. Then, her hands were on his face. “This is not your fault, she played her game until guilt took over. But you won’t take back time by destroying everything.”
His arms went around her waist while he tried to suppress a loud sob, his legs gave in and Yael had to support his weight as they went down.
It was heartbreaking to see him crying like that, his shoulders were shaking, the sounds of his nose sniffing as he tried to control himself. Yael was holding him tight against her chest.
“It’s going to be alright.” She whispered not knowing when or how, she just wanted him to feel that she was there for him.
And she broke down in tears after feeling him crying, she wanted to be strong for him, but she couldn’t.
It felt as if the walls were closing around them.
What could she possibly say to Cillian to make him feel better?
Untangling his body from hers, he got up and without looking back he spoke: “I don’t want to see any of this tomorrow. Make sure it’s gone or I’ll throw it away.”
Still sitting on the floor, Yael looked around the room, she had put so much effort in every detail she used in Sean’s room, even though he wouldn’t be staying to sleep, she wanted to make the baby feel welcomed, that he had his own space, she had painted the walls in a beautiful baby blue color, hanged frames, hand painted some clouds and stars and used a gorgeous paper wall.
What about the photos she framed of little instants filled with love.
What she supposed to do with everything?
She would have to pretend that Sean never existed.
That baby had stolen her heart in an instant, every time Cillian was holding his son, he seemed to be the happiest man on earth.
Her phone was ringing downstairs, but she didn’t feel like dealing with anyone right now, instead she walked to the laundry room to get some boxes to start disassembling everything.
“Violet? I just wanted to ask you if you still need things for your baby?” She closed the box with all the blankets and clothes.
“It’s practically unused, but I don’t have the original boxes. I have a car seat, pram, diapers, crib, well everything.”
She heard her cousin breaking in tears. “What’s the matter Vi?”
“You’re an angel sent from heaven, Jan quit his job to start a business on his own and things aren’t working out, we’re so short of money right now and I still don’t have everything.” She could hear baby Noah crying in the background, he was about to turn three months soon, the last time she saw her cousin was at her wedding in March, she was still a few weeks away to give birth.
“Well, now you will have everything you need, we just need to figure out a way to move the furniture.”
“Jan knows someone that works at the ferry’s, let me ask him.”
“Fabulous! I’m going to pack everything for you.”
“Yael? Thank you, from the bottom of my heart I was going through a difficult path and you can’t even imagine how much this means to me.”
“Happy to help babe, I’ll take the boxes to the post office tomorrow.”
“Really I was doing the bloody diapers like grandma used to do made by cloth and washing them because I can’t afford the boxes.”
Yael had to laugh at that, thinking of the challenges her cousin must be going through.
“Well, now you’ll get a good amount of disposable diapers.”
“Thank you, you saved my life.”
Sighing after they hang up, Yael felt more emotional than before after learning that her cousin was short of money, but at least the things that belonged once to Sean would be used by someone who needed them. Everything was practically new, there was no use of throwing everything to the trash.
Looking around the room she had a lot of work to do and she needed to take her mind off that horrible moment, her heart couldn’t comprehend how someone could hold a lie for so long like Erin did.
But she was also worried about Cillian, he had been locked in the basement for hours, probably didn’t want any kind of company at the moment, nevertheless she prepared him a cup of tea.
Joining him downstairs, Yael couldn’t stop the heartache she felt when she looked into his eyes.
“Talk to me Cill?”
“What do you want me to say? She fucked me over.” His gaze was lost.
“No, don’t let this change your kind heart. You’re better than this.” She tried to make him feel better, while also trying to comfort herself.
How do you let go of someone who was never even yours anyways?
“I’d like to be alone.”
Edit: A/N: I forgot to mention (because my emotions were at the max) that the head ups for the cheating idea goes to @lyarr24 -Any resemblance with reality is mere coincidence-
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ly0nstea · 7 months
My thoughts on the final special, skip to the end if you just want the review and not my hilarious commentary as i watched
The ringing in armins ears was a very nice touch
Armoured titan continues to do all the heavy lifting
Uh ohhhh
Adding scenes with onyankopon at the fort was nice
Getting to see more of the nine was really nice
Pieck solos fr
Pieck getting got by the tybur warhammer and reiner by porco and marcel is kinda hilarious
Connie solos frrr
Dude ymir HATES reiner bringing up his whole past
Nvm he does i just checked i forgot
Jean forgiving reiner L take jean
Why is falcos titan green
"Where's Arm- i mean, Pieck" ARUANI ARE SO WINNINGGGGGG
Booooo dont kill eren let him win
The eldians should kill all the marleyans fuck them shoot their asses
Pieck solos again
Jean does not solo bro please
Mikasa not being able to fuckung speak lmaooo
Fucking gabi tryna shoot the titans dumbass tell her ass levi
Cringe Levi L take stomp them all out he doesnt regret his choice bcuz hr knows erwin wpuldve done the based thing and wiped out humanity outside the walls
Slingshot mikasa we stan
Annie doing parkour off the spine of the titan shes the real mvp
Armin having an out of body experience
Damn armin hates himself, based tbh hes a lil bitch
Fucl yea all thosw bitches and the giraffes getting trampled
Millenia of history getting wiped out only paradis deserves to stand 💪💪💪💪
Zeke building his lil castle
Ey its the explanation
"Being alive means dying eventually" zeke youre not smart please stfu
Baby eren ❤️
Zeke and armin talking about the same thing but seeing entirely different things might genuinely be my favourite image in the entire series holy shit
Bertie boys fighring for the love of his life bros so cucked
Ymir saving reiners life bros so cucked
Fucking gabi and her stupid rifle hate that bitch
Aruani stays winning
Krugers so cool bro
Why does zeke love being naked so much
Zekes always fucking up erens shit man
Cucktoldt is back
Zeke getting to reconcile with grisha was nice
Levi gettjng the fucking brawl sound affect for killimg zeke lmaook
Booooo why didnt the baby get thrown
Imagine being the last guy to fall off that cliff thatd suck ass
Jean finally did something
Reiner continues to fucking carry the entire plan by himself
If only armin used his nuke on more civilians </3 him getting held up was sick asf tho
Gabi got to live and her parents booooo kill them all
Boooo the eldians and marleyans are working together L bozos kill the marleyans every man woman and child
How did connie figure that out
Honestly id accepy jean and connie dying if it meant gabis bloodline being ended right now
That was such a nice send off for connie and jean im kine of mad its a fake out tbh
Mikasa stop getting fucking headaches and do your job holy shit
Uh oh cabin time
The why are you crying symmetry oo
Cabin erens a lil bitch
Mikasas cut looks so good in this
Mikasas such a traitor
Mikasas a necrophiliac and ymirs a voyeur
Child armin looks so mich like a girl in mappas style
Whys he tryna make mikasa the mc in the last chapter 🤡🤡🤡
Eren killed his own mom what a madlad
Get rocked eren
Whys armins face like rhat
Its the "worst manga panel of all time"
A sea of blood thats beautiful
80% not enough it shouldve been 90% with only the 10% on paradis left
"Im sure the hell we went through has happened over and over" i actually dont think this has happened before armin
Gross hes holding hair and teeth
"It was at out feet but you were always looking at the distance" is a very nice allegory for freedom and drive
0/10 armin didnt kiss him as well
Still mad we dont get to see anyone elses converstions with eren, especially floch
Pieck is so unserious
gabi on screen 0/10 finale
"Give him a proper burial" his is ass does NOT deserve that
"Prove it" cant prove a negative dumbass this is why marley deserves to die theyre all dumbasses
Ymirs all grown up and is it too early to say—
Erehisu stans are so fucking fuming rn holy shit
Nicoli on screen 0/10 finale
Reiner please calm down for 2 seconds
Can gabi and falco please fuck off
Paradis looks so pretty
Mikasa never threw away the scarf smh
Love the idea that shiganshina becomes a fucking cyberpunk capital and not just a big city
Anyway all jokes aside, the ending still feels a bit inconsequential seeing that no one dies in the final battle, considering how the rest of the show was. Eren's still a coward and a pussy and his inability to act with decisiveness is the reason shiganshina (and presumably the rest of Paradis) is inevitably destroyed, it also proves the Jaegarists point that no matter what happens theyll never stop trying to wipe out eldians, even centuries after titans are wiped out. Eren lied to the people of Paradis and got them killed so like 8 people could live half decent lives cleaning up his mess, most hollow victory of all time. Over all its like a 7/10 ending, there isnt any other way it really could have ended comsidering the story. The new paradis emblem is so fucming cool tho holy shit. Get Rumbled Stay Humbled.
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jonmyblaze · 9 months
Uncle Wilson theTerminator.
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Slade Wilson wasn't even looking for the girl, he was just on a kill mission but NoOoo...
apparently this little teenage blue haired twerp just TELEPORTED right in front of him after he sliced up another one of his targets.
Crap and now she's crying to.
And Christ the lungs on her. Not even Joey had that's strong of a lung
Oh look a whole minute. And now she's taking a breath.
Lian Harper remembered the Pain, she hated the teleportation, the heartache of being ripped away from her family
oh she fucking hated it it took her years but she hated it. She had finally gotten a chance to hug her father(see Green arrow 2023 #1)
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But now she was ripped away again. Fuck.
Not even 10 minutes not even 10 fucking minutes that she could have with her own fucking dad without disappearing to God knows where, with blood and death and it looks like a meat grinder went off and killed everything in its path.
Her life was hell.
She just wanted to be with her family dad Uncle dick Donna! Ollie Wally conner. Anybody
Even mom. Fuck she forgot to tell Mom. Shit she dropped the mask.
She was alone. And Mom couldn't even find her. all because she wanted to hug her father.
It took the girl 10 minutes to finally calm down from crying. But still she knew how to wipe off the blood in less than a minute. That was strange. She even made sure to have none of the blood on her clothing.
"Who are you kid"
Slade wanted to know, no normal teenager would just teleport directly in front of his Carnage without some reason of being here.
"My name is l-Lian. " The girl with blue hair answered, almost unsure that was her own name.
"Well Where the hell did you come from Lian." That ignited something defensive in her it seemed.
"what's it to you? What, are you a cop? "
"So that I could send you back. To wherever the fuck you came from"
"Why the hell would you do that? Are you Fed? Black ops? cop? "
Because I don't want to deal with extra terrestrial bullshit. "
slade Wilson knew that if some random teenager teleported in front of you it's better to deal with their issues and then forget about that entire adventure it was best for his own sanity.
" Ha! Good luck with that." She smiled a bitter smile." I'm cursed"
Cursed kid? Sheesh
Kid I deal with the supernatural and mortal realm, I think you're exaggerating things
No! I'm not ! every time I'm with in my family I just get teleported to another part of the fucking Earth. I can't even hug my own damn father without being violently thrown across the planet."she was breaking again, she was going to cry slade did not want that.
He already had dealt with her for 10 fucking minutes of crying, pathetic ugly subs.
he did not want to be in that position again.
""I I just wanted to be with my family. Just want my dad. I'll take Mom even."
It was said on that day, The mercenary's heart grew three sizes that day. Or shrunk six sizes and just wanted to deal with the child and get her out of his hair. Depends on how you look at it.
Deathstroke removed his mask
Lian looked at the man, he was grizzled old and with gray hair, wearing an eye patch.
A grizzled old pirate assassin? Just her fucking luckz, can't get a good education because teleporting can't be with Dad because teleporting, can't be with Grandpa Ollie because he's fucking dead, can't go to Dinah can't go to Connor Lian was fucked and all she has was this damn fucking old assumingly assassin.
Why in all that is holy was she cursed to have such a life of pain and misery what did she do?, At least she could fucking remember what her dad looks like. At least he remembered her name now.
Something's going on with the timelines she did not know but this was her fucking life, and if she has to use some grizzled asshole to get uncursed or find Mom she would use them.
Turning Real tears and fake tears into bargaining power against mercenaries was one of Lian's top skills. Even if that was only against mother.
"I'll make you a deal child,
You give me information on your family names, addresses and stuff like that that I could use to hunt them down and then once we get this whole teleporter situation under wraps then you could be with your family happily ever after..
You'll be safe alive with your family in no time."
Lian was desperate where was she to go, this wasn't Gotham this wasn't any other cities she was used to,
It was some kind of bunker in the middle of nowhere, she already looked around the premises and everything like Mom would have wanted her to. Like Dad would have wanted her to. And there was nothing.
If this will get her home this would be the only chance she has
*"You mean it?"she asked with a false innocence. She had to get home she couldn't take it anymore. No more teleporting no more bullshit.
"I promise I'll do everything in my power to ensure that you return home to your family"
Slade Wilson thought this would be easy.
Oh how he wished it was easy
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stealthnoodle · 1 year
Hyrule's Bravest Little Toaster: Let's Play Tears of the Kingdom
I am very good at game, no really I swear
All my underground fumblings led to unlocking upgrades for my Purah Pad and life is so much better now. Sensor! Sensor+! Hero's Path! Game, don't challenge me to log more than 256 hours, I WILL DO IT
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I might log that many in the underground alone at this rate lol
Look, A/B/O isn't even my jam, but these mushrooms have big throbbing knots and I'm not afraid to say so:
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I found an place to Ascend that popped me right into the Travel Medallion tower I was vaguely headed for. What a lovely coincidence!
Greetings, my good fellows! Lovely day to pop up through the floor of a building, isn't it? I do so hope I'm not intruding, but could I trouble you for a spot of tea or—oh, I see, there's something you'd like to show me outside. Is it more sharp objects? I never tire of those, my good chaps!
As ever, I fight with honor:
As long as I'm above ground I might as well poke around Akkala for a bit
This trial turned out to be jenga, not a toxic beauty standard coming for my body hair, phew:
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I solved bones with more bomb arrows and bones birthed MY BIG SON:
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My other big son jump scared me when I gently alighted upon a ledge:
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Fine, fine, we'll do your plot shit now, little man.
I just magically glued a minecart to a sword. Am I TOO powerful and attractive???
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Whatever's running around in Zelda's body just made a three-headed dragon erupt out of Death Mountain to avoid having a conversation. Honestly? Good for her. Whomst among us, etc.
My Goron pal jumped down the hole in the crater and I immediately followed, because I will jump into any hole that presents itself to me. I'm doing my best Bane riffs on "You merely adopted the hole; I was born in it, molded by it" when suddenly oops I'm on fire
I refuse to dress for anything but fashion so I sure hope these elixirs keep me alive!
[Ron Howard voice] They did not.
I have also lost track of my big son (non-sword edition) so eh, I'll come back later
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Time to wander the surface world and solve more problems heroically:
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• If the devs didn't expect me to stand here for upwards of five minutes while my gadgets slowly whittle away the health of the constructs, they were sorely mistaken. I could easily spend twice as long just thinking, huh, I've had the mushroom fashion hat for so long that I forgot Link's hair isn't naturally a sleek pink bob.
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vicstmichael · 2 years
Tag Game: Find the Words
Y'all know I love these. Thanks for the tag, @artcoffeecats 🖤 I'll be pulling from The Fourth Key once again this time around, I think I forgot to say that last time I did this!
My words are: bound, scream, silence, prove, and scan.
How could he bear it, Kieryn wondered, sequestered here day in and day out, doing nothing but read his maps and spellbooks? His skin was pale and sallow, much like Arabella’s, and Kieryn realized that his life of solitude was not much different than that of his twin far away in Orinthe. Only Arabella was bound within the castle walls by their parents, while Antony had been discarded by them.
“So why does Brynja want it?” Arabella's hand was at her throat, running absently along the outline of the key beneath her tunic. “We knew each other as girls. Surely she wouldn’t… Well, in any case, I thought Order Agents were uninterested in power.”  “Only the ones who join up by their own will,” Gideon replied. “Not all Highborns who go away to join the Orders go quietly like yer brother did, m’lady. And rumour has it Brynja Echethier went kickin’ and screamin’. She may’ve renounced her claim to Eyresaine, but make no mistake, in her mind that title’s still hers.” “Bringing home the Fourth Tome would be a sure way to curry her family’s favour,” Mathe mused aloud. “A public assassination isn’t exactly a subtle way of starting things off,” Kieryn pointed out.
“Do you think we’re in danger?” Arabella whispered. She wriggled out of Kieryn’s grip, already reaching for her bow.  “No more than usual,” Kieryn lied. Mathe was right—there was no way of knowing what would happen with Arabella onboard. This was a place of dark magick. Chaos magick. Kieryn could feel it, humming far beneath the waves. But it felt wrong, somehow, leaving a metallic taste in her mouth. It called to her Gyft. Even now she could feel it, stoking its embers and spreading fire through her unwilling veins. Arabella rolled her eyes, catching the lie as soon as it left Kieryn’s lips. “You’re scared,” she accused. “I can tell.” “There’s dark magick here,” Kieryn admitted after a long, reluctant silence. She stepped aside as they reached the ladder to the crew’s quarters, gesturing for Arabella to descend first. “Well, corrupted magick. Like it’s gone sour or something. And there’s no telling how it’ll interact with… well, you. And I don’t care to find out.”
Arabella sniffed indignantly as she loosed another arrow. Thock. “Mother always said Antony’s Gyft would be wasted here,” she replied. “That the Order of Terras would bring him opportunities we could not. She made out like it was some grand tradition, but we all know she’s full of shit.” A barking laugh burst from Kieryn’s lips before she could stop it. “My Lady!” She grinned. “Such foul language. You’ll cause a scandal.” Arabella rolled her eyes, but her high cheekbones were pink again. “Well, it’s true. The two of them are all too happy to pretend Antony doesn’t exist. Like he’s been shoved into the closet, along with all the other skeletons my family’s been hiding. They’re ashamed of us both, I think, in different ways. Supposedly I’ve been confined here for my protection, but they know as well as I do that I’m perfectly capable of protecting myself.” As if to prove her point, she released another arrow. They both watched as it struck the target dead centre, just as the others had.
The leader of the group removed her hood to reveal a shock of red hair secured in an elaborate plait. Her hooded eyes scanned the room as the group approached the bartop, flicking back and forth. “This is the place?” murmured the robed man closest to the red-haired woman. He was tall and thin, and the way he stooped when he walked reminded Kieryn of a living gargoyle. “Yes,” the woman answered. Her voice was smooth, husky, almost sultry. Her eyes flicked across the room again, flashing amethyst. “I do believe so.”  Kieryn took note of the silver sickle strapped to the woman’s back. The weapon radiated magick—Kieryn could feel it from across the room. Her Gyft stirred inside her; its flames licked the inside of her belly. Her skin crawled. That is one powerful weapon.
I never know what the appropriate length is for these things, haha. Some 'Kierbella' scenes this time! Did I make up a ship name for my own characters? Yes. Yes I did.
I'll tag @scribe-of-stories, @writeblrfantasy, @brieflyinfatuated and @ashirisu! Your words are: gentle, curse, forgive, star and endless.
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"What are you planning with us?" Juliano demands.
He's bound in webs again, Domain and Forum on either side of him. Well, they are Domain and Forum, but they've been reverted back to Guardians. It was an incredibly painful process for them and harrowing for him to watch.
During the process, Cookie had said something about 'temporary Admins'. He hoped that meant some other Admins had taken over for Domain and Forum.
They still retained all their memories, thankfully, but he knew that they were scared more than ever now.
"It's simple." she giggles. "I'll be using you three to bring back Byte!"
"WHAT?!" Juliano shouts as Forum and Domain recoil. "Bring Byte back?! Are you crazy?!"
"Nope! Just in love!" she sighs dreamily, and the former ringmaster pulls a face.
"H-How.. how are we.. going to help you?" Forum asks, voice scratchy and hoarse.
"Simple." Cookie grins at them. "I'm just going to use your codes, pull up his memory banks, and then put them in!"
All three stared at her.
"How the hell did you become an Admin?" Domain questions, narrowing his eyes. "That is a child's plan.."
"A plan is a plan!" she chirps, too happy.
"Listen, you can't do this." Juliano tries to reason with her. "Byte can't be brought back."
"Yes, he can, and I'm going to." Cookie retorts as she turns her attention back to the command box in front of her.
"Oh for the love of- You can't bring back something that doesn't have a soul anymore!" Juliano shouts.
"Shut up." Cookie sneers. "You have no clue what you're talking about! You're just a former Avatar!"
"And so what?" he glares. "I was personally told what happened!"
"Then that means you could be lied to!" the Admin snaps, and she slams her fist against the command box. The webs tying the trio up suddenly lash out and connect to one another.
There's only a brief second before searing hot pain envelopes their bodies and they scream.
Cookie doesn't turn her attention away from the command box, what she was doing demanding her full attention.
Though then she remembered.
Juliano's code was half there. It was half present, half functioning. That, and she didn't have the backed up files of Byte's memories.
"Shit!" she cries, trying to stop the process. It was too late, though.
It was started, and there wasn't any going back.
Cookie rubs her eyes and she finally looks at what is supposed to be Byte.. but isn't.
There, collapsed on the ground, is someone who looks like Juliano. His hair is brown and was in a ponytail, stopping in the middle of his back, and she can see there's a streak of black and white going through his hair. He wore the same clothes as Juliano did, a ringmaster outfit, but it was blue and red, and so was his hat as well. His skin tone was the same as Juliano's as well. Over his closed eyes were two arrows, a red fading to purple one pointing up over his left eye and a blue fading to white one pointing down over his right eye.
Cookie winces. This.. was not how this was meant to go!
She rushes over to the man and kneels down, gently shaking him. "Hey! Hey, come on, get up! I can't lose you!"
A soft groan comes from him and the Admin backs up as he sits up.
"Who.. are you?" he asks as he opens his eyes. Cookie jolts, seeing his pupils were a 3 and 4. Oh no.
"I'm.. Cookie! Your creator!" she smiles despite the situation. She stands up and helps him up. "Uh, a little fluke happened.. but it's nothing I can't fix!"
"A fluke..?" he frowns. "What kind..?"
"I forgot some code and memories, that's all." Cookie laughs nervously. "It's nothing I can't fix soon, don't worry!"
As he nods, Cookie stops to think. That had drained her massively, keeping the process up and running. It'd be a while until she could try and fix this.
"Alright.. Bit!" she claps her hands together. "You're gonna help me get power back, and then I'll be able to fix what happened!"
Bit stares at her before nodding, face determined. "Of course."
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diesillianerbuibm · 1 year
Love at first night
Yeah this first night
didn’t know you
but eyes shut big smile
“but what colour are your eyes ”
didn’t want me to leave
faces got closer i got naive
Amor aimed that arrow at me 
like on “fairly odd parents” on TV
and left me bleeding out
with the memories of her unpainted mouth
Next morning no interest
like nothing ever happened
maybe it is for the best
got this new feeling since we met
it’s just not right
like Elvis said she’s the devil in disguise
probably right person wrong time
never had that feeling
like that butterflies i got next morning
like that night it was late she was yawning 
like the butterflies when she was smiling
like the excitement when she was calling
maybe i should focus on myself and shed this skin
or maybe not cause I’m full of dopamin, maybe I’ll be better than I’ve ever been
big smile eyes shut, no lust just love
nobody managed to make me feel so soft
even if it was at night, drunk and lost
She said she didn’t like the music they were playing
so we just talked until the music had no meaning
forgot the time and we were planning all of it
no whats your favourite color type of shit
shes on my wish-list 
but i guess Santa doesn’t exist
she’s as beautiful as unique
on her legs she got tattooed the sign of peace
only baggy clothing not one tight piece
and i look at you checking all your pockets, probably the paranoia 
getting closer i think it’s obvious that i adore ya
conversation was smooth like the change of the season
you don’t want me, give me a reason
you didn’t bring a jacket, than you asked if i could give you mine
when you put in on it felt like we were stuck in time
chaos on the dance floor, holding her hand
and pulling her to the exit door, away from the band
so she said that i would do that for everyone
for every girl, but i responded she’s a special one
said she’d give me a plus point
and that I didn’t disappoint, and that she enjoyed every minute that I joined
with her its like we share the same sort of brain
so I texted her and see if I could let a fool explain
“so would you like to go on a date
can’t accept a no after yesterday”
but than theres this sound that got me fax
it was my phone i got a text
i thought should i read it 
or wait and leave it on the desk
than i heard this other vibration
picked it up and it said meet me at the station
my feet pacing
then she wanted to talk about her situation
got another guy so she wanted separation
my heart racing, my mind raging
She gave me my jacket and I was acting
I was acting tough, acting like it didn’t mean as much, acting like i don’t give a fuck
but it did, so after we met I spend the whole day in bed thinking bout that one night
the way that her eyes shined 
the way that she twisted my mind
the way that her hair looked from the side
the way she looked me in the eyes
the way my jacket fit her right
Maybe i should give it another try
ask her again and hope for a reply
or maybe i should leave it like that
and do nothing i’d after regret
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Inuyasha - Chapter 11 of 559...
Chapter Index
BE AWARE: These first few scanlated chapters are read from left to right...
As Kagome tries to clamber up the hair, Inuyasha pulls the sword out of his hand and attacks Yura with it. (OH MY GOD. I FORGOT TO KEEP DOING THE INUYASHA INJURY COUNT! Anyway, there were too many, I forgot).
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Kagome identifies the skull that is different from all the other skulls. Yura does some hair stuff and flies towards Kagome.
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Yura pulls all the hair up, causing Kagome to fall down.
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But Kagome doesn't fall all the way. She grabs hold of the eye socket of one of the skulls. (I can't remember if this is just any old skull or the special skull, but it is not plot relevant either way.)
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Yura captures Kagome in her hair and tries to cut her arms off, but Yura deftly notes that Kagomes arms are still attached. And that she does not appear to have any burns on her.
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So she's like, "Hey. Why don't I just cut your head off."
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And Inuyasha's like, "Hey. Why don't I shoot blood sickles at you and cut off your other arm.
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The nest becomes completely destabilized, but Yura manages to run Inuyasha through on her sword...AGAIN.
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Yura is going in for a lethal attack on Kagome...
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...when Kagome uses one of the arrows she picked up earlier and manages to chip through the special skull...
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Inside the special skull, she finds a comb.
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When she shatters the comb using her arrow, Yura disappears.
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This is something that I absolutely love: ordinary objects being imbued with magical powers. In this case, it was a comb that had Yura's soul attached to it. There isn't a lot of discussion throughout the series on how this works. At one point towards the middle, you have a lot of demons collecting 100 men's hides or draining the blood of 100 people, but that's more about a demon regaining strength instead of attaching one's soul to an object. Onigumo just makes a verbal agreement. Either way, it doesn't really matter. I just love this shit.
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Alright, it's time to go home...but wait!
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"What now," you ask, Inuyasha? Well...it's the first time you've called her by her name!
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But it certainly won't be the last.
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Chapter Index
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A Jace Herondale short story
The rain was softly hitting the window of the busstop as the black sky finaly breaks lose. Jace takes a step back to avoid the rain the wind blows into the busshelter. If there is something Jace hates more than rain, it’s waiting. “If Alec would just hurry up.” Jace mumbles irritated. Bus 213 towards city centre stops in front of him. The doors open, but Jace doesn’t seem to want to get in. The bus driver backs up the bus a bit so he can look at Jace. “What are you waiting for?” The man asks to Jace´s annoyance. He should have made himself invisible to the mundane. He was going to but he forgot in his hurry. “Get in!” “No, thanks.” Jace tells him nonchalantly. “This is the last bus of tonight, young man. Are you sure you want to be out here in this wheater?” The man points up at the sky as if Jace couldn’t grasp that he was talking about the threathening clouds above them. “Do you watch the news?” The man asks to Jace’s surprise. “A boy from your age found dead not more than 500 meters from here. Not a single drop of blood left in his body. And his heart. His heart was ripped out.”
"I don't see anyting," says Jace. A blonde strand of his thick hair falls before his eyes, but he is too focused to wipe it away. "If you hadn't be flirting with that girl, we wouldn't have lost him!" Alec says obviously irritated. With his trusted bow and quiver with arrows on his back, he follows Jace further into the dark alley. "I wasn't flirting." Jace´s sword gives a soft glow in the darkness. "My invisibility rune was activated, but still she could see me." Alec frowns, but doesn't say anything. "Yes, exactly!" Jace exclaims without turning around he knew what his brothers reaction had been."Still," say Alec, "We're on a mission, so focus on it!" Of course, Alec had to be the serious leader. Everthing according to protocol. At the end of the alley is a light. The light clearly illuminates a shadow. "Izzy!" Jace and Alec run towards their sister to see why she is on her knees. "He's dead." Isabelle's voice is soft. Jace can now see she is kneeling next to a boy of their age. A werewolf. "Looks like the vamps and the wolfs are at war once again," says Alec. "We have to get his body out of here." "I'm not touching him. Just wait until the conclave has handeled this." Jace crosses his arms across his chest. "That is protocol, right?" Before Alec can argue, they hear sirens. The policecar stops right in front of the far side of the alley. Thanks to their runes the cops can't see them. "Shit," Jace curses. This was not good at all.
Jace looks at the busdriver with a certain coldness in his eyes that would even scare Dwanye Johnson. "Oh, I know." The man's face drains from all blood and turns an ashy white. Fast he closes the doors and drives away. Jace laughs. The mundane are so easy to scare.
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
Birds of Prey (vol. 2) #2: Endrun, pt. 2 - The Rage of the White Canary
Read Date: January 09, 2023 Cover Date:August 2010 ● Writer: Gail Simone ● Penciler: Ed Benes ◦ Adriana Melo ● Inker: Ed Benes ◦ Mariah Benes ● Colorist: Nei Ruffino ● Letterer: Steve Wands ● Editor: Janelle Asselin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● It's been a minute since I read issue 1. Argh, and there's no synopsis and I didn't take reaction notes back then. I'll just have to see if my memory gets jogged. ● (pg 2) I mean, these women all look great, but I can't help but think how unguarded their femoral arteries are considering their lives of fighting crime. Do you know how fast a person bleeds out from a wound to the femoral artery? Fast. ● Poor Penguin. I'm sure he'll be fine, though. ● this White Canary is cool as a cucumber
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● Lethal hair accessories. Cool. ● Fishnets do look amazing, ngl. ● Oof, hopefully Dinah didn't lose any teeth there… ● Narrative: She's not Shiva. You never feel Shiva's emotions when she hits you. This lady seems to hate my guts. ~ curiouser and curiouser ● If looks could kill… ● Hawk and Dove are here along with Lady Blackhawk (I forgot she's from WWII and misplaced in time) ● Hawk didn't expect that… ● Hawk has a big handful of her hair, though. Is that why his name is Hank? Geddit? Hank … of hair… nevermind. Ahem. ● Meanwhile, Oracle hears a news bulletin about a Gregory Chasco dying of wounds apparently undetectable by medical science. ● Oops, the bulletin named "former Justice League member the Black Canary" is the cause of death. ● The Channel 8 chopper has eyes on Black Canary now ● Oracle yells in the intercom: "Black Canary! Quit fighting! Get out of there!" ● 12 squad cars and a police chopper are on the way. Oops. ● Before White Canary leaves, she says: "One of you will die every hour for the next six hours. You choose. Or I will." ● GCPD ain't playin'. ● Before they can decide on whether to be shot or to surrender, Penguin regains consciousness enough to tell the women weakly, "My place. Get us to my club. Safe there." ● Fight or flight? Canary chooses fight and unleashes her canary cry ● omg, Oswald has a facefull of Dove's tits and he's living for it 😂😂
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● Oliver Queen was mayor of Star City? Huh. I'm not up-to-date on my Green Arrow lore. ● new person calling in to Oracle… Brian Durlan a.k.a. Savant a.k.a. Creote? ● the coloring of Oracle's eyes up close is gorgeous ● "Savant is dead, Oracle. He's dead." ● Oh, so this Creote is a different person. And he's blaming Savant's death on Oracle. ● Oh, fuuuu… I hope Barbara has a good therapist. ● Penguin needs a hospital ● "softly pillowy bosom" - hahah! ● the crew runs into a random tv set up in an alley, where another news bulletin has breaking news of Black Canary's true identity. Oh shit. ● is White Canary the child who was "abandoned"? That would explain some of the hatred… ● the girl's name is Sin and she was almost adopted by Black Canary ● Oracle: "I am the grid." Badass mode unlocked. I mean, she was always a badass. But now it's badderass. ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: {none available… dammit}
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Fan Art: Black Canary and Huntress by spidermanfan2099
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batgirl to Oracle - episode 09
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prettytanuki · 11 months
s02ep01 of Mushoku Tensei
Yay, everybody's most hated anime finally started!
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"Hey, you, you're finally awake!"
Spoilers below!
So the episode starts and the first thing I see isn't the image above but... this:
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Is this Rudeus? Why is he blushing? Can't trust blushing in this anime!
(it wasn't Rudeus lol!)
>Do I need to answer that?
Wow I see Rudeus became a snarky ass anti-social hikineet again.
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She literally snapped (the arrow).
>I'd like a room for a month, please.
A whole month? So he's going to start searching from here?
lol he just left a pile of coin and went in
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My boy, erm, man, is down bad.
This is kinda creepy ngl
>I'm not travelling to get over my heartbreak. I need to find Zenith.
Who is Zenith?
Oh yeah, his, his mom. I, I think...??? (or was it his sister???)
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Wow now this is some tropey bullshit.
Ever since wild west movies you can't enter a goddamn tavern without everyone looking at door and making comments. It's like they sit in these tables just waiting for someone to enter through them doors. Like dude what were you even doing there before Rudeus walked through? Weren't you having a conversation? Drinking? Or were you like "hey bro keep watch on the door while I take a sip."
>Excuse me, would you mind helping me officially disband my party?
Oh, so that's what he went there for.
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Just hand the tag, Rudeus, gosh, stop being so melodramatic!
>Did his party get wiped out?
Uh... no?
So did nobody notice what his party name was? I thought that would be important? I guess it's not that famous outside the... whatever that demon region was called.
>What about your party? >I work alone.
ok, kirito, calm down
wow he had a panic attack?
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what... what is he touching in there
is it... it's her hair isn't it
bro is down bad
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Every time I see a scene like this I can't help but think that this person only looks after Rudeus because he looks like a kid and if he looked his original way she would just kick him out.
Sad but that's what I learned from Cheat Skill: people are (jusfiably tbh) prejudiced against fatass hikineets (u_u)
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Is he talking about his sister or Eris...?
(come to think of it, wasn't his sister already found? Gee, I completely forgot everything that happened in season 1!)
>touches Eris hair as a group of dudebros walk by
Rudy... bro...
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Haha haha. Brutal.
Just dumping salt on the wound aren't ya!
>you're early
I thought he was diligent, but I guess he just didn't sleep.
Something I noticed rewatching:
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>I can cast spells without an incantation >the girls: *didn't even hear that* >the two magic guys: :o (holy shit) >the sword guy: huh? (what are them reacting about???)
I guess you could say this is a big deal for some. And others have no idea about it.
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>he doesn't shake her hand
Stop being so melodramatic, Rudeus, jesus christ, they aren't even dead!
So the leader isn't the strongest. He sounds like the weakest, in fact.
I'm glad they have a healer. If I remember correctly it's the one thing Rudeus can't do.
Tsundere girl on full power AGAIN I see.
>you might part ways with us and party with other adventurers someday.
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No, dude, they're using her to teach YOU!
>They can't see well in the dark, right?
I'm glad Rudeus actually learned something in his adventures. What an experienced adventurer he grew up (?) into!
PSA: adventurer isn't a stable job. Please don't be like him.
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Why do I feel like that's not the case for Rudeus...
>then, what if I joined close range?
>the last person I saw cast silently was a teacher in my school days
It's that rare...
Wait how old is this guy.
He has lines under his eyes so I guess he must be extremely old (like 30 years old or more (sorry ;p)).
With that long hair, scarf and physique he looks like a character from some BL. Which one of the two other party guys would people ship him with?
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Guy you're talking to probably had his old party members die on him or some shit, your issues are NOTHING compared to *gestures around*
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How nice of the monsters to stay together still in one spot where you can just blast them off the planet with one big explosion magic.
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>mage, whispering: exa-flame >BOOOM
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>he chants whispering again
Why is he whispering. That explosion was fucking loud. The monsters woke up already.
>he does it again
You know what I think that's just how he speaks.
What is Rudeus listening to on the ground?
>it's too late
Did he see it with his eye?
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Jesus christ, he was about to suicide by monster grizzly bear attack.
Stop giving everyone trouble, Rudeus. Cast some spell...
Wow the healer actually heals.
>Why isn't everyone running?
You think you can outrun a bear? Humans are better at long distance endurance you know.
>of course I know why they stand and fight
Because... they gonna die if they don't???
Sorry is this supposed to be deep?
>goes grope Eris embarrassing hair bundle again
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Is this supposed to be character development?
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I can't believe this lazy sack of shit did nothing the entire fight just to step up last moment and seize the hero spot.
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Oh it's the melting snow thing again.
This gets a pass.
Because it looks badass.
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This looks like it could make a good wallpaper.
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Love at first sight!
If tsundere switches because of his power level I swear to god...
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What is this. Blood? Mud? Fire burns? Cold burns? An EoE reference? I don't even know.
I'm glad Rudeus can actually loot things like a proper adventurer.
I'm also VERY GLAD this is actual looting in this series and none of that "monster disappears and turns into Japanese-style bath tub drop item" kind of bullshit.
The fact that he can say "thank you" in scenes like these is probably one of the best parts of this series.
One thing I noticed rewatching:
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They're shaking hands NOW because he didn't shake her hand when they left. This went over my head the first time.!
>more tavern antagonism
Stop acting like NPCs, NPCs...
>everyone: fuck off foreigner >:( *xenophobes* >foreigner: we'll buy everyone a round of drinks! >everyone: uh, yeah ur alright :3
Leader is paladin class I see.
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>Rudeus! Rudeus! Rudeus! Rudeus!
please stop
this is cringe
he just cast one spell
y'all spoiling him
>hand in pocket
wait what
no way
It's the panties. The holy relic.
Jesus christ.
>what the hell am I doing?
What the hell are you doing really!
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You know despite the voice actor's terrific voice acting it's kinda hard to take you seriously when you're pressing your teacher's stolen panties against your face like that.
I'm glad he finally came to terms that NOBODY EVEN FUCKING DIED YET.
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Wow such an impact...ful.. scene... i... guess????
Okay, so we have both good news and bad news.
Good news is... he isn't into the redhead loli.
Bad news is... he's really into the teacher loli.
Sad news is... best loli is the crazy demon lord loli and I'm afraid we won't be graced by her absolutely psychopathic presence again so soon. But we will one day I hope. Think of it like this Rudeus was born with two eyes, right, so what I'm saying is... does that count as foreshadowing??? Please???
So new season starts with now-veteran adventurer Rudy getting into a new party and he will probably use their help to search for his mother (?) Zenith.
All things ranted one thing we get in this anime that we don't normally get is a character having started his adventurer job from zero in a world, leaving a party, then forming a new party and showing off his experience.
Normally it's start from zero OR start with full experience.
Refreshing that we get to see both ways for once.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Fluffcember Day 13: Sibling Rivalry
My prompt for Day 13 of Fluffcember is Snowball fight.
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix)
Genre: Humor and Fluff
Characters: Marie, Simon, Anna Belmon & Greta
Length: 1328 words
[Ao3 Link]
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The icy winter cold seemed to be cutting into Marie's fingers, as she focused on her target. It was just a training target, but it had to do for now. She did not want to torture a poor animal with her still less than perfect archery skills – not that her parents would allow her to go hunting for at least two more years.
She let go of the string and the arrow flew… and hit the outer ring of the target.
“Fuck,” she cussed, as she took out another arrow. Why was she still so bad at this? She had trained since autumn and should be great, really. While she would probably never be a bloody monster hunter – not that she wanted to – she still wanted to help her little town by hunting down some game from time to time. Just as aunt Greta did – or her papi.
She tried to remember what Greta had told her. Breathing was important. She had to breath out in the moment she let go of the string. Hence she tried to focus on her breathing. In and out. In and out. Calm down, she reminded herself. You can do this. You are a Belmont after all! The target seemed to be so much closer suddenly. She was certain she could do it this time. She let go…
And something hit her right into the back of the head, sending her arrow flying somewhere into the forest.
Marie did not even have to turn around to know who the culprit was. “Simon!” she growled and threw her bow into the snow.
The blond-haired boy was laughing at her. Even though he was five and a half years younger than her, he looked about her age, because that stupid dhampir bastard was growing so much quicker. It really wasn't fair. “You look stupid!” he teased, as she quickly gathered up some snow to take her revenge.
Of course revenge was not easy. With superhuman speed he vanished seemingly into air, only to appear behind her, throwing another snowball.
Somehow Marie managed to evade. She really did not have those stupid hunter reflexes her father was always talking about, but she knew her stupid little brother. Throwing her snowball she at least managed to hit his shoulder.
It sucked so much to be the only human in her entire fucking family! Why did nobody get it?
“You throw like a girl,” Simon laughed. “Oh, I forgot, you are one!”
He really had a knack for making her blood boil! Why was she cursed with a stupid brother like this? What had she done to deserve it? She ran for him, trying to grapple him before he disappeared, but once again, nothing of this shit was bloody fair.
That asshole little brother of hers could even fly. So fucking unfair!
“Simon! Marie!” That indignant shout belonged to the youngest Belmont child. Anna. Who had either been outside the entire time – fuck did Marie know – or had heard them and came to intervene. Because of course she had to intervene. Little miss perfect.
At least it distracted Simon for a split second, allowing Marie to grab him. She was maybe not a good hunter, but she did manage to take him by surprise and throw him face first into the snow. He yelped in surprise, before she pressed his head further down into the icy cold. Not that he felt cold that much. Again: Unfair.
“Marie,” groaned Anna and came over to them, her step light. She was a dhampir, too, though her hair was fiery red like their mother’s. “Let him go.”
Marie grunted. “He started it.” She really did not like the idea of letting her brother go. He deserved a little revenge.
“Don't get down on his level,” Anna chided. “You are just…”
She did not get any further, as Simon broke lose. Even Marie had not seen it coming, as it was now her who slammed face first into the snow.
“I don't need your help, lil' sis,” he said, making Anna groan once more.
“I am not trying to help you, I am just saying you should stop behaving like little kids and grow up!” Cute of her to say, of course, considering she was only six years old – though she looked like nine or ten.
“Make me.” Marie could almost hear her brother grin, before he let go of her – no doubt attacking the younger sister.
Anna was not cursed with being a human though. While Marie's stupid mortal eyes had a hard time following, she could make out her sister evading the incoming hand full of snow, as she almost fairy like glid back over the snow, her feet barely breaking through it.
Next thing Marie knew, Anna had managed to grapple Simon. While he was half a head taller than her, she managed to hold his hand behind his back. “Now stop it!” she grunted.
“Stupid bitch!” Simon protested and tried to break free.
Out of the two of them, Anna had the greater strength for one reason or another. She easily kept him held.
“Just stop annoying Marie,” she asked. “You two are so embarrassing. We should be role models, you know?”
“Role model yourself,” Simon spat.
And Marie could not help but see a chance. While her sister was still wrestling Simon, she formed another snow ball and tried to focus. Then she threw it and – somehow – actually fucking managed it: She hit Simon in his stupid face.
“You!” he groaned, when an exasperated sigh sounded from right behind Marie.
“What are you kids doing again?” The voice was all-too familiar to Marie of course.
She turned around to see her aunt standing behind her, arms akimbo, looking at them with a gaze that told her, she was not surprised, but still felt let down.
“We are just having a snowball fight.” Simon tried to play innocent.
“Simon is just an idiot,” Marie said and did her best to give her voice a firm tone.
Anna looked at their aunt. “They are arguing again.”
“Simon started it,” Marie quickly said, before she could stop herself. That sounded totally childish. Stupid her.
Greta, of course, still saw her as a child – even though Marie was already 13. She ruffled Marie's brown hair, before going over to the struggling dhampir children. “Let him go, Anna.”
And Anna listened, of course. Nobody did argue with Greta, after all.
“So, did you start it, Simon?” Greta asked.
Simon shrugged, not looking at her. “I just threw a snowball.”
“And why did you do it?”
“Because I felt like it. It's just a fucking snowball.”
“It is still not a nice thing to do just like that,” Greta said.
At this he grunted.
“And you?” Greta looked at Anna.
“I just tried to get them to stop.”
This made their town's major sigh. “Of course you did.” She shook her head. “All three of you. You need to learn to get along. You are not little children anymore.”
Marie did no look at her aunt. Of course she was not a little child anymore? But what was she to fucking do, when Simon just kept being a dick? She crossed her arms and Greta sighed.
“Simon. Say you're sorry.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Simon.” There was a dangerous tone in Greta's voice now.
Simon just crossed his arms as well.
This got him to sigh. “Fine,” he groaned. “I'm sorry.”
“Now look at your sister, while you say it,” Greta said.
Simon rolled his eyes, before looking at Marie. “I am sorry, okay?”
Marie shrugged. “Fine.”
At this display of affection Greta just shook her head. “You know what? I can use some help in the smithy. So all three of you will help.”
Looking over at her stupid brother, Marie sighed. She loved helping Greta – though she could most certainly do without Simon. Still she smiled at her aunt. “Of course.”
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