#a: neon gelatin
coredrill · 7 months
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dandelionpenguin · 2 months
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Woohoo fruit jelly!!!!
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lalexxiaart · 1 year
Gelatinous Cube Earrings
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bobauthorman · 1 year
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writemekpop · 1 year
Five Nights in Tokyo | Jung Jaehyun
Summary: Living in Tokyo with your new husband Jaehyun was your dream – but you feel suffocated. When you abandon him with no explanation, he is furious.
Genre: Angst, suggestive, newly weds AU
Word Count: 1.2k 
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“Where the hell have you been?” your new husband Jaehyun asks, springing up from the bed. You close the door behind you.
You look around the small, dirty one-room you are sharing in Tokyo. Empty coffee cups teeter in the sink, crumbs litter the bedspread. It disgusts you.
Jaehyun’s cheeks seem hollow, his gorgeous hazel hair in disarray. “It’s been five days. I thought I would have to drag the river for you.” He looks furious. “Where have you even been sleeping?”
You remember the lewd neon street signs welcoming you into smoky bars, a new one every night. You lingered till the bouncer threw you out. In the day, you made a habit of holding coffees in cheap cafes until their owners, too, asked you to move on. You slept whenever you could, as if you might never sleep again.
“Here and there,” you say.
Jaehyun’s chest heaves. “You left me here with no money, no food, no drink. Not even a cigarette! Do you know how cold Tokyo is in December?” A shiver runs through him.
“Oh, don’t be dramatic. You’re always so dramatic,” you say. You would do anything to make Jaehyun stop speaking right now.
“I came here for you, remember?” Jaehyun says. He is standing now, the muscles in his neck and arms rigid. “I moved halfway across the world for you and your fancy new job. When you met me in Seoul, I wanted to die. My heart had just been broken by my girl, the love of my life. You are cruel. You made me want to live again, just to make my final death bloodier.”
You sigh, looking over Jaehyun, through the tiny window above the sink. In the distance, the sun is setting. You wish you were out there right now. “I’ve heard this story before,” you say.
You are not looking at him, but you can feel his shivers growing stronger, frustration bubbling visibly beneath his skin. “You’ve destroyed me! You don’t- you don’t love me at all. You never did. In fact, you are incapable of loving anyone. I wonder if you even loved your own parents, or if you just stared coldly up at them, waiting for milk.”
He hurls a coffee mug against the wall. It thuds against the exposed brick, then shatters into a thousand pieces over your bed.
The sound starts an earthquake down your spine. You’re alert now.
“What you call love is just servitude,” you say. “You want me to be your obedient little wife. You can be the big strong man, bringing home the money. I’ll cook for you, clean for you, lie with you at night. One day, I’ll have your babies, and then you’ll be done with me!”
Jaehyun scoffs. “You don’t really believe that. But you say these lies, because you know they will hurt me. You’ve lied to me since the moment we met. You think I don’t know that when I kiss you, I’m kissing nobody? That when I make love to you, I’m making love to nobody? You don’t live in this room at all. You live somewhere else, somewhere far outside that window, or perhaps at the bottom of the sea.”
The sour smell of the room suffocates you. The air is as thick as gelatine. “I want to leave this room,” you say. “I want to be away from you.”
Jaehyun smiles, a bitter, hurt smile. “That is the first honest thing you have said to me.”
But he doesn’t seem to realise you are being serious. Because when you turn to leave through the door, he grabs your hand.
In your surprise, you turn and look at him.
Jaehyun has transformed.
All the anger has left his face, which now seems soft and plump. He smiles softly, his brown eyes as sweet as caramel, his beautiful eyelashes thick with tears. “I didn’t mean it,” he murmurs. “I’m not mad. I love you, baby.” He rests his chin on your shoulder. “Don’t leave me.”
This is not love, you think. Jaehyun is clinging to you like a life raft in a storm. Disgust curls your stomach.  
“You don’t love me. You need me.” you say, coldly.
Jaehyun’s gentle voice grows harsh and sarcastic. “And what were you doing in the bars and nightclubs of Tokyo? Was that love?”
Now you’re thinking of the anonymous men you accepted drinks from, their names blurring into one. You think of those five dirty minutes in the dark. You think of how your mind would wander far from what was going on between your legs. You think of the gritty, shivering hours after.
You are surprised by the wave of recognition you feel. You are no different to Jaehyun. Both of you are just searching, day in, day out, for a home. Both of you are diving into the rims of sake bottles, cigarette filters, lovers’ arms… and discovering that they are hollow at the centre.  
You turn back to Jaehyun. He is so beautiful. You trace his high, noble cheekbones, the soft shadow of his dimples, the plump purple of his lips. You are struck by an overwhelming urge to comfort him.
Pulling him close, you feel him fall to his knees against you. You coil your fingers in his bronze hair. An immeasurable moment later, you shift, and gently brush all the glass pieces off your bed.
Then, you pull him onto it. Jaehyun’s lips melt effortlessly into yours. The shape of his body fits perfectly into yours, like he is following an invisible blueprint. It feels… right.
Biology choreographs the dance. Your eager hours apart time it. It is only now that you are in Jaehyun’s arms that you realise that in all your wandering, you have been wandering back to him.
Afterwards, you both lie on the bed, completely naked. In the chill of the Tokyo night, you keep each other warm.
You kiss Jaehyun’s eyelids, his lips, his nipples, wracked with guilt. The past few days, you have abandoned him, left him alone in a strange country that he only travelled to because he loves you. You have stopped appreciating that Jaehyun is your home.
“Don’t be sad,” he says, as if he can read your mind. “We are together now.”
“Let’s get out of here,” you say. “Let’s leave this awful city. Let’s go to Seoul – we can go to your home.”
“No, not Seoul.” Jaehyun says. He pauses thoughtfully. “I don’t think I have a home there anymore. Let’s go somewhere completely new.”
“I will never be a stranger to you again,” you say, gazing earnestly at him.
He kisses you gently on the lips. “Me either.”  
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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well now that ao3 is down for maintenance how would all of you like a snippet of Supernova?
This takes place around chapter 50 (?). At this point in the story, Dora has learned that Ted is her father and she is meeting his mother for the first time. Elsie Tonks, Ted's mother, is beyond thrilled to be meeting her granddaughter. Snippet under the cut! Enjoy :)
“Here she is! My granddaughter!” 
A silver-haired woman with big spectacles, a flowery dress, and a crisp apron came out of the back room and engulfed Dora in a bone-crushing hug. 
“Oh, how grand it is to have a grandchild!” she said, standing back after a moment and taking Dora’s cheeks in her hands. “Look at you! What a beautiful young woman you are! To think I’ve lost all these years with you—but we’ll make up for lost time in no time, won’t we, dear?” 
“O-okay,” Dora stammered, taken aback by the Muggle woman’s enthusiasm, assuming she had to be Ted’s mother, Elsie. 
“Mum, take it easy—”
“No, you take it easy, Edward Tonks! This is my one and only granddaughter! You don’t get to meet your grandbaby for the first time every day, you know!” Elsie looked Dora up and down and tsked in a way that reminded her of her mother. “You’re looking peaky. Come with me, I’ll give you something to eat.” 
“I’m not hung—”
“Just go,” Ted said quietly. “She doesn’t like to hear ‘no.’” He gently patted her shoulder and guided her through the doorway on the other side of the narrow staircase. There Dora found a round table with three mismatched chairs, and just beyond it, a narrow kitchen with pink cupboards and black-and-white flooring. 
“I’ll be right there, dears!” Elsie called. “Sit down and make yourselves comfortable!”
Dora sat in an oversized yellow chair. She couldn’t settle her eyes on anything in particular; a vase of wildflowers sat in the middle of the table, its bright blooms drooping over the edge of the vase. Countless objects were hung on the walls around her. Some were paintings, others photographs, and yet others were made of cloth. Embroidered pictures of animals, houses, and flowers filled the crevices between pictures and paintings, and behind them the wall was papered with something neon. Dora wasn’t sure if it was because of how crammed it was, but Elsie’s house looked even smaller than Ted and Millie’s.
“Baked them just this morning!” 
Elsie interrupted Dora’s activity and put a plate of chocolatey biscuits in front of her and Ted. She bustled back to the kitchen and returned with mugs and a kettle. Ted flicked his wand at one of the cupboards and a tin of teabags came zooming out. It landed just as Elsie turned around to look for it. 
“Edward,” she said sternly. “Warn your mother before you go on with your tricks.” She turned to Dora with a toothy grin. “Sweetheart, don’t let him be too hard on you. He was just terrible about magic during his summers. Almost got kicked out of Hogwarts, he did!” 
“It was one time,” Ted said, rolling his eyes. “One warning. That hardly counts as expulsion.” 
Elsie put her hands on her hips but sat down in a cobalt blue chair. Instead of turning to Ted to finish her conversation with him, the woman turned to Dora.
“Eat, sweetheart,” she said, pushing the plate of biscuits at Dora. “We all know Millie’s a decent cook but she likes experimenting with those American concoctions.” Elsie pressed her lips together with a slight frown. “What you need is meat and potatoes, the kind of food that’ll stick to your ribs, not that namby-pamby gelatin loaf that’s all the rage these days.” 
Dora peered over the wildflowers at Ted, her eyes wide and begging to take her away. She could sew her own Muggle clothes for all she cared. Spending one more minute with the overbearing woman would kill her, and she wasn’t convinced that there wasn’t something afoot with the chocolatey biscuits in front of her. But, to her dismay, Ted didn’t understand the message (her mother would have) and instead he smiled encouragingly and gave her two thumbs-up. 
“Go on, baby, have a biscuit,” Elsie repeated. “My Ted told me about how you and your mother grew up. You can eat as much as you like. There are no hidden messages, no ulterior motives.”
The walls felt like they were closing in on Dora, but she took a biscuit from the top of the pile to placate the Tonkses. She took a small bite, surprised by the still-gooey chocolate within. The unexpected mmm that flowed from her lips earned her an even brighter grin from Elsie.
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teratocrat · 11 months
the leopard seal-eyed azhdarchid-basilosaurs that called themselves the Federation of Eaters claimed dominion over eleven planets around nine blue-white stars and were in the process of terraforming four more. it was through them that we learned of the terrified squeaking ice-rodents and pigeon-sheep that wove cloud-bread from the seeds of brass dandelions and hid behind armadas of omen-kites armed with verses of poetry that ate themselves into battleship armor and firework-warheads that rained down thermite and plutonium-chaff across continents. they claimed the protection of ancient oaths with the Monarchs and Daughters, scissor-jointed insectile dolls with enamel skin and lungs for marrow, eusocial workers tilling the floral farmlands and orchards of four hundred and ten tropical worlds orbiting vast red charcoals smeared across the sky. soldier-daughters like butterflies the size of moose with antlers twisted into the shapes of seige equipment and alien chess pieces accompanied the semaphore-diplomats with hypnotic agate eyespots, and eventually we learned of their hive-palaces stocked with vaults of eggs, factories, workshops, nurseries, refectories and dormitories, of their queens and princes and the peculiar lives of their princesses, who spend much of their lives thrusting themselves into reckless adventures hoping to bring back fortunes of enough benefit to their hive-palace to earn themselves the right to breed, the complex system of interdependencies their morphs had on each other based on their diets, the soldiers and monarchs fed on the honey-wine and bread-like Ration fermented in the crops of the workers. it was in one of the polarized glass guildhalls of the Federation of Eaters, propped up by twelve stout trees like skyscraper-tall brass horsetails, that we made a kind of peace with the bronze-feathered gryphons who raided our worlds, and with their hunting partners: predatory stormclouds with neon dreams, gelatin-boned alligator-slugs, greasy-pelted coyote-serpents who wore sweat-and-sex-and-gasoline perfumes. they claimed dominion over seventy-one planets whose ecosystems were all in various states of recovery from the not-infrequent nuclear exchanges they settled their most heated arguments with
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voidic3ntity · 11 months
delicate sadness for the world & for our mother, as space fills all:
through tranquility & through beauty, the beatific astonishment,
the neon neuroticism fills the void, vast & empty, hollow mercy,
the endless echoing & the elegance of the exchanging of form,
for these neural networks of infinity, transcendental alchemy,
all becomes so transparent, the transpersonal transparency,
the great gelatinous mass, through common construction;
all is constrained to the mortal laws of matter & of carbon.
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londonfalling · 16 days
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Now I have very little context for Neon Future, but the concept has me obsessed so, without further ado I present to you Neon Future! Deirdre, a.k.a. a version of her that has discovered early 2000s cargo pants, novelty prosthetic eyes, chainsmoking and probably has a bit less unresolved issues.
Though I feel like there should be a fairly big character development journey before she can feel comfortable rocking the butch/dapper jacket and bowtie combo.
Some inspo pics below the cut ;)
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Group of women having a smoke, gelatin silver print, c. 1896
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This one Justin Timberlake picture from 2003
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coredrill · 7 months
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EVANGELION: 3.0(-46h)
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spectruminterests · 1 year
So. The acorn we were all rooting for lost the poll. Wolfie the Seawolf has been announced the victor. But! It was the closest race in the 10-year history of Mascot Madness.
Thank you all for joining me and supporting the silly acorn with me!
Especially, I ought to thank those I haven’t made an art post for! Thank you @gelatinous-jellyfish
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Enjoy some insect doodles!
Thank you @neon-draws-sometimes
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I drew this on one of those scratch-off things. They’re such fun!
Thank you @ephemeral-system
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This is similar to the last one, but I edited the photo of it and I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to post the original or the edited version. So I made a collage with both!
Again, thank you all!
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liminalmindcore · 8 months
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"The thirst was so overwhelming that she couldn't focus her thoughts. In her mind, all she could visualize was a glass filled to the brim with water. She clenched her teeth tightly against her parched, cracked lips. 'This is a city, there must be stores here, and inside those stores, there have to be some drinks.'
With that unwavering determination, she set off in search of stores. There were many in the area, their neon signs advertising long-forgotten 1980s beverages. Yet, they remained tantalizingly closed, their contents just out of reach. Even her attempts to hurl heavy objects found on the desolate streets at the shop windows were met with eerie silence, as if they were repelled by an invisible force.
Then, something caught her eye – a blue city map hanging on one of the doors. It provided a glimmer of hope. She examined it closely and discovered the words 'You are here' with a marked X. 'Alright,' she thought, 'let's see what's around that X.' Her heart quickened as she noticed a fountain marked on the map. 'Well, I hope that one isn't closed.'
She ripped the paper from the door and headed in the direction indicated by the map. Along the way, she stripped clothing from the first mannequin she encountered and muttered to herself, 'Okay, now I'll blend in better with my surroundings. Not that there's anyone to fool around here.' She chuckled, wondering if these were the early signs of madness.
The journey was short, and as she turned the corner, she came upon a large, round fountain. 'What the…?' she exclaimed. The water within the fountain appeared to be suspended in time, its splashes and froth frozen in mid-air, a haunting testament to the unnatural state of this world. Yet her thirst allowed her no hesitation. She bent down and dipped her fingers into the liquid, which clung to her skin like transparent gelatin, a substance from a reality unknown to her. She took a cautious sip, her taste buds discovering an almond-like flavor as the enigmatic liquid quenched her thirst, albeit temporarily."
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s0ul--sp3cter · 1 year
Howdy! Welcome to this sideblog for my new Danganronpa AU.
Simple name. "Soul Stealer AU"
It's something I came up with for fun and maybe I'll post more of it.
Yes, I am working on the other Danganronpa characters, but here is Kokichi! Our one and only "Soul Specter," as they call him.
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The first drawing, the one that looks like a puddle, is meant to be his less solid state.
While the other two are the ones he's normally seen in by people.. well... before their soul gets ripped out of their bodies.
So, nobody really knows what he looks like. All they know is that bodies have been found; eyes rolled back, mouth gaping as if their life had been sucked out of them.
Ultimately, people just started calling him the "Soul Stealer" which turned into "Soul Specter" in many of the children's horror stories.
Although Kokichi is in fact the one doing this..
He doesn't really want to. In fact, he's pretty lonely.
But it continues.
So long as he craves the souls of others, he'll always be taking them..
Is there anyone who can truly break this vicious cycle?
I'll start with his species. Now, there wasn't really a ghost I could find that really matched up with his fluid tendencies, but the Ectoplasm was close. In the sense that while these ghosts are described as "vicious" and "gelatinous," their appearance can vary.
The heart in his chest is not a real heart. It's merely what he uses to lure people and what he also uses to suck their souls out.
Literally, it's like a vacuum.
The flower crown on his head is made of flowers that he "fossilized" using a plaster-like material from his own body.
His arms never gained a solid form and neither did his legs, thus the long skirt to hide them.
Nobody knows why exactly he hides his "legs," but it's obvious he hasn't taken a liking to them.
Well, nobody really... knows.
Not counting the dead people.
The mounds of dead people.
Kokichi has a secret.
His secret is that he doesn't want this for himself, as previously implied.
He never wanted to become a horror story or something that everyone feared.
He doesn't mean to kill these people..
But his hunger for their souls is insatiable.
And.. so.. naturally, he does what he has to..
And kills them.
Nobody has ever managed to find out the truth about this ghost.
Or ever tried to, actually.
I mean, who would even want to be around him..
...when any second he could drain the life out of you in an instant?
For those who had seen him before they died..
He was a liar, a schemer.
One who would use.... anything to tempt people.. to come closer.
To lure them to him.
Only to devour the only life they had..
To satisfy his cravings.. for a while longer.
Other Facts
Kokichi can usually be found by water or wet places. It's most easy for him to hide there.
His pronouns are he/him, but he doesn't mind they/it or other nonbinary terms. This is mostly because he wasn't supposed to have a gender, but he decided to refer to himself as masculine anyway. Others, pretty much anyone who hasn't met him, have referred to him as an "it" or a "they," which is understandable for someone who has never met him.
No, he isn't made of rainbows, though it'd be fun.
His colors consist of cyans, neon blues, lime greens; basically what you would call "ocean colors."
But the brush I used gives him a more ghostly feeling, wouldn't you agree?
I suppose that concludes this ramble. Thank you for reading this post and welcome to the blog.
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
I'd like to preface this by saying I'm absolutely exhausted right now, and a little out of it lmao:
A swath of bright, almost neon colors filled your vision from where you lay on your back, the soft, springy substance of the strange beach hugging you like the most comfortable bed you've ever felt, and you were at peace, for you wanted for nothing in this moment.
Your husband sat next to you, hand intertwined with yours, grasp firm, protective, and familiar. You squeezed his hand, glancing over at him, the bright colors of the sky shining on the reflective surface of his armor and casting him in a colorful, angelic glow, however ironic the sentiment was.
You gently tugged on his arm, words not needed in this moment, for he knew exactly what it was you were requesting. He carefully moved to lay next to you, hand remaining clasped with yours all the while, and you let out a deep, contented sigh as you scooted even closer to the love of your life, nuzzling your face into the material of his cloth covered shoulder, watching the sky shift in color and the gelatinous, bacta like substance that replaced the usual position of water sluggishly lap at the shore.
(sorry, this is short and kinda bad lol) -🫀 Anon
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chr0mat0s3 · 1 year
Ooo neon black and zonk please
OBBY TUZE ZANGLE: Oh, wonderful, wonderful!~ Great choices, really. Here, take these!~
Obtuse unceremoniously dumps a pair of small colored “squares” in {{Your}} hands. They feel strange- almost like gelatin to the touch. Just… less wobbly. {{You}} peer closely at the colors they present.
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OBBY TUZE ZANGLE: Do you like what you see?~ Goood!~ Now- how’s about that payment?~ You said you had a few thousand hues, right?~ Well, then I suppose that a price of around 1,500 shouldn’t be that bad!~ Right?~
He gives you an expectant stare.
Uh oh.
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egopocalypse · 2 years
cracks knuckles are we campaigning now for the right to kill the slimiest, most rancid, flaccid piece of neon-green gelatin i have had the displeasure of naming titular villain because i can and will campaign for the right to grind him into a quivering little blob of snot. there are over seven thousand recognized languages and each and every one fails to encapsulate how much rage overcomes me whenever i have the misdelight of reading one of his godsforsaken monologues. i find myself, in the morning, wishing his mask traps his morning breath and that he is always this side of too sweaty underneath that shit-ass armor like the glorified cockroach that he is. i hope he chafes in all the most uncomfortable places. i don't just want his reputation ruined, i want his zucchininess's reputation to molder with him trapped in the middle of its bloating corpse. i want him to cook in his shame until i can pull him apart like a potroast of misery and then toss him out to the biohazard bag because i wouldn't wish even my worst enemy to have to deal with his nuclear-radiation levels of bitchassery.
also tho i agree with my competitors' statement that ctubbo deserves to crack cdream like an overripe pumpkin he also deserves to gloat about it with the same chess metaphors that cdream so adores. let cdream stew in his failure and live with it in limbo. or un-live with it ig
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