#and maybe hug my dad if he's awake because this news has been awful to him to
alren-ki · 4 months
I'm sorry to any of my fellow trans followers (or followers who are family to trans people) who just- cannot look at the posts I'm Reblogging about Nex right now- it took me two days before I could look at anything about it myself I understand. It is, exaugsting having to publicly mourn and bury our dead every few months (or less). I do not begrudge you the space you need. I have tagged and will continue to tag every post with the Real World Events CW tag, the same one I use for any other ugly story that you might need a moment's breath before facing or more.
I fucking Live Here. I am a Nonbinary Oklahoman who only avoided experiencing the hell of being queer in the oklahoma school system by being thoroughly failed by mine before I was cognizant enough to put words to my identity. Nex Benedict is the same age as my younger brother, they were only 5 years younger then me, they were barely more then a baby, and the hatred that has bred and curdled in my fucking HOME killed them.
This isn't just awareness when we scream their name. This is a public expression of Grief, this is our way of making people remember they were a person- if we had the honor to know them or not.
They were a 16 year old child who loved their cat (Zeus, as I've gathered from a few reports), who played minecraft, who decompressed with music after school. They were a human being who's loved ones have described to us strangers as a light. They were Choctaw, identified as twospirit and loved as their own authentic self by their family.
I wish I didn't know these facts. I wish Nex Benedict was a stranger to me because they survived and lived and loved in a whole different part of the state to me. I wish that they got to grow up in the safety of privacy. I wish that their name wasn't echoed across the world because they were murdered. I wish they got to choose when and if they were known this openly.
Nex, I am so fucking sorry you did not get to grow up in a time and space where our government valued your life. You deserved so much more.
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Ranboo x Insomniac Reader (no pronouns used) (ANONBOO REVEAL LOL)
AN: FIRST HEADCANON FIC THING LET'S GOOOO :D Again, this is my first time writing for Tumblr so please don't judge me if it's awful-
Ranboo x insomniac reader/reader who just has a hard time sleeping in general
-so first off when he found out he looked it up. first thing. he's mainly just looking for ways he can help even though he can't be with you all the time.
-he also makes sure to let you know that he's willing to stay up with you and chat or just be awake. he will text you, call you, FaceTime you, whatever you feel up to. he tries his hardest to let you know he's not burdened at all by doing so
-sleepovers. he's definitely gonna come over sometimes if you really can't sleep, and sometimes it even ends up turning into a chill stream night (again, only if you felt up to it). if not, there's other ways he'll try and distract you. dad jokes being his number one go-to because this is Ranboo
-be ready for a ton of snacks. mostly just candy and chips, maybe an uncaffeinated pop. he will be ready to spoil you.
-on that note, he will also give you his youtooz plushies 1000%.
-thinks you're really cute just sitting there hugging them as you watch the show you've picked together.
-really all-around sweet. probably has to get used to figuring out what to do
-but once he knows what works for you he'll do his absolute best to make sure you can at least get a little bit of sleep.
-he's trying so hard
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OKAY SO THAT'S ALL I GOT HOPE YOU LIKE (: WILL PROBABLY EDIT LATER AS WELL SO WE'LL SEE (also I don't have a divider picture yet you know what I mean. DON'T HAVE ONE SO I GAVE YOU RANBOO ✨
I wanna thank @lyssys for inspiring me to write for the purpose of posting (which I haven't done since 2020). I know you don't write for Ranboo but I still love your writing and it helps me through so much :3 This is honestly a really cool thing to be experiencing, it's been too long since I've written anything for other people and I'm glad to be back!
I hope you're doing well and thanks for reading everyone!
If enough people like this maybe I'll do more or even write a one-shot based on this even though it was kinda self-indulgent ngl-
Also if anyone has requests I will try and do them!! Only Ranboo at the moment, I'm new to this stuff and starting school soon so I don't wanna start into this way too much, but yeah! Thanks again if you got this far :D XD get used to me rambling tbh it happens a lot
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 6) - Best Friends
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Summary: While out with Jensen and some of his new co-stars, the reader bumps into her father again. This time Jensen knows the truth though and nearly starts a fight. After calming him down, the reader and he have an impromptu date that ends up with Jensen sharing a secret about himself...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, angst, body insecurities, scars, smut (oral), mention of a dead parent
A/N: I love all of this part so much! Enjoy!
The room was toasty warm when you woke the next morning. It took a split second to remember you weren’t in your room and that there was a warm body next to you. Your did a tiny stretch and felt a weight over your waist. It pulled you closer and you smiled, lazily opening your eyes.
“Good morning sunshine,” he said, hair spiked up every which way, green eyes big and sleepy. 
“Morning,” you said, shutting your eyes again and nuzzling him.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more adorable in the mornings, I get to see you waking up,” he said. He played with a piece of your hair and you threw your arm over his waist, holding onto him. “You’re so fucking cute.”
“Cuddle buddies, remember?” you mumbled.
“I’m down for that,” he said. He squeezed you and giggled, kissing your forehead until you turned your head upwards. “Hi.”
“Hi handsome,” you said. He pecked a kiss on your lips, a trio of feet running down the hall. 
“The vultures are awake. Prepare for impact.”
“What?” you said, the door opening and three very small bodies climbing up on the bed.
“Y/N, what are you doing in daddy’s bed?” asked Arrow.
“Don’t you guys want to sleep in for like once?” asked Jensen. He pulled her down to his other side, Zeppelin doing a dive right between you and Jensen, while JJ plopped down behind you. A pillow was knocked over his face as the twins started crawling over him, Jensen chuckling and pushing it out of the way. His face poked out just as JJ started to jump behind you, a little smile there. “Welcome to my Sunday mornings.”
“Glad I was invited this time,” you said. He was about to speak when he squeezed his eyes shut and bent his body in half.
“Zeppelin,” he grit out. “No jumping on daddy’s lap, remember?”
“Oh. I forgot,” he said.
“Who wants pancakes this morning?” you asked. All three shot their hands up and you smiled. “Well you better go brush your teeth if you want some. Go on guys.”
They ran off the bed and out of the room, Jensen laughing when you moved the pillow away.
“Think you’ll survive?” you asked. 
“That kid is single handedly going to guarantee I can’t have more children,” he chuckled. He sat up and stared at you, looking you over. 
“That’s not a conversation for right now.”
“No, it’s not. But...are you interested in your own?” he asked.
“My mom didn’t have my blood but she was still my mom. I don’t need to make a kid to love it,” you said.
“I know. I wonder is all.”
“I’m not sure.”
“Okay,” he said softly.
“Are you, in more?”
“I don’t know. I’m almost 43, in like a month. I don’t want to…I don’t want to have a kid so late in life that they see me go early in their life, you know? That’d be cruel to do.”
“You got a lot of road ahead of you. You’re not like seventy, dude.”
“I know. Everything this year just…it’s just one more kid someday that’s gonna get hurt,” he said.
“It’s one more kid to love too though. Let’s talk about this much, much further down the line, okay?”
“Okay with me,” he said. You rolled out of bed and he followed after, holding his hands over himself. 
“You need an ice pack?” you asked.
“No, I’m good,” he said. “He’s a little...up this morning is all.”
“Oh I noticed,” you said. His cheeks went pink and you laughed. “Dude. Morning wood is normal.”
“Oh. Good. I thought maybe considering what you told me last night it might have...bothered you,” he said.
“I don’t got a problem with dicks or sex. I got a problem with people invading my personal space with them without my consent,” you said. “We cool?”
“Yeah. I’m gonna take care of this. I’ll be down in a second,” he said.
“Have fun,” you said, winking as you headed out.
“The view of you in my clothes is not helping,” he said. You swayed your hips and heard him groan. “You’re gonna pay for that.”
“I sure hope so,” you laughed. You changed into some fresh clothes in your room, something comfortable for the day before you jogged downstairs and found the three of them watching cartoons. “Okay. So who wants to help make breakfast?”
Two Weeks Later
“Shopping buddy!” said Antony when you and Jensen found your way over to the table where he and a few of Jensen’s other new cast mates were getting a drink and some food.
“Wow you really are too adorable when you’re not playing a psychopath,” you said, sliding into the booth beside him, getting a hug. “Hi. I’m Y/N, his shopping buddy.”
“Erin, Karl,” said Jensen. “Don’t you have a super huge crush on Karl, Y/N?”
“Yours is bigger,” you said, a waiter bringing over a pair of drinks and setting them down. You were about to order when you looked at the man and rolled your eyes. “You gotta be kidding me.”
“We’d like a new waiter. Now,” said Jensen. He stared at you and then Jensen before nodding and leaving.
“What was that about?” asked Erin.
“That was my father. We’re not on good terms,” you said. 
“Gotcha. So how’s a pretty girl like you end up with this ugly?” said Karl. 
“Aw, he thinks you’re pretty,” teased Jensen.
“I got eyes for you too, Jensen. Don’t be jealous,” he chuckled.
“Later guys,” said Jensen, arm over your shoulder as you headed for your car a few hours later. “Thanks for going. I’m still getting to know everyone.”
“I had fun. I like your new friends. I’d like to get to know Jared more when we’re back home.”
“Really?” he asked with a soft smile.
“He’s your best friend. You talk to the guy everyday. He’s important to you.”
“Yes he is. I’d definitely love for you guys to get along.”
“Me too,” you said, arm around his waist. 
“Y/N,” you heard behind you and froze, Jensen already spinning around and pushing you behind him.
“Buddy stay the fuck away from her. I’m serious,” said Jensen.
“That’s my daughter,” he said.
“I’d rather die than hurt my daughters unlike some people. Get your piece of shit ass away from us,” said Jensen.
“Y/N, I got help,” he said, looking past Jensen. “I did.”
“Do I look like I care?”
“Y/N-” he said, trying to get around Jensen and earning a shove for it instead. 
“I told you to back off.”
“Hey,” you heard from outside the restaurant, Jensen’s co-stars walking down from where they were waiting for their ride. “What’s going on here?”
“Leave,” Jensen told your father again.
“I want to talk to-”
“Excuse me but I think our friends asked you to leave them alone,” said Antony. You swallowed and noticed people starting to look. The last thing you needed was this turning into a fight and all of them ending up on the front of TMZ.
“Dad,” you said, brushing past Jensen. “Stay the fuck out of my life. Come near me again and I’ll call the cops.”
“I am sorry for what happened.” Jensen growled and you put a hand on his chest, pushing him back.
“You want to make it up to me?” you asked. “Move to Alaska, somewhere I’ll never have to see your face again.”
“Leave and never, I mean never, come back.”
He went back into the restaurant and you took a deep breath, glancing down.
“Sorry about that,” you said.
“You guys good?” they asked and you nodded. “Jensen?”
“Yeah I’m good. I’ll see you guys at work,” he said. You pulled him away and down the sidewalk, holding his hand tightly. “Don’t step in front of me like that.”
“I don’t want you near him. Ever.”
“Forget about him. Please. We had fun tonight. That’s all I want to focus on.”
“Okay,” he said when you got to the crosswalk. He pulled you into his side and kissed your temple.
“You’re shaking,” you said.
“I’m freaking out a little bit to be honest,” he said. You hugged him and walked across the street, pulling him into a bar. You found a quiet table in the corner and got him an old fashioned, leaving him seated while you got an order of pretzels too. 
“Eat this,” you said, placing the basket of warm soft dough in front of him. He picked one up and ripped it apart, dipping it in mustard and then the cheese.
“This is really good,” he said. You pulled off his hat and carded your fingers through his hair, Jensen glancing down. “I’m sorry. I should be taking care of you right now.”
“I’m okay and I happen to like taking care of you. Always have,” you said. He nodded and rested his head on your shoulder, eating quietly as you listened to an in house band play on the other side of the bar. “I like this place. It’s kinda quaint.”
“Try some,” he said, holding up the pretzel. You took a bite and hummed. “S’good.”
“Very good. You feel like you calmed down some.”
“I thought he might hurt you. I was so fucking angry it scared me.”
“But you still listened to me and calmed down for me. I’m not gonna be mad that you want to protect me from him.” 
“I feel like I can’t do anything to protect people I care about anymore.”
“Did she ever have to force you to relax?”
“Your wife. Did she make you take time off or relax or have a lazy day?” you asked. 
“Yeah. How’d you know that?”
“I think your life has been so busy for so long you forget to have the quiet moments to yourself, even though I think that’s truly what you enjoy. I think you had more fun tonight than you would have without me because new people make you nervous. I think you were thrown on pause for so long after the accident that you didn’t realize that you can’t ever go back to how it was, no matter how much you want it to. You need to take more time for you Jensen. The fate of the world doesn’t rest on your shoulders. You can sleep in. You can take a day for yourself and not constantly be with the kids for hours and hours on end. You can take a second to breathe. You gotta. I’m okay. Even if something had happened tonight, it’s not the end of the world.”
He lifted his head up and blinked a few times at you. His hand cupped your cheek and he kissed you, tasting like bourbon and mustard, something different about it this time. Something possessive, something softer. 
“Better?” you asked, stroking his cheek.
“I’m better,” he said, turning into the touch. “You scare me most of all, you know.”
“Cause this is either going to turn out really good or really bad and I’m so fucking tired of being scared.”
“Don’t be,” you said quietly. He swallowed and you looked him up and down. “You’re my best friend. I don’t want you to be scared of me.”
“You’re my best friend too,” he said, nodding and taking a deep breath. You scooted closer and hugged him, Jensen returning it for a long moment. You sat back against the corner and turned him to lean back against you, both of you watching over towards where the band played. He sipped on his drink and you played with his hair, picking at the pretzel while you held him. “Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, honey,” you said, kissing the top of his head. “That’s my job.”
He tilted his head back and looked up at you with the biggest green eyes you’d ever seen, a warm feeling filling you. You bent down and kissed him, Jensen grinning by the time you were straightening yourself out. 
A few minutes went by and some more, Jensen ordering a few more drinks and food while you used the bathroom. You returned to your table and picked at fat mozzarella sticks and chicken wings, sipping on a way too expensive scotch while you listened to the band play, tucked away in Jensen’s side. 
“Can I admit something?” he asked while you dunked a cheese stick into a tiny cup of marinara. “I kinda like this more than our date a few weeks ago. Our dress up one. Don’t get me wrong, you were gorgeous but this is kinda perfect all things considered.”
“I’m a cheap date Ackles. Give me some bar food, some music and a cuddle and I’m a happy girl,” you said. You held up your stick and he bit off the end before you popped the other piece in your mouth. “I like this date too. Found out I’m your best friend and all.”
“Do you wanna…” he trailed off. You turned your head up and saw the look in his eye. You nodded and smiled, the two of you getting into your coats and heading outside. You barely caught the name of the bar before Jensen was pulling you after him down towards the car. 
He turned up the heat when you were inside and drove out of the city, finding a quiet and dark little field not too far from the house. 
“Um, I wasn’t...expecting this,” he said. You smirked and sat back in your seat, Jensen turning off the car but leaving the heat running. “I don’t even know what I’m…”
“I’ve never made out in the back of a car before,” you said with a shrug. “I’ve also never made out in the back of a car with you either so…”
“I was thinking something more…” he said, taking a deep breath.
“I’m not on birth control,” you said. 
“I’m not having sex with you for the first time in the back of a car. I have more class than that,” he chuckled. You unbuckled your seatbelt and shrugged out of your coat, leaning over as he backed up against his door. 
“If you’re not ready for this, tell me and I’ll stop,” you said. He nodded and you put a hand on his chest, unzipping his coat. Your hand rested on his lower stomach, just over his belt and he shut his eyes.
“Wait,” he said. You sat back and he sat forward in his seat again, pressing his hand over his stomach. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you said. You kissed his cheek and sat back in your seat, sticking your arms in your jacket. “Seriously, don’t over think it.”
“I want to. Shit I want to do all sorts of things with you in that backseat. But I need to show you something first and it’s better at home if you find out.”
“Okay,” you said. “Let’s go home then.”
Twenty minutes later the babysitter was gone and you were watching Jensen peel off his shirt in his bedroom, back to you. He dropped his jeans and kicked them aside, turning around in his boxer briefs. He started to pull them down when you shook your head.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“No. I think I’m wearing too many clothes is all.” You turned and took off your top, your face hot as you slipped off your leggings. You dropped them to the ground and straightened up, taking deep breaths. You’d been naked in front of your ex before plenty. But Jensen was just so damn handsome and his body was…
“Y/N,” said Jensen, close behind you but not touching you. “You okay?”
“Didn’t really think through the you seeing me basically naked thing,” you said. He lightly tapped your arm and you spun around, forcing your head up. 
“Basically naked you is hot,” he said, cupping your cheek. 
“I have a stomach,” you said.
“So do I,” he said, patting his own. “You are beautiful, Y/N. Believe me when I say it.”
You nodded and started to relax, Jensen tensing up again though.
“What did you want to show me?” you asked. He walked over to the bed and glanced at it. You took a seat and he shut his eyes, taking a beat before he pushed down his underwear. A thick pink scar ran over his skin and curled down to his leg.
“One of my arteries was damaged in my hip, leg, groin, whatever area, when part of the car kinda...went in me. It’s um...it’s fine now but the scar is…I’m kinda...self-conscious about it...”
“Can I?” you asked. He nodded and you reached out your hand, Jensen opening his eyes as you touched the end closest to his hip. You traced your finger over it and down, curving it back around and to the top of his thigh.
“I know it’s ugly but laser scar removal can be a bitch to deal with, especially down there. I-”
“I love it.”
“Scars mean you survived. I’m really happy you survived so yeah, I love it. I don’t give a fuck if you have scars, Jensen. You’re so handsome and attractive and this is not ugly. This is part of you and nothing about you is ugly.”
“It’s not attractive though,” he said, putting his hand over it. You put yours over his and moved it aside.
“You’re standing in front of me naked and you think this scar is what I’m thinking about?” you asked. 
“I haven’t done this with someone new in almost twenty years,” he said. “I’m nervous.”
“Me too. But I meant what I said. It’s just a scar, Jensen. I got ‘em. You got ‘em. I’m attracted to you but that sure as shit ain’t why I like you.” You gently thumbed over the skin and he rested his hand on yours, tracing over it with you this time. “Come here.”
He sat down and you knelt up on your knees, cupping his cheek and kissing him. He sank back and moved towards the middle of the bed, never breaking apart from you. 
“Relax,” you said against his ear. “This is gonna be fun. I promise.”
“Can I take off your bra?” he asked. You nodded and he shook his head. “Why do I feel like I’m doing this for the first time?”
“It is the first time like this. So we’ll move at your speed, okay?”
“How do…” he said, shutting his eyes. He fisted his hands in the sheets and you wrapped your arms around him, Jensen resting his head on your shoulder. “I don’t want to...do certain things bother you?”
“Like…” you said, Jensen taking a deep breath. He lifted his head and looked at you, pursing his lips.
“Do things having to do with sex scare you? I don’t need details or why but with what happened to you I don’t want to frighten you or do something stupid.”
“You’re too sweet,” you said. You stroked his cheek and shook your head. “I’m okay. Trust me. I’ve probably done kinkier shit than you have.”
“I’m not scared of you, Ackles. I’ve had all the time in the world to work through that stuff. If you want to take off my bra and leave it at making out in bed naked, that’s fine. If you want to go further, that’s fine too. I’m not pushing you into anything. Ever. I literally can’t imagine being in your position. Take all the time-”
“Why…” he breathed out, resting his forehead against yours, hot breath fanning over your mouth. “Why are you so patient with me? You’re thirty. You could have anyone you want. Why would you want me?”
“Because you’re my best friend, Jensen. You’re the only one I do want.”
He leaned forward, hand sliding up to the back of your neck as he pressed his lips to yours. He slowly took charge of it and you let him, Jensen guiding you to lay back. You kept softly kissing him, matching his pace and cupping his face, running your fingers through his hair. A finger grazed your shoulder and then the other. You moved your arms out of the bra straps, reaching up for him again. You sat up as best you could, Jensen reaching behind you and undoing the clasp before tossing it aside. He didn’t move lower though, just kissed you lazily until he rolled back onto the mattress, pulling you to lay on top of him.
You shifted back and heard him groan when you nudged the tip of his cock. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, Jensen shaking his head.
“Take off your underwear,” he murmured.
“Jensen I don’t like to have sex unless I’m on birth control. It’s just a-”
“Of course not. There are other things we can do if that’s okay?” he asked. You nodded and rolled to the side, shimmying out of your underwear. He slid down the bed and ran his hands up your thighs, a shiver trickling down your spine. 
“What are you thinking?” you breathed out.
“Wonder how you taste,” he said, licking his lips.
“Are you sure you want to?” you asked. He nodded and you returned it. He leaned down and spread your legs out, large hands sliding up and down your inner thigh, getting closer and closer each time. “What are you doing?”
“S’called foreplay sweetheart,” he said, hands gliding up over your hips and giving a gentle squeeze.
“Jesus Jensen. I was not expecting this from you.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Fuck no.” He smirked and inched his fingers closer and closer to you, teasingly leaving kitten kisses over your hip. Painfully slow he made his way down, dipping his head down and swiping his tongue over your clit. He was soft and gentle at first but he increased the pressure when your legs wrapped over his back.
His hands pinned your hips down to the bed, your own wandering to his hair and running through it. He was very good and when he sucked you fisted his short strands, Jensen doing it over and over while still working his tongue. 
Your legs squeezed him as your orgasm snuck up on you, sharp and powerful. You moaned when the feeling died down but Jensen didn’t let up for a beat.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” you said, another orgasm tearing through you. You yelped and threw a hand over your mouth, this one even better than the last. You breathed hard as Jensen finally pulled back, smirking as he pulled his hand away from your mouth. 
“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself,” he teased.
“I think you short circuited my brain,” you breathed out, staring at the ceiling. You giggled and he joined you, laying a hand over your waist. “How the fuck did you get me to come twice. That’s literally never happened outside of some alone time.”
“You find that groove, you stay in it,” he smirked. “You taste excellent by the way.”
“You’re a fucking dirty boy under that soft little face and I’m kinda super hot for it,” you said. He chuckled and you sat up, staring down at him. “Can I return the favor?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “Do you want a condom?”
“You clean?” you asked. He nodded and you smiled. “You okay with me not using one?”
“Yeah. Just don’t expect me to last long.”
You smiled and kissed him before you scooted down the bed. He was hard and leaking a bit of precome when you gently wrapped a hand around the base of him. He tensed up and you flicked your gaze up but he took a deep breath.
“I’m good,” he said. You licked your lips and ducked your head, taking the head of him into your mouth. He breathed harder and you stilled, waiting until he was calmer before you moved your tongue around. You didn’t stroke the rest of him, merely gave him a few teasing touches while you bobbed an inch or two, lightly hollowing your cheeks. He let out soft sighs and quiet grunts that spurred you to take more of him in. You moved lower and faster, swiping your tongue over his head. He started to throb and you sucked hard, Jensen groaning before he came. You pulled off after a moment and swallowed, wiping off your lip with your thumb and sucking it clean. 
“How was that?” you smirked, Jensen throwing his arm over his face. He didn’t seem to be enjoying his post-orgasmic glow though and you tried pulling his arm away. “Hey, you okay? Was it too much?”
“No,” he said, flopping his arm down and staring up at you. “It felt great. I just...I came so fucking early.”
“When’s the last time you had a blowjob?”
“Well over six months. I still-”
“Coming early ain’t a bad thing to me,” you said. “Shit I came after like five minutes which doesn’t happen like, ever. I just care that you had fun.”
“I did,” he said, a smile coming onto his face. “I liked that little under the tip thing you were doing with your tongue.”
“Never met a man that could last longer than a few minutes with that little trick,” you said. You lay down and wrapped your arms around him, Jensen brushing his nose against yours. 
“How many guys you been with? If that’s okay.”
“Three including you,” you shrugged. “Highschool party. The ex which was off and on for a long time. You. You got the nicest dick, that’s for sure.”
He chuckled and you kissed the tip of his nose, Jensen pulling you closer.
“Oh I’ve not been with any guys,” he chuckled. 
“Go gentler on the dick than you think you should. They go nuts for it,” you said.
“I will keep that in mind for when it happens,” he laughed. “Pretty much all of my girlfriends in adulthood. Seven or so I’d say.”
“I don’t know why I expected that number to be higher.”
“More than that have tried. I’m not really the hook up guy. Sure I acted like that guy when I was younger but never really was him, you know?”
“You’ve always been sweet. Probably even as a dumb teenage boy, weren’t you.”
“I was a very dumb teenage boy,” he chuckled. “But I didn’t really get in trouble. Flirted with that line once or twice but you know. Teenagers are idiots. I bet you were a good girl, weren’t you.”
“I spent most of my teenage years with my mom sick and then after that I was...I wasn’t really the girl that got involved with that stuff besides some parties.”
“Was it cancer? Your mom?” he asked.
“Radiation poisoning. She’d been accidentally exposed as a little kid on her family’s farm when she got into some supplies she shouldn’t have. Hit her harder later on in life. She’d known since she was a kid that dying young was a strong possibility. It wasn’t easy but I felt kinda better that her first husband Dan was like, maybe waiting for her or some shit. I don’t know. Ray and I used to say that to each other sometimes.”
“Why don’t you talk to Ray anymore?” he asked quietly, playing with a piece of your hair over your shoulder.
“It wasn’t like we had a fight or anything. I just got older, moved out for a nanny job at eighteen. He started to date again and he has this nice little life now with his wife and kids. The idea of a father scared me.”
“My dad’s nice if you ever want to talk to a dad sometime,” he said. He smiled before he cocked his head, his lips parting. “They have no idea I’m dating you.”
“It’s not been that long,” you said.
“I should tell them, before they hear from some tabloid or friend or something,” he said.
“Do you think they’ll have a problem with me?” you asked, his head shaking. “I mean, I’d be leery of me if I were them. I sound like a fucking movie plot. The young nanny gets with the older single dad.”
“My parents want me to be happy again and you make me happy for the first time in a very long time. There’s no way that they couldn’t love you,” he said. You nodded and closed your eyes, covers pulled up over top of the two of you after a few moments. You felt a kiss on your lips and you smiled, inching closer to him. “Thanks. For tonight.”
“You too, Jensen. It was perfect.”
A/N: Read Part 7 here!
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allandoflimbo · 3 years
Ashens (Part 24)
Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Dystopian.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 4,700
Rating: M for Mature, E for explicit. Enemies to lovers trope, sharing a bed trope, friends with benefits trope, temporarily unrequited love, heavy and angry sex, heavy on the angst, and very strong language.
Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
“…I’m in the military, sir…”
“…James, that’s my father, okay? If anything, let’s just be glad he didn’t kill you. He’s like that with everyone…And the soldier thing, he’s weird about that. I’m not sure why…”
Bucky lies awake in bed, fluffy pillow behind his head and one leg peeking out from the blankets, as random memories knack away at his brain in pulses. They weren’t new memories, but they were memories that he never looked at the way he was now.
He doesn’t know why now, he doesn’t know what triggered it, but they were clicking together.
After years of replaying the same moments in his head, there was a nagging feeling that was telling him that there was something not adding up.
He doesn’t know if it’s because he’s seeing things differently, if he’s feeling things differently.
Whatever it was, he knew there was something…off.
There was something off about Daisy’s story about her dad’s story, something was off about the way he was against Bucky fighting in the military, and her death was coinciding so much with his capture.
He doesn’t like the feeling in his stomach as he remembers.
When Bucky asked about her brother and what that whole commotion back at the club was she was blatantly honest with him.
“My father’s not a good guy. He’s been wanting some something from one of these performers that was suppose to be there last night, but turns out they weren’t even on the set list. He had lied about it, we don’t know where he is.”
Bucky raises a brow at this, “You do his dirty work for him?”
“No, I don’t like to get involved in that. It’s a dangerous lifestyle. I have to think about my future family. I was only there yesterday because my brother wanted to get me out of the house for once.”
Bucky isn’t too gleam on the fact that her family are borderline criminals and that she basically supports it, and for a fraction of a second he almost doesn’t buy it, but he decides to mention this later on, not wanting to ruin their moment.
Bucky shifts his leg as he continues to remember that conversation. Why was he not against it? Why did he never question the crimes? Was he that distracted by her?
Bucky smiles at her comment, but then his brows furrowed together in an adorable way that made Daisy giggle and bring her hand to his cheek, “What is it, James?”
What is it, James?
Bucky looks over to see you laying next to him, sat up with your back against the headboard reading some book with a beige cover.
You hadn’t taken notice of his self discomfort yet, emerged in your reading, tucking your bottom lip into your mouth.
Why was he remembering all of this now? Why was he feeling sick?
When they pulled away she slowly dragged her thumb across his plump bottom lip. He watched her like she was the most gorgeous and interesting thing on the planet.
“James?” He responded with a sound on confirmation and she continued, “do you think we are moving too fast?”
He grabbed her hand that was on his face and for a fraction of a moment she thought that that was it, they were over. This was clearly too unrealistic. But instead he brought her hand up over both his lips and he kissed her gingerly.
“Yes.” He whispered behind her hand, making sure he was making direct eye contact with her.
Her face dropped. “Yes?” Her voice was worried, cautious.  
He started trailing kisses down her hand, her wrist, her forearms. He leaned down and kissed the side of her neck making her groan.
It wasn’t that Daisy didn’t like being pampered but she wanted to take this very seriously. With a reluctant sigh - because what he was doing to her flesh just felt so good - she delicately removes her arm from Bucky’s grasp. He narrowed his eyes as she moved away towards the head board, suddenly wondering if maybe he said the wrong thing.
Her eyes trickled his features and down his perfect little nose.
“I knew it since the moment I laid my eyes on you. That’s how you know it’s real. This isn’t crazy, it’s ludicrous. But it works for us. I want to be with you.”
After his little speech Daisy looked him dead in the eye, not batting one lash.
“Then come have dinner with my family.”
Was it too fast? He had barely known her and she was asking him to meet her family. Criminals.
But why would she give away such dire information if it were true?
Bucky sat up slowly, as if if he were to move too quickly, the bed would collapse underneath him.
His eyes had a far away look in him, and he was as pale as he felt.
You feel him shift and your eyes flicker up to him.
You frown.
Her blue eyes glisten with gentle tears, probably thinking the same exact thing. None of it still feels real.
Her, she, doesn’t feel real.
They spent nearly every night together just talking about what Bucky would do when he came back home after camp. Things like how they would have to go see the stars on the back of an outskirts farmhouse, how they would have to go to every club in the city and laugh their night away, how he would take her to coney island with him and Steve and show her a “good time” on the ferris wheel, and how they would definitely have to meet her family.
“They’re great, you’ll love them.” She had said as they laid in bed together just hours before, merely cuddling with clothes on.
“Oh, come on doll, even your Dad?”
Daisy hesitated for a moment and her hand that was rubbing his chest stopped suddenly.
Bucky noted this and they met eyes.
Bucky feels his heart palpitate and he opens and closes his right hand, sitting up.
“Bucky, what’s wrong?” You ask softly, closing your book.
“Dad has been gone for four weeks and I don’t know why. Jimmy has gone with him- it’s just me and mother. I overheard her saying something about Germany but I’m not quite sure.. Or maybe it was something else. Though none of that matters to me, James- I want you. Please come home to me.”
For some reason, a chill ran down his back as he reread the words “something about Germany”.
Like an awful memory that has never happened, he sees a child in front of him. It was a little girl and she screamed in agony for mercy. She was getting strangled to death by his own hand, a silver glint caught his eye-
Your voice pulls him out of his trance for just a moment.
He looks up to you, your eyes interlacing in a silent conversation of understanding.
He was revealing something to himself and you could tell that whatever that was it was leaving him overcome by feelings.
At the end of the day, he knows that he’s just insanely protective of Steve. Which is why his arm instinctively goes around him when Rogers almost gets hit by a speeding vehicle that abruptly stops to halt in front of them on the curb. With his mind far away, he hadn’t realized they were already standing on the sidewalk in front of one bright sign labeled Cotton Club.
Had Bucky known better, he would’ve had him on his left.
After that introduction, the two boys look over to the object that almost killed them.
It was pure black, the countless lights coming from the surrounding buildings and cars bouncing off its surface. The rain must’ve made it even shinier, the lights made a reflection so bright that it had everyone staring. Men looked in awe and a young paper boy, standing on the corner working over time, wondered if that would someday be his future.
With a look of disgust, Steve was repulsed by the obscurity of the man’s driving having nearly hit him. He wondered why people had no respect and he desperately wanted to punch his face in. Either that or give him a pep talk about general safety.
“What a twit.” He snarls, dusting off his small suspenders and kicking the invisible debris off his lapels.
Bucky’s face held something different. It explained why the woman staring had looked on in pure jealousy. He stared forward completely emotionless. He was neither annoyed at the fact that he almost just got run over and killed and nor in obsession over the Duesenberg J.
It was the beautiful goddess emerging from the passenger seat that caught his full attention.
On her left hand was a pearl and diamond bracelet and she used it to skim over the top of the priceless car door for leverage to push herself gracefully up from the leather seat. Her other hand was wrapped up in a prestige white glove. It held onto the hem of her silver sparkling gown, a long white cigar between her digits. Her gorgeous dress looked heavy, you could tell it was so properly made and expensive because it must’ve weighed as much as her petite self. The reason being that it hugged her body at just the perfect places, showing off her curves gracefully.
Her perfect blonde hair was pulled slick back by a diamond hair clip to the side in huge voluminous waves. The dress showed just enough back, the material dipping down towards the floor, the dip ending just above her bottom. The entire thing was held by two tiny silver straps on her shoulders.
In a sentimental Mood by Duke Ellington seemed to have played perfectly in sync with the exact moment she shut the door behind her. She looked up to read the sign, her perfect profile looking up in awe.
Bucky stands up from the bed, back rigid and face hard with anger.
It couldn’t be.
He swallows thickly, gaze going towards you again.
He doesn’t know why he keeps looking at you.
Ironically, beneath his anger and betrayal, he also began to feel embarrassment.
He’s momentarily startled out of his trance when he feels a small hand grab his elbow.  He looks down and his eyes meet a small concerned Steve. Well, to be fairly honestly, he looked more pissed than concerned.
Bucky doesn’t feel the patience to deal with talking anything out, he’s too busy thinking about Daisy. But he feels like he should at least say something so he can get everyone off his back, “What is it?”
Steve looks at him likes he’s crazy and then manically gestures towards the entrance of the club, probably pointing to where Daisy just left through.
“Bucky, what the heck was that? Who was that? You know her?”
“I didn’t know her. No.” Bucky doesn’t realize he’s saying it out loud.
He’s shaking his head to himself, mumbling.
“Bucky, who are you talking to?” You’re growing even more concerned by the second now.
The silence was broken by his strong voice.
“You’re real.”
She smiles in a way that makes him smile too. It was contagious and bright. He caresses her skin one more time.
He felt her own hand come over his and she whispers, “I’m real.”
“Not real.”
You are more than concerned at this point.
“What are you talking about?”
“Maybe it was the fact that my body had finally developed into a women’s body. My breasts were now fully perked and my legs were long and porcelain gorgeous; all I knew was they figured I could be put to good use.”
He shook his head and Bucky blinked away heavy tears.“I-“
The pretty woman rolled her eyes and crossed her legs, revealing a long slit that ran up her dress. It was just enough skin for Bucky’s hand to get sweaty.
He waited until the perfect opportunity when the man had walked towards the direction of the stage, making his way into the back behind the curtain.
“It wasn’t real.”
“You do his dirty work for him?”
“It wasn’t real.”
“My father’s not a good guy.”
Bucky remembers them poking him with IV drops and then sticking his head in a blender. His owns screams fill his head. It was so painful.
“Reason unknown, ongoing investigation"
“I wasn’t going to let you keep her. She enticed you. She won you. It was always supposed to be you.”
“…blonde 21 year old was found shot…”
“Daisy,” he whispered. He traced her features with his hand, and just like that the fear escaped his eyes, and instead of scared he was now feeling complete love and he was ready because knew this is what he wanted forever. He wanted her, “Will you marry me?”
“…Her family has been under investigation after her father’s disappearance —…”
“But you jeopardized it, Soldat. It wasn’t real.”
The memories are sucked out of him like a vacuum and his dark eyes meet yours, again, across the bed.
You had never seen his pupils so blown before.
You were terrified.
Your eyes go down to his flesh hand that is twitching against his thigh.
“Bucky.” You say cautiously, one more time. It was almost like you were afraid to get closer to him.
“I—“ his voice was hoarse.
He looks away and clears his throat. He blinks away the heavy daze, allowing it all to sink in until it settles in his stomach in a surprising pool of acceptance.
He sees you again and for some reason he feels okay.
It scares him.
It scared him how you took something that had been bothering him for so long, away that quickly.
In that moment he knows.
“I remembered something.” Your eyebrows came together suddenly. Nearly moments ago he looked heartbroken but now he just looked shocked and angry.
“What did you remember? I thought you had your memories back. In Wakanda.”
“I-I did,” he squeaks out running a hand through his hair, “maybe I’m just remembering differently, or adding pieces together, I don’t know, I can’t tell. It has to be, because it makes sense. It makes so much sense now, and I can’t—and she—”
“Bucky you’re rambling,” he stops and you continue to look at each other. His face drops all traces of anger and it softens, “Talk to me, I’m right here.” You whisper.
Bucky looks down at you and nods. No hesitancy.
“Give me your hands.” You say, reaching for him. He doesn’t hold back from doing so, and once you have his hands in yours, you pull him up onto the bed so he’s kneeling on it next to you.
Bucky takes a few minutes to compose himself before he says it:
“I think Daisy and her family were Hydra.” He says it like he’s afraid of his own words.
As if every word in that phrase was a curse word.
Somehow, it relieves him.
His chest feels light, shoulders worn. He can breathe.
+ + +
“I should’ve known it was too fast. Too perfect,” you’re also stunned as he tells you everything, his hands still in yours, “but—but I don’t think she was always hydra. I think she wanted out when I was captured and they killed her for it.”
You don’t deny it, that hurts. Despite never knowing the girl and secretly holding envy for her, it pains you.
“Oh, Bucky.”
He shakes his head, eyebrows furrowing together.
“But it was a lie. She enticed me, she fucking—“ Bucky sucks in a deep breath, “she was trying to lure me in. There was nothing real about it.” He says the word like it’s venom on his lips.
You feel him rub his thumb over the back of your hand.
“You don’t know that -”
He shakes his head again, “She was Hydra!” He doesn’t say it angrily as much as he says it in a way to announce it to himself.
He needed to say it out loud. He needed to let it sink in.
You watch Bucky as he becomes completely numb, and somehow free, in front of you.
For some reason you expected more heartbreak from him for discovering something so horrible about a woman he claimed he loved so much, a woman he wanted to marry, but instead all you got from him was anger and acceptance.
Little did you know, Bucky was in the same boat as you.
Why wasn’t he as heat shattered as he’d expect?
“I-“ he’s speechless as he looks around, trying to find something, but he does’t know what.
You think you’re more shocked than him and you quickly grab his arm, bringing him against you for a tight hug.
He hugs you back immediately, hand running up your shoulder blade and onto the back of your hair.
Minutes pass by. Many minutes.
“It was all a lie,” he whispers still holding onto. you, “All of it. I really was alone. I thought I finally had someone, but—It wasn’t real.”
You don’t know what to say as you run your hand up the back of his head.
It’s not until you pull him in tighter that he realizes it.
It was you.
You were there reason this didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. His heart no longer wanted to be with someone who was long gone.
It wanted to stay here.
He never thought he would ever feel this way ever again, and he never thought he would trust this hard ever again.
Realizing truth relived him of buried pain, and he wanted you to keep holding him, to keep helping him go through this.
He says your name softly.
“I want to talk about everything.”
You stiffen for a moment as you let his words sink in. You weren’t exactly sure what he was talking about.
“What are you talking about?” You ask.
“All of it. Everything that I did. I need to get it out, I can’t keep doing this, holding it in, keeping it inside —”
The euphoria through your blood is addicting.
“Tell me.”
He loved slow dancing.
He loved the Yankees.
He loved math and Howard Stark.
He went to the Stark Expo every year.
He loved The Hobbit and he loved jazz.
He loved New York City.
He loved Brooklyn the most.
He misses flat hats.
He loved telling jokes.
His mother died when he was young.
His sister was taken away from him.
He cried when he couldn’t see her.
His father died not too long after.
He never enlisted despite his love for the military.
He was drafted.  
He experienced World War II but on the enemy side.
He fought with Hitler’s and Hydra’s men.
He was loved by the KGB.
He loved Prague.
He trained the girls in the red room.
He remembers every young girl.
He was told to kill four kids on a mission once in Bucharest.
He was tormented, beaten raw, and kept in a concrete cell between cryo periods.
He was only occasionally fed, most years spent asleep.
He was treated like an animal. They tied him to the wall once in the cell, with a chain around his neck.
He was brain washed.
He was sexually assaulted by Hydra.
He doesn’t remember if he was raped, which could be his brain’s way of protecting himself from more trauma.
He reminds you that loved Howard Stark.
He killed Howard Stark.
He killed Maria Stark.
He was the one that stole the super soldier serum from the Stark’s and provided it to Hydra.
He was the fist of Hydra.
He killed many other good men. Over two dozen assassinations.
He killed JFK.
He never wanted to do any of it.
He remembers all of it.
They named him a hero on the Wall of Valor before S.H.I.E.L.D fell.
He was taken into Wakanda, freed of his trigger words.
He still loved New York City.
He was pardon him, despite everything.
They named him an Avenger.
He remembers it all.
You’re laying down facing each other and you continue to watch him as he tells you everything.
It’s one of the most surreal experiences of your life and you find yourself in total awe.  
This was the Bucky Barnes you had been longing to see. This was the man you knew was hidden beneath layers of hurt and anger.
You had seen it before he even told you.
The fact that he even trusted you enough to be this transparent with you is what makes you so happy.
His eyes brightened as he played with a string on the blanket between you.
“And Friends,” his voice is small and there’s a little smile on his mouth. Your heart swells as you watch it, “I love Friends.”
You bite your tongue as you smile.
Bucky stared at you, just as amazed at himself as he was at you. He couldn’t believe he told it all to you.
It was as if Daisy’s image had begun to dissolve and he was finally seeing clearly.
He didn’t hate you. He never hated you.
His fingers peak out slowly to take a hold of your pinky.
It was the opposite. He wanted you.
He feels himself breaking when you pull away from his touch. His smile falls.
“I’m proud of you,” you say quietly, sitting up again, “For finally talking about it.” You mean it, “Thank you.”
It takes him a few seconds to eventually look away and he turns onto his back. Bucky drapes an arm over his stomach, letting out a long breath of contentment.
He felt free.
To do what?
He looks over at you again as you pull your book back out.
This. This is what freedom got him. You.
But it you weren’t his. He clears his throat.
“How are things with your boyfriend?”
You don’t like talking about Pietro with Bucky.
“It’s fine,” you answer anyway, “We only had one date. And I got sick, so hopefully the next one will be better.”
Bucky swallows thickly. Why was he feeling like this? He should be happy for you. You wanted this. You deserved this.
“What do you plan to do when it’s time for us both to leave and go back?” He asks.
You don’t miss the way he mentions both of you to leave and your eyes quickly flicker to him.
“I don’t know yet,” you say hoarsely, filled with unexpected relief.
+ + +
Bucky doesn’t remember experiencing this kind of happiness since he was nineteen and him and Steve went to go see a baseball game after scoring a date with two pretty girls on the F train.
He’s happy.
Ashen peaks up at him from behind dark lashes, smiling so hard his eyes peak up at the side, turning them into thin slits. Bucky’s aren’t too far off as he mimics the boy’s laughter.
“Connect four?” Bucky asks, chuckling.
“Yeah, you’ve gotta try it. It’s so fun.” The Ashens says happily, pulling out the little game from underneath his bed. Bucky wants to ask him why he has it hidden, but he doesn’t. He just reminds him that they need to stay quiet, “plus, it’s the only game I have anyway. But it’s fun Mr. Bucky.”
“Haha, alright lets try it.” Bucky says.
They sit across from each other on the floor, setting up the little game and dividing their colored chips. Ashen’s goes first, dropping in a yellow one.
Bucky picks up a red one with his flesh hand and drops it right next to the yellow. They continue for a bit until Ashens notices Bucky isn’t connecting his colors.
“No, you have to try to get a straight line and connect it!” He laughs, “you suck at this."
“Oh, no! What did I do?” Bucky exclaims, laughing.
“You’re not very smart for an Avenger.” Ashens remarks.
“Okay,” Bucky points at him playfully, smiling, “That’s mean.”
“I’m sorry but it is true.”
“Cut me some slack.” Bucky says, smiling.
They play for a little longer until Ashens ends up beating him.
Bucky sticks his tongue out at the boy, but smiles. He eventually caught on to the game and let him win. But he doesn’t need to know that.
“Mr. Bucky,” Ashen says after he slides the game back under his head. He brings his legs up to his chest and hugs them, "Will you tell me now why you are here to save me?”
Bucky licks his lip and sighs. He looks out Ashens' high rise window and then back to him again. “Not yet.”
“Should I be afraid.”
“No. I won’t let anything happen you. I promise.”
Ashens doesn’t say anything as he lets his Mike Wazowski slippers hit each other.
“Do you have any kids? Like my age?”
The question surprises Bucky, and for a moment a feeling of longing hits him. “No. I don’t.”
“Aww okay.”
Bucky stares at Ashens little sad face and his heart breaks.
“I always wanted to, though,” Bucky whispers, “But that was years ago.”
“When you were in world war one?”
Bucky smiles.
“Two, not one, but yeah,” it’s not a lie, Bucky knows that if his loved would’ve went a different way, he would have definitely had kids. To know he could never go back to such simplicity broke his heart, “Something like that.”
There was something, that even so many months later, still bothered Bucky. It was something so small, and it probably didn’t really affect you as much as it affected him, but it was something you said to him.
It was one of your many fights and the way you had spatted at him about buying you plan B after you had sex.
He didn’t want to burden you. What you two had done had been irresponsible. An atmosphere like this was no place and time for an unwanted baby.
You weren’t ready for one, let alone his.
At the time, it wasn’t that he wouldn’t want the baby, if you were to have gotten pregnant, he would have loved that child with everything. He was thinking about you.
He hated to think that he gave you that pill as a gesture to say that he wanted nothing to do with you.
If so, you were wrong.
He wanted you to be happy, just smart.
He cared about you.
And now, possibly more.
As he continues to watch Ashens giggling over his slippers, that feeling of longing washes over Bucky again.
He knows he needs to tell you.
+ + +
You still weren’t feeling well. Maybe it was your nerves. The end of the mission was getting closer by each day and you never expected you’d have to leave with a little kid. You still hadn’t met Ashens, but Bucky says he’s a delight.
Ashens has changed him. You took notice immediately and it made you happy. This whole experience would be good for him.
After Bucky had poured out his heart to you, you knew you needed to get away again. That was the dance now. You get pulled, you take a step back. You couldn’t let yourself go there anymore, no matter how hard it was.
Pietro would be the driving force to help you.
You just wish Bucky would stop doing things that he probably realized he wasn’t even doing. The way he touches your face and your hand, or some times the way he looks at you, was not appropriate for two fuck buddies who stopped…fucking.
You were still convinced that he wanted you two to go your separate ways at the end of this mission. Him indirectly saying he was going to walk out with you made you happy, it could’ve been Ashens that helped him have a change of heart, whatever it was, this thing between you had to dissolve anyway.
You couldn’t keep doing that to himself, even when he would blur your lines.
You really wished he would stop doing that.
That night you after the ball, you were almost sure that he was developing feelings for you - finally - it’s why you tried to get him to finally tell you why the kiss bothered him.
Bucky never told you the truth, and you were too tired to keep digging.
You were glad that was the last time.
It was over. All of it was over.
Your stomach churns again and you decide to make yourself some tea and head to bed.
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stcveskent · 3 years
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his comfort ; andy barber
warnings: fluff, some old trauma idk?
pairings: Andy Barber x Reader
requested by cevansmarvel
you were working on some papers, when you heard your phone ring, you sighed and looked for your phone, and looked at the contact name, Andy💞
A huge smile on your face as you pressed the green button, and placed it on speaker.
"Hey Good Morning!!" His cheerful voice made you chuckle.
"Good Morning to you too, Andy, how are you doing?" You asked as you continued talking and doing your work at the same time.
"I'm great, now that i heard your voice." He flirted, typical Andy . You mocked him on this one and he laughed, at how funny you sounded. Andy's been your everything since you were 5. You went to same kindergarten, to same school years later, and your friendship never changed into anything. You were always with him, no matter what. Your mothers, both were great friends, and had kinda similar pasts, but other than Andy's dad, your father abandoned you and your mother because he didn't wanted both of you.
But Andy, was always there for you, and you were there for him too. He always loved seeing you, at his place, anywhere. During college, Andy met a girl, Laurie , who he eventually fell in love with and got married too. It hurt you a lot, because you were in love with him since your 6th grade, but never told him. Laurie, started being friends with you first, and then started her plan of stealing Andy from you.
When he got married, you've never felt that broken, ever in your life, and he forgot you later. You never married, never dated never did anything, because you felt that if you too, would get married, then you couldn't give him the love he deserves in your life.
Everything turned upside down, when on work you were talking to your colleagues while they randomly switched on the T.V and randomly pressed the news channel number, and the news stated something which shocked you.
Jacob, Andy and Laurie were displayed on the screen, and it showed some murder news, Jacob could ever do that? you were shocked, and you saw  Andy after millions of years....the look on his face showed how broken he looked, and you wanted to rush towards him right now. Your collegues started to call you, at how shocked you looked.
You walked out of your office, right then, and started driving towards his place, which he hasn't changed since the time he got married. You knocked on the door, feeling uneasy, but he needed you, and you too needed to see his face. Just a minute later, a sad Andy opened the door, and his eyes widened at the sight of yours.
"Y-y/n?" He stuttered, and you passed a small weak smile, and he hugged you. The warm feeling of his, hugging you, and your burying your face in his chest, just comforting for both of you.
"I-i missed you, so so much." He confessed, a smile over your face as you kept hugging you.
"I missed you too, Andy, so much." You replied and he smiles pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"Come in." He says and you walk in with him, you two got comfortable, and he started talking about how he felt, and started talking about Jacob's case, you felt bad for that man, he looked so broken, as he talked. He even told you about how him and Laurie were not the same anymore. Just then you heard Jacob and Laurie get in the house.
"Y/n? After so many years?!" Laurie asked and you smiled, and she hugged you before she excused herself to go upstairs, and there comes Jacob.
"I remember you." He said and you chuckled.
"Me too, Jay!! How are you doing?" You asked and he smiles before answering.
"good actually." He says and goes upstairs to his room, later, you and Andy talk about olden times..and then you leave the place..and try to always stay in contact with him, since then.
It was four years ago. Jacob, died in a car accident, and Laurie, its wasn't a surprise that they filed for a divorce and also, got married the next month with someone.
Since then you always visited Andy, and never left his side.
"Can you spend the night at my place? Movie nights just like the old days?" He asked and you smiled, only if he saw how happy he made you.
"Yes, i'll be there. See you tonight!" You said and he greets again before you hang up. Your smile wasn't leaving you the whole day, and everyone has noticed it. Well, you then got into shit load of work and concentrated, and got of work as soon as possible.
As soon as you stepped at your place, you knew what you were going to be looking like, natural. And so you did, and drove to his place.
You met Andy, and he gave you the biggest hugs as possible, and all your stress would just leave, and then he plays some series on the T.V. You two are focusing on how the two lovers are trying to tell how much they love each other, but don't know how to talk. A smile on your face as your head on the pillow.
"What're you smiling at?" He asked, getting closer, sipping, a glass of soft drink, because you're non alcoholic and he always backs away from alcohol near you.
"Two people, so much in love, can't express how they feel." You replied and he chuckles.
"Romantic, Y/n, i missed the girl." He confessed, and everytime he mentioned something like that would make you go red. He would do it often, lets say, Andy loves getting flirty with you.
"God that smile!" He says and you hit him playfully before pulling the blanket a little bit more closer, and he noticed it why you did that, and pulled you closer to him, that you were on top of him.
"What're you doing?" You asked as you laid on him comfortably, and he pulled the blanket on both of you.
"Giving you more warmth, you feel cold always." He says and you smile before concentrating on the scene again.
An hour later, you were asleep, soft snores made him smile, he was feeling something, he wasn't sure of and later, his head rested on yours, sleeping.
"You could've saved me, Dad, but you didn't."
"I tried my best! Jacob, i love you."
"You're a liar Dad, a big liar!" Jacob points his finger and Andy's tears falls, at the sight of his son, being so angry, that he couldn't solve it.
"I hate you Dad!"
"Jacob no—"
and just then Jacob is hit by a truck, making Andy scream in horror.
He wakes up gasping sweat on his forehead and he looks at you, sleeping peacefully. His hand on his chest, as he tries to calm himself down. He moves you gently and walks to the bathroom.
He stares in the mirror, he looked awful, he missed his son so much, he was having nightmares about him, only if Laurie didn't do that years ago.
You woke up, loss of warmth woke you up, and looked around, to see no one there, but you heard sniffles, and you knew whom it was.
You walked in the bedroom, as the bathroom door was open and he cried, burying his face in his hands, not gonna lie, that sight broke you into millions of pieces, and you stayed strong, walking in, lowering your voice, so it would be calming for him.
"Andy?" You softly called and he wiped his tears looking at you.
"You're awake? Sorry if i woke you—"
"You saw it again?" You asked and he nodded, tears forming in his eyes again, you felt worse. He hugged you, burying his face in your neck, you were his comfort, he never told anyone about.
"It's okay, its okay." You said as you rubbed his back.
"My son hates me." He says, stuttering.
"No! Andy that's not true at all, Jacob loves you, you were the best dad, Andy you and I both know what happened and what killed him. You knew his last words, he said he loves you, forever." You spoke, and every of that word was right, and he nods.
"But what if i could've save him? He would be with me—"
"You didn't know that, its not your fault, Jacob always loved his father, because his father never lost his trust in him. Jacob loved his Father, because he made him feel like he mattered in the world and no one else, Jacob loves his father very much." You said, and he nods before hugging you again.
"Thank you, you really are the best!" He spoke and kissed your cheek.
"I get that a lot, from you honestly." You said and he chuckled before you kiss his forehead. He loved these little small gestures you did. Now you brought him to bed, and he starts to talk to you, and you get involved in the conversation.
"Come on Andy, now you really need to sleep." You said and he nods, you stoof up before he questions.
"Hey where are you going?"
"No we're sharing our bed, come on you'll get cold." He teased and you rolled your eyes.
"I want you to sleep comfortably, you won't be able to sleep with me."
"We've shared beds many times y/n, come on, I won't hurt you." He said making you laugh as you join him.
While talking both of you fall asleep, your head on his arm and his other arm, pulling you closer. Maybe if you and Andy were together this would be so normal for you, to feel it every day, but you felt like you lost your chance there, with the love of your life.
hope you like it 🥺💞
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Warnings: the Punisher themes, blood, gore, violence, kidnapping, Agent Madani (cause she's a trigger warning for me XD), sweet Frank
Word Count: 9095. This is a long one. Buckle up! MINORS DNI!
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Her father looked at her with his heart in his eyes, her face bruised and marred.
“Darling, I’m so sorry.” He whispers, patting her hand. She smiles at him.
“It’s okay.” She croaks, cracking her cuts on her face when she smiles bigger. He pats her lips with a paper towel, applying a couple drops off water to her mouth. “Chapstick in my purse, dad.” She coos, giving him a chuckle.
“Of course, baby.” He smiled, kissing her forehead and digging into her purse for that little tube of chapstick. She takes it, putting some on and sighing in relief. “I hired a bodyguard. Don’t fight me this time please. A different bodyguard; one more your style. Maybe you won’t run away from this one.” He chides, giving her a half-unimpressed look.
“Pop, it’s not my fault. He was old and boring.” She whines.
“Well, you can rest assured this one is not old or boring.” He chuckles, waving someone in. This beast of man, with broad shoulders, a strong jaw, and a dark look walks in. Her eyes drink him in. His all black apparel, tee shirt, cargo pants, military boots.
“Wow.” She whispers, “definitely not old.”
“I thought you might enjoy his company more. Since he doesn’t talk and he can’t be persuaded to take you out onto the town at three in the morning for waffles.” Frank chuckles. “Can you be persuaded to take her to get waffles at three in the morning?” He asks, jabbing a finger at the man.
“No, sir. I just think it’s funny that a bodyguard could be, sir.”
“Great. Military.” She heaves a sigh and rolls her lips together.
“This is my daughter, Kat. She’s my baby. I need you to promise you’d give your life to keep her safe.” Her father explains, her eyes watching the gold watch on his tan wrist.
“Sir, can I speak to you in the hallway?” He asks, looking at the door.
“Sir, you know who I am right?” He asks, looking to the man with a partially confused look.
“I’m Frank Castle. I killed so many people the US government lost count and gave me a new identity. But please justs call me Frank.” He explains, and her father’s eyes widen for a moment.
“You are Frank Castle. Wow.” He whispers.
“Yeah.” He nods.
“Alright, well. My daughter, Kat, she’s my world. Do you understand that?” He asks, looking to Frank and seeing him nod.
“Yeah, I get that.” He swallows hard.
“Good, now. My daughter is my whole existence. I love her with everything I have. She’s in the hospital because some men were looking for me and she wouldn’t give me up. If you’re ever in that situation, and she’s with you, tell her to give it up. Okay? My life is not valuable if I lose her. Understood? So if she’s ever kidnapped with you, please, give them whatever information they ask you for, okay? And when she gets released today, I’m putting the two of you in a safe house so she can heal.” He offers giving her a smile through the window, waving. Something about the sweet woman laying in that hospital made Frank almost feel weak. His stomach seemed to turn.
“Okay, and who’s supposed to be posted anywhere else near it? I’ll kill on sight if I don’t know them.” He states as calmly as his own name. Her father, Gianno, grins and claps Frank on the shoulder.
“Your huge. You’re a killer. And it’s sweet.” He chuckles, leaving Frank outside for a moment as he goes to talk to his daughter.
“Honey, I need to tell you something, okay? When you’re released in a few minutes, I’m going to have you quietly placed in a safe house away from me. Okay? Until you’re healed. Please don’t be mad.”
“Mad? Is Hercules going?” She giggles, pointing to the large man with his back to the door. Her father just nods and laughs. “Then I am not mad. I’ll be holed up in a one bedroom apartment with that sweet, huge man and I cannot wait.” She explains.
“Wow, you know you can’t sleep with him, right?”
“And if I did. I’d never tell you. Who’s packing my stuff?” She asks, looking at him quizzically.
“Lyla is, currently. I figured if any girl knew what to pack it’d be her.” He laughs. The door opens, Frank nodding to her father.
“Hello! I’m Doctor Haas. I’m here with the paperwork for you, dear.” The woman nods with a gleaming smile. Handing over a clipboard, Kat signs the paperwork in record time and happily changes out of the gown. “We’ll grab a wheelchair from the hall and--”
“No! No, please. No wheelchair. Between pop and Hercules I’ll be fine. Honestly. I wanna walk out on my own.” She whines, standing on quaking legs.
“Alright! No problem.” She smiles, giving her a nod and sending her on her way.
“Honeybun, maybe you should think about using the--”
“No! Pop, I’m not using it.” She gingerly steps into the hallway. Frank looks down at her for a moment, taking in the situation. Before he can say a word, she looks up with shimmering grey-blue eyes and a pleading smile. “I can’t use a wheelchair. I have to walk out of here.” She whispers, gripping his hand.
“Okay.” He whispers back. With a look at her, he tucks her under his arm, holding her up at her waist to keep her on her feet. Even when her legs start to give way at the exit door, Frank holds fast and gets her quickly to the car.
“You can do it.” He whispers as the steps get closer and closer, the car only a yard away. “Come on. If anyone can do it, you can. You didn’t take a wheelchair because you know you’re strong.” He coos, getting her to push through the last ten steps before collapsing into the SUV.
“Thank you.” She whispers, hugging his neck as he lifts her onto the seat. He climbs in next to her, buckling her in.
“Safe house.” Her father states as he gets into the passenger seat with a little smirk on his face.
“Tell me, Hercules. Where are you from?” She asks, gripping his bicep and gleaming up at him.
“Queens.” He smiles, his eyes scanning around them while he talks to her.
“You married?” She asks, looking at the necklace that hangs around his neck.
“I was.” He states, looking out the windows for suspicious cars.
“Ah sorry. Divorced?”
“Killed. My wife and two kids.” He states, looking to her with pain in his eyes.
“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.” She coos, patting his shoulder. “God I’m tired.” She murmurs, tipping over onto his shoulder and falling asleep. He gently leans her to the other door onto the padded seat back and sits back up, eyes scanning again.
“Mister Luccianni, that silver grand am to your right, has been following us for the past two miles.” He states, grabbing for his weapon. “Gimme the go, I’ll smoke em.” He offers, narrowing his sights and putting his finger on the window button.
“Stand down. They’re your test. You passed. Good eye. Is she asleep?” Her father asks as they pull into a parking garage.
“Yeah.” He nods, the car coming to a slow stop in a parking spot.
“The silver car has her things in it. It’s the most common car in the state of New York it seems. So, Lyla, her best friend is in the car. She’s sex-crazed and will probably hit on you. She’s got Kat’s things and she can help put them in the apartment. Now. Next, I need you to carry her in, as unsuspecting as possible. It’s midday and people are out and about. Try not to give yourselves away. Lyla is dressed in a mover’s uniform. Short brunette, pencil straight hair. There will be neighbors out. You two are newly married until you get in that door.” Her father debriefs him with a smile and gives him a nod.
“Got it, sir. Is she to stay in the apartment all the time? Will she sneak out? What do the men look like who did this to her?”
“Don’t keep her cooped up the whole time, she’ll go crazy. Call a driver first. The driver confirms with you. You bring her out as your new wife. You get into the car. She will sneak out. Lyla will probably convince her to sneak out so they can go wine tasting or something. Lyla’s a good girl, but she’s crazy. The men who did this? They look dead.” He answers all the questions and he nods. Frank found her interesting. “She’s been engaged, but never married. He was killed, much like your family.” He coos, looking at his daughter with a loving, sad smile. “Alright, it’s time to go in.” He smiles, letting Frank get out first, scooping her out of the seat and starting towards the door.
“What-what’s happening?” She asks. Half awake, half asleep, the jostling is all to familiar and she kicks out, diving to the ground and waking up immediately. Frank stares down at her with wide eyes and a little smirk.
“You good now?” He gruffs, sticking out a hand. She takes it, allowing him to pull her to her feet.
“Yeah, I’m so sorry.” She whispers as he tucks her under his arm.
“It’s okay, hunny. Those men can’t hurt you again.” He states out loud, his big hand covering the side of her face and holding it against his chest. “We’re married when we leave this aparment.” He hushes as they walk, never missing a beat.
“Well, alright then.” She giggles loudly, letting him keep her against him. As her father lets them into the apartment, Frank almost has to peel her off of him. “Aw, c’mon hunny! I’m not done cuddling.” She whines, making grabby hands at him. “You’re so warm.” He just chuckles, heading into the room with her father and other guards to discuss what the next plan is. A knock at the door has Frank’s undivided attention. Peeking through the peephole, he sees the described woman who was bringing her things in. He waves her over, signaling to be quiet.
“Is this Lyla?” He asks, covering her mouth as she gasps. She nods violently, grabbing for the handle. Frank’s hand is faster, tugging hers away. “Go over there.” He hushes, pointing behind the couch. Huffing, she rolls her eyes and wobbles to the couch. Frank carefully opens the door and finds a petite woman with a cart full of suitcases. “Name.” He barks, hand resting on his pistol.
“Lyla. I’m here for welcome party.” She grins so widely Frank finds it odd, but when he peeks out, he sees a neighbor looking over at them.
“My wife must’ve invited you! C’mon in!” He cheers, waving her in and shutting the door. “The arsenal arrived.” He chuckles, waving Kat over.
“I’m so happy to finally see you!” She cheers, gripping her best friend in a warm, tight hug. When Kat groans at the slight throb in her ribs, Frank’s head flips back to them.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah.” She assures, heading into the bedroom and Lyla follows, dragging the bags along with her. Frank laughs, heading back into the room with her father and guards again. She curls up onto the couch after waving goodbye to her best friend. Frank had tossed his jacket onto the couch with his duffelbag and when she saw his coat, the only blanket-like thing near her, she draws it to her and covers up with it.
“But we’ll head out so you two can get better acquainted. The fridge and cupboards have been stocked up for you. Drinks are in the island, as well as wine in the cabinet. If Lyla tries to kidnap her, just shmooze her with wine tasting.” He chuckles, kissing his daughter atop her buised head and stepping out.
As she wakes from her nap, she sees the most glorious sight. A glass-walled shower with frosted glass and her bodyguard’s naked body in said shower. He climbs out, wrapping the towel around his waist. Combing through his hair, he feels eyes on himself and looks out the open door to see she’s awake.
“Hey, hot bodyguard.” She gives an awkward wave, jaw still on the floor.
“Hey, Kat.” He waves, dropping the towel just outside of her eyesight, returning a moment later dressed in a gray tee shirt and jeans, hearing a audible groan.
“It’s Frank, by the way.” He chuckles, offering a hand.
“It might be wise to know my newly wedded husband’s name. In case the neighbors ask.” She laughs, patting the couch with an inviting smile.
“You should shower.” He ruffs, helping her to her feet. “Doctor said first night you shower, try not to lift your arms too much. So I’m the best you got.” He smiles, a little excited to see her naked, frosted glass or not.
“Great. So you’re name is Frank, you’ve known me twelve hours, and now you’re going to see me naked? This is a fucking treat.” She rolls her eyes, but Frank just laughs.
“You didn’t think you’d be the only one to get a show, did you?” He asks.
“Hey now! I happened to wake up at the right time. That’s not my fault.” She laughs, defending herself as she gives a grin.
“It is now, c’mon, doll.” He chuckles as she digs through the suitcase for underwear, a bra, and a shirt. She’d found shorts already.
“Did you just call me doll? Should I call pops and tell him you already have a crush on me?” He just rolls his eyes as she walks to the bathroom. Tugging off her sweatpants and underwear, she feels exposed, but she can’t get her shirt off. Snapping her fingers, she hooks the t-shirt’s collar onto the towel hook and tugs the shirt off, sobbing when her arm is raised so high. Frank comes through the door.
“You okay?” He asks, looking around her to find her shirt hanging on the hook.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” She nods, letting Frank’s eyes drink her in. “Actually, Frank? Can you unhook this? I can’t get it.” She whines, pushing on her bra with one hand.
“Sure.” Unhooking her bra, his knuckles brushing her smooth skin, his eyes travel down the gauze pads that pepper her back.
“Those have to come off too.” She whispers, meaning the gauze pads. He peels each one off gingerly to find a variously shaped cigarette burns on her back.
“What the hell?” He whispers, his finger running between the burns. She shivers at the intimate touch and he jerks his hand away. “Sorry, I-”
“It’s okay.” She whispers, putting Frank’s hand back on her shoulder and letting him trail down again.
“It looks like a constellation.” He whispers, pulling away his hand.
“Thank you.” She coos, letting the hot water start.
Frank washes her back and shoulders, gentle around her burns.
“Thank you.” He puts the loofa down and steps out of the bathroom giving her a little privacy and himself a little space. He didn’t know why he felt this way, but he wanted so badly to kiss every little mark, trailing down her back. Huffing to calm down his nerves, he heads to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Not finding any, he mixes up a couple mugs of hot chocolate.
“So, uh, no coffee. But, I found some hot chocolate.” He smiles. Offering a mug of steaming hot cocoa.
“No coffee?” She asks, looking at him like he’d just sworn at her.
“Right? No coffee.” She pulls out her phone and sets up a delivery for starbucks in the morning.
“I probably shouldn’t drink any, anyway. It’s late, ya know. I should sleep.” She groans as they finish off the hot chocolate.
“Yeah, you hit the bed. I’m on the couch.” He explains, pointing to the bedroom.
“No, no. I can’t sleep there while you--”
“It’s my job. Okay? So you get in there and go to bed.” He orders, letting her get up and walk to her room.
Almost an hour passes when he hears her voice softly muttering under her breath.
“Darlin’?” He asks, looking into the dim room to see her thrashing on the bed, a scream filling the room. He bolts to her bed, grabbing her shoulders and hugging her against him. “IT’s not real. It’s not real. You’re in a safehouse. You’re name is Kat. You have a bodyguard named Frank. Your father is a mob boss.” He whispers things that are real as she comes out of her nightmare.
“Thank you.” She sniffs, curling into herself. He sits gently on the edge of the bed and draws her against him.
“No problem. Sometimes I get ‘em too.” He ruffs, looking at her with a small smile.
“Really? How do you make them go away?” She asks.
“I killed the men responsible.” He offers a crooked smile and she laughs. “Go to sleep.” He coos, smoothing her hair as she starts to drift.
“Oh, Frank? Tomorrow morning there’s supposed to a delivery driver at the door. I ordered coffee for the morning.” She smiles, letting him hug her against him, resting his chin atop her head.
“I’ll try not to kill them.” He hushes as he hears her lightly snoring. Sleep starts to push his eyelids closed and slowly, he leans back against the headboard, exhausted. Soon, she’s climbing on him in her sleep, cuddled as close as possible under his chin and on his chest. His arms curl around her instinctively. Safety washes over her as she peeps through one sleepy eyelid to see Frank so close to her asleep. Smiling, she tucks her head back under his chin and goes back to sleep.
A knock sounds at the door, waking them both out of their comforting bubble.
“Ssh. Don’t move.” He rises, scrubbing his face and stalking silently to the door. She takes a ten from her wallet and slides it under the door. “Put the coffee down, take your tip and walk away.” He demands, never opening the door. Once the man’s out of sight, she slips out and snatches the two coffees and the small bag of coffee grounds.
“Frankie!” She calls, handing him a coffee when she finds him standing in the kitchen making breakfast.
“Yes, coffee.” He chuckles, taking the cup and sipping the hot caffeinated drink.
“Thank you for last night. Ugh, sounds weird to say like that, but you know what I mean. I didn’t have a nightmare when you slept there. Can-I just-well-sorry. It’s stupid.”
“Nah, ask.” He assures, sliding a plate across to her.
“I just wondered, you know, if maybe--if you wanted to--possibly sleep in the same bed again. It doesn’t have to get weird. I just--that was the first night in almost two weeks I didn’t have another nightmare. It was exhilarating.” She stammers, so afraid of what the big brute might say.
“That’s fine.” He nods, sitting down to eat, but not before he pats a hand to her shoulder.
“So tell me something about you.”
“I was in a special forces military ops.” He offers, finishing his plate in record time.
“Wow, that’s explains your nightmares.” She wags her brows, almost halfway done with her plate.
“No, it doesn’t. My family was shot in a park. While I was there. It was meant for me but they didn’t get me. They got my son, my daughter, and my sweet wife.” He husks, his throat starting to close. Springing from her seat, fork clattering to the plate with a glass ‘ting’ she jumps into his arms, wrapping her arms around him and gripping tight.
“Christ, I’m so sorry. My husband was shot down while working with my father. The bullets were meant for my father, but the killer got the wrong info.” She whispers, and Frank’s arms wrap around her, hugging her tight to his hard body.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, letting her hold him for what seems like hours.
“Frank? Can you promise me something?” She asks as she leans back a little.
“Promise me you’ll do everything you can to stay alive. Okay? You’re a good man, Frank, and I don’t want to be the reason you die. I--You could walk out and I’d understand. You can leave.” She assures, elbows resting on his shoulders. Frank rises to his feet, towering over her and grabs her chin in his thumb and first finger.
“I’m not leaving. I’m not going anywhere. I already made a promise to your father to keep you safe if it kills me, so his negates yours. Sorry, hunny.” He hushes, grinning at her.
“Ugh, no fun.” She whines, tugging her face away from from his warm, firm grip and finding a sweatshirt to put on. It was chilly, Frank found it soothing, but his roommate not so much and she came back into the room in his black hoodie, almost drowning in it. He couldn’t hide the the small chuckle. “Hey Frank? Do you think we could go out today?” She asks, rolling the sleeves once so she could use her hands.
“No. I think we could not.” He mocks in a high pitched voice. She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. Frank huffs, not sure if he should take her out. Grabbing his phone, he dials her father. “Why do you need to go out? We have coffee now, what else do you need?” He asks.
“I want fresh veggies from the market. I’d love to make something for dinner but all we have are like--lettuce and carrots.” She complains through a hand at the fridge in exasperation.
“Lettuce and carrots, fresh veggies! By the way! And you’re complaining.” She grabs his hands and gets right up to his chest.
“C’mon sweet husband of mine. Don’t you want to go out with your new bride?” She asks, jumping a little in excitement.
“Darlin’. Listen to me-- Yeah!” He answers his phone as her father calls him back.
“Hey Frank! You rang?”
“Yeah, your daughter wants to go out to the market right down the block. She wants to buy some veggies. I’m on my A game, sir. If you’re fine with it, I’ll take her.” He offers, shushing her with his hand clasping over her mouth. She looks at him with a smile, Frank feeling his heart swell.
“If you believe you can handle it, I don’t care if you two love birds go out.” Her father chuckles. “Put her on quick.” Frank puts the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” She asks.
“Hey baby. Listen to me. I don’t care if you two leave, but you have to stay at Frank’s side. You have to stay glued to him. You understand?” He asks into the phone, his expressions matching his words as if he were speaking to her face to face.
“Yeah, pop. Like glue. I love you!” She smiles into the phone, her father saying it back before they hang up.
“You ready?” He ruggs, offering her an elbow after letting her put on her white Gucci sneakers with her shorts and Frank’s sweatshirt. Sweater paw on his elbow, they leave arm in arm. His grips her hand as they step out. “Also, I’m Pete, your Honey.” He smiles, earning a half-upset look from her as they get into the elevator.
“Alright Pete.” She coos as they get into the car waiting for them. Driving them the two blocks, Frank gets out first, eyes scanning the perimeter. Finding nothing alarming, he nods to let her out. Her sweater paw reaches for his arm, but his hand cups high on her hip, pulling her against him as they walk through the market. “Aw hunny, over here! Some tomatoes! And some fresh basil, oregano, thyme, and ooh! Parsley!” As the two pay for their vegetables at each stand, Frank notices the man a few yards back, following them. Frank tries to hurry her along, but she’s intrigued by every stand and wants to look at everything. With two bags of veggies, a bag of chicken, and a grin as wide as Frank’s chest, he convinces her to get in the car just as the man reaches for her. Frank’s hand comes down hard and fast. When the man sees Frank’s face, his heart hits the floor and he turns, running away.
“Hunny, did that man just run the other direction?” She asks, looking to him as he shoves her into the car and they get into the apartment as fast he can. Once in the door, Frank’s hands graze over her body to be sure of no injuries, but she laughs it off.
Stepping into the kitchen, she opens the cupboard and heaves a sigh of relief.
“Thank god they brought cooking wine.” She assures, reaching but not quite grasping it. Climbing onto the counter and grabbing the wine bottle, her hand slips and she falls backwards but she and the wine bottle, never hit the floor.
“You are so clumsy.” He chuckles, righting her small frame and handing her the wine. “What are you making?” He asks, looking to her with a smirk.
“Chicken cacciatore, my nonna was the best at it, but I try my best.” She smiles shyly as she starts cooking.
As Frank takes his first bite, his eyes roll back and he moans. His reaction catches her offguard and she looks at him with a confused smile.
“It’s good. What can I say?” He shrugs, giving her a smile.
“Right, thank you.” She coughs, going back to eating her own. It didn’t taste like home but it almost did. She was happy to have it. She thinks back to earlier when the man trying to attack her saw Frank and ran away. It was remarkable yet a little unnerving. “Hey, Frank? Why did that man run away from you?” She asks as he takes a bite of dinner and looks up from his plate. His eyes are calculating, not sure what he should say. He assumed she knew about him. Since her father had found out, he assumed that she knew.
“I uh, I killed a lot of people. Bad people, but, still alot of people.” He wags his brows, holding his breath.
“How many?” She asks, taking another bite as if this were small talk.
“Thirty five.” He coughs, trying to disguise it. She looks up for a moment and a grin crosses her face.
“Wow, thirty five? My father’s record for one day is only ten.” She blabs, continuing to eat.
“It wasn’t in one day. I killed all the people responsible for my family’s deaths. Everyone.” He hushes, looking at her as she continues to eat. When she glances up, her eyes meet his and she gives an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry, Frank. Holy shit!” Her fork clatters to her plate and she jumps to her feet. “Frank Castle! Holy shit! Oh my god! You’re Frank Castle! Holy fuck.” She stammers over and over, staring at him with wide, loving eyes. “Sorry, most girls crush on celebrities, but not this one. I mean, you are a celebrity, a dead one. But still, wow. You are beautiful.” She coos, staring at him. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you. Wow, Frank Castle. I gotta call Lyla! She’s never gonna believe this!” She crows like a teenage girl, fumbling for her phone. “We used to watch your news pieces and when you killed all those people in prison, amazing.” He plucks the phone from her hand and he laughs.
“No out calls.” He laughs, trying to compose himself.
“Oh come on! I just made the discovery of a century, and you won’t let me call my best friend?” Whining, she stamps a foot like a child and he gives her a half smirk.
“I’m sorry, darlin’.”
“Stop calling me that.” She huffs, her playfulness gone for a moment.
“Why?” He prods. A knock sounds at the door, making both of them jump. His hand grips her wrist across the table and he creeps around, putting her against the wall. Sneaking to the door, he looks through the peephole to see Lyla standing there, but instead of her giddy self, she’s rather squeemish, shifting from foot to foot, looking around nervously. Frank carefully opens the door, but it comes blasting in on him, sending him soaring into the couch.
“I’m sorry!” Lyla sobs as three grown Russian men shove in, grabbing Frank and throwing fist after fist into his face. Looking for her, one Russian reaches over the counter to grab her, but she stabs him with a knife in the arm. The man growls, yanking his arm back. Dislodging the knife, he tosses it aside to find she’s gone. Hunting for her while they kick Frank. A gun shot echoes and one of the Russians falls to the floor. Lyla stands with the gun in her hands, tears in her eyes as another Russian jumps on her, grabbing her by the hair and throwing her into the wall. Kat finds a gun in Frank’s bag and she shoots the large man beating on her best friend and just as she points the gun at the one on Frank, she sees the man’s dead body flop over onto another of the Russians. Frank rises to his feet, blowing air out his nose, blood spraying as he did so. Foot steps slow and calculated as he walks to Lyla, her scared whimpers enough to break Kat’s heart as Frank grabs the front of her shirt and drags her to her feet.
“You brought them here?” He growls low, his voice dark and feral.
“I-they were gonna kill my mom and me if I didn’t tell them.” She whimpers, tears falling down her face.
“And they almost killed you and her.” He barks, pointing to Kat, who stands in shock, quaking with a gun in her hand. Frank limps to her, slowly drawing the gun from her hands and placing it on the couch. “It’s okay.” He whispers, letting her drop her head to his shoulder. She hiccups and then sobs, gripping the back of his blood soaked shirt.
“Frank--you--you’re--” He covers her mouth with a bloody hand, shaking his head.
“I’m fine, darlin’.” She huffs and smiles, tears staining her cheeks. When her eyes lift over her shoulder, she sees the front door still wide open. Giving a shriek, she slips from his grip and slams the door, locking every deadbolt and chain before running back to Frank and gripping him tight.
“Frank, you-you’re bleeding.” She coos, carefully taking him to the couch. Appearing a moment later with a kit in her shaking hands. “Lyla, grab the bottle of rum from the cupboard. Also, it’s Frank fucking Castle!” She cheers as Lyla brings the bottle to her. When her eyes finally meet the man’s face she gasps.
“Holy shit. Your serial killer boyfriend is real.” She laughs, trying to calm her down. Taking a couple swigs from the bottle, she offers it to Frank.
“You want any?” She asks.
“Nah. Really I’m fine.” He hushes, letting his hands cover hers.
“Shut up, Frank.” She nips, swatting away his hands. Cleaning up his face, she puts a couple butterflies on the cut on his forehead, and a bandaid on the little ones on his cheek and chin.
“Darlin’ c’mon. Stop it.” He huffs, pushing her hands away. Jabbing a finger into his chest, earning a groan.
“Quit. Calling. Me. That.” She bites, clapping the kit closed and stomping to the bathroom to put it away.
“What’s her problem?” He huffs to himself, grabbing his cellphone and dialling her father.
“So the friend we thought we could trust, not so trustworthy. I need a discreet clean up crew.” He explains, when he sees her appear again. She hooks her arms under the man’s arms and drags him over to the pile of two more bodies and groans in disgust. “Hey, quit touching those.” He hushes, covering the mic on the phone.
“No! I want them gone.” She cries, tears starting to fall down her face.
“Ssh, it’s okay. Calm down.” He cuddles her against his strong body and coos in her ear.
“Clean up crew is on it’s way. Now, tell me my daughter is okay.” Her father’s voice calls to Frank.
“She’s fine, sir. She was cracking jokes earlier.” He chuckles, giving her shoulder a squeeze.
“Good. The clean up crew is four men. They’ll bring a laundry cart up, say they’re here for pickup. You let them in.” Her father says as someone knocks on the door. She dives for the pistol and points it at the door, quaking as Frank carefully opens it to find a two laundry bins and four men.
“Sorry, she’s still scared.” He offers, reaching out and pulling the gun from her hands.
“It’s okay, sir. We just want to remove the bed bugs and get you cleaned up.” The man informs, putting the bodies into the carts and cleaning up in less than an hour. A deep breath escapes her as she sags against Frank, relaxed. His arm closes around her shoulder and he pats her clothed back.
Two Weeks go by, fun had by the two holed up in a small New York penthouse.
“Hey doll, I’m gonna head down for coffee. Don’t let anyone in, okay?” Frank’s gravelly voice washes over her for a moment as he walks through the door. “Lock all of these. I’ll knock twice and call out to you.” He smiles, patting her arm before stepping out and shutting the door. Frank listens as the door locks click, breathing out softly. He was nervous to leave but he hadn’t heard a sound, and there were other men posted outside the room and the building.
He gets to the bakery just down the street and orders her coffee, and his, getting a strawberry turnover with a little smile. Paying for the items, Frank looks at the bag and coffee cups in his hand and he gives a chuckle. He thought to himself, for a moment that he could have this. This life could be his. Getting coffee and turnovers in the morning like some kind of domesticated husband, the kind of husband he wanted to be for Maria. He chuckles, shaking his head. As he gets up the stairs, he sees two guards knocked out, laying in a pile.
“Shit.” Sprinting into room, the coffee hitting the tiled floor and splashing out, splattering up onto the bottom of the sofa where they sat comfortable in each others silence for almost four weeks. His eyes drop to the blood on the couch and the blood on the table, smeared like fingers grasping for the edge. His breath hitches, trying to breathe, but he can’t. “Kat! Kat!” He shouts, screaming at the top of his lungs.
“Frank Castle. It is Castle, right?” A voice calls, and when he turns, he finds a small woman standing before him, Agent Madani.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He barks, voice low and eyes on hers like lasers.
“Saving your little girlfriend you’ve been playing house with. She’s safe. Undisclosed location. Thinks her father is in questioning. No worries, nothing incriminating. But, tell me, Frank. What would you do if I weren’t watching this place, huh? I need to make a deal with her father, but he needs to know it’s the FBI. He will go to a maximum security prison for the rest of his life, but he and his daughter will be safe. The safest she can be, which I think is a little important to you.” She informs, arms crossed over her chest, watching Frank stand there, his chest heaving.
“You have her? Is she under surveillance? Can I see her?” He barks, storming towards her like a black cloud.
“After you get me a meeting with her father, Gianno Lucciani.” She retorts, not letting up. Frank steps closer, hand gripped around Madani’s neck, ready to squeeze, but he doesn’t.
“I’ll see.” He whispers, yanking away the hand around her neck he grabs his phone, calling her father.
“Yeah, Gianno. Listen to me, man. You gotta come down here to the safehouse.” Frank tries to be calm but his voice wavers slightly.
“Frank, what’s wrong?” He demands.
“There’s some FBI agents here. They’re questioning Kat. They want to cut you a deal. They said they’ll let Kat go when you’re here.” He informs.
“Okay. I’ll be there in five minutes.” He barks, hanging up.
“You gotta handcuff me. When he gets here, he’s gotta think you busted in and got me down first. You’re gonna wanna bring Kat back in too.” He offers. “If his daughter isn’t here, he’ll kill everyone in here if he doesn’t see her face.” He shrugs, putting his hands behind his back and letting them cuff him. They cuff his ankles too for good measure and just as they drop him onto the ground her father comes bursting into the door.
“My daughter.” He growls, gun jammed into Madani’s head. “Unlock him. He’s just her bodyguard. Pete Castliglione. You’re name is Pete right? Why is he handcuffed?” He barks, jabbing a finger at Frank on the floor.
“Yeah, listen, Madani knows. I’m Frank fuckin’ Castle. Okay? We need to see Kat now.” He barks as they take the cuffs off.
“Bring her in.” Madani calls, waving to a couple agents as they head out, returning with his sweet Kat.
“Shit.” He whispers as she piles into him, clinging to him like a lifeboat in the middle of a raging sea.
“Frank, Frank. They broke in. They-the government. They took me to a room. Questioned me. Frank, I--”
“Ssh. Ssh. Ssh. It’s okay, darlin’.” He whispers, her father stepping out into the hallway with Madani.
“Frank I said--”
“Don’t call you that, but it’s important today. Okay?” He coos, grabbing her and kissing her forehead. Her father walks in just in time to see Frank holding her tight against him. His big arms wrapped around her, making her look small and frail.
“Kat, baby, you okay?” She twists around in Frank’s grip. As he starts to let go, her hands grip tightly to his forearms and she chokes on a sob.
“It’s okay. I’m right behind you.” He coos, tugging his arms away as she stumbles to her father.
“Baby, you’re okay. Listen, daddy’s gonna be going away for a while. Okay?” He coos calmly, as if he’s still talking to the same little girl from twenty years ago.
“Daddy, what--”
“The government woman is--”
“Quit talking to me like a child!” She shrieks, screaming at him and stamping her foot.
“I’m taking your father into custody for all the money laundering, the murders of five men, and for running a drug ring underground that we now have you admitting to.” Madani informs loudly as they cuff her father and start walking him down, out into the parking lot. “Put a vest on her, call it protection, whatever you need to do to put her into safety. We’ll shoot her. Take her as crossfire. The Russians and the Cartel will be down there. He’s safest in prison. And we’ll get him there. I need Frank removed safely. Once we’re out of here, they’ll load her into a body bag and get her somewhere safe with Frank. No one tip off Frank or the father. If they know something’s up they’ll take her, whether they think she’s alive or not.” She informs her agents as they load Frank and her father into cars. When she screams at them, the firing of pistols and semi-automatic hand guns fills the air.
“No! Daddy!” She screams, running to the car, but as the car pulls away, an agent strategically shoots her in the chest twice, Frank’s heart hitting the concrete.
“No!” He cries, shaking violently in his cuffs as he tries to get out. Slamming his head into the window, he doesn’t even crack it.
“No! My baby!” Her father screams, following Frank’s actions. They leave her lying on the concrete, tears falling down his face more and more as he fights harder. Madani draws Frank from the car and drags him kicking, into another building.
“Listen!” She shouts over Frank’s heavy, deafening breathing.
“Madani, let me outta these goddamn handcuffs or I swear on Christ I’ll kill everyone in here. You too.” He growls low and hard, his eyes dark burning into the agent as she stands her ground.
“Frank. Frank, calm down.” She coos as they roll a stretcher in with a body bag. “Frank, her father’s going to a white collar prison, he’ll be safe. Frank. Calm down. I’m gonna take these off but please--”
“The bag. What’s in the bag!?” He screams. As the cuffs come off, his hands wrap around Madani’s throat, squeezing until hse’s gripping at his hands, his knuckles white.
“Frank?” Her soft voice takes his breath from his lungs and he drops Madani on the floor, her gasping just quietly in the background. “Frank I’m right here.” She whispers, rising from her bag like a zombie.
“Darlin’. Baby girl. Holy shit.” He whispers, gripping her and holding her against him.
“Frank, my dad. My dad, he thinks I’m--”
“Your father thinks you are dead, and that’s the safest thing for him to think right now. He’s going to a good prison, where he’ll be safe, but he wanted you as safe as possible, and if he, the Russians, and the Cartel believe that his only daughter is dead you are in no danger.” Madani explains, giving her a soft smile.
“My father thinks his only daughter is dead! He’s being arrested and sent to a prison? Frank?” She looks at him with betrayal twinkling in her eyes and Frank chokes, grunting at the pain. She’d never looked at him like that before. “Did you know?”
“Yeah.” He whispers.
“You knew? You helped them?” She cries, grabbing his shirt and shaking him.
“It isn’t what it looks like. You’re father--”
“Your father needed to be safe, and taking him into a facility where the cartel and Russians can’t get him is as safe as he can be.” Madani tries to explain. Kat turns, a fire in her eyes that Frank might’ve been scared of any other day. He folds his arms around her, constricting like a boa, holding steadfast as she begins to kick and hit, screaming at the top of her lungs for Frank to let go.
“I’m gonna kill you, bitch! I’m gonna kill you!” She screams, kicking and slapping at Frank’s stony arms. “Let go of me!” She cries, pushing his arms away and running for the door.
“No! Don’t go out there!” Madani yells. “There’s a Russian mob and a mexican Cartel being arrested right now with the help of your father’s information and willingness to cooperate.” She stops in her tracks and faces Frank.
“You-you knew about this?” She whispers, shaking her head in disbelief. “I trusted you, Frank.” Shaking hands run through her hair as she stands near the door, unsure of what to do. “Frank, how could you?”
“Hun, I just-I wanted to keep you safe. You’re father asked for safety. This is the best I could offer him. I’m sorry.” He explains.
“Me too.” She grabs the handle of the warehouse and walks out into the daylight, pushing her way through the throng of curious eyes and speculating lips.
“Kathryn?” A voice calls, and when she turns, a gun is jabbed into her side she knows she’s messed up. “If you move or set off that Castle, I’ll kill ya for real this time.” The thick Russian accent gruff and low in her ear.
“Eyes on the bait! Eyes on the bait. Moving southeast with a russian, six feet five inches, short black hair, two tattoos on his hands, can’t make out what they say. Getting into a van now, license plate echo-six-bravo-nine-two-eight.” Frank listens quietly before he grabs the nearest gun and charges out the door.
Eyes scanning the vans, he sees one pull away from the curb and follows it.
“Castle is on the move.” Madani calls into the mic.
Frank sets into a sprint as he follows the van. Getting into the warehouse, he listens to hear her give a scream.
“Tell us about Frank Castle.” He growls, stabbing a small pering knife into her thigh. Crying out, she looks around and something about the empty warehouse didn’t feel empty.
“I don’t know any Frank. And that’s saying something, I’m Italian.” She giggles through harsh breaths as he slaps her. The crack across her face sends Frank into a frenzy of rage, killing every man but the man who stands between him and Kat.
“Pete!” She exclaims, rattling the chair legs on the ground. The Russian man’s eyes fall to where hers are locked he raises his brows, gulping audibly.
“Castle.” He growls, looking to Frank as his eyes narrow and he tries to put on a dangerous front. When his eyes meet Frank’s he finds something feral there, something predatory, and he steps back. Frank raises a gun, shooting the man between the shoulder and heart, dropping him on the ground. Gasp. Gasp. Frank ignores the man as he draws Kat from the chair.
“You okay?” He coos, leaving her with a giggle on her busted lips.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Punisher.” She laughs as she hugs his neck, pressing sweet little kisses to his cut face. Frank Castle, the Punisher, New York’s scariest vigilante, and yet these arms that had strangled, hands that killed were comforting her; they were carressing her body with such comfort that tears fell down her face. “Are you okay?”
“I just--I’m so mad at you, but I love you.” She whispers, sniffling. He sucks in a sharp breath.
“You mean that?” He coos as he walks her to his car. Stiffening, he looks at her rigid form and stops them, looking to her with a grin.
“I love you too.” He assures, kissing her forehead as he meets Madani at the a roof top across town. Pulling into a parking garage, he leads her to the roof where Madani waits, a small bag in her hands.
“This is yours.” She hands the bag to Kat with a smiling nod. Skeptical and mad, she snatches the bag and hands it to Frank without a second glance.
“No, darlin’. It’s for you.” He smiles, handing it back. Glaring at the bag, she tugs it back to her and opens it. Drawing out it contents, she reads over them carefully.
‘Marriage Certificate
Katalina Jane Foster and Peter Michael Castiglione
Were married at Wilson City Courthouse
July 15th, 2010’
Among the items in the bag was a social security card with her new name, and a driver’s license, passport, and the deed to a house in Atlanta, Georgia. Frank looks at her with a smile.
“Well what if I didn’t want to marry you?” She asks with a challenging smirk.
“Then I’d have to take this back.” He pops open small, velvety red ring box, exposing a dainty piece of silver jewelry with pretty little blue sapphires in it. With a huge grin on her face, she jumps into his waiting arms and kisses his face. Madani watches on with a smile as Frank loads his new bride into a car and they drive away.
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
ethan(spencer reid/fem!reader)
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*{ gif belongs to @toyboxboy​  }*
Title: ethan Request: no Couple: spencer reid/fem!reader Category: angst, fluff Content Warning: pregnancy, mentions of someone being shot, mentions of gun use, talks about almost dying, swears (if any), vomiting, casework, allusions of ex Word Count: 5,500 Summary: reader has some really important news to share with spencer, but he’s away on a case. that is until really important news is shared with her. A/N:  based on the season 9 finale episodes Angels and Demons. I genuinely loved Alex and was lowkey sad when she left. The end of this one shot talks a lot about her and the end of Demons. anyways, enjoy and thanks for the love! Check out my masterlist!
Spencer held me close to his body, pressing his lips to my neck and breathing deeply. I shifted a bit before rolling to face him. He looked down at me with a lazy and tired smile. 
“Why are you awake,” I mumbled as I pressed my hand to his bare chest. He hummed and looked at the watch on his wrist.
“Got a case, Texas,” he whispered as he looked back down at me. I pouted and shook my head.
“No,” I whined and shook my head. Spencer looked down at me as he sat up in bed. “You’re gonna be gone forever, Spencer.” I copied his action and sat up beside him. He grasped my hand as he looked at me.
“I’ll be home before you know it. You know I’m always a phone call away,” he leaned over before kissing my lips. I pouted as I watched him slip out of the bed. “I’ll be safe,” he spoke as he pulled clothes out of his dresser.
“You better be safe, Spencer, I don’t want to get that phone call,” I scolded as I pulled the blanket around my body and got out of bed. I walked over and stood beside him. I placed my head on his shoulder, not letting him move. I looked at the few photos he had on top of his dresser. One was of him and his mother a few Christmases ago; it was nice going out to Vegas to visit Diana that year. Another photo was Spencer and me on our wedding day, 3 years ago now. That was the happiest day of my life, and I’m sure of Spencer’s life, too. And the final photo was the two of us with his work family (who’s more real family than anything else).
“You’re not going to get that phone call,” he said as he looked down at me and smiled, “I’ll call you every night at 9 pm Eastern Standard, okay?” 
“Okay, and if I don’t get a phone call from you, I’m buying the first ticket to Texas and finding you.” I lifted my head off him and walked back to the bed. 
“I look forward to that.” Spencer smiled before walking back to my side of the bed, “I love you,” he whispered as he looked down at me. I looked at him and smiled.
“Yeah, I’m sure you do. Hurry back soon.” I pouted. He chuckled before kissing me one last time. “I love you too!” I shouted as he left the room. The light laughter that came from him made me feel happy as I drifted back to sleep.
A week, 7 days, 186 hours, 10,080 minutes, 604,800 seconds. That’s how long Spencer (and the rest of the BAU family) was gone for. And I was at home, sitting on the bathroom floor with three pregnancy tests lined up in front of me. I only had a few symptoms, but they were enough to get me curious. I’m sure if Spencer were here he’d prove to me that I was pregnant and then get me to take a test anyway.
“C’mon, let’s get a nice welcome home present for Spencer,” I whispered, staring anxiously at the tests. Like that’ll make the tests be positive and make me pregnant. 
The timer on my alarm binged, causing me to grab it and silence it. I took a deep breath and said a prayer to whatever God would listen to me before I blindly flipped each test over. I looked down at them and saw two pink lines in the little window. I stared at them, in shock and in awe. My mouth fell open as I stared at them. My heart rate picked up and a smile grew on my lips. 
“Pregnant,” I whispered, looking at them. I collected the three sticks in one hand and my phone in the other before standing up. 
Spencer should be home soon. He said a week. And that’s exactly how long he’s been gone. I just hope this case doesn’t make him stay away longer. I want to tell him right away. This is something he needs to know as soon as possible. 
I looked down at my phone and noticed the time, 9:15 pm. He’s late. He’s probably just busy. Although, that hasn’t stopped him before. It was always 9 pm, whether he was busy or not. But now? He’s 15 minutes late. Does that mean I call? I’ll give it a little bit. I won’t call right now. Maybe they made an incredibly important break in the case and the unsub! I won’t overly worry… yet.
I sat down on the couch and looked at the objects in hand. My excitement was through the roof and I couldn’t wait to tell the others about my secret. We’ve wanted kids since before we got married, and here we are. I don’t think this excitement will ever go away.
Aaron Hotchner calling...
I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the contact to make sure it was Aaron. “Aaron?” I pressed my phone to my ear. I placed the tests in a line on the coffee table.
“There’s been an accident with Spencer.” his tone was low and stern as he spoke. I dropped my shoulders and felt my heart sink to my stomach. “We need you here now. Section Chief Cruz and Garcia are on their way to your apartment,” he continued. Okay, wait, hold on. 
“Spencer… He was… Is he…” I could feel my hands begin to shake as I brought myself to my feet. I should have just stayed sitting. 
“He was shot in the neck. He’s in surgery now. But we need you to come out here as soon as possible,” he explained. I fell to my knees and brought a hand to my mouth.
Maybe that excited feeling could go away. Because it just did. Two extremes hitting me in a very short amount of time. My anxieties are already through the roof. 
“Is he going to be okay?” I asked, my tone so soft I was worried Aaron didn’t hear me.
“He’ll be fine,” he spoke softly. I swallowed roughly and nodded, “Call me when you get here,” he stated before hanging up. I dropped my phone from my ear and looked at the black screen.
I quickly scrambled to my feet and nearly tripped into the bedroom, catching myself on the dresser. I grabbed whatever I needed and tossed it all into a backpack before running downstairs where Penelope and Cruz would be.
Okay, no, yeah… Maybe now I worry...
I swallowed roughly as I followed behind Penelope into the waiting room. JJ and Alex were sitting together, waiting for a doctor or nurse or someone to tell them how Spencer is doing.
“Hey, looks like you guys made it.” JJ looked over at Penelope, Cruz, and I. I pulled my sweater tighter around my body as I stood beside Penelope. JJ looked over at me before standing up. 
“It’s nice knowing multiple people who own jets,” Penelope spoke as she gestured towards Cruz. I bit my lips together and looked around the waiting room. I felt nauseous being here. The scent of it made my stomach churn.
“Yeah, called in for a few favors,” Cruz spoke as he looked back at JJ. I rolled my shoulders and finally looked back at my friends. JJ was still looking at me, waiting for me to say something. 
“How is he,” I whispered, hugging my arms around my body. 
“He’s still in surgery. We’re waiting to hear how he is,” JJ whispered as she held out her hands for me to take. I stared at it for a moment before grabbing it. “He’ll be okay,” she reassured. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“You all can see Agent Morgan now.” A doctor came up beside us and looked at everyone. Penelope looked at us before peeling away with Cruz. I looked back at JJ and bit my lips together as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. 
“C’ mere,” she whispered before pulling me closer to her and enveloping me in her arms. I pressed my face into the crook of her neck and let out a small sob. JJ only hugged me tighter before stepping back. “Let’s go sit.” She pulled me in the direction where Alex was sitting. I swallowed roughly and followed behind her. 
“Hey there.” Alex looked up at me and smiled softly. She had a mildly guilty expression on her face as she looked at me. I don’t know why she would be guilty of what happened. Unless she was the one who shot him. And, honestly, from what Penelope half told me, and Cruz fully telling me, what happened… It honestly wasn’t her fault at all. He would have taken a bullet for anyone and everyone. 
I waved lightly at her before sitting across from her. JJ sat beside me. I looked around the room and noted we were the only ones here. 
“Do you want anything?” Alex asked in a whisper. I looked at her and shook my head. 
“I’m actually going… I’m gonna get hot chocolate. You said he’s still in surgery?” I glanced at JJ. She looked back at me and nodded.
“Do you want me to go with you?” JJ offered, watching as I stood up. I shook my head and pushed my hands into my pockets.
“No, no, I’ll be fine,” I spoke, but my voice was shaky and quiet. JJ nodded before allowing me to leave. 
I tried being quick as I got my drink. Mostly because I knew that the chances of something happening while I was gone were pretty high. That always happens though… Something always happens when you’re gone. I don’t even know why I left to get a drink. I should have just stayed. 
I kept my head low, my eyes on the steam rolling off my hot chocolate, as I re-entered the room. Something to keep me distracted and busy while I walked back towards Alex and JJ. I quietly sat beside JJ and stayed silent.
“He’ll be fine. He’s still a kid,” Alex’s voice caused me to look up at her. What conversation did I just join in on?
I swallowed roughly and nodded, agreeing that Spencer Reid, the man I married, is still a kid himself. Although he’s going to be a dad in 9 months. “There’s still things for him to do,” she added in a whisper. I sighed deeply and looked down at my hot chocolate.
“He wants kids you know,” JJ whispered as she looked at Alex. I snapped my head up from my hot chocolate, again, and looked at her. “He’d be the best dad,” she laughed as she looked at Alex. I took a shaky breath and pretended to be fine with the conversation. I was honestly anything but fine with this conversation. 
“That’d be the luckiest kid in the world,” Alex laughed as she looked between JJ and I. I rubbed the underside of my nose before wiping my eyes with the tips of my fingers. “He’s gonna be fine,” she whispered, mostly to herself. I looked at her and exhaled deeply.
Yeah, I know he wants kids. Everyone knows Spencer wants kids. No one knows better than me, considering I’m pregnant with his baby. But no one knows that except for me. I didn’t get the chance to tell him before he left for this case. Considering, I’d only just found just a few hours ago, I was beyond ecstatic. But who knows if I’ll get the chance to tell him now. Because I’m currently sitting in a hospital waiting room because he got shot. 
I let out a deep and shaky breath of air and shook my head. JJ looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. “Other than the obvious, are you okay? Can I get you anything?” JJ asked, causing Alex to look at me. I didn’t exactly like the feeling of their eyes on me 
Before I got the chance to speak, my stomach gurgled a bit, forcing me to throw a hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom. I almost didn’t make it before I emptied my stomach contents into the toilet. Why, oh, why? This isn’t fair…
I splashed water on my face, forcing myself to calm down as I stared at my reflection. The door swung open behind me and JJ stepped in. She was looking at me with concern on her face. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” she asked as she came over to me. She pulled a fistful of paper towels from the dispenser and handed them over to me. I stared at her as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. “He’s going to be okay. Spencer will always be okay.”
“No, I know. I know he’ll be okay.” I wiped my eyes with the paper towels as I looked at her, “Spencer’s gonna be a great dad,” I whispered as I dropped my gaze to the ground. “He’s gonna be an amazing dad,” I repeated as I glanced at her, hoping she got the hint. 
“Are you...?” JJ asked as she placed her hands on my shoulders. I bit my lips together before nodding lightly.
"I found out a few hours ago," I forced a smile on my lips as I looked at her. I was happy that I was telling my friend about my exciting news. But part of me had several worries, again one of them being Spencer in the hospital.
JJ smiled at me before pulling me into a tight hug. I pressed my face into the nape of her neck. Part of me wanted to break down in her embrace. But, something felt off. It would be validated though if I did break down. Considering everything that is happening at the moment.
"I didn't even know you guys were trying. That's… this is so exciting," she half-whispered, half exclaimed. I smiled and shrugged as I stepped back away from her. She smiled as she grasped my hands. 
"Well, we weren’t exactly trying. We were kinda just letting it happen. And, if it happened, it happened,” I laughed lightly and shrugged, “And, I guess it happened," I blinked as tears raced down my cheeks. JJ smiled as she wiped the tears off my cheeks before hugging me again.
“I’m so happy for you,” she whispered before grasping my hands, “You’ll be able to tell him. He’ll be fine.” She squeezed both my hands and nodded.  
“I know, I know… You said it yourself, JJ… Spencer will always be fine,” I tried to reassure myself. He will be fine. 
“I have to go. Derek and I are going back to the station. Alex and Penelope are staying here, with you and Spencer. Call me if anything happens.” JJ looked at me as she guided me back out of the bathroom and towards where we were sitting. 
“Of course. You still have a job to do. Be safe,” I flashed her a sad smile as she collected her things. 
“See you guys later,” JJ looked between Alex and I before leaving the two of us alone. I sat silently, my head low, while Alex sat across from me. She was bouncing her knees anxiously while waiting. In the two years she’s been here, I never really had a good friendship with her. It’s not that I didn’t like her… we just disagreed on somethings and our personalities never meshed together. I love her, don’t get me wrong. 
“Do you want kids?” Alex asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. Do I want kids? 
“Yeah, kids… They’re great,” I exhaled deeply and nodded. I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows. I’m not so sure I want everyone to know my news just yet. It’s still too early. “I’ve wanted kids since the day I met Spencer. I knew I wanted to have kids with him,” I laughed lightly and nodded. And that wasn’t an exaggeration or anything. I knew the day I met him that kids would be in our lives.
“You guys would be fantastic parents.” Alex smiled at me as she reached out to place a hand on my knee. I smiled back at her and nodded. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell her just yet that I was pregnant. I think JJ was enough people right now.
“Thanks, Alex,” I whispered as I kept my eyes on her. We stayed sitting in a tense silence. It felt as if time was moving slowly, almost like someone changed the speed to 0.5 speed. I honestly hated how long we waited for someone to tell us what was going on.
“Spencer is ready for you guys,” a doctor came over to us and spoke before Alex got to say anything. I looked at him and smiled before standing back up. He led the two of us to the room Spencer was. Penelope was already in his room, putting various ‘Doctor Who’ action figures on the little roller table in front of him. 
Spencer was still asleep from his surgery. A white bandage and gauze pad was pressed and wrapped around his neck. He looked so peaceful as he slept. But he always looked peaceful like this. Although, I didn’t like that he was knocked out because of anesthesia because he was shot in the neck.
“Oh good! You’re still here.” Penelope looked up at me with a sad smile. I returned the sad smile before sitting in one of the chairs beside the bed. Alex sat on the other side while Penelope continued setting up the action figures. “This’ll be nice… When he wakes up they’ll all be looking at him… And it’ll be the first thing he sees.” Penelope stepped back and looked at the action figures before looking at me and then Alex. 
“That will be nice.” Alex smiled at Penelope. I looked back at Spencer and sighed deeply. There was a moment of silence as we all stared at the sleeping Spencer. 
“Alright, this’ll be weird… We’re all just staring at him when he wakes up.” Penelope clapped her hands together as she looked up at me. I looked away from Spencer for a moment to look at my friend. “I’m gonna stand over here,” she whispered before stepping to stand by the window behind me. Surely it wouldn’t be too weird if I watched him while he was out. I mean, I’ve watched him sleep before, and that wasn’t too weird. 
After a little bit, I moved so I was kneeling on the ground beside the bed with Spencer’s hand in mine. Penelope was sitting where I once was sitting, her laptop on her lap as she was working on researching something for the team. Alex was sitting, half asleep in the chair by the doorway.
“Do you need anything?” Penelope asked me, resting her hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and looked over at her, feeling slight exhaustion in my eyes. I shook my head and watched her stand.
“Actually, can you get me hot chocolate,” I stopped her once she made it to the door. She turned and looked at me, nodding lightly. 
“I’ll go with.” Alex spoke up as she stood to her feet.
“We can get him food for when he wakes up. He’s going to need the carbs and calories,” Penelope  I swallowed roughly and watched the two ladies leave. I looked back at Spencer and cocked my head to rest on the bed.  
Spencer’s nose twitched slightly before his eyes slowly opened. I lifted my head before moving to sit on the bed beside him. He gently squeezed my hand as he looked at me.
“Hey,” his voice was low and mildly raspy as he spoke.
“I don’t think you understand how happy I am to see you awake, Spence,” I whispered as I grasped his hand. He tiredly smiled at me and blinked. “Penelope went to get ice chips and food for you,” I smiled at him before exhaling, “Alex… Alex went with,” I gestured towards the doorway.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered before squeezing my hand lightly. It wasn’t very hard, but it was just enough for me to notice the action. I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Don’t be sorry,” I shook my head as I rested my lips on the back of his hand. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t as safe as I should have been… And that I made you get that phone call.” He wrinkled his nose as he closed his eyes. I wiped my own eyes and shook my head.
“It wasn’t your fault or Alex’s fault… It’s no one but the guy who shot you… Please don’t blame yourself,” I whispered as I grasped his hand in mine. “I’m just happy you’re okay.” I looked up at him as tears rolled down my cheeks. Spencer tiredly smiled back at me. 
Although I was angry that he was currently in the hospital, in Texas, I was okay that he was finally awake and safe. I feel like there was no one to actually blame for this though. I mean, sure there was the bad guy. But, Spencer was just trying to protect Alex. 
“What’s wrong,” his voice shook me from my thoughts and brought me to look at him. I wiped my eyes and put a small smile on my lips.
“I’m pregnant,” I whispered as I looked at him. Spencer furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me. He wanted to readjust in his spot, but I stopped him from moving. “Don’t hurt yourself, Spence.” I rested a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a fresh and certain dampness in his eyes.
“When… When did you find out?” he asked as he lifted his to hold mine. I smiled and let him hold it. 
“Just -Earlier tonight… Before I came here. I wanted to tell you when you got home. But then I got a phone call from Aaron about… Well-” I looked around the hospital room before looking back at Spencer.
“You’re not jus-”
“Hey! Hey! Hey! Look who’s awake!” Penelope exclaimed as she stepped into the room. I looked over my shoulder at her with a forced smile. Her phone was pressed between her shoulder and ear, and a tray with food in her hands. 
Spencer looked at me, his lips still parted, and tears fresh in his eyes. Obviously, he wanted more information about my sudden news to him, but he didn’t want to talk about it in front of Penelope and Alex. 
“Just woke up.” I squeezed Spencer’s hand lightly. Alex looked over at me before handing me a paper cup with hot chocolate. I nodded and silently thanked her. 
“Tell her she can go now, please.” Penelope looked between Spencer and I as she nodded towards Alex. I laughed as I looked at her. 
“I’m okay, Alex. I’m sure the team needs you more than I need you.” Spencer lifted up his other hand and waved her away. It was Alex’s turn to laugh.
“Okay, okay. I’m outta here.” She looked at the three of us with a relieved smile. “I’m happy you’re awake,” she squeezed Spencer’s hand before leaving.
“I got juice, broth, and Jell-o!” Penelope exclaimed as she placed the three items on the table. 
“Oh boy, jello! My… My favorite.” He peeled his eyes off me and looked over at Penelope. I kept my eyes on him for a moment longer before looking over at Penelope.
Spencer lifted his hands to pick up the spoon on the table. I smiled as I watched him poke at the food in front of him.
I looked down at Spencer, who was fast asleep with his head in my lap. I smiled softly as I ran my fingers through his hair. He looked so peaceful as he slept. It was a good thing too. He hardly got any rest in the hospital… Especially after everything that happened. I don’t blame him though.
“When did you find out?” Aaron looked at me with a small smile on his lips. I looked up from Spencer’s face and at Aaron. I noticed everyone was looking upon Spencer and I with joy and excitement on their faces. Do they seriously know? Did they really profile me and my pregnancy? I know JJ wouldn’t tell anyone. 
“What… What’re you talking about?” I raised an eyebrow. I continued running my fingers through his hair. I looked down at Spencer when he adjusted in his spot. A small smile tugged onto the corner of my lips as I watched him.
“You have that new mother glow,” David spoke with a smile as he swirled his whiskey. I bit my lips together to hold back the smile I didn’t want to share. 
“And, I think you’ve thrown up a dozen and a half times since you came here,” Derek pointed out. I looked over at him, my lips half parted as I prepared to argue back. 
“I found out 3 days ago, okay. A few hours before Aaron called me about,” I pointed towards Spencer’s neck. “It’s still new to me… And Spencer,” I whispered as I looked back down at Spencer. I smiled and dropped my shoulders. “I’m just happy he’s okay,” I wrinkled my nose as I lifted my free hand to wipe my eyes. 
“Wait, you’re pregnant?” Penelope looked down at me as she stood at the small corridor that held the cockpit and bathroom. I looked up at her and smiled. “How come you didn’t tell me? You were literally in the room when I shot a gun?! Poor baby,” she cringed as she held a hand out towards my belly. I laughed lightly and shrugged.
“I just found out, Penelope. You didn’t scare the bean.” I smiled as I watched her walk towards the back of the plane. The jet was filled, hardly any seats open. “I think you scared me more than anyone else. And that includes Spencer,” I laughed lightly. 
“He was about to hurt Spencer! I couldn’t allow that!” she exclaimed as she finally sat down by Cruz. I smiled and looked back down at Spencer. 
“And, I appreciate that.” I looked back down at her. It looked like she wanted to continue on about my sudden announcement of my pregnancy, but it seemed like JJ got her to be quiet. I looked back at JJ and mouthed a quick ‘Thank you,’ before looking back down at the still sleeping Spencer. 
He wrinkled his nose before shifting so he was facing me. I looked up and over at Alex, who was staring at the table in front of her. Her expression was emotionless and the way she remained silent and away from our minor celebrations worried me.
Aaron’s phone chimed, causing everyone (Spencer excluded) to look his way with fear on their faces. I could feel my heart rate pick up, fearing for everyone around that they’d have to go back.
“Please tell me we don’t have another case, Hotch,” Derek asked, looking at Aaron. I looked between the two before dropping my stare back to Spencer.
“No, we’re going home. We’re getting a break,” Aaron said as he placed his phone back on the table top. I let out a sigh of relief as I pressed my head to the wall behind me. And suddenly I could feel the exhaustion hit me for the first time in 3 days. 
“How are you feeling?” Alex asked Spencer as we went up the stairs to our apartment. I fumbled for our apartment key as we stepped onto the landing.
“I feel great!” Spencer’s tone was sarcastic as he led us to our home. “Eh, that’s overselling it… I feel great considering I just got shot in the neck.” He placed his hand on his shoulder, near where he was shot. 
“Is it the whole being a dad thing that’s making you feel great?” Alex asked, looking between Spencer and I.
“That’s what I was thinking,” I smiled back as I looked at Alex. She smiled at me as I stood in front of the door to unlock it.
“I guess you could say that.” Spencer entered the room once the door was unlocked. I allowed Alex in before I stepped in and locked the door. “Having a baby definitely adds to the feeling great feeling.” He smiled at me. I returned the smile and stepped up to him. He looked down at me before kissing me.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Alex, if you’re not here when I get out, it was nice seeing you again… And I hope you have a good rest of the night.” I smiled at her. 
“It was nice seeing you again… Wish they were different circumstances,” she dryly laughed as I walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her body and embraced her in a tight hug. She let out a deep sigh and pressed her face into my shoulder. I bit my lips together and felt tears form in my eyes before stepping away from her. 
“Have a nice night,” I whispered before leaving the room. I glanced at Spencer and smiled. He returned the smile with a shy one and waved as I went into our room, and then the bathroom.
I made sure to be quick. I knew Alex would be going home any minute and I didn’t want to leave Spencer alone. He’s been through too much already… He shouldn’t be alone right now.
When I stepped out of our bedroom, Spencer was standing by the window, looking out at the street. Something on my face made me not feel good.
“Where’d Alex go?” I asked as I stepped over to be beside Spencer. I wrapped both my arms around his middle and rested my head on his chest.
“Went home,” his voice was a low whisper. I pouted as I looked out the window to see Alex getting in a taxi cab. Spencer wrapped an arm around me and hugged me tightly.
“Lets go lie down. It’s probably best you get some rest. Maybe the both of us.” I looked up at him. His eyes were wide with a familiar wetness in them. He blinked and looked down at me. “We can talk baby… Something happy,” I smiled at him. Spencer forced a smile onto his lips and nodded.
“Let’s go lie down.” He nodded towards the bedroom. I grasped his hand and pulled him back to the room.
“How long ago did you find out,” Spencer asked, resting his head on my shoulder. I pulled the blanket over our bodies before resting my head on top of his. 
“Few days ago… Before Aaron called about…” I shrugged when I didn’t continue my statement. Spencer nodded when he gathered the rest of my thoughts. “But it’s true… I took 3 tests…” I chuckled lightly. Spencer let out a small sigh and nodded.
“Ethan’s a great name… If we have a boy,” Spencer whispered to me as I sat beside him on the bed. I looked over at him and took note of the badge he was holding on to. I dropped my shoulders when I saw Alex’s photo.
 “She left, she quit,” he said so softly to try to keep his voice from breaking. I reached over and grasped his hands and rested my head on his shoulder, “Why does everyone leave?” he sighed deeply as he rested his head on top of mine. I glanced up at his face and saw tears were rolling slowly down his cheeks. He was quick, though, to wipe them away. I’m sure he was hoping I didn’t notice. But I did.
“Sometimes people just need to move on. And, I guess it was just Alex’s time to move on,” I replied in a whisper. I lifted my hand and reached for the other side of her badge. “I know her husband wanted her to move to Boston with him,” I added. Spencer flipped the badge closed and dropped it to the comforter.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Spencer whispered as he grasped my hand. “She called me Ethan, at the scene where I was… I asked her who Ethan was, while you were in the bathroom. And, she had a son. No one knew that. He died when he was 9…” his voice broke again and suddenly I was crying. 
“Ethan’s a great name.” I wrinkled my nose as I rubbed my other hand over my incredibly flat tummy. “Perfect name,” I nodded. We sat in a comfortable silence, a silence that was more than welcomed. "Isn't Ethan the name of your college best friend and roommate?" I asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. Spencer’s breathing stilled for a moment before he answered.
if you want to be a part of a taglist or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here ​
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He Could Be A Star
Read on ao3 (1k)
Owen has never been a deep sleeper. Years of being a firefighter and having a kid will do that to a person. So the second his bedroom door opens, Owen is awake, blinking in the darkness. He can see a figure standing in the doorway, backlit by the hall light. 
“Dad?” A soft voice asks. 
TK. Owen sits up and clicks on his bedside light. Since the fire, TK and Carlos have been living with Owen and Mateo in the guest bedroom. Owen won’t lie, having his son back under his roof is doing wonders to ease his mind.
TK looks incredibly nervous, his hands fiddling with the edge of his sleep shirt. 
“You okay?” 
Owen asks as TK walks in and shuts the door behind him. That’s something new since the fire. TK shuts nearly every door behind him, sometimes double checking if it’s closed all the way. Owen remembers sitting down a ten year old TK and telling him that if there’s a fire he should always close the door because it would slow the spread of the flames. It seems he took that to heart. 
TK says nothing as he walks over to the side of the bed and crawls in, pressing himself into Owen’s arms. This is familiar. TK has always been affectionate and Owen is so happy that since becoming an adult, that hasn’t changed one bit. Owen hugs him back, one hand on the back of the boy’s head. Owen holds him for just a moment before TK starts to shake, crying softly. 
“Oh, buddy,” Owen hugs him even tighter, pressing his cheek to the top of TK’s head. “I’ve got you. It’s alright. Did you and Carlos have a fight or something?” TK shakes his head. That’s good at least. 
TK sniffs, holding back tears as he lifts his head and pulls away from Owen’s chest. Though he does allow Owen to keep a hand on his shoulder. As TK pulls back, Owen can see that TK’s eyes are red and watery. He fights the urge to pulls TK back into his arms and waits as TK takes calming breaths. 
“I don’t feel safe,” TK tells him softly after a minute or so. “I mean obviously I-I trust you, but I can’t stop thinking about the fire.” He looks up at Owen. “What if it happens again? I-I can’t lose Carlos or you and-” TK cuts himself off as his breath hitches, hand moving to cover his eyes, a pretty clear indication that he’s crying. 
Owen puts a hand on TK’s back and gently maneuvers him so that TK is pressed against Owen’s chest. “It’s okay to be scared. But listen to me, in this house there are three firefighters, a paramedic, and a cop. If something were to happen, we’d be just fine, okay?” Owen rubs TK’s back.
“I don’t know if I can go back to work,” TK says so quietly Owen thinks he’s not meant to hear it.
“Can I tell you something?” Owen asks. TK nods but doesn’t move. “When I came home after 9/11 and you ran into my arms and gave me the biggest hug, I decided that I was going to quit. I didn’t want to keep being a firefighter if it meant that one day I might not come home to you. But the next day we got a huge box delivered to our house full of letters and cards because,” Owen squeezes TK a little, “because your class was writing letters to thank first responders and you asked your teacher if everyone could write to me. And they did. I spent hours reading those letters. Some of those kids had never met a firefighter before, but some of them did. Some of them told me how firefighters had helped them or their family when they were in trouble.” 
Owen presses a kiss to TK’s head, “When I asked you if you still wanted me to be a firefighter, you looked at me with the most serious expression and said, ‘You’re a hero, dad. You help people. You gotta keep doing it.’ And you were right. Helping people is what I do, what we do. And even though it can be scary and awful, it can also be the most rewarding job.” 
Owen pushes TK back so he can look in his son’s eyes, “I won’t stop you if you really want to quit. But I know that you have the same need to help people that I do. Maybe you take a week off, but there will still be a place for you at the 126.” 
TK’s brow furrows like he’s about to start crying again and he slams into Owen with a big hug, “Thank you,” he says, voice cracking a little bit. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, buddy.” Owen presses another kiss to TK’s head. “Have you talked to Carlos about this yet?” 
TK shakes his head, “I don’t want him to worry.” 
Owen sighs, “I know, but he cares about you, TK. You gotta talk to him.” TK nods and lets go of his dad. 
“Thank you,” TK says again. “I’m gonna go back to bed.” 
“Get some sleep,” Owen squeezes TK’s shoulder. 
TK shuts the door to his dad’s room and pads quietly down the hall to the room he’s sharing with Carlos. He opens the door as quietly as he can and shuts it, waiting until it closes before releasing the handle. In the fifteen or so minutes he’s been gone, Carlos has rolled onto TK’s side of the bed, arm stretched over where TK should be. 
He allows himself a quick moment to appreciate the sight of his shirtless boyfriend in bed before lifting the covers and Carlos’s arm and sliding back into bed. As he settles down, Carlos makes a soft, grumpy noise, squeezing TK’s side. 
TK chuckles and drags his hand through Carlos’s hair.
“You okay?” Carlos asks, his voice gravelly. 
“Yeah, we’ll talk in the morning,” TK assures him. 
“Okay.” Carlos pulls TK deeper into his arms, nuzzling his nose against TK’s neck. “Love you.” 
TK closes his eyes with a content sigh, “I love you too.” 
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kitty-ray · 3 years
Something Like Home Ch. 2
Hey so I really liked this story so I decided to make a second chapter. Basically it’s more bkdk fluff (here’s part one) 
Katsuki suddenly has a lot to think about. Last night, totally unprompted and totally not unwelcomed, Deku decided on his own free will to crawl into Katsuki’s bed and demand Katsuki to hold him. Honestly? Who is Katsuki to refuse such an offer?
However, this is Deku we’re talking about. The same fucking Deku that would snivel and cry yet not give up in a fight no matter how beaten down he was. The same fucking Deku Katsuki watched time and time again almost die because he has no value on his life (which, side not, that is something they are definitely going to have to talk to him about). The same fucking Deku that’s been on the edge of his mind for his whole life. Sure, some of those thoughts lingered around Deku’s mouth. And yes, maybe some of those thoughts led elsewhere, but that’s beside the point!
Katsuki grabs his pillow and screams into it. How, oh how, did Katsuki Bakugou ever get in a situation like this?
See, this wouldn’t normally be an issue if it weren’t for the fact that Katsuki’s heart was most definitely slamming against his chest almost all last night. He’s only ever associated that feeling with a fight, and Katsuki knows for a fact that they weren’t fighting.
Katsuki’s not dumb. He’s not entirely immune to emotions and feelings. Hell, he’s had his fair share of crushes in his life, but those were way before middle school. (Okay, that’s a lie. He may or may not have had a crush on a few of the boys in his class, but those were quickly pummeled away before they could go any farther. Don’t tell Kirishima.)
What he’s feeling for Deku is definitely not a crush. It’s more of a… childhood friends turned enemies turned rivals turned hey, let’s occasionally sleep together because neither of us knows how to sleep alone anymore, yeah? That’s it. That is exactly what they are.
“I,” Katsuki whispers to his ceiling, “do not like Deku. I hate him.”
He did not, but it’s easier to say that than anything else. This mantra repeats in his head until he’s almost certain that he believes it. It seems to work, especially when they’re in the locker room almost a week later and somebody brings up relationships.
“Yeah, we’re going to go get lunch Sunday. Got the release forms and everything,” Sero says to the Kaminari. He grabs his uniform jacket. “I’m really excited.”
Kaminari slaps Sero on the back. “Hell yeah, man! Hey, does she have any single friends?”
“Dunno, but I can ask.”
“Sero, my pal, my dude, you are the bestest friend ever.”
“Pretty sure that’s not a word, Kaminari.”
Katsuki frowns into his locker. He should have expected this. They’re high school students, so dating is not totally out of the question. He can’t help but feel slightly behind in that regard.
But then he reminds himself that if he’s going to be the Number One Hero™, then he has no time for trivial things like relationships and dating and (dare he say it) kissing.
“So, Midoriya,” the grape fucker’s voice rings out. Katsuki tries not to look at them. “You’re popular with the ladies. I caught you behind the school the other day with some pretty girl confessing! Tell me, tell me! She’s got big boobies, right? You said yes, right?”
Kirishima walks over, crossing his arms. His mouth curls in disgust. “Dude, too far.” Then he looks up to Deku. “But yeah, Midoriya. We all heard about it and kinda want to know how it went.”
Next to him, Deku’s face goes bright red. Katsuki denies the fluttering in his stomach, choosing to ignore whether it’s because of delight or jealousy. He pulls out his tie, pretending not to listen.
“Oh, well, um…” Deku’s voice trails off, and out of the corner of his eye, Katsuki can see how red his face is. Cute. Turning back to his locker, Deku hides his face. “I turned her down,” he whispers.
This time, the butterflies Katsuki elects to ignore are definitely from delight.
Deku comes again, later that week. Katsuki’s full attention is on his small TV screen, the controller in his hand warm from lengthy use, and he’s just about to beat the boss when there’s a knock at the door. Quickly, he pauses it, the threat dying in his throat when the door opens and Deku slips inside.
“The fuck? Deku, it’s late.” Katsuki says, rocking his chair back. It takes a second to register his red-rimmed eyes and shiny lips. By then, Deku has already made his way to Katsuki.
He fully expects him to climb into Katsuki’s bed, as per their unsaid rules of whatever the hell it is they have going on, but Katsuki only stares in amazement as Dekuk crawls into his lap and buries his face into Katsuki’s shoulder. “H-hey!” he splutters. Real smooth.
“I’m sorry,” Deku whispers. His arms loop Katsuki’s middle. “Just go back to your game. I’ll move if I’m in the way.”
Suddenly, he is infinitely grateful that Deku isn’t looking at him because his face is certainly a bright shade of red. He doesn’t say anything to Deku before unpausing the game and finishing the fight. It’s hard to play like this, but Deku’s warmth and sobs keep him from moving, so he stays. If this is what the nerd needs, then the nerd gets.
A cut scene comes along, and Katsuki takes this opportunity to hug the nerd back. He won’t let himself go any farther; no kisses or sweet nothings to be had. Sure, he might have slipped up a few nights ago (okay, twice, but who’s counting?), but Deku was asleep then! He wouldn’t have noticed! Not like now when he is very, very much awake and very, very much moving.
It’s not a lot of movement, but every time the nerd shifts his hips to get comfortable, Katsuki notices. Oh boy, does he notice. It’s a totally normal reaction for a teenage boy to have on his crush rival! Especially when said rival is sitting on his lap and practically grinding on him.
Deku’s fingers grasp the bottom of Katsuki’s shirt, and he nearly explodes. Okay, Katsuki, think of puppies, kittens, Kirishima’s god awful--shit no, don’t think about Kirishima! Girls, think of girls! Mom and Dad! Oh, shit, I got to call them, don’t I?
“Kacchan,” Deku whispers, his small voice bringing Katsuki out of his attempt to calm down. “Thank you.”
“For what, nerd?”
On the screen, Katsuki’s avatar finds a treasure chest full of useless items. He’ll have to sell those later to buy something good.
Deku doesn’t answer, so Katsuki focuses his attention back on the game. He feels Deku’s lips on his neck. It’s soft, barely there, and probably not intentional, but it makes his brain go haywire nonetheless. He fumbles while trying to take down the miniboss and loses half a life.
Eventually, Katsuki has enough and saves the game. Deku shifts again. “Oh. Are you done?”
He grunts in response. The controller hangs loose in his hands as he wraps his arms around Deku, hearing him squeak. It takes a couple of seconds for the nerd to relax again, but when he does, he starts crying again.
“I had a nightmare again,” Deku whispers. Saying nothing, Katsuki rubs his back. His mom used to do that when he was a kid, and it never failed to make him feel better. Occasionally, whenever Deku would sleep over and he’d have a nightmare, she would rub his back, too.
Katsuki buries his nose into Deku’s curls. They’re still wet and frizzy from his bath. (That’s another thing they’re going to have to talk about.) “Wanna…” he pauses, unsure of himself. “Wanna talk about it?”
They don’t talk about the nightmares. It’s another unspoken rule between the two; you have a nightmare and you go back to sleep. That’s just how they did it.
But this time is different. The last time was different, too. Deku came in here, on his accord, asked Katsuki to hold him, and dealt with the nightmares in a different way. So, yeah, maybe their unspoken rules can be bent and broken once in a while.
Deku sniffles and pulls away, green eyes glassy. The light from the TV and desk lamp makes it hard to see anything but shadows on his face, but Katsuki has known Deku long enough to know exactly how he looks crying. “It’s stupid,” Deku mutters.
“Yeah, and so is Dunce Face, but we still put up with him.”
“You don’t.”
“That’s not the point. What’s the nightmare?”
He cracks a smile before wiping his eyes. “I’m going to tell Kaminari you said that.” Seeing Katsuki’s determined stare, Deku sighs. “Sometimes, I dream of you dying. Or it’s me. Or it’s everyone else. I just… I feel so helpless and I can’t do anything about it and-and--” His words are cut off as he gasps for air. “They just won’t stop.”
Katsuki does something he might regret; he takes Deku’s face in his hands. It’s wet underneath his palms, but he doesn’t pay attention to that. He does, however, pay attention to how soft his cheeks are or how bright his eyes shine. Katsuki suddenly feels the urgent need to kiss him.
“Do you…?” he starts to ask but trails off. This has never been a spoken thing between them. If he says it out loud, he might break the fragile thing they have set up. They’re swimming through uncharted territory, fumbling along as they try to make sense of what is up and what is down.
Thankfully, Deku seems to know what he’s trying to say. A scarred hand lays across one of Katsuki’s as Deku smiles at him. “Can I?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
It doesn’t occur to Katsuki until now that he could be asking a double-loaded question. What he means to ask is if Deku wants to sleep here, yet he also recognizes that he very well could be asking to do more. He tries not to look down at Deku’s lips, tries to keep his gaze locked onto Deku’s, but he ultimately fails. Hopefully, Deku doesn’t notice.
He does notice, and Katsuki notices him noticing, and it’s enough to make his heart do somersaults.
There’s a new question hanging between them. This one is exhilarating and terrifying and makes Katsuki rethink his entire position about relationships and dating and (he dare says) kissing. His fingers find their way to the curls at the nape of his neck. They’re not as soft as Katsuki thought they would be, but they still feel nice.
Katsuki nods, answering both questions at once.
At first, his lips are barely there, but when Katsuki doesn’t pull away, he presses further. He rather likes his lips. He also likes how Deku is obviously just as inexperienced as he is, and he especially likes how Deku breaks up the kiss because he’s smiling.
“I, um, yeah.” Deku rests his forehead on his. “Was that okay?”
Katsuki opens his eyes, and he sees that he’s already looking back at him. His cheeks are still wet from his tears, which he finds disgusting. Unfortunately, his tissues are too far away.
“It was fine or whatever.”
Deku knows he’s lying; his shit-eating grin tells him so. He pokes at Katsuki’s ribs, causing him to yelp. “It was fine, Kacchan?” Deku laughs. “Only fine?”
“Ah! S-stop! Deku!”
“Admit it! It was good!”
Katsuki locks eyes with him, his own fingers coming up to Deku’s sides. When Deku squeaks, he smirks. “I will say no such thing.”
“Kacchan! Sto-o-op!”
There’s banging on the wall before Kirishima yells, “Shut up!”
They try to wiggle away from each other, but with Deku’s legs locked around Katsuki’s waist and Katsuki balancing in his chair, they only manage to crash on the floor. Groaning, he rubs his arm. “Fuck you,” he mutters.
“You okay?” Deku’s green eyes are alight with mirth as he stares at Katsuki. It makes his heart flutter with unease and excitement. He nods.
In this moment, he realizes that his stupid face is actually rather beautiful. The soft glow of the desk lamp highlights his freckles and scars, his cheeks flushed from laughter, and Katsuki thinks he might be falling a little bit. They’re staring at each other, both not wanting to break this tension. It’s electrifying and exhilarating and makes Katsuki absolutely terrified of what he’s feeling. Deku’s legs are entangled with his, but that doesn’t stop him from reaching over and interlacing their fingers together.
“I liked it,” he whispers, almost afraid to break this little bubble of theirs, and they don’t break eye contact as he whispers, “and I think I’m starting to like you.”
Deku smiles at him. “I think I’m starting to like you, too.”
It takes them several moments for them to even think about getting into bed, and when they do, Katsuki doesn’t hesitate to pull him close. His fingers trace random fingers on top of his shirt, and he smiles. Maybe crushes aren’t so bad after all.
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
The moon’s routine
✧ Nightly routines w/Hinawa, Vulcan, & Obi
Type: request, headcanons, fluff
Reader: gender neutral
Warnings: None
A/N: This was a nice little switch up! I apologize that these are shorter than what I would normally put out, I haven’t been feeling the best these past few ^^
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This man has a strict skincare regime that he doesn’t skip out on, okay well, he does whenever there was a particularly rough fight with a flame
He usually does his skincare silently so he can gather all of his thoughts together and run through how his day went
This usually ends up making him reminisce the past and I encourage that you give him silent support without much physical contact (touching him while he’s so out of space might trigger his fight or flight)
Once he’s calmed down from his memories, a nice long hug will do him some good
If this man is tired, expect a kiss and a small ‘I appreciate you so much (f/n), you have no idea how much my love runs deep for you’ then he’ll clock out lol
If he isn’t all that tired expect him to be cuddling up to you (whether it be as a big spoon or little spoon) more often than not he finds himself being the big spoon
He doesn’t snore loudly, but he tries to go to sleep with his mouth closed but as he falls into the embrace of your warmth and the calmness of sleep his breath gradually gets heavier
With this, his arms would tighten around you ever so slightly and he would nuzzle closer to you
If he’s the little spoon, he’ll unconsciously adjust himself as to where his ear is on your chest, just so he can listen to your heartbeat, anytime you’ve asked him about the habit he always stares blankly before answering with an “I don’t know what you’re talking about”
After a long day with Hinawa entails a lot of pampering on both sides
If you massage his back or arms while in the shower, he will melt and turn around to give you the same treatment
A long session of just embracing each other, no music or anything in the background, just the comfort of being in each other’s arms
He would help you fix your hair up, while you brush your teeth/do facial treatments
He’d insist that you guys eat before retreating to your bedroom so there won’t be any need for a midnight snack (translation: once you get into bed he’s not letting you go)
If you insisted he would keep a hidden spot full of snacks for you (the man is weak for your puppy-dog eyes)
Once in bed there would be quiet conversations and bouts of silence that would fill the atmosphere but most importantly, alone time together
You guys would talk about the future of your relationship, hobbies, his weird fashion sense, and anything else that wouldn’t have to do with the company (it’s a nice refresher)
During these conversations he would hold you close and hum in acknowledgement, he wouldn’t care much for talking unless you specifically asked for his opinion (he finds listening to your voice soothing)
He likes to get a full night’s rest so he can start his next day nice and early but this usually doesn’t happen due to needing to wrap up unfinished paperwork
“There are mountains of paperwork left to do that the other’s hadn’t finished that need tending to (f/n), I’ll be upstairs shortly” DON'T FALL FOR IT!
On nights like those, you usually drag him away from the paperwork and help him finish it the next day (not without cussing out the rest of the team for not completing their paperwork)
The type to have blues or smooth jazz in the background as you two commence your nightly routines
If you asked he would back hug you and sway to the music while his eyes are closed 
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If he could, he would spend his entire 24 hours tinkering with inventions and blueprints to reach his goal but luckily he has you to drag him away from his inventions
His sleep schedule is literal ass, so you took it upon yourself to help him improve it
This includes helping him wrap up his latest blueprints, dragging him into the shower, massaging his neck and upper back (his posture is AWFUL from looming over the table all the time), dragging his sleepy ass to bed at 2am
However, he would get restless and not be able to properly clock out (not until 3-4am but thankfully this isn’t every night)
When you two are just laying down and facing each other, this is the time that he would be at his most vulnerable
He would complain about his day (even if you were there for most of it),he would reminisce about days spent with his dad, how Lisa’s betrayal had hurt him, literally anything that was on his mind
This is the time to reassure him and just hug him as he pours his heart out
“Do you think I’ll actually be able to bring all the animals back (s/o)?”
“I believe in you so yes I do think you’ll be able to bring them back. Maybe not now, and maybe not all, but the first couple is what matters most”
After each heartfelt conversation it would always end up in giggles and shared kisses 
You always make it a point to comment on all of your favorite features of his, which turns the man into a literal tomato 
He wouldn’t verbally express his gratitude but the way he would pull you in closer and stare lovingly into your eyes would tell you more words than he could say 
When he has a nightmare he would just snuggle into you more while keeping quiet
He doesn’t want to burden you with his own demons but he soon learns (from you lightly scolding him) that he can just wake you up 
“Nightmare?” “yeah…” and that would be all you needed to just hold him for the entire night
There isn’t a specific routine he follows other than brushing his teeth for the night and randomly writing down new ways to improve his inventions
However, he would definitely help you with your nightly hair care routine (he’s come up with a few things to help detangle your hair!)
He would have some soft rock in the background and if he knew the lyrics he would mouth them with the hairbrush
He has built a mini fridge in his room so whenever you guys want some midnight snacks “They’re right there! No need to sneak out and possibly piss off the lieutenant”
He has had to kick Shinra and Arthur out of his room because they tried stealing his mini fridge 
On particularly restless nights, the two of you would set up a speaker and act like you were performing at a concert (with the music at a low volume ofc)
These nights he finds himself falling in deeper in love with you
The next morning you guys are literal sloths from how late you stayed up
When you guys finally get into bed you’ll start off cuddling (with him as the big spoon) but in the morning you’ll notice that he has tangled all of your limbs together and he ended up being the little spoon 
It takes a lot to untangle yourself and by the time you finish, he’s already awake
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Nights with him are all about unwinding from the day’s events, no matter how mundane the day was 
There’s a lot of reminiscing memories every night especially about how you guys met, how you’ve managed to adopt all of the younger company 8 recruits
He has cried before when he walked into the house and found you cooking dinner for him
Extra tears were spilled when you gave him a greeting kiss
There’s an unspoken rule that if the other has had a rough day that they would be pampered
And if you both had a rough day? Looks like you’re both getting pampered by each other
Nights sheds a layer of Obi’s walls and more often than not he finds himself feeling particularly vulnerable (especially around you) you will find him in his thoughts more than usual 
In bed there would be soft conversations about how much he loves you, the dreams you guys share together, the direction where company 8 is going
“Do you think we’re doing the right thing? It feels like more problems arise with each new thing we find..”
“I think that if it’s in your heart to genuinely help others then you’re doing the right thing”
Obi would have you laying on his chest, while one hand is behind his head and his other one is rubbing circles on your lower back  
It gives you the chance to hear his heartbeat and it gives him extra reassurance that you’re there to protect his heart
His nightly routine includes: Stretching out any tense muscles, face masks (courtesy of his sweet s/o who laughs at the faces he tries making in the mask), his hair, moisturize,  and anything that you need help with
If there is music playing then expect him to start slow dancing with you and randomly dipping you 
He doesn’t hold his balance too well so expect a few falls every now and then 
You guys usually bathe together, so he usually sneaks in a few kisses while you wash his hair
If you guys end up showering that night, he’ll give you massages and whisper about how much he appreciates your presence in his life
He would be extra gentle when helping you take care of your hair and wrapping it up for the night
If your scarf/bonnet slips off in the middle of the night he would fix it and then kiss your forehead
Another one who would start off cuddling but find yourself in a whole ‘nother position
Exhibit A: Tangled limbs and a loving (?) headlock
Exhibit B: He’s upside down on the bed, your foot is on his chest and your head is on his leg (?)
Exhibit C: He ends up being the little spoon and you ended up clinging onto his back like you’re a backpack
It’s always a good laugh whenever you mention it in the morning
He is the one that would risk running into Hinawa to get some midnight snacks
If he doesn’t come back in 10 minutes, you know the lieutenant has him or he didn’t know which snack to choose
Before going to sleep he would share a slow and passionate kiss with you 
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
The One Where Bucky’s Not Ready (Headcannon)
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Bucky Barnes X Neutral!Teeange!Reader
(also kinda Reader X boyfriend)
Summary: You’re Bucky’s kid and one of the most mature, intelligent kids ever, but when you don’t come home after Winter Formal, Bucky flips out. (Based on season 1, episode 9 of Gilmore Girls)
Word Count: 1670
Warnings: Allusion to doing the dirty, but nothing mature
so, you’re like the best child known to man
like you have one of the best GPAs in your school
(and the state, lets be honest here)
you have never done anything wrong in your life, aside from like maybe yell at someone
(but it was 9th grade and they shouldn’t have been bullying the sweet, little, harmless, unwillingly outed gay boy in homeroom)
it’s finally 11th grade and you get to go to the upperclassmen dances
like the winter formal and prom
fun times, dancing, music, and best of all, free food
you’re also going with your first boyfriend and you bought a new outfit that was a deep blue with a white mesh that sparkles like stars on the bottom
so you were excited to say the least
bucky has been dreading this day
he’s been dreading this day for a WHILE
because his little baby is growing up and they look beautiful but they’re going with a BOY
so you could say he’s a bit nervous
possibly a bit paranoid
completely and utterly horrified because HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY and A BOY are driving THEMSELVES to a sparsely supervised high school dance
and he KNOWS what can happen at high school dances
oh yeah
he, too, was a kid once (hard to believe but true)
but he let you go
he did a bit of a background check on the sketchy looking boy but apparently he’s still just an ‘innocent little 17-year old boy’
he thinks that’s bull crap
and he asked tony to check but he just doesn’t think it’s right
so he had virtually no excuse to not let you go
he tried
“but what if he’s a bad driver?”
“are you sure he’s really that nice? he could be faking”
“but what if [insert ridiculous dad-type thing he’d say here]
it was endless
but when your date came to the door and your face lit up with a childish grin, bucky knew that he couldn’t hold you back anymore
you were growing up
it didn’t mean he would stop worrying
because it’s bucky and he’s never NOT worried once in his damn life
like have you met steve???
he has reason to believe you’d get into some sort of mess
but he couldn’t stop you from doing things anymore
so he reminds you of something that you forgot to grab earlier
and gives the boy a “sTeRn tAlKiNg tO”
more like a few death threats followed by sarcastic chuckles
and serial killer glares
but once you returned from upstairs, it was all fine and dandy
albeit your fidgeting date
so you went off with your boyfriend and had a wonderful time at the dance
you both ate more than you should have
you danced together
even a slow dance that was incredibly awkward and you both MAY have stepped on each others toes
six times
but it was fine
and to your dads surprise, you weren’t exceedingly drunk by the time people were leaving
‘cause you didn’t drink anything but water
because you’re a goodie-two-shoes
but you still know how to have fun!!!
but you guys weren’t tired, and it was only 10:30
and bucky said you didn’t have to be back until midnight
so you did the rational thing
and went to mcdonald’s
because you’re growing children and need all the nourishment you can get
(“mcdonald’s isn’t providing any sort of nourishing food” “shut up steven”)
but you guys had fun
and you went on your way back home
but you forgot you had left your laptop at the avengers compound
and so you made a quick stop before heading home
but since it was closer to midnight than you thought, nobody knew you had gone in to grab something
and as you made your way up to the guest wing where you would do homework in between yours or your fathers training
and you grabbed your laptop
but your date flopped on the bed like a giddy child, bouncing up and down
“did you know this room had a wAtErBeD?!?!”
the buffoon
but you just chuckled as he laid down
he sat against the headboard and threw his hands behind his head
hitting a panel
which turned on the flashing LED lights and the tv that appeared seemingly out of the wall
ya boi was having heart palpitations for this room
he wasn’t even coherent at this point
just giggling and bouncing on the waterbed
but he had the CUTEST SMILE
and he was smiling so bright the crows feet around his eyes made an appearance
so you took of your shoes because
“damnit heels HURT after hours of dancing”
and you jumped on the bed with him
and you guys laid there for a moment
or what you thought was a moment
because you were both giggling
then you both had fallen asleep
but bucky trusted you and he was asleep by 9:45 that night
because he knew you would be home on time
oh boy oh boy oh boy
when he woke up to his phone ringing
and it was steve asking if he wanted to go on an early morning run
bucky was already in a bad mood
but agreed to go
so he went downstairs to check on you in your room
but oh boy the bed is empty
and bucky’s thinking rationally like you’re probably safe at a friends or whatever
but he’s never had the talk with you
he thinks you’ve mentioned it to natasha at some point or another
but he’s never addressed it
he doesn’t want to be a grandpa yet
he’s barely gotten used to the father thing and he’s been a father for like 16 years
but he’s not READY FOR THAT
but little does he know that while he’s talking to steve on the phone while freaking out
that tony motherfuckin stark is laughing his ass off because he can hear steve and bucky talking because steve’s phone’s volume is always way too loud
and he can hear steve trying to reassure bucky that
“the child was raised by assassins she’s PROBABLY NOT DEAD”
but tony’s just looking at his guest room where there are flashing LED lights still on and two (FULLY DRESSED and obviously very tired) teenagers sleeping on a waterbed
so he goes to steve and pulls him by the back of the shirt to the guest room and just points
and steve snorts (very loudly), which wakes up the kiddos
and bucky is SCREAMING
like no filter cussing out steve because
but once you’re fully awake and realize that the sun is up, you’re not in your room, and steve and tony and YOUR BOYFRIEND are in a room with you
and your eyes widen
and then you realize
you fucked up.
so you grab your heels and phone and BOLT out that door
you don’t even have your car because you drove with your date
but you sprint to tony’s garage
because you can apologized or taking one of his cars later but you can’t do that if your dad kills you
so you’re def speeding
because you’ve never done anything bad and you can’t have this make your dad not trust you anymore
but back at the compound your bf and steve and tony are all talking to bucky on speakerphone
which is an event in itself
“barnes your kid is in my car driving to your house”
“no! i wanna talk to the BOY!”
said boy is terrified
“mr. barnes, bucky, james, sergeant, sir i didn’t do anything with y/n i promise”
“i don’t trust him! steve is he lying????”
“how the fuck am i supposed to know i’ve met the kid like three times?”
***exasperated sigh***
“wait she just pulled into the driveway!”
so you come inside
still holding your shoes you never bothered to put on
and bucky is just standing there
watching you
with his serial killer eyes
the ones that don’t scare you
or so you thought
[dramatic pause]
where were you???”
and jeeze you’ve never talked faster than that moment
any and all of the speeches you’ve given are noting compared to the utter BULLSHIT coming out of your mouth right now
and your shaking and bucky realizes then
you’d never do anything like that yet
he’s being an overprotective dad
because you still ask him to drive your own car
and you still ask him to braid your hair when you want it to look SUPER GOOD
and you aren’t a complete idiot
and even if you DID DO IT, you would’ve been smart about it
and he realizes that you’re perfect
and that even though you’re a teenager you are more mature than most adults 
so he does the smart thing
he takes the shoes and your phone out of your hands gently
sets them on the table by the door
and he hugs you
really tight
“dad you’re hurting me”
he lets go and has tears in his eyes
“i know you didn’t do anything but you’re growing up and i’m gonna miss my baby”
and you tear up a bit
and bucky’s phone rings
it’s steve
but it’s NOT
“sir i swear we didn’t do anything. we fell asleep and mr america said that i should call you but i didn’t have your number and he gave me his phone and i’m really sorry but don’t make us break up because i REALLY like y/n and she’s important to me and i don’t want to lose them yet and i just feel awful”
and bucky hangs up in the middle of THAT
and texts steve
“tell that kid to calm down nothings gonna happen to him
unless he does it again”
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (2)
OMG! Part 2 is here!!
I'm still finishing up two other fics, and this one's on the back burner for a little while. I apologize for pauses between uploads. I hope that makes it worth it!
Ao3 | FF.net
Plagg arrived at school on foot, which startled several people.
Of course, his choice of dress could have influenced that as well.
"Dude, what are you wearing? And…did you walk to school?"
Plagg held out a second coffee to Nino. "Yep. And as for what I'm wearing, I picked what I thought would make my father the angriest."
"Did it?"
Plagg turned around. "I'm not bleeding am I? I had to break a window to get out of the house."
"So am I bleeding or what?"
"N-no, you're not. But what's gotten into you? You usually fold like a paper crane when it comes to your dad."
"Ooh, nice analogy. I'm usually pretty partial to Jello left out on the counter at room temperature, when it gets all melty and chunky."
Nino blinked. "I repeat, what's gotten into you?"
"Just tired of being a doormat."
Nino gave a little punch to his shoulder. "Hell yeah, stick it to the man!"
"But my dad's not the only problem I'm trying to fix."
"You know Lila's a pathological liar, right? And that she's been sexually harassing me for the better part of a year?"
"WHAT?!" Nino shouted.
"Yeah, she's really good at manipulating people to get what she wants. Like how she got herself invited to my photoshoots. Don't know how that happened but it's super unprofessional. Also, she got Marinette expelled. Remember when she said Marinette pushed her down the stairs and garbage? Total lies. She only backed out of it when I threatened our 'friendship'."
"Why didn't you tell me about this before?! Lila's been babysitting Chris! And Ella and Etta! She said she was a certified babysitter!"
"I mean, Marinette's been telling everyone she's a liar for a while. So…"
"Well…" Nino rubbed the back of his head.
"Well what? What reason did Marinette give you to doubt her?"
Nino winced. "…I can't really tell you…it's not my place, and Alya will kill me."
Plagg threw his arms up in the air with a groan, nearly splashing coffee on his crop top. "Is there no communication with you people!? Just talk! Enough with the secrets!"
Nino blinked. "Uh…what other secrets are you talking about?"
Plagg shook his head, realizing he'd spilt a few beans. And some things really did need to remain secret. "Ugh, whatever. Doesn't matter. You just…spill!"
"No way dude! Marinette's my friend, and I won't tell her secrets without her permission!"
Plagg rested a hand on his shoulder. "You're a good dude, you know?"
"Oh so now it's a good thing that I'm hiding stuff from you? Pick a mood."
Instead, Plagg took a sip from his coffee. Having a human tongue again was so weird. It was a complexed organ with equal taste buds, instead of the 'smelly savory' he was used to as a kwami.
And if Adrien didn't like cheese, it wouldn't be likely that Plagg would still enjoy it in his body. His eyes glanced around the entrance of the school, taking notice of all the people who were side-eyeing him. Nearly everyone had their attention on him and Nino, though they were trying to be sneaky about it.
Humans were so funny.
And then he noticed Marinette approaching. She looked awful. Big bags under her eyes, dragging her feet, slouched shoulders. The look of a guardian who was downtrodden and exhausted.
"Hey Nino, wanna see something hilarious?"
"Here, hold this." He handed him his coffee. Then he tighten the sleeves of the flannel around his waist and ran full speed at Marinette, his arms out at his sides. "MAAAARRRRIIIINNEEETTTEEE!" He shouted.
Hearing her name being shouted startled the poor girl, and she seized up, holding her arms to her chest. Plagg collided with her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug and lifting to spin her around several times.
"Ad-d-d-rrrriiieennn!" She exclaimed, as she was rag dolled around.
Finally, he set her back on her feet and patted her on the head. "Sorry, you looked like you needed an extreme hug."
A big smile emerged on her face, accompanied by a very endearing blush. "Thanks Adrien. I did! I feel better now!"
Plagg knew it would take more than an intense hug to fix everything on Marinette's plate. There was likely more bothering her than just the loss of Master Fu, too. But he was out to fix Adrien's problems, not hers. But hopefully, one of his problems would directly help her.
"Um…" Marinette started, looking him up and down. "Your father let you out of the house like that?"
"Oh, absolutely not. I snuck out."
"Adrien!" She gawked.
"It'll be fine." He waved her off.
Alya approached them, her jaw on the floor. "Adrien, what was that?"
Nino was just a step behind her, giggling.
"Have you never seen an epic hug before? Nino, you need to step up your game."
"I guess I do!" Nino chuckled. "Here's your coffee back, dude."
"Thanks." Plagg took the coffee with one hand while the other stayed firmly over Marinette's shoulder.
"You're being kind of friendly with Marinette this morning, aren't you?"
Plagg shrugged. "I just happen to think her shoulder is a really nice arm rest."
"Did you ask her permission?"
"Oh, you know, I didn't. Can I put my arm around you, Marinette?"
Marinette's giant panicked grin and a high pitch squeal was the only response he got.
"I'll take that as a yes." He squeezed her.
"Oh!" Alya chirped, taking out her phone. "Lila had an akuma in her room last night! Ladybug and Chat Noir stayed afterwards and hung out with her afterwards to make sure she was okay! She gave me this interview for my blog—"
"FAKE NEWS!" Plagg shouted, startling everyone around him. Alya almost dropped her phone.
"What?" She asked.
"I said, Fake News. There was no akuma last night."
"How do you know?" Alya got defensive. "The akuma alarm only goes off when someone sees the akuma. It happened so late last night, that no one was awake."
"I have an akuma sixth sense." Plagg explained, ignoring Adrien pinching his thigh inside his shirt. "But besides that, Lila is a big, bold-faced liar."
Alya sighed, rolling her eyes. "I expect that from Marinette, but you too now?"
"I've always known Lila was a liar, but I tried to play nice because she's super destructive when she wants to be. Just look at what she did to Marinette!"
Alya gave Marinette a once over, looking for injuries. "I don't follow."
Plagg huffed. "The expulsion? Surely you're not dumb enough to believe that Lila has some sort of disease that makes her…what did she say? Periodically lie? Misremember? I can't even remember what she said, but she revoked her evidence to get Marinette back into school."
Alya frowned. "She told me she was taking the heat for whoever this real person is. Someone wanted Marinette out of school, and Lila retracted her evidence because she knows Marinette wouldn't do that stuff."
Plagg blew a loud raspberry at her, making spittle fly into her face. "Of course she told you that, because she can't possibly be seen as the villain."
"What are you getting at, Adrien?"
"I'm the reason Lila retracted her evidence. She targeted Marinette. She's been targeting Marinette. I gave her an ultimatum. She could stop lying about Marinette, or I would retract our supposed 'friendship' and get her removed from modeling with me."
Alya and Nino just blinked at him several times, before Alya shouted, "WHAT?!"
"Yeah, like I said, I didn't say anything because I didn't want her to get akumatized, she may have turned on me, and I assumed eventually she'd lie herself into a hole and everyone would figure her out. But I guess everyone is denser than I expected."
"Harsh, bro."
"Nah. You'll thank me for this. Especially you, Alya. You want a reputable blog, right? What am I saying? You, of course, double check all of your sources! And if someone makes any outlandish claims that could get someone in trouble, you don't just post them willy-nilly. That's why I like you, Alya, you're discerning and thorough!"
Alya opened her mouth to retort, but shut it right after. "Yeah. Thanks." She finally said.
Marinette groaned. "Here comes the devil herself."
Lila sashayed up to the group, wrapping her arms around Plagg and yanking him free from Marinette. "Adrien! It's so good to see you this morning! I had such a fun time at the shoot—"
Plagg didn't let her finish before he forcefully ripped himself out of her grasp. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
His shout drew attention from everyone else around.
Lila laughed it off awkwardly. "Oh Adrien, you scared me! I'm not going to hurt you." And she reached for him again.
But Plagg danced away from her, behind Marinette and shouted. "HEY DON'T TOUCH ME THERE! THIS IS MY NO-NO SQUARE!"
Marinette was the only one that laughed, but it was mostly just a choked snort.
"What are you talking about?" Lila asked, pouting, "I wasn't touching you anywhere bad."
"I think maybe you should keep your hands to yourself," Marinette said gently.
The flittering rage on Lila's face went ignored by Alya and Nino. "I'm not sure what's going on. Adrien's just being kind of goofy today."
"I agree," said Nino. "You break out of your house, now this? This is more than not being a doormat."
Plagg realized he may have taken things a bit too far too fast, and that his cover was in danger of being blown.
"Well! Would you look at the time! I gotta piss! See you in class!" And he took off running into the school.
Being inside a pocket meant that he didn't always see what direction Adrien went. But the bathroom was easy enough to find once he double backed on himself.
Thankfully, the bathroom was empty. And Adrien emerged the second the stall closed. "What did I say!? You wouldn't last five minutes! Everyone is suspicious of you! And what was that thing with Marinette? I thought you were going to fix my problems with Ladybug!"
Plagg held up his hands in defense. "Relax. I just got a little ahead of myself. You know, taking advantage of the situation?"
"What situation?"
"Alya brought up Lila, not me! I couldn't pretend to care! I can't even pretend to care about your problems and I love you!"
"Aw, Plagg. You love me?"
"That's what you got out of that?"
"I knew you were a big softy."
"You know who's actually soft? You." He poked his stomach. "That's what's got you in the situation in the first place!"
"Um, I'd argue it was your trickery."
"So you're soft and gullible. Got it."
"Like I said last night, kid: You've only been on this planet for 15 years, and social for one. You're bound to be a little naïve. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Tikki would say it's honorable."
"And what would you call it?"
Plagg put a finger to his mouth in mock thought. "Unfortunate."
Adrien sighed, losing altitude. "You still didn't answer my question about Marinette."
"Trust me, getting cosy with Marinette is the key to solving your Ladybug trouble."
"You better not flirt with her! I don't like her that way, and I don't want to break her heart."
"You say that now…"
The bathroom door opened, so Plagg was quick to usher Adrien back into the pocket. "I'll roll it back a little, happy?"
"Not in the slightest."
Plagg appeared in the classroom just in time for class to start.
"YO, WHAT IS UP MY DUDES!?" He called, walking into the room with a beat in his step.
The scoff from his pocket went unnoticed by everyone else.
"Adrien, you know I'm not a fan of yelling in my classroom." Miss Bustier warned, patiently.
"Sorry Teach."
"And your outfit is outside of the dress code. Do you have something that covers your mid-drift?"
"No problems there, baby." He untied the flannel from around his waist, and slipped it over his shoulders, then buttoned the bottom few buttons, unaligned. "There, Gucci right?"
She raised an eyebrow, "And the sunglasses?"
"Sorry teach, I've got a major migraine and, low-key, kind of want to die. Glasses stay on, or I will cry."
Miss Bustier just sighed. "As long as you're not disrupting my class, I suppose that's fine."
"Sick." And he slid into his desk, propping his shoes up on the table.
"Sit in your chair like a normal person, please."
Plagg had to glance around to see how everyone else was sitting before he corrected his posture.
Now that he was wearing the flannel, it was a lot less comfortable for Adrien to be in the pocket. He poked and prodded at Plagg's chest to be moved. Thankfully, Plagg had mercy on him and scooped him from his pocket and deposited him into his bag.
From the bag, Adrien tried to watch Plagg, but he seemed to settle down once Miss Bustier started the lesson. Was he even taking notes?
"Plagg!" A sharp hiss came from his side, before a red kwami appeared.
"Tikki?" He choked.
"What the heck is going on with your holder?! He's acting really really weird!"
"My holder is worried about him!"
"She is? She saw all that?"
Tikki huffed. "How could she not?! She's right there!" And she made the fatal mistake of pointing at Marinette.
In hindsight, it was pretty obvious. He had guessed before, and he had hunches, but she had very cleverly removed herself from suspicion during Kwami Buster with Multimouse.
"Oh…that's why he said buttering up to Marinette would solve my Ladybug problem."
Tikki frowned. "What are you talking about? Who said what?"
Adrien awkwardly scratched his ear. "Heh…it seems there's been a tiny mix up. I'm not—" but a bunch of bubbles came out of his mouth. "Ugh. I'm Adrien."
Tikki's eyes grew impossibly large. "YOU'RE—" she grabbed him and yanked him down, phasing into the steps below.
It was an odd sensation, one that he didn't get to think about before Tikki was yelling at him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU'RE ADRIEN?! You're supposed to be Plagg! And only Plagg!"
"I don't know! It all happened so fast! Last night we had an argument about my problems and he said it wasn't that big of a deal and I said he wouldn't be able to handle it and he said he'd fix it right away and then he made some pact and then I woke up like this and he was like that and I don't know what to do!"
"Okay, first, take a breath." She instructed, calmly.
He did so, taking another, and another, "okay...okay...I'm calm."
"Okay. Good. Now, what were the conditions of the pact?"
"I...I'm not sure? He said he was going to fix three big problems of mine."
"Which are?"
"Repairing my relationship with my father."
"Yikes. Okay, and?"
"Getting Lila to stop bothering me."
"Okay, what else?"
"And get Ladybug to love me back."
"That dirty rotten cheater!" She scowled.
"Ugh," she rubbed her nubs over her head. "Promise you won't get mad?"
"Plagg and I both knew how you felt about..her. We had a running bet who would fall for who first, Adrien for Marinette, or Ladybug for Chat Noir."
He frowned at her. "I thought you were the mature one."
"I am. But I'm also thousands of years old. Teenager's love lives are like…corny TV shows for me. Besides, we're not supposed to meddle in the affairs of the human world." She glanced up towards the stairs, where Plagg was sitting on the other side.
"Does he do this a lot?"
"Not every wielder, but many."
"And…does it always work out?"
She was quiet a long time. "More often than not."
"But he has failed before?"
"There was one time where the contract was too difficult and he and his holder switched bodies until the holder's body died. At which point, Plagg's consciousness expelled the human's soul from the kwami's body and they perished."
"Jesus actual Christ."
"No, it wasn't him. Nice guy though! Very wise!"
"That's not what I—" He sighed. "Look, is there anyway to undo this? He's ruining so much!"
"I'm really sorry Adrien, but the only way to get switched back into your body is to complete the pact."
Adrien growled. "He could have at least given me a heads up! He just said he'd 'handle it'. I didn't know we'd switch bodies!" He slammed his paws into his face.
"Look, I'll tell Marinette as soon as possible, maybe she'll know what to do."
"No! Tikki you can't tell her!"
"I have too. As guardian, she must be aware of all the shenanigans that the Kwami's are getting into. She has to know about this."
"But she can't!" He begged. "This is all my fault! I was naïve and dumb and I didn't think things through—" He moaned. "She's going to be so disappointed with me!"
Tikki poked him hard. "Adrien. This is not your fault! This is Plagg's doing. He's tricky, and can be very selfish sometimes. She can't blame you."
"Please Tikki, I know she's going to figure me out sooner or later. Plagg's doing a really bad job."
"I'll say."
"But when that happens, I'll come clean and explain everything myself. But until then, can you just…pretend like nothing is wrong?"
Tikki sighed. "I hate keeping secrets from her. But, fine. Since you asked so nicely. Maybe you'll get your body switched back before she suspects."
He winced. "Ugh, except one of the conditions of the pact is to get Ladybug to fall in love with me. And if he's trying to get Lady-nette to fall in love with him, then if we switch back, she'll be in love with Plagg-me and not me-me!"
"Um…I don't think that's going to be a problem…"
"Wait, what?"
"You remember that TV show where they went into her room and your photos were everywhere?"
"She said she just liked fashion…and she promised she wasn't lying…"
"It was a half truth, at least. She does like fashion, and you are her favorite model. But…that other boy she keeps rejecting Chat for? That's you."
If a blush could be seen on black fur, he'd be the same color as Tikki. "What? Really? How come she never told me!?"
"Oh, she tried. Remember when you brought her medicine back from England?"
"That prescription she gave you was for Master Fu. She gave the pharmacist the love letter she was supposed to give you after you got on the train."
"Oh no!"
"The wax statue incident? That was her practicing. That beret from a 'brazilian fan'? That was from her. That blue scarf your father got you for your birthday? That was also from her. She's tried, Adrien. But she's either chickened out, or something's gone horrendously wrong."
"Oh Marinette…" His ears went flat, his heart breaking for her. "All this time?"
"Since you gave her your umbrella in the rain when you first met."
"Oh no! That long!? My poor lady!"
"And she's been trying to get over you since she thinks you're in love with Kagami. So I'm assuming Plagg's trying to convince her that you like her instead."
Since he awoke in this strange little useless body, Adrien was pissed at Plagg. But now he was beginning to realize how big of a favor this was. How close he had been to losing her, and hopefully it wasn't too late.
Still sucked though.
"Oh god…he's going to have to talk to Kagami too! I don't know if I can bear to watch this!"
"Well, you don't really have a choice. And you stand a pretty good chance of getting your body back soon. I…think Plagg knows what he's doing."
"You think?"
"I hope."
"Look, if you need help, you know where to find me. I'll be in my holder's bag here at school. Though, today, unless there's an akuma, I'll sit with you in your bag and tell you whatever you need to know about being a Kwami."
"Oh yeah! How is superheroing going to work? How do I transform?"
"It'll probably be the same. He'll say your name instead of his own. Then you'll get to see what he sees and hear what he hears. Cataclysm draws from this body's form, so he'll call on it when he needs it, as well as your other powers."
"Other powers?"
"Sure. There's more than just Cataclysm. But I'm sure he's waiting to teach you them until you're ready."
"To be honest...he never really taught me Cata—"
Tikki was quick to slap a paw over his mouth. "DON'T SAY IT!"
"Oh, is it like transformed rules? You say it, you activate it?"
"Yes, but in this form it's incredibly powerful, and you don't know how to dismiss it! You activate it and bump into something, and you nuke Paris! That is a forbidden word!"
"Okay! I'll take your word for it."
"We should probably get back up top, no telling what trouble Plagg's gotten into already."
"But we're in class. He should just be sitting there."
"You're underestimating Plagg's attention span."
Phasing back up through the floor and into Adrien's bag, they could hear Adrien's voice.
"...and of course you're not even going to talk about the ramifications of Phillip the V's denial of his niece on the throne."
"Louis X's daughter? She never took the french throne."
"Oh, yes she did! She held it for 6 years in 1316, Phillip only recanted her name after her rule was revoked. Furthermore, after she died, her legitimacy as Louis' blood relative was called into question. Her mother was branded as an adulterer."
Miss Bustier hummed. "I never heard of this. Where did you read this, Adrien?"
"Oh I didn't read it, I saw it—in a documentary! That's right! On the Hundred Year War! That's right!"
"You'll have to tell me what that documentary is, I'm very interested to see that! But you were saying something about Louis X's daughter on the throne?"
Adrien had to refrain from smacking himself in the face. Not 15 minutes into class, and Plagg was already rewriting history.
Had they even gotten to the Hundred Years War?
A knock saved Adrien from second hand embarrassment.
"Come in," called Miss Bustier.
Adrien couldn't see who was at the door, but they were being silent.
"Um…can I help you?"
There was a grunt.
"You're here for Adrien?"
Adrien, in kwami form, peered out ever so carefully from his bag, only to see the Gorilla standing in the front of the room.
Uh oh.
"...hey big guy..." Plagg tried to greet as enthusiastically as he could.
Another grunt, and the Gorilla motioned towards the door with his head.
"Sorry, but I'm in the middle of class. We were just discussing the conditions that led up to the Hundred Years War. I know dad's pissed that I left this morning, but I'll be home after school..."
The Gorilla shook his head and started to advance on him, his hands open and making to grab him.
Plagg however, was not above evasive maneuvers. He hopped up on the desk.
"You'll never take me alive!"
The Gorilla never stopped advancing and shot his arms out to grab Plagg by the waist.
But Plagg leapt from the table and landed on the Gorilla's shoulders, riding him like a bull.
The Gorilla swung around, flailing his arms trying to dislodge Plagg from where he was mounted, but Plagg dug his heels in and held fast.
The Gorilla bucked and swung, making Plagg rag doll around, but he still would not let go!
Finally, starting to get dizzy, Plagg twisted in place and pinched the bodyguard in a particular place on the shoulder, and he dropped like a sack of potatoes, unconscious, on the floor.
Plagg simply climbed off of him, dusted himself off, and took his seat. "Now...where were we?"
"Principal's office. Now."
@chaosace-e @horson @consumeconstantly @percabeth @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @ezio-demon @judyhopps934-mt-zd @wannajointhecrabcult @buggaboy27 @starpony999 @bevvydraws @lavenderjunes
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gubes-sweaters · 3 years
Mind, Body, and Soul 5
Authors note: Hey, so it's been a while oops. I’ve been writing one-shots in between writing chapters 4 and 5 only because I wasn’t sure where to take this series, but I’ve figured it out and now I’m back. I still have 3 or 4 one-shots written that still need to be edited. This chapter has a couple of switches of the POV. Sorry if it’s a little confusing, but it’s the easiest way to write the story. Also, I know Gideon and Rossi didn’t work together in the early season, but I’m changing it. I realize the TL of a lot of the members is off, but it’s all intentional for the story.
Content warning: Nothing I can think of, but don’t be afraid to tell me about a warning I should put in.
Word count: 2.7k
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Chapter 5: New Member of the BAU
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
I shift under Spencer's grip trying to reach my phone as it's ringing. He’s such a heavy sleeper that by the time I wiggled out from his arms and grabbed my phone he was still sleeping. He just rolled over before snoring very quietly. I look at my phone and see it's my dad! Shit, I was supposed to meet with my dad at ten today and it's already eleven. I'm not even ready this is such a disaster, what am I supposed to tell him? Oh, don’t worry dad I’m just busy because I’m in the back of this guy’s car and I slept through my alarm! He’s going to kill me because I'm supposed to meet some of my dad’s work friends then go out to lunch with him.
“Ciao papà,” I say trying to sound like I'm awake. He can probably see through my bullshit though because I'm a shitty liar, and he's a profiler.
“Where's my bambino and why isn't she at the BAU right now? My colleagues want to meet you.”
“Sorry, I spent all night studying and I must've slept through my alarm I'll be there as soon as possible,” I technically lie to him I did sleep through my alarm.
“Okay...well, I love you. I have a security badge ready for you. All you have to do is tell security who you are and you're here to see me,” He's clearly not convinced but I don't think he cares enough to press the issue.
“Okay, love you too. Bye!” I hang up then turn to Spencer trying to wake him up.
I shake him over and over until he finally stirs. Seriously how the hell does he sleep so heavy. Once I get him up I explain that I’m supposed to have lunch with my dad and I’m supposed to meet his coworkers now that he’s coming out of retirement for whatever reason.
“Okay, yeah give me a second to clean up the back, and we can take you back to your apartment,” He says while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Thanks,” I say before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
He blushes at me before signaling for me to hop out of the trunk. We make a collaborative effort to clean out the trunk and sit the back seats back up. We then get in the front and make small talk on the way back to my apartment. Once we arrive I feel that pit in my stomach again, the same one I feel every time one of us has to leave.
“Thanks for yesterday!” I say before turning to open the car door with the bear we made yesterday. When I asked who's keeping the bear he jokingly said we’ll split custody and I guess this is my week. Before I could open the car door he placed his hand on my forearm very gently like I was made out of glass. He has this pained and disappointed look on his face.
“Can I see you again?” He asks just barely above a whisper.
I just respond with a nod and a quick kiss before I hop out of the car and wave goodbye. All I see is a wide grin on his face and a wave before I disappear into my apartment building. I knew Stella and Raven weren’t home because neither of their cars was in the parking lot. That meant I could get ready quickly and slip out of the apartment without any questions being asked.
I set the stuffed bear on the bed and begin getting ready. After I shower, dry my hair, brush my teeth, apply a small bit of makeup, and slip on a sweater and jeans I’m finally ready to leave. It’s only one pm, so I'm not making a horrible time given that I was already late. I then practically drive like a mad man to the BAU. I stop at security and tell them I’m here for my dad David Rossi. I get directions to the floor and where my dad’s new office is. I walk into the bullpen and see two very familiar and comforting faces, but the others belong to complete strangers. I immediately spot my dad’s old partner Jason Gideon and the Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. I met them both when I was in middle school, but the rest of the team was new to me and my dad as well. He’s been there for a couple of months since his book tour was just now ending. As soon as Gideon sees me he walks towards me with his arms outstretched.
“Hey kiddo it’s been a long time. I may be getting old, but I’ll never forget that face.” He says while engulfing me in a hug. Honestly, I talked to Gideon probably more than my dad growing up. This is odd because he didn’t have the best relationship with his own son, but he was always like a cool uncle. Then the same click happened to me and Aaron Hotchner when we first met. He always wanted kids and some of the only times you would see him smile and laugh was around kids. He and his wife Haley jokingly called me their test run when I would spend time with them. When my mom and dad were both busy I spent a lot of time with Haley because I didn’t want to be with a nanny.
“Hey, guys!” I say before hugging them both once more.
“So, how’s school been? You’re not getting into any trouble are you?” Uncle Jason asks before nudging me as the three of us walk towards my dad’s new office. I can see two people’s eyes on me from the bullpen then suddenly a third when a blonde woman who doesn't look much older than me comes strutting out of her office flashing me a quick smile.
“You know me, I’m David Rossi’s daughter, so I seemingly can't stay out of trouble,” I joked with them as we arrived at my dad’s new office. It had a shiny new nameplate that said “David Rossi” on the front of it. Gideon knocks and I feel a wave of nostalgia. I remember in the 6th grade visiting my dad at the BAU and walking up to my dad’s office hand in hand with Gideon. Now I’m much older and much taller, but much hasn’t changed. After a few seconds, my dad opens the door with a huge grin on his face I swear he hasn't changed since I was a kid. He still wears overly expensive suits and a watch that probably would pay a year and a half of my rent if not more.
“Ah, there she is. Oh, how I’ve missed you,” He says before eloping me in a bear hug.
“Come I want you to meet my other co-workers,” He says as the four of us walk back down the stairs where a small conglomeration of desks are.
“Everybody this is my daughter (y/n),” My dad proudly says while the three people went to introduce themselves. The first being the woman walking out of the office earlier. She is tall and blonde. She looks a little young to be a profiler though.
“Hi, I’m Jenifer Jareau, but you’re more than welcome to call me JJ. I’m the communication's liaison,” She says as she sticks her hand out for me to shake. After a woman with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes also extended her hand out to me. She was wearing a tan leather jacket with a black top beneath it and black dress pants along with tan ankle boots.
“Hi I’m Elle Greenway, it’s nice to meet you these three have been talking about you all day,” She says while gesturing towards my dad, uncle Aaron, and uncle Jason. Lastly, a tall very muscular man walks up to me with an awful lot of confidence. He’s wearing a tight heather gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Accompanied by his gun sitting snugly on his hip.
“Well Hello I’m Derek Morgan and you must be an angel,” He says forgetting that my dad is standing right behind me either that or he doesn't care. I shake his hand before my dad clears his throat not amused by Morgan's antics.
“Well, now that you’ve met my team it’s about time we went to lunch. Aaron don’t hesitate to call me if something pops up about that DC hacker case,” He says as we walk away and Uncle Aaron just responds with his usual very stern-looking face and a slight nod.
“DC hacker?” I ask as we exit the bullpen and make our way to the elevator.
“Let’s not talk about work. I want to know about school how are you?”
“I’m doing good I guess I've been a little distracted as of recent but I'm keeping myself on track I promise.��
“Atta girl,” He says before the elevator doors open, and he leads me out to his car.
-----Time Skip----
“So how are Raven and Stella I haven't seen them since I went to sign the lease again last year.” I can tell what he’s doing he’s making awkward small talk, so he feels like he's an integral part of my life. I appreciate the effort and I can’t shit on him too much because at least he’s making an effort. So I’ll play into this and make him feel better for the time being. I’m hoping that he doesn't feel like utter crap because we have nothing important to talk about besides this DC hacker case that I can’t get out of my mind. I haven’t talked about it since we were in the car because he clearly doesn’t want me to know anything about it since he keeps dodging my questions.
“They’re doing pretty good. I mean we don’t have any classes together this year because our majors are somewhat different, but we live together, so we're still close.”
“Oh, how's that friend you were telling me about? Penelope Garcia, that's her name right?” He asks as he leans in close to me. If I didn't know any better I would think he's shamelessly profiling me right now. We continue to talk about school and my friends throughout lunch. For someone who has such an extra and boujee person, he didn't talk about himself at all. Which is not my dad's usual behavior at all.
“Well, that's good to hear. So I was thinking after lunch maybe we-” As if God himself answered my prayers my dad's work cell starting ringing. I can hear small mumbles from the blonde woman I met earlier I believe her name was JJ. I can't exactly make out what is going on but either way, I'm taking whatever excuse I can get.
“I’m sorry sweetheart I’m going to have to cut this short that was a call from work. On the bright side, I’m not going to be on my book tour anymore, so whenever I have a day off we can spend time together.”
“Of course!” I say trying to humor him.
“Well, I’ll drop you back off at the FBI building.” He says before flagging down the waitress to pay for the check.
----Rossi’s POV----
I walk back into the FBI building after dropping (y/n) off. Aaron, Gideon, and I feel terrible for using her to get information. I feel the worst out of the three of us because I promised her after going back to the BAU this time would be different, but she's currently just another pawn in a game she didn't agree to.
“So what do we have Aaron?”
“Follow me to the round table we got all of the information needed from another technical analyst in the building Kevin Lynch.”
As Aaron and I walk into the room JJ is giving Gideon, Morgan, and Emily all of the information we need to know.
“This is Penelope Grace Garcia. She is a 28-year-old female. We didn’t have many people to contact for information on her because her birth parents are no longer alive. Her parents passed in a car accident ten years ago that was caused by a drunk driver. Since then she has seemingly lived a low profile life and has managed to stay under the radar when it comes to the justice system. We have been able to get enough evidence on her because of her close relations with David Rossi's daughter (y/n) Rossi. We are going to bring her in for questioning. She’ll likely have no prior knowledge of interrogations because she’s been able to fly under the radar. That also makes her extremely cocky, and she’ll think that we have no information on her. Our job is to be as docile yet forward as possible. We want to be docile, so she’ll trust. She has so much skill that Strauss approved for us to recruit her into the BAU. She’ll be of more use to us than she would be in jail. That’s all for now.”
As JJ finishes with the profile we all gather our things and mentally prepare ourselves for the interrogation. I was advised to stay out of it just in case she knew I was (y/n)’s father. Given the fact that she’s an elite hacker that isn’t such a farfetched statement.
-Hotch’s POV-
“You have two options either you can serve jail time or you can work for us at the BAU,” I tell her just before Morgan walks back into the room.
I have her make a quick resume, so we can hire her onto the BAU. I think she has potential and that she’s just putting up a tough front. I have to give her props though because I’ve seen grown men crumble a lot easier than her. Once we’re able to strike a deal with her I have Morgan unlock her cuffs. I make sure Morgan knows to tell her that she can’t talk about any of this with (y/n) for a while especially since the case involving her isn’t fully closed.
-(y/n) POV-
I finally make it back to my apartment when I get a text from my mom asking how lunch with my dad went. As I unlock the door to my apartment I text her back and let her know that it was okay, but dad was acting super weird. I told her it seemed like he was interrogating me. She just let me know that it’s out of habit because he’s a profiler and it’s not that big of a deal and to not read too much into it.
I feel like there was something that I had to do but I can't remember. It’s not until I check the calendar on my phone and realize Daisy’s birthday is in two days and I didn’t get her anything. I’m far too lazy to leave my apartment for a second time today which was supposed to be my day off. I also don’t want to go alone maybe I should text Spencer and see how busy he is.
Me: Hey, I have a birthday party to go to on Saturday. I still need to get her a birthday present would you mind coming with me tomorrow?
Spence: Sure, what time should I pick you up?
Me: How about 10?
Spence: Sounds good I’ll see you then :)
Taglist: @haylaansmi @rexorangecouny
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babybluebex · 4 years
dear gideon [spencer reid]
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader (y/n)
summary: after spencer’s torture, y/n has a lot to figure out about her and her baby’s life. 
word count: 2600+
warnings: season 2 reid (with a little season 5 at the end), mentions of torture, too much cute Baby Reid content
a/n: this is the last part to my new beginnings series! thank you all for joining me on this journey, and i appreciate every single one of you!
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I cried for so long that I fell asleep on the couch in Gideon’s office. When I finally woke up, it was by being shaken awake. My eyes fluttered open and I saw JJ in front of me. Her makeup was smudged under her eyes, and my heart dropped. “What happened?” I croaked, my voice rough and broken. “Is he okay?” 
JJ sniffled. “He was drugged several more times,” she whispered. “And he went into a seizure and… And cardiac arrest. We’re not sure, but we think he died--”
I hung my head. I knew it. I didn’t want to believe it, but I knew it to be true. Spencer fit the vic profile for whoever this murderer was and, the moment he fell into his clutches, I knew he was done for. My husband, my best friend…
“--For a little bit. But Tobias was able to resuscitate him.”
I gasped. “H-He’s alive?” I whimpered out. 
“He’s in the hospital,” JJ told me. “He’s got some cuts and bruises and everything, but he’ll be okay.” 
My fingernails dug into my palms as I struggled to breathe, and I whispered, “I wanna see him.” 
“Sweetheart, you really don’t--” JJ began. 
“Please,” I sighed. “I need to see for myself that he’s okay.”
JJ nodded slowly. “Are you okay?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” I mumbled. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” 
“And… them?” JJ asked, and I knew who she was talking about. 
My hand went to my stomach, and I carefully rubbed it. I might have been assuring myself that the baby was still there, because everything else in my life at the moment was so far from normal. “Fine,” I said softly. “They’re fine.”
The car was quiet as we went to the Marine base hospital, where Spencer was put up. Morgan joined us, as intent on making sure that Spencer was alright as I was, and I carefully took his hand. “Thanks,” I whispered. 
“For what?” Morgan asked. 
“You made fun of Spencer when he said that he wanted someone in the room with him,” I said. “On the jet. It made him want to pursue it-- pursue me-- more. All of this is because of you.”
“Aw, I was just razzing the kid,” Morgan sighed. “I didn’t think it would ever go this far.”
“I’m thankful,” I told him. “I wasn’t happy for a long time, and Spence helped me with that. He’s changed my life, and for the better.” 
Morgan nodded, and he said, “Do we know the gender?” 
“I do,” I said. “But Spencer didn’t want to know, so I haven’t been telling anybody.” 
“Can you tell me?” Morgan asked. “The kid has gotta have a relationship with their uncle, right?”
I laughed for the first time. Morgan had a way of cheering me up, no matter what. “Well,” I began. “We had agreed on names for each, and…” I took Morgan’s hand and laid it on my stomach, and I said, “Say hi to Gideon Reid.” 
Morgan’s face lit up, and a smile grew across his face. “His name’s Gideon?” he asked. I nodded, and Morgan smiled even wider. “Does our Gideon know yet?” 
“I haven’t told him,” I said. “You’re the first.”
“Hey, man,” Morgan said softly to my stomach. “How’re you doing?” 
I laughed again, and I put my hand on top of Morgan’s. “Of course, I didn’t tell you this,” I began. “But Spence wanted to ask you to be his godfather.” 
“Oh, God, Spence,” Morgan said. “I’d be honored.” 
We arrived at the hospital soon after, and Morgan squeezed my hand reassuringly. Elle and Gideon were already sitting in the waiting room, and Gideon gestured for me to move closer. “He’s fine,” he told me. “A little confused, but he’s still all with us.” 
I nodded. “Can I see him?” I asked. 
“He’s been asking for you since he woke up,” Gideon said. 
“Umm, Gideon?” I began. “I wanted to tell you that, umm… We’re having a boy, and we’re naming him Gideon.” 
Jason Gideon rarely smiled, but he gave me that warm grin. “That’s an honor, Mrs. Reid,” he told me. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” I said quickly. “You affected both of us in such a big way, and I can never, ever thank you enough.”
Gideon led me to the room that my husband was in, and he carefully creaked the door open. Spencer was sat up in bed, wearing a paper gown with bandages over his arms and a patch of gauze over his bottom lip. He was absently looking out the window, his fingers playing with each other as he thought. “Dr. Reid,” Gideon said. “You have a visitor.”
Spencer turned to look at me, and he said, “Y/N.” He stretched an arm out for me, and my tears came again at the sight of him. I moved to his bedside and quickly hugged him, and he hugged me back with a weak grip. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
“Me?” I exclaimed. “Spence, you--”
“I know, my love,” Spencer said gently. “But I was never worried about myself. I didn’t know if he had gotten to you two or not, and… The thought of that hurt far more than anything he did to me.”
“That’s not true,” I chuckled lightly. 
“Well,” Spencer began with a weak laugh. “Not entirely. Some of his actions didn’t feel too good, but I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”
“Spence,” I said softly. “I know you said that you didn’t want to know, but… I feel like, the circumstances being what they are, you should know.” I took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. “We’re having a boy, Spencer.”
Spencer’s brain was one of the most advanced in the world. He could tear through a handful of books within a day, he could do dizzying math problems in his head, and he could remember everything he’s ever read. It wasn’t often that Dr. Spencer Reid’s brain didn’t work right, but I saw the sparks and grinding gears in his head at that moment. His mouth opened, then closed, floundering for words, and he finally said, “A boy?” 
I laughed softly. “Yes,” I whispered. “A boy, Spencer.” 
“A boy,” Spencer repeated. “A boy. A boy!” He laughed and took my face in his hands, and he kissed my forehead. “We’re having a boy!” 
His excitement was far better than any reaction I could have hoped for. “I asked Morgan to be his godfather,” I said. “I know you mentioned that was something you wanted--”
“What did he say?” Spencer asked quickly. 
“He said yes,” I told him. “He said he would be honored.”
Spencer smiled widely. “Oh my God,” he whispered. “And we’re still going with the name we thought of… Gideon?”
“If you’re still okay with it,” I said. “I think Gideon Reid has a nice ring to it.” 
Spencer nodded. “Thank you,” he whispered. “Just… Thank you.” 
“Nothing to thank me for,” I told him. 
“No, there’s everything to thank you for,” Spencer said. “That sentence doesn’t make much sense, but I do need to thank you. Before I met you, I never thought I’d be the type to get married, to have children, to have the life I do now. You showed me that I could have that, and that I’m worthy of that. I’m a husband now, and I’m a dad, and that’s something that I had always wished for. Thank you, my love.”
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“Daddy,” Giddy said. “I don’ wanna go.” 
“I know, man,” Spencer said. He ruffled up Giddy’s frizzy hair, a trait that he had inherited, and Spencer added, “But school’s a lot of fun. You’ll make a lot of friends and learn all of this cool stuff, I promise you’ll like it.” 
“And if I don’t?” Giddy asked. 
“You will,” Spencer said with a nod. 
“But if I don’t?” Giddy said.
“Gideon, my love, please,” I said. “I know you’ll like it.”
“Do they have books on dinosaurs?” Giddy asked. His eyes were wide up at Spencer, who chuckled at him. Giddy had always had a special connection with Spencer; the fact that they looked exactly alike didn’t help to quell that. Giddy didn’t just inherit Spencer’s looks, though; he was as smart as his daddy. “Maybe smarter,” Spencer would joke. He could already remember everything he read and most of what he heard, and he was flying through chapter books like I had never seen. Currently, Gideon Aaron Reid was convinced that he would be a paleontologist, and he consumed books about dinosaurs by the bookshelf. 
“Probably not what you’re used to,” I began. “But they might have some books with pictures of dinosaurs. But fourth grade doesn’t usually have picture books.”
“That’s okay,” Giddy said.
We had gotten special permission to walk Giddy to his first day of fourth grade. He had sped through the first three years of elementary school within a year, with kindergarten taking maybe two months for him to excel, and, at this rate, he was on track to be the youngest high school graduate at eleven years old. Giddy held my hand as Spencer walked alongside us, his cane hitting the tiles with every step, and, even though my baby was smart, he was absolute shit at hiding his feelings. I knew that he was scared, and I stopped walking in favor of kneeling down in front of him.  
“Giddy, baby,” I said softly. “I know this is really scary, but I promise that you’ll be just fine. Just be yourself and I know that you’ll do great.”
“What if people don’t like me?” Giddy asked with a small whimper. His hazel eyes were watery, and it broke my heart. 
“Are you kidding?” Spencer asked. He struggled to get to the floor with his wounded knee but, once he was settled, he pushed Giddy’s long hair behind his shoulder. “Who wouldn’t like you? You’re funny and you’re one heck of a dancer, and you’re just an awesome person all around.” 
“But…” Giddy started. “I’m so… Different.” 
“That’s not always a bad thing, baby,” I said. “Your daddy’s different too. And me, and Uncle Derek, and Aunt JJ and Henry, we’re all different. But you still like and love all of us, right?” 
Giddy nodded. He sniffled and wiped his nose on the back of his hand, and I opened my arms for him. He came to me instantly and buried his face in my chest, and I rubbed his back. “Ya know something, baby?” I asked. “I knew you were going to be different as soon as I met you. You were born, and you cried for a little bit, but you stopped. Almost like you realized how irrational it was. I knew that you were going to be the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met, and you’ve proved that to me every single day of your life. So what if you can read a little better than everyone else? That’s what makes you you.”
Giddy sniffled again, and he sucked at his thumb. “Gideon,” Spencer said softly. “What does your name mean?”
“Strong warrior,” Giddy said softly. 
“And Aaron?”
“Enlightened,” Gideon said. 
“What does that mean?” Spencer asked. 
Gideon hiccuped. “Smart,” he whispered. 
“Strong and smart,” Spencer said. “We wouldn’t have given you that name if we didn’t think that you could live up to it. Alright? You belong here as much as every other kid does. They’ll like you. I swear.”
“You promise?” Giddy asked. 
“I do,” Spencer said, and he hooked Giddy’s small pinkie with his. “C’mon, let’s get going,” he said. “We don’t wanna be late.” I helped Spencer stand back up, and Giddy attached himself to Spencer’s pant leg as we finished our walk to his classroom. The door was ajar, quiet childlike chattering emanating from inside, and I carefully knocked before opening the door. 
“Hi there,” I said. “I’m Y/N Reid, Gideon Reid’s mother.”
“Oh, yes!” the teacher exclaimed excitedly. “Class, we have a very special student joining us today! Gideon is three years old and he’ll be joining us for a few weeks!”
The nine year olds in the room were obviously confused, and I urged Giddy into the room. Spencer followed and lingered in the doorway, and I watched my baby march himself up to the front of the classroom. He looked like any normal three year old-- messy hair, wrinkled shirt, mismatched socks-- but when he spoke, he was wise beyond his years. “Hi,” he announced. “My name is Gideon Aaron Reid. I am three years old, and I like dinosaurs and chocolate milk.” Well, maybe he still was a normal three year old underneath the eidetic memory. 
The teacher pulled me and Spencer out into the hall as Giddy continued to introduce himself, and she said, “He’s… Small.” 
“Yes,” Spencer said. “He is three, after all.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know names,” the teacher said. 
“Oh,” Spencer said. He quickly switched hands to hold his cane, and he offered her his hand to shake. “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, and this is my wife, Y/N Reid.”
“A doctor,” the teacher said. “That explains a lot.” 
“Well, I hold three doctorates,” Spencer began. “Mathematics, chemistry, and engineering, and BAs in psychology, sociology, and philosophy.”
“Yes, it’s because of him that Giddy is the way he is,” I chuckled. “He inherited Spencer’s eidetic memory, proving that eidetic memory was both real and genetically related. But, umm… Giddy was born a few weeks early, so he is smaller than most three year olds.” 
“Wow,” the teacher said.
“No, I know, it’s a lot,” I laughed. “Most teachers don’t want to take him because they find he’s too much of a challenge. This means a lot to all of us.”
“No, no, I like a challenge,” the teacher said. “Now, I read somewhere that you work for the FBI, Dr. Reid?” 
“We both do,” Spencer said. “In the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It’s actually how we met. And that also explains this whole thing.” Spencer motioned to the cane, and he sheepishly said, “I was out in the field and got a little banged up. Nothing modern medicine can’t fix.” 
“That’s good,” the teacher said. “I think Gideon will do just fine here.”
“I think so too,” I said. “Um, can I have one last goodbye? This is hard for me.”
“I understand, sweetheart,” the teacher told me. “Let me get him.”
As she went back inside to retrieve Giddy, Spencer put his arm around my waist. “I’m so proud of him,” Spencer said. “I never thought I could love someone so much.”
“I hope you have room for one more,” I said softly. 
I smiled at my husband. “Spence,” I whispered. “I’m pregnant again.”
Spencer’s eyes widened, and he said, “Wow. Really?” 
“Please react better than last time,” I said quickly, and Spencer laughed. 
“Of course I will,” Spencer said. “Another baby? God! This is exciting!” He hugged me as best as he could with the cane, and I laughed when he kissed my cheek. “God, I love you so much.”
Giddy came bouncing out of the room, and I bent down to hug him again. “Have a good day, bug,” I whispered. “I’m so, so proud of you.” 
“I love you, Mommy,” Giddy said and gave me a quick kiss. “And you too, Daddy.” 
“I hope to hear all about your day,” Spencer said. “Think of one thing I don’t know that you can tell me when I get home tonight.”
“Daddy,” Giddy whined. “You know everything.” 
“I know a lot less than you think I do,” Spencer said. “Give me a kiss, man, you gotta go to class.” Spencer bent at the waist to reach Giddy, and the little boy kissed his father’s cheek. “You blow me away, Gideon,” Spencer said softly. 
“Bye, Daddy,” Giddy said, turning to go back to class. “Bye, Mommy.” 
“Bye, baby,” I said and blew him a kiss. The door slowly closed behind him, and I choked back a sob. “I love you, Gideon Reid.”
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bumbleartz · 4 years
So got inspired by @sondrawr and @gotham-mother-of-monsters and had this ramble pop into my head. Hadn't flipped through my Mercy books in a while so it was fun to go back and refresh. Covers from the first book up to Storm Cursed and has spoilers if you haven't gotten that far.
Jesse has heard the title Marrok on and off throughout her childhood. Usually the title is whispered between the wolves or her father in tones she isn't supposed to hear. These conversations always ended in her being hustled off to the care of her mother or after the divorce being sent off to her room. The first time it became more than a hushed precursor to her being shuffled off is after being taken hostage. Her father had pulled her into his office and given her a name to go with the title along with a number to enter into her phone. "He is the head of all the wolves. If something happens regarding pack business or you feel for some reason you can't get to any of us or Mercy you call that number." She'd dutifully filed the number away as instructed under Bran Cornick and promptly had the conversation fade to where she kept the rest of what was considered pack information. 
The first time she sees the Marrok is in the entryway way to the house in the middle of the night. She's too distracted by the fact her father is home safe to pay much attention to the others in the room as she is carefully wrapped into his arms. He looks like crap and smells worse even to her normal human nose. She can't bring herself to care as the tears she's fought so hard not to shed wet her eyes. When she unburies her face from her father's chest long enough to take note of the others there she's honestly too tired from the stressful nights of waiting to register anything beyond them being in one piece and alive. Later, after the first good night's sleep she's had in days, there will have been too many new faces for her to register who was who. The only one she can place a name to with any certainty is Charles. Mercy laughs and tells her Charles has that effect on people when she goes to see her later. 
The first time Jesse meets the Marrok is not long after on a midnight escapade to calm her nerves. Another nightmare has had her shooting awake and the images are still playing in full technicolor behind her lids each time she closes them. It's been almost a year since she was taken hostage and yet the blinding terror feels as fresh as ever. She'd turned down therapy when it was offered. What was she supposed to say? Yeah, some werewolf thought they could use me as leverage to make my dad behave so they could use him in some murder plot with a side of treason? She'd known how well that would have gone over. She'd thought they would fade over time. Maybe they would have if things had gone back to normal; a demon vampire threat, murder plotting psychos, and the attack on Mercy had happened instead. Jesse didn't bother adding the destruction of her social life and ongoing mom issues to the list since they just seemed to pale in comparison to the rest. Anymore Jesse found herself waiting for the next horror story. The most recent of which was currently causing all the wolves various fits. She currently wasn't clear which was bothering them more: one of their own being resurrected or Mercy being pulled into the pack. The kitchen light is on as she rounds the corner and she expects to see any number of people outside of the vaguely familiar stranger currently staring back at her. Somewhere between him asking her if she couldn't sleep and making the hot chocolate the same way Mercy does it dawns on her this person who looks barely older than her is the Marrok. Her tired brain tries to summon up the awe with a side of shock she should be feeling and fails miserably. Instead she finds herself nursing her mug of cocoa and making small talk while the Marrok takes drinks of his own. In the midst of the conversation he manages to get her to verbal vomit about her nightmares and the troubles she's been having at school. She manages to find out he has a deep dislike of Shakespeare, has a deep love for music, and possesses a terrifying wit. By the time she is making her way back to her room and he to the guest room she is feeling better then she has in months. He's already gone when she gets up leaving her without ever getting a chance to say thanks. While it isn't a big thing it bothers her just enough to pull her phone out and send a text to the number she'd all but forgotten. The simple thank you is accompanied with a YouTube link to her favorite Lindsey Stirling video. After all, Jesse views not knowing who she is and being a violinist as a crime. The little smiley face emoji she gets in reply makes her grin. 
The next time they meet she's the one providing the hot chocolate. The pack has managed to get themselves entangled with a fairy queen and Mercy has yet again made the sacrifice play. Everyone is chasing their proverbial tails trying to find her while remaining outside of her father's war path. In the meantime, Jesse feels she's improved in her chaos handling as she's only broken down twice. Apparently having your boyfriend kidnapped and going on to a fairy queen's court doesn't have the same punch as other things she has dealt with lately. When she sets the mug on the coffee table it's the wee hours of the morning and the Marrok has been seated cross legged on their monstrosity of a couch for the better part of a day. If she hadn't gotten to know him a little better over the previous months she would have felt she was intruding. However, Bran was not against using all available resources and she'd been pulled in regarding the newest resident of Aspen Creek. Kara and Jesse had clicked right off the bat and become faithful texting pals ever since. Bran rubs the bridge of his nose and blinks hard a few times despite his eyes having been closed before reaching for the mug. He looks beyond exhausted and she knows not all of it has to do with the current situation. Kara has confided in her about his lack of sleep and the way he's been running himself ragged. Jesse does her best to lighten the mood with a joke about the fairies contacting them any moment begging them to take Mercy back. Her effort is rewarded with an amused smirk and a quiet chuckle. She ends up rambling about different ways Mercy is driving the fairies nuts and is encouraged when Bran joins in. Jesse wakes to the noise of people rushing around. Bran is smiling and gripping a walking stick with a white knuckled grip from his spot on the couch when he tells her Mercy has been found.
Jesse is biting her lip to keep from laughing too loud as she informs everyone the butterflies have succeeded where the dove idea failed. Marji is cackling on the video feed in victory while Bran seems too amused to care he has just lost a hundred bucks. Two days pass in a blur of emergency calls and group texts. Despite the short time frame the wedding goes off without a hitch. Mercy is surprised and Jesse can't remember the last time her father looked so blissfully happy. Once the two love birds are off Jesse spends the rest of the reception twirling around the dance floor with Gabriel. The raised eyebrow this gets her from Bran makes her stick out her tongue. The fact Mercy comes back from the honeymoon in a wheelchair shouldn't have been much of a surprise. Jesse can picture Bran doing his iconic bridge pinch when she sends him the picture. 
Bran's text to Mercy makes Jesse's lips quirk in amusement. After the destruction of the Rabbit she could use the humor. That humor plummets when the number comes up disconnected when Mercy tries to reply. The knot of concern only tightens with each person Mercy tries and fails to reach. The pain of it becomes near unbearable when they find Ben and no one else. The pain doesn't start to ease until she recognizes the dark haired man fighting beside Tad. After months of having Asil tease her about her hair after seeing it during a video chat with Kara she'd know him anywhere. Seeing her father and the pack alive and well makes the knot come undone. At least it does until she realizes one is missing and hears of Peter's death. She knows how her father will take the loss and can't bring herself to add more weight to those already overburdened shoulders. So she turns her focus to looking after the younger Sandoval children and burying her feelings as deep as possible. This works until Asil catches up to her in the kitchen getting together snacks for the kids. All he has to do is ask if she's alright and she falls apart. Asil pulls her into a hug and gives reassurances in Spanish. Jesse doesn't understand a word but it soothes her all the same. He tells her everyone in Montana is safe and she sags in relief. When everything is over and she gets a new phone that has been programmed by Charles, Asil's number is listed in the contacts. 
Her mother has only been living with them for a day and Jesse wants to scream. She loves her mother but watching the resulting train wreck her mere presence is causing makes her wish she'd just leave them all alone. Even though her talk with Mercy has eased some of the hurt and anger, it hasn't gotten rid of it. Mostly because despite what Mercy said she can see the way her mother has gotten under her skin and cut her to the quick. Anger and the need for a voice of reason has her contacting Bran. Bran gently reminds her Mercy is more than capable of holding her own in a dominance dance. He must know this isn't what she was looking to hear because the next message contains Charles' number and instructions to text him. Jesse has no idea why Bran would have her talking to Charles but she copies and pastes the message she previously sent like instructed. Bran must have warned his son because Charles doesn't seem surprised to get the message. Charles turns out to be an unexpected fount of wisdom when it comes to the difficulty of broken family dynamics. It's odd how hearing from someone else that she is allowed to love her mother and yet not like her makes it feel OK. By the time her mother's stalker has been dealt with Jesse thinks she might finally be finding the path between love and hate. 
Jesse isn't a wolf, but she can still feel the moment Bran breaks ties with the Columbia Basin Pack. She doesn't wait for her father and Mercy to come out of the office. Tad seems to know something is up but doesn't say anything when she gives the excuse of homework and heads to her room. Her phone is a lead weight in her hand because what do you say to someone who just had to throw away someone they love? A part of her is angry too. Angry at the pain she knows this has caused Mercy and the difficulty it will cause her father. However, Jesse knows what it is like to be caught in a situation outside your control due to the actions of those you love. She types out a promise to do what she can for Mercy and to send a warning the instant something happens requiring help. She ends the text with a little heart emoji. Current circumstances might make it harder but family out ranked all else. Jesse already knew if something happened Bran would help. She's proven right when Baba Yaga saves her father in Underhill.
Jesse's proven right again when Bran goes with her father to get Mercy back from the Lord of Night. He sends her a message promising her he will bring Mercy and her father back in one piece. She replies telling him she knows. She also tells him to come back in one piece too or she's going to have to go all Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At this point she's gone to battle to protect her new pyro of an adopted younger brother and managed to keep him from burning the house to the ground. She's pretty sure she can at least annoy a vampire lord. The fact she'd have backup from an Italian mercenary, a Dark Smith and more than one werewolf pack was completely irrelevant. After all the one thing she knew for certain was you always looked out for your pack, your family. Which is why as soon as she hears everyone is returning from Italy in one piece she sends a message to Tad for him to tell his dad. She also makes sure Warren passes on the message to Stefan though he doesn't need reminding. She snaps a picture of everyone getting out of the car when it pulls up and sends it to Charles and Asil because she knows hearing someone you care about is safe is not the same as seeing it. And because he is family in her eyes at this point, after she hugs her father and Mercy, she hugs Bran too. 
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Never let go / Diego Hargreeves x reader
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Request : Your last Diego fic was so freakin cute!!! Could you maybe write one where he starts dating this girl, and after some time she introduces him to her little daughter? I guess he would be kind of apprehensive the first times he meets her, but to the time his sibling would meet his girl and his little one, I think he would just look like a natural dada to them❤️
I am literally melting from how ADORABLE this is😭 hope this can make you feel better about college!❤️❤️ @white-wolf-buckaroo ❤️❤️❤️ D/N is ( Daughter's name )
You and diego have been dating for a few months so everythings still A bit new but things are going well. But you have really introduce him to your daughter D/N, She's 4 and a really smart for a baby but she gets it from you. At first when you two started dating, you were terrified to tell him you had a child because what if he doesn't want kids? A million thoughts kept spiralling through your head. But you eventually told him! So today is the day he'll finally meet her, she's always stays with her grandma on the weekends and goes to kindergarten from there too so you'll be picking her up from kindergarten.
"Good morning gorgeous." Diego says cuddling up next to me, I smiled facing him and kissed him. "How did you sleep?" He asked, "Just like a baby." I replied. He then tries to kiss me again but I jumped out of bed. "Next time knock when you come in our apartment, because I won't go easy on you." I winked. Diego will stay with me and other times at the academy. I haven't gotten the chance to meet his siblings but I've heard great things, except for the apocalypse thing.
After we had gotten ready I realized what time it was. I have to go get D/N, my heart started racing to the point it felt like it would pop out of my chest any minute. "Honey are you ok?" He pulled me out of my thoughts, he also rubbed my back slowly which clams me down when I'm stressed. "Please don't be mad but. I know you haven't gotten the chance to meet D/N yet so I'm going to go get her so you can meet her." Diego didn't know how to respond but I know what he's thinking, "Baby why didn't you tell me ahead of time?"
"I know but I should have but! I wanted to surprise you. You'll love her, just stay here and I'll get her, and than we can talk about it okay?" He sighs but agrees, I kissed he's cheek and ran out the door.
After I got D/N, I told her that she's a surprise and she got so excited. We got back home and I got her out of the car. I unlocked the door with D/N In my arms. Diego walk in from the bedroom and immediately got nervous, he was anxious and he was shaking. I placed her in the bedroom and stood near the door frame. "Baby, relax. She'll love you!" I held his hand as we watched her play. "What if she's scared of me being a dad to her? Or she's scared of me?" He says almost out of breath. "Believe me, she would be screaming if she thought scary." I put her in my arms and she looked at diego, "D/N say hi! Can you say hi diego sweetheart?"
"Digo!" She yells excitedly. I was actually shocked! "Uh-yeah that's me, hi D/N." He was scared to hold her but he was talking with her so that's a good sign! At dinner he loosened up, he also tried feeding her but she kept flinging the spoon, she laughed everytime he smiled. Diego helped me put D/N to bed by reading her a story his mom would read him when he was D/N's age.
It's been a month now and let me tell you. Diego is a true dad. If I'm busy with work, he'll take her and pick her up from kindergarten as well. On saturday he has this thing called, Diego and D/N day where they go have some fun, just the two of them. Last time he almost went to jail because a boy about her age was playing with her and I had to tell him that's her teachers son. Some nights when I'm exhausted, he'll take care of her and put her to bed, seeing being this caring father figure is one of the greatest things I am so fortunate to see everyday. I finally got off work and came home tired like normal. It was quiet, usually I'll hear them playing or singing songs but not now. "Babe? Are you home?" I yelled but still no answer, went into the kitchen, nothing, went into the bathroom, still nothing. I was getting worried at this point. "Surprises!!!!" Diego and D/N scream, definitely scared me to death. "Guys you scared me!" I pushed diego's arm, "We sowwy momma." D/N said with her puppy dog eyes, "Aw it's okay sweetheart. What were you guys doing anyway?"
"We were about to play princess but she wanted momma here first." Oh yeah did I mention she makes him play dress up? It's the highlight of my day. "Dada id da pwince and momma is da pwincess!" She also calls him Dada and yes he cried like a baby. "Well in that case!" I jumped on the couch and acted like I was looking out the window from my castle.
"Where could my prince charming be?" I acted like a hopeless princess and winked at diego. "My fair princess Y/N, I've looking far and wide for you. Will do me the honor of being my wife?" He got on one knee dramatically, they could definitely use him as a disney prince. "Yes! But wait! We must tell my mother."
I pretend I was going to spiral staircase and put D/N on the couch like it was her throne. Diego walks in as he bows down I curtsy, he takes my hand. "Mother. Will you let prince diego be my husband?" I ask, she nods and we yell yay! Diego kisses me like the prince's do and I laughed. "Have I told you that you would make a hell of an amazing actress?" My face turned red, "Stop, You'd definitely make a hot prince charming." He was about to laugh when he looked over and saw D/N knock out on the couch, food and playing games is one of the things to put her to sleep, diego took her to bed and I ate dinner he made.
After dinner and taking a shower I into the bed. Soon diego came in a cuddled up on his chest, "Y/N? Baby are you still awake?" I nodded yes with my face buried in chest. "So I was thinking that tomorrow I show you and D/N to my siblings?" He suggests, I looked at him. "Are you sure? Because if don't want it-" he presses finger on my lips m."Y/N. Yes, I want them to meet you guys, they are going to love you." I smiled. "Okay, then it's official, we'll meet them tomorrow!" He laughs and kisses me goodnight.
Today is the day I finally meet them but I'm freaking out. Do I wear something that says private school? Or just regular clothes? "Baby! You've been In the clothes for hours, they won't care about how you dress!" He says behind the door. I came out with a skirt and I buttons up shirt that I tide in a knot. Diego was stuck in silence. "Damn baby, who said you could look this good all the time?" I pulled him out of the room so he could get in the car. I changed D/N into a cute dress and put her in the car, diego was driving because he hates when I drive nervously.
We walked up to the academy doors and diego opened them. He went in first, everyone came downstairs. "So you guys already know about Y/N but I wanted you to meet her and this angel." I walked in and everyone paused in excitement, "Oh my god! She's beautiful! Can I hold her?" I could tell this was klaus because diego said he loves babies, "Of course!" She went into klaus arms and hugged him. "This is haven!!" Klaus was almost crying.
"I know everyone's names and heard a lot of great things. Without diego, D/N wouldn't be as happy as she is now." D/N starts laughing, "Five you should hold her!" Allison said. "No, I don't like babies." He sips his coffee. "Why complain when you technically are one?" When klaus said that D/N pointed at him and laughed. Five was going to get him but luther picked up before he could. "Y/N, you and D/N are officially apart of the academy!" Luther says hugging me, and almost crushing me, "I'm holding a baby! They are so soft!" I'm guessing that was ben talking by using klaus body.
I really got to know everyone and everyone fell in love with D/N, even five did eventually. Allison and vonya were happy to have another girl at the academy. Klaus and ben asked if they could babysit to which I said yes. Seeing diego smile with his family and his own is another reason I cannot wait to see what the future as for us.
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