#big dick/dork energy
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The sweater says "collects comic books" and the face says "collects phone numbers"
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The Guardian Weekend (2006)
Hi, I'm David-in-my-pants," says the very boyish, handsome 34-year-old striding towards me, arm extended, wearing, as promised, his underpants. Perhaps the train journey from London to Cardiff was worth it after all.
"I just don't have the courage of my convictions about my fashion decisions-I think I need some guidance there," he adds in his charming Scottish accent, his eyes all characteristically puppyish and pleading. Yes, the trip is definitely worth it so far.
This fashion insecurity is a bit surprising, though, seeing as it comes from David Tennant, the tenth and latest Dr Who (he's in Cardiff filming the newseries) and, according to the Pink Paper, "the sexiest man in the universe" (Tennant claimed, sweetly, that he was "somewhat surprised" by that accolade.)
When playing the title role in the BBC's widely acclaimed Casanova, Tennant wore flouncy blouses with aplomb; and his outfit for Dr Who English tweeds paired with scruffy Converse - has already received plaudits from the fashion press. "It's not a million miles from what I usually wear," he says, "so I now have to be careful if people see me out and about looking too much like Dr. Who, that would be pretty naff."
The Converse were inspired by Tennant himself - he's been devoted to the brand for more than 20 years - so when I tell him that David Cameron wears them, too, he reels back into the sofa, aghast "No!" he whispers. "You`ve just ruined them for me.
He insists that becoming a recognised face has not changed his style, but has made him more conscious that he shouldn't wear something more than once because people comment on it. This, naturally, means constant wardrobe updates, which rather goes against a Presbyterian upbringing "that would never permit any conspicuous consumption."
Tennant's teenage years were a swamp of fashion mistakes, he says, citing in particular a pink jumper that we wore for years until someone told him that it was, well, terrible. And at 15 he sported a paisley shirt, skinny tie and cropped jacket combo that "properly expressed myself" - unfortunately, his tracksuit-wearing peers disagreed and punched him in the face. "Yeah, that didn't work out too well."
He is, he says repeatedly, not a shopper. "I do that typical male thing of finding one thing and doing it to death, like Paul Smith suits." He recently discovered H&M, he adds, enunciating each of the letters carefully, as if tentatively speaking in a new language. "Plain T-shirts for only a tuppence."
Yet despite all of this he seems at ease during the shoot. He particularly likes a tan jumper, which prompts him to stroke his hands over his chest in a most distracting manner. "I love this - what is it?"
Burberry, comes the answer.
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peggingeddiediaz · 5 months
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Eddie Diaz forgetting to log out of his work twitter account part 58/?
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bibluebutterfly · 6 months
It is truthfully so impressive to watch how we've watched Stolas grow as a seemingly asshole character to a genuine person who truly does want the best for the person we love. (HEADS UP: This is LONG)
Now, and we're only going to lightly touch on this because the Pilot isn't cannon, but it still contributed to the public opinion on Stolas. In other words, he was borderline predatory in a way that made EVERYONE uncomfortable. (It makes sense though since he was innitially supposed to be the villain. Which thank goodness that was changed because we already see enough bisexual predators in media as it is. Yes, I'm headcannoning that Pilot Stolas was bi.)
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Then we get official episode 1. Stolas is... not much better. Although to his credit, he's not as bad or as creepish. The unfair power dynamic is very there, and he definitely talks down to Blitz, but at least he waits until Blitz agrees before getting to the pilot level of sexual.
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And then we kind of just keep this up until episode 7. Stolas is VERY sexual and VERY horny with Blitz, and you either like it or you don't. It was consensual, nobody forced anything, and even Blitz says that he doesn't fuss about banging Stolas, but that power imbalance is very much there.
Stolas is calling him by pet names like "my little imp" and is baby talking him, which really comes off like his fetish is sleeping with the lower class. Again, you either like Stolas at this point or you don't.
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HOWEVER, despite all his baby talk and just generally inappropriate behavior, we are shown very early on that Stolas has a loving side, mainly in the form of his daughter. "You Will Be Okay" was the thing that got most people from hating him to actually liking him. It was the thing that separated him from just being a horny owl.
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Then Ozzies. Hooo boy. This is where we finally get to see Stolas apart from Blitz's POV and as it turns out... he's kind of a pathetic dork more than anything else. We see him go very low. Like the man is alone in his big house eating cereal for breakfast in his bathrobe and watching telenovelas. It's hard to go lower than that. More importantly, it's a stark contrast from how we saw him just one episode ago.
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Not just that, but when he's asked out on the date he is genuinely so excited and awkward that you just can't help but feel bad for the guy.
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And then we have Hells healthiest couple have their dick moment which leads to Stolas covering his face, validating every and anything Blitz had feared, which lead to him calling out Stolas which leads to them both crying at home.
Yeah, so it turns out the arranged marriage theory was true, and that Stella has been verbally abusive for who knows how long. But the real kicker is how much it explains Stolas's behavior from season 1. As it turns out, Blitz coming on so strong that night resulted in Stolas trying (badly) to copy that energy. And it turns out that when Blitz told him to stop that first night, he still ended up tying Stolas up and banging him. So... understandable. It turns out that Stolas never wanted to be malicious with his intentions, but genuinely thought that the arrangement was something that they both wanted.
But at the same time, he realizes that misunderstanding or no, a part of him did recognize that Blitz wasn't as happy as he was, and that he can't gaslight himself into thinking otherwise anymore.
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Now the big thing about season 2 we all need to talk about, is how hard and fast it took Stolas off the regal and powerful pedestal that I think we all subconsciously put him on. Whatever mystery and darkness that surrounded him in season 1 went completely out the window in season 2. But personally I believe that this fits as season 1 was mostly told from Blitz's POV while season 2 takes place in Stolas's when he's there.
Stolas does not see himself as something regal and powerful. Stolas, as it turns out, is a romantic as well as a MASSIVE dork. Like he's disney princess levels of dorkiness. The man even gets his own slapstick moment for crying out loud.
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But aside from that, he's highly intelligent and a genuinely good person who will put others before him if he can recognize the benefit.
Also, while we're on the topic, I don't think that Stolas is as powerful as we or Blitz were led to believe. Like yes, he's got immense power to those who have none.
But at the same time, put him next to Asmodeus, and this demon who seemed so strong before is actually tiny in comparison. Especially when noted that Ozzie was still holding back in this scene.
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Now we have the "Look My Way" MV. By now, any dark mystery is gone, we know who Stolas is, but what we didn't expect to see was how blatantly Stolas realized his mistakes and took responsibility. This whole season we saw him be sad over his relationship with Blitz, but we never expected him to realize just how badly he messed up.
But he did. And it was glorious. And again, we realize how much he truly cares for Blitz, this isn't just him saying "I care about him" then doing nothing. This is him realizing he cares about Blitz, and wanting to do something to make it right. Even if that means Blitz will never want to see him again.
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Anyway. If you made it this far, I'm impressed. As I've said before, I'm proud of the owl boy and how far he's come as a character. Tell me if you think I missed anything.
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misserabella · 1 year
all i (we) need is new blood pt.2🙏🙏 PLEASE omg you poured all your blood sweat n tears into that fic and that shit paid OFF. 🍄
new blood pt 2!!!
ellie williams x fem! reader
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pt 1
summary; it’s been a week since you found joel miller, the man that killed your father and saved you from his abuse. when you thought you were finally safe, you find yourself in danger due to new feelings and an uninvited guest.
cw; 18+ content! minors dni!!!, fighting, cursing, mentions of past abuse, blood, guns and weapons, use of alcohol and drugs (weed), use of pet names like princess and doll instead of y/n, sub! reader, dom! ellie, drunk sex, make out sessions, fingering (r! receiving), teasing, oral sex (r! receiving), hickeys, tit play, praising, attacks… angst!!
Living in Jackson was easy. There was no abusive fathers to fear, or a big murderous sister to run from. The days were calm. Waking up by sunrise, and going back to bed by sunset was a pretty good way to casually live. The town bursted with energy and happiness. It was intoxicating.
You liked it as much as you hated it.
You spent your time training. Knowing sooner or later you’d have to face Abby… It was better to get as strong as you could.
“You’re gonna break it.” Ellie whistled as you punched the sand bag.
“Fucking shut it.” you muttered, punching harder. Ellie was infuriating. That was something you already knew but only had reinforced.
Jesse laughed, shaking his head, and quickly dodged the punch Ellie threw him. “Dude. Don’t cheat.”
“Keep your eyes on me.” the auburn haired teasingly said, throwing another punch.
“That’s what I should tell y-“ Jesse groaned when Ellie harshly punched him on the stomach. “You dick.” he wheezed for air before flicking her off. Ellie smirked.
Another thing you’ve learned about Ellie? She was observant. Too observant. She noticed everything. And lately what had taken a grasp of your attention was you. She was subtle about it of course. But sometimes she’d catch herself staring a little bit too much.
You pulled away from the bag, panting heavily. Sweat was pooling on your neck, on your cleavage. Your scars were unshamefully showing, some of them purple, other red, and the ones that had faded with time in a pale white. Your hair was tied up on a ponytail, and your cheeks were flushed red.
You took a big gulp of water, and dried your face off with your shirt, exposing more of her skin. Ellie’s eyes wandered away not before wandering through the expanse of your stomach and waist.
She would lie to herself if she said you weren’t attractive, ‘cause you were. But you too had almost killed her… Somehow that only made you hotter.
You were different. Different from anybody she had ever met, ever seen. And she just wanted to learn more. More about you and where you were born, how you were raised, how you’d survived…
Jesse cleared up his throat, getting her out of her head with a punch to the stomach.
“Motherfucker!” she groaned, and he smirked.
“That I am.” he winked and Dina, who was just entering the gym —which even after years since the outbreak still stood pretty much well taken care of—, rolled her eyes.
“Disgusting, Jesse.” she groaned and he laughed. “Hi.” she waved at you. You returned it.
Dina was nice. Well, as nice as someone could be after learning that you hadn’t come to kill them but warn them. And Jessie was a dork. He had looked tough with his pistol the first day you’d seen him, but once he had gained confidence, he had shown his true colors. It’s been a week since you had started to ‘live’ with Ellie. It was nice. To see just how different living in Jackson was. How… kind people were.
“You getting tired, princess?” Ellie suddenly inquired you, and you wish you could break her skull. But you had only one good arm, and you were exhausted.
“Never of hearing your voice, Ellie.” you sarcastically said, and her friends laughed.
She smirked. “Remember where you’re sleeping tonight, doll.” she teased you and you rolled your eyes, grunting.
“How could I forget? Your sofa feels like rocks on my back.”
You took a sip of your bottle.
“Not the sofa.” Jesse groaned, and Ellie pointed a finger at him as a warning, to which he only rolled his eyes.
“Anything new from the patrol?” she then asked Dina, to what she shook her head.
“Everything clean. No signs of anyone from miles.”
You took a deep breath, which Ellie —of course— noticed. She hadn’t still come for you. You were still safe. You had time, even if you knew this peace wouldn’t last forever.
Ellie nodded. Your scars itched.
She looked at you, but you looked away.
“Why don’t we drink something, hm? It could help us relax a little bit.” Jesse suggested, a strangled grin on his face. He could feel the change on the room. The fear. He could almost hear the clock ticking. A war was coming.
“That would be nice.” Dina said and Ellie nodded. They all looked at you, waiting for an opinion.
You shrugged. “I could do a drink.”
A drink maybe became three, or five. You didn’t truly mind. The alcohol felt nice warming your body up, flushing your cheeks and making your legs tingle. On your left hand stood a blunt that Ellie had rolled, and on your right your cards. You had been playing the same game for hours. You had won every single throw. Ellie, as competitive as she was, was calling bullshit.
“Come on! You’re cheating!” she groaned.
“I’m not.” you smirked. “I guess I’m just too good to you guys.” the couple sitting in front of you booed you. The four of you were pretty drunk. You were lax against the sofa, sitting on the wooden floor of Jesse’s house, Ellie in the same position but at your right. She looked good tonight. Showered and wearing a white tank top with a green and brown flannel covering her shoulders. Her hair was perfectly brushed, though a little messy and out of place due to her constant playing. She was focused on the game. But more focused on you. She was high. And drunk. And she couldn’t keep her eyes out of you. And you couldn’t either. There was this… tension? You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. ‘Cause you were sure you hated her, but you didn’t know if it could be the effects of the alcohol or weed that you didn’t really find her staring annoying. It felt good.
“I desist. I’m too drunk to think.” Jesse said, leaving his cards on the middle, and Dina followed, laughing.
“Pussies.” Ellie said, with a huff leaving her own.
You smiled in victory, recollecting the cards and leaving them neatly placed on the floor before taking a glance to the clock. It was 2AM, and you were feeling the hard day of training you’d gone through today.
“I’m exhausted.” Dina sighed.
“We should probably go back and get some sleep. Jesse said while getting up, and Dina nodded, following him.
The couple was quick to put on their coats in between a little chatting, muttering a good night before heading out the door. The room’s air became thicker once you were left alone with Ellie once again.
Without much to say you offered her back the blunt, and she took it, taking a deep drag to let the smoke fill her lungs.
“You tired?” she inquired, and you shook your head. “Wanna go for another round?” she suggested, nodding at the cards.
“What for? You’re gonna lose again.” you teased her and she rolled your eyes.
“Pssst, I was going easy on you, since you’re the new one and all that.” you gasped.
“Please. We both know that’s not true.”
“What do you bet?” she inquired, eyebrows rose. You looked at the hand that was being given to you.
“Whoever wins takes the bed tonight.” you squinted your eyes at her, and she did the same, silence filling the room for a couple of seconds.
“Deal.” she said, and you shook her hand, the two of your quickly shuffling and dividing the cards.
You were grinning at your luck. 2 Aces. That was a good start.
Ellie was serious. Dead silent.
The round went smoothly, the two of you silently battling each other. It was as if two predators were waiting for the correct moment to attack each other, an opening.
You were sure you were gonna win. You were. But that was until Ellie pulled a fucking stair and destroyed your game.
“Fuck!!” you groaned and she laughed.
“Told you.” she sighed, humming.
“Shit. I really though I was gonna get a good night sleep tonight.” you whined, looking at the sofa. At that horrendous sofa.
“Aw, you poor thing.” she falsely cooed and you threw her your cards.
“You’re a dick.”
“And you suck.” she retorted at your insult, what made you scoff.
“You wish.” you said, leaning just the slightest in. And Ellie almost shook. She looked at you, at your eyes, and your face.
“Maybe. But not as much as you, princess.” she winked at you and you rolled your eyes, your cheeks slightly warming up at the ‘maybe’.
“I’m not the one who spend the whole day staring.” she smirked.
“If I remember well you were staring too, doll.”
“Stop calling me that. I’m not a doll.” you said, and your breath almost hitched when one of her hands took your chin, tilting your head upwards so you could look at her.
“You sure about that. You surely look like one. Act like one. Try to feel like one.” she leaned closer. “But we both know that you feel, don’t you?” you looked into her eyes. Into her stupidly big green eyes. And you felt yourself melting. Sure. Ellie was pretty. Maybe more than pretty. You’d noticed that since the first time you’d seen her. But you couldn’t stand her. She always teased you, poked you, drive you mad. You shouldn’t be thinking about her this way. Shouldn’t be looking at her in the way you were looking at her. You couldn’t. “You feel this.” she whispered as her free hand found place on your thigh, the warmth of her skin against yours making you shudder. “And this…” she continued when you didn’t move, pull away, push her… anything. Her hand moved just the slighted upwards, her fingertips leaving goosebumps on your skin. You hand darted towards her when she reached your inner thigh, dangerously close to your core. She smirked. “You okay, doll? You look a little shaken up.” you looked at her, and she could see the indecision in your eyes, but that desire too. That raw feeling that always made you make mistakes. You were wondering if this could be one of them.
“Shut up.” you muttered, your lips brushing hers, your breath heavy. Since when you two stood so close? The dam was about to burst. She was about to talk again, but the words died in her throat and turned into a groan when your lips crashed against hers. Your hands found her hair. And tugged. Tugged and messed it up like you’d been wanting to do all fucking afternoon. You hummed against her as her hands gripped your hips and pulled you to her lap. You knew this was probably not a good idea. You two were drunk. And high. And you weren’t supposed to be touching her, or letting her take off your tank top.
“Fuck. You’re so hot.” she groaned, her lips trailing down your neck to suck at your now exposed tits, she was looking at them as if they were the most perfect painting. A piece of art. You felt exposed. And for the first time in your life… Desired. You weren’t thinking about the scars decorating your skin. You were thinking about Ellie, and the feeling of her lips marking you up, sucking and kissing your skin.
“We should stop.” you hummed against her lips when she went back to kissing you, but you weren’t making any sense, ‘cause you were taking off her flannel and tugging at her shirt.
“We probably should. Do you wanna stop?” she inquired, and you shook your head. “Good girl.” you moaned at the praise, and she cooed. “Aw, you liked that, princess? Like it when I call you good girl?”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s my goal.” she smirked, and let you undress her from the waist up. You looked at her breasts, and your hands came up to cup them as you kissed her. Fuck. It felt so good. And she sounded good too.
“You’re unnerving. Make me wanna go out the fucking door and leave you here.”
“No one is stopping you.” she muttered against your lips. And for a couple of seconds you looked at her, before with a groan going back to kissing her once again. Your tongues were pushing into each others mouths. And shit it was dirty. There was spit dribbling down your chin and neck.
“Been wanting to do this since the day you put a knife to my throat. Needed to show you your place.” you moaned when one of her hands pushed into your pants and panties, fingers feeling just how wet you were. “So fucking wet already and I haven’t even touched you.” you let out a needy whimper when she started to circle your clit. It was puffy and throbbing in need to be touched, swollen and sensitive. And Ellie knew how to touch. “Want to taste you so bad…” you moaned.
“Bed.” you curtly and breathlessly said. She followed, pulling from you so you could surround her hips and bring you to her bed. Your back hit the sheets, and before you could miss her touch, Ellie was on top of you again, pulling from the last of your clothes.
Her eyes were glassy as she stared at you. Completely naked and at her mercy on her bed. Shit. If this was a fucking wet dream she was gonna lose her mind. You flushed when her hands parted your legs, emerald eyes falling to your soaked and exposed pussy. “Fuck.” she muttered, and you where whining and arching when her fingers went back in between your folds. “I knew your pussy would be cute. A cute little pussy for a cute girl.” you moaned when she spat on your cunt, one of her fingers pushing inside. And shit. It felt so good…
“Ellie…” you moaned her name, and she started to fuck her finger in and out of you, hearing the beautiful sounds your slick pussy made at her thrusts.
“Listen to her. So ready for me…” she smirked, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head when she slowly leaned down to start kissing your thighs as she added another finger.
One of your hands found her hair, panting at the feeling, your hips searching for more. You were aching for her mouth. “Ellie please…” you begged, and a shudder went down her spine.
“Fuck. Sound so pretty when you beg for me.” you let out a low whimper when her lips met your clit, sucking on it and making your mind spiral.
“Shit. Don’t stop.” she groaned against your cunt. She wasn’t going to. Not when you tasted this good.
Your hips bucked against her face. She was eating you like a woman starved. Sucking at your clit, licking at the juices dripping for the two fingers fucking into you… Jesus Christ. You shouldn’t be doing this. But how could you resist if it felt this good?
“So sweet… Taste so good.” you whimpered at her words, your back arching when she found that special spot in your gummy walls that made your head spin and loudly moan. “That’s it. Right there, hm?” she hit it again and you shivered, your grip tightening on her auburn hair. You could already feel your high approaching. “Atta girl. Taking it so good… Good girl.”
“Ellie…” your voice broken as your orgasm built. Your thighs were shaking at the sides of her face as her tongue teased your clit.
“You’re gonna cum, doll? Gonna cum all over my face?” you nodded, moaning. “Go ahead baby, let me have it.” she didn’t have to ask twice, with a loud cry you came undone under her touch, your walls clenching and throbbing around her fingers as she continued sucking on your clit with a hum, deliriously lapping at your white creamy cum as your moans filled her room.
You felt dizzy. Spent. No one had ever made you cum like this. Not even yourself.
You moaned against her lips when —after she had cleaned her fingers with her tongue— she kissed you. You opened your mouth for her, and tasted yourself out of her tongue, what made you feel dizzy, drunk on her.
“Ellie…” you pulled for her. “Wanna take care of you.” you muttered against her lips, and she smiled.
“You look exhausted princess…” you were about to say something, but she kissed you. Deep and slow. Shit. You never wanted her to stop kissing you. “Tomorrow, hm?” she inquired, looking into her eyes, and you nodded.
“Good girl.” she smiled, pecking your lips. “Now let’s go to sleep, alright?” you nodded.
Ellie helped you get dressed with a clean pair of her boxers and her green and brown flannel. And without no other words, she pulled you tight against her, her face against your neck.
Tonight. You were sleeping on her bed.
You wake up with the sudden panic of an unknown pain on your cheek. Flashes go through your mind as you open your eyes. And your ears catch voices. Sounds.
“Time to wake up, little sis.” a recognizable hum came through your ears, and your body froze, fear straining your heart.
No. It couldn’t be. You still had time. She wasn’t supposed to be here.
Your eyes met those blue ones that you have had to look into for so many years. The same as your fathers. It was like a ghost coming to haunt you. To finish the job he didn’t.
You then met Ellie’s body, restrained against the floor, her fighting unable to get her freed from the grasp the two men on top of her had on her.
“Look at you. I knew you were a whore, sis, but this…” Abby snickered, pointing at you and Ellie. “This actually surpasses my expectations.”
She didn’t know who Ellie was, did she? Did she remember her? No. Couldn’t be. Right? Right?
“You thought I wouldn’t find you?” she harshly took your cheeks, her fingers digging on your skin. You pushed her away, winning a punch across the face when you wouldn’t answer.
You spat blood to the floor, smirking when she pulled from your hair to bring you closer to her face. “Is nice to see you too, Abigail.” she growled, her gun pointing at your forehead.
“Where is he. Where’s Joel?” she inquired and you shrugged.
“I don’t know.” another punch. You took it as if it didn’t even hurt. Ellie’s heart was breaking.
“Come on, sis. I’m not up for games. I know you know. I know you came here to warn him about me. So why don’t you tell me where he is, hm?”
“Stop. Stop it.” Ellie said, threat on her voice. “I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you all.” you let out a broken ‘no!’ when Mel harshly kicked Ellie on the stomach, making her cough for air and choke.
“Aw…” Abby cooed, and your voice came out in a broken whimper of pain when the blonde harshly gripped your hair, stopping you from trying to get to her. “Isn’t that cute?” she inquired Ellie, who looked at her from the floor with eyes that could certainly kill. “She likes you.” you tried and get away, her only gripping your hair harder.
“Fuck you.” you said, spitting on her face, and Abby silently cleaned it off with her hand.
Next thing you knew? There was a throbbing and sharp pain on the back of your head, and your mind completely disconnected as your body fell limp into her grasp. Ellie screamed, receiving two new kicks when she tried and push the men away.
“Let’s go. There’s no time to waste.”
And that’s when Ellie realized that maybe there was no tomorrow.
a/n; finally! i don’t know if it would live to y’all’s expectations but i hope y’all like it<3
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make something up, yes! Here goes...
Mycroft Holmes
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Mycroft Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
My first impression: ahaha this just reminded me that my first impression (I watched the anime first) was a very unenthused "oh goodie, a Black Butler joke 😑" (and that was before the dub!)
My impression now: sexy sexy dork. Incredibly powerful man who exudes big dick energy is also Every Oldest Child Ever, thrilled to shoot his little brother with toy guns and show him up at every opportunity. Secretly incredibly sentimental. Sends his boyfriend notes via carrier pigeon even though it is entirely within his authority to just visit him. A hero amongst introverts who built an entire club on the premise of silent parallel play for adults. In short, an icon.
Favorite thing about that character: tips into borderline headcanon I suppose, but I think he's immensely protective of people he cares about, and it's sweet. Also his fussing over his hair is adorable.
Least favorite thing: I don't know if it really counts because I enjoy roasting him for it so much that it seems weird to say I don't like it when it's fun for me, but "dislikes stupid people and likes black coffee" is the most cringe Reddit bro nonsense ever.
Favorite line/scene: I like the parallel [paraphrasing, too lazy to find exact quotes] where he says to Albert in chapter four "you have my attention, what do you want?" (intrigued, possibly flirtatious) vs in chapter 23, "you have my attention, what do you want?" (resigned, a little bit sad).
Favorite interaction that character has with another: anything with Albert, obvs, but also the bit when Sherlock comes back is very Important and I'm glad it's there. Also that little part where he says he's been protecting Sherlock from their family's secrets and sort of smiles conspiratorially at William.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Louis, actually. I want to know to what degree they became friends during the timeskip and possibly leaned on each other in their own reserved and quiet ways in the midst of their grief.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: hrrrrrm. I feel like there's something obvious that's refusing to come to mind, probably because I'm trying too hard to avoid the fact that the anime wants me to associate him with Sebastian. That did lead me down a J Michael Tatum path to thinking that if anything he maybe reminds me a little of an older Kyouya from OHSHC lmao. Anyway I'll add an edit when the obvious thing I'm forgetting come back to me. 😅
A headcanon about that character: all the dom stuff mainly pfft. Also that he was closer to his father, while Sherlock was a mama's boy.
A song that reminds of that character: all my songs for him are just songs I associate with Mycal, and mostly in a more kind of "Albert POV," but here's one that I have in my Mycal playlist that I think of as more Mycroft POV
An unpopular opinion about that character: eeh. I think I'm pretty in line with the majority of the fandom on him.
Favorite picture: I mean there's lots of lovely shots of him looking very handsome but like...
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he's so pleased with himself 🤣
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fuckyeahfraxus · 1 year
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FRAXUS WEEK is approaching, so it's time for you guys to send in your prompt suggestions again! Fraxus Week will be returning for yet another year and take place from July 14th till July 22nd as usual.
Prompt suggestions can be sent per chat, ask, submission or you can leave a comment with your suggestion(s) on this post. We'll be open for prompt suggestions until Friday night (June 9th, 23:59 pm CET). After the submission phase has been closed we will create a poll and you guys can leave votes for your favorite prompts for this year's Fraxus Week. The voting period will end on June 13th but of course we will make a separate post for it.
Thank you for your help and we hope that you too are excited!!
Prompts that have been used in previous years can be found under the cut, but if there's one that you love so much that you'd want it as prompt again then feel free to suggest it anyway!
Two bros chilling in a hot tub
Demon possessions/Dragon hoards or Demon in disguise x Angel undercover
Early mornings/Late nights or Sunrise/Sunset
AU rivals team up or Canon verse first Unison Raid
Lightning struck
First Meeting/Growing old together
He likes guys
Enemies to friends to lovers/Friends to lovers
Casual (e.g. clothes/conversation/etc.)
Drunk on kisses/alcohol/power/life/etc.
Losing control
Weird Habits
Tarot/Legends and Mythology
BDE Couple (Big dick energy? Big dork energy? Big dumbass energy? You decide, these nerds can be anything)
Unstoppable/Freed the Dark and the Thunder God
Night in/Night out
Spa/Vacation/Hot springs
Sweet treats
Next generation/Adoption/Two Dads are better than one/The guild kids’ cool embarrassing Uncles
First kiss or Mutual Pining
Power couple or Competing/Competitive
Patching each other up/Taking care of each other
Modelling/Weekly Sorcerer/Interview
Mythical creatures/Zodiac/Gods/Four horsemen of the Apocalypse
Post war
Morning/Night routine
Spoiling each other
Playful shenanigans
Motion sickness
Unison Raid
Blue Pegasus
Cooking & Baking
Interfering friends
Flirting/Flirting gone wrong
Dance into summer and/or Dancing in the rain
About damn time and/or Platonic flirting turns not so platonic
Library and/or History and Myth
Go to hell
The beauty and the beast/The beauty and the demon/The beauty and the dragon/etc.
Pretend relationship and/or Rumors
Dirty fight/Sweet love and/or Cruel/Tender
Reimagine a canon scene/Possible alterations and/or additions
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Separating the Art from the Ectoplasm
The Ghostbusters are called in to deal with one of the most famous and thematically-appropriate ghosts: the restless spirit of the massively influential innovator of literary horror, H.P. Lovecraft.
The gaseous, glowing ghost of H.P. LOVECRAFT looms over all four Ghostbusters, stretching and twisting to impossible proportions, tentacles and antennae slithering out of him like growing shadows. A dry, howling, unnatural wind swirls through the Quad.
VENKMAN: Yeesh, who knew Poe was such a dick?
Ray stifles a chuckle and Venkman gives him a wink. All four Ghostbusters know this tactic and fan out accordingly. The four goofballs cut a surprisingly heroic silhouette as they calmly and carefully strafe the ghost. They box in the undead author with short, controlled bursts of their particle beams. "Controlled" is being generous, they're just barely not burning down the Dining Hall, but they are doing their best with crazy firehose-lasers.
RAY: What?
RAY: I can barely follow what you're saying. Why do you talk like this?
VENKMAN: Well he's, olde tymey, right?
Winston, with his cigarette bouncing in his mouth, starts laughing upROARIOUSLY AT Lovecraft. It is obviously fake and sarcastic and over the top and that just makes it funnier and more awesome. He does start genuinely cracking himself up. Lovecraft huffily stops vamping.
WINSTON: Ancient aeons? You died in 1937!
WINSTON: Nobody talked like that in the 1920s, ya weird dork!
VENKMAN: Yikes, nerd alert!
Lovecraft freaks out and launches an all-out attack focused on Winston and Venkman. They brace themselves as reality itself warps around them. Shadows and the ground itself twist and undulate, transforming into gnarled claws and chittering, grasping shadow creatures. They do their best to stay cool and stay breathing. Egon throws Lovecraft off-balance by hosing him down with a few hundred gallons of positively-charged slime.
Egon hammers one last slime-bomb right down Lovecraft's gasping ghost gullet. RAY does a "cha-ching" gesture to the sky before just BARELY blasting a slavering CTHULOID away from VENKMAN.
RAY: I knew this batch of slime would respond well to Judas Priest!
Lovecraft spins his now-massive, spectral form and stretches into the sky above. Egon and Ray begin to have their minds bombarded with psychedelic, eldritch perceptions of reality. Venkman and Winston's version of reality is even further along into madness, once-normal buildings now shimmering and fracturing off at impossible angles.
EGON: Whoa.
Winston coughs and struggles against the oozing, skittering masses of tentacles and centipedes climbing his body. Venkman is even further along, already up to his knees in eldritch muck, blasting Lovecraft. Winston gathers his breath.
WINSTON (hoarse and having his consciousness slowly splinter into different dimensions): I can't believe... I'm gonna get killed by... the poor man's... Robert E. Howard...
VENKMAN (up to his shoulders in black slime, eyeballs, and teeth, chuckles anyway): N-Nerd alert.
From out of the warping, swirling dimensions of madness now inhabiting the Quad of Miskatonic University come two arcing jets of positronic energy. With Winston and Venkman unable to buy them any more time, Ray and Egon stumble through churning waves of earth and cobblestone to finally flank the core of the snarling deceased author.
RAY (not breaking eye-contact or beam contact with Lovecraft): This is 6, Z!
Winston does his best to flex his tentacle into an appreciative thumbs up. Ray grows a third eye in response.
LOVECRAFT (snarling and writhing as he is trying to break free of Egon and Ray's confinement streams): FINE, I'LL ASK, 6 WHAT?
EGON: It's the 6th time we've caught a ghost--
RAY: --because Winston minored in Literature!
Ray stomps the foot pedal on the ghost trap, sucking Lovecraft down in a cone of brilliant white light and crackling muons. With the ghost safely locked away in the trap, all four Ghostbusters are able to perceive normal reality once again--buildings, the earth, reality itself all snap back into shape. A shape that does also now include a lot of ghost AND Ghostbuster-induced structural damage to the immediate area. Said damage includes the ashen, neutralized ectoplasmic cocoons almost completely encasing the still-delirious and recovering Winston and Venkman.
WINSTON: I even like a lot of the stuff he wrote... but he was just such an... absolute turd of a man.
VENKMAN: Agreed. Also, was he seriously talking shit about Edgar Allen Poe?
WINSTON: Like he sucks... and he has bad taste?
VENKMAN (pouting exaggeratedly): Yeah, yuck, tough night!! Tough night, Egon! EGON!?
RAY (chiseling Winston out of the hardened eldritch and collecting flakes of it in a vial): Yeah, even as a casual fan this was (sighs) incredibly disappointing. Maybe it was something else that just took his form? Hopefully we can learn more from these samples...
EGON (hollering from over by the car, placing a call on a cell phone he invented): I am putting in an order with Golden Wall right now!
VENKMAN, WINSTON, RAY (in unison and excitedly but also haggard and weakly): Yay.
VENKMAN, WINSTON, RAY (in unison and excitedly but not quite as haggard and weakly): Yaay! (The down-to-the-nub cigarette finally falls out of Winston's mouth)
RAY (under his breath): And beers.
Long shot of Egon on the phone. He thoughtfully considers the loopy hollering of his colleagues.
EGON: Peter, I do not think they have beers. Yes this is for pick-up.
Roll credits
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somuchyoudontknow · 10 months
Yes, you all see it and Sophia you posted them in the perfect order 😘 👏
Now, let’s do a play by play…….
So we have them on the stairs and Chris is walking with BDE(big dick energy) cool and confident and she’s fussing about something.
Then we have them during the intended setup walk…..Chris looks like a dork with his head down, Arthur fist and they are power walking through random strangers who don’t know nor would care who they are.
Then we have the after math. Chris ….no longer walking awkwardly and back to his confident strut…..doesn’t realize he’s being filmed and places his hand …..omg wait, he held her hand during the pap walk with his right because she was on the other side…..hold up….damn how much time was in between (had to be less than three minutes because the same song is still playing in the background) that they had time to switch sides?! So this makes things look even crazier because they are on opposite sides now and Chris places his LEFT hand in his pocket so she’ll know not to even attempt to grab his hand, Alba sees the camera and panics because it’s proof this entire shitshow is BULLSHIT! She tries to go for the hand but it’s already in the pocket. Chris….still oblivious turns to see if his photographer is still in the distance.
Too funny!!! 🤣
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It's all just a big mess 🤣
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riverrunscold · 2 years
Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp Tag (super late edition)
I was tagged by both @drylan and @wlwmages a month ago, sorry for the wait!
The original tag was created by @lowonmelatonin
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
My favorite would have to be Dylan. I just love his awkward joking and backtracking when he realizes he maybe went a tad too far because it's just really fucking relatable. Also I want both his voice and gender.
My least favorite, even though I don't really dislike any of them, would probably be Jacob or Nick. Jacob because he's a kinda typical dude-bro early on and I just don't vibe with those characters often. Also he did get them all stuck there though he obviously didn't know there would be werewolves, still a dick move.
And Nick just because we don't get a lot of him and the bits we do get are mostly just angry werewolf.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
My favorite chapter would probably be 2 or 3 because the not only the gay kiss but also drama ensues. Plus I love just seeing all the counselors having fun and being the dorks they are.
Least favorite would probably be The Laura Chapter. I say this as a Laura lover, as well as a lauramax enjoyer, that chapter draaags. The first time through it's interesting and fun but the second you really start to feel the pacing slow and it stays that way for a while. And of course after that Laura takes over a majority of the game, which I don't hate, but I wish we could've had Ryan choose to go with Laura or not so maybe we could see more of Ryan and Dylan. Also Ryan and Kaitlyn because they barely had any scenes together. At this point I'm really hoping for The Quarry: Director's Cut.
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
Probably not at all a surprise but I love Dylan and Ryan (rylan or radioheads, whichever you prefer). The dynamic is delicious. Just two neurodivergent nerds, one more extroverted and one more introverted. It's a tale as old as time. Also they just find each other both so fascinating They are each other's blorbos. They both want to study each other in a lab. The best dynamic honestly.
Another one would be Blygbank because they have big cheerleader/nerd energy, which I love. Again one more introverted, another more extroverted. The sunshine (both of them) and the sunshine protector (both of them again). Their interactions in game are also really cute and wholesome and also of course I have to mention the first thing we see Abi do is draw Emma.
Honorable mention to Lauramax. Unhinged woman and babygirl malewife my beloved.
Biggest counsellor crush:
Dylan and Kaitlyn. Also Ryan and Laura. If you're making me pick though, I'd have to say Kaitlyn. Not only am I attracted to her badass energy, I've also had a crush on Brenda Song my whole life.
How would you survive The Quarry?:
Absolutely not. I am a fat queer person, the rules of the horror genre say I must die. But mostly because I'm bad at thinking on my feet at least 60% of the time so it'd really be a toss up on whether I'd survive at all. Maybe I'd just turn into a werewolf, who knows?
Favourite The Quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
I of course have to tag @sh5 because his art is so soft and beautiful and he has only the most correct thoughts on these characters. Some more tags would have to go to @drylan and @queenofbaws, who are both so good at writing! Check them out!
Shoutout some friends you have made being involved in the fandom!
Definitely have to shout-out @wlwmages because they rule! As well as the people I have mentioned above!
I am tagging @indigothenonbinaryunus and @queenofbaws if you would like to join in! As well as the other people I've tagged
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ilkkawhat · 1 year
have you seen those gifsets that are labeled "bde" but instead it's different variations like "big dork energy" or "big disaster energy" and then at the end actually "big dick energy" I think you would do such a great job with something like that for nick or jack
I can't say I've seen those types of gifsets before but I def feel like I should do something like that!
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minetteenfers · 1 year
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I figured I would put this here too since it’s FREE on US Amazon Kindle right now until the 26th. ^-^ It’s a series I’m working on currently. I’m right now finishing up book 2 and have more planned. ^-^ So, this is book 1 and childhood friends with benefits to dating. ^-^
Get it here for FREE!
Playlist is here!
Random snippet under the cut because it’s NSFW lol
“God, he’s going to seriously fuck that bitch all night?” Mara threw her phone beside herself and stabbed her ice cream with her spoon. “I can’t believe him. He’s such a dork! How do women just fall for his bullshit? I bet if they saw how he actually lived, they’d never look his way,” she mumbled and shoved a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. “Hi, I’m Mr. Big-Dick-Energy let me pin you to my bed and make you scream my name.” She mocked him when she heard the locks on the door click.
She gasped and quickly shut off the television and closed the tub of ice cream, after taking one last massive bite. She left the spoon in her mouth as she rushed to place the pint back in the freezer. The door opened and she quickly yanked the spoon from her mouth as she locked her gaze on a clearly exhausted best friend. His shirt was more undone than when he had left, and his suitcoat was over his shoulder and hooked around his finger. His shirt was half tucked in and half hanging loose, and his hair was messy. Lipstick marks covered his neck and collarbones, along with smudging his swollen lips.
He stared at her as he shut the door behind himself, letting his suitcoat fall to the floor. He ran his hand over his face and yawned behind his hand before he noticed Mara was standing there with a spoon in her hand.
“I uh—see you found a spoon,” he gestured to the spoon in her hand and watched her toss it blindly towards the sink.
“I did. I didn’t need my ‘talented tongue’ after all.” Mara raked her teeth along her bottom lip, hyper-focusing on all the marks on his skin and wishing they were from her instead.
He burst out laughing and reached up to scratch the back of his head. “Alright, I’m gonna go sho—”
Mara suddenly ran up to him and leaped up, causing him to have to catch her. She moved his collar out of the way and began to kiss every mark made by the woman he had just spent his night with.
“Mar, you don’t want me right now. I’m covered in—” Interrupted again, he mentally sighed.
“I don’t care,” Mara spoke between kisses and grabbed his chin with her fingers, turning his head to the side to nibble along his jawline. She kissed to the corner of his lips and stopped short of claiming his mouth as hers, realizing she couldn’t break the rule. She slid down his body until her bare feet touched the ground. “Come on.” She took his hand and yanked him down the hallway to her bedroom and shoved him onto her bed.
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the-canine-king · 5 years
Who would win ina throwdown, Bent or Mel?
as much as i love mel, she wouldn’t stand a chance on fighting jskdfhjsd
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yolenia · 6 years
They have that same BIG DICK ENERGY.
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They may not be the same in many ways but they share one thing: they are my babies and I protect.
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Steve: *all handsome and suited up, ready to kick some corrupted politician's butt probably, exuding confidence and rage*
Peter and Shuri: * staring with dreamy eyes*
Peter, as Shuri nods in agreement: what a big dick energy...
Tony, passing by: *spits his coffee and almost chokes*
Tony: excuse me wHAT?!??
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Note: in all NSFW alphabets I describe how this character acts during sex with different partners, NOT with someone they love
Warnings: NSFW
Jotaro Kujo NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
17 yo Jotaro doesn’t give a fuck about partner’s well-being after sex, he knows that he didn’t hurt them physically or mentally, so there’s nothing to complain about. But as Kujo grows older he also gets way more attentive to his partners after sex, offering them a glass of water or a hot bath
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jotaro has a soft spot for chubby girls, brunette loves how curvy their body is, how soft and pliable their forms feel under his calloused fingers. On himself Kujo is pretty proud of his abs, his whole body is fit and buff, but those abs make everyone drool over Joot even more. This worked-out six-pack is definitely something to be proud of
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The amount of cum that Kujo produces is pretty big, it’s dense and has intense bitter, slightly sour taste. Jotaro doesn’t care much where to cum, but seeing his sperm leaking out of partner’s fluttering hole brings man a feeling of indescribable satisfaction
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Even though Jotaro denies accepting that, he is slightly sadistic. It’s not about physical abuse, but seeing his partner sobbing, hit tears run down their cheeks and oh, those red swollen eyes looking up at him so pitifully - it all makes Kujo’s dick get rock hard. This man definitely has dactyphilia
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I don’t think that even part 6 Joot has a big experience in sex, he’s way more interested in science and other stuff rather than all those smutty things. But this man definitely knows what he’s doing and what spots on partner’s body he should stroke to make them feel especially good
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Kujo loves doggy style and cowgirl, but mating press is his personal favorite, brunette loves having full control over his partner and all the access this pose gives him to their body. And hell yes, is Jotaro strong enough to fuck partner in stand and carry, bouncing their shaking body on his massive dick
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Kujo is nothing but serious all the time, he radiates calm and grim energy even when he brushes his teeth, should I say anything about sex? But Jotaro isn’t against partner dorking during sex, he may even chuckle at their inane jokes a little bit
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Jotaro always has a short carpet down there, his pubes are the same black color as his usual hair, slightly curly. Brunette isn’t picky about partner’s body hair, it’s good as long as it doesn’t gets in the way and makes the whole process of sex more difficult and less pleasurable
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Young Jotaro mostly uses sex as one of the ways to blow off all the steam, going rough and tough on partner, mercilessly fucking them into the mattress. As he gets older, Kujo starts putting more of his feeling and emotions into sex, but still, it feels like he’s mad or dissatisfied with something
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Brunette’s yearning for sex is low, so even as a 17 yo teenager Jotaro almost never masturbates, jacking off only when he’s stressed or overly bored
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Not that kinky as the rest of Jojos, but here are some of his favorite kinks: period sex, female anal sex, somnophilia, cock warming, squirting, titsfuck, daddy kink, facefucking and foot fetish
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Brunette need his “safe space” where he feels all sound and secure, fully in private. It’s mostly his room (as a teenager), at his own house or anywhere at the hotel room. Prefers having sex on the bed, but bathroom sex is something special for man, especially in a bath tube or shower
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If Jotaro is in the right mood it doesn’t take much to make him going, brunette quickly turns on from a sight of a fancy lace lingerie on partner’s pretty body. Also, scents matter a lot, it’s way easier to seduce Kujo if he feels a faint smell of perfumes coming from partner’s skin
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I think that canon Jotaro is not kinky at all (contrary to my version of Joot🌝), so there is a lot of stuff that he says unequivocal NO to. Some of them are: scat and water sports, sex in pregnancy, gunplay, food involved in sex and noncon
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers receiving oral over giving it. The sight of partner’s pretty face, all red and covered in mix of saliva and his pre-cum, stuffed with his heavy cock, sends electric shocks running down Jotaro’s spine, giving him feeling of euphoria. But brunette is a fan of face sitting, so he would gladly let partner straddle his head with their thighs, eating them out for hours straight
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His pace is mostly quick and rough, his thrusts are deep, destroying partner’s pussy/ass with every new move. But on the days when Jotaro feels lazy and all sleepy, he prefers it to be slow and kinda sloppy, or partner can just ride him on whatever pace they are up to
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not a big fan. Quickies are for those occasions when hornieness hits in and you need to get rid of the tension in your pants as soon as possible. But since Jotaro is so chill about sex, he never gets boners all of a sudden, so quickies only take his precious time
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
No. Part 3 Jotaro may go for school sex, but he’s not in love with the idea of getting caught fucking in some dusty closet. Brunette may go for some experiments, but he needs to trust his partner immensely, otherwise it won’t work for both Kujo and partner
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Oh, that renowned Joestar stamina. Okay, but Jotaro can last for long. He usually goes for 4-6 sessions, each of them lasts for 10-15 minutes, but man can go for the whole night if partner want him to
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t have any, Jotaro is sure that his fingers and tongue can make partner cum just as good as a vibrator. Since he barely masturbates, it’s obvious that brunette also doesn’t use any toys on himself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jotaro isn’t a fan of teasing, it comes for both giving and receiving, so he almost never teases partner physically. But, however, Kujo isn’t against of mocking partner verbally until they’re almost crying from embarrassment, there’s something about their red, covered in tears face, that makes Joot’s heart flutter in satisfaction
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Brunette is not vocal at all. Jotaro can let out a few faint moans as he reaches his orgasm, but man mostly groans and hisses quietly into the crook of partner’s shoulder. Moaning is not “manly” at all, so Kujo is kinda shy of doing so
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Jotaro is bisexual but with most preference for females. He loves curvy girls wearing all this “girly” stuff like sexy lace lingerie, stoking and high heels, having bright red lipstick on etc. But if an attractive man does it all too… well, Kujo is all for it
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Jotaro is a huge rowdy man, so it’s obvious that he also has a big cock. Brunette is about 7,5 inches when fully hard, thick and not curved, really veiny, skin down there is much darker than Kujo’s usual skin tone
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is not so high, low you could say, even 17 yo Joot isn’t really interested in sex, should I say anything about pt 4 and 6 Jotaro? So if partner expect brunette to be a total sex machine in bed - they’re sorely mistaken
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jotaro rather falls asleep almost instantly after reaching his final orgasm or stays up for the rest of the day (or night) without feeling tired at all, there is no in between
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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