#but i'll definitely come back to writing and finish the fic somehow there's like 3 or so chapters left anyway so not much
momobani · 3 months
the way i hate you update: there is no update lol jk i'm in the trenches academically and i literally have a month and a bit to finish my degree so twihy is definitely on the back burner [has been since december yikes]. i'd say the most likely update timeline i could muster is probably the end of april and that's if i'm not completely burned out by then haha
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 months
Could you recommend us some of your favorite hinny fics? Love your work btw!
Thank you <3
I would tell you to look at my bookmarks on Ao3 but I'll give you some highlights (I'll keep wips out of this because I never know how to feel about recommending unfinished work):
Gone was any trace of you -- I'm pretty sure I've read this something like a billion times, I can quote it word by word
Come stay for the summer -- this is always such a light fun work to re-read, I'm a big fan of muggle hinny, I really have a soft spot for it
Altered -- the obsession I have for this one-shot, this to me is hinny in its purest form
A Weasley reunion -- some hardcore pining from Harry, and fake dating, what do you want more from life?
Time -- Harry realising he wants children, with Ginny. The specific way in which the realisation is written is something I adore
Summer rain -- this is great, what else there is to say really, it's just great
Sacred new beginnings -- I love how this somehow manages to be a retelling of sixth year despite being a muggle AU with young adults hinny
Orchards -- the author definitely has a higher opinion of the "golden trio" than I have but the way she writes dialogues between Harry and Ginny is perfect, she also does a thing I love which is to make Ginny actually funny. It's one of her main personality traits and yet it's forgotten so often, I think it happens due to some sort of unconscious bias about women not being funny (not native English speakers writers are forgiven though because being funny in a foreign language can be quite hard)
After the leaves have fallen -- this talks about what I call Harry and Ginny's never-ending argument and it's written so beautifully
Everything I am is yours -- I just noticed that on ao3 it's signed as the first chapter of two but it definitely can stand on its own and is a very well done muggle retelling of Harry and Ginny's story
take what I took and give it back to you -- a beautifully written soulmates marks au that doesn't really change Harry and Ginny's story but, as one of the comments says, seems to bring up an existing implied element of the canon one
Already here -- because Hannah's stories that I love the most (they are all great though) are wips, I'll put this one in the hopes that one day she'll decide to turn it into a multi-chapter story (@takearisk-ao3 think about it 👀)
The brilliant dance -- this is so fucking funny and entertaining while also being heartwarming. Fucked up but inevitable/obsessed with each other hinny spending their early 20s being a hot mess is my AU drug
Someone else's life -- finished reading this a few days ago, a very well developed brilliant idea
[I already know the second I post this I'll realise I've forgotten some brilliant work]
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
Wednesday WIP
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Hello! 👋🏽 Nerdie here, I am working on a few things:
1. A second entry for @undercoverpena ‘s April Showers Challenge (maybe featuring an agent I haven’t written for a bit). I had a burst of an idea which was different than the original one I had. Such is a Nerdie brain. Don't get lost in there, but there are cookies.
2. Finally progress of my “Wedding 101 with Dieter” fic! I had been having trouble with it. I’m happy to have more Maya, Dieter and Daisy. 🤭 I apologize to @angelofsmalldeath-codeine in advance for any undue stress I shall cause you.
3. Going to finish up my short Frankie body part series which sounds menacing but is the opposite. 😂 Very much so lol It’s called “Only Parts of you Mr. Morales.”
4. I’m working on a Javier Peña series because I feel like I need to give him something nice. Just one thing. 😆 It's very sweet, I have 2 chapters and no idea what to call it. Pfft, go figure. No idea how long it will be - sorry, won't be ready for a bit. Between Javier P and Joel recent. I need to be nice to them. They’re both very haunted. 😖
5. I'm still working on both Din fics and Benny. I'm redoing the outlines. Bullet points are friends and not our enemies. I think. Will there be more random Star Wars people? Is Obi Wan Kenobi a children’s author and Luke that old man who swings his lightsaber in the yard?! Both these things are true. 😌 Messing with Star Wars canon one character at a time. 😂😂😂 The sweet Din fic will remain so. My walking pile of nervous Beskar. 💚
And that's about it, I've cut back a bit on writing to do more school work (papers...ugh...writing about not Pedro. 👀 Eww...)
Previews under the cut:
Anyway, somehow, I went from being stuck in chapter five for 'Weddings 101 with Dieter' to now being in chapter six. I'd like to thank Hemmy for being so encouraging and @megamindsecretlair for discussing Pedro and Oscar with me the other night. I feel like I should make notes and keep both of those in mind for future fics because it's the right thing to do.🫡 Just thinking about it is… 🫠
This is a small excerpt from chapter six, we should all know Nerdie's humor by now 🤣:
“Who’s banging on my door this damn early?! You better get out of here!” “Dee at least ask who it is.” “I don’t care, it could be the president, pope or, no Beyonce could come in.” “I am not meeting Beyonce in my robe. My hair is a mess, my face is puffy, I haven’t showered yet…that’s not who it is!” “I mean, if she shows up on this door, she’s gonna have to be okay with my bare ass, balls and your robe with your cute puffy face. It’s just us. You don’t need one. I’m just going to take it back off to eat you for-” “MR. BRAVO IT’S ME ZACK! YOUR ASSISTANT!” He screamed, he didn’t need to hear Dieter removing anything off of Maya or eating her in any capacity, they can do that after he leaves later. Never any filter with this damn man, he just needs to remind himself of his loans. This job pays the loans.
Gotta love how....open Dieter is with everything. Even Sasha Fierce is not safe. 😭
Second is from my pending Javier Peña fic (I'll think of a good name, I swear!):
Meeting his gaze had her mouth run dry, the sandy tone to his skin contrasted with more papaya tones in his neck. Dark hair and kind eyes behind a gold pair of aviators perched on his curved nose. Tourmaline waves parted on the left side of his crown were matched by his bold eyebrows and thick mustache. His lips were a lace pink and plush. The sunlight made the sweat along his neck glimmer, accentuating its definition. The light blue shirt made the reds and browns in his skin stand out even more. “Did you need to get some fresh air too?” She asked, he could be doing that, escaping someone like she was doing or something else entirely. Now she was curious too, about this man who’d chosen to sit next to her.
I very much enjoy my description of Javier, hehe 😉
That's it! Normally I have more, but it's either still in bullet form or in my head. 🤭
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @604to647 @connectioneverywhere @morallyinept @rhoorl
@goodwithcheese @soft-persephone @djarinmuse @pedroshotwifey @magpiepills
@secretelephanttattoo @tinytinymenace @inept-the-magnificent @soft-girl-musings @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@laurfilijames @grogusmum @alltheglitterandtheroar @jessthebaker @musings-of-a-rose
@julesonrecord @wannab-urs @schnarfer
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chaos-monkeyy · 8 months
20 Questions for fanfic writers
Tagged by @trainofcommand and @cordeliaperry , thank you 😁
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
969,232 !
(I had a soft goal of trying to break a million this year, but I probably won't quite make it. Ah well, next year!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Literally anything I see or read that happens to hit squirrel-brain in the right spot: Stargate, Star Wars, Cosmere / Stormlight Archive / Sanderson's books generally, Loki series & other MCU media, OFMD, Good Omens, Dresden Files, Star Trek (and one-offs for random-ass shows like the Mentalist, 1899, tLoVM, Echoes, etc). Honorable mentions to past beloved fandoms that I'm not super likely to really get back to again include Midsomer Murders, the Witcher, Assassin's Creed, and the Expanse 💕
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Top spot is A wonderful thing (OFMD); the next four in order are all Witcher - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Keep it up, and Undignified.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love seeing people's reactions, and letting them know how much I appreciate that they took the time and energy to comment (because fuck knows, I don't always have the spoons to comment on stuff myself). And it's so nice to get that connection with people and get excited about stuff together!
(I have missed some replies here and there just because of over-stressing about what to respond, and subsequently feeling guilty that I left them unanswered so long 🙈 ahh, anxiety-brain, you sure are special)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is one is easy, it's definitely Zombie / what's in your head. One of only two times I've written Major Character Death, and the only time I've used the Angst and Tragedy tag.
It's fucking brutal, honestly. Damn good, but ouch. Dark. Sometimes I reread it when I just want to cry hopelessly for awhile. It's like an... emotional reset or something.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings in the happy-sexy-sated vein, but most of my fics are also happy-sexy-oneshots so there isn't any real conflict or worry to come back from that makes the happy ending something that wasn't a given, if that makes sense. My first thought for something more involved was Inflection Point, but it's not exactly a happy ending for everyone. So I think I'll go with Curious Creatures, because even though I know how it ends and I wrote the damn thing, I still somehow get worried it will have a sad ending every time I go back and reread it, and then I'm relieved all over again at the end.
(Honorable mention to the Adventures of Admiral Prawn and Yee-Claw, because how can we not be happy that he found his lost hat with the help of a new friend 😂)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly nowhere near as much as I'd kind of expect to? 😆
I had some rando dickhead giving me grief in comments on a couple Assassin's Creed fics, and I've seen people griping in fandom social media spaces about a couple of my works and the fact they (gasp) existed in the tags at all, but mostly people have been decent and kept it to themselves when they don't like me or my writing 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. All of it. All the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! Never published one to AO3. Closest I've got is that Witcher-Assassins Creed WIP languishing in my google docs, and a silly fun little SGA-Original SW thing on tumblr from probably a couple years ago now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Pretty sure, yeah. Not to the point of really being able to do anything about it but it kinda sucked. Shit happens.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A couple of them that I know of 😁
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Oh hell yeah. Many times 💕
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I have two published WIPs that fall into that category exactly, Ill-advised encounters and The skills of Assassins. They were really fun, I'd have really liked to finish them, annnd I probably never will 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty damn good at pacing a story, whether it's a oneshot or a longer fic, and at getting ~feelings~ across (whether it's horny feelings, smushy soft feelings, angsty feelings, whatever). And I've been told that I'm good at like... developing a setting and characters in a way that flows or unfolds naturally with the story while you read? Or something like that? (they said it better and it made me very happy)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
That would be not getting things actually started and just keeping the ideas in my head because What If this time I can't make the words do the thing good enough. Especially whenever I have ideas for something potentially longer or more involved, I do tend to kinda shoot myself in the foot by going "eehhhhh that would be a LOT of work though.... I don't want that kind of commitment....... Maybe I'll write down the idea later............"
Also being constantly distracted by shiny new things. But that part's fun 😆
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I use italics, try to limit it to single words or short phrases, and where possible I make the meaning clear or translated somehow within the fic itself. Last resort, I'll add a little glossary to the start or end notes if it's important to the story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 💖
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I genuinely don't have a favourite! There's a few I'm extra proud of myself for accomplishing, but I really like most of what I've ever written for one reason or another.
Or another answer would be, my current favourite changes like every week and is usually one of my recent fics 😂 Right now it's probably The Taste of My Blade; it'll be something else in a month.
No pressure tags: @dewdropreader , @mirilyawrites , @starport-seven-five , @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , @dedkake , @wantonwhale , and I won't spam tag all the same people as I did in yesterday's tag game in case you're not feeling it right now, but as always - if you see this and want to be tagged, you are! 💙
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the-bloody-sadist · 4 months
Hello... Do you mind if I ask your top favorite fanfics that you've written or top favorite arts that you've drawn? Why are they're special to you? Do you have specific inspiration when you wrote or drew them? Thanks if you want to answer.....
Ah!! It's so nice of you to ask! I'll list my favorite fanfics I've done (there aren't many) since the artworks are a bit harder to define as a favorite or as something I just enjoyed working on that didn't give me much trouble.
Sinner (Bungou Stray Dogs | Fyodor x Dazai) : I'm sure it comes as NO surprise that my most popular fanfic is the top favorite I've ever written, but I'm glad it turned out that way. Whenever I finish turning it into an original work, I hope it rings just as true to all the fans who read it for Fyodor and Dazai as a standalone fiction. This one is special to me because it's based very closely on my real-life experience with an abuser who was my first partner. There's a handful of other influences on the story as well, including some Killing Stalking and Nitro + Chiral games (Togainu no Chi, Shiki route, if you're curious), but I explain this in far more detail in my author's note at the end of the fanfic! I won't beat a dead horse!
The Unpredictable Structure of Control (Bungou Stray Dogs | Fyodor x Dazai) : Fyozai is my top favorite ship for self-reflection, and since all of my writings are clearly about me (help) and the things I've felt or have wanted to feel over the course of my life, this one centered on my thoughts about asexuality and the hatred of pain along with the need to self-destruct. It's overly flowery and poetic, but the alien nature of the way I get to write when in Fyodor's perspective is one of my FAVORITE styles to play with. I'm very happy with how it came out! I don't believe there was a specific inspiration for this one other than myself and probably whatever fanfics I was reading at the time. Usually when I write, I have a basic theme in mind to build off of, and the one for this work was "second-hand self-harm".
Worth, as Determined by a Lover (Trigun Stampede | Wolfwood x Vash) : This one was inspired by one of my favorite Vashwood fics I've read multiple times by intimatopia called careful fear and dead devotion . I adore the fic and was left with a craving to do something of the same vein ever since I'd first read it! It felt so accurate to their characters and relationship, and I felt like I'd done a good job at what I wanted to do when I finished mine! There's always a little bit of me in every work, but there was definitely a LOT of current events and friends who'd inspired that one, particularly, and I still hold dear what it meant to me and them at the time. Even though one or two relationships have soured since then (not because of it LMAO), I hope if I update this work, that person will see and possibly read and feel heard. I don't know if I'm capable of that, but we'll just have to see! (Sorry for the cryptic talk on this one, it's late.)
There you go! I didn't want to do more than a top 3, otherwise I'd ramble about several others even though they're not exactly my favorites to this day. These are the few that even I'll go back and read when I'm feeling lonely, and they've somehow managed to avoid my self-disgust reaction.
Thanks again for asking! <3
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autumnsnuggling · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag @maesterchill! I haven't done something like this in so long lol.
I took a leaf from your book and put my answers under the cut :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Somehow I have 103 lol. Most of them drabbles, but a few mid-length fics.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
170,290. Told you lots of them are drabbles lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter!! And 99% of them are Drarry lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. It Began with a Royal Sticky Mess - 5.5k, T, too many adjectives lol. 2. The Boy Who Lived (To Not Be a Boy) - 26k, T, the long fic I'm probably proudest of. 3. Healing Scars - 2.2k, T, heed the warnings but I enjoyed writing it lol. 4. Then Time Stood Still - 4.2k, T, sequel to It Began with a Royal Sticky Mess, still too many adjectives lol. 5. Worth It - 8.7k, T, my last TransFest Fic, also super proud of it!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try, but I have failed epically for the last year or so lol. I always want to because I feel like it is so nice to hear back from authors, and because I want people to know how much I appreciate their comments, but I struggle to because life is busy and I find it a little draining, tbh
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, good question. Um, probably He Didn't Know (270 words, T). It's from my early writing days so the style isn't great, but it's definitely angsty lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
God, somehow that's even harder. Um... okay, having reviewed my fics, the funny thing is, many of them don't have what I would consider to be 'happy' endings lol. I do lots of endings where the angst is resolved and they're comforted, but I wouldn't call it happy lol. It's because I'm a real sucker for showing life often continues so more is out to be resolved. That means that the main happy ending fic I have is The Boy Who Lived (To Not Be a Boy).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, no!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am dabbling in it, but it's definitely not my comfort zone. I currently have 1 explicit fic, and 4 mature lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Absolutely not lol. I haven't ever really been interested in crossovers, or been passionate about another fandom to want one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A few, actually. It's always such an honour.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely! @stargazing-enby and I have written a few, and I got to trade WIPs with a few others, which has always been fun and really helpful!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
No points for guessing lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am yet to give up on ANY of mine lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Um? Coming up with ideas? I have no idea lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Uuuhhhh... Genuinely feel this changes lol. Though I suppose a theme that's come up is figuring out how to translate the story into words...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I have thoughts on it lol. I love the idea to provide diversity and depth to character, though!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stealing Maester's answer as it's the same lol Harry Potter. First and only!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
A lot of my favourites have already been mentioned, but I really like Another Way! (1.1k, T)
Thanks so much for the tag, I don't know who's done this, but I'll tag @stargazing-enby, @ununquadius, and @nv-md (no pressure).
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golden-fairylights · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @espithewarlock and @your-littlesecret for atgging me to answer these 20 questions. ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 at the moment
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I hav eonly written Formula 1 RPF for now, but who knows what the future brings. For now there is no other fandom I am as invested in though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
no take backs (Lasdoscar)
the start of the rest of our lives (Landoscar)
to the love that you share (Landoscar)
The one where Lando is calling Carlos (Carlando and the first fic I've ever posted)
all I ever wanted (Piarles)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to but I'm so bad at it. So, I'm sorry if anyone is still missing an answer, I'll get to it as soon as I have the mental capacity to formulate something that doesn't sound indifferent (because I promise I am truely not, I'm just really bad at formulating it).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I think that will have to be A graveyard dance.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have no clue to be honest. All of my fics, except 'A graveyard dance', have a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not unitl now and I hope it stays that way. I truely don't understand how someone can take time out of their day to leave hate on something they didn't like.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written two different smut fics, one of them is already posted, the other one is deep in my finished works folder and I don't know if I'll ever post it.
But it's both kinky, never without concent though. In both of the fics they are in relationships and have previously talked about what they are doing. Oh and then I guess there are also some scenes in my longer fics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think I have.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I didn't
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Actually I have. They are only my top three most liked fics, so thank you again Kit for writing with me.😊I really think we should get back to that.
I've also started writing something together with Immy after we've both been in a bit of a slump. 🥰
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Piarles is definitely up there at the top, but Landoscar is there as well, even though I don't write that often.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would say I'm good at finishing my wips but then the eight works I have in my wips foulder would probably come crowding me at night and won't let me sleep.
No but I've got a College fic that I started in Febuary and it's constantly growing. I started it as a oneshot and it just grew from there. I don't have a plan for it and I don't know where it's going to go. I don't even know an end for it so, I'd say that one for now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no clue to be honest. I have times where I'm kind of confident in what I write and then there are times where I hate every single word. I think that I can just start writing without planing it out is kind of a strength, right? But then that has also been a problem for me at some point, but i guess thats my answer for now.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Similar to the one before, I don't know. I feel like I've not written for long enough to really figure all of that out.
It somehow depends on what I am writing and on my day in general I think. For example, on some days I love writing dialogue and on other days I hate it and everything feels wrong.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
As long as I can understand what the person in the fic is trying to say I'm okay with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Forumla 1 RPF
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I like most of the fics I've posted so far but A graveyard dance holds a special place in my heart. I can't even explain why but it just felt right while I wrote it.
Thank you again for tagging me, it's been so much fun answering those questions.
I don't have any clue who has already answered these so I'm tagging @gaslybottoms @hrhgeorgerussell @leclercenjoyer @chaesonghwas and anyone else who wants to participate. ❤️
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shizuoi · 25 days
20 Questions (for fanfic writers)
thank you for tagging me @seek--rest ♡♡♡
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i dabble in anything that attracts my interest, but for the last year it's been exclusively lockwood & co!
4. top five fics by kudos:
my scorching sun, show me the way (marvel's eternals)
you'll find love with me somehow (marvel's eternals)
i can see your heart beneath your ribcage (you should save it for me) (enola holmes)
prepare for trouble (and make it double) (the magnus archives)
pulling teeth behind bottom lip (山河令 word of honor)
5. do you respond to comments?
yes unless they make me uncomfortable
6. what is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't really write non-happy endings but you might think you've caught her (but you've blown your only shot) (tua) had an open-ended dark ending which was pretty ooc for me
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
dskjalhsgdfjkal literally close your eyes and click on any of my fics tbh but recency bias demands the hanahaki au heartburn (l&co)
8. do you get hate on fics?
maybe once or twice but i deleted the comments immediately and haven't thought of them since. i don't tend to write in very big fandoms so i fly under the radar for the most part i think
9. do you write smut?
do i ever :3
10. craziest crossover:
i'm more an au person than a crossover person; closest thing that would qualify would be the l&co now you see me au pros and cons
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i...think so? it wasn't a direct copy/stolen per se, but it felt heavily inspired...
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
many times!! very honored every time people ask ♡
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
TheMalapert and RainShadow07 and i have a few things cooking (katabasis, permutations, a secret new series coming up :3)
14. all time favorite ship?
oh jesus this is tough but i can't say no to some good spirk
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mm not sure, my interests bounce around a lot so sometimes i'll think i won't ever pick anything up again and then BAM inspo so i'm gonna cop out of this question LOL
16. what are your writing strengths?
dialogue and realistic character interactions and introspection. characters are very important to me and i always strive to do them justice by taking readers through their struggles in a compelling way that makes the outcome that much more satisfying. i also think i do a decent job at creating interesting worlds (on the surface)
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
following up with my previous answer, i'm good at ideating smaller/surface worlds, but my worldbuilding is pretty weak when you dig deeper. i do this on purpose sometimes because if i get too sucked up in the worldbuilding/situation, it throttles my ability to explore characters without feeling trapped and that really frustrates me. i have a fic im going to post this month that i did so much research for the world and parts of the character's backstory that i'm creating that i basically paralyzed myself for months because i was too afraid to write the character inaccurately in accordance with all the research i had done and knowledge i had accumulated. definitely something i would like to improve on!
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
when done with respect and intention, it's a very powerful tool. i have a fic that i'm writing where there's non-english dialogue and i think about this poem often
19. first fandom you wrote in?
young justice i think? (on ye olde ff.net)
20. favorite fic you've written?
til' veins run red and blue because it has a strange longevity on ao3 and every time i go back to read it just to make sure it's not bad i always emerge very pleased with myself LOL
tagging: @ohmyoverland, @synestheticwanderings, @woahpip, @dappledwrites, @lemonsharks, and anyone else who wants to partake!! consider yourself tagged ♡♡♡
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gaypiratebrainrot · 2 years
okay, so I took a break from everything else and read your fic. I have so many thoughts and feelings, most of them very conflicting. the rpf discomfort certainly is VERY there. but then, that's what was on the tin and I chose to read this with my own brain. this will definitely be the first and only way too rpf adjacent fic I'll ever read, but because you wrote it I absolutely had to and I don't think I have any regrets. okay, maybe I was mumbling "this is insane, this is insane" the whole way through, but who doesn't when they're reading something so mindbending that their brain almost explodes. of course with the discomfort of the rpf, which initially I thought would come from seeing their names, however switched around, comes the desire to read them as Ed and Stede - and you allow little details like the knee that almost make this possible - this then it rolls right back around because the essences (as discussed) captured are very clearly not Ed and Stede and through all the denial as a reader I can only deceive myself for so long. I've really pushed through my discomfort with this one because I think I get what you've tried to do here and you've discussed in such a clever way in the fic. it's all very meta and we all know this but also it's still made up and we also all know this. I don't have the same amount of writerly eloquence to put all my chaotic thoughts into sensible words, so apologies for this unhinged review. I enjoyed my discomfort greatly!!! pls accept all my love and admiration <3
i'm so so honored you read this and carried your discomfort the whole way. it's really profound to write something that is so much about me wrestling with my own discomfort with the topic that also manages to invite other people to wrestle with their discomfort in a way that feels productive and not shaming or punishing.
part of what's so wild about this fic is that it was supposed to be something much sillier, but the name swap gave me just enough plausible deniability to write the fic i apparently really wanted to deep down, which is them cheating on their wives lol (because the sexual tension is insane). when i finished writing it and wasn't sure the meta was working, i had a moment of, "ok, you just gotta accept you've written rpf and switch the names back" but i felt so guilty about that, cause somehow it was so much worse to write them cheating on their wives with the actual names. which is so, so funny to me, because even with the name swap, i am in no way hiding that this is rpf. i'm telling you right at the start with javid denkins that i know that you know that i know that this is rpf.
and with the characterization, i would often have moments where i'd be like "this is not how stede/ed would act" and then laugh at myself because they're not stede and ed. but then, the deeper joke is that they're not rhys and taika either. i've got a knack for capturing voices, and i've obsessively consumed a bunch of rhys and taika content in the last couple months, and they are my very real imaginary friends, but i do not know them. all the talent in the world would not allow me to capture what the actual lives of these real people are like, to depict them in a way that they themselves (or somehow who actually knows them) would recognize on the page.
the irony for me of all the rpf wank is that i'm pretty sure my discomfort and desire to protect the actors from my own perversions comes from my more unhealthy parasocial instincts--the belief that they really are my friends, that what i think of them matters to them, that it's my responsibility to somehow emotionally protect these full grown adults i've never met who also happen to have a lot more money and power than i do. if rpf makes the actors (or their families) uncomfortable, the best way for them to avoid it is not to attempt to control the millions of people who might want to write it, but for them to choose not to read it. which i imagine might be a fairly easy choice, considering they are busy working professionals in the film industry with a lot of other stuff going on lol.
anyway, i am so so delighted and honored you pushed through your discomfort and that the fic resonated with you like this!! thank you so very much for taking the chance! <3 <3
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6, 12, 19, and 32 for the writer asks :]
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
that I'll lose the ability to come up with stories people will read and appreciate. as much as I write for myself, I want people to read my work and feel like they've gained something from it, so there's always a feeling of dread that they won't
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
lmao okay so first, maybe an obvious one, but wish 1 would be the ability to finish all my wips (all 15 of them) before I start anything new, wish 2 would be to add an extra day to the week for me to just write (so no work, doctor's appointments, chores, etc.), and wish 3 would be to have all my favorite fics printed and bound in a fancy book. i just think that would be cool
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
so technically I've been writing my whole life, but I only started seriously writing about three years ago. it was mid-2019, it was summer break, and I was honestly going through some shit. I saw an prompt about laser tag and decided to dedicate my time and energy to a ship that barely had a fanbase as a way to cope with going into my senior year of high school, being a captain for multiple student groups, applying for college and scholarships, and having a crush on someone I never thought would reciprocate. somehow I lived through that and now I'm here
there were definitely some bumps, I took about six months off in 2020, but I came back, added to one of my favorite series, and kept going. I've definitely evolved (believe it or not I used to write winteriron before stumbling into ironhushbands), and I'm still evolving, working on writing new fandoms and branching out with more characters and aus. I've also been thinking about my original stuff more and more recently, so we'll see if I ever get that book written. anyways, that's the long winded way of saying I have no idea how the hell I got here, but I sure did it
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
oh that's a good question. I was literally just thinking about this and I’ve already gotten long winded so I’ll keep it short, but there’s a fic of Peachy’s that I just love. it’s with Harley and Rhodey, and there’s a paragraph about relationships and how loving someone involves choices. like you choose to love someone every single day. and that quote means so much to me
weird asks for writers
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wheresgamora · 2 years
That crush fic rotted my teeth plz can you write a Andrew!Peter fic where they have to do a final project together and end up together
I absolutely adore your work!
warnings: strong language, both peter and reader trying not to hide forever lmao-- really long too
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
y/n sat in class, staring at the clock, almost begging it to get to 3 already. it was the last week at school and everyday just got slower than the other.
her pleading eyes got wide once she heard her name being called, she looked up at her teacher, trying not to smack her and telling her off for just talking to her.
she wasn't one to like school, nobody did. but she wasn't one of those people who say it just cause their friends aren't here for like one day. she always wondered how people could smile when they were in this teenage prison
"you will be partnered with peter."
oh, that's how.
"you both have two days to finish this project. oh and here's a tip, maybe don't spend them staring at the clock, l/n."
you and your horrible nose job can kiss my ass, susan.
she and peter weren't super close, but were sort of connected. they shared the same interests, the same humor, the same hatred for school, they definitely got each other but never really did anything about it.
everyone just assumed they were dating because of how much they matched but were shocked when that wasn't the case.
after class ended, the girl groaned and put her head on the table. its funny how there's a few days left for school yet somehow a day gets added everytime.
"i'm convinced school was used as a torture chamber somehow." someone said, they were putting their head on the table and groaning just like her. and of course, it was none other than peter.
"i know, right? how do people put up with this i'm so close to just crawl into a hole and stay there forever"
"i swear time stops when were here"
"it's like you're reading my mind"
"no no, it's like you're reading mine. that's the first time nobody said i was exaggerating"
"no way me too"
the two chuckled but stopped once their teacher went back to get her stuff
"quit messing around and get to work, i'm not excusing any of you. leave, now."
they both left and their expressions from the beginning of class came back.
"how do principals handle teachers with all their complaints and shit, all i want to do is kick them off the property or get a restraining order" peter said
"i'd be a principal just to have the pleasure of firing teachers but i would never come back here again, even for my kids. instead of them making me drop them off away from the school i'll be the one doing that." y/n said and peter chuckled
"alright let's see here, oh my god are you kidding me we have to make a presentation, a board" before they could continue reading they both groaned, y/n's eyes widened once she saw a whole other page of requirements, "we each need to write an essay, prepare for practice questions from this other paper that is holy shit- 15 pages long"
peter just looked at it in shock while y/n was too busy trying to convince herself not to run away forever
"alright- you know what- we can do this, it's just one more project then you get like a 3 month break, we can do it, right?" peter said
"yeah yeah, right we can do this"
"nope, we can't do this."
"wait--yes we can cause we just finished the presentation!!" y/n shouted out and peter cheered on, hugging her in the process
"okay so, just glue it on there- no no- see now you put it below the text we want them to see the picture first so they can be like 'oh wonder what this is about' yknow?" y/n said
"oh yeah yeah right- cause if i see a text first i'm gonna be like pass"
"how's your side doing?" peter asked from the other side of the cardboard
"finishing touches"
"oh-- yeah so um i think i messed mine up?"
"what?? let me see" y/n said, walking over to the other side and gasping when she saw nothing, literally nothing
"what have you been doing all this time-"
"i got distracted i'm sorry! help me please"
"was it just me or was school extra long today" y/n asked
"no, it was awful and way too long yes"
"did you write your essay yet?"
"we can do mine together!"
"i haven't even finished mine!"
"yes you did you told me about it in the morning when i asked why you had dark circles under your eyes and you said you stayed up late"
"damn it"
"andddd, there- essay is done! but i'm gonna kill you if you do this again"
"yep sorry again"
"it's fine"
"15 minute ramen and netflix break?"
"we totally deserve it let's go"
an hour later
"what?! are you okay?!"
"no- oh my god peter you're supposed to answer the questions not ask me to explain!"
"i didn't study the definitions!"
"i'm not even that surprised anymore just come over here" y/n said grabbing the definitions paper
"you took so long on the last one you need to revise it later, okay?"
"alright let's see here...peter."
"oh my god."
"peter oh my god"
"OH MY GOD!" he said, picking her up and twirling her around as they hugged
"i can't believe it, can you?!"
"no, i can't" he said, when y/n looked at him, he was saying it in a happy tone but he looked the entire opposite.
"pete, what's wrong?" she asked
"what? oh uh nothing"
"no really, peter. tell me what's up?"
"uh- no no it's just"
"just what?"
"i just can't believe it's over. now were gonna present it tommorow and then you're gonna go home and forget about me again."
"what? no- of course not! you don't even know how happy i was when the teacher picked you, you're like-the only person i'd ever want to hang out with and--i would never want to end that, yknow?"
"but it's not just that. it's that you think of me more as a friend than i do to you. i don't just like you as a friend, y/n. i just- i've been feeling this way for so long now and all i want to do is just be with you. i don't even care that you would rather stay home, i'd stay home with you too. i just don't want to go back to what it was where we only talked when we were forced to, or when you just think of me as your friend."
"and i know that this might freak you out-"
"i just can't be without you and i needed to tell you cause i just-" before peter could continue his rambling y/n pulled him in for a kiss.
once they pulled away all peter could do was smile
"i feel the same way, pete."
"you do?"
she nodded and smiled
"can i tell you a secret?"
"i did everything i told you i didn't. the definitions, the essay- it was all just so i could hang out with you more"
"yeah- well except for the board thing that wasn't planned i was actually distracted but it was by you."
"aw, that's so cheesy and i wanna be mad at you for wasting my time but i just wanna kiss you"
"yeah how about we just do the last thing"
"sounds about right"
a/n: just telling yall i have 0 ideas so um help please.
taglist: @poisxnedmind
if you wanna be part of my taglist click here
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mamamittens · 2 years
February Event! Season of Love!
Hey, I'm not dead!
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I meant to do this sooner so I'd have more time (And have a banner, whoops), but here I am, posting just before the beginning of February anyway!
So! What's the event? A celebration of love! 6 different types of love!
There are 6 slots open with the different types I'll cover! The option of a picture, or an undetermined amount of writing (definitely more than a paragraph-- 5 sentences, especially if it's just this one) on said topic for a character(s). Or, even both (gasp! How spicy!). It's lowkey a first come-first serve, but it's more of a raffle? Basically, when you enter the raffle and I spin my wheel, whoever wins first, gets to choose a slot! The last person will not have a choice, outside of declining. You cannot win more than one slot so choose wisely!
So, what's the different types of love?
Eros (+18) - passionate and sexual love
Agape - unconditional love, like an oath or something
Storge - familial love (parent and child)
Philia - platonic love (between family or friends)
Self-Love (+18*) - on the tin, but probably like self care in practice? (wink wink with that +18)
Obsessive Love (+18*) - the spicy dangerous one, like in yandere fics
You'll notice the +18 on three options! With the exception of Eros, that means that you can request a +18 version that's spicy (can't promise the picture will be much spicier than my thirst trap event, for reasons, but I can definitely write it judging by the amount of smut I've seen still living on this site). But they don't have to be spicy, though there is a bit of an edge naturally baked into obsessive love by default.
To request +18 though (or ask for the Eros slot), you must have your age in your bio as 18 or older! Ageless or minor blogs will be ineligible. No exceptions, if you try to insist, I will block you. The characters must also be +18 in this case!
So, how do you enter the raffle? Simple!
You must be following as a baseline!
A reblog of this post is one ticket!
A like of this post is one ticket!
Two tickets max!
That's it!
I'll do the raffle drawing at the end of the 7th, giving me plenty of time to at least finish one and roll it out by the 14th! If somehow I don't have enough slots filled, I'll open them to request through my ask box, but the rules still apply for +18 content (probably asking friends first if they aren't already in cause I can get ahold of them quicker, tbh).
The intent is to release them all by the end of the month, so if you win, be patient (Though I can keep you in the loop for progress when I start on your slot if you're interested)! Obviously, slots with both a picture and writing will take a bit longer, but not by much. I'm pretty fast at writing when I have a goal.
I will private message you to ask and if you don't respond within 24 hours, I move onto the next person instead until all slots are filled!
Anything else you should know? Yes!
This can go for any fandom (I can and will use google, but if I'm not already familiar with the fandom, there is a chance the character(s) will be ooc, if that matters to you), and I will open this up to be applicable for reader/OCs (OCs will require references), and for up to 3 characters in the artwork, but no more than that! Obviously, readers will not be included in the picture if a picture is requested (so it would be like a character is sending it to you instead, like the thirst trap event), and will probably not be written from the reader's perspective.
I will veto details I'm not comfortable with, but it's completely fine to ask! As a general rule, if it belongs in the toilet, I will not write it (I sympathy gag real easy, so naturally I don't want to ponder the 3 P's). I also am not comfortable with using real people, so kpop bands and straight up celebrities are a no go, as an example! Fictional only! And preferably no noncon, but I do acknowledge that obsessive love does tend to at least be dubcon, so keep that in mind for +18 content.
And that's it! Good luck!
See you back here on the 7th!
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[Long, Tw food (in depth descriptions), brief references to unnamed heavenly beings of no specified religion, brief reference to hell. Not really any angst. Just good Dadza.]
[Hurt/comfort my beloved]
Me: i can't write
Also me: writes an entire fic by accident while telling my friend about an idea I had
(I'm gonna need this ask back at some point so don't keep it too long, okay? But make sure to take care of yourself (unlike Techno sksksks))
(How many words is this) (Cenn I've been writing this for like 3-4 hours. I've been hyperfixating on this)
I had this really cute idea where Techno gets sick after doomsday and Dadza takes care of him (for an animatic, or? How should i draw techno?)
Phil's Dadza side kicks in. He gently pushes Techno, who is in full garb back into bed. "Techno, you're sick. You can't go."
"But I haven't streamed in 2 weeks!"
Techno turns on his side in bed. Dadza gently pulls the blankets up and tucks them around Techno. Techno begins to cough, and the coughs rack his body. Dadza's expression is soft and concerned. He rubs his hand on Techno's back until he stops coughing. Techno closes his eyes. He's exhausted.
Dadza takes Techno's crown and places it on the bedside table.
He observes his ill friend. Techno is nothing like what he was up until Doomsday. He seemed--weak. Vulnerable. Sick.
"Have you had anything to eat, Techno?"
Techno doesn't open his eyes. He shakes his head. "I ran out of food a few days ago. I meant to get more but..." Techno doesn't want to admit that he couldn't get downstairs. He doesn't want to admit to weakness, to vulnerability. But everytime he thought of searching through chests, of trading with the villagers, they just seemed so far away.
Phil noticed a tear leaking out from Techno's eyelid. If he brushed it away, Techno would feel worse about his state because it would mean he was in fact vulnerable.
"I'll make you some stew."
Phil goes downstairs and tends to the fireplace. The fire seemed to have gone out sometime between now and the last time Phil checked on Techno.
How long has the house been this cold?
Phil builds up the fire and puts a cauldron over it. He makes mushroom stew because he doesn't know if techno can stomach rabbit stew.
When it's ready, he ladels it into a bowl and climbs the ladder.
Hanging off the ladder by one hand, he calls out. "Techno, stew's ready."
Techno's eyes flutter open. He sees his friend holding out a bowl of food and his eyes widen.
Phil notices that Techno is sweating and the blanket strewn to the side, only covering his feet.
"Are you too hot mate?" he asks.
Techno is broiling but he can't summon the strength to take off his outer clothes. His body refuses.
He's more focused on food. He's starving, and his body uses up what little resources it has left to sweat.
Phil walks over and puts the stew on the table. The heavenly aroma fills the room.
"Let's get this coat off of you." Phil reaches around Techno and unclasps the chain on his neck. He gently pulls the coat off of Techno's arm but he's still laying on it.
"Techno," Phil says.
"Whaaat," Techno drawls.
"You got to let me get this coat off ya mate."
Techno lets out a deep groan, then turns over on his stomach so his other arm is towards Phil.
Phil reaches under techno and grasps the coat. He pulls it out from under Techno and off his arm. The sleeve turns inside out. Phil fixes the sleeve and hangs up the coat.
Techno's shirt is drenched in sweat. He rolls over and starts fidddling with the button closest to his throat, looking up at Phil.
"Here, I'll get that for you." Phil undoes the button. He can't imagine how tired techno must've been after Doomsday, that he just collapsed in bed fully clothed, not even bothering to loosen them.
At least he took off his armor. Sh-t's heavy, he thinks. Phil ignores the fact that after the adrenaline and excitement wore off, the sore and tired Technoblade probably couldn't move with it on.
Phil pulls the blanket off the bed entirely, folds it, and places it on the table next to the stew. He pulls off Techno's shoes and socks and puts them near his coat.
They were also drenched with sweat, not to mention the smell--but it doesn't bother Phil all that much. He's smelled worse. He's frowns at the imprints on Techno's legs from the socks.
Phil loosens the rest of Techno's clothes. Techno seemed to were his tightest, least comfortable, most regal outfit to Doomsday.
Lucky for them both most of that was just accesories and pins, and Phil could easily remove those.
While Phil was doing this, Techno had been lying on his back, eyes closed. Though Techno tended to be stone-faced, Phil noticed the relief on Techno's face.
"How you feelin', Techno?"
Techno opens his eyes halfway, just enough to see Philza and the bottom of the bed.
"Do you have water?"
Phil procures a water bucket from his bag. "Thirsty mate?"
Techno looks at the water bucket and a small smile creeps over his face.
Phil smiles at his friend. He moves to the head of the bed and looped his arm and tattered wing around Techno and sits him up.
He holds the bucket up to Techno's mouth and tips it to his lips. Techno sips gratefully as the cool liquid pours over his hot, dry mouth and down his throat, cooling him from the inside.
"You've lost quite a bit of fluid, mate."
Techno lets some of the cold water slip out the sides of his mouth and drip down his face. His skin is boiling. The water dropelts running down his skin feel like heavenly beings allowing drops of mercy to fall upon him in the pit of hell.
Techno pulls back briefly to swallow and catch his breath and Phil rights the bucket. Techno leans in again for more water.
After drinking his fill, Techno leans back and wipes his mouth with his arm.
"All done, Techno?"
Techno swings his arms up knocks the bucket out of Phil's hand, dumping it on his head. The gush of water cools Techno, drenches the bed, and spills all over the room. Phil can't help but laugh. He picks up the bucket and scoops up the water source. He puts the bucket back in his bag.
"Had enough of the water?"
"Philza--I gotta be honest with you, Philza I haven't felt this good in weeks."
Phil laughs again even louder. The two friends are now in a good mood.
"Well now your stew is probably cold too." Phil tastes it. "Actually it's a bit warm still. Not too hot, either."
Techno scoots towards the wall and leans on it. He reaches for the bowl.
"Oh, no you don't."
"Phil, I'm a grown man-pig. I can hold a bowl."
"Maybe on a good day, Techno, but three minutes ago you couldn't sit up by yourself. No offense mate, but I don't think your arms have enough stamina right now. Now come on and eat."
Phil lifts the bowl to Techno's lips and lets him sip at his own pace. He pulls it back.
"How does it taste?"
"Pretty good but could maybe use a little salt."
"Eh, you probably need electrolytes as well after sweating through your clothes and drinking all that water."
Phil put the bowl on the downstairs counter.
Phil found salt in the downstairs chest and stirred it into the cauldron.
He heard the bowl fall to the floor behind him. It fell facedown and spilt on the floor.
Phil swore quietly.
He got a new bowl and more stew from the cauldron.
"How is it?" Techno inquired.
"Try for yourself," Phil said. He smiled as he held the bowl to Techno.
Techno looked at the bowl, then up at Phil. He took a sip.
Techno pulled back and looked at the bowl.
Phil thought he may have tainted the stew somehow. "Is it bad?" he started to say.
But he didn't quite get out anything after "Is" because Techno cut him off.
"It's delicious." Techno looked up at his friend. "Philza Minecraft, you should be a chef. This is the most wonderful thing I've ever tasted."
Phil chuckled. "All I did was add salt, what ya mean?"
"Phil, you have to sell this stew to the rest of the SMP. We could get rich!"
"Techno, I think the sickness may have gotten to your head a bit."
"Phil, I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life. We could be the the most powerful people on the server!"
"We already are. We just blew up a country. Down to bedrock."
"But we could get even more rich and powerful!"
"Well I'll be happy to listen after you eat. And rest. And bathe."
"I don't need to bathe."
"You're not getting out of it. You reek, mate."
"You can't judge me by the smell!"
"I'm not worried about the smell so much as what the smell tells me about your body. I don't know when the last time you washed was but it was definitely before Doomsday and I can't have you laying in your own sweat and filth for much longer. It's sh-t for your health, Techno."
"Please just eat, Techno."
Techno leaned his head forward slightly and Phil pressed the bowl to Techno's lips.
Techno closed his eyes and savored the flavors. They were so pleasant, so soothing, so comforting. They reminded him of a time when he was safe and there was no betrayal. No war. No need for violence and bloodshed and destruction.
Phil, being a good Dadza friend, made sure that Techno ate an entire bowl. He brought Techno another bowl upon his request, of which he ate half, then left the other half bowl on the table in case Techno got hungry later.
After changing Techno's bed to clean, dry sheets and tucking his friend back into bed, he went downstairs to clean up the spill. He told Techno he would be back at sunrise to check on him. Though he might come earlier just in case. Sunrise was just the latest. Phil had decided that since Techno had gotten through the brunt of his hibernation and was now waking up sick, he should check on him at least twice a day.
Phil scrubbed the dried stew off the floor. He wondered what could've made Techno love it so much. Mere salt couldn't have made it so delicious, could it?
Phil finished cleaning the floor and the bowl and put everything away. As he was about to leave, he stopped. Eyes locked on the cauldron. There was something about it.
I can't leave that there, he reasoned. It will go to waste. If Techno like it, I can't let it waste or burn. I should freeze it outside.
Phil took out a bowl and knelt in front of the fire place. He scoop up big, full ladels into his bowl. Could it be that the soup was really that much better with something as basic as salt?
Phil dipped his finger in the bowl and sucked the stew off of it. He was instantly transported to his childhood. His mind played out feelings of safety, of healing, of comfort, of rest.
He heard his family laughing, remembered learning how to fly, the first time he soared high, feeling the wind beneath his wings. He remembered when Wilbur was born, holding the tiny baby in his arms, filled with love. "I'll always protect you. I'll always be there for you." When he met Techno, when he built the bee farm, and so on.
Phil was moved to tears. He felt loved. He felt like someone loved him no matter his flaws, his mistakes. Phil cried.
It was not out of pain but rather emotion. He wiped away his tears and drank the rest of the stew in his bowl, but it only caused more tears to stream down his face.
Techno was right.
Outside, watching through the window was the one who made the soup what it was. It wasn't Phil's salt.
He stood on his hind legs, paws pressed against the wall of the house.
He had been listening to the two friends talk, had been watching protectively as the wind ruffled his thick white fur.
He was Technoblade's guardian.
Soon he would be called Steve.
2ble this is literally amazing hello????
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
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Us telling each other to go to sleep while simultaneously not sleeping
1) You can just stop writing the au if you hate it so much, or just take a hiatus. I know people like it but you shouldn't burn yourself out!
2) Have you ever heard of the Lykoi cat? Please search them up if you haven't
3) Diphylleia Grayi, is a type of flower that looks turns "invisible" when it touches water
4) Do you have a favorite spider?
5) Help I keep drawing porcelain Jekylls that I'll never post </3 /lh
6) hsjsvdjsgh I cant think of anything. Uhhh. The Wulver is a scottish creature that's a furry person with the head of a wolf and shares fish with locals. Honestly most drawings look like furries I've just noticed, why is no one drawing em with proper clothes
7) Similar questions to my last(?) ask. Do you have any thoughts on what supernatural/mythical creatures tgs characters would be if they were one? And what would your latest oc that I keep forgetting how to spell the name of be?
...The fact that that is accurate scares me-- I'm also going to save that meme for future references everytime either of us catch the other up late sdfds
1) THEORETICALLY YES... But I know that if I take a hiatus I will never finish it, and I know how guilty I would feel for not continuing it... Plus, most of my complaining is just dramatic but I'm not used to make chaptered fics and never will ever again. I guess it's just a mix between constantly having to worry about how the fic is perceived (especially since we are entering the more controversial/angsty chapters rn) combined with the deadline that makes... Me sad :'3
3) oo h h m y god... It looks like ice... Are they edible? My brain is telling me to go absolutely bonkers on them. O o h h m y god
4) I had a very weird phase as a kid, who was also very afraid of spiders, where I tried to convince my parents to give me a tarantula because I saw that they were fluffy. I'm still massively afraid of spiders but otherwise I'd say redkneed birdspider (is that the english name???)
5) Bestie I know how it feels my entire sketch book is just drawings of my ocs that will never grace tumblr </3
6) Oh man. I love Wulvers. I know jack shit about them but I had planned to have Henry meet a wulver in the Irrbloos Au at some point, since they were benevolent and helpful I had planned to have a wulver lead him back and get him back to the real world at some point but I never got so far into that plotline. But honestly... All pictures of werewolves of all kinds look like furries. Did you know that they have werehyenas in africa, which is basically just reverse werewolves (i.e a hyena that turns into a human instead of the other way around)?
7) I'm going to start off by saying that Cederic definitely would be some kind of nymph-like creature like an incubus of some kind or just a straight up male nymph/siren, something very pretty and very seductive because, I don't know if anyone read his part of the updated OC masterlist post, he was originally a prostitute and very much uses that to his advantage to get what he wants. Something cat-like would also make sense, as his mother (in the actual DND campaign) is the egyptian cat goddess Bastet, but regardless, he still has his cat so it would fit no matter.
*cracks knuckles* alright here we go. Not going to go into a lot of context i'm just going to spew shit out.
Jekyll - Werewolf, really, that's no surprise but a werewolf fits so good. Having a monstrous side he tries to hide that only comes out at night? *chef's kiss*
Hyde - Imp or poltergeist.
Robert - Vampire.
Rachel - Selkie
Jasper - since he already is a werewolf, he would just be Some Dude
Frankenstein - Dwarf, or Baba Yaga.
Griffin - Ghost that does not want to be a ghost
Emma - A Huldra, maybe? A benevolent nymph? A banshee? I just love her and I wanted to add her to the list somehow.
Maijabi - a ghost who is totally chill with being dead. Maybe one of those spirits who like to fuck with humans (metaphorically speaking) by hailing cabs and then ditching them in the middle of the ride.
Lavender/Ito - those centaurs that are deer instead of horses I forgot the name sdsdfs
thats all i can come up w at the moment sdfsdf
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cloaked-saurosuchus · 3 years
Interview with a fanfic author tag
I got 'tagged' by @blaiddsumu! and by that I mean i stole it. yoink
1. Your favorite fic that you’ve written (or just one you want to give a shout out to).
From finished ones: definitely Narrators. For what an impulsive oddity it was for me (2nd person what?) and when re-reading I'd change some small things but I?? still Really like it? It feels like I actually managed to get down the emotion I wanted in a short self-contained thing which is both pretty rare for me lol.
From WIPs y'all know Two Deaths lives in my brain rent free and is arguably my fav (even though I haven't even posted my favourite parts so far and they seem so far away and I'm Suffering(tm))
2. Your favorite fic title that you’ve come up with.
uhuh I'm horrid at coming up with titles. Probably In Search Of bcs it goes along with the chapter names (In Search Of A Reason, In Search Of An Engineer etc.)? It took me an actual year after posting the first part of it to actually come up with that title though lol. or Eye Can't See You bcs it's horrible pun fhkah
3. How do you get inspiration to write?
tangent brain. whatever I'm thinking about (or reading or really ANYTHING) and fixating on will inevitably leak into each other and produce story ideas. and I need to get these ideas Out somehow or they will stew in the back of my brain forever. the entirety of Two Deaths is a massive tangent about a trying a different spin on [wait no this is probably a spoiler].
also music? lots of music. i tend to listen heavily to a single album/interpret at a time, so my brain inevitably comes up with interpretations of songs that can be spun into stories, hehe.
4. Your favorite genre/subgenre of fic to write.
Uh?? Fluff I guess? and whatever the hell would two deaths get categorized as. longform hurt/comfort?? PROBABLY? uuh. i always feel weird putting a genre to my stuff so idk though really
5. Do you have other hobbies?
I Make stuff in general! Most notably it's drawing and programming, but I also play and compose for piano/pipe organ from time to time and recently I've gotten into cross-stitch and I've been looking into 3D-printing and just sewing in general. I tend to bounce around hobbies a lot though, so the ones staying are really just. Drawing and pipe organs.
6. A fun fact about you that a lot of people may not know.
Buuh. Um. If I finish my current uni course, I'll get a Mgr. (Magister) title and not Ing. (engineer) title even though I'm studying a very much tech-field that usually gets the engineer treatment and I think that's incredibly funny. At a certain point it looked like my sis might try for an Ing. from a social field and it was hilarious. we decided we'd make "trust me I'm an engineer" jokes to maximize confusing the hell out of people
that fell through and now neither of us will be able to make trust me I'm an engineer jokes u_u
8. Favorite genre of music.
genres are a scam that I don't understand and my favourite genre is not going to really map onto the music I listen to the most so uh
swing and electro swing.
9. Your favorite singer/band.
I don't really have absolute favourites, more like. Cycling through interprets depending on how I'm feeling. The Oh Hellos, Cosmo Sheldrake and Lord Huron are evergreens I keep coming back to. And Switchfoot.
Currently also listening to a Lot of IDKHBTFM, Mother Mother and The Hoosiers.
10. And finally, how has your experience in fandom been?
Pretty chill! Met a whole bunch of cool people! It probably helped that I only really actively entered the UT fandom last year (after the initial hype died down and also like. I Know what I want to avoid now and I do just that) and my previous fandom was Ranger's Apprentice, which was small and constructive, and based on a canon that is decidedly Not drowned in 3-4 layers of meta keeping things pretty sane when it comes to weird characterizations that would irk me. (moving into ut from that was Quite A Shock, dare I say.)
Tagging: uuh y'all know I don't tag people fhajksh if you see this and write, consider yourself Tagged (and feel free to tag me bcs I wanna See)
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charliesworkshop · 4 years
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Pairing: Loki x fem!Reader
Song of the day: Hurts - Something I Need To Know
Chapter warnings: angst, a lot of angst tbh, cheating if you squint, imma say abusive relationship just so there won't be any surprises
AN: Series of smutty / angsty fics inspired by songs by the band Hurts. Mostly angsty, because I'm a sucker for pain.
Reader is an Avenger with the power to create and control fire, and as they say, opposite attracts, so Loki takes interests in her.
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Loki had a lot of patience. He just didn't like to use it, not when it was about things he really wanted. In this case he wanted to know what the fuck was going on between you and him.
You've been on one date so far, if you can call watching a movie and drinking whisky in the Avnegers' Tower a date.
You've shared few kisses, stolen in those rare moment when you've been left alone, hasty and innocent, nothing more than two pairs of uncertain lips brushing against each other.
But it was enough for his heart to quicken its pace whenever he thought of your soft, warm lips on his. The memory of your taste lingering in his mind long after you've left.
He assumed everything was going well, but then you suddenly stopped texting him back, ignored all his calls, and it's been almost a week since the two of you talked.
It would be much easier if you lived in the tower, but you were politely refusing moving in every time someone suggested it, jokingly saying that you didn't pay hell of a price for your own place only to abandon it after two years.
But it wasn't that hard to find out where you lived, it only took few hours of convincing and a promise to his brother that he won't do anything stupid or irresponsible with that information, and Thor asked Stark about it.
Gathering enough courage to actually go and see you was entirely different story. He really wanted to talk, to understand why you acted like this, but on the other hand, he had no rights to violate your privacy like that.
It was eating him alive, though, the fear that he did something wrong, that he somehow offended you, was creeping underneath his skin, present in his every breath, thought, beat of his heart. He was scared he's hurt you in some way, that he made you leave him.
It took him two days to finally snap. Whatever the truth was, he needed to know, for the sake of his sanity. And it was obvious you were hiding something from him.
It was Friday evening when he decided he's ready to talk to you, he was drinking Asgardian mead Thor brought from home, going through everything he said and did around you, and he couldn't find a single reason why would you ignore him.
He was tired of suspicions, tired of wondering why.
So he ordered a cab and went to see you in your flat in Hell's Kitchen, so sure of what he's going to say, so sure...
Until you opened the doors, dressed in an oversized sweater and nothing more, your hair messy, mascara smudged around reddened eyes, eyelashes still clumped with tears that already dried on your cheeks.
And all words escaped him in a split second, his heart dropping to his stomach, heavy, drumming, aching.
"It's really not a good time," you spoked in hoarse voice, barely above whisper, but it cut through air like a whip.
"Is it... Is it because of me?" He would rip his heart out if he was the reason of your misery.
"Why...? No, no," you stammered looking everywhere but his face, "I'll explain everything, just... Tonight isn't a good time," you repeated this like a mantra, hoping that will be enough to make him go away. But the look on his face was telling you it won't work.
"Y/n, I need to know, please..." He was ready to beg you for an explanation, but then his gaze fell upon a bag lying on the floor next to a couch, overflowing with clothes.
Male clothes.
"What's going on?" His firm voice made you shudder, your shoulders slumped even more and you looked like if you wanted the ground to open and swallow you whole.
You knew he noticed, and there was nothing you could say to make things better. So you remained silent, gaze fixed on his shoes, your eyes filling with tears again.
No one was supposed to know about this, about your stupid ex who didn't want to leave your flat for weeks now. Especially not Loki.
You planned on telling him about Derek, but after you're finally free from him, after you fix the mess of this horrible break up.
"Do you... Are you in a relationship with someone else, y/n?" You could hear the hurt in his voice, how he swallowed hard, it's must have been really difficult for him to ask this.
"Not anymore... We broke up two weeks ago for good," you answered honestly, a sigh leaving your trembling lips as you looked up at him.
It was over. You couldn't hide it anymore and Loki deserved better, much better. All of his emotions were written on his pale face, paler than usual, more tired and troubled, you noticed.
You knew what's going to happen next, so his outburst didn't surprise you. But it didn't hurt less just because you were prepered.
"Two weeks...? Two weeks?!" You stepped back, watching him with fear as he stalked you, closing the gap between you two, until you had nowhere else to run, back of your legs hitting the armrest of the couch. "You want to say you were with someone else when I kissed you for the first time?! How could you...?"
He knew he was probably overreacting, and that it was the alcohol speaking, but he was angry at you. He couldn't wrap his finger around what was going on in your head at that time when he kissed you for the first time, and then the second, and then another... And you were always kissing him back, despite having a boyfriend.
"I'm sorry, Loki... I didn't want to hurt you... I just didn't know how to tell you..."
"I wanted to know the truth, it's my fault," he laughed darkly, almost histerically, clenching and unclenching his fists over and over again, trying to calm down, to build a wall between you and him, his hurt feelings, and sarcasm was his way to do it. "I can't believe I actually thought I did something wrong."
"I know you're angry, but let me explain, please..." You wanted to make him understand, but it'd be very hard without telling him all the details of your previous relationship, without admitting how fucked up it was, how much you wanted to escape it. To the point that when Loki made a move... you didn't fight it.
"What, y/n? What do you want to explain? I already know everything," he half snarled, half laughed at you, and you could feel hot tears stinging your eyes.
"I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up, I know..." your throat was tight as you fought the tears, the clearly audible crack in your voice threatening to break your ability to speak. But you swallowed the lump in your throat, bravely looked up at his face, and continued, "You have all rights to be angry, but just listen..."
"You cheated on your boyfriend with me, y/n," he interrupted you once again, and suddenly, you got angry as well, "Prove me wrong."
You knew he was right, that he was hurt by your actions, by you ignoring him for a week, you really knew and understood... But something about him not listening made you so, so angry in that moment, because he knew the feeling of being misunderstood, he knew how it it feels when no one listens, no one lets you explain.
"I didn't cheat," you snapped at him, all those bottled for weeks feelings finally finding their outlet, and you felt good and bad at the same time, but it was too late to stop, so you continued, "I can't cheat on someone who's never here when I need them. I can't cheat on someone who's just using me as a stress relief and never listens to what I want! You think you know everything..." you smiled with sorrow, your brows knitted, folding arms on your chest, "But the truth is you know nothing about me. And you definitely know nothing about him," you finished with an angry huff, unfolding your arms and walking around Loki to your doors to open them wider. "You should go."
"Y/n, I had no idea," he muttered, turning around to face you, but you've had enough, you've made your mind.
"Yeah, but you decided to judge me anyway, so go. I already told you it's not a good time," your voice was cold, firm, he never heard it before, he didn't even know you were able to sound so aggressively. "He'll be here soon to pick up his shit. I have enough problems without him knowing about you."
You were no longer looking at him, and the entire anger clouding his mind faded away when he noticed how your shoulders trembled under the weight of anger, guilt, and sadness.
"Y/n... I'm sorry... You should've told me..."
"I want you out of my house, I won't repeat myself," you threatened, glancing at him, your eyes flashing red for a second, but you managed to control the fire spreading through your veins, only your fingertips were burning, foreboding flames that were soon to burst out of your clenched fist. "Don't come here again."
He wasn't going to challenge his luck, knowing that with your powers you can easily hurt him very badly, even kill him if you really wanted. So he walked passed you, his lips pursed, as he took in the sight of your broken face.
"I'm sorry," he only said again, and then left you alone, the sound of slamming of your front doors echoing long in his ears.
So after all, he was the one who fucked things up. And only because he didn't listen.
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Tag list: @someonekeepstakingmyusernames
So... first of all, sorry it took so long, I'm struggling with a writer's block, but I really wanted to finally finish and post this. It turned out more angsty than I intended, and I promise the next parts are gonna be better. I have no one to check for mistakes and grammar errors, and I typed it on my phone, so I'm sorry if there are any. Dunno when I'll write the next part, hopefully sooner than later. I hope you enjoyed it anyway! <3
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