#combines dean’s two favorite things all in one
deancaskiss · 1 year
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cowboy angel
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saltygilmores · 5 months
THOUGHTS WHILE WATCHING GILMORE GIRLS: S3/EP5/8 O CLOCK AT THE OASIS (PART 3) Aka SweaterPaws, Fake Fish, The Best Okuh Ever, And Jess Mariano Is A Waterlogged Infant Kitten
Parts 1 & 2 and all other episodes can be found in my pinned post.
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This scene of Rory overhearing an answering maching message from Dwight's irate wife combines two of AmyShermanPalladino favorite things: answering machines and (the voice of) Alex Borstein (Celine & Drella on GG, Suzie on Mrs Maisel. Also Lois on Family Guy). Gilmore Girls Producer: Attention, Gilmore Girls crew! It has come to my attention that our budget will not cover both Outdoor Landscaping Scenes and Fishtanks. Sacrifices will have to be made.
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Finally she admits to herself that Dean is a serial killer. And casual swearing from Rory? Wow, what a delight to hear.
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What do the kids say? Unbothered. Moisturized. Flourishing? In my lane? Something like that. It's clearly a school day (since Rory is in her uniform) while it appears to be a rare day where Jess hasn't been scheduled to work in the Coffee Mines before school. Speaking of school, he's walking away from school instead of towards it and is not carrying any school supplies or a backpack. He looks happy. Just vibing in his ugly oversized clothing. Hopefully he looks up every so often so he doesn't walk face first into a lamp post.
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Or that.
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Blue Crush was a 2002 movie about a girl who surfs starring Kate Bosworth. Get it? Cause Rory is covered in water?
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Hey. Eyes up top, Pal.
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The floofy hair. The prominent draggy lip. The five o'clock shadow. Salty enjoys naming things she can see.
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How many of Jess' books have been ruined with water? 2 so far. The answer is 2.
And now...ladies and Gentlemen...I present the greatest Milo Okuh Ever Okuh'D:
Get you a man who will risk soaking himself and pretend he didn't assist you with turning off a sprinkler so your boyfriend Dean won't fly into a jealous rage over it. It brings a tear to ol Salty’s eye. The episode wraps up with Lorelai attempting to end the Peyton Sanders nonsense by apologizing to Emily and taking the blame for the entire incident. Silly Lorelai, she didn't consider "What would Emily Gilmore think?" first and foremost before agreeing to go on one date with a random guy. I mean, Lorelai declining a second date with Peyton could have caused Emily to lose rank in her Tea Party Circle with Peyton's mother or some nonsense like that, according to a ridiculous story Richard just told Lorelai earlier in the episode. Let me be clear here, in case the message got a little lost- I am 100% siding with Lorelai here. She should not have to grovel like this over something so meaningless.
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HOGWASH. Stop this right now Lorelai. Emily is standing just a few feet away and you're in a kitchen filled with many sharp knives and cooking implements. I'll look the other way. She even agrees to go on a second date with Peyton just to pacify Emily even though she just made it painfully clear how miserable it would make her to see this dude again. Emily is quite pleased seeing Lorelai's state of misery. Well, like I said earlier, you do only have a very small window of time before David Bowie stops performing forever, so go for it I guess. Take the tickets, then drop Hamm. Drop him like Rory dropped out of Yale. I have a final comment: Although by the end of this episode we don't see Rory at school, one would have to presume that after the sprinkler incident she either had to get on the bus and go to school sopping wet or go home and change and blowdry her hair and risk being very late to class. Either she gets reprimanded for showing up to school late or she gets reprimanded for the wet uniform and hair so she's screwed no matter what. If he didn't take an ounce of pity on Rory for her Hit By A Deer story, do you think Headmaster Charleston would buy some fantastical tale from Rory about her tardiness being due to a sprinkler, sweater paws, a neighbor with a board game fetish, and Dean the unabomber?
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deepdisireslonging · 1 year
Some Old Favorites
I was reminiscing, looking back through my masterlists, and I wanted to reshare some smutty fics. They didn’t get a lot of love back in the day because I didn’t have many readers yet. Some of you have found them and loved to read them as much as I loved to write them. But I wanted to share them with some of my new friends/followers too. Happy Reading!
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DC Comics:
Two Hoods, One Revenge: The reader has nightmares of the day that turned her into a vigilante. Jason helps her keep them at bay; first with soothing words, then with something more hot and heavy.
Hickey Victory: Dick gets his hands on a marshmallow gun… but he forgets about your nerf gun stash. Shenanigans occur.
A Night at the Theater: A mission demands the public appearance of Bruce Wayne and yourself at a theater. The mission is quickly put to rest, which leaves you plenty of time to appreciate your husband during intermission.
A Nightly Affair: Nightwing keeps mistaking your apartment for his and you two grow very close. Very. Close. So close as to put you in danger, unless Nightwing can find you first. [Series Masterlist]
In the Eye of the Beholder: Part 1 | Part 2 : The reader gives an unexpected lap dance. Bucky approves.
All in a Night’s Work: The reader come face to face with the sniper that has been evading them for years. When things don’t go according to plan, Loki distracts them till they can get some much-needed rest.
Dirty Lips: When Y/N introduces a swear jar to the team, Steve takes it upon himself to fill it all by himself.
To Love the Sea: Y/N is the daughter of a sea-side innkeeper. The area is known for its draw for pirates, but one pirate is feared above all others: Captain Loki. He offers to take her on adventures; is she willing to take the plunge? [Series Masterlist]
The Pointy End: You are research headquarters at the bunker while Dean, Sam, and occasionally Cas, are on cases. Dean comes home to you after a very long case, with a surprise. (My very first fic!)
Deep in the Archives: Sam takes the reader to a rare books library while they look for a spell book not at the bunker. The reader is focused on the task, but Sam’s roaming hands are a distraction.
Satisfied: An imagine of Castiel using his grace on you.
SPN History Challenge: A Werewolf in Whitechapel:  The Winchesters and the reader go to London during the Whitechapel murders, also known as the Jack the Ripper murders, with the theory that the perpetrator is not human. They are correct, but when the killings don’t stop, the team has to retrace their steps and riddle out what stone they left unturned. Written for @kittenofdoomage and @saxxxology-main  SPN History Challenge.
Boxer!Dean AU: Consequences: Y/N gets dragged to a boxing match by her friends where she meets Dean  “Raisin’ Cain” Winchester, a boxer who is forced to win or lose depending on how much money his bosses want to make in matches. Can their combined effort break the fixed boxing ring?  [Series Masterlist] (No smut, but still a favorite)
Wrestling Fics:
Chiffon in the Streets, Lace in the Sheets: The reader and Elias are newly married and ready to enjoy their first night as man and wife, but a few things get in the way first. (WWE)
Dangerous: After defending herself at a bar, Y/N impresses the dark figure sitting in the corner booth. Prince Devitt further impresses her. One thing leads to another, and she welcomes knowing him better. (NJPW)
A Reflection of Us: The reader gets a slight injury in a match. Roman takes his time making sure the reader is safe but very satisfied. (WWE)
Troublemaker: The reader ran off with something belonging to Kenny Omega. He makes sure she pays for it. (NJPW/AEW)
Doubt Comes In: While Rosemary battles Su Yung in the Underworld, Y/N meets and welcomes a new face to TNA. But two battles are raging instead of one. If Y/N is victorious, can she settle the insecurities in Rosemary’s mind? (Answered request) (TNA)
Sister in Arms: Finn can’t seem to shake the effects of his feud with Bray Wyatt, so an old friend comes to help. Then Y/N finds herself battling on two fronts: in the ring and in her mind.  [Series Masterlist] (WWE)
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, past Dean x Allie (OC), past Benny x Reader, Sam x Jess Word count: 2,255
Read on AO3
Final Part of Unholy
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Mary knew Holland, and had for years. So, she offered to speak with her that night while Dean worked on your car. You honestly felt that was the best way to go about things. You truly hoped that Mary could get through to her. 
Once you locked up, you went to ask Dean what he would like for dinner. “Hey.” You greeted him. He was by your car, getting it on to the lift. 
“Hey.” He glanced at you for a moment. 
“I’m gonna order dinner so we can eat before you deal with my tires.” You told him. “Any requests? Subs? Pizza? Chinese?” 
He thought for a minute. “How’s subs sound? Haven’t had those in a bit. I’ll get their pizza one.” 
Smiling, you nodded. “Sounds good.” You turned to go get those ordered. 
“I’ll run down the street to get us drinks. What would you like?” He asked, wiping his hands. 
“Can you get me a Sprite and an OJ? I like to mix them.” You chuckled. 
“Sprite and OJ coming up.” He agreed, going to clean up. He’d leave his coveralls on, not seeing the point in taking them off, just to put them back on. He hoped that the two of you could get to a point where you were friends. 
Smiling, you went to go relax at the counter. You’d work on getting things ahead for the following day until the subs arrived. Then you’d be done for the day. 
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You had just finished eating when Dean got a text. You couldn’t tell who it was from by the look on his face. “Mom talked to Holland.” He told you. “She said that she told her how Allie talked to her about everything that happened, and how Allie was your friend. She also told her that Allie would be very disappointed in Holland’s actions towards you.” He went on, then chuckled. “She ended with the mom voice and telling her she needed to behave before my mom went to speak with Holland’s mom because this would affect the kids.” 
That made you laugh. “Yeah, don’t get other mom’s involved.” You shook your head. 
“Thankfully all that worked. Holland promised to back off. That she’s still not happy with everything, but the last thing she wants is to upset the kids.” 
“I owe your mom some flowers and a thank you card!” You smiled. “Maybe tomorrow after work I’ll go get my car washed and then stop to get her one.” 
“I’m gonna powerwash that side of your car. That should take care of that spray paint.” He didn’t want you driving home with your car like that. “Won’t take too long.” He assured you, knowing you’d likely try to refuse. 
You nodded. “Alright.” You agreed. That would be one less thing on your mind, at least. 
After a few minutes of silence, Dean spoke up. “Did you want to talk names before I go back to working on your tires?” He offered, taking the last bite of his sub. 
“How about we each make a list, and then tomorrow after the kids are in bed we can call and talk about them? Unless you already have a list.”
He looked a bit bashful. “I have a couple in mind, actually.” He admitted. 
You were a bit surprised. “Yeah? Can I hear them?” 
He pulled up his notes app where he’d been putting them as they came to mind. “Clara, Jane, Daisy, and Alice.” He looked to you. 
“Those are really cute names!” You grinned. “Not gonna lie…Clara Jane sounds like a good name.” You said truthfully. “The names I like are Grace, Sophia, Penelope…Yes, like from my favorite show. You cannot fault me. She’s amazing.” You chuckled. “And then Emma.” 
Dean thought those names over, putting different name combinations together. “Isn’t Penelope from that serial killer show you watched with Allie?” He asked after a moment. You nodded. “Penny is a cute nickname for that.” He mused. “I’m digging either the Clara Jane or maybe Penelope Grace. Those right now are the top two.” 
You pulled out your phone to write those down. “I think both would sound good with ‘Winchester’, too. Only reason I avoided ‘w’ names.” You chuckled. Seeing the shocked look on his face, you tilted your head. “What’s wrong?” 
“She’s gonna be a Winchester?” He asked, voice quiet. 
“Of course. I can tell you’re a great dad, and you didn’t run for the hills when you found out I’m pregnant.” It was easy for you to decide that. 
He looked emotional. “Thank you. I’d been wondering, honestly.” He downed the last of his soda. 
You gave him a soft smile. “Of course.” 
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After that night, you were invited to weekly dinners at the Winchester’s house, feeling more and more welcome as time went on. You’d even had Dean and the kids over a couple times to have pizza and a movie night at your apartment. Layla looked more and more like Allie as time went on, as well. She loved to ask you to brush her hair when she saw you, and you had no objections. 
You and Dean were friends, and nothing more. If you were honest with yourself, he was your best friend. Garth and Cas become like your family, as well. When you were 8 months pregnant, Mary threw you a baby shower at their house. The guys were there, and so was your mom. It was the first time your mother was meeting the rest of them. You were nervous as all hell. She knew the truth of what had happened, and you didn’t know how she’d be with Dean. 
Everyone was having a good time and you realized that you couldn’t see you mom…or Dean. “Great.” You groaned. Hopefully your mom hadn’t dragged him off to yell at him or something. Just as you were about to go check the backyard, you saw them coming back. Your mother patted his cheek lovingly and you chuckled. Clearly, your mother liked Dean. You went over to your mother when Dean went to talk to John who was refilling the cooler. “Mom, please tell me you were nice to Dean.” 
“I just wanted to make sure he was going to keep up the whole ‘being sweet’ thing for you.” She smiled. “And I approve.” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You approve of him being my friend?” You chuckled. 
She dramatically rolled her eyes. “That boy loves you, and I know it.” She shrugged, sipping her drink. 
“Please don’t, mom.” You sighed. “It’s only been three months since Allie and Benny passed, and do you forget that he cheated on her with me? What’s to say that wouldn’t happen again?” Your voice was low. “So please, don’t meddle.” You asked her, clearly ending the conversation. “Just enjoy the baby shower.” 
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You worked until you were 38 weeks pregnant, and then you opted to take some time off. Thankfully you still got paid, which was a huge help. It was one less thing for you to worry about. It did mean you felt somewhat bored most days. Not having to go into work left your days wide open. You hoped you had her on time because that would mean you had her to look after.
However, come 41 weeks pregnant, you were still very much pregnant. And very much over it. Every day you took a walk after dinner, having been told that could help. You also continued to go to the weekly dinners at the Winchesters. You adored the kids, and played cards or board games with them whenever they asked. 
“Are you okay?” David asked you as he sat next to you at dinner. “You made a funny face.” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You assured him. Until you made a face a few minutes later. “Okay, maybe I’m not.” You breathed. “I think I’m going into labor.” You looked at Dean, scared. You’d never done this before!
“Alright, Dean, bring Y/N to her apartment. Relax there until contractions are about 5 minutes apart.” Mary spoke up. “The kids can stay here.” She added. Although she knew Dean had done all this with Allie, his mind was likely in a very different place. The last time he brought her to the hospital…she didn’t make it out. 
Dean nodded, quickly getting up to help you up. “We’ll drive your car, okay?” He told you. 
“Yeah.” You agreed. “Bye, guys.” You waved at the kids. 
“Bye!” They waved. Did they know they were getting another sister? 
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Once back at your place, you went to sit on the couch and paused. “Can you get me a folded towel to sit on? Just in case?” You asked him, watching him rush to find one. “Thank you.” You watched him get it set up for you and then helped you sit. 
“Do you have a hospital bag packed and a diaper bag?” He asked, wanting things ready to go when you told him it was time. He was doing his best not to let panic take over, wanting to remain calm for you. 
“They’re both in my room in her crib.” You told him. “Sit down. Relax. There’s nothing you can do for me right now.” You said gently as he paced the living room. “She’ll let us know when it’s time to go to the hospital.” Holding out your hand for him, you also wanted to remain calm for him. Four months ago he was in the same spot with Allie, and he didn’t know that he’d lose her. You couldn’t fathom what was going through his head at the moment. 
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Mary was plating up breakfast the next morning for the kids when she got a text. Putting down the pan that held the cheesy scrambled eggs, she quickly looked. It was a group text from Dean. “Penelope Grace Winchester. 8:01am, 21 inches long, 7 lbs 3 oz.” He sent with a picture of her sleeping. 
She instantly replied, gushing over how cute she was. Hearing Ethan fuss, she went to scoop him up. He instantly quieted, making her chuckle to herself. He just really wanted to be held. She kissed his forehead and finished serving breakfast one handed. She loved her grandkids, and looked forward to being there for Penelope, too. 
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It was a whirlwind when you brought her home. Mary had surprised you with some freezer meals so you didn’t really have to cook, which was a massive help. She also told you if you’d like, she could bring Ethan and Layla over some days to keep you company. Those days, she cuddled Penny as much as she could. 
Before you knew it, it was time for you to go back to work. Penny was three months old, and you were all but pouting. Dean was over with Ethan while John and Mary took the older kids to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. You couldn’t wait for Xander and David to tell you all about it. “I’m so used to being around her that I don’t know how I’m gonna last all day without seeing that little face.” You told him as he fed her. You were holding Ethan who was contently watching you. 
“I actually thought about that…” He smiled at you. 
“I can’t stay home any more.” You chuckled. “I need to work.” You reminded him. “And she needs to eat.” 
He stuck his tongue out at you. “Bring her to work. You have that baby carry Cas got you, right?” You simply nodded. “She’s not mobile just yet, and it’s not like the shop is all that loud. Just bring her carrier, diaper bag, and swing.” He suggested. “I happen to know the owner would be totally okay with that being the solution.” 
You looked down at Ethan and made a face at him before looking back to Dean. “And plan to find a daycare when she’s more mobile?” That seemed a bit more feasible. 
“Oh, no.” He didn’t like that idea. “That’s when we get a playpen for behind the counter and give her some toys.” He said like it was the easiest thing in the world. “We’ll make it work.” He promised. 
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And you had made it work. Penny was a fixture in the shop most days of the week. Some days Mary and John wanted time with all their grandkids and would come get her. You never argued. You’d met Sam, Jess, and their two kids early that summer. You’d been beyond nervous, but it soon occurred to you that you had no reason to be. Sam took to both Ethan and Penny, easily carrying both infants around the yard as the older kids all played. 
You and Jess hit it off right away, as well. In many ways, she reminded you of Allie. While the guys played with the kids, you and her sat with the babies in the shade. She told you a bunch of stories about Dean, about Allie, and the group as a whole. 
When they left, you and Jess exchanged numbers, wanting to stay in touch. “I was a bit worried how awkward things would be…when Sam explained the entire situation about you and Dean.” Jess told you softly. “But there was none. You two are great together. I’m still upset about him being a dick, but doesn’t mean I don’t want him happy in the long run.” 
You blushed. “We’re not together.” You corrected her. 
She smirked. “Yet.” She teased before hugging you. 
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pod-together · 9 months
Pod-Together Day 5 Reveals 2023
Where No Flan Has Gone Before (Star Trek) written by BookGirlFan, performed by lilolilyrae Summary: These are the reviews of the Starship Bakerprise. Its five year plan - to explore strange new pastries; to seek out new recipes and new dessert combinations. To boldly go where no flan has gone before.
Homing Beacon (Supernatural (TV 2005)) written by ReformedTsundere, performed by Ceewelsh Summary: Ambushed and captured on a recon mission, coalition fighter Dean Winchester is brought to an unknown location by an unknown party and thrown into a cell for unknown reasons. The only thing he is sure of is that he's pissed and that he's not alone.
periphery (no labels) (Tortall - Tamora Pierce) written by kitsunerei88, performed by korechthonia Summary: Lovers, Kel thought, rolling her eyes. At least there was one headache she didn’t have. She was about to tell her friend he could wait when she remembered that she’d get to see Dom while at Steadfast. It would be nice to be able to sit and chat for awhile without kidnapping, flight, and war to distract them.
Or: on falling together, in five scenes.
The Stars Are Still There (Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons)) written by Hagar, performed by klb Summary: “Please don’t be on your own,” Barbara says quietly. “Whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself. There’s very little that hurts us more than that.” “I think I learned that lesson in the Darklands,” Jim says. His voice is heavy, heavy and full of bone-deep exhaustion, of the weariness of the soul.
Death Wish [text, audio] (The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir) written by zombified_queer, performed by mistbornhero Summary: In another life, Harrowhark Nonagesimus was raised alone. In another life, Gideon did not grow up in the shadow of the Ninth House. In another life, they still find one another.
SWSSS (Star Wars Self-Saving System) [starting text, with pensieve podfics by Flowerparrish,GodofLaundryBaskets, sisi_rambles, bluedreaming, and Litra ] (Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) created by Opalsong, GodOfLaundryBaskets, Sisi_Rambles, bluedreaming, Litrapod, and Flowerparrish Summary: When anti-fan Shen Yuan dies of outrage at the latest piece of trash he watches, he transmigrates into the world of the Star Wars. Can he fix all the plot holes in his beloved most hated series? Or will he unintentionally make things worse? At least he’ll be able to meet Anakin for real and tell him how special he really is. Oh. And Star Wars creator Shang Qinghua is there too. Surprise!
Satisfaction Brought Her Back [text, audio] (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types) written by Trudemaethien, performed by stargateinmybasement Summary: The Torrent Command bunkroom has welcomed its newest member with open arms since Commander Cody was last able to spend any quality time there with Rex: Commander Tano. She’s an unquantified variable Cody was not expecting. Quantity and quality aren’t mutually exclusive though, and neither are the clones’ relationships. Rex is glad his two favorite commanders are able to get along so well. And Ahsoka continues to explore and expand her experiences.
Constructing a Biography (The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells) written by bluegeekEM, performed by kalakirya Summary: Murderbot finds the process of creating a biography for the upcoming documentary release... complicated.
All Manner of Things (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) written by nimblermortal, performed by Drel_Murn Summary: Julian is pretty sure he's not the Count of Lettenhove's daughter, but after he's thrown away his other marriage prospects, his father sends him to forge a political marriage with the Warlord of the North. Julian's just trying to survive, but in the face of true kingship and the Kaer Morhen Fanon Hot Springs, he might just learn to thrive. Accidental Warlord AU in which Jaskier is trans. With, perhaps, a few other changes along the way.
Reconditioning (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) written by BinteMuhammad, performed by SerenaEW Summary: Harry had gained an unexpected interest in potions, but that does not stop him from blowing cauldrons. To counter that, Harry throws himself headfirst in studying the theory. Ironically, he just keeps getting worse, and Harry can't figure out why. Umbridge is another obstacle, as is Professor Snape. Or is he?
The Solutions We Reach For [text, audio] (The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells) written by estelraca, performed by Koschei_B Summary: It was just supposed to be a boring mission for all of them--do a little archaeology, a little biology. But then they actually found the people they were doing the archaeology on, and, well, things got a lot more complicated.
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ambersock · 6 months
tagged by @adihildilid <3 to make a supernatural seasons tier list
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The primary driver for my rankings is largely Sam arcs and memorable Sam moments. Sorry this is really long-winded, I'll put the tags first and my rant below the cut.
(trying to not repeat those who have already been tagged): @ruinedsam @small-scale-majestic @sounknownvoid @supernaturalconvert @acesammy @adaav @supamerchant @glowingsamulet
S2 is my all-time favorite with Sam's powers, the Special Children, episode after episode with writing and acting that just knocked it out of the park, and one of the very few seasons where Dean is actually likeable. S4 would be up there for When the Levee Breaks alone, plus we get multiple BAMF!Powers!Sam episodes. S6 gives us more awesome Jared acting with Soulless!Sam plus gems like 6x09, 6x15, 6x20, and finally Sam's wall breaking in 6x22. And it's got my favorite Dean-worried-about-Sam moment at the end of 6x13.
The next tier down, most of them have a mix of hits and misses. S1 got me hooked but was still finding its footing, S3 had some clunkers but also a few of my favorites, S7 had Sam's hell trauma and (unpopular opinion) the Leviathan which I actually enjoyed (especially long-suffering George the Leviathan from 7x16), plus 7x17 which was my second all-time favorite episode. S11 I loved for the Sam and Lucifer arc, Baby, the fact that the Big Bad wasn't actually evil, the briliant performance by Curtis Armstrong in 11x20, and finally the end of the insufferable MoC arc. Oh yeah, and there's Red Meat, which is the ultimate combination of my two favorite things: BAMF!Sam and Hurt!Sam. The only thing that drags S11 down is the cringeworthy, forced, and completely purposeless thing between Dean and Amara.
Not much to say about seasons 9, 12, 13, and 15. There are a few decent arcs (Sam + Gadreel and Crowley in s9, Mary coming back, Sam and Lucifer again) but also some snoozers (MoC, BMoL which had potential until they were turned into mustachio twirling villains, Dean once again being a complete asshole and his cringe man-pain in s13). With the exception of the series finale, S15 was just meh. And they somehow managed to screw up Sam's magnificent hair.
Oh, and regarding S13 having the worst wire work ever put to film: I view it as pure karma for them not letting Sam be the one to kill Lucifer.
Most of S10 was almost unwatchable to me for the laughable attempt at forcing Dean into "dark" role but then chickening out and turning him into a slobbering drunk frat boy instead (MoC), the bratty and arrogant Claire, and the one-dimensional writing for Rowena (that goodness they added depth to the character later). The only things that save this season are the two attempted fratricides and the episodes that focused on Sam's attempts to save Dean. S14 only has a few memorable scenes, let alone episodes: Sam declaring that there will be no new King of Hell in 14x1, Sam talking Dean off the ledge in 14x12, and Sam shooting Chuck. The rest of the season is nothing but poorly redone recycled Sam arcs handed out to other characters. And no offense to Jack, I think the character was extremely well-acted, but he just didn't add anything to the story once they took Sam's role of being his Dad away.
Finally for S8: I have a love-hate relationship with that one. The front half of S8 has Dean being a complete asshole and the narrative focuses only his POV, leaving us with several missing months from Sam's POV. They just skip right over showing us Sam's utter devastation at losing everyone he loves in an obvious attempt to force the sympathy all towards Dean, but the more thoughtful viewers didn't buy into it. Fortunately, the Trials!Sam arc counters the hideous PoOr dEan bias from earlier on. Plus I'm an angst junkie, and we get angst galore and an attempted fratricide to boot. The back half of the season does finally show Dean being appropriately appreciative of Sam's capabilities, even if he can't express that to Sam's face, and we get yet another outstanding Jared performance in the finale. Unfortunately, what we don't get is any growth whatsoever from Dean who, even as he's watching his brother die, is still in complete denial of his shitty treatment of Sam being the cause of his breakdown. I desperately needed Dean to understand just how much of an impact his constant criticism and mistrust of Sam had, and for him to go through that epiphany and change for the better. Instead, what we get is yet another flippant denial ("Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy…come on.") as if it's Sam's fault for "misinterpreting" the deliberate emotional abuse Dean heaped on him earlier in the season (and really, for much of Sam's life before that).
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samanddeansannoyingsis · 11 months
Heaven and Earth
Just a Gabriel x reader that's been sitting in my wip box for a month.
Sam x reader (platonic), Castiel x reader (platonic), dean x reader (mentions of romantic), Gabriel x reader
You are an angel who became human with immortality after God takes your wings for helping Gabriel escape. When an old friend comes to town you meet up and plan a prank on the Winchesters and then celebrate.
Warning gets spicy but there's no outright smut, mention of you wearing a dress, but mostly gender neutral. Also tried to keep in the second person. And I definitely got carried away. It's kinda long.
I hope you enjoy reading and always comment, like and repost to remind me to write more.
You go to the bar a few miles out of town, Gabriel was in town. You take a breath and enter the door to see your favorite archangel sitting at the bar. His lips turn to a gentle smile as he looks at you. He waved you over and pats the empty seat next to you.
"Well hello, Dolly!~ What brings you to me this fine evening?" Gabriel says while you sit down and order a drink.
"Just need some company. The boys are driving me crazy. You know how protective Dean and Sam are." You shake your head and sigh.
"Oh? What happened this time?" He says knowingly.
"I was hunting and got sick. God forbid i do anything." You sigh. "I'm not made of glass, but they seem to think so." You take a big swig of your drink.
"I can understand that. But they just wanna look out for you, y'know? You can't be mad at 'em for that." You look at him glaring slightly.
"I can when they abuse their own bodies ten times worse then I do." This makes him smile and in turn you smile.
"Hah! Ain't that the truth! Those two are a mess. It's always a fight to get'em to lay down and rest their weary bones. Always have been."
"Tell me about it." You roll your eyes but smile anyway. It goes silent for a minute but it's comforting. Gabe breaks the silence.
"You know, you and me, we got more in common than you might think."
"Oh yeah? How do you figure?"
"Well, let's see. We're both angels. We both used to be up in heaven. And we both love to just cause havok. Just to make things interesting, yeah?"
"True enough. I mean after I had my wings taken away for helping you escape I'm more human than angel." You smile and shove him playfully.
"And we both know that things haven't exactly gone our way lately. I mean you, you lost your wings. And me, I'm a mortal now. I sure miss the good old days..." He sighs stuck in memories long since passed.
"Yeah but who says it's all over? I mean at the end of the day we still have each other right?" You smile.
"And I'm gonna count that as a win. So you know what I think we need?"
"Not a clue, another drink?" You smile and he shakes his head, "What then?"
"A little razzle dazzle. Some good old fashion mischief making. Just to let these boys know we're still around. Don't you think?"
I smile at the idea. "I'm in. What's the idea Gabe?"
"Ooh... I have the perfect one. These boys are really something when it comes to pranks, right?"
"Supposably, but they both get sour when I do something."
"Well that's exactly what I mean. We gotta get 'em back. You know what these boys hate?"
"Sam hates clowns and Dean hates heights." You shrug not fully getting what he's thinking.
"Ah ha! So... We combine the two and then throw a little cherry on top for shits and giggles." You raise an eyebrow.
"How exactly are we gonna do that?"
"Well you know that fair that's coming to town?"he says causing you smile.
"Yeah. I was going to avoid it like the plague and hoe up in the bunker for a week."
Gabe gives you a look.
"Now why on earth was you gonna do that, dolly?"
I shrug. "I don't like large groups of people."
"That's a shame. Cuz I got this lovely little plan for that place and it's gonna be a hoot. You in?" I sigh and contemplate.
"I guess, but after I vote movie night. Just us. No Winchesters."
"Deal, doll! Deal!" Gabe shakes your hand excitedly, "So how's this for a plan. We're gonna get Sam and Dean on the Ferris wheel all harnessed up. And here's the kicker, there will be clowns running the ride." Gabe laughs diabolically, causing you to chuckle.
"That's good. And for extra kicks I pay off a clown to follow Sam around."
"Oh!" He raised his eyebrows and laughs more. "Now that's a plan worth following, doll."
I laugh. "This is payback that means no mercy."
"That's right. I can only imagine the look on Dean's face when we pull this off." You can see an anxious dean in your mind causing you to laugh more.
"He's gonna hate me for a few weeks."
You look at Gabe's eyes. "Thank you for hanging out with me. I always enjoy your company"
"Anytime, doll. Anytime." You blush slightly but cover it up.
"How am I gonna get the boys out anyways? Ideas?"
"Well let's see.. Dean likes to hang around the carnival food stands and sam well.. He likes to win stuffed animals. You got a plan with any of that?"
"Maybe bribery and just saying that I'm meeting you there. You should have seen them when I said I was going out tonight. Cas looked ready to fight me."
"Oh I can only imagine. The boys are really attached to you, ain't they?" You laugh at Gabe's comment.
You've been a part of the boys life since they saved you from a group of demons trying to torture information from you about Gabriel. You might be almost immortal but that doesn't mean you can't die. Key word almost. Since they saved you they just kept you around. Figuring you'd be a good addition, you did grow a special place in your heart for the boys though.
"They are something. Can't do without me for too long."
"Well who could blame 'em? You're lovely to look at, that's for sure." Gabriel smirks at you. You roll your eyes and blush.
"Oh hush you. You don't know what you're talking about."
"I see the way Dean looks at you. I can't blame him though. The guy's head over heels for ya." You roll your eyes at him.
"Please he sees me as a sibling and nothing more. And even still, he's sweet but I prefer a little more spice." He perks up at that.
"Oh? Does that spice possibly come from Cas?" I shake my head.
"Nope, but it does come from an angel of sorts"
Gabe laughs and smirks, "And just who might that be?"
"I can't tell you that." I smile knowingly, "connect the dots yourself. You're smart."
"Well, that narrows it down. I'm thinking of a certain angel of justice perhaps..." He looks at you. You smile.
"Well it's nice to see you've found yourself some spice. You make that little angel very happy, don't ya?" He smirks at you. But you hold strong, trying not to reveal your cards too quick.
"I try to."
"Well I think you're doing a damn good job, doll." He smiles at you warmly.
I smile back as he puts an arm around me.
"That's good."
"Alright, little doll, I think we should get to it. We're burning the night away. And I wanna make this the best damn plan I come up with in centuries. Whatcha say?" You smile as he rubs his hands together.
"I say, let's do it!"
"That's the spirit, dolly!" He laughs. "Let's teach these boys a lesson they'll never forget."
"Oh for sure! It'll be great!"
"Oh don't worry. It'll be amazing. And afterwards, you and I will celebrate." He wiggles his eyebrows but you smile anyways.
"Heh, you're too much, doll. Now, go get yourself pretty, we got work to do!"
"Do you think daisy dukes or a sundress?" You contemplate.
"Hmm... Sundress." He says firmly. You smile trying to mentally pick which one to wear.
"Good choice!" You say. You smile and go to get up and get ready.
"Oh and bring a few extra bucks with ya. Cotten candy is good for my mind." You smile and shoot him a thumbs up. Starting to make your way to the door Gabriel shoots one more comment your way.
"And make sure you look fine. I wanna see just how much Dean's head spins round for you." He winks at you, butterflies fill your stomach.
Whispering to yourself, "With any luck it won't just be Dean." Gabe must have heard you though.
"You sly devil. That's my doll..." This causes you to blush.
"Now go on, get yourself over to the carnival. And give 'em hell, doll. " You shoot him a wink as you leave and drive your motorcycle back to the bunker and get a few hours of sleep.
Later, you are dressed in a green sundress with a slit in the thigh and matching makeup.
You shoot yourself finger guns in the mirror as you give yourself a final once over. You walk out to see Sam nursing his 3rd cup of coffee and dean finishing his breakfast. Cas is sitting near dean, talking about something.
Dean looks over hearing you come to the kitchen. His eyes go wide and are glued to your exposed thigh from the slit. You see him gulp slowly.
Sam looks impressed, "You look nice. Any occasion?"
"Do I need an occasion to dress up?" You shoot back teasingly.
"Looking like sex on heels like that you do." Dean says finally. You shoot him a playful wink causing him to turn red.
"I wanted to go to the carnival in town today! I was hoping you guys would come too. If not I'll have to just meet up with Gabriel. " Hearing Gabe's name, Dean and Cash shoot up.
"Were going." Dean says finally. Wrapping an arm around you protectively. You smirk.
"Then go get dressed!" Everything goes according to the plan. Dean rushed to his room. Sam just finished his coffee. Cas is always ready, eying me suspiciously. You smile innocently at him.
Once you get the boys to the carnival the fun starts. You bounce in excitement. You get in and look around at all the rides.
Gabriel smirks and appears next to Sam.
"Well well, what do we have here? A little angel in a sundress? I must be dreaming." He eyes you up and down and licks his lips. Dean pulls you into him. Gabe turns to Sam and smirks, "You think we can get balloon animals later? The clowns are running around making them for kids." Sam gets noticably more uncomfortable.
You smile and blushes lightly as Dean puts his hand around your waist. Trying to keep you away from Gabe, who's eying you like a piece of meat.
"Sammy will you win me something? I see games over there!" Sam gives a curt nod and walks over his eyes silently thanking you for the exit. Not yet noticing the clowns behind him.
Gabe smirks. "Yeah I'm sure he will, doll. And while he's doing that... "
He turns to Dean and smirks.
"Well well who's that? You look like you've seen a ghost, Dean." Dean gulps.
I squeeze Deans hand lightly.
"It's just Gabe? No need to be worried, he's mostly harmless." You wink at Gabe.
"Mostly?" Dean says concerned. You nod.
"Mostly." You smile at him as you look up at him.
"Well aren't you two adorable? Now Dean, I think it's time we have a little fun, don't you?" Gabe pulls Dean off you and puts a hand on Dean's shoulder.
"I guess leave me by my lonesome with my favorite angel, Castiel! We can go get cotton candy!" You smile and clap.
Gabe winks. "Sounds like a plan, doll." Gabe turns to Dean and laughs.
"Now Deano, I think you're in trouble."
You start walking with Castiel to get sweets.
Gabe laughs and then turns to Dean.
"What's wrong there Deano? You seem a bit... nervous."
"Wh-why would I be nervous?" Dean says trying to put a brave face on but failing.
"Are you kidding? You're shaking like a leaf. You really don't know, do you?" Gabe smirks at Dean.
"Why did I let myself get dragged here?" Dean curses to himself.
"Oh Deano... How adorable. You do realise why we were doing this, right?" Dean looks at Gabe distraught. Gabe laughs.
"Alright, I'll fill ya in you dork. You know how much you hates heights and Sam hates clowns?
"Sam yeah? But what does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, what if I told you that little prank that me and Hailey are doing has something to do with both?"
Dean smirks, "She wouldn't, you would. Don't drag her into it." This causes Gabriel to laugh.
"Dean! This little angel is smart, you know? She helped me fool god." Gabe smirks at Hailey, who's walking back with Sam.
You smile and hold a teddy bear Sam won. "Hey Gabe, howdy Dean! Look what Sammy won me!" You show then the pink bear. Sam looks less nervous.
" Hello, dolly. Welcome back. So did you get your cotton candy?" Gabe says, Dean is pale.
You hold up a bag of pink cotton candy.
"Yep! It's really good!"
"Aww I love pink cotton candy. It sure is delicious. But I think we can make our night even better, don't cha think?" Gabe smirks at you and you motion to the giant ferris wheel.
"You really want to go on it!"
At this point the prank is pretty much over for Sam. But dean's nightmare is just starting.
"Come with me, doll. Because the Ferris Wheel is calling our name." You grin widely and grab Gabriel's hand pulling him towards the giant moving ferris wheel. Sam and Dean stand there dumbfounded. But follow you regardless. They talk about wanting to go home, but refuse to leave you alone with Gabriel.
"Ahh, this is gonna be even sweeter than cotton candy, dolly. I'm tellin you." He whispers in your ear.
You smile and pop a piece of cotton candy in your mouth, moaning as it melts in my mouth. Closing your eyes to savor the sweet flavor, you miss Gabe's eyes get darker.
"Doubtful. Nothing is sweeter than cotton candy!" You smile at him.
Gabe laughs and gives her a small look of approval. Then turns to Dean and smiles menacingly.
"Well well, look at you boys. Just following your dolls lead. This is gonna be great. Aren't you excited to see the world from up there!"
The boys grumble but decide going on after you and gabe is the best way to keep an eye on you.
"Gosh you boys sound like parents!" You shoot back quickly shutting them up. Gabe laughs at this.
"We're gonna go on, are you two chicken?" Dean shoots up. You shrug.
"We're in line aren't we?"
Dean grunts. "No. I'll be right behind you both."
I stick my tongue out at Dean, Gabe and Sam both laugh at this.
"Yay! It's gonna be so fun!" You smile and give off happy wiggles as the line gets shorter.
"And you boys better hold your ground. This little doll doesn't take no for an answer, do you dolly?" You shake your head. Gabe smirks and winks at you, grabbing you by the waist and starts to walk towards the front of the line.
Dean follows with his arms crossed and a sour face. Sam nudges him.
Gabe laughs as I get more excited the closer we get to the front of the line.
"I can tell, doll. Now, I think the two of us should get our own seat, don't you?"
"Oh definitely." You smile and laugh.
"Excellent." You all reach the top of the line and starts waving the people ahead of us through as there was only one more seat left and knowing dean wouldn't ride it if he didn't have to.
"See, dolly? I'm not all bad. I have some good manners too." Gabe smirks.
"I think you just want to get the boys anxiety up." You look back at an antsy Sam and Dean.
"Oh, come on! They need to loosen up a little, don't they?" You roll your eyes at Gabriel.
"Our turn!" You pull him towards the seats. He laughs.
"Right on schedule." Gabe grabs your arm and helps you into one and then takes a seat in the one across from her.
"Ready when you are, dolly." He smirks at you as the ride starts moving you up.
"Let the fun begin!"
"Oh, it will, dolly. This is gonna be one Hell of a ride, and I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it. " He smirks causing you to wiggle in your seat. I toy with the slit in my dress.
"I should have chosen a lower slit. I feel exposed."
"Well, I'm not complaining." Gabe smirks seductively at you.
You blush harder and squeeze your legs together.
"You wouldn't." You laugh at him.
"Oh, you know I would." You both look at the boys and smirks.
'You boys ready for this?' You text Dean. Smiling, you look down and see Dean look up after reading the text and flip you off.
"How rude!" You say sarcastically, this makes Gabe smile and laugh.
"Don't take it too hard, doll. It just means he really cares." Gabe laughs when you roll your eyes and turn back to the boys.
'At least we get a little alone time now," he wiggles his eyebrows at you causing you to giggle.
"That we sure do." The ferris wheel starts to move making everyone's stomach churn. Gabe smirks seductively at you.
You blush.
"Later cutie. Let dean enjoy the view first." You smile.
"I'm just gonna get it while it's good." Gabe leans his body into yours to shield your view of Dean, so you only sees him.
"Oh, don't worry dolly. He's just being his grumpy self. You can tease him about it later, trust me." Gabe says. I smile.
"I plan on it." He smirks.
"Now, where were we, doll?" He puts his hand on your thighs, caressing them and looking at you seductively.
"Gabe. Be careful with what you're getting yourself into." You warn him gently.
"And what would that be, dolly?" He smirks and starts to move his hand up my thigh.
"I think you know exactly what you are doing." You suck in a breath.
"Oh yes, I think I do." Gabe smirks and caresses your leg more.
"I love how your thighs feel. So smooth. So... Perfect... " He leans in closer to your body and whispers in your ear, "so... delicious..."
This sends goosebumps down your spine. You straddle him which is easy because you practically already are on him.
"You flirt, absolutely shameless." You smirk at him, testing him. He kisses your neck.
"You love it." Gabe smirks seductively at you and caresses you more.
He continues, "I can tell in the way you look at me. In the way your cheeks grow a deep red color. In the way your body reacts to every little touch. You want this just as much as I do, don't you?"
He leans his head closer to her legs, caressing it and nibbling on your thighs.
"If I say yes?" You sigh contently.
"How about you show me just how much you love it, doll?" Gabe smirks. I roll my eyes but smile.
"Absolutely shameless. Too bad I'm into it." You break the invisible barrier and kiss him hard. He leans in.
"Mhmm, that's a good girl." He smirks and starts to trail kisses up and down your body, nibbling on your neck.
"I've wanted this for so long, dolly." Gabe caresses her cheek and leans in close again, nibbling on her lips slowly but seductively.
You moan lightly.
"Gabe please, what if someone sees?" You try to beg, your mind starting to give in.
He caresses your body and whispers seductively in her ear "What if that's what I want. For everyone to see you are mine." He growls in your ear.
"You couldn't possibly want anything else on earth more than me, dolly. Especially with the way you can't keep your hands off of me, doll. So why should I keep mine off of you?" He continues while smirking and moves his body around your legs, nibbling at her thighs again. Your hands go to his hair.
"Someone could see. Please." You moan lightly "Gabe please." Your body reacting the opposite from what comes out of your mouth.
He smirks and leans in closer again, "I can't help it, dolly. I'm trying, but I'm not strong enough. And I think you're the same." He whispers seductively as he leans back slightly.
He snaps his fingers to reveal the massive ferris wheel in the background.
"See? There's nobody around for miles. We're alone. And your body is telling you exactly who you want. You want me." He nibbles on your thighs again.
"Gabe please touch me." You moan in his ear now comfortable that no one is around.
He smirks at you.
"Oh, dolly... You're killing me." Gabriel says sarcastically then he laughs and nibbles harder, caressing you more seductively.
"I might have to make you beg me though, doll." He nibbles the inside of your thigh in a sensitive spot, causing you to moan and grip his shoulders for support.
"Gabe please. Don't make me." You moan gently.
"Oh I think I'm going to, doll." Smirks and nibbles harder, caressing you more seductively "You know you want me more than anyone on heaven or earth."
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nushy · 2 years
blue jeans~~~
AN: So, i combined lana del rey and stranger things. In my head, blue jeans suited Billy so much, that it had to be done. I just had the urge to write it, so excuse any mistakes.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!reader
summary: what it's like to date Billy imo. (i do think that he is an asshole only for the public, but he is a lost soul that just want's to be loved)
warings: blood, swearing, nothing too graphic tho, death, trauma. idk
word count: 1.5k
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Blue jeans, white shirt Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn It was like, James Dean, for sure You're so fresh to death and sick as c-cancer
Billy Hargrove was one to catch the eye. He entered the room and you immediately laid your eyes on him - he was charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it. The girls went crazy about him. And somehow, he showed interest in you. it was at the Halloween party. First, he drank lots of beer, then, he made a scene with Steve Harrington, and later on, he came to you - you were not sure if it was because of the playboy bunny costume, or because you were the only one that wasn't glued to him trying to flirt. But he was there, asking you to go out with him. And, shockingly even for you, you denied. You didn't want to play it easy, especially with someone like him.
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop But you fit me better than my favorite sweater and I know That love is mean (uh oh), and love hurts (uh oh) But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby
Between being a dick 24/7 and trying to show that he is the new king of Hawkins High, Billy tried his best to impress you and to get you out on a date. And for 2 or 3 weeks, you kept refusing, until one time he caught you off guard and you said "yes". The same evening, he picked you up from your house, Scorpions' "Rock you like a hurricane" blasting from his car. You were more into Run D.M.C. and Beastie Boys, but you sucked it up and got in the car. And somehow, you met a different Billy - he was sweet, got you to a place a bit outside of Hawkins, he had planned a picnic date. He even got you flowers.
That's how you started secretly dating Billy Hargrove.
I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears?
And it was either the best, or the worst decision ever. Cause when he was with you, he was perfect. But when he was around other people, he was the same dipshit. And yet, you didn't have the strength to dump him, because you knew that he just had a shitty life - his father was an A+ asshole and because of him, Billy wanted to be a "real" man when everyone was watching. But, with you, he was just a little boy that wanted to be love. And that's why you sucked up the tears and continued to be with him, even when he hurt you.
Love you more than those bitches before Say you'll remember (oh baby) Say you'll remember, oh baby, ooh I will love you 'til the end of time
It was secret, that between you two. And that's why he was still a womanizer. You knew that, you could see the looks he gave the other girls when you were at a party together but not "together". You were with your friends, he was with his, and it was like you didn't even know each other. And he tried his best to keep his reputation of a MAN. And that made you mad. But you didn't show it.
Big dreams, gangsta Said you had to leave to start your life over I was like, no please, stay here We don't need no money, we can make it all work
After the third or forth time of this happening, you started acting up - you were cold towards him, you answered shortly. And that made him angry - it was your first big fight. He left you alone in your room and got out. You cried the whole night.
But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday I stayed up waitin', anticipatin' and pacin' But he was chasin' (uh oh) paper (uh oh) Caught up in the game, that was the last I heard
One week went by, and he came to apologize. And you missed him so much that you just hugged him like nothing happened. And for a few days everything was alright - you were still secret, he was still asshole in front of his friends. But he was with you.
I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears?
And then something changed.
Love you more than those bitches before Say you'll remember (oh baby) Say you'll remember, oh baby, ooh I will love you 'til the end of time
it was at the time he started working at the pool. Now, you weren't jealous just from the girls at school, but from the women that went there just so they could watch him. But it wasn't just that.
You went out every night And baby that's alright I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
He changed. He was colder even when he was alone with you. He spoke mean things, one time even tried to hit you. He wouldn't stay the night anymore. He came just for a little, it was like out of habit. And you still couldn't leave him and stayed by his side.
'Cause I'ma ride or die Whether you fail or fly Well, shit, at least you tried But when you walked out that door
One time you were walking around, just pointlessly, and you saw him with his colleague - Heather, in her living room, having dinner. WTH? You went batshit crazy, but couldn't do anything. Just ran all the way to your house and cried your eyes out.
A piece of me died I told you I wanted more That's not what I had in mind I just want it like before
You tried to confront him. To ask him what was going on. What was happening with him. He wouldn't answer. It was like it wasn't even Billy at this point. Like his was possessed by something dark and evil.
We were dancin' all night Then they took you away Stole you out of my life You just need to remember
You didn't know what was happening, but one evening you were driving around Hawkins, just wanting to clear your mind, when you saw Billy's car, crashed in the mall's parking lot. Then you saw some shadowy figure inside and you quickly stopped your car and ran inside. Everything went blurry when you got inside, like your mind tried to shut itself off. You vaguely remember some things - like a big scary monster things, some kids you've seen around town, screaming, blood, fire. And Billy.
I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears?
You went inside just at the moment he stood up, covering a girl on the ground, face to face with that big, giant spider, that wasn't exactly a spider. In the distance, you could see his step-sister, Max, with a terrified look on her face. The monster opened its big mouth, and something like a tentacle came out of it. You screamed, but no one could hear you. The tentacle headed straight for Billy and he grabbed it, trying to save the girl behind him. You could see that Max was screaming too, trying to run to him and help, but a boy held her back. You, on the other hand, ran. But it was somehow slow run. You watched as another tentacle dug into the left side of his body, and another one on the right, and then two more, lifting his body in the air. You could see blood dripping from his mouth. A final one went straight to his chest, where his heart was. You screamed his name.
Love you more than those bitches before Say you'll remember (oh baby) Say you'll remember, oh baby, ooh I will love you 'til the end of time
Billy fell on the ground right when you got to him. You didn't care that the monster wan above you. Hell, you didn't care about anything at the moment, you held his hand in yours and cried. He tried to speak, but only blood would come out of his mouth. Suddenly, the monster started to shake and collapsed on the ground near you. Part of your brain registered that, but your eyes were only looking at Billy. Max ran to you, falling on her knees on his other side. He looked at her too, this time tears falling from his eyes. He coughed out some blood and managed to say something. You could hear a low "i'm sorry" to Max, before he turned his head to you. "I love you" he told you, taking his last breath. Both you and Max cried, repeating his name, begging him to wake up. But he didn't.
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Autumn Falls: Monday (Pt.1)
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Summary: Y/N’s had a run of bad luck that’s left her miserable, so her sister and best friend surprise her with a trip to Autumn Falls, the exclusive Californian resort where your every dream comes true. Seven days of relaxation and luxury await her, but will her vacation lift her spirits or leave her longing?
Pairings (reader is female): Negan x reader, Bucky Barnes x reader, Thor Odinson x reader, Sam Winchester x reader, Negan x reader x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester x reader, Geralt of Rivia x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 37041
Warnings (expect any combination): slight angst and commiseration, non-disclosure agreements, flirting, conversations about relationships, oral sex, vaginal sex, public nudity and skinny dipping, size kink, sex in a hot tub, suspension (sort of), intense sex, breeding kink, yoga, my obsession with Sam’s hands, massages, dirty talk, slight praise kink, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, and squirting, threesome, double penetration (vaginal/anal), handjobs, shower smut, sex in a kitchen, horse riding, wild nature sex, over-stimulation, excessive orgasms,  comfort, companionship, aromatherapy and hot stone massages, anal sex, light BDSM, restraints, spanking/paddling, anal play, double penetration with toys, gagging, cuddling, post-vacation blues
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Days had begun to blend together, each one beginning the same and ending the same. She got up, fed the cat, watered her withering house plants, went to work, drank too much coffee, ate too much fast food, and collapsed into bed when it was all done, ready to repeat it until she died. Since Everitt had dumped her for his younger, hotter mistress a year ago, Y/N’s life had been on a downward spiral, where all she had left was her work and Jonas, her elderly cat who pee on her rug every morning at three.
It didn’t help that her prolonged relationship had estranged her from most of her friends and family, something she realized now was down to her devious snake of an ex. She had never thought of herself as the sort of person who could be manipulated like that but it turned out, she was a fool for sweet promises that went unfulfilled.
Luckily, some of her friends hadn’t forgotten her entirely, and she’d never let Everitt drive a wedge between her and her sister, who’d maintained a dislike of him the entire time while respecting Y/N’s feelings. Now he was gone, Kelly didn’t let up on her comments about him, though Y/N suspected it was mostly to make her feel better about being dumped. Along with Sarah, Y/N’s best friend from high school, she’d been there to pick her up when she was at her lowest, and it was partially their friendship that had kept her going through the long lonely month afterwards.
Friday night was girls’ night. Kelly left her two young boys at home with their dad, and Sarah sent her boyfriend off to his favorite sports bar, and they descended on Y/N’s tiny city apartment. Jonas would start hissing at the first sign of company and spend the whole night inside the laundry hamper snoring loud enough for anyone passing within a few feet to hear. It had become a regular fixture over the last few months, and after the week she’d had at work, Y/N was looking forward to some downtime.
One bottle of wine in, and she could tell there was something going on that she wasn’t clued in on. Both women had been sharing secretive little looks all evening, and it was beginning to bug her. “Okay, spill,” she drawled, picking up a fresh bottle of white wine from the rack. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
Kelly grinned, taking the bottle and twisting the cap off. “We might have a little surprise for you.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “A surprise?”
Holding out her empty glass for a refill, Sarah smirked at her. “You need a pick me up,” she said playfully, “and we happen to have just the thing.”
“Look,” Kelly continued, pouring out Sarah’s glass then turning her attention to her sister’s, “it’s no secret you’ve had a crappy year. And we both agreed that you needed a break.”
“I’m not gonna disagree,” Y/N chuckled. “But I don’t have time for a break.”
“Yeah, about that,” Sarah murmured.
Kelly finished filling her own glass, placing the bottle on the coffee table. “We already talked to Aunt Kathy,” she explained. “She agreed with us. Now I know, you love your job, but you’ve been working yourself to the bone. Kathy said you haven’t taken a day off in six months. And she appreciates it but girl, you need to relax.”
Y/N’s mouth opened and shut a few times before she scoffed and shook her head. “I know I’ve been a little -”
“All work no play?” Sarah provided.
“Doesn’t this count?” she argued back, sitting forward on the cushions. “So maybe I’ve pulled a few weekends and late nighters.”
“Have you looked inside your fridge?” Kelly pointed out. “You’ve been existing, Y/N. And you need to be living.” She sighed, leaning her arm on her knee as she tapped one finger against the side of her glass. “Aunt Kathy agreed with us anyway, she’s given you two weeks off at the end of the month.”
Glaring at her sister, Y/N’s mouth set into a thin line. “Two weeks?”
“That’s plenty of time to finish up anything you got going on and make arrangements for the rest. Don’t worry about Jonas, we’re gonna take care of him,” Sarah assured her. “You’re gonna love it.”
“Love what?” Y/N squeaked, completely bewildered. “Where am I going for two weeks?”
Kelly shook her head. “Just the first week. The rest of the time is… well, it’s up to you.”
“Kel, just tell me, please.”
The two women shared another look, both smiling, before placing their glasses on the table. Kelly  got to her feet, disappearing off into the kitchen for a moment, returning with her purse. “Aunt Kathy knows this guy who owns a spa retreat in California. It’s very exclusive, invite only, no phones, no cameras.” She retrieved a leaflet from her purse, holding it out to Y/N. Y/N stared at it, hesitating before she took it. “It’s all legal and above board, Kath checked it out - she’s been doing some business with the guy who owns it. And he was pretty grateful, told her if she wants an invite at any time, to let him know.”
The leaflet wasn’t thick, and it looked like the usual standard spa resort; candlelit restaurants, a pool, hiking trails, massage rooms. Across the front, the name of the spa was written in delicate coral colored writing - Autumn Falls, where dreams and desires meet in reality. Cute slogan. “Aunt Kathy suggested this?” she murmured in surprise.
“She’s seen you go through this whole thing with The Douchebag,” Sarah soothed. “Plus, you landed her that big contract with those sweet designs you did last spring.”
“Yeah but… this is…” Y/N flicked through the leaflet, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “I mean, these places are expensive.”
“Kathy said it’s all taken care of. All you gotta do is get yourself to the airport,” Sarah informed her, taking in her wary expression. “Come on, Y/N. You need this. Even if it’s just a week of fine dining and drinking at the poolside.”
Staring at the leaflet, Y/N contemplated it, dragging her eyes over the picturesque setting. It looked nicer than anywhere she’d ever been and the last vacation she had been on was a depression trip to Florida where it rained the whole time and Everitt left her in the hotel room to meet his buddies, which actually ended up being code for “get drunk and buy hookers”. Other than that, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d left the state.
Maybe a vacation would be good for her.
“Okay,” she murmured, looking up at her sister and her best friend. “Where do I sign up?”
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She wasn’t sure what kind of “exclusive” required a non-disclosure agreement beforehand but after a quick call with her aunt, Y/N found herself signing her name on the documents and sending them back to the office at Autumn Falls. Every single day of the two weeks until her flight seemed to drag, the apprehension and excitement growing even more when she couldn’t talk about it beyond saying “a spa in California” whenever she was asked if she was going somewhere nice.
Her flight was early, and while she couldn’t sleep the night before, she found it easy to drift off on the plane. It landed in San Diego only a few hours later, and when she left arrivals after collecting her luggage, she was met by a tall man in a smart suit, holding a sign with her name displayed on it in neat cursive. He had long thick hair, and the suit looked like it was barely containing him.
“Hi,” she squeaked as she approached, giving the man a little wave. He smiled, nodding his head. “Are you the driver?”
“Miss. Y/L/N?” he asked in confirmation, and she nodded back. “I’m Jason,” he greeted, dropping the sign with one hand and holding his other one out. She took it, shaking firmly, trying not to seem too awkward. “I’ll be your driver today.”
“Nice to meet you.”
He grinned, gesturing towards the exit. “The car’s this way. Can I take your bags?” His hand was already reaching for her larger suitcase and she surrendered it with a shaky smile, letting him lead her away from the crowds and out of the large glass doors. The parking lot was only a short distance away, and when he pulled out his keys, a huge black SUV beeped, the lights going off as its wing mirrors popped out automatically.
The inside seemed even bigger than it appeared from the outside, and Y/N took in the luxurious vehicle interior as Jason put her bags in the back. When he climbed into the driver’s seat, he turned, giving her another brilliant smile.
“It’s about an hour out to Autumn Falls, would you like me to put some music on?”
“Um, yeah, that would be great,” she replied, sitting still and tense with her hands folded in her lap. 
“Feel free to wind down the windows,” he added, “and there’s some sodas in the compartment here.” He tapped the central console and it opened with a dull thud, the mechanism pushing the door open. Icy tendrils of steam curled out of the chilled interior, revealing several cans of brand sodas, along with a bottle of champagne. Jason smiled again. “It’s a pretty nice drive. Relax and enjoy it.”
It took a while for her to actually relax like he said, and he wasn’t wrong about the drive. Once away from the airport and off the main freeway, the journey took them through rolling farmland until the ground became steeper and the roads smaller. With the windows down, Y/N was treated to amazing views of the land as they climbed higher, and then it was thick, beautiful forests as far as she could see.
“Wow, they weren’t kidding when they said middle of nowhere,” she murmured, leaning forward to look out of the window, trying to see the tops of the trees.
The road narrowed to a single lane further on, and Jason took a side road through a large ornate metal gate that closed behind the car. It was slightly steeper here but he handled the SUV well, and the road opened up a few yards along, leading into a circular courtyard with a fountain in the middle. Y/N took it all in as the car rolled to stop, remaining in her seat as Jason climbed out.
He fetched her baggage first, and as he did, the double wooden doors at the front of the building opened. A woman with bright red hair strode out, a smile on her perfectly made up face, and a clipboard in her hands. She was dressed casually in a long summer dress, and as Jason opened Y/N’s door, she greeted her pleasantly.
“Y/N Y/L/N?”
“That’s me,” Y/N replied, stepping down out of the high vehicle. “Hi.”
“Julia,” she offered, holding out her hand for a quick shake. “Good flight?”
“Yeah. Little bumpy coming in.”
Julia smiled a little wider. “Well, how about we get you all checked in, and we can go through the paperwork. Jason, could you take Y/N’s bags up to her room?”
Y/N looked up at the huge wooden front of the spa, noting the carved lettering above the entrance that spelled out the name. It was three storeys high, with large glass windows along the lowest floor, and smaller ornate windows that she guessed were rooms. The building was even more impressive on the inside as it was on the outside, and she had to bite back a gasp as she took in the luxurious staircases and leather armchairs in the lobby.
Julia led her past the front desk and into an office underneath the main staircase. Everything looked so expensive, more so than any hotel she’d ever stayed in.
“You look a little apprehensive,” the redhead chuckled, walking around a desk and gesturing for her to take the chair on the other side. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been somewhere so… nice,” Y/N replied, shaking her head in awe. “This place is amazing.”
Another dry chuckle followed as Julia sat down. “I’m sure you’re going to have a wonderful stay. I just need to double check you understood everything in the NDA and then I’ll show you up to your room. I’ll be here throughout the week but your personal liaison will be handling all your needs and wants.” She leaned down and pulled out a file from a drawer Y/N couldn’t see, placing the paperwork on top of the desk. “Everything was signed perfectly, but we’re very high on privacy here, so I just wanted to make sure there was no confusion.”
“No problem.”
“There’s a safe in your bedroom that you can set the code to. Any problems, speak to your personal liaison. We don’t expect you to be fully cut off from the world, but you must not take any personal devices or cameras outside of the bedroom. Absolutely no photos.”
“Understood.” Y/N didn’t really get why that was, and didn’t feel confident enough to ask, but she wasn’t about to break the rules when she’d been given a free vacation. A little time away from social media and constant screens would probably do her some good.
Julia smiled, ticking off something on the top sheet of the file. “Your stay here is completely complementary. The owner is somewhat of a philanthropist, and our guests are by invite only. We’ve got a list of your allergies here -” She passed over a different sheet and Y/N scanned it quickly. “Everything accounted for?”
“Yeah, that’s everything.”
“Perfect. Oh, I just need to make you aware, we do have a medical professional on site in case of emergencies. Again, anything you need, just ask your personal liaison.”
At the third mention of her “personal liaison”, Y/N tilted her head. “So this is the person I’m going to be checking in with or…”
The other woman chuckled. “He’s quirky,” she confessed, “and he curses like a sailor, but I’m sure you’re going to enjoy his company. He’ll be along to your room soon, and he’ll answer any questions you have.” She turned the file to Y/N, passing her a pen. “Just one last signature and your week of relaxation can begin.”
Signing quickly, Y/N got to her feet when Julia did, following her back out of the office and out from under the ornate staircase to where three elevators were along the back wall. Julia stopped at the middle one, pulling a card from inside the file. She swiped it over a pad on the wall, then handed it to Y/N as the door opened.
“After you,” she gestured, smiling, and Y/N smiled back nervously, stepping into the elevator, followed quickly by Julia, who pressed the button for the second floor. “Your referee indicated you weren’t such a fan of heights, so your suite is on second.”
“Oh, thanks,” Y/N chuckled.
The elevator ascended quickly, opening onto a long corridor on the second floor. The two women stepped out, with Y/N following as Julia headed left. She slowed to a stop before the end, at a door with the number “15” on it, and turned to face Y/N.
“Your bags should already be inside. Negan should be along soon.”
The redhead smiled. “Your personal liaison,” she explained before pointing at the door. “You wanna check that the card works?”
Stepping forward, Y/N pressed the card against the door reader, and the door clicked, opening for her. Julia grinned, clasping her hands around the file she held.
“I hope you have a very pleasant stay, Y/N.”
“Thanks, I’m sure I will,” she replied, watching with one hand on the door as Julia turned and carried on down the hall, disappearing around a corner. Exhaling softly, Y/N slipped into her room, gasping as she saw it wasn’t just a regular hotel room but a suite. A luxury suite. “Holy crap.”
The room she’d walked into was a lounge area, complete with mini-fridge and bar. A large corner couch occupied the center of the room, looking out beyond a gigantic television to floor-to-ceiling windows that opened up onto a balcony. She walked further in, moving past her luggage piled neatly next to the couch, her attention drawn by the view outside. She was at the back of the building, evident by the way the balcony was half-set into the rock behind it, but the whole right side provided a beautiful unobstructed view of the valley and the forest that she’d just driven through.
“Wow,” she breathed, reaching out to find the clasp for the door, which popped open easily once located. The balcony appeared to be mostly wooden, and there were two comfortable looking loungers separated by a table, with plenty of space besides. She realized quickly that the lounge only occupied the middle of the balcony, which meant there were two other rooms to her suite at least.
Curiosity dragged her back inside and she closed the door again, hoping it locked automatically. She chose a door, heading into a huge bathroom, decorated in pearl and gold, and an impressed noise left her as she inspected the bathtub big enough for three adults and the biggest corner shower she’d seen outside of a gym.
“And this is free?” she wondered aloud, trying the faucet for no particular reason. The water pressure seemed decent too.
The room on the other side of the lounge was just as impressive; the bedroom, obviously. A bed larger than any six people would reasonably need was up against the further wall in the middle, with more floor-to-ceiling windows that opened onto the balcony again. Another television was mounted on the wall, and she looked for the remote, quickly looking through the channels.
“HBO too? Cool.”
A knock at the door made her swiftly turn the television off, and she hurried back through to see who it was. Opening the door, she froze as her eyes landed on the man standing outside; he was tall, tall enough that she had to lift her chin slightly to meet his gaze, though she struggled not to let herself drink in the tight fitting black t-shirt and equally tight denim on his lower half.
“Hi,” she managed, forcing a smile through her stutter.
He smiled, and her knees wobbled. “Hi,” he greeted, holding out a hand. She took it as if in a trance, unable to stop looking at him. “I’m Negan.” He bent, lifting her hand to kiss her knuckles, and her stomach was suddenly filled with butterflies.
“M-my personal liaison, right?”
God, his smile was beautiful. She could stare at it all day.
“That’s right, darlin’,” he drawled, softly releasing her hand. It fell back to her side, awkwardly dangling as she tried to appear casual. “How’re you finding the place?”
“It’s amazing,” she gushed.
Negan chuckled, licking his lips, and Y/N felt like her heart was going to thud out of her chest. “Well, if you like, we can start with a tour of the place. Julia told me you got a spot at the salon this afternoon, but we got an hour or so to kill before then.”
She nodded enthusiastically. “Sounds great, uh, should I change or - ?”
His gaze dragged over her in a way that made her feel naked, and she struggled to suppress a shiver. “You’re good,” he murmured, stepping back. “Just make sure you don’t forget your card.”
Holding it up, she moved out into the corridor to join him, suddenly stopping as she remembered her phone was in her pocket. “Oh, wait, I haven’t put my phone in the safe.”
“No problem, you can take care of it now.”
She stepped back into the room, holding the door open as an invitation to him, and Negan took it, following her inside but stopping in the lounge. For a second, she floundered, unsure where the safe was but remembering Julia had said it was in the bedroom.
“It’s in the closet, right hand side,” Negan offered in amusement, and she flashed him a smile of thanks.
Setting up the digital safe was easier than she expected, and she tossed her phone, wallet, and keys in there. She closed it up and rejoined Negan in the lounge, smiling at him again. “Okay, I’m set.”
He went first out of the door, and she checked for her card again before letting the door shut. When she looked at him, he flashed her another dazzling smile, and in her head, she collapsed against the doorframe under the weight of its charm.
“I thought you might be hungry,” he suggested. “A light lunch and then we can tour the outside grounds first?”
“Awesome,” she exhaled, a shaky smile on her lips, her legs trembling as she tried to keep up with his pace. He noticed almost immediately that she couldn’t walk quite as fast as he usually did, so he slowed, glancing back at her as she finally drew level with him.
The elevator back down was filled with silence and she couldn’t tell if it was awkward or not. She had a bajillion questions since her arrival, the least of which being about the details of her personal liaison. It seemed like such a strange way to phrase it and the underlying feeling that this spa might offer services outside of massages and hot tubs was growing stronger with every intentional-or-not-intentional smirk that Negan sent her way.
He led her out of the elevator onto the first floor and round the same front desk she’d seen when she arrived. There was still no one in the vacant chair, and the whole lobby seemed vacant of any other guests. Negan turned at the desk and went the opposite way to where Julia had taken her earlier, going through the chairs she’d seen earlier and a set of large wooden double doors that opened up into a wide space filled with a few tables and comfortable looking chairs. The bar at one end gave away the purpose of the area - the restaurant - though it seemed smaller than she would have thought, with seating for less than ten guests overall.
“Are there other guests?” she asked curiously as Negan kept going, out of the restaurant-bar area and out into the sunshine, where there was an outdoor grill. She noticed then that there were other people - two employees at least, all wearing similar attire to Negan.
“Not this week,” Negan replied, nodding his head as one of the employees, an attractive blond in maybe his thirties, stepped around him and flashed her a dazzling smile.
This place is staffed by GQ models, she thought.
“Tom,” Negan greeted, slapping a hand on the counter by the grill. “What’s good?”
The man behind the grill turned, and Y/N felt her face heat up at his charming grin. “That depends on our guest,” he replied in a crisp British accent. “Would you prefer meat or vegan?”
She froze, stumbling over her answer. “Oh, uh, I guess… it depends what meat it is?”
“I’ve got organic chicken drumsticks,” Tom offered, tossing his head back to get his long black hair out of his eyes. “With salad?”
“That actually sounds pretty great,” she chuckled, feeling a little more at ease.
“We aim to please,” Tom grinned, winking at her.
Her heart fluttered and she ducked her head. Negan laughed a little, pointing at the grill. “I’ll take a hotdog,” he requested. “You mind bringing them over?”
Tom held up the barbecue tongs, obviously happy to oblige. “Sure!”
Leaning over the counter, Negan grabbed for something underneath it, his hand coming back into view with two sodas. “We’ll be by the pool.” Y/N just about caught the can he tossed her, and he tilted his head to indicate that she should follow him. “I take it Julia went through the non-disclosure bullshit,” he drawled, pulling out a chair for her at the first table by the crystal-clear pool.
“Uh, yeah,” she mumbled, taking a seat and scooting herself in as Negan took the chair next to her. He opened his can with a little bit of flair, and she found herself captivated by his fingers for a second before he looked at her, and she smiled awkwardly. “I’m not entirely clear on what I’m not supposed to be disclosing though.”
“We can talk about that later,” he promised. “I’ve got a reservation for us tonight in the restaurant. Today is all about getting to know each other.” He sat forward, placing his drink on the table as he looked at her. “Once we’ve eaten, we’ll take a stroll down to the stables, and I’ll show you where everything is.”
“Can I ask one thing now?” she asked, chewing the inside of her cheek. “Only because I’m not clear on what a personal liaison does.”
Negan chuckled under his breath. “My job,” he started, “is to make sure you have every single need, want, or desire, catered to. Literally anything you want, I’ll make it happen.”
Her throat tightened a little as her mind went to places he was probably intending with the low rumble of his voice. Just the way he said the words was enough to make her toes curl inside her shoes, and she shivered a little when she met his dark eyes. “Anything?”
He smirked. “Anything.”
“But like I said,” he continued, leaning towards her a little, “there’s time for that later.”
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Feedback is golden, please let me know what you think 😁
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dduane · 2 years
Hi Ms. Duane. It’s really crazy for me to find out you have a tumblr. I just want to say that I loved your books growing up. They pulled me through middle school and high school. The combination of magic and science fiction was super inspiring, and they’re still some of my favorite books. It was also so cool to have two main characters who were Hispanic, I really appreciated it. I’m an adult and also a writer now (though unpublished.) I just wanted to say thank you :) and ask, do you have any favorite books that inspired you? Or advice for people just starting out?
First of all: thanks for the nice words! I'm very glad you've enjoyed the books. (As for characters, have to agree that the Rodriguez family are something special. In Kit's case I think I knew from the start that he was star material; but there's no question that Carmela has been giving him a run for his money. That girl needs watching.) :)
If we were to start getting into a really substantive list of my favorite books, we'd be here for the rest of the month. :) ...It's safer to come at it more generally. In my teens I was reading a lot of what we'd think of as the "old classic" SF writers such as Robert Heinlein, Andre Norton, Alan Nourse, Arthur Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradbury: and on the fantasy(ish) side, E. R. Eddison, Lord Dunsany, J. R. R. Tolkien, William Morris, Clark Ashton Smith, Andre Norton (again), T. H. White, Gene Wolfe, James Branch Cabell, Peter Beagle, Joy Chant, Susan Cooper, C. S. Lewis, Ursula Le Guin, Edward Eager, Edith Nesbit, and many others. (The works included in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series—pretty much all of them—could probably be considered the foundation on which my own work rests, especially the fantasy.)
There are numerous books I come back to repeatedly—not so much for inspiration as for (periodically necessary) reminders of what good writing looks like to me: particularly that kind of writing in which a rock-solid "certainty of voice" means I can practically hear the author speaking. The ones I'm rereading at the moment are Lewis's Till We Have Faces, Elizabeth Goudge's The Rosemary Tree and The Dean's Watch, and Neil Gaiman's American Gods.
As for advice to people just getting into writing (whether or not with an eye to possible future publication): I think the smartest move is to write with an eye to finding, and learning to trust, your own voice. It's paradoxical, but I think this happens most quickly when you read very widely—meaning both out of our own time period, and outside of your chosen genre. This isn't something that happens overnight, or that (once you've found a writing voice that feels right to you) is going to stay the same. Everything about the work of writing grows and changes with the writer: your voice will be no exception.
Also: in your writing, keep trying new things, new approaches. Some of them won't work, but some of them will... and if you don't go looking for them, you'll never find out what difference they can make in your work. Always be challenging yourself: always be saying, "That worked (or didn't): how can I do better next time?" ...That's what I've been doing for a good while now, and it's worked fairly well for me. :)
...Hope this helps!
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ackleskittles · 9 months
----------------- Cas baking thingy -----------------
A grocery bag in one hand, Castiel couldn't help but think about how he could've come back with Dean's favorite stuff in the world - right after Baby maybe, but perhaps before his brother, he wasn't positive about that - but failed to find the precious pie. Damn employee, isn't he aware that money is supposed to buy you anything ? It would have saved the day, to bring it to the oldest brother, but maybe, maybe if he was lucky, beer and porn would be enough. Walking past a bookshop, the angel noticed… was it a pie ? What if he could find one in here, after all, there was a book with a pie on it! Cas pushed the door open only to grab the holy graal from the store window, since there were only books, no pies and it didn't smell like pastries but dust and old. “What is this ?” The bookshop owner frowned, not sure she understood the weird yet cute trench-coated guy. “It's a recipe book ?”, she replied, puzzled, as the guy was now opening the book. “So you're telling me, I just have to… collect stuff and assemble them and somehow… it's gonna turn into… Pie?” Cas turned some pages, going through lists and instructions while some memories flashed into his head again, memories from earlier when Dean couldn't even look at him, hell, Dean always looked at him before, looks making Castiel feel so seen, and so real, dammit, he didn't even talk to him and so close yet so far, Castiel missed Dean in a way he never felt before, almost as if he was gone, as if he didn't exist anymore. And it was not just the angel's feeling, he could also feel his vessel's heart sinking at his overwhelmingly powerful pain. So the angel made sure the bookshop lady wasn't paying attention to him any longer - too busy with other customers now - and ripped the page off the book. “I'm sorry, but I really need the apple pie spell to get into Dean's heart again.”
When he got back into the grocery store, the employee was cleaning the mess Cas did when he first entered. It was obvious on his face that he wasn't thrilled to see the angel again, but Castiel didn't care. “I need to collect those things, now. I have more money.” He handed the man the recipe. “If I give 'em to you, you leave and never come back, right?” Cas nodded, so the young man started grabbing items here and there, loudly swearing, putting stuff into a plastic bag. “It's twenty.” The angel paid with his money - he actually gave the employee fifty seven dollars, but eh, it would pay for the damages so he wasn't gonna mention that to the guy who made the mess - and left with the ingredients, going straight back to the bunker, no detour, no one to interrupt the very important task he had to accomplish.
It took Cas an hour or so to reunite the ustensiles, make sure he was doing all of it right, and the last thing he cared about was how messy he was while doing it, the counter and floor covered in eggs, sugar, and well, pretty much a bit of everything he was using, making it sticky under his shoes. Not only was the room dirty, but also the man, flour on his coat, and face, things he did not notice. But the whole ingredients, weighed to the nearest hundredth, were combined into a dough, covered in apple slices, and a smooth, absolutely divine smelly compote, so the angel couldn't help but grin in satisfaction. It was going to be perfect. The last thing to do to complete the spell was to put this dough into the oven and bake it for half an hour. Cas did so, and went back to the kitchen counter to clean a bit of the mess, but accidentally pushed a glass bowl and the thing fell, and reached the floor, breaking into many pieces in a hellish sound.
Sam and Dean were back for maybe an hour or two, digging into books, positives that Cas was gone - again. After all, Dean thought, it wasn't the first time the guy bailed on them, dammit, he was used to it now but for some reason it kept hurting him. It reminded him of Cas' last words to him. He said he needed to protect the tablet from him, just like he had never done a single thing to help his friend, his best friend, hell, he could've died without even blinking for the guy but dude's wasn't gonna trust him about a freakin piece of God's shit ? Luckily, a noise pulled him out of his thoughts, getting him up as quickly as Sam did, grabbing his gun from his back. “What was that?”, Dean asked, looking everywhere around. “Dunno”, Sam answered, ready to shoot whatever was there too, “But I'm pretty sure it came from the kitchen.” The brothers started heading toward the room, walking slowly and making no noise. One could only hear them breathe heavily, before opening the door of the bunker's kitchen, both pointing their guns at the man standing in the middle of it, dustpan full of broken glass in his right hand, broom in the left, looking puzzled in his long trench-coat. Dean yelled. “What the hell, Cass! What the fuck are you doing here!" Sam looked around, looking for some threat that they'd have missed. “I found a spell to make an-” Dean lowered his gun and raised an eyebrow, making that surprised face Castiel cherished so much. “You found a… what again!?” The angel looked up, his lips moving as he made a silent count. “I have to remove it from the oven. Now.” By that time, Sam had lowered his gun too, and turned to Dean, looking at him and shrugging. They stared at the angel, now putting an imperfect, half-collapsed apple pie, smelling quite… good, but looking crap. Cas shook his head, frowning, and his right hand reached his pocket. He pulled the ripped page in front of him on the table, next to the failed cake. “I don't understand, Dean, I made exactly what the spell said, exact quantities, in the perfect order, it should've looked like THIS”, he said, his index pointing the picture on the page. Dean laid down his weapon, and rolled his eyes. “Fuck sake, Cass, this is not a freakin spell, it's a freakin recipe. Why the hell did you do… that for, exactly?” He was obviously referring to the mess the bunker's kitchen was, and Cas knew he had to look down in guilt at Dean's accusatory tone. The trench-coated angel finally shrugged and admitted “I was seeking the forgiveness I've seen once in your eyes. I needed you to forgive me for I feel so empty without your… love. So I went out for beers. And porn. And I wanted pie but they were out of it. Then I found the spell… or recipe as you call it so I stole it from the lady in the bookshop. I thought it'd be easy. Now I know why pie is so hard to find.” Dean turned to Sam as his brother let out a laugh. “I let you two… well talk.” The taller brother left the kitchen, leaving Cas and Dean alone to talk about whatever was wrong between them, about Cas' betrayal, if fixing it was even possible. “You have to understand, Cas. What you did, the words that came out of your mouth, I don't think I could ever forgive them. Or even forget. No freakin piece of pie could ever repair that trust in you I lost back there. I gave everything to you, too. Just for you to not be able to trust me, hell Cass, ME ? You know I'd die for you. You're fuckin family to us. To me.”
Castiel took some time to process Dean's words. To discern his deepest feelings, the ones he'd always hide behind his numerous masks just so no one could see him for who he truly was : a selfless, caring person who could feel things harder than anyone in this world would ever feel. And somehow, the only feelings he could authorize himself experiencing were the bad ones, the painful ones. Castiel never met once a man that carried so much pain, suffering, all of that at once, on his sole shoulders. And it was one of the main reasons Cas always kept sticking to Dean's side, kept trying to get as close as he could from him, just to relieve a bit of this ache and help him carry it. He was unable to take it all out, but he could always try to make Dean happy. The angel looked up at the man he once pulled out from Hell, literal Hell, his watery blue eyes drowning in Dean's soulful greens. “I know I hurt you, Dean. And I know I'll probably never be able to make it up to you again. I was just… trying to do the right thing but somehow… I just keep messing up and failing. And I'm sorry. I really am, Dean. That's why I made the pie. To try and say I'm sorry.”
Dean frowned, trying to fight the urge to hug Cas tight and not let him go - not again. He could feel it, too. How lighter his soul was around Cas. How good he felt, how almost happy his best friend made him feel. His best moments, the greatest memories he could remember were all times Cas was with him. But he just stared at the angel for an unnecessarily long time, silent, and finally shrugged. “Dude, let's not just waste the pie, okay?”, and he grabbed the pastry, aware of the many things he could've said but didn't.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
There is no more Supernatural fandom, there are only fans of each actor and haters of the same, so for me the exaggerated criticism of JA is also unjustified, most don't even care about the show anymore, they're just angry because their favorite is not in the project of Jensen and use anything as an excuse referring to the hate
I agree with another anon about the often clueless criticism of Jensen, I wasn't willing to see TW but the exaggerated hatred of the people on this show is making me change my mind, I really want the show to do well
People who criticize Jensen for whatever reason are Jared's stans, neutral Supernatural fans aren't really worried about The Winchester, some liked the idea, some didn't, but no one spends all day and night talking about it and wishing ill until 5 Jensen's generation
I'm going to combine these three asks, because while they're not exactly the same, I think my answer to each is sufficiently similar it'd be pretty repetitive to answer them individually. Hope nobody minds!
While I do think the fandom has definitely gotten more fractured and fractious since the show ended, I think people are maybe looking back at how much all factions of the SPN fandom wanked themselves raw in negative speculation over any little thing while the show was airing with slightly rose-tinted glasses. Every dumb thing some showrunner or producer said, the other two attempts at spin-offs even before we saw them, as little as some random speculative article on obviousbullshit.com could stir up huge drama. Fandom is made up of heavily invested people, a lot of whom are very suspicious of change - after the last several seasons of SPN, for good reason IMO. Yes, TW is a separate show nobody has to care about, but it is taking place in the SPN universe, so expecting SPN fans not to react to it - and overreact to it, in fact - is not particularly realistic.
So while I do think a lot of it is just petty stan war bullshit, especially in cases where the specific emphasis is on how dumb/awful Jensen is? Not all of the negativity and skepticism about TW is from that. Especially right now when we have so very little of substance to base opinions on and a lot of unanswered questions. Meanwhile there's also little active news about anything else nearly as big to talk about that's as directly of interest to SPN fans as a whole.
I remain ambivalent about TW as a concept and am pretty burnt out on the outrage machine chasing its own tail at this point, but I'm actually pretty sure that even if prequelgate hadn't happened and Sam & Dean were equally present or absent from the concept? There would still be a lot of negative noise - the participants in and focus of the wankery would just be slightly different.
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inventors-fair · 2 years
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V-IPs: IP IP Hooray Contest Winners
Holy cow. I knew these contests were popular, but 32 entries is nuts. I’ve got some writing ahead of me. Winners and runners-up this week were incredibly difficult choices, and the other judges were a big help in sorting everything out and picking the absolute cream of the crop. However, this was one of the strongest weeks I’ve had in terms of submissions- you all have such brilliant ideas, and I love seeing the expressions of passion for the things you love. I’m definitely going to be running more IP contests in the future, so keep an eye out for those. Anyways, enough of the sappy rambling. Our winners are...
Idaten by @snugz
Okay, I swear I’m not being biased about this card, and we’ll get to the card in a second, but I can’t believe there’s another World Trigger fan out there in the wild! Easily my favorite manga, so I’m glad you appreciate it as well. For the card: I don’t specifically remember this ability, because it’s been a while, but from your description of a lightning-fast strike that can hit multiple opponents before they can react, this slots in perfectly. The mechanics of it are also great- It’s a Fall of the Hammer that, for two more mana, can split up its damage. Honestly, it’s such a neat card that I can’t believe we haven’t seen it before. Obviously a bit of a win more, since you can wipe the board with a big enough creature, but Chandra’s Ignition exists, and this just seems like a fun take on that niche of spells. I’m not as sold on the flavor text- I think something more descriptive and less exposition-y might have really brought it together- but overall, this is an excellent uncommon that I would love to snag in a draft.
Hate of the Dead God by @simsarwel
So this one is a pretty simple and straightforward design inspired by Princess Mononoke, and man, even with no familiarity with the movie, I can FEEL the wrongness oozing out of this card. The art is great, and this is a very cool take on day/night. It still plays with “creatures get stronger at night”, but it has a much more permanent consequences for making it day than the werewolves do. In fact, I can imagine that opponents will be scrambling to cast multiple spells in order to get rid of whatever beastie you put this on. Of course, there’s the other option- this can be removal too, where you play this and any other card, and you can remove a nasty threat even through indestructible. I think my one nitpick is that this could probably be uncommon instead of rare, but that’s open to interpretation. Nicely done!
Goomba Stomp by @helloijustreadyourpost
Ahh, the classic Super Mario Bros. This is a hilarious card that I did not expect to see this week, but I like it. The flavor doesn’t 100% connect with me, but I can see the basic elements of it, and I like what you were going for. Where this card stands out is how clever it is mechanically. Like with Idaten, it’s very reminiscent of Fall of the Hammer, but adding an extra mana and downshifting to sorcery in exchange for a less-than-one-mana effect. Which is good! Cards that just stick the effect of two other spells together and combine their costs always disregard the power of card advantage, but this doesn’t fall into that trap. What I like most is that the creature you use this on is already unblockable, so you can either clear out a nasty blocker to make way for your other creatures, or you can just take out that annoying utility creature that you know was never going to block. There are so many choices wrapped up in this card, but it’s so straightforward and clean. I love it!
And that’s our podium! Stay tuned for runners-up, arriving shortly!
~judge @naban-dean-of-irritation
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dg1010 · 2 years
Mind Drifting Songs
Just by the title, I’m sure the term “Mind-drifting” would seem fairly new but the whole act of it is very common. It literally means what it says…your mind starts to drift away, you start staring into nothingness and all you can hear is the sound around you. When thinking about what my playlist should be about, I was “mind-drifting” while listening to probably a really known classical song by Chopin called Nocturne Op  9 no. 2 (Of course I had to include that song in my playlist). When I say that music really helps me focus, It really does!! But maybe not on the right thing I should be focusing on. This playlist I made consists of 6 songs that always tend to send my mind far away, leaving me with emptiness in my head and the sound of these songs flowing around in my ears; sometimes making me sing along. 
To start off the showcasing my playlist, I included two songs, both from the same artist named DEAN. Dean r&b artist who has made pretty famous songs. He is famous for his pretty high voice with a very smooth and melodic sound to it. Out of his many songs, I included Instagram and Come Over both really famous songs. “Instagram” is about how many people are laying down within their own thoughts which leads them to just not being able to sleep and opening Instagram again and again. I chose this song to be part of the playlist mainly because the whole vibe is trying to prevent you from having these deep thoughts. Whenever I listened to the songs, I always found myself staring into the distance, singing along, having no complete thought about anything. In this way, listening to this song sort of emptied my head, while I was studying, walking, working, or just laying down in bed. I also got this same feeling when listening to “Come Over”. Not only are the lyrics just going through my head, but it's also the combination of the instrumental and his voice that just makes me lose my train of thought. Personally speaking, Dean’s voice is just so beautiful to me that I just have to drop my pencil, sit back, and just listen to his singing. In a way, he’s like a magician just hypnotizing me with his songs. Don't get me wrong, this kind of voice is very unique and amazing, but there are times when I just kind of get sick of people singing.
That's why I jump over to my classical/instrumental songs and listen to them. The next song I included in my playlist is what I mentioned before, Nocturne Op  9 no. 2 by Chopin. Although many people may not know the title, it's probably heard one way or another. This is one of those songs that are usually played in those boujee restaurants where everyone wears suits or a local cafe that just plays classical piano music. I chose this song because it is one of my favorite songs to listen to when I try to “focus.” Whenever I try to fall asleep and empty my head, I play this song. Another song that just has this same sleeping potion in it is Howl’s moving castle’s song “Merry go round of life”. I don't usually watch anime, but this movie is an absolute masterpiece. Not only does it make my mind go blank, but it also sticks with me as I always listen to it with my mom. It’s one of those songs that I personally grew up with and it just never leaves my head. I had to include these two instrumental songs in my playlist because I’ve always experienced a few minutes of daydreaming whenever I heard my collection of classical music. 
The last two songs I included were “Until I found you” and “Versace on the floor”. I chose these songs simply because I have these on repeat while taking a walk. Wherever I’m walking, I have these on so that my mind can just be clear and I can feel the wind blow on my face. These songs are more on the romantic side and to be honest, these songs make me think about my future love life (I know its cringe but honesty is the best policy). Again, it drifts my mind to just imagining and daydreaming, just like all the other songs mentioned previously. Both of these songs, I’ve discovered from my friend. He usually plays Versace on the floor while driving at night since it has that kind of vibe. I was with him recently and he played until I found you and I just automatically fell in love with the song. I thought to myself  “I have to know the lyrics to this song.”
So you might be wondering why I made a playlist about my mind drifting away. From my perspective, Mind-drifting gets me out of reality, even if it is just for a few moments. Whenever I face trouble or feel a little lost mentally, it gets hard to just keep thinking. Listening to songs like any of the ones mentioned gets rid of all those problems, even for just a few moments. Those small moments give me this kind of reset to rethink and help me overcome any problem I have. These small moments help me feel encouraged to keep going because of the music playing through my ears. I don't know about anyone else, but even though my mind drifts away while listening to these songs, these small moments of just nothing but music help me get through a lot. Mind drifting does a lot for me and maybe it can for you too:) Has anyone ever felt the same experience? Ever catch yourself staring into the distance with nothing in your head but music? Think about it!! Thanks for reading the blog:) Here's the playlist for you to see the songs.
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mstrickster · 5 months
What are the Ducks' favorite curse word?
Sorry, I passed out last night. I was so tired and I'm still tired but I'm going to answer this! TBH, I'm always tired
Also, apparently, Minnesota is the state that swears the least. With Minneapolis being the least sweary city. According to what I read.
I don't see all of them have a favorite curse word, but I do see a couple of them having one. So I'm going to cover those.
Dean: Dean is the type of person to see cussing as a way to enhance his speaking. Like he cusses just normally. I think his favorite cuss word would be something that you can use in a greeting. So I would say like bitches or motherfuckers. I could just picture him going "MORNING BITCHES!" On one memorial occasion he said "MORNING SLUTS and lady Ducks." It is very amusing.
Averman: Averman gives me the vibe of someone who would look up obscure cuss words just for something unique to use. He doesn't exactly cuss at people. He just likes to say them. His two favorites are cuntsicle and fucknugget.
Russ: Russ is another one who I think just loves different curse words. His favorite is fuck, but he likes to combine it with other words to add a little pizzazz. He also enjoys fucknugget. Also, he will use "The Fuckening" often.
Julie: I can see the girls having a lot of fun with curse words. Especially because when they're younger, some of the guys would go, "You can't say that you're a girl!" Julie's favorite curse word is anything involving the boys and profanity. I could see her going up to a group of boys and being like, "Come on, hoes, we got to go! Get your asses into gear!"
Jesse: Ironically, Jesse's go-to swear word is the most tame, I think. I could see his most used/favorite being hell. Mostly because his go-to response is, "What the hell?" Which I think is fair when you have some of the friends that he does.
I can't see any of the other Ducks having a favorite swear word. I do believe that they do cuss. Some more than others.
Like I could see Kenny cursing in English and Chinese.
Same for Luis, who curses in English and Spanish.
I can also see Guy cursing but only in French. That way, no one can catch him.
I can't really see Charlie having a favorite curse word because I can't see him cursing very often. Just because he was raised by Casey, and it might have been a trigger for her because of Charlie's father.
Connie also doesn't strike me as someone who curses a lot. She would use them but strategically. Like you would not expect her to drop a cuss word.
Goldberg was not allowed to swear, and I fully believe that he was teased relentlessly by the group for that. Also, I can totally see during the Goodwill games Dean telling him to say oh so I would because and I quote,"your parents are not here. You can cuss!"
Dwayne would probably not curse, but he would have very unique ways to tell someone off. Like he would do the southern thing and use "Bless your heart" as a curse word.
Part of me feels like Fulton would refuse to curse because it would give people a reason to brush him off as beneath them. He's already really tall and imposing, so he doesn't need swear words to get his point across. Also, it might give people another reason to discount him by using that as an excuse to look down on him.
Adam would curse, but he doesn't have a favorite word. I could see him using all curse words equally and like them all the same.
Thank you for the ask!
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snarkythewoecrow · 1 year
hi there what are your favorite ships in different fandoms and how did you found out about them and why did you fell for this ships
Okay, so let me think…
Going back to my Twilight days, even though I’d love to forget, I have to say that I’ve always been into Jasper with anyone—mainly because he’s got some issues, and between his struggles with control and his empathic abilities, writing him was always so fun. And weirdly, my favorite pairing for him actually was a crossover. I liked him with Harry Potter, female or male Harry, both were great.
In Torchwood, I shipped Ianto and Jack because they were perfect together, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Though… my favorite ship might actually be Owen/Ianto, as I love the combination and the potential for enemies to lovers. Owen is just so crass and abrasive but such a softy underneath. Also, he is a doctor, so great for hurt/comfort tropes. And Ianto paired with him, with the way he could sass and annoy Owen, but also, damn, Ianto was hurting in so many ways, and both Owen and Ianto had experienced such loss, losing people they loved. So yeah, I loved bringing them together. 
Sherlock, I think I always shipped John and Sherlock, as they were just so great together, though I could be particular with how they were written. I have exactly one fic for that fandom, but I did love it. 
Harry Potter, oh what a fandom and so many mixed feelings. Let’s see, generally, I think I ship Hermione and Sirius or Hermione and Remus the most? Though that said, speaking crossover fics? I tend to like a lot of things, usually ones that are mixes of MCU and HP, especially soulmate fics. I have written a Sam Wilson/Harry Potter that I actually adore.
Sandman is very easy, I love Dream/Hob, and I have no reasons other than they offer so many possible takes, though I have yet to write them. And I am pretty drawn to The Corinthian/Dream/Hob, too, so yeah, that’s something I’m pretty into also.
Then we have the MCU, and that is pretty much fair game, though Brock Rumlow and Jack Rollins are two of my favs, especially when it’s softer than you expect. I love Brock/Darcy with a passion. So good and worth reading some if you haven’t. I have written one for them already. Then I think Steve/Bucky/Tony is my other standby favorite, as that ship doesn’t make me choose. Oh, and Steve/Clint is undervalued, and more people need to get into that—though I enjoy the more comic take of Clint with Steve, where Clint is a hot mess of a dumpster fire. 
Oh, and Supernatural, I actually gasp never liked Destiel! Sorry, it never clicked for me. Instead, I ended up shipping Sam with Lucifer, idk. Apparently, my brain is dysfunctional, and I didn’t really care who Dean was with.
And for The Old Guard, which I have written one ficlet for, I will say that I love Joe and Nicky with my whole damned heart. Like, damn those two for being such romantic saps. Like how could anyone listen to Joe wax poetic about Nicky for 2 minutes straight before kissing him like he didn’t need air and not love them? 
And then, finally, we get to 911, which all canon ships I adore. How can you not? This damn show owns my heart. But Buck/Eddie are definitely the ring leaders, rulers, the ones holding fucking court over all the other pairings right now. Like those two idiots with their single brain cell bouncing around between them, like shit, how can you not them? Buck is a mess, and Eddie is his fucking person, his home, his safe place to rest and hide from the world. And I think Buck is, in some ways, the purpose and the compass that Eddie needs to stay moving forward and not get lost in the storm.
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