#doctor strange appreciation
The Mirror's Gonna Fog Tonight
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"Squeeze hard, hold that pose, You know I like it, do it. Sweetheart, I'm the boss. And when you get close to it..." - Mirrors (Natalia Kills)
Part 2: Sketch
This piece is a monster. I was sure when I started the sketch that it wouldn't be the big of a deal. Oh my god, I could not have been more wrong. This line art alone has taken me 4 HOURS from start to finish and my wrist feels like it's made of glass. But look at these beautiful variants all together and my god, this is some of my best work to date! I am very proud of it. However, have any of you ever heard five versions of this man trying to talk to you at the same time? I have been listening to three of these variants bicker for the last week - that being 616, Midnight and 838 - while Defender just tries to keep the peace between all of them and Supreme stands in the background, sighing in wizard. Seriously, these men have been the most entertaining but distracting group of voices I have heard in quite some time and appeasing all of them to make this beautiful boy come to life was not an easy feat. The only one who was compliant and willing to talk quietly was Supreme. Defender was a doll, but he was admittedly picky about his belt and the folds in his robes in some places. The other three were just their usual obnoxious, adorable and sarcastic selves the entire time. They were all a delight to work with though.
One moment when I was working on Midnight is worth noting: 616: You're going to kill their wrist with the pattern on your vambraces. Midnight: Says the one who originally hurt their wrist with his belts. 616: At least mine was widespread and not confined like yours. 838: That doesn't make it better, that makes it worse. Defender: Could you all be quiet please? They're trying to concentrate. Supreme: *Sighs.*
@sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @icytrickster17 @harlekin6 @strangelockd @stewardofningishzida @bakerstreethound @sassenach-on-the-rocks @arkytior-snowwraith1870 @siriusly--gay @foxssketching
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lilbitofmac · 1 year
Don’t talk to Tony until he’s had at least his third cup of coffee… he might say something without thinking.
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amaranthmori · 29 days
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xenocorner · 5 months
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely ADORE your drawing style and the way you draw our beloved ✨Doc Magic✨!
Thank you so much!!! :'''D I'm so happy you do, drawing the Doc Magic and sharing it with everyone here is one of the things that brings me most joy <3 Here's a thing I started months back but never finished that I polished up a bit for u! :'D
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cardboard-writer · 14 days
Dr Strange by Loston Wallace:
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The symbolism of Stephen's hands
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Stephen's hands represent control, which is why losing them is so impactful to his character. Since losing Donna, his way of coping is to become a surgeon, where he can  "control everything, even death" as the Ancient One says. 
In the operating theater, his patients' lives are literally in his hands. 
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When he loses his hands in the crash, he also loses control over his life and has to turn to the mystic arts, where his first lesson is to- ironically- surrender control. 
As he grows in his abilities, his hands begin to weave more intricate spells, symbolizing that through magic, he is gaining more and more power over himself and others. 
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In Infinity War and Endgame, Stephen orchestrates most of the battle after viewing the future, and lives are once again placed in his hands. 
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To defeat Thanos, he holds up a finger to tell Tony, "This is the reality that we win, but you must trade your life for it." 
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In this moment onwards, the fate of the universe is practically controlled by Stephen, and it couldn't be in more capable hands. 
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popcorn-plots · 2 months
imagine Benedict Cumberbatch reading your fanfiction to the world:
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age-of-moonknight · 2 months
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“What If…Venom Had Bonded to Doctor Strange?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #3.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Penciler: Manuel García; Inker: Cam Smith; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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mckiwi · 5 months
Doctor Strange Appreciation Event 2022
Day One: Favorite Male Character
Day Two: Favorite Female Character
Day Three: Favorite Location
Day Four: Favorite Power
Day Five: Favorite Secondary Character
Day Seven: Favorite Dynamic
Day Nine: Favorite MCU Appearance
Day Eleven: Favorite Fight Scene
Day Thirteen: Inspired by a Song
Day Fifteen: Happy Birthday, Stephen Strange
(For the other days, please visit mckiwixsylpha)
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The Mirror's Gonna Fog Tonight
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"Squeeze hard, hold that pose, You know I like it, do it. Sweetheart, I'm the boss. And when you get close to it..." - Mirrors (Natalia Kills)
Part 1: Sketch I am gonna have to do a description of this one later because I literally am down to the wire on time. I'll write it later, I promise. @the-eldritch-sorcerer @sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @icytrickster17 @stewardofningishzida @cirocity @harlekin6 @feral-for-strange @bakerstreethound @rachellunesta
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In One Universe…
Stephen Strange • She/Her Pronouns • Sorcerer!Reader • ANGST/SFW (for the sake of a good ending) • MoM Spoilers-ish
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You simply can’t compete.
Even if she’s now a happily married woman.
Standing alone at a table with no chairs, drink in hand and fixed gaze on her boyfriend at the bar talking seriously with his ex. She felt her chest tighten with jealousy and depression while she watches him smile…and as sick as it is, she felt better when his smile faded.
“So! What’s it like?”
Y/N looks up from her drink confused as the groom of the famous Christine Palmer makes his presence known before her. “Im sorry?”
“What’s it like dating the Doctor Strange? Amazing as it’ll ever be?“
“Oh, yes! But why talk about that when we should be talking about the happy couple” Y/N smiles earning a chuckle out of Charlie. “Feel different yet?”
“Oh not really” Charlie sighs looking toward the two that Y/N has been staring at for a good moment. “I’ve always had her. Not saying marriage confirmed that or “locked it in” but I make her happy and that’s all that matters”
I make her happy
And that’s all that matters
“Hey…where have you been?”
“Nursing a glass of wine while talking it up with some surgeons…” The first part being the only truthful thing. Y/N read the disappointment all over his face, even if she was a tad upset she’d do anything to make him happy.
Stephen instinctively wrapped his free arm around her waist when she stood on her tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek. Bringing a temporary smile to his face that was soon ruined by the screaming.
“Duty calls” Stephen finishes his drink handing the glass off to the waiter before helping Y/N onto the ledge before removing his cloak from his suit pocket and jumping off with her.
“Don’t scare the kid with your words, Stephen” Y/N joins the three at the restaurant as she’s usually left to take care of his messes which included the big shelled octopus creature. “Everything’s account for Wong”
“I wish Stephen cleaned up after himself instead of letting his girlfriend do so” Wong squints and glares at Stephen causing a sigh to escape from him.
“Wait. She’s not your wife?” America suddenly asks catching all three of them off guard. “What? I just told you—“
“That you can travel the multiverse yes. But I don’t see any proof in such.”
The reveal of the other universe’s Stephen’s dead body was unsettling. Y/N regrets a lot of thoughts she had during the wedding after looking at her…variant’s? Stephen? God it was all extremely weird.
“What makes you different from him?” America frowns not trusting the three after her experience with the other Stephen. “How can I trust you not to take my power?”
“You’re just going to have to trust me”
“And if he were to do anything, I’d kick his ass” Y/N whispers to America getting a smile and short laugh from her plus an eye roll from Stephen.
“I’d let her. She has better judgement than the rest of us”
“That’s what he said. Before we separated…”
“What…happened to his Y/N?” His body tensed afraid of what America’s answer will be and shook his head. “Never mind. I…I don’t. Let’s get going to Kamar Taj”
“And what will we do with him?”
While Stephen buried the body, Y/N opened the portal to Kamar Taj letting America through before herself and saw the worry written all over her face.
“You’re safe with us, America.”
“I-I know but I…I have something to do, and I need to be alive and with my power to do it yknow” America laughs nervously with the worry and anxiety pouring out of her.
Before she knew it, she felt Y/N’s gentle hands cradle her face.
“When this mess is over. We’ll help you get grounded with your power and help you with whatever that something is” Y/N didn’t know til later that America was referring to what got her in this multiverse mess, as for the creatures coming after her…that just added onto the stress.
The Scarlet Witch coming to Kamar Taj simply…yeah.
“If you give me the girl, I can send you to a universe where you’ll be with Christine” Wanda smirks quickly turning her attention to Y/N. “Because deep down…who do you truly love, Stephen Strange?”
Stephen caught his words in his throat, maybe they were the right ones or maybe they were wrong, but nothing was said until he snapped back into reality glaring at the witch before him.
“The full might of Kamar Taj stands against you”
As Stephen returns to his post beside Wong, Y/N locks eyes with Wanda for a split second letting a small window open. But suddenly Wanda winces and grew enraged starting her strike on the temple while Y/N quickly ran in to have her eyes on America at all times.
“Leave her. She’s got America along with two masters” Wong snaps at Stephen to stay before he could even think of joining them in the building. “What on earth did she tell you?”
“It’s nothing Wong. We’re at war. Focus on what’s happening”
“If I lose someone close to me, because of something you’re not telling me…you better check yourself Strange”
It was strange…falling through the multiverse, and idiotic for Y/N to push Stephen to catch America causing them to split.
Leaving Y/N alone in a universe by herself with zero knowledge on multiverse travel. She only knows as much as Strange does and granted her first thought was this was cruel punishment.
This universe didn’t look much different from theirs. Maybe a little healthier. Y/N quickly tapped the gem on her necklace causing her robes to disappear and turn into more of streetwear that matches the universe she’s in. But her cosmetic relic added another feature to her attire that made her confused.
A wedding ring?
Before Y/N could even explore suddenly a red cloak grabbed her by the collar pulling her into the nearest alleyway. She stumbled back catching herself as the cloak presented itself to her soon laying on the shoulders of its partner.
“Holy shit”
“The ring please” Her variant stands before her holding her hand out as Y/N continues to be confused while removing the ring setting it in her palm. “Now get the fuck out of here”
“I can’t exactly just do that” Y/N laughs. “I’m stuck here until either America harnesses her power or Stephen gets his head on straight”
“You don’t belong here and if I get stuck with you, I might as well ask for my sentence before I do what I’m about to do”
“Your sentence?”
“You’re not the only one to fall into this universe. There’s laws now and rules. To avoid this reality collapsing in on itself” Her variant explains as she felt the cloak squeeze her a bit causing her to sigh instantly. “I know. I can’t just. Okay, we’re getting my husband but I can’t have you looking like that”
“What’s wrong with what I look?”
“Well you’re already me. So I can’t stress enough how bad it is to have another me in the same universe so” She flung the cloak onto Y/N’s shoulders and did a quick changing spell to have it cover her front and add a hood.
Y/N checks herself and glares at Variant!Y/N watching the same glare in return before leading the way.
Only for her variant self to suddenly shove Y/N into the nearest building leading her towards the back.
“Nothing to see here Remy”
The store clerk squints at the sorcerer catching a glimpse of the second Y/N. His sighs and quickly turns off the back security camera to let them out.
“I have my sling ring. Why can’t—-“
“Wait. You’ve had it and didn’t use it? You know you’d end up in where you want to be, just in this universe” Her variant snaps and immediately takes Y/N’s sling ring.
“What happened to yours and why do you wear the cloak of levitation? It’s St—-“
“Stephen’s. Yes. Whatever. You’ll find out. JUST GO THE FUCK THROUGH”
“Darling, why are you yelling?”
The two Y/N’s quickly stare at the sorcerer supreme in his maroon colored robes with gold seam work, shoulder length hair in a wolf mullet cut, and with a cleaner goatee…this really isn’t Y/N’s Stephen but the concern on his face and the worry driven body language made her wish it was.
“The Avengers better not find out about this or they’ll have her head”
“Wow that’s grand” Y/N groans stepping through feeling the cloak release from her shoulders as Stephen watches the stress radiate off of her but his main concern was his Y/N.
“Her universe the sapphire gem gives her the ability—-“
“To change her appearance and it adapted to our universe. Taking my ring.” Y/N frowns feeling Stephen’s hands carefully rest on her face wiping away the tears that were caused by the anxiety of losing something that important. “What are we going to do Strange? This isn’t the first time another self of somebody has entered our universe. I can’t…I-I can’t lose you. Or this life”
The reassuring words sounded like music to Y/N’s ears as she watches how gentle Stephen is with her variant and did his best calming her not stopping with his words until she calmed down.
I want to go home…I can’t watch this…I-I don’t have this… Y/N held back the tears the best she could as she formed fists quickly to focus the pain onto the nails she dug into her palms. She crosses her arms as the two parted from each other while cloak fell back on the other Y/N’s shoulders. “Is the cloak your relic here?”
“Ha! No. He’s still paired with Strange just”
“Both of them. We don’t have a lot of time given most multiversal travelers are detected by a variety of things. Magic. AI. Sensors.”
“We just got lucky being stuck in a part of the city where I’m friends with most of the leasers” Y/N reassures her other but she noticed her fists and without a second thought, took her hands into hers squeezing them enough to subside the urge. “The only way into finding where your Stephen and this…America you mentioned earlier, is using the Darkhold. But Mordo destroyed it”
“After he fell to its urges and found his revelation too late, knowing his life would be taken by its destruction”
“Wow. He did good even after—“
“He tried to kill me” Stephen laughs anxiously. “Or me” His Y/N says shortly after.
“…is there a window? For them to find me before the Avengers of your universe find me?”
The silence gave Y/N an answer.
She’ll have to die in order for nothing to harm their universe.
Honestly? She’d let them.
She can’t step in her other’s happiness because she thinks she doesn’t have her own.
Stephen ran through the Illuminati building trying to find America and Christine without the help of his cloak or any signs of where they’ll be. Then suddenly a portal opened as he ran through finding himself in a hallway being shortly met with America and Christine.
“Are you okay?!” Stephen exclaims as he instantly tighten his embrace on America while Christine’s gaze glued to the orange glow fading behind him but saw no sling ring on his finger.
Once the small argument that finally lead to Christine caving in and leading the way to the Book of Vishanti. With a few Scarlet Witch sized bumps along the way leading them to a moment of being in front of the door.
When Christine presented the watch to Stephen he gave it a second look. Then it clicked.
“No…that’s not it. It’s much simpler than that”
“What’s that supposed—-”
“Can you just. Reveal and open the door” America interrupts Christine as her anxiety of the Scarlet Witch breaking in at any moment wasn’t letting up.
The sorcerer reached for the handle and suddenly pulled it off the door revealing a glowing sapphire inside where the handle clicked in. As he sets the handle off to the side to pick up the sapphire on the sterling silver necklace causing the door to open while feeling the weight on his chest grow and the few tears that fell.
He needs to find her…
He can’t live without her
America was the first to yell for their attention while Wanda grabs her by the hair forcing her back. But she was suddenly grabbed in the middle by the familiar gold magic and was ripped away from the child.
“Y/N!” Christine yells making Stephen immediately look at her finding his…his Y/N with shorter hair, more visible scars, and overall an aggressive attitude toward the Scarlet Witch harming a child.
Y/N wore 838’s cloak of levitation now as she drags the witch tossing her to the other side of the platform before descending and rushing to America. Carefully helping her up and checking her for injuries but the pull of Wanda’s magic tossed her into the pillar that held the book.
“You’re always in the way” Wanda snaps at Y/N grabbing America once again and before Stephen could even read the book or try to get America. The witch was three steps ahead shooting toward the three causing the book in hand to burn and the collapse of the sorcerer and scientist beside Y/N.
The three were suddenly tossed through the portal and found themselves in the collapsed reality.
“We need to find—“
“Other you. There’s a possibility even with the incursion” Y/N interrupts and started walking.
Before any light conversation was brought, Christine grabbed Y/N’s arm forcing her back.
“Where have you been?”
“You want to do this now?”
“You disappeared after Stephen died—“
“THE ILLUMINATI KILLED MY HUSBAND AND DIDNT BOTHER TO TELL HIS WIFE AND CHILD. DONT YOU DARE BELIEVE THE LIE THEY PUT ON A FUCKING STATUE” Y/N yells enraged pulling her arm away as the cloak tugged at her to keep her from ending Christine. “I don’t give two fucking shits about why you, Christine fucking Palmer, need to get back. That witch took the child that practically has the faith of every universe in her hands and that Stephen needs to get back. And my fucking daughter can’t lose another parent” she snapped finally feeling the cloak wrap itself around her pulling her away to give them space and a big enough moment to calm down before starting their walk again.
“She’s a single mother…”
“Yeah. Quinn…gorgeous little girl with the same fire that our Stephen had. But when he started to use the Darkhold, he…Uhm.” Christine inhales sharply. “He couldn’t stand to look her or Y/N in the eye after promising both of them that he’ll never use it ever again. So when he died, the two disappeared. Now we are here”
Both Y/N and Christine didn’t approve of Stephen using the Darkhold. But there was no other choice and Y/N trusted this Stephen’s judgement. When the souls of the damned erupted out of his body, Y/N tossed the cloak toward Christine to protect her like 838 Stephen always wanted…to protect all of those he loves soon elbowing the glass cabinet ignoring the blood that poured while she set the gauntlet on fire erupting the souls that escaped into flames. She looked at Christine to make sure she was okay, letting her take care of Stephen while she stood by for anything further.
In every universe
He’ll always care for her
But the love of his life?
Has always been her, one way or another
“I hope you know I’m not okay with doing this. Putting a lie detecting spell on you earlier only concerned me with how your reality is” Stephen ran his hand through his hair as he took a deep breath while Y/N kept her gaze to the floor.
“I’m giving you the okay with murdering me to avoid your reality collapsing…trust me, just because I…feel very threatened by another in my universe, doesn’t mean I should inflict those emotions onto my other self while she is happy in hers”
“We’re always the one sacrificing too much and before we do anything…I” Y/N frowns taking one of her hands into hers. “I need you to know…that feeling…the weight of it all will be lifted. Because he always knows to make the right choice”
Before either said another word, suddenly the familiar star shaped portal formed beside them. This universe’s Stephen quickly pulled the two Y/N’s close to his person before readying his shields as America quickly ran out quickly scanning both Y/N’s deciding which one to hug as her Y/N immediately wrapped her arms around her protectively.
“I’m so glad you’re safe…” Y/N sobs holding onto the kid feeling her squeeze her back.
“I’m just lucky you landed in a universe I’ve been before. Not very long…but still. It was easy. I’m happy we found you!” America smiles up at Y/N as she couldn’t help but bring her back into a tight hug.
This universe’s Stephen watches the interaction between the two and felt his Y/N smack him playfully in the chest for knowing exactly what he’s thinking. Stephen suddenly took Y/N’s hand as the two watched a tearful Stephen step through the portal catching his Y/N’s attention expecting her to be upset that it took him so long but all she wanted to do was fall into his embrace.
“Should I cut my hair?” His variant whispers to his Y/N as she gave him a side eye.
“Unless you want me to call you Steve for the rest of your life”
“Right. Well as long as you like it as much as I do. Then I won’t” He smiles and while the happy reunion was nice, their Avengers must’ve picked up on the anomaly since the stark drones hissed over the sanctum.
“Well it was lovely having you all here but I’d rather not watch my Y/N get arrested again by the Avengers” Stephen laughs hearing the gasping agains from their variants and the kid before pushing them through the portal with a force watching it close instantly.
Once the detection was no longer in range by a few multiverses in the way, the two turned to each other once the drones went past. Y/N sighs relieved that her variant was found and she didn’t have to kill the anomaly. Stephen was just grateful that he can kiss his wife finally without any stares from their others or even their Wong on occasion.
Finally back in their own universe, Wong took America to let the two be alone for as long as they needed. Stephen hasn’t stopped crying since they found his Y/N. Even if he was in just two other universes, he’s learned enough of what his counter parts can do to their significant others in a negative way…and well. He knows more than enough.
“I’ll let you use the Darkhold if you give me your Chri—…Hm. Or her. She’ll do perfectly”
Stephen turns around to find 838’s Y/N entering the room with hesitation.
“If I didn’t have what I have back in my universe. Well. Who knows what could happen” Y/N played along bringing herself up and close to his sinister self wrapping her arms around his neck.
“See. She complies and so the Darkhold is yours” He smirks unclasping it from himself tossing it to his counterpart.
Before Stephen could say anything about the two, he watched Y/N suddenly head butt his sinister self in the third eye and her cloak suddenly grab him tossing him straight out the window of the sanctum.
“Yknow. I have anger issues and according to my Christine, I’m the only Y/N that does. But I doubt it. So…” Y/N frowns turning to Stephen. “Don’t ever piss her off Strange, because if we’re anything alike. We’ll internalize a lot of what we’re feeling”
When America opened the portal back to 838, Y/N suddenly took Stephen’s hand.
“Just five minutes” Y/N frowns watching him nod while America tagged along following her through the portal she made with her sling.
Once the portal closed, Y/N took her cloak off as it instantly shifted into a scarf leading the way to what seems to be a little farm house. As the two followed this Y/N through the house, Stephen noticed the pictures on the wall that held this universe’s Stephen with his daughter before everything went south for them.
“I don’t want to scare you”
“About?” Stephen questions Y/N as the two stopped by the kitchen window to the backyard watching as a little girl chase after two golden retrievers while they fetched for the ball she tossed. “I’m…really sorry about—-“
“Don’t be. I’m only mad at Christine for reasons I shouldn’t be mad at her for. But at my Stephen’s funeral I knew I didn’t want our daughter wrapped up in it all. So I gave up a lot. I gave up my position in the Illuminati, I found a replacement master for the New York Sanctum since Mordo took Sorcerer Supreme, I already was certified in teaching so I became my Quinn’s teacher, and now I’m a farmer that only is a sorcerer when Mordo desperately needs me.” Y/N frowns crossing her arms as she watches Quinn finally get the ball back tossing it again. “We’re all different. Even if we all are quick to give up many things for our Stephens. But with mine, he didn’t just. Drop everything and decide to be executed. Yes I didn’t know for sure that was happening but I remember being woken up to get Quinn to Kamar Taj to keep her safe and that he might not come back from the fight. With tears he made me promise to keep his memory alive with his daughter. To remind her whenever she was sad or anxious that he’s always there even if it’s never physically. Everything in his name is in hers. Or what’s left given that he gave up a lot from his accident. Then when I wear the cloak it’s what it’s intended to be but once it’s removed it becomes whatever Quinn needs. He’s always around one way or another and I know this situation is nothing like yours with your me. But Stephen…” she carefully rests a hand on his shoulder as his gaze never left the field. “If there is anything wrong in your reality with the one that you love, do everything in your power to fix it. Because even if he did believe for a moment that Palmer was his endgame, it was never her to make him realize that she wasn’t.”
As Y/N leaves Stephen to contemplate that with America forming a portal behind them. He watches Y/N carefully wrap the scarf around her daughter’s neck as she beams instantly to her mom being home.
In one universe, she is his everything
In one universe, anger didn’t drive her away
In one universe,…
All she wanted was him
“I never…ever want to lose you. I can’t lose you.” Stephen starts, carefully taking her face in his trembling hands feeling her soft ones hold his. “Before what happened, at the wedding, I was angry…that I…that that wasn’t me and I was selfish to let you come to witness my emotions for someone who doesn’t feel the same way just pour at inappropriately….”
His thumbs wipe away the hot tears that spilled from her eyes when he said that. Being gentle as he ever could with his partner before him.
“I know I always have to be the one holding the knife…I’ve been told that twice so it must be true…but I’m not alone. Someone cares for me and loves me even if I’m blind to it most of the time but after all of this I want that to change…I…I’m scared. I’m scared of not doing this right. Of letting someone in. I want to protect you and love you. Without ever making you feel small…” Stephen moved his hands to rest on her waist as she brought hers to rest on his chest feeling him press his forehead against hers. “And I’m already not doing a good job…”
“May I remind you…that all we had to do was talk it out…I-I…” Y/N gripped onto his robes feeling him pull her closer. “I know you love me, and I know I’m just. Jealous and angry about Christine…She’s known you for the longest time and you two have this bond that I think I’ll never have that kind of relationship but…fuck. I…”
“She’s my past. Always will be a part of my life but not in that way. She…honestly never was. Then you. You changed my whole life and I was afraid from the second we became something that I’d lose you to anything and everything”
“You’ll never lose me, Stephen…” Y/N cries bringing her hands to the nape of his neck trying to calm her tears when she just continued anyway. “Please don’t ever lose me Stephen…”
“When we went to the wedding…I was heartbroken. Seeing the way he looked at her.” Her variant starts after realizing her counterpart was willing to sacrifice herself just so her variant’s reality can remain safe if her Stephen didn’t find her soon enough. “He told me before we left, that she will always be a part of his life because that is his past and that when he sees her up there…he wouldn’t know how to feel. Because for once, they both have everything they’ve always wanted and it took them this long to realize it wasn’t with the other…and that’s when he promised me that he’d remind me every day how much he loves me. He kept his word. I got…lucky. Yes we have our hiccups. But that’s what love is. It’s not the most healthiest thing in the world and you either work together or apart. Sometimes I need an hour or a day but I would always come back. Same for Stephen. He handles Kamar Taj business alone as his form of “me time” because when he’s not Sorcerer Supreme for a moment…he’s my husband”
“How is this supposed to—-“
“Your Stephen sounds very stuck. In his past. That hopefully this adventure he’s on in the multiverse, it’ll show him how important certain things are. Which includes you”
“I don’t want to lose him…” Y/N frowns bringing her knees to her chest feeling her variant’s hand rest on her back rubbing soothing circles.
“As much as we are from different universes. I can promise to the best of my ability…that you won’t lose him and if he finds you in time, that’s one confirmation out of many”
In one universe, their universe, it’s not perfect. They’ve fought. Survived. Sacrificed. Stressed. Worried. Feared. The two experienced it all but never wanted to be apart from the other.
Stephen reminds her every day. Whether that be with tea in the morning with staying in bed a little later than usual, gentle grazes of his finger tips against her skin, holding her from behind while she did her tasks,…the list goes on. Everything he does follows with an I love you and not a day goes by where Y/N feels unloved. That even when her anxiety and doubts get triggered, he’s instantly there to reassure her.
And of course it’s not just him. Y/N gives him everything he needs and always has been. Moments where he simply just needs her in the room, being present. The two reading to themselves in their bed…Y/N being present during his training sessions watching him teach while also helping his student…her simply in his embrace neither of them saying a word just comfortable and safe.
Both say I love you at every hello and goodbye, good morning and good night, be safe and I promise,…
The multiverse left some new scars, but at least they healed together.
In their own universe
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smarthily · 10 months
Ele, it's that time of year again 😁
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Time to remind you how awesome you are 😜 So that you won't have a chance to forget 😘
You keep Benedict's fandom here alive. Organizing the events, participating in the events - we can always expect something amazing from you 😉💕 Your Benedict monthly report is the most convenient thing a fan can dream of - allows everyone to keep up with all the news and updates ✨ Thanks to you tumblr always have the pleasure of seeing some wonderful sets with Benedict - some find out about his less known works through this, some are reminded about the well-loved major ones when they see your set shared by some movies source blog, some get to regularly have the joy of seeing something very dear to them. Benedict is so lucky to have a fan like you! 🫶 And the fandom is blessed that you're here through all these years, through the ups and downs of people's engagement, through all the "features" the hellsite keeps pouring on us, all the hardships it throws creators' way. You persevere, like a champion 😁🏆
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You're always reaching new heights, keep surprising and bringing people joy with what you do 😊💖 You are talented, dedicated, and wonderful❣️ Thank you so much for everything you do for this fandom, for all the work you put into it, and all the love too, for all the amazing stuff you create, and for your help and support ❤ You are extraordinary ❤
Alright, come on now, bring it in! 😁
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amaranthmori · 22 days
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saturndoesnotsleep · 11 months
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Someone on twitter asked for strangesonas/variants, and I decided to be self indulgent for once. I love this man, so so much.
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dino-fart · 1 year
Y'all i just wanna say thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me the encouragement to write. I started in October 2022 with 80 followers and I was super nervous about posting.
And now I'm so many fics in, more to go of course lol, but with 1300 followers.
I am so grateful and I owe it to you all. Thank you for your support and appreciation!
I want to know what can I do for all of you?
What would you like from me? Requests? Drabbles? Tell me in the comments or inbox.
Love you!
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amagicdoctor · 13 days
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I’m not usually a fan of the Zombie/Vampire crossover events but I am loving the potential of Doctor Strange getting to interact with some Spider-Man people!
From Doctor Strange (2023) #15 [Blood Hunt tie-in]
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