multiverse-of-marvels · 9 months
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Also known as the Ultimate universe. Home to Miles Morales (Spider-Man), Reed Richards (the Maker), and a female clone of Peter Parker named Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman). The Avengers of this reality are known as the Ultimates.
After the destruction of this reality in an Incursion with Earth-616, it combined to create Earth-61610 and was used to form a region on the multiversal Battleworld known as Manhattan. This reality was later restored with the rest of the Multiverse.
First mentioned/appearance: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2000)
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brackets002 · 11 months
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Finally got a new ref made of this guy! Yaaay!
For those who haven't already seen him, this is Specs, my personalized version of Peter Parker. He's in his mid-twenties, has been Spider-Man for over a decade at this point, is married to Mary Jane Watson, and carries a lot of anger and trauma that he fights against almost as much as he fights supervillains. In his civilian life he's an investigative photojournalist, using his camera and his job at the Daily Bugle as a tool against crime and corruption--doing his best to make the world a little better in the long term.
Commissioned from the ever-brilliant @sirwolficus. A black and white version, as well as some design notes, are under the cut.
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Specs genuinely needs those glasses. The spider bite didn't fix his eyesight, and in fact probably made it a little worse. When in costume he wears contact lenses, but he insists on wearing glasses in civilian life because that provides a little more separation between his identities.
The spider bite also didn't have the benefit of making him naturally buff. Instead, Specs' build developed gradually over his years of acrobatics and combat; his thighs have significantly more muscle mass than anywhere else, because he spends most of his time either running, jumping, or crouching. Most of the rest of his body places more emphasis on lean muscle definition; there's a lot more agility than brute force here.
The universe this Peter Parker lives in, Earth-61610, has an artstyle that refuses to hide the stitching and seams on a superhero costume. That's why they feature rather prominently on this reference. Over the years Specs has tried to tweak the costume's patterning so that the seam lines contribute to the aesthetic rather than interrupting it.
Specs' web-shooters are strapped onto his wrists under his gloves, which have large holes to allow the shooters themselves to be visible and operate without getting snagged on fabric. There's a very slight, but still visible, bulge beneath his gloves where the watch straps sit.
The black fingers and palms of Specs' gloves are made of a different material to most of the costume's black portions; it's much thinner and rather loose-knit, because Specs' adhesive ability doesn't work very well through typical cloth. The soles of his boots are split into sections that're each lined with the same material, so Specs' feet can stick to walls without too much obstruction.
The eye lenses of his mask are a polarized polycarbonate material; they're not white, they're just very shiny. And they don't move or emote like most Spider-Man masks seem to; instead, Earth-61610's Spider-Man wears a permanent half-glare.
Specs draws the web-pattern onto his costume by hand; he's been doing that for so long that he doesn't particularly care about making it look "right" anymore. In a way that's almost a benefit to the suit's aesthetic, because his carelessness gives the pattern a subtly messy, asymmetrical look, a lot like an actual spiderweb. It also means that artists are fully allowed to just bullshit the pattern and draw lines going vaguely the right direction, because that's exactly what he's doing in-universe.
Those red patches on his thighs are pockets.
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ask-crimson-weaver · 2 years
Hey, Melody. It's been a while.
I don't know if anyone's told you why I'm not there, but I don't think it matters right now. I'm curious: how'd you get from space to working with the other-other-me? You always gave the impression that you were expecting to keep working with the Marvel Corps for a good long while. You hoping to head back to them once the current shit is dealt with?
Oh. Hey, Specs.
Long story short... I didn't get involved with them by choice. Heck, I didn't even know other-other you was a thing until I woke up on his airship. He filled me in a bit, at least-- the Spider Man wanted his human Shard energy generator back, and sent his latest hires across dimensions to grab me (and I'm pretty sure at this point they knocked me out with the same stuff that Mels got hit with-- I just remembered to engage my deep-space visor this time around). While I was out, but before they got the chance to bolt me into anything again, other-other-you's group intercepted them and took me back to their base. And once I was up, I was basically told that I had to help them, because the alternative was the Spider Man catching me and actually finishing what he'd planned to do with me.
So tl;dr I got kidnapped, then got kidnapped from my kidnappers.
I know I don't have the best relationship with you Spiders-- especially the ones that were there back when I was Redline-- but between the Spiders and other-other-you? I'd trust the Cluster over him any day. Hence why, when they had to jump ship because they didn't see eye-to-eye with other-other-you, I took the chance to do so as well.
So yeah. Once this is done, I'm going to go back to 42711r. If there's any consequences for me disappearing without notice and showing up back on Earth (because one of the stipulations of my probation is that I'm not supposed to go back to Earth, but both the hub and Mels' watch only let out there), I'll face them. And I'll be more than content to go back to the Marvel Corps and never set foot outside my dimension again.
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[OOC: A full-body, colorless image of Otto Octavius, the Doctor Octopus of Earth-61610, as well as a close-up of his face without his helmet. Commissioned by me, drawn by @the-angel-of-filth]
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ask-odyssiaoctavius · 3 years
[A soft, octopus-shaped robot appears on the floor of Odyssia's workspace, colored dots across its surface shrinking to nothing as its camouflage disengages. It moves in a way very reminiscent of Otto-61610's tentacles as it climbs onto the nearest desk, where its bell unfurls and deposits two things in front of Odyssia. The first is a letter, the second is a dark green, irregularly-shaped reptilian scale the size of a human hand. The Octobot then steps back and shifts into idle mode.]
The letter reads:
Thank you so much for your expertise on cephalopod nervous systems! As you can see, I'm already well into the prototyping stages thanks to you. This particular Octobot found you entirely on its own, no remote control required. (Feel free to keep it, it might make for a neat conversation piece.)
As a token of my gratitude, and simply because I think you'll find it useful, I've also included a scale sample from Gojira, one of the most significant examples of 61610's aquatic megafauna. Be careful; even having been shed several centuries ago, this scale is still slightly radioactive and must be handled carefully. I hope you find it as interesting and useful as I found the sources you sent me.
Aww, how precious, I love it! Thank you very much and I’m glad that I could be of help! This little guy shows so much promise so far and it already seems like this Octobot is already a good sign of success for future builds, as far as I can tell. It already has fantastic camouflage abilities; something I haven’t seen anyone in my dimension tap into in such a way when making octopus inspired soft robots. I will make sure that this guy is safe here with me.
And as for the Gojira scale.. I can’t tell you how much that I’m floored by the fact that this even exists. Had this been from anyone else, I would’ve assumed you were trying to pull a very dedicated prank. But, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who does pranks in the first place, and I trust that you are absolutely serious about Gojira being legitimately real in your dimension. This is incredible.. I’ve never seen anything quite like this scale. Oh, to see the owner of the scale in person... It must be an awe inspiring and terrifyingly beautiful sight to behold. Especially something that is presumably ancient and astronomically powerful. I’ll be sure to keep this in a safe location for further study. It deserves nothing less than the best for safekeeping.
Once again, thank you for these wonderful gifts. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors!
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scarletwitchpanels · 2 years
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Ultimate End #5
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ask-aurachnid · 2 years
Wait, what's going on on Earth-61610?
I swear I only stepped away for like three hours cause Rhino was tearing through Chinatown, and Danny would be so mad if I didn't deal with it.
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ask-octoberotto · 3 years
Had a run-in with the Chameleon earlier today. Emjay and I are still trying to travk him down, but it got me wondering. Does Earth-2 have a Dmitri Smerdyakov, as far as you're aware?
Short answer is yes. While I only met him once, but I have heard most about him from his half-sister and fellow survivor, Sonya Kravinova. This gets a bit lengthy so I will put it in a readmore:
To establish some context about Sonya: from our short interactions, I learned she’s a former member of the BSAA (or the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance).. which seems to be the closest equivalent to an “Avengers” we have here. Which explains her aptitude for multiple types of firearms and how she seems to already be fairly familiar with conditions brought about by an Outbreak such as this. I first met her during my brief encounter with what I would learn to be her half-brother..
Now.. she didn’t disclose much about what happened (well, to be honest, she rarely discloses anything about herself to begin with), what I understand is that Sonya and Dmitri weren’t particularly close due to their very different lives they chose to follow. According to Sonya, Dmitri was a talented impressionist, and even as a young child, he showed an incredible prowess for acting. But at one point, Sonya lost all contact with him after Dmitri began his final year at a drama school in Belgium. Last she heard from him before he disappeared was that he was approached by a talent agent who was impressed by his abilities and offered him a job shortly after seeing a performance of his. After excitedly telling his family about it over the phone, he was never heard from again.
… That is until recently. Though my interactions with Dmitri were brief, I know for a fact that he is no longer who he used to be. I hypothesize that, as the Chameleon, he was specifically developed to be an infiltrator and assassin.
Unlike most, you could be forgiven if you initially saw him as a human.. or, more accurately, as someone you know and care about. The Chameleon, unlike the others, can blend far too easily in a crowd, and he is able to take on the appearance of virtually any human so long as he’s given enough visual information to achieve accuracy and precision. And due to the acting talent he was known for, he is able to successfully impersonate them with little flaws. He may be physically weaker than most B.O.W.s, he is far more devious than them and is able to use various weapons with ease.
But the most disturbing thing about him (aside from imagining what monstrous procedures had to take place in order for Dmitri to go from a regular man to the Chameleon) is how he achieves his impersonations. He is able to physically alter his size and proportions so long as they remain in the humanoid category, change the shape of his vocal chords, and restructure his facial features to match up with who he’s impersonating. However, his true appearance looks like a pale, almost skeletal looking being. This is only seen when the flesh, hair, and skin of who he’s pretending to be starts to fall off from what looks like bone underneath.
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ask-spider-man-130 · 3 years
Hey, Cat. Please give Spidey his phone back the next time you see him--he's probably noticed it's gone by now and is panicking about it. But in the meantime, it's good to see you're enjoying the hell out of your life. Have you gotten your grappling gun yet? Maybe considered investing in a pair of jumping stilts? You could give the bottom of the springs a little cat-paw shape to keep them on brand.
Unlike the other Spider-Man who messaged you, I do have a version of you on my Earth. I'm gonna tell you what I told her: if you wanna keep trespassing and stealing shit without making your friend feel guilty about spending time with you, there are, like, legitimate things you could do with your talents. You could be stealing artifacts from museums and sending them back to the cultures they were stolen from. Gathering evidence of corporate corruption. Stealing insulin from distributors and sending it for free to the people who need it.
You're obviously a great kid, and I'm glad you and Spidey have found friends in each other. I hope he can more properly introduce you to the Cluster sometime.
oh, i was always going to give it back. i’m just having a bit of fun. i haven’t even touched anything else! well, except for taking some selfies for him to find later.
have i gotten my grappling gun yet? i get a grappling gun? that is actually a wonderful idea. i could swing alongside spider instead of clinging to his back all the time! i do carry some supplies in a hidden pocket under my skirt, such as lock picks. if i obtained a grappling hook i would need a way to carry it... i will think more about this later.
as for your advice... i don’t usually like being told what to do, even sometimes from my own spider. however, i shall take you’ve said into consideration. i know how he feels about my work, and i’m sure you understand that his guilt is not my intention. perhaps i should be compromising as well as he has been.
spider has mentioned you in particular before; i know he really looks up to you. in a way, that does mean something to me. i’m genuinely glad that you approve of our friendship, and i think he will be glad to hear it as well. i hope to meet you all properly soon.
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in-a-cave-with · 4 years
ive decided to try to redraw this art of mine from a year ago, since the art style is a bit janky and i’m missing a couple of tony starks i’ve tried to make another list for a redraw, so can anyone else tell me if i’m still missing any or if i should include/exclude some universes on the lists of tony starks i haven’t drawn in the OG art:
well-known tony starks i already have:
616 (earth-616)
mcu (earth-199999)
ults (earth-1610)
avengers emh (earth-8096)
avengers assemble (earth-12041)
noir (earth-90214)
1872 (earth-51920)
marvel adventures (earth-20051)
evil tony/superior iron man (earth-616)
rdj (earth-1218)
avengers academy (earth-TRN562)
armored adventures (earth-904913)
iron mouse (earth-8311)
natasha stark (earth-3490)
60s cartoon tony (unknown universe)
obscure tony starks i already have:
spider-man ps4 (earth-1048)
1604 iron man (earth-311)
zombie tony (earth-2149)
more evil tonies: (earth-2020), (earth-5012)
anime tony (earth-101001)
fire planet tony (earth-242)
vice president of praxis (earth-1000)
sorcerer supreme (earth-9810)
the other sorcerer supreme (earth-TRN519)
amazing spiderman: renew your vows (earth-18119)
a couple "served very little purpose in the story other than dying” tonies (earth-807128), (earth-1720)
well-known tony starks i need to add:
AI tony (earth-616)
avengers assemble s5/marvel’s spider-man (earth-17628)
secret wars civil war (earth-32323)
avengers video game (unknown universe)
lego tony (earth-13122)
bullet points (earth-70105)
obscure tony starks i want to add:
more evil tonies: emperor stark (earth-42777), iron goblin (earth-19919), iron cross (earth-9907)
more "served very little purpose in the story other than dying” tonies (earth-9591), (earth-12101), (earth-11638)
ultimate alliance (earth-6109)
steel corpse (earth-11326)
heroes united (earth-TRN607)
teenage tony from the onslaught event (earth-96020)
iron man: the animated series (earth-534834)
mangaverse/severed head tony (earth-2301)
marvel disk wars (earth-14042)
future avengers (earth-TRN642)
winged tony ???? (earth-9997)
ultimate end (earth-61610)
contest of champions (earth-TRN619/earth-TRN517)
next avengers (earth-10943)
next avengers: heroes of tomorrow (earth-555326)
dark avengers (earth-TRN524)
cancerverse (earth-10011)
night thrasher (earth-81156)
medieval civil war (earth-TRN584)
tony from jj abrams' spider-man comic (earth-TRN759)
shell games (earth-135263)
rhodes international (earth-57289)
tony starks i want to add, but don’t have any official designs:
tony from spider-gwen’s universe (earth-65)
tony from civil warrior’s universe (earth-TRN634)
tony starks i’m probably not including because jfc there are so many of them:
spider-man: the animated series (earth-92131)
marvel super heroes (earth-30847)
spider-man life story (earth-19529)
rise of the imperfects (earth-50701)
house of m (?) (earth-58163)
marvel universe vs punisher (earth-11080)
spidey (?) universe (earth-16220)
what if? age of ultron (earth-81223)
ape-vengers (??) (earth-8101)
ultimate avengers: the movie (earth-3488)
avengers alliance (earth-12131)
age of apocalypse (earth-295)
age of morgana le fey (earth-26111)
planet hulk (earth-10022)
the, uh. this one. (earth-21050)
rise of apocalypse (earth-7964)
the very bad animated iron man movie (earth-199673)
team thor (TIL team thor isnt mcu canon and i’m upset) (earth-16828)
marvel super hero adventures (earth-TRN663)
western au lego tony (earth-13122)
marvel future fight (earth-415)
x-men forever (earth-161)
super hero squad (earth-91119)
power pack (earth-5631)
age of ultron (earth-61112)
avengers in galactic storm (earth-TRN561)
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multiverse-of-marvels · 9 months
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Also known as the Ultimate End. A reality created at the end of the Seventh Cosmos when the final two universes, Earth-616 and Earth-1610, collided into each other during the Incursions. This resulted in the brief creation of a combined reality inhabited by denizens of both universes. After the destruction of this reality by an Incursion, a segment of this Earth was used to form the regions on the multiversal Battleworld known as the Kingdom of Manhattan.
First mentioned/appearance: Ultimate End #1 (2015)
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brackets002 · 7 years
i posted a thing on ao3 finally
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ask-crimson-weaver · 3 years
🦸 Are you a spandex person? Combat armour? Something else?
I guess my suit is technically spandex? Or at least it has that vibe when you look at thinks from the bulky versus skintight angle. My suit's definitely on the form fitting end, but it's got some extra fabric here and there that gives me room to move. It's sort of hard to notice in my 'verse's visual style, but if I'm in a dimension with a bit more visual detail to it (like Earth-61610) it's easier to see the folds and seams of it. I've also got some special athletic wear that I'm able to wear under both my suit and my civilian clothes-- it helps to make the thing fit more comfortably, especially on some of the more humid summer days we get here in Centrum City.
And back to that 'technically'... I admittedly don't know the exact composition of my suit's fabric. It's flexible and durable, which helps when you're swinging around and looking for villains to punch, but it's also got a bit of elasticity to it. That last one, admittedly, might also be at least a little bit due to some 'verse mechanics shenanigans, but it's got a noticeable enough effect for me to mention it. Tl;dr my suit can still be scuffed and ripped if I get into a rough enough tussle, but fortunately some combination of composition and dimensional function has helped prevent me from having any, ah... incidents of the embarrassing sort.
Though I'm perfectly comfortable with the suit I've got now, I have recently considered working with Han or Harley to try to add a jacket to the ensemble. Nothing too heavy, of course, but something that's at least got some extra pockets along with a bit of blade-resistant padding around the shoulders.
Let's just say... I'd rather not take a hit in that spot again.
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This time period is so sad :(
It's not just sad, it's hostile. Like, I know that 61610 is a bit harsher than the average dimension anyway, but this is so much worse than back home!
Like, we're from 2039, right? A time period that's got a thriving and friendly superhero community, and where homeless shelters are these really nice apartment blocks with free food and therapists and drug counseling, and where suicide and shit is at an all-time low because there's a universal basic income. 2019, where we are now? It has none of those! It sucks!
Not to mention it's gross. I swear to God I can taste the pollution in the air. Like, I know the Gojiran Reparations haven't started yet, but is there no effort going into saving the planet?! Is the entire world just okay with living on a poisoned trash ball??
...I miss my girlfriends.
I miss Miles.
Okay, look. Annie and I are gonna finish sabotaging Alchemax's satellite program within a couple days. But, while we're waiting for this weird corrupt fascist superhero corporation to make their next mistake, I'm gonna go volunteer at F.E.A.S.T. for the afternoon.
And I'm gonna do some pro-Magneto graffiti. On, like, the upper story of a building.
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ask-odyssiaoctavius · 3 years
Let's see here. I...admit I don't know what many of these mean. But you, to me, are some kind of perplexing and fascinating mixture of fashionable olive and science cyan.
-From Earth-61610's Otto Octavius
Hey 61610! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve heard from you last. I gotta say, I’m very fond of the lil’ octobot you’ve gifted me! I’ve decided to name it Ollie because I can’t help but get attached to it!! It’s very cute and even though I know it’s a prototype, I still am amazed by the craftsmanship! Anyway, I digress; so to answer:
science cyan: i would study you under a microscope. I wouldn’t even ask for money.
fashionable olive: you are a genius and also very beautiful and witty. why do you even follow me?
Fascinating… I wouldn’t mind being under a microscope! I’d be interested to see you figure me out, y’know? It’d be an honor to give you the opportunity to learn more about me.
As for the second comment: thank you so much! You sure do know how to make a girl feel special, Doc. Seriously, I’m touched by how you consider me beautiful and witty… if I weren’t exclusively into women, I would be fully enamored by your kind words.
Anyway.. Even though you’re not officially on this site for your own reasons, I still consider you an honorary mutual of mine! I’d follow you (if you were on here, of course) just because I think you’re an incredibly brilliant man who actually knows how to put his vision into action. You don’t just bluff it like how some academic types just propose ideas but never bring ‘em into fruition; you go out of your way to make them into a reality. You’re ahead of the game, many years ahead of your time. And in spite of all the naysayers who just aren’t ready to recognize your vision yet, you do it anyway without hesitation. It’s so admirable.
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scarletwitchpanels · 2 years
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Scarlet Witch in Ultimate End #2
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