#fandom (Arrow)
willthespy · 4 months
I feel like Nico would learn to use a bow and arrow to feel closer to Bianca, he knows she’s never coming back but he loves her all the same.
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olibela · 2 years
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Single Ship Oliver Queen. (taken by Bela Talbot) Arrowverse Roleplay Multi paraNovella 18+ only
**************************************************************** -Vigilante -The Hood -The Green Arrow -Al Sah Him -Bela's KING
******************************************************** Married to Bela Talbot @chaseme.
*Oliver belongs with Bela, she is the woman that makes his heart pound faster and she is the one that can make his dark soul lighter. She is the reason that Oliver smiles every day. She is the one who brought peace to him and being The Green Arrow, he needs that, someone that is there at end of the day where he can feel vulnerable.* Bela Talbot is my QUEEN.
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winwin17 · 3 months
Are you afraid of Scary Bilbo?
Maybe, but ...
Does it change your view of Bilbo's entire character? Does it make you decide Bilbo is evil and corrupt at heart? Does it cause you to deride Bilbo for greed and selfishness in spite of all his heroic deeds?
Then why do you do that to Boromir?
When Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo, it was his equivalent to the "HRRAAGHH!!" Bilbo moment.
Think back to the moment when Bilbo at Rivendell asked Frodo just to see the Ring, and in one fleeting instant Frodo saw, not the Bilbo he knew, but "a little wrinkled creature with a hungry face and bony groping hands." The flash of vision scared Frodo so bad he felt a desire to strike Bilbo. Frodo was terrified.
And then the next moment, Bilbo was himself again. The book itself describes the moment thus: "Bilbo looked quickly at Frodo 's face and passed his hand across his eyes. 'I understand now,' he said. 'Put it away! I am sorry: sorry you have come in for this burden; sorry about everything.'"
My friends, this is not that different from what happened with Boromir. He pressed Frodo to show him the Ring, and then became so intense about it that Frodo was terrified Boromir would take the Ring by force. Just like he'd been terrified of Scary Bilbo. Because, just as that was frighteningly not like the true Bilbo, this action was also not like the true Boromir.
Sadly, Frodo did not get the chance to hear Boromir's repentant apology and weeping once the moment of madness had passed. He got to hear Bilbo say, "I am sorry; sorry about everything!" But he did not get to hear Boromir say, "What have I said? What have I done?" nor his confession to Aragorn, "I tried to take the Ring from Frodo. I am sorry."
And what did Bilbo want the Ring for at that point in his life anyway? What would he do with its power? Get revenge on his petty relatives? Acquire riches and pipe-weed to last a lifetime? On the other hand, Boromir wanted the Ring as a final desperate hope to save his city, his home, his family, and his people. Being of a noble heart, he viewed the Ring as the only possible way to protect and defend others. It could be said that he was somewhat selfish and desired glory of his own through his efforts, but then again, wouldn't it be called selfishness for Bilbo to get revenge on the Sackville-Baggins, or store up wealth and riches for himself, or hoard all the pipe-weed he could want? Perhaps he would have had loftier thoughts and intentions to use it against Sauron - but then that would simply be a twin vision to Boromir's.
The point is, no one loses confidence in the character of Bilbo or his true-heartedness because of that one scary moment when he is almost overcome by lust for the Ring. And yet Boromir gets villainized for the same thing.
Say it with me, folks: "Boromir was no more of a villain in his temporary madness for the Ring than Scary Bilbo was!"
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kettlefire · 1 year
DP x DC Death Train edition
Bruce awoke with a start, eyes sweeping his surroundings to reveal a train. A train filled with three other members of the Justice league. All in civilian clothing.
Clark Kent. Barry Allen. Oliver Queen.
His first action was to attempt to wake the three heroes, all attempts failing miserably. Next order was try to figure out where they were and why.
The sight outside the windows was a deep, dark void. No light or shapes among the darkness. An ominious feeling grew stronger the longer he stared into the empty void.
He then worked to check the cargo holds above him. All of which were stuck shut and closed.
He quickly shifted his focus to the two doors on either side of the train cart. He had absolutely nothing on him that could be helpfully. Still dressed in the Pj pants and a shirt he had gone to bed in.
He moved to the one he thought might lead towards the front of the train. Giving a quick glance towards he's sleep comrades before making his choice.
The second cart was completely empty. The cargo hold was just as seal as the others.
He moved swiftly towards the next cart, softly cracking open the door and peering in.
This one wasn't empty.
Instead there stood a terrified man. Pale skin covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings. An impressive handle bar mustache paired with a bald head and leather jacket.
He wasn't the main focus though. Instead it was the shadow being that stood before him. The dark shape was humanoid, however it seemed to wisp and shift around the ends.
The being itself looked more ominous then terrifiying, but there seemed to be a recognition in the man's eyes.
"Please, please, I'm begging you! I'm sorry, if I had a choice I would never have done the things I did!"
The man's deep voice raised in octaves as the being took a step closer. He took a step back, pressing into the seat behind him.
Bruce barely refrain a flinch as a strange static noise left the being, seeming to echo in the empty air.
"No! No, that wasn't on me. You don't know the full story! Just hear me out, you'll understand, and-"
The man's pleas were cut short as the static sound filled the air again, this time louder. Sounding more hostile.
"No, she was asking for it! Please, look, I know what it looks like but-"
The being seemed to have enough of his pleas, pressing a dark, twisted hand onto the man's shoulder.
Bruce watched with wide eyes and baited breath as the man seemed to melt before his eyes. Screams filled the still area as the man's skin bubbled and dripped.
Starting at his legs and rising up with every second that passed. There was no flame. No reason for his skin to bubble and peel away from him.
In almost a blink an eye, the man was nothing more than a scorched puddle on the ground. Bruce quietly worked to move back into the prior cart, trying to close the small gap he made as quiet as possible.
The shadow being barely moved, but Bruce swore he felt eyes on him. It was looking straight at him. It knew he was there, there was no doubt in his mind.
Throwing caution to the wind, Bruce clicked the door closed and made a fast retreat back where he came.
Glancing over his shoulder to see nothing but the empty space. If that being wanted him dead, there was no doubt in his mind it wouldn't be hard to do.
Not in this state. Not when he had no clue what they were dealing with.
When he flung the door back to his original cart open, he almost ran straight into a sturdy chest.
Clark. He was awake. A quick glance around confirmed that everyone else was as well.
Bruce gave them a quick rundown of what he knew, shifting from Bruce Wayne billionaire to Bruce Wayne Justice League member.
After a brief debate on what to do, the team settled for moving the over way. The further from that thing they could get, the better their chances.
All hope relying on the being not being able to teleport between carts.
They catiously moved their way into the other carts. The others just as empty as the one he was in prior. Every cargo hold sealed shut, not even Superman's strength could pull them open.
Abilities didn't seem to work past the carts walls. Clark could only hear the heart beat of those around him, but nothing further passed the doors. X-ray vision was of no help, either.
It wasn't until their third cart that they ran into someone else. A shocked teenage boy staring back at them from the ground. Wide blue eyes and tossled black hair.
"You aren't supposed to be here." The teen mumbled, taking in the new crowd of four. "How-How did you get here?"
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zucchiyeni · 8 months
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zucchichat · 6 months
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kermitthesog · 6 months
All the series combined, (pjo, hoo, toa) I think Trials of Apollo might be my favorite. I’ve said Heroes of Olympus for a while, but after finishing toa, I was actually really sad in a way that I wasn’t with the other series. This is my reasoning: *TOA SPOILERS AHEAD*
Lester/Apollo’s narration and character development was top notch. In The Hidden Oracle, at first I thought the book series was gonna be full of arrogance and whining. Oh, how it was the complete opposite. He went through stuff that no other god will ever go through. Pain, and grief. The empty feeling of not being yourself anymore. And he finally realized how the gods are, how clueless they have been about mortals and demigods. Everything that happened in toa was just building up to the perfect Apollo, the Apollo that’s not in fact perfect.
The characters. Like, these characters are so good? First of all, they are so fleshed out. Meg McCaffrey, who saw her own father dead and got mentally abused by the emperor who killed him. “The Beast,” was just himself, but Meg was too scared of him to stand up for herself. And like, how is an arrow kind of making me empathize with it? The arrow of Dodona was supposedly the worst piece of wood in the forest, and so Lester needed to prove the others wrong, and I think he did. Especially in that final battle against Python.
The amount of different stories and adventures. Obviously you would have sooo many adventures, because you need to get a different oracle in each one! In every single one, we’re introduced to a new character and new goal. It doesn’t really start in the first one, as it’s just introducing the main characters. In the second one, it’s Emmie, Jo, Calypso, and Leo. In the third one, it’s Piper, Jason, and Grover. In the fourth one, it’s Lavinia, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank (a lot of characters from SoN). In the last one, it’s just a lot of chb campers. Will, Nico, the Troglodytes, and more. See what I mean? There are so many different stories in just one series.
And lastly, how powerful it is. The fact that it could make me cry is impressive, because I don’t cry at much (book and movie wise). Jason’s death, Lester’s misery, Meg’s abuse, and so much more. It’s just so sad but powerful at the same time. If you prefer a different series, (PJO, HOO, TOA) then tell me why!
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To this day, I still can't believe Rick had us crying over the death of an arrow
Like, how'd he do that?????
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hayweerc · 2 months
"Bound by Chaos" AU. Chapter 9 Spoilers ⚠️📖
Espio reveals himself to the main three.
This is his first official full appearance in the fanfic for Bound by Chaos. Silver and Espio are in a relationship- they parted ways in the past and are finally reunited.
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In my universe, a harpy song can only affect those who are pure Mobian. Any other race or half race won't be affected by their spells.
I turned Wave into the main harpy that was in this chapter.
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
Well howdy there folks! Everybody awake? We have Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards content coming at you! Emily has a new movie coming out and Stephen Amell makes a very important appearance. Check out the trailer!
Just leaving this here to hit you extra hard in the feels.
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four-color-words · 2 months
Ollie Queen is composed of two emotions: Love and Spite.
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I came to the realization a while back that for some reason at least one character in every piece of media I ever hyperfixated on has died and come back to life at least once, so I figured why not pit them all against each other!
the character must have died and come back to life
No real people or characters from Harry Potter
Feel free to submit multiple characters, but please don't nominate the same character more than once!
You can submit multiple characters from the same piece of media (each as their own nomination)
While the "tell me more" question is technically optional, the more you ramble about them the better! Provided information will be used in the tournament as built-in propaganda :)
Robots are allowed if they are treated as sentient beings in the source material and/or have a dramatic and emotional death scene
Use your discretion if time travel is involved, things get complicated (I was including examples but it got too long, so rule of thumb- if it feels like A Death in a significant way then you're probably good, as long as it's the same version of the person that comes back)
I can do what I want, this isn't super highly structured and professional- seeding method, number of contestants, etc. will be determined once submissions are in
I'll be busy this week, so you have until Sunday, April 23 to submit nominations to this form! (Update: the nomination period has ended- thank you to everyone who contributed to over 900 submissions!)
Inspired by @the-ultimate-tournament, @fakedmydeathtournament, @number-two-tournament, @blorbopoll, @redandbluebracket, @greenguysummit, @character-of-all-time, and all the other tournament blogs!
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nightcomet01 · 2 months
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They’re interesting to me in the best and worst ways possible
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alissicall · 2 months
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hey guys im back 😱😱😱😱 callback to the post i made 10 million yrs ago
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findingcrow · 10 months
It’s so funny to me because I’ve only been on tumblr like a month and I got it for the rangers apprentice content (because god knows that the fandom is nonexistent elsewhere) and I can recognize users and profile pictures. Like I don’t know these people personally but I notice every time they like a post because there’s only so many of us and only so much content FOR consuming. I go on Pinterest and search the rangers apprentice and go “Hey, I’ve seen that person around!!” I have never spoken a word to these people in my life yet I know who they are and that they, too, are obsessed with a stupid fantasy series for middle schoolers
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raayllum · 2 months
people getting mad at canon for things they're misremembering are so fucking wild
anyway because someone claimed that Callum undercut all of Rayla's heroic moments in S5 here's all the times she's the one who saved him and others (in a season with only 3 fight scenes any of the trio participated in), thank you
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