#harry styles x indian!y/n
0oolookitsme · 1 year
We’ll also Sit there, One Day.
Type- One-Shoty Blurb
Verse- Just Hails <3 [@fishnets-fingers series: Six Months' characters: Harry (MMC) and Layla (FMC)]
Word Count- 1.9k
Warnings- Tooth rotting fluff and nothing else.
Also, majority of the credits go to @eloquentree for helping me out with this fic. It was so shitty but she's the one who turned it into something readable with her pretty writing style and ideas <3
The sun was streaming when he woke up and despite it irritating him, he felt content because of the person he was lying next to.
Turning around to face her, his arm went over her stomach and snaked around her waist. With a strong tug, he pulled her towards with ease, sighing as she curled further into him. A warm smile pulled up on his face as he shifted a little for her to be more comfortable, laughing slightly when she whined at the loss of contact for a nanosecond.
"Why are you so bloody cold?" he asked her, voice muffled as he dug his face into the pillow. A weak chuckle escaped past his lips again when she muttered absolute rubbish, probably cursing him out for a reason he had yet to know. Pulling away from her slightly, he adjusted a little so that the side of his head was in his palm while his elbow rested on the pillow. Tracing the side of her face, he asked her to repeat in his groggy voice.
"Ah c'mon— I said the blanket fell off!" She exclaimed, cuddling furthermore into his side to not let any warmth not be absorbed by her.
Harry raised his head a little to see the blanket had indeed fallen down from her side of the bed. Groaning slightly as he tried to pick it up, he was back in place when she groaned under half his weight on her body.
"Any plans of getting out of bed today? Hmm?" He asked as he ran his hand through her hair, pulling her as close to him as possible. 
"When do you ever want to?" He teased when she hummed in denial, making her shove his chest slightly, her eyes opening slightly to glare at him half-heartedly.
"Go back to sleep, Satan," Layla grumbled— clearly giving away that she's dead serious and meant what she said. Chuckling, he squishes her cheeks, kissing her pout lightly— also almost getting smacked for that. 
"Can't do that Lails. Do you not remember about the ceremony?" He asks her alongside cautiously teasing her, knowing very well she doesn't remember her own name when she's half awake.
But this? Oh, this caused her eyes to snap open, horror painting her face as she faced him completely- eyes wide and movements frantic.
"Holy shit, Harry- get the fuck up. We're gonna be late!" She exclaimed while panicking, throwing the blanket off of her body and rummaging around to find her slippers.
As soon as the slippers were found, she made a run for the bathroom— almost slipping on the rug that decorated the room, making harry yell at her to be more careful. Shouting for him to 'get the fuck up' once more, she slammed the door and harry could hear her working around inside.
One might say that she's being a little too dramatic for panicking so bad, but seriously in her defense, it's all for the good. She'll have to take a long shower to rub soap all over her body and wash her hair and then dry it which takes her forever; all of that after brushing her teeth perfectly and before she even sits down to do her makeup—trust her when she says that her brows are a bitch, or maybe her hands are. So, it was a safe bet to say that she needed time if she was planning on making it to the ceremony.
After taking a shower, time seemed to pass in a blur and all Layla could remember was yelling at Harry to get ready, doing her makeup, yelling at Harry, styling her outfit, yelling at Harry, making it down the lobby and yelling at Harry once again. 
After making it to the safety of their car, she sighed and faced him, her face twisting into a frown.
"One of these days, I'll break the sound barrier," Layla grumbled, fastening her seatbelt and staring right ahead. 
"I, wholeheartedly believe you can do that," Harry mused, looking at her with a shit-eating grin that had her glaring at him while backing out of the garage.
"Focus on the road, please," she requested, turning away to see the scenery pass her by as the car drove to the venue. 
"Whatever you say, love," Harry flashed her a smile before turning back and focusing on driving. A minute passed before Harry felt a hand intertwine with his. He didn't have to look at her to know that she wasn't mad at him and sighed, placing a featherlight kiss on the back of it.
Almost an hour passed before Harry pulled up to the venue and the couple got out, walking towards where the rest of the family and hamish crowd was.
“What’s the ceremony called again?” Harry asked for the fifth time since they have arrived. He knows he’s getting himself worked up for no reason at all, he knows everyone here and vice versa but still, what if someone asked him something he doesn’t know? They’d definitely think he doesn’t know anything about their culture and wouldn’t support Layla if she were to say yes for marrying him.
Layla sighed and intertwined her hand with his once again and started walking, bumping her shoulder with his every once in a while, as he walked right beside her.
"It’s called ‘panda kaal muhurtham'. In South-Indian culture, once the wedding is finalized, the bride and the groom’s families offer their prayers to their deity and seek blessings for a successful marriage and protection of the couple,'' she looked at him and continued. “It’s usually held the day before the wedding."
By the way she didn't try to calm him down tells him that she's just as nervous as him and is planning onto getting everything perfectly right- and he'll make sure that it goes just like that.
His mouth formed an ‘oh’ and before he could add anything else, her name was called from behind, asking to come inside before informing her that the ceremony had begun.
Both of them inhaled and exhaled deeply together and made eye contact, smiling afterwards and leaned in to share a short but sweet kiss. Layla swayed their interlocked hands back and forth and continued with the walk leading to the interior of the temple, with Harry on her right side.
A divine and strong fragrance of multiple incense sticks filled their nostrils as they stopped right under the hanging bells, having a perfect view of the bride and the groom from there itself... well yes, Layla did struggle a bit, but Harry exchanged spots so that she can see better while still beside him.
The older ladies situated themselves at the front as the priest started with some small chants.
With every chant ending, the couple were asked to throw a mixture of camphor and such materials to support the small fire in continuing its burning. With each bit of it being thrown in the burning wood which had been wettened by ghee to light up a fire easily, the burning sensation in everyone’s eyes also increased.
The priest announced the start of the aarti, making everyone inside stand up and shuffle a little closer. They let the professional start and joined him slowly and slowly, the sound of them singing echoing inside while the ones who were towards the exit also gathered up to create some warmth when a cold breeze flew across.
Harry carefully listened and just prayed for the couple in his own language and absent-mindedly leaned a little to his side as to focus on Layla’s voice more than on others.
It might not be the best sound he had heard, but it's his favourite and comfort.
Slowly, his mind wandered back to the day he had seen her dancing while cleaning, listening to a song in a language he wasn't very aware of. He remembered standing there and watching her through the window, feeling like joining her— even if it meant he'd have to clean with her.
He slightly remembered the tune of the song and as he tries to catch up with it, something doesn't fit right. There are two tunes clashing with each other, making him jump when he opens his eyes to the clanging sound of bells. The aarti was over now and there were a few people who were standing in a crew to ring the bell.
A smile stretches out on his plump lips when he sees a frustrated kid jumping and trying to reach the bell, getting chirpy again as his mum picks him up to help him.
"Seems like you gave many blessings, eh?" Layla asked as she dumped some cut up fruits into his palm, mumbling 'prashad' when his facials showed doubt about it.
He smiled at her, slightly embarrassed of the fact that he got a little carried away. "You look beautiful today, did I tell you that?"
"About a hundred times, yeah," she answers, faking a nonchalant behaviour.
Fixing a pointed look at her, he bumps her hip with his.
"Doesn't give you the pass to not appreciate it when i say it for the hundred and one-th time, though," he managed to let out with a mouthful of juicy fruits.
People started scattering away and the weather seemed to be getting windier and colder. It might rain or storm, he heard someone say from behind. 
"Harry? Why don't you come back to our house and have lunch there only?" Layla's dad asks, placing his hand on his shoulders to turn him around and walk with him.
"oh— uh I'd really appreciate that, sir," Harry stuttered and he hates himself for that. "I also really like your footwear, by the way— I was searching out for a chance to get to you and say that."
It seemed like he hit the spot because the man let out a hearty laugh, which was quite loud but still ...disciplined. "Thank you, child. They are very old now, but I love them just the same. My wife gifted it to me many-many years back... I'm surprised they even fit now," he ended with a hoarse chuckle.
"Appa! Do you have any idea what's cooked for breakfast back at home?" Layla came running from behind- someone probably asked her to do this as there are two-three of her cousins who seem quite nervous for some reason, which surprises Harry as he has always seen them confident and chirpy. They still looked chirpy, but an essence of nervousness didn't go un-read by his eyes. "I'm really hungry!" She continued.
The old yet handsome man beside Harry cleared his throat, stopping to turn around only to tell her 'no' with a smile on his face and watch her whine.
Harry was grateful for her arrival though, because with a pat to his shoulders, he left him with his niece and nephews.
"Hey, Lails?" He asked for her attention after making sure no one but them was lingering around.
"We'll also sit there one day," he tells her while a shy smile lays out slowly on his pink lips.
Although harry didn't specify where, Layla immediately knew. She looked around to see if anyone stuck around, just to double check and on finding the area empty of eyes, immediately locked her arms around his neck to pull him down.
The moment their lips connected it was as if that's the only place their lips are supposed to be, that's their only destination- on each other's lips.
It was as if in that very moment, it got locked in their destinies that their knots will be tied with each other only.
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fishnets-fingers · 1 year
Underneath the Stars
“So, accept defeat,” he urges.
“Fine. Tell me where the alpha centauri is,” she demands.
“What would my compensation be?”
“How about not making you walk the plank at dawn,” she scoffs.
 “You drive a hard bargain, Princess. I was thinking less along the lines of not drowning and more along the lines of this,” he mutters as his hands reach to cup her full cheeks. They are warm under his palms, even against the biting gust, his thumb moves to caress her pillowy lips, eyes flicking down to her mouth landing on the crescent birthmark by her chin.
PAIRING - spy!harry x princess!y/n
a/n -  i wrote so much. so, i’ve decided to split it into two parts. i made a banner for forbidden hours and it took me a lot longer than anticipated but i think it tured out great. as always, like and reblog. feed back is not only appreciated but much welcome. happy reading!
Word Count - 6.2k (not proofread) 
நீள்பயணம். Voyage. News had spread far and wide across the expanse of the empire about the Princess’ journey far East. Throngs of people gathered on the docks to bid farewell to her and scream out wishes of luck and fortune. It was a busy day, filled with fanfare from the subjects, priests blessing the vessel and ministers of court spewing out strategies whilst handing bundles of parchment of the meticulously crafted plans. 
A journey always stirred up feelings of unbridled joy, especially since the aim of this particular voyage is to draw up a treaty with Handuman - three small islands that lie smack in the middle of a crucial trade route between the Cholas and Burmese. A tiny island kingdom that was a thorn on Y/N’s side for the past year; with news of shipment from Burma being pillaged and sabotaged at sea constantly thwarting her plans of bringing components of machinery to assemble aiding with agriculture. She put together a counsel which oversaw striking a peaceful agreement that would mutually benefit both nations, a long drawn process of negotiations with a vacillating King that finally culminated to this day.
A day where she set sail on a three week journey to visit the islands, attend a ball hosted in her honour, and cap it off with signing the treaty. Needless to say the kingdom was ecstatic with the promise of the Princess Royal bringing more riches into the land. All of Y/N’s voyages to neighbouring kingdoms resulted in astounding successes, so people did have a shred of doubt that this one would go south. At the break of dawn, the majestic vessel was filled with her entourage - guards, a trade minister, the guard captain who was responsible for her safety, the sail crew, two of her handmaidens, and her lady-in-waiting, Shobhita.
Shobhita has been by Y/N’s side since they were partnered together for dance lessons fifteen years ago. As kids, Y/N took it upon herself to teach her how to conduct herself properly in court. Despite not liking the bossy Princess Royal, things took a turn for Shobhita when some children of nobility made fun of her lineage - going so far as to calling her ‘murky blood.’ She had light blue irises and hair the colour of sticky toffee - resembling her overseas mother, far different from what everyone else looked like and that made her an easy target. Though Y/N was not around for the name calling, she personally gave the other kids a stern talking, going so far as shoving one them and getting confined to her quarters by the Queen Mother. The two have been thick as thieves ever since. 
“Remember Y/N, you are representing our Dynasty from the second you dock there until you set sail,” the Queen Mother starts. 
“I know. I know, grandmum. Best behaviour and all,” Y/N rolls her eyes. 
“You know better than to roll your eyes at me?!?” The older woman narrows her eyes in warning. 
“Have I not conducted myself well on my trips so far?”
“I’m not saying that you haven’t, but be wary. I’ve heard nothing but vile things about the Prince of Handuman. I’ve seen to it that your guards have been doubled.”
“Is that why I’m going there alone without any advisors? You know I can take care of myself-“
“I know you can,” the Queen Mother interrupts her. “Keep an eye out on all our girls.” She whispers, taking her palm in her hands and gives it a warm squeeze, before walking towards the chief. 
When she gets a minute to herself, Y/N turns away from the enthusiastic crowd, gripping on to a wooden mast, she closes her eyes, picturing her garden. The patch of flowering shrub - right by her reading bench - which attracted the prettiest of blue butterflies. She feels the tightness in her shoulders ebb away, only to have it disrupted when she feels someone pull on her braid. She flicks her head around in annoyance to find her little brother sheepishly looking at her. 
“What do you want?”
“You’re sleeping standing up,” Karthi notes. 
“I was not. I was trying to relax,” she sighs. 
“I’m sure that the vast blue of the water is relaxing enough. Never knowing what’s under the thousands of leagues under the sea. Maybe there’s a giant fish with razor sharp teeth as long as the mountains waiting to capsize the boat. Shame, won’t even know it’s coming in the dark of the night with nothing but pitch black in the horizon-“
“Shut up, Karthi!”
“Calm down,” he throws his hands over her shoulder, pulling her into his side. “You really think Dad is gonna let that happen to his favourite child. There’s no way this voyage was approved by him without contingencies for every single thing that could go wrong. He’s not gonna let the people’s Princess get lost at sea.”
“I appreciate you trying but it’s not helping. Why are you still here anyway? Didn’t Dad want you at the capital yesterday?”
“It can wait,” he shrugs it off. “I’m not going to leave without saying goodbye to my favourite sister.” He bends down to engulf his big sister in a hug. 
“I’m your only sister,” she chuckles, swatting him away. “In other words you hung around for morsels of attention from Shobhita.”
“Give me some credit!” He says feigning being wounded. “I brushed my hand against her arm,” he whispers, pointing to his left palm. 
Y/N shakes her head at the smirk that tugged at the corner of her little brother’s lips. They’ve had a crush on each other from when they were both old enough to understand what that meant. Being the daughter of a vassal king, who happened to be close friends with her father, it was agreed upon by the elders that Shobhita and Karthi were to wed. Though Shobhita was a Princess of a small hilly region in the dynasty, it was thought best by the parents to have her grow up in the palace and serve with Y/N as her lady-in-waiting to learn the ropes of handing the responsibilities that would fall on her shoulders once she married. 
Right as Y/N was going to say something witty, their attention was pulled to the commotion at the gangplank. When Y/N peers over she sees Harry hold up his royal seal to the guards before lugging up his things. 
“What’s he doing here?” Y/N asks her grandmother, but finds the Queen Mother cluelessly staring at her grandchildren. 
“Your majesties,” Harry bows, and wordlessly hands the Queen Mother’s guard the parchment before it’s passed to the old woman. 
His eyes flit over to Y/N with a small smile tugging but he finds her pointedly staring over his shoulder with a scowl. He frowns, did she forget our time at the docks? The last time he saw her was filled with fiery passionate kisses and sweet nothings. He didn’t expect the Princess Royal to throw herself at him in front of everyone but was he not warranted a polite smile. 
“It’s from your brother,” the Queen Mother tells the siblings. “Looks like Harry over here would also be travelling with you.”
“What? Why?” Y/N asks, dreading the thought of being locked in close quarters with the spy. 
“He wants Harry to accompany you and be added to oversee your guard detail along with the chief.”
“But that makes no sense, he’s hardly a guard,” she protests. 
“That’s quite true, Princess but I do know a thing or two about fighting. The Crown Prince wants you to be protected, that-“
“I do not require your protection, Mister Styles,” she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“The Crown Prince has spoken. His reasons are clear,” the Queen Mother tells Y/N firmly, handing her the parchment. “Harry Styles will be accompanying you.”
The texts spoke of the majestic wonders of the sea in all its boundless beauty, sailors talked about the vast bodies of water being their companion; the sea was glorified by almost everyone Y/N had met and even by herself - she’d allow herself to stand at the edge of the shoreline and daydream about what life on the other side of the water looked like. There was immeasurable poetry that was either written at sea or took place at sea, but what none of them talked about was what it did to your psyche. Four days of constantly bobbing about the tides, with nothing around but endless blue and a blanket of darkness at nightfall, not to mention the terrifying sounds that accompanied no visibility. She missed the feel of the earth beneath her feet, the smell of her freshly watered gardens, the buzz of bees, birdsong, the vivid colours of her flowers against the green.
She brushed them aside as champagne problems for the first two days but the confines of close quarters were slowly creeping up on her. It didn’t help that she was avoiding Harry on top of all this, so she’d holed herself up in her room with Shobhita working on a project for the gala that’s being thrown in her honour. That’s how she found herself standing at the stern, hands clasped firmly on the wooden banister, at an odd hour in the night. She had her eyes closed, not that it made much of a difference in pitch darkness as she felt the wind against her face. It was eerily quiet, yet noisy as the vessel zipped through the tides, and everytime she flicked her eyes open she would only stare into the vast expanse of the hazy abyss. An insidious fear crept in which made her bones tremble about the nightmarish creatures that would leap out from the water at any moment.
“Careful there, Princess, any more harder and you might splinter the wood,” Harry’s voice cuts through the silence, the teasing apparent in the undercurrent of his tone.
She blinks down at her the way her knuckles have gone pale from gripping onto the wood. Sighing she turns her head to the side, to catch a sweet smile painted on his face as he bows spitting out the formalities. 
“Mister Styles,” she acknowledges him halfheartedly, turning her attention back to the abyss.
“Trouble sleeping?” He enquires, stepping forward but the guard captain steps out from the shadow, directly in front of him, blocking his path. Harry throws his arms up, pausing. “I don’t mean any trouble, Captain.”
“You may not approach her royal highness,” he warns, the captain towers over Harry.
“It’s alright, Captain. He may step closer,” Y/N says.
“Princess, no man is allowed in your vicinity without a chaperone,” the Captain reminds her, and it doesn’t escape Y/N, the way he flexes his mammoth muscles to intimidate the spy. 
“He is no ordinary man, remember. The Crown Prince has instated him to oversee my guard detail,” she points out. “I think it is time he took over the watch. I have kept you up for three nights now, and it’s high time you get some sleep. You may retire to your cabin for the night, Captain.” She smiles, wordlessly thanking him for being diligent enough to follow her each night.
He nods, muttering something to Harry as he hands over his spear to him. He bids Y/N goodnight and disappears down to his cabin.
“Whew,” Harry breathes out in relief. “Thought I’d be tossed overboard. Thanks for the save.” He mutters, making his way to the banister, leaving a comfortable distance between the two in case the Captain decides to check in on him.
“Don’t go thanking your lucky stars yet, I can certainly see to it that it’s arranged,” she bites back at him.
“You’re angry with me,” he states, making her chuckle.
“Wonder what gave that away,” she mutters, directing an eye roll at him.
He ignores her retort and continues, “You’ve been avoiding me since the minute I came on board.”
“That’s two for two. Gee for a spy, you sure do have a knack for picking up on the fucking obvious,” she shakes her head. 
“I don’t understa-”
“Of course you don’t,” she huffs out a weak chuckle. “Apologies start with an I’m sorry.”
“Princess-” he starts, running his hand through his locks. “Y/N, I don’t understand why you’re cross with me. Is it because I’m sailing with you unannounced?”
“God, you’re thick,” she lets out a weak chuckle. “A storm hit the coast two days after you set sail to Lanka, Harry. I didn’t know for weeks if Karthi got the message on time!”
“I’m a good spy, am I not? When have I ever faltered in keeping to your word? Prince Karthi reached the Port Palace two weeks ago, according to your word, did he not?”
“That’s not the point, you idiot!” She turns to face him. “I did not hear from you! I did not know if you made it there. For three whole months! I didn’t know what to think.”
“Oh.” His face reddens as warmth spreads across his chest. He doesn’t understand why but he feels his face split into a wide grin as he replies, “I was doing my job and protocol states that - .”
“And you rode off to Vikram up north,” her tone was still accusatory.
“I had to, Y/N.”
“Why? Why did you have to get to him with such urgency? Was it Karthi’s orders? Why was it so important that you come with me all this way? Don’t give me all that poppycock about me needing extra security. My brother and I trust the captain with our lives. He’s overseen our protection since we were children.”
“Vikram’s mingled with the close friend of the Prince of Handuman. He’s foul, according to his best friend’s admission. He hits women and beds them without consent. He has complete disregard for matters of the court and he is well known for schmoozing -”
“Why does that even matter?” 
Harry lets out a frustrated groan, “Will you please just listen to me.” He continues when Y/N quietens down. “The royal astrologer had seen to it that your portraits were sent to all neighbouring kingdoms - under your father’s orders - for matrimony. Prince Vinay had come across it when you were liaising with them for the trade deal. He, um, publicly vowed to…”
“Vowed to what?” She implores when he trails off.
“I’m sorry for being crude but he said that he wanted to ‘tear off your clothes, pin you against his throne and thrust some obedience into you while the court watches.’” He takes in a long breath before he continues, “So you will be under his pinkie and he can boast that the great Chola Princess was another notch on his bedpost.”
Y/N’s face twists in disgust as she processes what Harry had just shared with her. “Vikram knows I can handle myself around such odious men. I have more protection during this trip than I ever had in my life. Why did he send you to supervise my security? You have no experience…”
“It was my idea actually. I asked him to sign that decree to let me join this company and this was the only way to not raise any eyebrows among our men. I know you can handle yourself around the Handuman Prince, but I would not forgive myself if something were to happen to you…” He pauses, eyes roaming around for any lurking shadows, what comes next is communicated in a murmur, “This could provide a perfect cover for a Chola spy to be digging around Handuman.”
“A cover for what?” Her eyebrows scrunch, mouth twisting down in displeasure of being kept in the dark.
“Too many ears around,” he reminds her. He interjects before she can protest, “You will be the first to know once I have evidence.”
They hear a heavy splash making the ship drag, and the two lurch forward at the sudden movement. Y/N gasps, grabbing hold of the bannister and tightening her grip as a strong hand wraps around her elbow and tries to pull her away. 
Things feel dissonant for her, there’s a ringing in her ears that’s managed to make all other sounds feel like it’s echoing from deep inside a well, she feels her body spasm as she struggles to draw in breaths, like her throat has something blocking the way. Her vision fades around the edges making her scrunch her eyes shut, but that only makes the successive shallow drum of her heart louder. She can feel the way the boat has a pull under her feet, like it was lugging around something heavy as it resists the sway of the vessel. She’s experienced unease before, but this time was different. This uneasiness was not fleeting. It was a type of fear. Fear oozes from the centre of her bones, slowly following its wake across everything it could consume inside her being. Paralysing to her anomalous senses. “I knew it,” she whispers. “Consumed by the waters, of course.”
If this was how she was going to perish, so be it.
“Princess,” his voice is distorted and faint but she picks it up. “Y/N.” It’s louder this time, floating closer. “We’re fine.” She feels his arms tightening around her frame. “Y/N, look at me.”
Harry does not understand what’s happening. Once second, he hears the men throw the anchor into the water and the next Y/N’s crumpled over the banister beside him. She looks to be in pain, her face ashen under the silver beam, he tries to tug her back - away from the edge but she’s bolted, hunching over the banister. He tries getting her attention, but can hear her mutter something about being engulfed by the water and it all makes sense to him. Why she was so hesitant to get on his boat when they were at the docks, how uncomfortable she was sitting opposite him, what made her hole up in her quarters all this time, the way she was gripping onto the banister earlier. The ocean petrified her. 
He understands why she was mad for not hearing from him sooner. He left right before a storm hit the coast, showering her in kisses and whispering sweet promises. Promises. Well, promise. He promised to be safe and he did keep up his word, and he left for the battle tents of the Crown Prince, like he normally would when his job was done. But things were not normal. They’d kissed. Several times in fact. And he’d confessed his fondness for her.
He never faltered in his duties, he’d kept them up this time too. He had not realised a duty had implicitly fallen in his shoulders to bear when their lips met. To let her know that he was safe and not taken by the treacherous waters of the stormy seas as she’d let herself imagine. She had been worried about him. He made her worry.
“We’re fine,” he reassures, moving closer to her, holding her close to him. 
It takes him a few tries but he gets her to look at him and a few more to convince her to let go of the banister. Her quivering lips and glassy eyes pierce his heart, but he manages to get her to slump to the floor beside him. It takes her a long while to stop trembling but he tightens her torso to his side, hoping to instill some warmth into her.
“We’re fine now,” he reassures, squeezing her hands. “The men tossed the anchor overboard. That is what made us jerk forward along with the ship. It takes a while for the anchor to latch onto the seabed. They’ve retired to their cabins for the night. It’s just that. It has happened everyday since we boarded the ship. It will keep happening until we reach home. We will sail again just before the break of dawn. Nothing is wrong with the ship. We are not in the way of any harm.” 
She nods as he continues, “I apologise for not letting you know that I had reached Lanka in one piece. I’m sorry for all the worry I have caused you. I never intended to. I promise to never make you fret again.”
“Okay,” she tells him in a quiet voice, closing her eyes, as she forces her shallow shuddering breath to regain its steadiness. 
He looks around once more, making sure that they’re truly alone, before focusing on her blinking back her watery eyes. “Why did you agree to the voyage in the first place?”
“King’s orders,” she tells him softly.
“You’re terrified of the ocean,Y/N ,” he reasons. 
“I have duties, Harry. I get to experience all the luxuries one can imagine, compared to all that-” she shrugs. “Champagne problems, I guess.”
Harry shakes his head, she says king like it wasn’t her father. He would never do something that he didn’t want to, no matter who’s orders. But it was important to the princess in front of him and there was no use trying to challenge that. This was her deal, and it only made sense that she saw it through - she owed her people that. Instead he picks a different route, one that would help him understand her better, “What’s got you this scared? I’ve never seen you like this before.” It’s true. She was the first Chola Princess to be trained in combat alongside her brothers - demanding her father that when it came to the worst, she wanted to defend her people. She did not want to be holed underground with other women of court or in a temple praying for victory. She was an excellent rider, often would compete in races and encouraged young girls to follow suit. 
“I do not wish to say,” she says hesitantly. She leans back and scoots away, her face slowly regaining composure.
“I don’t mean to pry, Princess. I grew up sailing the waters, I understand not wanting to recount a time -”
“It’s not that. I don’t have a harrowing story or anything.” She adds the next part quietly, “It is risible,” and her cheeks heat in response. Harry quickly notes the way she blushes, making him smile down at her in endearment.
“I promise not to laugh. Sailor’s honour,” he crosses over his heart.
Y/N lets out a peeling giggle in response, “You’re no sailor, Harry.”
“Yes, I am! Was practically born on a ship, Y/N.”
“You were born on a ship?” Y/N asks, sometimes it felt like he knew more about her than she did him. 
Harry shakes his head, “Was born in my mother’s cottage in North England.”
“Did you grow up there?”
He shakes his head again, this time quicker with a frown. “No. I grew up on my father’s ship. Back to what we were talking about; you can’t discredit me as a sailor.”
Y/N’s brows scrunch at the sudden pivot in the conversation, but she doesn’t press on further, opting to say, “I thought you were a spy.”
A warmth blossomed in Harry’s chest from the mocking undercurrent of her tone. He’s never had anyone volley a conversation with him, and it came easy with her. “I am more of a ‘Jack of all trades’ kind of person.”
“Ah, I see,” she chuckles, bringing her knees up to her chest and encircling her arms around it. “So a master of none?”
Harry laughs, a high pitched carefree one, “Better than a master of one.”
Companionate silence blankets around the two, Harry passes her his leather water flask - that was clasped to his belt - and she quickly drains it muttering a quiet thank you. Harry leans back on his elbows, looking up at the shimmering moon above, it’s lovely tonight, he thinks. He’s spent many nights in a bobbing vessel with nothing around but the moon as company but he doesn’t feel the familiar solitude tonight. There was no intolerable silence this particular night, just the tinkle of Y/N’s anklet and silent sighs that escapes her lungs. His gaze flits over to her cheek, smushed against her arm, her gaze is fixed on her fingers as they fiddle with the ornament. A simple gold rope with a small lotus motif made from three pink diamonds and an emerald, clasped around her ankle. 
Her foot. That’s what caught his attention, not the precious stones, but the curve of the arch of her bare feet. He wonders if it would tickle when he runs his lips over them, as he slowly nudged her knees apart, the fabric slipping away, the way her anklets would tinkle over his shoulders in sync with his head between her thighs. He shakes his head, rubbing his face, shifting to conceal his hardening cock and shoots her a polite smile.
“Not knowing,” Y/N says. “I do not like the deep waters because I have no idea what’s underneath.”
“No one does, Y/N,” he reminds her.
“I know. It is uncomfortable to not know. It feels like I am at its mercy, with the currents that can drag me under in a split second, if I’m not careful enough. It’s vast, and we have not explored these territories. I met with this woman that studies living creatures, and she believes that there is a high possibility of colossal squids and fishes deep down. There are old sailing accounts and drawings as proof. You have seen giant sharks and whales, have you not?”
Harry nods, as she continues fidgeting with her anklet. 
“Life began in the waters, Harry, and we hardly know a thing about it. We cannot survive diving the depths; we certainly cannot compete with the predators that we know of. Imagine being at mercy of something unknown. It is the biggest mystery known, quite possibly the worst because it takes up much of our planet and we cannot even begin to understand it. The ocean has had a longer time to evolve than us, and we know much of the sky than we do about what is below.” 
Y/N looks up at him, chin resting on her arm, as she waits for a response. She feels a pang of regret opening up to him when she is not met with anything. You expect him to comfort him just because you kissed a few times, a voice rings in her head followed by her grandmother’s lecture of having one’s cards close to your chest. No royal ever spoke of things that frightened them, she never did either. So, why did she think this was a good idea? Her maternal great - grandfather, a Chera king, was thrown into the castle moat filled with crocodiles by his subjects. He was vain and cruel to his people - granted that could have been the reason - but it had been prophesied that he would meet his end by the scaly reptilians, so he rewarded people to poach every last one of them and had them all in his moat. Ironically, he actively participated in furthering his prophecy while trying to avoid it. People would not have picked death by crocodiles if they never knew about his irrational fear. The kingdom was in shambles for many years until the birth of her mother, which enabled them to forge an alliance with the Cholas through matrimony.
 While the Princess was caught in her own dilemma, Harry had a similar one running through his mind. He wants to assure her how secure ships are. He wants to explain how when you’re in the middle of nowhere with dwindling supplies, you start to see and hear things that aren’t really there. He wants to tell her that worrying would do her no good, especially the things that were occupying her mind because they were simply out of her control. All of the things he’d come to learn from his father’s experiences and his own. She was right, they barely knew about the ocean, but it wasn’t something to lose sleep over. But he understands, Harry was also scared of the ocean as a child before he got used to it. This was Y/N’s first time, and fears aren’t supposed to be rational. It wasn’t far-fetched, she had her nose stuck in books for answers and was born into duties, which required she understood the workings of life. She prided herself for being a step ahead of people around her and to do that one needed control. But the moment didn’t call for revelations; she needed solace. 
He gives her a sympathetic smile before going on to say, “I was scared of the endless ocean as a child too, especially at night. You’re right, we don’t know much about the sea but we do know a lot about the sky.
“Look up for me, Princess,” he continues and they both take in the twinkling dots in the blanket of the night. 
“It’s beautiful,” she whispers, beaming up at the gleaming moon. 
“It is. We’re so caught up by things around us, we often forget to look up. The sky's the one thing that will not change. The moon will wax and wane and the stars will stay right where they are, flickering, guiding us to shore. It helped to look up at the sky when I was scared or in trouble. To be reminded that in the grand scheme of things, my fears didn’t matter. For whatever reason, the cosmos flows through me and that would mean my existence is a marvel. Even for a speck - no bigger than a grain of sand on the beach - the sky has many wonders in store for me.”
She stays quiet, her eyes glassing over, blurring her vision. Harry quickly catches the stray tear from the corner of her eyes with the backs of his fingers. He coos, leaning over to brush his lips against her temple, “I apologise for saying something out of line, Y/N.”
“You're not out of line, Harry,” she hastily blinks back her tears. “It helps. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to-“
“I want to.”
Anyone else pondering their significance by looking out into the universe might end up feeling helpless, paralysed even, but she feels none of that. She was born into significance and her roles only cemented the burden of upholding the legacy of the Crown. So, letting herself feel like a mere speckle was liberating. 
The days that follow the same routine - the Princess holes herself up in her cabin during the day with Shobhita. Harry’s unsure what she was up to - and formulating any judgement from the box of fabric spools one of the handmaidens carted into her room, and the occasional laughs from behind the door - he’s happy she was occupied. It was hard to catch a glimpse of her when the sun was shining; there were guard’s stationed outside at all times and he did not want to tick off the guard captain.
The nights. That solely belongs to the two of them. She would come out of her cabin two hours before midnight to catch some fresh air to find him softly smiling at her. He'd readily stand, at the ship’s bow, with a spear in his hand by the intricately carved wooden swan figurehead. Y/N had ordered the guard captain to retire at night, since he’d been stationed by her cabin all day. When he’d resisted - uncomfortable that the Crown Prince had instated a young man with no prior expertise as head of security- she’d gently reminded him that it was best for Harry to learn what guarding actually entailed in the safe confines of their ship. They’d spend the nights in each other’s companionship, Y/N’s heart swelled with Harry’s stories. Particularly the one of him as a boy, where he was convinced that someone had left a giant bunny up the moon. She looked at him endeared as he pointed out the outline of the rabbit in the dark markings of the full moon. It soothed her, looking up at the heavens with someone made her confining thoughts about the ocean melt away.
This night was no different, the Princess pads to her usual spot to find a blanket spread out with two pillows. Her eyes fly to meet him and he gives her the same smile he did every night, bending down to light the two oil lamps, illuminating the jade of his eyes. “Your highness,” he bows, stepping away.
She nods, shooting him a surprised smirk as she curls up with her book. Harry eyes the old parchment she unfolds, a star catalogue, and he can’t help the chortle that escapes his lips.
“Stop it, Mr. Styles,” Y/N shoots him a warning look, not wanting to draw the attention of the crew.
“I apologise, majesty,” he murmurs, but Y/N notices the mocking smile that paints his lips.
She pointedly ignores him with a roll of her eyes, as she focuses her attention on Aryabhata’s text in front of her. Harry had challenged her last night, and she was determined not to lose.
The crew had dropped the anchor and had retired below deck a short while ago, and Harry could not help but admire the furrow in between her brows as she concentrated. Harry had spent the last few nights pointing out different constellations that Y/N simply could not fathom. Harry was amused that it bugged her so much that she couldn’t map out the stars in the night’s sky with ease. Her anklet falls on the blanket, and he’s sure that she had loosened the clasp from how much she fiddled with it while reading. She sighs, turning her attention back to the gold rope, fastening it in place, making sure to press down on the hook.
“Rijl al-Qinṭūrus”, she reads out loud in Arabic after a long while, flicking up to look at the sky. The star map had a figure of a centaur and all she had to do was find the brightest one right at the bottom. Her head cranes to find the brightest spot in the sky - the alpha centauri.
The only problem was, there were multiple bright specks and she lets out a defeated sigh, pushing her hair back, “Fuck this,” she mutters.
“Not very royal of you, Princess,” Harry’s teasing tone floats over, she finds him slumped over the bannister looking at her. 
“It is the brightest and biggest star to spot at night,” he reminds her.
She narrows her eyes at him, looking back at the star catalogue again, and slumps back in defeat. “There’s something wrong with this star catalogue,” she declares. “There has to be, Harry.”
“Or maybe you are inept at this,” he smirks, coming to sit beside her. 
“I am not!” She protests. “The illustrations are misleading. None of the constellations look like this,” she points to the image of a centaur holding a spear on one hand and a dead goat on the other.
“That’s because it’s meant for people like you,” he chuckles.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She arches her brow.
“Someone who learns from books. It only makes sense the catalogue has full fledged pictures of animals on there, otherwise it would be a mess of lines connecting one dot to another. So, accept defeat,” he urges.
“Fine. Tell me where the alpha centauri is,” she demands.
“What would my compensation be?”
“How about not making you walk the plank at dawn,” she scoffs. 
“You drive a hard bargain, Princess. I was thinking less along the lines of drowning and more along the lines of this,” he mutters as his hands reach to cup her full cheeks. They are warm under his palms, even against the biting gust, his thumb moves to caress her pillowy lips, eyes flicking down to her mouth landing on the crescent birthmark by her chin. They hadn’t kissed since he’d left for Lanka and every night he’d spend in her presence, Harry’s mind could not stop drifting to the way her mouth pressed against his with urgency.
Y/N eyes flutter shut, leaning towards him, nudging his cupid's bow with her lips. Her mouth brushes his as she whispers, “Not before I get my information, spy.” She backs away, observing the way his pupils dilate under the soft buttery light.
“You can’t spot the alpha centauri-”
“I know, which is why I asked you.”
He rolls his eyes at her hastiness. “No one can, because it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.”
“You tricked me,” she gasps. 
He shrugs, as he tugs her to him, wasting no time in capturing her lips against his. It was more heavenly than he’d remembered. Y/N’s hands snake up to bury them in the baby curls at the nape of his neck, bringing him closer. She melts against his chest, curiously slicking her tongue against his lips, smiling as he parts his mouth for her. She tasted like the tamarind candy she loved. Harry drops one of his hands from her cheek, finding home in the curve of her hip. It’s heady, both greedily smacking wet kisses the curve of their jaw when they part to draw in air. Harry’s heart thumps loudly against his chest, sending him rhythmic reminders that he was twitterpated by the woman trailing her lips against the stubble of his jaw. Plebeians and royalty don’t mix, and on the rare occasion that they did, it never ended well. But until midday tomorrow - when they would reach the port of Handuman - she was just a woman, made from the same stardust as him, whom he wanted to keep melding lips with.
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welovelouisandbucky · 2 years
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Of welovelouisandbucky
Smut > *
Fluff > °
Angst > #
Requested > •
• Something Worth to Live
Summery: With horrible circumstances in life, and toxic and abusive relationship, Y/n thinks it's better to just end things. She knows suicide is not the answer, but she's too weak to find others. One Friday night, after conjuring up some courage and mind, she heads to the bridge (that is actually famous for suicides) to end her life and that's where she meets a stranger, a really pretty, handsome and cute stranger.
Or Y/n wants to jump off the bridge and Harry is being an asshole
{on hold temporarily}
• My Forgotten Best Friend
Summary: Y/n's crazy love for art dragged her to the tattoo parlor in hopes of getting a tattoo, but instead of getting a tattoo, she got reunited with her old best friend Louis Tomlinson. A friend who disappeared one day and never came back. All the memories and feelings that she had kept locked up behind the doors came crashing down on her when she saw his face. She felt like time has stopped and the world is laughing at her for still feeling this way after 6 years and for who? The person who left her when she needed him the most and never even tried to contact her again, leaving her heartbroken and confused with so many questions. She almost fainted with all these overwhelming emotions yet she didn't, her pride would never let her live if she showed how weak she really is right now. 
[on going temporarily]
Or Louis and Y/n used to be best friends until they weren't
• Faith
Summary: Y/n is single mom. She and her daughter, Faith lives alone. One day when she was little busy her daughter went missing, later she found her with their weird neighbor named Steven.
Or Y/n is teen Mom who lives alone and Steven is a bit scary....
{on hold temporarily}
One shots
Soon to be added
Peter Parker with artist!reader!
Harry potter
Mattheo and Theodore headcanons
Lorenzo Berkshire headcanon•
Harry styles drabble*
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miela · 8 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter VIII: Lovers at The Gala • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
Chapter Genre: Comical Fluff, AND LOTS OF FLUFF Chapter Warnings: it's a long boi, Extra: this chapter is for the genshin stans and swifties, if you know then you know. I've been excited about this chapter since the prologue I am losing my mind. I wanted to do two chapters this week because chapter viii and ix are my favorites so you're getting one today and one on friday. Word Count: 6.6k
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It was the big day of The Stark Charity Gala. It was being held in the Empire State Building which was no surprise because the theme was Gilded Age, mixed with Art Deco and Art Nouveau elements, according to Miles’ knowledge from being an art student. When Peter brought it up to you and what your inspiration for it was, your answer was nothing short of what he was expecting from you.
“Art Deco and Art Nouveau are eras that disagreed with each other. So I’m forcing them to get along,” you explained. “I added the gilded age theme to it because I’d like to think it’s the company’s own personal gilded age.”
Creative as always, Peter thought.
Peter arrived with his friends in Harry’s limo around seven thirty, a half hour after the gala started. Gwen and Miles both went with the color red for their outfits. Cindy went with a light blue and Harry and Peter went with regular black tuxedos and a pop of color for their pocket squares. Pavitr was meeting them there with Gayatri, who was also invited to attend. 
Before they walked into the area where the gala was being held, Harry stopped them.
“Now, there will probably…no…there will be celebrities and highly influential people here,” Harry began. “So don’t act a fool about it.”
“Get your head out of your ass, Harry,” Gwen started with squinted eyes. “We’re friends with you and Peter’s girlfriend is (Y/N) freaking Stark, who’s hosting this thing by the way. So you don’t have to worry about your pretty little rich boy head.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Peter sighed. 
“Yeah, but she’s the love of your life so what’s the actual difference here?” 
“One, Gwen, fuck you,” Harry stated with a playful look on his face. “And two, Gwen has a point.”
Peter groaned. “Please, don’t embarrass me tonight. I can’t make a proper move when I’m worried all you are gonna be lurking around the corner just to get the chance to bully me in front of the girl I like. I’m just asking for this one night.”
His friends could see the desperation on his face because they all nodded in understanding. 
“No worries, Parker,” Gwen started. 
“Yeah,” Miles agreed. “We’re rooting for you.”
“If you need a nudge or something,” Cindy added.  “Come find one of us. We can help rather than hinder this time.” She looked at Gwen and Harry with a hard look and they threw their hands up in defense and surrender.
“Thank you,” Peter sighed again as they arrived by the door. 
“Ready?” Harry asked and they all nodded before he led them inside. 
The room was decorated to the nines as were the people. There were geometric elements of Art Deco matched with the floral designs and organic shapes of Art Nouveau. There was gold everywhere mixed in with the Stark Industries brand colors. The men all wore tuxedos of different types while the women wore formal gowns. It reminded Peter of a high-class prom or something. He and his friends gawked at lavishness. It was like they walked into a royal fairytale minus the electro-swing music playing in the background which brought a roaring 20s vibe.
The only thing that broke their trance was Pavitr calling out to them. They looked over to see him and Gayatri matching in Indian formal wear in shades of purple. They hurried over and greeted the rest of the group.
“Isn’t this place amazing?” Gayatri asked. “I wasn’t expecting it to be this nice.”
“That’s what happens when you have someone from our generation running things,” Cindy smiled. “She knows what style is.”
Peter smiled softly and looked around to see if he could find you but there was no sign of you yet. He didn’t even see Nika, who was one of the last people he would want to see right now. He debated texting you but he didn’t want to seem desperate either. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously.
“Peter!” He heard a voice from behind and he whipped around with his eyebrows raised. 
He saw Celina wearing a sparkly silver dress waving at him. She was there with Ned and MJ. Ned was wearing a Tux with a silver sparkly bow tie and a sparkly pocket square to match. MJ was wearing a green dress with geometric lines on the upper part of her dress and flowing silk on the bottom half. Peter waved back with a smile which caused Celina to pull the other two over with her as they struggled to keep up with her excitement. Celina wrapped her arms around Peter and instinctively Peter hugged back.
“It’s good to see you again!” Celina chimed when she pulled back and then looked at Ned and MJ. “This is the guy I was telling you about!”
“Oh yeah, we know him,” MJ spoke. “Always ordered the lamest type of coffee when you came into the cafe. You know, I was tempted to add vanilla or something just to give your life a bit of razzle dazzle or something but legally I couldn’t do that.”
Peter smiled in response. Typical Michelle Jones-Watson Communication.
“Jeez, M,” Celina put her hands on her hips and stood in contrapposto as she looked at the tall woman. “Way to greet him.”
“What?” MJ asked.
“Anyways,” Celina said, turning back to Peter. “This weirdo is MJ. And this precious guy here is Ned.” She hugged his arm and he smiled and kissed her temple.
I know. “Nice to meet you, both. Officially.”
“You too,” Ned smiled back. “You know, (Y/N) talks about you a lot. I feel like we all know you already.” 
“Oh my god, Celina?” Cindy popped up from behind Peter. 
“Cindy?!” Celina beamed.
The two girls squealed and hugged each other. 
“You can speak now!” Cindy exclaimed and Peter mentally facepalmed himself for not mentioning it to her sooner. 
MJ’s phone sounded and she checked it and sighed. “Our girl is running late, but she’ll be here in a few.” She put her phone away. “Good, we have time to interrogate you.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Ned suggested. “How about we just get to know him without you grilling him.”
“Well, I didn’t mean literally,” MJ responded. “I know he’s harmless. Gayatri knows him from Pavitr.”
“MJ!” Gayatri exclaimed as if on cue. 
“That’s my cue. You boys play nice now,” and with that, she walked over to Peter’s friend group to say hello to Gayatri and Pavitr. 
It was just Peter and Ned left and they looked at each other awkwardly. 
“Hey, wanna find a table?” Ned asked, pointing over to one of the clothes tables.
“Yeah, sure!” Peter responded. 
After a bit of socializing, Celina invited everyone to sit together which turned out to be the greatest idea. Celina and Cindy were bonding and catching up, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr and Gayatri were talking about MIT culture and Harry and MJ were talking about something Peter couldn’t figure out, but Harry got a smile out of her a few times which seemed like a good sign. His friends were all together and it made him really happy. Especially now that he could see his old friends too. He talked to Ned about MIT, answered questions about himself when Ned asked, and ended up in a deep and intriguing conversation about Star Wars.
He found out why the entire group was here in the first place. Gwen and Miles were there to represent Brooklyn Visions Academy Star Alumni, Pavitr and Gayatri were there to represent Horizon High Star Alumni, Cindy and a girl named Jessica Drew were there to represent Midtown Tech Star Alumni, and Ned and MJ were there to represent MIT Stellar Students. Celina was Neds plus one which made both of your and Peter's friends groups there at the Gala.
“You know, I know I like, just only met you,” Ned started with a smile. “But I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. Is that weird? I dunno. Maybe I’ll take a page out of Celina’s book and say it’s a sign that you’re good for (Y/N).”
Peter’s heart swelled at his words. “S’not weird. I mean I still think it’s weird that you think anyone is better than Obi-Wan Kenobi, but that’s none of my business.” He smirked, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.
“Dude!” Ned exclaimed with a laugh. “Don’t put words in my mouth. I did not say that!” 
“You implied it,” Peter sang playfully.
“Nuh-uh! Obi-Wan is way cool! He’s the strongest force user! The one you should argue with is your Sith sympathizer girlfriend who still has a major crush on Anakin Skywalker even though he went through with order 66. And called Darth Vader, Darth Daddy,” 
“Ugh,” Peter winced. “Don’t remind me.”
They laughed softly for a moment before Gwen interjected.
“Hey!” She whined. “He gets to call her your girlfriend but I don’t?”
“He gets a pass because he’s not trying to put bets on my decisions like it’s a dating sim.”
Gwen stuck her tongue out at him again before there was a rush of commotion outside of the main entryway. They all looked over curiously.
“She’s here,” MJ stated. “God, she’s gonna hate all this attention.”
Peter’s senses started buzzing which confirmed MJ’s claims about you being here. He stood up at the feeling as his excitement to see you was rising. The reporters outside got louder as the outside door opened and you walked in. Peter could feel you getting closer as his senses focused on you. 
When you entered the room, Peter froze.
There you were, in a golden gown that complimented your upper body in ways that Peter wasn’t used to or prepared for. The tattoo on your arm was in full view and the blue of roses complemented the gold of your dress. Your makeup was made up of golden glitter on your eyelids and soft colors that went well with your skin tone. 
Peter wished he was sitting down because he was sure his legs were going to give out on him. Celina was right. If he was busy today with work, he would’ve risked it all just to be here to see you. He thanked the universe that the stars aligned in his favor.
You looked heavenly. 
When you spotted him your face lit up and you smiled at him and started to make a beeline towards him. He watched you the entire time.
“Peter, hey,” You smiled. 
He could smell your soft-scented perfume as you approached him and it relaxed him and he sighed softly in satisfaction, but his eyes never left you and his heart still raced.
He felt like he was in the presence of a Goddess. 
“H-” He cleared his throat before he squeaked again. “Hey, (Y/N)...”
“Snap out of it before you drool all over that tux,” Nika, who wore a green gown that was a similar color to MJ’s, said from beside you guys. 
Peter looked at her surprised that he didn’t notice her. Nika looked at you and held up a black box for you to take. “You left this in the limo. I swear you would lose your head from your shoulders without me.”
You take it with a sheepish look on your face. “Thank you.”
Nika smiled and then turned to greet your friends. You and Peter looked back at each other and you handed him the box. 
“For you.” 
He looked at you wondrously as he opened it. It was a bowtie and a pocket square that matched your dress. 
“Celina made the dress,” you explained as your face burned. “She thought it would be nice if we matched.”
Peter smiled and nodded as he took off the bowtie and took out the pocket square that he was already wearing. “Thanks.”
“Here, allow me,” you stated as you took out the golden bowtie from the box and began tying it around his collar. He watched you the entire time.
There were so many things he wanted to say but his brain was so scrambled that he could only muster up a “Did you get here okay?”  
“Yeah,” you replied as you worked on the pocket square softly. “Traffic was backed up to hell, but we managed.”
When you finished with the pocket square, you patted the pocket area with your hand twice. “There you go.” You smiled up at him meeting his eyes. 
He blushed. “Thank you.”
You smile bigger in response. “Welp, I got a speech to go make and then socialize with the pretentious assholes and organizations that are actually nice. Give me like an hour? Then I’m all yours.”
“No, yeah, yeah!” Peter nodded rapidly and cleared his throat while glancing at the ground for a second before meeting your gaze again and giving you a soft smile. “Go get ‘em, Tiger.” 
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 After a while, Peter went upstairs where it was less crowded. For a while he watched you go from person to person from the balcony with a glass of sweet wine in his hand that he sipped on. He then watched what his friends were doing. He noticed that Harry and MJ were spending a lot of time together talking. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen her smile like that before. He raised his eyebrow wondrously at her out-of-character reactions to Harry. Did she just giggle? Peter blinked rapidly.
Peter sensed you approaching him. 
“Hey there, Stranger,” you smiled and leaned backward on the balcony next to him. 
Peter looked at you with a small smile on his face. “Hey there, beautiful.”
Your face burned and your eyes averted away shyly at the unexpected compliment. “Stop,” you said sheepishly with no real conviction behind your words as you smiled down at the ground and tried to compose yourself. 
Peter's smile widened. “I would apologize, but I’m not sorry.”
You pressed your lips together and turned to face the same way he was. Your shoulder pressed against his. Two can play that game, Parker. “Keep it up and I might leave this circus early and take you with me.” 
“But Celina worked so hard on that phenomenal dress, and Harry got this tux sized for me. It would be a shame to let it go to waste,” Peter smirked. “Plus, Nika would murder us both if you left early with me.”
“I’m sure there’s a secluded room we can go to.” You argued playfully. “It wouldn’t be hard to… share our secrets there.”
Peter snorted. “How romantic. I hate to inform you that I’m not that kind of guy.”
“Even better,” you smiled and took the glass of wine from his hand and took a sip out of it while looking directly into his dark brown eyes. 
Peter looked back into your eyes deeply. He wanted to kiss you right then and there.
But of course, there was an interruption. Like always. 
“So this is the famous Peter Parker,” He heard a man’s voice say. “Right here in the flesh.”
You audibly sigh and roll your eyes as you look at Sam who was standing with Bucky both dressed in tux with serious looks on their faces but mischief in their eyes.
“Hello, Sam.” You said with not much enthusiasm in your voice. “And Bucky.”
Bucky squinted at the two of you and you both prayed to any higher being that they didn’t hear your flirtatious conversation.
Peter cleared his throat to make sure his voice didn’t embarrass him again. “Captain Wilson. Sergeant Barnes,” he addressed them politely. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Sam hummed and looked at the two of you. 
“Well, this was fun but there are some people I would like to introduce Peter to so if you wouldn’t mind-” As you spoke you took Peter’s hand and started to pull him away but were stopped when you felt a tug on your hand. 
You turned to see Peter standing there and Sam and Bucky each had a hand on his shoulder. Their grips were gentle but firm and it sent a chill down Peter’s spine. Despite his senses telling him that they weren’t going to do anything, it didn’t mean they weren’t going to say anything. Especially when they’re like older brother figures to you. You gave Peter an apologetic look as Bucky put his arm around Peter’s shoulder.
“We’re concerned for you,” Bucky stated. 
You sighed deeply. “He’s harmless, guys. I made sur-”
“Oh no, not you,” Sam interrupted and pointed at Peter. “You, my friend.”
“M-me?” Peter asked in confusion.
“Oh yeah,” Bucky added. “She’s kind of obsessed with you. I would be careful.”
You crossed your arms and huffed. “You guys aren’t funny-”
“She’s been researching you,” Sam interjected.
“Investigating, if you will.” 
“We know about you more than we should,” Sam gave Peter a warning look. 
Peter from each man as they spoke and you pouted and rolled your eyes. “Stop.”
“Hey, just trying to help a brother out,” Sam threw a hand up in defense. “Your ass is a little crazy.”
“I am not crazy,” you argued. “Now give him back.”
“Oof! You hear that, Buck?”
“Yep!” Bucky chimed. “Possessive as hell.”
“Stop making me look bad!”
“You’re doing that all on your own.”
Peter couldn’t take it anymore and he busted out in giggles and all three of you looked at him wondrously. 
“I know she’s been doing that,” Peter smiled smugly, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at you. “She just couldn’t help but fall for my charm and cute face.”
You deadpanned so hard. “You know what, never mind. Keep him.” you downed the wine, forced the glass into Bucky’s free hand, turned around, and walked away.
“Wait, (Y/N)-” Peter called. “I was joking!”
“Mhm, sure,” Peter could hear the smile in your voice. “Go be cute and cocky somewhere else with your new bros.”
Peter tried to pull from their grip to go after you, but Bucky kept his firm metal hold on him. Peter looked at him wondrously. 
Bucky gave him a thin-lipped smile. “Take care of her, yeah? Otherwise, you’ll have to deal with us in the not-so-subtle way, Spiderman.”
Peter nodded. “I promise.”
Bucky and Sam let go of Peter and he instantly ran after you picking you up from behind and twirling you around for a moment as you squealed and laughed. 
“Gotcha,” Peter sang. 
“Caught right in your web,” you smiled. “Poetic isn’t it?”
Peter snorted and set you down. “I feel like I should apologize to you about them.”
It was your turn to snort. “Please, I would apologize for them but they are two grown-ass men who can do it themselves. No worries though. I’ll be a brat about it for a few days until they do.”
Peter laughed. 
“Speaking of poems,” you said looking at the time. “I should get ready to give my speech and do the rest of my mingling so I can get that out of the way.”
Peter smiled at you. “Okay. I’ll probably go bully Harry with Gwen.”
You giggled. “You saw him with Michelle too?”
“Yeah.” And I would bully her too if circumstances were different.
“Have fun,” you said.
“Good luck,” He replied. 
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After your speech, you mingled more. One guy got a little handsy with you than you or Peter liked but you handled it with grace. And by grace, Peter meant you took the guy's hand by the wrist and nearly broke it as you told him off. After that Peter lost you in the crowd. He couldn’t find you and he couldn’t sense you. It worried him. He asked his friends and your friends if they had seen you. They haven’t and you weren’t answering your texts from anyone. It worried him more.
He spotted the table where Pepper, Happy and Morgan were sitting and decided that was his next best option, even if Happy was giving him suspicious looks all evening. So he walked over to them with sweaty hands and a racing mind.
“Um…Hello,” Peter said sheepishly. 
Pepper looked up at him. Happy never stopped looking at him. Morgan didn’t acknowledge him.
“Uh…you haven’t seen (Y/N) anywhere, have you?” He asked, rubbing the back of his head. “I’m Peter. Peter Parker.”
“Oh!” Pepper chimed. “She was going to introduce us to you later but fate has other plans I guess.” She smiled as she stood up and went by him. “It’s nice to meet you.”
She held out her hand and Peter shook it politely. “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Stark.”
Pepper wore a blue gown with her hair in a low bun. Morgan wore a pink dress with a black leather jacket that Peter recognized as the very first one that Tony had gotten for you. Happy wore a regular suit. 
“She left like fifteen minutes ago,” Morgan stated. “Typical.”
Pepper gave Morgan a warning look and then looked back at Peter. “She didn’t leave. She stepped out for a moment. She doesn’t do well in crowds for very long.”
Peter was surprised that Happy wasn’t with you, but then again he wasn’t surprised because you hated having a bodyguard with you at all times when you can take care of yourself just fine. 
Peter nodded knowingly in response. 
“She’ll be back in a bit,” Pepper continued. “She let Morgan use her phone.”
He looked to see the preteen girl playing a game on your phone aggressively. 
Ah. “Okay. Thank you.” 
“Aw, man!” Morgan exclaimed. “I died!”
She pouted the same way you did. Her bottom lip sticking out and furrowed brows and it made Peter chuckle softly.
“What game are you playing?” Peter asked.
Morgan looked up at him. “Genshin Impact.”
Peter hummed in amusement. “May I?”
She eyed him with hesitation and then handed him the phone. He took it and then sat in the chair next to her. He looked at the screen and blinked rapidly.
“Dude,” he started. “You’re still in Inazuma? When did you start playing?”
“Like a month ago,” Morgan replied sheepishly. “But I used to play on (Y/N)’s account but I got tired of her zooming through the storyline and I was left with only her story quests and world quests. Of course, she would leave the boring parts to me.”
Peter snorted and analyzed the mission Morgan was struggling with. “You’re fighting Raiden Shogun. Saving Thoma right?”
Morgan nodded. 
“So the goal isn’t to beat her. She’s an Archon it’s impossible to do so,” Peter explained like the geek he is. “And she deactivates your bursts and skills so you’re kind of stuck and rendered useless. The goal is to bring her down to seventy-five percent health and run and dodge when she activates the Vision Hunt Decree. You only need to survive for forty-five seconds after that and you’re all good.” 
Morgan looked at him with wide eyes. “Really?”
“Mhm!” Peter smiled. “Here let me equip you with the right things. Especially with the team you have.”
After clicking around and setting up Morgan’s teams for success, he handed the phone back to her. “If you lose you can kick my butt.”
She took the phone and gave him a tight-lipped smile as she started the mission again. Peter watched her the whole time and was her second pair of eyes. She was able to pass the quest with flying colors.
“Yes!” Morgan cheered and looked up at Peter with a sparkle in her eye. “Thank you so much, Peter!”
“Good job!” Peter chuckled softly and held up his hand for a high five and Morgan smacked the palm of her hand onto his.
He looked up to see Pepper smiling at the two of them and Happy's face was softer than it had been all night. Peter gave them a thin-lipped smile in response. There was still no sign of you. 
“You should go find, (Y/N),” Morgan stated, not taking her eyes off the screen. “I think I got it from here. Oh! But give me your UID and we can be friends on here!”
Peter smiled, gave her his UID, and then he got up. “I’ll bring her back safely.”
“Thank you,” Pepper replied. 
Peter walked out and into the cool New York City air. He glanced around to see if he could spot you but there was no sign of you but he could faintly sense you. Which brought him some relief and comfort. 
"If you're looking for her, she's on the roof." 
Peter whipped around to see Nika leaning up on the wall looking at the roof of a building that was across the street. 
"The roof?"
"Yeah,” Nika replied. “She can only take so much of the public eye, public speeches, and networking before it gets too much for her. So she needs a break from it all for a bit so she can come back down and do it all over again. It took her two months of practicing her speech for the expo before she felt ready. In fact, I don't think she ever was ready for that speech."
Peter chuckled softly and said softly to himself. “Yeah, she’s always been that way.”
Nika hummed in response. 
Peter looked up at the sign of the place that you were on top of. It was a cute cafe with globe lights on strings and plants on the roof of it. He imagined it was a quiet place which is why you choose there to go.
“I’m out here as her lookout,” Nika continued. “Decided to give Happy a break and actually enjoy himself for once.”
Peter hummed amused. “How nice of you.”
“He’s probably shitting himself worried right now,” Nika grinned. “I may be a small girl but I can take down a super soldier like Sargent Barnes any day. I’m more than capable.”
“I believe you,” Peter agreed. “You kinda scare me.”
Peter smiled at Nika and she smiled back.
"Well, what are you waiting for?”’ She chuckled. “Go to her. Be an Avenger Boy and save the day.” She waved him off. “Shoo shoo!"
Peter laughed. “You’re not gonna kick my ass for being a distraction?”
“Nah,” Nika let out a deep breath. “She could use a little…or a lot…of distraction right now. Play your cards right and you might get completely on my good side.”
“Good to know,” Peter smiled and began walking towards the building. 
“You can web up there you know,” Nika commented which made Peter stop in his tracks and turn on his heels to look at her.
“You know?” He replied but it came out more like a statement.
Nika tapped her temple. “I know a lot of things. It’s kind of my job. Didn’t take me long to figure it out.”
Peter nodded in response.
“If anyone sees you, I’ll gaslight them.”
Peter laughed. “No worries, I’m careful.”
Nika nodded and gave him a salute of good luck. He was pleasantly surprised by Nika’s friendly behavior. He half expected her to rip his head off for trying to bother him but she encouraged him. And what was he gonna do, say no? Of course not.
 He went into the Alley of the building and webbed himself up after making sure the coast was clear. He saw you on the other side leaning over the ledge looking up at a billboard with Tony Stark and the Iron Man suit on it. The Billboard read “Gone but never forgotten.”
He took a deep preparation breath and walked over to you. You sensed him, looked back at him, and smiled softly.
"Sorry,” you stated.  “I'm a horrible date."
"You're not," he smiled back with a chuckle and leaned next to you much like how you did with him earlier.
You both turned and looked at the billboard again both of your are hit with waves of emotions and Peter couldn’t tell if he was feeling it from you or if you were feeling it from him, but the comfort of each other’s company kept your feelings in check as you guys silently bonded over the absence of Tony Stark in your lives. 
Peter remembered all his moments with Tony and how much he learned from him. He remembers sitting in the workshop with him while Tony worked on his Spider suit and he, himself, worked on his web shooters. 
He remembers a specific day…
You ran up behind Peter, wrapped your arms around his torso, and gave him a peck on the cheek with a giggle. He blushed with a smile and turned his head to look at you and kiss your forehead. You would be spending the day with Natasha and Wanda.
“Heading out?” He asked you softly.
“Yep,” you replied. “I’ll buy you something.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Let her do it,” Tony said from across the table. “She’s gonna do it anyway. It’s like her dream to be your sugar mama.”
Peter chuckled nervously, unsure if Tony was being serious or not. You rolled your eyes.
“Bye, Darling.” You pecked Peter’s lips and he pecked yours back before you went over to your dad and kissed his temple. “Goodbye, Father.”
“Goodbye Daughter,” Tony replied. “Have fun, be safe, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and definitely don’t do anything I would do.”
You made a pfft sound. “Yeah right,” you replied as you walked away.  “Love you,” you sang.
“Love you,” Tony replied as you disappeared up the staircase. 
Peter watched you the entire time with nothing but love in his eyes. Tony eyed him when he noticed him not focusing on his web slinging gizmo. 
“Y’know, kid,” Tony started as Peter turned to him rapidly from being knocked from his gazing and daydreaming of you. “There’s this thing called a camera. It’s on your phone. Ever heard of it? If you take a picture it will last longer.”
Peter snorted with a smile and went back to upgrading his gadget. “S’not the same, sir.”
Tony sighed and rolled his eyes. “You kids are weird. But I’d take weird over anything else.”
Peter inserted the web fluid into his web shooter and then set it down looking up at Tony. 
Mr. Stark?”
“That’s me,” Tony sang.
“I think I’m in love with (Y/N),” Peter said and Tony stopped what he was doing and looked up at him again. “But ... .I don’t know how to express that to her in a way she deserves.”
Tony’s face softened and he set the suit down on the table and turned completely to Peter listening to him.
Peter continued. “I don’t know much about romance…only what they show in movies and what Aunt May has told me but this is my first relationship and I’m hoping for it to be my one and only relationship for the rest of my life. Is that weird? That’s weird isn’t it?” Peter sighed nervously. “I just…I don’t wanna mess it up. I want to find a way to show her how much I love her. Something that she can hold or look at for when we aren’t by each other but I also know she’s not materialistic and she prefers experiences over items. I dunno…maybe I’m overthinking it.”
Tony pressed his lips together and let out a deep breath. “You got a heart of gold, Peter. It pairs well with her heart of Iron. I’m sure whatever you come up with she will love because it came from you and you specifically. That’s all she needs.”
Peter let out a sigh.
“You know I never visited his grave,” you stated softly and Peter looked at you. “I’m afraid of how I’ll react.” You look down at your tattoo and trace your fingers over the arc reactors. “I never expected to take over the stark throne so soon…the same age my dad took over. If I go visit his grave, that’s just a reminder of what wasn’t supposed to be.”
Peter listened to you.
“Kinda shitty of me isn’t it?” You started. “Won’t take on the role of Iron Hero, won’t go visit his grave, can’t hold an event without running away and leaving my date behind. Some legacy I am.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Peter said, turning to you and seeing your eyes glossed over. “That’s not shitty. That’s called being human. You have the right to feel however you feel about it. He was more than just your dad but the person you confided in the most. No one blames you for feeling this way.”
You looked at him and smiled. “Thanks.”
Peter pressed his lips together and lifted himself from the ledge and took out his phone, opening up his preferred music app. You watched him as he set his phone down as the song played. It was one of your favorites, Lover by Taylor Swift. 
He holds out his hand to you with a smile. "Dance with me?" 
You smiled and took his hand. And he walked you closer towards the center of the roof. You wrapped your arms around his neck and clasped your hands together as his hands made their way to your hips. Your senses bloomed at the contact as you guys looked at each other with burning faces that kept you warm from the cool autumn air.
"You look pretty tonight," he stated. "Not that you don't look pretty any other time."
“Thank you,” you giggled. "You should see me when I wake up in the morning. Puffy-faced, looking scary and pissed off."
Peter chuckled softly remembering how you were in the mornings during their time at the Avengers Compound. You always looked like you were ready to fight someone at any moment even if you woke up in a good mood. You got teased for it often. 
"Well, you clean up nicely," he smiled.
"So do you," you smiled. "You look handsome. Not that you don't look handsome any other time."
“Thanks, I woke up like this.”
You playfully hit his arm and he laughed in response with your giggles. 
“You’re conceited today,” you commented. 
“Confident,” he corrected.
You squinted your eyes and hummed in doubt. “Conceited,” you argued. “But I kinda like it.”
He hummed in response and looked into your eyes meeting your gaze. 
You get lost looking deeply into the darkness of his irises. He has such pretty brown eyes. He looked back into your eyes deeply also getting lost in your wonderous orbs. You guys felt the pull stronger than ever before. You glanced down at his lips and Peter stopped moving as he focused completely on you. Like the rest of the world didn’t exist. His senses were all on you.
It was his turn to glance down at your lips as he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth like he was debating on something before making a decision. Pavitr’s words rang in his mind. 
This is it. The moment.
You both lean in. It’s happening. The moment you and your senses have been waiting for. Oh my fucking god, it’s happening. You close your eyes. 
Your lips met his softly.
Your senses jolted and in a quick moment your body went cold and an implosion of warmth flowed through you and. your senses lost control of themselves. Your heart raced in your chest and your brain focused on Peter and only Peter. 
It was like something clicked.
You didn't realize that you had stopped dancing. You didn't know when his arm wrapped around your waist to pull you closer and you didn't know how your hand ended up gripping his hair. You didn't feel the moment when his tongue swiped across your lips and you opened your mouth to invite him in. 
He tasted of strawberry candy wine and mint and paradise. 
It was like your senses remembered him even though your memory was still hazy but in that moment, it was like it was only you two in the world.
His kiss reminded you of your first kiss. 
His hold reminded you of your first dance.
His gentleness reminded you of him.
The Faceless Boy.
You forgot to breathe and your hands slowly moved to his shoulders and you pulled back reluctantly and he chased your lips as if you two were a magnetic force not meant to part. You looked at each other with hooded eyes, slightly heavy breathing and racing hearts.
Before you could think your mouth spoke.
"My sweet boy…" you said barely a whisper.
Before Peter could react you both were interrupted.
"Let's go, Parker!!" 
Peter jumped as did you and quickly looked over with wide eyes. You stopped his hand from activating his web shooter and accidentally webbing someone off the roof. 
Then he groaned softly and he winced and threw his head back in defeat.
His friends and your friends were together cheering and clapping. As Gwen and Harry started chanting the intro to Blitzkrieg Bop.
"Hey, ho! Let's go!" Echoed through the night sky as Cindy and Celina threw finger hearts at the both of you and joined in the chant. Nika was there with her phone out recording the whole ordeal with a mischievous smile on her face.
You couldn't help but snort and hide your face in Peter's shoulder as you shook from giggles of embarrassment, while Peter pouted at his friends in particular. You lifted your head with your lips pressed together sheepishly looking at him.
"We have a fan base."
He looked back at you with an apologetic look. "I'm so, so, so sorry about this…"
"Don't be. I'm pretty sure it was Nika's idea." 
You both glanced over at them again. As they all started cheering “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
I think I’m going to enter my villain arc, Peter thought, being unserious. I asked for one night.
"Let's give them a show?" You asked. 
Peter decided that if this is what fate had in store for you both, he wasn’t going to let it ruin the moment. So he smirked at you and dipped you causing you to squeal softly and your leg to lift. He caught the bottom of your thigh in his hand as he pressed his lips to yours again and you lay a hand on his cheek while the other gripped onto his shoulder. 
The feeling was electrifying and your friends cheered and clapped louder.
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Later that night you arrived back at home with Pepper and Morgan. You say goodnight to them as you go to your room and close the door. You lean back on your door and sigh happily. 
You and Peter finally kissed. And it was twice and it was perfect. 
You bite your lip while smiling ear to ear. You felt like a teenage girl again crushing…probably on Peter Parker, to be honest.
You pull out your phone and text Peter.
I'm home. 
Me too. 
You smile and touch your lips softly. You could feel his kiss on your lips still and it sent a warmth throughout your body. You were knocked out  of your thoughts when your phone sounded.
I had fun tonight 😊
Me too ☺️
Your face burned and you giggled.
Sweet dreams, Peter Parker ♥️
Sweet dreams, (Y/N) Stark ♥️
Your heart fluttered the entire time you got ready for bed. And when you dreamt of the Faceless Boy you imagined Peter's face and when you woke up the next morning, it was with grace. There was no cold sweat and there was no pain. Only a happy heart, clear mind and a smile on your lips where you still felt the ghost of Peter's soft lips.
@chrisevans-realwife @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130 @kindlover @i-have-no-life-charlie @melodicheauxxlovesfood
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Hey Congratulations on your birthday!!! Can you do 🎂 a smutty drabble with Harry using the prompt 11 please? 💕
Thank you so much!! And thank you for the request! <3
This is a bit NSFW so I’ve put it under a read more!
Title: Bedroom Activities Pairing: Harry x Fem!Reader Prompt: I can’t keep talking to you if you don’t put some clothes on.
Harry sighs in relief when he finally steps through the door of the flat he shares with Y/N. He shuts the door tightly and locks it, leaning up against the heavy wood. A small group of Voldemort’s supporters that weren’t rounded up after the war have been traveling around the country causing mayhem, and Harry’s spent the last week working overtime to try and track them down. He and Ron finally managed to capture them just outside of Sheffield, and he’s finally able to relax.
“Y/N? Are you here, love?” Harry calls out, suddenly aware of how quiet their flat is. The setting sun cascading in through the windows is the only light, and all he can hear is his own breathing. They’ve both been busy at work, but as Harry arrived back home he had hoped Y/N would already be relaxing on the couch waiting for him.
“In our room, Harry!” Y/N responds, immediately causing a smile to form on Harry’s face.
Harry heads towards the bedroom, contemplating what they should order in for dinner. He’s having a heated debate over Chinese or Indian as he pushes the door open, but the sight he’s met with when he enters the room causes all coherent thoughts to leave his head. “O-oh,” he gasps, his eyes raking up and down Y/N.
Y/N is standing in the middle of their bedroom in nothing but a soft pair of sleep shorts and a lacy black bra. Y/N only arrived home a mere few minutes before Harry, and the first thing she did was head to get changed out of her work clothes. Her hair cascades down her back, still silky and smooth from the potion she’d used to style it that morning. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth, causing Harry’s mouth to gape open when she turns to face him.
“You haven’t seen my white silk camisole, have you?” she asks casually.
“I-i-i. Um. Wha-,” Harry stutters, trying to process what she’s said. The shorts are hanging low on her hips, and he’d been too busy tracing the edges of her hip bones with his eyes to listen to what she had asked. He can feel the heat on his cheeks, but no matter how embarrassed he is he can’t look away from her. She’s the most beautiful woman Harry has ever laid eyes on, and despite the fact that they’ve been together for years he’s still in disbelief that he’s the only person in the world that gets to see Y/N like this.
Y/N chuckles as she takes notice of how flustered Harry is, even though he’s seen her in far less clothing. She can’t help but feel like a goddess under his intense gaze, and her shoulders relax as the last bit of stress from her day melts away. “You okay, love?” she teases.
Harry’s eyes finally connect with Y/N’s and he nods meekly. “Mhm, brilliant,” he confirms. “Although I can’t keep talking to you if you don’t put some clothes on, dear. You are far too distracting.”
Y/N walks over to him, her arms wrapping around his neck as his hands settles on her hips. “You see I could get dressed and we can keep talking or,” she trails off, bringing their lips together in a heated kiss.
Harry kisses her back enthusiastically, starting to move them towards their bed. Their bedroom activities have been lackluster as of late due to their busy schedules, and Harry is more than willing to make up for it now. He gently lays Y/N back on the bed, crawling on top of her as he does.
“I’d much rather do this,” he murmurs, his lips starting to trail down her neck, biting and sucking as they go. Harry reaches back and unhooks Y/N’s bra, taking it off her and tossing it to the floor.
Y/N moans as Harry starts to massages one of her breasts, his mouth inching closer and closer to her nipple. “Are you sure?” she pants, swallowing thickly. “I could still put some clothes on if you wanted to – oh fuck,” she moans, the rest of her sentence falling away as Harry starts to bite and lick at her nipple.
Harry smirks as Y/N starts to writher underneath him and he allows his mouth to continue kissing down her stomach. He nibbles on the ski just above the waistband of her shorts. “I can think of better things for my mouth to do,” he teases, his hands coming down to play with the band of her shorts. “But of course, we could always just talk,” he jokes, starting to pull away from Y/N.
“Don’t you dare,” Y/N scolds as her legs wrap around Harry’s middle to keep him in place. “I want your mouth on me, please,” she begs.
Harry smirks and pulls her shorts and panties down and to the floor in one swift movement. “Your wish is my command,” he muses, before he settles on his knees for what is sure to be a night neither of them will forget.
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Crawl Before You Walk
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Warnings: partying, drinking, forced kiss
Summary: Y/N has been friends with the Styles siblings for years. But when Y/N asks Harry for kissing lessons, their entire friendship is put on the line.
A/N: Harry is older in this fic than Gemma
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I walk right into the Styles household. I’ve been friends with the Styles siblings since our day care days and it was never a problem for me to just come by after school for dinner or to hang out, their parents practically raised me, they’re more of a family to me than my own family. 
And that’s why I came over today. I need advice. Some help.
Harry Styles, is a senior, he’s like a big brother, one of my best friends, anytime Gemma and I get into some sort of shenanigans he’s there. Even though I’m about a year younger than him, we’ve bonded. I knock quietly on the door to his room, unsure if he’s even home. 
“It’s open,” I hear him call from inside, I push the door open to find him lying on his bed, no shirt on, sweat pants hanging low on his hips. He’s got one arm propped behind his head, the other reading some play. He looks up at me and smiles softly. “Hey Y/N. Gem will be home in a few. You can hang out if you want.” I sit on the edge of his bed, dropping my bookbag. 
“Actually….I’m here to see you,” He sets the book down on his chest, raising his eyebrow slightly. 
“Yeah.” He sits up, crossing his legs indian style. 
“What’s on your mind?” he asks. I feel my cheeks heat up, this is so embarrassing. 
“There’s this...there’s this boy I like.”
“Oh yeah?” he says, nudging me in a teasing manner, I relax, I can do this. 
“He wants to take me out on a date.”
“So what’s the problem,” I bite my lip, hesitant to continue. “You can tell me,” he coaxes. I take a deep breath. 
“I’ve never been kissed before.” I say finally. I can’t bare to look at him, to embarrassed. “I wanted to ask you if maybe...maybe you could teach me?”
“Teach you how to kiss?”
“Well you’ve had lots of girlfirends-”
“I wouldn’t say ‘lots’-”
“So you have experience. I have none.” he sighs, running his hand over his face. I feel awkward, my hands begin to sweat as I wait for his answer.
“You really like this kid huh?” I nod. 
“A lot. I don’t want to mess this up.” He’s quiet for a moment longer, I debate whether or not to just tell him it’s a joke and to forget it. 
“Okay." he startles me. I didn’t think it’d be that easy. 
“Yeah. Just this once.” he adds. I grin, he scoots back towards his headboard and I swing my legs up onto the bed, folding them beneath myself. 
“Thank you.” I say gratefully. 
“Don’t mention it...Like ever, to anyone after this okay?” I nod and he scoots closer to me now, I can smell his cologne and deodorant, he smells really good. Clean. “Everyone is different. Some people are good kissers, some are bad-”
“I’m probably bad.”
“Quiet.” he scolds me, before continuing his lecture. “Like I said everyone is different….But if this guy...If he tries anything you don’t like, you have the right to say no. You can tell him to stop.” He reaches up, brushing his fingers over my cheek gently. “Come here,” he whispers, I lean in, our lips meere inches apart. “He looks me in the eye, his eyes flicker to my lips from time to time. I feel something strange begin to vibrate within me. “You feel that?” he breathes against my lips, his breath is cool, and smells minty, I shiver. 
“Good. That’s a good sign.” slowly, tentativly, he presses his lips to mine. I don’t know what to do, I just sit there, letting his mouth move against mine, he pulls away, a small grin on his face. “You can kiss me back.”
“Do what I do. Follow my lead,” I close my eyes this time as he brings his lips back to mine. I do what he says and move my lips against his, mimicking his actions. He reaches up, grasping the back of my head, the other hand gripping my lower arm. His lips are smooth and soft, pressing against mine over and over again. My hands grip the fabric of his sweats tightly. His tongue darts out, licking my bottom lip, I gasp and pull away. 
“Wow.” I say breathlessly. “What was that?”
“I was asking you for entrance.”
“To your mouth. Always ask. It’s not polite to just shove your tongue down someone’s throat.” we chuckle together, I feel something wet grow between my legs, I look back at him. 
“Can we try with tongue?” I ask. 
“Sure. C’mere.” I’m back in his arms, he kisses me slowly before licking me again, I open my mouth wide, moaning as his tongue begins to massage and wrestle mine. I continue following his lead, doing what he does. He sucks my tongue into his mouth and I squirm, unable to handle the growing warmth between my legs. He grabs my hips and I move, coming to sit in his lap. I run my fingers through his hair as he rubs his hands up and down my back. I’m nearly panting and desperate for relief from the tension building in me. I roll my hips slightly, causing him to stiffen. 
He pulls away too quickly, I chase his lips, only to open my eyes and see him grinning at me teasingly. 
“You’re a good kisser.” he compliments. 
“T...Thanks.” I stutter. “You are too.” we stare at each other, I’m still in his lap and I can feel something hard poking at me from his sweatpants. He reaches up to trace my bottom lip with his finger, I close my eyes again and lean into his touch. 
“Y/N...Y/N I-”
“Hey Harry! I’m home.” Gemma calls as we hear the from door open. I jump up from Harry's lap, straightening my clothes, he leans back cooly, resuming his position from when I first walked in. Gemma opens the door without knocking. 
“Oh Y/N you’re early.” I try to slow my pounding heart.
“Yeah. Harry said I could wait for you.”
“Well come on,” she nods towards the hallway, “I’ve got that dress for you to try on.” I pick up my book bag and follow her out of the room. Harry winks at me as I leave. 
I dream about the kiss with Harry for days after it happens. I always wake up feeling wet between my legs and a faint throbbing feeling. I try to get off. I rub my skin raw, push my fingers in and out of myself. Nothing works. I work myself so hard I’m barely breathing, face nearly purple. But no matter what I do I can’t seem to get off. Still, the dreams persist. 
I avoid Harry when I’m at his house. If we’re sitting at the dinner table I’ll converse with Gemma or his mom. I always duck into Gemma's room if I hear him coming down the hall. I don’t know if I’m embarrassed or scared. He doesn’t seem to notice my growing awkwardness. He goes about his day as though nothing happened at all. 
“What is going on with you?” Gemma snaps me out of my head when she asks this. I look at her, she sits across from me, eating a nutella sandwich and studying me curiously. 
“What do you mean?” I ask, trying to keep my voice normal. I take a bite of my apple sauce. 
“You’ve been acting really weird all week. Always ducking into my room and hiding around the house….Do you have a crush on Harry?” I choke on my apple sauce, looking at her through watery eyes. 
“No! Absolutely not!” she chuckles, taking a bite of her sandwich. 
“Good. Cuz I was gonna say...gross.” I smile, but in the back of my mind I wonder if she would think that about me and Harry….Probably. We all did grow up together. “Seriously though,” she looks concerned now, lowering her voice. “Is it your dad again? Do you need to stay with us indefinitely like last time?” I stiffen, shaking my head. 
A few years ago things got really, really bad with my parents. The police got involved and I was sent to live with the Styles while they got their shit together. 
“No...I’m fine honest.” she doesn’t look like she believes me. I reach out and place my hand over hers. “I’m fine Gem. Honest.” she doesn’t push anymore, and we eat in awkward silence for a few minutes. 
I’m so wrapped up in my thoughts, I nearly jump out of my skin when someone’s hands cover my eyes. “Guess who?” the voice asks. I can hear Gemma giggling across from me. 
“Jeff Goldblum,” I guess. The person snickers, moving their hands and sitting down beside me. It’s Jake. I feel my stomach churn with butterflies. 
“Damn. I wish I was Jeff Goldblum.” He high fives Dylan who’s sat beside Jas now, his arm around her. Jake’s focus is on me. He scoots close, he smells like Old Spice. “Haven’t seen ya around in a couple days.” I shrug my shoulders. 
“I like to change my route to class. Keeps things interesting.” He smirks, his lips are soft and pink. Smooth. I wonder if they taste like Harry's. He notices my gaze and puts his finger under my chin, tilting my face up to look at him. 
“Spontaneous. I like that….I got a question for you.” I can feel Gemma’s eyes on me, my heart is pounding, anxiety rolling over my shoulders. 
“You wanna go to Dylan’s party Friday night? I can pick you up if you want.” I smile, feeling relieved and excited at the same time. 
“Sure…” he grins. “I’d love to.” 
“Yes.” he pumps his fist in the air. The bell rings, ending our lunch. I stand up and he takes my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, he brings them to his lips and kisses the back of my hand. His lips are really soft. They feel nice. “I’ll see you Friday night.” Gemma is jumping with excitement as we throw our trays away and head towards our next class. 
Friday arrives almost too quickly. I haven’t actually spoken to Harry since the kissing lesson, but when I arrive at the Styles house he’s there, in the living room, on the phone.He hangs up as I come in. 
“Hey,” I smile and make a bee line for Gemma’s room. “Wow. Wow. Wow.” He stops me, stretching his arm out to block my path. “What’s going on?” 
“You’ve been acting weird. Ever since….” he raises his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and scoff. 
“You’re crazy. I am not-” he grabs my chin and brings my lips to his. My eyes close instantly as he wraps his arm around my waist. When he pulls away I think I see stars. “I thought you said kissing lessons only one time.” he smirks, his nose brushes mine. 
“I changed my mind.” He pulls away from me, taking my hand in his. “You wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He pulls me towards the couch in the living room, I sit down beside him, sinking into the cushion. I pull my legs up under myself. 
“We’re going to a party at Dylan’s tonight.” 
“Jake taking you?”
“Have you kissed him yet?” I shake my head. He pats my knee reassuringly. 
“Don’t be nervous. You’re a great kisser. It’ll be fine.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.”
“Then what is it?”
“What if he wants...you know...to do...more,” Harry's neck turns a light shade of pink, he clears his throat, shifting in his spot. 
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to Y/N.”
“I know that.”
“And if he tries to force you I will take care of that.” I smile at the thought of Harry protecting me. I shake my head. 
“The thing is that I want to do it. I want to have sex and fall in love and make out and things like that,” Harry listens, his hand still on my knee, “But I can’t even get off on my own. How in the hell would I get a guy off?”
“It’s not that hard.”
“That’s what she said.” he grins at me, happy I got the joke. “I’m serious though. I can’t even masturbate right...Is there something wrong with me?”
“No. Some girls have trouble. There’s nothing wrong with that….What do you think about when you do it?” I’m surprised and pleased with the turn this conversation has taken, I really can talk to Harry about anything. 
“I don’t know...I kinda just….go at it.” he chuckles now, covering his mouth with his hand. HIs eyes crinkle and his whole body shakes. “What?” I ask offended. 
“You can’t just go at it….you need stimulation. To get turned on.”
“So what turns you on?”
You. I think. I’ll never tell him that though. “I’m not sure.”
“What about the kissing….Did you feel anything when we kissed?” He’s looking at me the way he did when we first kissed. The first time he asked me if I felt something. I lick my lips, his eyes dart down and then back up to my eyes. I nod slowly. 
“Yeah. I felt warm.” 
“Aroused.” he says. 
“Aroused.” It sounds like a foreign concept coming from my mouth, the way it rolls off my tongue. 
“You’ll be fine. If you worry too much you won’t enjoy yourself.” he gets up from the couch and leans over me, pressing his lips to my forehead. I close my eyes, just being this close to him sends my stomach spinning. “If you need anything tonight. Even just a way out, call me. I’ll pick you girls up.” he drops his hand from me and walks away, leaving me alone on the couch. 
Dylan has a nice house. It’s big, and packed with people. The smell of sweat and alcohol and weed fills the air. I stayed by Gemma’s side most of the night, following her and Dylan around the house. Until Dylan whispered something in her ear. 
“Hey Y.N” Gemma pulls me to a corner and shouts in my ear. “I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit. You don’t have to wait for me.” I shake my head, waving her away, a druk couple stumbles past us. I hadn’t drank much at all tonight. 
“It’s fine I’ll wait. Have fun.” she winks at me and follows Dylan up the stairs. I find my way back to the living room. I stand awkwardly off to the side, watching people smoke and drink and act like idiots. It’s pretty amusing, the things people will do when they’re drunk. 
“Hey!” I feel a heavy arm drape over my shoulders. I look up to see Jake, smiling at me tipsily. His fingers brush over my bare shoulder. I’m wearing one of Gemma's dresses tonight. A sexy little off the shoulders black dress, it hugs my curves perfectly. “You enjoying yourself?” he asks. I nod my head and motion towards my ear, the music is loud, shaking the house with the base. Jake takes my hand, pulling me through the throngs of people, he leads me outside. 
“Ah..That’s much better,” I say, taking a deep breath. Jake stands in front of me. His eyes rake over my body. It bothers me, the way he’s looking at me. He tosses his empty beer can to the side and places his hands on my hips, he tips his head down so our noses brush. 
There’s no one around. Everyone else is inside, it’s a cold night. The wind raises the hairs on my flesh, giving me goosebumps. Not even Jake being this close can warm me. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous. You know that?” He doesn’t give me a chance to reply. He grabs my chin roughly and slams his lips to mine. His kiss is hard and rough. I slap at his shoulders as he pulls me closer, forcing his tongue into my mouth.I can barely breathe, my mind begins to cloud, I squirm, trying to get away. But he has me in a vice grip.  Panic seized me. He’s drunk and I’m alone, also quite a bit smaller than him. One of his hands slides down my back, barely brushing my ass. I shove at him, he staggers backwards, wiping his mouth. My mouth hurts and I’m shaking with fear. 
“Y/N!” I turn and run as fast as I can, kicking Gemma's heels off as I go. I’ll buy her a new pair later. 
My feet are sore and throbbing from pounding against the pavement, my body perspiring as I make my way up the steps to the Styles household. I’m exhausted, my adrenaline finally wearing off. I hope Jake isn’t mad at me. I think I overreacted. My mouth still hurts, I can still feel his slimy, tongue sliding down my throat. I grimace as I open the door and step inside quietly., The tv is on, someone’s up, I don’t pay attention to it. 
“Y/N,” I take a step back as a shadowy figure emerges from the living room. Harry walks towards me, his eyes wide with alarm. He reaches out and I rush into his arms. I’m scared and confused and embarrassed. Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I thought every kiss would be like Harry's. I don’t know. Harry holds me close, rubbing my back and whispering to me soothingly. 
“You’re safe Y/N. You’re safe.”
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dont-cry2020 · 4 years
“I Love You Too, Mr. Superstar.”
Harry Styles x Reader
requested by @softiebowen
//technically the prequel to “Too Early for Another One?” but id recommend reading that one (here) first so you understand what’s happening//
//17 y/o harry reconnects with 16  y/o y/n, realizing that she’s it for him//
//smut (exp. harry with virgin y/n) & fluff//
//this is 4,820 words so strap yourself in lmao//
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The week came and went quickly as the hot New York weather only got hotter. It was Saturday, so you weren’t mad when you woke up at 9:30, starting your routine a little bit later after you’d had your coffee.
Checking your phone didn’t really cross your mind, so you carried on your morning routine as usual. You brushed your teeth and ate breakfast, greeting your mom with a cheery ‘good morning’ and going out to the roof of your apartment building to do some yoga.
It was still early, yet the sun was beating down on you, making you long for a long shower. You did just that, letting the water cascade down your body as you washed your hair and shaved your legs.
It was going to be a good day.
After showering, you picked up your phone, checking any texts from friends who wanted to hang out this weekend, but one particular text caught your eye.
‘coffee shop harry <3′
i know it’s been a few, but i’m in town and wondering if u want to meet up ?
You were shocked, to say the least. You’d barely heard anything from him since you met last May; just a few ‘hey’s and ‘what are you up too?’s were exchanged in the two fleeting months.
After about a month of waiting for him to call or text, he didn’t really cross your mind. Sure, you had seen his face on billboards and posters around the city, reading ‘One Direction, the Hottest Boy Band of the 2010′s’. You would grin to yourself as you remembered the words ‘i’m in a band’ rolling off his tongue in that smooth British accent.
If you were being honest with yourself, you hadn’t really bothered to listen to his music. Not that you didn’t want to, you just didn’t really want to think about that day when you met him.
You had given him a tour of New York City, or as you would say, ‘all the places that matter’. Then Harry would laugh and you would admire the sparkle in his green eyes and the dimples in his rosy cheeks.
He had told you a lot about himself, too. And, yeah, you had a good amount of assumptions about a British boy wandering the streets of New York City alone.
One of them being that he liked you.
You were proven wrong when you thought he was going to kiss you, but instead gave you an awkward hug. Your lips were met with his chest and you had never been more embarrassed in your entire life.
Thus why you were so confused at his text.
sure, want me to give u another tour lol
Your phone dinged not even a minute later, Harry eager to see you again. He felt terrible about ghosting you, but he was so caught up in this newfound fame that he really didn’t know what to do with himself. Let alone someone else.
After the night he met you, he had wanted to kiss you so badly, but he knew he couldn’t. For Christ’s sake, he lived in a different country. You were still in school and you had a long future ahead of you. He thought that you were the smartest girl he had ever met. Not to mention the most beautiful.
r u good with dinner ? and maybe a tour of the harbor 😂😂 pick u up at 6
You couldn’t help but feel ecstatic at his message. You had seen tabloid pictures of him, but they really couldn’t capture the sparkle in his eyes when he laughed or the blush that crept up his cheeks when he was nervous.
sounds good
You replied almost coldly, hoping to not make your excitement obvious. You weren’t sure if this was a date? Probably not, you thought.
Around 3 was when you started to panic. You still didn’t know what you were going to wear or where you were going to go. You had only briefly mentioned that you were going out with a friend to your mom, quickly leaving the room before she could grill you about where or who you were going with.
You threw a few outfit options on your bed, settling on a light pink dress that ended at mid-thigh, and a pair of platform sandals. You figured it was hot enough that you didn’t need a jacket, so you finished your outfit off with a pretty pearl necklace and some earrings to match.
By the time you finished your hair and makeup, it was half-past 5, and you were nervously awaiting Harry’s arrival. What if you looked too dressed up? Would he notice that your hair was longer?
A light knock on the door startled you from your thoughts, and you shouted your mom a quick goodbye before taking a deep breath and opening the door.
Harry was dumbfounded as the front door swung open, revealing the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He had somehow forgotten how beautiful you were, mentally scolding himself for not claiming you as his when he had the chance. He wondered if you had been with anyone after you met.
“Hi,” you said, making eye contact with the gorgeous boy standing in front of you. He was wearing a simple button-up shirt with the first few undone, a cross necklace resting on his pale skin and a sliver of a tattoo poking out from his left shoulder.
“Hey,” he says, shuffling awkwardly out of the way so you could step out of the door. “You look,” he takes a deep breath, “amazing.”
Your face heats and you look at the floor to hide the rosy tint creeping up your cheeks.
“Not so bad yourself, Mr. superstar,” you tell him.
He shakes his head, trying to hide the smile creeping onto his face.
“Mr. superstar?” he raises his eyebrows, trying to hide his smile.
“Seems like everyone knows where you are and what you’re doing except me,” you tell him, hurt lingering in your voice.
Harry sighs, running a hand through his unruly curls.
“Look,” he says stopping beside you on the sidewalk. “I’m sorry about ghosting you. There hasn’t been a day where I didn’t think about you. I just... I’ve been overwhelmed”
You meet his eyes and your heart flutters.
Clearing your throat, you ask him where he’s taking you.
“ ‘S surprise,” he says, long legs carrying him quickly down the pavement.
The two of you don’t talk much as you walk down the still busy New York street, you occasionally asking how far because your feet are killing you (you don’t tell him that though, you don’t want him to feel bad) and him responding almost there and then making some comment about how you should be used to this, being a big city girl and all.  
Eventually, he stops in front of a small Indian restaurant that you’ve seen before but never been too. He holds the door for you and you shuffle into the bright little facade. It’s a quaint little place, only a few couples sitting around, chatting softly and laughing.
Harry stands next to you, his fingers drumming softly against the wood of the host station. You notice how he keeps his head down, assumedly to not be noticed.
His rings catch your eye, the H and S on his fingers reflecting the soft light of the room. You mean to ask him about them, but a host comes quickly, asking for his name.
“Styles,” Harry says quietly, keeping his head down. You watch as the host nods, leading you down a hallway and through a side door.
“Where are we going?” you whisper to Harry, having to stand on your tiptoes a bit to reach his ear. He gives you a small smile, nodding forward.
“You’ll see,” he whispers back, leaving goosebumps erupting over your skin.
You lift your head, the host leading you up a set of stairs.
As you reach the top of the creaky wooden staircase, the host opens the heavy metal door for you, and you gasp as you step onto what seems to be the roof of the restaurant.
Sitting in the middle of the concrete is a small table for two, candles and string lights providing a dull but warm glow over the area. The sun is just starting to set, and bright colors splash the sky.
You turn to Harry.
“This is amazing,” you say quietly, standing face to face with him. He smiles softly, taking your hand in his and leading you to the table. He pulls a chair out for you and you sit down as Harry goes to his seat, doing the same.
“Y/n,” he says, pulling your nose out of the menu you were looking at to meet his eyes. I just want you to know that I really didn’t mean to ghost you. I hope this makes up for it.”
You can’t help the smile that graces your face for what seems like the millionth time tonight.
“Thank you, Harry. Means a lot.”
Soon, a waiter comes around with a glass of wine, pouring a glass for you and one for Harry.
“Harry, I’m 16!” you whisper after the waiter leaves, laughing to yourself.
“Okay?” Harry says, adding his own laughter to the mix. “And ‘m seventeen. No one gives a fuck.”
You roll your eyes at him.
“Okay, Mr. superstar.”
The rest of the dinner goes fairly smoothly, and you find yourself learning a lot about the British boy sitting in front of you. Harry feels the same about you, finding himself invested in your stories about your friends and family. By the time you’re finished eating, you’re both in tears at the stories and jokes you’ve told each other... and maybe just a tiny bit tipsy.
You offer to pay the bill, but Harry refuses, saying that it’s already been covered. What a gentleman...
He takes your hand for the second time tonight, carefully leading you down the creaky stairs and out of the restaurant. He nods at the host, wishing him a quick ‘goodnight’ before leading you out to the street.
“Where are we going now?” you ask, swinging your entwined hands back and forth. Harry can’t help but laugh at you, realizing that maybe you’ve had just a bit too much to drink.
“First,” he says chuckling, “we’re going to get you sober again.”
You whine at him, “I’m not drunk, though,” you say, stopping in your tracks and turning to him, sticking your lower lip out.
“Love,” he sighs, making your heart flutter, “yes you are. You’re not gonna remember this in the mornin’.”
“Yes I am,” you say, furrowing your brow. Harry can’t help but think about how absolutely adorable you look, pouty lips, squinted eyes and all. You gasp suddenly, “this is my favorite song!”
Harry cocks his head to the side as you drag his hand down the street where a man with a guitar was singing and playing what he recognized to be ‘The Chain’ by Stevie Nicks by the water.
“Dance with me!” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck. Harry’s heart does flips in his chest. This woman was going to be the death of him. He slides his arms around your waist, pulling you a little closer than he should, but he can’t help himself. You sway lightly to the music with Harry, resting your head on his chest and closing your eyes.
and if you don’t love me now
you will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
you would never break the chain
Harry feels like he’s never felt before. Words can’t describe the feelings that are running through his head and more importantly, his heart. He wants to kiss you, he really does. But he’s scared. His fleeting fear of constantly being photographed scares him, and he cares too much about you to put you in a position where you’re in the public eye.
“Y/n,” he calls softly, running a hand through your hair. You look up at him through your eyelashes and he gulps, trying to shake the dirty thoughts that just ran through his head. But her lips are so perfect and kissable and...
Before you know it, Harry’s lips are on yours. Suddenly the music is quiet and has faded to background noise and you’ve stopped swaying and all you can feel are Harry’s soft lips on yours and his hand cupping your cheek.
Harry jumps, quickly disconnecting your lips and pulling you beside him, his arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively.
“The paps,” he whispers, pulling you down the street, shielding your faces.
“Mr. Styles!” one shouts, “Is this your new girlfriend or just a fling?”
You sink further into Harry, inhaling his scent and sobering up very much.
“See that building right there?” Harry points to a hotel a few buildings away. You nod your head. Harry doesn’t say a word as he starts walking quickly with you at his heels, his hand holding yours tightly.
You make it into the hotel and Harry leads you into the elevator, slouching against the cool metal.
“’ M sorry,” he says sadly. “’ ya must hate me now.”
“Harry,” you sigh, taking his hand and playing with the HS rings on his fingers. “I could never hate you.”
He looks up at you, and before you know it, his lips are against yours, and your back is pressed against the cool metal of the elevator. Your hands find Harry’s curls, feverishly kissing him with every ounce of energy that you have.
Neither of you noticed that the elevator had reached its designated floor until you heard someone clear their throat, snapping you away from your lip lock and blushing deeply at the older man standing on the other side of the door. Harry mutters a quiet ‘sorry’ before leading you down the hall to his hotel room. He fumbles with the key card for a moment leaving you impatiently waiting for what was going to happen next.
Should you tell Harry that you’re a virgin?
He pushes you against the door once you’re inside the hotel room, locking lips and pushing his chest flush against yours. You can feel him growing in his trousers and you push his chest with both your hands as his fingers start crawling under your shirt.
He pulls away, cocking his head to the side.
“Wha’s the matter? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he says, concern lacing his deep voice.
“Harry, I-” you start, not being able to find the words. “I’ve never...”
Harry makes an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, understanding what you’re trying to say.
“It’s ok we don’ have too, lovie,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No-!” you squeak, eyes widening.
Harry’s terrified that he’s hurt you, and he doesn’t want to scare you off. He could care less about the damned hard-on in his pants, he’ll walk you home right now if you want him too. Hell, he’d do anything for you, all you had to do was ask and he would be putty in your hands.
“I- I meant that... I want to, Harry.” This time it’s his turn to widen his eyes.
“A-are you sure?” He asks, placing his big hands on yours.
“Yes, H.” you say. Harry can’t help but grow harder as the words leave your mouth. “I want you.”
“Jesus Christ,” he says, nuzzling his lips into your neck and nibbling lightly at your ear lobe. You shiver at his touch.
“Gon’ be the death of me, Lovie.”
He closes the space between your lips, backing you against the bed and laying you gently on the mattress. He unbuttons his shirt and takes off his rings before climbing on top of you and slipping his tongue in your mouth. You moan lightly and smooth your fingertips down the soft skin of his back.
Harry has to keep reminding himself to calm down and slow his erratic movements. He wants your first time to be special, after all. He pulls away from your swollen lips to catch his breath, and you cup his jaw in your hand, leaving soft kisses down the nape of his neck. He closes his eyes, steadying his breathing before leaning into your neck, sucking a light bruise on your pale skin
.He moved down to the front of your throat, leaving small wet kisses down to the neckline of your dress.
“Can I?” he asks, toying with the straps of your dress, his soft touches making goosebumps erupt over your arms. You nod your head.
“Words, Love,” he tells you, nipping at your ear lobe.
“Please Harry.”
He slides down your body, straddling your shins as he slides his big warm hands up your thighs, bunching up your dress and you sit up to help pull it up over your head. He discards it somewhere on the floor and he can’t help but stare at your body clad in a lace bra and matching panties.
“Fuck me,” he mumbles, sliding back up your body and pressing his lips back to yours. He begins kissing down your body, the cool air hitting the wet marks on your skin and making you squirm. His hands slide down your arms, rubbing them softly as he kisses and nips at the tops of your breasts.
“Can I take this off?” he asks you, sliding his hands around your body to your back, fumbling with your bra clasp after you give him a quiet ‘yes’.
Harry’s touches are soft and sweet, yet they still make your head hurt and your adrenaline pump through your veins. You wanted him so badly, but you knew you would have to wait.
He unclasps your bra, sliding it off your arms and again throwing it somewhere in the spacious hotel room before attaching his lips to your left nipple, sucking and licking the sensitive skin. You thread your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly at his curls as you arch your back into him, creating friction between the two of you.
He lets out the most delicious-sounding groan into the valley of your breasts which makes you grow wet by the second.
“Harry,” you whine softly.
“What is it, baby?” he says huskily, squeezing your breasts in his hands, (can u tell i have a kink for harry’s hands yes sorry oops) his cross necklace dangling over your chest.
You just whimper moving into his touch.
“Words, baby girl.”
“I-” you close your eyes and steady your erratic breathing. “I need you.”
He grins, kissing your lips for a moment before making his way all the way down to your navel, sucking a pretty hickey into your hips and kissing your inner thighs.
He wants nothing more than to ram your body into the mattress right there, making you scream his name, but he knows all he can do is love on you and tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you...
His eyes widen.
“I love you too,” you whine, pressing yourself closer to his body,
“Did I say that out loud?” he breathes, nuzzling his nose into your neck.
“Yeah,” you say, chuckling. “you did.”
“I love you,” he says again, going back down to his spot between your thighs.
“I l-love you, too,” you say, quivering as he places his lips onto your clothed cunt. He squeezes your hips.
“Can I take these pretty panties off, love? You’re soaking.”
You felt like you could cum from his dirty words alone, sighing as you nod your head quickly.
“Eager, are we?” he says, his eyes darkening.
Oh, God. You couldn’t take it.
He slides your panties down your legs, throwing them off the bed with the rest of your clothes. He blows air on your wait slit and you moan out.
“Haven’ even touched you, love. You’re soaking,” he slides his finger down your slit and your eyes shut along with your legs. Harry’s loving the sounds that come from your mouth as he places kisses to your clit, collecting your wetness on his tongue. He moans at your taste, sending vibrations through your heat.
He begins lapping at your slit at a faster pace, making you moan and writhe beneath him. He slides his index finger into your tight hole and you cry out.
“Oh fuck,” you tug as his curls and he groans, sucking on your button a little harder.
“You’re so tight,” he says, adding a second finger and stretching you out. At this point, Harry was aching in his jeans and he felt like he was going to explode if he didn’t get them off soon. Luckily, you came to the rescue, clawing at the tight fabric praying for him to take them off. He unbuckled his belt, sliding his tight jeans down his muscular legs.
Your eyes widen as you realize he wasn’t wearing underwear. You gulp at the sight of his bright red leaking tip. He was huge...and that was NOT an exaggeration. Harry continues to open you up for him, and you decide to release a little tension by sliding your hand between your bodies and pumping his thick member.
“Fuck me,” he groans, slipping his fingers out of you and putting them in his mouth. Your eyes widen. That was hot as shit.
Harry rolls off of you and digs through his jean pockets, pulling out a foil package. He rips it open with his teeth and slides it down his aching member, hissing at the constricting rubber.
“Are you ready?” he asks, rubbing his tip against your slit. “‘S gonna sting a bit, okay?”
You nod your head.
“Please Harry, I need you to fuck me.”
Harry felt his whole body flush. She’s so innocent and perfect and he couldn’t take it.
“As much as I would love to pound you into this mattress,” he growls into your ear, “I think it’s better if I made love to you instead.”
You’re heart and your pussy flutter at the same time and you push your hips up to his member, needing that friction between the two of you.
He stabilizes himself with his arms, leaning into your lips and kissing you as he slips the tip of his dick into your warm hole.
You hiss at the pain and he peppers kisses all over your face, muttering sweet nothings like “you’re doing so good” and “you’re okay, baby girl”.
He slides further into you and you scratch your fingernails down his back.
“Fuck, Harry,” you whine.
“Tell me when to move.”
“Please move.”
He pushes further into you, bottoming out into your sweet tight hole. He throws his head back as you clench around him, loving the velvetiness of your delicious walls. He starts to move out, pushing himself back in all the way this time.
Your moans get louder as pain turns into pleasure and Harry lets out deep growls into your neck.
“Har-Harry I’m-” You’re interrupted by your phone ringing against the nightstand. “Shit, Harry, I’m sorry,” you panic, but he doesn’t slow his movements.
“Don’t let me stop you from answering it,” he says, continuing to slide in and out of you. You curse under your breath, seeing that it’s your mom.
“H-hey, Mom,” you say as calmly as you can, Harry raising his eyebrows and slowing down ever so slightly. You give him a grateful look, pushing his sweaty hair from his forehead. He leans into your touch.
“Uh...yeah, I’m fine,” you say as Harry starts to pick up speed again. “Is it cool if I stay with Casey tonight?” You bite your hand, stifling the moan that leaves your throat as Harry hits that special spot. Harry grabs your hand and pins it to the bed. Your eyes go wide and you gulp, ending the phone call quickly and throwing your phone across the room.
“Fuck, Harry,” you moan as he grabs your other hand and pins it above your head. “I-I’m close.”
He groans, pumping faster and rubbing his finger against your button. Your moans get louder and more high pitched as Harry makes you cum. Your nails scratch down his back, feverishly kissing him and clenching around him, making him release his seed into the condom, pumping a few more times before pulling out of you and rolling off the bed. He disposes of the condom and slides under the sheets, pulling them over your body.
“Wow,” is all you say, panting as you drape your arm over your eyes.
“Yea?” he asks, chuckling, pulling you flush against his chest. You take your arm off your face and cup his cheeks, planting a soft kiss on his swollen pink lips. You pull away and Harry can’t help but think about how beautiful you look, all fucked out and bleary-eyed.
“Didn’t hurt ya, did I love?” he asks, unknotting your hair with his fingers.
You shake your head, burying your face into his sticky chest.
“Yeah Harry?” you whisper.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
You chuckle at him, pulling away from him and looking into his emerald eyes, full of adoration from only you.
“Of course I will, Mr. superstar” Your eyes flutter closed as he kisses you softly and sweetly, caressing his hand up your back. He grins into the kiss at your little nickname for him.
Harry watches you as you fall asleep in his arms, and at that moment, he knows he’s going to spend the rest of his life with you.
Soft breaths against your face wake you from your slumber the next morning, and your eyes meet the gorgeous sleeping man next to you. He looked so peaceful and perfect that when you needed to use the bathroom, you had to carefully slide out from his arms. You couldn’t help but stare in awe at the pout that graced his sleeping face when you left his arms.
You grab his shirt from the night before and shuffle into the bathroom, taking your time to pee and wash your face and fix your hair before pulling Harry’s shirt over your arms and buttoning it over your body, leaving a few open at the top.
You saunter out of the bathroom to find a sleepy Harry squinting his eyes at his phone, trying to read the bright numbers. He perks up at the sound of the door and shamelessly checks you out, the tops of your thighs peeking out of his shirt that hung so nicely on your frame.
“G’ morning beautiful,” he rasps, his voice tired from sleep. You climb back into bed and he wraps his arms around you. “How’re you feelin’?”
You trace your fingertips over the few tattoos he has. “A little sore,” you chuckle, motioning to the spot between your thighs, “but other than that, I’m great.”
Harry chuckles at you, kissing your nose and nuzzling his face into your neck, dozing off for a few more moments before rolling out of bed and throwing on a pair of basketball shorts and a shirt.
“Ya hungry?” he asks, flipping through the room service menu as you look for your panties.
“Sure,” you say, pulling the lace fabric up your legs and clipping your bra under Harry’s shirt.
You slip your dress over your body, keeping Harry’s button up on over top.
Harry and you ate, enjoying each other's company before he called an uber and took you home.
“When are you coming back?” you sigh, sliding your hand down his chest as he walked you to your front door. A deep set frown appears on his face and you try to smooth it out.
“I- I don’t know,” his voice cracks a little bit, pulling your hips closer to him. “I’ll call you every night. I promise this time,” he tells you, sealing it with a kiss. You can’t help the tears that roll down your cheeks.
“Please don’t cry, Lovie. ‘Gon make me cry.”
You bury yourself into his chest inhaling his scent for the last time for a while.
“Here,” he says softly, pulling the S ring off of his ring finger and placing it on yours. “Keep it safe for me, yea? Promise I’ll visit you soon. Need you.”
Tears roll faster down your cheeks as you admire the heavy ring on your finger. You unclasp the pearl necklace from around your neck and put it around his. His fingers caress the material of the pearls before leaning into you and kissing your lips. “I love you so much,” he says into your mouth, eyes stills shut.
The uber driver beeps at you, making you jump. You close your eyes and rest your forehead against his. “I love you too, Mr. superstar.”
did you enjoy this? you can read more of my work here
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Harry Styles
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Meet the Folks ( x Indian!Reader)
Harry meets your parents for the first time.
A Memory of Him
Meeting Harry backstage at a meet and greet but things don’t go according to plan. (Not really romantic)
Stuck in Love
Harry and you get stuck in your car during a snow storm. Things happen.
Is this Love?
You question the kind of love you have for your best friend.
Good News...?
Harry wants a baby, you don’t. Angst ensues.
Invisible String (Soulmate au)
In a world where soulmates are connected by an invisible red thread, how would you find yours?
The Cupid ( x Mute!Reader)
You have a love letter writing business. They call you Cupid, and Harry is popular. (High school au)
Five Thousand Miles
Y/n tests positive for covid-19 and has to be hospitalized. Her boyfriend, Harry is five thousand miles away from her.
138 notes · View notes
tomshufflepuff · 6 years
This Whole Time
pairings: harry holland x reader
requested: yes
for the anon who requested an angsty harry imagine 😌
word count: 6.8k lmao I can’t write anything short
warnings: angst, language, heartbreak, fluff, puppy love if you like squint
note: i apologize in advance if there’s any mistakes oof i wrote this on my phone instead of a computer.
You were walking down the street and up to your best friend’s house, hot tears streaming down your face. Strangers passing by would’ve said you looked like a wailing teenage girl out of a romance comedy.
The one fucking time I wear non-waterproof makeup.
All of the cars were gone from the Holland residence’s driveway except for Sam and Harry’s shares car. That was a good thing.
Yes these people were like your second family, you grew up with them alongside Harry. But Harry and Tessa were the only ones who knew what to do when you were crying.
Tessa would sense your sadness and immediately pout and would lay by your feet, or she’d put her head in your lap and look up at you longingly.
Harry would hold you by cradling your head and bring the big spoon by cuddling. Or you’d sit on his lap with your arms around his neck as you cried into your arms and he would wrap his arms around your waist and put his head into your neck, as he would whisper into your neck, comforting you with whatever problem occurred.
Plus you felt weird looking like a popular girl out of a horror movie while Nikki or Dom opened the door to greet you.
You raised your hand, knocking on the door lightly as a sob wracked through your body.
The door swung right open to reveal your favorite boy.
He was dressed in grey joggers and a red hoodie with his hair messy and no gel in it.
That was your favorite look on him.
Once Harry saw your tears and makeup along with you hugging your own body, he pulled you into the house lightly and right away wrapped you in a hug while shutting the door.
Harry was taller than you so your head was pressed into his chest with your arms around his torso while his strong, comforting arms were wrapped around your waist as he put his head in your hair.
His scent was immediately filled with your vanilla shampoo as he took a deep breath.
She’s always been obsessed with vanilla.
Sam heard you crying and as much as he wanted to help, he knew all you needed was Harry right now and that’s all you wanted. Just for him to comfort you.
But you wouldn’t mind Tessa cuddles.
Sam smirked at the thought and opened the back door, the young Staffy running quickly into the house with loud thuds.
You didn’t notice it though. You were sobbing into Harry’s chest not seeing the dog until she got your attention.
She saw Harry holding you as sobs rocked throughout your body. Tessa made it her personal mission to turn your frown upside down.
She ran behind you, her tongue waving happily like she was a docking her head out of the window on a car ride.
You felt two paws meet your bottom and your eyes shot right open and you whipped around to see the playful pup.
“Tessa!” You exclaimed as you sat down on their floor, Tessa trying to jump on you and give your face lots of love with kisses, Harry sitting to your side Indian style.
The young Brit watched his two favorite girls happy with a wide grin on his face. Tessa with a wide smile and her ears perked up, you laughing at her reaction when you stopped petting her. She pouted and sat up straight each time, giving you puppy eyes until she saw your hand raise to resume petting her.
She immediately laid down on the ground, her back on the hard floor as she had her ears up and her two front paws folding and her back ones bending. You rolled your eyes, knowing what she wanted and started scratching her belly.
You turned to Harry to see him already staring at you interacting with his dog.
“What?” You questioned, one hand scratching Tessa’s tummy and the other behind her right ear.
“Nothing,” the younger twin shook his head and looked down at his lap.
He noticed you stopped crying a couple minutes into playing with Tessa.
You didn’t even realize it until you’d best friend looked down.
You stopped petting Tessa and she let out a whine and stood up, sitting flat on the wood with her head nuzzling underneath your hand on your knee.
Snapping out of your gaze, you were face to face with the young pup as you gave her a small smile and pat her head.
She got the message and slowly walked away to leave you to talk to Harry.
Tessa was one smart dog. You didn’t even know you wanted to talk to Harry about it until she walked away towards the family room, probably where Sam was.
You let out a sigh as tears begin to flood your vision again. Harry noticed right when you let out a whimper and he motioned his hand out for you to grab and he lifted you up, your arms going around his neck and legs wrapping around his firm torso. His hand went to underneath your bottom, folding together as you cling to him like a koala.
That made your heart feel just a bit better again.
Harry shut his room door closed with his foot, walking you over to his bed and carefully sitting against his headboard, not trying to hurt or move you in any way. His legs were straight out as yours we’re still around his waist as you cried into his neck once again.
Why did guys have to be such assholes.
What did you ever do to deserve such heartbreak like this?
“Wanna talk about it, love?” Your favorite voice whispered into your neck.
“Fuck. I don’t want to but I know I need to.” Harry nodded and you both pulled away, gazing at each other.
“Well I agree with that, but I don’t want to pressure you, Y/N. You can tell me whenever you know it’s right and when you are 100% okay with it.” He flashed her a toothy grin as he gently grabbed both of your hands, lacing their fingers together.
So strange, how your hands always fit so well with Harry’s. Not only did it cause butterflies to erupt in your stomach and your heart to flutter, but your hands just physically felt and fit together perfectly.
Jesus, I sound like the spawn of Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore if that story was written by Nicholas Sparks.
You flashed your best friend a wide smile while nodding your head. You were about to wipe your tears until he did so with his thumb. His smooth smoothed underneath your eye, letting his hand wonder and hold your face gently. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch.
“You’re just going to tell me, ‘I told you so’.” You muttered as you looked down, lacing your fingers of your free hand with his free hand.
“No I won’t. Maybe another time,” he joked, causing a breathy chuckle to escape your lips and he smiled. “I won’t. I’m here for you. Always.” He removed his hand from your face and you almost poured at the warmth leaving your skin, but then he took your free hand in his. You both were just holding both of your hands in one another’s, Harry rubbing both of his thumbs over the back of your hand.
“I’m uh-“ you muttered, snapping out of the intense moment with your best friend. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom really quick.”
Harry’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion but he nodded and slowly released your hands from his.
You shuffled off of his bed and quickly walked to one of the family’s bathrooms.
You shut the door with a shaky breath, your heart feeling like it was beating out of your chest.
And it wasn’t because of the asshole who asked you out.
It was because of the boy right across from you right now.
Your palms landed on either side of the white marvel sink counter. You didn’t know how to feel. Ecstatic? Proud? Overjoyed? Calm?
You were only feeling one half of those emotions as you tried to calm your breathing.
You looked up into the mirror as you tried to slow your breath,wishing earlier you wiped the makeup from your face. A warm feeling rushed to your cheeks, flustered Harry saw you like that.
He didn’t care one bit.
After three minutes of staring at your reflection and distracting your thoughts from Harry, being unsuccessfully you took Harry’s blue hand towel he set aside from you, and grabbed your makeup removed you kept at his home and wet the wash cloth.
That only took a couple minutes. Harry was sitting on his mattress, still dumbfounded of the moment you two just shared just five minutes ago. But he managed to snap out of it right before you opened the bathroom door and he grabbed his phone, trying to make it look like he didn’t just get emotionally bothered by what just happened.
The soft piddle paddle of your feet walking towards him always made him nervous. He didn’t know why.
Or he did, he just didn’t want to admit it out loud.
A force in the bed pushed his mattress down. He knew you were back, but didn’t want to see like he was feeling any different or acting strange towards you.
You say next to him and laid your head on his shoulder. He put his head on top of yours and turned a little, leaving a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“I think I’m ready now.”
Harry nodded and sat up, you doing the same but this time you grabbed his hands first for support.
“As you know, I was so excited to go out on a date with this guy from my trig class.” Harry’s heart clenched at hearing you happy about going out with another guy.
He wanted to be the only one who could take you out on dates and show you off to the public.
“I arrived at the restaurant about five minutes early. I thought that that was a good time estimate. Not seeming desperate but still looking interested showing up a little early.” Harry rolled his eyes playfully at you for trying to act differently than your usual self would.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me ,” you couldn’t help but chuckle and Harry smiled at you.
He would much rather see you smile than see you in pain.
Especially over some dick who didn’t know how truly great you are.
“And I was sitting at the booth we agreed we would meet at for, like ten minutes or something.” Harry wanted to pull his hands away from yours and punch something.
His knuckles would’ve turned a ghostly color if your hands weren’t in his.
“I kept on checking my phone probably, three times every minute to see if he would call or text. But nothing. He sent nothing. I would’ve thought he had some common courtesy and text me about being late but I was patient and sat there for another ten minutes.”
“Harry, please don’t interrupt me.” She paused and gazed at him softly. “I won’t be able to finish this anytime sooner if you do. I just needed to get it out.”
As much as the young Brit wanted to stand up and run his calloused hands through his brunette locks frustrated, as much as he wanted to track down the boy, that’s right boy, not man, who broke your heart, and beat him into a fucking pulp. He knew you needed him more.
So he gave you a light nod.
“He uh, he stood me up, Harry.”
The amber eyed boy had to stop himself before he jumped up and out of his bed.
“What?!” Your best friend exclaimed.
“It’s not that big of a deal-“
“Not that big of a deal?!” He fussed. If looks could kill, Harry would’ve been able to destroy the boy who left you hanging and insecure.
He had to stop himself when his eyes gazed to your locked hands. This time, you were running your thumbs over the back of his palms to calm him down. And his deep brown, dark chocolate eyes turned milky and softer.
“Harry- it’s fine.”
Your best friend let out a deep breath from his now chapped lips. “No, no it’s not. This guy is a dick. He couldn't have had common human decency to call or text you to say he wasn’t going to be there.” He got up from his bed and ran a ran through his dark locks. “What pisses me off the most is that-that he doesn’t see how great you truly are.”
You looked down at your lap, playing with your ring Harry gave you for Christmas.
“We should do something different this year for Christmas.”
“What exactly to you have in mind?”
You both were currently watching old Marvel movies, sitting offly close to one another on Harry’s bed. Not like that wasn’t normal for you and him though.
Although a certain someone was in the middle of you two.
Tessa looked up at you with her brown eyes.
Jesus even the dog in the Holland family has nice brown hues.
“I don’t know,” Harry paused, petting behind his dog’s right ear after you moved your hand away to check your phone.
A soft whine left the blue puppy in between you two and she nuzzled her head underneath your arm, wanting your affection instead of Harry’s.
This dog always brought a smile to your face and you landed a quick kiss on her head. That small action made her more excited as she started to get up and sit on her bottom, her body facing you and her back facing Harry.
“Tessa!” Harry whined.
The pup ignored him and jumped on her hind legs a little and waved her front legs out towards you, her tongue out happily as she waited for you to play with her.
“Awe,” You cooed, going to rub the puppy’s head and she snuggled into your chest, her legs on Harry.
“This is mean in more ways than one,” The boy grumbled. “Not only is my favorite girl ignoring me, but she’s ignoring me for my princess.”
Your eyes widen in shock as a red tint appeared on your cheeks, instantly feeling warm in your t-shirt, well it was Harry’s, and your sweatpants along with Tessa’ body heat al on you.
Harry didn’t notice though.
“Let’s do something those cheesy best friends do in the movies.” He turned to you with a wide grin on his young face.
You were hoping that the redness from your face was gone until,
“Are you okay? You look kind of hot, love.”
But you quickly fired back with a joke. “Wow, Holland. At least buy my dinner first before you flirt with me.”
The young Brit rolled his eyes as a light blush appeared on his cheeks. He thought about taking you on a date and kissing you in that exact moment and hoped that you didn’t notice the common tint on his face because of your comment.
You didn’t, much to his joy, but also his dismay.
“I’m talking about some corny shit,” he grumbled as he sat up, turning to you sitting on his knees while Tessa went over to him. “Oh, now you want to love me.” His arms crossed over his chest in a teasing manner as Tessa gave him her puppy dog eyes. “Tess, not fair you know I can’t say no when you give me that expression.” His arms uncrossed from his chest and he began petting her.
“What kind of corny shit?”
“Don’t make me say it.”
“Well one, I don’t know what you’re specifying for there are lots and lots of corny, shitty goods out there.” Your best friend rolled his eyes at your dramatizing. “And you should say it because again, don’t know what you’re going at.” Your arms cross over your chest in victory.
Harry didn’t know what to say. “Why didn’t you just say that normally the first time-”
“Because your face is funny right now. You’re making that stupid adorably flabbergasted look Ben Wyatt gives Leslie Knope.”
Harry rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face as he went to sit back on his bed.
Only that’s not what you had in mind.
“Tessa, love get off.” Harry spore like Gordon Ramsey with young chefs.
“Harry, I swear to god-”
The boy flopped onto his mattress, jumping a couple of inches off on the ground as he pushed himself towards your direction on his bed.
He landed softly and majestically.
You on the other hand, yelped and tumbled off of the bed, landing on your bum.
You supposed you shouldn’t be surprised at his reaction to want to mess around with you after your remark.
“Harry!” You squealed. “Did you just pull a goddamn Good Luck Charlie on me?”
“Yes, yes I did.” He nodded, even though you couldn’t see him. “We watch way too much TV.”
His best friend jumped up, startling him. You were holding your bum since it was a hard fall.
That’s gonna leave a bruise, thanks bestie.
“Speak for yourself,” a glare was thrown at him from your e/c hues. “Your brother is Spider-Man for fuck’s sake and you get to travel with him.”
“Oh yeah,” he nodded, his best friend taking her spot next to him as Tessa stared at them oddly before laying at the foot of the bed. “Guess I forgot about that.” The boy you admired sent a sheepish smile your way.
Your eyebrows scrunched together and your wet lips turned upside down, a frown playing its way onto your expression as you played along.
But you didn’t say anything back.
You pushed the fucker off of his bed.
A massive grin made its way on your soft face, beaming at the memory of the very corny interaction between you and your best friend before he mentioned you should both pick out bracelets for one another for the winter holiday.
Harry felt his face alleviate, forgetting about the boy, yes boy not a man, who stood you up and he admired your smooth expression on your stunning, zero makeup face.
There was a small glimmer in your e/c hues. The small string of Christmas lights that hung upon his navy blue wall was the only thing reflected in your eyes as you gazed at them with grace and serenity.
But right now, right now, the lights were staring at you.
The red and yellow shades seemed to shine just perfectly on the color of your eyes. Not the white, no the real, rich e/c color. The combined colors formed a sunrise hue to project on your face. Not even Harry’s talented photography skills could capture something this beautiful.
The blue light was radiating off of the soft waves in your hair, making it look like a distant body of water.
Harry swore he never saw something more exhilarating. Not the Great Wall he visited with his brother. Not the water and light show at Disneyland. Not the Eiffel Tower.
No this, you right there in that moment, was more gorgeous than all of those famous sites combined. And Harry had a front row seat, he felt like it was just for him.
But the he had to open his big mouth.
“Why are you so stupid? How are you so blind?”
The remark caused your head to tilt in a questionable look you gave your best friend, with a small puppy put covering your features.
“What do you mean?”
Of course you knew what he meant, how could you not? When it came to guys, you would wear your heart on your sleeves. You were too trustworthy and kind. A personality trait that is great but can also be damaging. In relationships, either a close friend, family member or a guy, you just wanted to see things work out. And if they didn’t, then end smoothly. But that was never the case, especially with boys you asked out and vice versa.
The boy standing in front of you would roll his eyes each time you excused a boy’s behavior. Whether is was showing up very late on a date, being snappy towards you, or not spending time with you. Harry hated how kind you were. To others, it made it seem like you would let people walk all over you, but that wasn’t near the case and the people closest to you knew that. You can stick up for yourself and say that’s enough, you are strong. Your heart just never wanted to give up on anyone you were having problems with. You always wanted to see and hope that whatever issue was happening, it would resolve.
Harry ran a hang through his hair angrily for what seemed like the tenth time in those few minutes. He was internally cursing himself. Right now was not the time for him to say that, especially how it came out so harshly. You both would joke around later on about how naïve you were later on, but right now wasn’t the time, you needed him. And he almost punched himself in the gut for letting the words escape too soon and so snappy.
“N-nothing, nothing Y/N, I’m-”
“No, Harry. What did you mean? You might as well finish your train of thought given how you’re already speeding down those tracks.” Your arms crossed over your chest as you got up quickly and glared at the young man.
“Forget it, love. Just-”
“Harry fucking say it.” You knew what he was going to say.
You dared him to.
“Say it, Harry. Go on, out with it.”
The Brit clenched his sharp jaw, making it look more fine than usual as he gritted his teeth together. It was so loud you could hear it.
Yep, he’s pissed and he’s about to blow.
“Fine, you want me to say it? I’ll say it.”
Harry stepped closer to you and threw his arms up frantically as he went on. “You’re so blind, Y/N! It makes me so upset each time you meet someone new because you’re just going to give them your all and they’re going to shut you out and hurt you because they’re a douche. You have no problems with you whatsoever yet you let your mind wander to sad places each time something like this goes South. You’ve been hurt so many times because you give everyone too many chances to fix their own messes they create. And most of the time, those people don’t even apologize or even realize that they hurt you! You deserve so much more than these horrible guys you chose to go out on dates with. Do you not see that? Do you not see how they don’t deserve you? Do you have your self standards so low that you think you should be with shitty people? Why can’t you see how blind and naïve you are? Not only as you’re dating someone, but even before a date and the guy shows the little interest he has for your time together? It’s upsetting, Y/N. You don’t even realize how much you hurt yourself until it all comes crashing down again. It breaks my heart to see you upset. But seeing you upset over an asshole pisses me off along with being sad because your tears aren’t worth them! And I just want to rip the dick off of every guy that has hurt you.”
He let out a long breath and looked at you but you looked down at the ground, a few tears escaping your hurting eyes and you let out a shaky breath.
“You might as well rip off your own penis then, you dick.”
“Y/N wait-” he tried to plead but you were already out of his bedroom door.
Your feet carried out down the steps of your second home, almost crashing into the other twin on the last step. But luckily, Sam caught your elbow with his right hand.
“Woah, woah. What’s wrong Y/N? Are you okay? Who did this? Who hurt you?” Now even though Harry was your best friend, you were still close with Sam. He was like a brother to you, older hence the helicopter sibling protection.
Warm water ran out of your eyes, black liquid not following afterwards this time and you shook your head, trying to get away from the older twin. “N-nothing, Sam. It’s nothing just-”
“Did Harry do this to you?” Sam asked, his arms holding you in place now and the mention of his brother’s name caused your neck to snap up and you almost got whiplash.
“Just- just please let me go, Sam. I need to be by myself right now.” Now Sam almost protested, but the boy knew when you needed to be alone and think. He could just tell after you spending so much time with him and his brother for years.
He hesitantly took his arms down from your figure and you sprinted out of the door, a certain claw thudding chasing after you. Tessa was met face to face with the door, missing you by a millisecond and landing on her tummy. She does that sometimes. The young Staffy runs so fast and when her nails are long, she falls and slides onto the hardwood floor.
Sam leaned down to pet his dog on her head, a sad pout adoring her face as the older Holland let out a breath and shook his head. “I don’t know, Tess. I don’t know.” The blue dog blinked widely up at one of her loving owners and laid down next to his feet, her head facing the door with a sad look in her brown orbs.
“Tess, wanna go see Harry?” The dog jumped from her spot and wagged her tail, slightly feeling better at the mention of her other owner’s name. “Come on girl, but don’t run.” Sam said and he walked up their stairs with Tessa trailing behind him. “We need to get your nails clipped again. We’ll do that after we talk to Harry, alright love?” Sam grinned as they reached the top floor. Tessa made a “psh” sound as she shook her head and ran into Harry’s room. Good thing there was carpet upstairs instead of hard floor.
Sam was so close to running in after his dog, to beat his brother into a pulp for making the girl e loves, much less his best friend, storm out of their home with tears rushing down her features.
That was, until he heard his twin crying.
Sam took long, quiet steps to his brother’s room, carefully trying to not make any noise. Harry was sat on his bed, his feet firmly on the floor with his head in his hands as Tessa kept on nudging his arm, wanting him to use her for comfort.
Soft cries escaped the younger boy’s lips, along with a hard sigh to which he removed his hands from holding his head and began too slowly pet Tessa’s head. The Stafford pup’s heart broke, you could justt see it in her eyes. That dog hated seeing anyone upset, especially someone she loves.
A small frown made its way onto her face as she stared up at Harry longingly, raising one of her front paws to rest next to his leg on his soft sheets, but everything felt rough to him in that moment. “Hi, Tess.” Harry croaked oout, a small grin on his face despite the tear stains.
“What the hell happened, mate?” He heard the voice of his twin as he walked into his room, standing in front in Harry firmly. Sam didn’t mean to be harsh and Harry knew that. But Harry also knew that you were upset over something Harry did and Sam sees you as a little sister, despite his actual blood sibling sitting in front of him. He truly felt like he was your older brother and he ran to Harry’s house to beat the kid up.
The broken brunette raised his head a little to meet his twin’s disapproving look. Harry shook his head and some brown locks of curls fell into his eyes but he didn’t bother to move it. He just looked down at his dog, occasionally closing his eyes and letting more water out.
“I fucked up, Sam. I fucked up real bad.” If Harry wasn’t his brother, Sam would’ve replied with a snarky comeback. But his brother was hurting, and he immediately felt mother instincts kick in. That’s how every Holland boy, even Dom, felt when they saw a family member or close friend upset. They just kick right into a Nikki, which Nikki of course loves. Her boys all have a heart, especially for family, and that would never change.
Sam took a seat on the edge of Harry's’ bed. “Mind telling me what happened?” He questioned, his voice softer this time.
“I, I- I just fucked up, Sam.” Harry never lifted his head, just kept it down and his eyes closed.
“You don’t have to tell me what happened. Knowing you, you probably never will,” Sam joked, making Harry let out a light chuckle. “But all I have to say is go to her, apologize and really fucking mean it.”
Your head was buied in your pillow, tears falling out of your eyes and onto your lavender pillowcase.
Confusion flooded your system. Why was Harry so mad? You knew he hated seeing you devastated and hurt, but it just felt like is frustration was mostly pointed at something else.
Your family wasn’t home, just you wallowing in your despair in your now dark bedroom.
You didn’t realize how late it was until there was no more light shining through your dark curtains.
Tears and whimpers have been escaping your body for over an hour now.
Harry stood in front of your front door. He would’ve came here sooner, but he knew you. You needed to cool down. Sam knew that too. You just had to be by yourself and let it all out. Harry didn’t want to come over too soon and make you more aggravated, so he gave it an hour, following the suggestion from his twin.
A heavy sigh escaped the hurt man’s lips. It was summertime, so he wouldn’t see his breath in the air from the cool weather, but he knew it would’ve looked like a giant smoke cloud.
His arm raised slightly, gently knocking on your maroon colored door.
You would’ve figured it was a solicitor but the small thump was too soft. The only person who did knock softly in time like this was the boy you grew up with.
The air around you began to fill thick and you almost yelled out to him from your room telling him to go home and that you would talk about it eventually just not right now while the wound is still fresh.
But the light thumps were began to get slightly louder and longer. You groaned as you threw your fluffy white comforter off of your body and dragged yourself up. Your heart felt like it fell out of your body and stayed in your sheets until you got up, knowing for sure that it was your best friend. And yes, it was the summertime but that didn’t stop you from using a huge coverer. Especially at night, when it was slightly around 18 degrees Celsius.
Your feet carried you across the soft carpet of your home, your feet ignoring the fuzzy material you loved as it lead you to the front door.
A hand found its own way onto the doorknob, taking a deep breath as you looked through the peep hole and saw the one person you didn’t want to see right now. And yes, that includes the guy who just stood you up.
You swung the door open slowly, Harry’s heart beating faster than your own as he saw the large door began to move. His brown eyes fell onto your figure, your body was slumped and your face covered in stains from your warm tears.
That broke his heart even more, seeing you look so hurt. And when you didn’t meet eye contact with him, when he didn’t get to see your captivating orbs when you spoke up, that’s when he knew he dug a deep hole.
You gulped, “What do you want, Harry?”
And your voice, your broken, shaky croak felt like a knife was being pushed into his soul.
“I, I wanted to apologize.” Harry stuttered, his arm going up to lightly bring his fingernails over his neck. Something he did when he was nervous.
“Harry- I can’t do this right now-”
“Y/N, please.” His thick accent slipping into a rickity quiver.
That made you look up.
His entire being was shattered right there on your doormat.
He said so in his deep brown eyes, that were right now aching instead of their normal brightness.
You didn’t say anything, just put half of your weight on your door, signaling for the boy to continue.
His fingers ran through his hair and he slightly pulled on his dark roots in aggravation. “I’m just, if I don’t apologize and say this now, I don’t know if I ever will be able to in the future.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he wanted to just bring you into a hug. Yes you looked adorable, but you were also in pain so he tried to not pay attention to your cute expression.
“I’m sorry, Y/n, I’m so fucking sorry for what I said-”
“Why did you even say that?” You spoke up, your voice not quivering as much this time because of the anger tone laced into it. “Why did you say those things? I know we usually talk about how dumb it was for me later on to go on a date with, whoever hurt me that time but that hurt like hell, Harry. I Appreciate you wanting to be there for me but-”
The boy in front of you sighed, running his hands through his hair again and looking around his surroundings in front of him. Just you, leaning on the door and your house behind you. Little things that yelled out you lived there. He did that for a few seconds before his frantic eyes met yours again.
“I was mad,”
“No shit,”
Another defeated sigh left his lips again. “No, I wasn’t just mad because of your choice in guys. But because of who’s standing in front of you.”
The moment he said that, your heart stopped. You always felt something different with Harry, knowing how you felt about him wasn’t how someone usually would feel about their best friend. But you always pushed those emotions to the side. You didn’t want to make things awkward between the two of you if he didn’t feel the same. You knew his heart didn’t beat for ou the way yours did for him. You knew his breath didn't catch in his throat when his eyes landed on you. You knew his captivating orbs didn’t light up when you were mentioned or when he saw you. You just knew these things.
No, you assumed that. But it was entirely the opposite.
“I was mad because I’m fucking in love with you, Y/N. I’ve been in love with you since I watched the first romantic comedy with you when we were seven. I saw how Adam Sandler looked at Drew Barrymore and I realized that’s how I’ve been looking at you. I didn’t know it then, we were so young and the only romance we knew of were stupid Disney fairy tales with no realistic feelings involved. My mom had to point it out to me actually. After you left my house that day, she told me that that’s how I looked at you. With so much admiration in my eyes, she said I looked at you like you were sensational. Like I’ve never seen something so, magnificent or marvelous in my young life.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach and you zoned out. You couldn't believe his words. He was infatuated with you? His heart stopped when you entered a room? A stupid sparkle appeared in his eyes when he looked at you? His face broke out into an immediate smile when your name was brought up? His legs turned into gelatin when his arms wrapped around you? His whole body felt like it was on fire every time you were close to him? It didn’t make sense.
A smooth hand gently grabbing your own snapped you out of your daydream along with a soft accent. “Y/N? Please say something. Anything. I know I hurt you and I’m so, so sorry. What I said was not okay in any way and it wasn’t funny. I was just so mad how you kept on going on dates with other guys and not noticing I was standing in front of you since we were both kids.”
You didn’t say anything. Your hand held his as you stepped closer to him, both of your hearts beating our of your chest as Harry’s face began to heat up. The delicate hand that wasn’t holding his gently went up to cup his face and he leaned down, both of your foreheads leaning on one other as his eyes closed softly, leaning into your touch and feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach along with his heart hugging yours.
Your e/c eyes fluttered closed and you could feel his eyelashes against your cheeks.
Your short breaths landed on his face, your breath warm and smelt of berries. The heartfelt boy in front of you felt like he was holding his breath, even though he was breathing normally. He was just overwhelmed with joy and he couldn’t tell if he was exhaling after he took that sharp breath when your hand grabbed his back.
“I’m in love with you too, Harry.” Your voice came out in a shaky whisper. But now it wasn’t a bad shaky like before when he knocked on your door.
Your best friend’s eyes opened, your doing the same at the same time. Your captivating orbs met his deep ones, both of you seeing the galaxy in each other.
Neither of you saw something more heart-stirringly astonishing.
The boy broke out in a grin, letting a tear slip down his face and your thumb swiped across the delicate skin underneath his eye, wiping the liquid away.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words come out of your mouth.” He said before he could stop himself.
Not like he was trying to hide it though. He needed to say it. It had to come out. It was time.
Before you could respond, Harry’s other hand gently cupped your face and his lips were on yours before you could even breath.
His lips molded with yours perfectly. It felt like two pieces of one puzzle that could never find their spot, finally meet together in the middle. His lips were soft and smooth, you would have laughed if this wasn’t occuring because the boy hated chapstick. Your lips were also smooth, but cold. You didn’t know why, you didn��t feel the coolness until his warmness mixed with your cold. But you didn't’ care, and neither did he.
He’s not a bad kisser, why didn’t I do this sooner?
Because you assumed he didn’t feel the same.
Oh honey, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Your favorite boy smiled against your lips, you doing the same and the kiss ended that way. Your right hand went around his beck to play with the little hairs there while your left gripped his shirt like you were going to fall to pieces and shatter like glass if you let go.
His right hand was holding your face gently, his left arm around your back and resting on your right hip. He wasn’t gripping hard or tight, but he felt like you would fade to dust if he let go.
“I’m so sorry again, love I-”
You rolled your eyes playfully and you were the one to silence him this time. And you did so the same way he did just moments before.
This is so long wow I need to calm down lmao
Please leave me your thoughts in my inbox! Thank you for reading :)
Permanent tags: @smexylemony // @embrace-themagic // @petxrparks
Mutual tags @hollandroos @softiespidey
Until next time my loves <3
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masksandtruths · 7 years
Never Normal-Part 3
A/N: This was done for @revwinchester‘s Y1K Challenge, and in typical “me” fashion, I got a bit long winded. So without further ado, here is the final part of my Never Normal mini-series. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and as always, feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thank y’all! 
If you want to catch up: Part 1 Part 2
Summary: When the Winchesters found Y/N the moment after her world fell apart, she never expected they’d be the ones to help her put it back together...but that’s exactly what they did. From friends, to brothers, to the possibility of something more--their lives together were far from normal, which was exactly how she liked it.
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader (Romantic); Sam Winchester (mentioned)
Warnings: Swearing, Kissing, Fluffy, a tad Angsty (Maybe? If you look really closely?)
Word Count: 2100-ish
Gifs: Found on Google. All credit goes to original creator. 
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You couldn’t help but smile when you entered the garage and saw a pair of bowlegs sticking out from underneath the Impala and heard a slightly off-key version of Traveling Riverside Blues floating through the air. Zepplin and Baby. The two things guaranteed to calm him down when he was all twisted up over something or another.
Only, this particular time the thing doing the twisting up just so happened to be you, a realization which filled your gut with both a healthy dose of excitement and more than a little fear. Still, what Sam had said was true, so you told those worries to go to hell, mentally pulled up your big girl panties, and a took another step.
You reached Baby’s side in a few short strides, bent your legs, and quietly took a seat Indian-style next to Dean’s knees. “So, I’m kind of pissed at you.”
“Jesus Chr--!” Dean’s startled cry was cut short by a loud thud as he attempted to jerk himself upright, momentarily forgetting his surroundings, and slammed his head into the underside of his beloved car. “Ow! Son of a bitch!” he cussed before finally managing to roll out from underneath the Chevy with a pained look on his face, rubbing one hand back and forth over the sensitive spot on top of his head. “And now I’m kind of pissed at you too.”
You lost your composure then, falling to your side, laughter spilling out of you freely. “Oh my god!” you howled, as you wiped at the tears running down your face. “How was I supposed to know you were going to give yourself a concussion? Who does that?!” You heard his deep chuckle mix with your own as you finally pulled yourself together enough to sit up and face him. “What happened to those hunter senses you are always bragging about, huh, old man?” you joked, poking him in shoulder with a finger.
“Hey, give me a break, I’m in my safe zone,” he answered, looking around the garage. “Wasn’t expecting a monster to come strolling in here and try to take me out.” 
“I am not a monster!”
“Ehhh— “, he teased, tilting his head as though he were trying to decide the accuracy of that statement. “Debatable.”
“You take that back right now, Dean Winchester.”
“Or what?”
“Or I won’t tell you why I’m pissed at you.”
He snorted and took a deep pull from the bottle of beer he picked up from floor beside him. “I’m not a hundred percent sure I want to know the answer to that, darlin’.”
“You are being difficult, my friend.” You saw a strange look pass across his face when those words left your mouth, and you knew instantly what he must have thought. Damn it, that’s not what you meant. Alright, you needed to get this out before you made things worse.
“Dean, I’m pissed at you because I will never be able to check the last item off this to do list of mine,” you explained hurriedly, reaching into your pocket to retrieve the pink post-it note you carried with you everywhere these days, and timidly holding it out for him to take.   
He glanced down and the piece of paper and then back up at your eyes. “Y/N, you don’t have to show me this.”
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“Don’t have to. All I know is for the last 6 months that thing has been showing up in your hand every time things got tough, and you’ve never said a word about it—not even to Sam—which means it’s important, but also personal…and also that it more than likely has something to do with your sister.” After living with them for months, sometimes you forgot how good the boys were at their job—how much they noticed the little things.
You blinked away the tears pricking at the back of your eyes and leaned your back against the door of the Impala, letting your head dip downward as a deep sigh escaped from your lips and your fingers fidgeted with the note you held in your lap. You felt Dean’s body brush against yours as he leaned back against the car beside you, and then a calloused hand as it gently covered yours.
“But...if you want me to read it…if you’re positive you’re ready for that, then I will. I just had to make sure." 
You only had to think about it for a second before you nodded and quietly answered, “I’m sure.”
Dean’s fingers brushed over yours as he pulled the note from them and slowly unfolded it. You watched as his green eyes traced the swirling lines of your little sister’s handwriting. You knew what he saw—a simple to do list comprised of only three tasks, two of which had already been checked off.  To him, it probably seemed silly, but the words she wrote on that little post-it had given you the strength to fight in a moment when you had wanted nothing more than to give up. Just like the doctors she’d always wanted to be, she’d somehow found a way to slow the bleeding—to help you heal.
“I found that about a month after you and Sam saved me. The night you had to carry me out of the Lyon Saloon. Y’all had been trying so hard, but I just…I just couldn’t get my head above water.”
“I remember,” he whispered. “It was the first time you’d mentioned her since we’d brought you home with us.”
“Right. And it was also the first time I cried since the night I lost her.”
“Uh-huh—and it was a big ugly cry, too. Mascara down your face. Snot. The whole nine,” he joked, attempting to lighten the mood, pushing some of your hair away from your face as he did so.  “Funny thing is, even then, I still thought you were beautiful.”
“Until I puked on you.”
“Until you puked on me,” he agreed with a laugh.
“And I think I asked you if it was normal to hurt that much—if everyone acted that way when they lost someone, and you said yes.”
“Yeah, I did, but you told me that was bullshit, and you didn’t want to be normal.”
“And you said, ‘Fine, you can be different, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone’… and that you’d walk with me in the dark until I could remember how to turn on the light.” You looked up at him with a grateful smile and continued, “Which made me think of my Harry Potter books that she had loved so much.”
“Whatever,” you shrugged, not even trying to deny it. “Anyway, after you left, I stumbled around, digging through the boxes Sam had brought from my house, and I finally found the Prisoner of Azkaban. That’s where she had hidden the post-it—right on the page that contained the quote you’d put in my head,” you said, bumping his arm with your shoulder. 
“Which was?”
“’Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.’” You pulled the note from his hand and traced its edges with your finger, remembering how something had changed in you the moment you found it. You’d never know why she decided to write it, much less hide it where she did, but you were certainly appreciative because after that things started to get better. You started to process everything. You opened up a little to him and Sam. You took your first step out of the dark.
And then the night you pitched the idea of Dean’s birthday dinner, you went back to your room and checked off the first two items on her list.
1. Remember that I love you. 2. Know that you can do anything.
“So why are the first two items checked off?” Dean asked quietly, interrupting your thoughts.
“Well, I never really questioned how much she loved me. Luckily for me, she made that obvious. But about a week ago, I finally came to the conclusion that if I could survive losing my parents and then losing her—which forced me to move in with and take care of you two over-sized man children, then I really could do anything.”
“I don't know what you are talking about. I’m a pleasure to live with. I cook—every now and then. I do my own laundry—eventually. I replace toilet paper rolls—sometimes. And I don’t suffocate everyone with my gasses after a couple burritos like Sam does.”
“You may have a point there,” you chuckled.
“So now, how about you telling me how I’m responsible for you not getting to check off number three on that list,” Dean said, his voice taking on a more serious tone again.
3. NEVER become NORMAL! :)
That was the big one. You opened your mouth and closed it a couple of times, unsure of how to start, but he waited patiently, a smirk on his face and warm, green eyes fixed on yours. You folded the note up and placed it back in your pocket before you let your answer begin to rattle off your tongue.
“Because, with you, I want normal, Dean. I want to kiss you whenever I want. I want to be the one you take to bed. I want to call you mine and hear you call me yours. Hell, I want a family, a home, a white picket fence…all of it…a normal apple pie life. You make me feel like every other silly girl you’ve ever winked at, or flirted with or brought back to the bunker…and that makes me normal. And that means, number three is—”
Dean cut off your rambling with soft press of his lips against yours. When your mouth quit running and your eyes fluttered closed, he pushed one hand through your hair and deepened the kiss. Okay, the way your heart was racing at the moment—that definitely wasn’t normal. No other man had ever kissed you the way he was kissing you right now. You melted into him with a soft sigh, and when his tongue brushed across your lips asking for permission to enter, you gave it to him without hesitation. The taste of him on your tongue and the feel of his hands on your body was more intoxicating than all the alcohol you’d consumed that evening, and you suddenly wondered why in the hell you’d waited so long to have this conversation.
When you ran your hands up his chest and neck and snaked your fingers through the short hair on the back of his head, you heard a growl in the back of his throat and felt his grip on you tighten. A second later, he was wrapping his other arm behind your back and hauling you into his lap.
Your eyes shot open with a gasp, and you giggled as you settled into your new position. Now that you were facing the door of the Impala, you could see your reflection in her shiny black paint—see the smile he put on your face, and you realized that normal might not be such a bad look for you after all. You gazed down at him, still smiling, enjoying the feel of his fingertips ghosting along your collarbone and down your sides. He grinned back up at you and pressed a single, soft kiss against the base of your neck.
“What?” he asked quietly.
“I think I just decided that I’m not pissed at you about my list anymore.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, if I get to kiss you like that every day, I’m totally okay with apple pie normal.”
“Well, I hate to disappoint you, sweetheart, but unless it’s on my plate, apple pie isn’t really my thing. You can kiss me or take me to bed any time you want. I’ll gladly call you mine if you’ll call me yours. I’ll tell you I love you every day because I do.”
When he saw the shocked look on your face and the question in your eyes, he reached up and gently rested one hand on the side of your face, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb, and confirmed his confession with a simple nod of his head. You leaned forward and kissed him again, whispering an “I love you too” against his lips before you let him continue.
“We’ll even talk about a family one day, if that’s what you want. But there’s one other thing I can guaran-damn-tee.”
“And what’s that?”
“That life with the Winchesters—life with me—it’ll never be normal.”
When Dean stood up, opened Baby’s door, and pulled you inside, you knew in your heart that what he said was true—ordinary wasn’t an option with him. And because of that, you didn’t think twice about grabbing for the pen Sam left on the dashboard, unfolding the note from your pocket and checking off the last item on the to do list your sister had left you.
She would have been proud. You’d picked yourself up off rock bottom and opened your arms to a new kind of family. You laughed again. You loved again. You turned on your light. You lived.
And not one minute of it had been--was--or ever would be...normal.
Tags: @wheresthekillswitch @dancingalone21 @atc74 @goldenolaf25 @pinknerdpanda @trexrambling @messy-buns-and-shotguns @hannahindie @deanssweetheart23 @arryn-nyxx @escabell @sofreddie @triciareh @nostalgic-uncertainty @-lovepeacenhope- @avc212 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @winchesterprincessbride @winchestersnco @roxyspearing @shutupiminlooove @mogarukes @akshi8278 @emilywritesaboutdean @kathaswings @duherica @kbl1313 @emmazach @beffyblueeyes @eve05glee @horsegirly99 @michellethetvaddict @poukothenerd @growningupgeek @deevvoon @nightlyinsomnious @ginamsmith @becaamm @donnaintx 
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0oolookitsme · 3 years
Genre- One-Shoty Blurb Pairing-  (Indian) ArtDirector!y/n x Footballer!Harry Word Count- 1,137 Warnings- Y/n blaming herself, Cursing(not sure), puking, crying, positive pregnancy test.....ahahah   A/n- This piece was random, out of blue, I wanted to strt writing pregnant rader and soon-to-be-dad H so ...it’s just the starting baby! and also! I quite like it. + Diwali bonus xD 
Having had enough of their boss, Y/n, continuously sending them to voicemail, everyone decided to write down their ideas and continue working on previous pending projects of theirs in the office.
“What’s wrong, lovie?”, Harry asked as he entered the warm environment with cups of smoking hot tea in both of his hands, frowning when he saw her still sitting on the carpeted area in the living room. 
“I don’t know, everything is just messed up!”, she groaned, head resting in her hands, annoyed when her try to meditate didn’t work.   
“Is it work?” he sat down, handing her the tea cup carefully after blowing on it a few times and then did the same with his cuppa.  
She's been like this since Friday, it's Wednesday today, like whiney and ...Just weak and sloppy. Currently sipping on her tea, she felt gears turn, just not in her head but in her stomach and she ignored it, like she did every time she knew she’s going to have a run in just a few minutes to the bathroom.
“No, it’s everything.. I’ve been feeling awful, I’ve been ruining your time, I’ve been wasting my and my colleagues time, I keep on asking you to bring shit, I keep on showering my mood swings on you more than my love for you, I haven’t had my periods this month and I keep on puking and it’s all is wrong with me” she rushed calmly, looking at her now captivating tea while wrestling with her toes. 
“hmm, well now perk your ears up. You have not been wasting my time, your colleagues are doing amazing, I love fulfilling my wife’s cravings, I love to see how fast your moods change, nothing is wrong with you.”, he sternly said, keeping both of their empty cups beside him on the floor itself and bringing her feet in his lap.
“Why and how?” she barely whispered, afraid that her voice might crack but scoffed when he replied with, “you didn’t tell me that, so I won’t either”.
“You-” and she felt a small amount of bitter liquid on her tongue, then more rising up her throat, causing her to snatch her feet away from his soft hands and run faster than Usain Bolt to the nearest sink which happened to be the kitchen sink.
Too busy in vomiting, she jumped when she felt a hand run up and down on her back, calming down when he started muttering sweet nothings.   
When she had finished her puking, he had taken her to their bedroom to get some rest but Y/n again ran in towards the bathroom to continue.  
Spending extra hours on cuddling sessions with him in the morning which he would prefer to never have to end, waking up either on floor or far away from him because she has started to sleep in a deep slumber. Getting irritated at small things, 'Harry you don't know where the soap is?!' 'I do! you changed it’s place without telling me about it!' 'Shut up. it’s in that brown cupboard!' 'Okie'; all of these caused him to spill his next words.
"Wanna take pregnancy test Kajoo?" he quietly asked -recommended-, hands on her hips as she sat in his lap, removing the sweat forming on her forehead every once in a while and even elbowing him on the nipple twice seeing she's sitting with her back to his hard but soft to her chest with her mouth hanging over the toilet seat.
"Should I?" She asked back, followed by another tear trailing down her cheek and another round of puke. 
Today she has puked five times and has nothing in her stomach but oranges and Rasgullas which she requested him to bring or order from anywhere and just sitting on the cold bathroom floor as she still vibed with Roshe, by Zeb Bangash, no matter what -which he played to lighten up her mood even a bit, knowing she’s obsessed with the song these days- and Harry is finding her peacefully drowsing self quite fascinating.
"I don't think I have any of that stick to take a test on" she sighed after scrambling in the drawer right below the mirror in the bathroom.
"Want me to bring it now or later baby?" he asked, bringing her back, back to his warm chest and rubbing his palms up and down her sides.
"You alright with bringing it now?" she slyly asked, starting to fiddle with her fingers for some reason, wanting to finish and get it over with.
She never wanted to be sick like this on any festival, especially not on Choti Diwali. Well, no one wants to feel like shit on such a big festival ..now does someone?
"Of course! You will be alright yeah? I will be quick" he muttered and kissed her nose when she answered with a 'yes'.
"Drive safe!" she yelled when she heard him unlock the door and sighed in content as he yelled back a "yes wifey!".
'Have some patience, Y/n. Breath in and out', she thought to herself as Harry stood behind her, massaging her hips and waiting for the stick to show result.
"No way.....no way!!!!!!! It's positive!!!" She gasped, her sweaty palms slapping over her mouth to somehow cover up the gap but her palm's width wasn't enough to cover a gap from her mouth till the floor because her jaw is now digging inside the floor.
"Oh my god....You're pregnant!!! I'm gonna be father?! oh my god y/n we are having a baby!!! you're going to be a mother!!!!" Harry cried, jumping up and down in the whole bathroom -also flexing his muscles way too sexily for y/n- and returning back to engulf the love of his life in his strong arms, the arms which hung a garland around her neck on that day.
They didn't exactly plan on having a baby but stopped using protection that if she does get pregnant, they would be more than happy to celebrate it and buckle up for their mini-me or me-s, almost 5-6 months ago and they wont lie and say that they didn't feel a sting in their heart every time it showed negative.
And so they had run out of all the pregnancy test sticks in that drawer and just didn't want to bring more, deciding that if she does get pregnant, just the symptoms might help them.
"We're going to be parents Harry, we are having a baby!" Y/n sniffled, snuggling deeper in his neck and kissing the vein which is pumping with blood beneath his soft skin as he swayed them from side to side, also not able to stop his tears, happy tears to be specific.
The best Diwali blessing as well as present they could ever ask for. 
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fishnets-fingers · 1 year
Forbidden Hours - Masterpost (WIP)
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Pairing- spy!harry x princess!reader
Summary - Harry Styles, the son of a sea merchant lands in the unfamiliar land of the Chola Dynasty. His paths cross with the Crown Prince and he finds himself climbing up the ranks to be the heirs’ trusted spy. He was building a life for himself. He was a loyal solider, well respected by the people of court, enchanted men and women with his sensual prowess, and was proving to be a valuable asset to the Crown. The Princes regard him a close friend and rewarded him handsomely for his missions. That’s everything a spy can hope for; but he couldn’t rid himself the niggling thought that Princess Y/N disliked him. And why did that bother him so much?
A story of clandestine meetings, conspiracies, and stolen glances by the sea.
Warnings - fluff, angst, smut*.
Part One - Forbidden Hours
Part Two - Out by the Docks
Part Three - Underneath the Stars
Part Four - Can I Have This Dance?*
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2017 Album-A-Day List (June 18th)
Here it is!! The list I have been talking about, these are the albums that I have listened to so far this year. I am slowly making my way through an annotated version so that you can know my feelings on each record. That will be on here shortly enough. But for now, here’s the list as of the 18th of June. Check them out!!
Alphabetical Order: As of 6/18
Actress - AZD
Anderson .Paak - Malibu
America - America
Angel Olsen - Half Way Home
Animal Collective - Marriweather Post Pavilion
The Avalanches - Since I Left You
Beach House - Depression Cherry
Blank Banshee - Mega
Big L - Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous
Big L - The Big Picture
Bob Dylan - Empire Burlesque
Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded
Capital STEEZ - AmeriKKKan Korruption
Carly Rae Jepsen - E•MO•TION
Chance the Rapper - 10 Day
Chance the Rapper - Acid Rap
Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
Childish Gambino - Because the Internet
Childish Gambino - Awaken, My Love
Clarence Clarity - No Now
Crosby, Stills, & Nash - Crosby, Stills, & Nash
Crywank - Tomorrow is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday is Stupid
Danny Brown - The Hybrid
Danny Brown - XXX
Danny Brown - Old
Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Death Grips - Exmilitary
Death Grips - The Money Store
Death Grips - No Love Deep Web
Death Grips - Government Plates
Death Grips - Fashion Week
Death Grips - The Powers That B
Death Grips - Interview 2016 EP
Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
Denzel Curry - Nostalgic 64
Denzel Curry - Imperial
Earl Sweatshirt - Earl
Earl Sweatshirt - Doris
Earl Sweatshirt - I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton
Everything Everything - Get to Heaven
Father John Misty - Fear Fun
Father John Misty - I Love You, Honeybear
Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
Feist - Let It Die
Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up
Flying Lotus - 1984
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra
Frank Ocean - channel Orange
Frank Ocean - Blonde
Freddie Gibbs - Shadow of a Doubt
Freddie Gibbs - You Only Live 2wice
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Life Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Grizzly Bear - Horn of Plenty
Grizzly Bear - Yellow House
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Ice Cube - AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted
Ice Cube - Death Certificate
Isaiah Rashad - Cilvia Demo EP
Isaiah Rashad - The Sun’s Tirade
J Dilla - Donuts
J. Cole - 2014 Forest Hills Drive
J. Cole - 4 Your Eyes Only
Joey Bada$$ - 1999
Joey Bada$$ - B4.Da.$$
Joey Bada$$ - All-AmeriKKKan Badass
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
Joni Mitchell - Ladies of the Canyon
Joni Mitchell - Blue
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark
Ka - The Knight’s Gamble
Ka - Honor Killed the Samurai
Kamasi Washington - The Epic
Karriem Riggins - Alone Together
Kendrick Lamar - Section.80
Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, m.A.A.d City
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music
The Long Winters - Putting the Days to Bed
Lorde - Pure Heroine
Lorde - Melodrama
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On?
MF Doom - Mm.. Food
Mick Jenkins - The Water[s]
The Microphones - Don’t Wake Me Up
The Microphones - It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water
The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2
The Microphones - Mount Eerie
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
Mount Eerie - “No Flashlight” Songs of the Fulfilled Night
Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom
Mount Eerie - Dawn
Mount Eerie - Wind’s Poem
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
Mount Eerie - Ocean Roar
Mount Eerie - Sauna
Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked At Me
M83. - Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts
NAO - So Good EP
NAO - For All We Know
Nick Murphy - Missing Link EP
Nas - Illmatic
The National - The National
The National - Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
The National - Alligator
The National - Boxer
Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms
Neon Indian - VEGA INTL. Night School
Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Noname - Telefone
Notorious B.I.G. - Life After Death
Oddisee - The Iceberg
The Pablo Collective - The Death of Pablo
Perfume Genius - Put Your Back N 2 It
Perfume Genius - Too Bright
Perfume Genius - No Shape
Phoenix - Ti Amo
The Postal Service - Give Up
Quelle Chris - Being You is Great, I Wish I Could Be You More Often
Quasimoto - The Unseen
Radiohead - Pablo Honey
Radiohead - The Bends
Radiohead - Kid A
Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
Ratt - Out of the Cellar
Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill
Run the Jewels - RTJ3
Sampha - Process
(Sandy) Alex G - Rocket
Shabazz Palaces - Black Up
The Shouting Matches - Grownass Man
Soft Cell - Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret
Spoon - Hot Thoughts
Squarepusher - Feed Me Weird Things
Squarepusher - Music is Rotted One Note
Squarepusher - Go Plastic
Substantial - The Past is Always Present in The Future
Syd - Fin
Thundercat - The Golden Age of Apocalypse
Thundercat - Drunk
Todd Terje - It’s Album Time
Tonedeff - Polymer
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
Tycho - Past Is Prologue
Tycho - Dive
Tycho - Awake
Tycho - Epoch
Tyler, The Creator - Bastard
Tyler, The Creator - Goblin
Tyler, The Creator - Wolf
Tyler, The Creator - Cherry Bomb
Vagabon - Infinite Worlds
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Vince Staples - Summertime ’06
Vince Staples - Hell Can Wait EP
Vince Staples - Prima Donna EP
Warren G - Regulate… G Funk Era
Wavves - You’re Welcome
X - Los Angeles
The xx - I See You
YG - Still Brazy
Young Pappy - 2 Cups Part 2 of Everything
Your Old Droog - Packs
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winterflash-2019 · 7 years
Barry Allen x Reader : Safe Pt 2
It’s been 2 months since Barry last visited you. He was so focused on trying to figure out how to get you back and dealing with this new meta that can teleport and it’s honestly frustrating.
Joe always visits you, he never stops. You two would just sit and sing or dance all day until you would force him to go home and get some rest.
You missed everyone dearly sometimes you even think about if you even should’ve sacrificed yourself but you would roll your eyes at the thought. Iris is your sister, you will do anything for her and nothing will change that.
You were currently sitting Indian style just staring at the stone that was taunting you. It’s been so long that you were starting to think there was no way to go home at all and that you were stuck roaming around forever.
The numbers y/bday- May 23 2017 just telling you that you’re never leaving the cemetery. You were cut from your thoughts when you heard footsteps behind you so you turn around and see a tall figure wearing a black hoodie with black ripped jeans. He looked at you with pure disgust.
“Who are you” you asked your voice firm. You wasn’t going to let whoever this was put any fear in you.
“Your worst nightmare sweetie” The figure says but now you know it’s a guy by his voice
“You can’t hurt me” you look into his dark eyes and he smirks.
“Oh doll I’m dead too” he growls as he grabs your arm and teleports away.
Barry makes his way up to your gravestone as he bites his bottom lip. He felt like something was off he just didn’t know what. He sits down and looks at the stone
Y/n Jessica West
West. The name he so desperately wants to make West-Allen but in order to do that he needs to get you back first.
“Y/n” he calls out for you but he gets no response he only hears the trees moving in the wind.
“Y/n?” He tries again but this time it’s silent. The wind stopped and his heart starts racing, something was wrong he just knew it.
“What the hell” he whispers as he picks up a torn pale blue fabric from the ground.
It was from your dress.
“Oh no oh god no” he gets up and runs back to STAR Labs.
“Guys something’s wrong” Barry’s voice was filled with panic
“Barr what happened” Iris says as makes her way to him
“Y/n’s missing”
What" Joe whispers
“Barry what the hell are you talking about” That was Wally
“I went to visit y/n but she wasn’t there instead I found this” Barry holds up the torn fabric and Iris puts a hand over her mouth. Joe grabs the fabric and just stares at it as he instantly remembers dancing with you just yesterday and his eyes welled up with tears.
“Where are you baby girl"he whispers
“Barry we have to find her” Iris voice wavers as she tries not to cry
“Alright everyone calm down we’ll find her but first Barry you need to watch this” Cisco says and Barry runs to the computer. He sees the meta that teleports smirking at the Camera.
“Oh flash look at what I got today ” he turns the camera towards you and Barry’s eyes widen, you were tied to a chair in a dark room and your dress was now a mess ( lol something’s wrong with me) it was ripped and barely covering your body.
You looked at the camera as a stray tear slipped down your face “ BARRY” you scream and the meta just grins and faces the camera again
“Looks familiar? as she should” He smirks and licks his lips
“Listen and listen good Flash you got 3 days to fix what you ruined for me or else I’ll introduce her to the devil and you’ll never see her again”
Barry’s nose flares up at this and right before the video ends he hears you scream “LET ME GO”
“Barry what is he talking about” Wally folds his arms against his chest
“You think I know Wally” he snaps and looks at the Brown skinned male
“Well hell you better Know that’s my sister he captured you know the one we spent 2 months on trying to bring her back in case you forgot” Wally glares at him. He really wanted you to come home he missed his baby sister terribly.
“Wally” Joe scolds
“I know that Wally I know okay-
"Do you though Barry”
“YES I KNOW, y/n means everything to me of course I know” Barry rubs a hand through his hair and closes his eyes
“Well how come you don’t know what he’s talking about then since you know everything” Wally challenged and Barry looks at him darkly
“I didn’t ruin anything for him I honestly have no idea what the hell he’s talking about” Barry growls and Iris walks between the two
“Okay guys stop arguing isn’t going to bring y/n back just relax so we can actually figure out whatever this teleporting meta is talking about” her eyes flicker to Wally who just rolls his eyes and storms out the cortex.
“I’ll go talk to him” Joe says and walks right after Wally
“It has to be something with the past” Harry walks up to the clear board and grabs a marker.
“What…how” Barry asks and Cisco snaps his fingers as a light bulb went off in his head
“Maybe it’s about 2017” He looks at Barry and realization washes over Barry’s face
“The year y/n died” Barry whispers and Iris looks at the floor. She felt so alone now that you’re gone every time she pushed your death to the back of her mind it worked temporarily but it all comes back as she goes to call you and no one answers and she hears your voice through the voicemail and she would throw her phone across the room and hot tears would become best friends with her face once again. You were her sister, her other half you two did everything together.
You were the one she would talk to about anything because you understood her like no other, when she would be crying in the middle of the night over a guy you would wake up and throw an arm around her shoulder until she cried herself to sleep and the next day at school you would walk up to her with your hand on the back of the shirt of the guy who broke her heart and you would force him to apologize.
Even though Iris was older you protected her and she loved you for it but she wished you haven’t saved her life that was one thing she didn’t love. Iris was brought back to reality when she felt Barry’s hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him.
“You okay?” He looks at her sympathetically
“I’m fine” she gives him a weak smile and nods her head
“Okay Harry explain” Barry turns his attention from Iris to Harry who nodded and starts his explanation
“We all know y/n wasn’t the one who was supposed to die maybe when Savitar stabbed her it affected the teleporting meta and ruined whatever he was talking about”
“But why would he have have a problem now its been 5 years”
“Think about it in 2022 y/n turned 25 and that’s when she told you she was still here roaming around right well I did my research and in 2017 the teleporting meta died”
“But why is he still here”
“Cause and effect my guess is they’re connected in some way”
“Well how are we supposed to find him”
“If they’re connected then it shouldn’t be hard, where would y/n go if she was feeling down”
Barry’s mouth opens but nothing comes out and his eyes fill with realization
“Oh my god” he whispers
“Wally stop right there where the hell you think you’re going” Joe pulls him back and he sees the tears in Wally’s eyes
“I have to get out of here” Wally goes to leave again but Joe pulls him in for a hug
“It’s okay Wally I miss her too but you can’t just run away she needs us now more than ever”
“Dad I know I-I just really want her here with us I miss my sister I miss teasing her, playing video games with her, watching movies with her…everything dad I just miss y/n she made everything better” Wally whispers
“If y/n could see you right now she would punch you in the shoulder and tell you to stop crying then hug you afterwards” Wally laughs a little at this
“Wally y/n loves you she wouldn’t want you crying right now I know how you feel son trust me when Barry walked in with her lifeless body in his arms…it felt like everything paused and my world was slowly crashing down and I knew in that moment y/n was definitely with us we just couldn’t see her… as I took her in my arms and held her I felt cold on my shoulder and I just knew it was y/n…she was reassuring me that everything was gonna be okay and right now that’s what I’m doing to you son we all got to stick together for y/n I promise you everything will be okay”
At this point both men had fresh tears rolling down their face as they just stayed in each others arms.
“I love you dad”
I love you too Wally”
It was 9pm when Barry got home. He walked into his apartment and just took in his surroundings and suddenly got chills. He never told anyone but he had hallucinations of you walking around his apartment and the reason he didn’t tell anyone was… well because he found it comforting.
If you were truly gone and he’d never see you again then he’d rather hallucinate it may sound crazy but then again he’s use to crazy.
He sits on the couch and just stares at the other side. The side where you usually sit and lay your legs on his lap as you two watched Dr.Who. He smiled at the memory ,it was before he dated Iris.
More and more memories resurface in Barry’s mind.
“Hey Barry I bet I can drink water upside down” you smirk at him
“Y/n don’t even try that” Barry groans
Barry just smiles once again at the memory, you had been trying to distract him from studying.
“Hey Barry wanna race” your 13 year old self smiles giddily as you bounce on the heels of your feet.
“Okay but you know I’ll win right” Barry says cockily as he puts both hands on his hips
“Oh please you run like turtle” you laugh and Barry frowns
“Who told you that”
“Dad” you say through your giggles and Barry lightly pushes you
Oh how the tables have turned Barry thought.
You walked in quietly and made your way to the bathroom but right before you opened the door a hand was on your shoulder.
“Y/n why are you here so late” Barry whispers and you put your head down as you try to think of a lie
“Uh I was-
“Y/n don’t lie to me”
You sigh and Barry lifts your head and gasps
“Y/n what happened to your eye” Barry now has both hands on your face as he inspects your black eye
“Danny hit me” you whispered
“What” he whisper yells
“Is he still out there” Barry turns away from you as he walks to the door but you stop him
“Barry he’s gone we just got in an argument because I told him I wasn’t ready to have sex with him please don’t tell my dad” you cried and Barry pulled you in his arms
“I have to tell him y/n that douchebag deserves what Joe will do to him” Barry whispers as he rubs your back
“Fine but um can I lay with you tonight please I’m a little shaken up”
“Yeah come on” Barry walks you to his room
Although it’s been a long time since then Barry still gets mad every time he thinks about your black eye. He hated Danny after that and let’s just say Joe got that ass after Barry told him what happened.
Barry rubs his face and bites his lip as he tries to refrain from crying.
“God I miss you y/n I promise I’ll find you and you will come home”
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husbandau · 7 years
RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
My lovely future wife @goldenstyles tagged me! Ilysm, sabine! 💕
a) Age: 21. 
b) Biggest fear: Feeling trapped. 
c) Current time: 3:00pm. 
d) Drink you last had: Sweet Tea 💘 
e) Every day starts with: Delaying getting out of bed as long as possible, then coffee! 
f) Favorite song atm: Hmm. Say You Love Me - Jessie Ware. 
g) Ghosts, are they real?: Yes!!
h) Hometown: Small town, Oklahoma 😴 
 i) In love with: Being creative & also every girl ever. 
j) Jealous of: Adele, have you heard her fucking voice!? Jfc. 
 k) Killed someone: Only fictional characters. 😉 
l) Last time you cried: Probably last week sometime, maybe. 
m) Middle name: Helen 😑 
n) Number of siblings: 1 brother, 3 half-brothers, 1 half-sister and three step-siblings. 
o) one wish: To travel the world! 
p) Person you last called/texted: My mother. 
q) Questions you are always being asked: “What are your plans for the future?” Literally the worst question. 
r) Reasons to smile: There are so many! I’ll name two: Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson. 😊 
s) Song last sung: I Can’t Stop Drinking About You - Bebe Rexha 💘 
t) Time you woke up: Like, 9:30am, I think? 
u) Underwear color: Bright red. 
v) Verse from a song you like: In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth/For what it’s worth, I think that he might’ve created you first 💘 
w) Worst habit: Procrastination. 💀 
x) X-rays you’ve had: Both collarbones & a chest x-ray. 
y) Your favorite food: Indian tacos or pizza. 😋 
z) Zodiac sign: Pisces! 🐠
I’m tagging @avocadolouie @thepainfulship @lostinlarryville @skittleszayn @goldbootsandvans @thepinksuits @28tatt @2ghostsmp4 and anyone else who’s bored and wants to do this! 💘
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Meet the Folks (Harry Styles x Indian!Reader)
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A/N: This is my first time posting an imagine; please do leave reviews, it would help me get better.
Summary: Harry meets your parents for the first time.
”Can you stop being so jittery? They are not going to kill you” 
“Ya’ don’t know that, they might as well”, 
“H my parents are not going to murder you; they might hurt you, but homicide is not really their style”, you winked and let out a little laugh. 
“Can you like not joke right now? Y'know how important this it to both of us”, Harry said in a tense tone, sweat beads seen on his forehead as he ran his fingers through his hair.
You had been dating for about a year now, and only recently had you told your parents about your boyfriend. Truth is, you were scared of their reactions when telling them about your relationship with the Harry Styles.
You came from a modest background and recently earned your medical degree after several years of hard work and all-nighters. 
Meeting Harry was a complete accident, literally; he got into a minor car crash and was rushed into the hospital where you were doing your internship.
It was not a meet-cute, the complete opposite really, involving a lot of blood, injuries, and the horrible hospital smell.
But being with him gave you a joy that not many people could match. It wasn’t always easy, a large chunk of your relationship was long distance and involved a lot of late-night calls, video calling sessions, and if all that failed, the good ol’ texting.
There were times when communication seemed impossible amidst his chaotic life as a singer and your busy schedule being a surgeon. But you made it work, because nothing sounded better than hearing Harry’s voice through your phone after a really long day of work.
You kept your relationship low-key and Harry being the way he is, always managed to deflect the questions during interviews which somehow always circled back to you. You already had a busy life and didn’t need the added stress of hate on social media, so you avoided it completely. 
But there was always a little piece of you that feared the day you had to tell your parents about Harry. You weren’t ashamed of him. But this relationship with him wasn’t something your parents would understand. You get it, they are your parents and they worry about you, which makes this so much worse. Harry is always under a spotlight, his personal life doesn’t seem all that personal, and he is away on tour for most of the year.
It took you a long time to gain the courage and tell your parents about him; they were not happy. You had to grovel and basically emotionally manipulate them to convince them to at least give him a chance.
So, on a plain Friday evening, you two were driving to your hometown, both silently praying that you make it out alive.
“Touch their feet and greet them with a namaste; don’t ever call them by their names, it’s extremely rude; call them Sir-Ma’am or Uncle-Aunty. Remove your shoes on the doorstep and don’t talk about drinking. At all. What else am I forgetting?” you counted on your fingers all the dos and don’ts of meeting Indian parents.
“Weren’t you supposed to be the cool one? You should be calming me down, it’s my head they’ll be coming for”, Harry’s frown deepened and he wiped his clammy palms on his jeans. So you tried to keep your nerves calm and decided to lighten the mood, seeing you fast approaching your place. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone touch even a strand of your hair. But seriously H, I know my parents mean a lot to me, but you’re also starting to really grow on me and no matter what happens tonight, you won’t be getting rid of me anytime soon”, this was the first time throughout the whole ride that you saw Harry’s frown disappear slightly and his shoulders relax.
Your mother opened the door and greeted you with a big smile and an even bigger hug; she then turned to Harry, who instantly dropped down to her feet, and shrieked ‘Namaste’. Her shoulders tensed up and she let out a little gasp, freaked by Harry’s sudden movements but when understood the situation, gave him her blessings.
You looked around your house, which hadn’t changed one bit since you moved out all those years ago. You could almost see a younger you running around this place, wearing your mother’s makeup and pretending to be Madhuri Dixit; you felt your lips curving upwards. 
Your parents didn’t want you moving out, saying it wasn’t your tradition. But you knew you wanted to see more of the world and figure out the life you wanted for yourself.
You sat down next to your dad on the sofa, who was watching the television and hadn’t even turned around to see you. You knew he was not the happiest with you being with Harry and you planned on changing that.
“So, this is the way you’re gonna be tonight? Not even going to say hello to your lovely daughter?” you smiled a little. Your dad turned to face you, his mouth set in a hard line and not even sparing a look at Harry who had been standing at the entrance of the room, “So you finally remember your old man? Thought you had forgotten me with the way you have been acting”.
“What are you talking about, you oaf? I visited you last weekend. I admit I haven’t been partaking in our nightly phone calls that often but that does not give you enough reason to be angry with me Papa,” your dad just rolled his eyes in response, “Now meet Harry, he has been really anxious about this meeting”, you gestured to Harry asking him to come forward and settle down on the couch in front of you.
Harry offered a meek namaste to your father who just grunted in response. “So, heard you just wrote an album about your ex-girlfriend?” your dad glared at him, daring him to offer an explanation. You felt a little weird, kind of embarrassed that this was your dad’s first question to your boyfriend.
Harry glanced at you for a second before calmly responding to your dad, “Sir, uhh my album is about the changes I went through as a person an’ like how my experiences have helped me grow from who I was a few years back, those moments just happen to involve a person I was with during those times. But I asked your daughter’s permission before making this album and wouldn’t have gone forward with it if she was uncomfortable at any point during the entire process. I really respect her and wanna make sure she is as much a part of this journey as I am”.
You could swear you almost had a few tears in your eyes, even your dad’s glare softened, not that he would show it to Harry. Harry sat up straighter and maintained eye contact with your father. He seemed more confident than he had been ever since you told him about this meeting.
Your dad cleared his throat, “you do give a good monologue, just make sure to be an even better partner to my daughter; if she ever comes to me crying because you hurt her, not even your god would be able to save you from my wrath”, he puffed out his chest, wanting to seem a little threatening.
Harry didn’t seem a bit fazed and just replied with a “You’ll never have to worry about that sir, I’m in love with your daughter and would rather die before letting anything happen to her”.
It was at this moment that your mother announced dinner. 
The rest of the night went pretty smoothly. Your parents asked Harry about his hometown and family and his life as a musician, actually making an effort to get to know him, he in turn asked them about your childhood stories. 
After dinner, Harry helped your mother wash the dishes, while you stayed back with your dad. “Thanks, Papa, for giving Harry a chance. I know it wasn’t easy for you considering he’s not, y’ know from our background. I really appreciate it.”
Your dad gave you a tight hug “I love you, Beta and I always want what’s best for you, even if it’s a white boy. I can see he really loves you, it’s hard not to. Just be careful, his world is way different than ours. Don’t let him make you do things you are not comfortable with and don’t let him take away your voice”, you could just give him a nod. You saw a slight sheen in your dad’s eyes. He hardly got emotional and so to see him be vulnerable, made you want to cry. 
Following your talk with your dad, you gave Harry a quick tour of your house, swiftly avoiding the more embarrassing nooks of your room.
It wasn’t long before you left your house, spending another half hour at the front door saying good byes.
The ride back home was mostly quiet; the radio playing the top 20 hits filled in the calm silence. 
You didn’t realise when you had drifted to sleep, but the last thing you remember is Harry humming along to a song and a quiet whisper, most definitely not meant for you to hear, “I can’t wait to marry you”.
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